ABAP Code Signoff Sheet
ABAP Code Signoff Sheet
ABAP Code Signoff Sheet
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1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 4
PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................. 4
APPLICABILITY .................................................................................................................... 5
APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................... 5
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 5
DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................ 5
ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 1 SAP ABAP Code Signoff Template Version 25 ...................................................... 11
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The NEACC Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) Signoff Sheet provides a
tool for the developers to follow for verification that the code developed (whether changes to
existing code or new development) meets development standards as well as provide a list of
touch points to be verified. This document also contains information pertinent to the code
change, such as the object name and transport number to which a developer could search the
object for specific code changes that were made.
The ABAP Team utilizes a Service Request (SR) for work that is identified in the NEACC
Enhancement Requirements Form (NERF), or the milestone in the Application Points Capacity
Management System (APCMS) to gather requirements for ABAP code changes. Once the SR is
approved for work and assigned to a task in APCMS, the developer shall create / update the
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) (see NEACC-CF_ABAP-SPEC-SW-001, ABAP
Software Requirement Specification) document and have a coworker approve the new document
or the changes to an existing document. For break/fix SRs that do not impact an existing SRS; at
minimum, the developer shall add a log entry to the SRS stating that no changes were
needed. The coworker shall attach the approved SRS document to the APCMS milestone and
enter their approval comments into the APCMS milestone (for audit purposes).
Once the coding is complete the developer shall perform a Unit Test and document their changes
in the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool and attach a copy of the unit test report or
a link for the unit test report to the milestone in APCMS. Once this is complete, the developer
shall fill out an ABAP Code Signoff Sheet and partner with another developer to review the code
changes and track all the reviewed objects on the Code Signoff Sheet while checking for
standards and errors. A copy of the Code Signoff Sheet is located in the Templates folder of the
ABAP project on the NEACC tab of bReady, file name: SAP ABAP Code Signoff.docx.
Code reviews are required with each transport for the SR except when unit testing cannot be
completed on the development system. Whenever a subsequent code review occurs, the
programmer either creates a new Code Signoff Sheet or updates the existing document with the
transport number and any additional information that is pertinent to the review.
Once the ABAP Code Signoff Sheet is complete, the associated APCMS task shall be marked
complete. The developer shall attach a copy of the Code Signoff Sheet to the APCMS milestone
and make a notation of the transport number and JIRA ticket in the Migration Notes section of
the APCMS milestone.
A copy of this document is located in the Standards folder of the ABAP project on the NEACC
tab of bReady, file name: NEACC-CF-ABAP-STD-SW-002 ABAP Code Signoff Sheet.docx.
The NEACC Documentation Management personnel hold the official copy of this document in
Documentum and users may request a copy from this department.
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The basis of this OWI is to establish strategic direction for the operations and maintenance of the
ABAP Code Signoff Sheet. Key team members are assigned to maintain specific sections of this
OWI; however, all team members shall be responsible for knowing and following the roles and
responsibilities assigned to them that are outlined in this OWI. The procedures shall be reviewed
and updated as required to ensure real-time accuracy of the processes but no less than annually.
Additionally, the ABAP manager shall review and approve this OWI in its entirety during its
annual review.
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The Peer Code Review process is to be conducted by a peer developer, in conjunction with the
developer assigned to the SR, following the process below:
Once the development and unit test is completed in the development environment, the
developer should partner with a peer developer from the same development area.
The peer developer should review with the developer the attached NERF form or the
APCMS milestone to review the nature of the problem or new development and how it
was recommended to be resolved or accomplished.
The developer creates the Code Signoff document for review (see subsequent steps).
Go to the Templates folder of the ABAP project on the NEACC tab of bReady.
Open the latest version of the document entitled SAP ABAP Code Signoff.docx.
Save a working copy of the document to the local hard drive using the following
naming convention: SR-XXXXX [Brief description] Code Signoff.doc (to be
attached to the APCMS milestone later).
Complete the header section of the Code Sign-off form with the appropriate
Verify all items listed in each section of the Code Sign-off form, including Comments,
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programmer, the reviewer should concur. Record the total number of error
messages permitted in the code sign-off. Every effort should be made to resolve
all error messages; however, there are cases when permitting the error message
makes sense.
o Verify that the associated entry in the RICEF ID spreadsheet is up to date.
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