Essay Bi SPM A+
Essay Bi SPM A+
Essay Bi SPM A+
My Favourite TV Programme
The television (TV) is part and parcel of many households. Therefore, watching
television is a culture of todays modern society. It is a favourite past-time of
many people, cutting across the culture, creed, gender and age. I must admit that
I too enjoy sitting glued to the TV as mum often laments. Since I watch TV
whole day long, I dont blame mum. However, whenever I watch my favourite TV
programme she doesnt complain. In fact, she often sits together to watch it, the
National Geographic.
The National Geographic is a well-known documentary programme, focusing
mainly on the ever-changing world, on Mother Earth and on nature and peoples
and creatures that colour it with. Just the press of a switch and a button and Hey
Presto!, the whole world is brought before me, for me to savour its beauty and
wonders. Personally, I am often awed and amazed with them.
I like this programme because it is very educational. It is a window to the world.
By watching it, I can travel, explore and discover the four corners of the world.
I have trekked up the highest peak and conquered Mt. Everest. I have dived
down the deepest trenches. I have walked through the wilderness and be
amongst the wild beasts, big and small. Thus, this programme has helped to
expand my horizon and improve my knowledge and experience. I can proudly
say I am no more a frog in the well.
I also enjoy watching the National Geographic because it is entertaining,
interesting and stimulating. I never imagined that such an educational
programme can be very enjoyable. I get a chance to enjoy the kaleidoscope of
sights, sounds and colours of the world and its different peoples, all in the
comfort of my own home.
In addition to that, this programme is of very high quality and it is produced by a
team of experts, all are authorities in their own field of interest. The photographic
footage is extremely breath-taking and inspiring. Besides, the narration is very
accurate, informative, vivid and descriptive. Thus, I have never felt restless,
distracted or bored watching this programme.
The National Geographic is my favourite programme as it has helped me to
grow and mature. I have watched it since I was a seven-year-old innocent
child. Now, I am more sensitive and aware of the world and Mother Earth. I learn
to be more appreciative of Mother Earth and its beauty and wonders. I am more
concern about the preservation and conservation of the world not only now but
also for posterity. In short, the National Geographic has converted me into a
more responsible citizen of the world and a caretaker of Mother Earth.
It is a touching and heart-warming TV programme and I will not hesitate to
There are more things I want to achieve in the next 20 years, these are nothing
but someexamples of many other. Hopefully I can do it well to achieve these
dreams, so my desire will befulfilled while I am still alive.
630 words
Your task:
Find the meaning of the 16 bold words
A motorcyclist was following behind was taxi very closely. He was so impatient that he
was trying to overtake my taxi even near a sharp bend. At that critical moment, there was an
oncoming car. The taxi driver swerved to the roadside and I got a terrible jolt. It was too late for
the motorcyclist to avoid the car. His motorcycle ran against the bumper of the car and smashed
its windscreen. The motorcyclist somersaulted over the car and was found lying in a pool of
blood. It was a scene to chill the flesh! The car driver, who was cut by the flying glass, was in a
state of shock. All that happened in split second and fear overwhelmed us.
The taxi driver stopped his taxi and I quickly ran to the nearest to the nearest telephone
booth to inform the police and the hospital. From a distance I could see some people trying to
help the injured motorcyclist and the car driver. They carried them into one of the onlookers car
and sent them to the hospital for treatment. Meanwhile the taxi driver tried to control and directs
the traffic. Soon the police arrived and they promptly took some measurements and evidence.
After that they moved the damaged car and the motorcycle to the roadside to ease the traffic
congestion. They also took down the evidence provided by witnesses and onlookers. Some
sweepers were clearing the debris and the blood stains on the road.
When the taxi finally continued the journey, I silently thanked God for my narrow escape. I
learned a good lesson that impatience and recklessness would bring harm and danger. I was
happy to see that Malaysians are public-spirited and they render help to others readily. Since then
I remember and follow the saying more haste less speed and prevention is better than cure. I
believe good road manners and roads safety campaigns can help to reduce the number of road
accidents which cause injuries, loss and lives and properties.
381 words
my mothers words that if you cant beat them, join them. So I decided to make fun of myself, to
laugh at myself too. It works. Everyone got bored after a while and nobody teased me after that.
It was indeed an eye-opening experience for me. I have learnt that when people laugh at
you, you should laugh along. You must not take yourself seriously. Learn to look at yourself
through other peoples eyes and you will realise that most of the time when they laugh at you,
they just want to have some fun. They mean no harm. If you can make people laugh, its like
bringing sunshine into their lives and as someone said, those who bring sunshine to the lives of
others cannot keep it from themselves.
421 words
Back in her house, Mariam cried the whole night. She cried and cried till she had no more
tears. The next morning, she was sitting by the window with Sams photo on her lap. She saw him
walking towards their house. Soon she was shouting and crying, My Sam is back! My Sam is
Sam ran towards her and hugged Mariam as he never let go. He was so sorry and
regretted the way he behaved. His colleagues were the one who made him realized his big
mistakes neglected his mother.
The neighbours heard her. They too shouted and cheered, feeling happy for her.
574 words.
In the countryside, however, you only move around people you are used to. So, you
seldom encounter strangers or new and demanding situations. Life is more mundane and routinelike. Staying in a secure, safe place does not allow for one to gain new experiences and grow in
Furthermore, young people need a life that is exciting and pleasurable. It is the city that
offers you entertainment- cinemas, parks and eating places. Here you can hang out with friends
and family members. Life as fast-paced and this keeps you active and alert all times. And when it
comes to educational opportunities, the city abounds in this. There are good school and libraries
that are necessary for your mental development. Furthermore, there are places like museums
and educational centres where you can go, to increase your knowledge.
Such places that offer you entertainment or learning opportunities are of course not
available in the countryside. For entertainment, there is only the occasional festive celebration or
marriage feast or fishing outing. Some may find this appealing but not me. Moreover,
opportunities to widen your knowledge are limited in the countryside.
Another point in support of living in the city is the available of jobs. In the city, you can find
a job that suits your qualification or interest. If you find a job unsuitable, you can always move to
another. This, naturally, increases your earning power and you have better chances of a more
comfortable life. Of course, one may argue that one can live in the countryside and work in the
city but this will only incur extra expenses and unnecessary inconveniences.
Thus, for all the reasons mentioned above, I think that life in the city is better than living in
the countryside. After all, you are young only once.
374 words
Social Networking Website
A large number of internet users have joined social networking websites. A social
network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of
social networks or social relations among people. For example is for those who wants to share
interests and, or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of
each user which known often as a profile, his or her social links, and a variety of additional
Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over
the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes
considered as a social network service. In a broader sense, social network service usually means
an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social
networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual
In the last five years, they have been growing up more and more popular. This increase
in their popularity has led to a large number of members.
One of the many reasons why Yahoo!, MySpace and Facebook social networking
websites have increased in popularity is due to the fact that they cover a wide variety of different
topics, issues and interest. They do not just focus on one particular group of individuals or one
particular issue. Their policy is to invite as many types of internet users to join as possible. By
this, it gives members a wide selection of online friends to choose from.
If you are looking to join a social networking website that is more focused on creating
friendships or partnerships between internet users preferable with the same interests, then you
will want to focus on social networking websites. They have a particular focus. The prevalent
websites focus on important issues, topics and hobbies, such as pet owners, religion travel and
others. So before you join, think of an issue you are interested in and sign up for the website that
focuses on that issue.
What really sets them apart from other websites? What is so special about them? These
are questions which have been asked by many who show interest in joining. Primarily, it is the
community. As mentioned, such social networking sites tend to focus on a particular topic, issue
or hobby. This means that if you are a keen traveller and you would like to speak to other keen
travellers, you will want to join a travellers networking sites.
The difference between these social networking sites and traditional ones is that you will
automatically be paired with hundreds, if not thousands, of other internet users who share the
same interests, views or beliefs as you. This is a big bonus to the members.
Another benefit to joining the social networking website is that you are, in a way, safer
than those who are members of other networks. Most of them require activation before joining the
site. Before activation can occur, many users are required to state their reasons for wanting to
join the network or they may be required to fill out a small questionnaire pertaining to determine
whether or not they have a genuine interest in the topic focused on by the network in question. By
pairing you with a group of individuals who share the same beliefs, views and interests as you do
is advantageous to members. It means that you do not have to spend hours researching a person
or speaking to them just to learn what they are or are not interested in. Therefore, this enables
you to jump right in and start making friends, almost as soon as you are granted access to the
site that you have chosen. This service gives the social networking websites a great edge over
other websites.
629 words
Carbon monoxide is another type of gas which harmful to the environment as it can cause the
reduction of oxygen in the bloodstream.
Another example of contributor to the air pollution is the manufacturing factories. The
manufacturing of products in factories to meet the growing demand of society is also causing air
pollution. Factories release toxic gases to the environment. Some factories also use coal to
generate heat and energy. As a result from the burning of coal, carbon dioxide is released into the
Besides factories, many people are still practising open burning as a way of disposing
their household wastes. Although burning our household wastes is a convenient way of getting rid
of our rubbish, it is harmful to the environment as it contributes to the worsening of the air quality.
As a result, air pollution causes people to suffer from health problems such as chest pain and
asthma. In extreme cases, people can contract lung cancer.
Water pollution is also a problem that we are currently facing. The marine life is the first to
suffer from water pollution as they depend on the nutrients in the water to survive. As a result, we
are robbed of beautiful sea corals and unique species of fishes. Besides ruining our marine
heritage, the disappearance of marine life will affect the livelihood of fishermen, not to mention
our source of food. Water pollution is caused by harmful waster from industries, farms and
sewerage systems which are dumped into our sources of water such as rivers and lakes. This
irresponsible act contaminates our drinking water and can cause serious health problems and
can even culminate in death.
Noise pollution is another form of pollution. Noise from heavy machinery and vehicles can
cause hearing problems and in extreme cases, deafness. As there is growing number of vehicles
on the road, we are exposed to noise pollution every day. The government in advanced countries
encourage their citizens to take the public buses and trains by providing an affordable and
efficient transportation system. This effort discourages people from driving their private vehicles
and consequently reduces the number of vehicles on the road.
We must work together to reduce pollution so that the future generations can live in a
healthy, unpolluted environment. As the saying goes, precaution is better than cure. Lets hands
on hands together by recycle and conserve the world for the better future.
In spite of governments clear call to students to study English well, many students still show very
little interest in studying the language. As Chairperson of the English Language Society, you are
going to try to persuade the students to study the language by writing an article in the school
newsletter. In the article you have to tell the students the importance of studying the language.
Your article is given in the point form below:
will help you to further your studies
will help you to get a job
will help you in your job
will help you in your travels
will help you to enjoy many interesting programmes in television
will help you to appreciate many of the worlds most beautiful literary works
The Importance of Studying English
It is a big concerned for teenagers nowadays as they are unaware of the importance of
English language as they tend to ignore to learn the language. Students attitude towards the
language is also crucial to make sure that these teenagers can face the future world better by
learning English language as it is an international language.
Although the government has repeatedly told us of the importance of English, many
students are still not bothered about studying it seriously. There is also a campaign that still on to
make all the Malaysian becomes a better English learner, which is Enhance Proficiency in
Bahasa Malaysia, Strengthen the English. English is the most important and the most useful
language in the world today. There are many reasons why you should study the language
First and foremost, English will definitely help you a lot when you want to further studies.
Almost all books at university are written in English in all subjects. Plus, it is a compulsory for any
candidate to pass English with credit before entering any universities. So, if you are poor in
English, you will blow you chance for better education or worse, you are going to have a big
problem studying at university.
The second reason why you have to study English well is that it will help you to get a job.
When you go for a job interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in English. The first
impression you should give in order to success and have the job is, to respond in English fluently.
Your chances of getting the job are very slim if you stutter while interviewing.
A good command in of English will also help you greatly in your job. If the company you
work is actively involved in international trade, you have to speak to prospective customers in
English. Miscommunication might occur if your English is bad. And this will put your company at
risk and you will likely be dismissed if this happen.
Good English will also help you a lot when you travel. Every country in the world studies
English. Even the roadside stall-holders in China speak fairly good English! At least some of the
people you meet on your travels in other countries can understand English. The language is
certainly practical when you are lost in your trip. Communication problem will not happen if you
can converse well in English. Inevitably, English is one of the languages used in any airport in the
world in making announcement. Knowing English well, therefore, make travelling overseas easier.
Besides all these, entertainment is one of the major advantages you will experience if you
good in English. You will enjoy televisions best programmes. We must admit that many of the
best programmes are produced by the Americans and British companies. High self confidence
influenced by the programmes will indirect inculcate in yourself when you are fluent in the
language. Quality time is worthily spent if you understand and enjoy the programmes.
Based from all the above elaboration, I hope that students will see the importance and
realise how importance the language is for their own future. Although it is a second language in
our country, it is now a main language all over the world.
544 words
cash. He advised the residents to be alert and reports to police any suspicious-looking characters
lurking in their area.
380 words
From: Spot on Model Compositions and Summary/Oxford Fajar/2007
Julia Selamat
Julia Selamat
355 words
Write Better Compositions and Summaries for SPM 1119 English/Oxford Fajar/2006
393 words
You are very disappointed by the conditions and services provided by your school canteen. You
decide to write a report to inform your school principal about the poor conditions and services of
the canteen. These would include:
insufficient table and benches
food and drinks not covered
too little food counters
dirty and clogged drains smelly
food expensive and lacks variety
inadequate food late comers have nothing to buy, to eat
cold food not fresh
rude canteen workers
From :
24 March 2011
We hope that conditions at the canteen will improve. The canteen should provide better
amenities. There should also be a different menu everyday so that students will not have to taste
the same food day in and day out. Cleanliness should be given top priority.
We hope that you will look into our complaints and take steps to remedy the situation. The
students are prepared to boycott the canteen if their complaints go unheeded.
Reported by:
Malik bin. Mohd Jalil
314 words
16 JUNE 2011
Dear Sir,
Uncollected Rubbish and Clogged Drains
I am writing this letter is to attract your attention to the above title. As the representative of the
community, I am calling to tell you that the 300 odd residents living in Taman Sentosa are
extremely unhappy about the lackadaisical attitude of the local town council towards the
uncollected rubbish and clogged drains in our area.
The rubbish in our area has not been collected for more than a week. The rubbish is
supposed to be collected on alternate days but this has not been the case. The town council
workers collect the rubbish according to their own whims and fancies. The uncollected garbage
has attracted not only flies and mosquitoes but also wild dogs which had attacked the residents
on several occasions. These stray animals also scatter the rubbish and make the roads dirty and
smelly. As a result, residents have to bear the discomfort of stench from the garbage and risk
their health.
We are also disappointed with the town council workers for not clearing the clogged
drains which are filled with rubbish. The drains would usually overflow when there is heavy rain
and the rubbish would then flow into the compounds of our houses. Besides, putting up with the
unbearable stench emitted from them, the residents have to spend hours cleaning their
compounds of rotten vegetables, food leftovers and other rubbish.
Due to dengue outbreak recently, we are really concerned about the residents health
especially the children. Fogging service also was not done accordingly to the schedule. The
fogging authority only did their job whenever a case of dengue aroused. They even fogging the
neighbourhood late at night that caused us to leave the residents. They need to consider the
residents who have babies and also to those who need to wake up early in the morning for work.
The fogging also caused the people to have breathing problem when we were not told the exact
time of fogging.
We have made numerous appeals to the Municipal Council to look into our complaints but
to no avail. We have been putting up with this predicament for more than a week. We hope the
health authorities would do something to check these health hazards.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
380 words
Do remember to:
use the formal letter
use all the points given
elaborate each points given
18 JULY 2010
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
358 words
Do remember to:
use the informal letter format
use all the points given
expand each of the points given
write in paragraph
No. 34, Street of Fame,
Taman Bukit Bintang,
Bukit Bintang,
67500 Ipoh,
14 January 2011
Dear John,
How are you? Im sorry to hear that your cousin had dengue fever. This problem seems to
have become very serious all of sudden. We always feel that the problem is not our concern until
someone close to us is affected.
My neighbours daughter who was in Standard 6 last year could not sit for UPSR
examination because she was down with dengue fever on the eve of the exam. Fortunately, the
authorities gave her an exemption so she is now in Form One. There were also a few students
taking the examination in the hospital.
According to the news, students made up nearly 30 per cent of the 1 500 suspected cases
over the first three weeks of the year. About 53 per cent of 621 confirmed cases last year
comprised children and youth under the age of 24. These statistics are quite worrying. This has
prompted the health ministry to increase checks on aedes breeding grounds in school and public
areas. The construction sites are largely to blamed. The problem is made worse by the rainy
season. The stagnating water attract the mosquitoes to lay egg and breeding on the areas.
The authorities have taken various steps to control the situation. Fogging has been
carried out in many public areas and most of the housing estates. Contractors at the construction
sites have been instructed to take appropriate actions and warned to clean up. They could be
fined up to RM 3 000 for breeding aedes mosquitoes. Lot of campaigns through the television,
radio and newspapers were taken to make people aware of the issue and take precaution rather
than cure them.
Before the long holidays for the Chinese New Year, schools all over Malaysia carried out a
clean-up campaign of the school compound. The residents association in my housing are also
organised a family day clean-up of the housing estate. There were huge piles of rubbish
especially old tyres and containers littered by the hawkers near the might market site.
The situation in Malaysia has improved since the end of January. There have been no
reports of new cases of dengue. So, dont worry. You can bring your family for a holiday here in
June. Im looking forward to seeing them again.
Send my regard to your mom and dad. Do take care.
Yours sincerely,
Harun Din
387 words
Your school is having a month-long A Healthy Body Campaign. As President of the Health Club
of your school, you decide to give a speech on the Tak nak Campaign recently launched by the
Tak Nak Campaign
A very good morning to our dear Principal, Mr. Hasnan bin Jaafar, teachers and students.
Recently, our former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an antismoking campaign called Tak Nak. You can now see this short and rhyming catch phrase Tak
Nak everywhere on billboards, posters, TV ads, and sometimes I even hear it on the radio.
Though some people have criticised our government for setting aside a staggering sum of RM100
million over 6 years for the campaign, it is nothing compared to the huge amounts that tobacco
companies spend to promote smoking.
But in this war against smoking, money definitely talks; it is necessary for the Tak Nak
Campaign to constanly remind us of the hazard of smoking because about 50 Malaysian
teenagers light up for the first time every day. In fact, some of these youth progress steadily from
this to regular use, with addiction raking hold within a few years. And this is despite the warning
on every pack of cigarettes that states unequivocally Smoking is dangerous to your health.
What can the Tak Nak Campaign do to combat this? Their aggressive advertising creates
media awareness among the public, especially among the fashionable young crowd, that
smokers have yellowed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it is not cool
to smoke. It is also not responsible of them to affect non-smokers with second-hand smoke.
Also, there is a succession of infomercials on TV and in the papers showing the
debilitating effects of tobacco addiction on the body and gruesome statistics of smoke-related
deaths. We are now familiar with the graphic pictures of damaged lungs on billboards which
should scare people into not smoking. This works, as I know some of my friends are quitting now,
or trying to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke per week.
However, I feel any anti-smoking campaign is more effective if other people and
organisations are actively involved too. Yes, the first step has been taken by the top, but sad to
say, many of our politicians smoke themselves. Nearer to home, so do some of our parents and
These adults have to be good role models by not smoking themselves. If they do smoke,
they should tell their children and students that they regret that they ever started, and then take
steps to quit smoking as soon as possible. They must practise what they preach.
On a more positive note, I commend the Malaysia Amateur Athletic Union for its zerotolerance of smoking because they know that smoking and health just do not mix. How can our
sportsmen excel if they cannot stop smoking.
Dear teachers and students, thank you for your attention. Let me end my speech by
reiterating that smoking is a bad habit, so make Tak Nak your mantra. If you have started
smoking, say Tak Nak and quit! And if you havent started smoking, say know that smoking not
only damages your health but you are also literally burning your money
It had been raining all day. The rain continued to pour down. I
was reading a newspaper in the living room. My two brothers
were playing in the parking space in front of our house. The
rain became heavier and heavier.
Just when I had finished my reading and wanted to go for a
rest, my brothers ran to the living room and told me that the
water level in the drain had risen. Thus, I went outside to have
a look. I noticed that the drain had overflowed! The water
flowed into the parking space. I quickly called my parents.
Within ten minutes, the living room was flooded and the water
was knee-deep. When my parents returned home, they took
with them the important documents and some valuables. The
water level rose swiftly. Soon, we could no longer stay in our
house and had to move to the rooftop.
Some of my neighbours were already on the roof with their
belongings. Most of them were using umbrella as it was still
raining cats and dogs. Soon, night came and it was pitch-dark
all over. We shivered with cold. There was nothing much we
could do except to pray and hope for the best. We were
optimistic that the authorities were aware of our plight and
their assistance was on the way.
Last Saturday, my family had an important celebration. It was my fathers birthday and
we celebrated the special occasion by throwing a surprise party for him. A week prior to
the party, we secretly invited our relatives and my fathers friends to the party.
In the afternoon of my fathers birthday, my elder brother Brian requested our father to
take him shopping in a shopping centre to buy some sports gear. Our father had no idea
that it was just a pretext to get him out of the house. While they were away, my mother,
younger brother Austin and I started to get ready for the party at home. After decorating
the living room with crepe paper and balloons, we went to a bakery to fetch the birthday
cake that we ordered a few days earlier. Not long after we reached home, the caterers
arrived and started to set up the food in no time.
About an hour later, the guests started arriving. Just then, Brian called to inform our
mother that he and our father would be coming home soon. My mother told him to stay
in the shopping centre a bit longer as not all the guests had arrived yet. Brian said that
he would try his best. After all the guests had arrived, all of us hid excitedly and waited
for their return. Within moments, we heard a car parking, followed by people walking
towards the front door.
You havent been a good son today, have you? my father complained in a slightly cross
tone of voice. He then took out the door key from his trouser pocket. Inserting it into the
keyhole, he continued, You know that I dislike shopping, especially for long hours. And
yet you dragged me all over the shopping centre. In the end, you bought nothing. Im so
tired now.
After my father had turned the key and opened the door, all of us jumped out of our
hiding places and shouted, Surprise! My father was quite flabbergasted to see so many
people in our beautifully decorated living room. For a while, he was dumbfounded. When
he had recovered from his shock, he laughed heartily and exclaimed, OMG! Its my
birthday today. I shouldve seen this coming!
Realising why Brian had taken him all over the shopping centre, he
punched Brians arm playfully and said that he was not a bad son
that day after all. All of us laughed and conveyed our birthday
greetings to him. After he had talked to the guests, the food was
served. Next, he cut the cake and served it to everyone as dessert.
After the meal, all of us gave my father birthday gifts. Before the party ended, my father made
a short speech to thank all the guests for coming and also for their presents. He also expressed
that the greatest gift he had ever received is his family. Everyone of us applauded.
I love surprise parties and this is the best that I have ever had so far. I was happy to see my
father having such an enjoyable time at the party, not to mention the delicious food served.
Although I was glad to celebrate my fathers birthday, I felt a little sadness as he had grown a
year older and the number of his grey hairs had increased.
My father has sacrificed so much for the well-being of our family and I love him dearly. As the
only daughter of my family, I want him to be by my side, to be there for me forever. But I know
that this is impossible. Anyway, I wish him nothing but happiness, health, longevity and many
happy returns of the day
fallen into the drain outside our house. As the drain was quite
deep, he was having trouble getting out of it.
Panick-stricken, I did not know what to do and felt like crying.
Just when I was about to cry, Sarah calmed me down. She
suggested that she would call the ambulance and I would call
my parents. I nodded in agreement. As promised, she called
an ambulance at once while I called my parents. Upon knowing
what had transpired, my parents were extremely anxious
about Liam. They decided to come home immediately.
While we were waiting for the arrival of the ambulance, Sarah
and I talked to Liam and comforted him. Seated on the bottom
of the drain, Liams legs seemed to be in great pain. He
begged us to take him out. As much as I wanted to help him,
Sarah advised me against it. She said it was better to let the
paramedics lift him out as he might be suffering from broken
bone injuries and we might deteriorate the condition. I
believed Sarah was right and felt really sorry for Liam, who
was crying bitterly. Sarah ensured him that help would arrive
soon. To distract him and alleviate his sufferings, she told him
humorous stories.
Not long after, an ambulance arrived and so did my parents.
The paramedics did their job in a professional manner and
lifted Liam out of the drain without injuring him any further. He
was then rushed to hospital. After my father had driven the
rest of us to hospital, the doctor informed us that both of
Liams legs were broken and he had to be hospitalised for
treatment. But since he was young, his legs should recover
quickly with no permanent damage. Our tension were
assuaged by the doctors report and we heaved a sigh of relief.
I conveyed my gratitude to Sarah for her help. She said that
was what friends were for - both good times and bad times.
part of the ditch where the lady fell into, I saw her seated at
the bottom of the ditch. She had scratch marks on her arms
and legs and was groaning in pain. I then realised that she was
pregnant. I assisted her to get out of the ditch. I felt sorry for
her as she was in a state of shock. I comforted her. Soon, a
car stopped beside us and a man emerged from it. Upon
seeing the condition of the lady, he asked me what had
transpired. I related the whole incident to him. The benevolent
man then offered to take the lady to hospital. As I was an
eyewitness to the crime, he requested me to come along in
order to help lodge a police report.
The doctor who examined her said that apart from some
superficial scratches and minor bruises on her limbs, she was
doing fine. The baby she was conceiving was healthy as well. I
was glad to hear that. A few days later, she came to my house
to thank me personally for lending her a helping hand.
However, the snatch thieves were never apprehended. I would
never forget this incident or the snatch thieves' faces as long
as I live.
Luckily, there was a bakery not far away and father went out
to purchase a ready-made birthday cake. I was thankful that
everybody got to eat a normal cake after all. I could only pray
that I would not make the same mistake in future and avoid
going through the embarrassing experience again.
faraway and speak to them in real time, as if the person is right in front of us, through
videoconferencing and video calling. Online chatting and instant messaging allows the
real-time transmission of text messages from sender to receiver and vice versa, while
emailing allows the delivery of both long and short messages within seconds.
In a nutshell, although some people may misuse the Internet for bad intentions, I believe
that it is mostly a good thing if we use it wisely. Undeniably, the Internet is a rich
resource for learning. Let us do the right thing and make the Internet a blessing instead
of a curse.