Calculus I: MATH 171 Spring 2014

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Text Book

Calculus I

Weir, Maurice D., Hass, Joel & Giordano,

Frank R. . Thomas Calculus. AddisonWesley Publishing Company, 2010, 12th

MATH 171
Spring 2014


Real Numbers and
the Real Line

Real Numbers
Real number are numbers that can be
expressed as decimals or no decimals:
 2, -5,
 -3/4 = -0.7500000..
 1/3 = 0.33333333..
= 0.3
 2 = 1.4142 .

= 3.14159265..

Real Number
 Real Line
 Absolute Values

Three special subsets (groups) of real

Natural numbers
 Rational numbers

Irrational number

Natural Numbers
 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .
 Negative Numbers
 -1, -2, -3, -4, -5,
 0, 1, 2, 3,
 Rational number
 a / b where a and b are integers and b 0
 , , 3/17,

Real number that are not rational number.

 2, 5,
 Natural numbers are Integers
 Integers are rational numbers
 Real numbers are rational numbers and
irrational numbers

Real line

Real numbers can be represented as points

on a number line (called real line):

What Can We do with real numbers

Arithmetic operation
 +, - , * , / , ^ ( exponentiation )

Ordered relation

Order relation
a < b means a less than b
 a > b means a greater than b
 a b means a less than b or a equal to b
 a b means a greater than b or a equal to b
 These relations are known as inequalities
 Representation on real line:
 a < b and a > b

True Or False ?
2 < 3 , -5 < -4
 3 > 2 , -23 > -32
 25 25

Property of real numbers

Questions ?

For any two real numbers a and b, only one

of the following three statements is true:
 1. a is less than b, (expressed as a < b)
 2. a is equal to b, (expressed as a = b)
 3. a is greater than b, (expressed as a > b)

Constant : a, b, c,
Variable (real variable) : x, y, z,
 Any more operation on numbers ?
 positive, negative, non-positive, nonnegative number

Mathematics Symbols
means implies
 p q means (p implies q)

or if p then q

(if p is true then we get q is true)
 We can rewrite the statement
 If ( x + 4 = 6) then ( x = 2)
 by ( x + 4 = 6) ( x = 2)

means implies and is implied by

if and only if
 p q means ( p q and q p )

or (if p then q) and (if q then p)
 We rewrite the two statements
 If ( x + 4 = 6) then ( x = 2) and
 if ( x= 2) then (x + 4 = 6)
 by ( x + 4 = 6) ( x = 2)

Does ( x < 6 ) the inequalities below ?
 a) x < 4
b) x-2<4
 c) x/2 < 3
 d) -x < -6


Set Notation

( x < -2) x /2 + 5 < 4 ?

A set is a collection of objects/element

Set of Integer, Set of rational numbers
 If S is a set, notation a S means a is a
element of S and b S means b is not an
element of S.
}is used to represent set

Set Notation (Symbol)
A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
 A is the set of integers whose elements are 5
numbers 1,2 , 3, 4 and 5.
 Symbol reads belong to
 1 A, 2 A , 3 A, 4 A, 5 A
 -2 A, 7 A , ..
 Set of integer = {0, 1, 2, 3, }

A subset of real numbers is called interval
 (A subsection of real line is called interval)

S = { x | properties satisfied by x }
 A = { x | x is a integer and 0 < x < 6 }
 A is the set of x where x is integer x and x
is greater than 0 and less than 6.
 A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Interval : -2 x 5
OR { x | -2 x 5 }
 Interval is written as [-2, 5]
 Geometrical representation:

0 < x < 6 written as (0, 6)

 0 < x 6 written as (0,6]

Does ( 2 < x < 6) the intervals below?
a) 0 < x < 4
 b ) 0 < x -2 < 4
 c) 1 < x/2 < 3
 d) -6 < -x < 2

Questions ?

Intersection and Union of Intervals

 ( -6 < x < 4 ) -7 < x/2 - 4 < -2 ?

Let I and J be two intervals.

 Union of I and J
 I J = { x | x I or x J }
Intersection of I and J
 I J = { x | x I and x J }

[2, 5] [5, 8] = [2, 8]
 [-2, 3) [3, 9) = [-2, 9)
 [2, 7] [5, 8] = [5, 7]
 [-2, 5] [7, 9] = [-2, 5] [7, 9]
 [-2, 5] [7, 9] = empty (nothing) =

Example 1
Solve the following inequalities and show
their solution sets on the real line:
 a) 2x 1 < x + 3
 b) -x/3 < 2x + 1
 c) (x 2) (x + 3) 0
 d) 6/(x-1) 5

Example (Question ?)
Solve the inequalities
a. 5x 3 7 3x
 b. 2x 7x + 7/6

Absolute Values

Example 2

The absolute value of a number

x , x0


-x , x < 0
 | x y | = the distance between x and y
where x and y are points on real line

Find absolute values

 |3| , |0| , |-5| , | -|a| |

Show diagram for

| 5 2 | , | -2 - 7 |

Absolute Value Properties


| -a |
= |a|
|ab| = |a||b|
|a/b| = |a|/|b|
|a+b| |a|+|b|
The triangle inequality

Example 3

Illustrating the Triangle Inequality

| -3 + 5 |

Note: ( if and only if ) or

Diagram for | x | a

Example 4

Example 5

Solving an Equation with Absolute Values

 | 2x 3 | = 7

Solving Inequality Involving Absolute

| 52/x| < 1

Example 6
Solve the inequality and show the solution
set on the real line:
 a) | 2x -3 | 1
 b) | 2x 3 | 1

Questions ?

< 3

Solve | 7 x / 2 |

Any more questions ?

Read section 1.2
 Do Exercise A.1:
 Try odd numbers

Real Number
 Real Line
 Absolute Values
 Read section 1.1

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