Code of Ethics For Engineers

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Code of Ethics for Engineers

ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Based on ASME code of ethics, they uphold onto three (3) Fundamental Principles and
ten (10) Fundamental Canons in order to advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the
engineering profession. The three (3) Fundamental Principles are: i) using their knowledge and
skill for the enhancement of human welfare; ii) being honest and impartial, and serving with
fidelity their clients (including their employers) and the public; and iii) striving to increase the
competence and prestige of the engineering profession. Then, the ten (10) Fundamental Canons
are 1) Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the
performance of their professional duties. This means that engineers shall recognize that the lives,
safety, health and welfare of the general public are dependent upon engineering judgments,
decisions and practices incorporated into structures, machines, products, processes and devices.
The engineers should take responsible and shall conduct reviews of the safety and reliability of
the designs, products, or system and able to inform to the proper authority if they believe some
systems will endanger public safety or health based on the situation. 2) Engineers shall perform
services only in the areas of their competence; they shall build their professional reputation on
the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others. By which mean that
engineers shall undertake to perform engineering assignments only when qualified by education
and/or experience in the specific technical field of engineering involved.
Next, 3) Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers
and shall provide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of those engineers
under their supervision. 4) Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or
client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of
conflicts of interest. Engineers shall avoid all known conflicts of interest with their employers or
clients and shall promptly inform their employers or clients of any business association, interests,
or circumstances which could influence their judgment or the quality of their services. 5)
Engineers shall respect the proprietary information and intellectual property rights of others,
including charitable organizations and professional societies in the engineering field. It means
engineers shall negotiate contracts for professional services on the basis of demonstrated
competence and qualifications for the type of professional service required. Other than that,
engineers shall not use equipment, supplies, laboratory or office facilities of their employers to
carry on outside private practice without consent.
After that, 6) Engineers shall associate only with reputable persons or organizations
which brings meaning that engineers shall not knowingly associate with or permit the use of their
names or firm names in business ventures by any person or firm which they know, or have
reason to believe, are engaging in business or professional practices of a fraudulent or dishonest
nature. For 7) Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner
and shall avoid any conduct which brings discredit upon the profession. Engineers shall endeavor

to extend public knowledge, and to prevent misunderstandings of the achievements of

engineering. 8) Engineers shall consider environmental impact and sustainable development in
the performance of their professional duties. This is to ensure that engineers shall concern
themselves with the impact of their plans and designs on the environment. When the impact is a
clear threat to health or safety of the public, then the guidelines for this Canon revert to those of
Canon 1. Then, 9) Engineers shall not seek ethical sanction against another engineer unless there
is good reason to do so under the relevant codes, policies and procedures governing that
engineers ethical conduct. Lastly, 10) Engineers who are members of the Society shall endeavor
to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws and Policies of the Society, and they shall disclose
knowledge of any matter involving another members alleged violation of this Code of Ethics or
the Societys Conflicts of Interest Policy in a prompt, complete and truthful manner to the chair
of the Ethics Committee.

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