Clonning - Noha Ark Word Espanish

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n late November a humble Iowa cow is slated to

give birth to the worlds rst cloned endangered
species, a baby bull to be named Noah. Noah is a
gaur: a member of a species of large oxlike animals
that are now rare in their homelands of India, Indochina and southeast Asia. These one-ton bovines have

been hunted for sport for generations. More recently the

gaurs habitats of forests, bamboo jungles and grasslands
have dwindled to the point that only roughly 36,000 are
thought to remain in the wild. The World Conservation
UnionIUCN Red Data Book lists the gaur as endangered,
and trade in live gaur or gaur productswhether horns,
hides or hoovesis banned by the Convention on Interna-

tional Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

But if all goes as predicted, in a few weeks a spindly-legged little Noah will
trot in a new day in the conservation of his kind as well as in the preservation
of many other endangered species. Perhaps most important, he will be living,
mooing proof that one animal can carry and give birth to the exact genetic duplicate, or clone, of an animal of a different species. And Noah will be just the
rst creature up the ramp of the ark of endangered species that we and other
scientists are currently attempting to clone: plans are under way to clone the
African bongo antelope, the Sumatran tiger and that favorite of zoo lovers, the
reluctant-to-reproduce giant panda. Cloning could also reincarnate some species that are already extinct most immediately, perhaps, the bucardo mountain
goat of Spain. The last bucardoa femaledied of a smashed skull when a tree
fell on it early this year, but Spanish scientists have preserved some of its cells.
Advances in cloning offer a way to preserve and propagate endangered
species that reproduce poorly in zoos until their habitats can be restored and
they can be reintroduced to the wild. Clonings main power, however, is that it
allows researchers to introduce new genes back into the gene pool of a species
that has few remaining animals. Most zoos are not equipped to collect and cryopreserve semen; similarly, eggs are difcult to obtain and are damaged by freezing. But by cloning animals whose body cells have been preserved, scientists can

keep the genes of that individual alive, maintaining (and in some instances increasing) the overall genetic diversity of endangered populations of that species.

Nevertheless, some conservation biologists have been slow to recognize

the benets of basic assisted reproduction strategies, such as in vitro fertilization, and have been hesitant to consider cloning. Although we agree that every
effort should be made to preserve wild spaces for the incredible diversity of life
that inhabits this planet, in some cases either the battle has already been lost or
its outcome looks dire. Cloning technology is not a panacea, but it offers the

opportunity to save some of the species that contribute to that diversity.

A clone still requires a mother, however, and very few conservationists
SLIM FILMS (illustration); LYNDA RICHARDSONCorbis (orangutan); MARTIN WENDLER Peter Arnold, Inc.(ocelot);
GERRY ELLIS Minden Pictures(panda); KENNETH W. FINK Photo Researchers, Inc.(bongo); FRANS LANTING Minden
Pictures(cheetah); ROLAND SEITREPeter Arnold, Inc.(gaur); JOHN CANCALOSI Peter Arnold, Inc.(goat)

Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.

Noahs Ark
Biotechnology might offer the best way
to keep some endangered species from
disappearing from the planet
by Robert P. Lanza, Betsy L. Dresser and Philip Damiani

Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.

would advocate rounding up wild female endangered animals for that purpose or subjecting a precious zoo resident of the same species to the rigors of
assisted reproduction and surrogate
motherhood. That means that to clone
an endangered species, researchers such

as ourselves must solve the problem of

how to get cells from two different

species to yield the clone of one.

A Gaur Is Born

t is a deceptively simple-looking process. A needle jabs through the protec-

tive layer, or zona pellucida, surrounding

an egg that hours ago resided in a living
ovary. In one deft movement, a research
assistant uses it to suck out the eggs nu-

cleuswhich contains the majority of a

cells genetic materialleaving behind

Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) in

Worcester, Mass., had to fuse skin cells
taken from a male gaur with 692 enucleated cow eggs. As we report in the
current issue of the journal Cloning, of
those 692 cloned early embryos, only
81 grew in the laboratory into blastocysts, balls of 100 or so cells that are
sufciently developed to implant for
gestation. We ended up inserting 42
blastocysts into 32 cows, but only eight
became pregnant. We removed the fetuses from two of the pregnant cows for
scientic analysis; four other animals
experienced spontaneous abortions in
the second or third month of the usual
nine-month pregnancy; and the seventh
cow had a very unexpected late-term
spontaneous abortion in August.

we are now working to understand.

They are also a function of the vagaries
of assisted reproduction technology.
Accordingly, we expect that the rst

few endangered species to be cloned

will be those whose reproduction has
already been well studied. Several zoos
and conservation societiesincluding
the Audubon Institute Center for Research of Endangered Species (AICRES)

in New Orleans, which is led by one of

us (Dresser)have probed the reproductive biology of a range of endangered species, with some notable successes. Last November, for example,
Dresser and her colleagues reported the
rst transplantation of a previously
frozen embryo of an endangered animal
into another species that resulted in a
The statistics of the efciency of clonlive birth. In this case, an ordinary house
ing reect the fact that the technology is cat gave birth to an African wildcat, a


(protective layer)





Recipient eggs are coaxed to

mature in a culture dish.
Each has a remnant egg cell

called the polar body.

The polar bodies and chromosomes of each egg are

drawn into a needle. A
pipette holds the egg still.

Once the chromosomes and

polar body are removed, all
that remains inside the zona
pellucida is cytoplasm.

only a sac of gel called cytoplasm. Next still as much an art as it is a science
he uses a second needle to inject anothparticularly when it involves transplanter, whole cell under the eggs outer layer.
ing an embryo into another species. SciWith the ip of an electric switch, the
entists, including those of us at ACT,
cloning is complete: the electrical pulse
have had the highest success rates clonfuses the introduced cell to the egg, and
ing domestic cattle implanted into cows
the early embryo begins to divide. In a
of the same species. But even in this infew days, it will become a mass of cells
stance we have had to work hard to
large enough to implant into the uterus
produce just a few animals. For every
of a surrogate-mother animal previous100 cow eggs we fuse with adult cattle
ly treated with hormones. In a matter of
months, that surrogate mother will give

birth to a clone.
In practice, though, this technique
which scientists call nuclear transfer
is not so easy. To create Noah, we at

Scientic American

Skin cells called broblasts

are isolated from the animal
to be cloned and grown in
culture dishes.

species that has declined in some areas.

So far, beyond the African wildcat

and the gaur, we and others have accomplished interspecies embryo transfers in four additional cases: an Indian
desert cat into a domestic cat; a bongo
antelope into a more common African
antelope called an eland; a mouon
sheep into a domestic sheep; and a rare
red deer into a common white-tailed
cells, we can expect only between 15 and
deer. All yielded live births. We hope
20 to produce blastocysts. And only
that the studies of felines will pave the
roughly 10 percent of thoseone or
way for cloning the cheetah, of which
twoyield live births.
only roughly 12,000 remain in southThe numbers reect difculties with
ern Africa. The prolonged courtship bethe nuclear transfer process itself, which havior of cheetahs requires substantial

November 2000

Cloning Noahs Ark

Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.

ACE (illustrations );

( aphs)

territory, a possible explanation for

why the animals have bred so poorly in
zoos and yet another reason to fear
their extinction as their habitat shrinks.


gust 1999 Dayuan Chen of the institute

and his co-workers published a paper
in the English-language journal Science
in China announcing that they had fused
panda skeletal muscle, uterus and mammary gland cells with the eggs of a rabbit

and then coaxed the cloned cells to dene of the most exciting candidates velop into blastocysts in the laboratory.
for endangered-species cloning
A rabbit, of course, is too small to
serve as a surrogate mother for a giant
the giant pandahas not yet been the
panda. Instead ACT and the Chinese
subject of interspecies transfer experiments, but it has beneted from assist- plan to turn to American black bears.
ed reproduction technology. Following As this issue of Scientic American goes
the well-publicized erotic fumblings of to press, ACT is nalizing plans to obthe National Zoos ill-fated panda pair, tain eggs from female black bears killed
the late Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing, the during this autumns hunting season in
San Diego Zoo turned to articial inthe northeastern U.S. Together with the
Chinese, ACT scientists hope to use
semination to make proud parents of
its Bai Yun and Shi Shi. Baby Hua Mei these eggs and frozen cells from the late
was born in August 1999.
Hsing-Hsing or Ling-Ling to generate
Giant pandas are such emblems of en- cloned giant panda embryos that can be


with AICRES and Louisiana State University) and their colleagues announced
the birth of a bongo after moving very
early embryos from a pregnant female
bongo to an eland surrogate mother.
Most of the mountain subspecies of

bongoa medium-size antelope with

vertical white stripeslive in captivity.
According to the World Conservation
UnionIUCN, the mountain bongo is
endangered, with only 50 or so remaining in a small region of Kenya. In contrast, the 1999 Bongo International
Studbook lists nearly 550 mountain
bongo living in zoos throughout the
world. The lowland bongo subspecies
is slightly better off: it is listed as near
threatened and has a population of
perhaps several thousand scattered
throughout central and western Africa.
A coalition of conservation organiza-




An entire skin cell is taken

up into the needle, which is
again punched through the

zona pellucida.

The skin cell is injected underneath the zona pellucida,

where it remains separate
from the egg cytoplasm.

dangered species that the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) uses one in its logo.
According to a census that is now almost 20 years old, fewer than 1,000
pandas remain in their mountainous
habitats of bamboo forest in southwest
China. But some biologists think that
the population might have rebounded a
bit in some areas. The WWF expects to
complete a census of Chinas pandas in

mid-2002 to produce a better estimate.

In the meantime, we at ACT are discussing plans with the government of
China to clone a giant panda. Chinese
scientists have already made strides toward the goal of panda cloning. In

Each injected egg is exposed

to an electric shock that fuses the skin cell with the egg

implanted into a female black bear now

living in a zoo. A research group that includes veterinarians at Bear Country
U.S.A. in Rapid City, S.D., has already
demonstrated that black bears can give
birth to transplanted embryos. They reported the successful birth of a black
bear cub from an embryo transferred
from one pregnant black bear to another
last year in the journal Theriogenology.

The skin cells nucleus, with

its genes, enters the egg cytoplasm. Within a few hours,
the fused cell begins to divide.

tions in the U.S. and Kenya is now planning to send mountain bongo that have
been bred in captivity to two sites in
Kenya. And in a new approach to reintroducing a species, AICRES is working
in Kenya to transfer frozen bongo embryos into eland surrogates. Cloning
could support these efforts and possibly
yield more bongo for reintroduction.
But what about animals that are al-

ready extinct? Chances are slim to nil

vantage of the success with bongo ante- that scientists will soon be able to clone
lope that one of us (Dresser) had while dinosaurs, la Jurassic Park, or woolly
at the Cincinnati Zoo. In 1984 Dresser mammoths. The primary problem is the
and Charles Earle Pope of the Universi- dearth of preserved tissueand hence
ty of Alabama at Birmingham (now
DNA. A group of researchers unearthed
AICRES scientists hope to take ad-

Scientic American

Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.

November 2000



he list of domesticated animals that scientists have

been able to clone so far includes sheep, cattle, goats
and laboratory miceand now, we expect, the gaur.

Compared with that menagerie, youd think that cloning an

ordinary dog or cat would be a snap. Unfortunately, this has
not been the case. Both of our research groups have created
cloned cat embryos and have implanted them into female
cats, but as this article goes to press, neither of our teams has

species. We expect to be able to apply the information we obtain from cloning cats and dogs to preserving endangered felines and canines.
ACT and several other companies now offer pet cloning kits
that veterinarians can use to preserve samples from a clients
pet for possible future cloning. The kits contain materials for
collecting a skin specimen and sending it back to a laboratory.
Research assistants there use the tissue to establish a collection

yet obtained a full-term pregnancy. Dogs

have presented even more problems.
But we anticipate success soon. At Advanced Cell Technology (ACT),we have undertaken a research program that uses cloning
technology to propagate pets as well as service animals such as seeing-eye dogs for the
blind, hearing dogs for the deaf, search-andrescue dogs,and animals used for social therapy. Together with Louisiana State University,
the Audubon Institute has teamed up with a
company called Lazaron BioTechnologies in
Baton Rouge,La.,to clone pet dogs and cats.
A surprising number of people are interested in cloning their favorite deceased pet in
the hope of getting an animal with similar behavioral characteristics.A good deal of a cat or
dogs demeanor is thought to be genetically
determined. Although one can argue that
might soon be cloned. In a new
there are already plenty of cats and dogs in
lm, The 6th Day, grieving pet
the world that need homes, people still use
owners go to a company called
traditional breeding methods to try to reproRePet to copy their animals.
duce a particularly desirable animal. Cloning

could offer a more efcient alternative. It could be particularly

important in the case of service animals.Currently,for instance,
male seeing-eye dogs are neutered at an early age so that they
can concentrate better during their expensive and rigorous
training. So, unfortunately, even if a dog turns out to be very

good at his job, he cant be bred to produce more like him.

Our efforts to clone pets could also pay off for endangered

what they had hoped would be a wellpreserved mammoth last year, but repeated freezing and thawing over the
eons had poked holes in the creatures
DNA, and molecular biologists have
not yet found a feasible way of lling in

such genetic gaps.

A similar difculty has hobbled efforts by Australian scientists to clone a
thylacine, or Tasmanian tiger, a wolike
marsupial that died out in the 1930s.
Researchers at the Australian Museum
in Sydney are attempting to clone cells
from a thylacine pup that was preserved
in alcohol in 1866, but the DNA is in
such poor condition that they say they
will have to reconstruct all of the ani-

mals chromosomes.

The recently extinct bucardo may

prove a more promising target for resur88

Scientic American

of pure, dividing cells called a cell line, which

will be the source of donor cells for cloning.

ACT extracts eggs for the cloning procedure from reproductive tracts taken from animals that have been spayed by veterinarians. We remove the ovaries and carefully
puncture all visible follicles to release the
eggs. Then we collect the eggs and place
them in a specialized maturation medium
that contains hormones, proteins and nutrients. Once fully matured, the eggs are ready
for the nuclear transfer procedure [see illus-

tration on pages 86 and 87].

So far our main focus has been the domestic cat, primarily because its reproductive
physiology has been well studied, and embryo transfers of early- and late-stage embryos have resulted in the birth of live kit-

tens. Both ACT and the Audubon Institute

have been able to establish systems for
prompting cat eggs to mature in the lab and
have consistently produced cloned embryos
that are being transferred to recipients.
But dogs are a different story. The dogs reproductive physiology is unique among mammalian species. Dogs ovulate an
immature egg that has a very long maturation time. This
means that we need a different maturation system from the
one we have used in cats and that we have fewer eggs to work
with in the end. So Fluffy will probably have a leg up on Rover
when it comes to cloning.
R.P.L.,B.L.D.and P.D.

rection. ACT is arranging a collaboration with Alberto Fernndez-Arias and

Jos Folch of the Agricultural Research
Service in Zaragoza, Spain. FernndezArias froze tissue from the last bucardo.
He and Folch had tried for several years
to preserve the mountain goat, which in
the end was wiped out by poaching,
habitat destruction and landslides. Last
year they transferred embryos from a
subspecies related to the bucardo to a
domestic goat, yielding live kids.
But even if interspecies nuclear trans-

fer succeeds for the bucardo, it will yield

only a sorority of clones, because we
have tissue from just one animal, a female. ACT plans to try to make a male
by removing one copy of the X chromosome from one of the female bucardos
cells and using a tiny articial cell called a

November 2000

microsome to add a Y chromosome

from a closely related goat species. The
technology has been used by other researchers to manipulate human chromosomes, but it has never before been used

for cloning. A nonprot organization

called the Soma Foundation has been es-

tablished to help fund such efforts.

Why Clone?

loning endangered species is contro-

versial, but we assert that it has an

important place in plans to manage

species that are in danger of extinction.
Some researchers have argued against it,

maintaining that it would restrict an already dwindling amount of genetic diversity for those species. Not so. We ad-

vocate the establishment of a worldwide

Cloning Noahs Ark

Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.

CEWANPh oenix Pic

T BIOS Peter Arnold,I nc. (top ); ROB M
tures (bott om )

network of repositories to hold frozen

tissue from all the individuals of an endangered species from which it is possible to collect samples. Those cellslike
the sperm and eggs now being collected
in frozen zoos by a variety of zoological parkscould serve as a genetic trust
for reconstituting entire populations of
a given species. Such an enterprise
would be relatively inexpensive: a typical three-foot freezer can hold more
than 2,000 samples and uses just a few
dollars of electricity per year. Currently
only AICRES and the San Diego Zoos
Center for Reproduction of Endangered

Species maintain banks of frozen body

cells that could be used for cloning.

Other critics claim that the practice

could overshadow efforts to preserve

habitat. We counter that while habitat
preservation is the keystone of species
conservation, some countries are too
poor or too unstable to support sustainable conservation efforts. What is more,
the continued growth of the human
species will probably make it impossible
to save enough habitat for some other
species. Cloning by interspecies nuclear
transfer offers the possibility of keeping
the genetic stock of those species on
hand without maintaining populations
in captivity, which is a particularly cost-

CLONING CANDIDATES include (clockwise from upper left) the cheetah, bongo,
giant panda, bucardo, gaur and ocelot.
ly enterprise in the case of large animals.
Another argument against cloning en-

dangered species is that it might siphon

donor money away from habitat maintenance. But not all potential donors are
willing to support efforts to stem the tide
of habitat destruction. We should recognize that some who would otherwise not
donate to preserve endangered species at

all might want to support cloning or

other assisted reproduction technologies.
The time to act is now.

Further Information

The Authors
share an interest in reproductive biology and animals. Lanza is vice
president of medical and scientic development at Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) in Worcester, Mass. He founded the South Meadow
Pond and Wildlife Association in Worcester County and is a member of
the conservation commission of Clinton Township. Dresser is senior
vice president for research at the Audubon Institute and director of the
Audubon Institute Center for Research of Endangered Species and the
Freeport-McMoRan Audubon Species Survival Center, all in New Orleans. Damiani, a research scientist at ACT, is also a member of the In-

ternational Embryo Transfer Societys committee on cryopreservation.

Preservation of Endangered Species and Populations:

A Role for Genome Banking, Somatic Cell Cloning,
and Androgenesis? Graham E. Corley-Smith and Bruce P.
Brandhorst in Molecular Reproduction and Development,
Vol. 53, No. 3, pages 363367; July 1999.
Biodiversity Hotspots for Conservation Priorities.Norman Myers, Russell A. Mittermeier, Cristina G. Mittermeier,
Gustavo A. B. da Fonseca and Jennifer Kent in Nature, Vol.
403, No. 6772, pages 853858; February 24, 2000.
Vanishing before Our Eyes. E. O. Wilson in Time (special
report on Earth Day 2000), pages 2934; AprilMay 2000.

Scientic American

Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc.

November 2000


Left to right,clock wise:GERRY ELLIS

M inden Pictures ( cheetah); CHARLES.ANGEL
O P hoto Researchers
,I nc. (bongo);FR ANS LANTING
M inden Pictures ( giant panda);
OSI P eter Arnold,Inc. (buc ardo); ROLAND SEITRE
P eter Arnold,Inc. ( gaur); MAR TIN WENDLER
P eter Arnold,Inc. (ocelot )

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