Productivity Quality Management Notes What Quality
Productivity Quality Management Notes What Quality
Productivity Quality Management Notes What Quality
This question has been debated for many years and varies considerably even with the
quality experts (as outlined in the comparison tables below). For certain, the experts
agree, the outcome affects all businesses today and will continue to do so in the future.
(note: this comparison was originally based on
an article published in the "Quality" magazine, May 1992)
J.M. Juran
P. Crosby
Basic orientation
toward quality
What is quality?
Nonfaulty systems
Conformance to
Who is responsible
for quality?
Importance of
requirements as
Very important
Very important;
Very important
customers at each
step of product life
Goal of quality
improvement; zero
Methods for
achieving quality
Statistical; constancy of
purpose; continual
cooperation between
Cost of quality;
quality trilogy:
planning, control,
14-point framework;
Chief elements of
14-point program
projects; quality
council; quality
14-step program;
cost of quality;
quality management
"maturity grid"
Role of training
For additional
The W. Edwards
details, see web site: Deming Institute
Juran Institute
A.V. Felgenbaum
G. Taguchi
Basic orientation
toward quality
Technical, proactive
What is quality?
What customer
says it is
Customer's performance
Importance of
requirements as
Very important
Very important
Very important
Goal of quality
Methods for
achieving quality
Chief elements of
Eight dimensions of
product quality:
features, reliability,
perceived quality
Statistical and
Statistical design of
experiments; quality teams
methods across the
Role of training
For additional
details, see web
For additional details, see this Total Quality Management quick summary..
Many of the current theories on increasing productivity have come from Japanese
industry. Japan, in turn, was inspired by the writings of an American called W Edwards
Deming (1900-1993). Demings approach was to focus management on the creation of
quality. To do this, he encouraged organisations to identify and remove barriers to
achieving quality, often empowering the workers to improve the production process
The Personnel factor
HR and training can be critical to implementing initiatives and realising successful
improvements in productivity. To begin with, a happy workforce is more productive.
Second, personnel policy can encourage productivity through incentive schemes such as
performance-related pay or continuous improvement tools such as knowledge
management schemes. Effective and continuous training is vital if the UKs managers are
to improve their performance.
However, incentivitising employees to work within an inefficient system simply
promotes more waste. Therefore, achieving real improvements in productivity entails
critically appraising every aspect of the workplace, examining each function and
challenging why work is done this way. To be totally effective the entire workforce
should be open and ready for change. It is up to HR to create the right atmosphere for this
to take place.
General initiatives to enhance productivity can include:
- Waste reduction: The identification and elimination of waste in all forms and from all
parts of the production process.
- Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing: Ensuring exact and sufficient resources are available
at every stage in the production process.
- Continuous improvement: Introducing new initiatives of any size or nature - whenever
and wherever they can contribute.
- Lean management: An approach to managing people and resources to maximise
productivity. Toyotas production technique boiled this down to 10 points - eliminate
waste, minimise inventory, maximise flow, pull production from customer demand, meet
customer requirements, do it right the first time, empower workers, design for rapid
changeover, partner with suppliers, and create a culture of continuous improvement.
Toyotas specific productivity initiatives include:
- Kanban - a term associated with JIT manufacturing. This is a signal which triggers the
supply of a resource. Rather than stockpiling, resources are supplied only when demand
is registered.
- Seven Wastes - areas where an organisation compromises its productivity: Overproduction, transportation, motion, waiting, processing, inventory and defects. Toyotas
Just in Time system tackled overproduction and effectively resolved problems in all other
areas since overproduction can include all the other wastes.
- S5 or Cando - acronym for Clear up, Arranging, Neatness, Discipline and Ongoing
improvement in the workplace. Inspired by a Rudyard Kipling poem, some of these
concepts have been used in the workplace since the early 20th Century (for example, the
Ford Motor Company was cleaning up continuously back in the 1930s). S5 relates to the
Japanese words for the same concepts (they all begin with the letter S).
- Smed - Single Minute Exchange of Dies. By analysing the process required to
changeover the tools used on a machine, Japanese engineer Shigeo Shingo was able to
reduce the time spent on this operation from hours to minutes, thereby increasing the time
the machine was in productive use.
Whos on board? / Key players
The Government has been researching the issue of productivity for the past few years and
is adapting policy as they see fit. Their research has had the backing of the DTI. The TUC
also sees productivity as an issue and has initiatives dedicated to enhancing industrial
relationships to improve productivity.
Contemporary productivity theory and practice grew from the automobile industry in
Japan, with Toyota and Nissan among the leading players. Nissans Sunderland plant set a
new European productivity record in 2000 with 122 cars per employee. Dell Computers
and Boeing Aircraft have also implemented lean management techniques, and initiatives
have even entered the service sector where Enterprise Resource Planning has helped to
ensure consultants spend the majority of their time engaged in high value activities.
Essential reading:
Out of the Crisis (1986) by W. Edwards Deming. Includes Demings 14 Points for
The Deming Management Method: The Complete Guide to Quality Management (1992)
by W. Edwards Deming.
Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation (1996) by James
Womack and David Jones.
Kanban: Just in Time at Toyota (1989) by J.L. David.