Dossani Software y Globalizacion Paper10!01!06
Dossani Software y Globalizacion Paper10!01!06
Dossani Software y Globalizacion Paper10!01!06
Rafiq Dossani
Stanford University
Martin Kenney
University of California, Davis, and
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy
This paper has been prepared for the National Academy of Engineering Workshop on the
Offshoring of Engineering: Facts, Myths, Unknowns and Implications, October 24-25, 2006,
Washington DC.
Introduction, p.1
The Historical Development of the Software Industry, p.3
The Offshoring of Software Production, p. 7
Case Studies of Offshoring Product Development by U.S. Firms to India, p.12
A Theoretical Framework of the Drivers of Software Offshoring, p.17
Concluding Thoughts on the Impact of Software Offshoring on Employment,
Innovation and Policy, p.19.
The offshoring of software development is over three decades old and has been at the leading
edge of the offshoring of information technology services. Over the past decade, the pace of
offshoring has dramatically increased due in large part to new communication technologies and
the opening up of India. This report discusses the evolution of softwares globalizing supplychain. It argues that high value-added work will be an increasingly large component of
offshored software development in the future. We discuss the implications of this for
employment and innovation in developed countries.
Section 1.
Software exporting firms located in India employed 513,000 persons as of 2005; in the US, 2.6
m persons were employed in software production and related occupations. In 1995, the
comparable numbers were 27,500 and 1.5 m.1 Even as the centrality of information technology
in the operation of the US economy is evident from the rise in US software employment, these
statistics are telling of the substantial globalization of the software industry that is under way.
Further, while its end state is unknown, it is clear that developing countries are integral to the
globalization process.
A lively discussion about globalizations impact on the software industrys employment and
productivity is under way. A report published in 2006 by the Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM, 2006) notes that attracted by available talent, work quality and most of all
low cost, companies in high-wage countries, such as the United States and United Kingdom, are
increasingly offshoring software and software service work to these low-wage countries. (p.19)
The report concuded that the globalization of, and offshoring within, the software industry will
continue and, in fact, increase. (p.13).
These findings suggest dramatic impacts for software-related employment in developed
countries. If software development overseas increases in quantity and, especially, in scope to
cover the most highly-skilled work, unemployment of skilled software engineers in developed
countries is a likely outcome (Hira and Hira 2005). The ACM report notes that higher-value
work is already shifting in some fields of software, such as computing research (p.155, also
Dossani (2006)). The reports primary recommendation is that developed nations urgently
develop policies to foster innovation through continuing investment in education and research
and development (p.12).
For theorists such as Bhagwati and Mankiw (eg, Bhagwati et. al. (2004), Mankiw and Swagel
(2006)), the globalization of the software industry is little other than evidence that many services
are now tradeable, whereas earlier they were not. Like all trade, they argue that this has positive
implications for the US economy. They argue that workers in the services sector of developed
nations will shift to work in which they have a comparative advantage, so that full employment
in the long-term is assured. As Mankiw and Swagel (2006, p.4) note, Economists see
outsourcing (actually, offshoring: authors note) as simply a new form of international trade,
which as usual creates winners and losers, but involves gains to overall productivity and
In contrast, as Samuelson (2004) has noted, these gains can be captured by developing countries;
and Baumol and Gomory (2000) have argued that nationally located high-growth industries are
important for national growth because of their spillover effects on overall productivity.
There is no comprehensive empirical evidence on software offshoring, in part because, as is
widely conceded, the quality of data is poor (See Figure 1). From what we know of
macroeconomic data, it appears that there is no systematic evidence yet of significant high-value
job losses due to services offshoring. As noted in NAPA (2005), The number of jobs impacted
(by services offshoring) appears relatively small, when compared to total annual job losses in the
United States. (p.50).
Other empirical work offers indirect evidence in support. Mann (2006) shows that elasticity of
demand for US exports of services is lower than for US imports of services (p.115). If
applicable to software, this would imply that the industrys globalization could have positive
implications for the US balance of payments. Landefeld and Mataloni (2004) show that the share
of imports from subsidiaries of US-based multinationals to the parent (as a percentage of sales)
did not rise between 1997 and 2001. They also find that job creation by multinationals
expanding overseas is no different from overall job creation.
According to Hanson et. al. (2001), the evidence from manufacturings offshoring shows a
positive, complementary effect on American jobs from high-value offshoring and a negative,
substitution effect from low-value offshoring. If applicable to software, the export of low-end
work, such as programming, could reduce industry jobs because the largest number of man hours
in any software project is in programming. Mann (2006), citing BLS data, notes that 6 of the 20
most rapidly growing jobs in the decade 2004-2014 are in software (including network systems
and data communications analysts and administrators, and software applications and systems
engineers). For computer programmers, however, the rate of growth is projected to be below
that of the economy as a whole. This may not be all bad news for employment in the software
industry. If programmers can shift, with some training, to computer engineering, then they can
leverage the programming work being done overseas. This appears to be happening (Dossani,
These sectoral arguments provide little insight into the developments within software and
provide no evidence that the software industry will continue at full employment despite
offshoring. Nor does it tell us which types of jobs in software will remain onshore and their
impact on productivity. Meanwhile, what is clear at the level of the firm is that the necessity of
undertaking software development at a particular location is, in many cases, being eroded. This
could mean that, over time, the software industry will shift to lower-cost countries like India or
China, which will capture the economic gains of software offshoring.
Nevertheless, what is true for existing firms is not necessarily true for the evolution of an
industry. The history of technological changes suggests that new opportunities will emerge and
the software industry in developed nations could reinvent itself to a higher value-added path,
even as existing firms move increasing portions of current operations offshore. These new
opportunities depend on the pace and location of innovation. This could be affected by the
development of clusters of technical excellence offshore, such as may be happening in
Bangalore, Beijing of Shanghai. Or, it may be, as many scholars have argued (eg., Apte and
Mason (1995)) that the need for proximity to understand consumer needs will be the determining
factor in locating innovation. Or if, because of their more open economies and better educational
system, US firms innovate at a pace that keeps them ahead of China and India, then the
American software industry can thrive by keeping the highest value-added work onshore and
offshoring the rest.
We, therefore, argue that to predict the ultimate outcome requires an understanding of the
software industry and its evolving supply-chain. This is the task of the present chapter, which
proceeds as follows:
Section 2 provides a historical overview of the developments that led to the offshoring of the
software industry, with a focus on the developments in India. Section 3 provides a theoretical
framework with which to analyze how higher value-added work may be offshored. Section 4
discusses the impact of software offshoring on employment and innovation in the US and other
developed countries and the policy implications.
Section 2
began computer consulting services. (2) In 1969, IBM decided to unbundle its mainframe
operating system, applications software and hardware by creating open standards. Subsequently,
some end-user firms set up inhouse software development and maintenance operations (column
B below) while others outsourced the work (columns C E). The resulting ISV businesses are
shown in Table 4 below.
Columns A to E above are not intended to describe mutually exclusive choices. For example, a
firm might purchase system level software products while developing its own applications.
The columns are arranged by sequentially dominant work-types over the decade, starting with
the shift from external data processing and managed services (Column A) to inhouse hardware
at the start of the decade. Initially, firms developed their own software (B). As the 1970s
progressed, hardware and software became more complex making inhouse software development
and management more difficult. This led to the outsourcing of system integration (C) and then
to the sourcing of system level and applications products (D). The move to outsourcing
customized applications (E) was due to the failure of industry specific products to meet the needs
of the more sophisticated users, particularly the large banks (Steinmuller, 1996, p. 30).
In the 1980s, the PC was invented. The Wintel standard became established by the mid-1980s,
leading to a decline in hardware prices and rising demand for applications. Unlike mainframes,
the PC was for retail users (both individuals and small firms) who were reliant on product
software. The PC of the 1980s lacked both the programming capacity and performance needed
by mid-size and large enterprises. Hence, it had no impact on the custom software business.
However, it spawned the creation of a mass market for retail product software.
The workstation, introduced in the early 1980s, had many end-uses, but could also be used for
stand-alone programming for mainframes. The widespread adoption of Unix as the operating
system for all computers, jointly with the workstation (in short, the U-W standard),
revolutionized the ISV industry. An ISV could now own a workstation made by any
manufacturer, yet write programs for a client whose installed hardware might be of a different
brand (even a mainframe). In other words, software creation became platform independent or
modularized3 from the hardware component. With the simultaneous widespread adoption of C
as the programming language, the other functions of software creation, such as system
architecture, design and integration could be done separately from the programming, thus
modularizing the programming component and enabling its remote production. Programming
could now be done anywhere in the world by programmers whose only raw material, apart from
a workstation, was a specified software system, i.e., the programmers did not need to know
which firms hardware the program would work on and even the type of application the program
was intended to support. In the 1990s, the success of database software packages further
simplified the creation of applications software. The platform independence that arose from the
U-W standard, combined with the rise in demand for custom software by small firms, resulted in
a large custom software industry.
The workstation also had sophisticated graphics and the computational capacity needed by small
enterprises. Such firms shifted from outsourcing data processing services to running their own
workstations. By the end-80s, the first workstation-based local area networks were established
and increased the demand for more sophisticated software for running such networks and for
applications compatible with networked users.
In the 1990s, the rising computing power and declining cost of the PC improved its capacity to
program in Unix/C. The PC, therefore, replaced the workstation as the hardware platform for
programming. Later in the decade, the success of PC-based networks increased the accessibility
of applications to many more users within the enterprise.
The spread of the Internet from the late 1990s was driven by declining bandwidth and storage
costs. The Internet provided a platform for networked development of software, and software
installation, hosting and maintenance. This influenced the location of data, which moved away
from servers located at the premises of the enterprise to remote data centers. The Internet also
significantly reduced the cost of collaboration among remote teams. These factors further
reduced the need for proximity.
Since the Internet has become established, several new models of preparing and delivering
software have appeared. These include service-oriented architecture that provides a standardsbased environment for sharing services, independent of development technologies and platforms;
network-based access to and maintenance of software (software-as-a-service); and open source
software, i.e., software based on non-proprietary code, whose development relies on the
voluntary contributions of networked developers. With the exception of the Linux open-source
operating system software, whose market share of webserver operating systems is believed to be
about a third, although it is less than 2% of all operating systems, these have not impacted the
existing models of software development.4
The first four columns in the table below summarize the main changes in the software services
industry in the U.S. and the driving forces reviewed above. The latter two columns display the
parallel developments in the Indian and Israeli software industries.
Section 2.1
American IT firms began to offshore software development to India, Ireland and Israel (the 3 Is)
in the 1970s, about a decade after offshoring IT hardware manufacturing. Siwek and FurchgottRoth (1993, p. 93-4) suggest that the delay was because, unlike manufacturing, software
development was more closely linked to customer requirements and required close coordination
within the firm.
The widespread knowledge of English and relatively low labor costs were common attractions
of the 3 Is although small domestic markets and the lack of domain knowledge (less so for
Israel, see below) were common disadvantages. Subsequently, starting in the 1990s, many other
countries exported software to developed countries, notably China, several countries in Eastern
Europe, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, the Philippines and Vietnam (see Table 5 below). (Sahay, et. al,
2003, Arora and Gambardella, 2005). However, China and Brazil mainly produce software
services for the domestic market, Ireland develops products and services for Europe, although
much of it is localization of US software products. Russia, the Philippines and Vietnam are, like
India, primarily producers of software services for export, although Russia exports mostly to
Europe while the others export mostly to the US. Israel is the only producer of software
products for the US and global markets. (See Table 6)
Of the above, the significant producers of offshored software, i.e., for global markets, are India
and Israel, while Ireland is the most significant producer of localization products and services.
Israel focuses on software products for the global market while India focuses on custom software
for the global market.
In Ireland, policymakers offered incentives for global software firms only in the late 1970s
following Irelands entry into the EC in 1973 (Enterprise Ireland, and Torrisi, 2002, p. 17).
Software offshoring began in the 1980s, and followed hardware offshoring, which had begun in
the early 1970s (Torrisi, 2002, p.17). It was begun and continues to be dominated by
American transnational corporations (TNCs) that use Ireland as a low value-added packaging
gateway into Europe for their software products (Torrisi, ibid, p.18) and account for about 90%
of software exports (Arora et al., 2001, p. 7).5
An indigenous software sector has developed since the 1990s, initially providing support
services for the MNCs but subsequently developing products for the European telecom and
finance sectors. In 2003, the indigenous sector employed 40% of the total (Sands, 2005, p.44).
Israels software industry grew out of its successful hardware industry that was established by
American TNCs, in the 1960s. For example, Motorolas first offshore manufacturing subsidiary
was set up in Israel in 1964 (Ariav and Goodman, 1994, quoted in Sahay,, 2003, p.15)
Israeli policymakers offered incentives for global software firms in the early 1970s, helping to
induce TNC entry (Torrisi, 2002, p.18). These TNCs used local programmers initially for
software product maintenance and later for R&D. Domestic software firms were also
established due to a growing domestic market from the local military-industrial complex. The
work focused on writing product software and on R&D. Much of the labor force had earlier
worked in the defence industry. In the 1980s, domestic software startups, funded by
government research contracts, were established. Initially, they provided software services to the
defence industry and later developed security software products for global markets. This trend
continued into the 1990s with support from global VC firms. (Teubal, 2002, p.166). TNCs
currently account for about 25% of total employment in the IT industry and the industrys
growth is driven by local firms producing software products for export markets (Torrisi, ibid, p.9
and 18). The three largest software firms are product firms that jointly account for 60% of the
industrys revenue (compiled from Bresnitz in Arora & Gambardella, 2005, p.77).
Thus, from the above, it appears that the significant growth in offshoring to global markets is
primarily occurring in India. The rest of this section, therefore, focuses on the Indian software
industry. (See Table 8.)
Unlike Ireland and Israel, where government policy was an important incentive to induce entry,
the Indian software began during a time when Indian policy was appropriately described as
statist, protectionist and regulatory. (Rubin, 1985) An industrial licensing regime and state-
owned banks were used to strictly regulate private sector activity. In IT, the state was the main
producer of products and services. Its strategy was to create national champion state-owned
enterprises (Sridharan, 1996). These were granted monopolies.
A key protectionist policy was the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act of 1973 (FERA-1973).
Under FERA-1973, a foreign firm could operate in India only with a minority interest (foreign
ownership was restricted to 40%). Many foreign firms closed their Indian operations, including
firms as diverse as Coca-Cola and IBM (which supplied hardware and software for local
markets), citing concerns about the protection of intellectual property. FERA-1973 thus closed
the door to software development by TNCs.
Domestic firms discovered an innovative solution to benefit from global opportunities for ISVs.
Since software development could not come to India, Indian programmers went to developed
countries. It began in 1974 with the mainframe manufacturer, Burroughs, asking its India sales
agent, Tata Consultancy Services, to supply programmers for installing system software for a
U.S. client (Ramadorai, 2002). Other firms followed, including foreign IT firms that formed
FERA-1973 compatible joint ventures.6 Initially, the exported programmers worked for global
IT firms. Later in the decade, as IBMs total global market share increased, end-users such as
banks used Indian firms to convert existing applications software into IBM-compatible versions.
The state remained hostile or, at best, indifferent to the software industry through the 1970s.
Import tariffs were high (135% on hardware and 100% on software) and software was not
considered an industry, so that exporters were ineligible for bank finance. Even opening an
overseas sales office was disallowed until 1979 (Ramadorai, 2002).
Protectionism hampered learning thus preventing movement up the value-chain. Programmers
returning from overseas assignments were the main source of learning about new opportunities,
but their short duration typically less than a year limited the depth of the learning
(Ramadorai, 2002). Also, many chose to remain overseas after completing their assignments. As
a result, the activity of the industry during its first decade consisted of little other than
recruitment of engineers.
The anti-private sector policies of the state actually favored established private conglomerates
who could access finance more easily than small firms. As a result, Mumbai, the countrys
commercial capital, became the center of the business. 7 of the top 8 exporters in 1980 were
headquartered in Mumbai with a 90% market share (see the Table 9 below).
The industrys activities changed in the mid-1980s with the global industrys adoption of the UW standard. As we have discussed above, programming was modularized as a result.
The state also at that time began a gradual abandonment of its protectionist, anti-TNC stance.
The New Computer Policy of 1984 was a key element. NCP-1984 consisted of a package of
reduced import tariffs on hardware and software (reduced to 60%), recognition of software
exports as a delicensed industry, i.e., henceforth eligible for bank finance but not subject to the
intrusive licensing regime (Heeks, 1996, p. 44-5), permission for foreign firms to set up whollyowned, export-dedicated units and a project to set up a chain of software parks that would offer
infrastructure at below-market costs. In 1985, all export revenue (including software exports)
was exempted from income-tax.
The new policies led to considerable new entry by TNCs, who introduced new businesses and
new business models. Some TNCs did R&D and wrote product software using cross-country
teams (such as Texas Instruments and Hewlett Packard), others wrote custom software for
inhouse use, again using cross-country teams (such as ANZ Bank and Citigroup). The TNCs
thus replicated successful approaches used by them in other environments, such as Ireland and
Israel (see above, this section). However, facing daunting communications costs and intrusive
regulation (Parthasarathy, 2000), the product-focused TNCs remained small, although the initial
entrants, such as Texas Instruments, were important in persuading the government to improve
the infrastructure.7 Domestic firms that sought to imitate the TNC product-software model, such
as Wipro, also failed, due to the weakness of domestic markets as a source of domain expertise
(Athreye, 2005) and the absence of a venture capital industry. In consequence, product
development accounted for less than 5% of exports by 1990 (Heeks, 1996, p. 88-89) and reached
only 8% by 1999 (Nasscom, 2002, p.28).
However, the combination of the U-W standard and lower costs engendered a successful new
business model, pioneered by TCS. Domestic firms began to supply software programs coded
entirely in India, while relying on a foreign co-vendor for program design and specification.
This approach succeeded because it matched the expertise of Indian firms (programming) with
that of overseas vendors (client understanding, design and intregration) and because it reduced
costs by keeping programmers at home although the decline in the personnel dispatched
overseas was initially slow.8 Indian firms thus shifted from exporting programmers to
programming outsourced custom software in India. The shift, though gradual, induced
considerable entry by domestic firms. The number of software firms went from 35 in 1984 to
700 in 1990 and the share of smaller firms rose (Table 7).
The shift for the first time raised the amount and standards of the required physical infrastructure
in India. This marked a turning point in the development of Bangalore as a center for software
development, as real estate costs were cheaper than Mumbai. This induced several new firms,
including Infosys and Wipro (Premji, 2003), to locate to Bangalore. The first software
technology park under NCP-1984, with assured supply of electricity and telecommunications
bandwidth, was located in Bangalore.
Bangalores other advantages over competing locations included low labor costs and, unlike
Mumbai and Delhi, with histories of large firms and labor militancy, Bangalore had small
companies that were relatively free of union troubles (Heitzman, 1999, p. 6). Further, Bangalore
is located at the center of the four southern states, Karnataka (whose capital is Bangalore), Tamil
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, which together produce 52% of Indias engineering
graduates. Bangalores best known academic institution was the elite Indian Institute of
Science (IIS), which had been established in 1909. While most of its graduates and research
were directed towards the public sector, some of these, if indirectly, helped Bangalores
development in software.
This was because the government had earlier chosen Bangalore to
locate several high technology SOEs, thus creating a trained labor force (Balasubramanyam, et.
al., 2000, p. 351) although, according to some industry observers, the quality of the labor force
was dubious and provided only a small percentage of the software industrys needs (Ramadorai,
2002). The biggest success from IIS was Wipro Technologies, Indias 3rd largest software
exporter. It was founded at IIS by a group of engineers working under Ashok Soota, an
academic at IIS (Parthasarathy, 2003).
Policy reforms in the 1990s and 2000 reduced import tariffs to near zero9 and standardized
foreign ownership, intellectual property protection, venture capital, stockmarket listing and
telecommunications policies to global best practices. In addition, technological changes
during this period, particularly the Internet, led to a sharp decline in data storage and
transmission costs. These changes induced a new round of entry of TNCs, particularly foreign
outsourcers, and US-based startups and opened new opportunities for existing firms in remote
software services, such as email management and remote software maintenance (Table 4).
Interestingly, the TNCs initially adopted the domestic firms approach of focusing on
programming only, i.e., they adopted the TCS-pioneered remote programming method. This was
for both inhouse product development by firms such as TI, Agilent, HP, Oracle and GE, as well
as services by firms such as ANZ Bank, ABN Amro Bank, Accenture, IBM and Dell. TNCs and
foreign startups overwhelmingly chose Bangalore for their IT operations (Naidu, 2006).
The entry of TNCs and overseas startups, over time, led to a rising sophistication of work done
in India. As shown in the table below, the share of routine programming work and maintenance
accounted for 68.9% of total export revenue in 2001. By 2005, this had fallen to 58.5%. During
this period, the share of foreign firms in total revenue rose from 14.5% to 31%. We argue that
the relationship was causal, i.e., the declining share of routine work was caused by the entry of
foreign firms doing more sophisticated work.10
As the share of routine programming work declined, the share of engineering services, research
and development and product development rose from 8% in 1999 to 23% in 2005 (Nasscom,
2002, p.28 and Nasscom, 2006, p.47). Of course, several domestic firms also do high-end work.
Wipro, the third largest domestic firm, has 14,000 employees providing contract R&D services
and filed 68 US patents on behalf of overseas clients in 2005 (Premji, 2006). (See Table 10.)
Although no comprehensive study of value-added work in offshored software development has
been done, evidence from case studies supports the sectoral data above. We present some
studies below. From their experiences, it appears that the key domestic constraints in doing
higher value-added work appear to be the recruitment and retention of qualified persons and
small domestic markets. The former in turn derive from earlier problems with educational policy
and minimal university-industry interactions (Parthasarathi and Joseph, 2002, p.32). Until
recently, faculty at even the best engineering institutions, almost all of which are public
universities, were not required to do research. Those that chose to do so faced, according to the
governments own reckoning, severe problems: obsolescence of facilities and infrastructure are
experienced in many institutions the IT infrastructure and the use of IT in technical
institutions is woefully inadequate the barest minimum laboratory facilities are available in
many of the institutions and very little research activity is undertaken engineering institutes
have not succeeded in developing strong linkages with industry the curriculum offered is
outdated and does not meet the needs of the labor market (Ministry of HRD, 2001, Sections
2.1.2-2.1.6). The best students often migrate (Siwek and Furchtgott-Roth, 1993, p.140),
although, with increasing opportunities at home, this is likely to lessen.
Small domestic markets have also limited the ability to move up the value-chain. As Rosenberg
and Mowery (1978) have argued in a more general context, vendors become technologically
sophisticated through understanding customer preferences. DCosta (2002a, p.705) has
criticized the Indian software industrys dependence on exports, arguing that international
outsourcing of software, though commercially lucrative, discouraged firms from doing more
complex projects at home because excessive dependence on outsourcing limits the synergy
between vibrant domestic and foreign markets.
Section 2.2
For purposes of this discussion, we consider software product development by two types of
firms, (1) Startups and (2) Established firms. The former are dependent on venture capital and
tend to be staffed very tightly. For startups, offshoring leads to high coordination costs as a
share of total costs. The latter have established sources of revenue, a more reliable labor pool
and, often, an interest in establishing a base in China or India for accessing domestic markets.
and may choose to use offshoring as a non-integral part of product development, for purposes
such as product upgrades or second generation product maintenance. Both types are known to
use outsourcing as a strategy rather than do the work inhouse, despite concerns about the
protection of intellectual property, labor force control and management efficiency (Mukerji,
2006). Offshoring of product development (including engineering and R&D services), whether
outsourced or done inhouse was estimated to be a $ 8 bn industry in 2005 (Nasscom, 2006, p.96)
or about 4% of the software product industry. In 2005, India was the largest participant,
generating revenue of $3.9 bn in this segment, followed by Israel, with $750 m.11
Case Study: Agilent Technologies12
Agilent, a maker of test and measurement equipment, chose India as a base for software
development in 2001. Its choice of India was based on the potential talent pool, and on the
judicial system, which it deemed mature, favorable intellectual protection rules compared with
other developing countries in Asia and mature management talent. Concerns about IP
protection and managerial control drove its choice to do most of the work inhouse rather than
outsource (some software maintenance and programming work was outsourced). To manage
these concerns and also concerns about reversibility of work in the event of failure, all offshored
operations had a six month overlap in staffing between the US and India.
The work began with simple activities and moved to more complex activities over time(see
Figure 2). The engineering services group was the first user of the Indian operations. The initial
work done was to provide parts lists to customers worldwide and data entry for the CAD group
in the US. Over time, most support services were moved to the Indian operations.
In early 2002, the second user within Agilent, the communications solutions group, established a
10-person team to automate test suites for one of Agilents projects, Netexpert. However, a lack
of coordination between the Indian and US teams led to the initial failure of this experiment.
Increasing the time allocated for coordination and introducing a quality enhancement program in
the Indian operations led to an improvement. By 2005, the development and maintenance of
Agilents EDA software products were being done jointly by multi-country teams located in both
the US and India.
Case Study: Broadcom
Broadcom, a Silicon Valley based fabless chip firm, acquired an India operation through the
acquisition of Armedia Labs. The Silicon Valley based Armedia Labs was founded in 1997 to
develop a single-chip (popularly, system-on-a-chip, or SOC) solution for HDTV. From its
inception, work in Silicon Valley was tightly integrated with its Bangalore subsidiary, except for
market development, for which the Silicon Valley team took responsibility (Khare, 2006). This
meant that all other work, such as design and developing the embedded software and libraries
were shared. When Broadcom acquired Armedia in 1999, its 25 person Indian subsidiary
became Broadcom India. Broadcom expanded the team and brought in complementary
technology for SOC work, such as in graphics and digital conversion and processing. By 2006,
the team in Bangalore had grown to 190 persons. Employees were, as in the firms San Jose
offices, divided into functional teams and each functional team was part of a global team that
consisted of engineers in San Jose and Irvine, USA, Israel, Andover MA and Singapore.
As of 2006, the process of product development is driven by the Engineering Director of the
project, based in San Jose, working with the marketing team, based in Irvine. The team members
might consist at any one time of over 100 people located in various places. These travel as
needed across the various locations. The final chip integration design (tapeout), which may take
upto two months is always done at one location because of the need for close coordination. This
initially used to be either San Jose or Irvine, but is increasingly done in Bangalore. Early in the
chip development process, one of these three locations takes the lead.
The logic for allowing Bangalore to share the lead position in product development, a status not
granted to other locations (including Broadcoms offices in Andover, Israel and Singapore), is
that of scale and capability. The Indian team had, between 2003 and 2005, filed for 140 US
patents and been granted 10 patents. From 2006 onwards, the firm expected that the Indian team
would be granted a 25 to 30 patents annually. According to Khare, this compared well with
optimal US patent rates.
Interestingly, despite the progress with the Bangalore team, proximity still matters in some cases.
Once a chip has been fully designed, i.e., after tapeout, software libraries and firmware are
needed to accommodate the specific requirements of different types of customers. These may
also change considerably during and after the products first release. Understanding customer
needs was found difficult to undertake from Bangalore (Khare, 2006). Hence, in the event that
the project is led by Bangalore, one member of the Bangalore team is located in the US on an
8-week rotation after the first release and until maturity.
Khare notes that the main locational challenge is that it takes time to build respect across teams
and that building a large enough team for chip development can take time due to the high level of
skills needed. By comparison with Silicon Valley, where building a 100 person skilled team of
ASIC designers might take upto 18 months, a similar time frame in India would generate a
considerably less-skilled team. To improve skill levels, Broadcom India also recruits engineers
from the US, mostly of Indian origin, as a result of which about 5% of its Indian workforce are
expatriates of Indian origin. The Indian recruits initially were experienced engineers hired away
from competitors, but due to low attrition, Broadcom Indias average work experience per
engineer has crossed nine years, enabling it to recruit from universities and to offer internships to
university students.
The payoffs of this hybrid approach are: (a) lower costs in India despite expatriate recruitment,
averaging one third of US costs; (b) growing center of expertise in Broadcom India and in
Bangalore in embedded software and very large chip development.
Case Study: Hellosoft
Hellosoft is a Silicon Valley startup established in 2000 and funded by U.S., Taiwanese, and
Indian venture capitalists. It provides high-performance communications intellectual property
for VoIP and wireless devices. It was intended from the beginning that the firm would use
Indian engineers to create the firms intellectual property. All R&D is undertaken in a subsidiary
located in Hyderabad, India that employs over 100 digital signal-processing engineers (Hellosoft
2005). The Hyderabad center develops software for advanced cell phones and networking
technologies. Marketing and sales operate from its San Jose headquarters.
Case study: Ketera Technologies13
Ketera provides inventory management software on-demand, i.e., software-as-a-service and is
headquartered in Santa Clara, CA. As of 2005, it had 150 employees worldwide. Its objective of
using India was to both cut costs and speed up time-to-market. In 2002, it began a relationship
with an Indian vendor. Headcount with the vendor peaked at 105 in June 2004. The engineers
in the India operations worked on software development and more mundane tasks, such as
configuring the software for customers and other support services.
The relationship with the vendor was unsatisfactory: the engineers provided were relatively
unproductive and had high attrition rates. The US operation added to the problem: it was
understaffed as a result of the 2001-2003 downturn, so that there was only one architect for about
eighty engineers.
In late 2004, the firm created its Indian subsidiary and transferred the work in phases, beginning
with software development. It also decided to undertake product management from India. To
ease the coordination problems, it added staff in the US.
It took about nine months for Ketera to hire 75 engineers in Bangalore. Coordination was key to
raising value-addition. For example, the work of product management was divided between the
US and India teams, the US team taking responsibility for market requirements and the India
teams converting those into product specifications.
A key challenge in new product development remains that of measuring team productivity.
Unlike well-specified software, where productivity can be measured by error rates or lines of
code, in a new product release, there is always a new level of complexity associated with it
(Shah, 2005), making measurement difficult.
Case Study: Netscaler14
Netscaler was founded in 1998 to redesign a specific piece of infrastructure used in regulating
Internet traffic flow. After Netscaler developed the product, Netscaler found that it needed to add
other features to attract customers unsure about moving from legacy products to their product.
Netscaler understood that it could increase the acceptance of its product if it could offer greater
functionality. Because Netscaler was constrained financially and needed to cut costs, in 2001 it
hired an Indian outsourcing firm, NodeInfoTech, to help develop the new features.
The success with this contract convinced Netscaler to establish Netscaler India. To staff the new
operation, Netscaler hired many of the developers from NodeInfoTech (Tillman and Blasgen
2005). In 2004 Netscaler India employed approximately 60 engineers to develop other features
and had plans to grow to 200 total employees in 2005 (Hindu Business Line, 2004), when it was
purchased by Citrix Systems for $300 million.
The reason Netscaler formed a subsidiary rather than continue with outsourcing was to increase
the number and sophistication of projects done in India and encourage tighter engineering
integration (Tillman and Blasgen 2005). After its initial foray into India, Netscaler offshored
high value work to its subsidiary, and outsourced some lower-level engineering support to local
Indian vendors. Having Indian and US internal engineering teams made it possible for Netscaler
to provide all levels of support 24 hours a day. As the Indian team grew, it became feasible to
add a technical writer in India to provide software documentation to complement the one in the
Case Study: Tensilica15
Tensilica is a Silicon Valley startup established in 1997. It has 120 employees worldwide. The
firm develops and licenses its embedded processor technology to system-on-a-chip suppliers.
The downturn of 2001 in the context of growing demand for Tensilicas products led the firm to
consider shifting second-generation work, such as adding features and improving product
reliability, to India, thus freeing up expensive US-based engineer resources for new product
development. To save on initial set-up costs, the firm decided to begin working with a vendor,
eInfochips, and then transfer the work to a subsidiary over time. The firm was also concerned
that it lacked a brand name in India to be able to recruit the best talent.
The initial work was the addition of features to an existing product, such as improving the
graphical user interface. An experiment with also doing quality assurance work was
unsuccessful owing to requiring too much US management time. In general, the coordination
costs have been much higher than expected.
Recruitment was much more difficult than expected. Einfochips agreed to let Tensilica drive the
recruitment process; Tensilica found that the level of skills available was substandard. Also,
some qualified engineers were unwilling to work for an outsourcer.
In January 2006, Tensilica transferred the engineers to its own subsidiary, which, as of
September 2006 employs 15 persons, or 12% of its workforce. The experience of working with
the India team for a year has greatly reduced coordination costs. Recruitment has also been
easier without the veil of an outsourcer and attrition rates have fallen. The firm states that it has
been able to increase the complexity of work done in India as a result.
Implications of case studies
Extrapolating from this admittedly small base of information, we have found two basic models:
In the first model, offshoring is a supplement to onshore operations, i.e, the offshore facility is to
lower their costs and/or to speed product or product line extensions. In the second model,
offshore operations are an integral part of the business model. In both cases, the ultimate goal
for the India business appears to be to make them an integral part.
Interestingly, both startups and established firms often choose to begin by using an outsourced
provider rather than establish their own facilities. The advantage of outsourcing is that it can
facilitate a rapid ramp-up. Also, through the operation of the outsourcer it may be possible to
learn more about the Indian environment facilitating the establishment of a subsidiary. There are
risks to this approach, as one cedes control over the labor force to an outside vendor and there
are risks of losing IP. The ultimate goal, as noted above, for both new and established firms,
appears to be to establish a subsidiary. Established firms have less critical cost concerns and
are more likely to begin with inhouse work right away.
In all cases, coordination costs have been surprisingly high. The fault for this does not lie in
inadequate communications facilities but appears to lie in the complex nature of the work. The
other primary constraint to doing higher value-added work is the difficulty in finding and
retaining qualified persons. As discussed earlier, this likely arises from the small size of
domestic markets and Indias inadequate educational system. The following table summarizes
the stages of offshoring described in the above cases. Undoubtedly, there will be further stages
of evolution. For example, Agilent India plans to increase outsourcing once the offshoring
process is stabilized. (See Table 11.)
Section 3. A theoretical framework of the drivers of software offshoring
The novelty of services offshoring in international trade warrants some definitional
classifications, as basic as what a service is. Most persons would agree that manufacturing is a
process that involves the transformation of a tangible good. In terms of the location and
discharge of manufacturing, it would also generally be agreed that manufacturing does not
require face-to-face contact between buyer and seller. Usually, manufacturing creates a good
that can be stored, thereby allowing a physical separation of the buyer and the seller.
Services have been defined by the opposites to these qualitites: they are transactions of
intangible, nonstorable goods, requiring that client and vendor be face-to-face while the service
is being delivered. For example, Gadfrey and Gallouj (1998) define services as goods that are
intangible, cosubstantial (i.e., they cannot be held in stock) and coproduced (i.e., their
production/consumption requires cooperation between users and producers). This was
obviously true when the service required face-to-face experience, such as receiving a haircut (a
customized service), but also true when the service experience did not require customization,
such as when a banks client wanted to check the banks home loan offering, or did not require
proximity, as when she wanted to check her bank balance.
This suggests that services are intrinsically more difficult to offshore than manufactured goods.
When a service activity is examined as a totality, indeed it appears to resist relocation. In fact,
very few service operations can be done only on the computer (the modern form of mundane
work). Most services require at least some level of face-to-face interactivity, either among coworkers or with persons outside the organization, such as vendors and clients.
Following Bhagwati (1985), we can classify a service into those that require proximity to a user
and those that do not. Services that require physical proximity are of three types:
Mobile user-immobile provider, eg., a patient going to a hospital
Immobile user-mobile provider, eg., a doctor visiting a patient at home
Mobile user-mobile provider, eg., students and professors meeting in a university
classroom for lectures.
The new twist in the provision of services is that the required interaction between the seller and
the consumer has been substantially limited. The advances in information technology made
possible the parsing of the provision of certain services into components requiring different
levels of skill and interactivity. As a result, certain portions of the serviced activity that might
or might not be skill-intensive, but required low levels of face-to-face interactivity - could be
relocated offshore.
The sequence of events that enabled this process is the following: First, the digital age allowed
(or, at least, revolutionized) the conversion of service flows into stocks of information, making it
possible to store a service. For example, a legal opinion that earlier had to be delivered to the
client in person could now be prepared as a computer document and transmitted to the client over
email or, better yet, encoded into software Easy storage and transmission allowed for the
physical separation of the client and vendor as well as their separation in time. It also induced
the separation of services into components that were standardized and could be prepared in
advance (such as a template for a legal opinion) and other components that were customized for
the client (such as the opinion itself) or remained non-storable. Taking advantage of the
possibility of subdividing tasks and the economies that come with the division of labor, this
reduced costs by offering the possibility of preparing the standardized components with lowercost labor and, possibly, at another location.
The second fundamental impact of digitization was the conversion of non-information service
flows into information service flows. For example, the sampling of tangible goods by a buyer
through visiting a showroom is increasingly being replaced by virtual samples delivered over the
Internet. Once converted to an information flow, the service may also then be converted into a
stock of information, as noted earlier, and subjected to the above mentioned forces of cost
reduction through standardization of components and remote production.
Third, by enabling low cost transmission of the digitized material, the digital age accelerated the
offshoring of services. Services such as writing software programs which were offshored to
India in the early 1970s were enabled by digitized storage and, in the 1980s, by the
standardization of programming languages. Still later, as digital transmission costs fell in the
1990s (just as digital storage costs had fallen earlier), even non-storable services, such as
customer care, could be offshored.
The sequence of events that enabled software offshoring did not happen all at once and may not
even have a standardized sequence across countries. Israel, for example, was able to quickly
move up to product development for global markets undertaken by domestic firms. India, till a
few years ago, offered only routine programming work for over two decades. As of 2006, there
was no evidence of successful product development originated from India, although work to
support product development conceived in developed countries was happening, as we have
Thus, moving to higher stages of work is not automatic, sequential or time-bound. Nor can we,
based on the evidence we have, provide conditions for movement to higher stages, or predict
that the exporter will capture a rising share of the economic rents.
At the very least, it seems from our case studies, that a factor that can hinder movement to higher
stages is that costly global coordination is needed. Such coordination will initially be done by
the developed country buyer and enable it to earn a rent for doing so. In addition, much of the
market-related coordination and networking will occur through developed country institutions,
enabling a further retention of value in the developed country.
The inference is that certain key aspects, such as deciding on the product and its specification,
design, marketing and sales are usually retained by the importer. Such retention then appears to
hinder the exporters ability to rise to new stages of growth and to result in the rewards being
overwhelmingly gathered by the developed country buyer.
Section 4.
Concluding thoughts on the impact of software offshoring on employment,
innovation and policy
It is tempting to view software offshoring as the cause of an unmitigated loss of jobs for US
workers. In fact, much of the political alarm that software offshoring raises is that skilled jobs
will rapidly disappear from US shores due to the digital age. This could not only leave the US
digitally divided from other countries, but centralize demand for US workers on nonoffshoreable jobs. In services, the argument is made that, ultimately, US workers will only do
those jobs that are impossible to offshore, a few of which are highly-skilled, such as wielding
the surgeons knife, and mostly those that require a lower order of skills, such as wielding the
butchers knife. Is there something about software offshoring that suggests a different
Our analysis of the software industry shows that offshorings effects on developed nation
employment are varied, even though the impact of software offshoring on developing countries
is to generate high and growing levels of employment. The kinds of work initially offshored are
typically those with low barriers to entry and subject to automation. Thus, services exports from
developing countries initially lack brand value and are quite different from services exports from
developed countries. These factors lead to competition and price-deflation in these sectors.
However, over time, the sophistication of work being done has grown rapidly, particularly with
the advent of the digital revolution. As Shah (2005) notes in his discussion of Keteras
offshoring, discussed above, The primary challenge (of offshoring most of the headcount to
India) was the lack of informal communication. We miss the informal hallway and coffee
station side chats. We miss going to the white-board and brain-storming an idea. After
observing the progress of the Indian operation, he concluded, The hallway discussion and
white-board brainstorming are actually happening now (in our firm), but in India.
In summary, we found that, in software offshoring, work that is modularized and standardized,
and does not require regular customer contact is more prone to offshoring. Even when customer
interface is needed, as the case of Broadcom India showed, it is possible to manage customer
interface remotely through a new kind of body-shopping, that which is done to understand
customers rather than, as in the old days, to access customers software and hardware. In this
case, offshore workers are substitutes for US workers.
However, lowering the costs of some parts of software development lowers total firm costs and
raises the firms competitivity globally. It can also make possible the creation of new firms that
would otherwise not be economically viable. The case of Netscaler showed both these aspects.
Any jobs created by this entrepreneurship would be counted against those lost to offshoring. For
example, Rakesh Singh, Netscalers General Manager of Asia Operations said, The cost savings
through outsourcing have helped us become more competitive and experience rapid growth as a
company. As a result, we have a lot more employees in the US today than we did when we set up
the India operations (Tillman and Blasgen 2005). In this case, offshore workers are
complements to US workers.
The ongoing process of technological development that is a feature of the software industry can
both speed up as well as slow down job losses. For example, prior to the establishment of the
Internet as a reliable medium of digital communication, installing software or fixing a software
problem required an onsite technician. Now, this can often be done remotely, thus reducing the
need for onsite work and increasing the demand for offshore maintenance. Similarly, the
invention of the router led to the creation of remote data centers, thus reducing the need for onsite storage hardware and support services.
On the other hand, the Internet enables access to many more software applications developed
elsewhere, including open-sourced applications. Raza (2005) notes that chip designers that used
to offshore components of chip development to vendors in India can now usually find some
components already available in open source, thus reducing the need for offshoring such work
(although this does not add to demand for US software developers).
An alternate view of the impact of technological change takes the view that since the developers
of new technology are mostly in the developed nations, a faster rate of technological progress is
advantageous to employment in developed nations because it makes it harder for developing
countries to catch up. For example, the ability of developed nations semiconductor foundries to
stay a generation ahead of those in East Asia means that the location of (and, therefore,
employment in) the latest generation of fabs is in developed nations. Of course, the pace of
technological development is closely linked to changes in customer requirements.
Under this viewpoint, anything that helps developed country engineers to innovate more quickly
and efficiently is a plus for the developed country. Hence, offshoring software development that
is a step behind the quality of work done in the developed country enables engineers in
developed nations to innovate even more and is good for both developing and developed nations
As we noted in the introduction, equilibrium theorists concede that the effect of offshoring on the
quality of work done within the developed nation is ambiguous since it is not known who will
capture the productivity gains the developing country or the developed country. It depends on
relative productivity gains in the two types. Hence, most would be ready to concede that some
of the work that developed nations workers will be left to do as a result of offshoring will
certainly include low wage work in which technology does not enable remote provision (such as
the physical installation of a hard-wired network) and also concede the possibility of short-term
unemployment. However, they argue that much of the new work will use higher skills than
available in developing countries, will pay more and can even leverage the work being done in
developing countries.
Related to what we may learn from manufacturing, a second issue is the speed with which
services offshoring will happen. Manufacturings decline in the United States was a gradual
process and was accompanied by a rising revenue per employee, reflecting in part that, while the
more commoditized parts of manufacturing were being outsourced offshore, the more
customized or specialized parts and some service components, such as design and integration,
were being done onshore (see Figure 3 and Table 12). The slow speed of manufacturing
offshoring also enabled displaced workers to acquire the skills to shift to other occupations.
It has been argued that services offshoring will take place at a higher speed, leaving less time for
labor-force adjustment. This is attributed to the digital age that firmly established itself in the
mid-1990s (the Telecom Regulation Act of 1996 is often viewed as a key driver). The effect of
the digital age on the speed of services offshoring can be impressive. Unburdened by the need to
set up large factories, it is likely that offshored services can be set up as rapidly as workers with
the requisite skills can be hired. Certainly, the rates of growth of the Indian IT industry shows
trajectories that were never achieved in manufacturing offshoring.
This raises the question as to whether the digital revolution has done more for Asian
competitivity than provide a one-time boost to comparative advantage by simply opening a
previously closed door. However, there are two reasons, apart from the labor-cost advantage,
why comparative advantage will continue:
Economies of scale and scope. Countries like India offer large labor pools that could
offer significant labor economies over thinner pools or country-specific pools. In addition,
locating software developers in Indian programmers allows the vendor to supply services for
clients located in different time zones, thus using capital and real estate more efficiently. Or,
they could manage episodic peak requirements, such as when a new upgrade of software is
released, over many clients more efficiently.
Many efficient practices for offshore software development that
came out of the remote software programming businesses have been developed in India. Such
remote management is emerging to be a specialized skill, applicable in a variety of other
offshoring situations, such as providing R&D and product development services. Of course,
Indian firms with such skills must compete with the remote project management skills developed
by global firms in other environments, for example, Accenture in system integration.
It appears that the only viable strategy for the developed nation is to develop the capacity to
constantly generate high-value new opportunities that cannot be offshored. This requires
innovation. While there is no guarantee that a developed economy will have such a capacity, an
open economy that invests in education, has a better chance than otherwise. The US has long
demonstrated the truth of this proposition.
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When the consent decree was lifted in 1991, IBM immediately created an IT consulting group.
Within five years, it had annual revenue of $11 billion (McKenna, 2006, p.23).
Modularization is the conversion of a component of the production process with one or more
proprietary inputs, design or fulfillment techniques into a component with standardized inputs,
design and fulfillment techniques.
By contrast, in India, only 1520% of the work is estimated to be done by MNEs, although it
was different up to 1990. According to Enterprise Ireland, the official state website,, Irish-owned companies generated about 11% of software
exports, the rest coming from MNEs (data for 2002).
These included Datamatics (a joint venture between the U.S. minicomputer maker, Wang, and
ex-exployees of TCS), Digital, and Data General.
According to Naidu (2002), Texas Instruments decision to enter India was conditional on the
state providing adequate power and telecommunications bandwidth.
By 1988, 10% of the Indian software industrys labor force was located in India; this had risen
to 41% by 2000 and 71% by 2004 (Nasscom, 1999; Nasscom, 2002, p.28; and Nasscom, 2005,
Import tariff reduction was a key feature of the 1990s reforms. These had risen to 110% by
1991 but were reduced to 85% in 1993, 20% in 1994 for applications software and 65% for
systems software and, in 1995, to 10% for all software (Heeks, 1996, p.49). Duties on hardware
ranged from 40% to 55% in 1995, but by 2000 had come down to 15% for finished goods, such
as computers, and 0% for components (microprocessors, storage devices, IC s and
subassemblies, display screens and tubes, etc) (Ministry of Finance, 2000).
Unfortunately, data on employment in foreign firms is not available, preventing proof of a
direct causality. In 2001, the only year for which data is available, foreign firms employed 13%
of the workforce (Nasscom, 2002).
Sources: Nasscom (2006), p.47, and Torrisi (2002, pp.9 and 18). Torrisis data are
extrapolated for Israeli exports in 2005 and may not be entirely accurate.
Based on Dossani and Manwani (2005).
Information based on case study compiled by Shah (2005).
The discussion of Netscaler draws upon a case study done by Joshua I. Tillman and Nicholas
W. Blasgen (2005) and an interview of CEO B.V.Jagadeesh with Martin Kenney.
Based on Dixit (2005) and Rafiq Dossanis interview with Dixit on September 20, 2006.
FIGURE 1 BEA and Nasscom figures for software sales from India to the US ($ bn).
Sources: and Nasscom (various years).
ASIC Design
Increasing sophistication
QA Product
CAD Support
Data Entry
Nov 01
Feb 02
Nov 02
Nov 03
Bold = unplanned
Nov 04
Percent share
Source : BEA Statistics, Table 6.5, downloaded 10/6/05.
Operating System
All users
Most users
Some users
Large users
TABLE 2 Global Software Services Spending by Categories of Work, 2003, and Indias Market
Applications Development
System Integration: Hardware and
Software Deployment and Support
System Integration: Applications,
tools and O/S
IT education and training
Managed services
Global software
services spending ($
Sources: Nasscom (2004, p.19, 36, 106) for columns 2 and 3; Nasscom (2001, p.24) and
authors interviews for column 4.
Definitions: Consulting refers to IT strategy, system conceptualization, architecture and design.
It is comprised of Nasscom numbers for IS consulting and network consulting and integration.
Applications Development refers to creating the applications programs. It is comprised
on Nasscom numbers for custom applications development.
Systems integration: Hardware and software deployment and support refers to making the
software and hardware components compatible and interoperable. It is comprised of Nasscom
numbers for (1) Hardware Deployment and Support and (2) Software Deployment and Support.
Systems integration: Applications, tools and O/S refers to integration of the software
components (both products and custom software) in a software project.
Managed services refers to services such as managing applications either onsite or
remotely over the Web, managing networks, etc. It is comprised of Nasscom numbers for
applications management, IS outsourcing, network and desktop outsourcing, applications service
providers and system infrastructure service providers.
TABLE 3 Global Software Products Spending by Categories of Work, 2004, and Israels
Market Share
Revenue Category
External data
processing and
managed services
Managed services ,
No role for
Integration of
hardware and
software; software
Custom applications
TABLE 5 Software Industry New Work-Types and Causes: United States, India, and Israel
U.S. ISV new
work type
Custom software
for applications
Software system
Managed services
IBM separates
software and
complexity of
IT systems
U-W standard
Internet, database
Export of
primarily for
custom software
Custom software for
Managed services,
R&D and product
Israel ISV
new work
MNE inhouse
No change
software for
software for
global markets;
MNE inhouse
Sales ($ bn)
Sales per
employee ($
localized US
TNC product
software to
Exports services
primarily to US
Exports services
primarily to
Exports services
primarily to US
Notes: P/S = product/services ratio; EE5 = Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and
Romania; U.S. data for 2002, Israel data for 2000.
Sources: Arora (2005), p.45, 77, 101; Sahay, p.17.
Employment 2003
Revenue/employee 2003
Employment 2005
Revenue/employee 2005
Source: Indian data from Heeks (1995), Nasscom (20032006); Ireland data from, downloaded September 26, 2006; Israel data from, downloaded August 31, 2003,
view&enDispWhat=Zone&enZone=InThePress&Date=08/11/05, downloaded September 26,
2006. Irish data in Euro converted at 1 Euro = $1.043 (rate on January 5, 2003) for years prior to
2003; and then at 1.26 for 2003 onwards (rate in January 2004 was 1.26; for September 2006, the
rate was 1.27). Israels latest figures are for 2001.
*Note: Sands (2005, p.45) argues that the Ireland figures for revenue per employee are
overstated due to accounting for in-country transfers and are in reality about $160,000. If so, the
figures above overstate total exports by a factor of three times.
No. of firms
Average revenue
per employee ($)
Exports/ Total
Revenue (%)
Notes: 1. Data for 1980, 1984, and 1990 are from Heeks (1996), pp.72, 73, 87, 88.
2. Data for 2000 (financial year ended March 2001) are from Nasscom (2002) and
Nasscome (2004), p. 23, 26, 64.
3. Data for 2004 (f.y. ended March 2005) are from Nasscom (2005), p.756. 2004 data
for number of firms and average revenue is based on software, software services, and
IT-enabled services because disaggregated data is not available.
4. No. of employees for 1980, 1984, 1990, 2000, and 2004 were 250, 1350, 6500,
162,000, 260,000, and 345,000. respectively. Source: Heeks (1996), p.93 for 1980
1990 data and Nasscom (2004, 2005) for 2000 and 2004 data.
1980, India HQ
1990, India HQ
2004,India HQ
TCS Mumbai
Tata Infotech Mumbai
TCS Mumbai
Tata Infotech Mumbai
TCS Mumbai
Infosys Bangalore
Shaw Wallace
Citibank Mumbai
Wipro Bangalore
Datamatics Mumbai
Hinditron Mumbai
TI Bangalore
HCL Delhi
DEIL Mumbai
PCS Mumbai
Indicos Systems
ORG Mumbai
PCS Mumbai
i-Flex Mumbai
Systime Mumbai
Market share of
top 8 firms (%)
Kanodia (MIT)
Murthy (U. Mysore,
IIT Kanpur)
Premji (Stanford)
and Soota (IISc)
Raju (Loyola
College, Chennai;
Ohio U)
Nadar (PSG
Patni (MIT)
Hukku (BITS,
Pilani) (TCS,
Mahindra (Harvard)
Sources: Heeks (1996), p.89 for columns 2 and 3; Nasscom (2005), p.76 for column 4; company
websites and authors interviews for column 5.
Note: IBM is probably in the top 8 firms in 2004 (it was ranked 6th in 2002, but has withheld
permission for its name to be displayed in subsequent Nasscom rankings:, downloaded August 26, 2005)
TABLE 10 Share of Foreign-Firms Revenue and Share of Custom Programming and
Applications Management Work in Indian Software Exports
Financial yr ->
CAD and AM ($B)
Total software exports ($B)
Share of CAD/AM (%)
Share of foreign firms revenue (%)
2006 (E)
Sources: Nasscom (2006), p.47, 59, 60, 70; Nasscom (2005) p.50, 51; Nasscom (2004), p.36,
40; Nasscom (2003), p.39; Nasscom (2002), p.29, 30.
Notes: CAD = Custom application development
AM = Applications management
Initial stage
Stage 1
Inhouse; Nonintegral
Product Devt
IP Devt
Software Devt
from the start
Product Devt
for Stage
Stage 2
Reason for
Stage 2
coordination in
Stage 1
To improve
coordination; to
solve labor
quality issues
To undertake
more complex
product devt.
To improve
coordination; to
solve labor
quality issues
Inhouse; nonintegral