Analyzing Cost Effectiveness
Analyzing Cost Effectiveness
Analyzing Cost Effectiveness
SABYASACHI MITRA is an Assistant Professor at the Dupree School of Management at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests include strategic information systems, the economic impacts of information technology, software outsotircing, and telecommunications. His education includes a Ph.D in infonnation systems from the University of Iowa, and a B.Tech. in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, India.
ANTOINE KARIM CHAYA is a Ph.D candidate at the Dupree School ofManagement at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His education includes an M.S. in management from Georgia Tech, and a B.S. in civil engineering from the American University of Beirut. His research interests are focused on the economic impacts of information technology, justification of information technology expenditures, and strategic information systems. The performance impacts of infonnation technology (IT) investments in organizations have received considerable attention in recent years. In this research, we investigate the cost factors that are affected by such investments. We analyze a data set containi ng the information technology budgets of over 400 large and mediumsized U.S. corporations. We find that higher IT investments are associated with lower average production costs, lower average total costs, and higher average overhead costs. We also fmd that larger companies spend more on information technology as a percentage of their revenues than smaller companies. We do not find any evidence that infonnation technology reduces labor costs in organizations. We explain our findings, which are often counterintuitive but interesting, using basic microeconomic theory ofthe firm.
business value of information technology, impact of information technology, information technology investments, information technology payoff.
in investments in information technology (IT) by U.S. businesses. Brynjolfsson [8] reports a tenfold
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Computerworld for making their database of IT budgets available to us. We would also like to thank two anonymous referees and the guest editors of the special section for their valuable comments about an earlier draft of this paper. Both authors contributed equally to the project.
Joumat of Management Information Systems I Fall 1996, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 29-57 Copyright 1996 M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
increase in IT investments between 1971 andl990. Accordingto [25], IT expenditure now accounts for 50 percent of capital investments and about 4 percent oftotal revenue for many U.S. businesses. By all accounts [6,28,30,32], investments in information technology in the U.S. economy have been staggering, and the upward spending trend continues. With such large investments in IT, researchers and managers have been struggling to quantify the benefits that firms derive from information technology. Much ofthe research in this area has focused on increases in white-collar productivity. The results of this research have generally been disappointing. Roach [28], in his study of information workers, documents a large increase in IT capital dedicated to information workers from 1970 to 1986. During the same time period, production worker productivity grew by 16.9 percent, while information worker productivity decreased by 6.6 percent. The period under investigation also witnessed a large increase in the number of information workers, leading Roach to conclude that computers had not yet contributed to the productivity ofinformation workers. Similar results were obtained in [15], which found that IT was associated with a sharp drop in capital productivity and with stagnation in labor productivity. Banker and Kauffinan [3], in a study ofthe banking industry, found no significant relationship between the number of ATM machines owned by a bank and its share of the local demand deposits and savings. Several others [ 12,24,27,30] failed to document the productivity impact ofinformation technology. This has given credibility to the term "productivity paradox," which is succinctly described by economics Nobel laureate Robert Solow: "we see computers everywhere except in the productivity statistics" [6]. Other evidence on the payoff from information technology investments has been more encouraging. Brynnjolfsson and Hitt's [7] study of 380 large firms between 1987 and 1991 found that the return on investments for IT capital was over 50 percent per year and that the return to spending on IT labor was also very high. Hitt and Brynjolfsson [18] found that computers have led to higher productivity and have created substantial value for consumers. Alpar and Kim [ 1 ], in their analysis of a large number of banks, found that IT investments were associated with a decrease in total costs. Harris and Katz [17] analyzed forty insurance companies and concluded that high IT spending was associated with lower growth in operating expenses. Similarly, Bender [4] reports that high IT spending results in improved cost efficiency in the insurance industry. However, many of these studies focused on specific industries, and their results are hard to generalize for other segments ofthe economy. Some evidence of IT payoff is weak and inconclusive. Mahmood and Mann [25], using the Computer World Premier 100 list, found that IT investments were weakly related to financial performance measures such as return on investments, return on assets, sales growth, productivity, and market-to-book value, only when grouped together and analyzed using canonical regression. Dos Santos, Peffers, and Mauer [ 13] found that the stock market reacted favorably when firms announced innovative IT investments, while noninnovative investments did not change the market value ofthe firm. Weill [31 ] investigated thirty-three valve manufacturing firms over a period of six years and found that investments in transactional IT were significantly and
consistently associated with higher retum on assets, sales growth, and nonproduction labor productivity. However, use of strategic IT had no effect on perfonnance in the long run and a slightly negative effect in the short run. Although a clear and consistent relationship between IT investments and financial performance is yet to emerge, companies have continued their large investments in infonnation technology. This is so in spite ofthe dissatisfaction expressed by general managers in mesisuring the value of IT to their organization [32]. If managers have been rational in such investments, it is possible that research may not have captured the true benefits that companies derive from IT.
ledger, and payroll systems. However, it has wide support in the trade literature. A recent editorial in Business Week [9], which ran a cover story on 7%e Racefor Bigness, says: "the great irony is that much of this race to bigness is being propelled by the same infonnation technology that futurist Alvin Toffler and other techno-libertarians predicted would lead to smallness Corporate America is discovering what the military has known for at least a decade: that information technology allows for much more effective command and control of size and complexity." Paul Strassman, in his widely cited book on the business value of computers [30], suggests that management is the primary consumer of information technology, and we concur with him on this issue. We caution the reader that we establish no cause-effect relationships between the IT and performance variables examined in this paper. The distinction between the information and automation effects discussed above (and explained in more detail later) is one possible interpretation of our results. There can be several logical non-IT-based explanations as well. However, the results suggest that more research should be focused on assessing the information, control, and decision-making impacts of IT in an effort to understand the payoff from IT investments.
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/ ' LACC"
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Long Run Average Total Cost Long Run Average Production Cost Long Run Average Control and Monitoring Cost
production includes the cost of direct labor, machinery, raw materials, warehousing, electricity, fuel, plant, and any other costs that are directly incurred to produce the WIDGET. The cost of monitoring and control, on the other hand, includes indirect costs. Such costs will include the salary of managers, clerical labor, analysts, personnel officers, market researchers, planners, and coordinators. They also include the cost of inventory outages, wastage, mismanagement, bad decisions, labor problems, agency costs, and other costs related to the complexity of the organization. When the firm starts as a small entrepreneurial enterprise with few employees and a single set of books managed by the entrepreneur, its coordination and control costs are low because of the simplicity of its operations. As it grows in size (produces more WIDGET and other related products), it achieves better economies of scale in its production facilities through better utilization of the plant and machinery, volume purchases of raw materials, and lower fixed costs per unit of output. However, as the complexity ofthe business increases, the firm needs more people to manage and coordinate its activities. Further, the complexity-related costs mentioned above also increase. The use of MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) software illustrates the effect of IT on such organizations. A typical medium-sized to large manufacturing enterprise must stock, control, and ensure the availability of an average of 10,000 items (endproducts, subassemblies, and raw materials) [29]. Further, production of subassemblies and parts and the purchase of raw materials must be coordinated to ensure that the firm meets its delivery promises and production plans. MRP II software (with its ABC classification, automated reordering, stock status reports, master production scheduling, automated bill of materials, invoicing, and order-processing modules) makes it possible for the firm to control complexity effectively. This reduces its control and coordination costs and causes a shift in the LACC curve. In the MRP II example described above, it may also be difficult to distinguish between the information and automation effects of IT. We contend that the MRP II system primarily illustrates the information impact of IT. This is because its primary purpose is to provide control and information to management, and not to replace expensive labor with cheaper IT capital. Even if the MRP II system did not provide labor-cost savings, the complexity of the task would require large manufacturing companies to use automated inventory control and order processing. Microeconomics aside, the basic argument is as follows: Information technology provides greater control over dispersed operations, better information for decision making, and better tracking of costs and profits, and therefore increases the effectiveness of a firm's control and monitoring processes. This enables the firm to grow and to achieve the benefits of economies of scale in its production processes, while incurring a smaller increase in its overhead costs. In the process, the firm lowers its average total cost per unit of output. The above discussion leads us to the first and rather intuitive hypothesis on information technology investments and the average total cost per unit of output. HI: High spenders on information technology achieve a lower average total cost per unit of output than low spenders on IT.
Our next hypothesis may at first appear counterintuitive, but quite naturally follows from figure 1 and the above discussion. H2: High spenders on information technology achieve a lower average cost of production per unit of output than low spenders on IT.
for information technology than smaller firms because their control and monitoring costs are higher. If the primary benefit of IT lies in reducing such costs, we would expect larger fmns to spend more on IT as a percentage of their revenue than smaller firms, which derive little benefit from a reduction in such costs. This leads us to the next hypothesis: H4: Larger firms spend more on information technology as a percentage of their revenues than smaller firms.
Data Analysis
describe the proxies used for the IT budget and cost measures, the data set used, and the analysis performed.
This paper uses the IT budget as a percentage of sales (ITB/S), averaged over a period of time, as a proxy for the level of IT investment made by the firm. This measure has been used by other researchers [25,31 ], but it has many disadvantages [30]. The IT budget, which typically represents the annual budget for the IS department, is not the total IT investment made by the firm in that year. Some researchers have estimated that as much as 33 percent of IT expenditures is borne by end users and is not included in the IT budget figure [25]. Further, the measure does not include the IT investments made by the firm in the years prior to the period under investigation. It also does not take into account the effectiveness ofthe IT department, infrastructure, and personnel. Sales is used in the IT investment measure to account for the size ofthe firm. Using sales as a proxy for firm size has advantages and disadvantages. Among the disadvantages may be their potential volatility over time. However, sales has an advantage over some other measures used as surrogates for the size ofthe firm, such as number of employees or total assets. It is not sensitive to the capitallabor mix ofthe inputs. IT budget as a percentage of sales is an intuitive and easily understood measure that is widely used in research and in practice [25, 31]. A more complete discussion ofthe advantages and disadvantages of using such financial ratios can be found in [23]. Averaging the IT budget for a number of years is crucial in capturing any investment cycles that firms may adopt. However, it also introduces some bias in the analysis, since the average value based on the years with available data is used as an estimate for the firm's investment levels in other years. Another approach would be to include only those firms that had investment data for each ofthe five years ofthe study, but the resulting sample size would be too small. As a compromise, we include only those companies that had at least three years of budget data available. In using this average ITB/S value as a proxy for the firm's IT infrastructure, we made two assumptions: first, the IT budget in any given year is proportional to the total IT investment in that year; second, the average IT investment made by the firm during the period of the study is proportional to the total IT investments made by the firm in the past. Given these assumptions, it is reasonable to use the average ITB/S value as a proxy for the firm's total IT investment.
expense is selected because it is the most general and encompassing measure of a firm's total cost of operations. In this analysis, we represent operating expense (OEXP) as a percentage ofthe firm's total sales (OEXP/S). The average total cost per unit of output during a certain period of time is equal to the total cost of all units produced, divided by the number of units produced during that period. The number of units produced during a given period of time is proportional to the sales plus the ending inventory minus the beginning inventory. When we assume that fluctuations in inventory levels are insignificant relative to sales, the number of units produced during a given period of time is proportional to Ihe sales during that period. Thus, the average total cost per unit of output is proponaonal to the total cost of operations divided by sales. Cost of goods sold (COGS) and selling, general, and administrative (SGA) costs were chosen to represent the total production and overhead costs, respectively. These are the generally accepted accounting measures for the costs of production and overhead expenses. We admit that these are not perfect measures because they are affected by the finn's accounting practices. Using the same reasoning employed for OEXP above, we divided both COGS and SGA by sales in order to capture the average cost of production per unit of output and the average overhead cost per unit of output, respectively. The average cost of clerical labor is difficult to calculate from published financial data. Firms sometimes report their total labor costs, but that figure represents manufacturing, clerical, and managerial labor. Nevertheless, we used labor costs (LBR) divided by sales as a proxy for the firm's average clerical labor costs per unit of output. In the data analysis, we attempted to correct this bias by considering industries (such as banks and insurance companies) where clerical labor accounts for a significant portion ofthe firm's labor costs. Hypothesis 4 requires us to use a proxy for the size of the firm. Several measures are possible for firm size, such as total revenue or sales, number of employees, and total assets. In this study, we chose sales as the proxy for firm size for reasons explained earlier.
on the industry. The Z score is a measure of position (similar to percentile) based on the mean and standard deviation of the data. In essence, the Z score measures the number of standard deviations between the data point and the mean. The Z score for any data valuex is defmed as:Z = (x-x)/s, where x is the mean and 5 is the standard deviation ofthe population. The Z score is intuitive. It allows us to pool data from various industries, thereby providing for a larger sample size than is otherwise possible. For large samples, the distribution ofthe Z scores will converge to the normal distribution (central limit theorem). This allows us to perform the statistical tests described below. Thus, for each company in our sample, the following standardized scores (denoted as Z_costs/sales and Z_ITB/S) were calculated for each year: ,/ I cost/sales (company) - mean cost/sales (industry) Z_cost/sales = ^ j ^ -;;^^-^ ; standard deviation cost/sales (industry)
7 ITR/'i -
The Z_cost/sales values were calculated for each ofthe four costs measures (OEXP, COGS, SGA, and LBR) described in the previous section. Details about the industry classifications and the approximations used to calculate the industry means and standard deviations are explained later.
number of companies for which both financial and IT data were available for an acceptable number of years required to perform the analysis was significantly smaller. These numbers are reported later when we present our analysis results.
33 percent of the .sample represented high IT spenders while the bottom 33 percent of the sample represented low IT spenders. In the second case, the top 25 percent of the sample represented high IT spenders while the bottom 25 percent of the sample represented low IT spenders. One of the criticisms of the above method is its undue sensitivity to outliers in the sample. Unusual values for the ITB/S variable may be due to inaccurate reporting (since the IT budget data are not audited and are self-reported), unusually high spending during the years under investigation by a firm, or sudden changes in revenue (used in the denominator) in a particular year. Outliers for the cost-sales ratios will mainly result firom unusual financial situations in a specific year during the period under investigation, such as sudden changes in revenue. To control for these effects, we created three related samples. The first was the original untrimmed sample. The second sample was obtained by trimming the original sample 2.5 percent at the top and bottom based on the average Z_ITB/S values. The third sample was obtained from the original samjjle after trimming 2.5 percent at the top and bottom based on the average Z_cost/sales values. Each of these three samples was then split at the 50 percent, 33 percent, and 25 percent level as explained earlier, resulting in a total of nine samples to test each hypothesis. The trimming methods represent an attempt to determine whether the results obtained from the statistical analyses are primarily driven by a few high or low spenders on IT and by extreme performers. Trimming removes such extreme points from the data set. It also reduces the effect of incorrect values for the Z_ITB/S and Z_cost/sales scores (such as an erroneous matching of the company in the Compustat database), since such values are likely to be at the extremes. Consistent results with and without trimming increase our confidence in the analysis. A more complete discussion of such trimming methods is found in [23].
Hypothesis 1
Our first hypothesis has been extensively examined in our earlier research reported in [ 10,11 ]; we reproduce only the summarized results here. In addition to the basic results reported here, the earlier study [11] also reports extensive sensitivity analysis to test the robustness of the results and examines the possibility of lagged benefitsfi-omIT. Table 1 reports the results from the /-test and Mann-Whitney tests on each of the nine samples described above. As shown in the table, each of the three samples (untrimmed, trimmed on the ITB/S values, and trimmed on the OEXP/S values) were split at three levels (50 percent, 33 percent, and 25 percent), resulting in nine separate runs for each test. The difference in the means of the two groups (high and low spenders) is reported in the table, along with the corresponding/? value (in parentheses). Several important observations can be madefi-omthe table. For each of the nine cases reported, the results were consistent with the hypothesis. That is, the high IT spenders had a lower average value for the Z_OEXP/sales variable than the low spenders (all values in the difference column are positive). Further, many results were significant at the 1 percent level, several were significant at the 5 percent level, and
Table 1. Mean and Median Comparisons for High and Low IT Spenders; Minimum of Three Years of Financial and IT Budget Data; Minimum of Ten Companies for Each Two-Digit Classification, Sample Size = 120
Trim var. Sample Sample means Split size % Bot Top Bot Top 50 33 25 50 33 60 Difference (p values) Sample medians Bot Top Difference (p values) 0.0775* 0.0202* 0.1044 0.0612* 0.0179* 0.217
0.235 0.0524* 0.1943
39 40 0.1431 -0.2706 0.4137 0.0085*" 0.093 -0.134 0.227 30 30 0.0700-0.3106 0.3806 0.040" 0.013 -0.113 0.126 0.022 -0.147 0.169 0.096 -0.121 0.217 0.014 -0.202 0217
0.004 -0.106 0.110 0.064 -0.113 0.177 0,006 -^,106 0.112
Means (medians) reported here for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the average Z_OEXP/S value. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported are for one-tailed, two-sample Mest of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. Significant at the 1% level; significant at the 5% level; significant at the 10% level.
almost all results were significant at the 10 percent level. The median values for the two groups, the difference in the median values, and the p values from the MannWhitney tests are also reported in Table 1. Once again, all values in the difference column are positive (supporting our hypothesis). Based on the table, we find that companies with higher IT investments have lower operating costs.
Hypothesis 2
We performed extensive analyses to support hypothesis 2. Table 2 shows the results of those analyses on a sample of ninety-eight firms. For the results reported in Table 2, we required a minimum often companies within each two-digit SIC code classification to calculate the Z_ITB/S values, and a minimum of five companies within each four-digit classification to calculate the COGS/sales values. We also required both financial and budget data for each firm for a period of at least three years between 1988 and 1992. The ninety-eight companies thus included constitute a sample in which we have the most confidence. We later vary these parameters to obtain larger sample sizes of 145 and 190 companies but introduce some "noise" in the process.
Table 2. Comparisons of COGS/S for High and Low IT Spenders; Minimum of Three Years of IT Budget and Financial Data; Minimum of Ten Companies for Each Two-Digit SIC Code Classification; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Four-Digit SIC Code Classification, Sample Size = 98
Sample Sample means Split size % Bot Top Bot Top
50 33 25 50 33 25 49 32 24 47 31 23 49
Difference (p values)
Difference ip values) 0.0091" 0.0047** 0.0101" 0.0112" 0.004*** 0.0101" 0.009*** 0.002*** 0.004***
0.1470-0.2266 0.3736 0.008"* 0.076 -0.106 0.182 0.139 -0.106 0.245 0.139 -0.106 0.245
0.1421 -0.2338 0.3759 0.009*** 0.076 -0.119 0.195 0.2492 -0.2708 0.5200 0.005*** 0.118 -0.165 0.283 0.5238 0.019** 0.118 -0.165 0.283
23 0.2016-0.3222 47 31 24
0.1202-0.2231 0.3433 0.008*** 0.069 -0.106 0.175 0.2607 -0.2461 0.5068 0.002*" 0.118 -0.106 0.224
Means (medians) reported here for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the average Z_COGS/S value. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported aie for one-tailed, two-sample f-test of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. Significant at the 1% level; **significant at the 5% level; *significant at the 10% level.
The results in Table 2 strongly support hypothesis 2. All values in the difference column (for both the medians and means) are positive, indicating that high spenders had a lower COGS/sales ratio than low spenders. Almost all the results are significant at the 1 percent level. It is difficult to translate the difference in Z scores between high and low spenders into actual dollars. An approximate analysis, however, is possible. For the sample of 448 companies, the mean COGS/sales value is approximately 70 percent, and the standard deviation is 18 percent (the standard deviation within each four-digit SIC code classification varies between 3 and 25 percent, with an average of approximately 12 percent). From Table 1, a difference of 0.4 in the Z scores between the high and low spenders translates to an approximate difference of 4.8 percent in their COGS/sales ratios. We also performed an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression on the nine samples with the average Z_ITB/S as the independent and the average Z_COGS/S as the dependent variable. As before, the three samples (untrimmed, trimmed on ITB/S, and trimmed on COGS/S) were split at the 50 percent, 33 percent, and 25 percent level. We then combined the top and bottom subsamples and performed the regression on
Ordinary Least Squares Regression for ITB/S and COGS/S Variables Split %
50 33 25 50 33 25 50 33 25
p value
0.007* 0.010* 0.028* 0.003* 0.005* 0.017* 0.003* 0.003* 0.009* 0.05062 0.06777 0.05591 0.06675 0.09081 0.07795 0.06849 0.10553 0.09807
Sample obtained after combining the top and bottom 50%, 33%, or 25% as indicated. The p value reported here is for a one-tailed test. ***Significant at the 1% level; **significant at the 5% level; 'significant at the 10% level.
the resulting sample. Thus, splitting the original sample at the 50 percent level implies that we performed the regression on the original sample (after appropriate trimming), while splitting at the 33 percent and 25 percent levels implies that the middle 33 percent and 25 percent ofthe data points were ignored in the analysis. This was done to see if removing the middle "noise" had any effect on the analysis. The results are reported in Table 3. Notice that the coefficients ofthe average Z_ITB/S variable are negative, and all the results are significant. In order to further support these initial results, we conducted a sensitivity analysis on the arbitrary parameters used in the above analysis. For the results shown in the following tables, we used different values for the minimum number of years of financial and budget data required and the minimum number of companies that are required for two-digit and four-digit SIC classifications for the ITB/S and COGS/S variables, respectively. The results are shown in Tables 4 and 5. All the results in the tables support hypothesis 2, and most are significant at the 10 percent level. We conclude that high spenders on IT have lower average production cost per unit of output than low spenders. Table 6 shows the distribution of SIC codes and industry names in the sample of 98, 145, and 190 firms in Tables 2,3,4, and 5. It also shows the number of companies in each SIC code classification in each sample.
Hypothesis 3
An analysis identical to the one discussed in the previous section was performed with the cost measure SGA/sales as the proxy for the average overhead cost per unit of output. The results are shown in Tables 7,8,9, and 10. Once again, the results support hypothesis 3, and most are significant at the 10 percent level. Wefindfromthe analyses that high spenders on IT have higher overhead costs per unit of output than low spenders. The results are interesting because they are counterintuitive, but they can be explained as discussed earlier.
Table 4. Comparisons of COGS/S Means and Medians for High and Low IT Spenders; Minimum of Three Years of IT Budget and Financial Data; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Two-Digit SIC Code Classification; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Four-Digit SIC Code Classification, Sample Size = 145 Trim
var. None None None ITB/S ITB/S ITB/S Sample Sample means Split size Top % Bot Top Bot 50 33 25 50 33 25 72 48 36 69 46 35 68 45 34 Difference (p values) Sample medians Bot Top 0.007 Difference (p values) 0.072 0.116 0.167 0.042** 0.185 0.018** 0.069 0.127 0.162 0.05** 0.180 0.022** 0.080 0.10* 0.145 0.067* 0.173 0.029*'
73 0.1007-0.0761 0.1768 49 0.1188-0.1595 0.2783 37 0.1870-0.2275 0.4145 69 0.0761 -0.0944 0.1705 46 0.0995-0.1697 0.2692 35 0.1747-0.2404 0.4151 70 0.0873-0.0717 0.1590 47 0.1030-0.1179 0.2209 35 0.1929-0.1477 0.3406
0.088* 0.079
0.057* 0.094 -0.068 0.016** 0.118 -0.062 0.094* 0.079 -0.001 0.07* 0.083 -0.062
Means and medians reported here for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the Z_COGS/S variable. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported are for one-tailed, two-sample r-test of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. ***Significant at the 1 % level; **significant at the 5% level; *significant at the 10% level.
We emphasize that the above results do not imply that information technology increases overhead costs. In fact, causality is likely to be in the opposite direction. That is, larger firms with higher overhead costs have more information workers (managers, planners, strategists, accountants, analysts). Consequently, they require more IT to support these information workers.
Hypothesis 4
Hypothesis 4 does not involve any average cost measure. To test hypothesis 4, we calculate the ZJSales score for each year for each company as: _, _ Sales (company) mean sales {industry) I. Sales = ,,.. ;,. , ^ ~ std. deviation sales {industry) The Z_Sales value represents the number of standard deviations the sales of the company lies above or below the mean of the industry. The reasoning behind
Table 5. Comparisons of COGS/S Means and Medians for High and Low IT Spenders; Minimum of Two Years of IT Budget and Financial Data; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Two-Digit SIC Code Classification; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Four-Digit SIC Code Classification, Sample Size = 190 Trim var. None
50 33 25 50 33 25
Difference (p values)
Difference (p values) 0.098 0.097* 0.196 0.035** 0.186 0.040** 0.099 0.127 0.162 0.063* 0.145 0.077* 0.061 0.234 0.156 0.078* 0.128 0.090*
95 0.0622-0.0941 0.1564 64 0.1133-0.1413 0.2546 38 0.1556-0.1472 0.3028 90 0.0525 -0.0953 0.1478 60 0.0975-0.1379 0.2354 45 0.1473-0.1223 0.2696 91 0.0136-0.0546 0.0682 61 0.0932-0.0764 0.1696
0.091* 0.071 -0.027 0.046** 0.106 -0.090 0.040** 0.118 -0.068 0.114 0.071 -0.018
0.070* 0.094 -0.068 0.070* 0.118 -0.027 0.266 0.111 0.052 -0.009 0.094 -0.062
Means and medians reported here for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the Z_COGS/S variable. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported are for one-tailed, two-sample ;-test of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. ***Signiflcant at the 1 % level; **significant at the 5% level; *significant at the 10% level.
calculating the Z score is the same as for the cost measuresnamely, to account for natural differences in firm size across various industries. Once again, we use a four-digit classification to calculate the Z_Sales values. The Z_ITB/S values are calculated in the same way as before, using the two-digit SIC classification. To test hypothesis 4, we sorted the sample (of 113 resulting companies) based on the average Z_Sales value (not on the Z_ITB/S value as before). We then trimmed and split the sample as explained earlier; this resulted in nine samples. We compared the mean Z_1TB/S values for the top and bottom segments (representing large and small companies, respectively) of each sample. The results are shown in Table 11. The results support our hypothesis. All values in the difference column are positive, indicating that larger companies had higher ITB/S ratios when compared with smaller companies. Most results are significant at the 10 percent level. We did find evidence that larger companies spend a larger percentage of their sales on information technology than smaller companies. The results of sensitivity analysis were similar and are omitted from this presentation. A possible concern regarding the results presented in Table 11 is that our sample
Table 6.
SIC code 2000 2011 2015 2030 2040 2060 2080 2086 2211 2320 2330 2510 2621 2631 2670 2711 2731 2800 2810 2821 2834 2840 2844 2851 2860 2911 3089 3312 3330 3334 3410 3490 3510 3523 3540 3561 3640 3711 3714 3724 3728 3742 3812 3841 3861 4011 4813 4833 4841 5122 5140
Industry name Food and Kindred Products Meat Packing Plants Poultry SIghtr. & Process Can/Prsrvd Fruit/Veg Grain Mill Products Sugar & Confec. Products Beverages Bttld/Can Soft Drnks/Wtr Brdwoven Fabr. Mill, Cttn Means, Boys Furn. & Cloth Women's Outerwear Household Furniture Paper Mills Paperboard Mills Convrt Papr, Paperboard Newspaper: Pub. & Print Books: Pub. and Printing Chemicals and Allied Prod. Indl Inorganic Chemicals Plastics, Resins, Elastom. Pharm. Preparations Soap, Deterg., Toilet Ppr Pert, Cosm., Toilet Prep. Paints, Varnishes, Lacq Indl Organic Chemicals Petroleum Refining Plastic Products, Nee StI Works & Blast Furn. Refin Nonfer Metals Prim Prod of Aluminum Ctlry, Handtis, Gen Hrdwre Misc. Fabricated Mtl Prod. Engines and Turbines Farm Machinery and Equip. Metalwork Mach. & Equip. Pumps and Pump Equip Elctrnic Light, Wire Equip Motor Veh. and Car Bodies Motor Veh Parts, Ace. Aircrft [Engines & Parts Aircraft Parts, Aux Equip Railroad Equipment Srch, t3et, Nav, Aero Sys Surg., Medical Inst, Appar. Photo Equip & Supplies Railroads, Line-Haul Oper Phone Comm, Ex Radio Television Broadcast Stn Cable fi Other Pay TV Ser. Drugs & Proprietary, Whis Groc. & Rltd Prod., WhIs
190 2 3 1 3 4 2
4 1
98 2
1 1 1
4 2
3 1 3 3 10 3 2 6 2
6 1 5 10 2 3
8 2 2 6
1 5 1
3 2 8 2 2
5 1
2 3
3 9 2 1 2
1 15 4 5
3 9 2
1 14
4 6 2 3 1 2 5 2
1 1
2 2 1 2 5 2
1 1
5 2
1 1
3 2 5
4 1 1 4
2 2
4 4 1 4
2 2 2 5 2 1 3 2
2 2 2
2 4 4 1 3 2
1 4
2 1 1 2
Table 6.
Industry name Groc, Gen. Line Wholesale Farm Prod., Raw Mtrl. WhIs Department Stores Variety Stores Grocery Stores
190 1 2 5 6 9
Table 7. Comparisons of SGA/S Means and Medians for High and Low IT Spenders; Minimum of Three Years of IT Budget and Financial Data; Minimum of Ten Companies for Each Two-Digit SIC Code Classification; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Four-Digit SIC Code Classification, Sample Size = 98 Sample Split size Sample means % Bot Top Bot Top 50 33 25 50 33 25 50 33 25 49 32 24 47 31 23 46 31 23 49 -0.2590 33 -0.3509 25 -0.4357 46 -0.2568 31 -0.3386 23-0.4147 47-0.1995 31 -^.2360 24 -0.2764 Sample medians Bot Top 0.024 0.024 0.121 0.073 0.121 0.150 0.023 0.023 0.072
Trim var. None None None ITB/S ITB/S ITB/S SGA/S SGA/S SGA/S
Difference (p values)
Difference (p values) -0.308 -0.382 -0.489 -0.357 -0.476 -0.516 -0.273 -0.364 -0.434 0.010* >* 0.007* ' 0.010* '* 0.016* 0.011* 0.018* 0.046* 0.042*
0.1635-0.4225 0.1676-^.5185 0.1263-0.5620 0.1511 -0.4079 0.1596-0.4982 0.1418-0.5565 0.0472 -0.2467 0.0540 -0.2900 0.0342-0.3106
0.005** -0.284 0.004** -0.358 0.0008***-0.368 0.0008***-0.284 0.006** -0.355 0.012** -0.366 0.045** -0.250 0.041** -0.341 0.057* -0.362
Means and medians reported here for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the average Z_SGA/S variable. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported are for one-tailed, two-sample t-test of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. Significant at the 1% level; **significant at the 5% level; *significant at the 10% level.
consisted mainly of medium-sized to large firms. The average sales for all firms in the sample (448 companies) was approximately $5 billion. However, the standard deviation was approximately $ 10 billion, which indicates sufficient variation in firm size within the sample.
Hypothesis 5
Companies do not routinely report their clerical labor costs as a separate item on their financial statements. We therefore used the total labor cost as a percentage of sales (LBR/Sales) as a proxy for their clerical labor costs per unit of output. However, there were two problems with this approach. First, only a small set of companies reported their total labor costs in Compustat, resulting in a small sample size of twenty-six and
Table 8. Trim var None None ITB/S ITB/S ITB/S SGA/S SGA/S SGA/S
Ordinary Least Squares Regression for ITB/S and SGA/S Variables Split % 50 25 50 33 25 50 33 25 Sample size ZJTB/Scoeff 98 49 93 62 46 93 62 47 0.243821 0.242482 0.288949 0.291956 0.288205 0.155286 0.156716 0.150249 p value 0.010*** 0.015** 0.011** 0.009*** 0.018** 0.045** 0.035** 0.053* Adj;?^ 0.04474 0.07703 0.04555 0.07459 0.07544 0.02028 0.03726 0.03601
Table 9. Comparisons of SGA/S for High and Low IT Spenders; Minimum of Three Years of IT Budget and Financial Data; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Two-Digit SIC Code Classification; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Four-Digit SIC Code Classification, Sample Size = 145 Sample Split size Sample means % Bot Top Bot Top Sample medians Bot Top
Trim var. None None None ITB/S ITB/S ITB/S SGA/S SGA/S SGA/S
Difference (p values)
Difference (p values) 0.057* 0.033** 0.009*** 0.057* 0.026** 0.013** 0.174 0.078* 0.043**
50 72 73-0.1743 0.0593-0.2336 0.043**-0.290 -0.082 -0.198 33 48 49-0.1828 0.1328-0.3156 0.031**-0.290 25 36 37-0.3451 0.1584-0.5035 0.004**^.364 0.121 -0.411 0.121 -0.485
50 69 69-0.1567 0.0815-0.2382 0.046**-0.284 -0.091 -0.193 33 46 46-0.1706 0.1656-0.3362 0.028**-0.290 25 35 35-0.2784-0.2138-0.4922 0.006**M).355 0.136 -0.426 0.150 -0.505
50 68 70-0.1336-0.0332-0.1004 0.201 -0.250 -0.115 -0.135 33 45 47-0.1567 0.0442-0.2009 0.087*-0.284 25 34 35-0.2536 0.0409-0.2945 O.038**-0.358 0.080 -0.364 0.080 -0.438
Means and mediansreportedhere for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the average Z_COGS/S variable. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported are for one-tailed, two-sample r-test of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. Significant at the 1% level; significant at the 5% level; significant at the 10% level. introducing bias in the analysis. Second, the labor-cost value includes the cost of manufacturing, clerical, and management labor. In industries where clerical labor is a small fraction ofthe total labor force, this proxy does not adequately capture their average clerical labor costs. We performed the same analysis reported in earlier sections using the LBR/Sales ratios. The results were not significant, and we did not find any evidence to support hypothesis 5. For brevity of presentation, the results are not shown here.
Table 10. Comparisons of SGA/S Means and Medians for High and Low IT Spenders; Minimum of Two Years of IT Budget and Financial Data; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Two-Digit SIC Code Classification; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Four-Digit SIC Code Classification, Sample Size = 190 Sample Sample means Trim Split size Sample medians Difference Difference var. % Bot Top Bot Top (p values) Bot Top (p values)
None None None ITB/S ITB/S ITB/S SGA/S SGA/S SGA/S 50 33 95 63 95-0.1037 0.1103 0.2140 0,037"-0.176 64-0.1521 0.1769 0.3290 0.014"-0.217 48-0,2029 0.1474 0.3502 0.016**-0.296 90-0,0935 0,1196 0.2131 0.044**-0,176 0.080 0.167 0.136 0.101 0,167 0,150 0.023 0.121 0.191 0.256 0.384 0.432 0.277 0.375 0,367 0.164 0.262 0,318 0.050* 0.019** 0.034** 0.586* 0.029** 0.083* 0,201 0.088* 0.115
25 47 50 33 91
60 60-0,1296 0.1901 0.3198 0,020**-0.208 45-0,1662 0,1332 0,2994 0,044**-0,217 91 -0.0509 0.0154 0,0663 0,235 -0,141 61-0.0931 0,0733 0.1664 0,097*-0.141 46-0.1274 0.0575 0.1849 0.104 -0.217
25 45 50 33 25 90 60 45
Means and medians reported here for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the average Z_COGS/S variable. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported are for one-tailed, two-sample t-test of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. ***Significant at the 1% level; **signiflcant at the 5% level; *signiflcant at the 10% level.
To partially correct for the problems discussed above, we attempted to identify an industry that routinely reports total labor costs and where clerical labor represents the majority of the work force. The original sample had about sixty banks (SIC code 60XXDepository Institutions) that we had not considered in the analysis because their cost structure is very different from manufacturing companies, and they do not report their cost of goods sold. However, banks routinely report their labor costs. Further, since they do not have manufacturing labor, clerical labor would be a significant part of their work force. The results ofthe analysis on the LBR/Sales ratio for the banks in our sample are shown in Table 12. Although all the results are in the right direction (the difference column is positive), they are not significant. fVe therefore do notfind any evidence to support hypothesis H5.
Table 11. Comparisons of ITB/S Means and Medians for Large and Small Companies; Minimum of Three Years of IT Budget and Financial Data; Minimum of Ten Companies for Each Two-Digit SIC Code Classification; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Four-Digit SIC Code Classification, Sample Size =113
Trim var. Sample Sample means Split size Top % Bot Top Bot
50 33
Difference (p values)
Sample medians Bot Top 0.087 0.106 0.096 0.086 0.183 0.250 0.086 0.096 0.013
Difference (p values) 0.338 0.386 0.458 0.337 0.451 0.639 0.343 0.376 0.327 0.077* 0.131 0.040** 0.092* 0.120 0.057* 0.089* 0.201 0.133
56 37 28
25 50 33
25 50 33 25
27 53
35 26
Means and medians reported here for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the average Z_ITB/S variable. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported are for one-tailed, two-sample /-test of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. Significant at the 1% level; **signiflcant at the 5% level; *significant at the 10% level.
on the other hand. The results are shown in Table 13. The results indicate no relationship between firm size and COGS/Sales or SGA/Sales. However, the association between firm size and lower total average costs is marginally significant. Given that larger firms also invest more in IT, it is not possible to predict from our analysis whether these firms achieve lower total costs through the use of IT or through other means not captured in the analysis. Given that larger companies do not necessarily achieve lower cost of production as shown in Table 13, the strong relationship between IT spending and lower production costs is interesting and intriguing.
Table 12. Comparisons of LBR/S Means and Medians for High (Top) and Low (Bot) Spenders on IT for SIC Code (60XX^Depository Institutions); Minimum of Three Years of IT Budget and Financial Data; Minimum of Ten Companies for Each Two-Digit SIC Code Classification; Minimum of Five Companies for Each Four-Digit SIC Code Classification, Sample Size = 44
Trim var. None None ITB/S ITB/S ITB/S Sample Sample means Split size Top % Bot Top Bot 50 25 50 33 25 22 11 21 14 10 Difference (p values) Sample medians Bot Top Difference (p values) 0.065 0.082 0.025 0.251 0.082 0.084 0.175 0.167 0.180 0.311 0.224 0.053* 0.370 0.110 0.060* 0.113
22-0.1585-0.4166 0.2581 0.176 -0.105 -0.170 11 -0.4452 0.4699 0.0247 0.474 -0.107 -0.189 20-0.1254-0.3140 0.1886 0.499 -0.103 -0.078 14-0.1542-0.4677 0.3135 0.159 0.004 -0.255
BLBR/S 33 13 14-0.1020-0.5146 0.4127 0.063 -0.070 -0.255 BLBR/S 25 10 10-0.2080-0.5546 0.3465 0.140 -0.088 -0.255
Means and medians reported here for the high (top) and low (bot) IT spenders are for the average Z_LBR/S variable. Difference reported here is the difference between means or medians for the high and low IT spenders (Bot-Top). P values reported are for one-tailed, two-sample ;-test of means or for the one-tailed, two-sample Mann-Whitney test. Significant at the 1% level; significant at the 5% level; significant at the 10% level.
companies. We found no association between information technology investments and lower labor costs. Our results do not establish a causal relationship between IT investments and the various cost factors investigated. We suggested one possible explanation of our results through a distinction between the infonnation and automation effects of IT. If we assume that the information effect is the primary impact of IT investments, we would expect larger firms to spend more of their revenue on IT, consistent with our results, since larger firms have higher control and monitoring costs owing to the complexity of their operations. Further, a decrease in their control and monitoring costs through the use of IT makes larger companies (with higher IT expenditures) more cost-effective, as observed in Tables 1 and 12. Through its infonnation impact, IT enables a company to grow and achieve economies of scale in their production facilities without a corresponding increase in control and monitoring costs. This allows such firms to achieve lower average production costs, as observed from Tables 2, 3,4, and 5. Fur-
Table 13. Regression Analysis for Sales versus COGS/Sales, Sales versus SGA/Sales, and Sales versus OEXP/Sales Observations Sales coefficient Vs. COG/Sales Vs. SGA/Sales Vs. OEXP/Sales 249 249 249 -^.0446 0.0117 -0.0848 p value 0.4255 0.8362 0.1186 Adjusted K -O.0015 -^.0039 0.0058
ther, the automation impact of IT would dictate that firms with higher IT spending would achieve lower labor costs, which is not supported by our results. In addition, the information impact of IT implies that a firm with more information workers (who are the primary consumers of such information) would require more spending on information technology, as evidenced in Tables 7, 8, and 9. This study is limited, however, by the reliability of the data used. The IT budget data were provided by the editors of Computerworld, who collected the information through mail and phone interviews. In some cases, when the data were not available, they estimated the data based on "consulting and industry sources." Researchers have agreed, however, that the Computerworld data are among the best available [25]. Other limitations concem possible biases in the data. Companies in the data set are large and medium-sized, and the results may only be valid for other companies of similar size. Furl:her, the analysis was performed on mainly manufacturing firms and excluded financial and other firms in the service sector. It is also difficult to define IT investments. Companies may include different items in their IT budgets so that its definition may not be consistent across the sample. Another potential source of bias is the exclusion of a large number of companies from the sample because of the methodology used. However, unless there are systematic differences in the excluded companies, this may not be a major concem.
NOTES 1. Eventually, the LAPC may slope upward, as shown in the diagram. It is not important to our analysis because firms will not typically operate at that range. For example, many studies on the long-run costs of electricity production indicate significant economies of scale in electricity generation, but diseconomies of scale in the cost of power transmission, which causes the LAPC eventually to curve upward. Electric-power firms tend to operate on the left of the minimum point (see [19] for more detail). 2. We have ignored some other costs, such as the cost of capital. However, as long as the LACC curve shifts to the right as shown, the LATC curve will shift down and to the right. 3. Paul Strassman [30] attributes this practice to the days when central MIS delivered "pre-programmed and pre-defmed output to users, and all costs were made part of the fixed overhead." With the advent of end-user computing, this practice may become obsolete. 4. Banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions do not report their cost of goods sold. Utilities are usually excluded from such studies because of the highly regulated environment in which they operate. 5. We extensively checked all extreme values for the ITB/S and the cost-sales ratios. When in doubt, we consulted Moody's Industrial Manuals for verification. 6. The Mann-Whitney test is a nonparametric test that does not assume underlying normal
populations and is less sensitive to outliers than the /-test. Similar to the Wilcoxon signed rank test (which is for paired samples), it calculates the sum of ranks of the two subsamples. The Mann-Whitney procedure essentially tests for differences in position between the two subsamples. In the tables in this paper, we report the one-tailed/; vaiues from the Mann-Whitney test. We also report the medians ofthe two samples (high and low IT spenders) to give the reader an idea ofthe actual difference in location between the two samples.
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