SIC1005 Basic Mathematics For Chemistry Tutorial: Vectors: CL CL
SIC1005 Basic Mathematics For Chemistry Tutorial: Vectors: CL CL
SIC1005 Basic Mathematics For Chemistry Tutorial: Vectors: CL CL
Tutorial: Vectors
1. Consider the vectors, = (3,2,1), = (5,0,4), = (3,9,1). Combine them
as follows, and calculate their magnitude:
(a) 4 + 2
((22,8,12); 692)
(b) 3 2 + 4
((11,42, 1); 1886)
, = + +
and = 2 +
, find
2. If = 2 + 3
(b) ( 2)
(c) ( + )
3. If = (2,1, 1) and = (3,4,1), compute
(5 + 1 + 11
(5 1 11
1.5 D
2.5 D
Assuming the bond angles are 120, the dipole moment associated with
each of the CCl bond is 1.5 D and 2.5 D for C=O, determine the overall
dipole moment in Cartesian based unit vector.
(3 4 + 6
(17 J)
(a) write the algebraic form of four vector, 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 directed from
the center Co (0,0,0) to the four ligands
(b) find the magnitude of any one of the Co-Cl bond in term of a
(c) find the inter-ligand distance between any two Cl- species
= 2 + 3
= 1
|| = 0.866 nm
= 2
(a) give the value of 1 and 2
(0.600 nm;0.866 nm)
(b) compute
(0.388 nm2)
(c) compute the value of 2 and 3