Kitchen Homeopathy
Kitchen Homeopathy
Kitchen Homeopathy
By Vinton McCabe
Vinton McCabe, 2010
added a C scale, again using a Roman numeral, this time for 100 to refer to the
potency level. One part of substance was mixed with 99 parts water in order to create
a remedy that was far more diluted than was the X scale. Again, this scale was
continual, with the 30C remedy that can so easily today be purchased in a health food
store, considered an extremely high dilution, in that it referred to thirty levels of
dilution, each containing 100 parts of dilution. Therefore, the creation of the remedies
by hand was a time consuming work for Hahnemann, but one that paid off very well.
Because, in working with his potentization process, Hahnemann found that, as the
remedies were diluted and succussed, instead of becoming weaker, as one might
reasonably think that they would, they actually became stronger and stronger in their
medicinal action, but contained none of the toxic dangers of the original substance. In
fact, as we can prove today with modern technology, they contained none of the
original substance. This disappearing of all the molecules of the original substance
takes place at the level of 12X in Hahnemanns original X scale of dilutions, and at the
level of 4C in his second scale. It is at these levels that none of the original substance
remains, although remedies at these levels and above still retain the full medicinal
impact of the remedy.
In fact, Hahnemann found, again and again, that, as he diluted and
succussed his remedies, that they actually became more powerful with each level of
dilution. That, as the material dose of the actual substance fell away, its echo, its life
force remained and was capable of more and more impact on the human system.
Therefore, the remedy at a level of 12X potency is far more powerful than is the 4X.
And the 30C is more powerful in its action than is a 9C. And that same 30C would
have far more impact than that 4X.
Today, again thanks to modern technology, dilution has gone much
further. A third scale of potency has been developed, again borrowing a Roman
numeral to give it is name. The M scale, diluted to the 1,000s, is actually a
continuation of the C scale. When you reach the 999C level of dilution, the next level
is called 1M, referring to 1,000 levels of dilutions. From that point onward, dilutions
are done to the 1,000 and they are called 1M, 2M and so forth. This is our highest
level of dilution, and also our most powerful level of homeopathic treatment.
Therefore, Hahnemann, with his potentization process created exactly what he set
out to create: a pharmacy of medicines with full medicinal impact and no toxic side
The Philosophy of Homeopathic Treatment
It was an American homeopath, James Tyler Kent, who said that
homeopathic remedies are homeopathic in two ways: in the way in which they are
made and the way in which they are used. By this he refers to homeopathic
philosophy--which, like the remedies themselves, was largely shaped by Samuel
Hahnemann, and which determines the manner in which the remedies are used.
There are specific rules--what Hahnemann called the Three Laws of
Cure--that shape the process of homeopathic treatment. In addition to this, there is
what is known as Herings Law that gives an indication to both patient and
practitioner as to just how the healing process should take place.
Now, Herings Law perhaps should not be referred to as a law at all.
Instead, it is a description of the way in which healing most generally takes place.
Hering tells us that the healing process most often moves from the inside outward
(which is to say that physical manifestations of illness will usually move ultimately to
the skin in the form of rashes. Should these rashes be left alone to heal and not again
suppressed with allopathic treatment, then healing will be complete). In the same way,
he indicates that healing most often starts at the top of the head and moves
downward. That it moves from more vital organs to organs of lesser import (again,
ending with the skin, which is considered, in homeopathy, to be the least important
organ). Finally, Hering tells us that the symptoms will disappear in reverse order. In
other words, the symptom that came on first will be the last to leave, and the symptom
that was the last to manifest will be the first one removed.
Not all healings will take place as Constantine Hering described them, but
his law gives us a general pattern to look for in homeopathic treatment.
Unlike Herings Law, Samuel Hahnemanns Three Laws of cure are
immutable. They are the principles that define the philosophy of homeopathy and
inform its practice.
The First Law of Cure is called Similar. This is the heart of homeopathy.
It states that like cures like. But this I mean that the homeopath will, in treating a
patient, give that patient a remedy whose action it is to create a group of symptoms in
a healthy patient that are as similar as possible to those being experienced by the
patient. In this way, the homeopath works with the symptoms and with the patients
own Vital Force (think: immune system) in clearing away the symptoms of illness.
By working with the patients symptoms in a manner that actually strengthens the
patients ability to heal himself, all traces of the illness are completely removed and
nothing is suppressed into his system.
The Second Law of Cure is called Simplex. This law states that we must
use only one remedy at a time. This is important because, in managing the case, it is
vital to know what a remedy is capable of doing. And if more than one remedy is
given at the same time, it is impossible to know what each remedy is doing. It is also
impossible to know what the combination of the two remedies might do while
working in concert with each other. Only by giving a single remedy at a time can we
be sure of its impact upon the case. This is not to say that more than one remedy will
not be ultimately used in a given case, only that they should be given one at a time and
allowed to work fully before another remedy is used to follow up.
Finally, there is the Law of Minimum. This tells us that we want to use
every remedy in the same wayin the lowest effective potency and the fewest
number of effective doses. In other words, it is never the goal of homeopathic
treatment to over-medicate the patient. Nor is it ever the goal of homeopathic
treatment to manage diseases with open-ended treatments. It is always the goal of
homeopathic treatment to work with the patient and to stoke the patients own Vital
Force to allow his body to totally and completely heal itself.
This having been said, let us look at some specific remedies taken from food
Remedies Taken From Food Substances
Science has always had a difficult time deciding just what should be
classified as food and what should be classified as medicine--in other words, just
where is the line between nourishment, the function of food, and improvement, the
function of medicine? Just look the words up in the dictionary, food is defined as,
any nourishing substance eaten, drunk or otherwise taken into the body to sustain
life, provide energy, promote growth, etc. Medicine is defined as any substance
used in treating disease or illness. Therefore, food sustains life while medicine
combats, as the dictionary says, disease or illness (although what the difference is
between the two is, I do not know).
Which makes is largely a matter of preventative medicine versus
intervening medicine, and just where the line is between those two, much like food
and medicine, I also dont know.
Any of us who has been alive for more than twenty years should
remember the arguments on the floor of Congress over just this matter, as some
Congressmen felt that it was time to control the American publics access to so-called
medicinal herbs (a list that should include garlic and onion), and others felt that, as
these medicines were by and large considered to be foods and not medicines by the
general public, it was best to drop the whole thing. And so it was dropped, at least for
In homeopathy, we have no such issue with a substance being a food or a
medicine, because, in the process of becoming potentized into a homeopathic
medicine, all molecules of substance ultimately fall away, leaving only the energy
imprint of the substance behind, making homeopathy a form of energy medicine, as
opposed to both herbal and modern chemical medicines, all of which are, by virtue of
the substance used in combating disease or supporting health, to be categorized as
allopathic treatments.
But homeopathy comes from the same folk tradition as does Western
herbal medicine, and many of the remedies available are taken from traditional
herbals, many of which (like garlic and onion) have come to be considered foods that
have some medicinal impact, rather than medicines that can be fully digested (sort of
like an actor who sings as opposed to a singer who can act). But while homeopathy
shares a common history with herbal treatments, both the manner in which the
medicines are used, and the way in which the medicine acts upon the human system
are dramatically different.
With this in mind, let us consider some homeopathic remedies.
Remedy Source: Vegetable Remedy. The remedy is made from the
common onion, belonging to the natural order of Liliaceae. The common food
product is found all over the planet.
The remedy is made from the fresh red bulb of the vegetable. A
tincture is created from either the onion bulb or the whole plant and then potentized.
The plant is gathered in either July or August. The remedy Allium Cepa was created
by Constantine Hering in 1847.
Situations that Suggest Allium Cepa: Allergies of all sorts. Hay Fever.
Seasonal Allergies. Colds. Coughs. Inner Ear Infections. Upper Respiratory
Infections. Headaches. Sore Throat.
Remedy Portrait: Think of how your body reacts when you slice an
onion and you have the usual portrait of Allium Cepa. Your eyes are running, as is
your nose. Moisture seems to run from every part of your face. Morrison says that
the profuse watery discharge is like a faucet. Look for the patient to have to stuff
Kleenex into their nose to stop the flow.
With Allium Cepa colds and allergies, the water coming from the eyes is
bland, that is, it does not burn or itch the eyes. They tear and tear, and the flow is
very watery. The discharge from the nose, however, causes irritation. The skin
around the nostrils is red and sore and, often, cracked. These are the colds in which
the nose becomes so sore that you do not want to blow it.
Allium Cepa is so effective when dealing with allergies that Morrison
warns us that we have to be a little careful with using it. He writes that the remedy
will help with allergies in up to a third of all cases for at least that season. But
Morrison tells us that seasonal allergies are never truly acute situations, and that a
remedy that is deeper acting and more specific to the case is usually called for in order
to clear the allergies away for all time. If we are to use the Band-Aid approach with
Allium Cepa, we will find that, although the allergies will grow better for one season,
in the next the remedy will be of much less help. Morrison even warns that using this
acute remedy for a constitutional situation can ultimately suppress the allergies into a
deeper condition like asthma.
But this aside, the wise use of this remedy, when the symptoms match the
remedys action, will be a great blessing to all involved, as Allium Cepa is perhaps our
most important acute remedy for persons with colds.
It is interesting to note that those needing this remedy will usually reveal
themselves by the fact that they crave onions. They will refuse to eat cucumbers.
Allium Cepa is helpful with headaches, especially headaches that
accompany colds or allergies.
The patient will tend to also have symptoms involving the eyes. The eyes
will burn, will ache, will feel as if they were tearing from smoke. The patient will
want to rub their eyes.
The throat also has symptoms. The patient will have laryngitis. This loss
of voice may or may not accompany a cold or allergies. The throat will also be sore,
and the pain will be made much worse by coughing. The patient will have to grasp
their throat and hold it still when they cough, in that the coughing makes them feel
that they are going to tear their throat open.
Keynotes: Sore and raw are the two words that best sum up the
pains of Allium Cepa. In some cases, the patients whole body will feel raw during
their cold.
The allergies in Allium Cepa tend to come on every year in August. The
remedy is also very useful for spring allergies, especially those that come on after
damp weather, or from northeasterly winds. These allergies cause discharges from the
nose that burn both the nose and the upper lip. The nose drips so much that drops of
watery discharge will drop off the tip of the nose.
Aggravations: There is a general aggravation from being in a warm
room. Aggravation also from getting wet.
The Allium Cepa patient who has a headache will find that the headache
is made worse by closing his eyes.
The patient is worse by having to sit still.
The patients allergies tend to be worse in the late afternoon. The patient,
however, will have a general aggravation in the evening.
The patient will also be worse for eating salad, which they will not be able
to digest well. The same is true for peaches.
Ameliorations: There is a general amelioration when the patient is
outside in open air. Even if the allergies are made worse by being outside, the patient
will want to be outside.
The patient is better for moving about. They will want to go outside and
Remedy Source: Vegetable Remedy: All-S is taken from a tincture
which is created from a fresh bulb of garlic.
Garlic has been used as both a medicine and a condiment since prehistoric
times. As a medicine, it has been used as a treatment for worms, for fevers and for
high blood pressure.
As a homeopathic remedy, some of the same conditions apply. Certainly
garlic, as either an herbal or homeopathic, acts to purify the human system and to
eliminate pathological flora in the digestive tract.
As a homeopathic, it may be used in the treatment of diverse conditions
including insect stings and bites, colitis, headache and tuberculosis.
Situations that suggest Allium Sativum: Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds,
Cough, Sore Throat with Hoarseness; Chronic Indigestion, Colitis, Constipation,
Diarrhea; Skin Rash, Ringworm; Fevers; Headaches; Diabetes; Worms and Parasites.
Remedy Portrait: In the acute sphere of treatment, we often think of
All-S as a remedy that is very helpful in treating those who have been bitten by
insects, especially those who have not done well since they were bitten. Those who
become pale and lifeless, whose Vital Force seems drained away. They will not want
to walk, and feel special weakness in their legs, which they feel will not or cannot
support them. These patients will also share the digestive complaints common to the
remedy listed below.
All-S is also a great remedy with which we can ward off insects. Those
taking the remedy will be far less likely to be bitten or bothered by any insect,
Remedy Source: Vegetable Remedy: The Tomato, also called the Love
Apple. Full name: Solanum Lycopericum, it is native to North America. It is part of
the family Solanaceae N. O., a group of plants that form the foundation of many
important homeopathic remedies, several of which will be considered here.
The remedy is made from a tincture of the ripe fruit.
In folklore, the tomato was used in the treatment of obesity.
Situations that suggest Lycopersicum: Seasonal Allergies, Sore Throat;
Obesity and Gout; Headache; Back Pain, Rheumatism; Diabetes.
Remedy Portrait: In acute situations, this is often used as a remedy for
those with seasonal allergies. Like Allium Cepa, this is considered a basic, wideaction remedy for the symptoms of allergy, but look for those symptoms to be better
when the patient is outdoors in fresh air. In that the Allium Cepa symptoms are made
much worse when the patient is outside, the two remedies can be considered
alternative for each other in the particular circumstances of seasonal allergy.
Remedy Source: Vegetable Remedy: This wonderful little remedy is
made from common celery.
As a folk remedy, the substance was used in a couple of different ways.
The root was injested by those who were retaining urine. It was also said to be useful
for those who tended to fidget, who could not keep still.
The seeds were known to have the ability to creating heartburn and
belching that tasted of celery. They were said to also induce vomiting.
Situations that suggest Apium Graveolens: Heartburn, Queasy
Stomach; Retention of Urine; Headache; Post Nasal Drip; Fidgets; Toothache.
Remedy Portrait: This is one of the remedies that pretty much mirror
the herbal remedy in terms of symptoms and usage.
The patient needing this remedy will tend to have headaches that are
accompanied by heartburn. Look for swelling of the hands and throat as well.
Pain in the area of the stomach often alternates with a skin rash, which is
very itchy--and which also have a stinging sensation--and changes location on the
skin frequently. Pain and pressure in the stomach will precede the rash, and will
disappear as soon as the rash appears.
The patient will crave either apples or oranges. May also crave oatmeal.
Consider this remedy for toothache that is located in the left molars and
which is made better by holding cold water in the mouth.
Keynotes: The patient alternates between lethargy and energetic
behavior. At times, they may feel both at once, and become very fidgety as they
emotionally are dull and depressed by are physically very hyperactive.
This is a remedy that contains a unique picture of sleeplessness. The
patient has sleep that does not refresh, he awakens from 1 until 3 every morning, yet
is not tired in the morning from his lack of sleep.
Aggravations: Aches and pains are worse if the patient lies down.
Ameliorations: Most symptoms are made better by eating, especially
headache. Insomnia, however, is not improved by eating.
Dosage and Potency: All potencies used as needed.
Relationships: none found.
Remedy Source: Mineral Remedy: Natrum Muriaticum is made from
sodium chloride, or regular table salt. Because this chemical compound is so common
to our environment and is, indeed, a natural part of our own bodies, the remedy taken
from it is one of our most benign and curative. This is one of the most important
remedies for both acute and chronic conditions.
Natrum Muriaticum is one of Samuel Hahnemanns first remedies.
Situations that Suggest Natrum Muriaticum: Emotional Distress:
Grief. Suicidal States. Depression. Also: Sexual Dysfunction. Allergies and
Chemical Sensitivities of all sorts: Environmental Illness, Chronic Fatigue. Hay Fever
and Rhinitis. Asthma. Also: Herpes and Aphthae. Contagious Diseases: Cold and
Flus, Sore Throat, Fever and Fevers of Unknown Origins. Whooping Cough.
whooping cough in which the patients eyes stream with tears as the patient coughs.
The eyes give many indications of the remedy. The patient will say that
their eyes feel weak and bruised. This is a remedy for those whose eyes feel tired
from overwork. For those whose eyes feel weak after they read too much. Look for
the patients eyes to tear and for their eyes to smart from tearing. Look for the
patients eyelids to be swollen. Look for the patient to complain that their sense of
vision is diminished. The patient will feel that they cannot bear to look when they are
outdoors in the bright sunshine. They will have pain in their eyes when they are
looking downward. They may say that they see firey halos around all objects.
The patient will also complain that they have lost their sense of taste as
well. Look to the patients tongue as an indicator of the remedy. Their tongue will
have a frothy coating, and will have small bubbles on the sides. The patient will
complain that their mouth and throat feel dry. They will say that they have a sensation
of numbness in their mouth, particularly in their tongue. This numbness may extend
to the patients lips and even to their nose. Look for the patients lips to be dry. It is
keynote of this remedy that the middle of the patients lower lip will be cracked.
The Natrum Mur patient will be very thirsty. They are among the thirstiest
patients. They will want cold water. This symptom is so strong that its absence will
counter-indicate the remedy.
The patient will crave salt. They will not want baked things, especially
bread. They will be repulsed by anything that they consider to be fatty or slimy. This
is an excellent remedy to consider in cases of simple indigestion and hear burn. The
patient will be hungry, and yet will not be sure if they want to eat. They will still be
thirsty. They will complain of a throbbing pain in the pit of their stomach. They may
experience a cutting pain all across their abdomen.
Consider this remedy for patients who are chronically given to
constipation or to diarrhea or to both in alternation. Consider this remedy for those
who are given to constipation in which the stool is dry and crumbling in nature, but
who, from time to time experience a sudden pinching pain in their abdomen that
drives them into the bathroom. This will be followed by a sudden, painless bout of
diarrhea. They will at this time have a large evacuation, which will again be followed
by a period of constipation.
In the same way, Natrum Mur should be considered for the woman who
experience an irregular period. The patient will experience a bearing-down pain
before her period. And that period will mirror the symptoms of elimination:
sometimes scanty, with other flows being profuse. The patient will feel hot during the
flow of the period.
This is an excellent remedy for patients with acute or chronic back pain.
Think of this remedy for those who want to go and lie down when they have back
pain. The patient will want to lie on something very firm, perhaps on the floor. They
may feel a numbness that extends from their back into their arms or lower extremities.
Also consider Natrum Mur for the patient who experiences cracking in all
their joints when they move. Who experiences weakness in their legs, especially in
their knees. Also for the patient who has a chronic weakness in the knees or ankles.
Consider this for the patient who has injured their ankles or knees in the past and now
has a chronic tendency to re-injure the joint. The patient will complain that their legs
are cold, but that their head and chest feels congested and hot.
Look at the patients skin and hair for an indication of the remedy. The
patient will have skin that is greasy. Their hair will be oily. This is perhaps the most
important remedy that we have for those with fever blisters, especially fever blisters
that accompany a cold. Think of this remedy for cases of eczema in which the skin is
raw, red and inflamed.
Also look at the patients hands for an indication of the remedy. Consider
Natrum Mur for the patient who has warts on their hands. Especially on the palms of
the hands. Look for the patients hands to be hot and sweaty.
Keynotes: Look for the symptoms of Natrum Mur to always follow the
sun. As the sun rises over the horizon, the symptoms begin. This is certainly true of
the headaches common to the remedy, which will come on while the patient is in bed
in the morning. If the Natrum Mur patient is moving into a migraine, she will know it
upon awakening.
The symptoms will grow worse as the sun rises in the sky. The patient
will begin to feel better as the sun begins to set. By evening, she will be much
In the same way, the Natrum Mur patient is worse for sunshine and better
for lying down in a dark and quiet room.
The Natrum Mur patient wants to be alone. They do not wish to be
consoled. Often this will be an irritable patient, who will fly into tantrums over
nothing. The Natrum Mur will also often be a weepy patient, who will cry for no
apparent reason.
Look for the patients face to be shiny and oily, it will look as if it has
been greased.
Look for a general loss of taste and smell. Look for a crack in the middle
of the lower lip. Also herpes on the lips are very common. This is a major remedy
for herpes.
The patient will be very thirsty for cold water. They will also crave salt.
The Natrum Mur patient will be averse to bread and to any food that they consider
slimy. Most often, this will include oysters. The Natrum Mur patient will sweat
while eating.
Aggravations: Look for a general aggravation of all symptoms from 10
until 11 a.m.
The Natrum Mur patient will also be aggravated at the sea shore or from
sea air. They will also, however, crave the sea and desire to go there.
There is a general aggravation also from the sun and from sitting out in
the heat of the sun.
The Natrum Mur will also be aggravated by any mental exertion. And,
although the patient is weepy, there is an aggravation from crying.
Amelioration: The Natrum Mur will be improved by open air. They are
also made better from cold bathing. They are further improved by skipping regular
meals and by lying on the right side.
Dosage and Potency: This is another remedy that was adopted by
Schuessler in his cell salts. He gave the remedy in 6C potency. But homeopaths make
use of Natrum Mur in all potencies, from the very lowest to the highest. Many used
this wonderful remedy in 30C, and find that potencies lower than this are not as
The low potencies are given as needed. Higher potencies are given in the
single dose, and, if they need to be repeated, will work best if another remedy is given
before the Natrum Mur is repeated.
One dose of Natrum Mur will hold for up to 6 weeks.
Relationships: Natrum Mur is complementary in action both to Apis and
to Ignatia. In fact, Natrum Mur can often be considered to be the constitutional
equivalent of Ignatia. Both Ignatia and Apis should be given before Natrum Mur.
Remedy Source: Vegetable Remedy: This remedy is taken from black pepper,
from a tincture created from the dried peppercorns, to be exact. The plant is from the
Natural Order Piperaceae.
The plants are tropical climbing shrubs. The fruit of the shrub is
considered ripe when it is red. It is gathered before it is fully ripened and is then
spread on mats in the bright sunshine. The peppercorn then loses its red color and
becomes black and shriveled.
Note that white pepper is taken from the same plant, but, in this case, the
outer skin of the peppercorn is removed by maceration in water and by subsequent
Situations that Suggest Piper Nigrum: Headache. Toothache, tooth decay.
Irregular periods in women, uterine cramps. Constipation.
Remedy Portrait: This patient is usually one who is sad and apprehensive. They
lack the ability to concentrate and are easily startled. They are startled by any noise.
They often exhibit the unusual fear that they are being poisoned.
Look for this patient to complain of the sensations of burning and
pressure in their body. It may occur anywhere in the body, but is commonly worse on
the left side. It will also be worse in the head, as this is an important headache
remedy. This is a full, heavy headache that is accompanied by a sensation of burning
along with the pain.
A leading homeopath of more than a century ago, Clarke, noted that he
had personal experience of this headache, in that he would get a headache every time
he ate highly peppered foods. Those headaches would lift with a dose of this
remedy. He said that his head felt heavy with this headache, and he also felt as if his
temples were being pressed in, as well as pressure in the nasal and facial bones.
The patient's face will often be bright red during the headache. They will
be very thirsty and will have dry lips and mouth. (Those chronically needing this
remedy will most likely have cracked lips that are very dry.)
Women will often require this remedy for irregular periods. Their period
will be difficult and capricious, with severe cramping and a flow that is either too
lacking or too heavy.
Other conditions that are common to the Piper type include heart
conditions with palpitations and irregular pulse. Also those who chronically feel a
burning sensation during urination. Burning in bladder and urethra. Commonly, the
patient feels that his bladder is full, and even swollen. He has the strong urge to
urinate, but is not able to.
Note that is this also a common cough remedy, especially in cases when
the patient has severe bouts of coughing when he tries to go to sleep. Coughing is
very violent. The patient may even cough up blood. This is a loose, croupy and
hollow kind of cough. The patient may also have bouts of suffocation, especially on
going to sleep.
Keynotes: Diet is commonly the keynote. This is a very thirsty patient who loves
and craves rich and extravagant foods. They love spicy--especially, peppery--foods,
which do not agree with them. Look for all symptoms of all sorts to be aggravated by
the patient eating spicy things.
Aggravations: Worse from spicy or too-rich foods.
Worse when the weather drops in the evening, especially during damp or
wet weather.
Worse from motion.
Ameliorations: Better from rest.
Potency and Dosage: Piper Nigrum works best in low potency, and may be
repeated as needed. It will usually need to be repeated fairly often in chronic cases.
Relationships: There are no remedies that are not compatible to Piper Nigrum,
nor any the work particularly well with the remedy.
Remedy Source: Vegetable Remedy: Capsicum Annum is also known
as Cayenne Pepper. It belongs to the family of Solanaceae, which makes it a relative
of the potato and tomato, which were considered previously. The plant is native to
South America and the West Indies.
The remedy is created from the pods of the plant.
In that the source plant is taken from Solanaceae N. O., this remedy in its
use and action, belongs along side such other remedies as Belladonna, Stramonium,
Hyosamus and Dulcamara, as well as those taken from the potato and tomato. Because
of the rather fixed topic explored in these pages, I have placed the remedy here.
Situations that suggest Capsicum: Aches and Pains, Neuralgia,
Rheumatism and Rheumatic Pains, Sciatica; Coughs, Asthma, Whooping Cough;
Diarrhea, Dysentery, Heartburn; Obesity; Measles; Fevers; Homesickness; Delirium
Remedy Portrait: Think of cayenne and you have the indications for
the remedy. Burning pains that occur anywhere in the body. It may be considered the
remedy of choice in all cases involving burning pains, even if they lack any other the
other characteristics of the remedy, as long as those burning pains are made worse if
the patient makes the mistake of dowsing those burning parts with cold water, which
will greatly aggravate any Capsicum case.
As this is a rheumatic remedy, the patient will greatly react to cold and
damp, but especially to cold. They are terrified of getting cold, because that translates
into pain for them.
In fact, this whole remedy picture combines the redness of the original
pepper with coldness. Burning combines with coldness. Redness with coldness. The
patients face will be both red and cold (a unique combination among homeopathic
The pains tend to run along the nerves of the body, especially in the legs.
Pain will run from hip to foot and will be worse if the patient coughs (and, as this is a
cough and whooping cough remedy, that can be likely). They left leg is particularly
likely to be affected. The left leg may be so painful that the patient limps when he
walks, or even staggers as if drunk.
Drunkenness runs through this remedy as well. The patient may seem
drunk, both in action and in behavior. And it should be remembered as an important
remedy for those who suffer withdrawal from alcohol.
Mentally, this is a patient experiences many changes of mood, who may
be singing one moment and angry the next. They seem vague and confused as well.
Often, they very much want to be left alone. The mental symptom that is most
common is home-sickness. The patient will also be sleepless and will tend to have a
bright red face when homesick. They will be sentimental and very emotional.
Those chronically needing this remedy will tend to have poor muscle
tone. They are said to be weak, lazy, indolent, fat, red, clumsy, awkward and of
unclean habits. Certainly this is a mouthful, but those who need this remedy
constitutionally tend to be those who do not exercise, and who have exhausted their
energy, leaving them disinclined to perform any physical or mental labor. They tend
to have troubles when they become cold, and they are usually fearful of getting cold.
The remedy also acts with great strength on all the mucous membranes of
the body. It also acts on hard tissue and bones.
Keynotes: This is a patient who shudders. They shudder when in pain
or in the open air. They will avoid cold air above all else.
Burning, however, is the most important keynote, a burning pain that is
Remedy Source: Vegetable Remedy: The remedy is taken from ginger
and is created from a tincture of the dried rhizome.
As a spice, and as is common to spices, ginger has a distinctive action on
the digestive organs. It can cause symptoms associated with indigestion, including
flatulence and pressure in the region of the abdomen. As a homeopathic, it speaks to
these symptoms when they re naturally occurring.
Situations that suggest Zingiber: Digestive Disorders, Bad Breath;
Diarrhea, Intestinal Colic; Retention of Urine; Food Poisoning; Asthma; Anxiety and
Nervous Disposition.
Remedy Portrait: The action of the remedy impacts especially upon the
urinary and respiratory organs. Symptoms can come on after eating bad food or
drinking impure water, from eating melon or bread.
In the urinary sphere, the patient will complain of a dull ache in the
region of the kidneys, and a frequent desire to urinate. Urination produces a sharp,
stinging pain. Urine continues to drip and burn after urination complete. Look for a
great increase of urine, or almost a complete cessation of urination. Urine may be
thick and dark in color, almost brown in color.
In the respiratory sphere, the patient will also have pain on breathing.
Asthma. The patients throat feels scraped, chest aches on breathing. There is also
commonly a chronic cough that produces phlegm in the morning but is dry the rest of
the day.
As with the spice, the remedy is helpful for a wide range of digestive
symptoms: for diarrhea, and for nausea especially. The patient has a reduced
digestion, the patient says that it feels as if there is a stone in their stomach. The
patient reports rumbling in the stomach as well.
The patient may be chilly or hot, or the two may alternate. Commonly,
the patient says that he feels hot and cold, both at the same time. Look for nausea
especially to combine with the sensation of hot and cold combined.
Keynotes: This odd combination of hot and cold is keynote, as is the
fact that the patient needing this remedy tends to have diarrhea after drinking warm
The odd sensation that the patients own head is too large for his body is
also keynote.
Aggravations: Worse from being touched. Worse from pressure of any
Worse when lying down. Worse also from any motion, especially upon
Worse from laughing or talking.
Ameliorations: Better when sitting or standing.
Better when uncovered.
Potency and Dosage: This remedy tends to be given frequently in low
potency doses. It is a quick acting remedy, whose actions fade fairly quickly as well.
Potencies up to 30C are most common, starting with the 6C and 9C potencies. All
Remedy Source: Vegetable Remedy: Taken from Pretroselinum
Sativum, common parsley. A tincture is made from the whole plant in the spring
when the plant is first in flower. This tincture is potentized into the homeopathic
This remedy was used by Hahnemann himself, who considered it an
important remedy for those with gonorrhea, when the patient experiences a frequent
desire to urinate.
As a folk remedy, it was also used in herbal form to combat gonorrhea.
For this, it was used in the form of parsley tea. Parsley was eaten after meals because
it acted as a solvent for uric acid in the system and promoted urination.
Parsley tea was also a Scottish remedy for those with chronic urinary and
bladder diseases.
Parsley and butter were also combined together and used as a topical
treatment for bruises.
Situations that suggest Petroselinum: Gonorrhea; Cystisis, Retention
of Urine; Fevers; Night Blindness.
Remedy Portrait: Most of the symptoms for the remedy occur in the
region of the kidneys. There will be a sudden urge to urinate. Often, this urge is
fruitless. Patient may feel the need to urinate every half hour. If they do not attempt
to urinate, the patient may feel sudden pain in the region of the kidney.
In cases of gonorrhea, the patient feels intense itching in the urethra.
Discharge will be of milky white or yellow fluid. Look for the orifice of the urethra
to be agglutinated with mucus.
Keynotes: Sudden desire to urinate. Painful urination, but also pain if
the patient does not urinate.
Bethmann, who created the remedy, found some 36 distinct symptoms in
the genito-urinary tract, making it a very specific remedy.
Also considered an excellent remedy for babies who have trouble with
urination, especially when accompanied by fevers.
Dosage and Potency:
Relationships: Most similar in action with other gonorrheal remedies,
such as Mercurius, although it has pains in common with Causticum and Aconite.
to remember that, in the search for new remedies, by Hahnemann and by those who
have followed him, nothing has been overlooked.
Sometimes the most benign substances, salt being perhaps the best
example, yield amazing results and become powerful remedies. But most often, it is
the remedies taken from toxic substances, including poisonous plants, that yield the
most powerful tools for healing. But that is a story for another day.