School Bullying
School Bullying
School Bullying
New Perspectives on a Growing Problem
David R. Dupper
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Chapter 1
An Ecological-Systems Perspective of
Bullying in Schools
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
religious battle. While most teachers want to protect LGBT students from
being bullied, teachers also do not want to violate the rights of morally
conservative parents. In this chapter, I also discuss sexual bullying and sexual
harassment, dened as any form of physical or nonphysical bullying using
a persons sexuality or gender as a weapon by boys or girls toward other
boys or girls. By viewing sexual bullying as harassment, school districts can
take specic actions based on the federal denition of sexual harassment and
the rights of students under Title IX. I highlight several programs that show
promise in reducing sexual bullying and harassment in schools.
In Chapter 5, I discuss under-the-radar forms of bullying, namely,
religious bullying and bullying by teachers and other adults. A number of case
studies and legal briefs suggest that religious bullying in U.S. public schools
may be a much broader and more pervasive form of bullying than many
currently acknowledge. Religious bullying has been dened as repeated acts
of aggression in which the power of institutional religion is used to mock,
humiliate, or threaten others who do not share the same religious beliefs
or practices. I point out that the central legal issue facing school ofcials
is balancing the rights of free speech (including religious expression) as
well as protecting students from being coerced by others to accept certain
religious (or antireligious) beliefs. I discuss several recommendations for
increasing religious tolerance in U.S. public schools. In this chapter I also
discuss a largely unacknowledged and often hidden form of bullying in
schoolsteachers who bully students. A teacher-bully is a teacher who uses
his or her power to punish, manipulate, or disparage a student beyond what
would be considered a reasonable disciplinary procedure. I point out that
the impact of teacher bullying can be more devastating and developmentally
destructive than peer-on-peer bullying due to the importance of positive
teacherstudent relationships to a students school success. I point out that
teacher bullying is especially difcult to assess and address because teachers
bullying behaviors are often equated with maintaining order and discipline
and, therefore, are undetectable. In fact, current school policies do not even
recognize teacher-to-student bullying as a problem and, consequently, fail to
provide any formal mechanism to remedy student complaints against abusive
teachers. I explore the few studies that have focused on this largely taboo
topic within the bullying literature.
In Chapter 6, I discuss strategies that do not work in combating bullying
and then describe the philosophy and key features of a whole-school approach
as a framework for developing and implementing comprehensive bullying
I greatly appreciate Autumn Lowrys time and assistance with this volume.
I want to acknowledge her and thank her for writing the bullying vignettes
contained in Box 2.1 of this volume as well as her help with indexing. I also
want to thank Katrina Jordan for her excellent research on sexual bullying.
I especially want to acknowledge and thank my wife, Ann Contole, my
partner of over 30 years, my condante, my best friend, and my love. I thank
her for her excellent editing skills as well as her ongoing encouragement
and unending support throughout the years. I dedicate this volume to Ann
and to our three daughters, Amy, Chrissy, and Laura. I thank each of you for
bringing such joy into my life!
School Bullying
(publishers of the Grand Theft Auto games) called Bully, released in October
2006, where players adopt the persona of a 15-year-old juvenile delinquent
who terrorizes his victims with a range of physically and psychologically
abusive behaviors (Barboza et al., 2009, p. 105).
We must also examine and acknowledge the bullying behaviors that
occur in varied forms in many of our homes. While we do not characterize
spouse abuse, child abuse, and domestic violence as bullying (Rigby, 2002),
these aggressive and violent acts involve the basic characteristic of bullying
behaviors, namely, the systematic abuse of power. It could be persuasively
argued that our culture has institutionalized bullying . . . which no doubt
dramatically affects our children, through poor adult role models . . .
(Twemlow & Sacco, 2007, p. 245). Why should we be surprised that we
have a bullying problem in our schools?
School Bullying
As much as adults talk about proper behavior and morals, our children
and youth continue to learn the most from observing the actions of adults
(Hsiao-chuan, 2011). Their observations of adults lead to a number of
troubling questions: When should students cooperate and when should
they compete?, Whats wrong with putting people down, nding an edge
to use to ones advantage, or making a distinction between us and them
when everybody does it, even teachers? In the eyes of a student bully,
aggression is rationalized as strength, competitiveness as license to prey on
others, and bigotry as proof of status (Parsons, 2005, p. 85). In the end,
adults should not blame children for behaviors that result from observing
and modeling adult behavior. Which brings us to the question: Is there a
culture of bullying in some schools, and how might this bullying culture
impact peer-on-peer bullying?
School Bullying
Bullying is a complex phenomenon that dees simple explanations and
simple solutions. The ecological-systems perspective is a very useful framework for increasing our understanding of bullying in all of its complexity
as well as developing interventions based on this complex understanding. This ecological-systems perspective of bullying has begun to receive
empirical support.
Bullying in our schools is a reection of bullying in our culture. We live
in a conict-lled, competitive world where bullying is pervasive. Bullying
behavior is evident in our international relationships, work environments,
politics, sports, media, and even in our homes. To compound the problem,
our youth are also receiving mixed messages from adults about bullying
behavior. In the end, adults should not blame children for behaviors
that result from observing and modeling adult behavior. We know that
a schools culture and climate signicantly affect and inuence students
behavior. Unfortunately, a culture of bullying exists in some schools that
serves to normalize bullying within that school.
According to evolutionary biologists, striving for social dominance is
part of human nature. The potential for victimization and scapegoating
are exacerbated by the physiological and psychological changes that mark
early adolescence. This includes the increasing importance of social status
and peer group afliation and explains a spike in bullying behaviors in 6th
grade followed by a steady decline in later grades.
that bullying began to attract attention in the United States (Olweus & Limber,
2010). Since that time, research on this topic has grown tremendously. In the
mid-2000s, there was a marked shift in bullying research toward research
on cyberbullying (Smith, 2011). (A detailed discussion of cyberbullying can
be found in Chapter 3 of this volume.) Similarly, state laws that focused on
combating bullying in schools were nonexistent in 1999 (Olweus & Limber,
2010). However, as of early 2012, all but three states in the United States
have passed some form of antibullying legislation (American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention, 2011). (A more detailed discussion of antibullying laws
across the United States can be found in Chapter 6 of this volume).
What Is Bullying?
Based on my extensive research on this topic, I believe that the most
succinct and useful way of conceptualizing bullying in all of its forms is as
a a systematic abuse of power (Rigby, 2002). This systematic abuse of
power differentiates bullying from other forms of aggression and conict,
and as such, I discuss bullying from this perspective throughout this
Beyond the general notion of dening bullying as a systematic abuse
of power, a number of researchers have focused on three key elements in
denitions of bullying. Specically, bullying refers to the unprovoked physical
or psychological abuse of an individual by one student or a group of students
over time to create an ongoing pattern of abuse against a victim who cannot easily
defend him or herself. In other words, bullying is a specic type of aggression
that involves an imbalance of power where the bully consciously intends to
harm his or her victim physically and/or psychologically and has the power
and the means to do so. Youth who engage in bullying behaviors have a need
to feel powerful and in control, and they derive satisfaction from inicting
injury/suffering on their victims (Center for School Mental Health Assistance,
2002). Bullies are also skilled at picking victims who are unlikely to ght
back and for nding victims in unsupervised settings where they cant walk
away or nd an adult to help (Goodwin, 2011, p. 83). The public tears of
victims often serve to solidify the power and status of the bully (Jacobson,
2010). Table 2.1 contains a listing of the various forms of bullying and
respective denitions, and Box 2.1 contains examples of several common
forms of bullying.
Physical bullying
Verbal bullying
(see chapter3 of
this volume)
Sexual bullying
Bias bullying
Note. Sources: Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA, 2011; Crick et al., 2001; Espelage,
2004; Hinduja & Patchin, 2007; Holladay, 2010; Ragozzino and OBrien, 2009; Schrock & Boyd,
School Bullying
Physical Bullying
Brandon, a student at Valley Middle School, just got a new jacket
for his birthday. When he wears it to school, Kyle, another student,
begins to taunt Brandon about his jacket. When Brandon asks Kyle
to stop, Kyle laughs at him and pushes him up against the lockers. Brandon tries to push away from Kyle, but the more Brandon
tries, the harder Kyle pushes. Finally, Kyle kicks Brandon, and as
Brandon falls, Kyle takes Brandons jacket from him and stomps it
then spits on it.
Verbal Bullying
Kate is a freshman at East High School and is nervous about her rst
day of high school. Everything appears to go smoothly until it is time
for gym class. As Kate comes out of the locker room, she hears the
other girls laughing and saying things like She can barely even t
into her gym clothes! Kate tries to ignore them, but when it is time
for warm-up laps around the gym track, she can hear them laughing
again and saying things such as Look how red her face is! The fatso
cant even handle warm-ups! Another girl points and laughs and
says, Look at her, she looks like a waddling duck when she runs
because shes so fat! Kate cant bear to listen anymore and runs into
the bathroom crying.
Relational/Indirect Bullying
Rachel and Christine are both students at Hartford High School. Rachel
does not like Christine because she feels that everyone likes Christine
more than they like her. Rachel begins a rumor about Christine in science class, saying that she has been hooking up with every guy on the
football team. Before lunchtime, many students hear the rumor and
distort it even further. By the end of the day, several students begin to
ask Christine how she likes being so easy. Over the next few weeks,
Christine begins to feel the effects of the rumor worsen. She loses her
student council election, her cheerleading coach speaks to her about
the reputation of the squad, and her boyfriend breaks up with her
Dean is a student at King Middle School who just tried out for the
football team. As he comes off of the eld after doing poorly on his
throwing and running, he feels pretty discouraged. He can even hear
the older players laughing at him, but he doesnt look up at them to
see who they are. Certain he isnt going to make the team after such
an awful tryout, Dean just wants to go home. After having dinner
with his parents, Dean logs online to check his social network sites.
To his horric surprise, cell phone videos of Deans embarrassing tryout have been uploaded and posted all over many students social
network sites. There are multiple comments making fun of Deans
performance by dozens of students. Just when Dean thinks it cant
get worse, he gets a text message from one of his friends asking if he
knows about the pictures and videos being texted and sent via cell
phone. Dean is sure by the next day that the whole school will access
to the video and picture proof of his bad tryout. He doesnt want to
go to school to nd out.
Sexual Bullying
Bailey is a student at West High School who has been having trouble
with another student, Allan. Allan has been sexually propositioning Bailey for a few weeks. He stops her in the hallway, talks to her
in class, and sends her texts about how hot she is and states how
badly he wants her and how they should hook up. Sometimes
when they pass in the hall, he even makes illicit remarks about her
body in front of other students. Bailey is not only frustrated but
also getting uneasy with Allans persistence after telling him no
several times and asking him to stop. Allans unrelenting behavior
only worsens. He begins to touch Baileys hair in class and tries to
whisper sexually explicit phrases in her ear from the desk behind
her. One day when class lets out and the halls become crowded,
Allan runs his hand across Baileys breast and squeezes. Bailey slaps
Allans hand away and runs to the principals ofce to report Allans
School Bullying
Bias Bullying
Joseph is a 6th grade Latino student at Marsden Middle School who
lives alone with his mother. His mother is a waitress who works
almost every day and picks up double shifts several times a week
to be able to pay the household bills and have a little left over for
Josephs lunch money. Most students at school know that Joseph
and his mom do not have a lot of money. Almost daily, Joseph hears
other kids at school taunt and ridicule him about being poor, saying
things like nasty Mexican, so poor and ugly his Dad couldnt even
love him enough to stick around, and several other hurtful things.
Joseph cannot understand why the other students are mean to him
and begins to skip school when his mom is at work.
School Bullying
Being male
Note. Sources: Barboza et al., 2009; Center for School Mental Health Assistance, 2002; Haynie
et al., 2001; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.,d; Vaillancourt, Hymel, &
McDougall, 2003.
absent is associated with children who are bullies. It also appears that family
relationships that lack warmth as well as families with inconsistent parental
discipline are associated with children and youth who bully others.
Table 2.4 identies a number of school characteristics that have been
shown to be associated with bullying. This is an important area of current
and future research on bullying since it takes into account factors in the
larger environment that can serve to reinforce or diminish the likelihood
of bullying in a particular school. Research has indicated that a negative
Inconsistent discipline
Note. Sources: Center for School Mental Health Assistance, 2002; Duncan, 2011; Farrington,
1993; Ragozzino & OBrien, 2009; Smith, 2011.
School Bullying
School security
procedures or
Attitudes of school
personnel toward
Note. Sources: Center for School Mental Health Assistance, 2002; Cohn & Canter, 2003;
DeVoe, Kaffenberger, & Chandler, 2005; Doll, Song, Champion & Jones, 2011; Espelage,
2004; Swearer, Espelage, Vaillancourt, & Hymel, 2010; Troop-Gordon & Kopp, 2011.
as data from the 20092010 School Survey on Crime and Safety, a much
higher percentage of middle schools (39%) reported bullying on a daily
or weekly basis compared with high schools (20%) or elementary schools
(20%) (Neiman, 2011). These ndings are comparable to other nationally
representative surveys of high schoolage students, which indicate that over
a 12-month period as many as 20 percent of students experience bullying
on school property (CDC, 2011). A recent national survey involving over
43,000 students found that half of U.S. high school students admitted to
bullying someone in the past year, and 47% reported being bullied, teased,
or taunted in a way that seriously upset them in the past year (Josephson
Institute, 2010). Other studies have reported that 61% of girls and 60% of
boys had been bullied one or more times a month (Nishioka Coe, Burke,
Hanita, & Sprague, 2011) and that 7% of students face bullying every day
(Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA, 2011).
School Bullying
Bates, & Morrison, 1995; Shakeshift et al., 1995). For example, girls who
are perceived by their peers as physically unattractive or physically well
developed, or who do not dress stylishly, are often victims of bullying. Other
victims of bullying include students who are known to be or presumed to
be gay or lesbian, including boys who do not t a stereotypic macho male
image (see Chapter 4 of this volume for a detailed discussion of LGBT
bullying). Other students who are at risk of becoming bullying victims
include students who have a religion that is different from the majority (see
Chapter 5 of this volume for a detailed discussion of religious bullying),
students who wear unique and unusual clothing, and students who exhibit
physical or emotional weaknesses (Furlong et al., 1995; Shakeshift et al.,
1995). In addition, overweight and obese students are often victims of
bullying (Janssen, Craig, Boyce, & Pickett, 2004; Lumeng et al., 2010).
Students with disabilities (e.g., LD [learning disability], ADHD [attention
decit hyperactivity disorder]) are two to three times more at risk of being
bullied as well as at greater risk of taking part in bullying others (Knox &
Conti-Ramsden, 2003; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
n.d.,c). Children with medical conditions that affect their appearance (e.g.,
cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and spinal bida) (Dawkins, 1996)
and children who have diabetes and who are dependent on insulin (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.,c) are also at higher risk
of being bullied at school.
Victims of bullying also share some personal characteristics, in general.
For example, victims are typically quiet, shy, anxious, insecure, and cautious;
have few friends; are socially isolated; and rarely defend themselves or
retaliate when confronted by students who bully them (Cohn & Canter,
2003). Victims of bullying often have overprotective parents and overly
close relationships with siblings (Cohn & Canter, 2003; Duncan, 2011).
School Bullying
What Are the Educational and Emotional Consequences for the Bullies
Youth who bully others are at increased risk for substance use, academic
problems, and violence later in adolescence and adulthood (Smokowski
& Kopasz, 2005). There is also evidence that bullying behavior in school
predicts later criminality and delinquency (Hymel, Rocke-Henderson, &
Bonanno, 2005). For example, bullies are ve times more likely than their
classmates to wind up in juvenile court, to be convicted of crimes, and, when
they become adults, to have children with aggression problems (Hazler,
1994). Sixty percent of boys who were bullies in middle school and high
school were convicted of one or more crimes before they reached the age
of 25 while 40% had three or more convictions (Fox, Elliot, Kerlikowske,
Newman, & Christenson, 2003). It has been reported that youth who bully
their peers are more likely to report that they own guns to gain the respect
of others or to frighten others (Cunningham, Henggeler, Limber, Melton,
& Nation, 2000). In the most extreme cases, bullying has been linked to
school shootings (Meyer-Adams & Conner, 2008). Youth who bully are also
more likely to engage in bullying behavior in the workplace or in their future
relationships with their partners (Garbarino & deLara, 2003). Interestingly,
bullies were 4.1 times more likely to report seriously considering suicide
compared with youth who were neither bullies nor victims (Underwood,
Rish-Scott, & Springer, 2011).
School Bullying
liked they are (Paul, 2011). Perceived popularity has been linked to high
levels of relational aggression where efforts are made to socially isolate
and exclude victims from social groups and social events (Hamburger
et al., 2011). It appears that the capacity for aggression increases as peer
status increases and that aggression wanes only at the highest echelons
of status, where its utility is questionable (Faris & Felmlee, 2011, p. 49).
Socially connected, popular students often bully students of the same sex
as part of a struggle for dominance, particularly in the beginning of the
school year or between transitions from one school to another, when the
social hierarchy is in ux and when unpopular children can be targeted
(Rodkin, 2011, p. 13). Some children may even bully peers in an effort
to t in, even though they may be uncomfortable with the behavior
(Cohn & Canter, 2003). It appears that many students climb the social
pyramid on the backs of other students, using ostracism, ridicule, and
gossip to gain social status (Goodwin, 2011).
Faris & Felmlee (2011) point out the importance of the social context of
aggression and the link between status and violence by concluding:
Our ndings call into question several traditional assumptions,
including the argument that isolated individuals on a groups
fringes are the most likely to behave aggressively. Instead,
aggression remains most common among centrally located
students, with the exception of the few at the very top of the
hierarchy. Moreover, we nd that social factors at the dyad,
group, and school level all powerfully shape harmful behavior
in a school setting; these factors include the aggressive
behavior of an adolescents friends, location in the friendship
hierarchy, and patterns of relationships between the genders in
a school. (pp. 6869)
These are noteworthy ndings with important implications for combating
bullying in schools. Even among unpopular and socially marginalized
bullies, bullying may be viewed as a way of gaining status among ones
peers. For example, unpopular, marginalized bullies are motivated to
target victims in an effort to gain the status that generally eludes them
(Rodkin, 2011, p. 12). While it is important to recognize that some bullies
are unpopular and socially marginalized and have a host of problems of
which bullying behavior is but one manifestation (Rodkin, 2011, p. 12),
school personnel should not focus all their efforts on peripheral, antisocial
cliques but should also focus their efforts on more socially connected
School Bullying
I discuss bullying in all of its forms as a systematic abuse of power
throughout this volume. Bullying is a specic type of aggression that
involves an imbalance of power where the bully consciously intends to
harm his or her victim physically and/or psychologically and has the
power and the means to do so. It is important to be able to distinguish
between bullying and other types of peer conict, such as teasing. Teasing
is not bullying because it is not intended to harm the other person. How
the other person reacts to a teasing episode will largely determine how the
interaction proceeds.
Recent research ndings have increased our understanding of specic
factors that contribute to bullying across a number of contexts, including
individual characteristics, family characteristics, and a number of school
characteristics. Bullying appears to be widespread in our public schools
today with 39% of middle schools and 20% of elementary schools and
high schools reporting that bullying occurs on a daily or weekly basis.
However, it is also important to note that bullying statistics may seriously
underestimate the true extent of bullying in schools. The most reliable
predictor of becoming a bullying victim is being viewed as not tting in or
being different in some way. Bullying is no longer viewed as a normative
phase that most children outgrow; rather, bullying is now linked to a broad
range of long-term harmful effects including depression, loneliness, social
anxiety, school phobia, and low self-esteem. Recent neuroscience research
ndings provide additional evidence that the short- and long-term impact
of psychological forms of bullying can be as devastating for the victim as
physical abuse. Youth who are bullied have also been show to be at greater
risk of attempting suicide.
School Bullying
Rather than viewing bullies as mists with low self-esteem, we are beginning to acknowledge that many school bullies have high self-esteem and
a wide variety of friends, and are popular among their peers as a result of
their social competence, physical attractiveness, and athleticism. Bullying
is increasingly being viewed as a strategy for gaining or maintaining status
among ones peers. We are also beginning to acknowledge the critical role of
peers who witness bullying incidents, with the potential power of the bully
largely dependent on the reaction and behavior of peer witnesses.
Teachers and administrators often seriously underestimate the extent to
which bullying is a problem in their school as well as the role that they can
play to prevent it. Even when teachers witness bullying behavior, they often
fail to recognize it as bullying behavior, and they may even exacerbate the
problem by blaming the victim. As a result, very few students who have
been bullied report the incident to an authority gure.
more than 100 per day (Pew Research Center, 2010). American children
and teens spend an average of 7 hours a day engaged with television, cell
phones, handheld games, iPads, Internet games, Facebook, and video games
(Benson, 2011). What is the impact of all this texting, instant messaging,
and online social networking among todays youth? In addition to providing
more opportunities for establishing and maintaining positive relationships
with their peers, there are also more opportunities than ever for youth to
harass and inict harm on each other using a number of electronic devices.
What Is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the repeated use of computers, cell phones, and other
electronic devices to harm, harass, humiliate, threaten, or damage the
reputation and relationships of the intended victim. It involves private (such
as chat or text messaging), semi-public (such as posting a harassing message
on an email list), or public communications (such as creating a website
devoted to making fun of the victim) (Schrock & Boyd, 2011, p. 374). It
also includes sexting, which is the act of sending sexually explicit messages
or photographs, primarily between mobile phones (Center for Mental Health
in Schools at UCLA, 2011; Hinduja & Patchin, 2007; Holladay, 2010).
While a number of other terms (e.g., electronic bullying, e-bullying, online
harassment, Internet bullying, and online social cruelty) are used in the
literature to describe bullying through electronic devices (Hinduja & Patchin,
2009), for the purposes of this chapter, I will use the term cyberbullying to
describe bullying through the use of electronic devices.
cyberbullied in the year prior to the study (Robers, Zhang, & Truman,
2010), and the same NCES study indicates that about the same percentage of
students had also been involved in the cyberbullying of other youth (Hinduja
& Patchin, 2007) while another study reported that up to a quarter of middle
and high school students are victims of cyberbullying (Cass & Anderson,
2011). Other studies have reported that 19% of middle schools and 18%
of high schools experience daily or weekly problems with cyberbullying,
either at school or away from school (Neiman, 2011). There is evidence that
cyberbullying peaks around 1314 years of age and that girls are more likely
to be victims of cyberbullying than boys (Kowalski & Limber, 2007; Wang,
Iannotti, & Nansel, 2009).
If the age range is expanded to include young adults (i.e., ages 1824),
the reported percentages of cyberbullying increase quite dramatically. For
example, a recent study by Associated Press/MTV found that more than half
(56%) of young people between the ages of 14 and 24 have been victims of
cyberbullying, up from 50% in a similar 2009 MTV/AP survey (Kaufman,
2011). The percentage of young people who frequently see people being
mean to each other on social networking sites also rose to 55% in the 2011
survey, up from 45% in a similar 2009 survey (Cass & Anderson, 2011).
Based on these ndings, it appears that cyberbullying is a signicant
problem in our schools and communities. Given the fact that students use of
electronic communications technologies is unlikely to wane in coming years
(Kowalski & Limber, 2007, p. S29), cyberbullying warrants the attention of
school ofcials, parents, and community leaders. In fact, the CDC (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention) has identied all forms of electronic
aggression as an emerging adolescent public health issue (David-Ferdon &
Hertz, 2009).
School Bullying
Happy slapping
video clip bullying) appears to be much less common among minor children
than previously thought. A recent study found that 10% of children between
the ages of 10 and 17 have used a cell phone to send or receive sexually
suggestive images and that only 1 in 100 has sent images considered graphic
enough to violate child pornography laws (i.e., images that included full or
partial nudity) (OConnor, 2011).
Other forms of cyberbullying include the spreading of false rumors and
the posting of mean messages on Internet pages or by text message (Cass &
Anderson, 2011). Girls commonly target each other with labels such as slut,
whore, and bitch while boys attack other boys a great deal for being gay
or questioning their sexual orientation (Holladay, 2010; Wolak, Finkelhor,
Mitchell, & Ybarra, 2008).
Several additional ndings illustrate the uniqueness of cyberbullying
compared with other forms of bullying. For example, there is some evidence
that certain youths may be more likely to engage in cyberbullying or to
be victimized by cyberbullying compared with other forms of bullying.
Specically, one study found that 64% of youth who reported being
harassed online did not report being bullied in person (Ybarra, DienerWest, & Leaf, 2007). This may be due to the fact that socially anxious teens
may nd the Internet and related technologies as a means to communicate
School Bullying
School Bullying
School-Based Strategies
As stated earlier, one of the most troubling aspects of cyberbullying is its
impersonal nature. Specically, the cyberbully cannot directly see the harm
that he or she is inicting on his or her victim, and when a perpetrator cannot
see the facial expressions and reactions of his or her victim, increasing levels of
viciousness and brutality often ensue. As a result, empathy training appears to
be an important component of any effort to combat cyberbullying. A renewed
focus on empathy is gaining the increasing attention of neuroscientists,
psychologists, and educators who believe that developing empathy at an
early age will lead to reductions in bullying and other kinds of violence.
Empathy training involves two important components: (a) teaching children
to understand their own feelings and behavior, and (b) having adults (parents
and teachers) model empathetic behavior themselves. When children and
youth are able to identify and label their own feelings and experience
empathy themselves, they are more able to recognize and empathize with
the feelings of others (Brody, 2010). Because empathy training includes a
better understanding of emotional nuances and reading facial expressions
and body language, it may deter students from engaging in cyberbullying
(Ollove, 2010; Stout, 2010).
There is empirical evidence to support the inclusion of empathy training
in cyberbullying interventions. A recent study by Ang & Goh (2010) explored
the relationship between affective empathy, cognitive empathy, and gender on
cyberbullying among a sample of 396 adolescents in Singapore. Based on
their ndings, the authors of this study concluded that empathy training
and education should be included in cyberbullying intervention programs,
with additional emphasis on cognitive components of empathy for boys and
affective components of empathy for girls (p. 395).
A school-based program that emphasizes empathy training in combating
cyberbullying is the Middle School Cyberbullying Curriculum. This curriculum,
School Bullying
Community Interventions
Since cyberbullying extends beyond the school, interventions should
also extend beyond the school to include the surrounding community.
Community-level interventions refer to change efforts that strive to shift
the underlying infrastructure within a community or targeted context to
Cyberbullying is the repeated use of computers, cell phones, and other
electronic devices to harm, harass, humiliate, threaten, or damage the
reputation and relationships of the intended victim. Between 4% and 25%
of youth have been cyberbullies or victims of cyberbullying, and more than
half (56%) of young people between the ages of 14 and 24 have been victims
of cyberbullying. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have
identied all forms of electronic aggression as an emerging adolescent public
health issue.
School Bullying
Sanders (2010) powerfully describes the psychic terror facing LGBT students everyday in our public schools. He states:
. . . every LGBT person is always and everywhere at risk of
becoming the target of violence solely because of sexual orientation
or gender identity . . . beyond the inicting of individual pain,
violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people
has effects far beyond the individual target . . . while a majority of
LGBT people may avoid ever becoming the victim of a violence,
none will be able to avoid the psychic terror that is visited upon
LGBT people with each reminder that this world is one in which
people are maimed and killed because of their sexual and gender
identities. It is this psychic terror that makes life so difcult for
many LGBT people. It is this psychic terror that does the heavy
lifting of instrumental, systematic violence. It intends to silence
and to destroy from within. (para. 10)
It should also be noted that straight students who do not conform to socially
dened characteristics and behaviors (i.e., not acting masculine enough or
feminine enough) also face relentless bullying in our schools. For example,
it has been estimated that for every lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth who is
bullied, four straight students who are perceived to be gay or lesbian are
bullied (National Mental Health Association, 2002).
School Bullying
School Bullying
School Bullying
beliefs is that the Bible is the literal word of God and that there are moral
absolutes and premarital sex and homosexuality are condemned (Putnam
& Campbell, 2010). As a result, strong objections have been raised by
religious conservatives and fundamentalists regarding any antibullying
strategy that includes LGBT students as victims. Leaders from religious
right organizations such as the Moral Majority, the Christian Coalition, and
Focus on the Family have actively opposed any efforts to combat antigay
bullying in schools because they view these efforts as a way of legitimizing
and promoting homosexuality as normal and natural (Macgillivray, 2004,
p. 17). Focus on the Family contends that liberals and gay rights groups
are using the anti-LGBTQ bullying banner to pursue a hidden agenda
designed to sneak homosexuality into classrooms to indoctrinate and recruit
students (Cushman, 2010; People for the American Way, n.d.). Focus on
the Family education expert Candi Cushman argues that activists are using
their antibullying rhetoric to convey that homosexuality is normal and
should be accepted while opposing viewpoints by conservative Christians
are portrayed as bigotry and belittled (Macgillivray, 2004). Morally
conservative parents believe that parental rights and religious freedoms
are in danger of being violated when homosexual activism is promoted
in schools (Cushman, 2010). However, Eliza Byard, executive director of
the national Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, says its agenda
is to ensure safe schools and acceptance for all students, regardless of
sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, race, national origin or ability
(Draper, 2010, para. 7). While conservative parents believe that there
should be no tolerance of bullying, they believe that gay rights groups are
using the gay rights issue to press a social agenda (Eckholm, 2011b).
Unfortunately, school personnel are often caught in the middle of this
intense political and religious battle. Most teachers have expressed a strong
commitment to safeguard LGBT students and to work to create school
climates that are safe and supportive (Harris Interactive and GLSEN,
2005). However, teachers also do not want to violate the rights of morally
conservative parents who do not want their children to view or treat
homosexuality as a socially acceptable lifestyle (Macgillivray, 2004). School
ofcials may also be hindered in their efforts to protect LGBT students
out of fear of a substantial backlash from these conservative parents and
religious right organizations. For example, school ofcials may resist
allowing students to form gaystraight alliances, or they may subject GSAs
to a different set of rules (Harris Interactive and GLSEN, 2005).
School Bullying
Since scientic evidence alone is not likely to inuence or sway the opinions
of individuals whose negative views about homosexuality are based on their
religious beliefs, arguments should also be theological in nature (Bartkowski,
1996). Some religious leaders have offered compelling counterarguments to
the biblical basis for antigay beliefs. (For example, see Daniel Helminiaks
book What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality.)
The bottom line is that groups of people with differing religious beliefs
must learn to cope with each other in our democratic society as well as
work together to protect all students from being harmed. Costello (2010b),
writing on behalf of Teaching Tolerance, argues these points forcefully and
Focus on the Familys biggest fear is that schools will reect a
diverse U.S. societyone that includes LGBT students. They
do not want to be challenged in their belief that homosexuality
is immoral, abnormal and changeable. We dont expect
to change those personal beliefs. Simply put, our goal is to
ask those who would ignore the pain and suffering of these
children to understand that acknowledging the problem
of anti-gay bullyingand wanting to make schools safe
for all students from harassmentdoesnt require that you
approve . . . we would remind them that living in a democratic
and diverse society means living alongside people with whom
you disagree. The alternative is to stay silent and stand by
while terrible things happen to other peoples children. Terrible
things that no parent would ever want to happen to his or her
own child. (p. 2)
Sexual Bullying/Harassment
Sexual bullying and sexual harassment are used in the literature to describe
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. The concept of sexual
harassment is distinct from the concept of sexual bullying in several ways.
Most signicantly, sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is
illegal under federal law Title IX, which was passed by the U.S. Congress
in 1972 (Stein & Mennemeier, 2011). Sexual bullying, as codied in state
laws, varies state by state and does not rise to the level of being a violation
of federal law (Stein & Mennemeier, 2011).
While a number of researchers detail the important differences between
sexual harassment and sexual bullying (see Sparks, 2011, and see Espelage,
Stein, Rose, & Elliot, 2009), I will use the terms sexual bullying and sexual
harassment interchangeably throughout this chapter since I agree with
the view that sexual harassment is bullying with overt sexual overtones
(Stein & Mennemeier, 2011).
In the broadest sense, sexual bullying/harassment is any form of physical
or nonphysical bullying using a persons sexuality or gender as a weapon
by boys or girls toward other boys or girlsalthough it is more commonly
directed at girls (NSPCC, n.d.). It includes bullying people because of
their sex life (e.g., because they havent had sex or because theyve had sex
with a number of people), or their body (e.g., the size of their breasts).
It includes using words that refer to someones sexuality in a derogatory
way (like calling something gay to mean that it is not very good), using
sexual words to put someone down (like calling someone slut or bitch),
making threats or jokes about serious and frightening subjects like rape,
spreading rumors about someones sexuality and sex life, touching parts of
someones body where he or she doesnt want to be touched, and putting
pressure on someone to act in a sexual way (NSPCC).
School Bullying
adult at school, and about one quarter (27%) of students said they talked
about the incident with parents or family members (including siblings);
about one quarter (23%) spoke with friends about the incident; and one
half of students who were sexually harassed said they did nothing afterward in response to sexual harassment. Forty-four percent who admitted
to sexually harassing others didnt think of it as a big deal, and 39% said
they were trying to be funny; only a handful of students who harassed
others did so because they wanted a date with the person (3%) or thought
the person liked it (6%). Ninety-two percent of girls and 80% of boys
who admitted to sexually harassing another student were also the target
of sexual harassment themselves (Hill & Kearl, 2011). Other researchers
have reported that cyberbullying (discussed in detail in Chapter 3 of this
volume) is emerging as the newest way to sexually harass peers, with 18%
of students reporting that a harassing text message was sexual in nature
(Ybarra, Espelage, & Martin, 2011), and that sexual harassment is more
severe in high school than in middle school (Gruber & Fineran, 2008).
It is important to note that teachers and other adults may also bully
and harass students in sexual ways. It is difcult to know the actual rate
of teachers as abusers because the sexual abuse often goes unreported.
However, an extensive investigation by the Associated Press found that 2,570
teaching credentials were revoked between 2001 and 2005 for allegations of
sexual misconduct with a student (Irvine & Tanner, 2007). Most allegations
of sexual abuse by teachers are often unfounded or declared false due to
insufcient evidence and a victims morality comes into question (Irvine
& Tanner, 2007). (A detailed discussion of additional ways that teachers
bully students can be found of Chapter 5 of this volume.)
School Bullying
Source: Hill, C., & Kearl, H. (2011). Crossing the line: Sexual harassment at school.
Washington, DC: American Association of University Women. Reprinted with
LGBT students face unrelenting bullying and harassment by their peers
in many U.S. schools. Gay students report that school employees do little
or nothing to stop antigay behavior when they witness it. LGBT students
who are victims of chronic bullying do not feel safe at school, miss a lot of
school, and get lower academic grades and lower GPAs. Suicide remains
the third leading cause of death of LGBT youth.
Several concrete steps can be taken by school ofcials to minimize
antigay bullying in schools: establish a gaystraight alliance; ensure that
LGBTQ youth have knowledge of and access to at least one supportive adult
in the school; develop and enforce an antibullying policy that explicitly
includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression; and
incorporate positive representations of LGBT people and the achievements
of gays and lesbians throughout history in the school curriculum.
Much opposition to LGBT equality stems from moral conservatives and
their deeply held fundamentalist religious beliefs. Unfortunately, school
School Bullying
personnel are often caught in the middle of this intense political and religious battle. For example, while most teachers want to protect LGBTQ
students from being bullied, teachers also do not want to violate the rights
of morally conservative parents.
Sexual bullying and sexual harassment is any form of physical or
nonphysical bullying using a persons sexuality or gender as a weapon by
boys or girls toward other boys or girlsalthough it is more commonly
directed at girls. Nearly half of the students in a national survey experienced
some form of sexual harassment, with verbal harassment making up the
bulk of the incidents. Teachers and other adults bully and harass students
in sexual ways but it often goes unreported. Intervention efforts should
focus on situations where humor crosses the line and becomes sexual
harassment. By viewing sexual bullying as harassment, school districts can
take specic actions based on the federal denition of sexual harassment
and the rights of students under Title IX. Several programs show promise
in reducing sexual bullying and harassment in schools, including Expect
Respect: A School-Based Program Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships
for Youth and Shifting Boundaries: Lessons on Relationships for Students
in Middle School.
a rural area of East Tennessee. Reportedly, this female student was beaten
and ridiculed by other students for not being a Christian, repeatedly called
a Satan worshipper and witch, accused of eating babies, and called a
lesbian. Three boys who grabbed her by the back of the neck and told
her that she should change her religion or theyd change it for her also
chased her down the hallway. In addition, she was forced to attend regular
Bible study classes during the school day, urged to lead the school and her
class in prayer, sent to the principals ofce for not attending a Christian tent
revival during school hours, and also told by a teacher to keep quiet because
youll get in trouble after she wrote a paper about religious freedom (India
Tracy Campaign, 2005). In another case, a 14-year-old girl in an Ohio school
district was called a dirty Jew and told that she would rot in hell because
she didnt believe in Jesus Christ (Higgins, 2011). In another case, a Muslim
junior high school student was reportedly kicked so hard in the groin that he
bled in his urine (Marcus, 2011).
Beyond these individual cases, there have also been reports of religious
bullying in U.S. public schools that target groups of students based on their
religious beliefs. For example, it has been reported that dozens of students at
certain schools have carried out Kick a Jew Day on school grounds during
school hours (Marcus, 2011) and that religious hectoring by students in a
northern Virginia high school is very aggressive, with teenagers being verbally assaulted by students who roam corridors demanding to know if their
fellow students share their messianic religious visionsand if not, why not?
(Rodgers, 2009, para.7).
Beyond the obvious legal issues involving the separation of church and
state, these incidents raise questions about the line between unwanted
proselytizing and religious bullying. For example, an atheist student in a
middle school in South Carolina was ordered, as punishment for forgetting
his belt and his gym clothing, to copy religious essays proclaiming a belief
in God and stating that he was thankful God would help him remember
these items in the future (Eckholm, 2011a). In another case, at a high school
near Pensacola, Fla., teachers cited the Bible as fact in class, and one teacher
preached to students with a bullhorn as they arrived at school (Eckholm,
2011a). In another case in Tennessee, teachers led students in prayer and
Bible study and allowed Gideons International to distribute Bibles during
school hours (Eckholm, 2011a).
In an effort to learn more about the extent and nature of religious bullying
in schools located within one area of the Bible Belt, my research team
School Bullying
Under-the-Radar Bullying
School Bullying
Under-the-Radar Bullying
School Bullying
Under-the-Radar Bullying
School Bullying
Under-the-Radar Bullying
that teachers who bully tend to be established and secure in their positions.
Twemlow & Fonagy (2005) found that 45% of teachers in their study stated
they had bullied a student at some point in their teaching career and that
teachers who bully students may contribute to students behavioral problems
in school. In another study, 70% of elementary teachers admitted to bullying
students on an isolated basis, and 18% of elementary teachers reported
bullying students on a frequent basis (Twemlow, Fonagy, Sacco, & Brethour,
I was the coauthor of a study that explored the extent to which students
in an alternative school reported being victimized by teachers or other adults
during their school career (Whitted & Dupper, 2008). Participants in this
study were a convenience sample of 50 students ranging in age from 11 to
18 years old who attended alternative schools in an urban school district in a
Southeastern state in the United States during the 20042005 school year. To
determine if students were physically or psychologically victimized by peers
or adults at some point during their school career and the nature and the
frequency of this victimization, participants were asked to complete a revised
version of the Student Alienation and Trauma Survey (Hyman & Snook, 2002).
We found that 86% of the respondents reported at least one incident of adult
physical maltreatment in school, and 88% reported at least one incident of adult
psychological maltreatment in school. The most commonly reported types of
physical maltreatment in our study involved an adult not allowing them to go
to the bathroom (70%); an adult grabbing them very hard (38%); and adults
punching them (32%), pushing them (28%), or shaking them (26%). The most
commonly reported types of psychological maltreatment involved being yelled
at by an adult (66%), having an adult make them stay away from others (64%),
and being ignored by an adult (56%). Students reported that adults made fun of
them or teased them in a harmful way (34%), said mean things about students
family (34%), or made fun of them because of their race or color of their skin
(20%). Students who are victimized by adults in schools are involved in a power
imbalance that makes them extremely vulnerable to ongoing mistreatment and
abuse. Being pushed by an adult into a snack machine or being told by an
adult that you dress like a whore is humiliating enough, but in not being able
to defend yourself against such hurtful or demeaning comments, you are further
victimized. For example, when a student attempts to defend himself or herself
in response to a demeaning comment from a teacher or other adult, the student
is often also punished by receiving a detention or being suspended from school
for being disrespectful toward an adult in authority (p. 339). We conclude by
School Bullying
stating that the results of this study suggest that teacher-on-student bullying
may be more ubiquitous than previously thought (p. 339).
Under-the-Radar Bullying
how often it occurs, how it is manifested, and its short- and long-term impact
on students development and school experiences. We also need national data
on teachers who bully. Currently, the Indicators of School Crime and Safety
annual survey, the most denitive assessment of safety in schools, does not
include survey questions on teachers who bully students (although there are
statistics on students who bully teachers) (Koenig & Daniels, 2011).
Second, teachers need to be trained in effective classroom management
techniques built upon the establishment of positive teacherstudent
relationships. It is important for teachers to be able to distinguish between
reasonable and effective disciplinary techniques as opposed to discipline
that relies upon fear and intimidation. Some teachers believe that they
must be punitive to be effective disciplinarians. However, tough discipline
techniques based on intimidation and fear (e.g., screaming at students, using
sarcasm, threats, or ridicule, or publicly humiliating students) often cross
over the line into bullying (McEvoy, 2005). I discuss a relationship-based,
preventive model of school discipline (Dupper, 2010) where students
behave appropriately, not out of fear of punishment or desire for reward, but
out of a sense of personal responsibility, respect, and regard for the group
(Woolfolk Hoy & Weinstein, 2006, p. 210). It is a discipline model that:
(a) is built upon caring and trust, and dignity and cooperation, and that
communicates to all students that they are respected and valued members
of the school community (Belenardo, 2001; Freiberg & Lapointe, 2006);
(b) views discipline as teachable moments that provide students with
an opportunity for learning and growth (Sullivan & Keeney, 2008); (c) is
preventive in nature and anticipates the inevitable conicts that occur on a
daily basis in schools and implements strategies designed to defuse rather
than escalate these interpersonal conicts; (d) utilizes social learning theory
to teach social, behavioral, and cognitive skills to children and youth using
structured skill-training techniques and lesson plans (Jenson, 2006).
Third, because of the considerable power differential between teachers
and students, teachers must be held to a high level of accountability for their
behavior toward students (Koenig & Daniels, 2011). While teachers have
every right to maintain order and discipline, they also have the responsibility
to present themselves as models of the kind of behavior they expect from their
students (McEvoy, 2005). Students should be constantly reassured that they
are valued as individuals (Parsons, 2005). Sarcasm or demeaning comments
have no place within the classroom (Sylvester, 2011). Several recent news
stories have reported on students videotaping of bullying incidents with
School Bullying
teachers with their cell phones and then turning the videotape over to school
authorities. The question must be asked, Is a cell phone videotape a students
only means of catching teachers and holding them accountable for their
bullying behavior? Lastly, students need to learn how to respond to teacher
bullying (Sylvester, 2011). For example, procedures need to be established
that include the anonymous reporting of teacher bullying.
Religious bullying has been dened as repeated acts of aggression in which
the power of institutional religion is used to mock, humiliate, or threaten
others who do not share the same religious beliefs or practices. The potential
for bullying based on being different in terms of ones religious beliefs (or
being unafliated with any religious tradition) is of particular concern in
communities where there is a signicant discrepancy between the religious
afliation of the majority compared with those of other religious traditions
(or nonbelievers). The authors of a study of religious bullying that involved
a survey of over eight hundred British school children reported that one in
four British young people who practice a religion have been bullied due to
their faith or the wearing of religious symbols. While I was unable to locate
any empirical studies that focused on religious bullying in U.S. public
schools, a number of case studies and legal briefs suggest that religious
bullying in U.S. public schools may be a much broader and more pervasive
form of bullying than many currently acknowledge.
The central legal issue facing school ofcials is balancing the rights of
free speech (including religious expression) as well as protecting students
from being coerced by others to accept certain religious (or antireligious)
beliefs. In essence, there is a need to differentiate a respectful invitation
to share ones religious beliefs from an ongoing and unwelcome religious
hectoring of students who have made it very clear that they do not share
and do not wish to share anothers religious beliefs. In other words, when
does proselytizing cross the line and become religious bullying? Christian
hegemony in U.S. public schools can also distort and complicate denitions and assessments of religious bullying.
Recommendations for increasing religious tolerance in U.S. public
schools include (a) ongoing training to all school personnel that focuses on
the religious accommodation needs of students and school personnel; (b)
holding community-wide forums that focus on becoming more aware of
issues related to religious tolerance, religious diversity, and religious pluralism;
Under-the-Radar Bullying
(c) the development of school policies that protect students and school staff
who hold minority religious beliefs from all forms of harassment and bullying;
(d) the development and maintenance of up-to-date and age-appropriate
materials pertaining to religious issues; and (e) the recruitment and hiring of
faculty and staff who hold diverse religious and spiritual beliefs (as well as
nonbelievers) to serve as role models and supports for students from minority
religious traditions or who are nonbelievers.
While the vast majority of teachers interact respectfully with students,
there are anecdotal evidence and some preliminary studies focusing on a
form of bullying in schools that is largely unacknowledged and often hidden
from viewteachers who bully students. Since a positive teacherstudent
relationship is such a critical factor in a childs development and educational experience, there is a pressing need to increase our understanding of
this insidious form of bullying in our schools. A teacher-bully is a teacher
who uses his or her power to punish, manipulate, or disparage a student
beyond what would be a reasonable disciplinary procedure. Because of the
vast power differential between teachers and students, teacher bullying
often results in students having little or no ability to defend themselves.
Teacher bullying is difcult to assess and address because bullying
behaviors are often equated with maintaining order and discipline and
are often undetectable. Current school policies do not even recognize
teacher-to-student bullying as a problem and, consequently, fail to provide
any formal mechanism to remedy student complaints against abusive
teachers. Conducting research on teacher-on-student bullying is difcult
because teachers are likely to modify their behavior in the presence of
observers, and teachers may be reluctant to discuss this problem openly
out of fear of being shunned by their colleagues. Teacher unions also often
protect the bullying teacher. One of the few studies of teacher bullying
reported that 45% of teachers stated they had bullied a student at some
point in their teaching career while another study found that 70% of
elementary teachers admitted to bullying students on an isolated basis and
18% of elementary teachers reported bullying students on a frequent basis.
A study I coauthored found that 86% of the respondents reported at least
one incident of adult physical maltreatment in school and 88% reported at
least one incident of adult psychological maltreatment in school.
The impact of teacher bullying can be more devastating and
developmentally destructive than peer bullying due to the considerable
power differential between adults and students. We need to take several
School Bullying
Under-the-Radar Bullying
This nal chapter begins by discussing strategies that do not work in combating
bullying. It then describes the philosophy and key features of a whole-school
approach as a framework for developing and implementing comprehensive
bullying prevention and intervention strategies, including a detailed discussion of
school-level, classroom-level, and student-level components. It describes several
empirically supported bullying prevention programs that are based on a wholeschool approach and strategies for integrating bullying prevention strategies into
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS). It describes several innovative
approaches designed to combat bullying and concludes with a discussion of
tough antibullying laws across the United States, issues related to state bullying
policies, and combating bullying as a human rights issue.
strategies, and group therapy focusing on increasing self-esteem have all been
shown to be relatively ineffective with bullies (Limber & Nation, 1998. In fact,
interventions that involve peers, such as using students as peer mediators,
have been shown to be associated with increases in victimization (Farrington
and Tto, 2010). Peer inuences can be a constructive or destructive force
on bullying and need to be handled with knowledge, skill, and care (Rodkin,
2011; Vaillancourt, McDougall, Hymel, & Sunderani, 2010). Zero tolerance
discipline that involves an escalating series of sanctions if rules are broken
also appear to be ineffective because it simply reinforces a bullys intrinsic
belief that power and aggression are the essential and controlling values in a
society (Parsons, 2005, pp. 6667).
School-Level Components
Based on research ndings and best practices, Table 6.1 lists nine essential
school-level components to combat bullying, within a whole-school
approach. All of these nine strategies are important in changing the culture
and climate of the schoolan essential element of a whole-school approach.
I will describe each of these nine components in detail here.
An essential rst step is conducting an accurate assessment of the extent
and nature of bullying in the school. Adults are not always good at estimating
the nature and extent of bullying at their school and are often surprised by
the amount of bullying in their school, the types of bullying that are most
common, or the places where bullying occurs most often (U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, n.d.,a). As a result, it is often useful to assess
bullying by administering an anonymous questionnaire to students about
bullying. An anonymous questionnaire should be completed by students to
School Bullying
assess the extent and nature of bullying at individual schools. Findings from
this survey can be used to motivate adults to take action against bullying
and to help administrators and other educators tailor a bullying prevention
strategy to the particular needs of the school. Data from this survey can
also serve as a baseline from which administrators and other educators can
measure their progress in reducing bullying over time (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, n.d.,a). A recent compendium published by
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention entitled Measuring Bullying
Victimization, Perpetration, and Bystander Experiences: A Compendium of
Assessment Tools provides tools to measure a range of bullying experiences,
including bully perpetration, bully victimization, bully-victim experiences,
and bystander experiences. Parsons (2005) also offers a series of questions
designed to assess the current state of a schools antibullying environment,
including Does your school staff insist on an environment completely free of
sexist, racial, cultural, ability-related, and homophobic stereotyping?, Do all
teachers display a respectful attitude toward all students and a genuine regard
for their learning?, Do all teachers in the school use cooperative learning
strategies?, Are teachers meaningfully involved in the decision-making and
problem-solving processes on a school-wide basis? (p. 68).
A second step involves garnering the widespread support and signicant
commitment of all key stakeholders (e.g., administrators, teachers, students,
parents, auxiliary school staff, and community partners) in recognizing the
importance of the problem and making a commitment to establish prevention and intervention programs and policies (Low et al., 2011; Olweus,
Limber, & Mihalic, 1999). There should be no end date for bullying prevention activities (Low et al., 2011; U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, n.d.,a).
A third step is the formation of a school coordinating team. This team
includes representatives from a number of groups, including a school
administrator, a teacher from each grade, a member of the nonteaching staff,
a school counselor or other school-based mental health professional (e.g.,
school social worker), a school nurse, and a parent. This team is involved
in the development, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation of the
program (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.,a). A school
coordinating team should meet regularly to develop bullying prevention rules,
policies, and activities; motivate staff, students, and parents; and ensure that
the efforts continue over time. A student advisory group can also be formed to
focus on bullying prevention strategies and provide valuable suggestions and
School Bullying
helpful bystanders. These helpful bystanders foster wide support for kindness
and helpfulness as values with a higher social status, rather than the macho
power of the bully dynamic. The helpfulness ideal was reinforced and the
bullies and purveyors of prejudice were marginalized, to everyones benet
(Twemlow & Sacco, 2007, p. 244). Another promising program that takes
advantage of peer relationships to combat bullying is the Finnish program
KiVa (Salmivalli et al., 2010), KiVa has a strong emphasis on inuencing
onlookers to support the victim rather than encourage the bully. Several
programs that empower peers to combat bullying are described in Box 6.1.
School Bullying
Link-crew is another student-initiated program in several West
Hartford, Conn., high schools where upper classmen try to educate
8th graders, freshmen, and sophomores through assemblies and
step-up programs within the transitioning grades. Link-crew will
bring incoming freshman into the high school for a 2-day period to
help build connections with juniors and seniors before school starts.
The principal of one of the high schools stated that Link-crew reduces
the sense of alienation and reduces bullying and harassment (GoreOleksiw, 2011, para. 26). As part of this program, one of the high
schools will also implement Stand up Against Bullying Week and
allow students to sell motivational bracelets and sign pledges to not
bully (Gore-Oleksiw).
Put-Ups Program
In this West Hartford, Conn., program, a school, with the help
of parents, selects peer leaders and puts them through weeks of
training. These peer leaders then send out invitations to pizza and
game parties to those students who are loners and struggling
socially (Gore-Oleksiw, 2011).
School Bullying
Classroom-Level Components
Table 6.1 also lists four essential strategies to combat bullying at the
classroom level. Regular classroom meetings to discuss issues related to
bullying are essential. Teachers, with the support of administrators, should
set aside 2030 minutes each week (or every other week) to discuss bullying
and peer relations with students. These classroom meetings help teachers to
keep their ngers on the pulse of students concerns, allow time for candid
discussions about bullying and the harm that it can cause, and provide tools
for students to address bullying problems (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, n.d.,a). For example, teachers can help students acquire
and practice positive behaviors with their peers through a strategy referred
to as empathy scaffolding, which refers to the assistance offered by the teacher
to help students acquire and practice positive behavior with peers. Empathy
scaffolding appears to be an important classroom strategy for teachers (Frey
et al., 2011, p. 273). Classroom meetings can also help teachers understand
students relationships at the school. For example, these meetings can be
used to discuss which students are perceived to be popular and unpopular,
whom students hang out with, who their friends are, and whom they dislike.
These meetings can be used to identify and connect with students who have
no friends and to identify student leaders who can encourage peers to stand
up against bullying.
A second classroom-level strategy is the integration and incorporation of
antibullying themes and messages throughout the school curriculum. For
example, a schools curriculum can teach students how to achieve their goals
by being assertive rather than aggressive and how to resolve conicts with
civility (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.,a).
A third strategy involves implementing steps in schools to make it easier
for students to come to a teacher to talk about bullying incidents. This can
be accomplished by establishing anonymous reporting procedures for peer
witnesses and assuring these peer witnesses that teachers and other adults will
take appropriate action to address the situation. Strategies that foster positive
bystander responses in bullying situations should also be developed and
A fourth classroom-level strategy involves the modeling of positive
interpersonal skills by adults in the school. Students learn how to behave by
observing the behavior of adults around them. If schools want to reduce bullying
incidents, it is important that teachers and other adults model appropriate and
respectful behavior toward students (e.g., teachers should not exhibit dominating
or authoritarian behavior with students).
Student-Level Components
A whole-school approach to bullying prevention extends beyond primary
prevention to include targeted one-on-one mental health treatment for
bullies, victims, and bully-victims (Swearer & Espelage, 2011). Table 6.1 also
lists four essential student-level strategies.
First, teachers and other school staff should consistently enforce
nonpunitive, graduated consequences for bullying behaviors. Teachers and
other adults should send clear messages that bullying will not be tolerated,
and they should be equipped to intervene consistently and appropriately in
all bullying situations. Specically, all school staff should be able to intervene
to stop bullying usually in the 12 minutes that one frequently has to deal
with bullying incidents (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Second, it is also important that designated staff hold sensitive follow-up
meetings with children who are bullied and separate meetings with children
who bully. All adults in the school should protect and support bullying
victims. Mental health professionals, such as school social workers, should
School Bullying
School Bullying
Steps to Respect
Steps to Respect is a multidimensional program that targets interventions at the individual, classroom, and school levels. The student
curriculum teaches children the three Rs of bullying (recognizing,
refusing, and reporting). The program helps children develop friendship skills and focuses on changing bystander behavior that supports
bullying. The program teaches students and adults how to respond to
bullying. According to information on their Web site, Steps to Respect
is based on research demonstrating that teaching certain skills is an
effective method of reducing bullying behavior. The entire school staff
attends 3-hour all-staff training. This training increases adult awareness of bullying at school and teaches adults how to respond effectively
to childrens reports of bullying. Lessons focus on building students
skills in making and keeping friends, solving problems, managing
emotions, and responding to bullying. Effective teacher interventions
to reduce bullying in classrooms include empathy scaffolding, brief
individual coaching sessions with students involved in bullying situations, and emotion regulation. More information about this program
is available at the Committee for Children Web site at: http://www.
in the eld have led to some adaptations of the program to help ensure that it
ts different cultural contexts (Olweus & Limber, 2010, p. 126).
Bully-Proong Your School (BPYS) was developed in 1994 as a
comprehensive prevention program designed to reduce bullying at the
elementary level. Based on the pioneering ideas of Olweus, a schoolwide,
systemic bullying intervention with teacher training and a student curriculum
was developed. The focus of BPYS is on creating a safer school environment
for all by creating, nurturing, and sustaining a culture within the school that
is not conducive to acts of physical, verbal, or social aggression (Porter, Plog,
Jens, Garrity, Sager, & Jimerson, 2010).
Steps to Respect is a school-based program designed to decrease bullying
in elementary schools and help children build more respectful, caring peer
School Bullying
social behaviors (Good, McIntosh, & Gietz, 2011, p. 51). For individuals
who are interested in learning more about Schoolwide Positive Behavior
Support, it can be accessed at
School Bullying
staff training and adhere to tight deadlines for reporting episodes, and
designate an antibullying specialist to investigate complaints, and the State
Education Department will evaluate every effort and post grades on its Web
site. Superintendents said that educators who fail to comply could lose their
licenses (Hu, 2011; Zubrzycki, 2011). In addition to New Jersey, Iowa passed
an antibullying law that was hailed as one of the best in the country when
it was passed in 2007 (Wiser, 2011, p. 1). Iowas antibullying law requires
school districts to record and report any incident of bullying, the reason for
the bullying, and any action the school takes because of the incident. School
administrators have four categories to choose from when they record a reason
for bullying: physical attributes, race or ethnicity, real or perceived sexual
orientation, and other. Districts have the latitude to carry out the policy as
they see t, as long as they record it and report it to the state (Wiser, 2011,
pp. 12). Because Iowa school districts, on average, reported that less than
2% of their students had been bullied in any given year since the state passed
its antibullying law in 2007, the Iowa Department of Education will pilot
a more comprehensive antibullying policy in select school districts before
expanding it statewide during the 20122013 school year. Their new pilot
policy has 17 categories and includes verbal, physical, and electronic bullying
(Wiser, 2011).
Several trends in recent state antibullying legislation are noteworthy. These
tends are: (1) expansion of the denition of bullying to include cyberbullying;
(2) spelling out the potential victims of bullying, such as students who are
gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender; (3) increasing protections for victims of
bullying and those who report it; and (4) mandating professional development
for teachers and education for students on the issue (Zubrzycki, 2011,
p. 16). One of the most highly contentious issues is whether state antibullying
laws should include provisions that specically enumerate certain student
populations (i.e., LGBT students and students with disabilities), who have
been shown to be at greater risk of being victimized by bullies (American
Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 2011).
Several challenges have also emerged in the development and
implementation of recent state antibullying legislation. Since there is no
standard denition of bullying that is universally accepted in the research
eld or at the federal level, the states must establish their own denitions
through legislative debate and administrative action. States must dene
bullying by considering the specic behaviors, intent, and degree of harm to
the victim (Institute of Education Sciences, 2011). A difcult legal challenge
School Bullying
that create hostile environments. For example, students should not have
to attend schools where bullying incidents among students are routinely
ignored by adults or where sexual jokes and innuendos are condoned or
where bullying exists among teachers and administrators (Galloway &
Roland, 2004). A human rights perspective can also serve to encourage
victimized students and witnesses to intervene and report instances of
bullying or human rights violations to authorities and overcome a culture
of silence (Greene, 2006, p. 73).
Bullying does not lend itself to the same interventions that may be effective in
addressing other types of peer conict. Bullying can be reduced substantially
by implementing a comprehensive, whole-school approach that modies all
levels of the social ecology of the school (i.e., school-level, classroom-level,
and student-level). A number of best-practice strategies at each of these levels
have been developed. Several empirically supported bullying prevention
programs based on a whole-school, comprehensive approach have also
been implemented including, the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program,
Bully-Proong Your School, and Steps to Respect.
There are a number of challenges in adopting and implementing wholeschool, comprehensive antibullying programs with delity in U.S. schools.
One promising way of addressing these implementation challenges is to
integrate bullying prevention strategies within existing approaches such as
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support. Several programs across the U.S.
(Healing Species, No More Bullies, and Mutt-i-grees) are also using shelter
dogs to combat bullying. Over the past several years, a total of 47 states have
passed antibullying legislation. Only Michigan, Montana, and South Dakota
have no such laws, and all but six state laws contain prohibitions against
cyberbullying. Perhaps the toughest and farthest-reaching of the new state
laws is New Jerseys antibullying legislation. In addition to New Jersey, Iowa
passed an antibullying law that was hailed as one of the best in the country
when it was passed in 2007. One of the most highly contentious issues is
whether state antibullying laws should include provisions that specically
enumerate certain student populations (i.e., LGBT students and students with
disabilities), who have been shown to be at greater risk of being victimized by
bullies. A difcult legal challenge facing each state in dening bullying in its
state laws is proving the intent of the bullya key characteristic of bullying.
School Bullying
Perhaps one of the most powerful vantage points for raising consciousness
and rallying the support of others to combat bullying is by viewing bullying
within a human rights framework, namely, that all human beings are entitled
to an inalienable set of rights simply because of their human status and that
organizations such as schools have an obligation to uphold human rights
standards, which include the right for a child to feel safe in school and to be
spared the oppression and repeated, intentional humiliation.
Anti-Defamation League
The ADL is a leader in developing antibullying and anti-cyberbullying training, curriculum, and resources for teens, school educators, youth providers,
and adult family members. ADL provides the tools and resources to assist
people in taking action to prevent and respond to bullying and cyberbullying. See
Cyberbullying Resources
Seattle Public SchoolsMiddle School Cyberbullying Curriculum
This curriculum educates teachers about cyberbullying and includes a
language they can share with their students. It addresses the issue of a student
being a bystander to being a victim to being a bully at different times and
how to resist the urge to bully back. The curriculum focuses on writing
and asks students to write personal contracts about their online behavior. It
also involves parents by utilizing take-home letters and activities. See http://
Appendix is a U.S. charity operating through its volunteers worldwide. It
is the largest and oldest online safety, education, and help group in the world.
Originating in 1995 as a group of volunteers rating Web sites, it now provides
one-to-one help, extensive information, and education to cyberspace users of
all ages on a myriad of Internet and interactive technology safety, privacy, and
security issues. These services are offered through a worldwide organization
comprised entirely of unpaid volunteers who administer specialized Web
sites, resources, and programs. See
The Net Cetera Community Outreach Toolkit helps you provide the people in
your community with information about protecting kids online. Regardless
of your experience as a speakeror your expertise in online safetythis
kit has the resources and information you need to convey key points about
protecting kids online. See
accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. For more information on GLSENs research, educational resources, public policy agenda, student organizing programs, or development initiatives,
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood provides high-quality, sensitive, and appropriate
reproductive health, general health, and sexual health services to all
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patients. See http://
Project 10
The Project 10 Web site includes links to a bill of rights for gay and lesbian
students, how to deal with the opposition, and a teachers self-evaluation of
nonbiased behavior. See
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homophily hypothesis 6
homophobia 41, 44, 46
homophobic bullying 41, 46
If You Really Knew Me 37
Iowas antibullying law 106
Jersey Shore 3
key stakeholders 91
LGBTQ bullying 40
educational consequences for
victims of 4243
emotional consequences for
victims of 4243
moral conservatives and 54
prevalence of 41
religious and political dimensions
of 4647
responses of adults in school
to 42
Link-Crew 9596
masquerading/impersonation 32
Middle School Cyberbullying
Curriculum 3536, 39, 96,
Moral Majority 63,
New Jerseys Anti-Bullying Bill of
Rights Act 105, 108
nondiscrimination policies 64
outing and trickery 3132
physical bullying 1011, 31, 42, 84
picture or video clip bullying 32
Put-Ups Program 96
Real Housewives 3
reality TV shows 3
relational/Indirect bullying 1011
religious bullying
denition of 56
legal and moral frameworks and 76
prevalence of 73
strategies for combating 77
rights of students under Title IX x,
52, 55
Roots of Empathy 36, 39
Safe School Ambassadors (SSA) 94
school climate 1617, 47, 79
school coordinating teams 91
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support
(SWPBS) 88,102,104,108
sexting 10, 29, 31
sexual bullying 41
denition of 50
and its impact on victims 51
nature of 50
prevalence of 50
and sexual harassment 4950
strategies to prevent 5253
sexual orientation 4748, 54, 90, 98
Shifting Boundaries: Lessons on
Relationships for Students in
Middle School 5455
social ecology of the school 89
socially connected, popular bullies
8, 2223
Steps to Respect 101102, 108
strategies for combating
cyberbullying 33
community-based 37
family-based 36
Internet-based 38
school-based 35
strategies for combating LGBTQ
bullying 44
addressing religious and political
issues 48
school-based strategies 44
strategies that do not prevent
bullying 88
teachers who bully
educational consequences for
victims of 83 86
emotional consequences for
victims of 83 86
strategies for combating 8788
The Olweus Bullying Prevention
Program (OBBP) 96, 99100,
transphobia 41, 44
under the radar bullying 8,
10, 72
verbal bullying 1011, 18, 59
whole-school approach to bullying
prevention 72, 8889
classroom-level components as
part of a 90
school-level components as part
of a 8990
student-level components as part
of a 90
witnesses 2425
You Have the Power! (YHTP!) 94
zero tolerance 87, 103