Phen Cons Paradox
Phen Cons Paradox
Phen Cons Paradox
New Medical Technologies Foundation. BIP International Association Research Center.
Analytical programming of information-exchange processes of
active biological forms
The Phenomenon of Consciousness and Matrix Holography
It is known that each materialized form of Individual personal creativity definitely depends on the
functional contents of interaction with the environment algorithm applied by Active Consciousness. In this respect it is
important to bear in mind that linear dynamic functions, which, while simplest in nature, are able to form the broad
specter of various external architectural modifications including pseudo volumetric and spuriously multispatial
configurations, in the process of purposeful analytical differentiation reaching basal orientation of such functions
always reveal their own true constituent, i.e., the extremely polarized impulse components. At the same time, a deeper
testing of any hyperactive formulations, which is feasible only if the Operator has an unfolded Universal Matrix Form,
allows to enter the entire complex of the fractal components Pentagram up to the Universal Volumetric Base even by
means of such apprehended realization scheme, however these Basal criteria do not manifest the apprehended space of
adapted vital activity for the considered consecutive spiraled model of the I Persons Development Level.
Therefore, the task to locate the missing semantic context in the multidimensional illusion woven of vector
chain algorithms by means of treating the net of extremely entangled trajectories forming a certain outer semblance with
a sphere, as a real volume, results only in Chaos disintegrating already unstable priorities of primitive existence.
As a result, if the mechanism of creative Person does not surpass the frameworks of linear modifications
generating only multiple dynamics, then the maximal outcome in this case is the formation of a tremendous number of
various orientation components which spiral extremely rapidly. Even though the outer form of a complex of such
spirals may, in turn, resemble composite multispatial constructions, the highly polarized activity always recorded in the
course of objective testing reveals the existence of multiple isolated units which unsystematically vibrate with various
frequency generation, are not related to adequate positions and do not have stable generally integrated information
saturated semantic key.
Thus, according to the essential criteria of ones own base all the elementary functions are dynamic, i.e.,
radically polar, imperatively forming spiral sets, with the highest quality of their realization scheme in this case being
counter exchange categories forming circuited super-spiraled sets. This model is most vividly illustrated by the
consecutive unfolding of the DNA matrix - the chain running nowhere. If the main percentage of the zones sets
of such modification has one component elements accordance ratio, while other due to objective reasons are loosing it,
the interactions of the vectors bearing semantic loads causes appearance of a large amount of irrational segments, since
strictly synchronous relationship of outer and inner information files becomes impossible. In other words, there is no
strict orientation of the modeled process fixed point, and, consequently, the final imprint likewise results in an outburst
of multiple unsystematic reactions with numerous corresponding derivatives requiring purposeful utilization. Since a
stable spectrogram of any Unit differentiation implies strict fractal gradation, a linear function, regarded as a basal
algorithm, shall have the same accordance ratio of its components links along the entire function length, which becomes
essentially impossible with the increase of the winding pitch of one level over another. However, introduction of
additional counter oriented branch makes the transfer of balanced categories to each subsequent position occur
automatically and the generally integral complete form of these two mutually compensating rows forms a closed
formulation further on used as an Integral Fragment, which in the form of a new base initiates creation of the
analogously arranged model.
Sequentially, in the course of generation of technological algorithm based on plane modifications it is important
to consider that if these matrices are not arranged in appropriately oriented sets, they will not be able to achieve stable
fixation in the zone of their own principles realization by means of creating a multi-layer space, since any information
saturated medium implies mutual testing and, consequently, emergence of certain semantic loads causing counter
exchange impulses inevitably deforming an isolated single plane transforming its initial dominant. Thus, a relative
stability of plane files can be achieved only if they are combined into complex blocks of sets arranged not randomly, but
strictly specified in compliance with the principle of basal accordance and in the aggregate manifesting a more
sophisticated fractal modification. However, if the planes are arranged in the form of the sequential chain function, i.e.,
a differentiating scale, natural twisting around the central axis becomes inevitable, the vector of information orientation
spontaneously twists in a spiral, the accordance ratio of aggregate component links disappears, the formation principle
of the construction existence becomes vague and provokes falling out of the system of separate matrices or whole
segments, which is unforeseen by the initial program. As a result, only correctly assembled complex of sets ensures
adequate resonance of its subforms conditioned by relevant functional base, while when the model due to imbalance of
its own arrangement begins to rotate around the generated general semantic position forming the simplest linear
dynamics, the consequences of such process, namely, multiple accumulating dissonances, will inevitably cause
uncontrollable spiraling and system chaos.
In other words, if the outer form is created on the basis of the III fractal Base criteria and this form is the
analogue of a more sophisticated modification, i.e., the II fractal Base, then such structural construction with respect to
its own base will have the maximal feasible stability level thereby setting the peak of the individual categories
qualitative realization attainable in the plane variant of the information saturated potential arrangement.
Thus, thorough analysis shall always be applied to the actual context of the technology used in certain sphere of
creative activities viewing its strategic positions from the standpoint of objective laws of the considered cloning pattern.
Then such eternal questions as to be or not to be will be utterly adequate to the generated processes. It is important to
bear in mind that the more Universal the action involving the principles of the I fractal Base in its own base is, the
higher the qualitative extent of its aggregate end result is, since the objective neutrality always provokes unfolding of
unconditionally stable derived categories. In this regard, each Practitioner may analyze ones own success directly
related to the model of technological attempts to realize ones own creative potential and to determine the objective
limit of personal abilities available on the given stage of ones own Active Consciousness development.
In the point where the chain schematization acts as a dominant carrier of information used in the process of vital
activity, fixation of saturated semantic flow is of a fairly low level. As a rule, such models unfold in heavy infrared
range. However, upon the transfer into the supersonic specter, which becomes possible only after reduction of dynamic
polarization by means of transfer of the wave carrier algorithm into the very short waves range, there immediately
emerges spatial holography. If the density of the fractal arranging of the latter, i.e., the maximal distance between any
two neighboring points of the scheme, is less than
10-15 m, which causes formation of analogous wave parameter, the virtual particles with the cyclic period less
than 10-23sec are formed. But, after all, at this particular stage appears the Virtual Space, i.e., the realization Zone of the
first four converters, which are immediately followed by the infinite Hyperspace depth. Therefore, it is important to
distinguish between the notion of holography existing in the context of the BIP technology and the same name term
widely used in traditional methodology. Holography from the BIP standpoint is an information model, which does not
require additional energy carrier, i.e., the dynamics presence within its structure tends to zero. Such static structural
arrangement is formed only concurrently and is formed by means of the counter synchronous resonance of ones own
fractally oriented segments and is characterized by extremely high information saturation component systemized in the
form of multidimensional Virtuality. At this point the semantic interpretation of the frequently used term Space shall
be cleared out. Unfortunately, interpretation of its essence on the level of the dominating stereotypes typical for
contemporary scientific tradition does not surpass the description of an isolated set of various parallel plane categories,
since scanning and analysis of the habitat is performed only by means of the sequentially chain method, while the
research based only on linear testing algorithms clearly cannot ensure perception of a real Space. Even the simplest
three-dimensional Spatial model and dynamics are incompatible notions, being totally different fractal systems and
however rapidly may a single plane or the entire set be moved in Space, only an illusion of Multidimensionality will
result if there is no single center created for all the formed projections, while the Multidimensionality itself will not
result from such approach and will not be accessible for adequate apprehension; this is a Law, which must be
Even though vector scanning allows to however long move along the various plane tiers and, moreover, to
interpret matrix blocks as real Space defining each isolated file by measuring, it will still not be the real volume, since
the basal code of all the similar information modifications belongs to the IV fractal Base, which does not imply
aggregate integration of the attained components into a single monoform. Entrance of a test impulse into the
Multidimensionality is possible only if its arrangement matches the principles of existence of the considered entropy;
and since in the case under consideration it is the II fractal base, such impulse cannot manifest itself as a dynamic
signal. The information density in the multidimensional complex area is so high that sequential information perception
becomes totally inadequate, while the apprehended potential can only be analyzed by means of a concurrent resonance
with its entire structural scheme.
Alternately, the determined generation of any fractal base, i.e., Linear (IV), Plane (III), Multidimensional (II),
Universal (I), occurs in response to a signal, which matches it as a key matrix. Consequently, if a chain impulse,
matching the IV modification is provoked, it is totally absurd to anticipate the emanation of the fixed manifestation of
the Universal Base, i.e., Hyperspace, information components.
Any action of a Person integrating an isolated functional model is always based on the priorities of conscious
and subconscious tendencies falling under the category of Individual Consciousness with a certain motivation in the
beginning phase of the process related to the algorithm of the appropriately unfolded analytical program matrix
determining the modulation of the particular formulation of the technological mechanism perception analysis
integration which will finally be used in a specific variant.
Thus, if the Consciousness generates the program which basal base pattern is a linear function, then due to its
features it cannot but form a multilevel spiral and all the thereby unfolded technological processes will, evidently, fit
these characteristics, and, consequently, have an enormous amount of secondary spontaneously appearing derivatives in
the form of actively polarized products without elementary stability of interaction with the habitat.
As a rule, multiple modeling of dynamic impulses tending to natural spiraling forms the priority of the
appropriate resonance outlines provoking the response reaction of the analogously unfolded shell of the genetic Base,
which, it turn, activate those particular categories of Consciousness, which cause generation of the peripheral
algorithms of low efficiency ignoring and gradually blocking program thesis of the deeper tiers. As a result, only 49
realization stages of this cyclic recurrence are being implemented, which is followed by its total disintegration;
furthermore, the more active such Personal modification is used, the quicker develops the critical phase of transfer to
the last stage, namely, Chaos. At the stage of Chaos it is impossible to get the identical reaction to the same information
signal and as many times the specific semantic irritator might be formed, the corresponding amount of various
unsystematically formed spontaneous reactions will be modeled in response.
Analogously, only the resonances of the matrix modification they conform with are generated during fixation of
the Individual Consciousness creative realization criteria on the level of the III fractal Base when the realized activities
are limited by the narrow sets of plane matrices. In this case, the Person replies to a programmed test by integration of a
program shell with a certain motivated vector nature. Thus, scanning of each successive sector of the habitats
information tiers provokes the necessity to organize a new set but with a different context orientation. However, since
the space, like the essence of its fractal Base, is multidimensional and the coordinate axes of its information entropy are
strictly reduced being concurrently realized to a single general semantic center, then due to the impossibility of integral
encompassing of these categories, which is natural in the absence of an appropriate perception algorithm, the density of
the semantic saturation along certain available for testing vectors in the various periods of the objectively existing cyclic
recurrence, is interpreted differently clearly manifesting the distorted priorities causing the subjective load and forcing
the Consciousness to form the multiple essentially nonobjective adapting actions. In such situation, it is extremely
complicated to realize that all these seemingly different billions of files are in fact only various derivative manifestation
forms of the same elements forming the base of the habitat and by reason of its nature combined in a Single Whole,
being the fractally unfolded Universal Eternity.
In the example under consideration, a set of plane matrices localizing one of the structural sectors is fixed on
each of the functionally active levels of the spatial multidimensionality thereby forming a section hypertrophied by
linear dynamics and suppressing the adjacent segments existing in the frozen condition and in the succeeding tier
shell a unit with a different orientation is activated, etc. Similar uneven distribution of information load clearly leads to
organization of a specifically spiral construction of the analytical perception complex which is unfolded in such a way
so that to involve the maximal number of the activated sections. Therefore, if there is no realization of the
multidimensional interrelation of all the existing categories as a single Monostructural form and, furthermore, such
realization requires a totally unique quality of the perception and analysis mechanism realized from the standpoint of
the Universal Volumetric Base, even with the use of the block-and-segment environment testing principle, automatic
discharge into spiraling is inevitable.
Thus, the possibility to flexibly operate the plane matrix files, which always means explicitly graphically
expressed outlining of the semantic specificity, even in the event of absence of the subsequent quality modification of
the given adapted parameters fixation level still implies fairly quick sliding of the optimum program support towards
spiral modulations of linear dynamic functions. Only when the Individual Consciousness becomes able to perform
complex integration of the multi-spatial, at least three-dimensional formulations, the initial stage of ones own
Universality is natural apprehension of the fact that any information structure is part of aspects derived from various
matrix categories tending to the exclusive goal, namely, to adequate transcription of the surrounding reality. Thereafter,
a multidimensional holography of the structural genotype base, which is already perfectly balanced with respect to the
coordinates of the genuine general central Zero Point, i.e., the Universe Information Constant, starts active unfolding.
Therefore, in the event if the Active Consciousness generates the simplest algorithms of interaction with the
habitat the possibility of the biological activities functional program unfolding does not exceed the limits of 493 cyclic
positions, while accurate usage of plane files sets dramatically increases the active period of life length dramatically
increases, since in order to activate the mechanisms of the general degradation it is necessary to transform plane sets
into spontaneously spiraling linear derivatives, which, in turn, will clearly lead the process to complete disintegration.
Unfolding of the II fractal Base semantic thesis also does not imply hundred percent stable own priorities and
may lead to similar result, even though it suggests a significantly broader zone of stable functioning without any side
deformations. In this case, the loss of constructions synchronous unfolding occurs due to conditioned necessity to
clone a system complex taking into account environmental peculiarities; finally, after a certain stage the accordance
ratio becomes irrational, its even sectors start to extend modifying itself into diagonals of a cube, and after passing the
10th converter they twist in pairs inevitably forming a spiral, which is multiply twisted around itself.
Therefore, utilizing of a three-dimensional matrix in the form of a space correcting imprint, which basal base
essence forms a multidimensional holography tending to realize the above strategic program in the materialized
periphery, will, however, gradually lead the dominating algorithm of intra-structural interaction into the zone of plane
categories provoking profanation of the object, thereby proving the unshakable nature of principles of spontaneousness.
As a result, unfolding of any functional systems, as a process of ones own development, shall be performed with
consideration of the scale of stepwise upgrade of the fundamental base of intersystem accordance qualitative features;
otherwise, beyond the total Universality the above described effect of sliding towards primitivism is ensured, thereby
allowing a conclusion on the impossibility of existing in a state of rest, since either constant accumulation of
information potential, or its disintegration constantly occurs, which, in particular, also applies to realization of a general
planetary genome being the essence of any Civilization existence. This observation makes evident the reasons of age
degrading, i.e., a one-sidedly unfolding system spirally embracing multiple sectors of information space is doomed
to death without timely modification of the program support dominating principle.
Thus, the Evolution of the Universe is entirely dependent on the Objective Development semantic algorithm in
view of the strategic priorities of absolute stability and the lack of it will sooner or later cause drastic degradation and
complete disintegration of the defective from the radical Universality standpoint construction.
It is known that each information modulation forms a holographic module being the graphically expressed
spatial architectural unit, which may be maximally simple, or, on the contrary, complex, which, in turn, is measured by
the multi-level scale of basal fractal matrices of various complexity level characterizing patterns of appropriate
technological processes in the form of a particular action items, i.e., this particular type of categories forms matrix
imprints provoking intentional changes in a certain media.
The possibility of stable fixation of a superdense information saturated holography is always related to existence
of highly motivated Consciousness positions integration of which generates resonance of multispatial levels of the
Practitioners genetic Base, namely, his Universal Volumetric Base, being already an Absolute Sphere and fractally
assembled of its own analogues. It is an absolutely unique construction, the only one of its kind formulation forming
the Zone of endlessly high density of information potential. Integral cloning of such Unit never results in shifting of its
high quality projection links against the initial point. In other words, the consciously controlled unfolding of the
Scheme of information exchange categories Universal arrangement causes stable effect of information
superconductivity, which excludes appearance of spontaneous, as a rule low functional processes.
As a result, each point assembled in accordance with this principle becomes a Universal Base and the sets of
matrix formed in the periphery by means of conversion are intrastructurally related and have a general semantic vector
manifested by the accurate multidimensional package which, it turn, is a Universal, capable of multi-dimensional
unfolding link. Therefore, in such a scheme even linear, which in this case are non-vector, formulations do not
provoke spontaneous deviations and always form a closed counter function, which is already not a nowhere directed
spiral, but forms a systemized toroid existing as an additional Basal unit implanted into the periphery
Therefore, the inter-systemic accordance resonance occurs only as a result of formation of virtual matrix form
matching that particular holographic structure, which needs to be actuated. Any uncontrollable developments of this
process inevitably make it dominated by the known law of spontaneous spiraling, which is definitely preconditioned if
the Person does not have realized, highly quality positions of the fundamental Development semantic base and leads to
the increase of unsystematic modulations and subsequent chaotic disintegration.
It is well known that the vital activities of the Active Consciousness are always related to perception and analysis
of the available information provoking as the response the integrated counter impulse, which may be fixed as a
conditional or unconditional reflex, existing in the form of a tightly folded program matrix, which is generated only in
the moment when the appropriate resonance contour appears in the space, which derives a subjective, as a rule, not
always adequate reaction of the biological organism. The density of structural interrelations of the Universal
Volumetric Base, in turn, allows to configure a holography of any supercomplexity and in no way exceeds the
frameworks of the complementarity principles remaining totally stable.
This is, actually, the manifestation of the major Universality phenomenon revealing that having formed ones
own structural form as an accurate model of the information saturated categories arrangement jointly forming the
Absolute Unit, it becomes possible to model the wide-scale patterns of multidimensional modifications, which under
no circumstances never be traumatic for the Consciousness realized in the Universal Volumetric matrix form. At
such exceptionally high Development Level the perception function becomes unlimited, i.e., there is no information
potential capable of causing inadequate Consciousness reactions of the carrier of the Fundamental Constant. As a
result, it is impossible to generate an impulse with the semantic density unavailable for adequate analysis and,
moreover, such Person can extract constructive files of objective experience from any position, even nonfunctional at
first sight.
Thus, the Universal Base inherent to the genetic link of each cytostructural unit implies existence of a Zone
providing virtual access to the Central Information Constant, namely, the Absolute Vacuum Point, the synchronous
unfolding of which ensures consecutive generation of all information program categories which have existed Forever
and will exist Eternally, thereby forming the Universe itself.
The above observations are related to two criteria of Objective Development. The first criterion deals with
perception of the manifestations of environment, their accurate semantic differentiation and integration into a single
realized hyperstructure. The second criterion suggests stepwise realization of ones own genetic Base with successive
adapting of the information thesis, which It generates. The initial stage of the Personal development always runs within
the frameworks of the first position, since it is impossible to enter the zone of the general existence principles
realization without it, while actuation of the second algorithm becomes feasible only if the Individual Consciousness
is able to intentionally resonate with the information files needed on the given stage, which are easily accessible in such
a situation, since the adequate forms of contact interaction are used for their decoding. In other words, the Universal
Matrix Holography is a key-resonator allowing to generate any program saturated categories differentiating their
semantic context and, thereby, adapting them to individual conditions, which makes possible wide unfolding of basal
Eternity functions accompanied by their unconditional full value realization in the randomly selected point of space.
Thus, the formation of the Individual access to the Universal matrix resonance program is a virtual key to
Hyperspace and the ability to adequately perceive Hyperinformation thesis is a step towards Universal Eternity.
However, while there is no full value apprehension of the resonance of fractal resonance interaction, it is early to
speak about intentional application of Universal technologies. Nevertheless, the essence of this process from the
technological point of view is fairly simple and is reduced to establishing of the maximal possible intersystem
transphere with the depth and density, again, depending on those dominating information processing algorithms,
which, while acting as stereotype criteria, have modulated the superficial Personal Consciousness and the biological
periphery, which is inseparably linked with it.
The Universal correcting matrix, in turn, ensures the required transphere reaching the genetic Base of the
cytostructure. In this zone one perfectly directed impulse aimed at changing the basic characteristics is enough to cause
automatic re-modulation, which can rehabilitate all the deformed genetic links and their derived projections over the
peripheral departments of the organism.
However, no actions except independent adequate perception can radically change the Individual pattern
of Personal genetic code and any influence from the outside is only humanitarian aid, which can seriously extend
the time limits of the bioforms functioning, thereby allowing to constructively use the adapted potential and to match
all the positions of the Pentagram of ones own genetic Base unfolding, or else degrading of the object is objectively
preconditioned and inevitable.
There exist Individual Personal structural compositions, which are actually ready for spontaneous correction of
the derived projections and introducing of general principles of matrix resonance contact is sufficient for modernization
to occur practically without outer control.
For other systems, even if saturation of their total component program segments is high, but they still are not
realized components of the Universal Base, which definitely indicates the presence in the provoked algorithm of
exchange interaction of multiple vulgar extremely specific stereotypes, the modification of the dominating situation
both in the process of independent development and as a result of correcting influence, is extremely complicated. In
this case, the matrix installed by the Operator causes an attempt of a recipients own self-regulation system to adapt the
offered thesis perverting them into the familiar modifications.
At the same time, intra-structural information saturation itself implies existence of a fairly high amount of
semantic notions apprehended by the object, which are traditionally referred to as knowledge, but, however, the
required systematization of the accumulated potential ensuring its wide-scale realization and excluding any dissonant
interactions of the generated component subforms is, as a rule, missing. Actually, the program function allowing to
integrate the Individual Personal form into a pattern maximally approaching the Universal analogue is not utilized, since
the initial strive towards deep schematization and independent arrangement of realized connotation occurs without
consideration of single principles of multi-spatiality on the basis of prevailing simplistic positions or even random
impulses. There always exists confrontation between formulations assembled in this way and sets of such matrix
stereotypes inevitable enter into a contradiction, which is graphically interpreted in the form of the dissonant
combinations making accomplishment of final rational strategies of intra-structural interaction impossible. Finally,
appearance of any complex multi-tier thesis provokes emergence of a new, unsanctioned by the basal pattern irrational
sector, the necessity of which, in fact, is not conditioned at all and, therefore, which does not produce an adequate result
and induce nothing more but additional overactivity and excessive overloads for a Person. Even though originally each
separate matrix of these program blocks is fairly functional, their integrated application does not lead the system to
complex resonance, which is feasible only if the matrix files are strictly systematized and fit one another with the
previously set fractal accordance ratio, thereby determining counter interaction of two or more programs without
destruction and distorts, but rather forming only totally specific, technologically perfect formulations, which ensure
realization of highly effective end product.
In other words, presence in the numerical matrix code of random components after a decimal point forming
uncontrollably growing irrational derivatives results in the system processors failure to achieve high precision of
the situation examination, i.e., fixing of an obvious conclusion, and it becomes necessary to multiply increase the
general systemic activity in order to somehow undertake a relatively adequate analysis. However, even under the
above-described circumstances, it is, as a rule, impossible to attain a high quality result, since the amount of
spontaneously arising impulse modifications is continuously increasing and it appears essentially impossible to process
all of them by means of a consecutive reduction to a single denominator, which finally causes only intra-structural
chaos and disintegration of an object.
At the same time, a cone-like vortical construction formed as a result of uncontrollable supercharging of
hyperactivity of linear spiraled algorithm of differentiating exchange interaction becomes a part of an objects general
systemic form fractally cloning itself into the zones better fitting such construction, i.e., usually, into the intra-level
voids or the areas of overlapping positions where fixation of the provoked tendencies is next to impossible.
Nevertheless, the similar formations, even though having various orientation still in the majority of cases multiply grade
by the type and cyclic recurrence thereby damping each other and not allowing to group along the mono-directed wave.
Yet, as time goes by, they are acquiring more and more uniformal orientation forming a single purpose vector of a onesided dynamics, which inevitably expands thereby subordinating the more stable files to specifically altered
modification splitting and shaking their semantic dominant and gradually causing dissonance into all sections of the
organisms vital functions ensuring. As a consequence, the Universally Neutral fundamental links of the Genotype are
blocked by a peripheral layer, which by means of distortion of their basal fractal accordance ratio disorients their
functional activity, which is primarily related to exercising control over the spontaneously expanding formulations,
thereby allowing the unsystematically generated program derivatives to uncontrollably unfold in the form of a mutation
categories mass developing into the objects structural form like the hyperactive clots.
An attempt to overcome the aggravating crisis, as a rule, looks like a pathological, even though natural for a
linear algorithm, urge to furthermore increase the speed of the current information processing, which causes the effect
diametrically opposite the anticipated result, i.e., instead of inhibition of irrational dynamic regime, which has already
surpassed the frameworks of efficiency, its overall supercharging is stimulated.
Thus, if integral integration of the Active Consciousness program support into a highly systematized complex is
missing, it is totally irrational to speak about any form of constructive development, since accumulation of information
potential of the required density and quality is possible only when its fixation is performed in accordance with the
functional pattern of the genotype Basal Base, which, moreover, should be absolutely synchronically, not twisted or
dissonant; otherwise, the larger semantic volume is provoked for perception, the larger the loss appearing at the attempt
of its differentiating analysis finally causing only multiple overloads. However, if the Person, in fact, is confronted with
the prospect of saturation with the adapted notions of numerous Individual Consciousness structural tiers formed as a
result of objective development, the capacity of this centripetal process is tremendous and totally irresistible, which
causes the natural impulse to search for adequate program support matching the information saturation categories of a
super-high level.
Therefore, as a result of realization of the intentional Evolution principle the new intra-structural cells keep
appearing requiring appropriate fitting, which at certain stage ensures a Practitioners entering the integral flow of
multispatial knowledge embracing all the habitat manifestation forms. At this particular moment Individual fixation at
the deep Global commutation net zones is possible, which provokes spontaneous apprehension of various information
components, effacing the margin between the Persons own activities and the models projected by the Spatial Objective
Reality consecutively differentiating dependence between the primary and secondary categories integrating them into a
Single Whole and modifying the vital activity orientation during the process of cognition of numerous Universal
Eternity shades.
At the same time, everything which has been apprehended shall be supported by a specific result, any adapted
material requires its own realization by means of adequate application, i.e., the accumulated potential must be used in
the form of intentional individual creativity.
Thus, the plane files can be stable only in the form of appropriate arrangements of matrix sets forming block
systems and subsystems of an objects program support, which must be perfectly synchronized both on the intrastructural level and among each other. In other words, this is a strict set of fixedly patterned matrices jointly
determining certain architectural construction integrated as a single module. It is clear that presence of such
systematized organization and appropriate motivation makes generation of any program unit fairly easy and allows its
absolutely qualitative use by means of unfolding along its technological trajectory in the zone of realization of
algorithms of the III IV fractal Bases.
At the same time, multiple deformations of the set of plane information categories arrangement principles,
which has lost the dominant of accordance with the II Fractal Base criteria, make the structural matrices sets group
unsystematically. As a result, the program saturated files, which are the carriers of functional semantic orientation of
subsequent exchange dynamic processes and, consequently, have extremely strict limiting frameworks established by
multidimensional gradation system of the infra-structural medium, loose the required specificity. Gradually the
accuracy of the major positions disappears and incomplete block units laminate one another forming the merged
complexes void of the designed system gradation and neutral intervals. In such situation, the strictly directed generation
of any certain specific program causes spontaneous initiation and certain parallel algorithms, which do not have direct
relation to the essence of the required action and, therefore, only provoke numerous contradictory periphery reactions.
Any process developing in the biological departments of an organism is directly related to intentional application
of a huge amount of program modules required for technological realization of program modules implying strictly
synchronous activation, which demands their complimentary relationship and further keeping of absolutely neutral
intermediate point separating the end of one program cycle from the beginning of another. Thus, if one set after having
coped with its task failed to fold into a compactly fixed matrix, while another set has already been generated by this
moment, the emergence of gradually accumulating dissonaces is inevitable. However, after a certain amount of such
working periods the system regulation mechanism designs switching of the so-called general neutral pause
allowing to inhibit all the residual functional rhythms and, thereby, to differentiate the errors accumulated during the
previous cycle. If this pause is due to certain reason indistinct or looses its depth, then there is no damping of the
accumulating discordance and the system transfers to the next program installation cycle in such imperfect condition,
thereby affecting it with the previously accumulated errors. As a result, when matrix files of a new algorithm, as a rule
located in a different sector of an objects structural form, apply its program technological categories, they feel the
influence of the impulse imprints of prior impulses, which, clearly, causes numerous unsanctioned reactions,
disorientation of the control system and enormous intra-structural overloads, since even though the previous cycle is
considered completed, it still forms inertial modulation projected over the appropriate surface levels, i.e., the peripheral
departments, which are initially synchronized to receive commands from the deeper Zones and cannot control the
situation on their own.
The multilevel construction of plane matrices program sets constitutes the so-called () Zone the transmitting
mechanism of the entire structural organization of the biological object. In fact, all the zonal and level shells of the
general form of the organism are organized in accordance with the principle of fractal unfolding of natural numerical
sequences, which, therefore, allows to characterize such semantic notions as a number or a word, which, in turn, is a
modification of a number, as well as numerous other code formulations. Thus, space shall be viewed as a certain
multidimensional matrix, which is filled with typical notions along the differentiating scale and having an appropriate
access level to apprehension of the occurring process, it is possible to instantly generate the required technological
trajectory, which is unfolding numerous sequential derived modulations tending into the infrared range and the
materialized result of the provoked action.
Thus, even the simplest plane programs capable of producing only formulations like yes no, impulse
no impulse, resonance no resonance, can be fairly easily used for constructing the most complex models of the
multitier perception structure uniting the whole block of multidimensional files oriented in the clearly graphically
expressed system.
Thus, the () Zone, which is built in accordance with the criteria of the III fractal Base and with the inner and
outer control exercised in accordance with the principles of the I and II Bases, constitutes the tremendous amount of
systematized plane matrices which can exist only in the form of a construction assembled of precise sets of blocks.
Erosion of multispatial orientation of this architecture provoke appearance of pressed into one another entangled
segments in some parts of the scheme and functional voids in the other. Any part, which has lost basal
systematization, falls out of the general structural context causing compressing of some of its program modules creating
in the adjacent segments the atrophied space turning into the place where unsystematic active dynamics clots are
concentrating, since various residual subforms of the counter interaction reactions are discharged there and finally
merge into superdense hyperactive nucleuses.
Even on the level of multispatial ()-Structure formed in theprocess of the II fractal Base unfolding, there exists
the microzones, accumulating the extremely active vortical impulses. Existence of such superdense points in the
information medium forming the structural holography of the nucleus shells of molecular compounds results in the
periodic discharge of a tremendous power potential into the periphery, breaking the convenient trajectory and, in
addition, provoking the loss of orientation of both its own structural complex, which, as a rule, is clearly doomed for
further disintegration, and the () Zone along which the potential was moving leaving behind multiple deformations of
the systematized objects space, similar to a cutting in a forest.
The so-called () Zone is a medium integrating the entire information specificity unfolded in accordance with the
principles of the multispatial Base where each level or tier is the zone adapting the potential transmitted by the
Universal Fundamental Principle and causing the corresponding reaction of the general structural form which must fit
the limits of the current stage of the Persons development. This is the only way allowing by means of multistage
differentiating to unfold the gigantic complex of the genetically fixed program support making feasible existence of
human organism containing at least 600 billion biological cells. This entire conglomerate, which has tremendous
information saturation, is the carrier of the Individual Active Consciousness capable of perceiving the broad range of
specified information both in the form of linear modulations, as well as complex multispatial categories, including the
Universal Volumetric categories, by means of sequential singling out of the central semantic base in accordance with
the currently unfolded perception algorithm.
Any level structuring process, in turn, is characterized by activation of a certain aggregate set of holographic
matrices provoking synchronous resonance of previously adapted notions, thereby, forming the new graphical
interpretation of the tested position. If in the moment of perception any sector being the link of a single analytical
mechanism is in the nonfunctional or blocked condition, then, clearly, the incoming information is fixed in the deficient
condition. Lack of the required resonance accordance of the matrix elements, which must enter the specific reaction,
does not allow to perform adequate interpretation destroying the perception integrity. In fact, both a separate sector, as
well as the whole segment uniting several stores of the multitier scheme can act as a nonfunctional link, since any
information component consists of multiple inserted in one another fractal units, which, each unit on its own level,
reflect the general copy of the model and at the same time bear their own specificity. Thus, information contents of
even a simplest materialized object is tremendous and determines its surface semantic construction, features, etc.,
including its molecular nucleus characteristics.
Nearly each Active Consciousness holds in its structural organization extremely active files resonating with any
polarized impulse. As a result, even a modulation transmitted along the intra-structural communications and not
directly related to such files causes spontaneous reaction of these matrices exerting strong influence over the general
systematic testing adequacy. As a rule, due to numerous segment blocks of the perceiving mechanism there occurs a
compensatory attempt to restore the quality of scanning by means of reactivation of the schemes working sections,
which, clearly causes expanse subjectivity of reality and inevitable distortion of a contacts semantic base.
The loss of the fractal accordance ratio of the schematized matrix space leads to shift of the fundamental
characteristics of the multitier differentiating lattice and, consequently, the projected signals do not get the required
adapting and are transmitted deep into the structural form in the insufficiently neutral condition. As a result, the central
departments, which are sensitive to the imperfect polarized categories, suffer from the significantly traumatic overloads.
Such situation always arises during various attempts of intentional plunging the periphery into the hyperactive
condition. As a rule, even though at first there appears the effect of extraordinary extrasensory perception, further
stimulation only contribute to development by a Practitioner of a shock reaction to any spontaneously circulating
impulse, accompanied with numerous extremely negative aftereffects.
Speaking about the peculiarities of realization of the Consciousness analytical mechanism, four major positions
can be singled out, each of them being the fixation stage of basal levels of the Universal Volumetric Base unfolding
Pentagram, namely, () Zone the IV fractal Base formed as linear spiraled sequential functional exchange rhythms of
counter dynamics, () Zone the III fractal Base constituting the mass of analogously oriented package plane
formulations, () Zone the II fractal Modification basal for multispatial constructions integrated into the appropriate
matrix holography when each program file is precisely coordinated through the single general central link and, finally,
() Zero Point the I fractal Base the Fundamental Base existing in accordance with the Hyperspace Universal
Laws. In addition, the above-mentioned complex includes 15 converters arranged in accordance with the general
accordance principle and 512 main levels of system differentiation. Thus, it is possible to single out all the remaining
categories, which are fixed one in another and jointly determining the harmonic Integrity, in each structural unit of a
bioform, being a full value segment of the V fractal base.
Systematization and synchronization of these modifications forms such position as a tending to infinity stability.
This assumption is clearly an axiom, stating the fact that if the linear functions are assembled with consideration of
precise orientation of plane models forming the accordingly grouped sets with any plane matrix having a polymeric
multispatial parameter each of the knot points of which, in turn, consists of Universal analogues of the Absolute Base
and the fractal unfolding of the general structural virtualilty occurs in accordance with the accordance ratio of
realization of the Universal Volumetric Base Pentagram proving the principle similar in the similar, then such
formulation clearly manifests itself in the form of perfect stabilization of principles of individual creativity in the reality
surrounding a Person. At the same time, the lack of this context due to provocation of subjectivism and encouraging of
various distortions can produce only one result, namely, general degradation developing into total disintegration.
Thus, if a Person as a functional object is not stabilized, then after a natural in this case death of biological
carrier of Consciousness the spontaneous differentiation of its peripheral shells, including the Impersonal Base, is
inevitable, which is, again, easily associated with the widespread religious notions. This sad end is clearly
preconditioned when individual theories are not systematized in accordance with the objective requirements and
manifest themselves as dissonants with respect to more global processes of the ambient space and, therefore, they will
definitely be depersonalized.
Any closed resonance contour possessing fairly high level of information saturation and active condition can
cause corresponding corrections into however complicated outer systems thereby installing its own characteristics
into all the categories of the environment.
Thus, analyzing the peculiarities of the current social genotype development one can note that after a certain
amount of cyclic periods all the Individuals belonging to the given community acquire an obligatory implanted
information exchange algorithm program, which is the projection of the socium over each of its members. Similarly,
there exists an inverse relationship, when the unfolding of certain positions of ones own personal genetic Base in the
form of dominating tendencies on a certain stage leads to formation of corresponding social moral criteria in the form of
stable behavior stereotypes, ideology and existence principles.
It is known that it is impossible to unfold two absolutely identical bioforms from the Impersonal genotype Base,
since this process implies realization of numerous internal, isolated spontaneous reactions, which cannot flow in a
definite way. Appearance of peculiarities is always a consequence of existence of polarized positions, which are
different from the Universal Basal Analogue. This observation allows to conclude that the Objective Development is
primarily related to removal of the Individual subjectivism and synchronous balancing of all individual polar
manifestations thereby allowing to form the network of information communications provoking organization of a
Complex Civilization Consciousness, when each person without loosing hi own Personal priorities, sees, feels and
knows EVERYTHING, what other billions of Individuals belonging to the same Community see, feel and know.
However, such integration is possible only if the characteristics of individual algorithms of program support for the
process of perception and analysis of all the socium representatives enter the Absolute Universality zone.
The unity of the peripheral Person with its fundamental principle, i.e., the Hyperspace, implies removal of
numerous superficial divergences of the planetary genotype with respect to its own Universal analogue, which results in
opening up the feasible prospects of the Practitioners entering the global Complex Universe Consciousness forming the
genuine return to the Fundamental Base, though this time not in the form of a matrix, which is depersonalized after the
biological death, but as an absolutely Integrated Unit the stabilization extent of which from the standpoint of all the
criteria is so high, that from the previous social fixation level it really produces an impression of Absolute.
Any program schedule can be expressed as a complex of mutually crossing numerical sequences, where it is
possible to single out from numerous trajectories, which have both different functional features, as well as belong to
various rational formulations, precisely fixed among each other positions being irrationally arrhythmic sequences
having no final system gradation. The major problem of the initial Evolution stages is precisely that in the process of
analysis of the habitat not the stable balanced maximal rational schemes are used, but rather the simplest polar
functions, due to their extreme availability, forming the broken intertier trajectory, which even being considered in the
three-dimensional spatial coordinates reveal fairly low productivity of its own realization and, therefore, have minimal
Structural systematization of Consciousness is primarily expressed in intentional generation of those program
formulations, which are radically functional for each specific action. Otherwise, the provoked situation is analogous to
pulling out 2-3 pages from the books lined up on the shelves, randomly assembling these pages and proposing it as a
new philosophical study or certain precise algorithm without considering the fact that the used semantic fragments
belong to totally different program cycles, while some of them belong to totally different technological process or
another temporary parameter.
How does the Consciousness perceive the information and what is the major criterion of this action?
There exists such a position as an individual perception scheme being an integral structural category of each
individual Person. Its specificity is formed on the basis of the corresponding genetic predisposition and the stereotypes
acquired in the course of vital activities thereby forming the general dominating matrix formulation, which in the
moment of testing is similar to a stencil overlapping any essentially highly objective information incoming into the
Consciousness analytical mechanism and only upon achieving interaction with the perceiving complex of a specific
object, it gains the subjective interpretation modified in accordance with the above-described individual clich.
On the level of plane modules this process can be viewed in the following way: any realized information form
exists in the form of a fractal matrix filled with the specific semantic load precisely conforming to its basal scheme.
Mechanism of an objects primary perception entering the sphere of its generation activates in it those gradation cells,
which create the accordance ratio with ones own functionally utilized in the given case principle of the information
potential distribution. At the same time, if this structural construction does not develop according to a certain plan by
means of successive modernization, it constitutes a formulation, being extremely far from the real integrity, as a rule
marked with an explicit asymmetry of the hyperactive segments of the basic tasting. In general, such pattern forms only
an extremely one-sided model, which is unable to perform adequate analysis of the existing reality treating the situation
in view of its own habitual distorted peculiarities and integrating into the Individual Consciousness the context
significantly different from the initial contents.
The lack of a sufficient for the full value scanning differentiating scale synchronously symmetrically unfolded
along the main contact vectors makes the perception function become more and more polarized resonating only with
those criteria, which match the analogous characteristics; all the other semantic models either are not fixed and remain
beyond the zone of access, or provoke numerous inadequate, as a rule aggressive reactions clearly followed by seizure.
Thus, only certain fragments of the integral information scheme are pulled out of the matrix holography
projected by space. Such isolated fragments only cause generation of several sections of the perception system reacting
by an inverse resonance to their impulse modulation and then, on the basis of the received incomplete signals there
appear numerous deficient interpretations totally ignoring both the initial context orientation of the file, as well as its
real position and interrelations in a more global structure a component part of which it is. Actually, the Civilization
derives its public opinion, dominating values, morals, its way of life and, naturally, numerous problems passed from
generations to generations, precisely on such distorted criteria of the habitat testing.
As a result, the vicious circle of inadequacy becomes closed and the defective perception matrix becomes fixed,
which blocks basal self-regulation mechanisms and, consequently, any preconditions towards creation of a more
qualitative structural analysis system by means of ranging the totalitarian subjectivism principle as a norm. Such
pathological strategy aggravates the tendency in the incomplete fragments, belonging to various gradation planes or
even tier levels projecting the perception into the algorithm, which has lost the basic integrity, and maximally increasing
the speed of the obtained information processing, to interpret the entangled tracks as a certain objective image not
realizing that in the given situation only insignificant parts of several absolutely different spatial elements not directly
related to each other are fixed. Definitely, all the habitat characteristics are interrelated through the general central
Base, but they are the realization priorities of a far higher stage of the Active Consciousness Development.
Thus, as a rule, the main bulk of information impulses are treated unsystematically and this principle is used as
basal criteria of the Individual experience. In this case, there is no qualitative differentiation of the obtained categories,
or, even if it occurs, naturally on an extremely primitive level, it is still useless to speak about intentional structuring of
apprehended thesis on the basis of highly functional pattern of the information saturated potential distribution.
Therefore, a Person himself creates his own problems realizing the genetic predisposition to inadequacy of perception,
deficiency of analysis, and, as far as the widely offered by the Society creative orientation, which is entirely based on
the first two parameters, the hypertrophied biased nature of these canons is evident and reveals itself in the diversity of
worthless formulations of meaningless existence displayed by the overwhelming majority of the planets population.
At the same time, the longer the specific organism stays in the zone of a certain actively generated influence, the
higher the level on which there occurs the re-modulation of the existing structural interrelations, which, actually, are
formed on the basis of multilevel unfolding of its genetic Base. However, if the mandatory generated resonance
contour is an entirely subjective factor, not related to the true condition of the ambient Space, being a superstable
category, then the introduced by means of a profanation modification will by no means carry positive preconditions for
the given object.
In addition, consecutive alteration of the natural habitat as a global evolutionary process definitely projects the
corresponding characteristics over each of its representatives, thereby implanting the new tendencies, resulting from the
comprehensive development of the Universe, which unites the entire specter of a multilevel scale of the Fundamental
Principle fractal unfolding Pentagram revealed by numerous gradation in all the realized shells of any material World.
It is precisely the dominating form of the program orientation system of the organisms vital activities that
determines the character of the cycles cyclic recurrence, which is inherent for its organization. This, any cyclic
recurrence, which constitutes consecutive appearance of precisely specific peak reactions or conditions, is
preconditioned by a multiple modification of the applied algorithm having the matrix base with the corresponding level
of fractal arrangement.
The linear chain functions actually forming the specificity of the exchange dynamic rhythm unfold out of the
precisely oriented positions of the package complex of plane files, which, in turn, forms the so-called vector realization
axis with a general tendency to a left-sided twisting. Each of these models projects its own impulse cyclic pattern,
which reflects both the objective categories principles related to conversion of the Universal Base of a Person, as well
as the process of subjective generations, provoked by the activities of the surface Consciousness constructing numerous
modulations causing resonance of corresponding intra-structural matrices.
As noted above, the multidimensional constructions are characterized by the fact that all the program
formulations of this fractal arrangement level have one general semantic center. Therefore, existence of a biological
organism, being a carrier of Active Consciousness, definitely requires following the related principles of conforming to
the single purpose Base, when all the system program algorithms accurately interact through the general central unit.
The loss of structural integration clearly leads the object to death, since in this case the links, which have escaped the
control, begin to form their own realization priorities not considering the integrated scale of cyclic stamps genetically
planned for the most functional organization of the biological cytostructure.
It is known that the initial base of multispatial formulations is the three-dimensional nature principle forming the
cell structure based on the so-called absolute cube. The following centrifugal conversion of this monostructural
architecture produces plane projections of its sides over the ambient space resulting in the fact that the base of all the
matrix plane modifications is a square with the analogously fractally unfolded internal border. Intra-structural
construction of a similar unit consists of sections each segment of which belongs to the appropriate fractal dependence.
It is precisely here, i.e., from the plane matrix thesis, that the initial form of the reduced program thesis cyclic
recurrence is manifested and the square plane, bearing the tendency to the left-sided twist around the vector of spatial
axis of its own realization, which, in turn, also in a certain way spirals in the II fractal Base space, starts to form a
multitier spiral trajectory graphically interpreting the cyclic unfolding of particular positions of the numerical sequence
having the precise accordance ratio of its own projections.
The movement along the above-mentioned triangular or other random form trajectory occurs analogously,
thereby creating the corresponding cycle; it appears fairly easy to trace the connection between these models, since an
endless amount of graphical figures can be fitted into the basal square. In general, it is easy to single out of the general
unfolding any construction and to trace its cyclic projections in a single structured space. However, it is important to
consider in the course of such analysis that all the composing formulations unfold synchronously, thereby forming the
entire conglomerate of linear chain sequences connected with each other by a tremendous amount of general points
belonging to a more global system and analogously manifesting itself in the ambient space. A conclusion can be made
that each Individual scheme conforms only to those cycles, which it consciously encourages. In other words,
initially unfolds the objectively integral impersonal net of the numerous modifications Pentagram, but the only those its
segment become clearly expressed, which enter into the accordance resonance with the specific activator the Personal
Individual Consciousness, which can be either a precise matrix complex, or an absolutely meaningless formulation
assembled of fragments of parallel programs and provoking additional disorientation of its system processor due to its
own functional asymmetry.
The essence of any cyclic derivatives is reduced to the fact that they become characteristic for a specific object
only if their rhythmical cycle is methodically confirmed through the resonance of its general structural units. Therefore,
initially a Person stimulates by its own activities manifestation of a certain linear dynamics, and then it becomes
totally subordinate to its algorithm and, consequently, the objects existence becomes totally modulated precisely
by these, as a rule far from being constructive, categories. Thus, the Individual Consciousness position forms in the
surrounding reality only those periodically becoming active projections, which represent for it the objective reality,
even though it might in fact be an extremely distorted subjectivism.
Non-constructive or chaotic nature of utilizing of certain composing segments of matrix files results in unfolding
of analogous models of counter interaction provoked by the mandatory resonance of unbalanced components. It is clear
that any architectural configuration can be singled out of the Universal form of the multidimensionally structured space
of the Universe, likewise, it is fairly easy to draw a discretionary schedule, close its functional algorithm and trace the
trajectory of projection imprints, bearing its main semantic orientation. Thus, since the majority of dominating
programs periodically realized by the object means falling into the chaos, then it is the consequence of deeply rooted
habit to nonsystematic generation of analogous matrix modifications or their separate fragments, which are
preconditioned to spontaneously unfold along their own fractal scheme and, as a result of prevailing nonsystematic
character, causes multiple dissonance and discordance with the unfolded program rhythms of the ambient nature and its
own genetic Base.
The Objective reality of the habitat implies existence of a fairly wide specter of variously oriented cyclic
recurrence, and, at the same time, active use by the Individual Person of this systemized complex isolated links, while
the realization products of such links often cannot be adequately systemized by the Civilization into a single system
with the more global characteristics, which leads to significant negative consequences.
It is important to note that the numerous elements, which are peripheral from the Central Base point of view, and
primarily, always available for the peripheral Consciousness, must be applied in a maximal balance way, since their
generation required formation of integral synchronous construction, consisting of several cyclic levels precisely phased
between each other, thereby forming a specifically directed discretionary modification. Otherwise, if only isolated
peripheral fragment is intensified, while all the other semantic formulations belonging to the same system shell are not
apprehended and, therefore, are treated by a Person as missing, then the stronger the application of such link, the higher
the influence on it of the centrifugal forces, and the more spiral trajectories, which it runs around the general purpose
system unfolding orientation vector. At the same time, other algorithms, which are not realized in the given model, but
objectively exist as an integral part of the structured space requiring appropriate compensatory stabilization, will only
result in initiating of respective dissonance into the objects vital activities, thereby provoking only successive
disorientation and chaos.
The tier shells of the structural form are created by the closed in the form of multilevel spheres planes, which
have formed such construction only since the fractal unfolding of the hyperspatial Universal Base holography on this
stage of its conversion grounds its single semantic position of identical information categories of duplicate structural
density; however, its own fixation radius of each isolated segment with respect to the Center can significantly fluctuate
with, as a rule, a fairly insignificant difference, but still, it determines the loss of absolute shpericity and, therefore,
implies a certain cyclically accumulating dissonance. As a result, the given shell intensifies the corresponding wave
discharges over the more superficial levels and becomes the generator of the subjective tendencies, which have already
lost their neutrality and do not have the required quality of the Universal synchronization.
The existence in the objects periphery of block formations means, in turn, that periodically for a fairly long
period of time only a narrow specter of technological modifications of a genetic link program support was used, and,
consequently, certain composing elements of the organisms structural organization remained unclaimed, while the
others were overactive and oversaturated with additional structuring, not intended by the general functional genotype
pattern, i.e., the density of the active potential distribution in accordance with the gradation categories scale in such
segments of multispatial Consciousness shperoid is much higher, than in the others, thereby causing the absolute
asymmetry of a Person. However, if in the above-described situation the Person still starts to intentionally provoke
the synchronous unfolding of the Individual genetic preconditions by means of consecutive correction of the already
existing discordance, then apparently, in a certain period, as a matter of fact, also cyclically modulated by the stepwise
effectiveness, the Person will confront with the damping of all the nonfunctional accumulations, even if they are fixed
on the chromosome level.
Thus, its is necessary either to unfold in a balanced way the entire complex of the Personal Code program
orientation, or, if it is impossible to achieve the full-value inclusion, only those position shall be used, which are
maximally close to its general central Base.
However, this aspect is related to peculiar difficulties, since a certain segment can be viewed as a central, while
it does not constitute such. And even though under a certain perception angle the chosen module due to the principle of
transphericity with the genuine Base can act as a fairly Universal category, still as a result of excessive generation
caused by the semantic load, which was not intended for it, it is clearly doomed for disintegration, since after a certain
peak periods it will be folded like any other peripheral fragment, though it still might have much more functional levels.
Therefore, the generation time limits of the above-described algorithm are, clearly, wider as compared with the links,
which are not at all related to the central structural zone, namely to the II and I fractal Bases.
The above-described situation stresses a distinct factor requiring extremely deep apprehension; and even though,
at first sight, proposed is a fairly simple semantic model, practically all the successive strategic positions of the
development of a Person and of the Society in general are based on its context. In other words, any seemingly totally
complete and perfectly integral matrix is still a part of a more global structure of the Universe.
It appears extremely easy to value the pseudo-central formulation as a Universal Base, especially if the object is
not well aware of the principles of spatial categories fractal arrangement. It is obvious that such an object will never be
able to intentionally generate the entire system of program plane matrix support through their individual characteristics,
since it is objectively impossible to comprehend separately the many-billion multitudes of variously oriented, though
strictly interdependent structural complexes. And the central point of the general system integration in the form of the
Absolute Base is not accessible without realization of the technology of simultaneous fixation of multispatial
information saturated models.
The specific unit can be viewed as an information assembly center only if it simultaneously belongs to, as a
minimum, two more mutually perpendicular matrix planes. Nevertheless, in the course of further, still deeper
differentiation it might again appear not to be central, though fairly precisely oriented in the multidimensional
holography of the II fractal Base, and it will still be only one of the numerous consecutively derivative projections of
the Hyperspace.
Thus, in this situation it becomes necessary to draw additional axial segments, which from the point of view of
particular construction constitute thirteen main resulting vectors crossing one common center and forming a unique
architectural form, which, in turn, may be one of the fractally unfolded segments of a more global organization. The
further development of the system of objective reality analytical perception implies the possibility to locate new
structural coordinates of spatial holography and only then to fix the radically Universal Center on the basis of it. At the
same time, involving on the certain stage of this process of multidimensional principles of Universal Matrix nature is a
hundred percent guarantee that the utilized in such a way program files will not be generated in the form of individual
isolated elements or fragments of various cyclic algorithms, but will be integrated into a single integrally unfolded
fractal monostructural system.
Realization of any projection modifications of Individual personal pattern must be perfectly balanced with
respect to the General Central Universe Base, since only in this case possibility of resonance with the planetary
displayed cyclic recurrence becomes possible, when the counter total dynamics of the Community, including all of its
derived formulations, is guided by the principles of synchronous mutual balancing and maximal stability. All the other
development models inevitably entail complete disintegration in 49 + 3 periods of its own isolated generation.
Thus, formation of Active Consciousness clearly depends on synchronization of the existing Individual genetic
link preconditions unfolding. This is, actually, the essence of the assumption stating that the strategic position of a
Practitioner provokes that pattern of derived cyclic recurrence, which becomes integral reality for it. In other
words, spontaneous development of a Person without accurate consideration of objective aim and its semantic
Universality evidently condemns Civilization to death. As long as the public stereotypes do not comprise precise
notions allowing to apprehend the Hyperspatial genotype Base basal criteria, any biological realization model is
effected only as an outburst and the more vivid and active it is, the more unavoidable the further degradation will be.
At the same time, irrespective of what non-constructive new developments might be formed, the intentional
unfolding of genolinks information potential ensures complete correction of all the segments of the objects structural
form. But still, it is extremely difficult to reach the Universal Volumetric fractal Base through numerous
accumulations, since in the process of nonsystematic vital activity numerous pseudo-centers are formed having their
own projection shells, which being constantly applied start to offer periphery its own interpretation of the genetic Base,
thereby becoming similar to a biblical pride creating pseudo-sense, pseudo-environment, pseudo-technologies and,
finally, resulting in pseudo-existence based on subjective attitude to ones own development and the Societys
Evolution in general. The above reasoning creates a totally incompetent understanding of the visible Universe
phenomena, which in particular formulations distorts the genuine reason of Existence, since the very meaning of it
becomes lost mutating into aggressive avidity. At this point, i.e., on the edge of Chaos, it becomes impossible to
adequately comprehend without understanding of the General Central Philosophy the diversity of the unfolded derived
modifications of the thoughtlessly provoked cause-an-effect relationship, traditionally referred to as Fate, Destiny, and
Nevertheless, even if a Person at a current stage is unable to realize integration of ones own potential into a
specific multidimensional model and, thereby, to acquire fixed timeless total conclusion, but at the same time
realization, as such, occurs, then in the further incarnation the highly effective result is obviously preconditioned
ensuring bright purposeful development, since the Individual program base of a Personal Code including all the realized
categories generates the instinctive orientation of a development vector towards the Universal Base of a Universe.
Thus, there is only one Genuine Center at all times and it is essentially impossible that there are two or more of
them. The Universal Volume, i.e., the I fractal Base, is a construction with unique features, since only this pattern of
information saturated categories arrangement entails drawing of a numerous amount of vector plane formations to a
single semantic denominator and, therefore, formation of any algorithms of a periphery center type is performed not
by means of spatial temporal linear functions the trajectories of which are always spiraled and, therefore, differ from the
shortest possible distance, but rather simultaneously, in the form of fractal resonance superconductivity. Thus,
consideration of any point of infinite space shows that a vector is already unfolded from it to the objective center, i.e.,
the Zero Point, and the unfolding is achieved not by means of stepwise projections through the plane levels when the
interpretation of coded multidimensional models may be fairly far from reality, but precisely due to realization of
maximally rational positions excluding influence of any intermediaries of low quality in the question response
It appears possible to fix an infinitely high information potential in the point link only if the sum of all of its
commutation interrelations tends to zero and, clearly, the arrangement pattern of such amount of semantic material is
obviously unique. Existence of several alternative formulations stands for the fact that the integration attempts involve
only a fairly surface level implying existence of various modifications and, consequently, their stability is not absolute
at all and has a limited period of functionally active condition, which is followed by spontaneous lapse into the zone of
program orientation loss and subsequent degradation.
There arises a question how dense the information saturated potential should to be able to unfold from a point
object such an analytical complex as Active Consciousness with all of its derived categories in the form of various
structural shells implying numerous extremely complex exchange processes on each tier of its fractally realized pattern.
It is also important to note that the most serious pathologies, including the inborn anatomical defects appear only due to
the loss of 10-15 percent of the genetic Base conversion. In other words, 10 percent of discordance during formation of
consecutive projections of the Impersonal Base genotype resonance provoking realization of Individual Personal
modification leads to horrifying pathologies. Deformations of the Impersonal Matrix unfolding by 25 percent
determine birth of a cytostructural clot, which as a single system can perform only a short impulse outburst of vital
activity and, therefore, in this case it appears absurd to speak about the Individual Person.
The processes, which are directly related to highly efficient activities of Active Consciousness, involve
extremely deep Zones of the Universal Base realization Pentagram requiring tremendous level of the used principles
fixation, which, in fact, are structural tiers of the analytical differentiation mechanism constituting a single multispatial
complex. At the same time, it is known that the notion of fractal regularity always implies existence of a certain basal
point, which is a center of the generated information analyzers orientation. The loss of a common for all the contact
vectors link, in turn, does not allow to unite the existing functional positions into a single integrated formulation.
Thus, one of the most important conditions of the objective development of a Person is the ability to realize the
initial Base as an only semantic landmark of the Basal Philosophy ignoring various imaginary pseudo-aims, which keep
reappearing in the process of active vital activities of the Society of the surface levels of the Civilizations structural
organization. Consequently, any forms of peripheral storing of polarized information cause significant preconditions to
disorientation of initial perception and diverse nonfunctional dynamics.
The contemplated lack in the system of objects program support of the algorithm for integration of information
files arranged in accordance with a fractal scheme into point links capable of projecting over deep zones result in
overloading of conventional memory by matrix sets of adapted experience and their fixation on the periphery in the
form of unfolded categories, which are always active and, thereby, constantly modulate their own derived analogues.
As a result, systematization of numerous diverse information impulses generated by these subforms is analogous to an
attempt to discern amidst the chaotic cacophony of noises, when each participant tries to voice himself as loud as
possible drawing attention to oneself in such a refined way. Meanwhile, since such an attempt modulates each cell of
the () Zone, the only result gained from this Babylonian hubbub is chaos.
However, it is important to remember that there is no information, which can objectively called constructive or
non-constructive, since any intended signal is only an impersonal unit, a statement of facts, and nothing more! Rather,
these files can be stored in different ways and depending on the method of their fractal packaging, the same semantic
model can occupy various amounts of systemized space and its own polarity range. The more constructively developed
the intra-structural medium differentiating matrix projections is, the lesser is the size of a form in which it allows to
arrange certain, even extremely active information saturated material. Meanwhile, since the conventional memory of
Active Consciousness on the current development stage has a fairly limited capacity, irrespective of however large it
might at first sight be, storing of unfolded into multilevel spiral program modules in its cells finally inevitably leads to
significant overloads and numerous losses of the formed potentials extremely important fragments. At the same time,
initial fixation of the incoming information in the surface Consciousness zones is a natural process, while the
possibility of its projection over the deeper system layers, which are tuned for the positions of other fractal algorithms,
requires accurate creating of the information categories arrangement scheme complying with certain optimal
Thus, program support of a Persons system processor must be based on a precise principle allowing to modify
the test signal into a supersmall and the same time highly information saturated module capable to instantaneously
unfold upon receiving of the appropriate generation command. Only such hyperlink can be successfully integrated into
the maximally deep zones of the I II fractal Bases, where the density of the medium commutation interrelations is
close to the infinite parameters.
Existence of the mechanism for conversion of a however large information potential into accurately coded
matrix microlinks, which do not display any of the various outbursts of irrational activity, ensures highly efficient
storing of semantic material in the form of virtual holographic model based on the nucleus shells of the objects intrastructural Base corresponding its arrangement.
Clearly, in this case the volume of space, which is genetically intended for systemized fixation of the perceived
information constructions, significantly increases and, consequently, the quality of their realization multiply grows
accordingly. Opening up of an objective prospect of the program potential assembly on the basis of the Universal
Matrix nature in the form of Absolute Volumetric fractal module having access for installation into hyperspatial zones
of subnucleus medium makes impossible to fill to overflowing such a cell, since a point form tending to reduce its
polarity to zero can hold an unlimited amount of information. In other words, entering the Absolute Vacuum Zone
resulting from application of the Universal pattern of the information saturated potential arrangement allows to
integrate the however complicated and extensive program algorithm into a supersmall point link, which, in fact,
cannot be measured by any other testing means except the Universal ones, since such link, being a realized
Hyperspace, apparently equals to Zero.
Therefore, the Universal Consciousness Base is a fractal unit assembled on the basis of the above principles,
since it is feasible to fix the entire gigantic program files ensuring not only unfolding of a human organism as a
cytostructural complex, but also the possibility of highly adequate analysis and integration of however complex
information modulations in the extremely small volume of the DNA molecule, only using the fractal matrix
formulations. This pattern of systemized arrangement is, in fact, called the Universal Volumetric Base. It is an
extremely broad term and even after attempting to specify it, it is still possible to find numerous even deeper
characteristics, since when the notion of the Universality is considered, its peculiarity already implies certain allembracing endless semantic gradation.
Thus, the Pentagram of the Zero Point fractal unfolding determines existence of the whole Universe, while the
Hyperspace, i.e., the conglomerate of such Points, is a Fundamental Principle of a multidimensionally materialized
medium on all levels of its stepwise conversion. In other words, the Universe in the form, which the representative
of the current Civilization might observe, is only a mass of extremely polarized peripheral derivatives formed as
a result of successive modifications of fractal complexes provoking this process and gradual accumulation of
heavy and, consequently, minimally information saturated categories, referred to as substance.
Nevertheless, counter formation of hyperspatial segments, which become the Zones of fixation of the Universal
Volumetric matrix form, being the base of stabilization of Infinite Universe, occurs in each realized link of a
multidimensional structural holography of a Universe. This assumption is the source of the realized Universal Endless
Eternity notion. As a result, no matter how deep one can penetrate into the Basal Base, i.e., the Hyperspace, more and
more new shells of the multidimensional Existence still keep appearing everywhere.
Thus, returning to the above-mentioned reasoning a conclusion can be made that the lesser the unsanctioned by
the genotype dynamics appears on the level of the system mechanism of the information processing, the more mobile
the given structural organization is. The lack of precise algorithms of the information files fractal conversion from the
peripheral departments to the deeper Zones is primarily related to atrophy of the vitally important in this situation basal
accordance ratio, which should ensure, provided there exists vector orientation towards the center of the form, level
by level arrangement of initial linear spiraled program modules into the more information saturated and compact matrix
units, which due to the stepwise increase of their own semantic density gradually acquire the possibility to submerge
into the structural segments based on the different basal principles. In other words, in the course of the above-described
process, selection of the adequate matrix algorithm of appropriate construction provides for implementation of
differentiation of the existing polarity and transfer of the initial wave function into a more neutral characteristic
progressing on a certain stage to the zone, where the fixed potential density starts to tend to actual infinity, thereby
ensuring a different qualitative condition of an object, which already does not require the traditional materialization. In
the given case, not the impulse wave component, which is always related to the process of preliminary disintegration of
any stable base when part of its information subforms, which have lost their integrity, is discharged in the form of the
dynamic flow, but rather the holographic formulation itself, which is virtually interacting with other systems by means
of a fractal accordance resonance excluding any form of rhythmical dynamics, acts as a carrier of semantic parameters.
Any discretionary selected wave carrier depending on the certain terms always provokes corresponding cyclic
recurrence reflecting frequency and rhythm of its source vibrations, which periodically seize unstable surface shells in
the form of the above-mentioned flow of disoriented fragments of various matrix subforms. At the same time, each of
its components, provided there exists corresponding advanced differentiation, develops a perfectly assembled Base on
the level of its own structural base. In other words, from the standpoint of the Universal gradation, any wave
modulation bears precise information categories, which, however, are unrelated to this linear dynamic function, since it
initially was not created in accordance with the appropriate to these categories fractal arrangement and,
consequently, it is impossible to recreate the initial general integrated form in the zone of its semantic modification;
nevertheless, it is quite feasible to unfold the existing Universal Base, since there is no object in space, which does not
have this Comprehensive Base, though such a correction, in fact, impersonates the initial wave model.
As a rule, the necessity of the bearer involvement is related to the fact that due to the existence of a high level of
signal polarization it is impossible to transmit it beyond the dynamic algorithm and in this case the wave component is
intentionally modulated by the preset subcategories, which are available for processing in accordance with the
analogous algorithm. Thus, as soon as a certain transmitting link in the form of a dynamic modulation carrying a
semantic model becomes involved in the process of the bilateral contact, then a tremendous amount of various structural
debris, i.e., the flow of the background carriers substance, is projected together with the transmitted information.
Therefore, the quality of this mechanism will never surpass the frameworks of the used carrier.
It appears fairly easy to make an elementary conclusion that only the change of specter parameters of a wave
characteristic towards the reduction of the carriers polarity might entail fixation on it of a higher and higher saturated
potential; on a certain stage of these parameters differentiation entering of the Universal Base becomes absolutely real,
while the spiraled dynamics of the information transfer remains unclaimed, but at the same time there are no polar
indices characterizing transmitting, though actual final modification exist. Therefore, on the one hand, it appears
impossible to fix the developing interactions with the help of the traditional methods, while, on the other hand, the fact
of the contact is evident. Thus, from the standpoint of superficial subjective polarized logic there is no action, however,
the effect clearly displays itself, which, naturally, hocks the immature Consciousness of the Human Being belonging to
the First Development Level. As a result, one can spend endless efforts listening to the silence of Space, vainly
attempting to locate in it familiar impulses of the transmitted messages not even suspecting that this contact algorithm is
the lot of only primitive Civilizations and is not used at all in the global commutation networks of the Universe.
Thus, the program scheme of the fractal packaging of the perceived by the scanning system information
categories into the supercompact point files must primarily consider the possibility of their further adequate unfolding.
The lack of this consideration, which, as a rule, is typical for the principles of the linear cyclic perception demonstrated
by the representatives of the contemporary Civilization, leads to the fact that due to the preconditioned in this case
spiraling, the unsystematically assembled superdense nucleuses are formed and testing of these nucleuses requires
constant increase of the exchange interactions speed. However, the formulations, which have been treated in the abovementioned way actually are the chaotically arranged units the unfolding of which even into the approximate analogue of
the initial modification becomes a totally impossible task for the system processor, unless the Universal Volumetric
Matrix approach is used allowing to correct the existing formation in accordance with the initially designated scale of
stepwise conversion and to further integrate it into the single structural form of the object, thereby recreating the initial
program technological model. However, independent unfolding of such thoughtlessly created links is totally unfeasible.
Thus, in the two above-described situations formation of the point information objects occurs on the basis of a
certain realization level; however, in the first case, the semantic material is grouped strictly in accordance with the
appropriate functional scheme providing a real prospect of a highly efficient realization and, as a result, organizing the
completed highly saturated matrix files capable of adequate unfolding into the initial, but the already adapted category,
while in the second case, the grouping results in the formation of the superdense nucleuses constituting the tremendous
impulse destruction agents, since their existence is clearly related to further reactions of inner annihilation provoking
further disorientation of these objects.
Therefore, one of the major aspects determining the Active Consciousness objective Development is the
necessity of sequential modernization of the used in the process of vital activities program algorithms of perception,
analysis and arrangement of information saturated impulses, both intra-system, as well as scanned in the ambient space,
which shall apparently match the unfolding of the genetically designated Personal Basal Base program support.
In light of the above, the cyclic peaks of the habitat constitute precisely those test loads, which, on the one hand,
encourage the urge for the independent correction of the structural form with consideration of the more qualitative
tendencies, while on the other hand, they act as barrier membranes screening the non-constructive biological
modifications, i.e., the Individual carriers of unclaimed no-future strategies, which objectively can not pass through
these filters. This is actually the natural for the planetary medium testing and disintegration of objects which due to
ignoring or distorting of ones own genetic Base criteria have plunged themselves into the state of suppressing
inadequacy with the objective rhythms of the ambient space.
Therefore, the cyclic peak activity of nature can and must be used by a balanced bioform as an additional
impulse impact towards the next stage of Individual development.
In the moments of such phase outbursts there appears an actual possibility to trace numerous secret factors,
which in the neutral period exist in the folded condition; as a rule, this is huge amount of side nonfunctional tendencies
resembling parasites on the genotype Base, which can not be adequately fixed by Consciousness until they manifest
themselves as explicitly unfolded categories. Consequently, each such peak reveals numerous hidden dissonant
rhythms of the organism, thereby opening up the prospective for their stepwise differentiation, and, therefore, the broad
level of divergent generation of contradictory positions will only contribute to the designated realization process. Thus,
nothing can be essentially non-constructive for the Active Consciousness with respect to its planetary development
level. However, there exist numerous artificially developed subjective stereotypes of distorted perception, which due to
the general social degradation do not allow the subjects of the society to be in the state of constructive resonance with
the ambient nature.
Interaction with the outer space is, obviously, the vitally important factor for the Human Being. The formation
by the Civilization of the ugly pseudo-environment with its technocratic pseudo-values is the shortest way to nonexistence. It is impossible to create something capable of opposing itself to the Universal Infinite Eternity, like it is
impossible to form an alternative to the pattern of the Universal arrangement of the superhigh information density; thus,
there can exist only one general Genotype Base, the others being numerous inadequate interpretations of its successive
The habitat is the set of counter exchange reactions fractally unfolded from the Initial Center, i.e., the Zero Point,
and, therefore, these cyclic rhythms modulate the entire multispatial levels of its unfolding. There exists a certain time
interval, specific for each materialized object, during which it is possible to damp the growing nonsystematic error
reducing to a common accordance ratio multiple individual characteristics and, finally, to integrate the potential
accumulated during the initial development period into the scheme of the Universal Volumetric Conversion of the
information saturated categories, thereby becoming the intrinsic part of the ambient space Objective Reality.
Thus, all the degradation and disintegration processes only reflect the insolvency of the fundamental
concepts of a specific objects vital activity. In addition, since the Human Being is the product of realization of the
Central Genotype Base which is formed in the image of the Universal Volumetric Base unfolding Pentagram, any
distortions of the fundamental principle resulting from malicious re-modulation of numerous peripheral algorithms,
which, in turn, allow certain modifications as a natural possibility of independent creativity, make the entire
Development go into the distorted direction, up to the radically opposite characteristics substituting the initially
constructive function by a surrogate, a worthless semblance of life causing only constantly aggravating problems related
to social relationship, inexorable degradation of the members of such a society, and, finally, inevitable death of the
Civilization in the abyss of the provoked contradictions.
The process of the creative unfolding of a Persons Active Consciousness is directly related to five fractal Bases
of the Universal Volumetric Base conversion, which has been several times discussed above from various standpoints.
Impossibility of individual adapting of spatial categories in the form of reduction of numerous analytical perception
canals into a single structural model determines the objects inability for highly efficient creative activities. Thus,
precisely the multispatial integration of subjects of the III and IV fractal Bases characterizes such a phenomenon as
Development, since even a plane matrix constitutes the simplest stage limited by the frameworks of biological
primitivism, while the corresponding linear spiraled sets only ensure a complex of basis reflexes. Escape from these
conventionalities towards realized use of multilevel formulations of the II fractal Base, which is reduced to a single
semantic center, is a significant step in the direction of realization of both ones own Development, as well as the
Development of the entire Society.
Therefore, the genuine Evolution is always related to formation of deeper and more qualitative program
modifications, while uncontrollable expansion of hypertrophied plane periphery, which is currently intensively offered,
only leads to no-future increase of the counter exchange reactions speed, inevitable entering the zone of sublight
interactions, and collapse. Shift of the previously applied program support is clearly necessary during the transfer from
one level to another. It is useless to attempt to operate the linear or even plane principles in the frameworks of
multispatial criteria of the Objective Reality existence; testing of the peripheral processes on the basis of more adequate
algorithms is a totally different possibility. Consequently, at the current moment, i.e., during the Civilizations
development transition period, correction of the dominating stereotypes of the extremely subjective public
Consciousness is a factor of vital importance and requires constructive application of those peaks of environment
activity, which will finally allow to pass the test filter of the subsequent barrier membrane of Space. It is important to
bear in mind that the first will become the last on the following level of individual fixation, while under the new
historical circumstances the appropriate modification of those intra-structural peculiarities of ones own Active
Consciousness is of primary importance, which were, in fact, unseen at the previous development level and now
become apparent in the form of numerous dissonant discrepancies subject to adequate correction performed
precisely in accordance with the Universal Volumetric Matrix Principles, thereby allowing the Person and the Society
on the whole to get rid of numerous negative phenomena, which are for ages known to Mankind, namely, Diseases,
Aging, and Death.