Computational Contact Mechanics - Konyukhov
Computational Contact Mechanics - Konyukhov
Computational Contact Mechanics - Konyukhov
Series Editors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Pfeiffer
Lehrstuhl B für Mechanik
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching
E-mail: [email protected]
PD Dr. habil. Alexander Konyukhov Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Schweizerhof
Institute of Mechanics Institut für Mechanik
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Karlsruhe Karlsruhe
Germany Deutschland
Mechanics arising from this book and being taught at KIT over years; Halil
Yeniavci who has provided the multimedia support of my presentations at
numerous international conferences resulting to colorful figures in this book
and Oana Mrenes for her careful work with the text and figure editing of the
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Overview of Approaches to Model Contact Problems . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Discussion – Why Covariant Approach? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 On Geometrical Approaches in Contact Mechanics . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4 Goals and Structure of the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4.1 Structure of the Current Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 1–24. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
2 1 Introduction
r = rA − rB = 0, (1.1)
assuming that vectors from a body A and a body B describe the same geo-
metrical point at the beginning of a deformation process, e.g. rA − rB = 0.
Enforcement of a tied contact can be regarded as additional constraints on
interface surfaces and has been introduced for the finite element method in
earlier developments as mesh tying algorithms. This has been solved by the
Lagrange multiplier method for dominantly straight contact boundaries al-
ready by Francavilla and Zienkiewicz [42] (1975). More recently mesh tying
algorithms are developed for the case of curved contact interfaces. Tan [172]
(2003) considered a special construction of contact matrices in 2D for mesh
matching and for the contact patch test. Various techniques based on the
construction of special volume elements after the projection procedure were
developed by Heinstein and Laursen [108] (2003), [65] (2003) for mesh tying
of arbitrary curved interfaces. Puso and Laursen [150] (2003) used the Mortar
method for mesh tying of curved interfaces in 3D.
b) Both normal and tangential displacements should be distinguished in
the case of arbitrary contact. This leads to a splitting of displacements into a
normal penetration and into tangential displacements. In early publications,
1.1 Overview of Approaches to Model Contact Problems 3
see Kikuchi and Oden [84] (1988), a normal penetration has been introduced as
a result of the linearization of nonlinear non-penetration conditions eqn. (1.1)
in the direction of the normal to the surface of a contacting body. Hallquist [52] (1985) introduced this split, and therefore, a penetration via the
projection operation. Thus, a, so-called, “master-slave” algorithm within an
explicit time integration scheme for dynamic problems has been introduced.
For applications with implicit schemes the “master-slave” algorithm has then
been modified in Wriggers and Simo [194] (1985) and in Simo [163]
(1986). The projection can be formulated in extremal form as
p = (rs − ρ) · n. (1.3)
c) For contact between particles for discrete models, see Cundall and Strack
[171] (1979), the penetration is defined as distance between the centers of
the particles subtracting the distance between corresponding centers and
boundaries of the particles. Similar models for contact are used in the
“Smoothed particle hydrodynamics” (SPH) method, see e.g. in Libersky
and Petschek [110] (1991) and Campbell [25] (2000). For a specially
shaped geometry, however, an exact measure is necessary, thus, a special
projection procedure has been developed in Wellmann [181] (2008)
in order to compute the distance between particles shaped as superellip-
d) The measure of contact can be defined as a mutual volume of overlapping
contacting bodies arising from inequality constraints. This approach is
often used for contact between rigid bodies, see Kane [83] (1999)
and Pandolfi [137] (2002).
e) A measure of the tangent interaction Δρ can be formally introduced
via a projector operator constructed by subtracting a dyadic product of
normals from the unit tensor:
Δρ = (I − n ⊗ n)(rA − rB ). (1.4)
This approach is widely used e.g. in Wriggers and Simo [194] (1985),
Parisch and Lübbing [139], (1989) Peric and Owen [140] (1992) together
with a penalty regularization, in Heegaard and Curnier [62] (1993), Heege
and Alart [64] (1996) for Augmented Lagrangian methods and in McDe-
vitt and Laursen [124] (2000), Puso [148] (2004), Puso and Laursen
[151, 152] (2004) for the Mortar method.
The main difficulties of such a representation are the following:
• The absence of a geometrical interpretation leads to difficulties for
the transformation of history variables.
• Some difficulties in the linearization – transformations are required
to show that it would lead to a relative velocity vector. The linearized
results are very complex expressions for the tangent matrices, see the
book of Wriggers [190] (2002) for surface-to-surface contact, Litewka
and Wriggers [114, 115] (2002) for beam-to-beam contacts.
f) Another approach to describe a tangential interaction is to consider con-
vective variables arising from the surface approximations: see Simo
[163] (1986), Wriggers [195] (1990), Laursen and Simo [109] (1993),
Laursen [105] (1994) and recently in Konyukhov and Schweizerhof [87]
(2004), [88] (2005), [91] (2006) with
Δρ = Δξ i ρi . (1.5)
[183] (1978), [184] (1982) and Greenwood [47] (1984). A comparative analysis
of such surface models is presented in McCool and John [123] (1986). These
statistical models formed a basis to construct a set of non-linear laws for nor-
mal compliance which has been then used for normal contact in the context of
finite element methods: see Zavarise [205] (1992), Wriggers and Zavarise
[197] (1993), [196] (1993) for the contact with asperities distributed by the
Gaussian normal distribution law. Numerical tests for particular statistical
models have been considered in Willner and Gaul [186] (1995), by Willner
[185] (1997), [187] (1997) with experimental verification in Willner and Görke
[188] (2006). Buczkowski and Kleiber [23] (1999) considered first an isotropi-
cal statistical distribution of asperities, and then in [24] (2000) an anisotropic
statistical distribution of asperities. The novel combined approach is based
on a multi-scale technique. In this case macro characteristics for friction are
obtained via a micro model including randomly generated surfaces with cer-
tain statistical characteristics, see also in Bandeira, Wriggers and Pimenta
[9] (2004) and in [8] (2005).
For this type of models the asperities possess an algorithmic structure and
various generalizations of the isotropic macro characteristics have been pro-
posed. A generalization can be derived separately for normal and tangential
Various interface non-linear constitutive relations for normal traction have
been studied in Paggi [136] (2005). A generalization of a Coulomb fric-
tion law with regard to Maxwell and Kelvin viscoelastic models was con-
sidered in Araki and Hjelmstad [5] (2003). In the context of the discrete
element method various models have been discussed in Luding [118] (2007)
and models including normal adhesion can be found in Tomas [177] (2007).
A set of frictional models is obtained when various constitutive models are
applied for tangential traction. One of the first anisotropic friction models has
been proposed by Michalowski and Mroz [128] (1978) considering the sliding
of a rigid block on an inclined surface. A model with periodically inclined
asperities has been used in Mroz and Stupkiewicz [130] (1994). Zmitrowicz in
[213] (1981) described various anisotropic structures of the friction tensor for
the generalization of the Coulomb friction law and then developed a classi-
fication of anisotropic surfaces in [214] (1989). A rate independent theory of
anisotropic friction is developed in Curnier [31] (1984) and thermodynamical
restrictions for the friction tensor are discussed in He and Curnier [61] (1993).
Finite element models of anisotropic friction are presented as follows: with
an application to hot rolling processes these have been discussed in Mont-
mitonnet and Hasquin [129] (1995) and also in Alart and Heege [4] (1995).
Buczkowski and Kleiber [22] (1997), [23] (1999), [24] (2000) created an in-
terface element containing an orthotropic sliding law. Hjiaj [67] (2004)
formulated an anisotropic friction problem via the bi-potential and applied
1.1 Overview of Approaches to Model Contact Problems 7
Adhesion Models
accordance with the Coulomb friction model and viscoelastic tangential forces
analogous to the tangential adhesion above in accordance with the Maxwell
and Kelvin model was considered in Araki and Hjelmstad [5] (2003).
The discussed coupled models include only isotropic constitutive relations.
Thus, a coupled interface contact model has been developed in Konyukhov
and Schweizerhof [89], [90]. This model includes anisotropy for both the fric-
tion and the tangential adhesion region and is derived via the application of
the covariant approach. A general approach for the combination of a complex
friction law together with a complex adhesion law has been proposed. The
approach necessarily leads to a computational model which allows a straight-
forward implementation into a finite element code. The important point is
the correlation of such a model to experimentally observed phenomena. A
first simple experimental test for a corrugated rubber mat has been reported
in [97]. The importance of the coupled model has been shown experimen-
tally in the so-called, “geometrically isotropic case”, where the combination
of both anisotropy for adhesion and anisotropy for friction can even lead to
geometrically isotropic behavior of the sliding body. In [98] this effect was
shown experimentally for a rubber surface possessing a periodical waviness.
Consistent Linearization
Two approaches for linearization of the final functional representing the work
of contact tractions can be distinguished in order to obtain consistent tangent
matrices. The direct approach follows the following sequence: functional –
discretization – linearization and the covariant approach follows the rule:
functional – linearization – discretization.
The direct approach assumes that the discretization is then involved in
the process and the linearization is provided with regard to the displacement
vector u and, therefore, of the discretized system. This leads to the final
results containing a set of approximation matrices. Various aspects of this
approach are considered in the following publications:
a) for surface-to-surface contact in Wriggers and Simo [194] (1985), Wrig-
gers [195] (1990), Wriggers [189] (1995), Parisch [138] (1989),
Parisch and Luebbing [139] (1997), Peric and Owen [140] (1992), Simo
and Laursen [162] (1992), Laursen [104] (1992), Laursen and Simo [109]
b) for anisotropic friction between surfaces in Alart and Heege [4] (1995);
c) for beam-to-beam contact in Wriggers and Zavarise [198] (1997), Zavarise
and Wriggers [203] (2000), Litewka and Wriggers [114] (2002), Litewka
and Wriggers [115] (2002).
1.2 Discussion – Why Covariant Approach? 13
The complexity in the derivation for curved contact interfaces led to the com-
bination of a finite element code with a mathematical software for automatic
derivations, see for surface-to-surface contact in Heege and Alart [64] (1996),
Stadler, Holzapfel and Korelc [170] (2003), Krstulovic-Opara and Wrig-
gers [100] (2001), Krstulovic-Opara and Wriggers [101] (2002), Krstulovic-
Opara, Wriggers and Korelc [102] (2002), for anisotropic friction in Mont-
mitonnet and Hasquin [129] (1995) and for beam-to-beam contact in Litewka
[112] (2007) and in [111] (2007).
The fully covariant approach, however, assumes only a local coordinate sys-
tem associated with the deformed continuum (convective coordinates) and re-
quires extensive application of covariant operations (derivatives etc.). Though
the convective coordinates were partially involved in some publications men-
tioned above, the full description has been first derived in Konyukhov and
Schweizerhof [87] (2004) for non-frictional; in [88] (2005) for frictional contact;
a specific consideration for 2D cases in [91] (2006); for the coupled adhesion-
friction anisotropic contact in [89] (2006) and in [90] (2006); in an applica-
tion of the Augmented Lagrangian approach for the coupled adhesion-friction
anisotropic contact in [93] (2007); for arbitrary contact between curves rep-
resenting beam and cable type structures in [95] (2009). Concerning the final
complexity of the derived algorithms the covariant approach leads to a simple
structure of the contact matrices. Other advantages of the covariant approach
are discussed in detail in the Section 1.4.1 describing the structure of the cur-
rent work.
Fig. 1.1 Various geometrical situations in contact lead to different contact al-
gorithms: Surface-To-Surface, Curve-To-Surface, Curve-To-Curve, Point-To-Curve
and Point-To-Point
Vertex banana
Vertex knife
Edge of knife
Edge of knife
• The structure of the derived matrices is very complicated and often in-
transparent. There is no clear interpretation of each part possible. Thus,
simplifications are hardly possible.
• A specification of complex contact interface laws with properties explic-
itly depending on the surface geometry (e.g. arbitrary anisotropy) is not
• A contact description of many geometrical features (curve-to-curve, curve-
to-surface) is almost not possible because of the necessity of convective
surface coordinates.
• Geometrically motivated measures of contact interaction are coupled
with convective variables in a specially defined coordinate system. This
straightforwardly leads to a description via convective variables. How-
ever, in the direct approach, they are not defined separately for various
1.4 Goals and Structure of the Book 17
Here, the vector ρ2 is a vector describing a contact point of the second curve,
ρ1 (s1 ) is a parametrization of the first curve; a unit vector describing the
shortest distance e1 is written via the unit normal ν 1 and bi-normal β 1 of the
20 1 Introduction
first curve. Eqn. (1.8) describes the motion of the second contact point in the
coordinate system attached to the first curve. The description is symmetric
with respect to the choice of the curve 1 2. Convective coordinates are
used as measures: r – is mutual for both curve and a measure for normal
interaction; sI – for tangential interaction and ϕI – for rotational interaction
for the I-th curve.
The Curve-To-Surface contact pair, however, can be described in a dual
fashion via the Surface-To-Surface contact algorithm if we consider a “slave”
point on the edge and project it onto the “master” surface, see Fig. 1.6
(Curve-To-Surface contact as Surface-To-Surface algorithm). The contact is
described then in the surface coordinate system (1.6). This special dual con-
sideration of contact both in the surface coordinate system in eqn. (1.6) and
in the curve coordinate system in eqn. (1.8) allows to build later the Curve-
To-Rigid Surface (CTRS) contact algorithm. In this algorithm all contact
parameters are defined, first, in the local surface coordinate system eqn. (1.9)
attached to the rigid surface, after fulfilling the surface CPP procedure, and
then they should be projected into the curve coordinate system eqn. (1.10),
see Fig. 1.8, assuming that in the contact condition n = −e
ν and β), see Fig. 1.10. However, not only circular cross sections are possible
– any arbitrary cross section can be supplied in the orthogonal plane. For
the Curve-To-Rigid-Surface (CTRS) contact pair, the projection algorithm
for contact parameters from the local surface coordinate system eqn. (1.9)
into the curve coordinate system eqn. (1.10), see Fig. 1.8, is developed.
Chapter 7 is devoted to the consistent linearization of the weak form
for all geometrical contact pairs. The consistent linearization is performed in
the form of covariant derivatives in the corresponding coordinate systems.
This chapter is then the basis for further finite element implementation of
the tangent matrices.
The Chapter 8 is devoted to the various computational aspects and
implementation details of the developed theory in the case of Surface-To-
Surface geometrical contact pair. All known contact approaches such “Node-
To-Segment” (NTS) and, Mortar type “Segment-To-Segment” (STS) are re-
considered within the covariant description. A smoothing technique based
on the application of NURBS surfaces is considered. Integration of contact
integral using a subdivision scheme into subdomains is shown to be effective
to satisfy the Patch Test within the Mortar approach. A special development
within the covariant approach is derived for the contact with rigid surfaces
described analytically. “The rigid surface is a slave” and “the rigid
surface is a master” approaches are analyzed. Finally, various implemen-
tations of the Nitsche method are considered.
A fast implementation of frictional contact in 2D is proposed in Chap-
ter 9. The algorithm to transfer the history variables, see Fig. 1.5, in con-
tact problems overcoming the discontinuity of history variables on element
boundaries and the algorithm to update the history variables in the case of
reversible loading are studied and illustrated in detail. The contents of this
Chapter became a core for the course of “Contact Mechanics” for Diploma,
Master and PhD students at the Institute of Mechanics of the Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology.
A special development of the covariant approach in combination with high-
order finite element methods is given in Chapter 10. Both the penalty, and
the Lagrange multiplier method are considered. Approximation and selection
of the integration schemes for the Lagrange multipliers and for other terms
are chosen in order to satisfy the discrete Babuska-Brezzi (BB) stability con-
dition. The finite element discretization procedure is enhanced for cases with
the exact geometry of contact boundaries being represented by the blending
function method. As a result a contact layer element allowing anisotropic
p−refinement is created. The layer contact element is applied then to ini-
tially linear meshes. A good correlation with the analytical Hertz problem is
achieved even within a single contact layer element.
Chapter 11 is specially devoted to the extensive numerical analysis of
the coupled anisotropic adhesion-friction model developed in Chapter 6. The
cases including a uniform orthotropy of a plane given by the spectral de-
composition, a nonuniform orthotropy of a plane inherited with the polar
1.4 Goals and Structure of the Book 23
Fig. 1.10 Contact between curvilinear beams: arbitrary cross-section can be defined
in (ν 1 − β)-plane
In the current chapter we are recalling the necessary information about differ-
ential geometry of surfaces and curves: all metrics and curvature parameters
which are necessary to describe properties of the surfaces and curves. We
also study differential operations in the corresponding curvilinear coordinate
systems in a covariant form, such as Weingarten and Gauss-Codazzi formulas
for surfaces and Serret-Frenet formula for 3D curves. This information will
be fully used further to build all contact kinematics, weak contact forms as
well as linearization of operations. The reader who familiar with differential
geometry can however easily skip this chapter containing an overview of the
formulas from differential geometry of surfaces and curves.
ρ = ρ(ξ 1 , ξ 2 ), (2.1)
xj = xj (ξ 1 , ξ 2 ), j = 1, 2, 3. (2.2)
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 25–34.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
26 2 Differential Geometry of Surfaces and Curves
where Nk (ξ 1 , ξ 2 ) are shape functions and x(k) are nodal coordinates, or knots
coordinates depending on the type of approximation of the surface.
aij = ρi · ρj , i, j = 1, 2 (2.6)
The contravariant components of the metric tensor aij are obtained via the
aik akj = a.j j
i. = δi , (2.7)
i. e. as the inverse matrix is given in the following form:
1 a22 −a12
a : , a = det(aij ) = a11 a22 − (a12 )2 , (2.8)
a −a12 a11
ρi = aij ρj . (2.9)
Thus, the metric tensor can be defined either in the covariant, or the con-
travariant basis, or the mixed basis
The metrical characteristics, which are necessary for the further description,
are length and area. The differential dl of the length is obtained as
dl = (ρi · ρj )dξ i dξ j = aij dξ i dξ j . (2.11)
The differential ds of the area can be obtained either via the determinant of
the matrix of the metric tensor eqn. (2.6), or via the absolute value of the
cross product of the surface vectors eqn. (2.5):
ds = | det(aij )|dξ 1 dξ 2 = |ρ1 × ρ2 |dξ 1 dξ 2 . (2.12)
The tensor is defined by its covariant components hij , which are computed
as the dot product of the second derivative of the vector ρ and the normal n
h.j kj
i. = hik a . (2.15)
Equation (2.15) resp. (2.16) gives also a general rule how to compute mixed
resp. contravariant components of any second order tensor via covariant com-
ponents (the lowing and rising indexes rule).
These roots are called principal curvatures and correspond to the orthogo-
nal principal directions e1 , e2 . The principal curvature k1 (resp. k2 ) is the
curvature of a line arising from the intersection of the surface with the plane
containing both, normal vector n and principal vector e1 (e2 ). Their inverse
values are principal radii Ri = 1/ki . The geometrical meaning is that the
osculating circle has the same radius as the radius of the curve. The local
structure of the surface in the vicinity of the computed contact point can be
then classified by the Gaussian curvature K
K = k1 · k2 (2.19)
are fulfilled for each surface point of the surface, then a flat surface is
obtained. This surface (e.g. a cylinder, or a cone) can be unwrapped on
a plane.
4) Both k1 = 0 and k2 = 0 — a planar point . The local structure can
not be identified without the analysis of the higher order derivatives.
Nevertheless, the case with k1 = 0, k2 = 0 for each point leads to a plane
in 3D.
Eqn. (2.18) for a definition of the principal curvatures can be written in the
following form:
k 2 − 2Hk + K = 0, =⇒ k1,2 = H ± H 2 − K (2.20)
Remark 2.1. Any other structure of the surface in the vicinity of a point dif-
ferent from the described cases 1)-3) (e.g. edge point etc.) can arise either
from a planar point (case 4), or from violation of the a-priory assumed C 2 -
continuity and a more advanced analysis would be necessary. Surfaces with
more complicated local structure leading e.g. to a so-called “star”-looking do-
main, self-contacting and self-penetrating surfaces etc. are relatively seldom
in practical applications and are out of the scope of the current contribution.
2.1 Definition of the Surface and Its Geometrical Characteristics 31
Proof. Having taken the derivative of the unity equation n·n = 1 with respect
to surface coordinates ξ i , we obtain n · ni = 0, from which follows that the
vectors ni are orthogonal to n and, therefore, lay on the tangent plane of the
surface. Thus, ni is expressed as a sum of the surface vectors ρi
i. ρk .
ni = c.k (2.24)
(ni · ρj ) = c.k
i. (ρk · ρj ) → (ni · ρj ) = ci. akj ,
i. = −hij a ,
c.k jk
d ∂T i ∂T i
T= ρi + j ξ˙j ρi + T i ξ˙j ρij . (2.32)
dt ∂t ∂ξ
Further applying the Gauss-Codazzi formula, we get
d ∂T i ∂T i i ˙j
T= ρi + ( j + T k Γjk )ξ ρi .
dt ∂t ∂ξ
Finally, the full material time derivative of the vector has the following form
d ∂T i
T=( + ∇j T i ξ˙j )ρi . (2.33)
dt ∂t
The term ∇j T i is a covariant derivative of the contravariant component T i
∂T i
∇j T i = + T k Γjk
. (2.34)
∂ξ j
A similar expression can be found for the covariant derivative of the covariant
components Ti :
∇j Ti = j − Tk Γijk . (2.35)
In the case of covariant components we need the derivative of a contravariant
∂ρ i
base vector instead of ρij , see eqn. (2.32). First, take the derivative of
∂ξ j
the mixed metric components:
∂aki ∂(ρi · ρ k ) ∂ρ k
= = (ρ ij · ρ k
) + (ρ i · ) = Γijk + (ρi · ρ,jk ) = 0 , (2.36)
∂ξ j ∂ξ j ∂ξ j
2.2 Definition of the Curve in 3D and Its Geometrical Characteristics 33
(ρi · ρ,jk ) = −Γijk (2.37)
and the covariant derivative for the covariant component gets the following
∇j Ti = j − Tk Γijk . (2.38)
xj = xj (ξ). (2.40)
An arc-length s for the curve is then used in the differential geometry consid-
erations for the curves as a natural coordinate to describe all their geometrical
characteristics. It is defined via the differential of a vector ρ
ds = ds(ξ) = ρξ · ρξ dξ = Jdξ (2.41)
ρ̇ × ρ̈ |ρ̇ × ρ̈|
kβ = −→ k = , (2.44)
|ρ̇|3 |ρ̇|3
In this chapter the Closest Point Projection (CPP) procedure as the first im-
portant tool to define contact measures is introduced for surfaces and curves.
The fundamental issues such as existence and uniqueness of the solution of
the Closest Point Projection procedure are intensively studied. In due course
the CPP procedure leads to a special curvilinear coordinate system in which
later all contact kinematics and weak forms are formulated separately for each
contact pair. This chapter creates a basis of the geometrically exact theory of
contact interactions for certain geometric pairs such as Surface-To-Surface,
Curve-To-Surface and Curve-To-Curve.
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 35–62.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
36 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
the closest point projection is not only used for formulations in combination
with a penalty functional, but also in other computational schemes to en-
force the condition of non-penetration in contact. The concept of the closest
distance is also important for contact searching routines in order to define
potentially contacting points.
In order to show the importance of the projection operation, we briefly
focus here on methods in contact mechanics, where the closest point pro-
cedure occurs. Contact elements for bilinear surface approximations based
on the penalty method for non-frictional problems are discussed in Parisch
[138]. Due to decoupling of normal and tangential forces the projection pro-
cedure necessarily appears for 2D frictional problems in Giannakopoulos [44]
and Wriggers et al. [195], then also for 3D problems in Peric and Owen
[140] and in Parisch and Lübbing [139]. All mentioned references combine
the penalty method together with the regularization of the Coulomb fric-
tion model and a radial-return algorithm within the friction algorithm. This
algorithm is predominantly used in computational plasticity, see Simo and
Hughes [161], and also exploits the closest point procedure; however, then the
projection is given onto the yield surface in the force space. Full Lagrange
multipliers methods are standard for enforcing constraints in computational
mechanics, but cannot be easily transported into frictional problems using
the same penetration, or distance function as mentioned above, see the review
in Zhong [208]. This is due to the nature of friction forces depending on ve-
locity and, therefore, requiring an incremental update procedure. For a small
sliding problem, a perturbed Lagrangian method including both penalty and
Lagrangian functionals was discussed in Wriggers and Simo [194]. Then aug-
mented Lagrangian methods appeared to be more robust. Thus, a 2D finite
element algorithm based on the augmented Lagrangian method has been pro-
posed in Wriggers et al. [195]. A mixed penalty-duality approach based on the
augmented Lagrangian scheme is proposed in Alart and Curnier [3], where
different distance functions have been discussed. Laursen and Simo [109] for-
mulated contact conditions via convective coordinates on the contact surface
within both, the penalty method and the augmented Lagrangian method. For
various geometrical situations the method has been discussed in Heegaard and
Curnier [62] for large-slip problems, in Heege and Alart [64] for contact with
CAD surfaces and in Pietrzak and Curnier [145] for finite deformations and
large sliding. The full Lagrangian approach for frictional problems has been
discussed in Jones and Papadopoulos [79] utilizing stick-to-slide conditions in
one step, and therefore, covering only small sliding problems. More recently
the so-called mortar method, originally based on Lagrangian multipliers en-
forcing the non-penetration conditions is considered in Hüeber and Wohlmuth
[69] for non-frictional problems, where a special discretization technique has
been taken for the Lagrange multiplier functions. A mortar scheme based on
a special integration technique for constraint equations is proposed in Puso
and Laursen [151] for non-frictional problems and extended into the frictional
case via the augmented Lagrangian method by the same authors [152].
3.1 Closest Point Projection Procedure for Arbitrary Surfaces 37
The publications listed above cover the most applied methods in compu-
tational contact mechanics and all contain the closest point procedure as the
first necessary step. Despite the enormous number of publications on contact
mechanics, there are only a few publications covering to some completeness
the problem of uniqueness and existence of the closest point procedure for ar-
bitrary approximations of the contact surfaces as well as describing effective
numerical algorithms to overcome problems. The problem of non-uniqueness
and non-existence of the projection for e.g. bi-linear approximations of a sur-
face by finite elements is known since the first publications, see Hallquist et
al.[52], and mostly reported in theoretical manuals of popular commercial
codes, see [51], [1]. Heegaard and Curnier in [63] mentioned that geometri-
cal parameters of a surface, such as a focal point can be used to determine
existence and uniqueness of the projection for smooth surfaces. However, for
arbitrary surfaces described e.g. by CAD systems and containing combina-
tions of smooth surfaces, curved edges and corner points, the situation can
be far more complex. Some techniques dealing with non-existence of the pro-
jection in certain cases are well known, e.g. a situation when the slave point
is passing over the edge of a locally concave part of a body can be overcome
by taking an average vector from the normals of neighboring contact surface
segments. A description of this rather heuristic approach can be found in
the books of Wriggers [191] and Laursen [106] as well as in theory manuals
[51], [1]. This technique is used in a similar manner in multi-surface plasticity
when the C 1 -continuity of the yield surface is broken, see Simo and Hughes
[161]. Other techniques such as the projection onto the edge for such cases,
see e.g. in Heegaard and Curnier [62] and in Zhong and Nilsson [210], are
also reported to be implemented in commercial programs [51].
In this chapter we provide analytical tools allowing to create, a-priori, prox-
imity domains of contact surfaces from which a given contact point is always
uniquely projected for arbitrary surfaces. This approach is based on the geo-
metrical properties of contact surfaces exploiting the covariant description for
contact problems originally developed in [87], [88] and discussed in Chapter 2.
First, all C 2 -continuous surfaces are classified according to their differential
properties allowing a unique projection. Then, proximity domains are cre-
ated for C 1 -continuous surfaces. Finally, proximity domains are proposed for
globally C 0 -continuous surfaces covering all practical approximations. The
projection scheme in the latter case is further generalized including the pro-
jection onto geometrical objects of lower order (curved edges, corner points).
In such cases the corresponding proximity domains are created by a geomet-
rical analysis of those objects. Also the reduction into the 2D plane case is
discussed. The examples are chosen to show the necessity of the proposed
generalized projection procedure in certain mechanical problems as well as
the necessity of the proximity domain for searching techniques when a contact
surface is given by arbitrary discretization, e.g. described by CAD-systems,
or found in high order FEM analysis.
38 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
Fig. 3.1 Closest point procedure and definition of the spatial coordinate system.
3.1 Closest Point Projection Procedure for Arbitrary Surfaces 39
If the function
F(ξ 1 , ξ 2 ) = (r − ρ) · (r − ρ) (3.3)
is convex in a domain (ξ 1 , ξ 2 ) ∈ D, then the solution of problem (3.2) exists
and is unique in this domain.
This leads to the fact that the solution can be obtained numerically by
e.g. a Newton iteration procedure, which will converge from any initial point
inside the domain (ξ(0) 2
, ξ(0) ) ∈ D.
Using this criterion we can focus on the geometrical properties of the sur-
faces. Then the goal of this section is to create the classification of surfaces
from its differential geometry point of view onto which a point can be pro-
jected uniquely.
The analysis of the local geometrical structure of surfaces allows to create a
projection domain Ω in 3D from which any point can be uniquely projected
onto the given surface. Starting with the C 2 -continuous case, we will con-
sider also cases possessing parts with solely C 1 - and C 0 -continuity discussing
the solvability of problem (3.2) and in addition the possible multiplicity of
Assuming that the function F is twice differentiable, i.e. for C 2 -continuous
surfaces, we can construct the Newton iterative process for the solution of
the minimization problem (3.2) as follows:
⎡ 1 ⎤
Δξ (n) = ⎣ ⎦ = −(F )−1 F(n)
(n) (3.4)
ξ (n+1) = ξ (n) + Δξ (n) ,
where the first derivative F and the second derivative F with respect to the
surface coordinates ξ 1 , ξ 2 are computed as:
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ∂ξ 1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ρ · (r − ρ)
F = ⎢ ⎥=− 1 (3.5)
⎣ ∂F ⎦ ρ2 · (r − ρ)
∂ξ 2
ρ1 · ρ1 − ρ11 · (r − ρ) ρ1 · ρ2 − ρ12 · (r − ρ)
F = . (3.6)
ρ2 · ρ1 − ρ21 · (r − ρ) ρ2 · ρ2 − ρ22 · (r − ρ)
Here a short notation for the partial derivatives has been introduced as
∂ρ ∂2ρ
ρi = i
, ρij = i j . (3.7)
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ
40 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
All necessary parameters are defined in the covariant basis of the surface
ρ1 × ρ2
tangent vectors ρ1 , ρ2 and a unit normal vector n = . The solv-
ρ1 × ρ2
ability of the minimization problem (3.2) will be considered in this coordi-
nate system. The introduction of such a coordinate system is the basis of
the covariant description for contact problems, developed in Konyukhov and
Schweizerhof [87], [88] for isotropic frictional problems, and then in [89], [90]
for anisotropic frictional problems. In this coordinate system we will con-
sequently study kinematics, variational formulations, linearized variational
equations and, finally, formulation of numerical methods in the following sec-
The dominantly geometrical structure of all contact parameters is among
the main advantages of this description, e.g. a value of penetration is simply
the third convective coordinate ξ 3 .
The following surface tensors are used to describe the metric and the cur-
vature properties of surfaces in differential geometry [99], [103]:
a) metric tensor with components:
aij = ρi · ρj (3.9)
b) curvature tensor with components:
Let us start with a case assuming a unique projection: In this case the
function F must be convex. As is known for the convexity of F, the second
derivative F must then be a positive definite matrix . Thus, the Sylvester
criterion from the basic algebra is exploited to check the positivity of the
matrix given in eqn. (3.11):
R1 − ξ 3 > 0
(R1 − ξ 3 )(R2 − ξ 3 ) > 0
This domain is created in the local coordinate system and contains all points
between the original surface and shifted by nξ 3 surface.
42 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
ξ <0
3 ρ1
ξ >0
Fig. 3.2 Elliptic point . Structure of the surface and projection domain assuming
C 2 -continuity.
ξ <0
ξ >0
Fig. 3.3 Hyperbolic point . Structure of the surface and projection domain assum-
ing C 2 -continuity.
k1 =0, R 1 =
ξ >0
Fig. 3.4 Parabolic point . Structure of the surface and projection domain assuming
C 2 -continuity.
As mentioned in Sect. 2.1.2 case 4), the structure of a surface in the vicinity
of the planar point requires an analysis of the higher order derivatives with
respect to the surface coordinates. In this case, it is also difficult to discuss
the convergence of the Newton iterative process eqn. (3.4). However, for the
plane with zero curvature tensor hij = 0 criterion eqn. (3.12) becomes
Since the metric tensor aij is always positive, a trivial result is recovered:
The projection onto a plane always exists and is unique. Neverthe-
less, from the numerical point of view it is necessary to avoid cases with
det[aij ] ≈ 0. In such cases the angle between the convective coordinate lines
is close either to 0o or to 180o, which is normally avoided ab initio as e.g. in
44 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
F = 1 − kζ. (3.25)
O1 τ
ζ <0
R= 1
ζ >0
Ω(s ,ζ)
The case with F = 0 can lead to a multiplicity of the solution. This is visible
in Fig. 3.6, where an infinite number of projections is possible from a point
O1 with the coordinate ζ = R onto an arc BC, and from a point O2 with
the coordinate ζ = −R onto another arc CD.
Violation of C 2 -Continuity
The violation of C 2 -continuity, but keeping C 1 -continuity leads to a dis-
continuous projection domain. In this case, however, it is easily possible
to construct a continuous projection domain, from where uniqueness of the
projection operation is automatically fulfilled. The idea is presented in Ta-
ble 3.1 and is illustrated in Fig. 3.6. Since discontinuity is resulting due to
the only piecewise continuous parameter ζ, a continuous projection domain is
46 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
B ν O1
ζ<0 D
R O2
Fig. 3.6 Violation of C 2 -continuity results in changing the discontinuity of the
projection domain. A continuous domain is constructed by setting ζ to a minimal
Violation of C 1 -Continuity
We consider here the most practical case which is standard in the trian-
gulation of surfaces with low order finite elements: piecewise differentiable
functions with finite jumps for the first derivative. From a geometrical point
of view this situation leads to an angular point for curves or an edge for
surfaces. The violation of C 1 -continuity for a surface parameterization leads
also to a discontinuity of the normal vector n causing either difficulty with
definition of the local coordinate system, or multiplicity of projection. The
situation in 2D is presented in Fig. 3.7. Now, we consider a point following
the path S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 in the local coordinate system (3.22). Since a normal
vector ν has jumps (points B and C), there are portions of the trajectory
which can not be described in this local coordinate system. They are located
in the non-allowable domain with regard to the projection onto the curve:
any point S2 laying in the non-allowable domain can not be described in the
local coordinate system given by eqn. (3.22). The term non allowable domain
3.2 Existence of the Projection – Allowable and Non-Allowable Domains 47
with regard to the projection onto surface resp. curve resp. point is then used
for a domain where any point can not be described in the local coordinate
system corresponding to the projection onto surface resp. curve resp. point.
However, in such a situation it is possible to create a continuous mapping
of the path S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 onto the curve by introducing a new projection
operation in the non-allowable domain with regard to the projection onto the
curve. This is a projection of the point into an angular point of curves (e.g.
S2 into B and S4 into C in Fig. 3.7), or a closest point projection onto the
edge of surfaces. This method is mentioned for 2D examples in Heegaard and
Curnier [62] and in Zhong and Nilsson [210]; it is also reported to be done e.g.
in LS-DYNA [51]. A projection procedure keeping a continuous mapping of
any path on the curve will be called the generalized closest point procedure. In
2D cases this procedure includes both a projection onto the curve and onto
the corner point.
Another situation arising from the violation of C 1 -continuity is overlapping
of two or more projection domains causing consequently the multiplicity of
projection, see e.g. domain of multiple solutions in Fig. 3.7.
We already could observe the multiplicity of solutions in the case of the
violation of C 2 -continuity where the second derivative of the distance function
is zero F = 0, see point O1 in Fig. 3.6. In this case, a strong inequality in
the formulation of the projection domains allows to eliminate the multiplicity.
A case with violation of C 1 -continuity (e.g. domain of multiple solutions in
Fig. 3.7) can lead to a more severe situation, see point M passing over corner
point C. A natural remedy in this case is to define a minimum distance in the
sense of the generalized closest point procedure onto neighboring segments
and onto corner point C. However, one can find a line with points which are
equidistantly situated from both segments.
In this situation, though relatively seldom in numerical computations due
to round-off errors, a choice either with a random selection of projection sides,
or with an averaged normal from all projection sides can be applied, implicitly
assuming that the distance is fairly small. Within a contact algorithm the
storage of the “slave” point path as history variable would be then necessary.
1. three domains for sides arising from the standard projection procedure:
S1 = {x, y, z |x > 0, y > 0, z < 0} for side BOCF ,
S2 = {x, y, z |x > 0, y < 0, z > 0} for side AOBE,
S3 = {x, y, z |x < 0, y < 0, z < 0} for side AOC;
2. three domains for edges arising from the point-to-edge projection proce-
E1 = {x, y, z |x < 0, y < 0, z > 0} for edge OA,
E2 = {x, y, z |x > 0, y > 0, z > 0} for edge OB,
E3 = {x, y, z |x < 0, y > 0, z < 0} for edge OC;
non−allowable domain
S1 S2
A P1 B S3
P3 S5
M P5
domain of multiple solutions
Fig. 3.7 Violation of C 1 -continuity leads to non-allowable domains with regard to
the projection onto curve ABCD. A special treatment is necessary to preserve a
continuous mapping.
3.2 Existence of the Projection – Allowable and Non-Allowable Domains 49
Fig. 3.8 Hexaedral contact surface in the vicinity of O. A continuous proximity
domain (i.e. allowing continuous projection onto the C 1 -surface) consist of domains
for sides, edges OA, OB, OC and, finally, of a domain for the corner point O.
Remark 3.1. It is obvious, that the complete algorithm for the projection
for an arbitrarily composed CAD surface requires the application of some
Boolean operations with domains known from CAD applications. Thus, in
50 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
Fig. 3.9 Structure of the upper proximity domain for a given surface OABC with
z = (x2 − y 2 )/2, 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1.
The necessary optimum condition leads to the projection operation onto the
F = −(rs − ρ(s(ξ)) · = −(rs − ρ(s(ξ)) · τ = 0, (3.32)
showing the orthogonality of the vector (rs − ρ) and the tangent vector τ .
According to this, a new coordinate system τ , ν, β is introduced as a natural
coordinate system of the curved line, see Fig. 3.10, where τ is a unit tangent
vector, ν is a unit main normal vector and β is a unit binormal vector of the
curve, see [99], [103]. This results in orthogonal planes I, II, III. The given
point S (“slave” point) is defined as follows:
where r is the shortest distance between the point S and the curve AB. e
is a vector giving a director of the shortest distance in the plane ν0β (plane
II), defined via ν and β as follows:
F = 1 − kr cos ϕ. (3.36)
Considering now F > 0, the projection domain is constructed from two
parts 1 and 2, see Fig. 3.10:
1: a semi-infinite domain with negative ν, or with ϕ ∈ [π/2, 3π/2]. Here the
projection of the vector re onto the normal ν is negative leading to the
automatic satisfaction of F > 0,
2: a layer with positive ν, or with ϕ ∈ (−π/2, π/2). Here the projection
of the vector re on the normal ν must be less than the radius of the
curvature R, i.e.
r cos ϕ < = R. (3.37)
As one can see, two domains surround a curve densely, e.g. without any void.
A problem can occur if vector ρ(s) looses C 1 -continuity, however in this case
we obtain a corner point as discussed above.
Remark 3.2. If the edge is a straight line then the coordinate system τ , ν, β
should not be derived via the curved properties of the line according to the
Serret-Frenet formulae , however, it can be defined arbitrarily.
52 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
F (rs − ρ) · ρξ
Δξ = − =− , ξ(n+1) = ξ(n) + Δξ. (3.38)
F (ρξ · ρξ ) − (rs − ρ) · ρξξ
s ϕ<
r co
II ν
rs re O
s(ξ )
Z ρ (s(ξ ))
Remark 3.3. An algorithm for the continuous projection domain can be used
also as a preparation stage for the global searching routine. Thus, in fol-
lowing computations within an analysis of a contact problem any possible
“slave” point can be uniquely projected onto the “master” surface via the
corresponding projection onto a surface, an edge or a point.
3.4 Closest Point Projection Procedure for Curve-To-Curve Contact 53
Fig. 3.11 Closest point projection (CPP) procedure. Definition of the Serret-
Frenet coordinate system (τ I , ν I , β I ) and a local coordinate system (τ I , eI , gI )
based on CPP procedure.
Let us consider, see Fig. 3.11, two curves in 3D Cartesian space arbitrarily
parameterized with parameters ξ I , I = 1, 2, where I is a number assigned to
the curve. For further developments – except special cases – the curves are
assumed to be continuously differentiable, namely C 1 -continuous with resp.
54 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
An arc-length sI for the I-th curve is then used in the differential geometry
considerations for the curves as a natural coordinate to describe all their
geometrical characteristics. It is defined via the differential of a vector ρI
dsI = ds(ξI ) = ρI,ξI · ρI,ξI dξI = J(I) dξI
(no summation) I = 1, 2.
Here the following short notations are introduced for derivatives:
• derivative with respect to a convective coordinate ξI
ρ̇I = ρI,ξI ≡
∂ξ I
• derivative with respect to the arc-length (natural coordinate) sI
ρI ≡ ;
• Jacobian of the transformation sI → ξI
dsI ∂xj ∂xj
J(I) = = ρI,ξI · ρI,ξI =
dξI j=1
∂ξI ∂ξI
(ρ1 − ρ2 ) · ρ1 = 0
F =
−(ρ1 − ρ2 ) · ρ2 = 0
(ρ1 − ρ2 ) · τ 1 = 0
= , (3.44)
−(ρ1 − ρ2 ) · τ 2 = 0
with unit tangent vectors introduced as derivatives with respect to the arc-
length τ I = ρI .
In general, equation system (3.44) is non-linear and an iterative method
should be applied for its solution in a numerical realization. For the nonlinear
system the question of solvability becomes then important. Such an analysis
is possible in a special coordinate system defined in the following section.
Here, the angle ϕ1 between the unit normal ν I and the closest distance vector
ρ12 becomes then a third coordinate ϕ1 in our new coordinate system. Thus,
we can redefine a new coordinate system based on
a) a unit tangent vector τ I ,
b) a unit vector of the closest distance vector eI ,
c) a unit vector gI orthogonal to both τ I and eI .
56 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
The last two vectors are defined via the basic unit vectors ν I , β I as follows:
g1 (ϕ1 ) = = −ν 1 sin ϕ1 + β 1 cos ϕ1 . (3.47b)
In fact e1 and g1 are defining a polar coordinate system in the plane or-
thogonal to τ I . The new introduced coordinate system defined by the unit
vectors τ I , eI , gI is orthogonal, but changing in space with regard to a given
curve. Summarizing, a relative motion of a point C2 and thus the motion of
a second curve can now be considered in the following coordinate system:
Remark 3.4. the description is symmetric with regard to any choice of a curve
1 ↔ 2.
Remark 3.5. the coordinate r is always positive and identical for both curves.
ρ1 · τ 1 + (ρ1 − ρ2 ) · τ 1 −ρ2 · τ 1
F =
−ρ1 · τ 2 ρ2 · τ 2 − (ρ1 − ρ2 ) · τ 2
τ 1 · τ 1 + k1 (ρ1 − ρ2 ) · ν 1 −τ 1 · τ 2
−τ 1 · τ 2 τ 2 · τ 2 − k2 (ρ1 − ρ2 ) · ν 2
1 + k1 (ρ1 − ρ2 ) · ν 1 −τ 1 · τ 2
= .
−τ 1 · τ 2 1 + k2 (ρ2 − ρ1 ) · ν 2
3.4 Closest Point Projection Procedure for Curve-To-Curve Contact 57
τ 1 · τ 2 = cos ψ (3.50)
This has a simple geometrical interpretation – for the existence and unique-
ness of the CPP procedure for straight lines the angle defined between tangent
vectors τ 1 and τ 2 in (3.50) should not be zero and, therefore, the lines should
not be parallel.
negative, making it impossible to use the second derivative F only. One
can see the difficulties in Fig. 3.12 where the multiplicity of the solution
is depicted: the shortest distance can be defined as C1 S2 , while the initial
procedure assumes C1 C2 . We note that even in this case the determinant
is not zero which makes it possible to exploit the Newton scheme for the
iterative solution.
However, it is possible to analyze the uniqueness for the solution if we con-
sider projection domains for both curves separately. The projection domain
for a curve, see Sect. 3.3 for PTE (originated to [94]), is defined as a 3D
domain from which any point can be projected uniquely.
τ2 τ1
O1 r O2 S2
C2 C1
Fig. 3.12 Two overlapping circles in a single plane. The CPP procedure can have
a multiple solution: C1 C2 or C1 S2 ?
3.4 Closest Point Projection Procedure for Curve-To-Curve Contact 59
τ1 τ2
O1 r O2
C2 C1
Fig. 3.13 Two overlapping circles in a single plane. The CPP procedure has a
unique solution in the overlapping region of two projection domains {r ∈ (0, R1 )} ∩
{r ∈ (0, R2 )} and, therefore, if r < min{R1 , R2 }
O1 ν 1 C1 r O2
Fig. 3.14 Two non-overlapping circles in a single plane. The CPP procedure has
always a unique solution (Closest distance is uniquely defined).
This situation is also falling into case (1) as the overlapping of projection
domains for two separated circles.
Remark 3.6. The conclusions of the current case are still valid if we consider
arbitrary curves with the osculating circles laying in parallel planes.
60 3 Closest Point Projection Procedure
τ2 ϕ2
0 r Y
C1 P1
ν1 O1
Fig. 3.15 Two curves with osculating circles laying in orthogonal planes. The
closest distance is uniquely defined if two points are situated in the over-
lapping projection domains. C1 ∈ {(r, ϕ2 ) | 0 < r + ∞, ϕ2 ∈ [π/2, 3π/2]} C2 ∈
{(r, ϕ1 ) | r cos ϕ1 < R1 , ϕ1 ∈ [−π/2, π/2]}.
One can see that for the exterior projection with ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ [π/2, 3π/2]. the
Sylvester criterion is fulfilled.
For other situations, the concept of two overlapping projection domains is
effectively applied. Fig. 3.15 illustrates the analysis. The test points C1 and
C2 are situated in the overlapping domain because,
• a point C1 lays in the projection domain of type (1) of the second curve
with ϕ2 ∈ [π/2, 3π/2].
• C2 lays in the projection domain of type (2) of the second curve, with
ϕ1 ∈ [−π/2, π/2], satisfying r cos ϕ1 < R1 .
3.4 Closest Point Projection Procedure for Curve-To-Curve Contact 61
0 Oy
ν1 R1 O1
Fig. 3.16 Singular determinant det F = 0 for arbitrary curves. The tangent vec-
tors are orthogonal and the closest point C2 is projected into a center of curvature.
Fig. 3.17 Two arbitrary curves . The solution depends on the positions of oscu-
lating circles which give rise to corresponding projection domains. The region for
uniqueness of the solution of a CPP procedure is constructed as overlapping of
projection domains for two curves.
The tangential coordinates ξ1p and ξ2p along both lines are computed then via
a Newton iteration procedure as
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 63–118. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
64 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
ξ 3 = (rs − ρ) · n. (4.5)
where the Weingarten formula (2.23) and the first fundamental tensor in the
mixed formulation (2.7) have been used to obtain a more compact formula.
The coordinate vectors are defined in each point in 3D space belonging to
the allowable domain of the surface. In Fig. 4.1 they are depicted at the
slave point S. At the tangent plane they are coinciding with the surface
vectorsri |ξ3 =0 = ρi , i = 1, 2, r3 = n. The covariant components of the metric
tensor of the spatial coordinate system are defined via the dot product of
vectors (4.6).
gij = (ri ·rj ) = aij −2 ξ 3 hij +hik hkj (ξ 3 )2 , i = 1, 2 gi3 = 0, g33 = 1. (4.7)
damn dgmn
= = (4.8)
dt dt ξ3 =0
∂ j ∂ 3 ∂
k 3 2
= + ξ̇ +ξ˙ amn − 2ξ hmn + hmk hn (ξ )
= (4.9)
∂t ∂ξ j ∂ξ 3 ξ 3 =0
∂ ∂
= + ξ˙j j (ρm · ρn ) − 2hmn ξ˙3 = (4.10)
∂t ∂ξ
= (vm · ρn ) + (ρm · vn ) +
+ Γmj (ρl · ρn ) + Γnj
(ρm · ρl ) ξ˙j − 2hmn ξ˙3 . (4.11)
The Christoffel symbols appear in eqn. (4.11) due to the usage of the Codazzi
formula. All indices are running from 1 to 2.
d ik
(a akj ) = 0
daik dakj
akj + aik =0
dt dt
daik damn
= −aim ank . (4.12)
dt dt
Proof. Proof that the full time derivative is a Lie time derivative.
In order to prove eqn. (4.13) we consider the vector r(ξ i ) in the reference
Cartesian frame:
r = X k ek (4.14)
where ek are unit vectors of the Cartesian reference frame. By definition of
the reference frame the vectors ek are time independent. Since here only the
spatial case is considered, all indices are running from 1 to 3. The vector r is
assumed to be time independent only for simplicity without loss of generality.
The coordinate vectors ri are defined as
∂X k
ri = ek = (F −1 )ki ek (4.15)
∂ξ i
ek = Fki ri . (4.17)
4.1 Kinematics of the Surface-To-Surface Interaction 69
Equations (4.17) and (4.15) give the push-forward operator F and the pull-
back operator F−1 respectively in a tensor form:
d[(F −1 )ji T i ] k
Lt T = Fj rk = (4.21)
∂T i −1 j k ∂T i ∂(F −1 )ji i k ˙n
= (F )i Fj rk + n (F −1 )ji Fjk ξ˙n rk + T Fj ξ rk =
∂t ∂ξ ∂ξ n
∂T i k ∂T i ∂(F −1 )ji i k ˙n
= δi rk + n δik ξ̇ n rk + T Fj ξ rk .
∂t ∂ξ ∂ξ n
The last term contains Christoffel symbols . In order to elaborate this, their
determination in the reference frame has to be considered. Equation (2.29)
can be written as
Γijk akl = rij · rl (4.22)
∂X m ∂X m ∂X n ∂X n
Γijk =
∂ξ k ∂ξ l ∂ξ i ∂ξ j ∂ξ l
and, exploiting the chain rule,
70 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
∂X m ∂X m ∂ξ k ∂ξ l ∂X n ∂X n ∂ξ k ∂ξ l
Γijk k l p r
= i j −→
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂X ∂X ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ l ∂X p ∂X r
∂X n n ∂ξ k
Γijk δpm δrm = δ
∂ξ i ∂ξ j r ∂X p
∂ai ∂ai ∂X j ∂ξ k i ˙n
Lt a = = ri + n ξ˙n ri + i n a ξ rk (4.24)
∂t ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂X j
∂ai ∂ai
= ri + n ξ˙n ri + Γijk ξ˙j ai rk .
∂t ∂ξ
This is a full vector derivative (2.33) including the covariant derivative (2.34).
The Lie time derivative is usually exploited for the linearization, therefore,
the computation of the covariant derivatives will be employed for further
linearization. In the further considerations we concentrate on the full time
derivative on the tangent plane. Then the values of the spatial Christoffel
symbols on the surfaces Γ̂IJ |ξ =0 , i.e. if ξ 3 = 0, define a value of covariant
K 3
derivatives for any spatial object on the tangent plane. It can be easily seen
from their definition and the Weingarten formula that the following relations
between the spatial and surface terms hold:
T = Ti ri |ξ3 =0 = Ti ρi ; (4.26)
its full time derivative is computed employing the rules given in (2.32) and
dTi ∂Ti ∂Ti
= + − Γ̂ K
IJ T K ξ̇ J −→
dt ∂t ∂ξ J 3
ξ =0
∂Ti ∂Ti
= + − Γijk Tk ξ˙j + hki Tk ξ˙3 (4.27)
∂t ∂ξ j
4.1 Kinematics of the Surface-To-Surface Interaction 71
One should distinguish that the full time derivative with the surface Christof-
fel symbols in the form given in (2.32) and (2.35) can be applied to an object
that belongs to the internal geometry of the surface, e.g. for ξ̇ i ; for the full
time derivative of an arbitrary spatial object, however, positioned in the tan-
gent plane, the form in (4.27) must be used.
vs = v + ξ 3 + nξ˙3 + (ρj − ξ 3 hij ρi )ξ˙j , i, j = 1, 2, (4.29)
where hij are mixed components of the curvature tensor.
The difference between the velocity vs of “slave” point S and the velocity
of point C is a relative velocity vrel of the “slave” point, or in other words,
the velocity of point S as it can be seen from point C.
Evaluating, then the dot product of eqn. (4.29) with r3 = n, and using the
last expression (4.30), we obtain the projection of the relative velocity on the
normal, or the full time derivative of the penetration:
In this case the dot product of the relative velocity vrel ≡ vs − v and the
coordinate vector ρi is taken leading to
(vs − v) · ρi = (aij − ξ 3 hij )ξ˙j + ξ 3 ( · ρi ), (4.32)
where aij are the components of the metric tensor. Therefore, the convective
velocities are defined as
ξ˙j = âij [(vs − v) · ρi − ξ 3 ( · ρi )], (4.33)
where âij are contravariant components of the tensor with components aij −
ξ 3 hij .
A dot product of eqn. (4.29) with the base vectors ri gives the following
where âij are components of the inverse matrix (aij − 2ξ 3 hij + (ξ 3 )2 hki hjk ),
or in other words the contravariant components.
4.1 Kinematics of the Surface-To-Surface Interaction 73
From kinematic point of view the evaluation with the basis vectors ri via
eqn. (4.35) gives the expression of the relative velocity vs − v if the observer
is positioned at the slave point C, while evaluation with the surface tangent
vectors ρi gives us rather the result of the projection of the relative velocity
vs − v onto the the surface tangent vectors ρi . Considering both equations
(4.33) and (4.35) at ξ 3 = 0 we obtain the result on the tangent plane:
where A−1 is the contravariant metric tensor with components aij . Then the
convective velocity has the following form:
ξ˙j = aij (vs − v)·ρi + ξ 3 [ aik amj hkm (vs − v)·ρi − aij ṅ·ρi ]+ O((ξ 3 )2 ) (4.38)
It is obvious that (4.36) describes the constant main part of the full equation.
74 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
vr = ξ˙i ρi . (4.39)
Δξ i = (Δρ · ρj ) aij
(n+1) . (4.42)
S (n) be a slave point and C (n) its projection onto the patch A(n) B (n) D(n) G(n)
at step (n). A pair of points S (n) and C (n) defines then a spatial coordinate
system, (4.4). Now we consider a case, when at the next step (n+ 1) the same
pair is shifted into a position S (n+1) and C (n+1) with the slave point pro-
jected onto the adjacent patch G(n+1) D(n+1) E (n+1) F (n+1) to obtain C (n+1) .
On the surface it can be interpreted as a motion of the projection point from
position C̃ (n) to position C (n+1) , where the projection point has been cross-
ing the line D(n+1) G(n+1) (see a vector Δρ = C̃(n) C(n+1) in Fig. 4.2). Since
a moving surface is considered, point C (n) is shifted in the 3D space to the
position C̃ (n) by the vector u. Thus, the increment vector Δρ is obtained in
the global reference Cartesian system as
Δρ = ρC (n+1) |ξ(n+1)
1 , 2
ξ(n+1) − (ρC (n) + uC (n) ) |ξ(n)
1 , 2
ξ(n) (4.43)
The computation in the global reference Cartesian system clearly defines the
increment vector and, therefore, allows to avoid jumps which would occur
with the local convective coordinates ξ i . It should be noted that vectors ρC (n)
and ρC (n+1) are defined after the closest point projection procedure, therefore
(n) (n)
the information about internal variables ξ1 , ξ2 must be stored. However,
within the “segment-to-analytical surface”–approach the value of penetration
is computed at the same integration points, i.e. ρC (n) ≡ ρC (n+1) . Then it is
only necessary to keep the information about the increment vector u from
the last load step in the global coordinate system. (4.42) is then reduced to
Δξ i = −(u · ρj )aij
(n+1) . (4.44)
Summarizing the result we obtain the rule for the continuous numerical al-
gorithm to compute the increment vector:
F (n+1)
(n) S
G 00
(n) 11
S 00
11 (n+1)
0 F
00000 (n)
11111 00000 (n+1)
11111 E 00000
11111 ρ2(n) 00000ρ2
11111 00000
(n) (n) 10
11111 (n+1)11111
111111 00
1111111111111111111111 00000
A 111111 C
(n) C 1111111111
(n+1) 11111
111111 00
T (n) G 00000
11111 00000
11111 (n+1)
111111 00
1111111111111111111111 D 00000
11111 00000
11111 T
111111 00
0000000000000000000000 00000
11111 00000
111111 00
1111111111111111111111 00000
11111 00000
111111 00
1111111111111111111111 00000
11111 00000
11111 (n+1)
111111 0000000000000000000000
(n) 00000
11111 ρ1
111111 0000000000000000000000
1111111111111111111111 00000
11111 (n+1)
111111 0000000000000000000000 00000
111111 0000000000000000000000
1111111111111111111111 u 00000
11111 E
111111 0000000000000000000000
1111111111111111111111 00000
111111 0000000000000000000000
1111111111111111111111 00000
111111 0000000000000000000000
(n) 00000
111111 0000000000000000000000
B 00000
111111 0000000000000000000000
1111111111111111111111 00000
111111 0000000000000000000000
111111 00000
11111C (n+1)
111111 00
111111 00
11 D
Z 1111111111111111111111111111
1111111111111111111111111111 (n+1)
111111 A
111111 r C~ (n)
111111 B
Fig. 4.2 Contact point moving across segment boundaries. Covariant derivatives.
Sketch of integration scheme.
If T(n) is defined at the step (n), see Fig. 4.2, and eK are basis vectors of
the global Cartesian coordinate system, then the vector T can be written in
both local and global coordinate systems as
Projections of this vector to the new basis at state (n + 1) gives us the vector
T(n+1) translated in parallel. This operation in the Cartesian coordinate
system leads to:
(n+1) (n+1)
Tl = T(n) · ρl =
(n) ∂xM
= Ti aij(n) ∂ξ j eK · eM =
∂ξ l
(n) ij
∂xK K
(n) ∂x(n+1)
= Ti a(n) , (4.46)
∂ξ j ∂ξ l
or in compact form
4.1 Kinematics of the Surface-To-Surface Interaction 77
In other words, this operation can be seen as a pull-back from the current
configuration at time (n) into the reference configuration and then a push-
forward into the current configuration at time (n + 1). This procedure allows
to keep continuity due to the use of the same reference configuration.
Remark 4.1. In the case of translation in a plane, the metric tensor is constant
and (4.47) defines a standard parallel shifting
(n+1) (n) ij (n) (n+1) (n) ij (n) i (n)
Tl = Ti a(n) (ρj · ρl ) = Ti a ajl = Ti δl = Tl . (4.48)
d d
(δξ 3 ) = ((δrs − δρ) · n) = (4.50)
dt dt
∂ dξ i ∂
= (δrS − δρ) · n + (δrS − δρ) · n
∂t dt ∂ξ i
∂n ∂n dξ i
+ (δrS − δρ) · + i =
∂t ∂ξ dt
= −δρ,i · ξ˙i n + (δrs − δρ) · +
+ (−(δrs − δρ)hji · ξ˙i ρj )],
where the Gauss-Codazzi formula in eqn. (2.28) has been used. The variations
δrs δρ are time independent, thus
(δrs − δρ) = 0 (4.51)
and the first term in eqn. (4.50) is disappearing.
Operations δ and are commutative, thus we are writing as
∂ξ i
∂δρ ∂ρ
= δ i = δρ,i (4.52)
∂ξ i ∂ξ
78 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
Term A:
−δρ,i · ξ˙i ·n = −δρ,i · (vS − v) · ρj aij ·n = −(δρ,i ·n)aij ρj ·(vS −v) (4.56)
Term B:
(δrs − δρ) · = (4.57)
Any derivative of the unit vector n is orthogonal to this vector.
Proof. Take a derivative of the unit vector:
n·n=1 (4.58)
·n= 0 (4.59)
the last scalar product shows the orthogonality of and n vectors.
Due to orthogonality, the vector can be represented via the tangent vec-
tors ρi as
= ai ρi (4.60)
and multiplying by ρj :
· ρj = ai (ρi · ρj ) (4.61)
ai are defined as
a = · ρj aij (4.62)
ρi · ρj = aij (4.63)
aij are covariant components of the metric tensor and aij are contravariant
components of the metric tensor.
Finally we have:
∂n ∂n
= · ρj aij ρi . (4.64)
∂t ∂t
We can use the orthogonality of n and ρi
4.1 Kinematics of the Surface-To-Surface Interaction 79
n · ρi = 0 , (4.65)
∂ρi ∂ ∂ρ ∂ ∂ρ ∂v
= = i = i = v,i . (4.66)
∂t ∂t ∂ξ i ∂ξ ∂t ∂ξ
Summarizing we have the following representation of the derivative:
∂n ∂ρi ij
= −n · a ρj = (n · v,i )aij ρj . (4.67)
∂t ∂t
Term B becomes finally
= −(δrs − δρ) · ρj hji aki ρk · (vs − v) = (δrs − δρ) · hjk ρj ⊗ ρk (vs − v) , (4.69)
where the formula for convective velocities in eqn. (4.36) is used
Terms A, B and C together are leading to
(δξ 3 ) = δρ,i · (n ⊗ ρj )aij (vs − v) + (δrs − δρ) · (ρi ⊗ n)aij v,i
− (δrs − δρ) · hij ρi ⊗ ρj (vs − v) (4.70)
Remark 4.2. During transformation the following formula from the tensor
algebra has been exploited
(a · b)(c · d) = a · b ⊗ cd (4.71)
in the spatial coordinate system from Section 4.1.5 together with the tensor
algebra operations on the tangent plane. The full time derivative gives
i ∂ ∂ ˙j
L(δξ ) = + ξ (δξ i )
∂t ∂ξ j
daik d
= (δrs − δρ) · ρk + aik [(δrs − δρ) · ρk )] . (4.73)
dt dt
d i
Simplification of δξ
The final formula is long, but can be simplified. In addition, the following
transformations are cumbersome but necessary to show the symmetry of the
tangent matrix in the case of sticking. Summarizing the results in one formula,
we obtain
(δξ i ) =
+aik Γkj
((δrs − δρ) · ρl )ξ˙j (4.75h)
In order to show this the dot product in the second term is expressed on the
tangent plane, i.e. as double sum with the surface metric tensor components
aij :
= −(δrs − δρ) ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj − δρ,j aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v). (4.77)
After grouping (4.75e) with (4.75i), we obtain
2aim ank hmn ξ˙3 ((δrs − δρ) · ρk ) + aik hkj ((δrs − δρ) · n)ξ˙j =
In order to show the symmetry of the part in eqn. (4.78b), the tensor product
and contravariant components of the curvature tensor eqn. (2.16) are used.
For a reduction of eqn. (4.78a) the equation for the variation of the convective
velocity (4.36) and mixed components of the curvature tensor are taken,
leading finally to
= hin ξ̇ 3 δξ n + (4.79a)
+hij (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v) (4.79b)
The last part (4.79b) defines the curvature part of the tangent matrix.
The equation for the variation of the convective velocity (4.36) is used to
simplify (4.75d):
i ˙j
= −Γkj ξ δξ k (4.80)
The resulting parts in eqn. (4.79a) and (4.80) remain untransformed, however
they will disappear in both sticking and sliding cases, after taking into account
the fully linearized contact integral together with the evolution equations for
tangential contact traction as shown in the Sections 7.1.3 and 7.1.4.
Summarizing the result of the complete transformation, we obtain
(δξ i ) =
= −(δrs − δρ) ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj − δρ,j aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) (4.81a)
+hij (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v)+ (4.81b)
d2 ρ dρ dρ
F = (rs − ρ(ξ)) · − · , (4.84)
dξ 2 dξ dξ
4.2 Kinematics of 2D Contact Interaction 85
D H’
S slave body
G’ H
^r n= ν
3= r^2 =−k
r^1 =ρξ
master body
Fig. 4.3 Two dimensional contact as a special case of three dimensional contact –
contact between cylindrical surfaces with parallel axes Z. Local surface coordinate
system on smooth master contact surface.
86 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
slave body Ε
D S (t+ t)
S(t) τ (t+
ζ τ
rs ν τ (t)
ν (t)
C (t) τ (t) ρ
Α ξ
y s( ξ)
ρ(ξ) master body
Fig. 4.4 Two dimensional contact. Definitions. Contact boundaries are smooth
curves in 2D.
natural parameter length, i.e. ρ = ρ(s) with s = s(ξ). On the plane we define
a curvilinear coordinate system associated with the curve by introducing two
principal vectors as a basis: the tangent vector ρξ = and the unit normal
vector ν
∂ρ [k × ρξ ]
ρξ = ; =⇒ ν=√ , (4.87)
∂ξ ρξ · ρξ
4.2 Kinematics of 2D Contact Interaction 87
where k is the third unit vector in this Cartesian coordinate system. The
definition of the normal vector in (4.87) comes from the standard definition
of the surface unit normal for cylindrical surfaces, see the contact between
cylinders in Fig. 4.3, as
[r̂1 × r̂2 ]
ν= , r̂1 = ρξ , r̂2 = k, (4.88)
|[r̂1 × r̂2 ]|
where r̂2 is a unit vector of the cylinder generatrix. The definition in (4.87)
gives a set of covariant basis vectors ρξ , k for a cylindrical surface. The
surface metric tensor can then be defined by the following matrix aij :
(ρξ · ρξ ) 0
[aij ] = (4.89)
0 1
This matrix allows to define a contravariant basis for the cylindrical surface
ρ1 , ρ2 , where only the first vector is changing its length:
ρ1 (ρξ · ρξ ) 0 ρξ ρξ
= =⇒ ρ1 = , ρ2 = ν. (4.90)
ρ2 0 1 ν (ρξ · ρξ )
We note here, that the dot product of the covariant basis with the contravari-
ant basis ρ1 , ρ2 leads to a unit matrix (a mixed metrics tensor):
j 10
[ai ] = [(ρi · ρ )] =
. (4.91)
ρξξ := = Γ ρξ + h11 ν, (4.92)
where Γ and h11 are defined after taking a scalar product of (4.92) with ρξ
and ν:
ρξξ · ρξ
Γ = , h11 = ρξξ · ν. (4.93)
ρξ · ρξ
In order to compute the derivative of the unit normal ν, first, we have to
take the derivative of the following identity:
∂ ∂ν
(ν · ν = 1) =⇒ · ν = 0, (4.94)
∂ξ ∂ξ
88 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
which leads to the orthogonality condition of the vectors ν and . Thus,
this derivative can be expressed via the tangent vector ρξ as:
ν ξ = aρξ . (4.95)
Then the scalar a is obtained after taking the dot product of (4.95) and ρξ :
For the plane curve in natural parametrization the Serret-Frenet formulas are
used to define derivatives of the basis vectors in analogy to (4.92) and (4.97):
dτ dν
= κν; = −κτ , (4.101)
ds ds
where κ is a curvature of the curve. In this case the normal unit vector ν is
defined from (4.101) and is pointing into the convex part of a body. Then the
curvature κ can be computed from (4.101) by multiplying the first equation
4.2 Kinematics of 2D Contact Interaction 89
dτ (ρξξ · ν) h11
κ= ·ν = = . (4.102)
ds (ρξ · ρξ ) a11
|T (ξ)| |T (ξ)|
T(ξ) = = √ . (4.104)
ρξ a11
The full time derivative of this vector field is determined taking the changing
metric into account and then considering its value at ζ = 0:
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
dT ⎢ ∂T ∂T ∂r1
∂r1 ⎥
⎢ + ξ̇ r1 + T ξ̇ + ζ̇ ) ⎥
⎥ . (4.105)
dt ζ=0 ⎢ ∂t ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ζ ⎥
⎢ ! ⎥
⎣ dT ⎦
dt ζ=0
Here a full time derivative in the covariant form is introduced. Its value on
the tangent line is computed using the scalar product with ρξ as:
D1 T dT dT ρξξ · ρξ h11
:= · ρξ = − ξ˙ + ζ̇. (4.106)
dt dt ζ=0 dt (ρξ · ρξ ) a11
The second term on the right hand side contains the Christoffel symbol and
the last term contains the curvature for a cylindrical surface.
90 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
∂r1 1 1 1 2
= Γ11 r + Γ12 r ,
∂r1 1 1 1 2
= Γ21 r + Γ22 r .
Using the orthogonality of the covariant and contravariant basis vectors ri
and ri , we can write the following:
dT dT dT
= · r1 r1 + · r2 r2 . (4.110)
dt dt dt
One can recognize in eqn. (4.111) the full time derivative via the covariant
derivatives. We compute the value of the necessary Christoffel symbols in
brackets, according to their definition in eqn. (4.109) and to the definition of
r1 in (4.98).
(Γ11 )ζ=0 = · r1 ,
∂ξ ζ=0
1 (4.112)
(Γ21 )ζ=0 = · r1 .
∂ζ ζ=0
4.2 Kinematics of 2D Contact Interaction 91
h11 ρξ h11
= ρξ · = .
a11 (ρξ · ρξ ) a11
Finally, the tangent component of the full derivative in eqn. (4.111) gets the
following form:
D1 T ∂T ∂T ˙ 1 ˙ 1
:= + ξ + T (Γ11 ξ + Γ21 ζ̇)ζ=0 =
dt ∂t ∂ξ
dT ρξξ · ρξ h11
= −T ξ˙ − ζ̇ . (4.116)
dt ρξ · ρξ a11
drs ∂ρ
With vs = as the absolute velocity of the slave point S resp. v =
dt ∂t
as the velocity of its projection on the master surface. The dot product with
the normal vector ν leads to the rate of the penetration
ζ̇ = (vs − v) · ν. (4.118)
Considering a value of the convective tangent velocity ξ˙ on the tangent line,
i.e. at ζ = 0, we need the dot product of (4.117) with ρξ :
(vs − v) · ρξ
ξ̇ = . (4.119)
(ρξ · ρξ )
Equation (4.121) gives a variation of the displacement field for the expression
of the virtual work of contact tractions on the contact surface.
Linearization of δζ
The result will be obtained assuming a natural parametrization of the corre-
sponding boundary curve.
d d
δζ = [(δrs − δρ) · ν] =
dt dt
∂(δrs − δρ) ∂ν ∂ν
= · ν ṡ + (δrs − δρ) · + (δrs − δρ) · ṡ. (4.122)
∂s ∂t ∂s
4.2 Kinematics of 2D Contact Interaction 93
The first term can be rewritten, taking into account (4.120) for a convective
velocity in the case of a natural parametrization, as follows:
∂(rs − ρ)
δ ·ν ṡ = −(δτ · ν) ((vs − v) · τ ) = −δτ · (ν ⊗ τ )(vs − v). (4.123)
! !
−τ ṡ
In order to rewrite the second term, we have to take first a partial time
derivative of the orthogonality condition:
∂(τ · ν) ∂2ρ ∂ν
τ ·ν =0 =⇒ = ·ν+ · τ = 0, (4.124)
∂t ∂s∂t ∂t
leading to the expression
∂ν ∂v
·τ =− · ν. (4.125)
∂t ∂s
From the other side, using the unity condition of the vector ν, we can ex-
press the time derivative in terms of the tangent vector τ by analogy to
(4.95), (4.96), as
∂ν ∂ν
= aτ = (τ · )τ (4.126)
∂t ∂t
and substituting (4.125) we obtain
∂ν ∂v
=− · ν τ. (4.127)
∂t ∂s
∂v ∂ ∂ρ ∂ ∂ρ ∂τ
= = = . (4.130)
∂s ∂s ∂t ∂t ∂s ∂t
The third term in (4.122) is reorganized into a tensor form with a second
Serret-Frenet formula and with equation (4.120) for the convective velocity
(δrs − δρ) · ṡ = −(δrs − δρ) · κτ ⊗ τ (vs − v). (4.131)
94 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
Surface of Revolution
For a surface of revolution, given by an analytical function, or described by
NURBS, see [38], a matrix form solution for the coordinate increments in
eqn. (4.137) can be directly developed. In the simplest case f (r) can be a
plane curve uniquely projected onto the r axis, see Fig. 4.5. The revolution
of the curve about the axis OZ gives a surface of revolution. In a Cartesian
coordinate system it can be written as
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
xs r cos φ
rs (r, φ) = ⎣ ys ⎦ = ⎣ r sin φ ⎦ . (4.138)
zs f (r)
φ C
Then the iteration vector Δαn in eqn. (4.137) gets the following form:
⎡ ⎤
Δαn = ⎣ Δφn ⎦ (4.139a)
Δrn = · ((x3 − f (r))(n1 cos φ + n2 sin φ) (4.139b)
+ n3 (r − x1 cos φ − x2 sin φ))
Δφn = · (f (r) − x3 − rf (r))(n1 sin φ − n2 cos φ)+ (4.139c)
+ f (r)(n1 x2 − n2 x1 ) + n3 (x1 sin φ − x2 cos φ)
Δξn3 = · f (r)(x1 cos φ + x2 sin φ − r) + f (r) − x3 (4.139d)
+ ξ 3 [f (r)(n1 cos φ + n2 sin φ) − n3 ]
and with the determinant
D = − n3 + f (r)(n1 cos φ + n2 sin φ). (4.139e)
Remark 4.3. This approach allows to work with arbitrary finite element ap-
proximations including NURBs for deformable bodies as well as for rigid
(r − r0 ) · N = 0, (4.141)
where r0 is any point on the plane, N is a normal vector for the plane and r
is a vector with Cartesian coordinates {x, y, z}. Assuming now that from one
side the slave vector rs belongs to the plane eqn. (4.141) and from another
side it is observed from the master segment, i.e. it is satisfying eqn. (4.134)
we can write the following system:
(rs − r0 ) · N = 0
rs = ρ(ξ 1 , ξ 2 ) + ξ 3 n(ξ 1 , ξ 2 ).
Just inserting rs from the second equation into the first one, we can obtain
the value for the distance ξ 3 , and therefore for the penetration as:
(ρ(ξi.p. 2
, ξi.p. ) − r0 ) · N
ξ3 = − 1 2 )·N (4.143)
n(ξi.p. , ξi.p.
4.3 Contact Kinematics for STAS – Two Contact Strategies 99
ρ N
Y r0
Fig. 4.6 Contact with a rigid plane given analytically
which means the slave plane is not orthogonal to the tangent plane of the
master segment.
For the further computations, as a vector ρ(ξi.p.1 2
, ξi.p. ) is given at integra-
1 2 1 2
tion points ξi.p. , ξi.p. of the master segment, the normal n(ξi.p. , ξi.p. ) is also
computed at the same points.
The first part in equation (4.148) is describing the simple geometrical fact
AS = CS − CA in Fig. 4.7 as a positive distance from the sphere in the
outward direction of the sphere. A continuum body is the interior of the
sphere in this case. The second equation describes a positive distance in the
inward direction of the sphere. In this case the continuum is the exterior of
the sphere.
n ξ3
ρ sph A
Z nsph
RC p
O slave
RC − rs + z ez + (R + p) eϕ (ϕ) = 0. (4.151)
Cz ξ
eϕ ϕ
z A p
ez S
RC rs
z = −(RC − rs ) · ez ; (4.152)
where eR and eϕ are radial unit vectors for the polar coordinate system
given by two orthogonal planes. First, we define a scalar product eR · ρ.
This product defines a projection of the vector OA = ρ = (x, y, z) on the
plane XOY , therefore,
ρ · eR = x2 + y 2 . (4.156)
This product allows to get rid of eϕ in eqn. (4.155), by taking an absolute
ρ − R eR 2 = r eϕ 2 . (4.157)
Transformation of the scalar products leads to a torus equation in the fol-
lowing form
ρ2 + R eR 2 − 2R (ρ · eR ) = r eϕ ;
or written by coordinates:
x2 + y 2 + z 2 + R2 − 2R x2 + y 2 = r2 . (4.158)
Now we can proceed with the observation of the slave point rs = (xs , ys , zs )
at the distance p in the toroidal coordinate system, remembering that eϕ is
a normal vector to the torus surface
where er and ez are unit vectors of the cylindrical coordinate system. The
outward normal vector n is simply defined from the geometry of a triangle,
see Fig. 4.10
n = sin α er − cos α ez . (4.162)
The slave point at the distance p from the cone surface is written first in the
cone coordinate system and then in the cylindrical coordinate system as:
ρ · n = 0, (4.164)
Z r
R eR C ξ
O Y A n
eϕ ϕ
X rs S
ψ p
master A
Z ncone
p n
O rs S
X er
ϕ slave
Fig. 4.10 Contact with a rigid “master” cone surface
Remark 4.5. The rigid surface is a “master” strategy does not give the answer
to the solvability of the contact algorithm. This criterion is appearing from
the geometry analysis of the contact segment. Thus, considering the contact
with a rigid cone described by the rigid surface is a “slave” strategy as a
surface of revolution in Sect. 4.3.1 it is necessary for the solvability that the
determinant in eqn. (4.139e) is not zero: D = 0. Taking f (r) = tan α, the
determinant is transformed as
4.4 Kinematics of Point-To-Curve Interaction 105
xs = α
ys = cα2
The Newton procedure in eqn. (4.137) in this case is reduced to the definition
of α from the following iterative expression:
c(α(n) )2 n1 + n1 x2 − n2 x1
α(n+1) = , (4.171)
2cα(n) n1 − n2
where an initial guess can be computed e.g. as
α(0) = x1 . (4.172)
The value of the penetration does not require an iterative procedure and can
be computed after the definition of α as
cα2 − 2cαx1 + x2 − n2 x1
ξ3 = . (4.173)
2cα(n) n1 − n2
ṡ = (vs − v) · τ , (4.175)
ṙ = (vs − v) · e, (4.176)
drs ∂ρ
where vs = is the absolute velocity of the slave points, and v = is
dt ∂t
the translational velocity of the projected point O.
The simplest case is a circular area with a radius Rε , see Fig. 4.11. Thus, a
measure can be taken as
ζ = r − Rε = rs − ρ − Rε . (4.179)
Remark 4.7. A case with artificial Rε is rather necessary for the point-to-
curve algorithm applicable for curve-to-curve contact. In the case of a globally
C 0 surface, e.g. in the case of an edge, the penetration is computed exactly
at the projection point: ζ = rs − ρ.
S re
ϕ τ
A Rε
two sharp edges for full 3D bodies, or between two beams as a mechanical
model in the latter, if center lines of beams or edges of bodies are considered
in contact. Our aim is to describe all contact parameters such as relative
displacements and velocities, contact forces in the specific coordinate system
which is most suited to describe the various geometrical diversities of both two
curves. This concept includes internal geometrical characteristics of curves
such as curvature and torsion as well as their relative position in 3D space.
The basics of such a concept, originated to [95], have been developed for
contact between surfaces in previous Sections.
The important feature for any curve-to-curve contact is a suitable defini-
tion of the coordinate system which will allow to distinguish all kinemati-
cal details of the mutual interaction. Thus all contact measures for relative
motions should be directly obtained in this coordinate system. Obviously a
distance between two curves provides a definition of a measure of normal
contact interaction. This leads to the well known idea of the closest point
projection (CPP) procedure developed in Sect. 3.4. This specific CPP pro-
cedure allows to set up two local curvilinear coordinate systems attached to
the each curve. These coordinate systems are given in terms of Serret-Frenet
formulas for 3D curved lines. This allows to consider any motion of one curve
relative to another. A good observation of the motion gives us then a choice
of proper measures for such an interaction between two curves. Afterward, all
possible parameters such as sliding distances, variations, forces as well as the
necessary operations such as derivations, formulation of the return-mapping
algorithm are considered in a covariant form using the curvilinear metrics of
the specific two coordinate systems attached to the curves. A s a result, the
complete diversity of contact interactions including even a possible moment
interaction are described. Finally, a compact form of the computational algo-
rithm – a-priori independent on the type and order of approximation of the
curves – will be further established.
Fig. 4.12 Geometry of the Curve-To-Curve contact pair: definition of basis vectors
τ i , ei , gi on each curve and corresponding measures: si , r, ϕi
= cos ϕ1 (−k1 τ 1 + κ1 β1 ) + sin ϕ1 (−κ1 )ν 1 =
= −k1 τ 1 cos ϕ1 + κ1 g1 (4.181a)
= g1 . (4.181b)
The derivatives of the vector g1 with respect to s1 and with respect to ϕ1
= − sin ϕ1 [−k1 τ 1 + κ1 β1 ] − cos ϕ1 κ1 ν 1 = k1 τ 1 sin ϕ1 − κ1 e1 (4.182a)
= −e1 . (4.182b)
Now, we can define coordinate vectors r1 , r2 , r3 (a subscript defining the first
curve is omitted) of the curvilinear coordinate system as partial derivatives
with respect to the coordinates s1 , r, ϕ1 :
r2 = = e1 (4.183b)
4.5 Kinematics of Curve-To-Curve Interaction 111
r3 = = rg1 . (4.183c)
The corresponding covariant metric tensor is given by components (subscript
(.)1 is omitted)
r1 = τ 1 , r2 = e1 , r3 = rg1 (4.185)
with the corresponding metric tensor defined by a matrix
⎡ ⎤
10 0
[gij ] = ⎣ 0 1 0 ⎦ . (4.186)
0 0 r2
Exactly for this situation we define the contravariant components of the met-
ric tensor as inverse components of the matrix in eqn. (4.186). It leads to the
standard definition of the contravariant basis ri , i = 1, 2, 3 for the curve with
r = 0 as
ri = g ij rj (4.187a)
r1 = τ 1 , r2 = e1 , r3 = g1 . (4.187b)
112 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
dρ2 ∂ρ1
= + (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )ṡ1 τ 1 + ṙe1 + r(κ1 ṡ1 + ϕ̇1 )g1 . (4.188)
dt ∂t
Redefining now the full velocity vector of the second point C2 as
v2 = (4.189)
and the translational velocity of the first point C1 as
v1t = (4.190)
we can rewrite the relative velocity vector of a point C2 in the coordinate
system of the first curve as
v2 − v1t = (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )ṡ1 τ 1 + ṙe1 + r(κ1 ṡ1 + ϕ̇1 )g1 . (4.191)
Here, the last term remains reflecting the geometry of a 3D spatial curve,
because rg1 is a covariant basis vector r3 , but not a small value, however a
term rk1 cos ϕ1 is assumed to be small.
Computing a scalar product with the coordinate vectors rI at r = 0 and,
therefore, with τ 1 , e1 , g1 we obtain the rate of convective coordinates as
⎨ ṡ1 = (v2 − v1t ) · τ 1
ṙ1 = (v2 − v1t ) · e1 1 ↔ 2. (4.193)
⎩ ϕ̇1 + κ1 ṡ1 = (v2 − v1t ) · g1
This gives us the rate of measures for the contact interaction between curves
• ṡ1 – for tangential interaction;
• ṙ – for normal interaction;
• ϕ̇1 – for angular interaction.
4.5 Kinematics of Curve-To-Curve Interaction 113
The last coordinate is describing the rotation of the first curve (plane e1 , g1 )
along the vector τ 1 .
For arbitrary large motions we also derive the exact – not simplified –
expression for the rates of measures from eqn. (4.191):
⎪ (v2 − v1t ) · τ 1
⎪ ṡ1 =
⎪ (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )
⎨ ṙ1 = (v2 − v1t ) · e1
(v2 − v1t ) · g1 1↔2 (4.194)
⎪ ϕ̇1 = − κ1 ṡ1
⎪ rt
⎪ (v2 − v1 ) · g1 (v2 − v1t ) · τ 1
⎩ = − κ1 .
r (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )
Remark 4.8. Using the analogy between the kinematical values and the vari-
ations we can write the variations of the relative displacements in full form
(see eqn. (4.191)) as
δρ2 − δρ1 = (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )δs1 τ 1 + δre1 + r(κ1 δs1 + δϕ1 )g1 , (4.195)
= ρij = Γijk ρk , (4.198)
∂ξ j
but instead of computing the Christoffel symbols, we will directly compute
derivatives of coordinate vectors using their definitions in eqns. (3.47a-3.47b)
and the Serret-Frenet formulas (2.43). For the derivation of the relative vir-
tual displacements we can take the full values given in eqn. (4.195) without
any simplification. The following derivatives are obtained
114 4 Geometry and Kinematics of Contact
with respect to s1
(δρ2 − δρ1 ) = (4.199)
= k1 (1 − k1 r cos ϕ1 )δs1 ν 1 + (−k1 cos ϕ1 τ 1 + κ1 g1 )δr +
+r(κ1 δs1 + δϕ1 )(k1 sin ϕ1 τ 1 − κ1 e1 )
= [−k1 cos ϕ1 δr + (κ1 δs1 + δϕ1 )rk1 sin ϕ1 ]τ 1 +
+k1 (1 − k1 r cos ϕ1 )δs1 ν 1 − rκ1 (κ1 δs1 + δϕ1 )e1 + κ1 δrg1 ;
with respect to r
(δρ2 − δρ1 ) = −k1 cos ϕ1 δs1 τ 1 + (κ1 δs1 + δϕ1 )g1 (4.200)
and with respect to ϕ1
(δρ2 − δρ1 ) = k1 r sin ϕ1 δs1 τ 1 + δrg1 − (κ1 δs1 + δϕ1 )re1 . (4.201)
The full covariant derivative operator Ls,r,ϕ [...] has the following form (taking
into account the derivation of coordinate vectors)
∂ ∂ ∂
Ls,r,ϕ [...] ≡ ṡ [...] + ṙ [...] + ϕ̇ [...]. (4.202)
∂s ∂r ∂ϕ
Remark 4.9. The long expressions in eqns. (4.204c), (4.204d), (4.204e) repre-
sent the exact linearization in a covariant form for the case of an arbitrary
motion (even for a large distance r between curves). For simplification the
derivatives of the curvature k and the torsion κ are not presented, however,
4.6 Kinematics of the Curve-To-Rigid-Surface Interaction 115
due to the derivation with respect to the arc-length s, the expression is exact
for a line of constant curvature and torsion, e.g. for circular and spiral lines.
v − vs = vτ τ + ve e + vg g (4.207)
Since, in this contact approach the point is fixed on the curve, we intro-
duce here notations vτ , ve , vg for projections of the relative velocity vector
on the curvilinear coordinate system τ, e, g instead of using the convective
velocities ṡ, ṙ and ϕ̇.
Summing up both equations (4.206) and (4.207), we obtain:
Remark 4.10. From eqn. (4.211) one can see, that during the contact a tan-
gent vector of the curve τ is laying in the tangent plane of the surface (because
it is expressed via ρi )
Remark 4.11. The dragging velocity vg is not zero if r = 0 and can be repre-
sented as a limit vg = limr→0 (rϕ̇), i.e. a velocity represented by the rolling of
4.6 Kinematics of the Curve-To-Rigid-Surface Interaction 117
the single wire on the surface if the radius of the wire goes to zero, compare
with eqn. (4.191).
Since, the slave contact point rs is fixed in the curve coordinate system, all
kinematical parameters for the CTRS contact should be defined, first, in the
surface coordinate system ρ1 , ρ2 , n as follows:
• Measure of the normal interaction (in the case of a curve edge)
ξ 3 = (rs − ρ) · n, (4.213)
ξ 3 = (rs − ρ) · n − R, (4.214)
where ξ (n), i are projection point coordinates onto the master rigid surface
at the load (time) step (n).
These measures will be used to compute the contact tractions (both normal
and tangential ones) in the form of Surface-To-Surface contact. However, the
weak form should be formulated in the coordinate system of the deformed
curve, thus, in the form of Curve-To-Curve contact. In order to fulfill this,
the contact tractions should be projected into the Serret-Frenet coordinate
system, associated with a curve rs (η), see further Sect. 6.9. Combining the
result for the relative velocity vector in eqn. (4.207) with equations for normal,
pulling and dragging velocities in eqns. (4.210, 4.211, 4.212) we obtain the
following variations:
• variation of normal displacement
All expressions for contact kinematics developed for various contact pairs
in Chapter 4 allow us, using the analogy between kinematical and varia-
tional values, to formulate the weak forms for all considered contact sit-
uations: Surface-To-Surface, Point-To-Curve, Curve-To-Curve etc. in corre-
sponding curvilinear coordinate systems. In addition various formulations of
the Nitsche approach are discussed.
which must be added to the global virtual work of the internal and external
forces. Due to the equilibrium equation at the contact boundary, T1 ds1 =
−T2 ds2 , equation (5.1) can be written as
δWc = T1 · (δu1 − δu2 )ds1 (5.2)
Up to now, one surface has to be specified as the ”master” and the other
one as the ”slave” surface, see Fig. 5.1 The contact integral is computed over
the ”slave” surface. It can be computed using quadrature formula [106] or, in
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 119–133. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
120 5 Weak Formulation of Contact Conditions
Fig. 5.1 Contact tractions acting on the infinitesimally small master surface ds
and ds2 .
simple cases, nodal quadrature [195]. With s1 as the ”slave” surface ss , the
redefined previous notation leads to δu1 = δrs as the variation of the ”slave”
point and δu2 = δρ as a projection of the the variation of ”slave” point onto
the ”master” surface. Thus, we obtain
δWc = Ts · (δr1 − δρ)dss (5.3)
Tslave ≡ T = N n + T i ρi . (5.4)
The full integral in eqn. (5.6) must be considered with the variation of the
convective coordinates which are obtained from eqn. (4.31) for the penetra-
tion as the third coordinate ξ 3 in the form
and from eqn. (4.35) for the convective coordinate ξ j in the form
$ %
δξ j = âij (δrs − δρ) · ρi − ξ 3 δn · ρi + hki (δrs − δρ) · ρk , (5.8)
with âij as inverse of the matrix with components (aij − 2ξ 3 hij + (ξ 3 )2 hki hjk )
as discussed in Section 4.1.5.
The full formulation with eqns. (5.6), (5.7) and (5.8) in the local coordinate
system is very cumbersome. Now the most important requirement for further
consideration: we consider the motion of the slave point S as if the observer
is placed on contact point C (projection of the slave point onto the master
surface), see Fig. 4.1 and 5.1. Thus, we are taking the third coordinate as
ξ 3 = 0. That means that the contact integral in eqn. (5.6) is considered on
the tangent plane. We obtain the following form:
# #
δWc = N δgds + Tj δξ j ds = (5.9)
s s
# #
= N (δrs − δρ) · nds + Tj aij (δrs − δρ) · ρi ds,
s s
which is accompanied with the variation of the convective coordinates on the
tangent plane in the form:
Remark 5.1. The weak formulation for both the Point-To-Surface and the
Surface-To-Surface contact pairs is identical. Within the Point-To-Surface
algorithm within the further discretization a single slave node is taken leading
to the famous Node-To-Segment (NTS) approach. For the contact integral
within the Surface-To-Surface algorithm an integration point from the slave
surface is involved into the Closest-Point-Projection (CPP) procedure leading
to the Mortar method.
122 5 Weak Formulation of Contact Conditions
which must be added to the global work of the internal and external forces.
Due to equilibrium at the contact boundary Rs dls = −Rm dlm , equation
(5.11) can be also written as
δWc = Rs · (δus − δum )dls . (5.12)
A closer look reveals that the contact integral (5.13) contains the work of
the contact tractions T and N defined on the master contact curve and is
computed along the slave curve l ≡ ls .
g =τ ×e (5.14)
R = N e + T τ + Bg. (5.15)
O Tτ
A Gg
Fig. 5.2 Point-To-Curve contact element. Contact forces acting on the contact
point 0.
with the assumption that r is small (applications only to the edge contact)
we obtain
δW = (δrs − δρ) · FS = N δr + T δs (5.18)
Further developments for finite values of r as well as application to the beam-
to-beam contact see the next Section 5.4.
R1 ds1
R2 ds2
Considering that two curves are contacting along the mutual boundary the
equilibrium conditions should be point-wisely fulfilled
Using eqn. (5.20) in eqn. (5.19) the virtual work can be equivalently written
as an integral either along the first curve, or along the second curve
# #
δW = R1 · (δρ1 − δρ2 )ds1 = R2 · (δρ2 − δρ1 )ds2 . (5.21)
s1 s2
Now taking into account the developed contact kinematics between curves –
only point-wise contact between curves with regard to the CPP procedure – we
can define forces acting point-wisely via the Dirac delta function D(sI − spI )
along curve sI at the contact (projection) point spI
Thus, the full force in the basis of a first curve, see Fig. 6.9, becomes
(1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 ) τ 1 + κ1 r g1
R1 = T1 √ + N e1 + Rϕ1 g1 =
(1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 ) κ1 r
= T1 √ τ 1 + N e1 + Rϕ1 + T1 √ g1 . (5.27)
g11 g11
where the scalar product is expressed via the full metric tensor gij in
eqn. (4.184) and, for a while, convective coordinates denoted as s = ξ 1 , r =
ξ 2 , ϕ = ξ 3 . Expressing eqn. (5.29) in the basis of a curve via the physical
components we obtain:
δW = −Sym T1 (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )2 + (rκ1 )2 δs1 + N δr + M1 δϕ1
κ1 r2
+T1 δϕ1 + M1 κ1 δs1 . (5.30b)
(1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )2 + (rκ1 )2
The minus sign appears as the expression in eqn. (4.195) is given for (δρ2 −
δρ1 ). The weak form expressed in the basis ri with arbitrary r contains – due
to the non-orthogonality of the coordinate vectors ri – the last mixed terms
in eqn. (5.30b). One can also obtain this result using eqn. (4.195) together
with eqn. (5.27) directly. At the projection point on a curve (r = 0) the
variational equation becomes
⎧ ⎫
⎨ ⎪
δW = Sym T1 δs1 + N δr +
! M (δϕ + κδs ) . (5.31)
⎩ ! δW
1 1 1
⎪ !⎪⎭
• only the current covariant description allows to define the moment inter-
action between curves in an energy consistent form.
Remark 5.2. The weak form presented in eqns. (5.31), (5.32) is obtained with
the assumption of a small distance r and thus by construction is suitable
for the case of edge-to-edge contact. For the case of beam-to-beam contact
the value r includes the geometrical parameters of a beam and, therefore,
is not small for arbitrary beams. In such a case as well as in a case with
extremely curved geometry (e.g. for high-order FE with exact geometry) the
full variational equation (5.30a), (5.30b) should be taken.
For the linearization, however, the CTC form in eqns. (5.34-5.35) and corre-
sponding results should be used.
Here WM and WS denote the work of the structural part of the problem
for the master and slave body, respectively. ρM and rS define the position
vectors on the master and slave surface. Together with the normal vector
nM on the master body these position vectors are enabling the computation
of the penetration ξ 3 according to the Surface-To-Surface contact approach
(see Fig. 5.4) with the closest-point projection procedure. Eqn. (5.40) gives
the equilibrium on the mutual contact area on both bodies expressed by the
surface stress tensor σ and the normal vector n.
The surface stress vector σ ·n, thereby, can be presented in parts of normal
and tangential components leading to the formulation
The constraint of the equilibrium of stresses (eqn. (5.42)) between the con-
tacting surfaces of the master and slave body (SM and SS ) is expressed by the
+ functional WD represents
last two terms. The the non-penetration
+ constraint
1 3 2 3
either in Penalty SC 2 N (ξ ) dSC or Lagrange SC λξ dSC formalities
with SC denoting the contacting area. SC is equal to the contact area mea-
sured either on the master surface (SM ) or on the slave surface (SS ). The
parameter N within the Penalty expression is the penalty factor.
In the following sections some remarks have to be pointed out in order
to achieve a convenient formulation out of eqn. (5.43). The first remark is
regarding the choice of the second set of Lagrange multipliers μ. Further-
more, the physical meaning of the Lagrange multiplier λ and its counterpart
the Penalty term N ξ 3 for the standard enforcement of the non-penetration
constraint have to be depicted.
130 5 Weak Formulation of Contact Conditions
Transforming this functional then step by step into the strong formulation by
excluding all terms regarding the strong form of equilibrium of the bodies and
the non-penetration constraint (eqn. (5.39)) the following expression remains
{[(δρM − δrS ) + (δμM − δμS )] · (σnM nM ) +
(μM − μS ) · (δσnM nM )} dSC = 0. (5.45)
The boundary terms arising within this transformation out of the work ex-
pressions WM and WS are expressed in contact kinematic formalities using
δρM and δrS .
In order to fulfill the requirement – first part in square brackets to become
zero – the additional set of Lagrange multipliers μ is chosen specifically as
μM = −ρM
μS = −rS (5.46)
leading to
# #
[(rS − ρM ) · (δσnM nM )] dSC = ξ 3 δσnM dSC = 0 (5.47)
Lagrange Multiplier λ
Taking the standard Lagrangian contact formulation
L = WM + WS + λξ 3 dSC → min (5.48)
into account and removing with the help of the Gauss theorem all terms
regarding the strong form – equilibrium of the bodies and the non-penetration
constraint – the functional (5.49) can be written as
# # #
(σnM nM ) · δρM dSM − (σnS nM ) · δrS dSS + λδξ 3 dSC = 0.
Considering the contact kinematics ξ 3 = (rS −ρM )·nM the following equation
(−σnM + λ) δξ 3 dSC = 0 (5.51)
remains. Thus, leading in the strong formulation to the requirement that the
Lagrange multiplier defined on the contact surface is equal to the normal
stress on the master surface (σnM = λ).
Penalty Term N ξ 3
In order to gain the mechanical interpretation of the Penalty term the fol-
lowing functional is minimized
P = WM + WS + N (ξ 3 )2 dSC → min (5.52)
SC 2
Transforming the variation step by step into the strong formulation using the
Gauss theorem results in
[(σnM nM ) · δρM − (σnS nM ) · δrS + N ξ 3 δξ 3 ] dSC = 0. (5.54)
132 5 Weak Formulation of Contact Conditions
Finally, the requirement σnM = N ξ 3 is obtained for the Penalty formulation.
Summarizing the considerations within the Lagrange multiplier and the
Penalty method the Lagrange multiplier λ used for the non-penetration con-
straint can be expressed physically as a combination of a normal stress σn
and a penalty term N ξ 3 .
λ = σnM + N ξ 3 (5.58)
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 135–184. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
136 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
R = T + N = Ti ρi + N n. (6.1)
1. Contact is not appearing and contact force is zero Nmaster = 0 for positive
value of penetration
2. Contact occurs when a slave point penetrates into the tangent plane ξ 3 ≤
0, however for exact representation non-penetration condition should be
If the full Lagrange multiplier method is further involved to satisfy the condi-
tions (6.2-6.4) then the normal traction N is independent variable and should
be independently approximated in finite element discretization. It leads to the
exact satisfaction of the non-penetration condition (6.3).
The statement in eqn. (6.5) can be written via the Heaviside function H(x)
as follows:
N = H(−ξ 3 )N ξ 3 (6.6)
where the Heaviside function H(x) is defined as
0 if x < 0
H(x) = (6.7)
1 if x ≥ 0
138 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
vr = 0 if Φ := T − μN ≤ 0 (6.9)
2. Beyond the threshold defined by the friction condition (6.9) the slave
point starts to slide in the direction of the relative velocity vector; the
tangential tractions are then acting in the opposite direction.
if Φ > 0 then ∃ ζ > 0 vr = −ζ , (6.11)
ζΦ = 0. (6.12)
Ti 1 ∂Ti ∂Ti
aij ξ˙j − ζ =− + k ˙j k ˙
− Γij Tk ξ + hi Tk ξ 3
T T ∂t ∂ξ j
where Γijk are the Christoffel symbols and hki are mixed components of the
curvature tensor of the master contact surface.
140 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
which can be seen as a backward scheme for the following ordinary differential
= (−T aij + Γijk Tk )ξ˙j − hki Tk ξ˙3 (6.19)
The system of ordinary differential equations for the computation of the tan-
gential traction (6.19) is called the evolution equations . They are important
for the linearization process. Keeping the form with the covariant derivatives
(6.19) instead of the form in eqn. (6.13) leads to a symmetrical tangent ma-
trix for sticking, while as used in Laursen and Simo [109], [104], the form
(6.13) leads to a non-symmetrical tangent matrix for the arbitrary 3D case.
We will write for further generalization evolution equation (6.19) in the
vector form as:
= −T ξ̇ i ρi , (6.20)
where a full time derivative is taken in covariant form as
dT DTi i DTi dTi
= ρ, ≡ − Γijk Tk ξ˙j + hki Tk ξ˙3 , (6.21)
dt dt dt dt
Remark 6.3. Consider the backward Euler scheme (6.18) in the case with a
linear approximation of the master surface. Then, having taken all Christof-
fel symbols and components of the curvature tensor as zero, we obtain the
following equations:
(n+1) (n) j j
(T tr )i = Ti − T aij (ξ(n+1) − ξ(n) ). (6.22)
This algorithm can be found in Laursen [106] for the trial step solution of
equation (6.13).
6.1 Surface-To-Surface Contact 141
Trial Step
N (n+1) = N g (n+1) ⎪
j (n+1) ⎪
(T tr )i
= Tk akj
(ρj · ρi
) − T Δξ aij ⎪
(n) ⎬
, (6.24)
(n+1) := T(n+1) − μN
Φtr tr (n+1)
(n+1) (n+1) ij ⎭
(n+1) = (T tr )i (T tr )j a(n+1)
where Δξ j is obtained as
⎪ (Δρ · ρk ) ajk
(n+1) for NTS and STS approaches, where
⎨ Δρ = ρ (n+1) | 1
C 2
ξ(n+1) , ξ(n+1) − (ρC (n) + ΔuC (n) ) |ξ(n)
1 , ξ2
Δξ j = (n) . (6.25)
⎩ −(Δu · ρ )akj
k (n+1) for STAS approach
(n−1) j j
= Ti − T aij (ξ(n+1) − ξ(n−1) ) = ...
(0) j j
= Ti − T aij (ξ(n+1) − ξ(0) )
Assuming that the initial tangential forces are zero, Ti = 0, we get
(n+1) j j
Ti = −T aij Δξ j , with Δξ j = (ξ(n+1) − ξ(0) ). (6.28)
With eqn. (6.29) the sticking zone in combination with the Coulomb law
becomes then:
j j
T2 ≤ μ|N |2 =⇒ 2T aij (ξ(n+1)
− ξ(0)
)(ξ(n+1) − ξ(0) ) ≤ μ2 N 2 . (6.30)
Eqn. (6.30) describes a circle in a Cartesian coordinate system via the con-
vective coordinates ξ1 , ξ2 . The circle is placed on the tangent plane with the
6.2 Generalization of Coulomb Friction Law 143
1 2
center at ξ(0) , ξ(0) . The inner part of it defines the allowable elastic region
for the projection of a slave point, the so-called adhesion domain. Thus, the
geometrical interpretation of the solution of the evolution equation is a tra-
jectory of the contact point which is allowed to be inside the circle in the case
of sticking. If eqn. (6.5) is taken for regularization of the normal traction N ,
then we obtain a cone equation in the spatial coordinate system:
j j
2T aij (ξ(n+1)
− ξ(0)
)(ξ(n+1) − ξ(0) ) ≤ μ2 2N (ξ 3 )2 . (6.31)
This interpretation can be found in Krstolovic-Opara and Wriggers [101],
where a so-called ”frictional cone description” was proposed.
Δξ = Δξ i ρi + Δξ 3 n, Δξ i = ξ i − ξ(0)
, i = 1, 2, 3. (6.37)
A point with convective coordinates ξ(0) indicates an initial position where
the contact traction vector R equals zero, i.e.
The equation for the elastic region in the form of eqn. (6.36) covers various vis-
coelastic models such as Maxwell and Kelvin models in arbitrary anisotropic
forms including adhesion. A generalization of the isotropic Coulomb friction
model according to Maxwell and Kelvin viscoelastic models was considered
in Araki and Hjelmstad [5]. A rate-dependent model with orthotropic fric-
tion coefficients in Cartesian coordinate system was considered in Oancea
and Laursen [132].
Assuming the decoupling of the third normal coordinate ξ 3 , we can rewrite
eqn. (6.36) for the surface components in the form:
+ AT = Bvr + CΔξ, (6.39)
where A, B, C are tensors defined on the tangent plane, T is a tangent force
vector, vr = vs − v is a relative tangent velocity vector expressed on the
tangent plane, Δξ = Δξ i ρi is a relative tangent displacement vector and
is a full time derivative in the covariant form on the contact surface.
The third equation for the normal force N and for the penetration ξ 3 , is
treated separately
The evolution equations (6.41) resp. (6.42) describe the fact that the reaction
tangential forces are acting not in the opposite direction to the velocity vector,
but in the direction defined by tensor B. In other words, if a force T is acting
on point C on the surface, then this point is moved in a somewhat different
direction defined by the angle β, see Fig. 6.1, but, in general, not in the
direction of the force.
Remark 6.5. The evolution equations (6.41) describe the elastic deformations
of contact interaction in the rate form. This elastic tangential deformation is
known as tangential adhesion, see Curnier [31]. Thus, we call a tensor B the
elastic adhesion tensor, or simply the adhesion tensor.
Remark 6.6. The mechanical restriction for the elastic force T to act in op-
posite direction to the relative velocity can be formulated in an energy sense
according to the thermodynamical restriction: the power of the elastic force
T must be negative. This requires that the adhesion tensor taken with
a minus sign −B is a positively defined tensor.
Since we are working with a decoupled model regarding the normal and
tangential contact interactions, the evolution equation for the normal force
N and thus the parameter b in eqn. (6.40) is kept in the form given by
eqn. (6.19).
FN = , (6.45)
and the yield function can then be written as:
Φ = f ij Ti Tj − |N | = T · FT − |N |. (6.46)
F = f ij ρi ⊗ ρj . (6.49)
A = QΛQT , (6.51)
where Λ is defined in the mixed tensorial basis as a diagonal matrix of eigen-
λ1 0
Λ= ; (6.52)
0 λ2
and Q is an orthogonal tensor. Since it describes the rotation on the tangent
plane between the main axes ei and the axes ξ i , see Fig. 6.1, it becomes
cos α − sin α
Qα = . (6.53)
sin α cos α
6.2 Generalization of Coulomb Friction Law 149
e2 ε 2 ξ2
1 T
e1 ε1
α ξ
0 1
Fig. 6.1 Main orthotropy axes and local surface coordinate system.
The main axes are hereby defined as orthotropy axes. Then the spectral
representation of A is obtained as
A = Qα ΛQTα = [Aij ] =
λ1 cos2 α + λ2 sin2 α (λ1 − λ2 ) sin α cos α
= · (6.54)
(λ1 − λ2 ) sin α cos α λ1 sin2 α + λ2 cos2 α
Taking into account, that the model for constant orthotropic friction contains
the tensor in the evolution equations (6.41) and in the yield function (6.46)
in mixed form which allows the spectral decomposition given in eqn. (6.54),
the following derivations are possible:
First we focus on the evolution equation given by eqn. (6.42), where
the mixed components are introduced via the spectral decomposition (6.54).
Taking into account that the adhesion tensor B (see Remark 6.6 in Sect. 6.2.2)
is negative, we introduce positive values εi = −λi > 0 and an orthotropy
angle α. Thus, after a transformation into a local coordinate system the
following matrix description for the tensor is obtained:
ε cos2 α + ε2 sin2 α (ε1 − ε2 ) sin α cos α
B = [bij ] = − 1 . (6.55)
(ε1 − ε2 ) sin α cos α ε1 sin2 α + ε2 cos2 α
⎡ 1 1 1 1 ⎤
β + sin2
β ( − ) sin β cos β
⎢ μ21 μ22 μ21 μ22 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
F = [fki ] = ⎢ ⎥. (6.56)
⎣ 1 1 1 1 ⎦
( 2 − 2 ) sin β cos β 2 sin β + 2 cos β
2 2
μ1 μ2 μ1 μ2
The restriction of positivity for the friction tensor F leads to the known
positive orthotropic friction coefficients μi > 0.
αi = αi (ξ 1 , ξ 2 ), i = 1, 2, (6.59)
or, in another words, eqn. (6.59) defines a new coordinate system on the same
Arbitrary anisotropic properties of a surface can be defined as different
characteristics along these coordinate lines. The unit tangent vectors along
the coordinate lines are then defined as:
ei = √ , i = 1, 2 no summation over i (6.60)
where ri = are the basis vectors, and gii = ri · ri are diagonal coefficients
of the covariant metrics tensor.
The tensor of anisotropy A can then be defined via the unit tensor basis
r1 ⊗ r1 r2 ⊗ r2 ri ⊗ ri
A := λ1 e1 ⊗ e1 + λ2 e2 ⊗ e2 = λ1 + λ2 = λi . (6.61)
g11 g22 gii
Remark 6.7. From now on and further in the last representation in eqn. (6.61)
the summation convention is implied also for the sum over i-index, though
the index i is repeated four times.
6.2 Generalization of Coulomb Friction Law 151
It is obvious, that the tensor structure prescribed above, see eqn. (6.43), is
preserved. As a next step a transformation into the surface basis ρi (ξ 1 , ξ 2 ) is
necessary for the evolution equation as well as for the yield equation.
Remark 6.8. The tensor in eqn. (6.61) is defined, in general, via the coordi-
nates α1 , α2 . We introduce a notation AC , if the tensor A is defined in the
global reference Cartesian coordinates, and will keep the notation A if the
tensor is defined after the tensor transformation to the surface coordinate
system ξ 1 , ξ 2 , eqn. (6.57).
ri ⊗ ri i (ri · ρj )ξ˙j
BC (vs − v) := −i · ρj ξ˙j = − ri . (6.63)
gii gii
The dot product of the evolution equation (6.41) with ρk , taking into account
eqn. (6.63), leads to the equation in components according to the surface
dTk i (ri · ρk )(ri · ρj ) j
=− ξ˙ . (6.64)
dt gii
For the further implementation into a finite element code, it is more appro-
priate to introduce a tensor decomposition:
dTk i ri ⊗ ri
=− : (ρk ⊗ ρj )ξ˙j , (6.65)
dt gii
i ri ⊗ ri
where the components of the first tensor BC = − can be computed
in a Cartesian coordinate system separately for the surface as:
i ∂φl ∂φn
ln = −
bC . (6.66)
gii ∂αi ∂αi
∂xl ∂xn
bij = bC
ln . (6.68)
∂ξ i ∂ξ j
Introducing the friction coefficients λi = 1/μ2i into the yield function and
then applying analogous tensor operations as for the evolution equation lead
to the following form:
ri ⊗ ri
Φ= : (Tk Tl ρk ⊗ ρl ) − |N |, (6.69)
μ2i gii
from which a similar definition of covariant components for the friction tensor
are obtained:
ri ⊗ ri
fkl = 2 : (ρk ⊗ ρl ). (6.70)
μi gii
In the following we consider particular structures for covariant components
in the Cartesian coordinate system bC ij in eqn. (6.66) as well as for bij in
eqn. (6.68) in the local surface coordinate system for the anisotropic plane,
for polar orthotropy on a plane and for spiral orthotropy on a cylinder.
⎡ ⎤
ε1 cos2 α + ε2 cos2 β ε1 sin α cos α + ε2 sin β cos β 0
BC = − ⎣ ε1 sin α cos α + ε2 sin β cos β ε1 sin2 α + ε2 sin2 β 0⎦.
0 0 0
For an analysis, the approximation of the surface is necessary in order to
obtain the structure of the tensor in surface coordinates ξ 1 , ξ 2 in eqn. (6.68).
If the latter coincide with the global Cartesian coordinates ξ i = xi , we obtain
ε1 cos2 α + ε2 cos2 β ε1 sin α cos α + ε2 sin β cos β
B=− . (6.73)
ε1 sin α cos α + ε2 sin β cos β ε1 sin2 α + ε2 sin2 β
The adhesion tensor for polar orthotropy in eqn. (6.76) contains a typical
example of nonlinear surface properties in the reference Cartesian coordinate
rφ, ε φ
rr, ε r
φ Y
O 00
⎧ ⎫
⎪ H ⎪
⎪ sin α ⎪
⎪ 2π ⎪
⎨ ⎪
r2 = [n × r1 ] = H . (6.82)
⎪ − cos α ⎪
⎪ 2π ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎭
With this expression an equation for the line orthogonal to the main spiral
line (6.80), see line AC in Fig. 6.3, can be found from the condition that the
integrated and scaled tangent vector r2 must belong to the cylinder surface
A r2 dα ∈ cylinder =⇒ A = , (6.83)
which leads to the following definition of a vector r̂, orthogonal to r:
⎧ ⎫
R cos α ⎪
⎨ R sin α ⎬
r̂ = . (6.84)
⎪ ⎪
⎩ 2πR α + const ⎪
Thus, orthotropic properties are inherited from the orthogonal spiral net on
the cylinder via eqns. (6.80) and (6.84).
Remark 6.9. For further analyses, one can define from eqns. (6.80) and (6.84)
the distances between two adjacent threads as H for the main spiral and
Ĥ = for the orthogonal spiral AC, see Fig. 6.3.
The covariant components of the metric tensor gij are defined as
2 ⎤
2 H
⎢R + 2π
0 ⎥
[gij ] = ⎢
2 ⎥
⎦. (6.85)
0 R2 +
The tensor of orthotropy Bα in the Cartesian basis, see eqn. (6.62), becomes
r1 ⊗ r1 r2 ⊗ r2
BC = −1 − 2 = (6.86)
g11 g22
⎡ ⎤
gε sin2 α −gε sin α cos α −(ε1 − ε2 )
sin α
⎢ 2π ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ RH ⎥
1 ⎢ −gε sin α cos α 2
− ⎥
=− 2 ⎢ g ε cos α (ε 1 ε 2 ) cos α ⎥,
H ⎢ 2π ⎥
R + ⎢ ⎥
2π ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣ RH RH H ⎦
−(ε1 − ε2 ) sin α (ε1 − ε2 ) cos α ε1 + ε2 R 2
2π 2π 2π
156 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
g ε = ε1 R 2 + ε2 . (6.87)
The backward tensor transformation (6.68) with the matrix H defined via
the cylindrical coordinates
⎡ ⎤
−R sin α 0
∂xi ∂ρ
H= = = ⎣ R cos α 0 ⎦ (6.88)
∂ξ j ∂ξ
0 1
if Φ < 0 then the contact point is inside the elastic domain and T =
Tel is an elastic force,
• if Φ = 0 then the contact point is sliding and T = Tsl is a sliding
d) The power of the sliding forces , described by the energy dissipation
function D achieves its maximum:
D := ξ˙sl
Tisl = vsl · Tsl , D −→ max . (6.94)
For the convenient application of standard methods of convex analysis [119],
[19], [45] we transform the problem (6.94) into a minimization problem
Dmin := −ξ˙sl
Tisl = −vsl · Tsl , Dmin −→ min . (6.95)
Δξ = Δξ el + Δξ sl , (6.96)
where both vectors are defined in the surface metrics, namely,
Δξ := Δξ i ρi = (ξ(n+1)
− ξ(n)
)ρi . (6.97)
iii) In order to decide whether the trial force Ttr is a sliding force Tsl or a
sticking force Tst the yield condition is checked in each load step:
Φtr : = Ttr (n+1) · F (n+1) − |N(n+1) |
(n+1) Ttr
= f ij Titr(n+1) Tjtr(n+1) − |N(n+1) |, (6.99)
• If Φtr < 0 then the trial force is a real sticking force T = Ttr .
• If Φtr ≥ 0 then the sliding force must be obtained via the maximum
of the energy dissipation function given in the incremental form.
iv) The incremental analog of the continuous formulation eqn. (6.95) is then:
(n+1) (n+1)
Dmin := −Δξ sl · Tsl
(n+1) = −Δξsl Ti (n+1) ,
i sl
Dmin −→ min . (6.100)
L −→ min, (6.101)
where the complementary Kuhn-Tucker conditions (see [119], [19]) are given
Φ := Ttr (n+1) · F(n+1) T(n+1) −|N(n+1) | ≤ 0, λ ≥ 0, λΦ(n+1) = 0. (6.102)
as well as a derivative of the trial force at load step (n + 1), computed via
the chain rule, see eqns. (6.98) and (6.96):
= −B(n+1) . (6.104)
∂Δξ sl
160 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
Exploiting the chain rule and using eqns. (6.103), (6.104), we obtain:
∂Φ ∂Ttr FTtr
Tsl = λ = −λB √ . (6.107)
∂T ∂Δξ sl
Ttr · FTtr
For the current sliding case, i.e. when λ > 0, we have to satisfy the Kuhn-
Tucker condition
√ Φ = 0, in order to define λ, i.e. substitute T in the yield
function Φ = T · FT − |N |. This leads to the following equation for λ:
sl sl
Ttr · FTtr
λ = |N | , (6.108)
BFTtr · FBFTtr
where the positive λ is taken due to the second Kuhn-Tacker condition in
eqn. (6.102). Thus, the sliding force Tsl in eqn. (6.107) is defined as
Tsl = − √ |N |. (6.109)
BFTtr · FBFTtr
We now introduce an auxiliary vector
T̂ = BFTtr (6.110)
to compute the sliding force Tsl . The covariant components of the auxiliary
vector are defined via various components of the tensor B and F as:
T̂i = bij f jk Tktr = bij fln ajl akn Tktr = bji fjk Tktr . (6.111)
Then the covariant components of the sliding vector (6.109) can be computed
6.3 Statement via the Principle of Maximum Dissipation 161
T̂ T̂i
Tsl = − =⇒ Tisl = − (6.112)
T̂ · FT̂ T̂k T̂l f kl
The isotropic case is recovered from eqn. (6.109) by taking B = −T E and
F = E/μ2 to
Tsl = μ|N | √ = μ|N |. (6.113)
Ttr · Ttr
T = 0, N = 0 =⇒ ξ = ξ(0) , ξ sl
(0) = 0 for ξ ≤ 0.
The conditions are formulated for all points which are in contact at the
initial configuration, i.e. for all points satisfying ξ 3 ≤ 0. The vector ξ(0) is
obtained via a projection procedure, and defines the center of the ellipse for
the adhesion domain, see Fig. 6.4. The additional initialization of the sliding
displacement and the update procedure will be discussed after the geometrical
interpretation of the solution process.
defined via the strict fulfillment of the Kuhn-Tucker condition Φ(2) = 0 for
the elastic part ξ el
(2) :
Φ(2) = Φ(2) (ξ, ξ sl ) =
(2) − ξ (1) )) · F
(2) (ξ el − ξ
(T(1) + B(2) (ξ el (1) )) − |N |, (6.117)
(2) (T
(1) + B (2)
where the full displacement vector ξ (2) after the converged second load step
can be decomposed as:
ξ (2) = ξ el
(2) + ξ (2) .
The consistency condition (see [119], [19]) for the constraint function Φ(2)
leads to an additional equation allowing to determine the direction of the
sliding displacement:
∂Φ dξ(2) ∂Φ dξ (2)
Φ̇ = · + sl · = 0. (6.119)
∂ξ(2) dt ∂ξ(2) dt
dξ sl
(2) dξ (2)
= . (6.121)
dt dt
ξ sl
(2) = λe. (6.123)
The parameter λ defining the length of the vector is obtained from the Kuhn-
Tucker condition for the function Φ(2) in eqn. (6.117). This leads to the
following algebraic equation:
λ2 B(2) e · F(2) B(2) e − 2λ B(2) e · F(2) T(2) +
+T(2) · F(2) T(2) − N 2 = 0, (6.124)
6.3 Statement via the Principle of Maximum Dissipation 163
where the positive root λ > 0, minimizing globally the function in eqn. (6.100),
should be taken.
(n+1) = T(n) + B
(ξ (n+1) − ξ (n) ), (6.125)
where ξ (n) is a displacement vector from the converged load step (n). For large
displacement problems the elastic part ξ el can be neglected leading to the
result that the update sliding vector ξsl
(n) is equal to the displacement vector
ξ (n) in the last converged load step. Computations show that the scheme in
eqn. (6.125) is robust and requires only T(n) and ξ (n) as history variables.
where ξ(0) is a center of the elliptical adhesion domain, for which a geomet-
rical interpretation is given later.
For the case with constant tensors the update algorithm in Sect. 6.3.4 leads
to the exact definition of the sliding displacement as:
164 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
ξ − ξ(0)
Δξ sl = ξ − ξ(0) − |N | (6.127)
(ξ − ξ (0) ) · BFB(ξ − ξ (0) ),
where ξ is the full displacement vector after the converged load step. A geo-
metrical interpretation of this scheme is discussed in the next section.
describing a central ellipse inclined with angle β in the force plane T1tr , T2tr
with the main axes μi N .
6.3 Statement via the Principle of Maximum Dissipation 165
Δξ = ξ(n+1) − ξ (0)
describing an ellipse inclined by the matrix Qα Qα QTβ . The ellipse center is
shifted by the distance ξ(0) on the tangent plane ξ 1 , ξ 2 , see Fig. 6.4. The
lengths of the main axes of the ellipse are a resp. b = μi N/εi . The inclination
angle becomes φ = 2α − β, which is verified from the matrix:
T cos(2α − β) − sin(2α − β)
Qα Qα Qβ = (6.134)
sin(2α − β) cos(2α − β)
In the numerical examples, we will also investigate a case with nonlinear or-
thotropy with ε1 = 0. In this limit case with lim a = ∞ the ellipse degenerates
μ2 N
into an infinite strip of width 2b = 2 , see Fig. 6.4. The properties inside
the strip defined by eqn. (6.126) are elastic, but the motion along the strip
causes the corresponding elastic force to be zero Ta = 0.
μ 2N
0000 it d
o 0
b= ε 2
il m ε 1=
μ1 N
sticking a= 000
O φ
ξ (0)
μ 2 Ν2
1 0
1 μ1 Ν1
1 1
O(0) 0
1 A ε1 O(k)
1 B ξ
0 1
0 0
1 00
11 01
1 0
1 0
1 00
c 0
ξ (0) 0
1 ξ (k) 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
ξ (0) ξ sl(k)1
1 0
0000000000000 0
Δξ 0
1 0
Vector ξ c(k) defines the update scheme for the sliding displacements and al-
lows to describe the shift of the ellipse center. The incremental evolution
equation (6.126) is corrected then in accordance to this update scheme as
6.3 Statement via the Principle of Maximum Dissipation 167
Now a particular case is considered, when the orthotropy axes coincide with
the Cartesian coordinate axes (i.e. Qα = Qβ = E) and a contact point being
at the position A during the load step (k) moved to the position B during
the load step (k + 1) along the ξ 1 axis with the distance Δξ, see Fig. 6.5.
In this case, the trial force is obtained as T1tr = −ε1 Δξ, and the following
sliding displacement Δξ sl in eqn. (6.127) becomes then
Δξμ1 T1tr
Δξ sl = Δξ − |N | = (−|T1tr | + μ1 |N |). (6.137)
(Δξε1 )2 ε1 |T1tr |
From Fig. 6.5 it becomes obvious that the sliding displacement Δξ sl is updat-
ing the position of the ellipse center O. The last result (6.137) can already be
found for the isotropic case in Wriggers and Krstulovic-Opara [192] and [102].
In addition, the analogy between the geometrical interpretations of friction
and plasticity with kinematical hardening, as described in Simo and Hughes
[161] becomes obvious.
Δ xel
ε1 μ1
F γ Δ x sl
Δ x el Δ x sl
2 v
X A ϕ
ξ −T1 F
α X
Fig. 6.7 Motion of material point A on an orthotropic plane loaded by force F.
The equilibrium equations for the system in Fig. 6.7 are given as:
⎧ 1
⎨ X : F + T1 = 0;
X 2 : T2 = 0; , (6.139)
⎩ 3
X : −P + N = 0.
The sticking and the sliding conditions are defined by the rule:
F = Qα ΛF QTα = (6.143)
⎡ 1 ⎤
0 T
cos α − sin α ⎢ μ1 2 ⎥ cos α − sin α
= ·⎣ ·
1 ⎦ sin α cos α
sin α cos α 0 2
⎡ 1 1 1 1 ⎤
cos2 α + 2 sin2 α ( 2 − 2 ) sin α cos α
⎢ μ12 μ2 μ1 μ2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
=⎢ ⎥,
⎣ 1 1 1 1 ⎦
( 2 − 2 ) sin α cos α 2 sin α + 2 cos α
2 2
μ1 μ2 μ1 μ2
where μi > 0 are friction coefficients along the axis ξ i inclined at angle α.
The standard method of the convex analysis is applied to obtain the sliding
forces with regard to the principle of maximum dissipation (6.140). Thus, the
Lagrange function with the multiplier λ is specified as
L := −Ψ + λΦ = −Δxisl Ti + λ Ti Tj f ij − |N | (6.144)
λ ≥ 0, λΦ = 0. (6.145)
The optimality conditions = 0 lead to the following sliding displacement
∂T i
Tj f ij
Δxisl = λ . (6.146)
Tk Tl f kl
These equations recover the trajectory of a block as a straight line declined
by angle ϕ, which is confirmed by experiments.
Now, taking into account the second equilibrium equation (6.139) tan ϕ
can be determined:
T1 f 11
Δx1 = λ ,⎪
Tk Tl f kl Δx2 f 12
=⇒ tan ϕ = = 11 , (6.147)
T1 f 12
⎪ Δx 1 f
Δx = λ ,⎭
Tk Tl f kl
6.4 Analysis of Various Anisotropic Friction Models 171
(μ22 − μ21 )
tan ϕ = tan α. (6.148)
μ22 + μ21 tan2 α
Δx2 a21
tan ϕ = 1
=− . (6.151)
Δx a22
leading together with the condition (6.151) to the observed sliding angle ϕ
defined as
a21 (λ2 − λ2 ) sin α cos α (λ21 − λ22 ) tan α
tan ϕ = − = − 21 2 2 = − . (6.153)
a22 λ1 sin α + λ22 cos2 α λ21 tan2 α + λ22
172 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
B = Qα ΛB QTα = (6.158)
cos α − sin α −ε1 0 cos α − sin α
= · · =
sin α cos α 0 −ε2 sin α cos α
ε cos2 α + ε2 sin2 α (ε1 − ε2 ) sin α cos α
= 1 ,
(ε1 − ε2 ) sin α cos α ε1 sin2 α + ε2 cos2 α
Remark 6.11. The trajectory of a block is a straight line inclined by the angle
ϕ. Moreover, the observed inclination angle ϕ does not depend on particular
values of λ1 , λ2 , but only on its ratio λ1 /λ2 .
T1 = 0
T2 + F = 0. (6.159)
The limit of the ratio of the displacement increments when Δu goes to zero
leads to the exact definition of the derivative:
Δv BFB11
lim = y = − . (6.162)
Δu→0 Δu BFB12
Now, we specify the particular case with an isotropic friction tensor F = E/μ2
and εϕ = 0 in the adhesion tensor B in eqn. (11.16) leading to
εr x xy
B=− 2 . (6.163)
x + y 2 xy y 2
Inserting the corresponding components from eqn. (6.163) into eqn. (6.162)
we obtain an ordinary differential equation (ODE) describing a family of
curves (trajectory of the ODE):
y = − . (6.164)
The integration of this differential equation leads to
y 2 + x2 = const, (6.165)
Fig. 6.8 Normal force N is acting along the vector of the shortest distance between
the curves e1 .
0 if p > 0 no contact
N= (6.179)
εN (r − (R1 (ϕ1 ) + R2 (ϕ2 )) if p ≤ 0 contact.
0 if ϕ ∈
/ [ϕ0 , ϕ1 ] no contact
N= (6.180)
−εN r if ϕ0 ≤ ϕ ≤ ϕ1 and p = r ≤ 0 contact.
Here, the normal force is acting along the common normal e1 , see Fig. 6.9,
and is defined in proportion to the distance r (representing the penetration
into the edge) if the corresponding vector e1 is laying inside the sector defined
in plane ν 1 , β1 via the angles ϕ0 and ϕ1 . As in the previous case εN is defining
a penalty parameter, or a stiffness for the normal interaction.
178 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
−Rϕ g 1 r e1 ϕi
ϕf ν1 g1
s (ξ 1) β1
−M 1
−T 1 τ 1
−N e 1
Z ρ1
Fig. 6.9 Contact tractions in the spatial coordinate system. Edge-to-Edge contact
Fig. 6.10 Tangential force TI is acting along the corresponding tangent vector τ I
for the I th -curve.
Applying then the return-mapping scheme to eqn. (6.181) we can get a trial
tangential force as
(trial) (trial,n+1) (n) (n+1) (n)
ΔT1 = −ε1 Δs1 =⇒ T1 = T1 − ε1 (s1 − s1 ), (6.182)
(n) (n)
T 1 , s1 – tangential force (resp. arc-length coordinate)
for the previous converged load step;
(trial,n+1) (n+1)
T1 , s1 – tangential force (resp. arc-length coordinate)
in the current iteration.
180 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
Fig. 6.11 Moment M represents the rotation along the τ axis and represents the
forces acting in the circumferential direction.
(trial,n+1) (trial,n+1)
T1 if |T1 | < μ1 |N1 | sticking.
T1 = (sl,n+1) (trial,n+1) (trial,n+1)
T1 = μ1 |N1 |sign(T1 ) if |T1 | ≥ μ1 |N1 | sliding.
All equations (6.181), (6.182), (6.183) are, of course, symmetric concerning
the choice of the curves 1 ↔ 2.
This definition is again symmetric with regard to the choice of the curves 1 ↔
2. One of the simplest way to define the constitutive relation M1 is by using
an analogy to the Tresca friction law, but now defined for the angular variable
ϕ1 . We can specify the following relation for rotational friction between curves
in rate form:
⎨ −ε1 ϕ̇1
if |M1 | < M cr rotational sticking along 2nd curve.
Ṁ1 = M ϕ̇1
⎩ −μ1 if |M1 | ≥ μM1 M
rotational sliding along 2nd curve.
|ϕ̇1 |
1 – is a rotational stiffness for the first curve;
μM1 – is a coefficient of rotational friction for the first curve;
M cr – is a critical given value for the rotational moment after which the curve
begins to rotate. The simplicity of this law is emphasized by the independence
of the critical moment M cr on any other parameters, e.g. a normal contact
force. Applying then the return-mapping scheme to eqn. (6.184) we can get
a trial rotational moment as
(trial) (trial,n+1) (n) (n+1) (n)
ΔM1 = −εM
1 Δϕ1 =⇒ M1 = M1 − εM
1 (ϕ1 − ϕ1 ),
similar to the scheme (6.182). The return-mapping step is constructed fully
similar to (6.183)
(trial,n+1) (trial,n+1)
M1 if |M1 | < M cr sticking;
M1= (sl,n+1) (trial,n+1) (trial,n+1)
M1 M
= μ1 sign(M1 ) if |M1 | ≥ M cr sliding.
Remark 6.13. Full sticking will require the enforcement of both tangential
sticking and rotational sticking.
dR dRi ri
= = ∇j Ri ξ˙j ri , (6.187)
dt dt
where the components in the coordinate system r1 , r2 , r3 are defined as fol-
∇j Ri = + Rk Γjki
, (6.188)
∂ξ j
182 6 Contact Constraints and Constitutive Equations for Contact Tractions
Remark 6.14. Since the rate forms given in the definition of constitutive laws,
see eqns. (6.181) and (6.184) are coinciding with derivatives of the correspond-
ing trial forces in eqns. (6.182) and (6.185) for the return-mapping scheme in
eqns. (6.183) and (6.186) we can directly use the vector form in eqn. (6.189)
for the forthcoming linearization.
RC = NS n + T i ρi , (6.191)
6.9 Curve-To-Rigid Surface Contact – Transformation of the Contact Forces 183
Fig. 6.12 Coordinate systems used for the Curve-To-Rigid Surface (CTRS) Con-
tact: the Gaussian surface and the Serret-Frenet curve coordinate systems.
RC + RS = 0
RC = NS n + T i ρi
RS = N e + T τ + Bg (6.193)
• pulling force
T = −T i (ρi · τ ) (6.195)
• dragging force
B = −T i (ρi · g) (6.196)
The full Newton iterative method will be applied to solve the global equilib-
rium equations on the stage of the numerical solution. This requires the full
linearization of the corresponding weak forms representing the equilibrium
conditions on the contact boundaries described in Chapter 5 for all contact
cases. Linearization is obtained using the covariant derivatives in the corre-
sponding local surface coordinate system, where derivatives of contact trac-
tions are taken in covariant forms as described in Chapter 6 and derivatives of
corresponding convective coordinates are described in Chapter 4. Linearized
weak forms are the basis to create tangent matrices in the form independent
of any approximations of the object (surfaces, curves, beams etc.). All tan-
gent matrices are formulated then via the abstract approximation operator
A. The matrices are split into several parts and possessing a clear geometri-
cal structure for all studied geometrical contact cases – Surface-To-Surface,
Point-To-Curve, Curve-To-Curve including also various constitutive relations
for contact tractions.
The idea behind the consistent linearization for a Newton type solution pro-
cess within the geometrically exact theory is to exploit the full material time
derivative in the form of the covariant derivative in the spatial coordinate
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 185–207. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
186 7 Linearization of the Weak Forms – Tangent Matrices in a Covariant Form
system, together with the evolution equations for the contact normal and
tangential frictional forces. We introduce the linearization operator L acting
on the weak form as follows:
# # #
L[δWc ] = L ai δbi ds = L[ai δbi ]ds + ai δbi L[ds] (7.2)
s s s
where ai δbi is the scalar product describing the virtual work of corresponding
contact tractions.
Remark 7.1. The integral in eqn. (7.2) describing the global virtual work of
contact tractions is computed over the “slave” surface ds, which is defined by
a set of “slave” points after fulfillment of the Closest Point Projection (CPP)
procedure. Each parameter ai , bi in the contact integral is considered in the
spatial local coordinate system of the “master” surface, (i.e. as a function of
the convective coordinates ξ i ), therefore, linearization of the “slave” surface
element ds will not be included in the process. Thus ds is assumed to remain
constant within the linearization and L[ds] = 0. In other words, we are
studying how the projection of the slave point is moving on the slave surface
and this process is reflected by the linearization. Further it must be noted that
the use of different quadrature schemes for the computation of the contact
integral may lead to different contact elements.
and the linearization operator for the covariant component ai has the form
∂ ∂ai ∂ai
L(ai ) ≡ + ξ˙j ∇j (ai ) = + − Γ k ˙j
ij i ξ .
a (7.4)
∂t ∂t ∂ξ j
It is obvious that the Christoffel symbols disappear in the final result after
the linearization of the scalar, i.e. the full time derivative of the scalar is the
covariant derivative of the scalar
∂ai ∂ai ∂b ∂b
L(ai b ) = + − Γij ai ξ̇ b +
k j i
+ + Γkj b ξ̇ j ai
i k
∂t ∂ξ j ∂t ∂ξ j
∂ai ∂ai ˙j i ∂b ∂bi ˙j dbi dai
= + jξ b + + j ξ ai = ai + bi (7.5)
∂t ∂ξ ∂t ∂ξ dt dt
Combining the rule obtained in eqn. (7.5) and Remark 7.1, the following
linearization rule of the weak form is achieved from eqn. (7.2)
7.1 Linearization of the Weak Form for the Surface-To-Surface Contact 187
dai dδbi
L[δWc ] = δbi + ai ds. (7.6)
s dt dt
The general rule in eqn. (7.6) gives then a rule for the linearization of the
tangential part δWcT in eqn. (7.1) as
# #
dTi i dδξ i
L[δWcT ] = L Ti δξ i ds = δξ + Ti ds. (7.7)
s s dt dt
Equation (6.8) for the rate of the normal traction Ṅ in the case of the penalty
regularization and equation (4.70) for the linearization of δξ 3 are used di-
L(δWcN ) =
= N H(−ξ 3 )(δrs − δρ) · (n ⊗ n)(vs − v)ds (7.9a)
− N δρ,j · aij (n ⊗ ρi )(vs − v) + (δrs − δρ) · aij (ρj ⊗ n)v,i ds (7.9b)
s !
− N (δrs − δρ) · hij (ρi ⊗ ρj )(vs − v)ds . (7.9c)
The full contact tangent matrix is subdivided into the main part eqn. (7.9a),
the “rotational” part (7.9b) and the “curvature” part (7.9c). The last two
terms are highly depending on the value of the penetration ξ 3 , because of
the relation N = N ξ 3 . The “rotational” part contains derivatives of δρ and
v with respect to the convective coordinates ξ j and, therefore, represents
the rotation of a contact surface during the incremental solution procedure.
The “curvature” part contains components of the curvature tensor hij and,
therefore, represents the change of the curvature of the master surface.
188 7 Linearization of the Weak Forms – Tangent Matrices in a Covariant Form
where [Km
N ] is the corresponding main part of the tangent matrix.
7.1 Linearization of the Weak Form for the Surface-To-Surface Contact 189
The rotational part is transformed using the operator A,i in eqn. (7.12).
Here the part LrN from eqn. (7.9b) is taken
$ %
LN = − N δρ,j · aij (n ⊗ ρi )(vs − v) + (δrs − δρ) · aij (ρj ⊗ n)v,i ds
$ %
= δx · N AT,j aij (n ⊗ ρi )A + AT aij (ρj ⊗ n)A,i dsv (7.14)
= δx · [KrN ]v
The curvature part from eqn. (7.9c) is transformed using the operator A as
LcN = − N (δrs − δρ) · hij (ρi ⊗ ρj )(vs − v)ds
# s
$ %
= N AT hij (ρi ⊗ ρj )A dsv (7.15)
= δx · [KcN ]v
The matrix is obviously symmetric. The symmetry of the main part (7.17)
and the curvature part (7.19) are straightforwardly observed. The symmetry
of the rotational part (7.18) follows as a sum of transposed matrices K2 =
KT1 .
Remark 7.3. Non-frictional contact problems are solved with the help of the
tangent matrix defined in eqn. (7.16) only.
∂DA(0, ξ i , η i )
δρ,i = δx + ... = DA,i δx + ... (7.22)
∂ξ i
Thus, in the case of nonlinear approximations for contact boundaries all
parts of tangent matrices are computed following the pattern presented
in eqns. (7.13), (7.14) taking into account the linearized operator DA in
eqn. (7.21) and its derivative DA,i in eqn. (7.22). It leads formally to the
substitution of A with DA and respectively of A,i with DA,i .
dTi dδξ i
L(δWcT ) = δξ i + Ti (7.23)
s dt dt
# - .
= ˙j k ˙
(−T aij + Γij Tk )ξ − hi Tk ξ δξ i ds
k 3
s !
− Ti (δrs − δρ ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v)
+hij (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v)+
+ hin ξ̇ 3 δξ n − Γkj
i j
ξ̇ δξ k ds.
The underlined terms are vanishing. Using the tensor notation and the equa-
tion for convective velocities (4.36) for the main part aij ξ˙j δξ i , we obtain the
following form for the tangential tangent matrix in the case of sticking.
L(δWcT ) =
−εT (δrs − δρ)aij ρi ⊗ ρj (vs − v)ds (7.24a)
− Ti (δrs − δρ) ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds
+ Ti hij (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v)ds. (7.24c)
As we have a conservative problem for the sticking case it is obvious that the
symmetric form is correct.
Similar to the normal tangent matrix, the tangential tangent matrix can
be subdivided into a main (7.24a), a rotational (7.24b) and a pure curvature
part (7.24c).
Remark 7.4. The artificial non-symmetry of the tangent matrix for the stick
condition, based on the evolution equation (6.13) was mentioned by Laursen
and Simo in [109], [106] and [104]. As an appropriate alternative within a
solution scheme, a symmetrization based on a split technique with the Aug-
mented Lagrangian method was proposed by Laursen in [162]. Wriggers [190],
suggested to use the consistent linearization of the sticking conditions in the
form rs − ρ2 directly, which then leads to the correct symmetric matrix.
Here, it becomes obvious, that it is particularly important to use the evolution
equation in the form of the covariant derivatives (see eqn. (6.19)) together
with the linearization of the metric components aij as 3D metric compo-
nents gij (see eqn. 4.11). This allows to avoid the artificial non-symmetry
and obtain the correct symmetric tangent matrix for sticking.
192 7 Linearization of the Weak Forms – Tangent Matrices in a Covariant Form
Remark 7.5. The non-symmetry of the tangent matrix even for conservative
problems due to the usage of the directional derivative formula (Frechet
derivative) in Cartesian coordinate system and recovery of the symmetry
by the usage of the covariant derivative was also discussed by Simo in [160].
we will use the following formula, see e.g. Simo and Hughes [161]
de 1
= [I − e ⊗ e] (7.30)
dT T
7.1 Linearization of the Weak Form for the Surface-To-Surface Contact 193
Here the full time derivative of the tangential traction is given by the evo-
lution equation (6.19). The tensor operations are considered on the tangent
[I − e ⊗ e] =
Tk Tl aik ajl
= aij ρi ⊗ ρj − ρ ⊗ ρ (−T amn + Γmn r
Tr )ξ˙n − hrm Tr ξ˙3 ρm =
T 2 i j
= −T ξ˙i + aik Tl Γkj ξ − hkj aij Tk ξ˙3 ρi +
l ˙j
Tk Tl aik
˙3 ρ .
+ T ξ̇ l − ajl Tm Γjn
m n
ξ̇ + ajl Tm hm
j ξ (7.32b)
T 2 i
dN (n+1) d
= (N |ξ 3 |) = −N ξ˙3 , (7.33)
dt dt
where the minus sign is a result from the conditions that the contact integral
is computed only if ξ 3 < 0. Summarizing, we get:
L(δWcT ) =
# -
N μξ˙3 Ti δξ i T μ|N |aij ξ˙i δξ j
− − (7.34a)
s T T
μ|N |Ti $
− (δrs − δρ) ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v)
+hij (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v)+ (7.34e)
194 7 Linearization of the Weak Forms – Tangent Matrices in a Covariant Form
+hin ξ̇ 3 δξ n − Γkj
i j
ξ̇ δξ k ds (7.34f)
The sum of the parts (7.34b) and (7.34f) is zero. After some tensor algebra
the other parts can be grouped into the following form:
L(δWcT ) =
N μTi aij
− (δrs − δρ) ρj ⊗ n(vs − v) ds (7.35a)
s T
T μ|N |aij
− (δrs − δρ) ρi ⊗ ρj (vs − v) ds (7.35b)
s T
T μ|N |Ti Tj aik ajl
+ (δrs − δρ) ρ ⊗ ρ (vs − v) ds (7.35c)
s T3 k l
μ|N |Ti
− (δrs − δρ) ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds
s T
μ|N |Ti ij
+ h (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v) ds (7.35e)
s T
μ|N |Ts Tl δξ s jl m ˙n
+ −a T m Γ ξ + a jl
T m h m 3
ξ̇ ds. (7.35f)
s T3 jn j
Remark 7.6. One can find from comparison with Peric and Owen [140], that
they have considered a tangent matrix which is represented by the the main
parts of the full tangent matrix.
The integral is computed over the slave surface l, while all functions are
defined on the master surface. Thus, a linearization of dl is not necessary
within the process:
D(δWcN ) =
dN dδζ
δζ + N dl =
l dt dt
then the application of eqn. (6.168) and eqn. (4.132) leads to
= H(−ζ)N (δrs − δρ) · (ν ⊗ ν)(vs − v)dl− (7.37a)
− H(−ζ)N ζ δτ · (ν ⊗ τ )(vs − v) + (δrs − δρ) · (τ ⊗ ν) dl−
l ∂t
− H(−ζ)N ζκ(δrs − δρ) · (τ ⊗ τ )(vs − v)dl. (7.37c)
Remark 7.7. The contact matrix obtained via eqn. (7.37) is computed only
for the case ζ < 0. This fact is emphasized by the presence of the Heaviside
function H(−ζ).
Sticking Case
In this case, the tangential force T has to be computed from the solution of
the evolution equation eqn. (6.171), e.g. via the backward Euler scheme. The
simplest case with linear approximations will be presented in the following
section concerning the finite element implementation.
Sticking is fulfilled according to Coulomb’s friction law, i.e. the inequality
T ≤ μ|N | has to be valid in each load step. The linearized contact integral
has then the following form:
dT dδξ
Dv (δWcT ) = δξ + T dl =
l dt dt
− (δrs − δρ) · ρξ ⊗ ρξ (vs − v)dl (7.39a)
l (ρ ξ · ρξ )
T $ %
− (δrs − δρ) · ρξ ⊗ ρξ vξ + δρξ · ρξ ⊗ ρξ (vs − v) dl (7.39b)
l (ρ ξ · ρ ξ )2
T h11
+ (δrs − δρ) · ρξ ⊗ ν + ν ⊗ ρξ (vs − v)dl. (7.39c)
l (ρ ξ · ρ ξ )2
Sliding Case
If sliding is detected, i.e. if T > μ|N |, then the sliding force is computed
according to Coulomb’s friction law. We also keep a covariant form:
T sl = μ|N | = μ|N | ρξ sgn(Ttr ), (7.40)
ρξ = (ρξ · ρξ )1/2 = a11 .
7.3 Linearization – Case of Coupled Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction 197
Dv (δWcT ) =
N μ sgn(Ttr )
− (δrs − δρ) · (ρξ ⊗ ν)(vs − v)dl (7.41a)
l (ρξ · ρξ )1/2
μ|N | sgn(Ttr )
− (δrs − δρ) · ρξ ⊗ ρξ vξ + δρξ · ρξ ⊗ ρξ (vs − v) dl
l (ρξ · ρξ )3/2
μh11 |N | sgn(Ttr )
+ (δrs − δρ) · 2ρξ ⊗ ν + ν ⊗ ρξ (vs − v)dl. (7.41c)
l (ρξ · ρξ )3/2
The non-symmetric part eqn. (7.41c) now is resulting from the last term of
the evolution equation (6.171).
Remark 7.8. The derivations for the two dimensional case allow to describe
all parts of the tangent matrix and to find all cases, when some of them
become zero. The main parts, eqns. (7.39a) and (7.41a), the so-called con-
stitutive parts, contain a penalty parameter and describe the stiffness of the
contact interaction due to the chosen interface model. This is based on an
allowable elastic deformation due to the regularization in the case of sticking
resp. due to the applied sliding force μ|N | in the tangential direction in the
case of sliding. The rotational parts eqns. (7.39b) and (7.41b), contain a met-
ric coefficient a11 = (ρξ ·ρξ ) and a vector ρξ . A metric coefficient is a measure
of the tensile deformation of the contact master line, e.g. a component of the
Cauchy-Green tensor for the contact line can be written as ε11 = (a11 − 1)/2.
The vector ρξ is a measure of the rotation of the master segment, which
becomes obvious if the length is chosen as a coordinate s = ξ. In this case
we find δρξ = δτ and vξ = ∂∂tτ . The vector τ is a unit vector, therefore the
vectors δτ and ∂∂tτ are describing the rotation of the unit vector τ (see Fig.
4.4). It is identical to zero only in the case of parallel motions. Thus, the rota-
tional part is obviously negligible in the case of small deformations and small
rotations of the master line. The curvature parts eqns. (7.39c) and (7.41c)
describe the stiffness of the contact interaction due to the curvature of the
contact surface. If the surface has zero curvature or is approximated by linear
elements, then the curvature part becomes zero.
In this case, the real tractions are identical to the trial ones Ti = Titr ,
therefore, the linearized traction terms are obtained from the evolution equa-
tion in (7.43) directly. For the convective velocities δξ i , the linearized equa-
tions (4.81a, 4.81b, 4.81c) can be used.
dTi i dδξ i
L(δWc ) =
δξ + Ti ds = (7.45)
s dt dt
= (δrs − δρ) · B(vs − v)ds− (7.46a)
− Ti (δrs − δρ) · ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j · aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds,
7.3 Linearization – Case of Coupled Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction 199
+ Ti hij (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v)ds. (7.46c)
or component-wise
= (δrs − δρ) · bij ρi ⊗ ρj (vs − v)ds− (7.47a)
− Ti (δrs − δρ) · ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j · aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds.
+ Ti hij (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v)ds. (7.47c)
The matrices included in this integral obviously preserve symmetry.
BFTtr T̂|N |
Tsl = − √ |N | = − , (7.48)
tr tr Ψ
or component-wise as
bij f jk Tktr
Tisl = − (7.49)
bij blm f jk f il f mn Tktr Tntr
T̂ = BFTtr , (7.50)
or component-wise as
T̂i = bij f jk Tktr = bij fln ajl akn Tktr = bji fjk Tktr . (7.51)
and a function Ψ as
Ψ := BFTtr · FBFTtr = T̂tr · FT̂tr . (7.52)
The derivative of the sliding force Tsl is computed according to the chain
rule as:
200 7 Linearization of the Weak Forms – Tangent Matrices in a Covariant Form
- . - .
dTsl d T̂|N | d|N | T̂ |N | dT̂ |N |T̂ ∂Ψ dT̂
= − =− + − ·
dt dt Ψ dt Ψ Ψ dt Ψ 2 ∂ T̂ dt
- 1 /.
d|N | T̂ |N | dT̂ FT̂ dT̂
=− + − T̂ 2 · (7.53)
dt Ψ Ψ dt Ψ dt
The evolution equation (6.8) for the normal traction N is used for the lin-
earization of |N |. The auxiliary force T̂ defined in eqn. (7.50) is linearized
according to the chain rule
dT̂ ∂ T̂ dTtr
= = BFB(vs − v), (7.54)
dt ∂Ttr dt
where for the linearization of the trial traction Ttr the evolution equation
(7.42) is used directly. It is an interesting fact that due to the tensor rep-
resentation the linearization is valid even in the case of arbitrarily varying
surface tensors B and F. Eqn. (7.53) is then transformed into
1 /
dTsl T̂ BFB T̂ ⊗ (BFB) T
= N ξ̇ 3 − |N | − (vs − v). (7.55)
dt Ψ Ψ Ψ3
Eqn. (7.55) is used for the further linearization. After some transformations
the following expression in components is obtained for the tangential part of
the contact integral
dTi i dδξ i
Dv (δWcT ) = δξ + Ti ds = (7.56)
s dt dt
# - .
N T̂i aij
= (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n(vs − v) ds (7.58a)
s Ψ
# - .
|N | bki fji bjl
− (δrs − δρ) · ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds (7.58b)
s Ψ
# - j ml q
|N | bij fm b fi T̂q T̂n ank
+ (δrs − δρ) · ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds (7.58c)
s Ψ3
$ %
− Tisl (δrs − δρ) · ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j · aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds.
Here, the components of the sliding force Tisl are computed via eqn. (7.49),
and the components of the auxiliary vector T̂i via eqn. (7.51). It becomes obvi-
ous, that anisotropy leads to the loss of symmetry of part (7.57c) and (7.58c),
by looking at the non-diagonal components of T̂ ⊗ AT̂, where
A = (BFB)T F (7.59)
then we have
c12 = T̂1 A12 T̂1 + T̂1 A22 T̂2
C = T̂ ⊗ AT̂ =⇒ . (7.60)
c21 = T̂2 A11 T̂1 + T̂2 A21 T̂2
Symmetry in eqn. (7.60) is recovered only in the isotropic case, i.e. if Aij = δji .
δji T
In the case of isotropy we have fji = 2 and bij = −T δji leading to Ψ = 3
μ μ
T tr
and T̂ = − 2 T .
Summarizing we obtain, that the tangent matrix in eqn. (7.56) consists
of the standard constitutive non-symmetric part (7.57a), a constitutive sym-
metric part (7.57b), and a constitutive non-symmetric part (7.57c), which is
symmetric only in the isotropic case, and, finally, the standard symmetric
rotational part (7.57d).
Remark 7.9. For a consistent linearization of the sliding part we adopt the
assumption that all terms describing the curvature properties of the mas-
ter surface, i.e. including the second derivatives with respect to convective
coordinates, can be neglected based on the numerical investigations in [87]
and [88]. This allows to reduce the size of various expressions considerably.
However, one can easily recover all terms based on the full linearization of
δξ i in Section 4.1.8.
las in eqns. (7.57a, 7.57b, 7.57c, 7.57d). It obvious that variations within the
sequence of covariant and contravariant components are possible.
L(δWN ) = L(N δζ) = L(N ζδζ) = (δrs − δρ)N e ⊗ e(vs − v). (7.61)
– sliding
L(δWTslide ) = L(T δs) = (δrs − δρ)sign(Ttr )N τ ⊗ e(vs − v). (7.63)
= Sym{Ls,r,ϕ [R1 ] · (δρ1 − δρ2 )} + Sym{R1 · Ls,r,ϕ [(δρ1 − δρ2 )]}. (7.64)
7.5 Linearization of the Weak Form for Curve-To-Curve Contact 203
The second term contains derivatives of the variations and remains in the
same form for the sticking and sliding cases for the real force vector R1 .
This part represents a tangent matrix due to the geometrical nonlinearity of
contact interaction, while the first term in eqn. (7.64) represents a constitutive
relation for the contact force.
(1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )
+ rk1 sin ϕ1 (ṡ1 δϕ1 + ϕ̇1 δs1 )]
(1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )2 + (rκ1 )2
+N [k1 cos ϕ1 (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )ṡ1 δs1 − r(κ1 ṡ1 + ϕ̇1 )(κ1 δs1 + δϕ1 )] (7.65c)
- .
+ Rϕ1 +T [−k1 sin ϕ1 (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )ṡ1 δs1
(1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 )2 + (rκ1 )2
derive this form all pairs containing derivatives and variations of coordi-
nates in eqns. (7.66b), (7.66c) and (7.66d) are transformed using eqns. (4.193)
and (4.197). The following example for ṙδs1 is illustrating the simple trans-
formation procedure for two scalar products into a tensor product:
ṙδs1 = (v2 − v1t ) · e1 (δρ2 − δρ1 ) · τ 1 = (δρ2 − δρ1 ) · τ 1 ⊗ e1 (v2 − v1t ). (7.67)
+N k1 cos ϕ1 (τ 1 ⊗ τ 1 )+ (7.68c)
M1 e1 ⊗ g1 + g1 ⊗ e1
+ −k1 sin ϕ1 τ 1 ⊗ τ 1 + ] (v2 − v1t ) }. (7.68d)
r r
The term with κ1 is disappearing because of the following transformation
Remark 7.12. Obviously in a case of not equal stiffnesses for the spatial curve
ε1 = εM
1 the symmetry is destroyed. Due to the coupled kinematics for the
7.5 Linearization of the Weak Form for Curve-To-Curve Contact 205
spatial curve, see the velocity vector in eqn. (4.191), we are restricted to take
ε1 = εM1 , otherwise the sum of force rates along r1 and r2 will not be parallel
to the relative velocity vector along the curve. For the latter we can take then
1 = ε1 . (7.71)
Taking into account this remark after grouping eqns. (7.70a) and (7.70b) the
following form is obtained:
Inserting this into the first term of the linearized weak form in eqn. (7.64)
we obtain:
Sym Ls,r,ϕ −μ|N | √ · (δρ1 − δρ2 ) = (7.75)
μ|N |
= Sym Ls,r,ϕ √ r1 · (δρ2 − δρ1 ) + (7.76a)
μ|N |
+Sym √ Ls,r,ϕ [r1 ] · (δρ2 − δρ1 ) . (7.76b)
206 7 Linearization of the Weak Forms – Tangent Matrices in a Covariant Form
One can prove that the second term (eqn. (7.76b)) taking its value at r = 0
is transformed then as
Summing eqns. (7.77b) and (7.78) we obtain the simple value for the linearized
constitutive part in the case of tangential sliding
Sym Ls,r,ϕ −μ|N | √ · (δρ1 − δρ2 ) = −Sym{μ1εr ṙδs1 } = (7.79a)
or in tensor form
Ls,r,ϕ [δWM ] =
= Sym Ls,r,ϕ −μM 1 sign( ϕ̇1 ) g 1 · (δρ1 − δρ2 ) (7.81a)
1 sign(ϕ̇1 ) g 1 · L s,r,ϕ [(δρ 1 − δρ 2 )] (7.81b)
7.6 Linearization of the Weak Form for Curve-To-Rigid Surface Contact 207
The second term is representing the geometrically nonlinear part and can be
taken directly from eqn. (7.65d) for the sliding value of M1
1 sign(ϕ̇1 )
(2nd) = Sym{ [−k1 sin ϕ1 (1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 ) ṡ1 δs1
+(ṙδϕ1 + ϕ̇1 δr) + κ1 (ṡ1 δr + ṙδs1 )] }. (7.83)
The sum of the two terms is zero. Thus, the tangent matrix for a rotational
sliding due to the Tresca model is zero.
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 209–291. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
210 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
where x(i) , i = 1, 2, . . . n+1 are vectors for nodal points. Let N(k) (ξ 1 , ξ 2 ), k =
1, 2, ..., n be the shape functions for the master surface parametrization. We
then define the approximation matrix A(ξ 1 , ξ 2 ) with 3 × (n + 1) dimension
as follows
⎡ ⎤
N1 0 0 N2 0 0 ... N(n) 0 0 −1 0 0
A = ⎣ 0 N1 0 0 N2 0 ... 0 N(n) 0 0 −1 0 ⎦ . (8.2)
0 0 N1 0 0 N2 ... 0 0 N(n) 0 0 −1
11 M
η2 slave
S η1
00 11
11 00
11 L
K ξ3 n
ρ ξ2 11
E 2 ρ1 00
0 ξ1
00 11
11 master 00
Fig. 8.1 Segment-To-Segment (STS) contact approach
yslave ={y(1) , y(2) , . . . , y(m) }T (8.8)
(1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (m) (m) (m)
={y1 , y2 , y3 , y1 , y2 , y3 , ..., y1 , y2 , y3 }T .
The slave points are found on the slave segment after the selection of the
integration rule, and therefore, are computed as interpolation over the slave
nodal points y(k) , see eqn. (8.8):
rs (ηI1 , ηJ2 ) |(η1 =ηI1 , 2)
η 2 =ηJ = Mk (ηI1 , ηJ2 )y(k) , (8.11)
where ηI1 , ηJ2 are integration points. Their projections onto the master seg-
ment are computed then as
ρ(ξc1 , ξc2 ) = Nk (ξc1 , ξc2 )x(k) , (8.12)
where the coordinates ξc1 , ξc2 are found as the solution of the closest point
projection (CPP) procedure on the surface, see Sect. 3.1.1.
The relative displacement vector is approximated via the matrix A for the
full coordinate vector x = {xTmaster , yslave
ρ(ξc1 , ξc2 ) − rs (ηI1 , ηJ2 ) = A(ξc1 , ξc2 , ηI1 , ηJ2 )x, (8.13)
Since the differential operations for all parts of the tangent matrix, see e.g.
for non-frictional contact eqns. (7.9a), (7.9b), (7.9c) are defined only on the
master surface, the matrix of the shape function derivatives is computed only
for the ξ i derivatives as
8.1 FE Discretization – NTS, STS and STAS Contact Elements 213
N1,j 0 0 N2,j 0 0 ... N(n),j 0 0
∂A ⎣ 0 N1,j 0
= A,j = 0 N 2,j 0 ... 0 N (n),j 0
∂ξ j
0 0 N1,j 0 0 N2,j ... 0 0 N(n),j
0 0 0 ... 0 0 0
0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 ⎦ . (8.14)
0 0 0 ... 0 0 0
Based on the matrices defined in eqn. (8.10) and (8.14), the relative vectors
for the variation and for the velocity will have the same form as in eqns. (8.4)
and (8.6).
Remark 8.1. An integration rule should be specified by the user for the
“Segment-To-Segment” contact approach. It should be noted that the Lo-
batto quadrature formula (see e.g. [32] for the further discussion about nu-
merical integration) with only 2 × 2 integration points leads exactly to the
result of the “Node-To-Surface” element.
which is taken from the finite element discretization of the deformable body.
The approximation matrix A contains then only shape functions N(k) , k =
1, 2, . . . n:
⎡ ⎤
N1 0 0 N2 0 0 ... ... ... N(n) 0 0
A = ⎣ 0 N1 0 0 N2 0 ... ... ... 0 N(n) 0 ⎦ ; (8.16)
0 0 N1 0 0 N2 ... ... ... 0 0 N(n)
the matrix of the shape function derivatives A,j , j = 1, 2 has the following
⎡ ⎤
N1,j 0 0 N2,j 0 0 ... N(n),j 0 0
= A,j = ⎣ 0 N1,j 0 0 N2,j 0 ... 0 N(n),j 0 ⎦ .
∂ξ j
0 0 N1,j 0 0 N2,j ... 0 0 N(n),j
All geometrical parameters are computed, of course, based on the segment
geometry, see also the discussion in Sect. 4.3.2.
214 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
3 ξ2 2
−1 0 1 ξ1
4 1
Table 8.1 Shape functions for a quadrilateral segment with linear approximation
∂N k ∂N k
N k (ξ 1 , ξ 2 )
∂ξ 1 ∂ξ 2
1 1 1
N1 (1 + ξ 1 )(1 − ξ 2 ) (1 − ξ 2 ) − (1 + ξ 1 )
4 4 4
1 1 1
N2 (1 + ξ 1 )(1 + ξ 2 ) (1 + ξ 2 ) (1 + ξ 1 )
4 4 4
1 1 1
N3 (1 − ξ 1 )(1 + ξ 2 ) − (1 + ξ 2 ) (1 − ξ 1 )
4 4 4
1 1 1
N4 (1 − ξ 1 )(1 − ξ 2 ) − (1 − ξ 2 ) − (1 − ξ 1 )
4 4 4
Thus, for the linear segment is spanned by two constant tangent vectors:
ρ∗1 × ρ∗2
where n∗ = is a normal vector to the segment.
ρ∗1 × ρ∗2
All convective coordinates are obtained then from eqn. (8.24) using the
scalar product:
Here only contravariant components aij ∗ of the metric tensor for the par-
allelogram should be computed as an inverse of the matrix with covariant
components a∗ij :
a∗ij = ρ∗i · ρ∗j . (8.26)
Remark 8.2. Numerical tests with arbitrary shaped quadrilateral elements
show gut results for non-frictional cases.
Remark 8.3. Computational of convective coordinates according to the rule
in eqn. (8.25) is exact for the triangular segment, because the triangular
segment can be exactly represented in the form of eqn. (8.22).
4 ξ2 3
7 1
−1 0 1 ξ1
8 9 6
1 5 2
Table 8.2 Shape functions for a quadrilateral segment with quadratic Lagrangian
∂N k ∂N k
N k (ξ 1 , ξ 2 )
∂ξ 1 ∂ξ 2
Bernstein Polynomials
are forming a basis function space to construct polynomial splines and can be
generalized into N on-U niform Rational B -S pline (NURBS ). The Bernstein
Polynomials are defined as follows:
n(n − 1)...(n − i + 1)
where Cin = are binomial coefficients. The first three
polynomial sets up to the third order contain the following polynomials:
B02 (t) = (1 − t)2 , B12 (t) = 2t(1 − t), B22 (t) = t2 ; (8.28)
B03 (t) = (1 − t)3 , B13 (t) = 3t(1 − t)2 , B23 (t) = 3t2 (1 − t), B33 (t) = t3 .
r(uk ) = xk , = mk , k ∈ {0, 1, ...n}. (8.30)
du u=uk
The solution of the second problem allows to obtain then the C 1 -continuous
spline for the first problem.
global Bezier curve consists of local Bezier curves of third order; it passes
through the points x0 , x1 , ..., xn ∈ R3 and satisfies C 1 continuity being a
Bezier curve of third order on each interval (xi , xi+1 ), i ∈ {0, 1, ..., n − 1}. It
should be mentioned that this problem does not have a unique solution. As
an additional constraint equation, the normalization of the tangential vector
can be taken
||mi || = 1, i ∈ {0, 1, ..., n}. (8.32)
Boundary Bezier points for each interval (xi , xi+1 ) are defined from the in-
terpolation condition:
Several choices for αi and βi values are discussed in Farin [38], recommended
ones are
αi = βi = 0.4||Δxi ||. (8.35)
The global Bezier curve is then defined on the interval between points xi and
xi+1 by local Bezier curves:
x(u) = b3i B03 (t) + b3i+1 B13 (t) + b3i+2 B23 (t) + b3i+3 B33 (t) = b3i+j Bj3 (t);
where the local variable t ∈ [0, 1] is given via the global parameter u, see in
eqn. (8.31):
b3i−1 =b3i − mi
3(Δi−1 + Δi )
b3i+1 =b3i + mi . (8.39)
3(Δi−1 + Δi )
The Hermite form of the spline is one of the most straightforward imple-
mentations into the finite element method. One can show that the Hermite
interpolation is simply another form of the Bezier interpolation. Consider,
as example, the first spline problem. The boundary Bezier points are the in-
terpolation points. In order to obtain the inner Bezier points, the derivative
formula for Bezier curves has to be used:
d 3 3
x(ui ) = (b3i − b3i−1 ) = (b3i+1 − b3i ) = mi (8.42)
du Δi−1 Δi
x(u) = xi H03 (u) + mi H13 (u) + mi+1 H23 (u) + xi+1 H33 (u), (8.44)
222 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
where Hi3 (u) are Hermite polynomials. They can be expressed in terms of
Bernstein polynomials as follows:
where t = (u − ui )/Δi ∈ [0, 1] is the local parameter of the interval [ui , ui+1 ].
Equations (8.44) defines the relationship between the Hermite and the
Bezier form of the spline. If the Hermite form is known, then the inner Bezier
points can be calculated and vice versa.
Rational B-splines are one of the standard curve and surface descriptions
in CAD and computer graphics systems. A generalization of the polynomial
curve is a rational curve with order n of Bernstein’s polynomials. The Bezier
form of it can be written as
w0 b0 B0n (t) + w1 b1 B1n (t) + ...wn bn Bnn (t)
x(u) = . (8.46)
w0 B0n (t) + w1 B1n (t) + ...wn Bnn (t)
This description of a spline has many advantages due to the additional degrees
of freedom because of additional weights wi . It leads to multiple possibilities
to control the geometry. Rational B-splines constructed in this way are called
N on-U niform Rational B -S pline or NURBS. Special literature, however, is
available containing all NURBS properties in detail, see e.g. Farin [38], Piegl
and Tiller [144].
developed etc. All these problems are forming a huge area of research, and
we will take only the simplest structures out of it.
Our main assumption is
• Interpolating points are defining a regular quadrilateral surface mesh in
a Cartesian coordinate system.
Thus, we can directly use the tensor product of Bezier splines, considered in
Sect. 8.2.4.
Composite Surfaces
consist of patches. A patch is a part of the global surface and has its own
parametrization. This property is called a local support property. The first
interpolation problem is formulated then for surfaces as follows:
Let the matrix ⎡ ⎤
x00 x01 ... x0m
⎢ x10 x11 ... x1m ⎥
⎢ ⎥ (8.47)
⎣ ... ... ... ... ⎦
xn0 xn1 ... xnm
be a given as a regular net of points xij ∈ R3 with parameters u0 , u1 , ..., un
and v0 , v1 , ..., vm . These points are vertices’s of the quadrilateral mesh. Con-
struct the smooth C 1 surface parametrization x(u, v) that satisfies the fol-
lowing condition:
x(u, v) = hij Hi3 (u)Hj3 (v); 0 ≤ u, v ≤ 1, (8.49)
i=0 j=0
where Hi3 (u) are the cubic Hermite functions from eqn. (8.45) and the terms
hi,j are defining the following matrix
224 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
⎡ ⎤
x(0, 0) xv (0, 0) xv (0, 1) x(0, 1)
⎢ xu (0, 0) xuv (0, 0) xuv (0, 1) xu (0, 1) ⎥
[hij ] = ⎣ ⎥ (8.50)
xu (1, 0) xuv (1, 0) xuv (1, 1) xu (1, 1) ⎦
x(1, 0) xv (1, 0) xv (1, 1) x(1, 1)
4 7 3
corner patch
central patch
8 6
1 5 boundary patch 2
Fig. 8.4 A quadrilateral regularly meshed surface. 3 types of patches are necessary
for a smooth contact surface: central, boundary and corner patches.
01 11 00
10 11
10 00
1010 9
00 01 00
4 1010 0
01 00 11 1010 01
1 2
1010 11
12 7
11 6
Fig. 8.5 Central patch – pattern of nodal points.
If the cells of the mesh have approximately the same size, it is even better to
choose the simplest parametrization:
ui = i, i = 0, ..., n;
vj = j, j = 1, ..., m.
is defined by 12 nodal points and has the pattern of nodal points presented
in Fig. 8.5. For simplicity, zero twist xuv = 0 is taken further for the finite
elements. Taking into account the simplest parametrization in eqn. (8.54) (in
this case the computation rule for the first partial derivatives is coinciding
with the finite difference scheme), the matrix [hij ] has the following form:
226 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
⎡ ⎤
1 1
⎢ x1 (x4 − x5 ) (x10 − x1 ) x4 ⎥
⎢ 2 2 ⎥
⎢1 1 ⎥
⎢ (x2 − x12 ) 0 0 (x3 − x11 ) ⎥
⎢2 2 ⎥
[hij ] = ⎢
⎢ 1
⎥ (8.55)
⎢ (x − x ) 1
⎢ 2 7 1 0 0 (x8 − x4 ) ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣ 1 1 ⎦
x2 (x3 − x6 ) (x9 − x2 ) x3
2 2
Using the formulas for the Hermite patch, the tensor form can be rewritten
in the vector form as follows:
x(u, v) = hi,j Hi3 (u)Hj3 (v) = N i (u, v)xi , 0 ≤ u, v ≤ 1. (8.56)
i=0 j=0 i=1
This vector form is used with the shape functions N i (u, v) and corresponds
to a nodal vector defined by nodes xi . This form is standard for the finite
element method. Thus, the approximation of the vector is given as
x(u, v) = N i (u, v)xi = (8.57)
1 1
= x1 [H1 (u)H1 (v) − H1 (u)H3 (v) − H3 (u)H1 (v)]
2 2
1 1
+ x2 [ H2 (u)H1 (v) + H4 (u)H1 (v) − H4 (u)H3 (v)]
2 2
1 1
+ x3 [H4 (u)H4 (v) + H4 (u)H2 (v) + H2 (u)H4 (v)]
2 2
1 1
+ x4 [ H1 (u)H2 (v) + H1 (u)H4 (v) − H3 (u)H4 (v)]
2 2
1 1
+ x5 (−H1 (u)H2 (v)) + x6 (−H4 (u)H2 (v))
2 2
1 1
+ x7 H3 (u)H1 (v) + x8 H3 (u)H4 (v)
2 2
1 1
+ x9 H4 (u)H3 (v)) + x10 H1 (u)H3 (v))
2 2
1 1
+ x11 (−H2 (u)H4 (v)) + x12 (−H2 (u)H1 (v)).
2 2
8.2 Various Approximations of Contact Surfaces 227
8 7
4 3 6
1 2 5
is defined by 8 nodes and has the pattern of nodal points presented in Fig. 8.6.
Now, the rules discussed in Sect. 8.2.4 eqn. (8.40) for boundary points for
curves are used to compute the derivatives for the boundary points for a
surface spline. Derivatives for the inner points are computed similar to the
central patch. The following approximations coinciding with the finite differ-
ence scheme of order O(h2 ) is obtained:
3 1 3 1
xu (0, 0) = − x1 + 2x2 − x5 xv (0, 0) = − x1 + 2x4 − x8
2 2 2 2
3 1 1 1
xu (0, 1) = − x4 + 2x3 − x6 xv (0, 1) = − x1 + x8
2 2 2 2
1 1 3 1
xu (1, 0) = x5 − x1 xv (1, 0) = − x2 + 2x3 − x7
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
xu (1, 1) = x6 − x4 xv (1, 1) = − x2 − x7 .
2 2 2 2
The vector form of the approximation of the surface vector x(u, v) is given
228 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
x(u, v) = N i (u, v)xi = (8.60)
3 1
= x1 H1 (u)H1 (v) − H1 (u)H2 (v) − H1 (u)H3 (v)
2 2
3 1
− H2 (u)H1 (v) − H3 (u)H1 (v)
2 2
3 1
+ x2 [2H2 (u)H1 (v) + H4 (u)H1 (v) − H4 (u)H2 (v) − H4 (u)H3 (v)]
2 2
+ x3 [2H2 (u)H4 (v) + 2H4 (u)H2 (v) + H4 (u)H4 (v)]+
3 1
+ x4 [2H1 (u)H2 (v) + H1 (u)H4 (v) − H2 (u)H4 (v) − H3 (u)H4 (v)]
2 2
+ x5 (−H2 (u)H1 (v) + H3 (u)H1 (v))
+ x6 (−H2 (u)H4 (v) + H3 (u)H4 (v))
+ x7 (−H4 (u)H2 (v) + H4 (u)H3 (v))
+ x8 (−H1 (u)H2 (v) + H1 (u)H3 (v))
The Boundary Patch
8 7
9 4 3 6
10 1 2 5
The vector form approximation of the boundary patch vector x(u, v) is given
x(u, v) = N i (u, v)xi = (8.63)
3 1 1
= x1 [H1 (u)H1 (v) − H1 (u)H2 (v) − H1 (u)H3 (v) − H3 (u)H1 (v)]
2 2 2
1 3 1
+ x2 [ H2 (u)H1 (v) + H4 (u)H1 (v) − H4 (u)H2 (v) − H4 (u)H3 (v)]
2 2 2
+ x3 [ H2 (u)H4 (v) + 2H4 (u)H2 (v) + H4 (u)H4 (v)]
+ x4 [2H1 (u)H2 (v) − H3 (u)H4 (v) + H1 (u)H4 (v)]
1 1
+ x5 H3 (u)H1 (v) + x6 H3 (u)H4 (v)
2 2
+ x7 (−H4 (u)H2 (v) + H4 (u)H3 (v))
+ x8 (−H1 (u)H2 (v) + H1 (u)H3 (v))
1 1
− x9 H2 (u)H4 (v) − x10 H2 (u)H1 (v).
2 2
Writing all necessary shape functions in vector form together with
their derivatives is an absolutely tedious task. During implementa-
tion it is organized via subroutines containing the Hermite functions
H1 (t), H2 (t), H3 (t), H4 (t) used for all shape functions. These functions are
just consequently renumbered after their definition in eqn. (8.45). The func-
tions and their derivatives are presented in Table 8.3.
230 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
Table 8.3 Hermite functions Hi (t), t ∈ [0, 1] and their derivatives are forming a
shape function space for smooth contact elements.
∂Hk ∂ 2 Hk
Hk (t)
∂t ∂t2
H3 (t) t3 − t2 3t2 − 2t 6t − 2
c. Use the main part K(m) and the pure curvature part Kh ,
i.e. the contact matrix K = K(m) + K(h) .
d. Use only the main part K(m) as a contact matrix, i.e. K = K(m)
8.3 Non Frictional Contact Analysis:Node-To-Segment Approach 231
The main contribution into the full contact tangent matrix comes usually
from the main matrix K(m) , therefore a relative measure ε is chosen as an
||K − K(m) ||
ε= · 100% (8.64)
||K(m) ||
with the following matrix norm:
||K|| = max |kij | (8.65)
Table 8.4 Bending over a rigid cylinder. Bilinear elements for the beam. Node-to-
surface contact elements. Influence of various contact stiffness parts on convergence.
Case a: full matrix, case b: without curvature part; case c: without rotational part;
case d: only main matrix. Comparison of no. of iterations in each load step (l.s.)
and accumulated over several load steps.
the “pure curvature” part is taken into account or not, because the curva-
ture tensor is zero. It is also obvious that the rotational part is much more
Table 8.5 Bending over a rigid cylinder. Biquadratic elements for the beam. Node-
to-surface contact elements. Influence of various contact stiffness parts on conver-
gence. Case a: full matrix; case b: without curvature part; case c: without rotational
part; case d: only main matrix. Comparison of no. of iterations in each load step
(l.s.) and accumulated over several load steps.
The total number of iterations for case a with full matrix and case b, when
the rotational matrix is taken into account, is identical, therefore, Table 8.5
presents the influence of the “curvature” matrix on convergence in case of
a, c and d. Though, elements with quadratic shape functions are used, the
influence of the “pure curvature” part is still negligible. It is even possible to
obtain the result with the main matrix only with a loss of 7 % of the total
number of iterations.
234 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
8.3.3 Discussion
The numerical examples show that in the case of linear approximations and
aligned contact elements keeping of the ”pure curvature” part is meaningless.
Then, it even appears sufficient to keep only the main part as a contact
tangent matrix.
8.4 Non Frictional Contact Analysis: Large Penetration Algorithm 235
Table 8.6 Bending over a rigid sphere. Biquadratic elements for the beam. Node-to-
surface contact elements. Influence of various contact stiffness parts on convergence.
Case a: full matrix; case b: without curvature part; case d: only main matrix.
Comparison of no. of iterations in all load steps (l.s.)
cantilever plate
wedge plate
(a) system setup (b) defining cutout area for Fig. 8.12
Fig. 8.11 General setup of wedge plate indenting cantilever plate with linear
The inclined surface of the wedge is used as the master contact surface
and the surface nodes of the bottom edge and the inclined surface on the
cantilever are taken as slave nodes within the NTS contact approach. A global
searching algorithm is applied where the master surfaces are used with a
linear approximation. The contact parameters are chosen: N = 25000.0 for
the penalty parameter; for the large penetration scheme cut-off pressure pe =
10.0, αc = 1.0 for the update multiplier and Rc = 0.1 for the update indicator.
The investigated load step sizes are 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 - the latter being
the final load - for which the obtained results are summarized in Table 8.4.3.
While the LP scheme is working for load step sizes of up to 2.0, the CL
is achieving convergence only with load step size up to 1.0. Comparing the
complete number of iterations necessary for the load step size 1.0 (8 load
steps) where the CL requires 64 and the LP 206 iterations it is obvious that
the LP has definitely a lower convergence rate within a load step compared
to the CL in cases when the CL converges at all. This is in accordance with
the observations with numerical examples in Sect. 8.3 that quadratic con-
vergence is gained only for the CL and a usage of only part of the tangent
matrix as in the case of the LP scheme (phase 1 - just main part of tangent
matrix) does not enable this rate. However, an observation becoming more
8.4 Non Frictional Contact Analysis: Large Penetration Algorithm 241
apparent for the following examples is that with increasing the load step size
the amount of accumulative iterations gets reduced within the LP scheme
and often convergence is only achieved with the LP scheme.
Finally, a cutout of the shown setup in Fig. 8.11(b) is presented for a
deformation sequence in Fig. 8.12 with the contact area developing during
the iterations for the first load step - load step size of 2.0 - for the LP scheme.
In the first load step convergence is achieved within 26 iterations. It should
be mentioned that within the example neither the rotational eqn. (7.18) nor
the curvature eqn. (7.19) parts of the tangent matrix were activated, as the
master surface is being placed on the stiffer body with almost no rotation of
the contact element and the used linear approximation enables no curvature
part, respectively.
Table 8.7 Wedge plate indenting into cantilever plate. Influence of CL and LP
scheme by varying the load step size for reaching convergence and accumulative
number of iterations necessary for the prescribed final displacement of 8.0
Fig. 8.12 Development of the contact area for several iteration states of the first
load step for the LP scheme with load step size 2.0 and 26 iterations necessary for
convergence within this first load step
(a) system setup (b) defining cutout area for Fig. 8.14
Fig. 8.13 General setup of semicircular plate indenting rectangular plate with
linear approximation
to the fact that the rotational part of the tangent matrix becomes active
within this example as the surface of the indented part is chosen as master
surface. For large penetrations this leads to negative entries on the diagonal
of the full tangent matrix (CL) and, therefore, just smaller load steps are
possible. However, the LP scheme using only the main part of the tangent
matrix for large penetrations in phase 1 is not restricted concerning this.
The cutout given in Fig. 8.13(b) is presented in a deformation sequence in
Fig. 8.14 and gives an idea regarding the ”behaviour” of the scheme in the
case of large penetrations. It is obvious that rotations of the master surfaces
of the contact elements are involved, especially, for the first iterations of the
presented load step. Fig. 8.14 represents hereby the computation with the
LP scheme for a load step size of 0.5 (4 load steps overall). Out of the 36
accumulative iterations the first load step requires 11 iteration steps.
Table 8.8 Semicircular plate indenting into a rectangular plate. Influence of CL and
LP scheme on maximum load step for reaching convergence and on accumulative
number of iterations necessary for the prescribed final displacement of 2.0
Fig. 8.14 Development of the contact area after several iterations of the first load
step for the LP scheme with load step size 0.5 (4 load steps overall) and 11 iteration
steps necessary within first load step for convergence
functions plus some added shell specific enhancements to avoid locking. The
thickness of both bodies is chosen to 1.0. The loading consists of a prescribed
displacement at the free end in vertical direction up to a final value of 9.0
that leads to considerable bending over the rigid cylinder.
Fig. 8.15 General setup of bending a clamped beam over a rigid cylinder with
linear approximation
For contact the bottom surface of the elastic beam is chosen as master
surface, whereas, the outer surface nodes of the rigid cylinder are then the
slave nodes within the NTS contact approach. A global contact searching
algorithm is applied where the master surface is discretized with linear shape
functions. The contact parameters are chosen as N = 1000.0 for the penalty
parameter and the parameters specific for the large penetration scheme are
taken as 0.5 for the cut-off pressure pe , αc = 1.0 for the update multiplier
and Rc = 0.1 for the update indicator.
8.4 Non Frictional Contact Analysis: Large Penetration Algorithm 245
Table 8.9 Bending of a beam over a rigid cylinder with linear approximation of
the contact surfaces. Influence of CL and LP scheme on convergence varying the
load step size and accumulative number of iterations necessary for the prescribed
final displacement of 9.0
Fig. 8.16 Development of the contact area for several iteration states of the LP
scheme with load step size 9.0 (only one load step) and 15 iterations necessary for
Fig. 8.17 General setup of bending a clamped beam over a rigid cylinder with
quadratic approximation
As is obvious from Table 8.4.5 a much larger load step size is possible
for the LP scheme (9.0) compared to the CL (2.25). In general, again an
advantage is concerning the accumulated number of iterations with increasing
load step size for the LP. The advantage, hereby, is due to the example not
relying much on the curvature part. Furthermore, in Fig. 8.18 the deformation
during a series of iteration states for the load step size of 9.0 (one load step)
with 20 iterations necessary to reach convergence is shown. As in the previous
example the penetrations are really large for the first 5 iterations.
Table 8.10 Bending of a beam over a rigid cylinder with quadratic approximation
of the contact surfaces. Influence of CL and LP scheme on convergence for varying
load step size and accumulative number of iterations necessary for the prescribed
final displacement of 9.0
Fig. 8.18 Development of the contact area for several iteration states of the first
load step for the LP scheme with load step size 9.0 (only one load step) and 20
iterations necessary for convergence
for this example in Sect. 8.3.2. The clamped elastic beam of the previous
example, but with a width of 4.0, is now bending over a rigid sphere. The
general setup is shown in Fig. 8.19. The rigid sphere possesses a radius of 4.0
while the clamped elastic beam has a length of 24.0 and a height of 0.25. The
center of the sphere is positioned at 0.5 from the edge of the beam and at 12.0
along the beam measured from the clamping. The rigid sphere is modeled with
512 bilinear elements. The beam not showing large deformations consists of
St. Venant material with an elasticity modulus of 1.0 · 105 and a Poisson ratio
248 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
Fig. 8.19 General setup of bending a beam over a rigid sphere with quadratic
Table 8.11 Bending of a beam over a rigid sphere with quadratic approximation
of the contact surfaces. Influence of CL and LP scheme on convergence for varying
load step size and accumulative number of iterations necessary for the final load
F1 = 0.8
8.4.7 Discussion
The covariant contact description proved to enable a clear setup based on
the consistent contact tangent matrix where ”main”, ”rotational” and ”cur-
vature” parts are easily distinguishable. The large penetration scheme highly
relies on this specific setup. The numerical examples show that in both con-
sidered cases, linear and quadratic shape functions for the master surface
within the NTS approach, the investigated algorithm is very efficient. The
efficiency even increases with the complexity of the analyzed examples re-
garding the influence of rotational and curvature parts of the tangent matrix
on the convergence.
Fig. 8.20 Development of the contact area for several iteration states of the LP
scheme with load step size 0.8 (only one load step) and 36 iteration steps necessary
for convergence
Table 8.12 Global solution scheme. Summary of the results for numerical
Normal traction: N = N g
Tangent matrix KN for normal traction is defined via
s N (δrs − δρ) · (n ⊗ n)(vs − v)ds
− s N aij δρ,j · (n ⊗ ρi )(vs − v) + (δrs − δρ) · (ρj ⊗ n)v,i ds
s N
g (δrs − δρ) · hij (ρi ⊗ ρj )(vs − v)ds
Table 8.13 Return-mapping scheme and tangent matrices for tangential traction.
(n+1) ≤ 0
if Φtr
sticking condition
(n+1) (n+1)
Ti stick = Ti
Tangent matrix KT
−εT s
(δrs − δρ)aij ρi ⊗ ρj (vs − v)ds
if Φtr
(n+1) > 0
sliding condition
(n+1) (T tr )i
Ti = μN (n+1)
Tangent matrix KT
N μTi aij
− (δrs − δρ) ρj ⊗ n(vs − v) ds
s T
T μ|N |aij
− (δrs − δρ) ρi ⊗ ρj (vs − v) ds
s T
T μ|N |Ti Tj aik ajl
+ (δrs − δρ) 3
ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds
s T
μ|N |Ti
− (δrs − δρ) ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds
s T
μ|N |Ti ij
+ h (δrs − δρ) · ρj ⊗ n + n ⊗ ρj (vs − v) ds
s T
μ|N |Ts Tl δξ s jl 3
+ −a Tm Γjn
m ˙n
ξ + ajl Tm hmj ξ̇ ds.
s T 3
8.5 Frictional Contact Analysis: Node-To-Segment Approach 253
γ(1 − ν)
≤ μ, (8.69)
from which we obtain the threshold value of the horizontal displacement u:
ucr = . (8.70)
0 0
1 0
000 110
0 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
0 1
11 0
1 0
0 1
1 0
1 0
0 0
B 1111111111111
1 C
1111111111111 C1 b
h 0000000000000
A 1111111111111
1111111111111 D
1 0
1 0
1 0
0 1
1 01
0 1
1 01
01 1100
1 11 0
Fig. 8.21 Plane deformation of a layer.
One can see from the infinite layer, that sliding starts immediately at the
complete lower boundary. However, though this is not a case for a finite
dimensional block, or an arbitrarily thin layer, where a developing zone of
sticking and sliding exists, eqns. (8.69) and (8.70) can be used as a rough
estimation of the presence of the sticking condition, and, therefore, for the
estimation of the displacement increments.
As an example for the computation, we consider a rectangular block (Fig.
8.22) with the following parameters: elasticity modulus E = 2.1 · 104, Poisson
254 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
Y u
v flexible
Fig. 8.22 Sliding block on the base. Meshed surfaces. STS contact approach.
0.007 0.0090
Displacement, U
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Coordinate, X
Fig. 8.23 Horizontal displacements of the contact surface for various states of the
displacement loading.
0.2 0.0100
Ratio Fx/Fy
0 5 10 15 20
Coordinate, X
Fig. 8.24 Reaction forces ratio Fx /Fy on the contact surface for various states of
the displacement loading.
If the sliding process is developing, when the block is dragged along the
distance l, then the work of the critical sliding stresses τsl , is evaluated as:
τsl al Eahlμ
Esl = = . (8.72)
2 b(1 − ν 2 )
It is obvious, that during large sliding a thin layer along a relatively large dis-
tance l, and the dissipation of energy due to sliding, eqn. (8.72) can be rather
more important then the initial threshold value. Thus, frictional problems
can be subdivided into two problems:
a) compute the global threshold value for sliding and the development of
the distribution of the sticking-sliding zone;
b) compute forces which are necessary to drag the structure under the
assumption of full sliding.
Obviously, for the first problem the evolution equation (6.19) must be com-
puted with small steps within the return-mapping algorithm, but for the
second problem the sticking zone is out of interest and for the analysis rela-
tively large steps can be taken. Such problems are certainly present in forming
processes with large plastic deformations. In order to show an example for
the problem type b), another analysis is performed with a displacement in-
crement Δu = 12.0 · 10−3 , which is even larger than the critical one and
corresponds to the developed sliding zone, see Fig. 8.23. In order to compare
the influence of the various parts of the tangent matrix we compute two cases
1) with the full tangent matrix;
2) only with the main part of the tangent matrix.
The penalty parameter is chosen as εN = εT = 2.1 · 105 . Table 8.14 shows
the comparison of the numerical results between both cases by the number of
iterations per load step. As we can see in the developed sliding region the full
matrix in comparison with only the main matrix leads to a reduction of the
number of equilibrium iterations per load step from 4 to 3. We should men-
tion that for the previous example during the incremental horizontal loading
there is no difference between the number of equilibrium iterations for both
cases. Obviously this is due to the fairly small load steps. Thus, as expected,
keeping all parts of the matrix appears to be only necessary in the case of
large load increments.
Fig. 8.25 shows the spatial distribution of the relative horizontal displace-
ments u − uapplied at the lower boundary if the displacement at the upper
boundary is taken exemplarily as u = 0.012, then u = 0.048 and finally
u = 0.120. It is obvious, that the relative horizontal displacements hardly
change during the fairly large sliding process.
8.5 Frictional Contact Analysis: Node-To-Segment Approach 257
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Coordinate, X
Fig. 8.25 Relative horizontal displacements of the contact surface for various states
of the displacement loading.
Case 1 Case 2
No. l.s. No. Cum. No. l.s. No. Cum.
it./l.s. No. it. it./l.s. No. it.
1 4 4 1 5 5
2 6 10 2 6 11
3 5 15 3 5 16
4-20 3 66 4-20 4 84
w u
Fig. 8.26 Sliding of a parabolic block on a parabolic base. Meshed block. NTS
contact approach.
0.001 3.0E-03
0.00075 6.0E-03
Displacement, U
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coordinate, X
r = ρ + hn, (8.74)
In this displacement driven problem the parabolic block is moving in the X-Z
plane, providing an approximately constant compression.
Next, the loading is applied in two steps also: the first step is a vertical
loading with w = −h = 0.007, then both a horizontal and a vertical loading
are incrementally applied at the upper edge with Δu = Δx = 2.5 · 10−5
according to eqn. (8.76), providing the equidistant motion of the parabolic
block. Now, two phases of the development of the sticking-sliding zone can
be observed. The first phase corresponds to the situation when the right
sliding zone disappears during horizontal loading, as presented in Fig. 8.28
for the following load steps: u = 1.0 · 10−3 , 2.0 · 10−3 , 3.0 · 10−3 , 5.0 · 10−3 .
Fig. 8.29 a) shows scaled deformed and undeformed states when only vertical
displacements are applied and, therefore, the two sliding zones are symmetric.
The configuration with the vanishing resp. vanished sliding zone on the right
side is presented in Fig. 8.29 b). This moment can be detected also from
the reaction forces ratio diagram Fτ /Fn in Fig. 8.31, where the right part of
the sliding zone is also disappearing with Fτ /Fn = 0.3. The second phase is
the spreading of the left sliding zone through the contact surface shown in
Fig. 8.30 exemplarily for u = 5.0 · 10−3 , 10.0 · 10−3 , 15.0 · 10−3 , 20.0 · 10−3 ,
25.0·10−3, 30.0·10−3. Here the zone without contact is detected as a zone with
zero normal nodal forces fn = 0 starting at a loading with u ≥ 1.52 · 10−2 .
These sub-zones are marked with thicker lines in Fig. 8.30.
0.004 5.0e-3
Displacement, U
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coordinate, X
Again we now compare the influence of the various parts of the tangent
matrix on the convergence rate when the applied displacements correspond
to the developed sliding. Namely, the load is applied in 20 load steps with the
8.5 Frictional Contact Analysis: Node-To-Segment Approach 261
(a) ux = 0.0
Fig. 8.29 Parabolic cylinder. Initial vertical loading. Undeformed and deformed
states with additionally applied horizontal displacement a) u = 0.0 – two sliding
zones; b) u = 5.0 · 10−3 – only left sliding zone. (Displacements scaled: 250 times
in x-direction, 40 times in z-direction.)
We see that excluding the curvature matrix leads to a minor reduction of the
convergence, while excluding the rotational part too causes a considerable
increase of the number of equilibrium iterations per load step. We should
also mention that during the analysis of the threshold value before full sliding
the number of equilibrium iterations remains the same for each case due to
a small load step. Thus, the computation with the rotational part is more
important for the developed sliding problem of type b.
262 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
0.02 25.0e-3
Displacement, U
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coordinate, X
Fig. 8.30 Parabolic cylinder. Horizontal loading. Distribution of the tangent dis-
placement over X-coordinate. Phase 2 — spreading of the left sliding zone.
0.5 3.0e-3
0.4 15.0e-3
ratio, Fx/Fy
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coordinate, X
Fig. 8.31 Parabolic cylinder. Horizontal loading. Reaction forces ratio Fτ /Fn on
the contact surface for various states of loading.
8.5.4 Discussion
In this Section devoted to the frictional examples, it was shown in the
numerical examples that frictional contact problems can be subdivided into
two types. The first type contains the development of a sticking-sliding zone.
In this case, small loads steps, which can be estimated by considering an
elastic layer under friction conditions, are necessary. In due course, it appears
that then the differences in the convergence rate between computations with
various tangent matrix are meaningless. For the second type a fully developed
8.6 Computation of Contact Integrals – Mortar Type Contact 263
sliding is assumed and, therefore, fairly large steps beyond the threshold
value can be applied. In this case it is important to compute with the matrix
containing the rotational part. Keeping the curvature matrix leads only to a
small improvement.
00 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
11 0
Fig. 8.32 Cylinder penetrating into plane during the first iteration
Within the finite element solution the value of the integral J becomes:
J= gN 2 dx, (8.80)
The value of the integral in eqn. (8.80) is computed over the contact element
CD, while the contact region AB is detected via the integration points, which
then leads in general to a discontinuous function defined over the contact ele-
ment CD. Before comparing the results, we describe in the following section
one of the techniques to integrate discontinuous functions [32].
2 2
0 1 2 i i+1 m
2j 2(j + 1)
ηj = −1 if η = − 1, ηj = 1 if η = − 1, j = 0, 1, 2, ...n − 1
n n
Then, the transformation of the coordinates ξi , ηj into ξ, η can be written as:
ξi 2i + 1 ηj 2j + 1
ξ= − 1, η= + − 1. (8.85)
m m n n
Finally, the integration of a function f (ξ, η) over the area A in the local
coordinate system ξ, η leads to a sum of integrals over each subdomain Aξi ,ηj :
# +1 # +1 #
f (ξ, η)dξdη = f (ξ, η)dξdη = (8.86)
−1 −1 i=0 j=0 Aξi ,ηj
m−1 n−1 # #
1 +1 +1 ξi 2i + 1 ηj 2j + 1
= f + − 1, + − 1 dξi dηj .
m · n i=0 j=0 −1 −1 m m n n
Table 8.16 Relative error in energy of the contact integral for the penalty formu-
lation; comparing standard Gauss integration with subdivisional Gauss integration
in subdomains
upper block
lower block
Fig. 8.34 Blocks for the patch test; Upper block – regular mesh; Lower block –
distorted mesh
Fig. 8.35 Node-To-Segment (NTS) approach fails to pass the patch test; “roof-like”
contact surface
son, the first computation was made for the node-to-segment approach with
a of penalty value of 105 which was reduced due to the convergence problems.
As is known, this approach fails the patch test. Fig. 8.35 shows the “roof-like”
contact surface of the lower block for this case. As expected this approach
leads to the maximum of the coefficient of variation.
From Table 8.17 it becomes clear that also the integration with subdo-
mains leads to – though only slightly – smaller variations than an algorithm
with standard Gauss integration. It appears rather remarkable that the vari-
ations of the tractions remain constant while the variation of the stresses and
displacements falls below one percent. Visually, the application of the STS
8.7 Segment-To-Segment (Mortar) Approach: Analysis of the Patch Test 271
Table 8.17 Patch test; linear surfaces, influence of different integration schemes;
mean value and coefficient of variation for the following quantities: contact tractions
N on the contact surface, normal stresses σz in the lower block and vertical nodal
displacements uz on the contact surface; N T S ∗ - node-to-segment approach
approach together with higher order of integration rules, and integration with
subdomains leads then to a flat surface, and therefore, disappearance of the
“roof-like” structure.
From the meshed geometry and loading it is obvious that the NTS contact
approach with linear approximation will completely fail the patch test leading
to “the roof-like” surface, see Fig. 8.37 a). For the second test, the surface has
been covered with a smooth patch, but the NTS algorithm has been applied
– the result is shown in Fig. 8.37 b) – the contact surface is smooth, but it is
erroneously pointing upward. Only a combination of the STS approach (here
with 3 × 3 Gauss integration points) with a smooth contact surface leads to
the correct deformed surface positioned downward, see Fig. 8.37 c).
Fig. 8.36 Geometry for the patch test with smooth surfaces. The upper surface of
the lower block is covered with a smooth spline surface.
Case a) Failure of the patch test for the NTS contact approach with linear
approximation. Vertical displacements are scaled with the factor 5.
STS, smooth
NTS, smooth
NTS, linear
-0.5 1.5
0.5 1
1.5 0.5
2 0
3.5 -0.5
Fig. 8.37 Upper surface for three computations: Case a) NTS with linear approx-
imation (see above the whole block); Case b) NTS with smooth spline approxima-
tion; Case c) STS with smooth spline approximation of the master contact surface.
Vertical displacements are scaled.
where v is a loading rate, T is the final load step. Thus, the spiral motion
with the trajectory shown in Fig. 8.38 is defined as
⎧ ⎫
⎨ vt(1 − 2ch) ⎬
r= Ht/T , t = 0, 1, 2, ..., T. (8.90)
⎩ ⎭
h + c(vt)2 (1 − 2ch)
8.8 Segment-To-Analytical Surface (STAS) Approach: Various Applications 275
For the numerical example, we chose the spiral motion of a short deformable
circular semi-cylinder with radius R = 1 and l = 0.4 on the surface of the
parabolic cylinder with parameters c = 5 · 10−2 , H = 20, see Fig. 8.38.
The semi-cylinder is made of linear elastic material: E = 2.10 · 104 ; ν = 0.3
and meshed with linear “solid-shell” elements 16 × 3 as shown in Fig. 8.38.
Coulomb friction with μ = 0.3 is specified between the bodies.
The loading process consists of two stages:
1) the circular semi-cylinder positioned at the initial point is pressed into
the parabolic cylinder with Δz = h = −0.01
2) then the circular semi-cylinder is moving on the parabolic surface, pro-
viding an equidistant motion of the central axis with the distance R + Δz =
0.99 according to eqn. (8.90) together with the upper surface parallel to the
X-Z plane. Thus, the central axis of the semi-cylinder is moving according to
the following equation:
⎧ ⎫
⎨ 1.001vt ⎬
r= 20t/T . (8.91)
⎩ ⎭
h + 5.005 · 10−2 (vt)2
The displacements are applied in 1000 load steps with v = 10−2 , providing an
increment Δy = 0.02 which is larger than the critical threshold value in eqn.
(8.70). The Gauss integration formula with 4 × 4 integration points is used to
check the value of penetration. Here we concentrate again on the investigation
of the influence of the various parts of the matrix on the convergence. Since
the contact geometry is linear only due to the discretization of the semi-
cylinder, the cases with the main matrix and the tangent matrix without
curvature part are compared, see Table 8.18 for the first 20 loads steps.
Obviously, it is definitely advantageous to use the tangent matrix without
curvature parts, but keeping the rotational parts in this problem.
1111 1111
1111 u 0000
1111 0000
Fig. 8.39 Geometry and loading process for a metall sheet on two rigid cylinders.
Case with biquadratic elements is shown.
8.8 Segment-To-Analytical Surface (STAS) Approach: Various Applications 277
Case 1 Case 2
No. l.s. No. Cum. No. l.s. No. Cum.
it./l.s. No. it. it./l.s. No. it.
1 9 9 1 10 10
2 8 17 2-18 13 231
3 5 22 19 12 243
4-20 4 90 20 11 254
... ... ... ... ... ...
case 1; 12 el.
case 2; 12 el.
case 3; 12 el.
case 4; 100 el.; 1 Gp
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 8.40 Force-deflection curves for free bending problem; bilinear solid-shell ele-
ments; comparing quadrature formulae of low order element and mesh refinement
2 Gpt
3 Gpt
7 Gpt
10 Gpt
case 4; 100 el.; 1 Gp
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 8.41 Force-deflection curves for free bending problem; bilinear solid-shell ele-
ments; contact against analytically defined contact surface; influence of the number
of Gauss points
3 Gpt, 2 subdm, 6 el.
' $ 2 Gpt, 3 subdm, 6 el.
6 Gpt, 6 el.
3 Gpt, 12 el.
' 2 Gpt, 50 el. $
& %
& %
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 8.42 Force-deflection curves for free bending problem; biquadratic solid-shell
elements; Influence of the number of Gauss points and of refined mesh
the fact that rather non-smooth contact checking is performed, which can be
improved using more contact points. As mentioned earlier, checking contact
at Gauss points can be interpreted as integration of a discontinuous function
for which no a-priori error estimation is avaliable. One can see that a con-
vergent sequence of curves is achieved if the number of integration points is
increased even in the case of a coarse mesh for the sheet. The influence of the
mesh refinement with a softer response of the sheet is also obvious.
10 Gpt, 6 el.
' $ 2 Gpt, 5 subdm, 6 el.
2 Gpt, 50 el.
' $
& %
& %
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 8.43 Force-deflection curves for free bending problem; biquadratic solid-shell
elements; subdivision of the integration domain into subdomains results in smaller
compared with a refined mesh of 12 elements for the beam meshed with 12
elements with 3 × 3 integration points. For comparison a 50 element mesh
and 2×2 integration points per element is chosen. The density of the Gauss
points to check the penetration is identical in the first three cases, but as a
consequence of the smallest a-priori integration error for the algorithm with
subdomains, the latter leads to a reduction of the oscillations. In Fig. 8.43
it is shown that even a relatively large number of 10×10 Gauss points per
element still preserves oscillations. The integration with 5 subdomains and 2
Gauss points for the 6 element mesh leads again to a solution with a smaller
Remark 8.6. Here the STAS approach has been applied successfully for the
C 1 -continuous rigid surfaces. If the rigid boundary is not smooth, or another
approach is favorable (e.g. boundaries are not rigid surfaces and STS is nec-
essary), then the full history transfer algorithm is absolutely necessary to
8.8 Segment-To-Analytical Surface (STAS) Approach: Various Applications 281
no friction
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 8.44 Force-deflection curves for free bending problem; influence of the choice
for the friction coefficient; 10 × 10 Gauss points
resolve the frictional contact problem, see the study of the example “drawing
of an elastic strip into a channel with sharp corners” in Sect. 9.2.2.
16.0 cm
8.0 cm
RS =0.5 cm
RG=1.0 cm
u + Δu
counter die
12 cm
a) u = 0.00 cm
b) u = 1.25 cm
c) u = 2.50 cm
d) u = 3.75 cm
d) u = 5.00 cm
in the example from Sect. 8.8.3, the blank (the strip) is drawn by an applied
vertical displacement u to both the punch and the counter die – though, small
distances δ1 = 0.02 and δ2 = 0.01 are supplied at the beginning, see Fig. 8.47.
Both, bilinear and biquadratic solid-shell elements are used for comparison
of the thickness strain – loading displacement curve. Thus, first 40 bilinear
elements are applied, then 20 biquadratic elements are applied, see mesh and
deformed configuration in Fig. 8.48.
B A x = 3.75
The problem finally has been resolved using only the STAS approach with
10 × 10 integration points, however, only a perfect smooth geometry of the
rigid body allows to overcome the problem with the correct transfer of his-
tory variables, see example in Sect. 9.2.2. Thus, the combination of the STS
approach to model rigid bodies leads to difficulties with convergence. The
example with bilinear solid shell elements requires smaller load steps, and
therefore, more incremental load steps than the example with biquadratic
solid shell elements: 1000 incremental load steps for bilinear and only 100 in-
cremental load steps until the strip is reaching the configuration at u = 5.000
presented in Figure 8.48. The advantage of the biquadratic solid shell ele-
ments becomes more pronounced if we consider the thickness strain com-
puted at points during the deformation process. In Fig. 8.49 the strain vs.
loading displacement curve is given for the non-frictional case at point A
8.8 Segment-To-Analytical Surface (STAS) Approach: Various Applications 285
Fig. 8.48 Deformed configuration for both meshes at applied vertical displacements
u = 5.000
with x = 3.750 (see geometry in Fig. 8.47). The highly oscillatory behavior
of the curve for the bilinear mesh is due to enforcing a circular geometry
by linear meshes. Each peak in the figure is reflecting the rolling of a linear
segment from the strip on a circular part with radius R, see Fig. 8.47. The
frictional case with bilinear meshes is causing even more severe convergence
problem, therefore, only a case with biquadratic meshes is shown in Fig. 8.50
for different points A (x = 3.750) and B (x = 3.000) for a small coefficient
of friction μ = 0.01.
286 8 Surface-To-Surface Contact – Various Aspects for Implementations
bilinear solid shell
biquadratic solid shell
thickness strain
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 8.49 Thickness strain vs. loading displacement. Comparison of bilinear and
biquadratic solid shell elements.
8.8.5 Discussion
In this Section STAS contact approach together with continuum finite “Solid-
Shell” elements have been investigated for applications in large deformation
contact analysis including specific deep drawing situations. Thus, a large
number of examples is focusing on the comparison of the contact algorithms
used especially for problems in sheet metal forming. The discussed contact
elements with different degree of geometrical approximation of the contact
surfaces were tested in the example of a free bending of metal sheet with large
sliding in contact. A force-deflection curve was chosen to represent the main
characteristics of the results. Large oscillations appeared if relatively coarse
meshes together with a low order integration are used. It was found that
increasing the number of integration points leads to an improved reduction of
these oscillations, but an integration procedure with an additional subdivision
into subdomains leads to a sufficiently further reduction of oscillations with
the same total number of Gauss points over the contact area. It was shown
that it is possible within the STS approach together with an integration over
subdomains to efficiently improve the quality of different characteristics such
as force-displacement and strain displacement curve. It was shown that the
higher than linear order finite elements (here biquadratic ones) are superior
concerning the results and using the same number of degrees of freedom,
especially for modeling of deep drawing processes.
8.9 Implementation of the Nitsche Approache 287
no friction - node A
no friction - node B
0 friction, mu=0.01, - node A
friction, mu=0.01, - node B
thickness strain
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 8.50 Thickness strain vs. loading displacement at different points. Frictional
case. Biquadratic solid shell elements.
Summarizing the discussion over various techniques one may conclude that
the higherst quality can be achieved only within the smooth contact finite
element with higher then linear approximation of finite elements together
with the full transfer of history variables algorithm, however, the skilled user
of contact algorithms can achieve the good result depending on the type of
modeling with lower efforts.
enabling to compute the normal projection of the stress vector out of the
stress tensor as σnM = n2M DBu. This leads to the discretization
δu (BT DB) dV u +
# V
+εN δuB T
(A n nT A) dSC uB −
− δuTB (AT n n2M DB) dSC u −
−δuT (BT DT n2M nT A) dSC uB = 0, (8.94)
The assembly directly results in the element stiffness matrix and its additions
in the case of contact.
C indicates, hereby, the matrix consisting of shape functions for the Lagrange
multiplier λ defined on the contacting surface of the solid element. The as-
sembly of eqn. (8.96) leads to
δuT Kuu u + δuT Kξuλ λ = 0
δλT (N Kξλu − Kσλun ) u − δλT Kλλ λ = 0 (8.97)
where the Lagrange multipliers can be preeliminated as they are only element-
wisely defined by applying the Schur complement to the equation system of
1 3
Kuu Kξuλ u
. (8.98)
Kλu −Kλλ λ 0
Regarding the check of contact an active set strategy is applied. Within the
Gauss point-wise substituted formulation an active set is defined as the set
of Gauss points with negative penetration. For the Bubnov-Galerkin-wise
partial substituted formulation a special searching algorithm with a set of
Gauss points enabling the inversion of the matrix Kλu is used.
(a) (b)
Fig. 8.51 Setup of metal sheet on two rigid cylinders: (a) geometrical properties,
(b) deformed situation with predefined u
12 Penalty with εN= 10
Nitsche (Gauss Point − wise) with εN=3*105
Nitsche (Bubnov−Galerkin − wise) with εN= 105
E = 105, ν=0.3
8 Gauss Points
Reaction Force
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 8.52 Displacement-reaction force diagram with 8 Gauss points and best per-
forming N for each formulation: (a) overall result, (b) cutout at initiation of sliding
12 Penalty
Nitsche (Gauss Point − wise)
Nitsche (Bubnov−Galerkin − wise)
E = 10 , ν=0.3
Reaction Force
2 (b)
0 2 4 6 8 10
formulation for the Nitsche approaches the standard Penalty scheme is used.
Within the given setup both Nitsche formulations perform similar to the
Penalty scheme, but show higher sensitivity regarding the amount of Gauss
points (see Fig. 8.52(a)) which is more obvious at the initiation of sliding (see
Fig. 8.52(b)). These oscillations are due to the fact that rather non-smooth
contact checking is performed, which can be improved using more contact
points – either more Gauss points or higher mesh refinement, see also ex-
amples in Sect. 8.8.2. The Nitsche approach with the Bubnov-Galerkin-wise
partial substituted Lagrange multipliers is performing more robust, thus, al-
lowing a larger range of values for Gauss points and Penalty parameters.
On the other hand the Gauss point-wise substituted Lagrange multipliers
8.9 Implementation of the Nitsche Approache 291
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 293–313. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
294 9 Special Case of Implementation – Reduction into 2D Case
The relative vector of variations (δrs − δρ) and the relative velocity vector
(vs − v) are then written as
where u̇ is the nodal velocity vector. With the matrix of the derivatives A
e.g. a derivative δρξ of a vector δρ can be defined as
We note that the matrices A and A are sufficient to build the tangent
matrices as well as the residual vector for any arbitrary contact surface.
1−ξ 1 1+ξ 2 1−ξ x1 1+ξ x2
ρ(ξ) := x + x = + . (9.6)
2 2 2 y1 2 y2
which is the square of the length of the vector ρξ . The unit normal vec-
tor ν to the contact segment is defined in a Cartesian coordinate system via a
9.1 Finite Element Implementation of 2D Contact Interaction 295
cross product of the tangent vector ρξ and the third unit vector k which is
normal to the plane:
[k × ρξ ] 1 y2 − y1
ν := = . (9.9)
(ρξ · ρξ ) 2a11 x1 − x2
In this definition according to eqn. (4.88) and to Fig. 4.3, we assume that the
solid body occupies the lower part relative to the contact element in Fig. 9.1.
The approximation matrix containing the shape functions A
⎡ 1−ξ 1+ξ ⎤
− 0 − 0 10
⎢ 2 2 ⎥
A=⎣ ⎦, (9.10)
1−ξ 1+ξ
0 − 0 − 01
2 2
and the matrix of the derivatives of the shape functions A
1 1 0 −1 0 0 0
A = , (9.11)
2 0 1 0 −1 0 0
are used to approximate the displacement field as well as the derivatives. The
displacement vector u is defined as
uT = {u(1)
x , uy , ux , uy , ux , uy } .
(1) (2) (2) (S) (S) T
ν 2
O 00
ξc 1
C 1
1 ξ= 1
0 ρ
11 ξ
ξ =−1
(rs − ρ) · ρξ
Δξ = =
(ρξ · ρξ )
4 x1 + x2 x2 − x1 (m) x − x1
= xS
− − ξ · =
x2 − x1 2 2 2 2
2xS · (x2 − x1 ) x2 2 − x1 2
= − − ξ (m) . (9.13)
x2 − x1 2 x2 − x1 2
It is obvious that the Newton update scheme ξ (m+1) = ξ (m) +Δξ in eqn. (4.85)
is independent of the initial guess ξ (m) , therefore, the last expression in
eqn. (9.13) together with this scheme leads to the exact value for the in-
ternal coordinate ξC , so called, the closed form solution of CPP procedure:
Assuming in addition, that at the initial position the tangential traction T (0)
was zero, we obtain
Ttr = −T a11 (ξ (m+1) − ξ 0 ). (9.17)
The last eqn. (9.17) serves now to compute the trial tangential reaction.
The return-mapping following the Coulomb friction condition leads then
N (m+1) = N ζ (m+1) ,
⎧ (m+1) √
⎪ Ttr
if |Ttr | < μ|N (m+1) | a11
⎨ (sticking)
T (m+1) = .
⎪ (m+1) √ (m+1) (m+1) (m+1) √
⎪ μ|N | a 11 sgn(T ) if |T | ≥ μ|N | a 11
⎩ tr tr
The inequality condition in eqn. (9.18) is obtained from the following:
(m+1) Ttr
Ttr < μ|N | =⇒ √ < μ|N |, (9.19)
where eqn. (4.104) for the absolute value of the covariant vector is taken into
The global solution scheme for the simplest case discussed here is presented
in Table 9.1.
(m) √
|Ttr | < μ|N (m) | a11 =⇒ T |ξ (m) − ξ 0 | < μ|N (m) | (9.20a)
1 (m+1)
|Δξsl | = |Ttr | − μ|N (m+1)| , (9.25)
which can be found e.g. in Wriggers [190], see also eqn. (6.137).
0 Rξ 1 0
1 0
O 1 0 B 0
0 A(m+1) O (m+1) B(m+1)
0 0
1 00
11 0
11 0
1 00
11 00
11 0
1 0
1 00
11 011
00 00
11 00
0 (m)1
(0) 1
1 0 1
0 (up) 1
1 0
ξ 1 0 ξ 0
1 ξ 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
Δ 1
(m)0 0
1 0
0ξ 1
1 0
1 0
1 (m+1) 1
1 0
1 0
1 Δξ 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 Δ ξ
sl 0
(m+1) 0
1 0
1 0
This jump appears only due to the different approximation of the adjacent
elements. In order to overcome this, we can compute the force in geometrical
300 9 Special Case of Implementation – Reduction into 2D Case
Then Δξ is defined as
ρ(ξ (m+1) )ξ∈JL − ρ(ξ (m) ) + Δu(ξ (m) ) ξ∈IJ · ρξ
Δξ = (m+1)
Modifications of the global solution scheme given in Table 9.1 are represented
in Table 9.2 according to the special cases.
Y L1
0 0
1 S
(m) 11
11 00
I 00
K 11
11 00
00 00
Δ u 11
11 ρξ
(m+1) (m+1) (m+1)
00 111
000 1
0 00
11 011
100 0
1 00
K up Δ ρ 0 K(m+1)
10 (m+1)
Fig. 9.3 Crossing an element boundary within a load increment. Typical case for
the continuous integration scheme.
boundary is an edge then e.g. adaptive methods can improve the result for
a straight geometry, see Wriggers and Scherf [193] and Wriggers [190]. If the
real boundary is smooth, then various smoothing techniques based on the
approximation of the boundary with e.g. splines can be used. There are nu-
merous publications on this subject, see Wriggers et. al. [192], Padmanabhan
and Laursen [135] and Stadler [170] especially for 2D problems, and
then in Puso and Laursen [149], Krstulovic-Opara et. al. [102], Stadler and
Holzapfel [169] for 3D problems. In this case, the geometrical singularity is
removed, i.e. the normal n and the tangent vector ρξ are uniquely defined
at point B. However, the continuous integration scheme in eqn. (9.30-9.31)
is still necessary, as the smooth patches have in all above publications local
support, i.e. their convective coordinate is defined separately.
n ΑΒ ρξ n BD
0 ρξΑΒ ρξBD 11 D
N ζ (i) T
KN = N AT (ν ⊗ ν)A + A (ν ⊗ ρξ )A + AT (ρξ ⊗ ν)A
(ρξ · ρξ )
(i) (i)
Trial tangential traction: Ttr = −T (ρξ · ρξ )(ξC − ξ 0 )
Real tangential traction T (i) and corresponding matrices
are defined via the return-mapping algorithm
(i) (i)
if |Ttr | ≤ μ|N (i) |ρξ if |Ttr | > μ|N (i) |ρξ
sticking sliding
εT εN μ sgn(Ttr ) T
KT = − AT (ρξ ⊗ ρξ )A KT = − A (ρξ ⊗ ν)A
(ρξ · ρξ ) (ρξ · ρξ )1/2
μ|N |sgn(Ttr ) T
T (i)
− AT (ρξ ⊗ ρξ )A + A (ρξ ⊗ ρξ )A
(ρξ · ρξ )2 (ρξ · ρξ )3/2
+AT (ρξ ⊗ ρξ )AT +AT (ρξ ⊗ ρξ )AT
Table 9.2 Modifications of the global solution scheme according to special cases.
• Compute real tangential traction T (i) and corr. tangent matrices KT ac-
cording to the return mapping scheme, see Table 9.1
• Compute the full contact tangent matrix K = KN + KT , see Table 9.1
• Compute residual R, see Table 9.1
Compute and store the update cen- Store history variables for Δξ accord-
ter ξc according to eqn. (9.23) ing to eqn. (9.30) and T (m) .
u2 1
0 v
1 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
B 0
B1 C1 b
A 1111111111111
1 0
0 1
1 0
1 0
Fig. 9.5 Plane deformation of a block. Applied displacement loading at top of the
Table 9.3 Plane deformation of a block. Loading procedure with prescribed dis-
placements on the top side of the deformable block.
c) The load step No. 80 with u = 0.0080, see Table 9.3, is chosen as a final
point of the forward loading, see also the point F on the hysteresis curve
Fig. 9.6.
The development of the sliding zone with increasing displacement loading u
is given in Fig. 9.7 and the development of the stress ratio T /N in Fig. 9.8.
At the end of the forward loading the sliding zone is increased to about
8 ≤ x ≤ 20.
F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1
Observed displacement (pt. D)
0.001 O2
-0.012 -0.01 -0.008 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Applied displacement (pt. C)
Fig. 9.6 Plane deformation of a block. Hysteresis curve. Observed horizontal dis-
placement at point D vs. applied horizontal displacement at point C.
9.2 Frictional Contact Analysis: Requirements of Special Algorithms 307
Pt. O, u=0.0000
Pt. O1, u=0.0040
Pt. O2, u=0.0060
0.0025 Pt. F, u=0.0080
Displacement, U
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Coordinate, X
the stress ratio diagram in Fig. 9.10, where the curves vary inside the layer
−0.3 ≤ T /N ≤ 0.3. The residual displacements are not changing, see dia-
gram 9.9, until sliding is beginning. Starting from the applied displacements
u = −0.0040 (point F4 ) we can detect the beginning of sliding at the left cor-
ner of the block, as the stress ratio curve is approaching its limit ratio 0.3. The
final part of the hysteresis diagram, from point F4 to point G, is responsible
for the development of the sliding zone in the backward direction, which can
be observed either by the development of the horizontal displacements in the
left part of the displacement diagram 9.9, or by the development of the zone
with a stress ratio T /N = 0.3 in diagram 9.10. Full sliding of the block starts
at point G with u ≈ −0.0092. Beyond that, horizontal displacements on the
contact are changing proportionally to the applied displacement loading, i.e.
linearly, as we see from the linear part GH in the hysteresis curve.
Remark 9.2. In the presented example the displacements are small and slaves
nodes never cross the element boundaries, therefore the continuous integra-
tion scheme is not necessary. In the next example we show a particular
case with large sliding in which the application of the continuous integra-
tion scheme is necessary.
308 9 Special Case of Implementation – Reduction into 2D Case
Pt. O, u=0.0000
0.4 Pt. O1, u=0.0040
Pt O2, u=0.0060
Pt. F, u=0.0080
Ratio T / N
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Coordinate, X
Fig. 9.8 Plane deformation of a block. Stress ratio T /N on the master contact
surface. Forward loading.
Relative displacement
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Coordinate, X
Pt. F, u=0.0080
Pt. F2, u=0.0040
Pt. F3, u=0.0000
0.4 Pt. F4, u=-0.0040
Pt. F5, u=-0.0060
Pt. F6, u=-0.0080
Ratio T / N
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Coordinate, X
11111111 C 11111111
11111111 v 00000000
B1 B2
Fig. 9.11 Drawing of an elastic strip into a channel with sharp corners. Geometrical
Fig. 9.12 Sequence of deformations for the elastic strip. Nodes are sliding over the
sharp corner C.
0 STS 2 * 2
STS 5 pts.
-10 NTS
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 9.13 Drawing of an elastic strip over a sharp corner. Load-displacement curve.
Non-frictional case. NTS and STS approaches with different Lobatto integration –
a) 2 × 2 int. points with 2 sub-domains and b) 5 × 5 int. points.
of the curves in Fig. 9.14. For this case a side part of the channel is modeled
as a rigid surface described by an analytical function. For comparison, the
analysis is carried out with various friction coefficients μ = 0.1 and μ = 0.3,
see Fig. 9.14.
It would be favorable also for the frictional case to perform the analysis
without the continuous integration scheme avoiding to store a lot of informa-
tion about slave nodes and apply the “segment-to-segment” approach just
increasing the number of integration points (case 2). The results of such an
analysis using the same loading parameters as for the analysis in Fig. 9.14 are
shown in Fig. 9.15. 5 and 10 Lobatto integration points are taken. Despite
the fact that the solution is converging, the load-displacement curve shows
large oscillations in the sliding regions after passing node 2. This result is
due to the fact, that from one load step to the other the history variables are
not transported correctly. Only the upper envelope of the oscillatory curve
312 9 Special Case of Implementation – Reduction into 2D Case
NTS; mu = 0.2
0 NTS + cont. int.; mu = 0.1
NTS + cont. int.; mu = 0.2
NTS + cont. int.; mu = 0.3
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 9.14 Drawing of an elastic strip over a sharp corner. Load-displacement curve.
Frictional case – various friction coefficients. Straightforward NTS approach and
continuous integration schemes.
5 int. pts.
0 10 int. pts.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 9.15 Drawing of an elastic strip over a sharp corner. Load-displacement curve.
Frictional case. Straightforward application of the “segment-to-segment” scheme
without the continuous integration scheme leads to high oscillations also for a larger
number of integration points.
9.3 Discussion 313
Remark 9.3. We have to note that reversing the master surface, or the so-
called symmetric treatment of the contact, in the current example would also
not resolve the problem in a sufficient manner.
9.3 Discussion
Different situations requiring the application of more advanced techniques,
such as an update of sliding displacements and a continuous integration
scheme for the frictional case are illustrated with numerical examples. The
update technique is absolutely necessary for the simulation of reversible load-
ing processes, as the residual deformations have to be described correctly.
This is also conforming to the elasto-plastic analogy involved for formulation
of the return-mapping scheme for frictional problems. The continuous inte-
gration technique allows to transport all history variables correctly over the
contact segment boundaries, however, additional storage (history variables)
is required for the implementation. In the particular example of a sliding
edge on a surface, it is shown that for the non-frictional contact problem
the ”segment-to-segment” approach with different integration schemes can
improve the result, but for the frictional contact problem the continuous in-
tegration scheme is absolutely necessary independent of the approaches NTS
and STS.
Implementation of Contact Algorithms
with High Order FE
10.1 Introduction
One of the big advantages of high order finite elements along with the high
accuracy is the possibility to describe the given geometry of surfaces exactly.
The high quality for shell structure analysis has been shown e.g. in Rank [153] (2005). Also high order FE has became a basis for a, so-called,
iso-geometrical analysis for arbitrary 3D structures, see Hughes [70]
(2005). The exact geometry naturally leads also to improved results for con-
tact problems, however, some difficulties occur due to the nonlinear nature
of contact problems.
For small displacement problems an hp-version of the finite element
method has been discussed in Paczelt [134] (1999). A gap function
defined as a difference between approximated normal displacements from
two contacting bodies and corresponding to a penetration in the direction
of an initial normal vector nc is used as a measure of contact interaction.
The penalty method and the augmented Lagrangian method have been used
to enforce contact conditions within the simple iteration method possessing
only a linear rate of convergence. For large displacement problems simulated
with linear finite elements the gap has been introduced via the closest point
projection procedure taking into account an updated normal vector earlier
in Wriggers and Simo [194] (1985). The problem was solved via an iterative
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 315–329. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
316 10 Implementation of Contact Algorithms with High Order FE
where the index ms indicates correspondence to the master surface and the
index sl indicates correspondence to the slave surface. The number of the
degrees of freedom depending on the involved method can be related either
to the nodal DOF for the classical nodal version of finite element, or to the
generalized DOF including a hierarchical structure of the vertex, edge, side
and bubble degree of freedom for a p-element. The linear operator is defined
by the approximation matrix A as follows
318 10 Implementation of Contact Algorithms with High Order FE
n ρ2
pedge p bubble
p int. mesh
Fig. 10.1 Structure of contact layer finite element
M 1 0 0 M 2 0 0 ... ... ... M m 0 0
A= ⎣ 0 M 1 0 0 M 2 0 ... ... ... 0 M m 0
0 0 M 1 0 0 M 2 ... ... ... 0 0 Mm
−N 1 0 0 −N 2 0 0 ... ... ... −N n 0 0
0 −N 1 0 0 −N 2 0 ... ... ... 0 −N n 0 ⎦ . (10.2)
0 0 −N 1
0 0 −N 2 ... ... ... 0 0 −N n
F(η 1 , η 2 , ξ 3 ) ≡ rS (η 1 , η 2 ) − ρ(ξC
1 2
, ξC ) − ξ 3 n(ξC
1 2
, ξC ) = 0. (10.5)
3. All contact integrals (for residuals as well as for tangent matrices) are for-
mally computed via the quadrature formula, where a component with an
integration point ξi1 , ξj2 is included only if the corresponding penetration
is less then zero ξ 3 |ξi1 ,ξj2 ≤ 0.
f (ξ 1 , ξ 2 )ds = H(−ξ 3 )f (ξi1 , ξj2 )detJ(ξi1 , ξj2 )Ai Aj , (10.6)
320 10 Implementation of Contact Algorithms with High Order FE
linear mesh
p eb
A C ξI B
ρ (ξ)
n ρξ
rs S
rigid body
All necessary parameters for further numerical examples are reduced here for
the 2D case as shown in Fig. 10.2.
linear mesh
ρξ D
slave (non−mortar) part
linear mesh
contact integrals via a set of projected slave integration points over the mas-
ter segment (not via the set of slave nodes!) is falling into the case “one-pass
pressure interpolation method” which has been intensively studied in Solberg
and Papadopoulos [164] and proved to be BB-stable upon sufficiently accurate
integration of contact boundary terms P.2755 [164]. The BB-stability in due
course leads to the satisfaction of the contact patch test. Various integration
techniques including combinations of Gauss or Lobatto quadrature formulae
of higher order together with subdivisions of the integrand into sub-domains
(integration with subdomains) were studied in Sect. 8.7 in order to satisfy
the contact patch-test.
Table 10.1 Global solution scheme for Contact Layer – Contact Layer (CLCL)
finite element
where TiI−1 are real tangential tractions from the previous converged
load step I − 1.
e) return-mapping algorithm
compute the trial yield function
Φel = amn Tm el T el − μ|N |
R = N A T n + T i A T ρi
cylinder is linear elastic with Young’s modulus E = 1.0 · 105 N/mm2 and
Poisson ratio ν = 0.3; radius of the cylinder R = 100mm. The quarter of
cylinder is loaded by a distributed pressure at the upper side equivalent to
the global load P/2. The level of the load P is intentionally chosen to keep
the contact radius a small in order to stay in the frame of the Hertz hypoth-
esis , namely a << R. Thus, only six bounding elements are modified into
Contact Layer-Rigid Surface (CLRS) finite elements (the sixth element sat-
isfies additionally the conformity condition , with a linear mesh on the right
4P R(1 − ν 2 )
side), see Fig. 10.4. The contact radius a = and the contact
pressure p = a2 − x2 (see derivation e.g. in [77]) are main parameters
for the verification. Several incremental loading states corresponding to the
extension of the contact zone through several elements are studied.
1 2 3 4 5 6
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
a) b)
Fig. 10.4 a) Initial linear mesh. b) Anisotropic p-refinement in contact layer. Only
six elements are modified into Contact Layer-Rigid Surface (CLRS) elements.
order of the quadrature formula, a-priori, based only on the knowledge of the
polynomials involved into the shape function space. The current computation
is performed only with 10 Gauss points. A comparison with the analytical
solution is given in Fig. 10.5.
Hertz solution
NTS, initial mesh
500 p=2
Contact pressure
a) b)
Fig. 10.5 Contact zone is within a single element. a) Contact pressure vs. radius.
Variation of the polynomial degree for the CLRS element. b) Deformed shape.
the contact stresses are well approximated. The problem has been recognized
for high-order FE already in Paczelt [134] and as remedy the re-meshing
with the goal to move the node to the end of the contact zone was suggested.
Exact Hertz
2000 p=3
Contact pressure
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Contact radius
Fig. 10.6 Oscillations for contact pressure occur at P = 7.5kN when the con-
tact zone is ending inside an element. Neither increasing the polynomial degree p,
nor application of the composed integration rules of higher order could reduce the
In the case of arbitrary loading contact detection is performed via the CPP
procedure, therefore, it would be advantageous to find out techniques with-
out moving a node. It was found in computations that the under-integration
of the CLRS elements together with the lowering of the order of polynomial
degree only for bounding elements, e.g. where the contact zone is ending,
leads to a reduction of the oscillations. This effect is shown in Fig. 10.7,
where the polynomial degree is taken to be p = 2 and the contact integrals
for the bounding element only have been computed with only 2 Gauss points
(neither the exact function representing the circular arch, nor the quadratic
shape functions are fully integrated). Algorithmically this leads to the con-
tact detection in only two points, therefore, the size of the contact zone is
This technique is tested then for the development of the contact zone
through the element for p = 2. The applied force P is then rising in the range
5.90 kN ≤ P ≤ 10.5 kN while the contact zone is spreading through the
fourth element, see Fig. 10.8. Obviously, the oscillations are not eliminated
completely, but their amplitudes are sufficiently reduced.
328 10 Implementation of Contact Algorithms with High Order FE
Exact Hertz
Full integration
2000 Under-integration, 2 Gauss pts.
Contact pressure
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Contact radius
P=5.90 kN
P=6.50 kN
P=7.50 kN
P=8.50 kN
1500 P=9.50 kN
P=10.5 kN
Contact pressure
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Contact radius
Remark 10.2. A fairly good correlation with the analytical Hertz solution
even for the cases where only the contact layer is hierarchically enriched with
polynomial order p allows to consider the proposed contact layer elements
as a generalization of smoothing techniques known in contact mechanics,
where only contact surfaces are smoothed. However, the full p-refinement
combined with contact can be applied without loss of generality including
the refinement of the internal zone as well, which can lead even to a better
10.3 Numerical Examples for High Order Contact Layer Finite Elements 329
10.3.3 Discussion
In this chapter the special contact layer finite elements are constructed as
anisotropically refined p-finite elements allowing refinement only in the con-
tact layers. Contact with rigid bodies leads then to a Contact Layer - Rigid
Surface finite element, and contact between deformable bodies leads to a
Contact Layer - Contact Layer finite element. The elements are verified with
the classical Hertz contact problem. It is shown, that good correlations can
be achieved even within a few elements. However, oscillations may occur if
the contact zone appears inside the master contact segment. In such cases,
the reduction of the polynomial order together with under-integration of only
these bounding elements leads to improved acceptable results.
From a general point of view the proposed remedy for the oscillations
has limitations. However, from the mathematical point of view the source of
oscillations lays in the inability to approximate non-smooth functions (contact
pressure) via the set of functions given on the fixed domain represented by the
master segment, known as the Gibbs phenomenon. This explains the effect
of under-integration as a simple elimination of the singular point (end of the
contact zone as a point of non-smoothness) from the computation. A more
advanced technique would fall into the local enrichment of the shape function
space, i.e. XFEM method.
Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Models
– Some Particular Details of
Implementation and Numerical
11.1 Introduction
This chapter is focusing on the finite element implementation of coupled
anisotropic adhesion-friction model which has been developed and analyzed
in Sections 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. The model, first, is implemented for the full
Newton method and then the Augmented Lagrangian method. The tangent
matrices is then based on the linearization derived in Sect. 7.3.
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 331–365. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
332 11 Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Models – Implementation
specific combination of both, orthotropy for adhesion and orthotropy for fric-
tion, can lead to the so-called geometrical isotropy, when the contact bodies
show kinematically isotropic behavior. It is also demonstrated that various
kinematical structural properties of arbitrarily curved contact surfaces such
as a bolt connection can be modeled by means of the adhesion tensor.
The full Newton method together with the penalty method for frictional
contact problems such as non-penetration and sticking conditions, only within
a certain tolerance. This tolerance is defined by the penalty parameters for
both normal and tangential direction. The classical method of Lagrangian
multipliers leads to an exact satisfaction of contact constraints, however, ad-
ditional degrees of freedoms for the contact tractions are often mentioned
among the disadvantages of this method. As a good alternative, available in
many finite element software, the Augmented Lagrangian approach is em-
ployed. It allows to satisfy the contact constraints for non-penetration and
sticking within the nested iterative algorithm. The method is described theo-
retically in Bertsekas [12] and Fortin and Glowinski [41]. Pietrzak and Curnier
[145] developed the Augmented Lagrangian approach for frictional contact
including the corresponding saddle point functional.
In the second part of this chapter, the nested Uzawa algorithm is ap-
plied for symmetrization within the Augmented Lagrangian approach for an
anisotropic friction model including adhesion and friction. The geometrical
structure of the corresponding tangent matrices allows us to construct very
simple symmetric tangent matrices for the anisotropic case. The isotropic
case can then be defined as a reduction of the anisotropic case. The numeri-
cal examples show the good convergence behavior for various problems such
as small and large sliding problems.
KN = −N n ⊗ n. (11.1)
T = bij ρi ⊗ ρj . (11.2)
where (n) is a number of nodal points of the contact surface element. As-
suming that the approximation is performed with (n) shape functions, only
a single position matrix A is necessary for discretization of all contact con-
⎡ ⎤
N1 0 0 N2 0 0 ... ... ... N(n) 0 0
A = ⎣ 0 N1 0 0 N2 0 ... ... ... 0 N(n) 0 ⎦ . (11.5)
0 0 N1 0 0 N2 ... ... ... 0 0 N(n)
The contact matrix for the normal part in eqns. (7.9a), (7.9b), (7.9c) is then
obtained as (only the main part left):
KN = − N AT n ⊗ nAds = (11.6)
=− N AT n ⊗ nAWI WJ det J(ξI1 , ξJ2 ) ,
11.2 FE Implementation of Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Model 337
The components of the tangent matrices (normal and tangent vectors etc.)
are computed in the projection point of the master segment. The structure
is again algorithmic, e.g. a part for the normal contact has the form:
KN = − N AT n ⊗ nAds = (11.9)
= −N AT n ⊗ nA.
do j = 1, n
j−1 j
if ≤ s1 ≤
n n
then k = j (11.11)
ξ 1 = 2ns1 − 2k + 1
m1 mn
21 22
11 12 1n
Fig. 11.2 Curvilinear rectangular patch. Mapping scheme.
is specified between the plane and the block. To compare both approaches
contact is modeled with a point-to-analytical surface contact element as well
as with a node-to-segment approach. The rigid plane is taken as master seg-
ment within the latter approach. As an example coincident orthotropy angles
α = β are chosen. First, we will investigate the development of a sticking-
sliding zone for small displacements for various cases of the ratio rλ = με11 · με22 ,
see the mechanical interpretation in Sect. 6.3.7 and eqn. (6.138). Afterward,
we will consider the large displacement problem and investigate the trajec-
tories of the block depending on the surface properties.
2 ϕ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 11.4 Numbering of nodes on the lower surface and direction ϕ of the devel-
opment of a sliding zone.
342 11 Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Models – Implementation
Isotropic case (1). The results are depicted in the diagram in Figure 11.5
showing the developed sticking area (in grey color) for the applied horizontal
displacements on the lower contact surface in several states from the top view.
This area is identified by sticking nodes on the lower contact surface; these
nodes are inside the adhesion ellipse. For the results of the investigations we
use the node numbering and the inclination angle ϕ for the block as given in
Fig. 11.4. One can observe that the edge nodes are sliding from the beginning,
i.e. when only vertical loading is applied. This effect is due to the singularity
of stresses on the edges known from the analytical solution for a rigid punch
problem, see e.g. Johnson [77]. The symmetrical sticking region is vanishing
and the block begins to slide fully, once the applied horizontal displacements
are beyond the value u = 10.0 · 10−3 .
It is also interesting, especially for the forthcoming orthotropic cases, to
observe the beginning of full sliding. Both the initial configuration and the
scaled deformed configuration from the bottom view are depicted in Fig. 11.6
for loading u = 9.0 · 10−3 (the block begins to slide partially) as well as for
loading u = 20.0·10−3 (fully developed sliding of the block). The deformation
is symmetric as the horizontal axis and the current horizontal symmetry axis
are moving along the reference axis.
Geometrically isotropic case (2) . The results are depicted in the diagrams
in Figure 11.7 showing the development of the sticking area. It is interesting
to observe that the initial sticking area u = 0.0 in this case is symmetric
along the main orthotropy axes which are turned according to the references
coordinate system by the angles α = β = 45o .
We recall the geometrical interpretation to explain this phenomena. The
adhesion region becomes a circle in this particular example, see Fig. 11.9.
The elastic properties inside the circle are orthotropic according to the com-
putation of the trial force as Ttr = BΔx with the adhesion tensor computed
with α = 45o , see eqn. (11.12):
1 ε1 + ε2 ε1 − ε2 105 5 1
B = [bj ] = −
=− . (11.14)
2 ε1 − ε2 ε1 + ε2 2 1 5
Since, in the current example the stiffness in the second direction is smaller
than in the first one ε2 < ε1 , all points Ael tend to reach the boundary
of the adhesion circle in the direction of the ξ 2 -axis. This can explain the
asymmetric behavior of the initial sticking area in Fig. 11.7 (a). The direction
of the sliding force Tsl , which is starting to act from the boundary of the
circle, is defined by the matrix BFB, see eqn. (7.48), which in the current
example becomes:
⎡ 2 ⎤
ε1 ε22 ε21 ε22
+ − 6
1⎢ μ22 ⎥
2 μ22 μ21
⎢ μ1 ⎥ 10 0
BFB = ⎢ ⎥ = . (11.15)
2 ⎣ ε2 ε 2
ε 2
ε 2 ⎦ 0 106
− 22 12 + 22
μ21 μ2 μ1 μ2
11.3 Effects of the Coupled Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Model 343
(a) u = 0.0 (b) u = 1.0 (c) u = 2.0 (d) u = 3.0 (e) u = 4.0
(f) u = 5.0 (g) u = 6.0 (h) u = 7.0 (i) u = 8.0 (j) u = 9.0
Fig. 11.5 Isotropic case (1). Development (degeneration) of sticking zone for several
displacement states. Horizontally applied displacement u pointing into the right
direction (u is scaled by 10−3 ).
For completeness, we would like to present the results showing the conver-
gence of the sticking zone with regard to: 1) adhesion parameters; 2) mesh
density. Thus, Fig. 11.10 represents the comparison of the initial sticking
zones computed first for the set of parameters εN = 2.1 · 103 , ε1 = 3.0 · 103 ,
ε2 = 2.0 · 103 , then for the same set, but instead of 103 scaled sequentially
by the factors 104 , 105 and 106 . For the latter computation the vertical load-
ing has been provided in 10 load steps. The results serve also to show the
convergence of the results with increasing penalty parameters.
The influence of the mesh density on the sticking zone for the case of
parameters εN = 2.1 · 105, ε1 = 3.0 · 105, ε2 = 2.0 · 105 is shown in Fig. 11.11.
The uniform mesh was varied as 10 × 10 × 4, 16 × 16 × 6, 20 × 20 × 8 and
32 × 32 × 8 respectively, the third number always representing the number of
elements in thickness direction.
Orthotropic case (3). The results are depicted in the diagrams in Fig. 11.12
showing the development of a closed sticking area. The orthotropy of the ad-
hesion region results in the sticking region being turned by the angle 45o .
The development of a sliding zone starts at the upper right corner and con-
tinues unsymmetrically leading further to a parallel shifting of the block and
a straight trajectory inclined at an angle ϕ (see definition at Fig. 11.4) in the
case of large displacements. This effect is depicted in Fig. 11.13, a bottom
344 11 Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Models – Implementation
(a) (b)
Fig. 11.6 Isotropic case (1). Initial and deformed configuration. Bottom view.
Displacements scaled by factor 150. Applied horizontal displacements on the upper
surface: (a) u = 9.0 · 10−3 (start of sliding); (b) u = 20.0 · 10−3 (fully developed
Orthotropic case (4). The results are depicted in the diagrams in Fig. 11.14
showing the development of a closed sticking area. Now, isotropy for the ad-
hesion region together with a small difference between the friction coefficients
results in the obtained symmetric region. As known, large differences between
the coefficients lead to an unsymmetrical region, see e.g. the results for the
classical orthotropic friction model in [67]. The sticking region is diminishing
unsymmetrically resulting globally in a shifting of the block, see Fig. 11.15.
(a) u = 0.0 (b) u = 1.0 (c) u = 2.0 (d) u = 3.0 (e) u = 4.0
(f) u = 5.0 (g) u = 6.0 (h) u = 7.0 (i) u = 8.0 (j) u = 9.0
Fig. 11.7 Geometrically isotropic case (2). Development of the sticking zone for
various displacement states. Horizontally applied displacement u pointing into the
right direction (u is scaled by 10−3 ).
(a) (b)
Fig. 11.8 Geometrically isotropic case (2). Initial and deformed configuration.
Bottom view. Displacements scaled by factor 150. Applied horizontal displacements
on the upper surface: (a) u = 9.0 · 10−3 (start of sliding); (b) u = 20.0 · 10−3 (fully
developed sliding).
In the numerical examples the penalty parameter for the normal trac-
tion is taken as εN = 2.1 · 104 for all cases; the orthotropy angles are given
as α = β = 45o . The horizontal incremental displacements are given as
346 11 Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Models – Implementation
2 ξ1
el sl
α A T sl A
O 1
T tr X
Fig. 11.9 Adhesion region and direction of an elastic trial force and a sliding
force for specially chosen parameters leading to the geometrically isotropic case
(2). ε1 < ε2 , α = 45o .
Fig. 11.10 Geometrically isotropic case (2). Initial sticking zone. Variation of
penalty and adhesion tensor parameters. (a) scale factor 103 , one load step. (b)
scale factor 104 , one load step. (c) scale factor 105 , one load step. (d) scale factor
106 , 10 load steps.
Δu = 5.0 · 10−2 in order to reach a sliding state of the block from the begin-
ning. The other parameters are varied to achieve different cases as presented
in Table 11.1.
The trajectories of the block for all cases are depicted in Fig. 11.16. It
becomes obvious that the block tends to move into the direction of the
eigenvector with smaller eigenvalue λ. E.g. if rλ = ε1 /ε2 = 0, then the
trajectory is inclined at the angle of orthotropy ϕ ≈ α = 45o and vice
versa if rλ = ε1 /ε2 = ∞, i.e. ε2 = 0, then the block is inclined at angle
ϕ ≈ −45o . The other parameter variations lead to different trajectories with
angles −45o < ϕ < 45o . As a particular example, the geometrically isotropic
case is recovered for the ratio rλ = 1 leading to a circular adhesion region.
In this particular case the block is moving into the direction of the applied
11.3 Effects of the Coupled Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Model 347
Fig. 11.11 Geometrically isotropic case (2). Initial sticking zone. Variation of mesh
density. (a) 10 × 10 elements in plane. (b) 16 × 16 elements in plane. (c) 20 × 20
elements in plane. (d) 32 × 32 elements in plane.
(a) u = 0.0 (b) u = 1.0 (c) u = 2.0 (d) u = 3.0 (e) u = 4.0
(f) u = 5.0 (g) u = 6.0 (h) u = 7.0 (i) u = 8.0 (j) u = 9.0
Fig. 11.12 Orthotropic case (3). Development (degeneration) of sticking zone for
several displacement states. Horizontally applied displacement u pointing into the
right direction (u is scaled by 10−3 ).
(a) (b)
Fig. 11.13 Orthotropic case (3). Undeformed and deformed configuration. Bottom
view. Displacements scaled by factor 150. Applied horizontal displacements on the
upper surface: (a) u = 9.0·10−3 (start of sliding); (b) u = 20.0·10−3 (fully developed
(a) u = 0.0 (b) u = 1.0 (c) u = 2.0 (d) u = 3.0 (e) u = 4.0
(f) u = 5.0 (g) u = 6.0 (h) u = 7.0 (i) u = 8.0 (j) u = 9.0
1 εr x2 + εϕ y 2 (εr − εϕ )xy
B=− . (11.16)
x + y2
2 (εr − εϕ )xy εr y 2 + εϕ x2
11.3 Effects of the Coupled Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Model 349
(a) (b)
Fig. 11.15 Orthotropic case (4). Undeformed and deformed configuration. Bottom
view. Displacements scaled by factor 150. Applied horizontal displacements on the
upper surface: (a) u = 9.0·10−3 (start of sliding); (b) u = 20.0·10−3 (fully developed
The chosen contact surface parameters are: penalty parameter for the normal
traction εN = 2.1 · 105; isotropic friction tensor with μ1 = μ2 = 0.2. Adhesion
tensor with cases: a) εr = 100, εϕ = 1000, b) εr = 2000, εϕ = 5000, c) εr =
1000, εϕ = 1000, d) εr = 5000, εϕ = 2000, e) εr = 1000, εϕ = 100, f) εr =
1000, εϕ = 0.0.
350 11 Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Models – Implementation
ϕ = -44.95
ϕ = -21.01
0.4 ϕ = 0.00
ϕ = 21.01
ϕ = 44.95
Fig. 11.16 Trajectories of the block and inclination angle ϕ for various cases of
orthotropy with the eigenvalue ratios: rλ = ∞ =⇒ ϕ = −44.95o ; rλ = 3/2 =⇒ ϕ =
−21.01o ; rλ = 1.0 =⇒ ϕ = 0.00o ; rλ = 2/3 =⇒ ϕ = 21.01o ; rλ = 0.0 =⇒ ϕ =
44.95o .
In Fig. 11.18 the sequence of the motions for all cases leading to different
ratios rε = εϕ /εr is depicted. It is obvious, that the desired circular mo-
tion can be achieved by prescribing the corresponding eigenvalue to a small
value, e.g. rε = 0.0 in the current example. The last result can be derived
also analytically from the analysis of global motion of a block, see proof in
Sect. 6.4.3.
Remark 11.4. The trajectory of the block depends on the ratio λϕ /λr . How-
ever, the numerical computations show that it is possible to prescribe the de-
sired trajectory by only controlling the adhesion tensor parameters. Attempts
to achieve the desired trajectory controlling the friction tensor parameters,
e.g. taking μr ≈ 0 for the case (f), lead to disconvergence. A straightforward
conclusion is that the geometrical structure of the surface in the sense of
the desired trajectory can be defined via the adhesion tensor, while other
11.3 Effects of the Coupled Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Model 351
Fig. 11.17 Geometry and loading for the case of polar orthotropy.
mechanical characteristics such as the measured global forces are defined via
the friction tensor.
Fig. 11.18 Motion of the block in the case of polar orthotropy on the plane.
Varying adhesion tensor parameters: rε = εϕ /εr = 10/1, 5/2, 1, 2/5, 1/10, 0;
isotropic friction tensor parameters: μ1 = μ2 = 0.2. Loading by prescribed vertical
displacement w and incremental y-displacement Δu.
Fig. 11.19 Finite element model of a bolt connection. Outer surface is rigid and
is illustrated with one element only.
⎡ ⎤
R2 H
gε R 2 (ε1 − ε2 )
⎢ 2π ⎥
1 ⎢ ⎥
B = bij ρi ⊗ ρj = −
2 ⎢
2 ⎥
H ⎣ 2
R H H ⎦
R2 + (ε 1 − ε 2 ) ε 1 + ε 2 R 2
2π 2π 2π
2 H
with gε = ε1 R + ε2 . The adhesion tensor parameters are varying
according to Table 11.2. The results of the analyses are depicted in Fig. 11.20
showing the computed longitudinal motion of the bolt along the OZ-axis vs.
the applied rotation angle. The resulting distance of a longitudinal motion h
after the rotation of a bolt by 360o is also presented in Table 11.2. Case (1)
with ratio rε = 0 leads to a pure forward motion according to the motion
along the main spiral line. The bolt moves forward at the distance H while
the bolt is rotating at the full angle 360o . The geometrically isotropic case
(4) does not lead to any longitudinal motion. For ratios rε > 1 a backward
motion is obtained. Finally, the case (7) with ratio rε = ∞ (not shown in
Fig. 11.20) leads to a motion along the orthogonal spiral, i.e. the bolt moves
backwards at the distance Ĥ = , see Remark 6.9.
354 11 Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Models – Implementation
case 1
case 2
H case 3
Observed motion Z
3 case 4
case 5
case 6
60 120 180 240 300 360
Remark 11.5. This example is only chosen to illustrate the possibility to de-
scribe machined surfaces from a kinematical point of view. The applicability
of the proposed model to stress analysis of the bolt connection requires, cer-
tainly, a more sophisticated analysis.
11.3.4 Discussion
The proposed model for contact interfaces is analyzed for constant orthotropy
on a plane, for polar orthotropy on a plane and for spiral orthotropy on a
cylinder. The reliability of the numerical results is controlled by checking the
convergence with increasing the adhesion parameters and by remeshing. A
classification of orthotropy based on the ratio of eigenvalues for the corre-
sponding orthotropic tensor is proposed and the kinematical effects for the
classified cases are numerically investigated. In particular, as a specific case
of complex anisotropy the geometrically isotropic kinematic behavior of the
contact bodies can be found despite the presence of both, anisotropy for adhe-
sion and friction. The possibility of modeling machined surfaces with the help
of the adhesion tensor is shown by numerical examples for polar orthotropy
and for the model of a bolt connection.
The presented approach shows an algorithmic inclusion in covariant form
only for linear elastic adhesion and for Coulomb’s friction law. Any combina-
tion of elastic, visco-elastic or nonlinear laws for the adhesion region together
with non-associative or associative friction laws can be derived in straight-
forward covariant manner based on the metrics of the contact surfaces.
# #
L(δWcN ) = L( N δξ ds) = − N (δrs − δρ) · (n ⊗ n)(vs − v)ds
s !
leads to KmN
− δρ,j · aij (n ⊗ ρi )(vs − v) + (δrs − δρ) · aij (ρj ⊗ n)v,i ds.
N ξ 3
s !
leads to KrN
Here, the first term (resp. the second term) after approximation of the geom-
etry leads to the main part of the contact matrix Km N (resp. the rotational
part of the contact matrix KrN ).
# - .
|N | BFTtr ⊗ (BFB)T FBFTtr
+ (δrs − δρ) · (vs − v) ds
s (BFTtr · FBFTtr )3
leads to Km,3
T ,sl
$ %
− Tisl (δrs − δρ) · ail ajk ρk ⊗ ρl vj + δρ,j · aik ajl ρk ⊗ ρl (vs − v) ds.
leads to KrT ,sl
Now we can summarize the results concerning the symmetry of the neces-
sary tangent matrices. As expected, all parts concerning non-frictional and
sticking contact, namely Km r m r
N , KN , KT,st and KT,st are symmetric. Atten-
tion should be paid to the sliding tangent matrix, because it contains both,
symmetric and non-symmetric parts:
T,sl is the first main part due to the coupling of the normal and the sliding
tractions. It appears due to linearization of the normal traction N and it is
T,sl is the second main part. It appears due to linearization of the normal
trial tangential traction Ttr and preserves symmetry.
T,sl is the third main part and non-symmetric. It appears due to lin-
earization of the complex term √ reflecting the coupling
of anisotropy for adhesion and friction.
Finally, KrT,sl is the rotational, symmetric part reflecting rotation of the mas-
ter segment.
358 11 Anisotropic Adhesion-Friction Models – Implementation
m ain
μN it d
o 0
b= ε2 il m ε 1=
μ1 N
sticking a= 000
O φ
ξ (0)
In this case, the Lagrangian multipliers for both normal N , and tangential
traction T are augmented. Convergence for tangential displacements is
checked by the proximity to the initial contact point:
i − ξi j j
aij (ξ(I) (K−1) )(ξ(I) − ξ(K−1) ) ≤ T , (11.21)
|ξ 3 | ≤ N , (11.22)
N K,L,I = λL−1
N + εN ξI3
penetration ξI3 is computed in each iteration I.
Update multipliers
N = N
Update multipliers
ΔλL L−1
T = ΔλT + B(ξ(I) − ξ(K−1) )
This leads to a constant sliding force for the internal loop and, therefore, the
first main part of the sliding tangent matrix is zero Km,1T,sl = 0. Then, the full
tangent matrix for the sliding case becomes:
leads to the following matrix in the sliding case according to the inexact
Uzawa algorithm:
Kfslull = Km r m,2 r
N + KN + KT,sl + KT,sl . (11.26)
Kfstull = Km r m r
N + KN + KT,st + KT,st . (11.27)
Φλ = TK,L,I
tr · FTK,L,I
tr − |λL−1
N |.
c) return-mapping: real tangential traction TK,L,I
⎧ K,L,I
⎪ Ttr if Φλ < 0
T =
⎪ T̂
⎩ Tsl = − |λL−1
N | if Φλ ≥ 0
T̂ · FT̂
where T̂ = BFTK,L,I
⎡ 1 1 1 1 ⎤
β + sin2
β ( − ) sin β cos β
⎢ μ21 μ22 μ21 μ22 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
F = [fk ] = ⎢
⎥. (11.30)
⎣ 1 1 1 1 ⎦
( 2 − 2 ) sin β cos β 2 sin β + 2 cos β
2 2
μ1 μ2 μ1 μ2
The following parameters are taken for the computations: normal penalty
parameter: εN = 2.1 · 104 ; adhesion parameters: ε1 = 3.0 · 104 , ε1 = 2.0 · 104 ;
friction coefficients: μ1 = 3.0, μ2 = 2.0; tolerance for penetration: N =
1.0 · 10−5 ; tolerance for tangential displacement: T = 1.0 · 10−5 ; orthotropic
angles: α = 45o , β = 45o . This leads to a, so-called, geometrical isotropic case
because of the ratio εε12 μμ21 = 1.0.
The block (see Fig. 11.3) is located on the XOY plane and loaded by
vertically prescribed displacements on the upper surface w = 1.0 · 10−2 . The
penalty based approach gives convergence in 4 iterations, but both normal
and tangential displacements inside the sticking region do not satisfy the
prescribed tolerances. The results for the Augmented scheme are presented
in Table 11.6. The method shows linear convergence as can be seen from the
Tolerance column.
1 εr x2 + εϕ y 2 (εr − εϕ )xy
B=− 2 . (11.31)
x + y2 (εr − εϕ )xy εr y 2 + εϕ x2
Parameters for the adhesion tensor are chosen as εr = 1000, εϕ = 0.0, in or-
der to obtain the circular trajectory of the sliding block. Now only the normal
tractions N are updated and a tolerance for penetration N = 1.0·10−5 is cho-
sen. The gap for the penalty based approach is computed as ξ 3 = 7.26 · 10−3
if the normal penalty εN = 2.1 · 104 is chosen. The total number of iterations
(4556) compared with the penalty approach (1834) is influenced only by the
normal penetration. The final coordinates of the nodal point X = 0.292,
Y = 4.996 are compared with the results found with the penalty approach
X = 0.306, Y = 4.994 in order to show that the main kinematical effect of
the anisotropic surfaces is preserved for the Augmented Lagrangian method
. A comparison of both trajectories leads to a slight difference comparable to
the value of the initial penetration and the initial sticking displacements.
Table 11.6 Constant orthotropy on a plane. Convergence results for the symmetric
Augmented Lagrangian method.
11.5.3 Discussion
In this section a symmetrization of the stiffness matrix has been developed
within the Augmented Lagrangian method for anisotropic contact surfaces
including both, anisotropy for adhesion and anisotropy for friction domains.
It is shown that in general a fully coupled model necessarily leads to a fully
nonsymmetric matrix in the case of sliding, but the covariant approach allows
to estimate the structure of the tangent matrix part by part and, therefore,
allows to construct a symmetric matrix used in accordance with the inexact
Uzawa algorithm . However, as is shown, the Augmented Lagrangian method
can not be directly applied to arbitrary anisotropic surfaces due to conver-
gence problems. Thus, to create a robust algorithm, contact problems have
to be subdivided into small sliding problems with low anisotropy where the
distribution of the sticking-sliding zone is of interest, and into large sliding
problems where the trajectory of the sliding body is of interest.
11.5 Numerical Examples for Augmented Lagrangian Method 365
For the small sliding problems, both the normal, and the tangential con-
tact tractions are augmented within the nested Uzawa algorithm. This makes
it possible to enforce both normal and tangential sticking displacements to
satisfy a prescribed tolerance. For the large sliding problems only the normal
traction is augmented leading to the enforcement of only the normal dis-
placements to satisfy a prescribe tolerance. In both cases the return-mapping
scheme is exploited to obtain the real sliding tractions. Numerical examples
including constant as well as nonlinear orthotropy e.g. a polar orthotropy
showed the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Experimental Validations of the
Coupled Anistropic Adhesion-Friction
12.1 Introduction
Smoothness and isotropy of contacting body surfaces can vary considerably
for different contact problems. Classifying the surfaces roughness two types
can be distinguished: a) surfaces with randomly distributed asperities, and
b) asperities with algorithmic structure, e.g. the considered surface shows
different macro properties in different directions.
Mechanical characteristics for the associated contact problems of the first
type a) are obtained via statistically distributed asperities. Statistical analy-
sis of a real rough surface and experimental aspects of its measurements have
been developed in a series of publications: Longuet-Higgins [116], Green-
wood and Williamson [49], Whitehouse and Archard [182] and more recently
Whitehouse and Phillips [184] and Greenwood [47]. A comparative analysis
of these surface models is presented in McCool [123]. These experimentally
proved models later have been incorporated into finite element models, see
e.g. Wriggers and Zavarise [197], [196], Buczkowski and Kleiber [24]. More
advanced numerical analyses including homogenization methods and multi-
scaled modeling are presented in Bandeira et. al. [9], [8]. Carbone and Man-
gialardi [26] derived contact tractions analytically for a particular example
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 367–380. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
368 12 Experimental Validations of the Coupled Anistropic Adhesion-Friction
with a rigid wavy surface with a sinusoidal profile, assuming the presence of
an adhesion hysteresis for 2D plane strain elasticity problem.
Constitutive modeling is applied for problems of the second type b). Such
models are based on the generalization of Coulomb’s friction law into the
anisotropic domain. One of the first models has been proposed by Michalowski
and Mroz [128] considered the sliding of a rigid block on an inclined surface.
A model of orthotropic friction has been analyzed and consistently developed
in Zmitrowicz [213], Curnier [31]. Various cases of anisotropy were presented
in He and Curnier [61] based on the theory of tensor function representations
and in Zmitrowicz [214] based on consideration of a relative sliding velocity.
In the latter contribution, a classification of anisotropic surfaces based on the
number of eigenvalues of the friction tensor has been proposed.
When looking at practical problems concerning contact interactions with
friction between bodies made of soft rubber-like materials there are some sit-
uations in which the tangential elasticity of the contact surfaces should be
taken into account. In these cases anisotropy for elastic forces (adhe-
sion) and frictional forces might be coupled. Such a model including
coupling of anisotropy for both friction and adhesion has been developed and
analyzed numerically in Konyukhov and Schweizerhof [89], [90]. In the current
contribution we discuss the validation of this model with a particular exper-
imental test. The contact surfaces are chosen to possess visual orthotropic
properties, thus a corrugated rubber mat is taken. The results of the ex-
periments show the necessity to use the coupled model including
anisotropy for both friction and adhesion. Some originally surprising
experimental phenomena, such as geometrically isotropic observed behavior
of a sliding block despite obvious physical anisotropies can be explained only
within the proposed model.
models are assumed a-priori to be valid for the global behavior, i.e. that the
tangential driving global force F is proportional to the normal reaction N :
F = f (x, y)N , where a function f (x, y) describes the orthotropic properties
of a surface.
surface with parallel ripples possessing in the cross section a periodical struc-
ture, see the CAD model in Fig. 12.2. The distance between the ripples is
rather small in comparison to the dimension of the contact area of the block
allowing approximately 30 ripples in contact area depending on orthotropy
angle in experiments. The orientation of the ripples with respect to the fixed
driving direction can be varied from 0o up to 90o by repositioning the mat,
see Fig. 12.3. Again we should mention that the aim of the experiments is to
show the necessity of a coupled anisotropic model for adhesion and friction,
therefore, we intentionally skip any measurement of ripple stiffnesses concen-
trating on finding the global macro characteristics of the coupled behavior.
00000 ϕ 000000
v 00000
v 00000
v 000000
11111 00000
11111 000000
α 000000
11111 00000
11111 000000
Fig. 12.3 Orientation of the orthotropy with respect to the fixed direction of the
velocity: a) α = 0o , b) α = 0o < α < 90o , c) α = 90o . The trajectory of the block
is a straight line declined at angle ϕ.
Experiment, vel. = 24.4 cm/sec
Observed angle
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Orthotropy angle
Fig. 12.4 Observed mean value of the inclination angle ϕ vs. orthotropy angle α.
Experimental results for different velocities of the block.
12.3.1 Case 1
We start the validation from the simple model including only orthotropic fric-
tion as discussed in Sect. 6.4.1. Our aim is to find out a case describing qual-
itatively the experimental results. Therefore, we perform a test computation
with the following friction coefficients μ1 = 0.1, μ1 = 0.5. In Fig. 12.5 the re-
sults are depicted. In addition, at an extremal angle α = arctan μμ21 = (78.69o)
μ2 − μ21
the maximum value ϕmax = arctan 2 = (67.38o ) is computed by ana-
2μ1 μ2
lyzing the shape of a curve. It can be seen, that the point is moving into the
direction with a smaller friction coefficient, which contradicts the experimen-
tal curve, see Fig. 12.4.
70 case 1
Observed angle
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Orthotropy angle
12.3.2 Case 2
As a next step, we choose the orthotropic adhesion – orthotropic friction
interface model, but including orthotropy only for the friction tensor and
keeping the adhesion tensor to be isotropic, B = −εT E. In this case, a struc-
ture of the matrix in eqns. (6.149) and (6.152) is given as A = −ε2T F leading
to the inclination angle in eqn. (6.153) to be defined as
The analysis with the values μ1 = 0.1 and μ2 = 0.5 gives the curve presented
in Fig. 12.6 with the extremal parameters βext = 11.31o and ϕmin = −67.38o.
In this case, the point tends to move into the direction with the larger friction
coefficient. This is also a contradiction to the experimental results.
374 12 Experimental Validations of the Coupled Anistropic Adhesion-Friction
case 2
Observed angle
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Orthotropy angle
12.3.3 Case 3
As a next step, within the orthotropic adhesion – orthotropic friction interface
model orthotropy is assumed only for adhesion with parameters ε1 = 1 · 104
and ε2 = 5 · 104 . The following structure of the matrix A is obtained
A = BFB = B, (12.3)
leading to an inclination angle ϕ defined as
The result is depicted in Fig. 12.7 with the extremal values as αext = 78.69o
and ϕmax = 67.38o. The curve shows a motion into the direction with the
smaller stiffness ε1 . This contradicts the experimental results as well.
We observed that neither the purely orthotropic friction model, nor the cou-
pled model with separately included orthotropy either for friction, or for ad-
hesion is unable to capture the phenomena even qualitatively.
12.3.4 Case 4
Now we keep the orthotropy for both the adhesion tensor and the friction
tensor with the same angle, namely α = β. The structure of the tensor A
is found from the spectral decomposition in eqns. (6.143) and (6.158) with
Qα ≡ Qβ
12.3 Calibration of Parameters for Different Models 375
40 case 3
Observed angle
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Orthotropy angle
12.3.5 Case 5
Finally, we can choose the last possible modification for the observed geo-
metrical orthotropy for surfaces as taken in the experiment. We define a new
angle β̂ as a main angle of surface asperities in the experiment, see Fig. 12.9.
The orthotropy angle β for the friction tensor is shifted by 90o degrees to
β = α + π/2 with respect to the orthotropy angle α for the adhesion tensor.
The structure of the tensor A is given according to eqn. (12.5), but now the
composition of the two orthogonal matrices QTα Qβ leads to:
376 12 Experimental Validations of the Coupled Anistropic Adhesion-Friction
40 case 4
Observed angle
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Orthotropy angle
QTα Qβ = (12.6)
cos α − sin α cos β − sin β
= · =
sin α cos α sin β cos β
cos α − sin α − sin α − cos α
= · =
sin α cos α cos α − sin α
0 −1
= .
1 0
2 1
ξ μ
1 2
ξ μ
α X1
Fig. 12.9 Definition of the experimentally observed angle β̂, by an orthotropy angle
α for the adhesion tensor and an orthotropy angle β for the friction tensor.
40 case 5
Observed angle
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Orthotropy angle
In this case, the force T2 measured in direction X2 is larger, while the rip-
ples are softer in the same direction, which is visually observed in experiments
even without measurement of ripple stiffnesses, see Fig. 12.2. Moreover, as-
suming εε12 = μμ12 we obtain ϕ(α) = 0, i.e. the block is no longer inclined, and
we recover the geometrically isotropic behavior already observed in experi-
ments, see Sect. 12.2.2. In this case, orthotropy for friction is compensated
by orthotropy for adhesion leading to the observed isotropic behavior of the
block, though the reason for this remains uncovered.
378 12 Experimental Validations of the Coupled Anistropic Adhesion-Friction
λ1 ε 1 μ1
ratioext = = · . (12.8)
λ2 ε 2 μ2
Since, the friction coefficients μ1 , μ2 are defined via the measurement of
forces in the experiment, the inclination angle ϕ depends only on the ratio
of eigenvalues ε1 /ε2 , see also the Remark in Section 6.4.2. This fact gives
the possibility to judge macro properties for ripple stiffnesses without mea-
surements. Thus, we will use eqn. (6.153) for a calibration of the model.
Calibration is provided according to following rules: 1) a maximum rule –
both theoretical and experimental curves must achieve the same maximum;
2) a least square fit method. The friction coefficients have been determined
previously to μ1 = 0.408, μ2 = 0.625.
According to the maximum rule the value for the angle ϕext defined in
eqn. (6.157) is used for calibration purposes. Taking e.g. the maximum angle
ϕmax = 11.5o measured for the velocity 12.5 cm/sec the ratio of the eigenval-
ues given in eqn. (6.157) becomes
ratioext = = −0.20345 ± 1.02048 = 0.817, (12.9)
where only the positive solution is taken. The ratio of the stiffness coefficient
is then obtained as
ε1 μ2 0.625
= · ratioext = · 0.817 = 1.251 (12.10)
ε2 μ1 0.408
A more mathematically precise least square fit method leads to the statement
derived from eqn. (6.153). The following sum must be minimized:
(λ21 − λ22 ) tan β (k)
tan ϕ(k) + =
λ21 tan2 β (k) + λ22
N 2
(rλ2 − 1) tan β (k)
= (k)
tan ϕ + 2 −→ min, (12.11)
rλ tan2 β (k) + 1
where ϕ(k) are measured declination angles vs. applied orthotropy angles α(k)
and β (k) = π/2 − α(k) . Minimization with regard to the variable rλ2 leads to
the following expression:
12.4 Discussion 379
5N 2 3
k=1 tan β (k) (1 + tan2 β (k) )(tan β (k) − tan ϕ(k) )
rλ2 = 5N 2 3. (12.12)
k=1 tan β (k) (1 + tan2 β (k) )(tan β (k) + tan ϕ(k) )
The cases including the computed parameters are shown in Fig. 12.11 and
do not exhibit a quantitively good correlation, though we reached the aim to
show the necessity of coupling both orthotropy for friction and orthotropy
for adhesion in addition to the general applicability of the proposed model.
Among the possible reasons for the bad correlations might be the following:
a) a too simple linear elastic model for adhesion region;
b) the simple Coulomb friction model for the friction region without e.g.
hysteresis etc.
Nevertheless, it seems to be important to consider fairly complex models
including the coupled orthotropy for the adhesion and the friction in order
to describe the observed phenomena more precisely.
14 Experiment
Maximum, theory
Least Square Fit, theory
Observed angle
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Orthotropy angle
Fig. 12.11 Observed inclination angle ϕ vs. redefined orthotropy angle β̂. Calibra-
tion: (1) by the absolute maximum value for different velocities of the block; (2) by
the least square fit method.
12.4 Discussion
The necessity to apply a coupled model including anisotropy for both adhe-
sion and friction is shown for particular soft anisotropic surfaces, such as a
periodic wavy rubber profile. The macro characteristics of the proposed model
such as macro friction coefficients μ1 , μ2 can be defined via the measurement
of global forces, while the trajectory, namely, the observed sliding angle ϕ(α)
gives information about the ratio of orthotropic stiffnesses ε1 /ε2 . The model
does not show the dependence of particular values of stiffnesses ε1 and ε2
on the trajectory, which was also confirmed by experiments. The model al-
lows to skip measurements of surface microstiffnesses. Moreover, particular
380 12 Experimental Validations of the Coupled Anistropic Adhesion-Friction
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 381–412. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
382 13 Various Aspects of Implementation
with linear solid-shell elements and edge-to-edge contact elements, the ma-
trices are simplified due to the linear shape functions and small penetration,
i.e. all curvatures kI = 0 and torsions κI = 0 as well as penetration r = 0
are zero. For the numerical example with curvilinear beam-to-beam contact
elements we are concentrating on the non-frictional case and show the full
tangent matrix for the normal part only, all parameters such as curvature,
torsions are computed as well and the coordinate r is also taken into account
because it contains implicitly the size of the cross sections of the beams.
KN = εr AT [e1 ⊗ e1 ] A (13.2)
k1 cos ϕ1 1
+ N AT [Sym τ 1 ⊗ τ 1 − g1 ⊗ g1 ]A. (13.3)
(1 − rk1 cos ϕ1 ) r
This matrix consists of a main part eqn. (13.2) together with a curvature and
a rotational part given in eqn. (13.3). In the case of a linear approximation
and edge-to-edge contact approach the matrix is simplified only to the main
part as
KN = εr AT [e1 ⊗ e1 ] A. (13.4)
The matrix represents both segments.
13.1 General Structure of Tangent Matrices for CTC Contact 383
= εI AT [τ I ⊗ τ I ] A. (13.5)
The matrix is taken only for the I-th tangentially sticking segment.
= −εr μ1 AT [τ 1 ⊗ e1 ] A. (13.6)
The matrix is then taken only for the I-th tangentially sliding segment.
The last line in eqn. (13.9) is written using the square and figure brackets
to emphasize the vector-matrix notation after the discretization. Thus, this
part of the residual for the normal interaction becomes then
δWT = {T1 (δρ2 − δρ1 ) · τ 1 + T2 (δρ1 − δρ2 ) · τ 2 }
= {T1 (Aδx ) · τ 1 − T2 (Aδx ) · τ 2 }
= {δx}T [A]T (T1 {τ 1 } − T2 {τ 2 }). (13.12)
The residual for the tangtential part is written then as
{RT } = [A]T (T1 {τ 1 } − T2 {τ 2 }). (13.13)
is discretized completely similar to the tangential part. The residual for the
rotational part is written then as
{RM } = [A]T (M1 {g1 } − M2 {g2 }). (13.15)
The full residual vector is finally constructed as the sum of all parts:
1 − ξI (1) 1 + ξI (2)
ρI (ξI ) = rI + rI , I = 1, 2, −1 ≤ ξ I ≤ 1. (13.17)
2 2
A nodal vector for the contact element is defined as follows:
' 6T
(1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2)
{x}T = x1 , y1 , z1 , x1 , y1 , z1 , x2 , y2 , z2 , x2 , y2 , z2 (13.18)
ξ 1
r1 (1)
r2(1) r2 (2)
Fig. 13.1 Two linear edges define a contact pair – a contact finite element with
linear approximations.
1 − ξ2 1 + ξ2
0 0 0 0
2 2 ⎥
1 − ξ2 1 + ξ2 ⎥
0 0 0 0 ⎥
1 − ξ2
1 + ξ2 ⎦
0 0 0 0
2 2
gives us the approximation of the aforementioned vector as
ν I = βI × τ I
4. The distance between curves at projection points as a second coordi-
nate r:
ρ2 (ξ2p ) − ρ1 (ξ1p )
e1 = , g1 = τ 1 × e1
6. The angle ϕI as the third coordinate defined via
(2) (1)
r2 − r2 ρ2
ρ̇2 (ξ2 ) = −→ τ 2 =
2 |ρ2 |
2. The coordinate vector e1 is derived by its definition to be orthogonal to
both tangent vectors , therefore, via the cross product
e1 = τ 1 × τ 2 .
3. The coordinate vector g1 is derived via a cross product
g1 = τ 1 × e1 .
4. The closest point projection procedure is resolved exactly. The projection
points ξ1p , ξ2p (first coordinates) are defined via the following linear system:
⎧ 1 (1)
⎪ (2) (1) (2)
⎨ (ρ̇1 · ρ̇1 )ξ1 − (ρ̇1 · ρ̇2 )ξ2 = 2 (r2 + r2 − r1 − r1 ) · ρ̇1
⎩ −(ρ̇ · ρ̇ )ξ + (ρ̇ · ρ̇ )ξ = 1 (r(1) + r(2) − r(1) − r(2) ) · ρ̇
2 1 1 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 1 1
if ξ1p ∈
/ [−1, 1], or ξ2p ∈
/ [−1, 1] then
where EA is the axial stiffness, GAs1 , GAs2 are shear stiffnesses, GIt is the
torsional stiffness, EI2 , EI3 are bending stiffnesses. The finite element then
contains six degrees of freedom: 3 displacements and 3 rotations. Thus, for
the numerical algorithm, both a displacement vector u and an incremental
rotation Δw have to be approximated.
390 13 Various Aspects of Implementation
x(t) = x(1) H03 (t) + m(1) H13 (t) + m(2) H23 (t) + x(2) H33 (t), (13.23)
where Hi3 (t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 are Hermite polynomials, see Table 8.3. x(1) , x(2) are
two nodes and m(1) , m(2) are tangent vectors at corresponding nodes, see
more in Sect. 8.2.4. Defining then the tangent vectors via a chord interpola-
tion from nodes of the neighboring elements we obtain the following structure
of the finite element, see Fig. 13.2:
H 3 (t)
x(t) = x(1) H03 (t) − 2
H (t)
+ x(2) H33 (t) + 1
H (t) H 3 (t)
− x(3) 1 + x(4) 3 (13.24)
2 2
Finally, the finite element is defined by nodes x(1) and x(2) i.e. all parameters
such as forces, moments etc. are computed for the parameter 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 , see
Fig. 13.2. Nodes x(3) and x(4) are taken from the neighboring element to keep
C 1 -continuity on element boundaries. The displacement vector u(t) and the
vector of infinitesimal rotation Δw are approximated in the same fashion.
Equation (13.24) gives an approximation which is valid only for inner
points of the curve. For boundary nodes the corresponding tangent vector
m(i) should be given according to the geometry.
t 1
x (2) x (4)
x (1)
x (3)
Fig. 13.2 Approximation for the spline beam element. The beam element is given
by nodes x(1) and x(2) . Nodes x(3) and x(4) are taken from the neighboring element
to keep C -continuity on element boundaries.
13.3 Combination with Various Finite Element Models with CTC contact 391
w2 =2
1 w1 =1
w0 =1
0 1
Fig. 13.3 Quadratic NURBS approximation for the quarter of a circle. Weights
are w0 = 1, w1 = 1, w2 = 2.
This description of a spline has many advantages due to the additional de-
grees of freedom because of additional weights wi . It leads to multiple possi-
bilities to control the geometry, e.g. to represent a certain geometry exactly. A
large number of special literature, however, is available containing all NURBS
properties in detail, see e.g. Farin [38], Piegl and Tiller [144]. An example of
a special NURB spline of the second order representing exact geometry of a
circle is used in further implementation. For the quarter of a circle it has the
following weights w0 = 1, w1 = 1, w2 = 2, see Fig. 13.3.
A NURBS type contact is performed as two spline segments from the po-
tentially contacting curves defining a beam-to-beam contact pair leading to
a contact element possessing twice as many nodes, e.g. a contact element
for the 4-nodes spline element is the 8-nodes curve-to-curve contact finite
ϕ 2
For the cases of special beam-to-beam contact like cables possessing a particu-
lar elliptic geometry for their cross-sections it is rather attractive to construct
a special 3D finite beam element . This element can be constructed as follows,
see Fig. 13.4:
1. the mid-line of the beam is taken, first, with e.g. linear approximation.
It is defined then by nodes 1 and 2;
2. the left cross-section is defined to be elliptic with the reference main axes
defined by nodes 1-3 and 1-4;
3. the right cross-section is defined to be elliptic with the reference main
axes defined by nodes 2-5 and 2-6;
Thus, an approximation of the 6-nodes “solid-beam” element is defined by
the following shape functions:
x= N (ξ, r, ϕ)xi = (13.26)
= x1 (1 − ξ)[1 − r(cos ϕ + sin ϕ)]
+ x2 ξ[1 − r(cos ϕ + sin ϕ)]
+ x3 (1 − ξ)r cos ϕ
+ x4 (1 − ξ)r sin ϕ
+ x5 ξr cos ϕ + x6 ξr sin ϕ
with 0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1; 0 ≤ r ≤ 1; 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 2π (13.27)
13.4 Numerical Examples for Curve-To-Curve Contact 393
where EA is the axial stiffness, GAs1 , GAs2 are shear stiffnesses, GIt is
the torsional stiffness, EI2 , EI3 are bending stiffnesses.
2. Finite rotations are taken into account within the finite element formu-
lation according to Ibrahimbegovic [72].
3. The iso-geometrical technique, see [70], has been exploited to obtain C1-
continuous approximations for the curvilinear beams.
4. Beam-to-beam contact elements are obtained using the same approxima-
tion functions for the contact pairs in consistent fashion.
Three approaches to model continuum including solid-beam element, beam
element with finite rotation and “solid-beam“ are finally compared numeri-
2. The system (13.30) is solved with given N and α as the Initial Value
Problem with the following initial conditions
⎪ ϕ(0) = 0;
x(0) = 0; (13.32)
⎩ y(0) = 0, 0 ≤ s ≤ 1.
3. The obtained deformed line is then compared with deformed line from
FE solution.
Remark 13.3. The current approach of solution for BVP as IVP allows to
satisfy the boundary conditions at the contact point x(sc ) = xc and y(sc ) =
yc only approximately.
The simple explicit Euler finite difference scheme is applied then to solve
the problem with Δs = 0.001. Comparison of the deformed central-lines is
presented in Fig. 13.9. As mentioned in Remark 13.3, the deformed line is
not passing through the contact point xc , yc .
at the end of the loading process, see diagram in Fig. 13.6. This leads, on
one side, to the necessity of a relatively large number of bi-linear solid-shell
elements (50 elements) and, on the other side, to a relatively small load step
size (resp. a large number of load steps) in order to describe the sliding over
segments correctly. Steps 7 − 10 presented in Fig. 13.6 are crucial during the
loading process because the beam undergoes large deformations and large
sliding. Namely this part of loading requires small load steps for linear ele-
ments. For the beam-to-beam element the number of equilibrium iterations
per load step is increasing from 4 to 11 during the last load steps. A rela-
tively small advantage using the full matrix compared with the reduced one
is observed in the global number of iterations – 396 against 428 iterations,
see Table 13.1. This can be explained by the fact that the beam possesses
a small curvature at the contact point together with a small radius for the
circular cross section. A crucial example can be constructed by taking “a
soft” beam, scaling all shear moduli in eqn. (13.28) with a factor 10−4 . Then
displacements are now applied in only 75 load steps of the same size as in
the previous example. The final configuration is presented in Fig. 13.8 (visual
non-smoothness is just the result of incomplete visualization – only element-
wise tube surfaces are constructed during post-processing via Matlab which is
used here). In the example shear softening leads to high curvatures at contact
points, thus the influence of the curvature part should be more pronounced.
That is essentially true!!! – no convergence after the 70th load step has been
found with using the linear matrix given in eqn. (13.4) and 297 global itera-
tions are necessary taking all parts into account in eqns. (13.2) and (13.3).
The advantage of C 1 -spline continuous beam finite elements compared
to the linear solid-shell finite elements is obvious – only four elements are
sufficient to describe efficiently the highly deformed configuration.
The small differences between deformed lines obtained for the solutions
using “solid-shell” and beam finite elements as well as using the a finite
difference scheme for the Equilibrium of the elastica problem are explained by
the different kinematical hypotheses which are the basis of the corresponding
theories for the three compared solutions and by the application of different
numerical approaches.
398 13 Various Aspects of Implementation
Non-Frictional Contact
For non-frictional contact only the normal tangent matrix in eqn. (13.4)
is taken into account together with the corresponding normal force N in
eqn. (6.180). The penalty parameter is taken as εN = 2.1 · 106 . Convergence
is reached with 391 global iterations for 100 load steps. Both, relative slid-
ing along the “first” lower beam increasing ξ 1 and along the “second” upper
beam increasing ξ 2 are observed, see Fig. 13.12.
depicted in Fig. 13.10 is studied. This angle is equal to 45o at the initial un-
deformed state and is then changing during the deformation, see Fig. 13.11.
However, one can see that the angle remains the same for all kinds of enforce-
ment. The explanations for this effect appear, however, obvious: full sticking
(tied contact) can be enforced only by rotational sticking because the corre-
sponding tangent matrix g ⊗ g responsible for the g direction is orthogonal
to the vector e direction, and therefore, is leading to the sticking of the in-
tersecting lines. The reason for the constant angle lays in the application of
solid-shell finite elements which are by construction not capable to transmit
the moment applied to the edge. However, the large opportunities for cou-
pling this moment between curves either with classical beams or with classical
shell finite elements possessing both rotational degrees of freedom and, in due
course, moments remain open.
Now, partial tied contact is modeled along only one line. First, partial tan-
gential sticking is enforced along the upper edge of the “first” lower beam by
setting the tangential penalty parameter ε1 = 2.1 · 105 without applying the
return-mapping scheme, while the non-frictional contact is assumed for the
lower edge of the “second” upper beam by setting ε1 = 0.0, see Fig. 13.14.
Convergence is reached with 386 global iterations for 100 load steps. Then,
partial tangential contact is enforced along the second line with the same
values only changing the beam 1 ↔ 2, see Fig. 13.15. Convergence is reached
with 379 global iterations for 100 load steps in the latter case.
One can notice that during the loading for the non-frictional case, see
Fig. 13.12, the “first” lower beam is undergoing large relative sliding along the
“second” beam increasing ξ 2 , while the “second” beam is undergoing only a
small relative sliding – expressed in tangential coordinates – ξ 2 >> ξ 1 . Thus,
partial tied contact with a locked variable ξ 1 supplying ε1 = 2.1 · 105 looks
similar to the non-frictional case – compare Fig. 13.12 and Fig. 13.14. In due
course, partial tied contact with a locked variable ξ 2 supplying ε2 = 2.1 · 105
looks similar to the full sticking case – compare Fig. 13.13 and Fig. 13.15.
Sliding Contact
Finally, the four considered cases non-frictional, full sticking and two partial
sticking cases lead to “an envelope” in which frictional cases with all possible
coefficients of friction μ1 and μ2 are contained. In Fig. 13.16 a top view of
this envelope (shadowed) and the “first” lower beam positioned inside this
envelope are given. The computation is provided for tangential sliding with
coefficients of friction: μ1 = 0.001 and μ2 = 0.05. Convergence is reached with
419 global iterations for 100 load steps. The choice of rather small coefficients
of friction is found to show that two beams are visually positioned inside the
envelope constructed by the deformed configurations for four extremal cases.
400 13 Various Aspects of Implementation
Fig. 13.5 Bending of a flexible beam by a rigid beam – initial and final configura-
tions applying solid-shell finite elements and edge-to-edge contact elements
8 7
Fig. 13.6 Diagram of deformation for equal load steps. Displacements of the rigid
beam are prescribed.
13.4 Numerical Examples for Curve-To-Curve Contact 401
0.2 0.8
0 0.6
−0.2 0.4
−0.4 0
Fig. 13.7 Bending of a flexible beam by a rigid beam applying beam finite elements
and beam-to-beam contact elements
−0.2 0.8
−0.4 0.4
Fig. 13.8 Bending of a flexible “soft” beam by a rigid beam applying beam finite
elements and beam-to-beam contact elements
402 13 Various Aspects of Implementation
0.3 Finite Difference
applied displacement
Full stick
Tangential stick
40 Rotational stick
Non frictional
Z 30
0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 13.11 Evolution of the angle between edges with vectors a and b for contacting
elements during deformation. Tied contact enforced: a) by tangential and rotational
sticking (Full stick); b) only by tangential sticking (Tangential stick); c) only by
rotational sticking (Rotational stick). d) Non-frictional contact.
We have to note that in the sliding case especially for large deformations
considerable convergence difficulties appear for large coefficients of friction
and the application of the Augmented Lagrangian scheme has shown to be
more efficient in this case.
Remark 13.4. The considered effect with partial sticking and sliding can
be considered as a result appearing during interaction between two beams
404 13 Various Aspects of Implementation
Fig. 13.13 Full sticking (tied) contact. Undeformed and deformed configurations.
Fig. 13.14 Partial tied contact. Tangential sticking is enforced along the upper
beam with a penalty of ε1 = 2.1 · 105 , however, non-frictional contact is supplied
for the lower beam. Undeformed and deformed configurations.
possessing anisotropic surfaces with different properties (e.g. one beam has a
very rough surface while the other has a very smooth surface). Another pos-
sibility to apply the developed curve-to-curve contact approach is to model
a hinge slider joint between two beams. In this joint the partial sticking
as well as different elastic and friction properties can be prescribed by the
13.4 Numerical Examples for Curve-To-Curve Contact 405
Fig. 13.15 Partial tied contact. Tangential sticking is enforced along the lower
beam with a penalty of ε2 = 2.1 · 105 , however, non-frictional contact is supplied
for the upper beam. Undeformed and deformed configurations.
13.4.3 Discussion
Several achievements appear to be novel for the curve-to-curve contact de-
1. consideration of any relative motion including normal, tangential and
rotational components separately for each curve is possible;
2. rotational interactions including corresponding rotational moments be-
tween curves can be considered consistently.
The verification of the CTC algorithm is provided by the comparison between
beam-to-beam and edge-to-edge finite element models as well as verification
with a famous “Equilibrium of Euler elastica problem” computed via finite
difference scheme. The further numerical examples are illustrating the abil-
ity to describe various kinematics for curve-to-curve contact situations e.g.
partial sticking of a single curve. The necessity to use the full matrices for
the cases with high curvature at contact points has been shown in the case
of the “soft” beam.
radius R is computed from the equivalency of the cross section area for the
solid-shell and the circular section.
The third case is geometrically equivalent to the second one, i.e. the cross
section is circular, however, the stiffness properties will be computed directly
for the solid-beam element with its stiffness matrices.
Table 13.2 Comparison of solution for 1) linear solid-shell elements and edge-
to-edge algorithm; 2) curvilinear beam elements and beam-to-beam algorithm; 3)
linear solid-beam elements and beam-to-beam algorithm.
Remark 13.5. An energy norm together with the relative tolerance εconv =
10−12 has been used as a convergence criterion in all computations.
During the loading process the flexible beam is subjected to large deforma-
tions, especially at the end of the loading process. This leads, on one side, to
the necessity of a relatively large number of bilinear solid-shell elements (50
elements) and, on the other side, to a relatively small load step size (resp.
a large number of load steps) in order to describe the sliding over segments
correctly, see Table 13.2. For the solid-beam case the local contact searching
is performed according to the beam-to-beam case (larger area than edge-to-
edge) – this allows to work with less elements (20 FE) than for the solid-shell
elements (50 FE). However, 20 linear solid-beams elements are resulting in a
stiffer behavior than the first two models, see Fig. 13.9. This leads to a fairly
large number of global iterations – 752. The number of iterations per load
step is increasing towards the end of the deformation process to 18 per load
step. We have to note again that in Fig. 13.9 the beam-to-beam case is shown
for the mid-line; but both edge-to-edge and solid-beam cases are shown for
contact lines (the point of intersection of both lines is at x = 0).
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fig. 13.17 “Soft” cable. Comparison of the deformed lines for a) 4 C 1 -continuous
curvilinear beam finite elements and beam-to-beam contact; b) 20 linear solid-beam
finite elements together with beam-to-beam contact.
Table 13.3 Comparison of solutions for “soft” cable case with curvilinear beam
elements together with beam-to-beam algorithm (FE model 1) and linear solid-
beam elements together with beam-to-beam algorithm (FE model 2).
and ν = 0.3. The cross section of the left ring is fixed – all displacements
and rotations of the last left node resp. cross section are fixed. Both rings
are meshed with 5 NURBS-elements each, the corresponding linear skeleton
is shown in Fig. 13.18. The situation is more general than the simplest node-
to-node contact – the spline elements are positioned along the ring so that
in the reference configuration the shortest distance between rings is found
between the middles of the spline elements. The assumption of non-frictional
contact leads further to oscillations at the contact point, therefore, frictional
sticking contact is assumed with high coefficients of friction μ1 = μ2 = 1.0
enforcing sticking behavior at the contact point.
The displacement u = 1.273 in the last right node of the right ring
is applied with increments Δu1 = 0, 001. The rings are contacting with
u = 1.05 − 0.2 − 0.2 = 0.6. The penalty parameter for contact is taken as
108 . The final configuration before disconvergence is presented in Fig. 13.18.
Computation with such small load steps is motivated to reach the highly de-
formed final configuration, however, even in this definitely not yet strongly
deformed case severe convergence problems are observed with total number of
iterations 8713. The possible reason for this is the rather small number of ele-
ments and that a linear material law taken into account. The ill-conditioning
of the tangent matrix due to the large penalty in comparison with the elastic
module is also influencing convergence.
u Y
0 0
u −0.5
0 0.5 0
0 1 0
1 1.5
1.5 2 −0.5
2 3 −1
2.5 −1 3.5 −1.5
3 4
symmetry BC
u 15
B u
Z 5
0 −20
X −5 −10
Y O −10 0
Fig. 13.20 Both ends are free in the XOZ plane. Opening of the knot is observed
though both ends are pulled.
Fig. 13.21 Additional displacements along the Y -axis are applied to tie the knot.
412 13 Various Aspects of Implementation
Remark 13.6. During modeling it has been found that only C1-smooth spline
finite elements are capable to represent the result. Higher order finite elements
(quadratic, cubic), but without C1-continuity are showing disconvergence
during the first crossing of element boundaries.
If both ends are free to move in the XOZ plane as in case 1 then the stretching
of them leads to opening the knot, namely both ends of the knots are moving
outwards, see Fig. 13.20. A proper tying of the knot is thus enforced by
additional application of the tying displacement along the OY -axis in case 2,
see Fig. 13.21.
The result is rather showing “an unusual behavior”. A more careful anal-
ysis recovers that the effect of untying the knot is caused by the CPP pro-
cedure. In the final position shown in the picture the tangents of the cables
at contacting points are becoming almost parallel. In this position the CPP
procedure becomes unstable because the corresponding Jacobian is close to
zero. This leads to the necessity to develop an improved contact algorithm
for the problem of parallel tangent vectors.
13.4.7 Discussion
The bending of a flexible beam by a rigid beam example is considered together
with several finite element models such as 3D solid-shell finite elements and
finite beam elements. A special solid-beam finite element for elliptic cross-
sections is developed to consider 3D continuum behavior in beam-to-beam
contact. It is clear now that a soft cable behavior is described within the
orthotropy inherited with a curvilinear coordinate system by setting very
small value for corresponding shear modulus. Various finite element tech-
niques including isogeometric techniques have been employed. The numerical
examples are selected to illustrate the possibility of the geometrically exact
curve-to-curve contact formulation to work together with various combina-
tions of finite element formulations. Interesting examples are knots for which
the C 1 continuous isogeometric elements proved to be favorable.
Frictional Interaction of a Spiral Rope
and a Cylinder – 3D-Generalization of
the Euler-Eytelwein Formula
Considering Pitch
Historically, following e.g. Holzer (2005) the problem of the definition of fric-
tional rope forces appearing in a rope sliding over a cylinder has been for-
mulated in the dissertation of Gautier (1717). The solution of this problem
was reported by Euler in his Remarks on the effect of friction on equilibrium
published by the Berlin Academy of science, see Euler (1769). Since the first
time publishing the Euler solution by Eytelwein (1808) in his Handbuch der
Statik fester Körper in 1808 the problem is spread through practical appli-
cations and became known as Euler-Eytelwein problem in standard books of
technical mechanics see e.g. in Gross (2004), and is also known as belt
or coil friction formula see e.g. in Maurer and Roark (1944), or as capstan
friction problem, see e.g. in Meriam (1978).
The Euler-Eytelwein problem is usually formulated as 2D problem de-
scribing the interaction between a rope and a circle, see Fig. 14.1 with the
well-known solution for forces T1 and T2 as
T1 = T2 e μϕ , (14.1)
where μ is a coefficient of Coulomb friction between the cylinder and the rope
wrapped over the cylinder with an angle ϕ. However, in practical applications
one can observe a pitch between coils, thus leading to a spiral line or helix
wrapped over the cylinder. In this chapter an analytical solution of this case
is presented.
A. Konyukhov and K. Schweizerhof: Computational Contact Mechanics, LNACM 67, pp. 413–422. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
414 14 3D-Generalization of the Euler-Eytelwein Formula Considering Pitch
−( R + d R )
τ ds
Fig. 14.2 Center line of a rope wrapped over a cylinder: geometry and loading.
Here, the equilibrium of forces in eqn. (14.4) and the definition of the unit tan-
gent vector τ = are taken into account in order to formulate eqn. (14.5).
However, in comparison with classical elastica ropes have no moment in-
teraction M acting on the cross sections and are not capable to transfer
distributed moments m. Thus, only the force equation (14.4) is left, see Mad-
docks and Keller [120].
The force vector R can be expanded in the natural Serret-Frenet
coordinate system used in the differential geometry of curves, see e.g.
in Kreyszig (1991), built by the unit tangent τ , the unit normal ν and the
unit bi-normal β vectors
R = T τ + N ν + Bβ, (14.6)
dR d̂R
= + ΩR (14.7)
ds ds
where include derivatives of vector components in eqn. (14.6) with respect
to s and Ω is the rotation matrix of the local basis τ , ν, β and is given by
the Serret-Frenet formula for an arbitrary 3D curve
⎛ ⎞
0 k 0
Ω = ⎝ −k 0 κ ⎠ . (14.8)
0 −κ 0
Here, k is the curvature and κ is the torsion of the center line of the curve
which are in general also functions of s.
The projection of eqn. (14.4) onto the axes τ , ν, β results then in a system
of ordinary differential equations:
⎪ dT
= qτ – equilibrium in τ direction,
⎪ + kN
⎪ ds
− kT + κB = qν – equilibrium in ν direction, (14.9)
⎪ ds
⎩ dB − κN = qβ – equilibrium in β direction.
416 14 3D-Generalization of the Euler-Eytelwein Formula Considering Pitch
3. the rope is beginning to slide preserving its geometrical shape, i.e. only a
motion along τ is possible. Thus e.g. the form of the helix is conserved.
4. sliding is subjected to Coulomb friction such that T (s) = μN (s), where
μ is a coefficient of friction.
Thus, due to condition (3), the first equilibrium equation in (14.9) is trans-
ferred into an equation of motion according to D’Alemberts principle with
∂ 2u
qτ = −ρ , (14.10)
where u is a tangential component of the displacement and ρ is the linear
mass density. However, equilibrium along the ν and β axes is fulfilled and
we also consider the absence of distributed forces, thus qν = 0, qβ = 0. The
problem is then described by the system:
⎪ dN
⎨ ds − kT + κB = 0
⎩ dB − κN =0
with the following initial conditions at s = 0 resulting from condition (2):
d2 N dT dB
−k +κ =0 (14.13)
ds ds ds
and then using the second equation in (14.11) we obtain
d2 N dT
−k + κ 2 N = 0. (14.14)
ds2 ds
14.2 Solution of the Equilibrium Equation for a Spiral Line (Helix) 417
Now taking into account the sliding condition (4) we obtain a second order
differential equation:
d2 N dN
− μk + κ2 N = 0 (14.15)
ds ds
with the initial conditions:
dN (0)
N (0) = N0 , = kT0 . (14.16)
Solutions of the ordinary differential equation (14.15) are obtained by using
the characteristic equation
λ2 − μkλ + κ 2 = 0 (14.17)
μk ± μ2 k 2 − 4κ 2
λ1, 2 = (14.18)
Depending on the discriminant D = μ2 k 2 − 4κ 2 three solutions are possible.
We consider these values for the spiral line (helix). The geometrical charac-
teristics for this line are defined as follows, see Fig. 14.3:
D Nν
B Tτ
A ϕ
α Y
Fig. 14.3 Spiral line (helix) with a pitch H. Geometry and acting rope forces T τ ,
N ν and Bβ.
418 14 3D-Generalization of the Euler-Eytelwein Formula Considering Pitch
2 . (14.22)
R +
Taking into account this condition and dividing eqn. (14.29) by N0 we obtain
the form:
N T 1 $ %
= = (kμ − λ2 )eλ1 s + (λ1 − kμ)eλ2 s . (14.31)
N0 T0 λ1 − λ2
In order to write down the solution in eqn. (14.31) via the geometrical pa-
rameters of the spiral line given by eqns. (14.20, 14.21, 14.22), we introduce
an additional value ω:
μ2 R 2 −
μ2 k 2 − 4κ 2 π
ω= = -
2 . (14.32)
2 H
2 R + 2
T μk s
= sinh ωs + cosh ωs e 2 , (14.33)
T0 2ω
420 14 3D-Generalization of the Euler-Eytelwein Formula Considering Pitch
2 ⎞⎤
⎜ μ2 R 2 − H ⎟⎥ 2 · R 2 + H
⎜ϕ π ⎟⎥
+ cosh ⎜
2 ⎟ ⎥ 2π
⎜2 · ⎟⎥ e . (14.34)
⎝ 2 H ⎠⎦
R +
T = μϕ μϕ 0 μϕ
= sinh + cosh e 2 = eμϕ (14.35)
T0 2 2
Case 2. Negative discriminant D < 0, μ < .
This case is representing either a case with a spiral line with large pitch H,
or with a small coefficient of friction μ.
The solution is given by the trigonometrical and exponential functions:
N =e 2 s [C1 cos ω̃s + C2 sin ω̃s] (14.36)
with ω̃
− μ2 R 2
4κ 2 − μ2 k 2 π
ω̃ = = -
2 . . (14.37)
2 H
2 R +
Taking into account the sliding conditions in eqn. (14.29) and also in
eqn. (14.30) we can transform eqn. (14.40) after division by N0 into the
following form:
⎡ ⎤
μk μk
N T s kμ − 2
= = e 2 ⎣cos ω̃s + sin ω̃s⎦ (14.41)
N0 T0 ω̃
kμ s
= sin ω̃s + cos ω̃s e 2 .
Limit case 3. Discriminant is zero D = 0, μ = .
This case can be obtained either by taking the solution in the form
and satisfying then the corresponding initial conditions, or just by the limit
process with ω → 0 with the solution in eqn. (14.33) or in eqn. (14.41) as
T kμ s
lim = s+1 e 2 (14.43)
ω→0 T0 2
The computation for the cases with D > 0, D = 0, D < 0 and the classical
Euler formula with H = 0 is presented in Fig. 14.4 for the angle ϕ ∈ [0, 2π].
The computation is given with a coefficient of friction μ = 0.3 and a radius
R = 1.0 for the following cases:
• Classical Euler case H = 0;
• Positive discriminant D > 0 with H = 0.75
• Zero discriminant D = 0 with H = μπR = 0.9424
• Negative discriminant D < 0 with H = 1.2
One can see, that with increasing pitch H the ratio of the forces T /T0 is
decreasing, thus, the Euler case is representing the upper limit of this ratio.
Remark 14.2. The assumption of constant curvature k and torsion κ leads
to a differential equation of second order with constant parameters. This
allows to define the analytical solution using trigonometric and exponential
functions in a fairly straightforward fashion. As is known, solutions of the
differential equation of second order appearing e.g. for other surfaces with
422 14 3D-Generalization of the Euler-Eytelwein Formula Considering Pitch
7 D>0
6 D<0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 14.4 Comparison of all cases with discriminant D > 0, D = 0, D < 0 and the
classical Euler formula with H = 0.
14.3 Conclusions
The solution of the classical Euler-Eytelwein problem formulated as 2D prob-
lem is generalized in the current contribution into the 3D case under the
restriction that the rope is represented by the spiral line and the sliding is
appearing only in tangential direction according to the Coulomb friction law
T = μN . Any motion along the cylindrical axis, thus, changing the shape of
the spiral line is restricted. Another restriction is given by the assumption
of an anisotropic
√ friction model represented by the T = μN , but not by the
T = μ N 2 + B2.
The generalized solution also shows that considering the pitch H leads to
a reduction of the force ratio T /T0 in comparison to the 2D Euler-Eytelwein
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