Constitution and By-Laws
Constitution and By-Laws
Constitution and By-Laws
We, the students of the Logophile Society of Mindanao State
University, General Santos City, imploring the aid of Almighty God, realizing
the need to establish our organization, the Logophile Society, to serve as
medium of expression and idea, to foster understanding and integration
among education students, to promote the rights, interests, and aspirations,
to asset dynamic and responsible leadership, to promote te general welfare
and advance the total development and well-being through the collective
efforts, do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.
Article I
Section 1. The organization shall be officially known as the Logophile
Section 2. The Logophile Society shall have its office at the College of
Education of Mindanao State University, Fatima, General Santos City.
Article II
Section 1. The Logophile Society at all times:
1.1 Protect and promote the democratic rights and interests
of the students of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
1.2 Act collectively in the pursuit of unity, camaraderie, justice
and equality;
1.3 Orient the members with the activities and the nature of
the Logophile Society;
1.4 Promote cooperation and sense of responsibility among
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English students
through their participation in any required activities of the
Logophile Society as well as the College of Educations and
Universitys activities;
Article III
Section 1. All Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English students
of Mindanao State University, General Santos City shall automatically
be members of the Logophile Society provided that they have paid
the membership fee.
Article IV
Section 1. The right to vote, to be elected, and/or appointed to any office
position in the Logophile Society.
Section 2. The right to be informed of all projects and activities of the
organization and to participate in such undertakings;
Section 3. The right to examine the book of accounts, minutes of meetings,
and all records of the organization if deemed necessary.
Section 4. The right to pass resolutions and motions that deemed
necessary for the welfare and benefit of the organization.
Section 5. The right to exercise freedom of expression.
Section 6. The right to present views and counterviews in general
assemblies and meetings on matters affecting students welfare.
Section 7. The right to have grievances and complaints heard and speedy
Article V
Section 1. The duty to know and uphold this Constitution and By-laws, to
be loyal to this organization and to contribute to its development and
Section 2. The duty to comply with the provisions as stated in this
Constitution and such rules that may be promulgated or agreed upon
by the officers.
Section 3. The duty to attend meetings, whether regular or special, called
upon by the officers.
Section 4. The duty to participate actively in all activities and perform his
function in the organization.
Section 5. The duty to promote harmonious relationship.
Section 6. The duty to support the plans of the organization.
Section 7. The duty to pay the Logophile fees.
Article VI
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be composed of a:
each year level (Academic Year). All of whom shall be elected for a
term of one academic year.
Section 2. Election of officers shall be made on the first week of March.
Section 3. The officer shall be elected through raising of hands by the
majority vote of the members present.
Section 4. Term of office shall begin immediately after they take their oath
of office of affirmation, in no case it shall not exceed fifteen (15) days
after the election date.
Section 5. No officer shall hold more than one office.
Article VII
Article VIII
Section 1. The President
a. He/she shall be the chief executive of the organization and shall
have a general supervision of all its affairs.
b. He/she shall be the presiding officer in all meetings, or gatherings
or may delegate his/her function to any active member of this
c. Accepts or rejects the resignation of any officer and to attest any
appointment or cessation of any officer.
d. Call special election in any case of vacancy of any office due to
resignation, impeachment, or incapability of any officer.
e. He/she shall immediately act as ex-officio of the CESO.
Section 2. The Vice-President
a. He/she shall assist the president in all matters where his/her
assistance is needed.
b. He/she shall hold power upon the recommendation of the
c. He/she shall assume office and execute all the responsibilities and
duties of the president in case of latters death, resignation,
absence, impeachment, or incapability.
Section 3. The Secretary
Article IX
Section 1. There shall be two types of meeting, the General Assembly and
the Regular session of the officers.
Section 2. The general assembly shall be held twice every semester.
Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the president or petitioned
by the majority of the members for any purpose that is deemed
Section 4. Students shall be informed a week before the actual date of
meeting. However, in case of emergency, posting of information shall
be done as soon as possible.
Section 5. The number of members present during the General Assembly
shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6. There shall be a regular meeting at least once a month that will
be decided by the officers en banc. The officers shall agree upon the
time, date and place.
Section 7. All meetings will follow the parliamentary procedures.
Section 8. Minutes of the meeting prior to the General Assembly shall be
Article X
Section 1. There shall be a membership fee of 150 pesos to be paid every
semester during enrollment. This will be subject for change upon the
approval of the organization.
Section 2. The organization if need arises, shall raise funds to finance its
project and activities from any legal sources.
Section 3. No money shall be taken out from the funds of the organization,
except in pursuance of its projects/program and activities as duly
approved by the organization.
Section 4. Contribution for other purposes shall be decided upon by the
organization, but excessive collection shall be prohibited.
Section 5. The funds and fees collected by the organization be deposited
in the bank with the Treasurer, Vice - President, and the President as
the signatories.
Article XI
Section 1. The Logophile Society shall have one (1) adviser requested by
the President and confirmed by 1/3 vote of the officers.
Section 2. The Advisers shall give views and opinion on problems
regarding the organization.
Section 3. The Advisers shall assist on vital matters pertaining to the
development of the organization for the attainment of its objectives.
Section 4. The Advisers must supervise the behavior and to discipline
officers and members of the organization and shall take part during
the impeachment proceedings.
Section 5. The Advisers may assist and extend cooperation with the Office
of the Student Affairs Director for the general supervision of the
affairs and activities pertinent to the organization.
Section 6. The Advisers may attend all meetings of the organization.
Article XII
Section 1. Standing rules:
a. Any member who fails to attend the meeting of the organization
without valid reason shall be fined fifty pesos (P50.00) per
signature which will be added to the funds of the organization.
Unless changed, otherwise by the organization.
b. Any officer who fails to attend the meeting of this organization
without valid reason shall be fined fifty pesos (P50.00) per
signature which shall be added to the funds of the organization.
Unless changed otherwise by the organization.
c. All resolutions must be presented in writings.
d. The newly elected officers shall automatically assume
responsibilities out of the custody of properties.
e. The incumbent officers shall have the responsibility of calling for
an election during the first assembly of the organization.
Section 2. Impeachment
Article XIII
Section 1. The Logophile Society shall create a Constitutional Commission
for this purpose. Its chairman shall be appointed by the President
subject to the approval of the council. A Logophile officer can be a
member of such except the Logophile President, Vice- President and
Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor.
Section 2. The Constitutional Committee shall be composed of a
Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and eleven (11) commissioners
who represent the four different year level and Logophile Society.
Section 3. Any member of the organization can propose amendments and
revision of the Constitution and By-Laws. He shall submit the
proposals to any member of the Constitutional Committee created for
the purpose.
Section 4. The Constitutional Convention shall propose amendments and
revision of the Constitution and By-Laws. Their proposed
amendments require fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the number
of delegates.
Section 5. A public hearing shall be called before the Constitution and ByLaws will be ratified. This will be done a week after the posting of the
proposed newly amended Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 6. Any amendments or revision of this Constitution and By-Laws
shall be valid when ratified by the majority of the Logophile Society
Section 7. This Constitution and by-laws shall take effect immediately after
it is ratified by the fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the Logophile
members present in the General Assembly called for the purpose.
Section 8. Constitutional Convention shall be held once every two
academic years. However, the President may call for such if deemed