Greek Phrases
Greek Phrases
Greek Phrases
A collection of useful phrases in Ancient Greek, the form of Greek spoken in Greece
and Greek colonies from about the 9th century BC to the 6th century AD.
Key to abbreviations: sg = said to one person, pl = said to more than one person, m =
said by men, f = said by women.
Cick on any of the phrases that are links to hear them spoken. If you can provide
recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.
To see these phrases in many other languages click on the English versions. If you'd like
to see these phrases in any combination of two languages, try the Phrase Finder.
Hello (General greeting)
How are you?
Reply to 'How are you?'
Long time no see
What's your name?
My name is ...
Where are you from?
I'm from ...
How old are you?
I'm ... years old
Pleased to meet you
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Good night
(Parting phrases)
Good luck
Cheers! Good Health!
(Ancient Greek)
! (Aspdzomai)
! (Khare!) - sg
! (Kharete!) - pl
; (Ti prtteis?) - sg
; (Ti prttete?) - pl
' , . (Pnt' agath prtt,
'Everything goes well, friend'
! (Kairs d!)
; (noma soi t estin?)
(nopa moi ...)
; (Podaps e?) - sg
; (Podapo este?) - pl
. (Ek rkhomai)
; (Pliks e?) - m
; (Plik e?) - f
... (tea ... gegons) - m
... (tea ... gegonua) - f
(Se gignskn kar)
! (Hypaine!) - sg
! (Hypianete!) - pl
! (Khare!)
! (Kharete!)
! (Khare!)
! (Kharete!)
! (Hypaine!) - sg
! (Hypianete!) - pl
! (Hypaine!) - sg
! (Hypianete!) - pl
! (thi eutukhs!)
! (Kare poll!)
! (Kare poll!)
(T depnon est' epeskeuasmnon)
! (thi kharn!)
(Ou ksynmi)
(Bolei skholateron lgein?)
A ,
(Athis eks arkhs lge, antibol)
(Metagrfe aut, antibol)
; (Anglist lales?)
, (Na, olgon ti)
...? (Ps lg ...?)
(Syngnth moi)
; (Pson ti?)
(Syngnmn khe)
(Oudn diafrei)
(Ds orkhesthai toto met so)
(Potheinotrs kh so)
(Se fil)
(Tos theos ekhoma soi didnai hygeian)
! (Pae!)
! (Zde sson!)
! (Pr!)
! (Pae!)
! (Ege!)
! (Kal Khristogenna!)
! (Kaln Pskha!)
! (Pll' agath gnoit soi!)
(T emn aeroploon enkhelen plrs estin)
(Ma gltta oudeppote hikan)
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can
provide recordings, please contact me.
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