Homework Year 8

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Year 8


Week Beginning:
Monday 3rd October


To research the author John Connolly in

advance of his visit on the 21st October.
To come up with at least 10 (interesting)
questions to ask him.


This week you will continue to develop

your knowledge on sequences with Mrs
Chapman and most will become
confident in finding the nth term rule for
any given linear sequence. With Mr
Fletcher you will start to work on
calculating missing angles in shapes,
around a point, on a straight line and
using parallel lines. For homework this
week all you will be completing pages
60, 61 and 62 which range in difficulty
on calculating missing angles. If you get
stuck you see either teacher before it is


Mr D

Mrs L Chapman

Mr D Nicholson
Uncontacted Amazon based on the
film clip viewed last lesson
v=sLErPqqCC54 ) fill in the worksheet

Mr M Fletcher

Due in on Tuesday 11th

Art & Design

Complete a line drawn gridded image

(started in lesson). To be completed
by Wednesday 12th.

Ms R Senior


You will have a speaking test on Tuesday,

11th October . We will prepare it in the
lesson but you will need to revise.

Mrs P Sharples


Mrs Timmons
print out your completed version 1 of
your now logo, gather feedback from at
least 5 people gathering their opinions
and suggestions for improvements, due
in on Tuesday 11th

Mr M Fletcher

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