Nurse Call and DAS (Handouts)
Nurse Call and DAS (Handouts)
Nurse Call and DAS (Handouts)
System Types
Basic- The most basic system has nothing more than a button
for the patient. When the button is pressed, nursing staff is
alerted by a light and/or an audible sound at the nurse's station.
This can only be turned off from the patient's bedside, thereby
compelling staff to respond to the patient.
Wireless Nurse Call- Like hardwired systems, wireless types
have the ability to alert nursing staff by sound, light or show
messages in a terminal with less wiring during installation and
reduction in costs.
Intercoms- Staff from the nurse's station can communicate
directly with patients via intercom. This has the advantage in
which staff does not need to waste time walking to the
patient's room to determine the reason the patient made the
call, and they can determine by speaking to the patient
whether the situation is urgent or if it can wait until later.
Cellphone Alert - Newer technology allows call buttons to
reach cell phone-like devices carried around by nursing staff.
Staffers can then answer the calls from wherever they are
located within the facility, thereby improving the speed and
efficiency in the response.
Easy to Install
RTLS (Real-time Location System)
Central Console - central consoles usually dis - play the room
number and status of the call. The central console also may
track and display the length of time that a call has been in the
system from the time the call is initiated until a room
response is indicated.
Voice Intercom - Two Way intercom options allow voice to
voice calls between residents and staff. Calls can be taken at
the nurse call station, by radio or by telephone. This allows
maximum mobility for staff. Conversations are hands free on
the part of residents.
Room Stations - A room station is a device that can create a
signal that can be initiated by patients or staff at patients
will have hybrid remote unit and power splitters/taps are used to
distribute the main signal to multiple antennas.
into account the human factors. Are there certain places that
people spend more time or less time? Safety factors to be
considered? What are your greatest needs and goals