Erythrina Berteroana
Erythrina Berteroana
Erythrina Berteroana
Escuela de Agricultura de la Región Tropical Húmeda (EARTH),
E Costa Rica
The genus Erythrina contains more than 60 species (Krukoff tree flowers December through March. Flowers have a calyx
and Barneby 1974) distributed through the Tropics and sub- that is narrowly campanulate, 16 mm long and 4 mm wide,
tropics in a wide variety of habitats (Neill 1988) in both the stiffly carnose, and minutely puberulent. The banner is ellip-
Old and the New World; its 100 species include E. berteroana tic, 80 mm long and 20 mm wide, thick petaloid, and glabrous.
(Krukoff 1982). Erythrina berteroana grows from southern The wings are oblong, 10 mm long and 2.5 mm wide; the keels
Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela in South America (Dwyer are suborbicular, 8.5 mm long, and 6.5 mm wide. Stamens are
and D’Arcy 1980, Holdridge and Poveda 1975). diadelphous with an odd stamen free at the base and nine oth-
Erythrina berteroana is a small, deciduous tree that ers of two lengths united to the middle of the sheet. The pistil
reaches 12 to 15 m in height and 20 cm d.b.h. (Holdridge and has a slender ovary and a style 30 mm long. The stigma is cap-
Poveda 1975). The branchlets are smooth, lustrous, and armed itate (Dwyer and D’Arcy 1980). The species is pollinated by
with thorns. Leaves are trifoliate with leaflets 5 to 17 cm long, hummingbirds (floral nectar has a 25-percent sugar concen-
5 to 20 cm wide, obliquely ovate to ovate rotund or with the tration) (Baker and Baker 1982). Fruitification usually runs
terminal leaflets subrhomboidal, as wide or wider than long, February through April, later in high elevations. Fruits are
shortly acuminate apically, widely cuneate basally, adaxially capitate and moniliform pods up to 30 cm long and 1.5 cm
glabrous, and minutely puberulent beneath, often appearing wide with a 2.5-cm long stipe. Collectors know the pods are
glaucous. Petiolules are up to 1 cm long, glabrous, and often a mature when the color turns to dark brown. Seeds are red and
different color than the rachis. Petioles are 4 to 15 cm long and less than 10 mm long with a black line from the hilum
glabrous. The tree grows from sea level to about 1800 m, in (Krukoff 1982). They have a hard, impermeable seedcoat.
areas where rainfall ranges from 1500 to 4000 mm per year Pods are usually collected directly from the tree between
(Budowski 1997). The tree grows in acid soils (up to pH 4) April and July according to elevation. Seeds collected from
with high aluminum saturation (more than 50 percent) and in Santa Maria de Dota (1550 m, 2051 mm annual rainfall) and
a wide range of temperatures. It is also presumed that in high Laguna Alfaro Ruíz (1800 m, 1921 mm annual rainfall) average
elevations it is frost resistant (Kass 1994). between 3,100 and 3,900 per kg (Centro Agronómico Tropical
Erythrina berteroana wood has a specific gravity of about de Investigación y Enseñza 1986b). A single tree in a living
0.30 and it is recognized by its abundant axial and radial fence that is pruned annually may produce 30 to 50 pods or 80
parenchyma with thin cell walls (Baretta-Kuippers 1982). The to 120 g of seed per year. Seeds may be stored in cold cham-
timber is light, coarse, and unattractive and lacks durability. In bers at 5 °C with a relative humidity of 30 to 40 percent for
Central America the tree is most frequently used as a living more than 1 year (Víquez and Camacho 1993).
fencepost. It has a more limited use as fodder for cattle and When E. berteroana is propagated by seed, either simple
goats (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y scarification to permit moisture to penetrate the seed or a 12-
Enseñza 1986b). Crude protein content ranges from 21 to 30 hour soak in warm water (40 °C) is a necessary pregermination
percent with an average of 25 percent, and digestibility ranges treatment. Germination rates of 85 to 90 percent have been
from 37 to 57 percent (Kass and others 1993). obtained in nursery trials using seeds collected during the pre-
Inflorescences are terminal and up to 0.5 m long. The vious year and stored in cold chambers at 5 °C with a relative