PRC CPD Requirements

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Republic of the Philippines Y a Professional Regulation Commission : 3 Manila RESOLUTION NO. _2016-990 Series of 2016 AMENDMENTS TO THE REVISED GUIDELINES ON THE CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) PROGRAM FOR ALL REGISTERED AND LICENSED PROFESSIONALS WHEREAS, Section 5 of Republic Act No. 8981, otherwise known as the “PRC Modernization Act of 2000", mandates that ‘[tJhe Chairperson of the Commission, and the Commissioners as members thereof shall sit and act as a body to exercise general administrative, executive and policy-making functions of the Commission.” WHEREAS, Section 7(a) of the R.A. No. 8981 empowers the Commission "[tJo administer, implement and enforce the regulatory policies of the national government with respect to the regulation and licensing of the various professions and occupations under its jurisdiction including the enhancement and maintenance of professional and occupational standards and ethics and the enforcement of the rules and regulations relative thereto": WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2013-774, Series of 2013 entitled “Revised Guidelines on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program for All Registered and Licensed Professionals” provides for the guidelines and procedure for the implementation of the CPD program; WHEREAS, after a series of consultative meetings, the Commission finds the need to amend some of the provisions of the said guidelines in order to strengthen and enhance the implementation of the said guidelines. NOW THEREFORE, the Commission hereby RESOLVED, as it now RESOLVES, to issue and promulgate the “Amendments to the Revised Guidelines on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program for All Registered and Licensed Professionals”, which provide as follows: SECTION 1. TITLE. ~ This Resolution shall be known as Amendments to the Revised Guidelines on the Continuing Professional Development Program or Amendments to CPD Guidelines. SECTION 2. CREATION AND COMPOSITION OF CPD COUNCIL. - Section 5, Article II of Resolution No. 2013-774, Series of 2013 or the CPD Guidelines shall now read as follows: “SECTION 5. CREATION AND COMPOSITION OF CPD COUNCIL. — Every Professional Regulatory Board (PRB) shall create a Continuing Professional Development Council subject to approval by the Commission. This shall be known as the CPD Council (CPDC). Every CPDC shall be composed of a Chairperson and two (2) members. ‘The Chairperson of the CPDC shall be the Chairperson or a member of the PRB So chosen by the PRB concerned to sit in the CPDC. The first member shall be the president or any representative duly authorized by the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO) / Accredited Professional Organization (APO). In the absence of an AIPO/APO, the PRB shall submit within ten (10) working days from notification of such absence, a list of three (3) recommendees from the national professional organization/s (licensed P. PAREDES ST., CORNER N. REYES ST., SAMPALOC, MANILA, PHILIPPINES, 1008 P.O. BOX 2038, MANILA Page 2014 RESOLUTION no, _990 Series of 2016 [AMENDMENTS TO THE REVISED GUIDELINES ON THE CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPO) PROGRAM FOR ALL REGISTERED AND LICENSED PROFESSIONALS professionals from scientific organization). The Commission shall designate the first member within twenty (20) working days from receipt of the list. The second member shall be the president or any representative duly authorized by the organization of deans or department heads of schools, colleges or universities offering the course requiring licensure examination. In the absence of such organization, the PRB shall submit within ten (10) working days from notification of such absence, a list of three (3) recommendees from the academe. The Commission shall designate the second member within twenty (20) working days from receipt of the list.” SECTION 3, OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL. - Section 12, Article Il of the CPD Guidelines shall now read as follows: “SECTION 12, OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL. - The CPDCs shall formulate their own Operational Protocols through a Resolution of the PRB concerned for proper implementation of the CPD program in accordance with their respective Professional Regulatory Laws and these CPD guidelines, which include the following but not limited to: 1. Specific date/s of regular monthly meeting/s; 2. Provide a list of additional requirements for accreditation as CPD provider and CPD program which are necessary for the development of their profession but not stated in the CPD guidelines; and 3. Provide guidelines for crediting various types of self-directed andjor lifelong learning activities.” SECTION 4. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ACCREDITATION OF CPD PROVIDERS. - Section 14, Article Ill of the CPD Guidelines shall now read as follows: “SECTION 14. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ACCREDITATION OF CPD PROVIDERS. - To obtain accreditation, the following qualifications shall be met A. Local CPD Provider 1. Individual/Sole Proprietor A registered and licensed professional of good standing; Non-convietion of a crime involving moral turpitude; Registered entity with the Department of Trade and Industry; and the Bureau of Internal Revenue; and 1.4 As may be required by the CPD Council. wire 2. Firm/Partnership/Corporation 2.1 A duly registered partnership, corporation, institution or organization: 2.2 The Articles of Incorporation’ Partnership includes as one of its purposes the training and development of professionals; 2.3 Duly registered with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Securities and Exchange Commission andjor other pertinent government bodies; and 2.4 As may be required by the CPD Council Page 3 ota RESOLUTION No._990 Series of 2016 AMENDMENTS TO THE REVISED GUIDELINES ON THE CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPO) PROGRAM FOR ALL REGISTERED AND LIGENSED PROFESSIONALS 3. Government Institutions / Agencies 3.1. Any government institution / agency with mandate or program on CPD for professionals; and 3.2 As may be required by the CPD Council. B. Foreign CPD Providers 1. Foreign Entity / Firm / Association 1.1. A duly registered entity, firm or association in the country / state of the applicant which intends to provide CPD program; 1.2. Articles of Incorporation/Partnership/Creation or its equivalent, which includes as one of its purposes, the training and development of professionals; Accredited CPD Provider of the country of origin; Duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate/Legation in the country/state of the applicant and accompanied by an official English translation; and 1.5 As may be required by the CPD Council.” ab SECTION 5. CPD CREDIT UNITS. - Section 19, Article Ill of the CPD Guidelines shall now read as follows: “SECTION 19. CPD CREDIT UNITS. - Registered and licensed professionals shall complete the required units every three (3) years as specified in Annex “A” (Credit Units Required per Profession) or as specified in their Professional Regulatory Law or as provided by the PRB and the Commission that may be issued. Any excess CUs earned shall not be carried over to the next three-year period except credit units eared for doctorate and master's degrees or specialty trainings which shall only be credited once during the compliance period. Credit units may be eared by professionals who participate in programs that ‘emanate from the PRB for the development of the profession.” SECTION 6. MAXIMUM CREDITABLE UNITS FOR SELF-DIRECTED AND/OR LIFELONG LEARNING. - Section 20, Article III of the CPD Guidelines shall now read as follows: “SECTION 20. MAXIMUM CREDITABLE UNITS FOR SELF-DIRECTED AND/OR LIFELONG LEARNING. - The maximum creditable units for self- directed and/or lifelong learning shall be determined by the CPD Council as approved by the Board and the Commission through their Operational Protocol.” SECTION 7. QUALITY ASSURANCE REVIEW. - Sections 21 and 22, Article III of the CPD Guidelines are hereby consolidated under Quality Assurance Review. “Every CPD provider shall be monitored and its performance shall be evaluated periodically during the validity of its accreditation. For this purpose, the following shall act as CPD program monitors in the order of preference indicated hereunder: Page ata RESOLUTION No, 990 Series of 2016 AMENDMENTS TO THE AEVISED GUIDELINES ON THE CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPO) PROGRAM FOR ALL REGISTERED AND LIGENSED PROFESSIONALS . CPDC member; Any other member of the PRB; Duly-designated APO Officers, Board Members, pertinent Committee Chairs and members from national and local chapters where the APO is not the provider of the program to be monitored; Member of the academe who is not a participant in the CPD program; and Duly-designated professionals among the staff of relevant government or non-government organization. ena os The CPDCs shall set the qualifications for CPD monitors and draw up a list of such CPD monitors. It shall also approve a monitoring tool for CPD programs. ACPD Moritor shall be credited with twice the number of CUs approved for a CPD program for which he/she acted.” SECTION 8. MATRIX OF CPD ACTIVITIES. — As a guide for crediting CPD units, the Matrix of Activities is herein attached as Annex “B’. SECTION 9. PRESCRIBED FORMS AND LIST OF DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS. — The prescribed application form and list of requirements for applicant as local CPD provider is herein attached as Annex “C"; for foreign CPD provider as Annex “D’; for affidavit of undertaking as Annex “E”; for CPD program as Annex “F’; for self-directed andior lifelong learning as Annex “G"; for monitoring report as Annex “H’; for completion report as Annex “I”; and for attendance sheet as Annex “J. SECTION 11. PRESCRIBED FEES. - The prescribed fees for accreditation are as follows: Local CPD provider P 5,000.00 Foreign CPD provider P 8,000.00 CPD program per offering P 1,000.00 Self-directed and/or Lifelong Learning per program P 500.00 All Resolutions, Orders, Circulars, Issuances and parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Resolution are hereby repealed This Resolution shall take effect fifteen (15) days from its full and complete publication in the Official Gazette or major newspaper of general circulation. Copy hereof shall be furnished to Standards and Inspection Division, all Regional Offices and other involved units of the Commission for their guidance. Done in the City of Manila, this_28th day of June, 2016, a 0. Vo TEOFILO S. PILANDO, JR. Chairman Aha ANGELINE T. CHUA CHIACO Y Commissioner NDA D.. Commissioner ES 0-0CH10.06/0-061/0-ASCOM/CPD-PMC/D-LIDID-SIDICPD TSP/ATCCDRIATGIGRSIELRMLMW/meragielen OATE OF sequen in ite aia Aas Mg ESA Mare ee EREEAnNr ole SEM MATRIX OF CREDIT UNITS REQUIRED PER PROFESSION EVERY THREE (3) YEARS PROFESSIONS ACCOUNTANCY 120 CREDIT UNITS AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AGRICULTURE ARCHITECTURE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY CIVIL ENGINEERING ‘CRIMINOLOGY iz 10. CUSTOMS BROKERS 11. DENTISTRY 12. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 13. ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 14. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING (45. FISHERIES 16. FORESTRY 17.GEODETIC ENGINEERING 18. GEOLOGY a 19. GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING 20. INTERIOR DESIGN 21. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 22. LIBRARIAN i 7a | 23. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 24.MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY 25. MEDICINE a 26. METALURGICAL ENGINEERING 27. MIDWIFERY 28. MINING ENGINEERING | 29.NAVAL ARCHITECTURE 30.NURSING 31. NUTRITION AND DIETETICS 32. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 33. OPTOMETRY 34. PHARMACY 35.PHYSICAL 36. PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS 37.PSYCHOLOGY 38. RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY _| 39.REAL ESTATE SERVICE 40.RESPIRATORY THERAPY 41. SANITARY ENGINEERING 42. SOCIAL WORK Zz 43. VETERINARY MEDICINE 9] 2s] oa] 5/c|r0[>| 45 CREDIT UNITS ANNEX “A” PROFESSIONS NO. OF CPD UNITS CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN DENTAL TECHNICIAN DENTAL HYGIENIST (ASTER PLUMBING MASTER ELECTRICIAN ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN CERTIFIED PLANT MECHANIC ._ MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN o]2|Nloja|sle|y|=| ._METALURGICAL PLANT FOREMAN 10. MINE/MILLIQUARRY FOREMAN 11.DETAILMAN | 42. X-RAY TECHNICIAN 13. REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON 30 CREDIT UNITS MATRIX OF CPD ACTIVITIES ANNEX “8 PROGRAM / ACTIVITY CREDIT UNITS SUPPORTING DOCUMENT PROFESSIONAL TRACK (TRAINING OFFERED BY ACCREDITED CPD PROVIDERS, Face to Face / Online) oats _| CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE 1.4 FACILITATOR / APPROVED CREDIT UNITS FOR | _ WITH NUMBER OF HOURS, Lect THE PROGRAM SEMINAR PROGRAM AND LIST | OF PARTICIPANTS. PHOTOCOPY OF CERTIFICATE 1.2. RESOURCE SPEAKER 3.CU PER HOUR ‘COPY OF PAPERS AND PROGRAM INVITATION 7 CERTIFICATION FROM 1.3 PANELIST / REACTOR 2.CU PER HOUR SPONSORING ORGANIZATION COPY OF PROGRAM CERTIFICATION FROM 1 CU PER HOUR ‘SPONSORING ORGANIZATION ODER COPY OF PROGRAM CE TENNER GE pa GhBSLSNE FE ce 1.5 MONITOR APPROVED CREDIT UNITS FOR | CERVFICATE OF APPEARAN THE PROGRAM MONITOR 1.6 IN-SERVICE TRAINING MAXIMUM OF 20 CU FOR A 12- MONTH PERIOD OR A FRACTION THEREOF UPON COMPLETION _ | CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING & TRAINING DESCRIPTION 2. ACADEMIC TRACK _ He FULL CREDIT UNITS FOR UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATION / eee NAREN TO e= OR | COMPLIANCE PERIOD UPON | DIPLOMA AND TRANSCRIPT OF COMPLETION OF DEGREE _| RECORDS (authenticated copy) | FULL CREDIT UNITS FOR COMPLIANCE PERIOD UPON COMPLETION OF CANDIDACY UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATION / 2.2 DOCTORATE DEGREE DIPLOMA AND TRANSCRIPT OF OR EQUIVALENT ADDITIONAL FULL CREDIT UNITS FOR COMPLIANCE PERIOD UPON COMPLETION OF DEGREE RECORDS (authenticated copy) 2.3 PROFESSORIAL CHAIR CERTIFICATION OF GRANT OR See oMean! APPOINTMENT PAPER _ 24 RESIDENCY/ EXTERNSHIP / HOSPITAL CERTIFICATION SPECIALTY / SUB- JOCURER YEAR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION SPECIALTY PROGRAM [25 FELLOWSHIP GRANT E 2.5.1 PARTICIPANT 2 CU PER GRANT CERTIFICATION FROM THE 2.5.2 RESOURCE GRANTING INSTITUTION i SPEAKER _ 4CU PER GRANT AND/OR CERTIFICATE OF 2.5.3 RESEARCHER 5 CU PER GRANT FELLOWSHIP MAXIMUM OF 30 CU FOR AN DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATION 2.6 POST GRADUATE 18-MONTH PERIOD OR A FROM THE INSTITUTION DIPLOMA/CERTIFICATE FRACTION THEREOF UPON, COMPLETION 3. SELF-DIRECTED (TRAINING OFFERED BY NON-ACCREDITED CPD PROVIDERS, Face to Face / Online) 3.1 PARTICIPANT CREDIT UNITS FOR THE PROGRAM AS EVALUATED BY THE CPD COUNCIL CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE WITH NUMBER, OF HOURS, SEMINAR PROGRAM AND LIST OF PARTICIPANTS, 3.2 RESOURCE SPEAKER 3.CU PER HOUR PHOTOCOPY OF CERTIFICATE, COPY OF PAPERS AND PROGRAM INVITATION ANNEX CERTIFICATION FROM 3.3. PANELIST / REACTOR 2.CU PER HOUR SPONSORING ORGANIZATION ae COPY OF PROGRAM 3.4 FACILITATOR / CERTIFICATION FROM MODERATOR 1 CU PER HOUR MAXIMUM OF 20 CU FOR A 12- SPONSORING ORGANIZATION COPY OF PROGRAM CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING & 3.8.1. AUTHORYS FOR MULTIPLE AUTHORS, DIVIDE (CU EQUALLY AMONG THEM. 3.8 IN-SERVICE TRAINING | MONTH PERIOD OR A FRACTION ‘THEREOF UPON COMPLETION TRAINING DESCRIRTION 3.6 PROGRAM / TRAINING MODULE 10 CU PER MODULE COEY.OF MOoULE AND DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION OF | 37 TECHNICAL PAPER eee TECHNICAL PAPER | COMPLETION AND APPROVAL y FOR PUBLISHED PAPER, SEE 3.8 3.8_ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN A REFEREED / PEER REVIEWED PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL LOCAL | INTERNATIONAL tocu_ | _40cU COPY OF PUBLISHED ARTICLE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.8.2 PEER ee 2.0U PER ARTICLE 3.9_ PAMPHLET / BOOK OR MONOGRAPH 40. CU FOR ae SINGLE auTHoR For | AumORieT PAMPHLET 3.9.1 AUTHORIS MONOGRAPH | (LESS THAN | (SopAGeS) | (MORE THAN 100 PAGES) FOR MULTIPLE AUTHORS, DIVIDE CU EQUALLY AMONG THEM. COPY OF PUBLISHED BOOK 3.9.2 EDITOR MAXIMUM OF 20 CU fit 3.10 ARTICLE IN MAXIMUM OF 5 CU PER ARTICLE MAGAZINE / FOR MULTIPLE AUTHORS. DIVibE_ | PROOF OF FUBLICATION OF ___NEWSPAPER CU EQUALLY AMONG THEM. FULL CREDIT UNITS FOR CERTIFIED COPY OF PATENT Ja eet INVENTIONS: _ COMPLIANCE PERIOD CERTIFICATE 2CU/DAY CERTIFICATION FROM 3.12 STUDY TOURSIVISITS | (yaxiMUM OF 20 CU/TOUR) | SPONSORING INSTITUTION 3.13 CONSULTANCY (e.g. | Technical Meetings / CERTIFICATE OF Accreditation and other 1. CU PER HOUR APPEARANCE AND activities as per request INVITATION, | of an institution, etc.) 3.14 SOCIO-CIVIC ACTIVITIES PROJECT PROPOSAL, (e.g. Medical Missions, 1CU PER HOUR os Outreach Programs, REPORT AND PHOTOS etc.) at 3.15 RECOGNITION / TITLE (e.g. Fellows, Hall of Fame Award, COPY OF CERTIFICATION Outstanding RUT CHEDITONITS FOF FROM THE AWARDING BODY Professional, Lifetime Achievement Awardee, etc.) _ COMPLIANCE PERIOD (duly notarized) j. SUCH OTHER ACTIVITIES TO BE RECOMMENDED BY THE CPD COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD AND THE COMMISSION ANNEX *C a Professional Regulation Commission | 5 APPLICATION FORM ey) Accreditation as Local CPD Provider CPD Council for |_| New [| Renewal Accreditation No. Expiry Date Part |. Personal / Corporate Informati Name of Provider: | Classification: Individual/Sole Proprietorship Firm/Partnership/Corporation _[] Government institution/Agency __ Address: Telephone No. Fax No! E-mail Address: =e Website: Contact Person: : Contact No. : ‘Part i, Acknowledgment | HEREBY CERTIFY that the above information | SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this written by me are true and correct to the best of my|day of 20_ at knowledge and belief. | further authorize PRC and affiant exhibited to me other agencies to investigate the authenticity of all the | his/her valid government issued ID documents presented issued at on Signature Over Printed Name (Notary Public) | Position | ~Date | _Part ill. Action Taken ay ‘Standards & Inspection Division - CPD: Cash Division: Processed by: ‘Amount Date i O.R.No/Date : Issued by Reviewed by: OIC, Standards and Inspection Division ACTION TAKEN BY THE CPD COUNCIL. CG. Approved Accreditation No. (1 Deferred pending compliance C Disapproved due to Chairperson Member Member Date, ANNEX" PROCEDURE FOR ACCREDITATION AS LOCAL CPD PROVIDER Step 1. Secure Application Form at the Standards and Inspection Division counter (Window 3) or download at PRC website ( Step 2. Fillout Application Form and comply the required documents. Application should be filed in three (3) copies: One (1) original signed and two (2) photo copies with the complete requirements with folder | and fastener. (Please provide one (1) set for receiving copy) Step 3. Proceed to Standards and Inspection Division processing window for evaluation and assessment. Step 4. Pay prescribed fee (in cash, Postal Money Order, Manager's Check, Bank Draft payable to | Professional Regulation Commission) of Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00). | Step 5. Submit Application Form with attached supporting documents and three (3) photocopies of official SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (authenticated copy) [ ] NBI Clearance (original) [_ ] BIR Certificate of Registration (authenticated copy) [ ] Notarized Affidavit of Undertaking(___) [1 SEC Certificate of Registration and Articles of Incorporation or Partnership and their respective By-laws (authenticated copy) [1 BIR Centiicate of Registration (authenticated copy) ] Notarized Affidavit of li Undertaking Renewal Individual / Sole Proprietor Firm / Partnership / Corporation | Government institution/Agency [1 Résumé must include: [| Company Profile must [1 Agency Profile must include relevant Educational Include Mission, Vision, Name of Head of Agency background, current Core Values and if any, a and the Head of employment, profession, valid | _list of previous training Department in charge of Professional Identification activities conducted continuing education/ | Card, principal area of | [1 List of Officers with valid training professional work & No. of Professional ID Card (if [1] Copy of charter or Republic years in the practice of the applicable) Act establishing the agency regulated profession [ ] Listand photographs of [ ] List and photographs of [1 Company Profile must include training equipment and training equipment and Mission, Vision, Core Values facilities facilities and if any, a list of previous | [_] Instructional Design (one) | {_] Instructional Design (one) training activities conducted | [Annual plan of proposed [ ] Annual plan of proposed [ ] List and photographs of CPD Activities CPD Activities training equipment and { ] Appointment paper fromthe | { ] Office Order from the head facilities managing partner or Board of Agency appointing its [| Instructional Design (one) Resolution of a Corporation officer to manage the CPD [ ] Annual plan of proposed CPD authorizing a partner or activities, Activities officer to manage the CPD |[ ] Notarized Affidavit of [| DTI Certiticate of Registration activities Undertaking ( | | It List of CPD activities for the last 3 years List and photographs of training equipments and facilities Annual plan of proposed CPD Activities General Information Sheet for Corporation or Partnership Amended Articles of Incorporation or Partnership and their respective by-laws, if there are changes Appointment paper from the managing partner or Board Resolution of a Corporation authorizing a partner or officer to manage the CPD activities or Office Order from the head of government agency appointing its officer to manage the CPD aotivties, i there are changes. {_] Notarized Affidavit of Undertaking ( ) ‘Additional Requirements: [ ] Short brown envelope for the Certificate of Accreditation [ ] One set of metered documentary stamps worth Twenty-Five Pesos (P25,00) to be affixed to the Certificate of Accreditation. (Available at PRC Customer Service and PRC Regional Offices) (Note: 1. Representative/s filing application/s for accreditation and claiming the Certificate of Accreditation in behalf of the applicant must present a letter of authorization and valid identification cards of both the authorized signatory and the representative. ‘The period for processing the application is 30 days. ex be forfeited in favor of the government. If additional requirement/s is/are needed, a period of 7 days is given to submit the same. Failure to comply within the period shall be construed as abandonment of application and the prescribed fee shall receipt to the Standards and Inspection Division designated window. CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: ANNEX “>” | Professional Regulation Commission APPLICATION FORM | Accreditation as Foreign CPD Provider CPD Council for || New [J Renewal Accreditation No. 4 Expiry Date Part |. Personal / Corporate Information Ei Name of Provider Address: Telephone No. Fax No. E-mail Address’ Website: Contact Person: ‘Contact No.: - Part Il. Acknowledgment | HEREBY CERTIFY that the above information written by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. | further authorize PRC and other agencies to investigate the authenticity of all the documents presented. ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 20_ at —_____afiant exhibited to. me his/her valid government issued ID issued at on ( Deterred pending compliance (C1 Disapproved due to Member Date. Chairperson Member Signature Over Printed Name (Notary Public) | Position Date Ef Part Ill Action Taken a Standards & Inspection Division - CPD: | Cash Division: | Processed by: ‘Amount | Date | O.RNo,/Date l Issued by Reviewed by: - OIC, Standards and Inspection Division ACTION TAKEN BY THE CPD COUNCIL D Approved Accreditation No. ANNEX “0” PROCEDURE FOR ACCREDITATION AS FOREIGN CPD PROVIDER ‘Step 1. Secure Application Form at the Standards and Inspection Division counter (Window 3) or download at PRC website ( Step 2. Fill-out Application Form and comply the required documents. Application should be filed in three (3) copies: One (1) original signed and two (2) photo copies with the complete requirements with folder and fastener. (Please provide one (1) set for receiving copy) Step 3. Proceed to Standards and Inspection Division processing window for evaluation and assessment. Step 4. Pay prescribed fee (in cash, Postal Money Order, Manager's Check, Bank Draft payable to Professional Regulation Commission) of Eight Thousand Pesos (P 8,000.00) | Step 5. Submit Application Form with attached supporting documents and three (3) photocopies of official | receipt to the Standards and Inspection Division designated window. CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS: | SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS I Initial Renewal | 1 Company Profile (must include Mission, Vision, List of CPD activities for the last 3 years Core Values and if any, a list of previous training ] List and photographs of training equipment activities conducted) and facilities [_] List of Officers with current Professional ID ] Annual plan of proposed CPD Activities Card (if applicable) General information Sheet for Corporation or [| List and photographs of training equipment Partnership or its equivalent and facilities [ ] Amended Articles of Incorporation or [1] Instructional Design (one) Partnership and their respective by-laws or its [ ] Annual plan of proposed CPD Activities equivalent, if there are changes { ] Appointment paper from the managing partner |[_] Appointment paper from the managing partner or Board Resolution of a Corporation or its or Board Resolution of Corporation or its | equivalent authorizing a partner or officer to ‘equivalent authorizing a partner or an officer manage the CPD activities to manage the CPD activities, if there are [ ] Proof of Registration of its creation in the changes country/state of the applicant which must be [ ] Notarized Affidavit of Undertaking (__ ) duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ before Philippine Embassy / Consulate / Consulate/Legation in the said country/state Legation in the country/state of the applicant and accompanied by an official English translation thereof [_ ] Notarized Affidavit of Undertaking ( before Philippine Embassy / Consulate / Legation ___in the country/state of the applicant Additional Requirements { ] Short brown envelope for the Certificate of Accreditation [ ] One set of metered documentary stamps worth Twenty-Five Pesos (P25.00) to be affixed to the Certificate of Accreditation. (Available at PRC Customer Service and PRC Regional Offices) Note: 1, Representative/s filing application/s for accreditation and claiming the Certificate of Accreditation in behalf of the applicant must present a letter of authorization and valid identification cards of both the authorized signatory and the representative. 2. The period for processing the application is 30 days. 3. If additional requirement/s is/are needed, a period of 7 days is given to submit the same. Failure to ‘comply within the period shall be construed as abandonment of application and the prescribed fee shall be forfeited in favor of the government. ANNEX “E* .\ Professional Regulation Commission AFFIDAVIT OF UNDERTAKING , of legal age, resident of after having been duly sworn depose and state that in connection with ion as a CPD Provider, | shall: ‘Comply with the requirements in the CPD Guidelines; 2. Conduct at least one (1) accredited CPD program within a year from the issuance of the accreditation and every year thereafter; 3. _ Ensure that the CPD activities conducted meet the criteria set forth by the CPDC; 4. Observe the approved program in the conduct thereof; and 5. Submit genuine and correct documents in support of this application and other reports required by the CPDC. In witness whereof, | hereby affix my signature this__day of 20. Affiant Position SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of rf cOleie affiant exhibiting to me his/her issued on at NOTARY PUBLIC Doc. No: Page No, Book No Series of ANNEX “F" Professional Regulation Commission APPLICATION FORM Accreditation of CPD Program CPD Council for Part |. General Information Name of Provider: ‘Accreditation No: Expiration Date: | Contact Person: Designation: CantactNa Date at Rpptaton Proposed Program: os Seminar [=] SeminarWorkshop [7] Residency Training [] Tous & vists_[oners [Tite of te Program Date to be offered: ia ‘Time / Duration: eZ Piaco / Venus! Toa ames program tobe Sonduied Course Description: Objectives: Target Participants / No. Registration / Seminar Fee to be collected: Parti, |HEREBY CERTIFY that the above information written by | SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day me are true and correct to the best of my knowiedge and | of 20_ at A belief. | further authorize PRC and other agencies to | affiant exhibited to me hisiher valid government Issued 1D investigate the authenticity ofall the documents presented. issued at on ‘Signature Over Printed Name Position Wotary Pubic) : Date Part Il, Action Taken ‘Standards & Inspection Division - CPD: Cash Division: Processed by: Amount Date ‘O.A.No/Date Issued by Reviewed by: ef OIC, Standards and inspection Divison ACTION TAKEN BY THE CPD COUNCIL ‘Approved for Credit Units ‘Accreditation No. Disapproved Deferred pending compliance ‘Chairperson Member Date, Member ANNEX “F* PROCEDURE FOR ACCREDITATION OF CPD PROGRAM | Step 1. Secure Application Form at the Standards and Inspection Division counter (Window 3) or download | at PRC website (www. | Step 2. Filkout Application Form and comply the required documents. Application should be filed in three (3) | copies: One (1) original signed and two (2) photo copies with the complete requirements with folder | and fastener. (Please provide one (1) set for receiving copy) | Step 3. Proceed to Standards and Inspection Division processing window for evaluation and assessment. | | Step 4. Pay prescribed fee (in cash, Postal Money Order, Manager's Check, Bank Draft payable to Professional Regulation Commission) of One Thousand Pesos (P 1,000.00) per offering of the program. Step 5. Submit Application Form with attached supporting documents and three (3) photocopies of official receipt to the Standards and Inspection Division designated window. CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS, ‘SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Specific course Objectives stating competencies to be gained from program Evaluation tool specific to course objectives set Program of Activities showing time/duration of topics/workshop Resume of Speakers for program applied for, showing expertise in the topic/s; show certificates or citations (if any) [ ] Current Prof. ID of speaker if registered professional; if foreigner, current Special Temporary Permit, if applicable ]__Breakdown of expenses for the conduct of the program Additional Requirements: [ ] Short brown envelope for the Certificate of Accreditation { _] One set of metered documentary stamps worth Twenty-Five Pesos (P25.00) to be affixed to the | Certificate of Accreditation. (Available at PRC Customer Service and PRC Regional Offices) Not 1. Application for accreditation should be filed 45 days before the offering of the program/training. 2. Representative/s filing application/s for accreditation and claiming the Certificate of Accreditation in behalf of the applicant must present a letter of authorization and valid identification cards of both the authorized signatory and the representative. 3. The period for processing the application is 45 days. 4. If additional requirements is/are needed, a period of 7 days is given to submit the same. Failure to ‘comply within the period shall be construed as abandonment of application and the prescribed fee shall be forfeited in favor of the government. *] ANNEX “6” Professional Regulation Commission APPLICATION FORM Crediting of Self-Directed and/or Lifelong Learning CPD Council for [Part |. Personal Information a ae ‘Name: | Profession: License No.: Date Issued: Valid Unti | Residence Address: Telephone No. Fax No. | Celiphone No. E-mail Address: ‘Company Name (if employed): Position: ‘Company Address: Telephone no. | Self-Directed andior Lifelong Learning: [[] invention / Patent Online Training Post-Graduate Studies Seminars / Technical Sessions / Conference [F] Authorship Company sponsored training programs Diploma Program Professorial Chair Others Part il, Acknowledgment | [HEREBY CERTIFY that the above information writen by | SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day | me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and | of 20__ at | belief. | further authorize PRC and other agencies to | affiant exhibited to me hisiher valid government issued 1D | investigate the authenticity of all the documents presented. issued at on Signature Over Printed Name Position (Wotary Pubic) Date Part Il, Action Taken z ‘Standards & Inspection Division - CPD: Cash Division: Processed by: ‘Amount Date’ O.R.No/Date Issued by Reviewed by: 7 OIC, Standards and inspection Division ACTION TAKEN BY THE CPD COUNCIL Approved Credit Units Granted: Disapproved Deferred pending compliance Chairperson Member Member Date, ANNEX" PROCEDURE FOR CREDITING OF SELF-DIRECTED AND/OR LIFELONG LEARNING | Step 1. Secure Application Form at the Standards and Inspection Division counter (Window 3) or download at PRC website ( Step 2. Fill-out Application Form and comply the required documents. Please provide one (1) set for receiving copy. Step 3. Proceed to Standards and inspection Division processing window for evaluation and assessment Step 4. Pay prescribed fee (in cash, Postal Money Order, Manager's Check, Bank Draft payable to Professional Regulation Commission) of Five Hundred Pesos (P 500.00). | Step 5. Submit Application Form with attached supporting documents and one (1) photocopy of official receipt to the Standards and Inspection Division designated window. CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS ‘SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: (comply only the document/s that is/are required to the application) ] Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Attendance ] Program of Activities ] Diploma / TOR / Certificate of Completion etc. ] Certificate of Patent ] ] J Copy of published material/book Certificate of Entitlement / Appointment as Professorial Chair Others that may be required by the CPD Council iditional Requirements: ] Short brown envelope for the Certificate of Accreditation One set of metered documentary stamps worth Twenty-Five Pesos (P25.00) to be affixed to the Certificate of Accreditation. (Available at PRC Customer Service and PRC Regional Offices) BRocooaa lf Note: 1. Application for accreditation should be filed no later than five (5) years after completion of degree or program. 2. Representative/s filing application/s for accreditation and claiming the Certificate of Accreditation in behalf of the applicant must present a letter of authorization and valid identification cards of both the authorized signatory and the representative. 3. The period for processing the application is 30 days. 4. If additional requirement/s is/are needed, a period of 7 days is given to submit the same. Failure to comply within the period shall be construed as abandonment of application and the presoribed fee shall be forfeited in favor of the government. Professional Regulation Commission MONITORING REPORT CPD Council for Name of Provider: | Provider Accreditation No.: Expiration Date: Title of the Program: Date / Venue of the Program: Credit Units Provisionally Given: Program Accreditation No. Date Approved: Evaluation of Program: (indicate the topics & time per activity, use separate sheet if needed) ‘APPROVED Program of Activities ACTUAL Program of Activities s Time Remarks Topic Time Frame Speaker Topic | Speaker cr i i a Frame, B [conor atan Total Number of Participants’ Observation: ‘Suggestion/Recommendation: MONITORED BY: Signature Over Printed Name Date ANNEX “1 Professional Regulation Commission COMPLETION REPORT FORM ON CPD PROGRAM CPD Council for Part |. General Information Name of Provider: Accreditation No. | Expiry Date: Contact Person: Designation Contact No. aT | Part il. Program Accreditation Title of the Program: Accreditation No. Date of Accreditation: Date Started: ~~ | Date Completed: Place / Venue: Total Number of Participants: Date Applied: Executive Summary: Part ll. Acknowledgment | HEREBY CERTIFY that the above information | SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this | writen by me are true and correct to the best of my | day of 20_ at knowledge and belief. | further authorize PRC and affiant exhibited to me other agencies to investigate the authenticity of all the | his/her valid government issued ID documents presented, issued at fon Signature Over Printed Name (Notary Public) Position Date ANNEX “1 PROCEDURE FOR COMPLETION REPORT =| ‘Step 1. Secure Application Form at the Standards and Inspection Division counter (Window 3) or download at PRC website (www.prc. | Step 2. Fill out Application Form and comply the required documents. Please provide one (1) set for | receiving copy. Step 3._Proceed to Standards and Inspection Division processing window for submission CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS ‘SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS List of Participants (Name & PRC License No.) List of Lecturers, Resource Speakers, etc. (Name & PRC License No.) ‘Summary of evaluation of Speakers in Tabular Form Others [ [ [ po Note: Completion Report must be submitted within fifteen (15) working days after the CPD program offering. ANNEX “J” lf .\ I Professional Regulation Commission ATTENDANCE SHEET (Attached to Completion Report) CPD Council for Title of the Program: Date: Place / Venue: Total Number of Participants: NAME SIGNATURE PRC License No. 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S Bes see sss 9) ERTIFIED CORRECT BY: Signature Over Printed Name Position Date

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