Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Gupta 241 9
Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Gupta 241 9
Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Gupta 241 9
Background. In contrast with many other countries, isoniazid preventative therapy is not recommended in
clinical care guidelines for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)infected persons with latent tuberculosis (TB)
in India.
Methods. Seven hundred fifteen HIV-infected mothers and their infants were prospectively followed up for 1
year after delivery at a public hospital in Pune, India. Women were evaluated for active TB during regular clinic
visits, and tuberculin skin tests were performed. World Health Organization definitions for confirmed, probable,
and presumed TB were used. Poisson regression was performed to determine correlates of incident TB, and
adjusted probabilities of mortality were calculated.
Results. Twenty-four of 715 HIV-infected women who were followed up for 480 postpartum person-years
developed TB, yielding a TB incidence of 5.0 cases per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.27.4
cases per 100 person-years). Predictors of incident TB included a baseline CD4 cell count !200 cells/mm3 (adjusted
incident rate ratio [IRR], 7.58; 95% CI, 3.0718.71), an HIV load 150,000 copies/mL (adjusted IRR, 3.92; 95%
CI, 1.699.11), and a positive tuberculin skin test result (adjusted IRR, 3.08; 95% CI, 1.277.47). Three (12.5%)
of 24 women with TB died, compared with 7 (1.0%) of 691 women without TB (IRR, 12.2; 95% CI, 2.0353.33).
Among 23 viable infants with mothers with TB, 2 received a diagnosis of TB. Four infants with mothers with TB
died, compared with 28 infants with mothers without TB (IRR, 4.71; 95% CI, 1.1913.57). Women with incident
TB and their infants had a 2.2- and 3.4-fold increased probability of death, respectively, compared with women
without active TB and their infants, controlling for factors independently associated with mortality (adjusted IRR,
2.2 [95% CI, 0.63.8] and 3.4 [95% CI, 1.2210.59], respectively).
Conclusions. Among Indian HIV-infected women, we found a high incidence of postpartum TB and associated
postpartum maternal and infant death. Active screening and targeted use of isoniazid preventative therapy among
HIV-infected women in India should be considered to prevent postpartum maternal TB and associated motherto-child morbidity and mortality.
Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common HIV-related
opportunistic infection and the most important cause
of morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected adults in
the developing world [1]. In areas with a high prevalence of HIV infection and TB, active case finding for
TB has revealed that TB is also a concern during pregnancy and at the time of delivery of a newborn [2, 3].
Data suggest that both TB and HIV infection have been
identified as independent factors for maternal mortality
and perinatal outcomes; in combination, TB and HIV
infection have a greater detrimental impact than their
The views expressed in this manuscript do not necessarily represent the views
of the National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Centre, the Johns Hopkins
University, or Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College.
Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and 2Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland;
and 3Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College and 4Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical CollegeJohns Hopkins University Maternal Infant Transmission
Study, Pune, India
From 16 August 2002 through 31 December 2005, HIV-infected
mother and infant pairs were enrolled and prospectively followed up as part of an ongoing National Institutes of Health
funded phase III randomized clinical trial to assess the role of
nevirapine therapy administered to infants during breastfeeding. Although the primary outcome of HIV transmission is
pending completion of the trial, this study is an analysis of the
data specific to TB that were collected as part of the secondary
outcome of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality.
HIV-infected women at a large urban, public teaching hospital in Pune, Maharashtra, India, were enrolled during their
third trimester, at delivery, or within 1 week after delivery.
Mother and infant pairs were followed up prospectively for up
to 12 months after delivery. At each scheduled visit (at weeks
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 14 and at 6, 9, and 12 months), women
and their infants underwent clinical examination and select
242 CID 2007:45 (15 July) HIV/AIDS
laboratory investigations. All infants were given bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination at birth, according to Indian pediatric guidelines. HIV infection in infants was confirmed by HIV
DNA PCR testing and quantitative HIV load measurements.
The maternal baseline hemoglobin concentration was obtained
at enrollment in the study, and the CD4 cell count and HIV
load measurement that were obtained closest to delivery were
used in this analysis.
Informed consent was obtained from all participants in the
study. Human experimentation guidelines of the US Department of Health and Human Services and the participating institutions were observed in the conduct of this research. Informed consent procedures and this research were reviewed
and approved by independent ethical committees in Pune, India, and in the United States.
TB screening and diagnosis. At delivery, women were offered tuberculin skin tests (TSTs; also known as Mantoux tests),
according to standard methods [16], and were evaluated during
regular clinic visits for active TB. If the TST results were positive
(defined as an induration 5 mm in diameter for HIV-infected
persons) [17] or symptoms suggested active TB (e.g., persistent
cough, fever, and weight loss), chest radiographs were performed and clinical and laboratory information were obtained
using a standardized data collection form. TB was confirmed
when Mycobacterium tuberculosis was cultured from the mother,
and TB was probable when (1) acid-fast bacilli were detected
in maternal sputum smears by microscopic examination, (2)
histological features suggested TB, or (3) congenital TB was
confirmed after the culture of M. tuberculosis from the neonate.
TB was suspected when the mother had only clinical and
radiological evidence suggesting TB and showed a response to
anti-TB therapy. Some microbiological data were missing. Culture is not a routine practice in India and, according to national
TB guidelines, is only recommended when there is treatment
failure or lack of response to treatment; for 7 cases, either the
clinician did not send appropriate samples for culture or appropriate media was not available, and for 4 cases, sputum
samples for acid-fast bacilli testing were not adequately obtained. A diagnosis of TB in infants was determined according
to standard methods [18]. Because of the difficulty of confirming cases, most infant TB cases were determined using clinical
and radiological criteria (including response to treatment), as
well as history of close contact to persons with active TB.
Analyses. Data were analyzed using Stata statistical software, version 9.0 (Stata). Students t test for means were used
when continuous variables were normally distributed. Nonparametric Mann-Whitney U tests or Fisher exact tests were
used when continuous variables were not normally distributed
or when cell size was 5 observations, respectively; x2 tests
were used for discrete variables. Log-linear (Poisson) regression
analyses were used with TB incidence as the outcome variable.
A total of 715 HIV-infected women were followed up for 480.6
person-years (PY; median duration of follow-up, 0.96 PY; interquartile range [IQR], 0.271.0 PY). The characteristics of
the cohort are shown in table 1. Of 715 women, 688 (96.2%)
had a TST administered around the time of delivery and appropriately read within 72 h of delivery; 145 of these women
(21.1%) had positive TST results. Twenty-four postpartum incident TB infections were detected, yielding an incidence estimate of 5.0 cases per 100 PY (95% CI, 3.2-7.4 cases per 100
PY), with a median time after delivery to incident TB of 90
days (range, 4333 days). Seven cases were confirmed within
the first 2 weeks after delivery, suggesting that the women may
have had subclinical TB at the time of delivery. Fifteen women
(62.5%) had a baseline CD4 cell count 1200 cells/mm3, 15
(62.5%) had a baseline HIV load 150,000 copies/mL, and 9
(37.5%) had positive TST results at the delivery screening. Sixteen women received a diagnosis of pulmonary TB, 6 received
a diagnosis of extra-pulmonary TB, and 2 had both of these
types of TB. Six cases were confirmed, 12 were probable,
and 6 were suspected (12 [60%] of 20 women were smearpositive for TB, and 6 [35.3%] of 17 were culture-positive for
TB). All but 3 women initiated TB treatment (1 was lost to
follow-up, and the other 2 died before therapy was initiated).
Continuous variables were categorized into clinically meaningful groups (i.e., CD4 cell count !200 cells/mm3 or 200 cells/
mm3). Age, marital status, employment status, family type, education, TST status, CD4 cell count, HIV load, and maternal
hemoglobin concentration were covariates. Collinearity was
checked by calculating the variance inflation factors, which were
all !2.5. Variables that were significantly associated in the univariate analysis were analyzed using multivariate Poisson regression. Forward and backward stepwise selection of covariates
was performed using a significance level of P .05. Interactions
between age and other covariates were explored. Model fit was
assessed by using the Pearsons goodness-of-fit test, as well as
Akaikes information criterion [19]. Overdisperson was not evident in our model. Both forward and backward selection arrived at the same model as did Akaikes information criterion,
with the exception of 1 variable (maternal hemoglobin concentration). This variable was forced into the model, because
it has been identified as an independent predictor in published
studies. Lastly, adjusted probabilities for maternal and infant
mortality by maternal TB status were calculated, controlling
for all other statistically significant covariates using Poisson
regression. All continuous variables were centered. To calculate
infant mortality probabilities, we added key available covariates
for infant mortality, such as birth weight (low birth weight,
!2500 g), HIV PCR status, gestational age (preterm, !38
weeks), and infant mode of feeding.
Table 1. Characteristics of patients and unadjusted and adjusted incidence rate ratios (IRRs) of maternal
tuberculosis (TB) in a cohort of HIV-infected women in Pune, India, 20022005.
All patients
with incident
active TB
(n p 24)
23 (1835)
25 (2127)
without TB
(n p 691)
Unadjusted IRR
(95% CI)
23 (2125)
1.14 (1.01.24)
Adjusted IRR
(95% CI)
549 (76.8)
14 (58.3)
535 (77.4)
1.00 (0.891.14)
166 (23.2)
10 (41.7)
156 (22.6)
686 (95.9)
23 (95.8)
663 (95.9)
0.69 (0.095.12)
29 (4.1)
1 (4.2)
28 (5.1)
Marital status
Educational status
None or 4th grade
274 (38.6)
12 (50.0)
262 (38.2)
1.88 (0.854.20)
14th grade
435 (61.4)
12 (50.0)
423 (61.8)
334 (47.3)
17 (70.8)
317 (46.5)
1.02 (0.911.13)
371 (52.7)
7 (29.2)
364 (53.5)
10 (41.7)
137 (19.8)
2.67 (1.196.02)
14 (58.3)
554 (80.2)
Family type
3.00 (1.326.79)
Median (range)
1 (05)
1.0 (03)
1.0 (05)
512 (71.6)
18 (75.0)
494 (71.5)
1.14 (0.452.87)
203 (28.4)
6 (25.0)
197 (28.5)
465 (318675)
333 (141401)
472 (322680)
50 (7.1)
9 (37.5)
41 (6.0)
8.80 (3.8520.11)
656 (92.9)
15 (62.5)
641 (94.0)
1200 cells/mm
7.58 (3.0718.71)
HIV load
Median copies/mL (IQR)
11,692 (230248,187)
150,000 copies/mL
169 (24.1)
15 (62.5)
154 (22.7)
5.67 (2.4812.96)
50,000 copies/mL
533 (75.9)
9 (37.5)
524 (77.3)
Mean mm SD
3.5 6.6
6.2 8.5
3.4 6.5
5 mm
145 (21.1)
9 (37.5)
136 (20.5)
2.47 (1.085.65)
!5 mm
543 (78.9)
15 (62.5)
528 (79.5)
3.92 (1.699.11)
TST diameter
3.08 (1.277.47)
Hemoglobin concentration
Median g/dL (IQR)
11.2 (9.612.4)
10.2 (8.312.2)
11.2 (9.712.4)
9 g/dL
127 (19.8)
9 (37.5)
118 (19.1)
2.81 (1.236.41)
19 g/dL
514 (80.2)
15 (62.5)
499 (80.9)
2.05 (0.884.78)
NOTE. Data are no. (%) of patients, unless otherwise indicated. Baseline characteristics were assessed at the time of delivery
(i.e., CD4 cell count, HIV load, TST diameter, and hemoglobin concentration). Poisson regression was used to calculate unadjusted and
adjusted IRRs. IQR, interquartile range; Ref, reference; TST, tuberculin skin test.
P p .05.
P ! .01.
P ! .001.
infant). Three infants did not complete a full course of prophylaxis. The remaining infants did not receive prophylaxis
because parents refused treatment (1 infant), the mother had
extrapulmonary TB (4 infants) or was smear-negative for TB
(2 infants), the infant was lost to follow-up (1 infant), or the
infant died before prophylaxis was initiated (3 infants). Two
infants were suspected to have developed active TB (a third
suspected case occurred in an infant whose father, but not
mother, received a diagnosis of TB; data not shown). Four
244 CID 2007:45 (15 July) HIV/AIDS
Employment status
Figure 1. Adjusted maternal and infant mortality incidence rate ratios (IRRs) within the first year after delivery, by maternal tuberculosis (TB) status,
among a cohort of HIV-infected women and their infants in Pune, India (20022005). The unadjusted IRR for mothers was 12.2 (95% CI, 2.053.3;
P p .004), and the unadjusted IRR for infants was 4.7 (95% CI, 1.213.6; P p .017 ). The maternal IRR was adjusted for CD4 cell count, log HIV load,
hemoglobin concentration, age, and educational status at the time of delivery of the infant. Infant mortality was adjusted for HIV PCR status during
the first year of life, preterm birth (!38 weeks), low birth weight (!2500 g), infant mode of feeding, and the aforementioned maternal factors. Mortality
IRRs and 95% CIs were calculated using Poisson regression. aIRR, adjusted incidence rate ratio; PY, person-years.
Table 2. Characteristics and outcomes of infants born to HIV-infected women, by maternal incident tuberculosis
(TB) status, in a cohort in Pune, India, 20022005.
No. of infants
for whom data
were available
Incident active TB
2500 (23003000)
38 (3739)
9/24 (37.5)
1/24 (4.17)
Duration of breastfeeding, median days (IQR)
Infant characteristic
Maternal TB status
21/24 (87.5)
105.5 (32.5199.5)
2600 (24002950)
38 (3838)
62/685 (9.10)
5/691 (0.72)
624/691 (90.3)
100 (97183)
NOTE. Data are no. (%) of infants, unless otherwise indicated. A 2-sample Wilcoxon rank sum (Mann-Whitney U) test was used to
compare medians. A x2 test was used for comparison of discrete categories. Fishers exact test was used to calculate P values when the
cell size was 5 mm. PCR for infant HIV infection was assessed at 11 time points during the first year of life and confirmed with infant
HIV load measurements. Mode of infant feeding was also assessed at these 11 time points. IQR, interquartile range.
No. of
Event rate
patients necessary
associated with
to treat to
administration of
avert 1 case of
incident TB
0.64 (0.510.81) [37]
0.38 (0.250.57) [37]
in risk
associated with
administration of
IPT (95% CI) [ref]
We assumed that, for women with CD4 cell counts !200 cells/mm3, a combination of HAART and IPT would be initiated, because Golub et al. [25] found a more improved risk reduction in TB incidence with the
combination therapy than with HAART alone.
NOTE. Risk reduction estimates were taken from the references listed. The Cochrane meta-analysis [37] did not find any statistically significant difference for IPT by CD4 cell count and AIDS strata; thus, we
assumed the same risk reduction estimates for a CD4 cell count !200 cells/mm3 and for a CD4 cell count 200 cells/mm3. IPT, isoniazid preventive therapy; IR, incidence rate; PY, person-years; ref, reference; TST,
tuberculin skin test.
All women
Women with positive TST results
No. of women
Percentage of Percentage of with incident TB Duration of
who did not
with incident TB
receive IPT
cases/100 PY
Table 3. Expected reduction in postpartum incident tuberculosis (TB) cases with isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) initiated during the antepartum period, using different criteria
for targeted intervention in an Indian antenatal clinic population.
We thank Shuchi Anand, Joline Choi, and all of the Maternal Infant
Transmission Study participants and clinical staff.
Financial support. The US National Institutes of Health (NIH; R01
AI45462) and the Fogarty International Center/USNIH (2 D 43 TW00001019-AITRP). This study was undertaken in collaboration with Byramjee
Jeejeebhoy Medical College in Pune, India.
Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: no conflicts.
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