2012 at Length CJSM
2012 at Length CJSM
2012 at Length CJSM
Rupture of the Achilles tendon (AT) is a common
problem in sports medicine, with an estimated incidence of 10
to 20 per 100 000 or roughly 23 000 operative and nonoperative treatments per year in the United States alone.1 The AT,
as with other tendons in the human body, acts as a spring and
can store energy.2 This energy storage capacity is particularly
important for both running and normal walking, where the
energy storage within the AT accounts for 8% and 6%,
respectively, of the total mechanical energy.36 Central to the
ATs ability to store energy is its nominal or resting length.
It is thus crucial that the original length is restored
during surgical treatment to assure optimal function. The
potential sequelae of repairing an AT in a lengthened
condition can be decreased muscle volume,7 fatty muscle
atrophy,8 and decreased force.911 These facts emphasize the
importance of AT length (ATL) as an inuential variable in
the postoperative functional and clinical outcome after AT
repair.12 The amount of lengthening resulting in reduced function is currently unknown.
Given the importance to accurately assess and restore
ATL after rupture, this study had 2 objectives: rst, to
develop a new way to accurately and reliably establish ATL
on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of healthy subjects;
and second, to develop an easy formula to calculate ATL
based on human parameters like gender, age, body height,
body mass index (BMI), activity level, and tibia length (TL).
Rosso et al
Women (n = 11)
Men (n = 41)
(eg, pacemaker, other metal not qualifying for an MRI, tattoos, and claustrophobia) and a BMI of . 40 kg/m2.
The following subject parameters were noted: gender,
age, body height, weight, BMI, and activity level according to
the Valderrabano Sports Score.13 On average, the male population was taller (179.6 7.2 cm, P , 0.0001) and heavier
(85.1 10.4 kg, P = 0.001), but there was no difference in age
(P = 0.57) or BMI (P = 0.59) between the groups (Table 1).
Imaging was carried out on a 3-T scanner (MAGNETOM Verio; Siemens Medical Solution, Erlangen, Germany).
Subjects were examined in the supine position with straight
legs, that is, the ankle dorsiexed at 90 degrees (exion
neutral position) and the knee in 0-degree exion and xated
in that position with straps and sandbags to assure reliable
side comparability. A peripheral angiography matrix coil
with 16 coil elements was used for image acquisition. Images
were obtained in the coronal plane with a single-slab T1weighted magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition gradientecho (MPRAGE) sequence (repetition time [milliseconds]/
echo time [milliseconds], 1890/3.37; inversion time [milliseconds], 1000; isotropic resolution, 1 1 1 mm). The
MRPRAGE protocol was used to cover the entire lower leg
from above the femoral condyles through the bottom of the
calcaneus allowing a 3-dimensional reconstruction with slices
of 1 mm. Axial T2-weighted fat-saturated fast spin-echo
images (5000/76; echo train length, 14; number of signals
acquired, 1; section thickness, 3 mm; intersection gap, 0 mm;
matrix size, 212 512; eld of view, 168 400 mm) of both
legs were acquired simultaneously from the musculotendinous
junction to the calcaneal insertion of the Achilles.
Quantitative and qualitative measurements were performed. Quantitative parameters such as ATL and TL were
measured in the MPRAGE sequences. The length of the AT
was measured in transverse (axial) planes by identifying the
tendon at its insertion at the calcaneus as the rst slice in
which the calcaneus bone touches the AT dening the distal
point. The proximal point was dened as the last slice where
the gastrocnemius medialis did not appear when working
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Rosso et al
The AT length is pivotal for a normal gait as it helps the
calf muscles to act at their optimum length,2 and restoring the
original length after AT rupture is therefore an important determinant of postoperative outcome.79 We thus investigated
a new way to measure the ATL in an MRI setup not involving
the myotendinous junction (MTJ) between the 2 gastrocnemii
into the measurements and used these ndings to establish
a formula based on TL that allows to accurately and precisely
calculate the ATL from a plain anterior-posterior x-ray.
Pang and Ying15 were the rst to measure ATL in
healthy patients by means of ultrasound. The length was
measured from the insertion of the AT on the calcaneus to
the MTJ between the tendon and the gastrocnemii muscles.
As can be seen in Figure 1A, the MTJ is not a straight line but
more M-shaped. It is therefore difcult to dene the exact
proximal insertion point. Consequently, the mean ATL was
117.7 mm with a high SD of 23.7 mm and a wide range of
58.5 to 166.2 mm emphasizing the difculty of length measurements in a sonographic setup. Compared with Pang and
Ying,15 our measurements were more consistent with a mean
length of 180.6 mm and an SD of 25.0 mm with a 95% CI of
173.7 to 187.6 mm. In our opinion, the actual values cannot
be compared due to the different ways of measuring the ATL
as we took the appearance of the gastrocnemius medialis
muscle belly and Pang and Ying took the MTJ as a proximal
point of origin. In AT ruptures, the central MTJ can be
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One strength of this study was to use MRI measurements with a high anatomic resolution and thin slices of 1 mm
to determine ATL. This novel measurement method can also
be used in AT status after rupture. The consistent measurements of our method to determine ATL and TL with small
SDs and tight 95% CI and the clear correlation between ATL
and body height and TL, respectively, were further strengths
of this study. We additionally came up with a way to estimate
the ATL by using the TL. Tibia length can easily be measured
on AP radiographs or on an MRI of the lower leg including
the knee and ankle and measuring the distance between the
lowest point of the intercondylar eminence of the tibia (tibial
spine) to the center of the ankle formed by the tibia and the
bula according to Yoshioka et al.14
A limitation of this study was that the ATL was dened
as the distance between the proximally dened point and the
distal insertion without taking the 3-dimensionality of the
tendon into account. The tendon could travel in an oblique
way through this eld of interest making the ATL slightly
longer. As can be seen in Figure 4 in a cadaveric setup, line
A0 is a line parallel to line A being the anatomical tibial axis.
Line c is a line parallel to the AT axis. Line b is perpendicular
to A0 . The distances are as follows: a is the ATL as measured
in our study, b is the distance between the lines A0 and c being
the distance from the calcaneal insertion to the medial gastrocnemius in the axis of the AT. Assuming that b (distance
from line A0 to line C) can measure maximally 10 mm, which
would be an anterior-posterior (a.p.) travel of 10 mm, being
a rather high a.p. travel. According to the Pythagorean theorem (a2 + b2 = c2), with our measured mean lengths of 180.6
(a), c would be maximally 180.9 mm. This would result in an
error of 0.3 mm or 0.15%.
In conclusion, we dened a new way to measure the
ATL in a consistent way showing good comparability
between healthy subjects. We found that TL was a strong
and independent predictor for ATL. Using the knowledge
of TL, ATL can be estimated using the following formula:
ATL in ankle neutral position (mm) = 0.6 TL (mm) 2 53.
Finally, the present study could help to evaluate ATL on
patient status after AT rupture and compare ATL in different
surgical techniques postoperatively.
We thank Tanja Haas for her MRI examinations and
her steady motivation. We thank Dr Marc Lottenbach and
Dr Andri Lutz of the Hospital of Fribourg, Switzerland, for
their contribution in patient acquisition and Dr Glen
Lichtwark of the University of Queensland, Australia, and
Dr Michael Ying of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
for their valuable inputs. A special thanks to Dr Mathias
Miska for his help in ATL measurements.
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