Geriatric 6 PDF
Geriatric 6 PDF
Geriatric 6 PDF
Open Access
Background: Frailty can be defined as a progressive loss of reserve and adaptive capacity associated with an overall
deterioration in health that can result in disability, loss of independence, hospitalisation, extensive use of healthcare
resources, admission to long-term care and death. Nevertheless, despite widespread use of the term, there is no
agreement on the definition of frailty or an instrument to identify it in a straightforward way. The purpose of the
current study was to explore which factors are associated with frailty-related adverse outcomes in elderly individuals
and to propose a suitable tool for identifying such individuals, particularly in primary care settings.
Methods: A prospective open cohort study of community dwelling, independent individuals aged 75 or over, followed
up for 2 years. The study was entirely conducted in a primary care setting. Study variables included independence status
measured by Barthels Index and the Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale, functional performance, assessed
by Timed Up and Go (TUG) and Gait Speed (GS) tests and levels of polipharmacy, comorbidity and social support.
Outcome variables were specific frailty-related adverse events, namely, loss of independence and death.
Results: Overall, 215 community-dwelling independent individuals initiated the study. Of these, 46 were lost to
follow-up and 50 had frailty-related adverse events during the follow-up period. Individuals with adverse
events during the study had poorer functional status at baseline. The multivariate model that best explained
the occurrence of these events included the variables of age, presence of polipharmacy and the TUG time.
The AUC (Area under the curve) of this model was 0.822.
Conclusions: Given the simplicity of assessing the three derived factors and their combined discriminant
power, the proposed model may be considered a suitable tool for identifying frail patients, i.e., people more
likely to lose their independence or die within a relatively short time interval.
Keywords: Frailty, Identification, Primary care
Frailty can be defined as a progressive loss of reserve and
adaptive capacity associated with an overall deterioration
in health that can result in disability, loss of independence,
hospitalisation, extensive use of healthcare resources, admission to long-term care and death [13]. Nevertheless,
despite the widespread use of the term, there is no agreement on the definition of frailty [4, 5] or on an instrument
to identify it [6] in a straightforward way, particularly in
primary care.
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Unidad de Investigacin AP-OSIs de Gipuzkoa, Osakidetza, Instituto
Investigacin Sanitaria Biodonostia, REDISSEC, Paseo Dr. Begiristain s/n, San
Sebastian-Donostia 20014, Spain
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Three approaches for the identification of frail individuals have been described in the literature [7]: the
rules-based, the cumulative and the clinical judgment.
Rules-based approaches are derived from multiple
regression models and are based on the presence of a
number of symptoms. The phenotypic approach would
be included in this group [1]. Cumulative-based
approaches are based on the consideration and addition
of the number of impairments presented by a single
person [8]. Finally, clinical judgment based approaches
rely on the professional interpretation of the clinical
record and physical examinations [7].
A frequently considered aspect in the aforementioned
approaches is functional performance. Several instruments
2016 Diez-Ruiz et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Study population and recruitment
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A total of n = 215 individuals were initially included in
the study and of those n = 169 completed the proposed
follow-up. No significant differences were found in
terms of socio-demographic and clinical characteristics
between lost to follow-up subjects and those who completed the study. At the end of the follow-up period, n
= 119 subjects remained independent, while the other
n = 50 participants (24 %) had a frailty-related adverse
outcome: death (n = 8) or loss of independence (n = 42)
(Fig. 1). The rates of independence loss in the first and
second years were 8.3 and 2.6 %, respectively.
At baseline, participants had a mean age of 79.4
(SD: 4.1) years and 63 % were women. A high proportion of subjects presented comorbidity (72 %) and
polipharmacy (61 %). Comparing the baseline status
of those who eventually developed a frailty-related
adverse outcome and those who did not, we observed
the following. The adverse outcome group was on
average 3 years older (p < 0.001), had a lower level of
physical activity (p = 0.001) and was more likely to
present polipharmacy (p = 0.001) or comorbidity (p =
0.032). In addition, it presented more hospital admissions in the previous year (p = 0.013) and declared a
poorer self-perceived health status. No significant differences were found in the variables of sex, body
mass index, visual or auditory deficits and accidental
falls in the previous year (Table 1).
As far as functional status is concerned, participants
who developed frailty-related adverse outcomes, despite
being independent at baseline, had lower levels of functioning in terms of basic activities of daily living
(Barthels index) and IADL (Lawtons score). Significant
differences were also observed in the functional
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Table 1 Baseline data of the entire sample and comparison between the two groups of adverse events
Adverse event
Baseline variables
Total (N = 215)
Yes (n = 50)
No (n = 119)
79.4 (4.1)
81.7 (4.6)
78.4 (3.5)
Sex: Female
136 (63)
32 (64)
76 (64)
205 (95)
47 (94)
114 (96)
162 (75)
35 (70)
88 (74)
18 (8)
6 (12)
5 (4)
22 (10)
11 (22)
6 (5)
131 (61)
41 (82)
65 (55)
52 (24)
12 (24)
30 (25)
36 (17)
13 (26)
13 (11)
136 (63)
26 (52)
91 (77)
Self-perceived health
Good/very good
73 (34)
23 (46)
26 (22)
Poor/very poor
7 (3)
1 (2)
2 (1)
10 (9, 12)
10 (8, 12)
10 (9, 12)
Comorbidity: Yes
153 (72)
35 (70)
62 (52)
63 (29)
18 (36)
33 (28)
52 (24)
17 (34)
21 (18)
37 (17)
8 (16)
23 (19)
12 (6)
6 (12)
1 (1)
8 (4)
3 (6)
2 (1)
6 (3)
1 (2)
4 (4)
Visual deficit
Auditory deficit b
Adverse event: death or loss of independence defined as 10 % drop in Barthels score compared to baseline, during the follow-up. Data are expressed as frequencies
(percentages), unless otherwise stated. For dichotomous variables one of the two categories are presented.
Presented health problems are not exclusive; a patient can suffer by more than one. P values in the last column refer to comparisons between the groups with
and without adverse events (Yes vs. No). Age was compared with Students t test
these variables were compared with Fishers exact test, the Chi-square test was implemented for the rest of the variables
Proper identification of frail individuals in primary care
represents an unresolved challenge. The current study,
Table 2 Baseline data on functioning and comparison between groups with and without adverse frailty-related outcomes
Adverse event
Functional tests
Yes (n = 50)
No (n = 119)
90 points
16 (32)
7 (6)
95100 points
34 (68)
112 (94)
6 (4, 8)
8 (5, 8)
15 (13, 22)
0.8 (0.2)
1.1 (0.2)
Categorical variables were compared with the chi-squared test; means and medians were compared using the Students t and Wilcoxon tests, respectively
Adverse event death or loss of independence defined as 10 % drop in Barthels score compared to baseline, during the follow-up, IADL Instrumental activities of
daily living. The abbreviations: s and m/s indicate seconds and meters per second respectively. Q1, Q3 interquartile range from the first to the third quartile, SD
standard deviation
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Odds ratio
95 % CI
Age, years
1.03, 1.25
1.14, 1.44
1.06, 7.06
Goodness-of-fit statistics
Area under the curve: 0.822
R squared / adjusted R squared: 0.270/ 0.384
Hosmer-Lemeshow: p = 0.721
The probability of suffering a frailty-related adverse event during the follow-up
period was modelled. Adverse event: death or loss of independence defined
as 10 % drop in Barthels score compared to baseline, during the follow-up,
95 % CI: 95 % confidence interval. Polypharmacy: long-term prescription of 4
drugs. The model is based on n = 50 adverse events and n = 118 positive
events due to 1 missing value in TUG test
Fig. 2 ROC of the proposed model for identifying frailty in primary care.
Receiver operating characteristic curve for the final model to
predict frailty-related outcomes, based on age, Timed Up and Go
time and polypharmacy status. The curve represents the relationship
between sensitivity and 1-specificity for all potential cut-off points of
the diagnostic test under study. The area under the curve (AUC), a
measure of the discriminatory power of the test, is 0.822. The cut-off
point that maximises sensitivity and specificity (i.e., 76 %) is 0.288
It is possible to identify frail individuals considering their
age, polipharmacy status and functional capacity. These
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Not applicable.
Availability of data and materials
The database set was available for all authors of the study
and will be available for other non-commercial researches
on request.
AUC: area under the curve; BADL: basic activities of daily living;
CI: confidence intervals; GS: gait speed; IADL: Instrumental activities of daily
living; OR: odds; PRISMA: Program of research to integrate services for the
maintenance of autonomy; SD: standard deviations; SHARE: Survey of health,
ageing and retirement in Europe; TUG: Timed up and go.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors contributions
AD, AB, JN, KV, IS, IV have made substantial contributions to conception and
design of the study; KV, performed the analysis and IV, AB, AD, IS interpreted
the data; IV, KV have been involved in drafting the manuscript and AD
revised it critically for important intellectual content; AD, AB, JN, KV, IS, IV
have given final approval of the version to be published and agree to be
accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to
the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately
investigated and resolved.
Authors wish to thank all the participants who took part on this study for
their interest and generous dedication.
Gobierno Vasco- Eusko Jaurlaritza. Departamento de Sanidad y Consumo.
Ayudas investigacin sanitarias 2011. Proyecto N: 2011111122.
Author details
Centro de Salud Errenteria-Beraun, OSI Donostialdea, Osakidetza, Errentera,
Gipuzkoa, Spain. 2Unidad de Investigacin AP-OSIs de Gipuzkoa, Osakidetza,
Instituto Investigacin Sanitaria Biodonostia, REDISSEC, Paseo Dr. Begiristain
s/n, San Sebastian-Donostia 20014, Spain.
Received: 4 January 2016 Accepted: 21 April 2016
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