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ANSWERS AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL "ASSEMBLY AND RIGGING SECTION 14, 8 0 2». 2, 2. 2. 26 2s 26. co Sere skin, monocosie femimonocoque ‘emimonacoqe faitste ace tow bs being rg ‘antlever Shemical: eectochemieal sities: thend of commuting eons badder spoiler Performance, dag, wingtip vores Vortex generators enpennage ‘ora blair rudders fuselage 22, Fy 2. 3 2 3 3 3s 36 > Prt Warren onvertonat tycle parasite pressure fins cowl aps pen a beneath the wing atthe ear faeage SECTION 1B 2 5 6 5 longtaia,oll Inter pitch ert yaw Tongitaial ol) lateral (pitch) vertical (a0) russe dynamic legit 8 (ited) ltr) vera aw) abilizer lovators downward rm eared own Balance interconnect pings Fight tema opposite opposite ge jackscrew 2, ». 2. 31 2 a M 36. Sh bs. Py 4 46 a 48 #8. Su 2, se 55, 56 = BS 5 6 down ag sloted Fowler sl aileron 4 bygraulically| tb elcrialy camber the wing rot ih, ow Winelets swing fence card imeverible 2 serns ight pots ave damper 2 reagee taps sail camber leading edge laps ‘Type Ceteat Dat Sheet vwesed-out sroop hx tort x19 7x7) 18% 00% t 60% 5. comoson ray not 292 3 2 7 425 these four pasiive ‘ecalagea. 3 landing lower 64. cle os ret gue © conesion (66, test and inapecton, ging ara program SECTION 1¢ 1 2 3 ae fo. i 2 6 1 15, 6 0 ie 1, 2». 2 2 2 26 2s 26 28 2. 50. 31 2 2. 3 3s % 37 orton (aurroae) ‘eral i rotor 2 ore af counter roaing mers by. coaria counter rong ors. feather a graity Benue ce © lit 4 dag Symmetical 2 tg n space precession Procession Coots effect. ‘onersione les than one diameter (Out of Ground Eee In Ground est ssvancing forvard Aap eater retesting high tania orton downward ‘upward eclletive forelator, governor follesive eyehie ‘Synchronized elevator ‘overs prs Fenestron ‘nae saber bar 1 offetfpping hinges © stably ugmenation beat Iw etic Inert satay dynamically 38 2». 2. au 2 * 46 chordie Spans ‘aking stk o ag tobe leh Infrared ig ‘onthe ground ‘fit fin collective fa deceahah free ubine feewbeeting ‘SHEET METAL STRUCTURES SECTION 2A, 1 2 3 ra 1s 6 0 ie 1, 2 monaco emiemongcoque Seng sles shape compression ending shew compressive temmpreston,teaion a ens ension) shear these Sectional aren stop copper copper ©. magnesium & e Tae 204 pare alin, rolled Serhes, abrasions soltin prespiaion| fotened 2. 2 2 %. 2s n », », Answers © bums ret Scum ih a reals 1 exhaustsystems ©. hghstengt 1 igheweiahe © siffess 2 eldaing wih pure shamiour covering with an Impenetrable oxide fe covering with primer snd paint a. Anite ofcleerode petal ference b Reon path between these ae, & Anelecolye covering the orfce will 1 scotia chemically SECTION 28 1 2 v, 8 i should not ‘Should na the part wil trac when tis bent. Carbon ifs into the ‘etal, which wil ease the arto weaken and eras, ‘raster pin riblee a een bona yellow ‘oun Squaring shear tp b. body sank siver copperAnswers Is. 16 0 18 2, 2. 2 3 3s 26. black brass he finder chip chase es, 132 countersunk 1b niverel © round 4 ta ‘counterunk, dimpled ri00 27 2017 2024 5056 00 5056, a7 2017 ams “080 SR eee eat eae icebox tind aa, Altos, Camlock SECTION 2c i 4 15, 16. 1 is 19, 2», La three ten totwelve 13% 0 ® 0 © a a al Too he neshat inside thee owe 2"o B24 (064% 128") © 256" 380") roid setback BR MT Koval or Kft (6) times (ROT 50290" © 07007 4 0625" bend allowance 21 2. Fs ae as 0420" pais" 0328" 0316 0196 seched may flanged ieging SECTION 2D 10 i 1 a, 1 1s burishing Sectural Repir fata, FAA approved Inspection Autorzaton ar Provides more gradu change fr sreses to ‘rtrd leave the resi 1 ae sie) Aiea grade bot nd fellcking nat ‘ntoare Sip rel former, removing the damaged ses and taling = los of kn. a lection, pproved sealant WOOD, COMPOSITE, AND TRANSPARENT PLASTIC STRUCTURES SECTION 3A, Sitka Spruce eat ofthe wood 1 slope oftie gain ©. mer of growth ‘ine quer ainkage 1” Resoreina glue pony resin glue shoul ot 8 5 10 hi i a 15. Ag a. poclfe Spon asembly ine © loed sembly tie &_presingtine Mahogany rounbibing, rowed me st SECTION 38 2 srengthand sites fan be castomied high steno weioh canbe formed ino femples curves a fiber bat interac orboundary iecneen cements a Saliss b Elass ‘rand igh sess, ideation ‘comprestiv galvanic paral ebvage se ‘niet 2 thermosatic themonting Hite, st wil wil re Fesn cats, catalyst fozen Shel, may aot {Claes mirebaloons hopped fers, fox honeycomb foam, © wood epoxy Uretane Material Sefety Data Sheets 2 respintor 1b goxelsAd Answers gloves b Heating 5. 5.600106300 32. fre, wel ventites 60. aot 6 infared evioles, burn 33 a Maths Ety Ketone Seating blankets 5c weling ant B hesone &. Step B gloves 3A a Compression 3. Parting release © prope thing welding GA. Bleeder aterals 8 Bet Vacuum baging 6S. should not 5. gare Filament wining 6. poting to, Mic & Wetsysp 1. fated 1 tungsten ine gas, T10 © Fea yop St Esamintion 12 tungsten 38. Seale sure 68, temporary, permanent 1 1100 BS Geees moire an 470. bata woods compost 14 sate iri ght heneyconb 15, a spot barr. btm 36. a Aluminum wires SECTION 3c 16 a cae Stove nt te top &prenre toe 1 & Caos cette dwell ine 2. Aluminam serene b Aco vt fa Ur theo 2a) toete be Alumina fi Plexiglas & bp Bonded oh outer 3. wile comer nye ie © ge 4 ‘laminum fame S$ See 18. nom wth sprayed ont the 6 sttsticory 3 good penetration component 3. srt ming © Sequte refrcement 31. a Vil npeson t Stigaicant Sno pie . Taptesine ‘ema is 19, tbo Ultasonie testing vacuum forming 20. capiliry 238 apts Sowa forming with ab 39, saniteter mores 2. tiniend 40 may 8 swiss overeating 2 siver 41 Thermoeraphy 3. 30 2. Aramid 10, tyne ihe SECTION 4B 45. hacked op Mh dot 44, should nt 12, eat wesig 1 doesnot 45. Carbide 13. ras say we, sem, 2 hyogea 46, respirator she 5. caer 47. Arid 14, mild soup carburizing 4. shouldnt 15, Ti expanion 5. inert at aot 6 yz nivogen 50 Saiorthy 2 oem SL. a neglgble A Vio ela 5. tap © nemeepeable 10. str fshomouth ‘2. foes 11, heated difica, Bh Spseniog ‘posse Sk Seat sedeueeead AIRCRAFT WELDING — SECTION 4c 51 A Remove ese cesin ' © Comore tier SECTION 48 ae hayes 5 sete Remove mappedir 1 Fsion sso Ramcheingias —Atbetn {sa ee ae aero 5. petwicum Prevents shi Secs are ch reeset 58. Vectum basing © cect sistance yd ne bol 59. 3 Room tempertre 48 omen enti one & eaptane 3 tightAnswers AS. 10, mt 2. & Expedite sun 12, a. Moving the gun oo 1, Sete Fished wa cae sows 12, geomet cokes aig be work 00 13 Se esine 4 genni tose 1 SS 4 Renting he dope 13 ater & died seine vrner 16. mb di tine 1, a ene sping 17 ster macesighers & erree teats U8 coer Gis or deineraied ts Times eveprning 12. wt war comity 2 inher 9, Tage irra Over te 2h te ‘0, anna oes 2 tes 1 Kaen fn 3 wena 12 30 re 3 meta 1B tas 208° ey ace ein for 35. eyiene Ue tee ma 13, ace Taye more dil, 16. pruned cre 1 fo 17 ean did pier 1h cw UE sme 2. mh 2. tls SECTION 68 2h, Bae La chemical AIRCRAFT FABRIC SECTIONSC. © ical ° pmabee COVERING 1. sprayed 2. a. personal injury. 2 Bisa apex & Senn oamege SECTION 5A 3 Reishee 3, Envienmenl Peon ice ‘pony Pa), 1. lamina ‘span ath an 2 Slr itte Occup Satay sn a aah Admnisrton 28 Manatees (oss) teal 4. Claw pe (of) & Soptemena pe paenyne sheng caitene TO) 5 tise c. FAA TEN appv ves, eam 7 = AIRCRAFT PAINTING : poe 5 Ble AND FINISHING 8. polyretane ae Rayner te. Suveraen © here SECTION 6A Tecoma 9, Rein Sos To, Sate 1. Plies 1, wa 1 io 2) Seach Be pine cure Shen peices = 13, Inspestion grommets a paseiees thinner ri ¢ oe 14, 83m (00sinor va, Redes is oor) 13. tion % fomck 1s, an 16. five 8 moisture ee 17, will not 9. retarder oe 18. plasticizers 10, warming iB 11 I Eats hao 18. lyre SECTION 58 vo 2. Wat 1 Ercenivel stom 21. indian ieee reas 22 ony cop 2 penetrate B S24As Answers 24. pot 2S. White refetve, Uarsprer pigment, eal sborbing 36, polyurethane 27. Wil 28. Linseed SECTION 6c 1 heavier 2 daily engine moun, landing gearsiuts Secon pes sir elec Perpendicular much 6 4 to, Tue 1. Wt 12 ahead of 13. timer 14 polypropylene 8s le 17 88 inces 1k bad 19. water 20. wet AIRFRAME ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS SECTION 7A 1 elatve 2 Suength, speed 3. a telon of magnetic Tux nonho swt) tect of EMF (oltage) Wo. hi i bs ie Is. 16 p is is 2. 2 2 2. 26 2s 26 » 28 ». 30 3 u 38 %6 m. 8 x» ‘2. 2 &. ietion condor roves though tbe magnetic field brhes afl fame amature bri stembly ® complete the agree cut provide mechanical Sapport forthe other pare Fe eld poles, shoes Pata thon, commutator shunt compound Series at under, over ‘curent limier reverse cumentcaout (orrelay) &Volage repustor ‘ashing (polarizing) srowler lage ake stationary, moving soli b staoe © solide rectifier brash srembly slip rings repliced three Yetta aie, ras ease spesd drive 00,5, lead acd nicke-cadiu specie gaviy 1275, 1300 1150 bydrometer mpee-hours ampours) ‘Shor dcharge clean, ight, caroon 4, 4, Ps 8. 50. i 3, Sh 58 5s. 56 57 brite rs, soa ‘carbonate (baking sod) tai eid water arent voltage, volage cary masta he ‘esti lads charge the battery 25,148 baking soda, water low temperature chemically opposite, erie acid, vine filly charge o deep cyte, ampore-hour ‘SECTION 78 1 2 3 a reliionship wolage spikes 2 fle Babe tue col ‘olage splits parle bus paral SECTION 7¢ 2 a 15, 600 Eight American Wire ade Svalt Sos Tos SBildng a eed b yelow blue four S milokms (0003 ohms) BNCAnswers 2. icompreibe & Apunp ‘SECTION 7D 4 heigheofecohumn het 5. equally, ndiminised a 3. powerpack L ace3.18 6 presure nepal 2 logis consistent, op 7. PAPO =AxP) bine forward & V=AD(W=AxD) SS. Unprssriaed 3. troone 5. a. Forcecanbecanily 6 a Anas te ey fanamited ve age ‘eu ie. 5. How-tow sistance, Blesair & tips Lange sian © Pion ype T. putsoseset mechanical advantage 2. Sooaass pk pa ateposible a ream © lope ape 10. a. 25pounds (approx) 3, can at ee 1 2.2sinches appox) Te, Bowe been 44S pounds appon) constant © She Soop 1 tele 9. rotting beacon Mk op constant unin seake Bo pounds 1 oer ot 10. fie a) 1S. flow 11 8 dirson othe 16 oom magne ld SECTION 8B 1 heck 8. Gienton of rent 1 onic check flow 1. a Abletofow with Bee Grxton he wire ‘nim oppstion Pry moves be Mabe 21. ya fe 12. a. permanent get incompressible 22 a Presure drop acres 1b. Secromsgnet, Hive god cing the fine Ib. a. sesee pronets 1 Valome of uid bse 4 Teh coroson passing through te © compound Mast ot fxm in fixe 1a, bias operation 2. elie 15: sens 2. Visconty 24 pressure redece 16. avert 5. ash pie 25. accumulator & nduton 4 Nezeabe bed 28. air. mitogen €syntrenaus 8 Peoeum bse Ba piston ype 1 a thedesion &Phospite-etr based Bry the apples ac 5. et © Sapiem 5p freueney 6 cast aleobl aH a D. nee 4 Mitse08 3. move 3. MIL-H-Se06 3. onewsy 10. fie 2. two-way 1 purple 3. tamer 12. Soap, water 24 kup ing 1500 1. aaah 38. cue 8 Sedat saves, 36 would HYDRAULIC AND sap or vara 27. ke, damaged PNEUMATIC POWER, 14, tat bbe SECTION 6D ‘SYSTEMS aeopren or Bun € buglbber or ih SECTION 8 err iii tae a Likes weit SECTION 8c 3 deka chemical er se of nal tion eee 4 Mmm miseence ber Geta 2a Rtabe uit 7 BA Mui eservoirAB SECTION 9B sine {hooning pine: acing 4 Tekan dbooter © gmeume © fies Shoe £ Spy AIRCRAFT LANDING = Hee GEAR SYSTEMS 1. a. drain and flush the SECTION 9A va era est 1. convention 13. fresco penetra 2 jame noe 5 ee 13, overieaing 4 pounoop cnr of 16. Sragtine eary 5. Sistas SECTION 9¢ & binge % ira me t 2 wid, dame 3° uid, with %o, ton be 2 docnot 1h bo 2 bee 12. haminu, agnsim Ceo 13 been © bad 14. bake dak ote 13, fable pgs Swe 16. te ee hiscomplety to, nally teat Mi dndorinfated 17. elo cap ave ave 12, Unerinfatns coe (8 a undrafted 18, Soult © overiaand 19. ould wt ©. cone iiaon 20. iergelr ianaton presae at ovemening Sree 2 nt ed 3 Baly cae rs 3k. mae ice me 3s. oy Oring 26. shiny damper ‘net 3 econ Soot Bh egrve ® 2. fre damage verily ie teat 2 ates uct) Bi. ethnical detecvevaes Meaty wane © comrenedar iow & feet Bh amaie 32 Sut HR tleum pond BE en locked 3. heavy Bt tes ay 30. slow sateycage 38. Boon dng 31 a apes tts POSITION AND WARNING SYSTEMS. SECTION 108 1. blow, damage, contol 2. zero 3. slip sia 4 alte way 5. 0 6 Woah, wheels (ain west) 1.2 whee speed sensors 1 ski eompuier © cool valves 8. current voltage 9. pressure, cent 10, generate cece Slgmalswable by the ental va ve 1 Tepulate bake presse suring ng prevent aplicaton of the brakes ror o toachdown 1. lockedwhee! 12 yopaning 1. tee 4 wheel speed ses ‘SECTION 108 Answers b._vtha coner pin ‘rough oles ithe i c. withadhesive Taxing stop check the learance Hydoplaning ange anack 4 ile tone 1 ted ight Sain roi Slt, vane synchronous peranent magne onthe geand advanced or tkeott ween redAnswers At 16 tanng, down okes 32 tachonser Suerte 1 reducing speed 33. a ity in space © ene Grand rimiy 5, precession tent ‘Warning Sytem (GPWS) 34 tity in space ‘ 15, Bagi fodntion, Crow 3S. a pach ten) ‘ering so egret 16, al tts, malnenance ‘eric a) 31. prcesion 38. Isiometer 38. variation 40, jogonie 4. gone AIRCRAFT AVIONICS & Gaon ‘SYSTEMS 44. ting accion AIRCRAFT Te Sepironing SECTION 124 INSTRUMENT produces no vacuum La Ariat A he aeplane B Armani kd ‘SYSTEMS vise 2 toner 41. exten 5 ceiitions, on SECTION 118 3 eam 4 Sjce ets, Here) 8. camot Sth La. aol 50. 3 Naped andi Mach 6 cime,one guar on 5 gage indeator rit © iferetl hiner ‘ri, moton 2 Yon1687 sec ped 5 Rmpiade Modion 3 bea 51, diene ano 4 gauge 52. sate 1 Fregueney Modelion 5 Bourdon 33 eae eM) © a ptt 54 one sy long-ngs Satie 55. two Ta.” generte signal athe 2 bao 56. if fore eueney engine pressure rato 57 pounds per square inch 1 ovulate the came Shimer & wave 10. indices 58. sot amplify he signal Umea eve 59. a Electronic Fight 1 Seite 12 inches mercury (Hy, Insoumen Sysem 12, lier sibs 3. Cathode Ray Tube one 1 presi © lectonc Aside 14. Here dipole vw. 52,000 Devin inditor |S. ground line 1S. temperature 4. Acronauzl Rao, serially ‘isn tn 3. ting postion Elston Horizont & ome % Sito neato 3. Var ® 60. Zalvorz 0 i b. 21, UNF, vie, data 31 ted SECTION 118 2, SELCAL 2 ve 3. ig dink 3. Machete 1a persia 2. bom, ground Ba 098 b pecener 33. LEMP 35. eric peed © lowercetr 26. a. lop Be. wie perio seme 1. Wheastone bride, 2. ow gue igh a uF rationete ampliote 28 phase 28 thermocple 3. bonded tun 2 i 8. innot 42 ted al ine 0. is 30. accent (Gomer) ite re 3. diettoa destin 3. syneeoecope 32, VoRTACAto Answers 2. donot 1, deed inked distorted, 5. bleed 34. secretion ruse esos 35. Space 36 fe a 436 uC 38. TEAS, ete poten conten ao 40 tecalzr CABIN ATMOSPHERE & ghleope AIRFRAMEICEAND CONTROL SYSTEMS {i fppochandanway RAIN CONTROL, Tekin SECTION 144, 2 Un SECTION 138 B glestope Loa 147 a. Foun Lowe & 2592 4S. mile 2 bing © 9 a 4 1215,260 3. asking ais ae 4 spoiler 28 Nivogen tn 5. does nt & Oxygen 3 a pcen ed 3. hypoxia & tlw 2 Med ir 4 perormanc,udament at Bees eters 5. Carbon nonoxde so. Xesond 3. Shere 6 10900 51. Chant Yo. dlclly 52 lighngdischaraes 1 ates SECTION 148 53. tamponders 12 a chemicals therm oi) wit aot SECTION 128 etal Retr 2 visor’ Bresthing 13. 2 carburetors 3. tai 1. manually cont propeller 4. ole sive 2 Miron © _tindhils geen 3. ern clevtrs 14. opens 6 fe boraAa 4. pl ate 15. sion & borsut 5. Flghe Management 16. acum 1. fives fe Sytem 1 hess 8a nua pe 6 theo nding, lout 1 Riva sews . sutomae ype Sade 1 mld soup, water 9, Gierdomand a no 19. Sister 10. contin ow 3 a proces, 20, Slings, bashes 11, comin Sow & Mearout 21 enaseqoenced se (ree) 10. a preumate 22 faidover 12. snes tet bce 23, kof holdover 15. Lox noe 24, may ni 1a 70 SECTION 126 25, chyene glycol ispropyt 1. Siam eta Scoot 16. doe 1. bending 17 tong Bee tere SECTION 138 1B. canoe 3. above, clamped 19, opposite 4 Surge sptes, 1 a mecha wipes 20. so, 100 5. Smpsston Bhalla 21 lowest 6 tiptee ‘epelae 2 inspai 2 m3 puma in B st Bling renova systems 2A lowed otk owt 9. dischargers wis, 2a lect 25. engine wbodharges wang atmosphere byl 36, bina 10, Comm 3. ioe Babin tein ben (vera sped)Answers © diferent pressure indiestore taal 28. outow SECTION 14¢ exhnst shroud ombitin fel valve her feel c . ramsirhest exchanges be expanding iracrss stuine 4 her 9. lneyle machines ‘aporeyele tert to, lat TL a compressor expansion ve 12. reoehverdyer 1. desc M4 evaporator is Rae 16 cont 17 condenser 18 a soapy water ®. electronic ociator 19. sight elas 20. purged AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS ‘SECTION 158 wa (eonation, eatstopi failure solve, kerosene wot rock Jaan 2 Avess 80 1b Avgas 100 enna 2, a 1s ie 18 ‘AvgasL0OLL we em be Jee Jeet jae dissolved fee aside 1 icoorganiens © auretans a onaminaton cased by human enor 150 15 2 SECTION 158 1 2 18 is 2 21 2 2s 1 Supply fl pressure forstring 1. Provide a eckup for he enge-iven pimp este fel ow whos switching an, welded ort eget © bladder 3, 5052 sleahing integra thateresiing engine forward 082 saness sixth id fay ove 2 cone-ype 2. ponpetiype detent felsic motors solenoid double cea tow pall 2 bypass valve 26, 28 2. bi eliefvabe valve, ug Capacitance pressure ‘SECTION 15¢ 0 2 i steam cleaning Fy ie aon, carbon dose ne halt 2 ‘ould not round Formation of sade b. Emlifstion ote fa © Craton of corse compounds and ofensv odor, Millipore pall Soret grad (pe) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ‘SECTION 168 1 a. el © A sauce of itn (hes) c Spotdeeton fe Contin loop ype preset pallet Fal shor, open spet-ype tate of temperature rie referenceA12 Answers, 12, a entive lay Weight and ance 13, appropiate ed & nereley iors, 13, saunas lo 4. Opening SECTION 17¢ va Kase Lion OH & 15: cout op cae wi (6 2 Uncen, 5 ingperive tomas © Sater Done & 12nd 3 11. 2. Chon Monxie + to seagate © Nios One 5h May rok pred 18, Tazton 3 manatee ite ue 18. a The Lia Retain 10, mya Spied oe U1, apc, maken ieee ares Heelan pe te ae eae © TheSohastae pe 13, spec tah permit pcr dene ira peson approving te SECTION 168 1s her faum orice 16. my 6. Thesignre ote Lis 17, Inpeton Abortion Ponape 2 fre gt Hon 18. mayo foumonrve Sete he 19. Popessive e. Theceiene unter cnet 20. 0 Ailes (over athe pon bs Chstng te 133c0 eprom Sprig te euro presi pee seat weigh) vce 4 sab 8 Tube powered Thetype ofeenitewe 5 yelow muvee west aie pon & Balke 21. contri Strong te euro % ie BS sve 2 imynot 3. conformity 4 omer 2 Comtnuons 3. She nsenice 25. tener & my 26, wonkcads 2. Rrroved ot B. pec 8 31 condor AIRCRAFT SECTION 178 AIRWORTHINESS INSPECTION 1 : bined © srasovrads SECTION 17 cise © raton 1. aiwonty 2. vextee Set pecitenin =e & Tywecatiinepan = te aa indirect 6 Aironet & penepecton Directives 5 Work order 4 Ober aAapproes =f oka aa examination 2 gee ©. service and repair 3 SD nes 4 finctonl chek Cerineue aes Regiraton (0, examination Ceniticate 11. fanctional 1. paperwork
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