OT With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Major Role!: Waad Aljurayed/ Asma Almutairi/ Manar Almutairi
OT With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Major Role!: Waad Aljurayed/ Asma Almutairi/ Manar Almutairi
OT With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Major Role!: Waad Aljurayed/ Asma Almutairi/ Manar Almutairi
What is ALS?
Phase II: Hanging-arm syndrome, severe lower extremity. Moderate to severe upper extremity weakness / increasingly dependent in ADLs
SOURCE: University of Michigan Health System, Internet Money & Business Development and U.S. Patent Office.
Retrieved from: http://archive.freep.com/interactive/article/20120805/NEWS06/120804036/Graphic-What-ALSAmyotrophic-Lateral-Sclerosis-
Phase III: Dependent, with all positioning in a bed or wheelchair completely dependent in ADLs Extreme fatigue
Intervention focus on performance areas of occupation:
Intervention with focus on client factors:
-Eating: evaluate for dysphagia, and recommend an appropriate diet; the therapist -Continue with passive range-ofmotion exercises for all joints
may recommend tube feedings if the patient is at high risk for aspiration and for -Provide sensory stimulation with massage and skin care
handling secretions and preventing aspiration therapist recommend a suction
-In addition to speech therapy, an augmentative speech devices may be
OT in Multidisciplinary Team
Occupational therapy practitioners need to be
confident in their skills for helping clients
functionally navigate the psychosocial issues
surrounding end-of-life decisions, have a thorough
understanding of splinting concepts, and the value
and drawbacks of using various splints with people
with ALS, and must understand positioning and
pressure ulcer prevention and how to incorporate
these concepts into ADL routines.
Arbesman, M., & Sheard, K. (2014). Systematic review of the effectiveness of occupational therapyrelated interventions for people with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(1), 20-26.
Pendleton, H. M., & Schultz-Krohn, W. (2013). Pedretti's occupational therapy: practice skills for physical dysfunction. Elsevier Health Sciences.