BET - Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys - Shortcuts

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Word > Shortcut Keys > Shortcuts

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Function Keys


Displays the Office Assistant or (Help > Microsoft Word Help)


Moves text ??


Replaces an AutoText entry from the preceeding word


Repeats the last document action (Edit > Repeat)


Displays the (Edit > GoTo) dialog box


Moves to the next pane in a document (if the window is split)


Displays the (Tools > Spelling) dialog box


Toggles whether to extend a selection with the arrow keys


Updates all the field codes in the current selection


Toggles the activation of the Menu Bar / Subscript ???


Moves to the next Field


Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box

Shift + Function

Shift + F1

Activates the context sensitive Whats this ? prompt (Help >

Whats This)

Shift + F2

Copies ?

Shift + F3

Toggles between lowercase, mixedcase and uppercase on the


Shift + F4

Repeats the last Find, the same as (Edit > Find Next)

Shift + F5

Moves to the previous revision \ Goto Previous insertion point when

document was last opened

Shift + F6

Moves to the previous pane in a document (if the window is split)

Shift + F7

Displays the (Tools > Language > Thesaurus) dialog box

Shift + F8

Shrink / reduce selection

Shift + F9

Toggles between displaying field codes and field results

Shift + F10

Displays the (Shortcut) menu for the selected item

Shift + F11

Moves to the previous Field

Shift + F12

Saves, Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box if a new document

Ctrl + Function

Ctrl + F2

Displays the Print Preview (same as File > Print Preview)

Ctrl + F3

Spike / cut to spike (multiple cuts to clipboard)

Ctrl + F4

Closes the active document or window (File > Close)

Ctrl + F5

Restores the size of the active document or window

Ctrl + F6

Moves to the next open document or window

Ctrl + F7

Activates the Move window command

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BET: Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys - Shortcuts

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Ctrl + F8

Activates the Resize window command

Ctrl + F9

Inserts a blank Field containing two curly brackets

Ctrl + F10

Maximise the active document or window

Ctrl + F11

Locks a Field code

Ctrl + F12

Displays the (File > Open) dialog box

Other + Function

Alt + F2

Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box

Alt + F3

Create an AutoText entry for the current selection

Alt + F4

Closes the active document (saving first) and exits Word (File >

Alt + F5

Restores the size of the active window ??

Alt + F6

Toggles between all the documents that are currently open

Alt + F7

next spoll ? Similar to right mouse click ?? Move to the next

misspelling ??

Alt + F8

Displays the (Tools > Macros > Macro) dialog box

Alt + F9

Toggles between displaying field codes and field results

Alt + F10

Maximise the active window

Alt + F11

Toggles between the Visual Basic Editor window and the Word

Alt + F12

Activate Print Preview ??

Alt + Shift + F2

Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box

Alt + Shift + F4

Closes the active document (saving first) and exits Word (File >

Alt + Shift + F10

Displays the drop-down menu for the corresponding smart tag

Alt + Ctrl + F2

Displays the (File > Open) dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + F3

Unspike / paste the spike contents

Ctrl + Shift + F5

Displays the (Insert > Bookmark) dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Moves to the previous open document or window

Ctrl + Shift + F7

Updates Selection ??

Ctrl + Shift + F8

Allows you to vertically select text / Selects a column in a table

Ctrl + Shift + F9

Unlinks a Field code

Ctrl + Shift + F11

Unlocks a Field code

Ctrl + Shift + F12

Displays the (File > Print) dialog box

Ctrl + Numbers

Ctrl + 1

Adjusts the line spacing to Single for the current selection

Ctrl + 2

Adjusts the line spacing to Double for the current selection

Ctrl + 5

Adjusts the line spacing to 1.5 for the current selection

Ctrl + 0

Toggles adding a 12 point line spacing before the current selection

Ctrl + Shift + 8

Toggles the display of paragraph formatting (non printable


Alt + Ctrl + 1

Applies the built-in Heading 1 style to the current selection

Alt + Ctrl + 2

Applies the built-in Heading 2 style to the current selection

Alt + Ctrl + 3

Applies the built-in Heading 3 style to the current selection

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Ctrl + Letters

Ctrl + A

Selects all the text in the active document

Ctrl + B

Toggles bold on the current selection

Ctrl + C

Copies the current selection to the clipboard (Edit > Copy)

Ctrl + D

Display the (Format > Font) dialog box

Ctrl + E

Centre aligns the current selection

Ctrl + F

Displays the (Edit > Find) dialog box

Ctrl + G

Displays the (Edit > GoTo) dialog box / unhand an indent ??

Ctrl + H

Displays the (Edit > Replace) dialog box / toggles hidden text ??

Ctrl + I

Toggles italics on the current selection

Ctrl + J

Justifies the current selection / ie full paragraph justification

Ctrl + K

Inserts a hyperlink

Ctrl + L

Left aligns the current selection

Ctrl + M

Indents the paragraph / Un Nest / left indent, increase indent ??

Ctrl + N

Creates a new document based on template

Ctrl + O

Displays the (File > Open) dialog box

Ctrl + P

Displays the (File > Print) dialog box

Ctrl + Q

Resets the formatting back to the original paragraph style. Removes

character formatting from the selection

Ctrl + R

Right aligns the current selection

Ctrl + S

Saves, Displays the (File > Save As) dialog if new document

Ctrl + T

Inserts a Hanging Indent

Ctrl + U

Toggles (continuous) underlying on the current selection

Ctrl + V

Pastes the entry from the clipboard (Edit > Paste)

Ctrl + W

Closes the active document or window (File > Close)

Ctrl + X

Cuts the current selection to the clipboard (Edit > Cut)

Ctrl + Y

Repeats the last document action (Edit > Repeat)

Ctrl + Z

Undo the last document action (Edit > Undo)

Others + Letters

Ctrl + Shift + A

Toggles between Capitals and Lowercase on the selection

Ctrl + Shift + C

Copies only the formatting from the current selection

Ctrl + Shift + D

Toggles (double) underlining on the selection

Ctrl + Shift + F

Activates the Font drop-down list on the Formatting toolbar

Ctrl + Shift + H

Toggles whether to make the current selection hidden

Ctrl + Shift + K

Toggles smallcaps on the selection

Ctrl + Shift + L

Applies the built-in List Bullet style to the selection

Ctrl + Shift + M

Unindents the paragraph, decreases indent ??

Ctrl + Shift + N

Applies the built-in Normal style to the selection

Ctrl + Shift + P

Activates the Font Size drop-down list on the Formatting toolbar

Ctrl + Shift + Q

Applies the Symbol format / Changes the selection to symbol font


Ctrl + Shift + S

Activates the Style drop-down list on the Formatting toolbar

Ctrl + Shift + T

Reduces / removes a hanging indent

Ctrl + Shift + V

Pastes only the formatting. Used in conjunction with (Ctrl + Shift +


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Ctrl + Shift + W

Toggles underlining on the selection (words only not spaces)

Alt + A

Displays the (Table) menu

Alt + E

Displays the (Edit) menu

Alt + F

Displays the (File) menu

Alt + H

Displays the (Help) menu

Alt + O

Displays the (Format) menu

Alt + T

Displays the (Tools) menu

Alt + V

Displays the (View) menu

Alt + W

Displays the (Window) menu

Alt + Shift + D

Insert Date field with current Date (format ??)

Alt + Shift + E

Edit Merge data source ??

Alt + Shift + F

Insert Merge field

Alt + Shift + N

Merge to a new document ??

Alt + Shift + M

Merge to a printer ??

Alt + Shift + P

Insert Page field with current Page

Alt + Shift + T

Insert Time field with current Time

Alt + Ctrl + A

All in capitals

Alt + Ctrl + C

Enters the Copyright symbol ()

Alt + Ctrl + D

Enters the current date as a field. Format "mm/dd/yy"

Alt + Ctrl + E

Enters an Endnote

Alt + Ctrl + F

Enters an Footnote

Alt + Ctrl + I

Displays the Print Preview (same as File > Print Preview)

Alt + Ctrl + K

Start Autoformat ???

Alt + Ctrl + N

Displays the active document in Normal view

Alt + Ctrl + P

Displays the active document in Page Layout view

Alt + Ctrl + R

Enters the Registered symbol ()

Alt + Ctrl + T

Enters the Trademark symbol ()

Alt + Ctrl + V

Replaces an AutoText entry from the preceeding word

Alt + Ctrl + Y

Goto the top of the next page ??

Alt + Ctrl + Z

Goto the previous Insertion point ??

Entering Data


Enters a new paragraph

Ctrl + Enter

Enters a normal page break

Shift + Enter

Enters a line break (Soft break)

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Enters a column break or splits the table


Deletes the selection or one character to the right


Deletes the selection or one character to the left

Ctrl + -

Enters an En Dash (number pad) (shorter) basically a hyphen ??

Alt + Ctrl + -

Enters an Em Dash (number pad) (longer)

Alt + 0152

Enters the ?? symbol

Alt + 0175

Enters the ?? symbol

Ctrl + Tab

Enters a tab in a table cell

Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar

Enters a non breaking space / hard space, ie prevents word wrap at

undesirable places ??

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Extending Data

Shift + Home

Extends the selection to the beginning of the line

Shift + End

Extends the selection to the end of the line

Shift + Up Arrow

Extends the selection one line up

Shift + Down Arrow

Extends the selection one line down

Shift + Left Arrow

Extends the selection one character to the left

Shift + Right Arrow

Extends the selection one character to the right

Ctrl + Shift + Home

Extends the selection to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + Shift + End

Extends the selection to the end of the document

Selecting Data

Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow

Selects to the beginning of the current paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Selects to the end of the current paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

Selects the beginning of the current word

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Selects the end of the current word

Ctrl + Shift + Home

Selects to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + Shift + End

Selects to the end of the document

Shift + Page Up

Selects to the top of the previous screen

Shift + Page Down

Selects to the bottom of the next screen

F8, F8

Selects the current sentence ??

F8, F8, F8

Selects the current word ??

Ctrl + Backspace

Deletes one word to the left of the cursor

Ctrl + Delete

Deletes one word to the right of the cursor

Formatting Data

Ctrl + ]

Increases the font size of the current selection by 1 point

Ctrl + [

Decreases the font size of the current selection by 1 point

Ctrl + Shift + ]

Increases the font size of the current selection by 1 point

Ctrl + Shift + [

Decreases the font size of the current selection by 1 point

Ctrl + Shift + >

Increases the font size to the next size in the font drop-down list

Ctrl + Shift + <

Decreases the font size to the previous size in the font drop-down

Ctrl + Shift + -

Inserts a non breaking hyphen (ie grammer note 2 hyphens = 1


Ctrl + =

Applies Subscript to the selection (automatic spacing ??)

Ctrl + Shift + =

Applies Superscript to the selection

Ctrl + Spacebar

Resets the formatting back to the original style (removes any

manual formatting)

Alt + Shift + Right Arrow

Demotes the paragraph to the previous heading style

Alt + Shift + Left Arrow

Promotes the paragraph to the next heading style

Arrow Keys


Moves one character in the corresponding direction

Moves to the next cell in a table (or inserts a normal tab)

Moves to the beginning of the line

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Moves to the end of the line

Page Up

Moves to the previous screen

Page Down

Moves to the next screen

Ctrl + Home

Moves to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + End

Moves to the end of the document

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Moves to the beginning of the paragraph or the previous paragraph

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Moves to the end of the paragraph or the next paragraph

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Moves one word at a time to the left

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Moves one word at a time to the right

Ctrl + Page Up

Moves to the top of the previous page (paragraph / end of column)


Ctrl + Page Down

Moves to the top of the next page

Alt + Ctrl + Page Up

Moves to the top of the current window

Alt + Ctrl + Page Down

Moves to the bottom of the current window


Alt + Ctrl + Home

Activates the Document Browser

Alt + Enter

Repeats the last action (Edit > Repeat) ??

Shift + Delete

Cuts the selection to the clipboard

Ctrl + Insert

Copies the selection to the clipboard

Shift + Insert

Pastes the entry from the clipboard

Alt + Tab

Toggles between all your open applications

Alt + Shift + Tab

Toggles backwards between all your open applications

Alt + Print Screen

Copies just the active window / application to the clipboard ??

Alt + Spacebar

Activates the Control Box in the top left hand corner

Alt + Backspace

Undo the last action (Edit > Undo) ??

Ctrl + Escape

Activates the Windows Start menu

Alt + Escape

Toggles between all your open applications on the taskbar

Ctrl + Spacebar

Resets the formatting back to the original paragraph style. Removes

character formatting from the selection

Ctrl + Up Arrow + F9

Converts a field to text ??


Cancels the action or closes the dialog box

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30/03/2016 2:22 PM

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