Cult of The Possessed
Cult of The Possessed
Cult of The Possessed
There is little mention of the Cult of the Possessed afterwards in the Book of Lamentations
or in any other book of history. There seem to
be some hinted connections to the cult for the
next five centuries but all are vague and hardly
believable. Most of them are connected to the
northwest coast of Bretonnia; and it is not a
secret that Bretonnians are not to be trusted!
What we can be sure of is that during these
last years the Cult of the Possessed has raised
its ugly head again inside the borders of our
great nation. The witch-hunters of the Cult
of Sigmar have uncovered fragments of information about human-bound daemons
that are too common to be a coincidence.
After exorcisms these unfortunates have confessed that they made a willing choice to serve
the Master of the possessed, He-who-heralds-the-conquerors or the One who waits at
the doorstep and so on. Even though so many
different names are used, it is beyond a doubt
that they all point to a single entity very likely
some greater daemon that lurked in the cursed
city of Mordheim before it was absolved.
For those not actively opposing the forces of
mind infiltrating their ranks has proven futile.
darkness and destruction it might seem that
the Cult of the Possessed is actually helping
It has been found that the cultists of the Possessed are extremely cautious and trust only
the Empire. The minions of the Possessed are
a select few. Information of any kind between
masters of manipulation and have even been
able to convince some late witch hunters that
cults is scarcely transmitted and no messages
they are only summoning the daemons to ophave ever been intercepted thus far. One can
only assume that the cult uses some daemonpose chaos. Such acts are naturally so obscene
that even considering this should be a punic means to carry their messages or that they
have managed to perfect such a code that
ishable by death. This argument is the true
communication can be sent in plain sight.
weapon of the cult and such ideas should be
crushed and rooted out wherever encountered,
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cident mention
ed earlier could
along with the individuals that spew them. not have happen
ed if the vener
able lord von
Fleischer hadn
t noticed a se
cret message le
The notable madness of the cult is one of the a wanted poster
ft on
on the crows
post at the loca
things that make tracking them very hard. As market square.
In said poste
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they have no clear agenda and work mostly on was drawn in a
s face
hurry and his
face painted h
impulses or by the commands of the daemons of black half whit
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secret meanin
g to the cult.
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For those f
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As encounters with the Cult of the Possessed have been rare, no clear guidelines
exist on how to challenge them. Having
strong faith in Sigmar should be your first
weapon against these servants of utter chaos, purging fire and exorcism a close second.
There has been some indication that
prayers to Shallya could work against
these doomed ones as well. The corrupted
wretches might recall the words of sanity.
This is false information as it is simply impossible for such an army to stay unnoticed.
More likely, as with other forbidden cults, their
goals are much more sinister and somehow involve the great nation of Empire more directly.
In some cases common folk have been using thornapple to avert the eye of the lord
of shadows but as this is known also by
the name of Khaines trumpet and it would
be foolish to trust in such superstitions.
Other folk remedies include averting the light
of the moons, bloodletting, hanging fennel
over doorways, carrying buttercups in a bag
worn around the neck, carrying parchments
with words of Shallya written on them etc.
For Grand Masters eys only!
The Prisoner
When the great gates at the poles of the world
were destroyed, from them the Chaos Moon,
Mrrslieb, was formed. It became the symbol of death and chaos for all living things.
The Will that once was the daemon Malal
was so great that even the gods of Chaos
were not able to extinguish it and so they
bound it to the great prison of Mrrslieb.
Without a form, Malal existed for millennia
only to be given form in mockery when a new
champion of Chaos was to be crowned as a destroyer of mankind. Such was the price of his
treason and arrogance that the Four Gods of
Chaos wanted to see the usurper suffer, forced
to do their bidding over and over again. Being
made to crown those who took his place and denied his revenge gradually drove Malal insane.
mad, renegade god that counts. They worship Malal as the savior of mankind from the
clutches of chaos and do so willingly, ready
to service their bodies as hosts to daemons
to rid the world from the taint of Chaos.
It is likely that Belakor was in such a weakened state that if his army really encountered
Teclis, he would have not had the power to
counter the arch mages exorcism which could
have caused his armies to lose their daemonic
aspect. The outcome of the war is well known
and no army of daemons ever reached the
Empire. The northmen may whisper about
the lunatics in their wilderness gathering like
beastmen but that is surely only their problem.
Arawn Adharc Ri
Arawn the Horned King is a dark emissary from the Isle of Albion that came into
Old World centuries ago. As the herald of
Malal, he is a master of the shadows and
rarely seen or even heard of. Those that tell
tales describe him as a tall man dressed in a
red cape and wearing an antlered skull mask.
According to the legends he comes to aid the
rulers of men when their need is most dire.
He offers them a pact of blood and serves
them in the battle against the forces of darkness before abandoning them at a crucial point.
To some the Crimson King is a thing of utter lunacy and not a man at all. As such he
is known to be only vulnerable to his true
name. This would seem to indicate that he
is a daemon but more likely he is a powerful sorcerer who struck a pact with Malal.
Zonder Broek
An inmate in a Shallyan monastery, Zonder was
once a proud student of the Altdorf University.
As a fourth son of a minor Marienburger noble,
he had no real hope for a bright future and so
dedicated his life to science. His peers remembered him as a keen student of the hidden truths
about passing through the fabric of reality.
It is supposed that in his frantic study of
ancient philosophy and zoology, Zonder
dug too deep and found some forbidden tomes in the Universitys library.
Zonder actually did find some texts that he was
not supposed to in the library. When he contacted the clerk working there and told him
about his find, Zonder was soon tempted into
a secret society of noble scholars. These likeminded young men and women came from
similar background as Broek and provided
him an excuse to dabble in the dark powers.
On a dark night, the group gathered in the library and tried a single summoning spell that
was supposed to conjure a small elemental.
What heeded the call no sane man can tell.
The next morning the library workers found the
students dead of horror, with Broek gibbering in
their midst. He was explaining to his hand that it
should not be a door handle and that such things
were better left to those with a burning candle.
As neither the priest of Sigmar nor the wizard summoned to investigate the event, could
tell what had happened, Broek was imprisoned for further questioning (which naturally has been forgotten). Now this poor
young man sits in the dark waiting for the
daemon who tried to possess him to return.
Adventure Hooks
The Simulacrum
The Cult of the Possessed is gathering warpstone and building an unholy Simulacrum
for Belakor to manifest in. Should they finish
their work, BeLakor would be able to possess
the magical golem and wage war against chaos.
While meeting with a local ruler the characters hear rumors about strange beasts
and monsters that have been spotted around
the country-side. Such monsters have
not been seen in ages and most men have
thought them to be nothing but myths.
The Proposition
The party encounters a daemon that promises them power in their fight against chaos.
He is quite convincing and truly wants to
see the destruction of a certain Tzeenchian cult. He however forgets to mention that
with the great power comes great insanity.
Hammer of Sigmar
When a figure wrapped in a red cape enters the castle and promises the ruler the
control over these beast the characters have
to choose their side in the coming conflict.
Cursed Ruins
Final Words
To facilitate the use of this supplement with
all editions of WFRP, all statistics have been
dropped as it should not be too difficult to
use any cultist, witch hunter or daemon as is.
There is no list of preferred mutations as Malal
has no interest in given them to his followers
generally. On the rare occasion where a mutation IS granted, it will be chosen by him (or
the Game Master) to suit his followers need.
The gifts of the Dark Master are gifts of the
mind and it should be more likely for a character corrupted by Malal to develop mental insanity rather than physical mutation.
Contact Information
You can contact me with comments and feedback at:
email: [email protected]
skype: lauri.maijala