Iim A Analytics

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April 13-16, 2016

Executive Education Programme

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

An ata

Strategic Analytics: Quantitative Data Analytics

and Its Applications in Business / Marketing
April 13-16, 2016

The programme intends to expose participants to (managing) the art of building relevant business insights from the analysis of large
numeric databases using numerous statistical and search tools.

The first phase of the programme will focus on providing an overview of the strategic issues of coupling the function of data analytics
with business decision-making.

The second phase will be devoted to building some appreciation for statistical / search tools that can be used for processing business
information arising out of marketing, finance, banking, and insurance applications.

The last phase of the programme will be devoted to sharing some best management practices as well as some recent advances in
analytic methodology.

The emphasis of the programme will be more on discussing relevant issues of managing analytic functions and developing appreciation for
data analytics/research among practitioners. While knowledge of specific statistical (and search) tools will be disseminated as a part of the
overall objective of the programme, it will not be enough to build expert knowledge of the same.

Why should you attend?

Participants will benefit from this programme if they encounter some or any of the following situation(s) at work:

If you are concerned about how to use customer and competitor information to effectively drive your marketing initiatives and would
like to develop a suitable internal process within your organization to do so.

If you are interested in issues such as: a) identifying customer segments from data, b) measuring effectiveness of your marketing
initiatives, c) Marketing Mix Planning d) appreciating demand projections, e) optimizing communications budget, f) estimating/
forecasting impacts of alternative marketing plans, etc. through a process of collection and analysis of relevant data.

If you are interested in redesigning your ongoing research to make them more useful for business decision-making.

If you want to develop/refresh your understanding about basic statistical acumen, some relevant data analytic tools, and their

If you are interested in some latest issues in the Analytics practice Big Data and its future,

Functional Roles

Who must attend?


Decision-makers using information

from large numerical databases
Research / analytics professionals
using large databases
Users / managers of analytic output

Some exposure to data processing and

mining desirable
Moderate comfort level handling data
and awareness of basic statistics

Relevance to (Domain)

Consumer durables,
Consumer financial services
Insurance, banking
Others may also benefit


A tentative list of topics to be covered in this programme are:

Connecting Analytics with Business


The role of analytics in organizations

and the required skill inventory
Planning for effective analytics
Connecting with the Business Problem
/ Analysis Planning
Communicating Analytics Output in an
Effective manner





An Overview of Standard Statistical

Tools Used for Processing Business

Additional Areas of Importance

Finding patterns in the data using

tables, graphs, and charts and data
Summarization of data using
descriptive measures
Standard probability models
Confidence intervals, testing of
statistical hypotheses, multiple
regression analysis
Data reduction/segmentation tools,
Factor Analysis, predictive modeling
and choice modeling

Some advanced topics such as hazard

(Survival) models, HLM
Order of Importance of Regression
Weights Shapely Regression.
Codification of analytics and analytic
process development
Practices from industry cases and
perspectives on the future of the
analytics function
New areas of interest Big Data, Web





Tathagata Bandyopadhyay (Faculty Co-Chair, E-mail: [email protected])
Ph.D. (University of Calcutta, India)
Tathagata Bandyopadhyay joined IIM, Ahmedabad as a faculty member in
the Production and Quantitative Methods Area in 2005. Prior to joining IIM,
he taught at the Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, India for
around two decades.
At IIMA, he has been teaching quantitative techniques in the post-graduate
programme; research methodology, advanced probability for management
and applied multivariate analysis in the doctoral programme. He also
taught in executive development programmes for companies like Indian
Oil Corporation, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Monsanto, Larsen &
Toubro, Cummins, City Bank, Coca Cola, Aviva etc. He coordinated and has
been coordinating management development programmes on analytics

and global General Management Programmes for IIMA.

His research interests are varied but mainly in the realm of statistics and its
applications to different fields. He published papers in various national and
international journals like Journal of the American Statistical Association,
Biometrika, Annals of Applied Statistics, Statistical Science, Annals of the
Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference, Statistics in Medicine, and Biometrical Journal. He visited and
taught in various universities in the US, Canada, UK, Sweden, and Singapore.
He is now the Editor of Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, co-editor of
Sankhya, Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics and Vikalpa.

Arindam Banerjee (Faculty Co-Chair, E-mail: [email protected])

Ph.D. (SUNY at Buffalo), PGDM (IIM, Lucknow), B.E. (Delhi College of Engg.)
Arindam Banerjee joined the faculty at IIM, Ahmedabad after working in
the industry for over seven years. He has worked on business problems
in the retail financial services, FMCG, and consumer durable sectors. He
specializes in developing business models based on statistical analysis of
large syndicated databases.
For the past 15 years at IIM, he has taught courses in Quantitative Marketing
and Research Methodology to post-graduate and doctoral students.
Besides, he has worked extensively with various Indian and global business
organizations in building and strengthening internal processes to support
fact-based decision-making. He has also imparted training in various inhouse corporate management development initiatives. Recently, he has
also worked as a mentor to a Marketing & Sales Analytics team of a global
Management Consulting firm.

He has published papers in several academic journals in management

such as the Journal of Segmentation in Marketing, International Journal of
Retail and Distribution Management, International Journal of Management
and Decision Making, Asian Journal of Marketing, Asia-Pacific Journal of
Marketing and Logistics, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal,
Vikalpa, and Decision.
Prior to joining IIM, he was a senior consultant at Mitchell Madison
Group, a global management consultancy firm specializing in the financial
services sector and was based at their Chicago office. Previously, he was
at AC Nielsen (Chicago) where he headed a marketing analytics team that
provided marketing support to Philip Morris Inc. In the year 2006-07, he
took leave from IIM for setting up a global risk analytics team at HSBC
for the banks US-based consumer and mortgage lending business. He is
currently a Professor in the Marketing Area.

Other guest faculty from industry and academia will participate as required.

Nominations and Inquiries

Nominations should reach the Officer - Executive Education latest by March 30, 2016.
Organizational sponsorship is generally required, but can be waived in case the participant is likely to gain significantly from the programme
for personal improvement or greater job effectiveness.
All nominations are subject to review and approval by the programme faculty (usually after the due date for receiving nominations). A
formal acceptance letter will be sent to selected nominees accordingly. Nominees are requested to make their travel plan only after receiving
the acceptance letter.
For nomination forms and more information, please contact:
Officer Executive Education
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015
Phone: +91-79-6632 4072-78, 4081 Fax: +91-79-2630 0352 (Executive Education)/2630 6896 (General)
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.iimahd.ernet.in/exed

Venue and Accommodation

The programme will be held at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Participants get full board and air-conditioned single room
accommodation on the Institute campus.
IIMA norms do not allow participants to have any guest stay with them during the programme.

Programme Fee and Payment

Rs. 120,000 (+14.50% Service Tax) per person for participants from India and equivalent US Dollars for participants from other countries. The
fee includes tuition fees, programme materials, board and lodging.
The programme fee should be received at the Executive Education Office latest by March 30, 2016. In case of cancellations, the fee
will be refunded only if a request is received at least 15 days prior to the start of the programme. If a nomination is not accepted,
the fee will be refunded to the person / organization concerned.
The programme fee can be paid in one of these three ways:
A. Electronic Fund Transfer:

1. Name of Beneficiary: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

2. Savings Bank A/c No. 9369EEP, YES Bank Limited, C. G. Road Branch, Ahmedabad (IFSC: YESB0000007, SWIFT Code: YESBINBB)







3. Name of Remitter: _____________(Please mention the name of the sponsoring organization)

4. Purpose of Remittance: Strategic Analytics: Quantitative Data Analytics and Its Applications in Business Marketing

5. IIMA Permanent Account Number (PAN): AAATI1247F

6. IIMA Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN): AHMI00189A

7. IIMA Service Tax Registration Number: AAATI1247FST001

After making the payment, please e-mail us the complete transaction details immediately so that we can connect your remittance to your

B. Payment Gateway

Please visit IIMA website (www.iimahd.ernet.in/exed) for more information.

C. Demand draft/cheque payable at par at Ahmedabad

The cheque/draft should be in favour of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad and sent directly to Executive
Education Office through courier or speed post.

Early Bird and Group Discount

For early bird discount and group discount, please contact:
Officer, Executive Education (E-mail: [email protected])
The above discounts will be applicable only when the requisite numbers of participants actually attend the programme.

Alumni Association
Please note that participants who are attending short-duration Executive Education Programmes for the first time, on or after April 1, 2012,
will have to attend a total of 21 days in one or more programmes to be eligible for alumni status and alumni identity card, both of which will
be awarded on payment of one-time alumni fee of Rs.10,000.

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA)

IIMA was set up by the Government of India in collaboration with the Government of Gujarat and Indian industry as an autonomous
institution in 1961. The Institute provides education, training, consulting, and research facilities in management.
Major Programmes Offered by IIMA

Two-Year Post-Graduate Programme in Management (equivalent to MBA)

Two-Year Post-Graduate Programme in Food and Agribusiness Management (equivalent to MBA)

Fellow Programme in Management (equivalent to Ph.D.)

One-year Post-Graduate Programme in Management for Executives (PGPX)

Executive Education Programmes (EEP) for industry, business, agricultural and rural sectors, and public systems covering education,
health, transport, and population

Faculty Development Programme for teachers in universities and colleges

The Institute has about 96 faculty members working in the following management areas and sectors:
Disciplinary Areas Business Policy Communications Economics Finance and Accounting
Information Systems Marketing
Organizational Behaviour Personnel and Industrial Relations Production and Quantitative Methods
Interdisciplinary Centres and Groups Centre for Innovation, Incubation, and Entrepreneurship Centre for Infrastructure Policy and
Regulation Centre for Management in Agriculture Centre for Management of Health Services Centre for Retailing Gender Resource
Centre IIMA-Idea Telecom Centre of Excellence India Gold Policy Centre Insurance Research Centre Public Systems Group Ravi J.
Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation
Kasturbhai Lalbhai Management Development Centre (KLMDC), located on the IIMA main campus, and International Management
Development Centre (IMDC), located on the new campus, provide an academic and learning environment for participants of the Executive
Education Programmes. All rooms at KLMDC and IMDC are air-conditioned and have internet connectivity. They have separate dining halls,
a reading lounge, classrooms and auditorium (with audio-visual and computer projection facilities), syndicate rooms and computer lab. The
campus is wi-fi enabled. Recreation facilities exist for indoor and outdoor games (badminton, basketball, billiards, carom, chess, cricket,
football, squash, TT, and volleyball). Participants can also take advantage of the Institutes library.


Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015 - India
Phone: +91-79-6632 4072-78, 4081, Fax: +91-79-2630 0352 (Ex Ed)/2630 6896 (General)
E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.iimahd.ernet.in/exed

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