Logical Validity Can at Least Roughly Be Defined As The Property An Argument (A Set of Sentences Among Which
Logical Validity Can at Least Roughly Be Defined As The Property An Argument (A Set of Sentences Among Which
Logical Validity Can at Least Roughly Be Defined As The Property An Argument (A Set of Sentences Among Which
one is designated as the conclusion and the others as premises) has if it satisfies the following condition: if the
sentences are true, then the conclusion has to be true as well. In other words, an argument is logically valid if it
is in principle impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false at the same time.
(This is only a rough definition because, though useful for grasping the general notion of validity, it is technically
incorrect. Specifically, it runs into trouble when dealing with necessary or impossible sentences. For example,
say you had the following argument:
Madrid is in Spain.
Therefore, 2+2=4.
Even though the premises clearly are unrelated to the conclusion, and certainly don't show that it's true, the
conclusion is necessarily true all on its own. It's easy to see that this isn't a logical argument, and so not
something we'd want to class as valid. The rough definition of validity given above would classify it as valid; but
the more technical definition of validity used by logicians would not because the form of the argument,
Therefore, C
is not valid. But, as discussed below, validity is a property of an argument's logical structure.