What Is Intelligence?
What Is Intelligence?
What Is Intelligence?
Verbal comprehension
Perceptual speed
Numerical ability
Word fluency
Associative memory
Spatial visualization
Visual-spatial Intelligence
Verbal-linguistic Intelligence
Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence
Logical-mathematical Intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence
Musical Intelligence
Naturalistic Intelligence
Creative intelligence: This aspect of intelligence involves the ability to deal with new situations
using past experiences and current skills.
Practical intelligence: This element refers to the ability to adapt to a changing environment.
Final Thoughts:
While there has been considerable debate over the exact nature of intelligence, no definitive
conceptualization has emerged. Today, psychologists often account for the many different theoretical
viewpoints when discussing intelligence and acknowledge that this debate is ongoing.
What Factors Determine Intelligence?
Answer: In addition to disagreements about the basic nature of intelligence, psychologists have spent a
great amount of time and energy debating the various influences on individual intelligence. The debate
focuses on one of the major questions in psychology: Which is more important - nature or nurture?
Today, nearly all psychologists recognize that both genetics and the environment play a role in determining
intelligence. It now becomes matter of determining exactly how much of an influence each factor has.
First, it is important to note that genetics and the environment interact to determine exactly how inherited
genes are expressed. For example, if a person has tall parents, it is likely that the individual will also grow
to be tall. However, the exact height the person reaches can be influenced by environmental factors such as
nutrition and disease.
Evidence of genetic influences:
Twin studies suggest that identical twins IQ's are more similar than those of fraternal twins
(Promin & Spinath, 2004).
Siblings reared together in the same home have IQ's that are more similar than those of adopted
children raised together in the same environment (McGue & others, 1993).
Identical twins reared apart have IQ's that are less similar than identical twins reared in the same
environment (McGue & others, 1993).
Children who are breastfed during the first three to five months of life score higher on IQ tests at
age 6 than same-age children who were not breastfed (Reinberg, 2008).
The development of the StanfordBinet Intelligence Scales initiated the modern field of intelligence
testing and was one of the first examples of an adaptive test. The test originated in France, then was revised
in the United States. The StanfordBinet test started with the French psychologist Alfred Binet, whom the
French government commissioned with developing a method of identifying intellectually challenged
children for their placement in special education programs. As Binet indicated, case studies might be more
detailed and helpful, but the time required to test many people would be excessive. In 1916, at Stanford
University, the psychologist Lewis Terman released a revised examination which became known as the
"StanfordBinet test".
How Are Scores on IQ Tests Calculated? Answer: While people often talk about
test scores, many people are confused about exactly what these test scores mean. In order to adequately
assess and interpret test scores, psychometritians use a process known as standardization. The
standardization process involves administering the test to a representative sample of the entire population
that will eventually take the test. Each test taker completes the test under the same conditions as all other
participants in the sample group. This process allows psychometricians to establish norms, or standards, by
which individual scores can be compared.
Intelligence test scores typically follow what is known as a normal distribution, a bell-shaped curve in
which the majority of scores lie near or around the average score. For example, the majority of scores
(about 68%) on the WAIS-III tend to lie between plus 15 or minus 15 points from the average score of 100.
As you look further toward the extreme ends of the distribution, scores tend to become less common. Very
few individuals (approximately 0.2%) receive a score of more than 145 (indicating a very high IQ) or less
than 55 (indicating a very low IQ) on the test.