HARPer's Bazaar 07
HARPer's Bazaar 07
HARPer's Bazaar 07
Issue #7
August 2006
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................ 1
What Level is that Barmaid anyway? ................ 2
New Professions & Cyradon .............................. 3
Enchant Key Revisted .......................................... 5
Game Mastering 101 ........................................... 9
12 Magical Rings ............................................... 12
Author: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch
Editing: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch
Proofreading: Heike Kubasch, Monica Wilson
Pagemaking, & Layout: Tim Dugger
Artwork: Joel Biske, John Dollar, Eric Hotz,
Jeff Laubenstein, Colin Throm
ICE Staff
CEO: Bruce Neidlinger
President: Heike Kubasch
Office Manager/Cust. Service: Lori Dugger
Editor/Jack-of-All-Trades: Tim Dugger
Pagemaking: Sherry Robinson
Web Mistress: Monica L. Wilson
Office Cats: Rajah, Pheobe, & Matsi
My House Cats: Bandit, Coco, & Rascal
HARPers Bazaar Copyright 2006 by Aurigas Aldebaran LLC. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission.
Produced and distributed by Mjolnir LLC, dba Iron Crown Enterprises 112 Goodman Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.
Web: www.harphq.com and www.ironcrown.com.
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
*Stressful Life
*Access to
The Beastmaster first appeared in HB #3. He is a
non-spell-user who specializes in the communication
with and the mastery of animals of all types.
Beastmasters will always be found among the more rural
cultures, and only very, very rarely be found among
cultures that lean more towards urban centers.
From Anias, Beastmasters are more likely to appear
among the Skaldi, the Sithi and the Gryx cultures. From
far to the south, there is a race of small beings who live in
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
Introduced in The Codex, Mystics are masters of
spells relating to the mind and to mental powers, such as
misdirection, seeing the past and the future, and sensing
what is going on in other locations.
It doesnt matter what cultures are involved, Mystics
are just as likely to be present as any other type of Mage.
However, the Tarahiri, Janieal, Desnian, Nagazi and
Ashari cultures are quite likely to be where more Mystics
can be found than in any other culture.
The Ashari and the Desnians are likely to have more
Mystics than most any other culture simply because of
their desire to know what is going on elsewhere in what
they consider to be their realm.
Also introduced in The Codex, the Shadowblade is a
master of stealth and stealth related magics. Although he
can be found in just about any culture, he is more likely
to be found among the more civilized cultures than the
more rustic ones.
From Anias, Shadowblades are most likely from
Tarahir and the other Treaty Kingdoms than they are from
any other culture. Given the past of the Gryx, it is also likely
to find a few Shadowblade among their ranks as well.
Otherwise, Shadowblades are likely to be very rare.
From Cyradon, the Ashari, Desnian, and Nagaral
cultures are the three most likely candidates for cultivating
Shadowblades. The Gryphons might have a variant that
they call the Nighthawks, and it is possible that the Rhona
Gnomes and Danae Elves might have what they refer to as
Shadow Walkers, but both of these possibilities are likely to
be less violent overall than normal Shadowblades.
Adventurers first appeared in The Codex. They are
the ultimate jack-of-all-trades, able to focus themselves
on what interests them, and even able to learn a number
of useful spells. Adventurers are more likely to be found
among any culture that has a fair amount of leisure time.
From Anias, Adventurers are more likely to be from
Tarahir, or the Treaty Kingdoms, or even from the
Theocracy of Asut, although any from this last are likely
to be outcasts and renegades from their homes. Mablung
Dwarves are another race that is likely to produce
Adventurers. While far less likely, it is still possible that
Adventurers might occasionally crop up among the Gryx,
Skaldi or the Sithi.
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
The purpose of this spell is to allow mages to
create magical items that are meant to be part of a
larger structure or item that will need periodic
recharging. The word Key in the spells name refers
to keystone, such as the keystone of an arch, which is
what this spell was originally used to enchant and
from which it gains its name.
RANGE: Touch
DESCRIPTION: The caster may imbue an item with a
spell matrix capable of holding a spell of up to 5 PP,
with the eventual aim of creating a Key Item.
The base form of this spell embeds the spell or spell
effect into the Key Item being created by the caster. Once
complete, the Key Item remains dormant until 24 hours
after this spell is again cast on the Key Item using the
Activate Key Item scaling option. Other scaling options
may also be used to set specific targets or trigger effects.
This spell has a number of special scaling options:
Increase Matrix Potency: This allows higher-powered
spells to be added to Key Items on a 1 for 1 PP basis.
Activate Key Item: Cast on a Key Item once it has
been installed to make the imbedded spell active. This
scaling option is also used to recharge a Key Item,
allowing it to work for another year. This scaling
option may be used multiple times, each time
extending the basic active duration by 1 year.
Specific Target: This spell is cast prior to the
activation of the Key Item in order to set a specific
target for the spell that is activated when triggered.
Without the use of this spell, the target is the person or
object that triggered the spell.
Set Simple Trigger Event: Unless a Key Item is made
using the Constant Effect scaling option, it requires a
trigger. Use of this scaling option allows the caster to
set a simple trigger event.
Set Complex Trigger Event: Unless a Key Item is
made using the Constant Effect scaling option, it
requires a trigger. Use of this scaling option allows the
caster to set a complex trigger event.
Decrease Recharge Time: This scaling option
allows an imbedded spell to be triggered more often
than once per hour.
HARPers Bazaar
+1 PP
+1 PP
+2 PP
+2 PP
+4 PP
+2 PP
+4 PP
+6 PP
+8 PP
+10 PP
+10 PP
+20 PP
+4 PP
+4 PP
+2 PP
Issue #7
HARPers Bazaar
Cold Chests (see below). Even though the Cold Chest has
moving parts, the Key Item itself is not among those
moving parts, and people who own a Cold Chest know
that it is often better to wait until time to re-activate the
chest before moving it, or to have a mage on hand who can
re-activate it once the Chest itself has been moved.
When the caster has completed imbedding a spell
into an item, the Key Item is dormant, and spell within
cannot be triggered. This will allow workman to use the
item safely in the structure of a building or other object.
Once the item has been properly placed, and the
construction is finished, the spell caster returns and casts
this spell on the item again. The Key Item has to be
accessible as the spell requires the caster to touch it. This
time he uses one or more of the scaling options
for setting the target of the imbedded spell
and for setting up the trigger.
Once these have been set they can
never be changed. This is because
these scaling options
incorporate the
surrounding structure
into the spell itself. For
example, if one of the
stones used in
building the wall of
a room is
imbedded with
a spell that
casts Mage
Light on the
wall sconces
when somebody
enters the room,
then the whole
room, but not its
contents, has been
incorporated into the
spell. If that stone were
moved the spell would not
work as it would be missing
the sconces and the walls, ceiling,
and floor of the room. Also, if the
owner enlarged the room the original
structure, imbedded into the target/trigger portions of the
spell would no longer match the spell and the Key Item
would be disrupted. The only recourse would be to
replace the Key Item with a new one, and set up new
targets and triggers.
Finally, once all that has been done, the mage is now
ready to activate the Key Item. This time he uses the
scaling option, Activate Key Item, which makes the magic
item active 24 hours later. Once activated, the item will
work for 1 year for each time the scaling option, Activate
Key Item, was used in this final casting.
Issue #7
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
The second and more important tool you have for
resolving unexpected and unusual actions is the
Maneuver Table found on page 66 of HARP. Also
beginning on page 66 and continuing through page 70
are guidelines for different methods of utilizing the
table in different situations.
Of the four columns, we will be most interested in
the Percentage, Bonus, and RR columns. With them, and a
standard All-or-Nothing roll, you have everything you
need. Read through the guidelines in the core rulebook on
how to use the table.
HARP contains 10 basic levels of difficulty. Each
Difficulty Level is progressively more difficult for the
character than the one before it, and each also has a
specific name. Difficulty Levels can be extended beyond
those named by applying another -20 modifier to the
action or maneuver being attempted, though this
should be very rare.
In determining the Difficulty Level on the fly, its a
good idea to become very familiar with the definitions of
the different Difficulty Levels. Those definitions, found on
page 30 of the core HARP rulebook, will provide you with
a method of gauging how difficulty an action might be.
As you gain more practice in using the Difficulty
Levels, you will be come more accomplished at
determining the levels on the fly and gauging how difficult
an action would.
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
You decide that the Tracking skill is not quite right for
this maneuver, but that it would be helpful. You ask Ed to
make a Tracking roll for Rorc, and you look up the result
on the Bonus Column of the maneuver table. Ed gets an
open-ended roll followed by another good roll. This along
with his skill bonus gives him a total of 217 for the
maneuver. This gives Rorc a +50 on all his Perception
maneuvers to spot where Markus may have left the trail.
Luckily for Rorc, Markus only left the trail in one location.
Rorc eventually finds where Makus left the trail, and
is able to track him to where he fell over the edge of the
embankment. Going back to the trail to get his horse,
Rorc quickly finds another safer way down to the
lower ground via another game trail. As he reaches
the low ground, he heads back to the embankment.
where he finds Markus just waking up. Makus is
unhurt for the most part, but hes bruised and possibly
has a twisted ankle. He was very lucky, especially since
he landed just beside a pointy bit of log sticking out of
the ground. A few more inches in one direction and
he would have been skewered. Rorc helps Makus up
onto his horse, leads the horse out of the gully and
back up to the trail. Realizing that the branches on
the trees surrounding the trail are too low for safe
riding, Rorc decides it would be better to take a
different route. Knowing of an old, abandoned road
nearby, Rorc has Makus lay on the horses back as he
cuts cross country to the road.
On their way back to camp the pair runs across a
band of Orcs who easily outnumber them by at
least 5 to 1. The Orcs picked up their trail from
where they had cut across the forest to the old
road and cut through the woods using shorter
trails that the horse could not take; arriving at
edge of a small field just as Rorc and Makus arrive
from the old road that they are following.
After a hurriedly whispered conversation, Rorc and
Makus decide upon a plan. With Makus still slung
across Rorcs house, Rorc is going to charge across
the field, and Makus will attempt to cast a fireball
into the midst of the Orcs as they race past them.
Step 1: Stop and assess the situation
We have already established that Makus has no skill
in riding at all. We have also established that Rorc is the
one controlling the mount. Also, what Joe intends
for Makus to do is not really mounted
combat, as mounted combat presumes that
the person making the attacks is controlling
the mount as well.
Both Joe and Ed are arguing that the
fireball attack would not be mounted
combat, however, they have an ulterior
motive because if classed as mounted
HARPers Bazaar
During the course of a game, players will want their
characters to perform unexpected and/or unusual
actions. Sometimes these actions will be easy to
adjudicate, sometimes they wont. By following the steps
outlined above, a GM can readily resolve almost any
situation on the fly without having to look up obscure
rules, and slowing down his game.
It does take some practice and getting used to, but
the GM in the Extended Example could have easily
completed steps 1 through 3 in about 30 seconds
total, including telling the PCs what his
decisions were. As you gain experience and
confidence in this method, you will be able
to trim things down to the smallest
amount of time required, all the better to
keep the game moving.
Well, this wraps up this first
installment of Game Mastering 101. I hope
you liked it!
Issue #7
HARPers Bazaar
This ring is made from several different types of
carved bone, held together cunningly by tiny slots and
tongues. Each different type of bone has a different
animal carved upon its outer surface. The ring itself, while
looking fragile, is actually very sturdy.
Powers: Allows the wearer to speak with and
understand all types of non-magical animals and creatures.
Campaign Notes: If you remember the recent Dr.
Doolittle movie starring Eddie Murphy, then you, as GM,
can give the ring a more obvious ability like those in the
Eddie Murphy movie. You can make the ring bestow
Minor Regeneration, and allow the Animal Speech powers
to surface over time, with the PC hearing bits and phrases
being said when nobody else is around, and/or having the
animals react with major surprise when they find that
they can understand a human (or dwarf, or elf, etc.).
This is not a single ring, but five rings made as a set,
one ring for each finger. Each ring is made of gold, with
flames inscribed on the outer bands. The stone in each
ring is a bright red ruby. The rings are connected to one
another through a fine yet incredibly strong chain.
Rumor has it that these rings were crafts for the last High
Elementalist and that they were lost when he went on an
expedition and never returned.
Powers: The set of rings contains 50 PP that are
replenished with the rising of the sun every morning. The
50 PP may be spent to cast any of the following spells.
However, the spells may not be cast using scaling options,
unless the character knows the spells separately. If the
caster does not know them on his own the spells have a
casting bonus of 40 for all of the spells. The caster may
also learn an Arcane Lore skill that allows him to have
better aim with the elemental attack spells. If the caster
knows the spells on his own, then he may use his normal
spell bonus, if higher, and he may scale the spells up in
power as he likes.
Elemental Bolt (Fire)
Elemental Aura (Fire)
Elemental Ball (Fire)
Campaign Notes: Imagine the surprise of the players
when they find that some small tribe of Kobolds is
terrorizing much larger monsters, such as Orcs or Trolls,
forcing them to raid nearby towns and villages because
the leader of the Kobolds has this set of rings. This makes
for a good twist to the one monster type subjugating
another scenario.
Issue #7
This ring is made of Black Alloy and White Alloy in
twisted strands. Legends and rumors have sprung up
around this ring, saying that the wearer of the
Gladiators Ring is unbeatable in combat. These rumors
grew out of the fact that the gladiatorial slave that was
given the ring never lost a battle, not even when he led a
slave revolt. At least, not until his friend stole the ring.
Neither this friend, nor the ring has been seen since the
ring was stolen from its owner just hours before the
battle in which he lost his life.
Powers: The wearer is able to pick up and use any
weapon, using his best weapon skill bonus as his OB. The
ring also grants a +20 to any criticals delivers (i.e. to
damage, not to hit), and a +30 to all attempts to resist
stun. The ring also supplies a +30 to the wearers DB.
Campaign Notes: The ring does not make its wearer
unbeatable, but it will enhance the wearers combat. For a
fun twist you could always make the ring semi-intelligent,
give it a Will of 60, and if the ring wearer fails the Will
Contest (HARP, page 168), then he begins to believe that
the ring makes him both unbeatable and invincible. If the
wearer should suffer any damage while under the
influence of the ring, he will believe that he let the foe hurt
him on purpose to make things more sporting overall.
This ring is made of White Alloy. It looks like the
head of an eagle-like creature, with the wings spreading
out to form the band. This ring was created by a mage
who loved Gryphons and wanted to soar across the skies
with them. This mage disappeared one day while flying
with the Gryphons and has not been seen since.
Powers: The wearer is able to transform his body
into two different forms. The wearer can take the form of
a Gryph: a hybrid form halfway between that of a man
and a Gryphon. The Gryph form stands upright and has
hands tipped with sharp claws, but the feet are full talons.
The Gryphs head is like that of the Gryphon and is able
to produce human speech as well as Gryphon speech.
The second form is that of a full Gryphon. While
in Gryphon form the wearer is fully able to understand
and speak the Gryphon language, though the ring does
not teach him etiquette or anything about Gryphon
society. The ring wearer is able to freely change from
one form to another a number of times per day equal
to his Insight bonus.
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7
This ring is made of Laen tinted to be ice-blue and
carved to look like its made from ice on the verge of
melting. It gained its name because it was used by Gilkhor
the Ice Mage for many years.
Powers: The ring acts as a +5 Power Point Adder for
spells dealing with cold and ice. The wearer also gains a
+20 to his Resistance Rolls and DB versus cold-based
spells and attacks. Finally, the wearer is totally immune to
all affects of natural cold. However, continued use of the
ring (longer than a week) has the side effect of
permanently tinting the wearers skin a bluish hue.
HARPers Bazaar
Issue #7