Big Bang Theory

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The Big Bang Theory

David Terr, Ph.D

The Big Bang theory is the currently accepted theory of the origin of the universe. According to
this theory, the observable universe was formed approximately 13.8 billion years ago when it
exploded from an incredibly hot, dense point, known as a singularity. The universe has been
expanding ever since and will continue to do so.

History of the Big Bang Theory [1]

Since ancient times, there has been much philosophical speculation regarding the origin of the
universe. Aristotle believed that the universe was eternal, though medieval Jewish and Islamic
philosophers believed that it had a beginning.
In 1848, Edgar Allen Poe wrote an essay entitled Eureka: A Prose Poem, in which he argued
from metaphysical principles that the universe undergoes periodic expansions and contractions.
In the 1910s, Vesto Slipher and later Carl Wilhelm Writz determined that most spiral nebulae
(spiral galaxies) were receding from Earth, but they failed to grasp the cosmological significance
of this discovery.
The first theoretical evidence for the Big Bang came from Alexander Friedmann in 1922, when
he showed that Albert Einsteins theory of general relativity predicted that the universe was
either expanding or contracting. Einstein was so upset with this result that he introduced a
cosmological constant into his theory which would make the universe static. Later he said that
this was his biggest blunder.
In 1927, Georges Lemaitre proposed an expanding model of the universe in order to explain the
observed redshifts of spiral nebulae, forecasting the Hubble law. He independently derived
Friedmanns equations for an expanding universe.
In 1929, Edwin Hubble provided compelling observational evidence for an expanding universe.
He found that galaxies were receding from Earth (and each other) at a rate proportional to their
distance. This became known as the Hubble law.
In 1931, Lemaitre hypothesized that the universe was expanding from a primeval atom, thus
laying down the groundwork for the Big Bang theory. Later George Gamow became a proponent
for this theory.

During the 1940s, Fred Hoyle proposed a rival theory, known as the Steady State theory, by
which the universe was expanding yet eternal. According to this theory, matter was constantly
being created in the empty spaces left behind by the expansion. In 1949, Hoyle sarcastically
coined the term Big Bang to describe the rival theory.
From around 1950 to 1965, support for each of these theories was roughly evenly divided, with
slight favor given to the Big Bang theory, since it could roughly predict the observed
cosmological abundences of hydrogen and helium, which the Steady State theory could not do.
By the early 1960s, quasars and radio galaxies were discovered at large distances in support of
the Big Bang theory.
The final blow to the Steady State theory came in 1965 with Penzias and Wilsons discovery of
the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), a clear remnant of the Big Bang.
In 1979, Alan Guth and Alexei Starobinski independently proposed the idea of inflation, in
which the universe underwent an exponential growth period early in its history. This solved
many problems with the original Big Bang theory.
In 1986, Andrei Linde proposed the idea of eternal inflation.
In 1990, measurements from the COBE satellite showed that the CMB spectrum matches a 2.725
Kelvin blackbody spectrum to very high precision. Small anisotropies in this radiation (around 1
part in 100,000) were also discovered. These anisotropies are believed to eventually led to the
formation of stars and galaxies.
In 1998, measurements of distant supernovae indicated that the expansion of the universe is
From 2003 to 2010, the WMAP satellite took very detailed pictures of the universe, indicating
that the universe was 13.7 0.1 billion years old. (The currently accepted figure is
13.798 0.037 billion years.) WMAP also accurately determined the composition of the
universe, which is approximately 4% ordinary matter, 25% dark matter, and 70% dark energy.

Timeline of the Big Bang (Traditional View) [2]

Planck Epoch ( 0 -10-43 s )
During this epoch, our current understanding of physics breaks down, so we can only speculate
what happened. The universe is believed to have been confined to a tiny hot dense point of size
roughly equal to the Planck length, or approximately 1035 m. All four forces are believed to have
been unified during this epoch in a supersymmetric state. By the end of this epoch, symmetry
breaking resulted in the separation of gravity from the electronuclear force, resulting in
Grand Unification Epoch ( 10-43 s -10-36 s )
During this epoch, the universe began to expand and cool. The electronuclear forces remained
unified during this epoch, which ended when the strong nuclear force separated from the
electroweak force. This transition should have produced large amounts of magnetic monopoles,
which are not observed. The theory of inflation, proposed by Alan Guth, explains the lack of
magnetic monopoles, among other things.
Electroweak Epoch ( 10-36 s -10-12 s )
During this epoch, the electroweak force remained unified. This epoch began with the
inflationary epoch and ended when the weak force separated from the electromagnetic force.
Baryogenesis, whereby the universe developed a small imbalance (about 1 part in a billion) of
matter over antimatter, is also believed to have occurred during this epoch.
Inflationary Epoch ( 10-36 s -10-32 s )
During this epoch, the inflaton field caused an exponential expansion of the universe, by
a linear factor of at least 1026. At the end of this epoch, the inflaton field decayed into
ordinary particles (quarks, antiquarks, and gluons), in a process known as reheating.
Note: According to the eternal inflation model, inflation has always been going on, so
perhaps the universe (more commonly known as the multiverse) didnt have a beginning.
However, the observable universe did have a definite beginning in every model.
Quark Epoch ( 10-12 s -10-6 s )
At the beginning of this epoch, the weak force separated from the electromagnetic force,
resulting in the four forces known today. Via the Higgs mechanism, all elementary particles
acquired mass due to their interaction with the Higgs field. During this epoch, the universe was
still too hot for quarks to bind together into hadrons, i.e., protons and neutrons.

Hadron Epoch ( 10-6 s -1s )

At the beginning of this epoch, the universe cooled down enough for hadrons to form. By the end
of this epoch, neutrinos decoupled from hadrons and began traveling freely through space. Also
at the end of this epoch, the majority of hadrons and anti-hadrons annihilated each other, leaving
behind leptons and anti-leptons to dominate the mass of the universe.
Lepton Epoch ( 1s -10s )
This epoch is characterized by the domination of leptons and anti-leptons. By the end of this
epoch, most leptons and anti-leptons annihilated each other, leaving behind a small residue of
leptons as well as a large number of photons.
Photon Epoch ( 10s - 380,000 yr )
During this epoch, the mass-energy of the universe was dominated by photons, which were still
interacting frequently with protons, electrons, and (eventually) nuclei.
Nucleosynthesis ( 3min - 20min )
During this epoch, the universe cooled enough for atomic nuclei to form via nuclear
fusion. Free neutrons combined to form deuterium, which then rapidly underwent fusion
into helium-4. Nuclear fusion only lasted for 17 minutes, since by the end of this time,
the universe had cooled sufficiently for it not to continue. By this time, all neutrons had
been incorporated into helium nuclei, resulting in the observed 3:1 mass ratio of
hydrogen over helium.
Matter Domination 70,000 yr
At this time, the mass/energy density of matter (atomic nuclei) and radiation (photons)
were equal. Cold dark matter began to dominate, leading to growing inhomogeneities,
eventually leading to the formation of large-scale structures, i.e., stars, galaxies, clusters,
and superclusters.
Recombination 380,000 yr
At this time, the universe cooled enough for the first atoms (hydrogen and helium) to
form. Once this happened, photons became free and the universe became transparent. The
first free photons from this time are now observed as the CMB, which has now cooled to
just 2.725K.
Reionization ( 150million years - 1 billion years )
During this epoch, the first stars and quasars formed, due to gravitational collapse. Their intense
radiation reionized the surrounding universe, which as a result, was mainly composed of plasma.
Star and Galaxy Formation (1 billion years - present)
The first large-scale structures (galaxies, clusters, and superclusters) formed from gravitational
collapse, followed by the formation of stars within them.

Eternal Inflation and the Multiverse [3]

According to Alan Guths original model of inflation, the universe inflated due to a false
vacuum phase with positive vacuum energy. The false vacuum decayed into regions (bubbles)
of true vacuum which expanded at the speed of light. A big problem with Guths original
theory was that no mechanism was known for inflation to end. This became known as the
graceful exit problem.
The eternal inflation model is a modification of this model which solved the graceful exit
problem. In this model, parts of the universe are always in this false vacuum phase, and thus
inflate. Eternal inflation, also known as chaotic inflation, is the most widely currently accepted
theory of inflation. According to the chaotic inflation model, there were quantum fluctuations in
the inflaton field, resulting in variable rates of inflation. This leads to the idea of a multiverse,
consisting of an unimaginably large (perhaps infinite) number of baby universes, each
experiencing their own big bang and perhaps their own values of physical constants and even
their own laws of physics. Most of these baby universes are unstable and thus inhospitable for
life, but a few of them, such as ours, are hospitable. This may offer an explanation of the
anthropic principle and why our universe seems to be remarkably tuned toward the formation of


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