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Navneet Kambow et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol.

5 (5) , 2014, 6098-6101

Honeypots: The Need of Network Security

Navneet Kambow#, Lavleen Kaur Passi#

Deparment of Computer Science,Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Capmus, Ferozepur, India- Department of
Computer Science ,Arya bhatta Institte of Engineering and Technology, Barnala, India

Abstract Network forensics is basically used to detect

attackers activity and to analyze their behavior. Data
collection is the major task of network forensics and honeypots
are used in network forensics to collect useful data. Honeypot
is an exciting new technology with enormous potential for
security communities. This review paper is based upon the
introduction to honeypots, their importance in network
security, types of honeypots, their advantages disadvantages
and legal issues related with them. Research Paper also discuss
about the shortcomings of intrusion detection system in a
network security and how honeypots improve the security
architecture of the organizational network. Furthermore,
paper reveals about the different kind of honeypots their level
of interaction and risks associated with them.
Keywordshoneyd; honeypots; nmap; network forensics

In the era of information and technology network security
has become the core issue in every organizational network.
Honeypots are integrated in network with firewall and
Intrusion detection systems to provide solid secure platform
to an organization. Firewall provide the filtering and
generate logs to further analyze any malicious activity or
any violation policy of access control list ,firewall rules.
Different approaches like firewall demilitarized zone (DMZ)
have been used but they are not effective for todays
network security . Intrusion detection systems then
introduced to overcome the shortcomings of existing
network. Intrusion detection system silently monitor the
networks traffic and give the alerts to tell about any kind of
intruders based upon the database of signatures of existing
intrusions. A number of issues were with IDS too as facing
with an increasing number of false negatives and false
positives[7]. Honeypots then introduced in the network to
utilize the networks unused IPs and the attackers behavior
is analysed on these honeypots. Honeypots improve IDS
too by decreasing the numbers of false positives.
With the integration honeypots network security accuracy
increases than the only implementation of network
Intrusion detection system. These are the increasing trends
in information security mechanism. For instance, the wellknown company Amazon possessing the worlds largest
database use database honeypots to deceicve attackers to
reach their actual honeypots.
A. Honeypots
Honeypot is a unique security resource which is a part of
security mechanism deployed in an organisation. These are
the resources you want the black hat guys to interact with.
Basically, honeypot is an IT resource whose value lies in an
unauthorized or its illicit use [14]. It means the value of


honeypots could be derived from the threats using them.

Honeypots would have little value if attacker doesnt
interact with them. Indeed, honeypots do not solve specific
problems. Instead they are tools having applications to
security. They can be used as early warning systems,
slowing down and automated attacks and capturing new
exploits to gathering intelligence on emerging threats.
Furthermore, honeypots come in different sizes and
shapes .they can be an emulated windows based application,
an entire network to be compromised and attacked such as
Honeynets. Also, honeypots dont even have to be
computer. They may be credit card numbers, Excel spread
sheets or login and passwords (known as honey tokens).
A. Low Interaction Honeypots
On the basis of interaction low interaction honeypots
doesnt provide Operating system access to the intruder .It
provides only services such as ftp ,http ,ssh etc. these low
interaction honeypots plays the role of passive IDS where
the network traffic is not modified. Some examples of low
interaction honeypots are honeyd, specter ,BOF. Honeyd is
an opensource tool and the facility of service emulation on
hoenyd is unrestricted whereas specter is not an open
source tool and developed by Netsec. The well-known
example of low interaction honeypot is Honeyd. Honeyd is
a daemon and it is used to simulate large network on a
single host [2, 8]. It provides a framework to create several
virtual hosts using unused IP addresses of the network with
help of ARP daemon For instance, several virtual number
of operating systems, server, switches, routers, can be
configured on a single host. Furthermore, emulated services
include FTP service listening on port 21 (Telnet), login to
FTP server etc. Other low interaction honeypot is specter
[12] and kFsensor [13]. Specter can monitor total of 14 Tcp
ports. Out of these fourteen ports seven ports are called
traps and seven are called services. Traps act as a listeners
of ports i.e. when attacker makes connection with these
ports the attempt is terminated and then logged. Services
are more advanced wherever there is interaction between
attacker and emulating services.
B. Medium Interaction Honeypots
Like low interaction honeypots these also do not
provide OS access to attacker but chances to be probed are
more than low interaction honeypots [9] .Some examples of
medium interaction honeypots are Napenthes , Dioneae ,
honeytrap ,mwcollect .These honeypots also provide facad
services to the attackers .Mwcollect and napenthes can be
used to collect the spreading malwares.


Navneet Kambow et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (5) , 2014, 6098-6101

C. High Interaction Honeypots

These are the most sophisticated honeypots .These are
difficult to design and implementation .These honeypots are
very time consuming to develop and have highest risks
involved with this as they involve actual OS with them .In
high Interaction Honeypots nothing is simulated or
restricted[10]. Some example of High interaction honeypots
are Sebek, Argos. As these honeypots involves real
operating system the level of risk is increased by many
extents, but to capture large amount of information by
allowing an attacker to interact with the real operating
system ,it is a kind of trade off [13].This helps in
capturing and logging of attackers behavior that can be
analyzed in later stage.
Table 1 Shows About the Various factors Associated with
different Honeypots .

prevent attacks and mitigate risks .It provides immediate

security to production resources [3].Production honeypot
tend to duplicate the production network or provide some
services such as Ftp, Http, SMTP to the
attackers .Commercial organizations get more benefits from
production honeypots. It addresses some challenges to IDS
because of its simplicity .Sometimes attack is too recent to
the vendors in such situations IDS doesnt give any alert as
it uses it is limited to the signature based database for
detection of intruders .Sometimes untuned IDS alarms too
much on normal network traffic. This is called false
positive .Honeypots address these challenges as all the
traffic sent to honeypots is unauthorized that means there is
no false positives no false negatives and large data sets to
analyze.Table2: Represents honeypots based on their
interaction level and based on purpose.
Table2: Types of Honeypots

Various Factors Associated with Honeypots

Degree of
Real operating
Knowledge to
Knowledge to




On the basis of

Very High


A. Research Honeypots
Research honeypots are basically used to attain information
about the new ways of attacks, new attacks, viruses, worms
which are not detected by IDS. These honeypots are used
for research purpose. Mostly educational entities, military
or government organizations, these kinds of honeypots are
used to gather information about motives and new tactics
about the black hat community. These honeypots never add
direct value to the organization, difficult to maintain and
deploy, complex in architecture, but provide extensive
information which is worth to develop new policies to
protect the organizational network. Research Honeypots are
used to gain Information about black hat community
Research honeypots are used [3] .Its primary function is to
follow the footprints of attacker and gain knowledge about
the new ways of attacks performed threats.
B. Production Honeypots
Production honeypots are easy to deploy, use and capture
less information and are primarily used by companies or
corporations. These honeypots are placed along with the
production server inside the production network of the
organization to improve overall security. A production
honeypot is one which is used within organization to


On the basis of

Types of
2) Medium
1) Research
2) Production

Honeyd, Kippo

Dionea, Napenthes

A standalone PC having
any operating System
installed like Linux.
kF sensor, specter,
Dioneae, Napenthes

Honeytokens are the small sized honeypots . Unlike
honeypots the standalone machines, honeytoken are the
digital entities such as digital data created and solely
analyzed which are used to capture digital thefts. They can
be fake data sets which cant exist in real world, at least
within a specific enterprise. These are used to track
malicious outsiders and insiders engaging in unauthorized
activity. Honey tokens may be a url address, an excel sheet
or sometimes a fake record in the organizations database.
For instance, a number of companies use honeytokens like
fake email address, user account, database data and
sometime s executables or false programs. Fake email
accounts are used for early warning for spammers. The
basic idea is that the fake email address is never used and
thus would have no valid reason for receiving spams.
Receiving unrequested email to that specific email address
indicates that someone has accessed the companys internal
email list. Another approach is to insert fake data in the
companys data base thats unlikely to exist in the real
world into a real database[15]. For example companies can
insert celebrity names who have no direct connection to the
organization such as Paul Stanley, Peter Criss. Any kind of
unauthorized interaction with these fake names ensure us
about the malicious activity against the information
accessed from the database of organization.


Navneet Kambow et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (5) , 2014, 6098-6101

Being a part of network security mechanism honeypots
have many advantages. Here we will highlight some
specialties of honeypots.
A. Small data sets :
Any connection made with the honeypot is considered as
malicious. So the thousands of alerts logged by
organizations can be reduced to hundreds of entries.
B. Reduced False Positives:
Honeypots help in reducing false positives. The larger the
probability that a security resource produce false positives
or false alerts the less likely the technology will be
deployed. Any activity with the honeypot is considered
dangerous and making it efficient in detecting attacks.
C. Catching False negatives:
Catching false negatives with the help of honeypots is quiet
easy because every connection made to honeypot is
considered unauthorized. Traditional attack detecting tools
becomes fail in detecting new attacks like signature based
detection tools. These tools detect only those attacks whose
signatures are already in their database. As per honeypots
approach, there is no need of predefined database.
D. Encryption:
Honeypots have the capability to capture the malicious
activity if it is in encrypted form. Encrypted probes and
attacks interact with the honeypots as end point where the
activity is decrypted by the honeypot.
E. Working with IPv6
Hoeypots work in any IP environment, including IPv6. IPv6
is the new version of IPv4 and actively used by the
countries like Japan and the department of defence. Many
current technologies like firewalls and Ids sensors do not
work on IPv6.
F. Flexible :
Honeypots are extremely adaptable in variety of
environments. From a social security number embedded
into a database, to an entire network of computers designed
to be broken into.
G. Minimal Resources:
Honeypot require minimal resources. A simple Pentium
computer can monitor millions of IP addresses.
A. Single Data Point:
One huge drawback is generally faced by honeypots that
they are worthless if no one attacks them. Obviously, they
can accomplish wonderful things but if the attacker doesnt
send any packet to honeypots then it would blissfully
unaware of any unauthorized activity.
B. Risk:
Once compromised , honeypots can introduce risk to
organisations environment. Different kind of honeypots
possess different levels of risk. Low interaction honeypots


Introduce low risks but high interaction honeypots

introduce high risks likely whole platform to the attacker.
Sometimes a poorly contained honeypot puts the entire
network at risk. Furthermore, honeypots do not fulfill their
promice until one has the time to administer them properly.
So, administration should be done on properly by
administaror having keen knowledge on security devices .
A . Entrapment:
A person is entrapped when he is induced by law
enforcement officers or their agents to commit a crime that
he had not no prevous intent to commit.Truely, entrapment
is not an issue. There are some reasons like firstly, most
individuals in the organization are not law enforced and
they do not act under the control of law and they dont have
procecution as intent. So, entrapment doesnt apply here.
Also, for law enforcement honeypots do not represent
entrapment, as honeypots ae not used to persuade or induce
attackers. Attacker itself decide whether he wants to interact
with the honeypot or not.
B. Privacy:
The next considerable issue is the privacy .It could be
consider in two ways. Either in the files placed on
compromised systems by intruders or the interception of
communication relayed through the honeynets. There is
less case law surrounding interception of communication
that is relayed through a compromised host.
The trend of using honeypot is very traditional in network
security. It has become necessity of the security for
information to lure attackers to some other fake sites in the
network than the actual site ,where real resources of
information are available. Even these honeypots could be
extended to honeynets, where attacker deals with the bunch
of honeypots. The log files analyzed through these
honeypots and honeynets could be used to enhance the
Intrusion detection system to make it smarter in catching





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Navneet Kambow et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (5) , 2014, 6098-6101



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