Vak Sept. 16

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The document talks about requesting freedom for temples from government control and paying homage to scholars like Sri U.Ve. K.V. Raghavacharyulu.

The editorial talks about the importance of granting independence to Hindu temples from state government control as discussed in editorials from 1959 to 1961 in The Hindu newspaper.

The document discusses that Sri Ramanuja sacrificed a lot to protect the Hindu temple worship system by travelling across the country on foot and that the best tribute to him would be granting independence to temples.

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[ The Voice of Temples ]


Vol. 17

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'VAK' is available on



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Amruthavarshini at Chilkur

Megharanjani keerthans being sung by a group of

25 singers to invoke rain God
on the bank of Osmansagar near Balaji temple at
Chilkur on Monday (Times of India 23.8.16)
(Photo courtesy : Venkat)

Dear Prime Minister .... "Freedom to Temples Please"....

Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji spoke about Sri Ramanuja's 1000th Birth anniversary and
remembered him in his Independence Day speech "Today, when I am remembering Ramanujacharya Ji
then I want to say one thing. Thousands of years ago, and now today, when we see social tension then
Ramanujacharya ji, the saint, what message he gave to the country, Ramanujacharya Ji, used to say that
all the devotees of God, should serve without having a thought of discrimination and feeling of low and
high. Respect everybody and don't humiliate anyone due to age or caste."
Sri Ramanuja sacrificed a lot of protecting our Hindu Temple System of Worship by travelling the length
and breadth of the country on foot and the best tribute that the Central Government headed by Shri
Narendra Modiji can give him on his 1000th Birth anniversary is to support the cause for independence to
Hindu Temples from State Government Control something for which Shri Narendra Modiji's own late Guru
Swami Dayananda Saraswati fought for throughout his life and also filed Writ Petition in Supreme Court
which is now in the final disposal stage.

'VAK' pays Homage to Sri U.Ve. K.V. Raghavacharyulu

Komandur Raghavacharyulu was a great Sanskrit and Telugu scholar and had passion to bring to
light to the Telugu readers the great works of Sri Vedanta Desika based on the messages of Lord
Ramanuja. He was a great scholar in Ramanuja sampradaya. Sriman Raghavacharya translated
the Padukasahasram a magnum opus of 1008 slokas by Swamy Vadanta Desika in telugu. While
translating this main work he followed the line of Abhivava Vedanta Desika Sri Uttamur Veeraraghavacharyas
commentary on Padukasahasram. Sri Raghavacharyulu also translated the first canto of Yadavabhyudayam
a great work of Swamy Desika and for this also he followed the Uttamur Swamys works. His journey
to Srivaikuntha is a great loss to the mankind.




................... 3

Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranamam-186

....... 4

Madhura Vijayam - 59

................... 7

q+<= Q^=o186
=^~q[O 59

................ 9
.............. 10
.............. 13



............. 15

umy Ts - 186

............. 16

u\ -59

............. 19

Ahobilam and Ahobila Mutt - 48

................. 21


................. 22

Devotee's Experiences

................. 26

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 3


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

The ignored Wisdom

A series of Editorials in The Hindu newspaper which appeared in September
1959, March 1960 and January 1961 are very instructive to read and ponder upon.
These were during the period the Madras Legislature was debating the 1959
Madras Endowments Bill which eventually was copied by several State Legislatures.It
is marvelous to read that The Hindu Editorials criticized the Madras Legislature for
not being limited to immediate ends in view namely the prevention of gross abuse
of funds, but going much further in its objective. The data that is now presented to
the Supreme Court in Swamy Dayananda Saraswatis case of how the Government
Control has destroyed the Hindu Religious Institutions after Independence, substantiates
the past wisdom of The Hindu news paper. This is temple destruction in a short span
of 70 years post-independence, which several invasions and hundreds of years of
foreign rule failed to achieve.
The Wisdom that if heeded could have prevented destruction of Hindu Temple
System of Worship is as follows :

The Bill sought to tighten further the hold of government over the temples and
other religious institutions in the state, under the guise of better management
and regulation, so that these stood virtually nationalized, functioning as a
department of government and subject to all the vicissitudes of party politics in
a secular parliamentary democracy. Devout Hindus were naturally concerned at
the inroads of the state into matters religious that the bill sought to perpetuate.


Existing State legislation governing Hindu endowments has erred on the side
of stretching the doctrine of cypress to such an extent that surplus resources
of temples could be diverted to a variety of purposes, far removed from the
intentions of the original donors. Such diversion could have little justification
when as against a few religious institutions with a surplus, there are thousands
of others that have not the wherewithal for even the conduct of the daily pujas
or still worse, stand desolate or in ruins.


We have fortunately a minister of endowments in this state who has the faith
and courage to defend traditional religious values and temper the impact of
the rather sweeping provisions of the Madras act by its sympathetic enforcement.
But.other political groups with less faith or with atheism as their creed may
be swept into power in future both here and in other states of India.

The Supreme Court which is now hearing Swamy Dayananda Saraswathis

petition challenging the State Endowments Acts would do well to introspect on the
above points so that further destruction of the Hindu Temple System of Worship can
be prevented and steps to rectify the damage done so far can be undertaken.

There should be no regional boundaries for temples.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 4

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Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranama - 186


Sri V.S.Karunakaran, Chennai
After King Yudhishtira had lost the game of
dice, he, along with his brothers and wife Draupadi
had to be in exile in forests. A few learned sages
also accompanied them. Since a King is bound to
take care of all the people who are with him,
Yudhishtira requested the sages to go back to the
kingdom. Oh revered Sages! I, myself, am unsure
about my next meal. I am not sure whether I will be
able to provide you food properly at the right time.
Being with me will bring you more and more troubles
only! said Yudhishtira. However the sages reiterated
their stand saying, Oh righteous one! You please
dont bother about feeding us. We are ready to partake
whatever you eat and are not worried about living
with you in the forests. You, Pandavas, are treading
on the path of righteousness and being with you is
the right thing. We will live with you and do japas
and pujas for your well-being!
Sage Sounaka, an erudite scholar among those
sages told Yudhishtira, You have got knowledge that
is endowed with eight ancillaries: 1. Desire to listen,
2. Capacity of listening, 3. Understanding what was
listened, 4. Registering it in mind, 5. Ability to infer,
6. Eliminating unwanted elements, 7. Comprehending
the inner meaning and 8. Understanding the ultimate
truth. So these sufferings will never drown you.
At last, Yudhishtira consulted his Purohita-cumminister sage Dhaumya who advised him to pray
to the Sun God. Yudhidhtira obliged. The Sun God
appeared before him and blessed him with a vessel
called Akshaya Patra. The Sun God said that since
Draupadi was the last person to eat, the Akshaya
Patra would remain full until and unless Draupadi
had eaten. Yudhishtira gave the vessel to Draupadi.
She placed the small amount of food gathered that
day from the forests on the vessel and served the
sages seated in a row. To her surprise, more she
served, more food was remaining in the vessel!
Dhaumya said, I never enjoyed such tasty food even
in our kingdom! I am very happy! May you live long!
Then the Pandavas were served. Bheema was
elated to see that he could eat to his hearts content
and still was able to see food left over in the vessel.
Draupadi ate last and then the vessel became empty.
Then she washed the vessel and kept it aside for the
next day. This was going on every day. Twelve years
The sages were enthralled by the hospitality
of the Pandavas. The news of the Akshaya Patra
reached Hastinapura and Duryodhana was extremely
unhappy on hearing this. He had taken everything
from the Pandavas yet the sages were praising the
way the Pandavas provided them excellent food even
in their exile in forests. So Duryodana was in search
of a plan to land them in trouble.

At that time Sage Durvasa, known for his anger

and curses because both of them increased his
penance unlike the case of all other saintly ones
as per a special and rare boon he had obtained from
Siva, visited his palace. Duryodhana devoted himself
to the task and served him to his utmost satisfaction.
It was a great achievement for he was the only
character other than Kunti to have served the peevish
sage without giving him a chance to feel angry and
Durvasa became very much pleased with Duryodhana
and his wrinkled face creased into a rare smile.
Durvasa told Duryodhana that he would grant
him any boon he asked for. Duryodhana with advice
of his uncle Sakuni had already decided what to ask
for; his sole intention was to make the Pandavas victim
of Durvasas wrath and curse. So he said politely,
Oh great sage! You have accepted my hospitality and
blessed me. Can you please accept the hospitality
of the Pandavas also who are in the forest and bless
them in the same way?
He did not forget to request the sage to reach the
Pandavas hermitage by the late evening (as Draupadi
would have eaten and washed the Akshaya Patra
by then). Durvasa smiled at the possibility of cursing
the Pandavas and enhancing his penance. He
accepted Duryodhanas strange request.
The very next day, as Draupadi had just finished
eating and was cleaning the Akshaya Patra, she heard
the sounds of some people walking into their hermitage.
She peered out to see Durvasa with thousands of
Yushishtira welcomed the sage with utmost
respect and expressed his happiness on the sages
visit. Durvasa said, I am happy to hear that you treat
sages very well in spite of your pathetic condition
in the forests. I wished to enjoy your hospitality myself
and so I have come here! Unaware that the Akshaya
Patra was empty, Yudhishtira turned to his younger
brother, Sahadeva! Go and tell Draupadi to prepare
a feast for the guests!
Sahadeva went inside the kitchen. On seeing
the horror-struck face of Draupadi, Sahadeva realized
what was wrong. Oblivious of the problem, Yudhishtira
continued, Oh sages! Please finish your bath and
come. The food would be ready when you come
back! Durvasa smiled and left with his disciples
to the river.
Draupadi was filled with dread. She didnt know
how to provide food to the sages as the Akshaya
Patra was empty.
She resorted to Lord Krishna, who is the only
refuge of the helpless ones, and meditated on Him.
Immediately the Dark Lord stood before her and
smiled. He told Draupadi that He was very hungry

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September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 5

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and asked for some food. Draupadi was shocked,

My Lord! I called you for help but you are also teasing
me. Just because we didnt have a single grain
of rice to provide Durvasa and his disciples, I called
you for help. What can I do if you too ask for food?
Krishna said, Cool! Show me the Akshaya
Patra. Let me see whether it is empty or not!
Draupadi showed it to Krishna and the Lord saw a
bit of Agastya-Amaranth leaf sticking to the brim of
the vessel. Krishna said, I think this will satisfy
My hunger and ate it. The Lord opened His eyes
wide in joy and said, This is the most delicious
food I have ever had! You have quenched My hunger!
By that time, sage Durvasa and his disciples
had taken bath in the river chanting the
Aghamarshana sukta. As they stepped out, Durvasa
staggered. He was suddenly feeling so full as if
he had eaten an entire feast himself. His eyes were
drowsy too. He could decipher that his disciples
were also looking exactly the same way well-fed
and satisfied. One of his disciples walked to him
with fear and hesitation and said, Swami! I I,
patting his stomach, I am suddenly feeling so full
that I cannot eat even a single morsel! Durvasa
said that he was also feeling the same way.
He took a deep breath and added, Yudhishtira
would have taken a lot of efforts to prepare feast
for us. If we dont eat there, he may curse us. He,
his brothers and their wife -they are righteous people
and dear devotees of the Lord. I am afraid of
committing offense towards the Lords devotees ever
since the Ambarisha incident. So let us take our
heels before they catch us! No sooner Durvasa said
these words, all his ten thousand disciples ran helter
Yudhishtira sent Bheema to the river side to
check them as it was getting late. Bheemma was
surprised to see that there was no trace of any. The
sages living there said that Durvasa and his
disciples had run away in all directions.
Now we may ask why Krishna should use the
small Agastya -Amaranth leaf as a tool to satisfy
the hunger of Durvasa and his disciples. Cant the
omnipotent-omnipresent-omniscient Lord do it by
Himself without the aid of that bit of leaf?
The answer is Krishna wanted to use that
leaf as a tool in His divine independent sport! Yes,
He also wanted to grant liberation to that leaf and
hence used it as a tool in His sport! The story
That bit of Agastya- Amaranth leaf told Krishna,
Oh Lord! I have a done a small service to You and
Your devotees. Can You do me a favour in return?
The Lord said I give you a boon that from today
all my devotees will break their fast and do parana
after completing their fasts on holy occasions like
Ekadasi by swallowing a bunch of Agastya- Amaranth
Is this all one humble assistant chosen by
you to assist you in your sports can expect from

What else you want? asked the Lord. The leaf

said, Please grant me liberation!
Krishna said Liberation can be attained only
if a person performes prapatti the act of surrender
through an Acharya at the feet of Lord via the
recommendation of Goddess Lakshmee
Agastya-Armanth leaf was too shrude to leave
the matter at that.
It said if it were so, please bless me to have
a chance to get an Acharya.
Due to Krishnas grace, the Amaranth leaf was
born as Agati plant in the backyard of the house of
Swami Desika. Swami Desika, used to go for
Unchavritti (collecting alms) for his daily food, was
pleased with this Agati plant in his backyard as he
could get its leaves readily for side dishes. He used
its leaves not only for His Parana but also on many
other days as side dish on many days, with the result
that he got the name as one fond of the leaves of
One day Swami Desika saw the Agati twig getting
very old and its leaves had started withering. The great
Acharya took pity on the twig and performed prapatti to
the Lord on its behalf. Thus the Agati twig got the
recommendation of an Acharya and attained liberation
The readers would be able to understand that
since the Lord wanted to grant liberation to that
bit of Amaranth leaf, He used it as a tool in His
divine sport made it stick to the Akshaya Patra,
kindled it to ask for liberation and blessed it to be
born as a twig in Swami Desikas residence.
Similarly, the righteous devotees of the Lord
consider themselves as a tool in the hands of the
Lord just like the Amaranth leaf and enjoy everything
happening around them as His divine plays.
They know that life is like an Electro-Cardio-Gram
(ECG) Only if ECG has ups and downs, it means
the person is alive. If the ECG becomes a straight
line, it means the person is dead. Similarly, life
would be lively only if it has ups and downs;
otherwise life wont have life.
Even if such righteous ones get sorrows in
their life, they consider that the Lord is using them
as a tool in His divine play to ultimately do something
good just like He did to the piece of Amaranth leaf
and enjoy even their sufferings as His divine plays.
Therefore the Lord is called SATHAAM GATHI the
One who gives happiness to His righteous devotees
who rejoice on all happenings considering them
as His divine plays.
Nirukti sums this up as it says:

mo uNo TuouzXoz
Let us be blessed to rejoice in Him and have
Him as our resort by chanting this name meditating
on the form of the Lord Balajee at Chilkoor.

Om Sataam Gataye namaha

<<H o Toz :>>

h J=~x W`~ J=HOQ =KO\~.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 6

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Chant 108 times

FO q #=

FO +~H #=

G sue :

G Nq :

To keep Evil forces at bay.

For overcoming bad times.

^+ #O_ H_H#@.

H #O_ q=H O^_xH.

|} q"K# #$O `O

Chant one time

1. ^=` H~ ^~O O =^=O

N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
2. H eOy` "=OQO H<O =~^HO
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
3. PO` =^~O OY KH^ ^i}O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
4. ~}` ~O H^[q+<#O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
5. O<^# =` kQOu <#"
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H

6. ^ =~^O NO ^`~ q^i}O

N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
7. ~Q _`<O, H<=^O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
8. "^ "^O` *O |~^k =Ok`O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
9. W^O ~` x`O |}"K# Ol`O
J#$}*` ` ^#O j="`

FO `^ #= G o tz :

FO ^` #= G z :
For issueless couple. O`# H~
FO q^` #= G uz :

Chant this name to amend soured friendship

or any personal relationship

D `x Jx Ji, ^, PiH W|O^`

L#" O =O XHi i KHx
e`O aOk.

q`` =O OKH=_xH, ^O` Pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies.

P~QH~"# t= H~
Runa Vimochana Nrisimha Stotram
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
bhaktaanaam varadaayakam
Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha
Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam
kadrooja visha naasanam
Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam
namaami runamuktaye
Simhanaadena Mahataa
Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam

Chant one time

Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeraam

namaami runamuktaye
Prahlaada varadam sreesam
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Krooragrahaih peeditaanaam
bhaktaanaam abhayapradam
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Brahma Rudraadi vanditam
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Ya idam patathe nityam runa
mochana samjnitam
Anrunee jaayate satyo dhanam
sheeghram avaapnuyaat

JO^~ qO\~ - q"H=O` "\x \~.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 7

Madhura Vijayam - 59

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

Sri Ranganatha Travel Part II

Tamil Manuscript : Sree Venugopalan, Chennai

Story so far: The story based on the 14 th century
incidents, was written by Sri Venugopalan which is
based on the historic facts elucidated in Madhura
Vijayam composed by Maharani Ganga Devi, Chief
Queen of King Kampanaraya. Two young men Vallabha
and Dutta set out on an expedition to locate the idol of
Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam, which was saved by four
Kodavas from being ransacked by Muslim invaders.
After several adventures the two boys, with the help of
Chenchu tribes found the idol along with one Kodava
who protected the idol for more than
eighteen years deep inside the forest of Chandragiri. Lord
Ranganatha was brought to Tirumala and King
Ranganatha Yadavaraya the ruler of that place
patronized the upkeep of the idol with daily pujas.
Coincidentally Sri Gopanna, commander-in-chief of the
Vijayanagaras mulvoy province reaches Tirumala in
search of Lord Ranganatha and he promises
Vallabha help of Vijayanagara to restore Lord
Ranganatha to Sri Rangam which enabled Vallabha
break his fast unto death. Vallabha and Datta turned to
Kancheepuram on their way back, ensured safety of
Manjari with her neighbors after the death of
Singazhagar who was the key energy behind the
expedition and left the town with disguised Vaishnavas
as the fort doors were closed as a defense to anim
pending attack by Vijayanagar army. The disguised
Vaishnava leader was no other than Camphor merchant
who revealed that he was the head of Intelligence
army o f V i j a y a n a g a r . D u t t a , V a l l a b h a a n d t h e
Vijayanagar men managed to kill all their pursuers
and escaped to the foothills of the mountain on which
Sambuvarayas fort exists where at the behest of
Camphor merchant Vallabha and Datta enter the
Rajagambhira fort as Gem merchants to rescue
Makaravizhiyaal. They spot her in the palace and
ensure here safety. Meanwhile, as a first step the
Vijayanagar army mission was undertaken to conquer
Sambuvaraya of Rajagambhira. Kancheepuram was
conquered and Kampana Rayas army advanced to
Rajagambhir amount a inconquered it and killed the
Raja Gambhiraking. The Madurai princes was rescued.
Later, Vallabha and Datta are entrusted with the task
of escorting Princess Madhurangini to Pandya kingdom.
During this long journey, Vallabha expects a heartto-heart chat with the princess to express his love. Meanwhile
when the convoy comes to Mulvoy kingdom Vallabha
gets information that many of the small kings who were
under Sambuvarayas have pledged allegiance to
Vijayanagara emperor which includes his mother land
Sathyamangalam. This has significant influence in
shortening their journey. Enroute Vallabh visits his mother
along with Datta. While Vallabha and Datta resumed their
journey along with the princess and were on their way
to final destination, they were attacked by two intoxicated

English Translation : CSL Narasimhan

elephants. Vallabha rescued the princess and both ended
up rolling down into the deep forest where they met an
unmarried couple from Muduvai tribe. The princess had
a nice conversation with Vallabha about the Muduvai tribe

When the princess left Vallabha and retired to a

location inside the cave, the characteristic fragrance
of Mogizham flower emanating from her was still
engulfing him. Vallabha was very happy that the
princess spoke with him. Though he was delighted
by this thought, he was disappointed that she could
have spoken a lot of other things too. He thought
that she disappeared all of a sudden, the same way
as she appeared before him to speak a few words.
Only my mind is disturbed because of the love for
her and she does not have the same feeling with
me as he started feeling sad by this thought he
heard a voice :
When he raised his head and saw above, he saw Madura
standing there in front of the cave looking at him.
What is it Princess?
Do you have a comfortable place to sleep? Shall
I give this cloth to you she asked showing her shawl.
No need princess! I have my own Uttariyam cloth
to cover my upper part of the body which I will use
to sleep. Saying this he bent down his head.
After a few moments he slowly raised his head to
see whether she left or not, and saw her still standing
and was looking at him.
He was surprised to see her there and with the same
concern. He met her eyes and both their eyes got
locked for few seconds out of the undefinable time
of the Universe. Immediately Vallabha took out his
sight and bent his head gaining conscious. Then
slowly he enquired her with great care.
Oh Princess! Is everything comfortable for you?
Yes everything is fine saying this she went inside.
The moment she left Vallbha's heartbeat rose to
an great extent. He felt he had experienced a wonderful
moment which is precious.
Madura! The moment you came here , and the
moment you stood in front of the cave and enquired
about my comforts with great concern, and then
the way you looked at me everything has delighted
me so much. Even if I come to know that all this
you did for me is generic concern and not out of
particular love for me I will not care. I can spend
my entire life cherishing this moment. Have you ever
heard an old saying by elders? When the star swathi
is at peak, the snail would be staring at the sky
keeping the mouth wide open. It will collect the raindrop

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September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 8

however small it may be and go deep inside the

water and change into a beautiful pearl. I too was
waiting for a moment like the snail and by your
grace you have showered few raindrops on me which
I can change in to beautiful pearl in my dream world
and would spend rest of my life with it.
While Vallabha was in his fantasy moments somebody
touched his shoulder from behind. When he turned
back to see who it is he was surprised to see Dutta
there and embraced him with full happiness and
enquired him,
Dutta! How did you escape from the elephant? I
was really worried.
Dutta explained him in length how he escaped and
then later started saying,
All the others are in a nearby place. Morning we can
go there. We lost all our horses. They all ran away
Later both found a solitary place and sat down there.
Vallbha started telling to Dutta, Dutta! At this moment
I am experiencing wonderful heavenly feeling in life
Dutta enquired him as to what it could be with surprise.
Vallabha with all smiles told him that he was longing
for Maduras glance at him which he got now.
Dutta was silent for a moment. Vallbha became
restless seeing him.
Dutta! Why are you silent? You would have also
experienced the same. Didnt Manjaris glance at
you gave such wonderful experience?
Vallabha! Whether it is a debate or marriage, it would
be good if the opponents are of the same status.
The difference in their status will not bring happiness.
It is the same with love. He said.
Vallbha asked him back. So what do you want to
say. Do you think that I am unfit for Madura ?
No, I did not mean that way Vallabha. A love when
it fails gives a long lasting grief in our mind thus
making the man insane and he would be wandering
without any goal. By this he not only spoils his
life but also his family members life. So it is better
to look for a love which ends in marriage and avoid
that love which can never be achieved.
Vallabha went into thinking for a while.
Dutta! Why should we assume that my love cannot
be successful?
Dutta replied, That is what I told you already. People
having the same status have chances of success
in their love. Instead of suffering with unfulfilled love
like a worm it is better to be away from that .
Why do you say this. Have you experienced before?
Yes! Saying this Dutta started narrating that he
used to accompany his father in Sathyamangalam
to conduct pooja every week to a wealthy persons
house, there he happened to meet the daughter
of the wealthy person and both had exchange of
so many feelings just by mere glances which had
disturbed him a lot . It is very dangerous to meet

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
the eyes of young ladies and allow the eyes to talk.
Thats why your mother has advised you Never falter
in vision. Thats the reason I came here escaping
from getting trapped in Manjaris eyes. The deep scar
that was left behind in my heart still bothers me
heavily. I do not want to have another scar.
Vallabha did not appreciate Dattas speech.
Datta, I am thinking differently. For me if Love gives
me happiness it is pleasant and even if it gives me
sorrow it is pleasant. Said Vallabha.
Datta did not speak further.
Next day morning the young men woke up, took
Princess Madhura along, woke up the sleeping young
tribal couple and took leave of them. After that they
started climbing the hill in the normal climbing route.
At mid day they reached the plateau place where
they left their people before. They were spotted by
their security men and all of them surrounded them
with anxiety and respect. After a few minutes of resting,
they started walking towards the plains of Kongu
kingdom. Because they repaired the palanquin broken
by the elephants, Madhura could travel like before
in the palanquin. When the forward down hill path
was full of curves, Vallabha enjoyed when the
palanquins screens periodically opened and closed.
He thought that the princess is doing this to have
a glimpse of him. They reached the plains by evening.
They realized that it will take a few weeks of walking
to reach the south Pandya state. Hence Datta went
to a nearby major settlement and used the money
he had to purchase three horses. Next day morning
they instructed the soldiers to stay put in the nearby
settlement Datta, Princess Madhura and Vallabha
left for South Pandya kingdom. They stayed in the
choultries enroute without attracting anybodys attention
for five days and on the sixth day morning reached
Kulasekharanpudoor situated at the foothills of
Podigaimountain. That is the place where Madhuras
family is living. At the sight of her town Madhura
was happy and said Oh! My place has come! Our
place has come! We have arrived! she was full of
joy with this situation. The town was surrounded all
the sides by mountaineous forests. Near that town
there was a small rivulet flowing known as
Agasthyatheertham. Madhura was showing each and
every place to Vallabha. Vallabha was fully attracted
by her child like enthusiasm.
When the Sultans army attacked the south India
the royal family got shattered and took shelter in
various portions of Southern Pandya kingdom. Among
them the family of Kulasekhara Pandya had taken
shelter in the town which now the trio entered. The
person living in that village is the grandson of
As they neared Pudoor, Madhura rode on her horse
with high degree of enthusiasm.. (to be continued..)

u@ H< u\_# =# Z= kOk.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 9


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

q"HxH q=YOQ...

qq^ ~ ^"^ K\ ="# 1959 =^ ^"^ K@O #

KiOK|_ =O, k O^ k#uH O|~ 1959, =i 1960 =i [#=i 1961
=^ HO J<H"# O^H "=_~. D O^H K q+}`HOQ#
^~^$+` "|_~.
=`Ox PiH~"# J=H`=H =`" iq`O HO_ D K@O` =^
# ^" LxH< HkeOK K JO *HO KH_xH <k "O^< JOx
P<\ O^ k#uH x~=@OQ KOk. `O OH~ qK~} L# q
^#O^ ~u ^Y K# "[O `O`=#O`~O `O `# `#O` ^"
ZO`\ q<#O HeyO^# JOx Q}OH` |A= K # k. HO^ zOK|_# O^
k#uH =H~z# h x[=~. Hx =O^ O=`~ q^j # ^OO Hx
=# ^" == H=O 70 U =# i# z<a#"~Ok.
^" =i W`~ O^ =`O D a ("~Q# # J< =Q)
` `<x =iO` OK q^OQ#, ^"# iQ `~OQ OQ# =~
q^O Q, ^~O ^ i`" # ~[H *H` =`f`" # ~ *=xH ``Q ^"
[=#O =i"Ok.
O^ ^"# ieOKO^H U~_# ` K@O , P =#~# '==
= L^xH q~^OQ ^i =oOK_xH g# He#k. nx =# Z= P^O Q
PO #O_ ^<x zuH~ n<= L# z# P ^i =oOK Qey< HO`
^HOQ LO_k. Hh Jk ZH_ [~Q_xH J=HO ^.
J^$+=` ` ^"^ M=` ^=zO`# =i <`# ^~x H_
^$_ OHO` L#O^= D K@Ox q<H~H JO# J= HO_ PQ~.... Hx
"~ ~[H H, <H`O` \# s q+` WH_ =i ^Ox "~ O`
JkH~OH =K J=H L<~.... JC_ P Qu J^Q`<?!
qq^ ~x ^"^ K\# " K, q ^#O^ ~u ^Y K#
\ +## qKi# O H~, # L^iOz# JO P`=H#O Kx f<
O =#, O^ ^" == W =O^ q<#O [~Q O_ JiH@_ " HO_
[iy# `C# ik^< k `y# K~ fH=K#.
`ex ^xx `e#@ #\OK@O =# #+"=.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 10

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

q+<= Q^=o186
`OQ` #=
POQ=O : N q.. ~}H~<
= ^`O F_~# `~"` k+~_ `#
~ ^k - `=` =#"xH "= =zOk.
Hk =Ok *#~# |+ _ O_=# J#iOK~.
`# [ QQ KH=# ^` "ix ieOK
~A # O@Ok Q # H , k + ~ _ =## ~*xH
=~e=x iOK_ - ''=`~# =x=~~!
U@H@ [<xH "`H=# Qu <H \ #C_,
gHO^iH i# =xH =z`"# [# U~@
KQ< <#x _`<#. <` He J~}
~=@O =# g~ =iO` W|Ok< Z^~= ~=K#.
JO^H ^K # "#H =~eO_! J~` =#
`= =@g^ xx, W J<~. - ''F ^~~*! h= =
[<x QiOz ZO`=`O zOuOK=^! #= Uk l
"= J^ uO\=. JO^ h` J~} x=OKO^
=HO`=`O H+O ^. `=~O =O^ `#
O_=~! g` He x=OK@" <O. JO^H "=
g`> LO_, g "H~ [ - [ K=.
=#O^iH O_` =, *#= JkH= Q L# #H
=i k+~xH W K_. ''F ^~~*! *#O 8
Q}` _ L#k. Jq 1) q<# l* 2) q#QeQ H
LO_@O 3) q#k J~O KH=@O 4) ^xx =+O xH
~KH=@O 5) qx# ^xx |\ x~~OKHQQ@O 6)
J#= ~ q+ # =ke" @O 7) ` # J~ x
QOKH=@O`@ 8) J ~=~x QOKH=@O
J#" P Q}. JO^=# D ^ x# U<_ qKe`_x
K =!
z=~ ^~~A `= ~`_ - =Ou# ^=
=ix OkOKQ, P# ~Q"#x iOK=x
zOK_, k+~_ JH~ PKiOK_. k+~x
~# "z# ~_ 'JH`# kOK_. ~_
^~ ~A W `e*_ - 'JO^iH# z=~# ^k [#O
KOk Q#H, P" [#O ~=~ JH ` ZC_
iQ xO_ LO@Ok. D q+O `eK ^~~A
P`# ^kH WK_. P<_ J~}O HiOz# Hk\
[<x P" ` #Oz, OH ~# =#O^iH
=_OzOk. P" ZO` [<x f =_O^, JO` P~=
P JH ` qy HxOk. ^= =i O`+OQ
- ''WO`\ ~zH~"# [<x Z#_ <# =# ~[O
_ lOK^. < K O`$Q LOk. n~<
=! Jx nqOK_.

J#"^O : _II =<`

J@# O_= =_OzOk. c=_, `# O`$
HeQ@O`=~ u< _, WOH ` [#O qye
LO_@O K, =^#O^__. PY~ ^k _ `#
[#O =yOKH, JH` =iOH P~O qQ^.
P" P`# H_y, =~\Hx iOz LOzOk. J <O_
O=`~ Q_z~....
O_= `= W# Pu^xH =# =^#O^
_`<~. JH` =K~O # KiOk. ^x`
^~^#xH JO`$ iy~Ok. `# O_=#^O`
fx "ix J_= OOK_. Hx, =#" O_=
=#" =O _ `= JO` #OQ P~x \
P^i#O^ "KO@ LO@<~. JO^H ^~^#_,
O_=# ZQ< W|Ok @QeQ LO QiOz ^HO
JO\ =O ^~ ==x, ^~^#x
~[=<xH qK_. W`~ =# ez<, =~ez<
` H `~ Q`Ok. Hx, ^~=x ~ O_O\=# _ ` H
iQ q^OQ t=x =~O O^~. ^~^#_ OQ `<
P# iK~ K, P=x J#QxH `__.
KO>, P ==xH g"` HO ~O_, Jey
O@O_, P## O`+@ QQ@O JuH+"#
#H =O k. Of^qH =`" WO`=~ P# =K
O`+@Qey# #` KO^`Ok.
J@=O\ H+ ^~ =i ^~^# x = =
O`+OK_#\xH Q~Q ZC_ ` HxOKx z~#= P
=_` _# =^e =x =YO# HxOzOk.
`# ZO` O`x HeyOz#O^ uOQ ''h=
Hi# =~x k#x ^~_ ^~^# x J#Q OK_.
`# "#== x K#` J`_ J\H `# UO =~O
H~H" x~OK< L<_. J`_ =Y L^=O`
O_=# ^~x HxH QiK, J`_K` OK
J^! JO^H K =~^Q =x =O^ W J<_ - ''F
= =h! g~ < P^ ~ ` ~# H i Oz ##
J#QOK~. J^q^OQ, J~}"O K# O_=
Pu^x _ HiOz, "ih Pj~kOKO_. < H=e#k
J~` ^~==xx, O_= =^ J~O
^\# `~"` "=x =`O ^~^#_ K@O ZO`=`O
qiOK^, ZO^HO> P =xH ^k [#O ~
J~, JH `# ~K@O _ J=`O^x PK#!

"Q`# n" =~ nx "eyOK Q^.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 11

^~_ _ O_=# OK@O ^~ `# `#

=iO` K K H=K# PK#` ^~^# _ DqO` =~xH
=~_, ^k `# [#O =yOz, JH`# O
K # =O, `= \~O " J_Q " , Z=~ =#
|O q#k. =z# ^=~ Jx `OQ `Oy KiH,
^~ =i, "=Ok t+` ~=@O KOk.
^~ ==xH ^~OQ Q`O eH, ^~~A
P# ~H@ `# O`x H\ OK_. ^~_
^~~A` - ''#= W J~} ZO` H+_`#\H,
=## - |+# ZO` P^~OQ `i=x `x
< K P#O^OQ LOk. JO^H h Pu^x OQ <<
JO^x P#OkOK# =O` h=^ W =K# J<_.
JH` _, JO^ P~ ^~ ~x
`ex ^~~A `# z#`=_x ^Q~ ~=x, ''^"!
"O@< ^k =^ "o, =z# Ju^O^iH qO^ U~@
K=#! JO@ P*OK_.
^=_ =O@QkH "o KiH x+~~#
^k HxOzOk. ^x` ^=xH = J~=~Ok. D
= `ex ^~~A =`O ^~x`, ''F =#~!
g~ "o <k J#<# i Kx =KiH [#O
^OQ LO@O^x #=HOQ K@O [iyOk. ^~_
z~#= #q, `# t+` #kH "_.
^k O` =}H~Ok. JH` P~
^ ~ g qQ #O^ #, =z# =# [#O Z
=~ `eH `=`==`Ok.
k`Kx i` kx"~O^iH kH~# NH$+x
H$H iOzOk. "O@< #x"#Q"_ P" =O^
`H=~ z~#= #"_. =<, ''^n! < K
PHeQ LOk, [#O @ JO@ J_Q_. ^xH P"
x~O`~ - ''F^"! x# <# O JiOK\xH i,
h= ## # K<" `O_ ==^ ^~xH, P#
t+ [#O @\xH XH J#H}=~< ^<H^, x#
O JiOK#. JO\k h= _ P~x J_y`
<<q KQ#? JO@ ^_Ok.
NH$+_ P"# =^~ ''Un JH
`# K_h!
^x P~O WOH U"< qyeO^ ^ K! f~!
^k JH `# NH$+x =O^ LOzOk. NH$+xH
z# 'JQ (JqP) `O =H JH
` J_Q# JO@x
HxOzOk. ''Wk K < PHe f~\xH! JO@ ^xx <\
@ x qOQ_. J@# P#O^O` `# H# qi, ''WO`\
~zH~"# P~x <# WO` =O^ lOK^ ^n!
#= PHex f~~=! JO@ OOK_.
P iH ^~=x, P# t+` J=~}
`x i, #k #=KiOK@O ~~Ok. "~

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

#k#O_ @ = O _ Q , ^ ~ xH H _ ~
qO^ [#=O` `< u#@ ~ O Q Jx O z, H
`_|_Q~. `# t+=OH K "i iu _,
H_~ lOz, iQ O`$_#@ JxOzOk. "i
XH t+_ Q~=Qi =^ =z O^OQ - ''g! <@
XH iQ i Q xO_ # @ , < # WOHH J#H } " <
lOK # @ Jx O k! ZO^ ? Jx " _ .
^~_, `# if J^#x `e*_.
^~_ n~OQ PzOz W J<_. ''k+~ _
ZO` qOz =#O^iH q^ [#O =i LO\_. =#O
JH_ lOKH` Q#H P# =## H^O KO^=K.
^~~A, J`x `=, ~ JO^~ _ `=~#
#_K"~. Q=O`xH "# "~_! JO|s+x@
[iy# J~^O `~"` #O_, Q=O`x
=`=~# x [iy` U==`O^ `Q#H <
OQ< LO\Ok. JO^H "~ =## JO^HH =O^
=#O #O z`yOK@O =#H H=O! JO@ `# x
P# H\ OK_. ^~x <\"O@ D ~=@O
PO, P# k"=Ok t+ _ H#K"~
HxOK#O` ^~OQ ~Q \~.
^~ =i, P# t+ WO` PO J=`<
ZO^ WOH [<xH ~^ K ~=x ^~~A, c=_x
OOK_. #n f~xH K~# c=_ JH_ Z=i *_
H#H, P~_. JH_ x=# =# HO^~,
^~_, P# t+ Jx k i~x
WH_ XH =#O "=K. ZO^ NH$+_ z#
Jq P =H#, ^~_ P# t+ PHex f~
^#OQ ZOK<_? ~"_, ~H=O`_,
~=# `e# *` J~# NH$+_ OQ `< ZO^
Pxx K^?
^xH =^#O.... `# `O` ^qH b QOQ,
P# P Jq P =H# _ Qqx Kx
^#OQ LyOK<_, JO`!
P z# Jq P=H NH$+x W iOzOk - ''F
~ = `! < # h , h " # x
KQey#O^ ## J#QOKQ"? Jx.
^xH NH$+_ W =~qK_ - ''D<\ #O_ <
O^~ L" nH# q~qOK\xH, UH^t =O\
~k< L"#O`~O ~} K\xH Q_ Jq
P# ux `= L" nH# q~q~.!
''~=`! h b q<^O _\xH h"
ZOK# <=O\ z# xH h= WK=~O W^<?
''=iOHq H"e h?
''^K < =Hx kOKg!
NH$+_ W `e*_ - ''u K# "iH "HO

PtOK =O^ JO^ H=# J~`# OkOKH.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 12

aOk. u H ~}Qu JO> PK~x ^~, H;^q

J#Q O` ~ = ` K ~ } O^ ` = ~ x
=iOKH=@O nx=# =`" =H^O.!
"O@< J=Hx *~ q_KHO_ Jq P W
H~Ok-''J~` < XH PK~_ aOK@@ =~q~!
NH$+x J#QO =# Jq P, q^t "i
~\ `@ 'JQu "HQ [xOzOk. q ^t"~
x`= LOK=$u ^~ aOz# ^~` `# H_
xO<"~. JO^H P# `# `@ \# JQu "H#
K =^#O^_~. `# P^~=Q D P# ^^
u k#= L yOK @ " HH , ~ } _ nxx
L yOK<"~. JO^H P# Jq "H P ZO`
W+= x JO^~ J#<"~.
XH<_ q^t"~ JQu H= K riOK~,
P ~`<x Q=xOK~. JO^H P =h_ Jq
H=-K@# *e_, Q = O`x K~}
O^ ^xH =~Q
`< ~}Qux K~. ^x` PK~x J#QO Ok# P
"H "Hx O^QeyOk.
D\H ~ q+ x =QOQ J~O K < LO\~
- Q = O`_ Jq P =H "Hx kOK# =O`<
`# b ^xx XH ^#OQ "_<_. JO^ "^\,
JH ` ^xx JO@<@@ K, `# "Hx
kOK=x =~=_Q @@ ^xx ~ Oz, J@# q^t
"i ~\ [xOK@@ J#Q Oz, J@# =Hx kOK@O
J#q =~Q [iOK_.
All slokas Chant 28 times

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

J^q^OQ |A=~O xOK `=x `=

Q = O` x K u XH ^ # OQ, Jq" H P Q
qOKO\~. JO^H `= K@ [iQ O@# Jx\h
P~= ` b QOQ qOz "\x P#O^OQ J#q ~ .
"iH rq` = O> W l =O\ ^ x ` . W l
(ZHHi Q") Q#H ZQ_-kQ_ ~ YQ LO>< =x+ rqOz
L#@ H. P~Y Q#H ~~Y LO>, P=H =~}Oz#>!
J^q^OQ rq`O r=O LO_O> Z`- LO_e.
xHO rq`O xs===`Ok.
` =~ O xOK rq` O H
Z^~~#C_, ~=` `# ^iOK <@HO `=# XH
^#OQ LyOKx, Jq P =Ozx =i#>,
`= U^ =Oz< [i_# ^$_qO` `= Z^~
P H# `O ZO` P#O^OQ J#q~. JO^=<
~=` '`OQu J# <=O =zOk. `=~#~# `#
Z=~~` ^M# _ P~= ` k=b Q" #x
qOz, P#O^OQ< "\x J#q~, "iH ^ux
kOK"_ H#H P# ''`OQu <=O U~_Ok.
x~H nxx D q^OQ KOk..

mo uNo TuouzXoz
z~ "# r ~x =#~ ^x
''`OQu J# <=x i ` H =# Y-^M P#
J#QO aOz Jx\h =#OQ Z^~< H, J#qOK
P` ~ O, JO` =OK [~Q`O^# #=HO =# HQ`Ok.

''FO `OQ` #=

FO ~=`< #= G nz :

FO $+H #=

For self employed people, for promotions and

success in games.

G J yNz :

For overcoming bad habits

^~"@#O_ q=H O^_xH.

FO =+\~ #= G b N :
For Success in Business, Interviews, Visa
Interviews, building relationship

"~a=$kH, WO@~ O
H=_xH iOKO_.
FO N=` #= G yoz :
Please Chant for Handsome Appearance and wealth.

s~ O^~xH, O^.
FO JH~ #= G Eq :
For Education and better Financial strength.

q^a=$kH =i S~a=$kH.

H_H~, O Lk L# "iH, L#`

^= PtOK "iH.

FO ` =< #= G o :
For better health. =Oz P~QxH.
FO ``< #= G o nz :
To remove mental stress and for mental

=# H P~QxH =# H Xu _ #O_

FO ~} #= G | m z :
For Job Satisfaction

L^QO, K x JOH` "xH, `$H.

H+HO xeK^ x["# O.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 13

=^~q[O ^~"H...59

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

=^~ q[O - 11

Q` OzH `~"~ QO....

[iy# H^ : Z< Ki``H x* `# O^~K# D
=^ ~q[O, =~A HO#~x @= + =~} QOQ^qK
~zO|_#k. q[#Q~ =*n _# N |H~x ^ =~_
=~HO#~_. H^~OQ q[O^ = =i ^`_ J<
W^~ = N~OQOx N~OQ<^x qQx "^H_xH
|^~`~. # #O #O_ D qQx #Q~ H_=~
H_ ~ ^O ^z_~. Z< Hi, ZO^i<
tOz# ^ , KOK`Q "i O` W^~ = N~OQ<^ x
qQO =i 18 UQ qQx }kHOQ H_`# PYi
H_=~x _ KO^yi J_= H#HQQ`~. ^` _ HO`=Ok
"@Q O` P ^< ~*# N~OQ<^ ^=~xH
O^x K~"_. ~A \\# #O` H^e=_. .....
"^\ i "~ JO`~O =~ "o JH_ =~}H Hx ~`
J=`~. Hh "iH =^~Oyx H#|_^. "~ @^` uiy
WOHHi JO`~xH "Q ~} "i =O^ XH =ux
"_`Ok. P"# K =_ P~_`_..... ~`
"~ = "o JH_ ~}H ~`# J=`, =H~qo#
K~ . Hh `~ "` ^` _ WO\H =~e "=x J#_ = _
JO^ x~Hi_. "^u"^# `~"` ` uiy
XH@=`~. =u ~H}~O W^~ q` ~[QOc~ H@
=~" "t~. ~` "~ H@xH "o =~}H
~` J=_xH u~. JH_ =^~Oyxx K# =_
P`$`Q P" ^Q~ "_ . Jk K =~} aQ~ Q H H _O k.
=H~qo# ~HOK_xH =z# = ^` O=~ H@
zO\~. q[#Q~ ~*# |H~_ XH ="O U~@K,
^xH `# =~_# HO#~x, Q##, = =OQx W`~ #
q[#Q~xH Px_ . ^H} k ~ `= ~[ q~ } QiOz
=\_Q, Q# QO` =iOKx =\_@O ~Oa_.
q[#Q~O |H~_ "^Q"~ D ="O ~`O`
KiOz |=h, =^ ~ ## ZkiOK_xH =O <~. .....
WO` q[#Q~ # O, |OkOK|_# O =~ H@# K~ x
=@_O zOk. = _ =i ~=i =^ ~Oyx H@ [~Q`#
^x Z`# ^ O #O_ PHQ K_Q~. q[#Q~ # O,
O =~ H@# =@_O z Q O^`Ok. = _ =^ ~Oyx
~OHOK_xH `g~x` ~_, P g~x KO`_. Kx~# P
g~_, `# `O_H ~} H$~H \# "_x `# `=_h `e f=
^MxH Q~`_. =~} =^~Oyxx ~H`OQ O_~[O
K~ xx =^` W=|_`Ok. ... = ~*x K~#
` ~ "` , O =~ Pn # O L# Hx z# ~*
q[#Q~~ *xH `= =^` x H\ O Kx, JO^ `# =`$ q
` =OQO _ LO^x = _ `O\_. H=# ` =OQxH
"o `ex K ~"#O\_. =^` |$O^O = ~[O
K~ O\~. O =~ Jn#Ox HO^~ ~A `=# q[#Q~
~*xH Jn#=x H\ ~ . JO^ =^ ` Q=O ` =OQO
"o = x `e "OuH^qx He [iy#=x P" q=iOz P"`
W~ ~A LO_ uiy =K~. ^H} O_ ^xH `= }x

J#"^O : N=u ^ ~OQ~[<

H#y =#~ ` =~# =K# =O =^" H# U#Q
= ^` |$O^x =@_O KQ, =~}x ~HO K `O W^~
He HO_ #O_ HO^ ^~` _ HO^Q ^@"# J_qH
_`~. JH_"~ =^" `Q KOk# XH [O@# H~. P
`Q"i qO` PK~ QiOz =~} =x` Hk =O
O+Ok. WH K^= O_...

=~} "oQ<, HO_Q XH = _ H=_xH

LHq_ . =~} ^Q~ =`" ` HOQ ZC_ =K
=+O "# WOH ^ . P" `#` =\_# O^
J`_ O|~_ Q_. P" =\_# O^ O`+OQ L<,
WOH Z< =\_ LO_=K H^! Jx x~`__ = _.
`#` Hk =\_\ xH PH HOQ ` H" # >, JO` `~Q
P" ==~O^#<_.
'P" = L#O^ =# < =# W
KOK_ `#k, Hh P" < g^ U == ^ JO@
uiy qKiOKQ_. JC_ J`xH XH ~O qxOzOk.
J`# ` Zu K_Q =^ ~ Q =O^ xKx
''Uq\ =~}?
''g _H=_xH H~OQ LO^? O> Wk
fHO_ JO@ `# =# W=~Ok.
''J=~O ^ =~}. < ^Q~ < JOQ=GO L#k.
^x` < s~x HCx _O\#. JO@ `#
`=OK<_ = _.
Hk =O `~ "` P" "oO^ ^ JO@ = _
` Zu K_Q, P" " ^ JQ xKx J`xx K_yOk.
J`# P~OQ P"# K_Q, W^i K He,
=__~. J Hk =O "i =O^ HO
Py~Ok. = _ "O@< ` kOKx q#OQ, "Q
P"# ''=~}Q~! g JO` H~ OQ< LOkH^?
''JO` Q< L#k. JO@ P" eH "o~Ok.
P" "Q< =x QO_ KC_ iyOk. XH
J="# =^ ~# ux Ok#@xOzOk.
''=^ ~! h= WH_H =z xK# H} O, < H~ O
QiOz J_Q`#C_, < " K# q^O ## ZO`Q<
P#O^~ z Ok. h= K# K~=, Ja=#O <# =`
HO_ W`~ KOz#@=O\^x < `e< _
<# \ O KH# D H} x `KO@< <# < rq`x
Q_Q#. u z# _`O^< P` <~ `iz
Z^~K =` z, Ju z# =~ z#x _ =$^

`C `= #_K h =# h`=x `H.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 14

KH X_ \ , =^ J_QH "o ^x =`OQ

=~ O k. J Q < # _ D J# ux <
=<=Ok~O ^z ^~KO\#.
=_ W `# TOKO LO_Q Z=~ J`x
[O K~ "~, "#uiy K# =_ ^`x K
P~_. "O@< J`xx Q_OQ HyeOK<_.
''^`! q`=! P U#Q i#O_ Z ` OK<=?
<# h H=O QiOz qKi<#. J<_ P~O`
^`_ [iyO^O` qOQ K `~"` ''JO^~
WH_H ^Q~ < L<~. ^# JH_H "=. =# Jh
O` i~. JO@ `# _ XH ^x
Kx ~<_.
=_ ^`x` ''^`! WC_ <# < rq`O H
P#O^"# q+x J#q<#.
Jk Uq@x ^`_ tOKQ,
=_ ^~O`, `# Z =^~ H gH}O
HO "zK_Q, Jk Z aOzO^ K_.
[iy#k q# ^`_ =#OQ LO_ _. =_
|`# P#O^x PHH ''^`! ZO^ =#OQ
L<=? h= _ WO` =O^ WO\ J#ux O^
LO\=. =O[i gH}O h J@=O\ J^` P#O^x
''= ! H xH< qxH< = Lr LO_O\~.
"i =^ =#`O x Z_, P O|O^O P#O^x W=_.
= q+O _ Wk =iOk.
''JO>.... #= Uq K ^K<=? <# =^~
''^ q`=! < L^O Jk H^. q"# = f=
"^## HeyOk. = =# u~ $`_# =x+ z"_
H O Z~QH u~Q`_. nx =# `# rq`" HH `#
@Oc rq`# _ _K_. H|\ q"xH
K~ H^x `e# P =# =O^Q< `Oz " _O L`= O.
=_ Hk PzOz,
''^`! < = bH$`O H^x ZO^ J#H"e?
JO^ ^`_ ''h Wk=~H K#. =# ~x
"i =^ \# = eOK_xH J=H Z=. D
= J< ~Q =# ^ _ H < ^x #O_ ^~OQ [iy`
=Ozk. Jx J<_.
JO` xOQ Z K < =. h Q` J#= O LO^
Uq\? Jx tOK_.
''J=# = ! JO@ ^ ` _ ` # J# " x
KQ_. `# P ~A `=OQO `O_` He XH
^xx WO\H [ x~OK_xH ""_#x, JH_ P

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

^ x x ` ~ i K " O ^ x , "i^ ~ U<_

=\_H~< H^~< "i =# Hex, P
H~H `## HkeOz "O^x K_. ''JO^H g J=
^$+x "~ k =~H Jx KOk. JO^H <# _
=O[i H #O_ ` OKx i~ =K#. ` =OQO
< $^xH `ye# ^| W\H ## k#k. <
WOHH ^| `yeOKH"x ^. J<_.
^`x L<x =_ OOK^.
''^`! <# J J#H=_O ^. <# "~ ~HOQ
Pz<#. = < P#O^x Hey < P#O^O
Jx ^Mx qye< < P#O^" J<_ =_.
^`_ =\_^.
=~\ ~A ^# W^~ = z, =^~`
He, P H[O@ =^ g_ fx |^~~ `~ "`
"~ HO_HQ~. =^xH "~ =#+#
HHQeQ~. ~HH @ "ix QiOz "i K@ Q~=OQ
=z xK<~. Hk qqOz "~ HOQ ~[O "
#_=Q~. qiy~# H Q K_O`, =^~
=O^Q H "yOk. HO_ kQ= QO =~O
"eH uiy LO_@O =#, =_ H ~^
=H=_O, `~KH=_O K P#OkOK_. `##
K _ \ x H =~} u # ^ x T OK x
P#OkOK_. O`xH HOQ ~[ zH |#
K~<~. O_~*xH K~H=_xH WOH Hx "~
@=Kx JOK< "<~. ^`_ H# Q Q=xH
"o JH_ O`#O_ =_ J# H#=K_. =~\
~A ^# x# JH_ | K=x K, =_,
^`_, =~} =Q~ Q~ O_~*xH |^i
"o~. J Z=ix PHiOKH JH_H _ ` |K
S^ ~A }Oz, P~=~A kQ HO_ kQ=##
Y~#^~ K~~. =^~ @Oc JH_
x=<~. `# x" ^x K =^~ ''J|! <
T~ =KOk. = T~ =KOk. J=! O`+_Ok.
P @}O Jx " HO_ J_=` K@|_ LOk. P
@}O ^Q~ JQ f~=< z# #k ~`#k. =^~
JH_ LO_ u z# K@# = xH L`OQ K`#k.
P" ~= ``# L`x, z# Q P" _
P#O^xH P" =OH PHi`__ =_.
# #O ^H} ~`^x =@_Oz#C_,
~[@O|O KK^ ~ , ^H} O_ ~[O `^K#k.
"i Y~ O_x @O|O D =Q~ "t Oz# ~[O
`^K<_. JH_ x= # k Y~ O_x =#=_.
"~ ^~ K~ Hn, =^~ `# Jx ~\Oz#
L`=O` s KyOk.

O K# "iH H$`[` K@O =~=.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 15

tNy ...

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

uzN Nz uQ...

uu [ Nz Lgzb N Nz uso 1959 << Lgzzb }>>,

YY| zoz , uo 1959, Y| 1960 os \y 1961 Ny Eu <<ut ut>>
(The Hindu) t{uN Y EzN tNy uNz@ z tNy Eno uzmnN
L tub z uQz Tz sz@
u|N sE Ny Eus|N zz oN y yuo zN, F N Nz ,
Ly, ut Nz Euon Nz y u tzz z NF| E oqz Nz Nz uL gz
Nz n Nz onNy ut t{uN Y z gNz Ny Yzb Ny {@ o| y
tt oy z tQ uN T N, z ENg Nz s uuo uN { uN oo
uo Nz Yo Ny oqz z ut uN t oN b z Tz @ u uuQo ut
Y Ny y ENz n uN@ {Ng z Nz utzy z ut Ny
s Goy o F|, u\oy uN oo uo Nz 70 z F|@

ut os E ut u|N sE (E{ EXZz tzz Ny Eg ) sz \

u, Ny oqz Nz E{ EuN j z Ny Ez os ut Nz E{ m|
z Ny sE tz Ny Ez z \z {@ tT|m| \{uoN oqz Nz s,
|uzq zN o Nz oz Ybz Nz uL ut Nz un Nz t gzT@

ut ut Nz Nz uL N, ut Ny u os E uE
Nz, ut Nz sN Nz Gz Nz u, o tz Ny u t N {@
FNz z ET EuN Ez ut Nz E N NZ u, ty Es \ym| zoz
\ z ut Ny Ez zgoz oz y NZ zo@ uNo GNy NzF| T\F y @

{S, o| Lgzb Q Nz y zt O os o | Ny uq
Nz Nz uL j N z O @ Eo: F N Nz VoN E N E zz zN
T Noz @ o E \{uoN t, uoN ub|, u E{ tz Nz E
T EuN Ez Ny L @ .... u o ut Ny t M zTy? Ezo
uu [ Nz Lgzb N Nz Noz L y ttoy z tuQ uNL
TL uby \Y o N z z|XY Nz H Nuso E Nz EnzN
Nz t zz z um| z ut ut Ny s Nz ETz E{ EuN u zz z zNz
Nz s - s E oN F| N Nz Ny ut y LN Ym zT@

x*~fQ OkOK - =Oz H~ qxyOK.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 16

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

um y Ts - 186

o T oz :
EtN : g} . o

-y.L. NmN
Nb o u\o zz Nz Nm uue Nz Ez
E\ L ny {ty Nz s zN Ny Ez s N
g@ NZ ry u z y lg N ET uN@ YuN
Ey \ Nz Q-t:Q Nz tzQz N , GNz N
o {, Eo: uue z Gz [ Nz uL s Nz N
Ez Noz L N - <<z n! ^z o uN
E z\ uout N{z \b LTz@ Lzz , ^z EN
z y { uN uout, s E \{z nE N zb
z Nz uL z\Ty N{z \b HT@ Eo: E \y
Nz uL s N yu\L@ z s Ez ENy NueF
E{ EuN zz Nz u ^z E{ NZ TzY z {@>>
uNo uTm y Ez Ns EugT z E{ Gz
N - <<z uue! o z E Nz uL uYuoo zz Ny
ENo @ o u\z E zb zTz, y Gyz
E ut Nb Tz@ Eo: oz s Nz
NzF| NueF| zTy@ nT| ET z z z lg!
ozTz Nz s y oN| To {@ Eo: o zT Nz
y s N, oy F| Ny ENq Noz L, \-o
E{ \-e NTz@ >>
z u ze ulgn E{ r z {N
u| z uue Ny Noz L N - <<z uue! o
r Ee Tm z uo {@ - z Ee Tm - 1) m Ny
u\r 2) z Ny uO Q 3) z L u Nz ^z
Ny uMo 4) Gz uoN uqo Q 5) y F| o
Nz E um| z N 6) EN u N unT
N 7) Tjs| Nz ^ E{ 8) ouN s| Nz Tm
N N@ Eo: z E NueF o Ny y uYuo
Eo uue z Ez zuo E{ y u| { z
Z oz Gz ^ uN | tzo Ny s| N@ uue
z GN uN@ uue Ny s| z ob zN |
T z <Eq> Nz t uN E{ uYo uN@ uN y t Nz z\ Nz Yo {ty N z\ o zz
oN Eq E z E y zT@ G ut
uYo, szgz o z\ Nz y {ty z Eq Q
E{ To u\ z J u-u Nz z@ {ty u\o
z\ z zN z y sy, Go y z\,
E{ y Y utQ s@ u| { z gz zN N
- <<Fo utb z\ z Ey \y uo y
Q@ ^z Eoy oub z y {@ tyV| @>>

onYo {ty z lg Nz y z\ uQ@ y

oz uz z s uN Ez zb utb z\
Nz Nz t y Fo E Y {@ Eo {ty Nz y
z\ o z \z Nz Yo y Eq E{ E
Y@ {ty z Nz zN Q@...... Lzz |
yo TL@
lg z o F Euo uTm Eno z z
sz@ Eq N Y uo oN Y, u\z z
Ny Eoub tTy zTF|@ lg N NZ ZyN Gz G
z\g@ uNo, uTm oz lg Ny Noz sN
z uN Lzz Ny unN usuo y lg Fo
utb z\, zb uQ z @ , E z Nz uoN
LN y o V y { uN, lg Nz uNy uNy N
z oT N YuL@ G jjo \ {@
Lzz u| t| N ET z Nz \
E@ T N Nz uz Nz Nm, t| Nz Nz
E{ -tz y G Nz oz goy @ Eo: z E{ EuN
Nez o Nz T \oz @ z GNy z Nz T E{ GNz ET N y E@ n
N oz u| t| Nz y Nz Ez u, GNz ez
u, E{ utL u GNz ob N NzF| N|
@ E oN Noy y F N| z Ny@
Lzz u t| Ny o, GNy ^u z z Q
LN Zzbz z t Nz tu|o F|, \z u y
zoy {@
Ez Nz Nz z z Nz Gz ETyo
uN uN Y Tz@ Ez Nu Ny z\ Nz
E z z zY Q { uN N{ T YuL@
GN P Gz y s uN uNy uNy N z lg
Nz t| Nz Nz N N, G To N@ !
Fy uL Gz gy uo z N - <<z n! Ez
z Et - nN Nz yN N ETyo uN@ Fy
N z N z lg N Euo y yN N,
G y ETyo N E{ Ey|t t@ y zy FXZ {@>>
z, t| Nz uz Y tz uwo
uN uN E lg Nz E Nz t y Euous N
\@ MuN o oN {ty y z\ oN, Eq
Nz zN Q tzTy Eo: F z\ uQ E y zT@
u t| z y y zYN F EzQz Nz uL <>

=Oz ~ L#"iH =~}" ^.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 17

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

N ut uN, lg Nz tzN , E{ EuN o

tz ut {ty E z\ oN, Eq Ny
F| N y sy uN Gz Ez Nby Ny Ez uNy Nz Ez
Nz t Z z@ N{o Gz ^N E{ uN \
u Nz s zN u| t| z @
u| t| N t To Noz L, uue z GNz
ET Ey o Mo Ny@ t| z uue z N <<z uue! ^z ro E uN Lzz Nz Nue
y, J u-u Nz Et nN gz N z z@
N ^z o F|@ Eo: z zY uN oz Euo N
Et T, F Gz z oz Y E@
F o z E\ uN Eq YN { E{ E
G z z\ N uN E {, uue z Ez Zzbz
F| Nz E{ Etz ut uN - <<tz! oo {ty
Nz \N z Etz E uN u| t| E{ GNz
u Nz uL z\ N Nz@>>
tz z {ty Nz \N tzQ oz uN EN
Qgy {@ tzQoz y tz Nz N o Y T@ G F
ss| z Eur uue, uz N s uN <<z uTm! E ty \N Ez , \ Eut z
uw zN EFL@ ooN E y Nz z\ z \LT@>>
t Noz L t| Ez u Nz s Nz uN
Nz z {ty s-s Nz Ty@ Eq
T {, E Foz z Ju - u Nz z\ N{z NL?
F z E\ gTF|@
Lzy Et Nz y Es Nz s n yNwm
Ny o Nz uL {ty z s| Ny@ oz y V
Nwm GNz q Guso L E{ t Noz L Gz
N - << {ty! ^z Eno Q T y {, oo z\
uQE>>@ {ty Fz N uQ z TF| E{ Gz t:Q z
N - << z oy o Ny Y Noz L o
N E{ o y zy Ez N z ? z u|
t| E{ GNz u Nz uQz Nz uL EN LN Nm y
zz Nz y Nm z oy o Ty {@ Lzz o
y ^ z z\ T z z oz zz uL qN E{ N{ z
No {?>>
yNwm z {ty Nz jj oz L N-<<{ty! ^z
Eq utQEz@ tzQ T uN Ny NZ z\ Y oz ?>>
{ty z Eq Nz Nwm Nz Q Q@ Eq
Nz Et yYz yNwm z LN Eoy z Nz bNgz Nz @
<< {, zy Q Nz ubz Nz uL@>> Noz L Nwm z
Gz g u@ uTN, o Nz EQz tu|o
Noz N - <<Foz utb z\ Nz z Fz | Ny
Q {ty! oz y Esz zy Q ubF|@>> o

o oN u| t| E{ GNz u N EV|m
Nz e Nz s E@ ty z uNoz
t| uNz E E uN Gz z\ N u {@
zb E{ y tz y y zz N E@ { gQgz
Tz E{ EQ t y Ez Ty@ \ GNy ub Ez
u gy oz GNy y usuo NZ - NZ {z y sy@
G y T s uN zb z\ Q { E{ m| z
ob @ LN u, bz N GNz q EQg E
E{ Z - <<EY|! ^z EYN T { uN z zb
T { E{ E EN LN Nm y ^z Q \o@....
Lzz M T {?...>>@ Ju t| z N uN zy usuo
y eyN Lzy y {@
t| z Ty zY Nz Yo N - <<uue z
Eno u Nz s Nz uL z\ N Ez\
uN zT@ ET z\ NTz oz Nzuo
zz Ny {@ uue, GNz E\ L ny - Nz
n Nz T| ET zoz E{ n Nz u\
y @ Ey Ny Vb z ^z ETo E { uN n
Nz uMo Nz y y u Yz N um uNo
N zo {@ Eo: lg oN Yz z | y
z N zT@ y F| Fy @>>
t| Nz Q z z t oz y GNz t \
u z z yV N ut@ NzF| utQ y
Fo u z\z y, t| E{ GNz uTm,
Ez Nz Nm uue z y Nz z\@ ty Nz ob
\N yz tzQ uN oz NzF| y {@ Gz EY|
E@ GNz y N z NZ u z uYo uN uN
t| E{ GNz u z uoo-uo zN, Y Ez
Gz N ut@
LN z Geo { uN yNwm z Goz
Zzbz z Eoy Nz bNgz Nz M, J u t| E{ GNz
u Ny Q ubz Nz Nz Y zT? oz
| y, | uMo E{ | Nz ro @ Gz M
F N| Nz uN ?
FN G { uN Ey o t{y yE Nz
EoT|o Gz G Zzbz z Eoy Nz bNgz Nz y u
Y s@
G z yNwm z s| Ny - <<z n! ^ z
\z o F| {, M GNz tz ^ E Nw
n Nwm z Gz ETyo uN uN - <<E\ z
zz Mo Tm Ez G Ny tyq Nz ozgz Nz uL, LNty
\{z |ut Nz G Nz t m Nz Nz uL dy
Eoy Nz QN Ey tyq o NTz@>>

=Yu K "_H, "#@ _K "_H `_ ^.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 18

<<o z n! ENz y bN o Nz
Nz uL Ez Yz Tz ^ \{z E N Nz uL
M y tTz?>>
<<o M YuL?>>
<<Nw N ^z uMo t N@>>
<<u Nz Nz y uMo Es zqNy uo
zoy {@ u Es mTuo z EY| Nz z o
y Ny ENz n Nz Ym Ez E Nz m|
z u|o N z@>>
Eoy z E Qzz u oo T - <<oz
^z LN EY| Nz t Nyu\L@>>
yNwm Ny EN z Eoy , ytzuN \y Nz
T { N \@ ytzuN \y uout GZwu z
o E tsz z E zb oz sz@ FyuL Ez uZgz
GTz Eoy Nz {z Nz tzQ Eno L uN F Nz
\ NT N E{ m Nz ut y FN GzT N
No @ GNz F N Foz uo z GzT Noz
tzQ, zT z Tz uN Fz oz Eoy uzu {@
LN ut Gz tzQ uN { Ny \ym| zN
FNz z ^goz \ z @ Eo: G {z t EF|@ GNz
tz tzuN\y z y n Nz Ym mTuo N,
G {z Ny tTuo Nz uL s| Ny@ EY| \y Nz ET
o N z Nz Nm, Eoy {z Nz zq o E@
E oN eNTm F o z ETo z TL Tz uN
Eoy Nz uMo utz Nz z y n z Ez
y uzt Gz y T ut@ FyuL n z E
Eoy Nz bNgz N Eq uYN, Gz uO z
Nz uL Tz Nz uL zuo N, y tzuN \y Nz
T \ z N E{ Eo y\y Ny mTuo

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

z zq Nz o N N \{y y VbE Nz LN
NuN Vbz ut@ Fy N Gz uO uy@
Fy N z nT| ET zz z MoTm Ez
E Nz F Eoy Nz y LN Nz
oz @ Eo: Ez Y Ez Vb y VbE Nz n
Ny yL N GN Et Noz @
G o { uN \y LN F|y\y ECG Nz {@
LMb~z Nug|zT ET H yYz zoz L N zQ utQz
oz y N \yuo zz N oyN {@ ET zQ
z \ oz Nz woN Vzuo N ut \o {@ eyN
Fy N z \y Nz \y Qz Nz uL H yYz, bzjyzjy uTuo zy YuL@ u\y| z\o {@
nT| ET zz z MoTm Ez \y Nb
N gz Nz s Noz L zYoz uN n
y G Eoy Nz LN Nz GzT N
{, E{ Eo z uL NZ y zT! FyuL
n N LN <oTuo> g {@ \z tMo t:Qz Nz
y n Ny utyE N E y ^ N G y t
y yNoz , GNz tTuo to zz Nz Nm n@
n <oTuo:> z u {@
uuO Nz E mo uNo TuouzXoz
uYN u\ T \y Nz N
Noz L ET <oTuo:> N N \ uMo z NTz
oz z \y Ez \z z Q-tQ Nz z En u
Nz s z Ny uO E{ Eo NZ y zz N
u y E o zT@
EFL uO z \
<<H o T oz :>>

EJmy \oz z yV o @ @

P`=OK## qOz# "O =~H\ ^.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 19

uN LzuouN G << u\>>

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

u\ -


EtN : g} . L. T
14 y ty Nz VbE
Euo u\T Nz y TWtzy uuYo u\
N z Euo yzmTz \y N G N uty Et
uN @ uty o t u oTN N tuqm o Nz
ENm z NF| ut ut Eo-o z TF|@ yW y Y
y @ y Ws\y Nz Gn uo| Nz {uN z Yoz L 15
z tuqm o m N Eoo: Y Nzg Mo z YuTu
Nz \T zTL@ Gz oy {uN z TL@ LN Nzg Ws
\y Nz Yz z L@ 18 t y Ws Nz uo| Nz jj oz L
E{ t N tz N uN gz@ E{ t Gz jj
uNz Nz t yWs \y Nz YuTu \ Nz z uo
suo Noz @ uo yWs \y Nz GNz \ u
E \ Nz N Nz \ Noz @..... yWs\y Nz
yW z : uoue Nz Nz uz u\T Nz zq Tzlm Nz
zoz {@ YNuo| .... Tzlm EQ { o
Nz u\o N muN z@ t{ Nz lg \Ny Nuu
(Wy) Nz z Ez uNz z ty N Q {@ Gz Yz
N tun E{ t Nz \ Nm \o {@ tuqm
o Nz t{ o z O Nz zo Ez u z gz
{z uN, -Y Noz @ G z Nt Nz
\Ty [ u\ o N s@ uY N u@....
z Nt Nz , NYy u\y zN, N Ny z
\Ty |o Nz y \yo zo {@ \ z \o {@
\Ny uTy Nz uqo z g[ Yz N N
E{ t Nz \o {@ F y \Ny z ut
Qz uo Yo { ....@ { [ Nz Yz Nz Yo,
Nz Ey Nz Zzbz-Zzbz [ u\T Nz Ey tt tzz
Nz oo z TL@ G GNy owu nT sy - o
Nz uuto F|@ F Nm Ey Nz tzQ Ez Nz zYo
{@ E{ t tz Ez us uo { [ Y \oz @
G E{ t N T \z nT No { - z Gz tzQoz
@ F Nm Ey Nz N N z uz nT
\N {boz {@ onYo GNz tuqm-lg tz Nz \Ny
os t t sy L t Nz ENm Noz @
\Ny Ny q Nz n tz u g z yYz Ny Ez jNoz
yYz Nz Vz \T uT \oz @ z t{ \uo Ny LN \zgy z
uoz @ G \uo Nz uuY EY Nz z \Ny NZ
oN uooy {.... E ETz ujL@

E oN Ez j.... F Ny

\Ny Nz \z Nz Yo, g Ny T LN Ez
zz N n No {@ \Ny z uz z t
Eoy N Ny Q Ey TF| @ \Ny z o
Nz Nz Nm GN s@ oz s y,
E o y N No s@ zY u z T@
u\oy \ty Ey sy, Goy y \ty o N Ez^ z TF|@
<< Gz Yo s@ F Nm GN YY

T@ Gz oz ^ NzF| >> NN : zY
g T@ oy Gz LN F| ut@
Gz u GeN tzQ@ T Nz ETz Qgy utQF|
<<M o { \Ny?>>
<<ENz zz Nz uL \T u\N {? oz
yu\L>> Noy F| Ez Nz ETz N ut@
<< \Ny! zz z ET {@ Gz jN N
z \GT@>> NN Gz E u ^N u@
NZ t TF| - \z Nz uL
Gz u GeN tzQ@ TF| sy @ {z y Qgz z Gz
oNz Ty@
z Y| Gz tzQ@ tz Ny EQ Y F|@ NZ
Lz y N T@ oo z u u ^NN
yz z N - \Ny \y@ ENy oz \T u\N {
<< eyN {@>> NN yo Yy TF|@
GNz \oz y Ny gN oy F|@ LN E
Euo Nz z \{ E@
<<! oz EN Qgz z, zy u Nz uo
Zoz , zy Ez oz u\ jT z tzQ - ^z S N
ut@ oz Nz s Lz y uN@ ^z uz T@ Fy,
Nz m No E z \y uo NT@ uo
Ny t Ny E oyqo yy, LN t Nzy s|
NNz Ng Q, T oz \N Gz zoy to {@ Gy
N F Euo Nz Ez ut uqo QT@>>
F N Ez N-\To oz uNy
z GNy \ s g@ z b N tzQ@ t
s@ YuNo T@ Gz oo Gz Ez
<<z t! zz u! t sy z N{z Y T?
ozy No Nz z zY g T @>> z Y|
t z uo t Nz o@ GNz t - <<y
@ zz Tz sz@ z Vzgz g z T TL @>>
NN Gz o uN Gz LN uqo tz Ny m y
z N - <<t! E Ez \y Nz Q
qm N E N @>>
M {@ t Nz Nz
z Noz L z \z o F| G uo

P J<k PYi _ "O\_ `=.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 20

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

t { T@ Ey Qy y zoz
L - <<t! M { {? oz y Lzy y Euo Nz E
uN zT? \y Nz tzQ Lz y Eto Et N E
uN zT@ eyN N ?>>
<<! ty-u Nz z o Nz
Y YuL@ o Nz u Et t
No@ z y eyN Goo {@>>
<<o... o M N Yo {? M Nz
zS ?>>
<< u! z Gz , u z oy zt Nz
\ tzT@ z uoNwo uO T uy z bNo
{@ E \y y Ez u N \y y b No
{@ F Nm Lzz u Nz y ozg tz zT@>>
<<t! z z zT - Lz M zY {@>>
F t z N - << z o^z z y N s@
o Nz yY \ z yo zz Nz {Nz EuN
zoz @ F z N Nygz z uso zz Nz \ t bz
y F| {@>>
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E {? Gz uN@
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Nz ty Ez o zg@ Gz o@ Fy Nm y
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<<t! G o zY @ { LN E N z
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Qgz zTz@ szgy tz oN E N z NT[ Ny Ez
joz TL@ bby Ny Nz eyN NN, z \{z y
Ny \z Tz@ g z Gooz T| y s@
NF| zgz Ny sy@ Ny Nz t Nz Qoz t zoz tzQ E@ \Ny y Gz tzQz Nz n
{ \ Gz zt Qy F|@ oN z NT[ Nz {t
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Qyt @ ETz ut y {uN z y ez Nz N
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\{z \{z GN T uNb Ez T, tTz Gn
z Vzgz Nz t{gz Ty@


U } H~~+< ^~ 35 " =OkH a D U_k J^#OQ ~.60 H@ x^ : S"P~

~[=O^=~O, PQ 3 : U } H~~+< ^~ Q`
U_k 15 " =OkH aK~=x, DU_k 35 " =OkH
a K~x x~~OK=x H~~+< K~< S"P~ H$~=
"_OK~. ~[=O^=~O |^"~O P# qY~
="O =\_~. Q` U_k H~~+< ^~ ~.35
H@ q"# ^H =iO* =x, DU_k ~.65 H@ q"#
^H =iO*##@ `e~.
D U_k J^#OQ ~.60 H@ x^ # H \~OKeOkQ
`x H~`=<~. =K ~O_ ~.125 H@ KC#
[=K `O H\ Oz# q^OQ H~~+< ^~ }
OH=xH 500 H@ H\~Oz#@=`O^<~. }
uQ` K\ # ~ =K < 15 <\H ~=`O^x

q< =<~.
=lHa=$k QOQ ~= Q= ^HO HO^
HH<_ } H=x\ # x~OK=<~. |^" ~O
[QO@ =~ H=x\ # ~OaOK=<~.
~[=O^=~O _ 20 O@ qx HiOK_xH
u< =<~.
}x u=O`# q^~ HO Qf
q^ , ^ q^~ HO ~f q^^H O , \ sH
[~ J~ HO =t+, <}a=$k HO ^}K~,
B`H iq HO K}H, 50 U xO_# ^
} HO K~H P~Q c=, J<^ , =$^ #<
HO H P, J<^ JO`H HO Q~_ ^H#
J=K < =x q=iOK~.
(PO^q 4.8.2016)

= O_ [=O_= - H+_O_ MO_=.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 21

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK



Ja =~xH, JaxH =^ L# |O^O

Uq@h, Ja H` =`O `=H~= su
q=iOKh ~#Oz < K J~# =<~.
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JQ nxH, =~xH L# O|O^O QiOz D`~O "i
K =OkH `e^. ~ q## =xOz Ja
=~OHO> =O^ Ja H` =`x OHOQ
JO^K#. 191415 =Y O_`_ q^< K@i
#~OKi~ '"^O` nH J< QO^O qOz#
JO# g q=i#.
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}q`<#. J "\x O^~K_xH =O^
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=} Ji "^"_ W JO\_...
m Nwn Y{ z@ tz o ooz \tyzo@@

(QOQ#nf~O <~^=i#Oz *<x Ji L^O_#

|+ =eOz# =@` P# `# "xH NH~O
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`iOK HQ~. P## J~H QiOz g
`. q"i O~|O^O#Oz q=HHeyOz
"Hx kOz "ix q xkH K~Q =~O
gOk. q`"# ~`qx } H` QiOz
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<q ~}O, +~O, N~OQO, =$+ k, <~}k, J#O`
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Ok, JaO =O\ q` ~`, J~}, Q,
#^ QiOz "O W\H qx L<O. P `~"` g\
=`x =$+ =i H |+H K~. P#
~`xH, ~`_ H<_ K~. J\ Ja
=`O QiOz K KH Q qbHiOz<, WH|O^O K`
"= JO`Q ^ ` q#H K q+ = *H
=~Q# _~. F <~^ =s, Ja H`
=`x WC_ `H"# O@<O. = J*<x
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XHH~H"# qt+` LOk. g@xO\H J=Ou, ~H`,
Q, ^=^~=#O Ju +"#q. #~ #xO\h
H# KQ f~ Wq. u J=" <_ 30"

H@ }#^ Q H~. Hh Ja
#$O H`xH 3 [< _=Q, 3 [<
"_Q L# O`O Q, Ht, QHO> =O^~@
H=O`"#k. `$^=`# `$ ~K_xH Q "e.
P` k H O Q " e. = |O^ #O_
q=HO^_xH J=~"# `~H =O`O O^_xH HjH
"e. Hh W=h XH Ja ^~#O` k~. D
H`OJHi, ^~, K~=H ~O. D H`O
J_Q\# uXH~ Du^#O_ q=H Ok#
=# #=`~. Hj "~ Q, Q 20
Q, Q =O^ LO> aOK }OJaO
XH ~A LO> a O k. JaO PH e ` L#
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f~ _ O `
= #O.
H ` O x
Q~_k#$OqH K u`"#k. WH_ P#
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px =z# OO H O=`~ `~"` F ~`O
=i~Ok. LQ ~ O ` L# #$ O _ x
OuOK_xH ^=` ~HO#Oz QOQ# fHz
Ja +H O K ~ . J^ = <tx. WO^ #O K
H #t~. WH_ "# ^=^=x =O
`e#"~=_O` =#, ^=` WH_ LO_ ~x
|O_ ~}O K`#k. D Ja H` =#
~~}O, ^~}O, q+~}O, =~`O
qOQ HxOk. WH_ "`O 9 H" L<~.
[-Ez u -z -N z g -N-T| :@
z T t-Zb--u o | :@@

(*Ja=H~} ~=
Q#O^K`=\=<#=#~O=~ I)
`~`~Q ==n ~A ^_HO _ D
H`x ==x`# |+, ~A, kOQ
H_<~. ` ~^ Q[u F@q` HHf
<#O`~O P# <# i~~, |H~
J \ H J}Q ^ H |_ L # O^ = = *x
#~^iOK_OHO q[#Q~ =*x <He q^j
=+ ~ ^_ H Q ~ = ` # ^ " ~ H }
HeOK_O`@ O^= _ ~""x O`iOz
\~. `` |H~ `~` ^=~HO
q[#Q~ =[O qiOzOk. W\ `OQ}, PO^,
=~+, H~@H, `q<_x O` ^x
ik LO_q.
(=iO` Ja H` =` =K~O =K OzH...)

D ~A KeOk ~ K^=#H=@O `C.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 22

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

#" #" ~"~ ^tH

==$HO e#C_ kQOu `^. WO`HO

h_xz# ~` =` J<}` ~# #k
iOz# =@=$HO J<H U J#O`~O J `
qOuH LHqOz#O^ Pf [<=oH M^O HQ_O
[O. N= #$Oq H\H `, "K u, L

"^O` x`, L`= J^, J`#` PK~,
^, "^O` ^t qt^ ` u^H J=
~K# qt+ q^` "M# `Q ~H HxH, H[#
O KxH =iOz# H~OK\ "OH@ ~ "K~ WH~ x
K_xH =# JOwHiOK_O^. 2016 PQ 5 ~u
^~^ WH ` KeOz PK~u~=_
Ki#\H NH=^O K~_xH "~ [i# zO`#, `
eOz#\H ~"K~ P^uH "V OKO
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=#`" # k, `" # k qt^ ` =H Q = ^=#A
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`OQ} `"` JQQ} ~"K~.
<~}~O 87 U HO^@ 1929 [#=i 22= `n (q=,
+ H ^^t 1# [xOK~. "i `e^O_ u~=
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~=}K~ `O_ g~ Jx J#_O HO> =h_
~"K~ =~_ ~=}K~ Jx J#_O Bz`O
LO@Ok. O $`O, `Q ZO.U. _w Ok cZ_
_w _ Ok# ~ "K~ "^@ J^H= $uH JOH`" ,
JOM# q^~ `Q + x, B#`x
`e* P =$u ^g q~=} K~. `O_ =^ `q
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|.N *Q "OH# ~ + O $` `x
~ "K~ J^ #O K~. ... Q = ^=#A J#O`~O
P# ^i #_z#, ~=#A ^~<x =#
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"^O` ^t u~= "OH>~q O\=`~OQ
k O^~, JYO_ "^H` , L
"^O` *# "^ +O`,
`~ g=O OH+ g}O`, "^O` ^t
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~zOz N "+= qt^ ` `` *<x O_`, =~
kOK~. N~OQ ^"O `~+ =@_ #Oz q=HO
H=_O, L`==ix #u+O K_O , PO J~<k

H~ H = # H = |^ O K _ O ^ t `
z~~}"#k. ~=#[ ^~#O J#O`~ HO ^tH
^~#OQ Q~=O OkOk.
.... ~"K~ `= 84= U@ "^O`^t
^" ^ = H"xH (Ho^ H$` ~ =O H=O
su) kh "Y# (^= QO) ~zOK~. 24 ~
=H=O (2830 H) ^" ^ O, ~ "K~
<Q ~ "Y ~ ^= Qx K iOKQe Q~. qye#
20 ~ # i K H=O^ ~ "K~ ~= kOK~.
"^O` ^t '^H u =~ = QO^O . D
QO^xH ~ "K~ ~zOz# `Q "Y XH |$`~O.
Jk S^ O\ L^O ^O . ^" ^ kh "Y
~K# # ~ "K~ <Q HO^@ ~OaOK_xH =O^
"qOu, ^ `H O , =~^~ } OK`, JK` `H O `Q
"Y kOK~. q^~}q =He_# "^O` ^t
q^#Q~ KH=i <<x `$}Hi Oz "~ Q OKH H#
~zOz# =` , `kH QO^ ~zOz# "^O` ^t
^" ^ O, OH ~^ O, +` hu, ^H
O, O O^O OKH"Q O^~.
^" ^ H"x H=~` OQ iQ} < ~. "^O`
^t `Q ~H HO $^ O q`#O HeOz
~ "K~ ^# < ~. P~ k= |O^~#
O"^~OQ =}HiOK~. O_` ~` "Ku
~ "K~ `Q + $+O z# P^uH H= O KO
H=h"# k 30H qOz# P=~ H= ~`< ^H , =<[
"Y` "i dx #Oz "=_~. = H= " = O
"^Hx ^" ^ =H=" =~ Jh J=$` O_.
`Q +# O#O HqOz# J=$` x^ eq. N<~}
`H O (~ g "Y) N ~H} H}O ("+ g "Y) =^ ~
=< ~ "Y =O JO^ H` |Q #
O`iO* < ~. "M# ~K< ^ s} ~ "K~.
~H} H} "+g "Y 'HQ} q<^O KO_
}q x HO i`O z#, xsHO z# ~H} =<~ ^$O
=~=xk. "^O` ^t ^qHx+`` ~ ~`=oH }oH
"Y, ^" ^ xH kh "Y, Jahu " xH Or=h
"Y =~^~ [ OKf ~ OH "Y. u~[ u H
KOkH "Y, N ~~ @ ~ "i NQ}~` HxH *u+f
"Y, Q^u H i= "Y, N <~} `H xH ~ g
"Y, N ^~ <+H xH * "Y, N ~H} H}xH
"+ g "Y. HO`K` HH nH "Y Nu H ~}~
"Y. ^ `H xH J=$`kh "Y, < qOuH
"Y < ^H xH |^~ O [h "Y ~ "K~ |=Y
"^ xH fH. = xH ^ # > =## ~OlO* ,
q*# *`# "eyOK "# "Y ~=
~ "K~ W" JH~ ^O[e.
(#= `OQ}, =Hi : N ^=e H~~=)

x# K _"_ - h "#H x# ^+_.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 23
NEWS AP told to respond to 'Protect temples plea'
The Supreme Court on Monday sought the
response of the state government on an application
filed by Association of Founders of Hindu Religious and
Charitable Institutions of AP seeking protection of temples.
A Bench of Justices Kurian Joseph and Rohinton
Nariman also issued notice on similar applications
filed by Ahobila Math and BJP MP Subramanian Swami
as well as on an application from Dayanand Saraswathi
for a direction that the temples in the two States and
Union Territory of Puducherry be audited.
In the application Dayanand Saraswati alleged
that the funds from temples are being misused by
the TN Hindu and charitable Endowments department
and there are several lapses. The rent collected from
temple properties are diverted and used for other
purposes and temples are not being properly
maintained. Only a proper audit will ensure
accountability, it said.
AFHRCI president S.V. Sudhakar Rao submitted
that unfortunately, the state views temple trust boards
as nothing but a place for political rehabilitation for
members of the party in power. It said over the years,
various state governments have virtually nationalised
Hindu religious establishments.
Through a number of enactments, the properties,
management and administration of the temples have
been completely taken over by the government. This
persistent process of nationalisation as resulted in
the destruction and mismanagement of many religious
institutions. The present application seeks to voice
the concerns of the founders of temples in relation
to the constitutionality of the various enactments that
have been challenged in the present proceedings.
The petition filed in 2012 said there was no
rationale or justice for the government to discriminate
and arbitrarily fetter and restrict the temples' internal
autonomy in management and administration, which
cannot be dubbed as secular in character, more so
when there is no aid or contribution or grant from
the Government.
They pointed out that the constitutional mandate
of "hands-off" from the religious institutions was totally
breached so far as the Hindu Temples and Charitable
Institutions were concerned. If the government can
wield its power to appoint or remove the trustees and
compel them to obey all orders of the government
or its servants on pain of prosecution and dismissal,
and in devious ways can remove the trustees and
replace them, they said.
(J. Venkatesan,DC New Delhi Aug. 8, 2016)
TTD owes Rs 1,000 cr to T temples
The lackadaisical attitude of the Telangana State
government in collecting its legitimate share of revenue
from Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) to the tune
of Rs 1,000 crores has virtually stalled many programs
that it had initiated, said MV Soundar Rajan, Convener,
Temple Protection Movement. Under Act 30/87,
Hundreds of crores are due from TTD to Telangana
Temples but Telangana government was in no mood
to collect it, he said. He added that just as the recent
judgment of the Supreme Court in AP State Council
of Higher Education, where in it directed that the pool

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
of funds belonged to both AP and Telangana in the
ratio of 58:42, temple revenue was also subjected
to the same sharing ratio.
He said that recently an RTI activist filed a petition
on TTDs dues to Endowment Administration Fund
(EAF) and Common Good Fund (CGF).The entire file
pertaining to letter correspondence between
Commissioner of Endowments and the Executive
Officer, TTD clearly shows that TTD has been
conveniently ignoring the same.
In March 2014, a letter written by Muktheswhar Rao,
then Commissioner to the government elucidating
the statutory provisions and the need for settling the
dues at the earliest. The letter reads as In Memo
No. 2186/En dt.1(2)/2013, B. Venkateswara Rao,
Secretary to Government issued orders Government
after careful examination of the matter and keeping
in view the decision taken in the Common Good Fund
(CGF) meeting held on 29-11-2013 hereby request
the Executive Officer, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam
(TTD) to pay an amount of Rs 25 crores towards CGF
and Endowment Administration Fund (EAF) pending
examination to take a decision for amendment to the
Endowment Act 30/87.
But the reply was a shocker of life. In pursuance of
the orders of the Executive Officer, TTD, sanction is
hereby accorded for an amount of Rs 1,25,00,000
towards the payment of CGF for the financial year
2015-16 and for Rs 50,00,000 towards the EAF for
the financial year 2015-16.
MV Soundar Rajan said that the government did not
respond pro actively which resulted in revenue loss.
He said that for reasons best known to the administration
in the government, they did not respond with the force
that was required in collecting our legitimate share.
It may be mentioned here that the Telangana State
government has adapted existing laws in the residuary
state of Andhra Pradesh. Telangana State had to adapt
as many as 600 Acts of Hyderabad for regular
functioning of the administration. The contentious Act
30/87 was adapted omitting sections 95 to 131 Under
Chapter IV related to TTD.
Soundar Rajan highlighted the importance of taking
quick action by the Telangana government to claim
its legitimate share from TTD which would go a long
a way to address the welfare issues of Archakas and
the revival of Temple System in general.
The quantum of contribution to be paid by Tirumala
Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) under section 65(2) of
the APC &HRI&E Act, 1987 has been a contentious
issue between TTD and Endowments Department.
Section 65(2) of the Act reads as follows: in respect
of the services rendered by the Government and their
employees, the TTD,shall be liable to pay to the
Government annually from the income derived by it ,
a contribution of seven per centum of such annual
income or rupees fifty lakhs in lum sum whichever
is higher. Section 65(5) (b) specifies certain deductions
from the proceeds (annual income). However the total
deductions in respect of the expenditure incurred for
the specified purposes connected with the direct
cultivation of lands held by the charitable or religious
institution or endowment shall not exceed ten per
centum of the income from such lands.

L =x+ Z=~, TH=@ Z=~ H +==`Ok.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 24
Donation as per the dictionary meaning is a gift given
by physical or legal person, typically for charitable
purposes and or to benefit a cause. It may be in various
forms, including cash or kind. Donations are given by
donors. Donations given to specified institutions are
also exempt from Income Tax. Donor means a person,
who contributes something (cash or kind) to a cause
of fund. TTD receives donations for various Schemes and
Trusts such as SVIMS, Sreenivasam Complex Donation
Scheme, Sri Venkateswara Pranadana Trust, and Sri
Venkateshwara Gosamrakshana Trust etc. TTD advertises
that donations to the Trusts and Schemes by Donors are
exempt from Income Tax.
(Metro India 19.8.2016)

^iH i+` U~@ "Y~O\?

^~^, PQ 8 : ^" i# O|OkOz#
^iH i+` U~@, K@Ox W`~ JO# J=K
q+O ~R `O "Yi `eKO@ OH~
="~O <\ *s KOk. HO@~ ^Y KO^
~R `xH <Q "~ Q_= WK~. ^" #
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~ u q ^Y K# \ + < U J~H =Y, `OQ}
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K# WO@s< \ +## OH~ ="~O qK~}
HiOzOk. 33/2007 K@O J= K JOO ` "Yi
Uq\ <Q "~ =^#O KO@ ~R `xH
<\ *s K~. D H ^#OQ ^iH i+` U~@,
33/2007 ZO_"O\ K@O J= ^# JOQ L<~.
33/2007 K@O H~O P x~} ^`, i#
^` ^iHi+` K\e LO@Ok. ~RO q_~ ~O_
O=`~ Q_z <, W@ `OQ} `O Hh, J@ PO^ ^
`O Hh '^iH i+`# U~@ K^. ^iH i+`
U~_` ZO_"O\ Y JkH~ LO_=# L^O`
HO`=Ok H` K@O J= HO_ u =<~. P
=O = 30/1987 ^"^ K\#@H 2007 =~}
(33/2007) K<, e`O ~^. qq^ H~} = 33/2007

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

iQ J=H ~^.
33/2007 K@O J=H = ^" i# iQ
^iH i+` ikH =O k. J~ "`< , P |Ok
"`< ~Q`~. =O~O~ q^#O J~ J=HO
aOk. Jc+O "~ P # H#Q`Ok.
D <^O ` "Yi Uq\ ~R `O HO@~ \ +<
"< "_=`Ok.
Qu< O J~H =Y : ^" K@O J= OH~
`xH <\ *s K_x Qu<=x U J~H
=Y ^ # H~^i U. P` | P~< l OQ H@s kO\
~O| ~<~.
(PO^q 8.8.2016)
QO_@ K~= 'Ow` =i} - =~ HO [
x~Oz# J~
"~<^ : QO_@ Q~f ~O Ow`O` =~"yOk. ~RO
=$kQ =~ ~"x, =~}_ H~ }Oz [ H f~x
H~` z~ r ^" J~ [ x~OK~.
~OQ~_ l "~<^ =O_ ikx z~ r
^" gO Q QO_@ K~ = Ow` =i} H~H=x
x~OK~. ZZ =lH JH_g P^ ~O "Q
rg H~, 25 =Ok HH~ D H~H=O <~.
^= [~ D H~H=xH =Y JukQ [~ ~. u O=`~O
QO_@ K~= h LO_@O` =~} [O K"~. D
O=`~O K~ = iQ ZO_=_O` D H~H=xH NH~O
K\~ . " ~O[x, J=$=i}, J~} , ^"=$`=i} H~#
POK~. Ow` HH~# z<~ POz# ^ =~,
^xk J< H~# JO^ih PH@<~. Ow` H~#
P # O` JH_# H ~=O =xy~.
*H=O HO Ow`O ^~ =~}_x "_<O^ D
H~H=x U~@K=x J~ ~OQ~[< `e~. PO
q"iH [ K# J#O`~O ^"O #Oz Hx fH o
QO_@ K~ = [ K~. H~H=O J~, Ow`
HH~, L<~. ~ O_ QO@@ D H~H= O H#yOk.
(PO^*u 23.8.2016)


Hyderabad : The Temple Protection Movement has urged the Telangana government to recover about Rs.1,000
crore arrears due to religious charitable endowments in the State from Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam.
TPM Convenor M.V.Soundarajan in a press statement said that several letters had been written by the
Commissioners of Endowments to the TTD EO over the last several years for recovery of the TTDs dues
to the Endowments Administration Fund and the Common Good Fund.
A petition was filed by a RTI activist brought to light that the file pertaining to the correspondence between
the Commissioner of Endowments and the TTD, EO. However, TTD has been ignoring these letters said
Dr. Soundarrajan.
(Andhra, Thursday, August 18, 2016)


Salakshana Ghanapati, R. Venkatraman who founded the Sri Sankara Gurukula Veda Patasala, a Gurukulam
for Vedic Education has been honoured with the Presidential Award for Certificate of Honour for his services
in propagating the Vedas and Sanskrit. Started in Chandragiri Colony of Safilguda here with just three
students, the Veda Patasala has now grown to a strength of 136 students at various levels. About 120
have already passed out qualified and are well settled across the country. His objective is to promote and
safeguard the ancient and traditional heritage of imparting/recitation of Veda Vidya (Vedic education). Mr.
Venkatraman strives to ensure better prospects for students passing out, stabilise the financial strength
to maintain the institution.
(The Hindu 18-8-2016)

z` k` K # `e`# W~.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 25

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK


~= |OQ~O ^O - ="# P~} c~" H~ `HO

It is so surprising. The jewellery which include the
^KO, PQ 27 : Y=O l ^K N`~=KO^q
Mangala Sutram of Goddess Sita and the Locket in the
^=#O x`H}=~ qxyOK ~O_ |OQ~
neck of Lakshmana Swamy, which were found missing
for the past 10 days resurfaced in an almirah in
Q D < 19# ="#@ QiOK~. nx JC_
Bhadrachalam temple, like a magicians show. An
^=#O DF `i ~"| xH b+< ~^
investigation could find out the real culprits and how
K~. D" ~^ "~ W^~ ^<~, W^~
they were resurfaced in the same almirah.
It may be recalled that there is a lot of ruckus that the
L^ <~, XH qO` J~_ b H #"^
jewellery was found missing. The Pavithrotsavams of
K ^~ ~OaOK~. J~` `qk ~A@ J<H
Lord Rama were held from August 13 to 18. After that
= uiy# D q"^xH x"~O `~_Ok. q"i
the Nitya Kalyanams were started.
During that time, there was an inspection of jewellery
P~} ^~zU c~"< =~ H~ Jq L#@Q
and the officials noticed that the Mangala Sutram and
QiOK~. nO` DF ~"| x"~O O`O `#
Locket were missing from the list of jewellery. The
KO|~ qH~ ="O U~@K ="# P~}
officials have searched the entire temple as they were
under the custody of temple archakas. The officials who
KOK~. S } Nx", Z H~ }H~ OK<=
woke up after a long delay suspended five archakas
x~OK~. ="# |OQ~ QQ< "\x x~iOK~.
besides lodging a complaint with the police.
"O@< "\H Ou[ x~OK~. DF ~"|
However, when the officials were searching the safe at
around 3.30 pm, the jewellery was found in an almirah.
=\_` Wk J~ xQ< q<=<~. W\H
A section of archakas expressed their ire over the officials
HO^iH <\ WK=h, "i `~< M~"# Hi#
as to why cant they search the iron safes properly during
K ~ f O\=x " _ O K~ . O |Ok ` =Ou
the past 10 days. Responding to this, EO Rameshbabu
says that he would suspend those who were
WO^H~ } ~ _` @ ZO_"O\ Hg+#~ P~ } ^iH#
responsible for the lapse and transfer the negligent staff.
q+x q=iOK#x `e~. (PO^q 28.8.16)
(, August 28, 2016)

~^+O =_xH | t z um z o

Q~_ H=K `= - Tg NY oz
JN Q~_ H=K ` =# <~^
|+ "#` ^=` J#+K#I
== Q~_ ^ ^~ [ qxQ
t~ " Q~_ ` @O
q#` ` I
<` ` ~ ` H~` ~i` II
2. <HO ` ~i =^#O q+"# I
~ `#[ HO~O *` =| II
3. YQ~ ` H~Q `~}H$f I
#M< #M^ ` HH =H^ II
4. < "` qQ $^O `~^ I
<aO ` =`* H\ O ` ^~ II
5. T~` =g~ *#h KO_qH= I
[O ^}^ ` Q q+~^ ^ II
6. ~ ` " ^ `~ ^OQb`^ I
~=x " g~ `KO ` II
7. W`=O k=H=KO O ~H=^O I
~` `~` q++O }u II
8. u#O ~x`O |#<` =K` #~ I
^^O ~^ =K` ` |#<` II
9. UH"~O ~^ =K` ~He+ I
=[ O[~ <"^O H=KO |# "K#O II

E y Tg NY oz t J u: {ozz tzo@
Eb Zt:@ Tg t usz| \z uuzT: @
1. uz z Tg: o b uo o: @
zzo | o Nm{| o uY|o: @@
2. uN o |u: t um :@
|o\: Nle \{ o : @@
3. o{ QTz: o NTz nmNwoy @
Q Q: o Nq{ uO t: @@
4. o{ z o uT: t o |t @
u o oz\: Nub o : @@
5. Ho yz \y YlguN: @
\Vz tlg: o T{ ums: t @@
6. m|: o z t{ o|: tWy ot@
zNu z y: nY o : @@
Fnz utNY U |Nt @
: ezo ons uz muo @@
8. u : ezun o Xoz : @
t ezo Xoz o @@
9. LN ezo Xoz |uNu{: @
\\ zt NY zY @@

=*xH LQ_@@ h rq`x =KH.

September '16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 26


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK


Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 143

z~ r J#Q O 143

Lost file miraculously traced

HxOKx aOzOk!!!

I work in a Central Government office.

I misplaced a file which was a very valuable
one. I came to Chilkur with tears in my eyes.
The Archaka made me chant
Karthveerya... sloka. I told him that a few of
my colleagues were plotting against me.
I chanted the sloka 108 times and
miraculously, the file was traced in my
colleagues locker. I accepted his apology for
taking the file by mistake. This is purely Balaji

< # XH H O^ ` H~ O
xK#. = H~O XH HxOK^.
< K ^ HeyOk.
z~ =K#. *iQ~ 'H~g~~#
HO iOK=<~.... < =u~HOQ P
HO`=Ok <QO J<#. <# 108 ~ HO
iOK#. < ^y H~ `H"Ok.
`# `C K#x XC<~. Wk r ==....
XH _.

A Devotee.

Chant 28 times

No| y| \ | z \ @ o mz m To b Y oz @ @

H~g~~< <= ~* "< I ` ~} =`} Q`O #+O K ` II

Karthaveeryarjuno nama Raaja Baahu Sahasravaan |
Thasya Smarana Maathrena Gatham Nashtam cha Labhyathe||
Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.

`~# =, == uiy aOK@ D Hx H` iOKO_.

Nz N N Nuz @
: Nu N Y@@
H"~ H= H= Hq< I
#= H=q~ H=~^~ K II
Kaameshwaraya Kaamaya Kaamapalaya Kamine
Namaha Kaamavihaaraya Kaamarupa dharaayacha
Marriages get finalised by Chanting this Sloka. Also
this sloka bestows intimacy, mutual affection and
trust between couples.

q" , ~ ~ #_= u, SH=`xH

D Hx iOKO_.

Chant 28 times

= o [iy# Hx << P#` q_ fH"x

x~~ Oz# =O Hx z~ q#_O [iyOk.

~E i< L<#. P~H~"# su = =^

J=Q# iy K J<#OQ LO@<=.
XH ~, =OQyi
= J=~H 38 U. Z< O|O^ =z< o
^~^. J~` D HO K# Hx ~A =Oz
=~_` o kiOk.
XH ~,

All slokas Chant 108 times

FO <~O =+ #= FO H`* #=
G u z :

G qz r :

In moments of distress and despair For aspirants of Plots and own residence.

P^ L#C_ iOKO_.

FO *uO` #=
G [z u o oz :
For good eye - sight.

O`OQ @, WO_ H<## "iH. +"# K H~.

=[O O\ s~xH....... j y Nz uL

Chant 28 times

FO #" <~O =[^O =l}I =[^ =* #" =[ #MKII

H z u \ t b~ u\~ m z @ \~ t z \~ z \~ Q Y @@
H@O HxOKO_ OKiOK ^O =O\k.


Date of Posting 6th & 7th


Registered as a News Paper

Vol.17 VAK / SEPTEMBER / 2016

Date of Publication 1st of every month

RNI. No. AP/BIL/2000/2474

Postal Registration No. HSE/738/2015-17 No.9

o: yWwyYmmzQ: @
\uo mtW\zm: @@

Victory to all the great saints who lift on their

heads the divine Padukas of Sri Ranganatha, the
divine sandals which protect the world.
(Source : Paduka Sahasram)

O` N~OQ$n K~}`}Y~ I
[Ou =#`} ^OH[ ~}= II

N~OQ<^x ^H# t~# ^iOz#"~, H#

H_ ^^ ~QO Hey# ~"HO`
[= [=. (H~} : ^HO)

z~ r ^"xH xk.... ''_~b * O_^~ =~O_.

D O_H kQ= zOK|_# O KeO HiOK|_#.
1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) (\ OH P ^~^, "~<^ Y,
~OQ~_ l) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad situated in any part of the Country.
2) SB A/c No. 091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Andhra
Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch PO^ OH, ^=OQ~O ("~<^ Y)) (R.R. Dist.) from any
branch of Andhra Bank situated in any part of the World. OKOx U O`O #O_< [= K=K.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara Bank,
113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H#~ OH, 113, "~< ~_, =`#Q~, "~<^
=O_, ~OQ~_ l, from any branch of Canara Bank situated in any part of India. (=#^O x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with UCO
Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H OH, z~ Oz, "~<^ =O_, ~OQ~_ l,
from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India. (=#^O
x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)

~.100/- Hh KeO Q D xkH [= K =K.

D ` xkx =~_xH O^ih HiOK=#kQ i<=. J HiOz H=~x OOkOK
qH}"# z~ * q^<x PKO^~O xeK `__#O^ P r H$ `=`~.
The Fund donations can be remitted in the Following Banks with the following Particulars:1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad
situated in any part of the Country. IFSC Code 'SBHY0020637'.
2) SB A/c No.091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained
with Andhra Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch) (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of Andhra
Bank situated in any part of the World. IFSC Code 'ANDB0000911'.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara
Bank, 113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of Canara Bank situated in
India. IFSC Code 'CNRB0003063'.
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
UCO Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India.
IFSC Code 'UCBA0002473'.
Devotees can remit their contributions with a minimum of Rs.100/- to this Fund.
The Devotees who contribute to this Fund will have the blessings of the Lord Balaji for participating
in the continuation of this unique way of worship which inculcates Pure Devotion in the Temple system..
Andhra Bank Ph : 08417-252064, SBH Ph. : 08417-252071, Canara Bank : 08413-235088, UCO Bank Ph.: 08417-200023
Annual Subscription Rs.60/-. Life Membership Rs.1000/-.
All business communications and payments may
be addressed to The Manager VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, D.D.
Colony, Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad-500 013. Ph :
27425640. Only local cheques and DDs drawn in favour
of VAK will be accepted. Subscriptions can be sent
through money orders also. Give your correct address.


Owned, Edited, Printed and Published by : Dr. M.V. Soundara

Rajan, Advocate, 2-2-647/77/D, Andhra Bank Lane, Be-

side Karur Vysya Bank ATM, D.D. Colony, Bagh Amberpet,

Hyderabad-500 013; Website :

Phone : 27425640 Cell : 9246505058

Printed at : M/s. Vakdevi
N a l l a k u n t a , H y d -4 4 .



If undelivered please return to : VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, Hyderabad-500 013.


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