Foster 2004
Foster 2004
Foster 2004
A total of 15,381 patient samples including nail
clippings, subungual debris, hair, and skin scrapings
were collected at the Center for Medical Mycology in
Fig 1. Incidence of cutaneous fungal species from 1999 to 2002. Values represent the
incidence of the 5 most common species isolated from finger onychomycosis (A), toe onychomycosis (B), tinea capitis (C), tinea corporis and tinea cruris (D), tinea manuum (E), and tinea
pedis (F). Tabular presentation of complete data sets for each body site is available online at
Cleveland, Ohio, from January 4, 1999, through September 4, 2002. Specimens were obtained from clinically suspected fungal infections of various body
sites including fingernail, toenail, body and groin,
head and scalp, face, hand, and foot by US podiatrists, dermatologists, and primary care physicians.
In all, 11 states were represented in the study: Alabama, California, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee,
and Texas. Specimens were submitted in a DermaPak (Microbiological Supply Co, Toddington, United
Kingdom) on Mycosel agar (BBL, Cockeysville, Md)
or on dermatophyte testing agar, as described.5 Primary isolation medium included Mycosel agar and
potato dextrose agar supplemented with chloramphenicol and gentamycin, as described.6 Cultures
were incubated at 30C for up to 28 days and
checked twice weekly for growth. Negative cultures
were confirmed after 4 weeks of no growth. Identi-
From fingernail debris, 674 isolates were obtained. The incidence of nondermatophyte molds
decreased 5-fold from 1999 to 2002, yet the incidence of Candida species remained relatively constant, ranging from 70.3% to 75.8%. C albicans was
the predominant isolate, accounting for 47.9% to
54% of positive cultures (Fig 1, A). The incidence of
dermatophytes increased nearly 2-fold during the
study period, fueled by upward trends in the incidence of T rubrum. T rubrum was also the predominant dermatophyte, accounting for 90% of all fingernail-derived dermatophyte isolates in each of the
4 years analyzed.
From infected toenail debris, 3698 isolates were
obtained. The fungal isolates were diverse and included 29 species of nondermatophyte molds, 8
species of Candida, and 6 species of dermatophytes. As with finger onychomycosis, the incidence
of nondermatophyte molds decreased during the
study period, with a pronounced decline in the incidence of Fusarium species. In contrast to finger
onychomycosis, incidence of Candida species was
low, ranging from only 3.5% to 6.7%. Incidence of
dermatophytes ranged from 72.4% to 88.2% and
trended upward during the study period secondary
to increases in the incidence of T rubrum, the predominant dermatophyte (Fig 1, B). Analysis of combined (fingernail- and toenail-derived) data identified T rubrum as the predominant causative agent of
onychomycosis, with incidence ranging from 55.2%
in 1999 and increasing steadily to 72.8% in 2002.
Conversely, analysis of combined nail data showed
that Candida species accounted for a much smaller
fraction of onychomycosis, and a steady decline in
incidence from 18.9% in 1999 to 11.3% in 2002 was
From hair- and scalp-derived tissues, 775 isolates
were obtained. Nondermatophyte molds and Candida species were isolated in low abundance from
hair and scalp tissues, accounting for 5.4% and
1.6% of isolates, respectively. Dermatophytes
comprised the majority of isolates, with incidence
ranging from 94.6% to 99.7%. T tonsurans remains
the most commonly isolated pathogen, with incidence reaching 95.8% in 2002 (Fig 1, C). As with
tinea capitis, the predominant isolate from face-derived tissues was T tonsurans, with incidence ranging from 50% to 100% during the study period.
From body- and groin-derived tissues, 130 fungal
isolates were obtained. The incidence of nondermatophytes was low, ranging from 0% to 4%. The
incidence of Candida species was higher, but with
somewhat more erratic fluctuations from year to
year, ranging from 0% in 2001 to 23.5% in 2002.
Dermatophytes had the highest incidence throughout the study ranging from 76.5% to 96%. Although
several species of dermatophytes were isolated, the
MAY 2004
predominant pathogens were T rubrum and T tonsurans (Fig 1, D). The incidence of T rubrum increased during the study period, comprising 32% of
isolates in 1999 and increasing to 47% in 2002. Conversely, T tonsurans accounted for 30.1% and only
17.7% of isolates in 1999 and 2002, respectively.
A total of 40 isolates were obtained from the
hand. An abrupt decrease in the incidence of nondermatophyte molds from 21.4% in 1999 to 0%
thereafter was observed. The incidence of Candida
species was variable, ranging from 6.7% to 33.3%
during the study period. Dermatophyte incidence
trended upward, from 64.4% in 1999 to 80% in 2002,
secondary to increases in the incidence of T rubrum,
the most common isolate (Fig 1, E).
From foot-derived tissues, 189 fungal isolates
were obtained. Both nondermatophytes and Candida species had relatively low incidence, whereas
dermatophytes accounted for 86.2% to 100% of isolates. T rubrum was the most common isolate, and
the incidence of this species increased steadily during the study period (Fig 1, F).
Analysis of finger and toe onychomycosis in this
study showed an inverse relationship between T
rubrum and Candida species. In finger onychomycosis, Candida species have high incidence and T
rubrum has relatively low incidence. In toe onychomycosis, the opposite is true. The high incidence of
Candida species in finger onychomycosis has been
noted previously, albeit not to the degree present in
this study. Work conducted in The Netherlands confirmed analogous roles for T rubrum and Candida
species in onychomycosis, with C albicans accounting for 58.5% and 6.4% of finger and toe onychomycosis, respectively.8 Similarly, in the United Kingdom, T rubrum and Candida species accounted for
39% and 58% of fingernail- and 80% and 1% of
toenail-derived isolates, respectively.9 In Canada,
the organisms causing toe onychomycosis were
90.5% dermatophyte and 1.7% Candida species,
whereas the corresponding organisms causing finger onychomycosis were 70.8% and 29.2%, respectively.10 The incidence of Candida species in finger
onychomycosis in the current study ranged from
70.3% to 75.8%, somewhat higher than that noted by
other groups. Although these observations are intriguing, the data are difficult to interpret for a number of reasons, including the lack of clinical correlation and microscopic observation and the
possibility that the high incidence of Candida observed in this study represents only secondary infection.11 Furthermore, recent studies have demonstrated that Candida species, particularly C
MAY 2004
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11. Daniel CR III, Elewski BE. Candida as a nail pathogen in healthy
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