(404 411) V9N7CT
(404 411) V9N7CT
(404 411) V9N7CT
ISSN: 0974-4290,
Vol.9, No.07 pp 404-411,
Snakehead fish (C. gachua) is one of the fish that are naturally available and abundant in nature, living
in the rivers and dams. This fish is categorized wild fish usually caught from the waters of rivers and swamps 1.
This fish is from the family Channidae, and for gachua type has the smallest size of all types of snakeheads,
and it has a complete lateral line scales almost a straight line from the top corner until mid overculum i-shaped
tail fins and scales stenoid.
In Indonesia, snakehead fish spread in almost all regions, namely Java, Sumatra, Bangka, Singkep,
Madura, Bali, Lombok, Flores, Ambon and Halmahera 2. The snakehead fish species is also able to live at an
altitude of 0-700 masl3. The snakehead fish (C. gachua) can live in a variety of ecosystems and nocturnal.
These fish live in an area flooded with water with a depth of less than 20 cm and stagnant waters with low
oxygen, turbid and muddy waters4.
The snakehead fish is consumed ranging in size from small to large size, and can be consumed both in
the form of fresh fish and already marinated 5. The snakehead fish extract contains of albumin which is able to
regenerate damaged cells; as a producer of Albumin, the snakehead fish has high nutritional value and can be
used as an alternative to get cheaper albumin6.
In order to fulfill the demand of snakehead fish (C. gachua), it is usually relies on natural catchment in
nature, and it is necessary to maintain its sustainability through fish farming 7 to protect the resource from
extinction8. Thus, it requires further information and study on the existing level of stress on the fish being
cultivated on the farming sector. The review includes the cortisol hormone, blood sugar and blood picture
(leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit and differential leukocyte), so that through the process of
adaptation to the particular time, we understand the condition of the fish which is ready to be cultivated and
may grow and develop at the optimal rate as its natural habitat.
Experimental Design
Initial research was conducted through experiment method with four treatments and three repetitions.
Data obtained from the research results were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) in
accordance with the design used namely complete randomized design (CRD). The treatments used in this initial
study were the addition of the substrate on maintenance media of sand, pieces of PVC pipe, gravel and loster
(bricks with holes made of concrete).
Research Procedures
Snakehead fish (C. gachua) from the natural catchment coming from the sources of sand and Dampit in
Malang were measured for the length and severity and then acclimatized. The containers used for the
maintaining the fish were aquarium with the size of 50x40x30 cm filled with water to a height of 25 cm. Each
of the containers was filled with the snakehead fish (C. gachua) to the density of 8 fish / aquarium. Each
aquarium was given aeration and homogeneous gas temperature controller. The substrates used were stone,
sand, pieces of PVC pipe and loster. After the mixture of the substrates, the observation was conducted to see of
the stress response, blood picture and survival of the fish. During maintenance of the fish would be fed with
natural food such as worms as well as artificial feed in the form of pellets.
Test Parameters
Test parameters during the study included survival rate (SR), measurement of cortisol, blood sugar,
erythrocytes, leukocytes hematocrit and hemoglobin were done every day during the maintenance. Supporting
test parameters included the water quality which was observed every morning and evening during the
maintenance including the water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO), while ammonia, nitrate and
nitrite were observed once a week.
gachua) significantly affected the survival rate (P> 0.05) and not significantly affected the survival rate (P
The low survival of snakehead fish (C. gachua) during the treatment because the fish were not able to
adapt in particular period to the new environment, despite all environmental parameters were in accordance
with the needs of the fish. Survival is an opportunity to live in a certain time which is influenced by abiotic and
biotic factors.
Table 1. Survival (%) and variance of snakehead fish
PVC pipes
Information: *significant difference
F stat
F table F table
The best treatment in this study was treated by using the addition of sand substrate with the survival
rate by 55%, then the addition of loster and PVC pipe substrate by 46% and 42%, and the addition of gravel
substrate was with 25% survival rate. The snakehead fish (C. gachua) are able to survive in extreme aquatic
environments; even in the dry season when the marshes dried the snakehead fish are able to survive by burying
themselves in the mud9. For the fish response to stress, there were series of chemical changes (pH, pollution
and nitrogen), biochemical (mucus and osmoregulation), physiological (temperature, lighting, handling or
maintenance) and morphological (skin, scales) that would affect the survival of the fish. The survival is
influenced by environmental conditions naturally. Every organism has the ability to adapt to environmental
changes within certain tolerable limits. If the environment changes occur outside the tolerable range, sooner or
later the organisms affected by the changes will die10.
Cortisol is a hormone which is involved in General Stress Syndrome (GAS) and instrumental in helping
the body to cope with stress. Cortisol has metabolic effects that increase the concentration of blood glucose by
using protein and fat deposits, which means that the increase of deposits of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids
are available to use when needed, for example in a stress condition11. Fish primary response to stress is in the
form of nervous (anxiety) and hormonal changes which include an increase in corticosteroid and catecholamine
and changes in neurotransmitters10. In Rainbow trout fish, normal cortisol of the fish is of 0-30 ng/mL 12. At the
beginning of the maintenance, cortisol levels of each treatment were equal. High levels of cortisol were
allegedly due to transportation and initial pisciculture stress conditions on the fish were still high. The factors
that cause stress may come from the physical and psychological stimulations. Physical stress caused by
exposure to stressors that are harmful to the body tissues, e.g. exposure of the cold or heat, lowering oxygen,
infection, injury.
The increased level of cortisol fish indicates the high level of stress and handling of water quality
during the study13. The decreased blood cortisol occurred in every treatment, such sand substrate of 1,750
decreased to 188.16 nmol/L, PVC pipe of 1,750 to 251 nmol/L, loster of 1,750 to 262 nmol/L and gravel of
1,750 to 281.68 nmol/L. Based on the data obtained by extrapolating data was then performed to determine the
relationship of time with the lowest cortisol values. Images of the equation results can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Graph of decreased cortisol during the maintenance with different treatments
Blood glucose is the main source of fuel providers and essential substrate for the metabolism of the
cells in the body, especially the brain cells that carry out brain function in a sustainable manner. If the fish stress
increases glucose, it might be followed by death. In order to maintain stable blood glucose levels in the body,
the homeostasis should be maintained by the liver through metabolism of glucose14. The bodys response to the
changes in fish habitat can be seen from the amount of blood sugar that exists in fish. Based on observations
conducted during the maintenance, blood sugar levels in the snakehead fish body decreased, and it became
normal on the day three. A decrease in blood sugar levels occurred in every treatment by addition of the
substrates, namely sand substrate of 110 mg/dL decreased to 8 mg/dL, PVC pipe of 128 mg/dL to 33 mg/dL,
loster of 120 mg/dL to 29 mg/dL and gravel of 105 mg/dL to 28 mg/dL (Figure 2). Blood glucose level of
common carp is 111 mg/dL; normal Rainbow trout fish has 41-151 mg/mL 12. Increased levels of glucose in the
blood plasma of fish during stress may be caused by the action of catecholamine in the center of glycogen in the
liver and tissues15. A decrease in blood glucose during maintenance can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Graph of decreased blood glucose during the maintainence with different substrates
It is suggested that the mechanism of blood glucose changes in performance during stress is the
occurrence of the stressor that will be received by the organs of the receptor, and then the information is
delivered to the hypothalamus of the brain through the nervous system to cortisol which will stimulate the
enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis resulting in increased blood glucose16. At the same time, brain
hypothalamus secretes CRF (corticoid releasing factor) which regulates the pituitary gland to secrete ACTH
(Adenocorticotropik hormone), MSH (melanophore-stimulating hormone) and -End (-endorphin). These
hormones regulate the secretion of the cortisol hormones from interrenal cells. Cortisol will impede the
enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis resulting in an increase in blood glucose from non-carbohydrate sources.
The influence of stress conditions the fish then causes the secretion of hormones from the adrenal
gradula which increase the blood sugar so that the excess secretion of these hormones may suppress the
inflammatory response10. Liver functions as glycogenic as it is stimulated by enzyme, the cells of the liver
(hepatic) to produce glycogen (animal starch) of the glucose concentration of carbon hydrate foodstuffs. The
liver also serves to change the amino acids that are absorbed by the blood. In the pancreatic islets of
Langerhans, cell A produces the glucagon hormone. This hormone will stimulate the formation of glucose from
glycogen through the process of glycogenolysis and inhibit the formation of glycogen from glucose. Glucose in
the form of glycogen is derived from the final results that enter the Krebs cycle, and the cells do not undergo
catabolism into pyruvate by glycolysis. By anabolic through glikoneogenesis process is stored in the liver. If
your blood glucose decreased, or the amount of glucose entry into cells is not sufficient, the glycogen reserves
will be used for the metabolism.
Erythrocytes in fish serve to bind oxygen 17. Erythrocytes or red blood cells are the highest number of
sizes and shapes between one and the other species. In elasmobranchi fish, there are 19.7 x 13.8 m red blood
cells, and there are oval-shaped cells for some species with the diameter of 11-14 with the cells volume and
nucleus ratio of 3.5-4 m3. It is stated that the red blood serves as the respiration gas transportation18. Red blood
cells also serve as the tools which most widely distribute oxygen throughout the bodys tissues. Molecules of
oxygen are carried in the hemoglobin molecule in the cell. The decrease of erythrocyte may be due to a foreign
object into the body and also the rupture of blood vessels. Erythrocytes have many constituent, and when each
component experiences such disorder, it may cause damage on the cell, and the red cells cannot function
properly. The level of damage may occur at the level of the membrane of the cell itself, precisely the different
proteins under the membrane which plays a role in maintaining membrane. Erythrocyte cell damage may cause
the disruption of transportation of the substances that the body needs 19. The results of analysis of erythrocytes
variance during the study are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Erythrocytes in Snakehead Fish (x103 cells/ml) during the Maintainence
Treatment Sand
PVC Pipe
Information: the numbers on the same line followed with the same letter are not significantly different (P>0,05).
26-27 0C
52-6.8 mg/l
0.3-0.7 mg/l
12.5-25.0 mg/l
PVC pipe
26-26 0C
5.1-6.5 mg/l
0.3-0.8 mg/l
18.8-31.3 mg/l
26-27 0C
5.4-6.6 mg/l
0.4-0.7 mg/l
12.5-29.2 mg/l
26-27 0C
5.4-6.8 mg/l
0.5-0.6 mg/l
12.5-29.2 mg/l
Tropical fish are able to grow well at a temperature ranging from 25 to 32 0C. Snakehead fish
(C.gachua) are able to live at temperature ranging from 13 to 35 0C. It is stated the effect of temperature is
indirectly affects the metabolism, solubility of gases, including oxygen and a variety of chemical reactions in
the water22. The majority of aquatic biota is sensitive to changes in pH and common pH is likely about 7 to
8.521. Moreover, it is stated that the dissolved oxygen levels in the water are usually less than 10 mg/l21.
Dissolved oxygen in the water is a very important factor in supporting the survival of fish and also essential
factor in the metabolism. The need of oxygen of each organism differs according to type, age, size and activity
of the organism. The utilization of oxygen by organisms depends on the species, size, temperature, nutrient
levels and other factors23.
Nitrites are usually found in small portion in natural waters. The level is higher than nitrate as nitrite
would not be stable if there is oxygen. Nitrite is an intermediate form between ammonia and nitrate
(nitrification) and also between nitrate and nitrogen gas (denitrification) (Effendi, 2003). Nitrates are not toxic
for aquatic organisms. Nitrates are not toxic to the aquatic container 21, and it is suggested that the nitrate
concentrations in shrimp farming be less than 100 ppm. Nitrate will be toxic at concentrations above 300 ppm.
According to the research on the physiological study of the snakehead fish maintained in controlled
containers, the following concluding remarks are drawn:
Snakehead fish maintained in controlled containers undergo changes in terms blood profile including
erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin, and hematocrit during the maintenance; this is in order to
maintain body homeostasis condition
The best treatment for the maintenance was by addition of substrates namely sand, loster, PVC pipe,
and gravel with survival rate of 55%, 46%, 42% and 25%, respectively.
It is preferable for pisciculture of snakehead fish in controlled containers by other and proper
treatments. Based on the results of the study, the best treatment for the pisciculture of snakehead fish is by
addition of sand substrate.
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