Burlington High School - Department of Mathematics: Trigonometry (260) - Course Syllabus 2016-2017

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Burlington High School Department of Mathematics

Burlington High School prepares students for lifelong learning and responsible citizenship by offering a
challenging, relevant curriculum and varied activities in a safe environment.

Trigonometry (260) Course Syllabus 2016-2017

Contact Information
Brian McNeill
Burlington High School Math Department Chairman
(781) 270-2933
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @bmcneill7

Online Resource: http://bhstrigonometry.wikispaces.com/

Prerequisite Course(s): Advanced Algebra 245
Course Overview
Trigonometry is a semester course, which will cover numerous topics such as
angles and their trigonometric functions, trigonometry of the right angle, reference
angles, graphs of the six trigonometric functions, identities, trigonometric equations, and
oblique triangles. This course continues the job of building algebraic and geometric
skills. Graphing calculators (TI-84) will be used to enhance and facilitate the
understanding of solutions to problems.

Student Learning Expectations

a. Student will understand a variety of problem-solving methods and decisionmaking strategies.
b. Student will communicate carefully, thoughtfully, and effectively.
c. Student will be able to compile, interpret and communicate data and draw
logical conclusions.
d. Student will be able to compute and apply advanced mathematical concepts.
e. Students will be able to write their solutions in a clear and logical manner.

Expected Outcomes
Understand the concepts of Trigonometry and how they apply to real-life scenarios.
Understand and interpret word problems, find the solution, and write a clear explanation
of solution set.

Burlington High School Department of Mathematics

Burlington High School prepares students for lifelong learning and responsible citizenship by offering a
challenging, relevant curriculum and varied activities in a safe environment.

Course Content
Unit I Triangle Trigonometry
-Pythagorean Theorem
-Special right triangles
-Six trigonometric functions
-Solving right triangles
-Law of Sines
-Law of Cosines

Unit II Coordinate Trigonometry

-Angles and the coordinate plane
-Applying trigonometric functions to angles of rotation
-Unit circle
-Trigonometric functions of any angle
-Relating trigonometric functions
-Quotient identities, reflection identities, Pythagorean identities

Unit III Inverse Functions and Equations

-Inverse functions
-Applications of radian measure

Unit IV Trigonometric Graphs

-Graphs of six trigonometric functions
-Domain and range of trigonometric functions
-Vertical and horizontal translations
-Amplitude, period, and frequency

Unit V Pythagorean Identities and Simplifications

Unit VI Double/Half Angle Formulas

Grading Policies
Grades will be calculated quarterly using a total points system. A numeric grade will be
submitted as a percentage of the total points earned. Grades will be rounded to one
decimal place, without exception. A grade of 89.9% will NOT be rounded to 90.
Generally, quizzes and writing assignments will range from 10-40 points. Tests will
range from 40-100 points. Homework will be assigned regularly but will not be graded.
Homework completion is essential to success, but will not factor into the quarterly grade.

Burlington High School Department of Mathematics

Burlington High School prepares students for lifelong learning and responsible citizenship by offering a
challenging, relevant curriculum and varied activities in a safe environment.

As with all semester courses at Burlington High, the overall course grade will be
calculated as follows:
Quarter 1:
Quarter 2:
Final Exam:


Classroom Expectations
All school rules as explained in the BHS Student Handbook apply to this class. In
addition, each student is expected to:

Treat everyone with respect

Be present and on time to class.
Pay attention, participate, and take notes.
Be responsible for obtaining material missed due to absence.
Volunteer, answer, and ask questions.
Come to class prepared bring notebook, pen/pencil, and graphing calculator
Complete all class work
Begin assignments promptly when time is given.
Study for all exams
Seek extra help when necessary.

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