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A geological approach to processes)
products and successions
R. A. F. CAS

Department of Earth Sciences, Monash Uni'versity



Consultant, Sheffield, England


London Weinheim . New York Tokyo Melbourne' Madras

Published by Chapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEt 8HN, UK
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First edition 1987

Reprinted 1988, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996

1988 R.A.F. Cas and J.V. Wright

Typeset in 1O/12pt Plantin Light by Columns of Reading

ISBN-13: 978-0-412-44640-5
e-ISBN-13: 978-0-412-44640-5
DOl: 10.1007/978-0-412-44640-5
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To our families


The idea for this book carne into being between

1981 and 1982 when J. V. W. came to Monash
University to take up a Monash Postdoctoral
Fellowship. During this period a short course on
facies analysis in modern and ancient successions
was put together, integrating J.V.W.'s extensive
volcanological experience in numerous modern
volcanic terrains with R.A.F.C.'s extensive sedimentological and volcanological experience in
older volcanic and associated sedimentary successions in the Palaeozoic and Precambrian of
Australia. The enthusiastic response from the
participants to the first short course, taught in May
1982, and to subsequent annual re-runs, encouraged us to develop the short course notes into this
The idea for both the short course and the book
arose because we felt that there was no single
source available that comprehensively attempted to
address the problems of analysing, interpreting
and understanding the complexity of processes,
products and stratigraphy in volcanic terrains.
Until 15 years ago, volcanic successions received
attention primarily from igneous petrologists with
principal interests in geochemistry, mineralogy
afld magma genesis. Although a number of books
covering many aspects of physical volcanology
have appeared since then, none has fully treated
the subject by trying to integrate approaches from
both modern and ancient volcanic successions, and

from volcanological and sedimentological perspectives. One of our aims in the book is to provide
geologists with a sound basis for making their own
well founded interpretations. For that reason we
cover not only concepts about processes, and the
nature of the products, but also methods and
approaches that may be useful in analysing both
modern and ancient successions. Most importantly,
we treat the diversity of products in volcanic
terrains as facies, and we use the method of facies
analysis and interpretation as a means of constructing facies models for different volcanic settings.
These models will, we hope, be useful as norms
for comparison for workers in ancient terrains.
The only publication which overlaps with this one
to any extent is the excellent book Pyroclastic rocks
by Dick Fisher and Hans Schmincke.
Many people, organisations and institutions
have directly or indirectly contributed to or made
the production of this book possible. Foremost we
acknowledge our PhD supervisors, George P. L.
Walker CJ.V.W.) and Gil Jones (R.A.F.C.) for
their enlightened and stimulating supervision, and
their continued interest thereafter. If anyone in the
field of physical volcanology warrants special
mention as a source of inspiration through a neverending succession of outstanding contributions, it
is George Walker. No other volcanologist has
given so much to the science and its students.
Thank you George. Financial support for our

research and other visits to volcanic regions has
come from: Commonwealth Postgraduate Award,
Macquarie University, Monash University, ARGS
and Otago University William Evans Visiting
Fellowship (R.A.F.C.), and NERC, Lindeman
Trust Fellowship, University of California Santa
Barbara, University of Puerto Rico, American
Philosophical Society and Monash Postdoctoral
Fellowship (J.V.W.). We would also like to
acknowledge other colfeagues who for some years
have co-operated, listened, criticised and encouraged us: Rod Allen, Brian Clough, Keith Corbett,
Arthur Day, Warren Edney, Dick Fisher, Chuck
Landis, Jocelyn McPhie, John Roobol, Steve Self,
Alan Smith, Steve Sparks, Colin Wilson and John
This book was written in two years, imposing
great personal stresses on our families in the
process. In particular, Sue Cas gets special
mention not only for tolerating it all, but for her
constructive suggestions on style and expression
when proofreading the entire manuscript. The
book could not have been written in this time
without the considerable financial backing resulting
from the short courses. In particular, we thank the
organisations (especially Aberfoyle Exploration,
Broken Hill Proprietary, British Petroleum
Minerals, Electrolytic Zinc, Esso Minerals, Gold
Fields Exploration, Shell Minerals, Western Mining Corporation, and Zinc Corporation) and
individuals who have supported the course and
therefore made the book possible. Our extreme
gratitude goes to many people who have assisted,
always willingly, with the logistics and mechanics.
In particular, Warren Edney and, in the earlier
stages, Arthur Day managed and co-ordinated a
large number of people in all the facets of
producing the final manuscript for the publishers,
induding typing, drafting, photography, copyright
releases and proofreading. Without the constant
help of Warren and Arthur we would still be
labouring five years hence. Warren was ably
assisted by Paul Dielemans, whose versatility
proved invaluable. We cannot thank the following
enough: Pam Hermansen, Monica Leicester and
Robyn Sheehan for their impeccable typing skills
and patience; Jenny Purdy and Draga Gelt for the

excellent drafting; Steve Morton and Bruce Fuhrer

for the skilful photography arrd the patience that
all good photographers have; Tim Watson and
Barbara Sandys for financial management of the
resources needed to produce the manuscript;
Bretan Clifford and Stuart Bull for assistance with
proofreading; and Val Muscutt of BP London for
keeping the mail going between two co-authors
trying to write a book from opposite sides of the
globe. We also sincerely thank staff and students
of the Department of Earth Sciences at Monash
University for their patience, interest and encouragement, and for providing the friendly and
stimulating atmosphere in which an idea was
transformed into reality. In particular, we thank
Bruce Hobbs, Mark Bloom, Mike Etheridge,
Larry Frakes, Dave Gray, Bob Gregory, Ian
Nicholls, Pat Rich and Vic Wall, for making a
great department. R.A.F.C. also wishes to thank
Professors C. Carron (Fribourg University,
Switzerland) and D. Coombs (Otago University,
New Zealand) and their departments for making
facilities available whilst on study leave, to make
final amendments.
Although we take responsibility for the content
of the book, various colleagues kindly read parts of
the manuscript and offered many useful suggestions. For this we are extremely grateful to Rod
Allen, Keith Corbett, Arthur Day, Warren Edney,
Ian Nicholls, Steve Self, Colin Wilson and John
We also gratefully acknowledge the very constructive comments of Steve Sparks, Peter Sutdiffe
and Peter Francis in reviewing the manuscript for
the publisher at various stages. We also thank Pete
Kokelaar, Steve Self, Steve Sparks and Colin
Wilson for providing preprints of manuscripts
before publication.
Thanks also go to the editorial and production
staff of Allen & Unwin for their punctual and
friendly assistance. In particular, Roger Jones and
Geoffrey Palmer and their staff are thanked for
their extreme efficiency and patience.
Ray Cas
John V. Wright





An introduction to facies analysis

in volcanic terrains
Initial statement
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The facies concept
1.3 Description of facies
1.3.1 Geometry
1.3.2 Lithology
1.3.3 Sedimentary structures
1.3.4 Sediment movement patterns
1.3.5 Fossils
1.4 Facies analysis and interpretation
- the importance of associations of facies
1.5 Summary
1.6 Further reading




Some properties of magmas relevant to

their physical behaviour
Initial statement
2.1 Magmas - an introduction to their
diversity and character
2.1.1 Classification
2.1.2 Magmatic associations



Viscosity and yield strength
Factors controlling viscosity in magmas
2.5.1 Pressure
2.5.2 Temperature
2.5.3 Volatile content
2.5.4 Chemical composition
2.5.5 Crystal content
2.5.6 Bubble content
2.6 Strength
2.7 Fluid flow character
2.8 Further reading




Volcaniclastic deposits: fragmentation

and general characteristics
Initial statement
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Fragmentation due to magmatic
3.2.1 Explosive fragmentation from a
sealed, near-surface magma
chamber or conduit
3.2.2 Explosive fragmentation of a
vesiculating magma erupting
from an open vent
3.3 Magma mixing as a means of triggering
explosive eruptions



Phreatic or steam explosions and

phreatomagmatic eruptions
3.4.1 Interaction with ground water
3.4.2 Interaction with surface water
3.4.3 Lava flowing into water or over
water-saturated sediment
3.4.4 Pyroclastic flows moving into
water or over water-saturated
3.4.5 Magma rising into a
hydrothermal system
3.5 An introduction into the products of
pyroclastic eruptions
3.5.1 Juvenile fragments
3.5.2 Crystals
3.5.3 Lithic fragments
3.6 Quench- or chill-shatter fragmentation
3.7 Flow fragmentation (autobrecciation)
and its products
3.8 Epiclastic fragmentation
3.9 Further reading




Lava flows


Initial statement
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Size and form of subaerial lava flows
4.3 Factors affecting the morphology of
subaerial lavas
4.3.1 Effusion rate
4.3.2 Physical properties
4.3.3 Slope
4.4 Eruption of subaerial basaltic lavas
4.5 Features of subaerial basaltic lava flows
4.5.1 Pahoehoe and aa lavas
4.5.2 Flood basalts
4.5.3 Plains basalts
4.6 Submarine basaltic lavas
4.7 Subaerial basaltic lavas flowing into
4.8 Subaerial andesitic and dacitic lavas
4.9 Eruption of subaerial rhyolite lava flows
4.10 Features of subaerial rhyolite lava flows
4.10.1 Shape
4.10.2 Lithology


4.10.3 Surfacefeatures
4.10.4 Growth and internal structure
4.11 Subaqueous silicic lavas
4.12 Komatiites - peculiarities of the
4.13 Further reading



Three types of pyroclastic deposits and

their eruptions: an introduction
Initial statement
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Pyroclastic fall deposits:
5.1.2 Pyroclastic flow deposits:
5.1.3 Pyroclastic surge deposits:
5.2 Eruptions producing pyroclastic falls
5.2.1 Explosive eruption columns
5.2.2 Ash clouds accompanying
pyroclastic flows
5.3 Pyroclastic fall deposits: types and
5.4 Pyroclastic flow-forming eruptions
5.4.1 Lava-dome or lava-flow
5.4.2 Eruption column collapse
5.5 Pyroclastic flow deposits: types and
5.5.1 Block- and ash-flow deposits
5.5.2 Scoria-flow deposits
5.5.3 Pumice-flow deposits or
5.6 Origins of pyroclastic surges
5.6.1 Surges associated with
phreatomagmatic and
phreatic eruptions
5.6.2 Surges associated with flows
5.6.3 Surges associated with falls
5.7 Pyroclastic surge deposits: types and
5.7.1 Base-surge deposits
5.7.2 Ground-surge deposits
5.7.3 Ash-cloud surge deposits




5.8 Accretionary lapilli

5.9 Further reading




Modern pyroclastic fall deposits and

their eruptions
Initial statement
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Terminal fall velocity and muzzle
6.3 Hawaiian-stromOOlian
6.3.1 Characteristics of the deposits
6.3.2 Mechanisms and dynamics
6.3.3 Classification
6.4 Plinian
6.4.1 General characteristics
6.4.2 Internal and lateral changes
6.4.3 Mechanisms and dynamics
6.5 Sub-plinian
6.6 Ultraplinian
6.7 Vulcanian
6.8 Surtseyan and phreatoplinian
6.8.1 Surtseyan activity and deposits
6.8.2 Phreatoplinian activity and
6.8.3 Mechanisms
6.9 Distal silicic air-fall ash layers
6.9.1 Whole-deposit grain size
6.9.2 Secondary thickening and
6.10 Welded air-fall tuffs
6.10.1 Characteristics and examples
6.10.2 Conditions of formation
6.10.3 Thermal facies model
6.11 Further reading


Initial statement
7.1 Subaerial pyroclastic flows as high
particle concentration flows





Transport and deposition of subaerial

pyroclastic jiOZIJS and surges





Pyroclastic flow units and grading
7.3.1 Thickness
7.3.2 Basal layers
7.3.3 Vertical grading
7.3.4 Gas segregation structures
7.3.5 Lateral grading
7.3.6 Compositionally zoned pumice
flow units
Theoretical modelling of the transport
of pumice flows
Form of moving pyroclastic flows:
head, body and tail deposits
Pyroclastic surges as low particle
concentration flows
Energy sources and initiation of surges 203
7.7.1 Base surges
7.7.2 Ground surges
7.7.3 Ash-cloud surges
Transportation and grain-support
processes in surges
Depositional processes in surges
Facies characteristics of surge deposits 209
7.10.1 Geometry
7.10.2 Grainsize
7.10.3 Sorting
7.10.4 Shape and vesicularity
7.10.5 Composition
7.10.6 Depositional structures
Surges compared with turbidity currents 217
Pyroclastic surges and pyroclastic
flows - relationships
Further reading


Ignimbrites and ignimbrite-forming

Initial statement
8.1 Enigma of ignimbrites
8.2 Occurrence, composition and size
8.3 Eruption sequence and column collapse
8.4 Source vents
8.4.1 Linear fissure vents
8.4.2 Ring fissure vents








8.4.3 Vent system for the Fish

Canyon Tuff
8.4.4 Central vents
Co-ignimbrite breccias
Co-ignimbrite ash falls
Depositional facies model
8.7.1 Bandelier tuffs and model
8.7.2 Rio Caliente and Taupo
8.7.3 Ignimbrite facies and
eruption rate
Palaeocurrent indicators
Secondary deposits
Welding and post -depositional processes
8.1O.l Welding
8.10.2 Vapour-phase crystallisation
8.10.3 Devitrification
Chemical analyses?
The great Taupo AD 186 eruption
8.12.1 Early air-fall phases
8.l2.2 Taupo ultraplinian fall deposit
8.12.3 Taupo ignimbrite
8.12.4 Overview
Further reading


Initial statement
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Types of subaqueous pyroclastic flow
9.2.1 Subaqueous pyroclastic flow
9.2.2 Ash turbidites
9.3 Hot subaqueous pyroclastic flows and
subaqueous welding of ignimbrites
9.4 Submarine eruption of pyroclastic
9.5 A model for the passage of pyroclastic
flows into subaqueous environments
9.6 Deep-sea ash layers
9.7 Subaqueous base surges?
9.8 Further reading

Initial statement
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Importance of erosion and sediment
transport in volcanic terrains
10.3 Epiclastic sediment transport
10.3.1 Sediment transport not
dependent on an interstitial
10.3.2 Sediment transport involving
ice as an essential interstitial
10.3.3 Sediment transport involving
water as an essential
interstitial medium
10.3.4 Sediment transport in which
air is an essential interstitial
10.4 Further reading








Subaqueous pyroclastic flows and

deep-sea ash layers

Epiclastic processes in volcanic



Crystal-rich volcaniclastics pyroclastic or epiclastic?

Initial statement
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Three types of ash and tuff
11.3 Possible fragmentation and
transportation modes for crystal-rich
volcaniclastic deposits
11.4 Factors influencing high c~ystal
11.4.l Eruption of highly
crystallised magmas
11.4.2 Eruption-related crystal
concentration processes
11.4.3 Epiclastic crystal
concentration processes
11.5 Several 'crystal tuff deposits and
their interpretation
11.5.1 Crystal tuffs of pyroclastic





1l.5.2 'Crystal tuffs' with mixed

pyroclastic and epiclastic
1l.5.3 Crystal-rich volcaniclastics
of largely epiclastic origin
1l.6 Overview
1l.7 Further reading



Classification of modem and ancient

volcaniclastic rocks of.pyroclastic and
epiclastic origins
Initial statement
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Modern pyroclastic deposits
12.2.1 Genetic classification
12.2.2 Lithological classification
12.3 Classification of lithified, indurated
and metamorphosed volcaniclastic
12.4 Descriptive lithological aspects of
ancient volcaniclastic rocks relevant to
determining their genesis
12.4.1 Textural
12.4.2 Compositional
12.5 Use of the terms 'agglomerate',
'vulcanian breccia' and 'tuff in
ancient successions
12.6 The consequences of redeposition
on nomenclature
12.7 Nomenclature of quench-fragmented
and auto brecciated volcaniclastics
12.8 Further reading






Modem volcanoes and volcanic centres

Initial statement
13.1 Monogenetic and polygenetic volcanoes
13.2 Basaltic shield volcanoes
13.2.1 Hawaiian shields
13.2.2 Icelandic shields
13.2.3 Galapagos shields


13.3 The source vents in flood basalt

plateau and plains basalt provinces
13.4 Scoria cones (and pumice cones)
13.5 Maars, tuff rings and tuff cones
13.6 Pseudocraters and littoral cones
13.7 Stratovolcanoes
13.7.1 Morphometry
13.7.2 Output rates, repose periods
and life expectancy
13.7.3 Eruptions, characteristics
and deposits
13.7.4 Mass-wastage and epiclastic
13.8 Intermediate-silicic multivent centres
13.9 Rhyolitic volcanoes or centres
13.9.1 Morphometry
13.9.2 Output rates, repose periods
and life expectancy
13.9.3 Eruptions, characteristics
and deposits
13.9.4 Caldera sediments and
domes: La Primavera
13.9.5 Other craters
13.10 Submarine spreading ridges and
13.10.1 Spreading ridges
13.10.2 Seamounts
13.11 Intra- or subglacial volcanoes
13 .12 Further reading



Facies models for ancient volcanic

Initial statement
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Facies geometry and facies stratigraphic relationships: factors
affecting them in ancient successions
14.3 Factors affecting original lithological
characteristics and depositional
14.3.1 Polyphase hydrothermal
14.3.2 Devitrification
14.3.3 Palagonitisation






Hydraulic fracturing
Relationship between
deformation and alteration
Recognition of pumice in the rock
Facies as diagnostic indicators of
palaeoenvironments and
palaeoenvironmental conditions
A suggested approach to facies analysis
Facies models - what they represent
and their uses
Facies models for volcanic successions
14.8.1 Continental basaltic successions
14.8.2 Continental stratovolcanoes
14.8.3 Continental silicic volcanoes
14.8.4 Submarine basaltic rift
14.8.5 Oceanic basaltic seamounts
14.8.6 Marine stratovolcanoes
14.8.7 Submarine felsic volcanoes
and volcanic centres
14.8.8 Deep-marine facies derived
from shallow marine-subaerial
silicic volcanic centres
14.8.9 Intraglacial basaltic and
rhyolitic volcanism
14.8.10 Precambrian volcanism





15.4 Intraplate oceanic volcanism

15.5 Intraplate continental volcanism
15.6 Continental rift volcanism
15.6.1 Narrow linear rift zones
15.6.2 Broad continental rift zones
15.7 Young island arc volcanism associated
with oceanic trench subduction zones
15.8 Microcontinental arc volcanism
associated with oceanic trench
subduction zones
15.9 Continental margin arc volcanism
associated with oceanic trench
subduction zones
15.10 Igneous rock-types as indicators of
15.l1 Volcanism related to regional tectonic
regimes and local stress field conditions
15.12 Igneous rocks as palaeostress
indicators in the crust and lithosphere
15.13 An approach to evaluating the tectonic
context of ancient successions
15.14 Further reading




Methods used in studying modern

pyroclastic deposits





Volcanism and tectonic setting

Initial statement
15.1 An introduction to volcanism in the
modern global tectonic framework
as a guide to the tectonic settings
of ancient volcanic successions
15.2 Mid-oceanic ridge volcanism and the
geology of the crust and lithosphere
15.3 Oceanic back-arc basin, interarc
basin, marginal sea spreading
volcanism and its geological context






Physical analysis
I. 1.1
Maximum grainsize
I. 1.2
I. 1.3
Grainsize distribution
I. 1.4
Proportions of components
Crystal content of pumice
Density and porosity
I. 1.6
Stratigraphic analysis






Grainsize-textural classes of
volcaniclastic rocks) some possible
origins) and suggested diagnostic










A simple chemical classification for the common volcanic rock types.

Some measured temperatures of erupting magmas.
Summary of estimates of typical eruption temperatures for volcanic rocks.
Results of field measurements of physical properties of basaltic lavas.
Effusion rates of some basaltic lava flows.
Effusion rates of some andesitic and dacitic lavas.
Some measured emplacement temperatures of pyroclastic flow deposits.
Some data on observed eruption columns.
Volume estimates of the three strombolian scoria fall deposits in
Figure 6.9 (excluding volumes of the cones).
Volume estimates of some plinian deposits (highlighting some of the
largest known in modern volcanic successions.
Estimated muzzle velocities and volumetric eruption rates of some
plinian eruptions.
Estimated durations of some plinian eruptions.
Examples of welded air-fall tuffs found on modern volcanoes.
Suggested thermal facies model for pyroclastic fall deposits.
Classification of pyroclastic flow types based on fluidisation behaviour.
Comparison of the densities of pumice and matrix of four flow units
of the Minoan ignimbrite.
Bulk volume estimates of some ignimbrites.
Maximum distances travelled from source by some ignimbrites.
Water palaeodepths of shallow-marine sediments intercalated with
Caradocian welded ignimbrites in Snowdonia, North Wales.
A classification of sediment transport processes.
Genetic classification of pyroclastic falls and their deposits.
Genetic classification of pyroclastic flows and their deposits.
Comparison of various classifications of pyroclastic flows.
Genetic classification of pyroclastic surges and their deposits.
Grainsize limits for proven pyroclastic fragments and pyroclastic





Summary of the components in pyroclastic deposits.

Non-genetic classification of volcaniclastic rocks.
Grainsize-textural classes of volcaniclastic rocks and some possible
Vent and near-vent areas for the Roza flood basalt flows.
Distinguishing characteristics of maar-type volcanoes.
Summary of dimensions of different classes of stratovolcano.
Average lifetime output rates for some stratovolcanoes.
Sedimentary cycles triggered by larger eruptions of Fuego volcano.
Logarithms (base 10) of the ranges of larger pyroclastic particles.
Details of sieve analyses of a sample of a pyroclastic fall, surge and
flow deposit.
Grainsize parameters for our three pyroclastic samples, derived
graphically from the cumulative curves in Figure I.1(a).
Differences in descriptive summaries of sorting used by sedimentologists
and volcanologists.
Mass and volume calculations for the Hatepe plinian deposit based on
crystal concentration studies.


Plate 1 Succession of pyroclastic fall, flow and surge deposits of the Quaternary Okataina Volcanic Centre, New Zealand.
Complex geometries and stratigraphic relationships result from the erosion of the oldest (9000 years BP) Pukerimu
pyroclastics (bottom right) and mantling and infilling of the irregular topography by 'younger' fall, flow and surge deposits, of
the Mamaku (7 500 years BP), Whakatane (5000 years BP), Rotokawau (4000 years BP; dark basaltic fall layer near top of
succession) and Kaharoa (900 years BP) eruptive intervals.


An introduction tofacies
analysis in volcanic terrains
Initial statement
Volcanic terrains consist of a greater variety of rock
types than any other surface environment on Earth.
They include lavas, deposits of explosive pyroclastic
eruptions, primary volcanic autoclastic deposits
and deposits resulting from the very significant
spectrum of sedimentary processes that operate in
volcanic terrains. Until the 1960s the amount of
detailed and systematic work on the physical
processes producing this diversity of rock types was
subordinate to studies on the chemistry, mineralogy
and petrogenesis of the volcanics. The growing
need to understand better the processes operating
and the peculiar depositional environments of
volcanic terrains, in conjunction with major
advances in the field of sedimentology, have led to a
major growth in research and understanding of the
physical processes.

Studies in both modern and ancient volcanic

terrains have contributed to this growth in knowledge. The approach to describing, documenting
and interpreting the rock types of volcanic terrains
has benefited much from the equivalent approach
in sedimentology. In particular, the facies concept
is proposed as a useful means of documenting and
interpreting the characteristics of rock units. The
essence of facies analysis is the identification of
distinctive characteristics that lend themselves to
the interpretation of their origins, depositional
processes and environments of deposition. I~ this
chapter we introduce the facies concept, and
consider the essential parameters useful in the
description and interpretation of facies.


1.1 Introduction
Volcanic terrains are host to a greater diversity of
rock types than is any other surface environment.
However, until the 1960s the principal emphasis in
volcanological research was on mineralogy, geochemistry and magma genesis. Since then, there
has been an increasing awareness of the need to
understand better the nature of the rock types, the
physical processes responsible for their formation,
and their significance in terms of depositional
setting. This awareness has been stimulated by a
diversity of needs in a number of areas, including
eruption monitoring and prediction, hazard evaluation, exploration for the resources associated with
volcanic terrains, geological survey mapping,
academic research and petrological studies. In this
book our aim is to provide a comprehensive
account of the enormous range of rock types in
volcanic terrains, their characteristics, associations
and modes of formation, and their depositional and
tectonic setting. Thus, we hope to provide readers
with the sound geological approach necessary to
make their own meaningful interpretations of
volcanic successions.
Although we have tried to provide as comprehensive and up-to-date a summary of the subject,
its concepts and its literature as time and space
permitted, the book should not be considered to be
a treatise on volcanology. We have addressed those
topics and principles which we considered to be
most important to the general aims of the book and,
although all developments in the subject have not
been treated at the research level, we have referenced the pertinent literature to enable readers to
follow up specific topics. Wherever relevant, we
have drawn on our experiences and research in both
modern and ancient successions and, although this
inevitably introduces biases, we have tried to
balance this by constant reference to the volcanological literature.
Early subdivisions of the rock types in volcanic
terrains into lavas and explosively erupted pyroclastics are now known to be oversimplified, and
can be expanded into a fourfold subdivision of
lavas, pyroclastics, autoclastic deposits and redeposited volcanic sediments or epiclastics. Lavas

are now known to be diverse in character. Lavas

have variable geometry, morphology, internal
structure, mobility and flow behaviour eCho 4),
which can be attributed to the variable physical and
chemical properties of magmas eCho 2). Whereas in
the past it was assumed that any fragmental rock in
volcanic successions had an explosive, i.e. pyroclastic, origin, it is now generally appreciated that
fragmental rocks in volcanic terrains can have
diverse origins eCho 3). Pyroclastic rocks can
themselves be subdivided into pyroclastic fall, flow
and surge deposits (Chs 5-9). Autoclastic rocks are
non-explosive in origin, originating from the
quench-shattering of magma on contact with water
or by brecciating during lava flow (Ch. 3). It is now
also appreciated that an enormous range of normal
erosional, epiclastic sedimentary processes and
deposits are important elements of volcanic terrains
(Chs 3 & 10-12).
All fragmental volcanic rocks, irrespective of
origin, can be described by the non-genetic term
'volcaniclastic'. In this book we devote more
attention to volcaniclastic rocks and their origins
than to coherent lavas, even though in some
volcanic settings lavas are more significant volumetrically. Our emphasis on volcaniclastic deposits
arises from their potentially greater importance for
interpreting the palaeoenvironment in which
volcanism occurred, and because volcaniclastic
rocks are more significant volumetrically in the
rock record than are lavas. This is in spite of the
fact that in modern environments pillow and
massive lavas of the basaltic oceanic crust are the
most significant volcanic rock type. However, their
preservation potential in the rock record is small
because they are destined to be subducted at the
oceanic trenches as part of the global plate tectonic
The great diversity of rock types and processes in
volcanic terrains makes the recognition of the
origins of rock types in volcanic successions difficult. However, in ancient volcanic successions,
recognition of original rock types may be made
even more complicated by the effects of deformation, metamorphism and alteration (Ch. 14).
It has also become apparent that stratigraphic
relationships in volcanic terrains may be complex


(Ch. 14), and that an understanding of the likely

stratigraphic relationships and successions is dependent on an awareness of the different character
of different volcanic centres and their stratigraphies
(Chs 13 & 14) and of the tectonic settings in which
volcanism occurs eCho 15).
Attempts to make sense of the diversity of rocks,
processes, stratigraphic models and depositional
settings of volcanic successions have been aided by
major advances in the field of sedimentology. In
both volcanology and sedimentology a systematic
approach to describing, documenting and interpreting the character of, and relationships between,
rock types is necessary. Success is dependent on an
awareness of the possible diversity and complexity
and on a sound understanding of basic physical and
sedimentological principles.
In this book we hope to provide a comprehensive
account of the volcanological and sedimentological
concepts and principles that can be used in
interpreting the complexities of both modern and
ancient volcanic terrains. In this chapter we now
consider the approach we think is needed to
describe and document the characteristics of rock
units, and also the basic principles that determine
these characteristics. This is a necessary prelude to
the discussion of the origins of particular deposits,
because successful interpretation of the origins is
dependent on making the correct observations in
the first instance. Some of the descriptive characteristics of deposits discussed in this chapter are reemphasised in Chapter 14 as a preliminary step to
developing general facies models for a range of
volcanic settings. In the remaining chapters we
address in detail aspects considered to be relevant
to a full understanding of volcanic rocks, their
modes of formation and depositional and tectonic

1.2 The facies concept

Different rock types are distinguished because they
are texturally or mineralogically different in hand
specimen or in thin section. In outcrop they may
also be distinguished by their general physical
appearance; for example, the presence or absence

of some type of depositional structure such as

layering, cross-stratification or grainsize grading.
Alternatively, perhaps two or three rock types that
are regularly interbedded and contain distinctive
internal depositional structures may have a unique
appearance that distinguishes them from other
intervals or associations of rock types. The term
'facies' is used for such distinctive intervals or
associations of rocks in outcrop. The facies approach
is a convenient way of identifying, describing and
interpreting distinctive intervals and/or associations
of rock(s) which recur many times in a stratigraphic
succession. Although the concept is most commonly
applied in sedimentology (see Reading 1978, Selley
1978, R. G. Walker 1984), it is also applicable in
volcanic successions, and is even used by metamorphic petrologists to distinguish different metamorphic grades based on significant marker
minerals or associations of minerals.
A facies is therefore a body or interval of rock or
sediment which has a unique definable character
that distinguishes it from other facies, or intervals
of rock or sediment. The definable character may
be compositional or textural, or may be based on
the sedimentary structures or fossils present. A
facies is the product of a unique set of conditions in
the depositional environment. These conditions
may be physical, chemical or biological in origin,
and may include such factors as the topography and
bathymetry; the mechanisms and rates of material
release, transport and deposition; the climate and
weather; the nature of the source materials (both
chemically and physically); the prevailing chemical
condition; and the floral-faunal influences.
A facies can be defined at any scale. At a regional
level stratigraphic units such as groups, formations
or members are effectively facies because they have
an overall lithological character that distinguishes
them from other groups, formations or members.
At a more local scale, facies may be defined at the
scale of an outcrop by an interval of several or more
beds which is basically uniform, or even by
individual beds, or by both. The degree of detail
used in subdividing a stratigraphic succession into
facies will largely be controlled by the aims of the
study, the information available and the level of
understanding that is sought.


Even though associated facies may be different,
they may still be genetically related as parts of the
same depositional or eruptive event. For example, a
single ignimbrite may contain several facies (Chs 7
& 8). An understanding of the spatial and age
relationships between facies is therefore important,
and success in the interpretation of facies is
dependent on an awareness of the possible complications and of genetically significant associations of


component strata. The preserved geometry of a

facies is controlled by:

pre-depositional relief on the depositional surface,

volume of material deposited and the way the
topography accommodates that volume,
physical properties of the transporting and depositional
post-depositional erosion and
subsequent deformation

Pre-depositional relief

1.3 Description of facies

The genetic origins (i.e. mode of formation) of a
facies may not always be obvious. Initially it is
therefore better to avoid genetic facies names (e. g.
ignimbrite, agglomerate), which are highly interpretive, until the origins have been clearly thought
out. Descriptive terms such as 'rhyolitic, matrixsupported breccia facies' are preferable initially
(also see Ch. 12). Such a facies may be an
ignimbrite (or part of one), a hydrothermal explosion breccia or a mud flow deposit, to name but
three possibilities. To evaluate which possibility is
most likely requires careful examination. This
should involve description and consideration of the
facies properties, derived where possible from a
combination of outcrop, hand specimen and thin
section observations. On-the-spot application of
genetic names may, more often than not, lead to
erroneous interpretations.
Few approaches to facies description and analysis
have been so systematic and logical as that proposed
by Selley (1978). Selley nominated five facies
sedimentary structures
palaeo currents or sediment movement patterns

Geometry describes the three-dimensional form or
shape (including thickness) of a facies and of its

The relief on the depositional surface is controlled

by the balance between erosion and deposition.
Erosion will predominate where slopes are high and
the relief is significantly above the base level
towards which erosion is working (e.g. sea level,
lake level, ocean floor). Erosion will produce
negative changes in relief producing valley, gully
and canyon, and ridge and plateau-like morphology.
Most depositional units deposited in such a terrain
will be confined within topographic lows, but
some, such as air-fall deposits, may drape over
irregular topography (Plate 1). Where the influence
of erosion becomes subordinate to deposition,
depositional processes will smooth out topographic
differences, so in most instances will produce more
tabular geometries for deposits (Plate 1). Relief may
also be affected by contemporaneous tectonic
activity and the emplacement of units with very
positive relief, usually due to high bulk viscosity
and internal strength (e.g. viscous lavas, debris
flows, rock avalanches; see below).

Volume deposited and accommodation by

If the volume of material is low compared with the
topographic relief into which it is deposited, then
this volume will be entirely contained bv the
topographic depression (Plate 1, Fig. l.la). if the
volume is large compared with the size of topographic depressions, then the deposit will overspill
the topographic low and produce major variations
in thickness (e.g. lavas, debris or pyroclastic flow
deposits which infill a valley and spill over onto the
confining ridge interfluves as a thin veneer; Fig.


(0) Volley occommodotion


.: .' o . :.'


- --= -.-.

I;l:::~~~~~'':''':' ~._ ~

c:;:, . - . '


_. ..

. . 0"


Figure 1.1 Possible relationships between the volume of

topographic lows such as valleys. canyons. etc .. and the
volume of material emplaced within the topographic low
during a depositional or eruptive event. (a) A small-volume
debris flow is entirely accommodated by a larger deep
valley, producing a thick laterally discontinuous deposit. (b)
The volume of the debris-flow deposit is too large to be
accommodated by the valley. The deposit has an extremely
variable thickness and a wider extent due to overspill of the
valley margins.

Physical properties of the transporting and

depositional agent
The principal consideration here is the rheological
properties of the transporting agent (Ch. 2). For
example, low viscosity depositional agents will,
topography permitting, spread their load as a
broad, thin sheet (e.g. turbidity currents, pyroclastic surges, basaltic lavas). High viscosity
materials or those with high strength (e.g. rhyolitic
lavas, see Plate 2, Ch . 2) will produce a moundlike depositional unit with very significant positive
relief, which markedly changes the topography on
the depositional surface.




',' ..:.... ',.








. '.

~ .

. , : ..

.. . ,



'. .. :p'.".

, ~ . .<>.~


.': :





. . '. :., . :. :.. .

'0 ' .

(b) Volley overspill





0 "




. ~ . .... . ' . ' .t ~' .....
. .
. .
.. : . '



'. '

lohor flu viol

so il
scor io




debris flow deposit

sed imenls
pum ice foU deposi t
foil depos it

. ,


7 lohor f illing in box - conyon

cut into 1- 6
8 b lo ck ond osh depOSit
9 non-welded ignimbrite
10 welded ignimbrite

Figure 1.2 Schematic representation of the possible

effects of erosion on preserved depositional geometry and
on facies relationships, which are highly irregular and abrupt,
and make correlation and depositional sequence very
difficult to determine.

Post-depositional erosion
The majority of volcanic terrains have relatively
high slopes which are subject to severe degradation
by the agents of erosion : gravity, water, ice and
wind. As a consequence, many facies units emplaced during active volcanism, whether they be
lavas, pyroclastic flow or fall deposits, and redeposited volcaniclastic sediment intervals originating from epiclastic processes can have their original
depositional geometry dramatically modified (Fig.
1.2), or even have the record of their emplacement
or eruption, or both , completely removed .

Deformation may have a marked effect on the
preserved geometry of a facies . The effects may
range from simple block faulting to extreme strain .
The latter may be especially significant where
hydrothermal alteration has weakened the rock
(e.g. S. F. Cox 1981).
The preceding discussion suggests that geometry


by itself may not be a useful diagnostic characteristic
of a particular facies type. Nevertheless, associations
of facies constituting thick intervals may produce
well defined geometries, particularly where influenced by normal sedimentary processes. In this
regard, volcanic terrains will be influenced throughout their active life by surface sedimentary processes, and will contain sedimentary intervals with
normal facies characteristics but consisting essentially of volcanically derived detritus.

Lithology has three aspects:

physical constituents,
composition and
In non-volcanic sedimentary successions, all of
these aspects of lithology can be very important in
elucidating sediment sources and genesis, and in
reconstructing the nature of the depositional environment (Selley 1982, Leeder 1982). For example
the presence of certain physical components (e.g.
shelly fragments, oolites, distinctive lithic fragments) can be diagnostic of depositional conditions
and settings. Similarly, the presence of distinctive
compositional grain-types (e.g. glauconite, phosphorite) or sediment-types (e.g. radiolarian cherts,
evaporites) may be significant enough to establish
the depositional setting and conditions. Textural
features may also be revealing (e.g. well-rounded
beach or aeolian sands, mud-supported debris-flow
deposits). Similarly, primary volcanic facies may
contain distinctive lithological aspects (shards, accretionary lapilli) that contribute to the understanding of their genesis and depositional setting. These
aspects are as important in ancient successions as in
modern ones, but may be more difficult to identify
and quantify in ancient successions because of the
effects of lithification, and perhaps metamorphic
and structural overprinting.
With regard to lithology, we will now consider
the features listed above that are relevant to the
understanding of volcanic successions.

Physical constituents of volcanic successions

Volcanic successions contain varying proportions of
lava flows and fragmental or clastic rocks. The
principal physical constituents of lavas are crystals
or phenocrysts, smaller microscopic crystals called
microlites, uncrystallised magma or volcanic glass
(which forms the groundmass), vesicles (gas bubbles), xenoliths and xenocrysts. Xenoliths and
xenocrysts are, respectively, foreign rocks and
crystals incorporated from country rock (e.g. wall
rock to the magma chamber or conduit) or from
another crystallising magma. All of these components can be present in varying combinations
and proportions.
The clastic facies in volcanic successions consist
of fragmental aggregates of magmatic clasts, foreign
lithic clasts and crystals. The magmatic clasts may
vary in vesicularity from dense lava fragments to
vesiculated pumice and scoria. They may be glassy
or variably crystallised, and of varying grainsize,
ranging from large blocks many metres in diameter
to micrometre-sized grains. Breakage of fragments
may have occurred either during primary volcanic
eruption (Ch. 3) or post-eruptively by surface
processes (Ch. 10). At any time after formation,
primary volcanic rocks may be eroded and the
clastic components redeposited by normal surface
The term 'volcaniclastic' is a non-genetic term
for any fragmental aggregate of volcanic parentage,
irrespective of origin. 'Pyroclastic' refers only to
those aggregates formed by explosive volcanic
activity and deposited by transport processes resulting directly from this activity. Other types of
volcaniclastic rock include those fragmented or
deposited, or both, by epiclastic processes, which
are normal surface processes involving weathering
and erosion (Ch. 10). 'Epiclastic' is therefore used
here to describe deposits or rocks that were
produced by normal surface fragmentation processes (weathering, physical abrasion, gravitational
collapse) or were finally deposited by normal
surface processes (traction, suspension, mass flow;
Ch. 10), irrespective of their fragmentation mode,
or both. The usage of the term 'epiclastic' thus goes
beyond the more traditional provenance sense.


Therefore, epiclastic deposits or rocks may contain

fragments with a proven primary volcanic mode of
fragmentation (e.g. glass shards, pumice; Ch. 3)
which have been transported and redeposited by
normal surface processes (e.g. by mud-flows, river
transport, turbidity currents, etc.) a long distance
from the initial eruption point. We cannot stress
enough, therefore, that caution is needed before
deciding that fragmental aggregates or rocks with a
primary volcanic fragmentation origin have also
had a pyroclastic rather than epiclastic transportation mode. This must be proven rather than assumed.

Composition refers to the geochemical, mineralogical and petrological character of a volcanic rock,
irrespective of whether it is a lava, pyroclastic or
redeposited volcaniclastic. The final composition of
a rock may be the end-result of a complex history of
processes causing chemical and physical change.
These processes include pre-eruptive magmatic
processes, both chemical and dynamic (Ch. 2), and
co-eruptive and post-eruptive processes that physically separate or fractionate physical constituents
(e.g. glassy ash from crystals and lithics; Ch. 11).
Hydrothermal activity and, in older volcanic successions, weathering, diagenesis and metamorphism, may have further altered the chemistry
of volcanic rocks. In Chapter 2 we briefly consider
the effects of magma composition on eruptive
behaviour, and also approaches to classifying
magmas and volcanic rocks according to chemical
and mineralogical composition.

The term 'texture' encompasses the physical characteristics of the components of a deposit or rock, and
also its overall characteristics or bulk properties.
The textural properties of an aggregate are a
reflection of inherited characteristics from the
source, of the mode of fragmentation and of
characteristics developed during or after transport
and deposition. Anyone of these influences may
produce a distinctive textural character. Aspects of
texture that will be considered here in terms of their
process significance or environmental significance
are grainsize, rounding, sorting, shape and fabric.

Grainsize and the grain size characteristics of an

aggregate are one of the first characteristics seen in
an outcrop. The preserved grainsize of a fragmental
aggregate is a reflection of the minimum grain size
available at the source point, the type and efficiency
of fragmentation, the competency of the transporting and depositing medium to carry that grainsize,
and the degree of physical abrasion during transportion and deposition. These factors apply for
both pyroclastic and epiclastic aggregates. For
lavas, the size of the phenocrysts reflects physicochemical conditions in the magma chamber and
during the ascent of the magma. Factors which
influence crystal size include cooling rate, melt
composition and structure, nucleation kinetics of
each mineral type and sorting processes such as
crystal settling.
For fragmental aggregates, whether pyroclastic
or epiclastic in origin (which has to be evaluated in
each instance), grain size is therefore not a reflection
of proximity to source or eruption point. For
example, huge boulders, metres in diameter, can be
transported tens of kilometres from source or
eruption point by pyroclastic flows, debris flows,
rock avalanches or glaciers. None of these transporting agents needs to produce any significant
signs of abrasion or rounding. Equally significant is
that very fine grainsizes are possible for ashes and
pyroclastic flow deposits near vent if the explosive
fragmentation during eruption has been very efficient (e.g. during some hydrovolcanic eruptions,
Although actual grainsize has no specific value in
palaeovolcanological and palaeogeographic reconstructions by itself, the use of overall grainsize
population parameters has major application when
dealing with modern unconsolidated volcanic successions. Through sieving, the detailed grain size
characteristics of an unconsolidated aggregate can
be determined (App. I), and from this information
and its graphical representation, statistical grainsize
parameters can be calculated. In modern successions the uses of this approach include distinguishing and classifying different types of pyroclastic
deposits (Chs 5 & 6).
Although such approaches have added much to
understanding volcanological processes in modern



terrains, they are not usually applicable to lithified,

consolidated successions because it is not possible
to dis aggregate the rock into all of its original
grains, preserving their shape and size. For these
successions, only qualitative estimates of grainsize
and grain size parameters are practicable. One
usually has to rely on the field outcrop facies
characteristics in order to determine the genesis and
the palaeovolcanological and palaeogeographic
significance (see App. II).
Sorting is a reflection of the degree to which the
transporting agent has been capable of separating
grains of different hydraulic properties and depositing together grains that are hydraulically equivalent.
The hydraulic behaviour of a particle is a measure
of the way in which the particle responds when
acted on by a fluid, whether the fluid be water,
wind, mud or volcanic gas. Factors that affect the
hydraulic behaviour of particles include their density, weight and shape. In normal epiclastic or
terrigeneous sediments most grains, being mineral
or rock fragments, have approximately equal densities and are generally equidimensional. As a
result, currents acting on such a sediment population sort grains according to weight, as reflected by
grainsize. In such situations it is not uncommon to
talk of size sorting . However) once sediment populations of differing shape) density and weight are mixed)
well developed size sorting becomes impossible even
though the populations may be hydraulically well
sorted. For example, a beach sediment consisting of
rounded quartz grains and blade-like shell fragments is likely to be poorly sorted by size, but will
be hydraulically well sorted. In volcanic settings,
not only are there major variations in the shape, but
also in the densities of the components (e.g.
crystals, shards, pumice, lithics). As a result,
volcaniclastic aggregates, whether they be pyroclastics or reworked and/or redeposited volcaniclastics, are likely to be poorly sorted according to
size, but may be well sorted hydraulically. It is well
known that sorting for pyroclastic deposits is poorer
than for non-volcanic epiclastic equivalents of the
same overall grainsize class. The short duration of
many pyroclastic transportation processes also
reduces the importance of hydraulic sorting.
Shape is an assessment of the three-dimensional

form of a grain. For non-volcanic epiclastic sediments the shape is largely inherited from the
morphology of the grain in the source, and can be
affected by crystallisation shape, cleavage (mineral
and tectonic) and layering, whether it be sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic. For pyroclastic
aggregates the mode of fragmentation may also
impart distinctive shape-morphology properties
(Ch. 3).
Rounding is the degree to which sharp corners
and edges have been abraded during transportation
or deposition, or both. Generally, rounding is
better in sediments that have been subjected to
constant energy levels during reworking. However,
rounding can also be produced by pyroclastic
processes (Chs 3, 8 & 12). (Most sedimentological
texts refer to 'roundness' properties rather than
'rounding' properties.)
Fabric is a consideration of the relationships
between, and arrangement or packing of grains in,
an aggregate. Depositional fabric is clearly a reflection of the transporting mode and depositional
conditions, and is mOJ;"e fully discussed in Chapter
12 and Appendix II.


Sedimentary structures are probably the most
important analytical tool in facies analysis. They are
produced before deposition (e.g. erosional features),
during deposition (e.g. current generated structures) and after deposition (e.g. soft-sediment
deformation, bioturbation) of sedimentary aggregates, and can be referred to as being pre-, syn- and
post-depositional in timing, respectively. They are
extremely important because they, together with
textural aspects, most immediately reflect the depositional conditions, and the modes of transport
and deposition. If the structures are produced by
fluid flow, then they are especially important
because they reflect the fluid dynamics of the host
environment and its transportational and depositional agents.
As discussed in Chapter 10, particles of mineral
or rock can be transported in particulate fashion
(i.e. one by one) or by mass-movement (i.e. bulk
aggregates of particles moved instantaneously as


one). Particulate movement of granular sediment

(coarser than clay) produces an assemblage of
tractional structures (cross-stratification, dunes,
ripples, etc.). Mass-movement processes frequently
deposit a massive, structureless aggregate, although
low sediment concentration, low viscosity mass
flows or the trailing tails of mass flows may also
produce tractional sedimentary structures. Tractional sedimentary structures are therefore not
exclusively associated with processes involving
particulate sediment transport, or with environments that are 'shallow-water' in aspect. Each case
has to be evaluated on its merits.
Pyroclastic processes also involve particulate and
mass-movement of clastic aggregates. The grain
types and shapes are different as, frequently, are
the transporting media and their fluid dynamic
properties compared with those of epiclastic process
regimes. Such differences should produce distinctive differences in the types of structures and
textures produced, and these will be highlighted in
Chapters 5-9 inclusive.


The directions of current flow or sediment transport
directions can be measured where asymmetrical
structures such as ripples, dunes, angle of repose
cross-stratification and imbrication, and sole structures, such as flutes, can be used to determine local
directions of movement of sediment or palaeocurrent flow. Over a larger area, numerous readings
can be used to reconstruct the palaeogeography,
and to trace palaeogeographic changes as they have
influenced current flow and sediment transport
pathways. Furthermore, distinctive regional palaeocurrent patterns develop in certain sedimentary
environments (e.g. radial patterns for alluvial and
submarine fans and deltas, bimodal for nearshore
marine settings, etc.) (Selley 1978).
Flow direction indicators in primary volcanic
facies can be used in the same way as structures in
epiclastic sediments. However, the structures will
be different, as discussed above. For example,
Waters (1960) recognised that downstream trailing
pipe vesicles in lavas, inclined foreset beds produced by lava deltas and quench-fragmented lavas


flowing into water (e.g. Fig. 4.16) can be used to

assess lava flow directions for basaltic lavas.
Cummings (1964) described eddies in flow banding
that develop on the downstream side of inclusions
in rhyolitic lavas. For pyroclastic flows, flow
directions have been variously determined using
pumice clast alignment and imbrication (Elston &
Smith 1970, Kamata & Mimura 1983), alignment
of logs (Froggatt et at. 1981) and, more commonly,
by contouring average maximum lithic clast sizes
(e.g. Kuno et at. 1964, G. P. L. Walker 1981a;
App. I). For pyroclastic surges, structures such as
dunes, low-angle cross-stratification, and chute and
pool structures (Fisher & Waters 1970; Ch. 7) are
useful if present.
Dispersal directions for epiclastic successions are
largely topographically controlled. This may also
be the case for pyroclastic successions, but the flow
mechanisms may be so energetic that they may
largely ignore and surmount topographic highs.
Nevertheless, flow directions will mainly be radial
from the vent, and they may be useful in palaeogeographic reconstruction of the volcanic centre
(Chs 13 & 14).

The use of both body and trace fossils as palaeoenvironmental indicators is essentially the same for
both volcanic and non-volcanic successions. However, the most critical thing is to establish whether
the fossils are in situ or have been transported and
redeposited, especially in marine successions,
where downslope redeposition is common. Even
redeposited fossil remains may be useful in indicating the nearby environmental conditions if the
ecological affinities of the organisms are known.

1.4 Facies analysis and interpretationthe importance of associations of facies

Having carefully documented and described individual facies, it is also necessary to look at the
association of facies and the relationships between
them to evaluate to what degree they are genetically
related. Different facies may be the products of one



event (e.g. the diverse facies of ignimbrite-forming

eruptions, Chs 5-9). Assessment of the spatial and
age relationships is therefore important before
general models of the deposits and sequence of
deposits of specific events can be formulated. On a
larger scale, particular types of volcanic centres and
settings may consistently produce similar associations of facies which can then be used to formulate
general facies and stratigraphic models for those
settings (Chs 13 & 14).

1.5 Summary
Since there is such a diversity of rock types and
processes in volcanic terrains, the interpretation of
their origins has to be addressed with care. In the
first instance, this is dependent on careful documentation and description, for which the approach
to facies description and analysis used in sedimentology is useful. Having described and interpreted
individual facies, consideration needs to be given to
the spatial and age relationships between them

(Fig. 1.2), and to associations of facies to assess to

what degree spatially related facies are genetically
related. By doing this, models of the deposits
produced by particular events can be developed,
and clearer pictures of the depositional processes
and environments emerge.

1.6 Further reading

Standard texts that contain a good coverage of
sedimentological principles are Blatt et al. (1980),
G. M. Friedman and Sanders (1978), Leeder
(1982) and Selley (1982). For detailed discussion of
the facies concept see Reading (1978) and R. G.
Walker (1984). For comprehensive discussion of
sedimentary structures and their formation see
Allen (1982), Collinson and Thompson (1982),
Conybeare and Crook (1968) and Potter and
Pettijohn (1963). For further, more detailed discussion of the characteristics of volcanic terrains,
the processes that operate, their products and their
interpretation, read on!

Plate 2 Vertical aerial perspective of Big Glass Mountain, an obsidian flow complex in the Medicine Lake Highlands, east of
Mount Shasta, USA. Flows have high viscosity with steep flow-fronts and irregular tops dominated by concentric ridges called
ogives. (After Greeley 1977a.)



Some properties ofmagmas

relevant to their
physical behaviour
Initial statement
Magmas may erupt as coherent lavas and then flow
coherently or fragment during flow, or they may
erupt explosively to form a range of pyroclastic
products. At the time of eruption the volcanic
products may range in character from pure magmatic liquid to essentially solid. If the erupted
material flows, either as a coherent mass or as a
particulate mass flow, then the original character of
the erupted material will control the form and
mobility of the resultant deposit. An understanding
of why magmas erupt coherently or explosively and
how they behave subsequently requires a brief
review of some of the properties of magmas.
In this chapter we briefly introduce the compositional variability of magmas and their classification,
and then look at specific properties that are relevant
to their rheological behaviour. Rheology is the

study of the deformational behaviour of materials.

Factors that affect the rheological behaviour of
magmas include their temperature, density, viscosity, yield strength and the mechanical or tensile
strength. The viscosity of magmas is controlled by
many variables, including pressure, temperature,
chemical composition (especially volatile and silica
contents), crystal content, and bubble content.
Finally, we examine the effects of some of these
variables on fluid flow states in coherent lavas and
particulate debris flows. From the Reynolds
Number criterion for fluid turbulence, it is seen
that most lavas and debris flows will flow in a
laminar fashion because of their high viscosities.
However, where the viscosities are relatively low
(e.g. a very hot, or peralkaline lava, or a fluid-rich
debris flow), or where flow velocities are high, then
parts, or nearly the whole body of lavas and debris
flows, may flow turbulently.




2.1 Magmas - an introduction to their

diversity and character
Magmas are molten or partially molten rock materials. They are chemically complex, multicomponent silicate systems which have varying
compositions, temperatures, crystal contents and
volatile contents, and therefore varying rheological
properties (McBirney & Murase 1984). These
properties have an important bearing on the mode
of eruption.
Magmas can have widely different histories.
They may be generated within the Earth's crust or
upper mantle. They may then crystallise at depth as
an intrusive body (to form plutonic or subvolcanic
rocks), or be erupted at the Earth's surface to form
volcanic rock. The erupted products may vary from
pure liquids to essentially pure solids. Magmas
which erupt may undergo considerable changes
during their rise to the surface. They may, for
instance, reside for some time in high level subvolcanic magma chambers where crystallisation
may occur along the margins of the chamber, or
removal of crystals (phenocrysts) from the melt
may occur through settling. Petrological and
chemical changes will result from such fractional
crystallisation. However, it is now becoming increasingly apparent that some magmas can have
much more complex histories than this. The new
awareness that many magma chambers may be
periodically replenished, periodically tapped and
continually fractionated, and that they are open
systems, questions some conventional geochemical
interpretations based on closed and 'static' systems
(see O'Hara & Matthews 1981). Replenishment can
give rise to the mixing of magmas or the development of compositional zonation. Many volcanic
products show evidence of this. Sometimes this
mixing is thought to trigger eruptions (Ch. 3).
Understanding the fluid dynamic behaviour of
magmas in chambers is a rapidly developing field
(see J. S. Turner & Gustafson 1981, Huppert &
Sparks 1984).
Many factors control the compositional and
mineralogical characteristics of an erupted magma.
These include the nature of the subsurface source
rocks where melting occurs, the earlier history of

that source in terms of previous thermal, metamorphic and melting events, the degree of partial
melting of the source rocks, the degree of crystallisation in the magma, the extent of segregation of
magma from crystals, the amount of contamination
by wall rock and the degree of magma mixing
before eruption. Discussion of all of these is beyond
the scope of this book, but as a result of these
factors volcanic rocks can have a diversity of
chemical and mineralogical compositions, and
physical characteristics (the reader is referred to
Hargraves (1980) for a more comprehensive discussion).
Two important topics that we must now consider
magmatic associations

The classification of igneous rocks (and hence the
magmas they represent) can be approached in two
ways - one based on the chemistry of the magma or
rock, and the other on observable modal mineralogy. Noone scheme can be regarded as ideal for
all purposes, and the approach used will be
governed by the desired purpose of making the
For a discussion of magma properties we can
adopt a simple chemical classification. The most
abundant chemical component in most igneous
rocks is Si0 2 , which can range from <35 to nearly
80 wt%. Volcanic rocks can be initially divided

High silica types (>63% Si0 2), which can be

called silicic or acidic.
Intermediate types (52-63% Si0 2).
Low silica types 52 to >45% Si O 2 ) which
can be called basic.
Magmas or volcanic rocks with <45% Si0 2
are called ultra basic .

Several rock types occur within each of these silica

classes. These can be distinguished on the basis of
their variable alkali contents. A complementary
way of subdividing igneous rocks chemically


Table 2.1


A simple chemical classification for the common volcanic rock types.

AI 20 3 saturation classes
Si0 2 (wt%)










rhyolite or _ _---l~~
rhyodacite -------J~~





tholeiitic basalt
alkali basalt


* Molecular AI 20 3 > (CaO + Na20 + K2 0).

t Molecular AI 20 3 < (CaO + Na 20 + K2 0) and AI 2 0 3 > (Na20 + K2 0).
:j: Molecular AI 2 0 3 ~ (Na 20 + K20).
Molecular AI 20 3 < (Na20 + K20)
Note: Basaltic rocks cover a wide compositional range and can be further subdivided. For more-comprehensive chemical
classification schemes. see Yoder and Tilley (1962). Green and Ringwood (1967) and Irvine and Baragar (1971).

(especially acid to intermediate rocks) is to evaluate

the relative abundances of molecular Al 20 3 to total
alkalis and calcium (Na20 + K 2 0 + CaO), i.e. the
degree of alumina saturation (Shand 1947, K. G.
Cox et ai. 1979). The common volcanic rocks are
categorised in Table 2.1 using this approach.
Variation in silica and alkali contents is reflected
in the mineralogy, particularly the feldspars and
feldspathoids. Acid and intermediate rocks such as
dacites and andesites are dominated by plagioclase
feldspars, whereas rhyodacites and latites have
subequal proportions of potassium feldspars and
plagioclase, and rhyolite and trachyte are dominated by potassium feldspars. Pantellerites and
comendites are alkali-rich (peralkaline) sodic rhyolites which, compared with more aluminous rhyolites, develop Na-rich feldspars with Na-amphibole
or pyroxene. The acidic and more silicic intermediate rocks (>57% Si0 2) are usually silicaoversaturated, and the acid rocks in particular will
contain free quartz crystals or grains, i.e. modal
quartz. Where magmas are undersaturated in SiOz,
feldspathoid minerals (e.g. analcite, nepheline,
leucite) may occur at the expense of some feldspar.

Examples include phonolites, which have potassium-rich alkali feldspar and minor feldspathoids,
basanites with plagioclase, alkali feldspar and feldspathoids, and nephelinites and leucitites, which
are feldspar-free ultrabasic rocks. Within the range
of basalts, tholeiites may be slightly oversaturated,
while alkali basalts tend to be slightly undersaturated.
A comment should be made here on the distinction between the terms 'basic and ultrabasic' and
'mafic and ultramafic'. The former terms are used
to describe igneous rocks with low Si0 2 contents,
the latter are used for rocks with high modal ferromagnesian mineral contents. Similarly 'silicic' and
'acidic' refer to high Si0 2 contents, whereas 'felsic'
and 'salic' are used for igneous rocks with high
modal contents of light coloured minerals (quartz,
feldspars). Some mafic rocks can be ultrabasic (e.g.
nephelinites) and ultramafic rocks can be basic (e.g.
pyroxenites), but generally most basic rocks are
mafic and acidic rocks are felsic or salic.
For studies based on field observations of volcanic
rocks, an entirely chemical approach to classification
is not practical. It also ignores useful mineralogical



and textural information. A chemical scheme is

also of limited value where rocks have undergone
alteration due to hydrothermal or fumarolic activity,
weathering or, in some ancient terrains, regional
metamorphism. In many cases a more tangible
means of classifying rocks based on mineralogy is
therefore required. Even in chemically altered
rocks, the primary mineralogy and textures can
still be identified in many cases. Mineral types and



p ~hno~eiite

basalt and

loidite (analcitite

Figure 2.1 Names and modal (mineral volume percentage)

compositions of volcanic rocks recommended by the lUGS
Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks (after
Streckeisen 1979) with slight amendments. Minerals at the
corners of the OAPF diagram are: 0 = silica minerals
(usually quartz); A = alkali feldspar (including albite); P =
plagioclase; F = feldspathoids (e.g. analcite, nepheline,
leucite). Rock names are determined by ignoring mafic
mineral contents and recalculating quartz, plagioclase, alkali
feldspar and feldspathoid contents to 100%. The sum of
mafic mineral modes (M) is used to distinguish basalt (M =
35-90) from andesite (M = 0-35). and basanite (> 10%
olivine) from tephrite 10% olivine). Mafic minerals include
olivine, pyroxenes, amphiboles, and micas. Most mafic
volcanic rocks plot along the P and F sides of the OAPF

abundances not only reflect magma chemistry, but

their textural relations give additional information
about the eruptive and cooling history of volcanic
rocks. (Useful atlases of igneous rocks and their
textures include MacKenzie et al. (1982) and
Moorhouse (1970), and detailed interpretations of
textures can be found in Hatch et al. (1972) and
K. G. Cox et al. (1979).)
Rock names have traditionally been given
according to mineral content, and many classification schemes have evolved. The most recent
attempt at a standard scheme based on mineralogy
is that presented by Streckeisen (1979) shown in
Figure 2.1. Here, volcanic rock types are allocated
fields on the QAPF diagram, and are classified
according to the relative modal abundances of
their felsic minerals. This presents problems in
distinguishing the members of the maficultramafic rock spectrum. These are distinguished
by the abundance of mafic minerals (Fig. 2.1).
For many volcanic rocks modal mineral contents
cannot be accurately determined because of the
microcrystalline or glassy texture of the groundmass. Where phenocrysts are the only recognisable
minerals, and if rock names are based on these
alone, then the prefix 'pheno-' should be added.
Thus, a rock containing plagioclase and quartz
phenocrysts in an undetermined groundmass
would be a 'pheno-dacite'. Where plagioclase is
the sole felsic phenocryst, the rock is a 'phenoandesite' or 'pheno-basalt', even though a complete
modal or chemical analysis could show it to be a
dacite. On the other hand, rocks with abundant
plagioclase together with clinopyroxene phenocrysts
may either be andesite or tholeiitic basalt, depending
on the total proportion of mafic minerals present.
Some very glassy rocks (80-100% glass) are given
special names such as obsidian or pitchstone, for
glass of rhyolitic composition.
In ancient volcanic terrains metamorphosed or
meta so mati sed volcanic rocks in which feldspars
are sericitised or albitised and mafic minerals
replaced by chlorite, epidote, serpentine or talc,
etc., may be given the prefix 'meta-' whenever
original textures and mineralogy can be determined. Some special names which have been used
for rocks in ancient terrains include spilite (albite-


Table 2.2


Some measured temperatures of erupting magmas

Temperature (OC)




Kilauea. Hawaii



MacDonald (1972)

Mt Etna*t



Archambault and
Tanguy (1976)




Santa Maria*



MacDonald (1972)

Mt St Helenst



J. D. Friedman eta!. (1981)

Bullard (1947)

Measured by *optical pyrometer and tthermocouple placed into lava. Those from Kilauea are largely
optical measurements, and those from Etna are largely thermocouple ones.

chlorite rock) for a meta-basalt, and keratophyre

and quartz keratophyre (albite, quartz and minor
chlorite, epidote and iron oxides) for meta-andesite
or dacite. However, the rock names in Figure 2,1
should be retained where possible, regardless of
alteration state or geological age.


Volcanic rocks can be grouped into vanous
'associations', 'series', 'suites' or 'clans' based on
petrological and chemical distinctions. Examples
include the tholeiitic, alkaline and calc-alkaline
associations. These may have restricted spatial
distributions and be restricted to specific volcanotectonic settings. For many years petrologists and
geochemists have attempted to relate the petrogenesis of modern and ancient volcanics to their
tectonic setting using, in particular, their trace
element and isotope chemistry. We discuss relationships between volcanism and tectonic setting
in Chapter 15.
For a detailed consideration of the petrological
characteristics of volcanic rocks, see igneous
petrology texts such as Carmichael et al. (1974),
K. G. Cox et al. (1979) and Hughes (1983).

2.2 Temperature
Magma temperatures may be estimated in a variety
of ways. Direct measurements on lavas may be
made, either using a thermocouple probe inserted

into a lava flow or lake, or by means of an optical

pyrometer (which is especially useful for measuring
the temperature of lava fountains). A large amount
of temperature information is available for Hawaiian
lavas and some of this is summarised by MacDonald
(1972). Hawaiian tholeiitic basalts approach the
surface between about 1050C and 1200C (Table
2.2). For silicic magmas there are fewer data
available because such eruptions have not frequently been observed this century. An optically
determined temperature for the 1940 dacite dome
of Santa Maria and a thermocouple measurement
of the Mt St Helens 1980 dacite dome indicate
substantially lower eruption temperatures than for
basaltic lavas (Table 2.2). Estimates of the typical
eruption temperatures of the major magma types
are given in Table 2.3.
Table 2.3 Summary of estimates of typical eruption
temperatures for volcanic rocks.
Rock type

Temperature (OC)

Laboratory experiments may also be used to

estimate magma temperatures. Almost all volcanic
rocks contain crystals in varying amounts. Therefore, by experimentally determining the liquidus
temperature (the temperature above which no



crystals are stable) and the solidus temperature

(the temperature below which there is no liquid
phase) the maximum and minimum temperature
limits for the existence of a silicate liquid are
found. An uncertainty is introduced by H 20
content, which can strongly affect the liquidus and
solidus temperatures. For rocks with a few
suspended phenocrysts the liquidus temperature
may be a good approximation of the eruption
temperature. Crystallisation temperatures can be
estimated by mineral geothermometry, which makes
use of temperature-dependent compositional relationships between coexisting minerals assumed
to be in mutual equilibrium. Frequently used
geothermometers include magnetite-ilmenite mineral pairs (Spencer & Lindsley 1981), olivineilmenite (D. J. Anderson & Lindsley 1981) and
two pyroxenes (B. J. Wood & Banno 1973).
However, it must be borne in mind that laboratory
estimates do not necessarily reflect emplacement
temperatures. For example, lava flows may have
erupted at higher temperatures than those indicated
by mineral pairs which may have crystallised after
eruption, and the final emplacement temperature
of hot pyroclastic flows may be governed more by
the extent of mixing with air and country rock
than by initial magma temperature.

2.3 Density
There have been few measurements of the densities
of igneous rocks at elevated temperatures, despite
the obvious importance of such data in understanding magmatic systems. The results obtained
for four volcanic rocks by Murase and McBirney
(1973) are given in Figure 2.2. Densities are
markedly different for the different compositional
types but, as expected, all show a decrease in
density with increasing temperature. Density is
also dependent on pressure, increasing in proportion to the confining pressure (Stolper &
Walker 1980, Kushiro 1980).
Bottinga and Weill (1970) and Nelson and
Carmichael (1979) considered the partial molar
volumes of rock-forming oxide components in
silicate liquids as a function of temperature. The




















Temperature (Oe)
Figure 2.2 Densities of some molten volcanic rocks with
varying temperature at atmospheric pressure (after Murase
& McBirney 1973)

density of any magmatic liquid can thus be estimated

from its chemical composition using the empirical
methods of Bottinga and Weill (1970) and Richet

et al. (1982).

The effect of density on the flliid dynamical

behaviour of magmas is an important petrological
variable affecting their chemical characteristics.
Recent exciting work has modelled the mixing of
dense, ultrabasic magmas with lighter, more
fractionated basaltic magmas in mid-ocean ridge
magma chambers (Huppert & Sparks 1980a, b),
and of heavier, wet basic magma with more silicic
magma within high-level chambers typical of
stratovolcanoes (Huppert et al. 1982a, J. S. Turner
et al. 1983). The reader is referred to these papers,
as well as the review paper of Huppert and Sparks
(1984), and McBirney (1980), for an insight into
this type of study and the petrological implications.


2.4 Viscosity and yield strength

In lay terms, viscosity is a measure of the
consistency of a substance. For our purposes it is a
reflection of the internal resistance to flow by a
substance when a shear stress is applied. In pure
fluids this resistance to flow is essentially caused
by molecular or ionic cohesion. In magmas it is
complicated by the presence of solids (crystals)
and gas bubbles (McBirney & Murase 1984).
Furthermore, the processes of uprise and pressure
release, crystallisation, cooling and degassing ensure that the viscosity of all magmas changes
during their history. Consideration of the viscosity
of magmas is important because it affects the
mobility and form of unfragmented, coherently
erupted lavas (Ch. 4), and because it may affect
the rate of vesiculation (Ch. 3), a significant factor
at a time when explosive fragmentation and
eruption are imminent. These applications will be
discussed further in subsequent chapters. The
relevance of viscosity to fluid flow states is
discussed in Section 2.5.6.
To define viscosity quantitatively, we first need
to consider fluid rheologies. Some fluids, such as

Strain rate (dx /dt)

Figure 2.3 Flow curves for a Bingham. a pseudo-plastic.
and two Newtonian substances. l'Japp is the apparent
viscosity of the pseudo-plastic substance at strain rate a, and
of the Bingham substance at strain rate b: 00 is the yield
strength of the Bingham substance. Stress and strain rate
are explained in text and Figure 2.4. (After Wolff & Wright


und,slorled shope


Figure 2.4 Distortion of a cube of foam rubber by an

applied stress, mg. Strain is a measure of the degree of
deformation, measured here as the angle B. The rate of
strair, is the rate at which the foam cube deforms, and can
be represented by dB/d+. (After Allen 1970a)

air and water, will flow (i.e. deform) when an

infinitesimally low shear stress is applied, and
these are called Newtonian fluids. For Newtonian
fluids the relationship between the shear stress and
strain rate (rate of deformation) is linear (Fig. 2.3).
Only some very fluidal, high temperature magmas
with low concentrations of crystals behave in
Newtonian fashion. Non-Newtonian substances are
those in which the relationship between shear
stress and strain rate is variable (Fig. 2.3; called
pseudo-plastic substances), or in which a yield
strength must be exceeded, after which the relationship between shear stress and strain rate may be
linear or non-linear (Fig. 2.3). Substances for
which an initial yield strength must be exceeded
and after which the relationship between shear
stress and strain rate is linear are called Bingham
substances (Fig. 2.3).
The viscosity of a substance can be quantitatively
defined as the ratio of the shear stress to rate of
strain. For a foam cube for example (Fig. 2.4), if a
shear stress (J is applied, the viscosity of the foam,
11, is given by




for which the unit is the Pa s (= 1 dyn s cm - 2

== 10 poise).



I plate I, area' A





I plate 2, area B




dx /dt






velocity of plate (u) = dx/dy

velocity gradient


Figure 2.5 Diagrammatic representation of parameters

used to define viscosity in a liquid. Application of a shear
stress a to the upper plate confining a liquid induces a
velocity gradient du/dy.

For fluids it is not practical to measure dB/dt. A

more practical parameter to measure is the vertical
velocity gradient, du/dy, induced by applying a
shear stress, 0 (= PIA), to the upper plate of two
plates of known equal area (A) which confine a fluid
(Fig. 2.5). The viscosity of the fluid can be written


0 /



This equation is valid for pure Newtonian fluids.

Equation 2.2 can also be written as
o =


+ ~ ( ~~

stances 00 = 0 and n = 1 (Eqn 2.2); for pseudoplastic materials 00 = 0 and n < 1; and for
Bingham substances 00 (= yield strength) has a
finite value and n = 1. Shear stress and the yield
strength of the material are usually expressed in
Newtons per square metre (1 N m~2 = 1O~1
dyn cm~2); strain rate is expressed in reciprocal
seconds (S~l).
There are very few estimates of the viscosities of
magmas. MacDonald (1972) summarised a number
of measurements from lava flows. However, nearly
all of these assume Newtonian rheology. In most
of these cases, and in subsequent work, lava
viscosities have been calculated from the Jeffreys


where 0 is the total shear stress and 00 is the stress

required to initiate flow (= the yield strength of a
Bingham substance). For pure Newtonian sub-

gQ sin ad2



where ~ is the viscosity, g the acceleration due to

gravity, Q the density, a the slope angle of the
terrain, d the thickness of flow, n = 3 for broad
flows or 4 for narrow flows and V is the velocity of
More recent field and laboratory measurements
have indicated that at sub-liquidus temperatures,
lavas and common igneous melts generally have
non-Newtonian rheologies (Robson 1967, Shaw et
al. 1968, Shaw 1969, Murase & McBirney 1973,
Pinkerton & Sparks 1978, McBirney & Noyes
1979, McBirney & Murase 1984). This behaviour is
due to the presence of dispersed crystals and gas
bubbles, and possibly due to the development of
molecular structural units in a silicate melt. At
Newtonian rheology is applicable.
By assuming Newtonian behaviour, lower apparent viscosities (Fig. 2.3) are calculated by the
Jeffreys equation for faster-moving flows. For a
non-Newtonian lava, which is say pseudo-plastic,
its apparent viscosity decreases with increasing
strain rate (Fig. 2.3). Hence, a fast-moving lava will
appear less viscous or more fluid than when moving
more slowly.
The most accurate published field determinations
of lava viscosity are given by Shaw et al. (1968)
and Pinkerton and Sparks (1978). Shaw et al.
(1968) used a rotating shear vane to measure the


Table 2.4


Results of field measurements of physical properties of basaltic lavas.

Makaopuhi lava lake, Hawaii 1968

Etna 1975

tholeiitic basalt
6.5-7.5 x 10 2


temperature (OC)
phenocryst content (vol%)
yield strength (N m- 2 ) (=10- 1 dyn cm- 2 )
Bingham viscosity (Pa s)

9.4 x 10 3

Data from the Makaopuhi lava lake are from Shaw et al. (1968) and Etna 1975 from Pinkerton and Sparks (1978). Compared
with the Hawaiian lava, the Etna lava was at a lower temperature and had a higher phenocryst content, which would be
responsible for its higher yield strength and plastic viscosity.

viscosity in the tholeiite of the 1968 Makaopuhi

lava lake, Hawaii. Although Pinkerton and Sparks
(1978) used a variety of methods to measure the
rheological properties of small lava flows erupted
on Mt Etna in 1975, the results in Table 2.4 are
only from a specially developed penetrometer.
Results from both Makaopuhi and Etna indicated
that the lavas behaved in a pseudo-plastic manner,
but could be approximated closely to a Bingham
model with a definite yield strength (Table 2.4).
Bingham or plastic viscosities of the lavas have been
determined (Eqn 2.3), and these are also shown in
Table 2.4. There are no field measurements of
Bingham viscosities for more-felsic or salic lavas.
Viscosities obtained experimentally for five rocks
of varying compositions at varying temperatures
from Murase and McBirney (1973) are given in













89Q.,. ~

~ .... ""~

.... 6~
(4500) 318!) ........ \\<~\)\




Pressure (k bar)
Figure 2.6 Viscosity of an andesite melt with varying
temperature and pressure. Numbers indicate the viscosity of
the melt in poises; those in parentheses represent the
viscosity of the same melt at 1 atm pressure calculated by
the method of Bottinga and Weill (1972). (After Kushiro et al.

Figure 2.6. Sub-liquidus viscosities are only

apparent viscosities (Fig. 2.3).
Empirical methods have also been developed for
calculating the viscosities of silicate melts from
their chemical composition and temperature
(Bottinga & Weill 1972, Shaw 1972). According to
Me Birney and Murase (1984), the validity of these
estimates is only established at supraliquidus
temperatures, i.e. for crystal-free magmas. However, viscosity contrasts between different compositions can be represented in a qualitative way.
Viscosity and yield strength are important in
controlling not only fluidity and lava mobility, but
also the resultant geometry and morphology of
lavas (Ch. 4).

2.5 Factors controlling viscosity in

Not all of the factors that control viscosity III
magmas are well understood, nor is the way in
which they all interact. The principal factors that
contribute to viscosity that have been studied
volatile content, especially dissolved water
chemical composition
crystal content
bubble content





In a series of experiments carried out in a piston

cylinder apparatus at supra-liquidus temperatures
Kushiro (1976, 1978, 1980) and Kushiro et al.
(1976) showed that in natural and synthetic melts,
the viscosity becomes lower with increasing pressure (Fig. 2.6), especially at high pressures.
Significant specific findings of these experiments
were the following.


10 10






As pressure increases at constant temperature,

the rate at which the viscosity becomes lower
in basaltic magma is less than the rate in
andesitic magma (the viscosity of basaltic
magma is initially significantly lower anyway).
The viscosity of an andesitic melt with 4 wt%
H 20 is lower by a factor of 20 than in its
anhydrous equivalent at the same temperature
and pressure.
The viscosity of a NaAISi 20 6 (jadeite) melt
decreased by an order of magnitude more
than a melt of Na2Si307 did with increasing
pressure, which Kushiro relates to a change
in the co-ordination number of Al from four
to six, implying that the melt structure is an
important influence on viscosity. (Note: although the viscosity became lower, the
density increased with an increase in pressure.)

Viscosity is very dependent on the temperature of
the magma (Fig. 2.7). Both field and experimental
data show that the viscosity of all magmas
increases significantly on cooling (H. Williams &
McBirney 1979), partly due to crystallisation.
However, at equivalent temperatures and pressures
different magmas have different viscosities, suggesting that compositional aspects are also important in determining their viscosities.

Dissolved water content has a marked effect on the

viscosity of magmas (Fig. 2.8; H. Williams &
McBirney 1979, McBirney & Murase 1970). At


10 5




Temperature (OC)
Figure 2.7 Relationship between viscosity and temperature for some volcanic rocks. The rhyolite was glassy or
liquid through the entire temperature range. The rocks are
the same as in Figure 2.2. (After Murase & McBirney 1973.)

fixed temperatures the viscosity of a particular

magma becomes lower with increasing water
content, especially for more silicic magmas (Shaw
1963, 1972). The solubility of water in magmas is
controlled by temperature, pressure, the presence
of other volatiles (H. Williams & McBirney 1979)
and the presence of exchangeable cations (those
not in tetrahedral co-ordination sites; Burnham
1979, Mysen et al. 1982). The solubility of water
in magma increases with decreasing temperature
and increasing pressure, and decreases with increasing abundance of other volatiles. Burnham
(1979) indicated that the effect of water on a
silicate melt is to depolymerise the melt by
breaking Si-O-Si bridges. A H+ ion exchanges
with cations not in tetrahedral co-ordination sites
(e.g. Na+), hydrolysing one of the tetrahedral coordinating oxygens to OH-. Stolper (1982) showed
that dissolved water exists in both hydroxl (OH-)
and molecular (H 2 0) forms in silicate glass, and
by inference in silicate melts. At low total water
contents 3 wt%), the rate at which hydroxyl ion
concentration increases and melt viscosity decreases
are both high. However, at higher water contents,



10 8

>. 10 6




10 4






H2 0 content (wt%)


10 4




~~~~~~~~ 1200'


10 2


H2 0


content (wt%)


Figure 2.8 The effect of H 2 0 on the viscosity of (a) granitic

and (b) basaltic melts at varying temperatures. (After Murase

as water is added, the rate of increase of hydroxyl

ion concentration falls, as does the rate of decrease
of melt viscosity, but the concentration of molecular water increases significantly (Stolper 1982).
The effect of dissolved water on magma viscosity is
therefore due more to the concentration of network-breaking hydroxyl ions than to the total
dissolved water content. On a weight percentage


basis, it has been shown experimentally that water

is more soluble in silicic melts than in mafic ones
(Burnham 1979). However, on an equimolal basis
the solubility of water is the same in all magma
types. Furthermore, because water solubility increases with decreasing temperatures CH. Williams
& McBirney 1979), most silicic magmas, because
of their lower eruption temperatures, could contain
more water than mafic ones do, if adequate water
is available in the subsurface source area. Other
factors probably also influence the actuai water
content of magmas, e.g. H 2 0 is geochemically
incompatible with most silicate systems, and is
therefore concentrated in more-evolved magmas.
Pressure is an important control on the solubility
of water in a magma (H. Williams & McBirney
1979; Ch. 3). As a magma rises in the subsurface
and the confining pressure decreases, water will
begin to exsolve from the magma, and crystallisation occurs. The effect of this is to increase the
viscosity and the strength of the magma. If the
exsolved volatile content is low, then this increased
viscosity may be sufficient to stop the magma from
disrupting explosively, as discussed in Chapter 3.
However, notwithstanding all of the foregoing,
it is significant that the effect of dissolved water in
lowering viscosity is greater for silicic magmas
than for basic ones (Fig. 2.8) because there are
more Si-O bonds to break, so an erupting silicic
magma with a low water content (e.g. one that has
degassed) will be more viscous than a basic one
with an equivalent weight percentage water content
at the same temperature. This implies that some
factor other than pressure, temperature and dissolved water content affect the viscosity of magma;
namely, the magma composition.
The exact effects of other volatiles is poorly
known, being dependent on their solubilities and
abundances. Chlorine and fluorine have a marked
effect on magma rheology. Peralkaline rocks have
high Cl and F contents which are thought to
considerably reduce viscosities and yield strengths
of magmas of these compositions (Schmincke
1974, Wolff & Wright 1981, 1982). The supraliquidus viscosities of pantellerites are typically
two orders of magnitude below those of calcalkaline rhyolites (Wolff & Wright 1981). Carbon



dioxide has a low solubility at low pressures, but

its solubility increases markedly in the presence of
H 20 (Mysen 1977, Burnham 1979). However,
CO 2 increases polymerisation, and therefore viscosity, in melts by forming CO~- complexes
(Eggler & Rosenhauer 1978, Mysen et al. 1982).



The overall composition of a magma affects its

viscosity in a complex fashion. The elements in a
magma can be divided into network formers and
non-network formers. Si4 + and to a lesser extent
AI3+ and Fe3+ are the principal cation network
formers. Silica content is important in contributing
to the viscosity of magmas, because Si-O bonds are
the strongest cation-anion bonds in a magma,
mineral or rock. Even well above its liquidus
temperature, a magma has a well defined structure
(Burnham 1979, Hess 1980, Mysen et al. 1982),
and its strength and shear resistance can be
attributed to intermolecular bonds, and particularly
Si-O bonds. AI-O bonds are also important in this
regard, since they are also much stronger than other
cation-oxygen bonds, though not as strong as Si-O
bonds. 0 2- is both a network and non-network
former. In the former role, its principal function is
to form cation-oxygen tetrahedra with Si4 +, AI3+
and Fe3+. Mysen et al. (1982) suggest that siliconoxygen tetrahedra represent the basic building
block to a range of network structural units, these
being SiO~- (monomers), Si20~- (dimers), Si20~
(chains), Si20~- (sheets) and three-dimensional
units. Overall this sequence of units corresponds to
increasing degrees of polymerisation and viscosity.
The type of network structural unit present depends
on the ratio of non-bridging oxygens to silicon
(NBO: Si) and the types of non-tetrahedrally coordinated cations present, which are called network
modifiers (Mysen et al. 1982).
If the NBO : Si ratio decreases, magmas will be
more polymerised. Similarly, the higher the field
strength of the network modifying cations, the
more polymerised the melt will be at a given
NBO: Si ratio (Mysen et al. 1982). Peralkaline
magmas with relatively high Na+ and K+ ion
concentrations will be of relatively low viscosity

because of the effect of Na+ and K+ in lowering

the degree of melt polymerisation. Similarly, basic
magmas (higher overall NBO: Si and more network modifiers) will have lower viscosities than
acidic ones will at the same temperature and
volatile contents.
Some minor components can have opposing
effects. For example, Ti0 2 reduces silica activity
and the degree of polymerisation, whereas P 20 S
increases silica activity and the degree of polymerisation (Ryerson & Hess 1980, Mysen et al.



The effect of crystals suspended in a magma is to

increase the effective or bulk viscosity of the
magma (discussed further in Ch. 11). The effective
viscosity can be estimated from the EinsteinRoscoe equation (McBirney & Murase 1984):

= lJo(1

- R<j-2.S


in which lJ is the effective viscosity of a liquid with

a volume fraction of <j> suspended solids, lJo is the
viscosity of the liquid alone and R is a constant
whose best estimated value for lavas is 1.67 (Marsh
1981, McBirney & Murase 1984). However,
results calculated using Equation 2.5 are frequently
at variance with values of lava viscosities measured
in the field, due to the larger sizes and higher
concentrations of crystals than those for which
Equation 2.5 was designed (McBirney & Murase
1984). To overcome this McBirney & Murase
(1984) designed a computer program for calculating
effective viscosities in crystal-bearing magmas.
The effect of bubbles on the bulk viscosity of the
magma can be variable, depending on the degree
of vesiculation, the size and distribution of
bubbles, and the viscosity of the magma interstitial
to the bubbles (see Sparks 1978a). As described
above, dissolved water contributes significantly to
lowering magma viscosity. When the water exsolves, the magma viscosity begins to increase.
However, the exsolved phases, are very low


viscosity fluids, which may affect the overall bulk

viscosity. In low viscosity magmas such as basalt,
exsolution of volatiles may have relatively little
effect on bulk viscosity because the low viscosity is
largely due to the effects of temperature and
composition. The presence of abundant fluid
bubbles, may enhance the already low viscosity. In
more acidic magmas however, the viscosity of the
magma is initially high, and may be significantly
affected by exsolution. Vesiculated rhyolite, for
example, will have a very high, bulk viscosity,
irrespective of the degree of vesiculation, unless it
is peralkaline in character. By contrast, the
mechanical strength of the rhyolite may be low
due to the high vesicle content and overall physical
heterogeneity, especially if bybble walls are thin.
Hence in spite of the overall high bulk viscosity,
such a vesiculated rhyolite, may be very susceptible
to mechanical, explosive fragmentation, as discussed in Chapter 3.

2.6 Strength
Volcanic products, like all substances, can deform
in a ductile or brittle manner when subjected to a
stress. Given the great diversity of physical states
of erupting volcanic materials (liquids to solids),
the deformation takes many forms, including
highly plastic as reflected by lava flow, to
essentially brittle, as reflected by explosive disruption or fragmentation of a rhyolite dome. Given
the wide range of physical states, volcanic materials
therefore have very diverse mechanical strengths.
The mechanical strength of rock decreases rapidly as
the degree of partial melting increases (van der
Molen & Paterson 1979, Shaw 1980), the converse
also being true. Therefore as a magma crystallises,
its strength increases (in an uncertain relationship McBirney & Murase 1984) as the proportion of
crystals increases. Consideration of mechanical
strength is most significant in the context of
explosive fragmentation, because the greater the
mechanical strength of the erupting material, the
greater the tendency to resist explosive disruption.
In this regard, fragmentation can be effected by
both tensile stresses and shear stresses. The former


occurs for example during explosive growth of

bubbles when the gas pressure exceeds the tensile
strength and surface tension force of the magma.
The latter can occur, for example, when vesiculated
magma is crushed by a velocity-induced shear
stress that exceeds the shear strength of the
erupting mass, when magma discharge rates are
high. The mechanics of fragmentation will be
discussed further in Chapter 3. Units of strength
are the same as stress or force units (dyn cm- 2 ,
Pa, etc.).

2.7 Fluid flow character

The physical properties of magmas, and of
aggregates of pyroclastic and epiclastic debris, will
control to a large extent the nature of resultant
flows of lava and debris away from the source.
Viscosity, or bulk viscosity (for heterogeneous
aggregates), is especially important in controlling
not only flow mobility and form, but also the fluid
flow state. There are essentially two fluid flow
laminar flow
turbulent flow
In laminar flow, fluid streamlines are smooth and
parallel, and no mixing of streamlines occurs. The
fluid is therefore free of eddies and vortices. In
turbulent flow, streamlines are highly irregular and
are dominated by eddying, so high degrees of

Figure 2.9 Reynolds' experiment, in which a dye streak is

injected into a steady flow of water through a glass tube to
define (a) laminar flow and (b) at increased flow velocity
above a critical value. turbulent flow in which eddies
disperse the dye and eventually colour the whole flow.



mixing of the fluid occur. In 1883, the English

physicist Reynolds first defined the criteria distinguishing the two flow states in experiments
carried out by passing Newtonian fluids through
pipes (Fig. 2.9). The defining parameter f~r
Newtonian fluids, the Reynolds Number (Re), IS
given by

= UDQ/'Y]


where U is the average velocity, D the pipe

diameter, Q the density and 'Y] the viscosity; Re is
dimensionless. For open channel flow (e.g. rivers,
lavas), D is replaced by R, where R is the hydraulic
radius = A (cross-sectional area) /P (wetted channel
perimeter), so that

= URQ/'Y]


For flows in both pipes and channels, the transition

between laminar and turbulent flow lies between
Re values of 500 and 2000.
For non-Newtonian Bingham substances, such
as debris flows and lavas, the Reynolds Number
criterion for turbulence is inadequate because of the
high strength and viscosity of the substance
(Hampton 1972, Hiscott & Middleton 1979). For
such substances the criterion for turbulence is


1000 B


where B is the Bingham Number, which is given by

where 1'( is the strength of the substance and the
other parameters are as defined in Equation 2.6.
Equations 2.6 and 2.9 may be combined to produce
a criterion for turbulence in Bingham substances,
known as the Hampton Number (Hiscott &
Middleton 1979):
The critical point about the Reynolds Number is
that it is inversely proportional to the viscosity, and
directly proportional to the velocity. Because of
this, lavas may move by laminar flow or turbulently,
but generally, because of their relatively high
viscosities, most lavas flow in laminar fashion. Only
low viscosity, highly fluidal magmas experience
turbulent flow, and then usually only where
relatively high terrain slopes cause acceleration
to relatively high velocities (but see Section 4.12
on Archaean komatiite lavas). High viscosity lavas
move at low velocities, even on steep slopes,
because of their high internal yield strength. Flow
banding, which is characteristic of rhyolites (Fig.
2.10), is a reflection of laminar flow. It is usually
preserved only in very viscous, highly siliceous

Figure 2.10 Flow-banding in

spherulitically devitrified obsidian
dome rhyolite. Holocene
Okatalna Complex, North Island,
New Zealand.



(0) Longitudinal section


l atnlnar 1/0"' ''-'-"- - - - 1


(b) Plan view

Figure 2.11 Flow-aligned plagioclase phenocrysts in the

Permian Bombo Latite. Kiama. New South Wales. Australia .
These aligned phenocrysts reflect lam inar flow paths.

flows . In less viscous flows, laminar flow may be

reflected by alignment of platy or elongate phenocrysts (Fig. 2.11 ).
A. M. Johnson (1970) suggested that lavas eCho
4) may have rheological similarities to cohesive
debris flows eCho 10), and should flow similarly.
Many debris flows and lavas approximate Bingham
substances , and both frequently develop interior
channels flanked by non-moving 'dead zone'
margins , which are frequently levee-like in form
and so act to contain the more active part of the
flow . The formation of levees and steep margins in
debris flows and lavas is attributed to their
cohesive character and the existence of a yield
strength during flow CA. M . Johnson 1970, Hulme
1974; Ch. 4 for lava levees). Observations of
natural debris flows, laboratory experiments and
theoretical modelling have shown that the flow
character of many debris flows cannot be described
simply as laminar or turbulent. As a consequence
of a finite yield strength, the bulk of the flow
moves as an essentially internally inert 'plug' upon

(c) Cross-sectional view

Figure 2.12 Vel ocity profiles for flo w o f a Bingham

substance in a subaerial setting . Length of arrows is
proportional to fluid velOCity. (After A. M. Johnson 1970 )

a zone of laminar flow , which is a zone of very

high shear between the coherent plug and the
channel walls CA. M. Johnson 1970; Figs 2.12 &
13). However, flows can be turbulent given high
velocities and low bulk viscosities. Where flows
move within valleys incised into bedrock , the



Figure 2.13 Cross-sectional

view of a basaltic volcaniclastic
debris flow of late Eocene-early
Oligocene age.
Waiareka-Deborah volcanics.
Bridge Point, South Island. New
Zealand. The lower stratified
succession into which the debris
flow has eroded consists of
primary and redeposited
pyroclastics. The cross-sectional
view is similar to that in Figure
2.12c. with a semicircular
channel-form. a lower laminarflow layered zone and an inner
massive plug core in which large
clasts have been concentrated.

bedrock constitutes the channel walls, but where

flow occurs on an unconfined surface, the lateral
edges of the flow solidify and become the de facto
channel walls. More will be said about lava flow
types and resultant characteristics in Chapter 4,
about pyroclastic flows and their deposits in
Chapters 5 and 7-9, and about epiclastic mass
flows in Chapter 10.

2.8 Further reading

An excellent summary of the properties of magmas
that affect their rheology is given by McBirney &
Murase (1984). Other physical properties of
magmas have been adequately reviewed by Murase
and McBirney (1973), H. Williams and McBirney
(1979) and Hargraves (1980). A good review of the
rheological variables of magmas (including lunar
magmas) is given by Whitford-Stark (1982) and
detailed review of the factors controlling the
structure of silicate melts is given by Hess (1980)
and Mysen et al. (1982). The peculiar properties of
Archaean komatiite lavas are briefly ~onsidered in
Chapter 4, Section 4.12.

Plate 3 The township of Vestmannaeyjar on the island of Heimaey, 1973, half buried in tephra fall-out from the eruption
column. A basaltic lava from the new active volcano flows to the left into the sea and fragments. The older 5000-6000-year-old
volcano. Helgafell, stands watchfully in the background to the right. The stark contrast is produced by a recent snowfall which
has melted and been buried around the volcano and lava flow Note houses that are partially buried beneath snow covered
tephra deposits. (After S. Jonasson in Gunnarsson 1973.)



Volcaniclastic deposits:
fragmentation and
general characteristics
Initial statement
Volcanic successions can consist of both coherent
lavas and a range of volcaniclastic deposits. Lavas,
their characteristics and the parameters which
control their characteristics, are discussed in
Chapter 4. In this chapter we consider how
volcaniclastic deposits (particularly those formed
by primary volcanic processes) are formed, and
some of their general characteristics. The use of the
non-genetic term 'volcaniclastic', opens the way to
explore the range of origins of all fragmental
volcanic rocks. Although some have explosive
pyroclastic origins, many do not. Misinterpretation
of fragmental volcanic deposits as explosive pyroclastic rocks is commonplace, and usually results
from a lack of understanding of the types of
fragmentation processes and the characteristics of

the deposits from each process, and on whether the

deposits have been redeposited from the site of
fragmentation. Nomenclature of volcaniclastic rocks
is then further discussed in Chapter 12.

3.1 Introduction
The fragments in volcaniclastic rocks can be
produced both by primary volcanic processes
(those that are essentially contemporaneous with
eruption) and by secondary surface processes
(weathering, erosion, mass-wastage). Both of these
groups of processes can produce generally similar
textural types (e.g. breccias, sand-sized aggregates,
mud-sized aggregates). To facilitate discussion of
specific differences and a logical treatment of the
processes and products, it is now appropriate to


introduce the specific modes of formation of
volcaniclastic deposits, these being


pyroclastic ) primary
phreatomagmatic explosions
eruptIOns volcanic
quench- or chill-shatter fragmentation autoclastic processes
flow fragmentation (autobrecciation)
epiclastic fragmentation

The adjective 'pyroclastic' is applied here to describe

explosive eruptions, irrespective of their origin, and
the products that are fragmented and deposited
contemporaneously with such eruptions. Autoclastic processes are non-explosive, and consist of
quench-fragmentation and flow fragmentation. Reworked or redeposited (or both) pyroclastic and
autoclastic material becomes epiclastic upon reworking or redeposition.

3.2 Fragmentation due to magmatic

Dissolved magmatic volatiles affect not only the
viscosity (Ch. 2) and the freezing and melting
temperatures of magmas, but also the nature of
volcanic eruptions, in terms of whether they might
be explosive or non-explosive. The dominant
volatile component associated with most volcanic
activity is water. Carbon dioxide is also an
important early exsolving volatile for basalts
(D. W. Macpherson 1984). The solubility of
volatiles in magma is controlled, at least in part,
by confining pressure (Ch. 2), and their solubility
decreases as the magma rises to shallower crustal
levels with lower confining pressures. At a certain
depth the solubility will decrease sufficiently for
carbon dioxide and water to begin exsolving from
the magma and become separate fluid phases. The
depth at which this occurs depends on the magma
type, the actual volatile content and the vapour
pressure of the dissolved water and carbon dioxide
relative to the confining pressure (e.g. Burnham
1972; Fig. 3.1). Exsolution will commence when
the vapour pressure equals the confining pressure.
The higher the magmatic volatile content, the


























Water content (wt%)

Figure 3.1

Solubility of water in andesitic magma as a

function of confining pressure, which is related to crustal
depth. (After Burnham 1972.)

higher the vapour pressure exerted, and the

greater the depth at which exsolution will begin.
D. W. Macpherson (1984) suggested that, in
submarine basalts at least, carbon dioxide will
exsolve and form vesicles before water does.
The confining pressure at any point in the
subsurface is a function of the local stress field
which can be defined by three orthogonally
orientated stress components, called the maximum
principal stress (0\), the intermediate principal
stress (02) and the minimum principal stress (03)
(Hobbs et at. 1976). At relatively shallow crustal
levels, the pressure regime is not simply hydrostatic, so the confining pressure is not just the
verticallithostatic load (= 0\). 0\ - 02 - 03 and
the confining pressure is best defined as the
average of the three (= (0\ + 02 + 03)/3; M. A.
Etheridge pers. comm.).
For rhyolitic magmas L. Wilson et al. (1980)
suggested that the depth of exsolution of water can
be determined using the relationship



P s'


where Qcr is the crustal density (kg m - 3), g is the

acceleration due to gravity, he the depth of
exsolution (km), n the total weight fraction of
exsolved volatile water, P s' the pressure at the


surface (bars; 1 bar = 105 Pa) and s is a constant

(= 0.0013) found from the solubility of water
relationship nd = sP, where nd is the weight
fraction of water dissolved at pressure P.
If the exsolution of the volatile component is not
induced by crystallisation, it is called first boiling or
decompressional exsolution-vesiculation. Its immediate effect is to increase the viscosity and
strength of the magma, because in the case of
water it no longer contributes to lowering the
viscosity. First boiling should be reflected by the
presence of vesicles, however small. This ex solved
phase has a vapour pressure, which has the
potential to explosively disrupt the magma if it
continues to increase. The vapour pressure is
essentially dependent on the initial volatile content
of the magma, and on its temperature. In basic
magmas both carbon dioxide and water are
relevant in this regard; in more-acidic magmas
water is more important because of its higher
Crystallisation has the effect of concentrating the
dissolved volatile components in the remaining
liquid magma, and this will result in higher
vapour pressures. The latent heat released through
crystallisation will also help to maintain high
temperatures and keep vapour pressures high.
These effects could lead to boiling if the vapour
pressure becomes equal to the confining pressure.





















- -










800 900

1000 1100

Temperature (Oe)
Figure 3.2 Solid-liquid-vapour fields for an andesitic
magma with 2.8 wt% H2 0. (After Burnham 1972.)


This type of boiling is called second boiling (F. ].

Turner & Verhoogen 1960, Burnham 1972) or
crystallisation-induced exsolution-vesiculation, and
is a very significant event. Vesiculation in a
magma could be produced by both first and
second boiling. Under certain circumstances, second boiling alone, caused by crystallisation, could
initiate exsolution and vesiculation. Burnham
(1972) has calculated that an andesitic magma with
no 'more than 2.8 wt% water will become saturated
with water at about 2 km below the Earth's surface
(== 500 bars; Fig. 3.2). If the magma rises further,
cools or cools and crystallises, then the water will
separate as a high temperature liquid or steam (or
both). The exsolved phase causes an enormous
increase in pressure within the magma chamber
(Burnham 1972) and the potential increase in
volume of the system during this crystallisation
and boiling can be up to 53%.
Once a magma has evolved to this stage, there
are two distinct situations in which explosive
fragmentation of the magma due to exsolution of
volatiles can occur:
a sealed near-surface magma chamber or conduit
an open vent, erupting vesiculating magma



If the magma chamber pressure equals or exceeds

the minimum principal stress in the country rock
and the tensile strength of the country rock, then the
roof of the magma chamber and the volcanic edifice
will fail, possibly in a major explosive event. In the
example that is cited above for an andesitic magma
with 2.8 wt% water, Burnham (1972) calculated that
as crystallisation and cooling proceed, the internal
pressure of the magma chamber should theoretically
increase until at the point of full crystallisation
(700C) the internal pressure will have reached
13 x 107 Pa (or 1300 bars). This would be far in
excess of the confining pressure of 5 x 107 Pa (or
500 bars) and the typical tensile strength of the
country rock (- 1.5 X 107 Pa or 150 bars). Therefore, before this stage, fracture and failure of the roof



of the chamber, and probably explosive disruption

of the magma and the volcanic edifice, will have
occurred. Such an event could happen at any time in
the history of a volcano when the magma chamber or
conduit is sealed (i.e. the vent is closed or blocked
off) as long as a volatile-rich magma is being
supplied to the chamber or conduit. For a sealed
magma chamber or conduit which is also overlain by
a body of water (ocean, lake), the hydrostatic
pressure of the water column, added to the lithostatic load, also contributes to the confining
pressure constraining exsolution and vesiculation.



There are two separate situations to consider here:

subaerial vents and

subaqueous vents.

Subaerial vents
Studies of the way in which explosive expansion of
volatiles fragments a magma in an open vent have
been made by Verhoogen (1951), McBirney (1963,
1973), McBirney and Murase (1970) and Bennett
(1974). Other studies have contributed to a better
understanding in indirect ways. However, the
most significant study is that of Sparks (1978a), in
which there is both a critical evaluation of the
previous studies and an attempt to evaluate
quantitatively all of the factors involved in bubble
formation and growth in magmas. The discussion
here is a summary of some of Sparks' excellent
review. Another useful discussion is given in H.
Williams and McBirney (1979, their Ch. 4).
Consideration of nucleation theory is beyond the
scope of this discussion (readers are referred to
Sparks 1978a), but if a magma becomes even
slightly supersaturated with volatiles, then nucleation of bubbles will occur. Observations of
natural pumices and scoria show that vesicles are
rarely less than 5 flm in diameter, suggesting that
this may be a minimum stable nucleation size. The
growth of a fluid bubble thereafter is controlled by
(a) the diffusion of volatiles dissolved in the

magma into the bubbles and (b) by the rate at

which the confining pressure falls as the bubble or
the magma, or both, rise. In the case of an open
vent, the confining pressure is essentially the
magmastatic pressure of the magma column. Sparks
(1978a) calls the lowering of the magmastatic
pressure during bubble or bubble and magma rise
decompression. Growth rates due to diffusion are
controlled by the composition, solubility, concentration and the degree of supersaturation of the
volatiles. Decompressional growth of bubbles is
controlled by the rise velocity of the magma, the
rate at which the magma is disrupted and removed
at the free surface in the vent, and by the rise of
the bubbles within the magma body (Sparks
1978a). In practice, both diffusion and decompression may operate together.
Other factors which affect bubble growth are
properties of the magma; density, surface tension,
viscosity, and the solubility and diffusion coefficient of the gas in the magma. Some relevant
equations relating these factors for H 20 follow.
-IOglO D


+ 5.82 - 4100lT


where D is the diffusion coefficient, YJ is viscosity

and T is the temperature in Kelvin (Sparks 1978a).
This equation was derived from the experimental
data of Scholze and Mulfinger (1959) using
artificial silicate melts at 1 atm pressure
(-10 1 kPa) and at temperatures between 1000 and
1400C. Sparks (1978a) comments that the relationship should be used with care because of the
particular compositions, viscosities and temperatures used. Nevertheless, it implies that diffusion
is dependent on viscosity, and that diffusion rates
in basic magmas should be higher than in silicic
melts. The estimates of Sparks suggest that for
basaltic magmas at 1100-1300C, D = 10- 5_
10- 6 cm 2 S-I, whereas with rhyolitic melts at
750-850C, D = 1O- 7_1O- x cm 2 S-I for H 2 0.
Burnham (1983) expresses the relationship between diffusivity and viscosity, slightly differently:

2 IOglOT - l.33 IOglOYJ - 5.74


Vesicle size is related to diffusivity by

R = 2~(Dt)'




where R is the radius, ~ the growth rate constant,

D the diffusion coefficient and t is time. The
values for D cited for basaltic and rhyolitic
magmas suggest that bubbles in basalt should
grow to a radius lO-50 times larger than in
rhyolite in a fixed time (Sparks 1978a).
The pressure of the fluid in the growing bubble,
P b is given by

= P rn + 20' Ir + Qrn(rR + ~ R2) +

4YjRlr (3.5)

where P rn is the magmastatic pressure, 0' the

surface tension, r the radius, R the growth rate, R
the acceleration rate, Qrn the magma density and Yj
the dynamic viscosity (equation from Rosner &
Epstein 1972, Sparks 1978a). Equation 3.5 is
extremely significant in understanding the constraints on bubble growth, because all the forces
constraining and resisting bubble growth are


the magmastatic pressure of the magma

column (= QmfJh; g = acceleration due to
gravity, h = height of magma column);
the surface tension force of the magma in the
bubble walls (= 20' Ir);
the inertial force of the magma in the bubble
walls (= Qrn(rR + ~ R2)) and
the viscous force of the magma in the bubble
walls (4YjRlr).

Bubbles cannot continue to grow infinitely,

because they do not grow in isolation from each
other. Bennett (1974) suggested that bubbles growing near to each other cease growing because highviscosity magma liquid has to be forced through
intricate channels between bubbles which are
trying to expand. The rapid exsolution of volatiles
causes a rapid increase in the viscous resistance to
growth of bubbles, and increases the tensile strength
of the magma (McBirney 1973, Sparks 1978a, L.
Wilson et al. 1980). In addition, the bubbles will
not burst because there is no significant pressure
gradient across bubble walls (Fig. 3.3). Under
these circumstances, volatiles will continue to
diffuse from the magma to the bubble, and the
fluid pressure will continue to rise until equilibrium
is reached between the fluid pressure in the bubble

Figure 3.3 Hypothetical fluid pressure vectors in a highly

vesiculated magma. No appreciable pressure gradient exists
across bubble walls. Bubbles cease to grow when the flUid
pressure in the bubbles equals the vapour pressure of the
residual volatile fraction within the (volatile saturated)
magma of the bubble walls.

and the vapour pressure of the volatile still

dissolved in the magma (Sparks 1978a).
If the frothed magma does not fragment when
bubble growth has ceased, how and where does it
fragment? According to Sparks (1978a), the magma
disrupts or fragments explosively at its free surface
in the vent, because it is there that a high pressure
gradient exists between the vesiculating magma
and the atmosphere. The sequence is shown
schematically in Figure 3.4. Gas pressures at the
fragmentation surface are controlled by the proportion ex solved and their type (Fig. 3.5). According to L. Wilson et al. (1980), magma fragments
when the void fraction in the magma is approximately 0.77 (based on examination of modern
pumice fragments). Bennett (1974) and L. Wilson
et al. (1980) also suggest that as the' vesiculating
and fragmenting magma accelerates upwards
through the conduit to speeds ranging from
subsonic to supersonic, the shear stress produced
at the high velocities and, most importantly, the
rate at which this stress and the strain rate increase
may be sufficient to overcome the short-term
tensile strength of the magma in the bubble walls,
leading to disruption. The sequence shown in
Figure 3.4 implies that the disruption surface
should migrate downwards. However, counter-









Figure 3.4 Gas bubble nucleation, growth and disruption

sequence in a magma column in an open vent. S is the level
of gas saturation, N is the level of bubble nucleation, E is the
interval of bubble growth and exsolution, D is the level of
magma disruption. Degrees of progressive exsolution and
bubble growth stages are represented schematically in
(aHd); (a) at early stages nucleation occurs and bubbles
grow uninhibited; (b) growth continues and new nuclei are
created; the larger bubbles begin to interfere with one
another's growth; (c) the magma froth is saturated with
bubbles and growth rates are retarded and eventually cease;
(d) the fragmentation surface engulfs the froth and propogates down by the bursting of bubbles. (After Sparks 1978a.)

acting this is the rise velocity of the bubbles and of

the magma, the latter being, in part, produced by
volume increases associated with continued exsolution and expansion of volatiles, and by upward
supply of magma from deeper levels.
Many other aspects of explosive magmatic
eruptions could be discussed, given space. Many
of these are discussed by L. Wilson et al. (1978,
1980) and L. Wilson (1980a), including controls
on the depth of the disruption surface in the
conduit, eruption rates, eruption velocities and
heights of eruption columns, and the interplay
between magma properties and conduit geometry
in controlling these. Reference is made to these
studies in Chapters 5 and 6. By way of example,
though, eruption rates in the order of 1.1 X 106
m 3 S-1 are feasible, and eruption velocities can be
as high as 600 m S-I, producing eruption columns
up to 45-55 km maximum height. Eruption
intensity, eruption rate and eruption velocity are
controlled by volatile contents (L. Wilson et al.
1978, 1980).

Exsolved gas (wt %)

Figure 3.5 Gas pressure exerted by H2 0/C0 2 mixtures at
the point of explosive disruption of vesiculated magma as a
function of the total weight percentage of exsolved gases.
(After L. Wilson 1980a.)

Subaqueous vents
For subaqueous vents, the same physical constraints control whether explosive expansion of
volatiles will occur. Two other complications exist,
however: first, the effects of the hydrostatic
pressure in constraining explosive expansion and,
secondly, the physical interaction between hot
magma and cold water.
The pressure gradient in a body of pure water is
1 bar per 10 m. The critical point (pressure) of pure
water is 216 bars, which is the pressure above
which there is no distinction between vapour and
liquid (== fluid), and at which volume decrease
with increasing pressure is slight (Fig. 3.6). Below
this confining pressure, the volume rises exponentially with decreasing pressure, and rapid boiling
can occur. In other words, at confining pressures
of 216 bars or more, H 2 0 bubbles will not expand
significantly (McBirney, 1963), and certainly not
rapidly enough to overcome the short-term tensile
strength of the magma (which is necessary for
explosive disruption to occur), even if their
internal pressure were to exceed the confining
pressure. These pressures would have to be
unreasonably high, given present estimates of the
vapour pressure exerted by volatiles in magmas
(Sparks 1978a, L. Wilson et al. 1980). A pressure
of 216 bars corresponds to a water depth of
2160 m, so it is implausible that explosive fragmentation of a magma erupting subaqueously in


pure water could occur at this depth or greater

(McBirney 1963). Explosive fragmentation could
occur at shallower depths if the original magmatic
water content were high enough (McBirney 1963;
Fig. 3.7).
However, the effect of a solute such as salt is to
raise the pressure of the critical point (Sourirajan
& Kennedy 1962, G. Green pers. comm.; Fig. 3.8),
the critical pressure increasing with increasing
NaCI content. In sea water the concentration of
NaCI is about 3.5%, and this raises the critical
pressure of sea water to about 315 bars, corresponding to water depths of about or slightly less
than 3150 m, given the slightly greater density of
sea water. Therefore, for subaqueous eruptions in
sea water explosive fragmentation is not possible
below this depth and, as McBirney (1963) has
pointed out, it is more likely to occur at much
shallower depths 1 km). However, it should be
noted that vesiculation can occur at very much

(a) Basalt
H2 0 in magma (wt %)












- . . - -_ _ _ 2.0















(b) Rhyolite












" "- "


.0 200





" 950C






~ 200






Figure 3.7 Gas to liquid ratios (solid lines) at varying

magma temperatures (broken lines) for magmas with
varying magmatic water content at different pressures. (a)
Basalt. (b) rhyolite. (After McBirney 1963.)









Temperature (OC)
Figure 3.6 Graphical representation of the critical point of
pure water (after Kokelaar 1982) Numbered curves are the
P-T paths of equal volume change. Note that beyond the
critical point these curves no longer converge to define a
liquid/vapour phase boundary.

greater depths than those corresponding to the

critical pressure, but the growth rate of such
vesicles will be insignificant. It is only below the
critical point that the growth rates can be rapid
enough to cause explosive expansion and disruption.
The foregoing discussion of the constraints on
subaqueous explosive eruptions is a representation
of the 'conventional wisdom', as first discussed in




critical curve
for system
H 2 0-NaGI ~













critical point (pressure) for

seawater:::: 315barsseawater NaGI
content::::3.5% ------.

.05 .I

.5 1.0

5.0 10


NaGI (wt%)
Ire 3.8 Critical point for the system H2 0-NaCi. For sea
r with an approximate NaCI content of 3.5 wt%, the
Ire at the critical point is about 315 bars. (After
..;\Jurirajan & Kennedy 1962.)

detail by McBirney (1963). Recently, however,

Burnham (1983) has proposed that highly explosive
eruptions could even be possible at depths of
10 km. His analysis concerns the rhyolitic tuffs
that are hosts to the Kuroko ores in Japan, and
which are supposed to have erupted at water
depths of about 4 km (Ohmoto 1978, Ohmoto &
Skinner 1983, Burnham 1983). Burnham argues
that very rapid exsolution (seconds or less) of even
1 wt% or less of magmatic H 2 0 from rhyolitic
magma during second boiling (crystallisation)
should be capable of releasing enough energy to
cause failure of the country rock around the
magma chamber. Sudden decompression of the
magma associated with the failure of the country
rock should produce still further exsolution which,
according to Burnham, should release further
energy - sufficient to cause explosive eruption of
the magma at great depths on the sea floor,
There is little doubt that exsolution of volatiles
or vesiculation, due to either first or second
boiling, could release enough energy and increase
the fluid pressure of the magma chamber sufficiently for it to cause failure of the country rock.
Abundant vesicular submarine lavas are testimony
to this. However, Burnham's analysis does not

convincingly demonstrate that sufficient vesicularity, or explosive expansion of vesicles, is

produced to cause the magma to erupt explosively
at such depths, Burnham suggests that the vesicularity produced in his analysis should be about
17% at 4 km to 37% at 3 km, which coincides with
the vesicularity range measured in volcanic debris
associated with the Kuroko ores (20-30%; Burnham
1983). However, there are insufficient data on
vesicle sizes. Also, based on a comparison with
explosive subaerial pyroclastic eruptions of rhyolitic
magma, with documented vesicularity of 70-80%
(Sparks 1978a), it seems that the calculated and
cited vesicularity values for the Kuroko rocks are
inadequate to allow explosive eruption to take
place. There is no doubt that vesiculation of magma
can take place under the conditions outlined by
Burnham (1983), and that magma fluid pressures
will be high enough to allow eruption of vesiculated
magma as lava, but it has not been effectively
demonstrated that the pressure of the H 2 0 phase in
the vesicles will be sufficiently in excess of the
ambient hydrostatic pressure to allow the vesicles to
expand explosively against this hydrostatic pressure,
which at depths of 4 km is in excess of the critical
point of water.
On the same count, although boiling of the sea
water occurs when it comes into contact with the
lavas in the vent, the confining hydrostatic pressure
is too great to allow explosive expansion of the
boiling bubbles in the sea water at such depths
(Section 3.4). However, fragmentation could occur
due to quench-fragmentation (Section 3.6).

3.3 Magma mixing as a means of triggering

explosive eruptions
The foregoing section on magmatically controlled
explosions sets out the principles involved in, and
the constraints imposed on, explosive eruptions
that are driven purely by magmatic volatiles. The
cases outlined all focus on a simple magma rising in
the subsurface as a closed system, and undergoing
exsolution of its own volatiles, which then drive the
explosive eruption. However, recent developments
in studies of magma genesis and fluid behaviour


have shown that many magmas are not simple

closed systems, and that their chemistry and
eruptive history are controlled by the mixing of
separately formed or separately evolved magma
batches (Sparks et ai. 1977, O'Hara & Matthews
1981, Huppert et ai. 1982a).
The realisation that eruption history and the
triggering of explosive eruptions may be controlled
by magma mixing stems from the recognition of,
and the frequent occurrence worldwide of mixed
pumice fragments in largely silicic pumice fall and
ignimbrite deposits (Sparks et al. 1977; also see
Eichelberger 1980; e.g. Fig. 3.22, Chs 5-7). Mixed
pumice is pumice that contains a streaky, fluidal
layering of salic and more-mafic components. The
mechanics of magma mixing are adequately discussed in Huppert et ai. (l982a), and the references
therein, so will not be discussed further here.
However, the way in which magma mixing could
initiate eruption, especially explosive eruption, will
be briefly reviewed here.
The basic essence of magma mixing in triggering
eruptions is that two magmas at different temperatures and with different volatile contents come into
contact in a subsurface magma chamber. Many
mixed pumices in rhyolitic fall or ignimbrite
deposits contain mixed rhyolite-basaltic or andesitic
phases, suggesting that basic magma has come up
into a chamber of rhyolite magma. The actual
eruption may be initiated under one of several
different circumstances (Sparks et al. 1977, Huppert
et ai. 1982a, J. S. Turner et al. 1983):

First, the addition of a volume of magma to a

chamber may cause the total magma chamber
fluid pressure to exceed the minimum principal stress and the tensile strength of the
country rock, leading to fracturing of the roof
of the chamber and release of the magma. If
the combined volatile content of the magmas
is high enough, then the release of confining
pressure may precipitate increased exsolution
and bubble growth to produce explosive
eruption. Where volatile content is low, perhaps due to previous degassing of the magma
during earlier eruptions, lava eruption, with
little or no explosive activity, may occur.



Where a rhyolitic magma with a moderate

volatile content is injected by a basic magma
from below, the superheating of the lowest
part of the rhyolitic magma will induce
convective uprise of this magma. Also, such
superheating of the rhyolite will by itself (to a
certain extent) increase the volatile vapour
pressure in the magma, even without decompression, and may cause further exsolution of
the remaining volatiles. As it rises, it decompresses, volatiles exsolve and the gas pressure
and the total fluid pressure in the chamber
may rise sufficiently to cause explosive eruption.
(c) The rising injecting basic magma may contain
relatively high volatile contents, which exsolve
during uprise and are transferred by convection, diffusion and mixing into a low volatile
rhyolitic magma, leading again to fluid pressure build-up and explosive eruption.
Cd) As a hot basic magma comes into contact with
a colder rhyolitic magma, transfer of heat from
the basic to the rhyolitic magma will cause
rapid cooling of the basic magma, which may
cause crystallisation and so lead to exsolution
in the residual basic fluid, again building up
the total chamber fluid pressure.
The circumstances causing eruption can involve
any or several of the foregoing. Varying degrees of
mixing of the magmas may be produced by
turbulent transfer of heat, and by density changes
in the magmaCs) caused by crystallisation and
exsolution of volatiles. However, much of the above
discussion is speculative at present, and has been
little tested on a case-history basis. Mixed pumice
eruptions may also occur without the triggering
effect of injection of a more basic magma into a
more silicic chamber. For instance, withdrawal of
magma from a stable, zoned chamber (e.g. rhyolite
to andesite, or phonolite to latite) could result in the
mixing of the two layers (Blake 1981a, b).



3.4 Phreatic or steam explosions and phreatomagmatic eruptions

The interaction between hot magma and water
produces what can collectively be called hydrovolcanic activity, and produces a range of volcaniclastic products. The water could be a substantial
subsurface groundwater reservoir or a surface body
of water (e.g. crater lake, caldera or non-caldera
lake, sea water). The immediate effect is to cause
superheating, boiling, volatolisation, build-up of
gas pressure of the external water and, confining
pressure constraints permitting, explosive expansion of the gas produced. By this, the heat
energy of the magma is transferred into the
mechanical energy driving explosion. The intensity
of the activity is controlled by the water: magma
mass ratio and the amount of superheating of the
water (Sheridan & Wohletz 1981, 1983, Wohletz
1983, Wohletz & Sheridan 1983, Colgate & Sigurgeirsson 1973). Fragmentation probably occurs as a
function of both quenching and explosive activity. The
quenching occurs as a consequence of the contact
between hot magma and 'colder' bodies of water,
steam, debris and rock.
The ratio of water mass to magma mass controls
the type of resultant activity (Fig. 3.9). If the


Hz 0 : mel! moss ratio

Figure 3.9 Efficiency of transfer of thermal energy to
mechanical energy resulting from the interaction of hot
magma with cold water as a function of the mass ratio of
magma to water. The curve also shows approximate median
grainsize of melt fragments. The maximum on the curve
corresponds to maximum efficiency of energy transfer and
therefore explosiveness (water: magma mass ratio -0.3).
For ratios less than 0.1, fragmentation of magma by external
water will be minimal. (After Wohletz 1983.)

water: magma mass ratio is low (less than about

0.2, Fig. 3.9) then the external water mass contributes very little to the fragmentation of the magma.
In such a case, explosive eruption of the magma can
be driven only by magmatic volatiles (magmatic
explosions), given the constraints discussed above,
or the explosive activity is confined to the eruption
of steam, and little or no solid ejecta. Steam
explosions are called phreatic explosions and significant proportions of country rock fragments may
be erupted by these. Where the interaction between
external water and magma produces significant
explosive eruption of magmatic ejecta driven by
both external and magmatic volatiles, the explosions
are phreatomagmatic. Such eruptions are thought
to occur where the water: magma mass ratios are
equal to or slightly greater than 0.3 (Fig. 3.9;
Sheridan & Wohletz 1981, 1983, Wohletz 1983,
Wohletz & Sheridan 1983), and are caused by
major increases in the degree of superheating and
energy transfer. As a result, the degree of magma
fragmentation is likely to be very high (Fig. 3.9;
e.g. Self & Sparks 1978) and explosive activity will
be very intense. Large volumes of pyroclastic
detritus can be formed, and significant eruption
columns or plumes may be produced. However L.
Wilson et al. (1978) point out that because much of
the thermal energy of the magma is used in
superheating the external water, the mechanical
efficiency is less than that of a magmatic eruption.
Eruption columns for hydrovolcanic eruptions are
therefore likely to be smaller than for magmatic
explosive eruptions with equivalent eruption rates.
Nevertheless, hydrovolcanic eruptions can be
equally as devastating as magmatic ones. According
to Sheridan and Wohletz (1981), where water
: magma mass ratios are greater than 0.3 the level
of superheating and energy transfer is less efficient,
and the intensity of resultant explosions will be less.
Not only does the relative degree of interaction
between water and magma control the degree of
fragmentation and explosiveness (Fig. 3.9), but it
will also control the physical character of the
transporting agent and the field facies characteristics that are produced (Chs 5-9; Sheridan &
Wohletz 1983, Wohletz 1983, Wohletz & Sheridan


Where the interaction between magma, or quenched magmatic debris, or both, and water is
explosive and self-sustaining, it is called a fuelcoolant interaction (Colgate & Sigurgeirsson 1973,
Peckover et al. 1973, Wohletz 1983, Sheridan &
Wohletz 1983). The explosive energy results from
the sudden transfer of heat from the magma to the
water producing instantaneous vaporisation and
explosive expansion of the water. The interaction
between the water and the magma, and the mode of
fragmentation can both occur in several ways, and
have been studied experimentally. The processes
can be viewed as a cycle consisting of distinctive
stages, and have been summarised by Wohletz
(1983), based on the models of Buchanan (1974),
Board et al. (1974) and Corradini (1981).

Stage 1. The initial contact between magma and

water produces a vapour film between the magma
and water.
Stage 2. The vapour film expands, but at its outer
margin, at the contact with the water, condensation
of the vapour can occur, and the film may collapse
in places. Expansion and collapse can occur several
times, until the energy associated with collapse
causes fragmentation of the magma. Film collapse
and fragmentation can occur in several discrete
ways, including the penetration of linear jets of
water into the magma; impact of a volume of
collapsing water with sufficient intensity to create a
stress wave capable of caving in the magma surface;
direct water-magma interaction leading to quenching, vaporisation and explosive expansion; and the
development of an unstable fluid interface associated with the transmission of a shock wave.

Stage 3. The mixing of the collapsed vapour film

with the magma increases the surface area of the
interface between the two.

Stage 4. Stage 3 facilitates rapid heat transfer as

water encloses melt fragments.

Stage 5. Formation of a new vapour film as water is

suddenly vaporised by superheating, which then
leads to a reversion to stage 2.
Several situations exist in which hydrovolcanic
eruptions can occur, but the constraints controlling


explosive hydrovolcanic eruptions are essentially

the same as for magmatic explosive eruptions:
a magma rising in the subsurface, without an
open vent or conduit, interacting with ground
a magma in an open vent leading to a body of
water (lake, ocean)
a lava flowing into a body of water or over watersaturated sediment
a pyroclastic flow moving into a body of water or
over water-saturated sediment
magma rising to heat subsurface hydrothermal
fluids already at temperatures near boiling



In this situation a magma encounters a ground

water reservoir. The gas pressure produced by
superheating of the ground water, and the resultant
expansion of the ground water as it changes phase
from water to steam must equal or exceed the
minimum principal stress in the country rock and
the tensile strength of the country rock before
failure of the overburden and explosive eruption
can occur. Kokelaar (1982) discussed the intrusion
of hot magmas into water-saturated unconsolidated
sediments, emphasising that, even if explosive
activity does not occur, the sediments could be
extensively mixed as the interstitial fluid is heated,
expands, begins to convect, perhaps even being
locally vaporised, and fluidises and turbulently
mixes the sediment. Quench-fragmentation of the
magma may also occur to varying degrees as it is
intruded into cold, water-saturated sediments (Fig.
3.10). Dynamic mixing of the quenched debris and
the sediment could occur if the pore water boils and
fluidises the clastic pile, producing deposits called
peperites (see Section 3.6). Intrusive interaction is
also capable of producing pillow-like pods of
magma (Fig. 3.11) and spectacular soft-sediment
deformation structures (e. g. Kokelaar 1982), including load cast-like features.

Figure 3.10 Basalt (light colour)
intruding water-saturated.
unconsolidated sediments,
producing quench shattering of
the magma, and
fluidisation-driven turbulent
mixing of the sediment and water
as it is boiled, leading to
destruction of original
sedimentary structures. Bunga
beds, Late Devonian Boyd
Volcanic Complex, Bunga Head,
New South Wales.

Figure 3.11 Pillow-like pods of magma intruding watersaturated, unconsolidated sediments~ Pods tend to be less
regular than proper pillows in shape and size, and may
frequently also have quench-shattered fragmented margins.
Pods may at times also be entirely isolated in the sediment,
linked to the intrusive body by a feeder canal only. (a)
Oligocene Angahook Basalt Member intruding Point Addis
Limestone, Airey's Inlet. Victoria, Australia (photograph by A.
Day). A small inclusion of limestone can be seen near base
of basalt pod. (b) Eocene-Oligocene Waiareka-Deborah
volcanics intruding the Totara Limestone, Totara Terraces,
North Island, New Zealand. (c) Blow Hole Latite Member,
Permian Gerringong Volcanics, Kiama, New South Wales,




The eruption of magma from a subaqueous vent

can produce several discrete effects, which can
occur in various combinations and in varying
intensities. In its simplest form this interaction may
be non-explosive, leading to outpouring of submarine lavas such as pillow lavas. In this situation
there will be significant transfer of heat from the
lava to the water, but the absence of explosions and
quench-fragmentation suggests that there is a thin
film of steam at the interface between the hot lava
and the water which acts as an insulator (J. G.
Moore 1975). The second type of effect involves
quench-fragmentation due to the chilling effect of
the cold water on the lava (see Section 3.6).
Granulation may be localised to the margins of the
lava directly in contact with the water, or may be
more pervasive, leading to a thick pile of hyaloclastite (quench-fragmented debris). Pervasive
quench-fragmentation will also lead to penetration
of water into the body of the lava and, because of
the increased surface area of the granulated lava
rubble, higher degrees of heat transfer take place
with the consequent increased potential for explosive activity.
The explosive activity stems not from magmatic
volatiles (although they may participate to varying
degrees), but from the boiling of ambient water and
its explosive expansion. This ambient water may be
situated in an open vent, and will also occur as
interstitial water in a pile of hyaloclastite of the
fragmental pile around the vent of a subaqueous
volcano. If the interaction between hot magma,
quenched debris and water is explosive, prolonged
and self-sustaining, fuel-coolant interaction occurs
as discussed above (Colgate & Sigurgeirsson 1973,
Peckover et al. 1973, Kokelaar 1983). For maximum explosive efficiency and transfer of thermal
energy into mechanical energy, water: magma
mass ratios of 0.25-0.3 are required (Colgate &
Sigurgeirsson 1973, Sheridan & Wohletz 1981,
1983, Wohletz & Sheridan 1979).
Kokelaar (1983) has argued that much of the
apparent explosive activity associated with surtseyan-type marine volcanoes is not so much due to


fuel-coolant type interactions, but expansion of

water which is part of a fluidised slurry of tephra,
hyaloclastite and water in the vent. As the hot
magma passes upwards through the slurry, the two
are mixed. The rapid expansion of the water in
mixed pockets of slurry causes jetting of fragments
of magma, slurry and water upwards into the
The scenario developed here relates to shallow
vents. Explosive activity at greater depths is subject
to the constraints of the confining hydrostatic
pressure of the water column, given that the
exploding agent is superheated sea water. The gas
pressure in bubbles must exceed the hydrostatic
pressure of the overlying water body before explosive expansion can occur. As before, if the
hydrostatic pressure is greater than 216 bars for a
freshwater lake (== water depth of 2160 m) or
315 bars in sea water (== water depth of about
3150 m), then explosive eruption cannot occur. In
shallower marine water, shallow lakes or crater/
caldera lakes, catastrophic hydro volcanic explosions are possible because of the lower hydrostatic pressures and the potentially large volumes of
water available.
In many cases it is very difficult to assess whether
the first or second of these situations occurred, or to
what degree magmatic volatiles were important.
Hydrovolcanic explosions involving ground water
or surface water, or both, are considered to have
been important in the explosive events of Surtsey
(1963) (Kokelaar 1983), Taal (1965) and Capelinhos
(1957), all three of which are marine volcanoes, and
Vesuvius (1906), Kilauea (1790, 1924) and Mt St
Helens (1980) (Sheridan & Wohletz 1981), as well
as the phreatic eruptions of Ruapehu (North
Island, New Zealand) in the last decade (Nairn et
al. 1979).



The flow of hot lava into a body of water or over

water-saturated sediments could produce local explosive activity as trapped water is superheated and
expands rapidly (e.g. Fig. 3.12). The basalt flow
entering Heimaey harbour in Iceland during the

Schmincke called peperites (see Section 3.6). As in
the case of magmas intruding unconsolidated sediments (see above), spectacular soft-sediment deformation structures, lava loadcasts, and lava pillows can result from the flow of lava over wet,
unconsolidated sediments. Explosive activity resulting from the flow of lavas into water has, in
some cases, produced secondary cones or craters
called littoral cones and pseudocraters (Fisher
1968, Thorarinsson 1953; Ch. 13). These are
rootless vents because they are unattached to a
subsurface chamber.



Figure 3.12 (a) Explosion breccia produced by interaction

of superheated steam produced by the flow of a latite lava
over unconsolidated near-shore marine sediments. Ouenchshattering is also evidenced by the close fit of many
fragments. Permian Bombo Latite Member. Gerringong
Volcanics. Bombo. New South Wales. Australia. (b) Archaean
subaqueous flow-top breccia from Teutonic Bore. Western
Australia. Breccia comprises pillow fragments with in situ
hyaloclastite (chill-fragmented) margins set in a matrix of
granular hyaloclastite.

1973 eruption (Plate 3) produced local hydrovolcanic explosions (Colgate & Sigurgeirsson 1973).
The fragmented lavas described by Schmincke
(1967a) from the Columbia River Basalt were
considered to have resulted from the flow of lava
onto, and injection of lava into, water-bearing
sediments. In this case the fragmentation of the lava
may have been due to a combination of local
phreatomagmatic explosions as well as quenchfragmentation (Section 3.6). The resultant deposits
are mixtures of fragments and pre-existing unconsolidated wet tuffaceous lacustrine sediments which

G. P. L. Walker (1979) has interpreted the 50000year-old ash falls of the Rotoehu Ash in New
Zealand (Nairn 1972) resulting from immense
explosions in marine littoral environments produced when the coeval Rotoiti ignimbrite flowed
into the Bay of Plenty. Trapped, superheated sea
water developed a high pressure and ultimately
caused the explo~ions that dispersed the Rotoehu
Ash (G. P. L. Walker 1979). Although there is
debate about the position of the source vents for the
Rotoehu Ash (I. A. Nairn pers. camm.), Walker's
mechanism is appealing. Such littoral explosions
would also generate rootless vents, and their
formation has previously been discussed by J. V.
Wright and Coward (1977) for Palaeozoic welded
ignimbrites in northern Snowdonia, North Wales
(Ch. 9). The 18 May pyroclastic flow deposits of Mt
St Helens contain numerous phreatic explosion
craters resulting from the passage of the flows over
water-saturated debris and ground within the devastated watershed of Spirit Lake and the Toutle
River (Rowley et al. 1981, Christiansen & Peterson
1981). The superheating of the ground water
produced numerous phreatic explosions, although
no major eruption columns are known to have



Nairn (1979) discussed a special type of hydrovolcanic explosive eruption involving hydrothermal
fluids in considering the 1886 RotomahanaWaimangu eruption in New Zealand. Although it
appears that the interaction of basaltic magma with
water-saturated lake sediments and lake waters may
have been the source of some of the explosive
activity, as evidenced by the mixture of basaltic
fragments and lake sediment in the eruption
deposits, the Rotomahana area had a long history of
high-level hydrothermal activity before the 1886
eruption. Nairn (1979) proposed that if the hydrothermal fluids at depth were already near to boiling
point when hot basaltic magma was injected from
below, which is likely, then the extra thermal input
from the basalt would have been sufficient to boil
the hydrothermal fluids. Flashing of these fluids to
steam and induced steam pressures greater than the
litho static load would have produced explosive
activity. Lowering of overburden pressure by initial
explosions would produce instantaneous boiling in
the highly pressured, high temperature, subsurface
hydrothermal reservoir system, so producing significant, wholly hydrothermal explosions. Because
of the high temperature of subsurface hydrothermal
fluids, the efficiency of energy transfer from thermal to mechanical energy would be greater in these
circumstances than in the previously discussed
situations involving contact between hot magma
and cold surface water or ground water.
Although some hydrothermal explosions are
fuelled by rising magma, others such as those
associated with the Kawerau geothermal field in
New Zealand (Nairn & Wiradiradja 1980) are not.
These explosions were apparently due to a reduction
of fluid pressure in the hydrothermal system,
leading to the flashing to steam of the superheated
water. Products include a breccia of hydrothermally
altered ignimbrite, rhyolite and tuff in a silty
hydrothermal clay matrix.


3.5 An introduction to the products of

pyroclastic eruptions
The principal aim of this section is to introduce the
components of pyroclastic deposits and their characteristics. No attempt will be made to discuss the
transportational and depositional modes, the aggregate properties and field characteristics of different
pyroclastic deposits, which will be dealt with in
Chapters 5-10 and 12, or the nomenclature of
volcaniclastic aggregates (Ch. 12).
However, it should be pointed out that the
mechanics of fragmentation by pyroclastic processes, as outlined above, are not the only processes by
which volcanic fragments are formed during eruption. Fragments also form in the vent through
physical collision and abrasion, and the term
'milling' is sometimes used to describe such abrasive processes. Once ejected from vent, large fragments may further fragment on impact with the
Earth's surface.
Pyroclastic deposits are composed of pyroclasts,
which is a loose term for any fragment released in a
volcanic explosion or eruption. Pyroclasts can have
a wide range of sizes, irrespective of their origin.
Fragments greater than 64 mm in diameter are
called blocks or bombs, those between 64 mm and
2 mm in diameter are called lapilli, and those less
than 2 mm in diameter are called ash (see Table
12.5). The classification of pyroclastic deposits is
further treated in Chapter 12. Tephra is a collective
term for all pyroclastic deposits, including the
deposits of pyroclastic flows, surges and falls (Self
& Sparks 1981) and are discussed in Chapter 5.
Three principal kinds of pyroclasts or components
are found in pyroclastic deposits:
juvenile fragments
lithic fragments


Juvenile fragments represent samples of the erupting magma. They may therefore be partially crystallised, or un crystallised , depending on the preeruptive history of the magma. On eruption they



rapidly chill to partially crystallised or uncrystallised

glassy fragments. Because different magma compositions have different densities, viscosities and
fluidity, fragments from different magmas will
develop varying morphologies during explosive
ejection from the vent. Other factors controlling the
morphology of particles include the degree of
vesiculation of the magma, whether the style of
fragmentation is magmatic or phreatomagmatic and
the mode of transport (Chs 5-9). These aspects
have all been reviewed for ash-sized 2 mm)
material by Heiken (1972, 1974), Wohletz (1983)
and Sheridan and Marshall (1983), and the principal points will be reviewed here.
Basaltic pyroclasts can have very varied morphologies because of the often very fluidal nature of
basaltic magmas. Around vent, coherent lumps of
magma may be so hot and fluidal as to reamalgamate into lava, which flows into or away
from the vent. Other such lumps may retain
identity and accumulate as aggregates of poorly
defined spatter fragments called agglutinates (Fig.
3.13, Ch. 6). Large basaltic pyroclasts may also
chill sufficiently during flight to retain the shapes
developed in flight. Shaped bombs include various

Figure 3.13 Basaltic spatter. Forming a spatter rampart on

the crater rim of Mt Napier, Victoria, Australia. Note how
individual fluidal clots have moulded into each other.

Figure 3.14 Basaltic bombs, some with included xenoliths.

(a) Mt Leura, Victoria, Australia. Note flanged fusiform and
spindle shapes attained during flight (b) Large bomb and
included xenolith from Mt Elephant. Victoria, Australia,
showing internal flow and vesicle development.

fusiform, finned and ribbon forms (Fig. 3.14; see

MacDonald (1972) for more photographs). Sometimes vesiculation occurs or continues to occur after
eruption, producing bombs with cracked or 'breadcrusted' chilled glassy skins and expanded, vesiculated interiors (Fig. 3.15).
Magmatically fragmented juvenile clasts usually
reflect their explosive origin by virtue of a high
vesicle (gas bubble) content (Fig. 3.16), unless the
magma is so fluidal that the fragment flows plastically on landing. Magmatic explosive eruptions of
basalt and basaltic andesite are dominated by
lapilli-sized vesiculated fragments, called scoria
(Fig. 3.16). This is now used as a general term for
all dark-coloured vesiculated fragments encompassing basic through intermediate compositions.
Scoria can show a wide range in vesicularity, and




Figure 3.15 Breadcrust surface on a rhyolitic bomb whose

outer chilled surface crust has been cracked open due to
vesiculation and expansion of the interior of the clast after
chilling of its surface. From Mt Tarawera, North Island, New

hence density, The larger fragments tend to have a

ropy or stringy surface texture. The morphology of
lapilli and ash-sized particles derived from scoria
eruptions can be very varied. Those formed during
very fluid basaltic eruptions producing a large
proportion of lava spray often have smooth glassy
surfaces moulded by surface tension (Fig. 3,17),
Such fragments are termed achneliths (G, P. L.
Walker & Croasdale 1972), and would include the
drop-like shapes called Pele's tears and , in an
extreme form, the long threads or clusters of


threads called Pele's hair. More viscous eruptions

produce fragments with more-ragged shapes.
Phreatomagmatically fragmented juvenile clasts are
frequently more blocky, less vesicular and therefore
less cuspate than the pyroclasts of magmatic explosions (Heiken 1972, 1974, Self & Sparks 1978,
Self et ai, 1980, Wohletz 1983; Fig. 3.18), unless
the magma had vesiculated before phreatomagmatic eruption. In such cases, distinction between
magmatic and phreatomagmatic deposits may not
be simple. This is considered further below, in
discussing shards.
Phreatomagmatic basaltic pyroclasts are often
erupted as a fawn-coloured to brown glass called
sideromelane, which readily alters by hydration
and oxidation from yellowish-brown to reddishbrown palagonite. Palagonite formation occurs
readily through normal weathering (Hay & lijima
1968, MacDonald 1972; Ch. 14).
For further reading about the morphology of
basic pyroclasts, see MacDonald (1972), Heiken
(1972, 1974, 1978) and G. P. L. Walker and
Croasdale (1972),
Pumice (Fig, 3.19) is the common product of
explosive magmatic eruptions involving viscous
silicic to intermediate magmas, including phonolites
and trachytes. It is usually light in colour, highly
vesicular and, when formed from porphyritic
magmas, contains crystals. Generally, in the literature the term is applied to the larger grainsizes, and
the terms pumice block or bomb, pumice lapilli and

Figure 3.16 Basaltic scoria. Note the highly vesicular and delicate angular form of the scoria fragments. Some larger
fragments may have a ropy or stringy surface texture. (a) Large clast about 10 cm across from Tower Hill, Victoria, Australia.
(b) Coarse scoria from Mt Napier, Victoria, Australia.




Figure 3.18 Photomicrograph showing Juvenile basaltic

clasts of slightly vesicular brown glass, produced by
Bridgewater volcano. Victoria, Australia. Clast shapes suggest that vesicles did not play a primary role during
fragmentation. Area shown is about 5 mm across.

ash should be used when appropriate (see 'Litho-

vesicles relative to total clast volume decreases.

Also, pumice need not be of uniform composition.
Mixed pumice, consisting of streaky, often fluidal
layering of (say) rhyolitic and more-basic components (Fig. 3.22) is widespread in pumice fall
deposits and ignimbrites. Pumice fragments may be
equant, elongate or platy. They may also be angular
or rounded, the rounding being due to abrasion in
the vent, eruption column or during pyroclastic
flow (see Ch. 7).

logical classification' in Ch. 12). Pumice clasts

generally have densities of less than or about
1. g cm - 3, and hence may float if deposited in
water (see Fig. 10.21). Slightly denser juvenile
fragments can be distinguished, as for example in
Figure 3.20, by terms such as semi-vesicular
andesite. Pumice clasts from within a single pumiceous pyroclastic deposit will show a range in
density, and this is controlled by two factors. First,
there is variation in the degree of vesiculation of
clasts; this is illustrated by Figure 3.21 a, which
shows the range in density of pumice clasts within a
limited size range. Secondly, there is variation of
density with grainsize of pumice clasts; average
density of pumice clasts increases with decreasing
grain size (Fig. 3.21b) as the volume of unbreached

Figure 3.19 Vesicular pumice from the Recent Taupo

plinian pumice fall deposits, High Level Road, east of
Rotorua, New Zealand.

Figure 3.17 Smooth-surfaced achneliths composed of

chilled basaltic lava spray. 1959 Kilauea Iki eruption, Hawaii.


~ 'Seml-Yellculared andesite-pumice

poorly s"uIOl.d ondes".

df nse andesite


! II











Dens ity (9 cm -3)

Figure 3.20 Variation in density of juvenile fragments in a
single pyroclastic deposit. The example is a block and ashflow deposit from Mt Pelee, Martinique. (After J, V, Wright
et ai, 1980,)


Shard, glass shard and ash shard are terms often

used to describe the angular ash-sized glass particles
which result from the magmatic explosive fragmentation of pumice vesicle walls (Fig. 3.23). We
restrict 'shard' to glassy (vitric), usually microscopic
magmatic fragments, and we do not use the term to
describe fragments of broken crystals (or lithics),
unlike as has sometimes been done by workers
studying ancient volcaniclastic rocks. Morphologically glass shards can have various forms. Those
which are commonly illustrated in texts have a
variety of Y and cuspate shapes, and these are
characteristic of explosive silicic magmatic eruptions
(Fig. 3.23a). If deposited in a hot enough state and
under a sufficient overburden load pressure, shards
may deform plastically and weld (Chs 7 & 8; Fig .
Heiken (1972, 1974), carrying out electron
microscopic studies, was the first to draw attention
systematically to the fact that many phreatomagmatic glass shards were more blocky and less
vesicular than traditional cuspate, magmatically
formed shards (Fig. 3.24). However, more recently
Wohletz (1983), also using the scanning electron

(0 )





! II



.~ 1. 0










Dens ity (9 cm- 3)



Distance (km)

Figure 3.21 Variation in density of pumice fragments in one pumiceous pyroclastic deposit. (a) Range in pumice density
measured in clasts >32 mm at vent. (b) Variation in average density of pumice clasts with grainsize and distance from the
vent, The example is the pumice-fall deposit erupted from Askja volcano, Iceland in 1875, (After Sparks et a/. 1981,)

abundant shard types both in basic and in acidic
hydrovolcanic ashes.

Type 2. Vesicular pyroclasts with irregular shapes

and smooth fluid form surfaces. These are known
only from basaltic ashes, and are common on
Surtsey. They suggest significant vesiculation of the
magma prior to explosive interaction with external
Type 3. Shards finer than 63 !Lm. These are known
only from basaltic ashes, and are moss-like in
appearance, having convoluted shapes and highly
irregular surfaces formed by several or many
globular masses attaching together .

Figure 3.22 Mixed pumice. consisting of bands of grey

(intermediate) and white (silicic) layers from the Waimihia
pumice. High Level Road. east of Rotorua. New Zealand.

Type 4. Spherical or drop-like shards, only known

from the fine fraction of basaltic ashes. They have
smoothly curved surfaces, and are usually attached
to blocky grains or agglutinated as botryoidal
surface encrustations.

microscope to study natural and experimentally

formed ashes, has documented a great diversity in
the morphologies of phreatomagmatic pyroclasts.
Wohletz's principal glassy pyroclast types are the
following (Fig. 3.25):

Type 5. Plate-like or crescent-shaped shards, with

at least one curved face that is demonstrably part of
a burst vesicle wall. These are derived from
vesiculating magmas that interacted with external
water, and illustrate the difficulty of sometimes
distinguishing magmatic and phreatomagmatic

Type 1. Blocky shards with curviplanar surfaces

and low vesicularity. These are still the most

The shape of the shards produced during hydrovolcanic explosions depends on the viscosity, sur-

Figure 3.23 Photomicrographs of glass shards with typical cuspate and branched forms. (a) Non-welded redeposited shards
in the marine. Tertiary Dali Ash. Rhodes Island. Greece. Area shown is about 1.7 mm across. (b) Welded shards from the
Pleistocene Kaingaroa Ignimbrite. North Island. New Zealand. Area shown is about 2.5 mm across.



Figure 3.24 SEM photomicrographs of glass shards (from >63 [!m size fraction). (a) and (b) Pumice-flow deposit, Mt Pelee.
(c) Lower Bandelier ignimbrite, New Mexico.

Type I

- - (> 100},m)


Type 2

( > 100,vm )

Type 3

6:3,um )

Type 4

( <63,um

Type 5
. -- - -


Figure 3.25 Wohletz's five principal morphological types of

phreatomagmatic ashes. Typical size indicated in parentheses.

face tension and yield strength of the melt, and the

rate of heat energy release and the degree of
vesiculation of the magma prior to explosive interaction with water. Fragmentation may be of a
brittle, ductile or viscous nature (Wohletz 1983).
Brittle deformation occurs during quenching and
solidification, producing blocky fragments of
Wohletz's Type 1. More-ductile behaviour would
produce more-irregular elongate fragments (Type
2), perhaps where the rate of quenching is not so
high, allowing deformation to occur after fragmentation, as particles and vapour mix turbulently.
Types 3 and 4 clasts results from more-fluidal
interaction between magma and water or water
vapour. The moss-like morphologies are probably
due to the viscous effects of the melt, whereas the
drop-like particles result from the surface tension
effects in the magma (Wohletz 1983).
The traditional distinction between cuspate magmatic shards and more blocky phreatomagmatic
shards seems to be somewhat simplistic. In practice
a complete spectrum of phreatomagmatic shard
types probably exists. The moderately to highly
vesiculated shards from Surtsey, one of the classical
phreatomagmatic type examples, is testimony to
this. There, as in similar Surtseyan Tertiary successions exposed on the Otago coast of the South
Island of New Zealand near Oamaru (Cas et al., in
prep.), sea water probably acted to catalyse explosive fragmentation of an already vesiculated basaltic
magma that was in a state of incipient magmatic
explosive disruption. This problem is further discussed in Section 6.8.3.


Free crystals and angular fragments of crystals are
released during the explosive disruption and breakage of porphyritic magmas and juvenile fragments,
and form a discrete juvenile component from the
vesiculated or non-vesiculated magmatic fragments
in the pyroclastic deposit. Selvedges of glassy
groundmass may be attached. Crystals can be
present in both magmatic and phreatomagmatic
pyroclastic deposits. Some non-juvenile crystals
may also be derived by fragmentation of accessory
and accidental lithics (see below), and these are
called xenocrysts.


The term 'lithics' generally describes the dense
components in a pyroclastic deposit. Lithics may be
subdivided into non-vesiculated juvenile magmatic
fragments (cognate lithics), country rock that has
been explosively ejected during eruption (accessory
lithics) and clasts picked up locally by pyroclastic
flows and surges (accidental lithics). 'Cognate'
therefore refers to fragments that have solidified
from the erupting magma. Accessory and accidental
lithics are also called xenoliths. In many cases it
may be very difficult to separate accessory from

Figure 3.26 Quench-fragmented basalt at the margin of a

basaltic dyke, Upper Devonian Boyd Volcanic Complex, New
South Wales, Australia.

accidentallithics. Upper mantle derived peridotite

xenoliths, which are common in alkaline basaltic
scoria deposits, crystalline xenoliths in some andesitic pyroclastic deposits and intensely hydrothermally altered lithics are easily identified examples of
accessory lithics. Distinctive accidental lithic clasts
may sometimes be correlated with specific local
sources. Lithics are usually angular, but in some
circumstances may be rounded due to in-vent
abrasion during eruption. However, angular lithic
clasts may also be produced by quench-fragmentation, autobrecciation (see below) and epiclastic
processes (Ch. 10).

3.6 Quench- or chill-shatter

The sudden contact between a hot coherent body of
magma and cold water or water-saturated sediment
causes rapid heat loss from the magma in the contact
zone. This sets up thermal stresses (which are
essentially tensile in character) as quenching and
chilling, cooling and associated contraction of the
magma occurs. This can occur where magma is
erupted subaqueously (Pichler 1965, de RosenSpence et al. 1980), subglacially 0. G. Jones 1969,
Furnes et al. 1980), where lava flows into water
(Fuller 1931, Waters 1960, Moore & Fiske 1969,
J. G. Jones 1969) or over water-saturated sediments
(Waters 1960, Schmincke 1967a), and where magma
is intruded into water-saturated sediments or
country rock (Pichler 1965, Kokelaar 1982). Aggregates of quench-fragmented debris have been called
hyaloclastites by Rittmann (1962), Pichler (1965)
and Honnorez and Kirst (1975).
The products of quench or chill shattering are
granulated glassy fragments of varying sizes, frequently splintery to blocky in shape, and frequently
with sharp edges and corners, and planar margins
(Figs 3.10, 12 & 26; also see Section 4.11). In thin
section they consist of angular fragments of glass,
often having perlitic cracks. Honnorez and Kirst
(1975) suggested that basaltic hyaloclastites can be
distinguished from phreatomagmatically fragmented debris on the basis of morphometric
parameters. Fragments in which more than 20% of


the perimeter is planar, rather than concave or

convex, are likely to be of quench origin (Honnorez
& Kirst 1975). According to Honnorez and Kirst
(1975), plots of the percentage of the grain margins
that are planar, against the numbers of corners and
inflection points, are more discriminating than the
previous method of assessing the percentage of the
perimeter that is planar. This approach has some
weaknesses, in that it assumes that all quenched
debris are derived from magmas which are nonvesicular at the time of quenching, and that all
vesiculated debris with convex or concave margin
segments and corners (remnants of vesicle walls)
are phreatomagmatically fragmented. Neither assumption is necessarily true, and there may be
many situations where partially vesiculated magma
is quenched, or where quenching and magmatic or
phreatomagmatic disruption occur simultaneously.
This could be the case with some of the specimens
used by Honnorez and Kirst (e.g. Fig. 3.12).
Pichler (1965) points out that for viscous, silicic
magmas the processes of quench-fragmentation and
autobrecciation (see Section 3.7) may also be
closely interrelated and contemporaneous. For
shallow-water settings, hydrovolcanic explosions
may also occur simultaneously. However, below
maximum depths of about 3150 m (sea water) only
quench-fragmentation or flow brecciation can account for fragmentation of magmas, because the
hydrostatic pressure of the overlying water body
prevents explosions.
However, not all lavas that erupted subaqueously
or by flowing into water are fragmented (e.g.
basaltic pillow lavas). In these situations, lava must
be insulated from the cold water body by a
boundary layer. The boundary layer may be a
quench-fragmented carapace of granulated glass,
which insulates the inner part of the lava body from
quenching (Pichler 1965), or a superheated layer of
water vapour (H. Williams & McBirney 1979,
Kokelaar 1982), or a composite of both.
Where quenching results from the interaction of
either an intrusion or a lava flow with wet,
unconsolidated sediment, the quenched debris and
the wet sediment may be dynamically mixed as the
pore water is superheated, boils, fluidises the
aggregate and turbulently mixes it (Kokelaar 1982).


To such rocks the term 'peperite' is given, derived

from the Italian 'peperino', suggesting a spotty,
pepper and salt-like texture. The formation of
peperites could also involve significant phreatic and
phreatomagmatic explosive activity, and peperitic
textures could even be formed when pyroclasts
from local phreatomagmatic and phreatic explosions
are ejected into the air and fall into unconsolidated,
water-saturated sediments.
The interpretation of peperites, particularly at
the type locality at Gergovia volcano in the Auvergne region of France, has been debated for many
years (see J. G. Jones (1967a) for a critical review).
Originally the term 'peperite' was introduced by
Scrope in several of his publications (e.g. Scrope
1858) for basaltic breccias with a carbonate clastic
matrix, resulting from explosive eruption and airfall deposition of basaltic pyroclasts into a lake in
which carbonate sedimentation was occurring, a
view strongly supported by J. G. Jones (1967a).
Michel-Levy (1890) and Michel (e.g. 1948) considered the peperites to have formed from intrusion
of basalt into the carbonate sediment, presumably
accompanied by quenching or explosive activity, or
both, together with mixing or redeposition, or
Schmincke (1967a) has interpreted peperites
from the Ellensburg Formation of Washington as
resulting from the flow of basaltic lavas over watersaturated former lake sediments and partial intrusion of parts of the base of the lava into the
sediments, resulting in quench-fragmentation, local
steam explosions, and mixing of the basalt and
sediment to produce deposits with peperitic texture.
It is therefore apparent that the term 'peperite'
should be used with care, and not in a genetic
sense, because of the possible diverse origins of
deposits with peperitic texture (Ch. 12).

3.7 Flow fragmentation (autobrecciation)

and its products
If a viscous congealed lava continues to flow, or if
the congealed viscous crust of a lava is moved by
continued flow of the inside of the lava, this
congealed lava becomes stressed, deforms and may



Figure 3.27 (a) Autobrecciated Quaternary andesite,

Pinnacle Ridge, Mt Ruapehu, North Island, New Zealand .
Outcrop is about 3.5 m high. (b) Autobrecciated flow-banded
Lower Devonian rhyolite , Snowy River Volcanics, Buchan,
Victoria, Australia.

stretch plastically and break into slabs or blocks

(e.g. aa lavas, Ch. 4), or it may fracture in a brittle
fashion if the viscosity and strain rate are high
enough, to produce smooth faced blocks and
blocky lavas (MacDonald 1972; Fig. 3.27). The
blocks may be free to tumble, or they may be
sintered together, or be enclosed in non-fragmented

3.8 Epiclastic fragmentation

In most volcanic terrains, huge volumes of volcaniclastic debris are also produced and transported by
processes which are not of primary volcanic origin i.e. they are not vent-related processes. Such
processes are collectively called epiclastic processes
(epi = upon, referring to processes at the Earth's
surface) and include gravitational collapse or mass-

wastage, chemical and physical weathering, and

transportation processes involving wind or water.
More details of epiclastic processes and products in
volcanic terrains will be discussed in Chapter 10.
Their influences and relative significance should
never be underestimated.
Epiclastic processes are capabl~ of producing
fragments of all sizes, and of transporting them, as
well as fragments produced by primary volcanic
processes (this chapter), well away from source.
Therefore, a volcanic composition by itself does not
mean that the deposit is pyroclastic or near-vent, no
matter what the size of the fragments or the
angularity of the fragments (Chs 1, 10 & 12).


3.9 Further reading

Much has been written about the fragmentation
modes of different volcaniclastic deposits, but no
other comprehensive review such as that presented
here is known to us. For more details on fragmentation modes and the characteristics of the resultant
deposits, the reader is referred to the specific
references cited within this chapter. MacDonald
(1972) and Fisher and Schmincke (1984) contain
useful illustrations and discussions on products and
processes in various places in their respective


Plate 4 Dark, flat-lying, Miocene flood basalt lava flows of the Columbia River Plateau, Oregon, USA. Stratigraphically these
belong to the Picture Gorge Basalt which unconformably overlies terrestrial sediments (pale coloured rocks) and the John Day
ignimbrite (dark layer to top of bluff at bottom right),




Initial statement

4.1 Introduction

Lavas are flows of coherent magma that are erupted

at the Earth's surface during effusive volcanic
activity which is essentially non-explosive, or, for
some basaltic lavas, that are fed by lava fire
fountains. Lava flows show great variations in size
and shape, and in their surface and internal
features. In this chapter we describe these variations
and discuss the different controls on lava morphology, such as effusion rate, physical properties
(particularly viscosity and yield strength) and
environmental factors. Many of the differences
between lava flows can be treated by initially
dividing them into low viscosity (low silica) and
high viscosity (high silica) types. The characteristics
of the flows are thereafter controlled by the nature
of the environment into which they are extruded, or
the nature of the environment into which they then
flow, or both.

The principal requirement for the effusive eruption

of magma as coherent lava is that the eruption not
be explosive or that it be a relatively small fire
fountain of lava. This requires that the exsolved
volatile content (Ch. 3) of the magma chamber
immediately before eruption, and of the magma
during eruption, be sufficiently low to prevent the
build-up of a gas pressure which could cause fully
developed explosive fragmentation (Ch. 3). With
the possible exception of some basic and ultra basic
magmas, most subaerially erupted magmas could
potentially contain sufficient magmatic water to
cause explosive eruptions, given the initial availability of sufficient water in the magma source
regions. Therefore, for most volcanoes, and excepting basaltic volcanoes, the volume of volcaniclastics
erupted far exceeds the volume of coherent lavas.
However, basaltic volcanic centres are usually



exceptions to this, because basic magmas usually

contain lower magmatic volatile contents.
For coherent magmas to be erupted from magma
sources with high volatile contents the magma has
to degas to prevent build-up of magmatic gas
pressure. This can be done by the following

LOkI 'Inure ViII I'h
Im f of "lIourr conn



IO km


Direct escape of exsolving volatiles, either

gradually through the vent, hydrothermal
springs and fumaroles or, more rapidly, by
episodic hydrothermal (or steam) explosions
(Ch. 3).
(b) A previous or contemporaneous phase of
explosive activity during which most of the
volatiles of the magma and magma chamber
have been removed. This suggests that lavas
could be a terminal event of many explosive
eruptions and, indeed, this seems to be the
case (e.g. the 1980 Mt St Helens eruption).
The exsolution and degassing of volatiles from a
magma will increase its viscosity and yield strength,
which will affect the mobility, flow distance and
thickness of any lava flow (Ch. 2). However,
compared with more-silicic lavas, most basic lavas
are fluidal and mobile, irrespective of their water
content. This is because basic magmas are less
polymerised than silicic magmas, since they contain
fewer intermolecular Si-O bonds or bridges (Burnham 1979; Ch, 2). In general, the volume and
length of lava flows decrease as the content of Si0 2
increases. Thus, basalt flows are usually much
more voluminous and longer than rhyolite flows.


( b)


4.2 Size and form of subaerial lava flows

The largest known lava flows are flood lavas. These
include both continental flood basalts and those of
mid-ocean ridges (e.g. Iceland). Rarer Archaean
ultramafic flows (komatiites; Section 4.12) and
extensive phonolite and trachyte flows that have
been described from the East African Rift can also
be considered as flood lavas. Such lavas are erupted
from large fissures, which are laterally continuous
fractures that can be called line sources (see below).




Rozo mtmb.,

r;--;--o, Columblo R,vtr


bo.o l"

f i5sur~
sys Tem

Figure 4.1 (a) The 1783 Laki basalt lava flow in southern
Iceland erupted from 115 craters along the 25 km fissure
(after Thorarinsson 1969). (b) The Columbia River flood
basalt plateau with the distribution of the Roza Member and
its fissure vent system (see also Fig. 13.7) (after Swanson et
at. 1975).


The largest historic lava of this type is the 1783

Laki basalt flow (Fig. 4.1a) which travelled about
40 km and has a volume of 12.3 km 3 (Thorarinsson
1969). Very much larger flood basalts over 200 km
long are known in the geological record. In the
mid-Miocene Columbia River Plateau of the western
USA, flows of the Roza Member (Fig. 4.1b)
travelled 300 km and its volume exceeded 1500 km 3
(Swanson et al. 1975). This and other lavas in the
Columbia River Plateau (e.g. Swanson & Wright
1981) are volumetrically three to five times larger
than many of the world's largest stratovolcanoes
(Ch. l3). For a general description of flood basalt
'volcanoes' and provinces, see also Chapter l3.
The largest lava unit that has been described is,
indeed, that of the Roza Member in the Columbia
River Plateau. The Roza Member actually consists
of a small number of lava flows and, typically,
stratigraphic sections show one or two thick flows,
but sometimes three or more. Also, a number of
thinner flows (or flow units; see Section 4.3) occur
near vent. Cumulatively these flows originally

covered a minimum area of 40 000 km 2 (Fig. 4.1 b).

All of the flows were probably erupted over a
period of a few hundred years or less, but individual
flows are thought to have been erupted in a matter
of days and are themselves (except the thin nearvent flows) still extremely large. The largest individual lava flows must have volumes up to 700 km 3
(Swanson & Wright 1981).
The average thickness of single lava flows in
measured sections of the Columbia River Plateau
basalts is between 15 and 35 m (Waters 1961).
Comparable lava flow thicknesses are found in the
flood basalts of the Deccan Traps in Central India
(Subbarao & Sukheswala 1981); Choubey (1973)
found average thicknesses of between 15 and 30 m.
In the flood basalts of eastern Iceland, G. P. L.
Walker (1963) found that the average flow thickness
was 17 m.
Other basaltic lavas can be considered to be
erupted from central volcanoes, point-source vents
or small restricted fissures. These lava flows are
much less voluminous and cover much smaller






VI 400








trachyte", andeslfn, dOCItfoS (n 239)

bo,olls (n. 479)

rhyohl., (n.176)





.. .::

........0;-.-: ,ISO

Diameter H (km)




Area covered (km 2 )

high 'IOco,ily

lo lW yj,tosity

Figure 4.2 Dimensions of lavas of different compositions. The two scales along the x-axis give the
area covered by the extrusion and the diameter of a circle having this area. The broken lines give the
aspect ratio VIH. The dotted lines cgive ttfe volumes of circular disc-like bodies of the dimensions,
shown as a rough guide to the volumes of the lava extrusions. (After G. P. L. Walker 1973a.)



areas. For example, since 1535, Mt Etna in Italy

has erupted <4 km 3 of lava; the largest single flow
was 0.5 km 3 (Wadge et al. 1975). On Mauna Loa
historic flank eruptions of basalt along the southwest and north-east rifts range up to 0.5 km 3 in
volume (Lipman 1980).
More-silicic lavas are usually small volume flows,
and are not as extensive as basaltic ones. Flow
distances are in most cases less than a few kilometres, although intermediate lavas (especially) can
flow in excess of 25 km. Rhyolitic lavas generally
do not travel further than 3-4 km and do not
exceed about 1 km 3 . A notable exception is the
Chao dacite flow from Chile, which travelled 12 km
and has a volume of 24 km 3 (Guest & Sanchez
1969). Andesites, dacites and rhyolites can be up to
a few hundred metres thick.
The extensive phonolites and trachytes in East
Africa (King 1970) are, however, very different,
and compositional factors (alkaline and peralkaline
affinities) suggest that these lavas may have been
erupted with viscosities close to those of basalts.
A parameter frequently used in the description of
lava geometry is aspect ratio. This can be defined as
the ratio of the average thickness (V) to the
horizontal extent (H), i.e. VIH, where H is taken as
the diameter of a circle with a surface area equal to
that of the lava. In practice, thickness and surface
area are measured with a grid superimposed on
topographic maps of the lava. G. P. L. Walker
(l973a) plotted aspect ratios for a large number of
lavas. He distinguished low viscosity, low aspect
ratio lavas (mainly basalts) from high viscosity,
high aspect ratio lavas (trachytes, andesites, dacites
and rhyolites; Fig. 4.2). Note that the convention
we have adopted is to refer to a high aspect ratio
lava as one being thick in relation to its area, and a
low aspect ratio one as being relatively thin, which
is the opposite sense to that used by G. P. L.
Walker (l973a).

4.3 Factors affecting the morphology of

subaerial lavas
The shape of lava flows can be related to three main
effusion rate
physical properties
However, in reality the controls of lava shapes are
likely to be many, and they are complexly interrelated. For instance, effusion or lava discharge rate
is itself dependent on a large number of factors:
vent shape and dimensions, viscosity, yield strength
and magma pressure gradient within the volcano.


G. P. L. Walker (l973a) considered effusion rate to
be the most important controlling factor on lava
form. He showed that the distance travelled by lava
flows was proportional to the effusion rate. It was
thought that this was due to the effect of cooling.
Lavas erupted at higher rates would travel further
before cooling would lower their viscosity and
inhibit movement.
The effusion rate observed in lava flows of morebasic compositions ranges from <0.5 to 5000 m 3
S-l (Table 4.1). G. P. L. Walker (1971) suggested
that basaltic lavas extruded at high effusion rates
form far-reaching flows composed of a single flow
unit, termed simple lavas (Fig. 4.3), whereas those
Table 4.1

Effusion rates of some basic lava flows.


Laki 1783
Etna 1865-1975 (n = 17)
Etna 1975
Mauna Loa 1851-1950 (n = 10)
AskJa 1961
Pari cutin 1943-52t

Average volumetric
effusion rate
(m 3 S-l)

5 X 103
33 (800)*

* This higher effusion rate is for the first eight hours of the
eruption; the eruption went on to last for five weeks.

t The lava evolved from basaltic-andesite to andesite

durin{l the course of its eruption.


(a) Two simple lava flows



. i

. i

. i

. ..

. I

........- soil


(b) Compound lava flow

....... -:.-:.~:.' ..:~

% ......


~ ...
i l l





II -", ""


} block

.......... " ..................... .


J -", . . . . . . '!>oo(,~~::.~.~ .....}







+-_______::.. . . . ,



Effusion rate (m 3

5. 1)

Figure 4.3 Simple and compound lava flows. (After G. P L.

Walker 1971)

extruded at low effusion rates produce flows composed of small flow units which pile up close to the
vent and produce compound lavas. The Laki 1783
flow in Iceland was extruded at a relatively high
effusion rate (Table 4.1), and is composed of only a
few flow units, so it can be considered a simple
lava. The historic lava flows of Mt Etna have been
erupted at much lower effusion rates (Table 4.1),
and form compound lava flows or flow-fields
(Wadge 1978, Pinkerton & Sparks 1976). Wadge
also demonstrated that the maximum distance
attained by these lava flows increases linearly with
increasing effusion rate for flows greater than 1 km
long. Pinkerton and Sparks (1976) describe the
formation of the 1975 flow-field (composed of many


thousands of flow units) and how new boccas (small

openings) feeding new flow units commonly
formed at the fronts of mature flow units which had
otherwise ceased to flow .
Large single flow unit flood basalts found in the
geological record are believed to be erupted at very
high effusion rates. Order of magnitude calculations
by Swanson et ai. (1975) suggest that the effusion
rate along the Roza fissure vent system was 1 km 3
d -1 km - 1 (d = day) for one flood basalt flow.
This calculation uses an individual lava flow volume
of 700 km 3 (approximately half the total volume of
the Roza Member) for each of what appears to be
two main lava flows (see Section 4.2), an eruption
duration of seven days and a length of 100 km for
the fissure vent system. This leads to an effusion
rate of 1 x 106 m 3 S-1 for the whole vent system or
1 x Wi m 3 S-1 km -1. These estimates of discharge
rate for the Roza flood basalt flows are comparable
with those estimated for highly explosive ignimbrite-forming eruptions (1O'i_l07 m 3 S-I, Ch. 8).
A survey of historic more silicic, higher viscosity
lavas (Table 4.2) shows that average effusion rates
are between 0.05 and 1l.6 m 3 S-I, generally a few
orders of magnitude lower than those for basic
lavas. More-viscous extrusions might also be expected to form compound lavas at low extrusion
rates. For example, the Santiaguito dacite dome,
Santa Maria volcano, Guatemala, is a compound
Table 4.2 Effusion rates of some andesitic and dacitic lavas
(after Newhall and Melson 1983).


Average volumetric
effusion rate
(m 3 S-l)

Santorini, Greece 1886-70

Santiaguito, Santa Maria volcano
Mt Lamington 1951-6
Bezymianny 1955-present
Colima 1975-6
Augustine 1976
Mt St Helens 1980-present
Usu 1910 (Meiji-Shinzan cryptodome*)
Usu 1943-5 (Showa-Shinzan cryptodome)
Usu 1977-present (Usu-Shinzan

* Cryptodomes are explained in Section 4.8.




silicic lava which began in 1922 and continues to

grow to date; it now consists of at least 14
recognisable flow units (Rose 1972a).


Hulme (1974), who modelled lavas as Bingham
substances (Ch. 2), indicated that the principal
factor governing their shape was their non-Newtonian rheology. His theoretical analysis and experiments with kaolin suspensions, which are close to
Bingham substances in rheology, showed that
aspect ratio was mainly dependent on yield stress.
For a Bingham substance to flow downhill, it
must form a layer deep enough for the shear stress
at the base to exceed the yield strength. Close to the
lateral margins the depth is not great enough for
downhill flow to occur, and dead zones of stationary
fluid form levees along margins. The depth and
width of a flow, and the width of each dead zone,
are related to five independent initial parameters:
effusion rate (F), the slope (a) and three properties
of the fluid - Bingham viscosity (11), yield strength
(00) and specific weight (gQ, where g is the
acceleration due to gravity and Q is the density of
the fluid). The critical depth (dc ) which must be
exceeded for any flow to occur is given by
For lavas with higher yield strengths, de is therefore
larger, and the thickness of the lava flow is greater.
The aspect ratio of a lava flow can be predicted
aspect ratio

flowing lava at any given point, and this will have a

marked effect on the yield strength. An increased
effusion rate would increase the temperature, and
therefore reduce the yield strength, at any particular
point in the lava.

4.3.3 SLOPE
Flow width varies inversely with ground slope
(Hulme 1974). However, the effect of slope on lava
length has been shown to be small compared with
other factors (G. P. L. Walker 1973a).

4.4 Eruption of subaerial basaltic lavas

Basaltic lavas are erupted from either fissures or
central (also called point source) vents. Fissure
systems that feed large flood basalts may be very
large (e.g. >100 km in length, Fig. 4.1b). Central
vents are typical of larger basaltic volcanoes, scoria
cones and other types of smaller basaltic volcanoes.
However, these smaller centres are commonly
associated with fissures, and even on the large
volcanoes fissures may control flank eruptions.
Many eruptions of basaltic lava may begin along a
large length of a fissure, but activity quickly
localises to a few point sources or 'nodes' (L.
Wilson & Head 1981, Delaney & Pollard 1982).
Even for the large flood basalts this also seems to be
true eCho 13).
Basaltic lavas can issue from vents as:

ool(Fll) 25 (gQ)075 (4.2)

Aspect ratio therefore depends mainly on yield

strength. Equation 4.2 predicts that lavas with low
yield strengths, such as basalts, give rise to flows
with lower aspect ratios, and more-silicic lavas with
higher yield strengths will occur as higher aspect
ratio flows, which is in general agreement with field
observations (Fig. 4.2).
From Equation 4.2, aspect ratio would seem to
be insensitive to changes in effusion rate, but in
reality this is more complicated because of the effect
of temperature variations. A change in effusion rate
will lead to a change in the temperature within


coherent flows from small boccas (openings),

or from the overspill or breaching of a lava
lake ponded in a crater or
fire fountains of lava that reconstitute around
the vent and then flow away.

Many eruptions of basalt lava flows begin with a

phase of fire-fountaining of gas-rich magma, succeeded by the extrusion of coherent flows of
relatively gas-poor magma. There would also be
periods when lava is issuing as coherent flows and
fountains at the same time, either from the same
vent or separately along a fissure. Flows formed
from agglutinated lava spatter are associated with
spatter cones and spatter ramparts (Fig. 4.1a, Chs 6


& 13). Lavas in which obvious spatter fragments

are observed can be called clastogenic lavas; fragments will be flattened, stretched and deformed as
in some welded tuffs, and in many ways they form
by an analogous mechanism to welded air-fall tuffs

Sparks and Pinkerton (1978) suggested that the
loss of volatiles during lava fountaining has an
important effect on the rheology of the lava.
Degassing of the lava leads to considerable undercooling, rapid growth of quench crystallites, a rapid
increase in the viscosity and the development of a
high yield strength. Thus, highly gas-charged
magmas giving rise to intense lava fountaining are
likely to generate higher viscosity basaltic flows
with higher yield strengths. Magmas with lower
initial gas contents should therefore form morefluidal lavas from less-vigorous fire fountains or
lava lakes. The lavas erupted in 1961 at Askja in
Iceland changed from higher viscosity and higher
yield strength aa to pahoehoe flows (Section 4.5.1)
later in the eruption as the intensity of firefountaining waned (Sparks & Pinkerton 1978).

4.5 Features of subaerial basaltic lava


Many of the features of basalt lava flows have been

well documented from studies in Hawaii, and we
refer the reader to the descriptions and illustrations
in MacDonald (1967, 1972). Basaltic lava flows
contain a large array of surface features, but the
preservation potential of many of these in the
geological record is very limited. We shall split our
description of some of the features of subaerial
basaltic lavas into the following:
pahoehoe and aa lavas
flood basalts
plains basalts

These are the Hawaiian names given to the two
main types of basaltic lava flow that have been
distinguished (Figs 4.4-6). Pahoehoe lavas are


(a) Pahoehoe

Ir mould





moss lve lovo

with blocky )olnts

Figure 4.4 Longitudinal sections through the two main

types of subaerial ba saltic lava flow. (After Lockwood &
Lipman 1980.)

characterised by smooth, billowy and sometimes

ropy and 'toe' surfaces. In contrast, aa lavas have
exceedingly rough spinose and fragmented surfaces.
These are both end-member types with all transitions between them; slab by and block lavas
resemble aa, but are less spinose, with fragments
that are more regular in form. Pahoehoe and aa
commonly form in the same lava flow. Pahoehoe
may change downslope to aa, but the opposite has
never been observed.
The early character of most lavas erupted on
Hawaii are almost always pahoehoe. Pahoehoe is
generally a very fluid, fast flowing lava but it can
also form from viscous magma at low effusion rates .
Generally small, highly mobile flows advance as a
coherent unit with a smooth rolling motion. Larger,
less mobile flows advance by protrusion of bulbous
'toes' of lava. On Hawaii, pahoehoe is common on
smooth , gentle slopes (see below), and tends to
form rather thin flows (often less than 1-2 m; Figs
4.4 & Sa). Internally, pahoehoe lavas are characterised by large numbers of smooth, regular spheroidal vesicles. Many flows contain more than 20%

Figure 4.5 (facing page and above) Pahoehoe lava flows. (a) Succession of five thin flow units exposed within the crater rim
of Mt Hamilton, Victoria, Australia. These flow units have non-vesicular bases with narrow oxidised margins, which grade into
highly vesicular upper and middle portions. White inclusions within the base of some flow units are locally derived vein quartz
xenoliths. (b) Smooth, billowy pahoehoe surface of the 1975 flow in Kilauea caldera, Hawaii. (c) Shelly pahoehoe, Mauna Iki. (d)
Crust of shelly pahoehoe, Mauna Iki. (e) and (f) Ropy pahoehoe, Mauna Ulu 1969-74 flows (near Mauna Ulu). (g) Pahoehoe
toes in a Mauna Ulu 1969-74 flow fed by lava tubes down the Hilina fault system (about 8 km from the vent). Figure (circled)
indicates scale. (h) Section through a pahoehoe toe buried within a compound lava, Mt Eccles, Victoria, Australia. (i)
Weathered ropy pahoehoe surface on the 5000-6000-year-old Harman Valley flow, Wallacedale, Victoria, Australia.

vesicles, though it is not uncommon to find parts of

flows with 50% vesicles.
Swanson (1973) described several different types
of pahoehoe lava flow formed during the 1969-71
activity from Mauna VIu in Hawaii. A very
vesicular, cavernous type, called shelly pahoehoe
(Figs 4.5c & d), formed when gas-charged lava
welled out of a fissure with little or no accompanying
fountaining. A relatively smooth and denser type
formed from the fall-out of fire fountains >300 m
in height. The third type, characterised by overlapping, denser 20% vesicles), pahoehoe toes
and lobes (Fig. 4.5g), formed when largely degassed
magma issued from tubes several kilometres from
the vent.
The ropy type of pahoehoe (Figs 4.5e, f & i),
although perhaps the most distinctive, is actually
quantitatively limited in extent (MacDonald 1972).
The ropes consist of a regular train of corrugations
a few centimetres in height, their long axes being
perpendicular to or convex to the local direction in
which the flow is moving. Fink and Fletcher (1978)
have done a structural analysis of these features.
They can be interpreted as folds which develop at
the surface of a fluid whose viscosity decreases with
depth. The braided appearance and more-complex
structures found in many pahoehoe flows can be
explained by the superposition of two or more
episodes of folding.
These pahoehoe surface features generally have a

low preservation potential in the geological record

(e.g. Fig. 4.5i). Ropy surfaces and toes may be
preserved, especially if quickly covered over by
another lava flow or flow unit (e.g. Fig. 4.5h). If
found, convex trains of pahoehoe ropes can be used
as palaeoflow direction indicators, although caution
is required in determining flow direction based on
only one or two occurrences, since some pahoehoe
ropes may be a response to local eddies on the flow
surface (MacDonald 1972).
When a thickened crust forms on a flow, lava
tubes commonly form internally (Fig 4.7). Lava
tubes are almost exclusively restricted to pahoehoe
flows. They can range in size from less than 1 min
diameter to large caves >30 m wide and 15 m high,
and can form large distributary networks which can
carry lava below the nearly stationary lava surface
for distances of many kilometres. Some of the best
examples that have been described are from the
Quaternary basaltic provinces in Australia (e.g.
OIlier & Brown 1965, OIlier 1969, Atkinson et al.
1975; Fig. 4.7), and Atkinson et al. (1975) report a
system of lava tubes which may have extended tOr
more than 100 km in north Queensland. Tubes
may later collapse to produce large open channels
and depressions on the surface of older flows (Figs
4.7b & c).
Lava tubes are important because\ they inhibit
radiative heat losses from the surface of a flow, and
enable the flow to travel long distances. Tube-fed




Figure 4.7 (a) Cave formed by lava tube on Mauna Iki. (b)
Collapsed lava tube on Mauna Iki. (c) Cave exposed by
collapse of lava tunnel roof. Byaduk Caves. Victoria.

pahoehoe flows can achieve lengths much greater

than aa flows of equivalent effusion rate.
Peterson and Swanson (1974) observed lava
tubes forming during the 1970-1 activity of Mauna
Vlu, Hawaii. They were observed to form by:


gradual roofing-over of a lava stream from its

levees by the accretion of lava spatter along the
edges and
cooling of a lava surface to produce a crust,
beginning at the levees and growing inward
and downstream.

Oilier and Brown (1965) previously suggested that

thick flows would develop shear planes, and that
only the hottest, thickest layers would keep flowing,
leaving voids or tubes. However, Peterson and
Swanson (1974) found no evidence for this in
Other surface features that occur on pahoehoe

flows are hornitos, pressure ridges and tumuli (lava

blisters; Fig. 4.8). Hornitos are small, rootless
spatter cones up to several metres high formed by
explosions due to, for instance, trapped ground
water. Pressure ridges are elongate uplifts of the
lava crust, occurring subparallel to the flow direction
at flow margins, but perpendicular in central
portions. They are thought to be due to upward
pressure from still-liquid lava flowing beneath the
solidifying surface. Tumuli are small mounds or
dome-like blisters up to 20 m or more in diameter
on the crust of a lava flow, again caused by pressure
from underflowing lava, or pressure associated with
volatilisation of groundwater.
Aa flows are generally thicker (from 2 to 3 m, up
to about 20 m) than pahoehoe flows and advance
much more slowly. The jagged flow-front (Fig.
4.4b) creeps forward and steepens until a section
becomes unstable and breaks off. Collapse IS

.... Figure 4.6 Aa lava flows on Hawaii. (a) 1868 lava flow on Mauna Loa. (b) Detail of fragmented clinker top to the 1868
Mauna Loa flow. (c) Spinose top of pre-Missionary flow from Mauna Loa.




Figure 4.8 (a) Pressure ridge in a thick columnar jointed

cooling crust. Wallacedale. Victoria. Australia. Uplifted
columns have separated along the axis of the pressure ridge
to produce radial Vshaped fractures. Tilted vesicle layers in
foreground are parallel to the former flow surface. (b)
Tumulus with large radial fractures formed on the 1919
pahoehoe lava flow in Kilauea caldera. Hawaii. (c) Tumulus in
columnar Jointed flow surface. Wallacedale. Victoria.

repeated as the flow slowly advances in caterpillartrack fashion over an auto brecciated layer of
fragmented lava. Internally, aa lava is characterised
by irregular elongate vesicles that are drawn out in
response to internal flow, and a stratification
consisting of a solid massive lava body sandwiched
between layers of fragmented clinker that may be
welded together (Figs 4.4b & 6).
The transition from pahoehoe to aa is generally
regarded to result from the increase in viscosity
caused by cooling, gas loss and greater crystallinity
with time. Peterson and Tilling (1980) made a
detailed study of the transition, which occurs at
some critical point in the relationship between
viscosity and rate of shear strain. If the viscosity is
low, then the transition only occurs if there is a high
rate of shear; for example, as caused by flow over a
steep slope. If viscosity is high, only a low rate of
shear is required. At the transition, stiff clots form
in parts of the flowing lava where the shear rate is
greatest, and remaining fluid adheres to these.
Also, fragments of solidified pahoehoe crust are
incorporated into the flow, and masses and fra..g-

ments of aggregate gradually complete the transition

to aa.
However, aa lavas also form at vent. When lavas
have a moderate to high viscosity, pahoehoe lavas
will only form at low effusion rates, whereas aa will
form when effusion rates have exceeded a critical
value (this was 2 x 10- 3 m 3 S-1 on Etna in 1975:
Sparks & Pinkerton 1978). On the other hand,
lavas with low initial viscosities will form pahoehoe
even at high effusion rates (there is no limiting
effusion rate).
Both pahoehoe and aa lavas form levees. In a
study of levees formed by lavas of Mt Etna, Sparks
et ai. (1976) found four principal types of levees
(Fig. 4.9). Initial levees are formed because of the
yield strength of the lava, as indicated by the
studies of Hulme (1974) (see Section 4.3.2 above).
These form in both pahoehoe and aa flows.
Accretionary levees were observed near boccas, and
consisted of piles of clinker accreted to smooth
pahoehoe lava channels. The clinkers weld themselves together to form a steep, solid levee. In flows
where aa has developed fully, the flow front




oc"v~ /01'0







Figure 4.9 Cross sections through four different type s of

lava levee observed on Mt Etna . Heavier stipple is massive
lava; sparsely stippled areas represent flowing lava. (After
Sparks et al. 1976.)

advances and the sides also expand by avalanching

of aa debris . These rubble levees are at angles of
repose of 30-35. The fourth type, overflow levees
form when lava repeatedly floods over existing
rubble levees. Most levees on Mt Etna are hybrids
of two or more of the four types. Thus, although
Hulme's (1974) theory of levee formation was
confirmed by these observations, accretionary,
rubble and overflow levees nucleate and modify
initial levees.
Flood basalts form extensive sheets of lava with
very low aspect ratios (Plate 4, Fig. 4.10a). Compositionally, these lavas are dominantly tholeiitic
(e.g. Swanson & Wright 1981) , although commonly
they can be alkali basalts, e.g. in the Ethiopian
province (Mohr 1983; Ch. 13) and in the Deccan
Traps of India (Krishnamurthy & Udas 1981).
They are pahoehoe flows , and sometimes ropy
surface features are preserved . Many of the larger
flows of this type must have ponded as vast lava
lakes , taking years to tens of years to solidify, as
indicated by the well developed massive columnar
jointing (Fig . 4.10).
Cooling is accompanied by contraction, and
takes place from the cooling surfaces (principally
the top and bottom of the flow) inwards. The


tensional stresses set up during contraction may

produce regular joint sets perpendicular to the
cooling surfaces, and usually vertical to sub-vertical
in orientation. Well defined intersecting joint sets
may produce regular polygonal columns. The joint
faces (and columns) propagate inwards from the
cooling surfaces as the 'cooling front' advances
inwards . This progressive propagation may be
reflected by complementary sub-horizontal joints
within columns, or by a segmentation pattern on
the vertical joints, reflecting successive propagation
stages (Fig. 4. lOb). Columnar jointing can exhibit a
two- or three-tiered arrangement (Spry 1962,
MacDonald 1967, 1972; Figs 4.10b & d). The
bottom consists of thick, usually well formed
columns normal to the base of the flow. Above this
colonnade, a layer of thinner, less regular, often
chaotic columns essentially normal to the flow top,
but highly irregular in structure, is found. This
layer is called the entablature. There may be an
upper colonnade above this. Two-tiered columnar
jointing is common in the Columbia River basalts
(e.g. Swanson & Wright 1981 ).
Recently, Kantha (1980, 1981) proposed that
columnar jointing in basalts results from a fluid
dynamic process operating in the lava during
cooling. Double-diffusive convective processes,
due to temperature and chemical differences between the top and bottom of a stagnant melt, are
thought to drive columnar 'finger' motions in the
melt. When solidification eventually occurs, contraction cracks would have preferred propagation
paths along the boundaries of adjacent 'basalt
fingers', giving rise to columnar jointing. Similar
'salt fingers' can be produced experimentally, and
also occur in nature in the oceans. Kantha (1980,
1981) pointed out the striking similarities of basalt
columns to these. Although Kantha's ideas are very
interesting, not all columnar jointing can be attributed to 'finger motions'. Welded tuffs, for example, often display very well developed columnar
jointing (Ch. 8) which cannot be explained by this
Lava tubes, lava channels, and other large scale
flow features are generally lacking in flood basalts.
This may be because they did not form, or because
they were destroyed by later movements within the

Figure 4.10 (a) Flood basalt lava flow of the Picture Gorge Basalt in the Columbia River basalt plateau. Oregon. (b) Icelandic
flood basalt with lower columnar Jointed colonnade and upper entablature. Note hOrizontal segmentation pattern on vertical
jOints (see text) (c) Top of columnar jointed flood basalt lava in Iceland showing polygonal form of columns. (d) Two-tiered
columnar jointing, Campaspe River, Victoria, Australia. (e) Large uniform columns in a thick, massive flow, Organ Pipes,
Victoria, Australia.


ponded lakes of lava, perhaps by convective circulations. Large, circular down-sag structures have
been described, which may result from magma
Palaeoflow direction in flood basalts can be
determined if spiracles or pipe vesicles are present.
These are concentrations of vesicles in small,
curved pipe-like structures found at the base of
flows. They form when bubbles of steam from
heated ground water rise into the lava, and are then
stretched in the direction of flow as it continues to
move (Waters 1960, MacDonald 1967).


Con toe ts and

surface fl!'otures

(folds and whorl.)

4.6 Submarine basaltic lavas

The formation of pillows or pillow lava (Figs 4.11 &
12) would generally be regarded the most distinctive
feature of basaltic lavas erupted under water. From
studies of the present ocean floor and of ancient
successions, submarine pillow lavas are also known
to be intimately associated with massive or sheet
flows (Fig. 4.11).
There has been considerable debate about the
formation of pillow lavas (e.g. J. G. Jones 1968,
J. G. Moore 1975, Vuagnat 1975, de Wit & Stern
1978). In many two-dimensional outcrops, most
pillows appear to be discrete entities, although
careful observation commonly reveals some interconnected pillows. However, good three-dimensional observational data show that many apparently


'!ormplf shrifr


compl ..
hool flow


Although these are large basaltic flows, Greeley

(1977b, 1982) grouped them as a separate type from
flood basalts. Plains basalts have characteristics of
both flood basalts and the smaller shield-building
pahoehoe lavas, such as those in Hawaii that were
discussed above (and in Ch. 13). They are typified
by the Snake River Plain, in the western USA
(Greeley 1977b, 1982). Lavas have been erupted
from central vents to produce low coalescing
shields, or from fissures to produce sheets. Lavas
are compound, and flow units are up to about 10 m
thick. Lava tubes and lava channels are an important means of flow propagation.

Flow type

ba.al chillod lono -:;:",""=~,,"-;::=:;:-;::;:::::::::::::::1
flal b a s e - ~~~q~
p,IIow lava

ba.ol pi1lowod




lon._~ (\ <>

sheel flow




pillO W al va



glassy selvedge

quenched glass
filling Interlillial cav,ty

Figure 4.11 (a) Succession of submarine pillow lavas and

sheet flows (after Hargreaves & Ayres 1979). (b) Detail of
pillows. In cross section pillows can vary from 10 cm
spheres to large forms several metres across. They are
usually at least several tens of centimetres in diameter.

discrete pillows represent cross sections through

interconnected lava tubes (Fig. 4.13). Although
erupted subaerially, submarine observations of the
March-May 1971 Mauna Ulu flows (J. G. Moore et
al. 1973) indicated that pillows formed and the lava
advanced by the budding of subaqueous lava tubes.
This process is therefore quite analogous to the
digital advance of subaerial pahoehoe lava and the
formation of pahoehoe toes, as first suggested by
Lewis (1914).



Figure 4.12 (a) Pillows with well developed radial cracks

and thin quenched margins, Boatmans Harbour, Oamaru,
South Island, New Zealand. Inter-pillow spaces are filled
with pelagic and skeletal carbonate sediment. (b) Steeply
dipping (tectonic) pillow lavas in the Franciscan Formation,
Califomia. Way up is from right to left. (c) Tropically
weathered pillows in the Rio Orcovis Formation, Puerto






Figure 4.13 Plan view of, and three orientated cross

sections through, pillow lavas. (After Hargreaves & Ayres

Palaeoflow directions in pillow lavas can be

determined by measuring the direction of budding
from re-entrant selvedges (Fig. 4.14). The shapes
of pillows also allow the determination of younging
directions in ancient deposits (e.g. Fig. 4.12b).
Massive flows of basaltic lava have frequently
been encountered during sea-floor drilling, and
have been described as sheet flows from the
Galapagos rift valley (Ballard et al. 1979). These
may have a variety of surface features, including
folds and whorls like subaerial pahoehoe, or they
may be flat or broken. The transition from pillowed
to massive morphology, within a single flow or
between flows (Fig. 4.11), could reflect an increased
discharge rate. Ballard et at. (1979) interpreted
sheet flows as analogous to modern subaerial
unchannelled pahoehoe flows erupted at high discharge rates, and pillow basalts as analogous to
tube-fed pahoehoe lavas erupted at much lower
discharge rates.
Submarine basaltic lavas are erupted either along
fissures at mid-ocean ridges or from central vents at


seamounts (Ch. 13). Mid-ocean ridge (MOR)

volcanic activity produces quiet effusion of pillow
and sheet lava flows (Bonatti 1967). There is little
physical interaction between lava and sea water,
and this is generally restricted to the formation of
thin glassy crusts. There may be minor quench
shattering and autobrecciation, or collapse pits with
breccias in sheet flows (Ballard et at. 1979), but
there is generally little fragmental volcaniclastic
material produced (Fig. 4.11). Seamounts have
been observed to have both pillow and sheet flows
at their summits (Lonsdale & Batiza 1980). They
also have extensive amounts of hyaloclastite (Fig.
4.15) . These may form debris flows (hyaloclastite
stone streams of Lonsdale & Batiza (1980)) down






- - - -7

In S In 01

.... -.f




. .J

----" --- ~"


re - entrant




'- ,---- -.-


tJuddln9 01 MW

,;"---....... ,...

V --I



Figure 4.15 Sketch of summit area of a seamount near the

East Pacific Rise. (After Lonsdale & Batiza 1980.)

the sides of seamounts. Some of the largest may

have debouched into the ocean basin and account
for the thick sequences of this type of deposit in the
ocean crust found in off-axis drilling of mid-ocean
ridges (Schmincke et at. 1979). Lonsdale and Batiza
(1980) traced debris flows back into broken pillows
and pillow lavas at the seamount summit, and
suggested that they were formed, in part, by
hydrovolcanic explosions. Quench-fragmentation
and simple gravitational collapse are probably also
important processes.


.... -1


\. -t /



4.7 Subaerial basaltic lavas flowing into



"~--~ .,..,>------......
.,,"~'{ '- --~ ..,;


-----of flow ond

pillOW prOP0901lon


Figure 4.14 Cross section showing the development of reentrant selvedges by budding of a new pillow. (After
Hargreaves & Ayres 1979.)

When basaltic lavas flow from land into water (e.g.

a lake, the sea or glacial meltwater ponds formed
during the eruption of intraglacial volcanoes), lava
deltas are often built out from the shore (J. G.
Jones & Nelson 1970, J. G. Moore et at. 1973). In
general, such deltas consist of a lower part of
palagonitised hyaloclastite breccias and pillow lavas
characterised by steep foreset beds (up to 40)
which have been termed flow-foot breccias (J. G.
Jones & Nelson 1970; Fig. 4.16). These are capped
with near flat-lying massive lavas. A passage zone
between these marks the approximate water level at
that time. J. G. Jones and Nelson (1970) showed
how relative movements of water level and a
volcanic pile or terrain over a period could be



Figure 4.16 Form and structure of a basaltic lava which

has brecciated on flowing into water. Thickness of breccia
unit as depicted is of the order of 100 m. (After J. G. Jones
& Nelson 1970.)




11( pl'lr




deciphered from such successions (Fig. 4.17).

Furnes and Sturt (1976) described how, in macrotidal environments (tidal ranges of several metres),
the rising tide would overstep advancing lava flows,
producing complex relationships between different
lithologies. Hyaloclastite breccias interfingering
and alternating with massive lava bodies continuously build up to high tide level. The whole
succession is then covered by massive subaerial
If a lava has a high viscosity and high yield
strength, it may interact differently with water, and
may flow underwater maintaining continuity. The
June 1969 flow from Mauna Vlu entered the sea as a
narrow flow of aa, and travelled underwater for
several hundred metres without a lava delta being
constructed 0. G. Moore et ai. 1973). In contrast,
the lava flows erupted in March-May 1971 from
Mauna VIu, which were lower viscosity pahoehoe
flows, constructed a lava delta 0. G. Moore et ai.
1973), including a significant pillow lava component, when they flowed into the sea.
Other features associated with the flow of basaltic
lava into water are pseudocraters or littoral cones
(Thorarinsson 1953, Fisher 1968; Chs 3 & 13).
These are rootless vents with small craters, formed
by the explosive release of steam trapped at the base
of a lava flow.


4.8 Subaerial andesitic and dacitic lavas


....... .


mOS"lvt 10'11'0

f lo w-tOOT breccta

Figure 4.17 Structural relationships in successions of

basalt flows which have flowed into water during periods of
vertical movement of water level or of the volcanic pile.
Relationships are valid for vertical scales ranging from 1 cm
= 10m to 1 cm = 100 m. (After J. G. Jones & Nelson

High aspect ratio andesitic (including some basaltic

andesites) and dacitic lava flows are common on
stratovolcanoes (Ch. 13). On these volcanoes they
can be, and often are, associated with the eruption
of pyroclastic flows (Ch. 13). Eruptions of these
types of lavas have been common this century and
in historic times (Table 4.2).
Lavas of these compositions typically occur as
small-volume, short block flows (sometimes with
well developed levees), and as domes (Fig. 4.18);
an exception already mentioned is the large Chao
dacite flow in northern Chile. Some andesite and
dacite lavas form spectacular spires and pitons with
very high aspect (Figs 4.1Sd & e). These lavas must
have been extremely viscous and have had very




Figure 4.18 Andesitic and dacitic lavas. (a) Andesitic block lava erupted high on Colima volcano. Mexico in 1975. Note the
well developed levees. (b) Dacitic block lava on Nea Kaimeni. Santorini . (c) The 1981 Mt St Helens dacite dome (after M. & K.
Kraft in Christiansen & Peterson 1981) (d) The 1902 dacitic spine of Mt Pelee (after Bullard 1976). (e) Gras Piton (dacitic). St
Lucia. West Indies.


(o) ~--~==~----------~



mOSSl ye columnar

andesi te

(b) , - - - - - = --



Figure 4.19 Section showing flow-front of pre-historic

andesite lava exposed in the north crater wall of Soufriere,
St Vincent. (After Sigurdsson 1981.)


high yield strengths; some even have striated and

gouged margins, showing that they were nearly
solid when extruded (e.g. Fig. 4.18d). These lavas
generally have very high crystal contents.
Andesite and dacite lavas have steep flow-fronts
with screes of autobrecciated lava. Sigurdsson
(1981) described the flow front of a short andesite
lava on Soufriere volcano, St Vincent. This consists
of columnar jointed lava lobes surrounded by a
thick and irregular layer of blocky and scoriaceous
lava rubble (Fig. 4.19), and forms about one-third
of the 900 m flow. Expansion of the flow-front as
the lava moved required the outward bulldozing of
the block and scoria rubble, which is tens of metres
thick. The lava lobes in the flow-front may have
originated by injection of lava into the collar of
Internally, behind their flow-fronts, andesitic
and dacitic lavas are usually massive, with columnar
or blocky jointing. Andesitic lava flows sometimes
have a well developed, often flat-lying, sheeted
structure with aligned tabular and platy phenocrysts. This flow foliation is generally attributed to
shear partings developed during laminar flow. In
ancient rocks this can sometimes be confused with
textures developed in densely welded tuffs (Ch. 8).
(Crystals in the lavas should have euhedral regular
shapes, and not be broken and fragmented as in the
pyroclastic rocks.) Dacite lavas often have a steep
flow layering which may be flow folded.
Andesites and dacites are also commonly em-

~--1---------------------~ 100

Original surface

Figure 4.20 (a) Contour map of the 1945 Showa-Shinzan

cryptodome of Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan. (b) Profiles
showing growth of the cryptodome. (After Minakami et al.

placed as cryptodomes. A cryptodome is a domelike uplift of the surface rocks in a volcanic area,
seemingly caused by a near-surface intrusion. Some
of the best-documented occurrences of cryptodomes
are those described from Usu volcano, Japan
(Minakami et al. 1951; Table 4.2). This volcano has
an historic record of major ground surface changes.
During 1910, 1943-5 (Fig. 4.20) and 1977-8, areas
of up to 1 km diameter were uplifted 150-200 m by
the intrusion of lava at a shallow depth. The precise
thickness of sediment overlying the 1943-5 cryptodome is uncertain, although in the final stages of its
growth lava could be seen glowing through large
cracks in a thin mantling layer 3-10 m thick. In this
case the lava was a hypersthene dacite. Other
recorded cryptodomes include the Roche's lava on
Montserrat, West Indies (Rea 1974), which has
locally uplifted tuffs and fossiliferous limestones on
the flanks of the volcano. A similar cryptodome,
Brimstone Hill on St Kitts in the Lesser Antilles
(P. E. Baker 1969), has dragged up on its flanks
patches of Plio-Pleistocene limestone which are
now dipping outwards at about 45.


4.9 Eruption of subaerial rhyolite lava



As far as we are aware, there has only been one

observed historic eruption of rhyolite lava. This
was during the 1953-7 activity which formed the
Tuluman Islands, two new islands in the St Andrew
Strait, northern Papua New Guinea CM. A. Reynolds & Best 1976, M. A. Reynolds et al. 1980).
The final phase of the eruption, beginning in
November 1956, produced subaerial lava flows.
Earlier phases were characterised by dominantly
submarine activity, and produced fields of floating,
vesicular lava blocks. Many rhyolite lavas and
domes often occur in arcuate distributions about
central calderas or volcanic depressions, as seen, for
example, in the Taupo Zone of New Zealand, the
Valles and Long Valley calderas and Mono Craters
in the western USA and La Primavera volcano in

Mexico (Fig. 4.21a). R. L. Smith and Bailey (1968)

suggested that extrusion of rhyolite lavas commonly
follows resurgence of magma after climactic ignimbrite eruptions which result in caldera subsidence
(Ch. 8). In many of these situations it seems that the
lavas have been extruded around the ring fault or
fracture on which caldera collapse took place. At
Mono Craters an arcuate line of rhyolite lavas is
thought to represent activity over part of an actively
developing ring fracture system around the foundering roof of a large crustal magma body in a precaldera stage of evolution (Hermance 1983, Rundle
& Eichelberger 1983). In some examples (e.g. La
Primavera, Fig. 4.21a) the caldera may become
filled with a lake, and these post -caldera rhyolites
are emplaced in association with lacustrine sediments of the caldera. However, the geology of
rhyolitic volcanic centres will be expanded upon
later, in Chapter 13. The Tuluman Islands also

(a) La Primavera volcano

(b) Southern Lipari

L-_ _ _----J'5km

rhyOllle lavas
wllh 09,.e.
pyroc last ic cone
with crot.r

caldera lake sediment.

embryo caldera marg in

la t. stage explosion crofer

-100- confours in me tres

Figure 4.21 (a) Map of the distribution and surface features of the rhyolite lava flows of La Primavera volcano. Mexico. Some
of the linear features are faults; curved features are ogives (see Plate 2 and text) (after Clough 1981). (b) Map of the rhyolite
domes of southem Lipari, Aeolian Islands (after Richardson 1978).



seem to occur on an arcuate line of rhyolite lavas,

but here M. A. Reynolds et ai. (1980) have
speculated that these lie above a ring fracture
developing above a mantle hot spot.
In other areas, rhyolite lavas do not seem to be
obviously associated with a caldera, e.g. the spectacular concentration of rhyolite domes in the
southern part of Lipari in the Aeolian Islands, Italy
(Fig. 4.21b), and in Papua New Guinea on the
D'Entrecastreaux Islands and at Talasea in New
Britain (I. E. M. Smith 1976, Smith & Johnson
1981, Lowder & Carmichael 1970).

Many rhyolitic lavas are associated with pyroclastic deposits, each lava being almost invariably
associated with preceding phases of explosive pyroclastic activity. The style of explosive activity can
vary from mainly phreatic eruptions, producing
rings of lithic breccias surrounding the lava, e.g.
Panum Crater (one of the Mono Craters), to highly
explosive plinian and ignimbrite-forming eruptions.
During such explosive phases a pumice cone or tuff
ring can be built-up around the vent (e.g. Fig.
4.22e). Even while the rhyolite lava is growing,
explosive eruptions may continue, and evidence for



Figure 4.22 Rhyolitic lavas. (a) Mt Guardia dome. Lipari (photograph by S. Hall). (b) Cerro EI Chato dome. La Primavera
volcano. (c) Cerro EI Colli mesa lava, the youngest of the La Primavera lavas (after Clough 1981). (d) Mesa EI Majahuate mesa
lava, La Primavera volcano. (e) Coulee of La Primavera volcano which has flowed to left from a vent at the summit of the
pumice cone seen to right (after Clough 1981).


this would be unusually large amounts of obsidian

ejecta amongst the pyroclastic deposits. Also, visible
craters may be present on some of the rhyolite
domes, and this can be seen in some of the domes of
Lipari (Fig. 4.21b). Formation of cratered domes is
attributed to the late stage build-up of gas below the
viscous magma, which is released in the form of an
explosion with no fresh magma effusion.
Most rhyolite lavas would seem to reach the
surface through a circular conduit, which presents a
much smaller cooling surface to the country rocks
than a fissure vent. However, some of the dome
lavas of La Primavera are elongate, and surface
ridges are parallel to the caldera ring-fault (Fig.
4.21a), suggesting that rhyolite lavas may also be
extruded along fissures (Clough 1981). The Circle
Creek rhyolite in Nevada is thought to have been
erupted through a large fissure system (Coates
1968). This is a rhyolite lava flow covering 130 km 2 ,
with multiple vents aligned on linear trends. These
trends are thought to represent fissures which
closed to a series of sub cylindrical vents as lava was
extruded, in a similar manner to that observed in
basaltic fissure eruptions. It was suggested that the
motive force for this extrusion was the weight of
fissured crust that down sagged into a magma
chamber, thus forming a sag-basin as opposed to a
caldera. In eastern Iceland, Gibson and Walker
(1963) have traced composite or mixed rhyolite and
basalt lavas to composite dykes which would be
feeder fissures. The Tarawera Volcanic Complex of
New Zealand (Cole 1970) consists of a cluster of
rhyolite domes and associated pyroclastics, along a
NNE trend which reflects a crustal fissure-fracture
zone within the Okataina Volcanic Centre.

4.10 Features of subaerial rhyolite lava

Our description of the features of subaerial rhyolite
lava flows can be subdivided into the following:
surface features
growth and internal structure


4.10.1 SHAPE
Rhyolite lavas (Fig. 4.22) can be subdivided
according to their shape into:

domes (or tholoids), which are circular in plan

with a small surface area (Figs 4.22a & b),
(b) mesa lavas, which are lavas with an approximately circular plan forming biscuit-shaped
bodies (Figs 4.22c & d) and
(c) coulees, which are lavas which form when flow
is asymmetric and concentrated to one side of
the vent producing an extrusion which IS
elongate in plan (Fig. 4.22e).


Although these terms most commonly apply to

rhyolitic lavas, they can also be used to describe the
form of some dacite, and even andesite, lavas.
These three lava types develop in response to the
varying controlling factors discussed previously.
Rhyolite lavas have a wide range in thickness from
<50 m to >500 m (Fig. 4.2). However, the
average thickness is probably about 100 m (in
descriptions in the literature and Fig. 4.2, rhyolite
domes tend to be over represented compared with
the thinner coulees, because domes tend to survive
much longer as topographic features).
Some of the thinnest rhyolite lavas known are
aphyric, and have been ascribed unusually low
viscosities. For example, the early rhyolites of Long
Valley caldera (Bailey et at. 1976) contain some flow
units only 50 m thick which have flowed up to
6 km. The aphyric condition may suggest an
extremely high magma temperature at the time of
eruption as the cause of the increased fluidity.
Other thin rhyolite lavas recorded are the acid-basic
mixed lavas of Iceland (Gibson & Walker 1963),
having an average thickness of 60 m. These lavas
may have had reduced yield strengths and viscosity
due to superheating on contact with basic magma.
One of the factors which could determine the
shape of rhyolite lava flows is the presence of a
confining crater built by earlier pyroclastic explosions. This is probably true for smaller rhyolite
domes, but larger ones may exceed the critical
crater volume and flow away from the crater area
laterally. Many domes, on the other hand, do not
appear to be associated with an earlier construc-


tiona I crater (preceding pyroclastic material being

more widely dispersed from the vent), but it is
possible that such a feature could have been
completely submerged beneath the succeeding
Rhyolite lavas also commonly form cryptodomes,

which are generally termed 'intrusive rhyolites' by

workers in ancient successions, based on demonstrable intrusive contacts. The Devonian Boyd
Volcanic Complex in Eastern Australia shows
excellent examples of such intrusive rhyolite lavas.
Some of the rhyolite domes of La Primavera



Figure 4.23 (facing page and above)

Lithologies of subaerial rhyolite lava flows. (a) Flow-banded obsidian from a glass flow,
Newberry Crater, Oregon. (b) Platy jointed obsidian dome, Okataina Complex, New Zealand. (c) Interbanded obsidian and
spherulitic layers, Rocche Rosse flow, northern Lipari. (d) Flow-folded obsidian (now partly perlitised), La Primavera volcano. (e)
Flow-folded Upper Devonian rhyolite lava at Tathra, New South Wales, Australia (photograph by S. Raiser). (f) Stony rhyolite
lava with basaltic inclusions, southern Lipari (photograph by S. Hall).

volcano which are found in contact with caldera

lake sediments (Fig. 4.21a) are thought to have
formed as crytodomes (Clough et ai. 1981, 1982;
Ch. 13). Caldera lake sediments are locally folded
and faulted, and invariably dip away from the
rhyolite lavas.

In rhyolite lava flows a variety of lithologies and
textural features can be found: obsidian, layers
containing spherulites, pumiceous layers, horizons
of stony rhyolite (lithic rhyolite), and in lavas where
hydration of obsidian has occurred, perlite,

Black, vitreous obsidian sometimes occurs as

thick foliated layers, often interbanded or as lenses,
within layers of the other lithologies (Fig, 4.23),
This layering, or flow foliation, is frequently
folded, Obsidian usually forms a chilled glassy
carapace around rhyolite lavas, commonly about
10 m thick over the top and around the flow front,
with a thinner layer along the base (Fig. 4.24). The
cores of many lavas usually consist of stony
rhyolite. Some of the thinner 'obsidian flows' and
'glass flows' may be obsidian throughout their
Spherulites are radiating aggregates of alkali
feldspar, with or without cristobalite and tridymite,



obSIdian bloc

breccia -~<> ;.. . -:

~~~~rlte--::: :.-.: ':' .:.: :. . :-:. ~. '.: .:. . :.. :.~



pumICe foil depoSit

Figure 4.24 Schematic section showing distribution of

lithologies in a rhyolite lava flow.

which are commonly found in the glassy carapace

(Fig. 4.25a; Ch. 14). They commonly have diameters of 0.1-2 cm, but can be much larger and
occasionally grow up to nearly 10 cm. They often
comprise specific flow layers (Fig. 4.23c). However,
they are usually superimposed on flow structures,
and the flow foliation can be traced through, and is
not deflected by the spherulites, showing that
crystallisation took place after flowage of the lava
had nearly ceased. Factors governing the development of spherulites are discussed by Lofgren
(1971a; Ch. 14). Higher water contents in some
layers could promote growth rates of spherulite
fibres locally.
Some spherulitic growths are, in fact, lithophysae, which are radiating aggregates of fibrous
crystals which have formed around an expanding
vesicle (Fig. 4.25b). These vesicles have formed in
a melt while it was still capable of flowing. Crusted
and broken lithophysae often testify to later flowage.
More-vesiculated pumiceous layers may occur
interbanded with obsidian and spherulitic layers.
Many rhyolite lavas are capped by blocks of pumice
or more pumiceous lava (Fig. 4.24). In older flows
these are unlikely to be preserved. Pumiceous
breccias formed during flow can also be found at
their bases (Fig. 4.24), as well as co-eruptive
pumiceous pyroclastic deposits.
The principal lithological component of most
rhyolite lavas, especially domes, is foliated stony
rhyolite (Fig. 4.23f). This is formed by posteruption crystallisation of the melt to a finely
crystalline rock. This may occur during emplacement, as well as during subsequent cooling. With

many young rhyolite lavas, however, little of this

rock is seen because erosion will have had insufficient time to cut through and expose the interiors.
Bands and lenses of light grey perlite are formed
by the hydration of obsidian. Obsidian adsorbs
water from the atmosphere, forming an hydrated
layer which thickens with time as the water diffuses
into the glass. From measurements of the thickness
of the hydration rind on artifacts collected from
archaeological sites and experimental studies (I.
Friedman & Long 1976), it is known that the
square of the rind thickness is approximately
proportional to time, and varies from less than
0.5 (!lm)2 per 1000 years to as much as 30 (!lm)2
per 1000 years. This variation is partly due to










. ..PI,.


glassy obsidian



~ .~


layer compl... ly
reploced by
.peru'''i' growths
of feldspar

Figure 4.25 (a) White spherulites in black. glassy obsidian;

this attractive rock is sometimes called 'snowflake' obsidian.
(b) Lithophysae in perlitised flow banded obsidian. Both
examples from Mexico.


differences in composition of the obsidian (trachytic

obsidian hydrates much more rapidly than rhyolitic), and partly to differences in climate.
In older rhyolites the obsidian is divided into
small rounded kernels of structureless obsidian
about 1 cm across, surrounded by concentric cracks
in light grey friable perlite (this can be seen in the
flow-folded obsidian in Fig. 4.23d). The cracks
(called perlitic cracks) which subdivide the glass are
probably created by thermal stresses set up during
cooling of the lava. Water then diffuses from these
cracks into the bordering glass, and an hydration
front advances on the residual kernel of nonhydrated obsidian. The front is visible in thin
section because the refractive index of the hydrated
glass is lower than that of the non-hydrated glass.
It is also becoming increasingly apparent that
many rhyolite lavas contain a very small, but
significant, proportion of basic inclusions. Basaltic
inclusions are found in several of the lavas of La
Primavera volcano, in some of the rhyolites in
southern Lipari (Fig. 4.23d) and in some from the
Late Devonian Boyd Volcanic Complex, southeastern Australia. These basic inclusions exhibit
varying degrees of original fluidity. Some show
embayed and crenulate margins, indicating that the
inclusion was still fluid while the host obsidian was
liquid. In other examples the basic inclusions show
angular contacts, showing that they had cooled
sufficiently to solidify while the lower melting
temperature obsidian was still capable of flowing.
The inclusions within La Primavera lavas are very
similar to the basaltic-andesite lavas which have
erupted around the volcano. Although these basic
inclusions, with their fluidal characteristics, form
only a volumetrically small proportion of their host
lavas, their presence indicates that these are mixed
lavas resulting from the coexistence of rhyolitic and
basaltic magma (Ch. 3). This bimodal association is
characteristic of rhyolite volcanoes (Ch. l3).


have spacings of tens of metres. Ridges on rhyolite

lavas have been variously interpreted as ramp
structures (MacDonald 1972), folds on the surface
of the lavas (Loney 1968, Fink 1980a) or as
'squeeze-up' extrusions through cracks during
stretching of the flow surface.
Loney (1968) described the Southern Coulee of
Mono Craters, in which ogives there were open
anticlines within the flow foliation caused by
longitudinal compression of the lava stream due to
external resistance in their advance, and the analogy
was made between these features and the compression waves in glaciers. Fink (1980a) suggested that
some surface ridges have a similar origin to
pahoehoe ropes, and presented results of folding
analysis to show them to be compatible. The
wavelength and amplitude of the folds are dependent on the temperature gradient, the contrast
(0) S.Giuseppe

romp structure



(b) MtGuordio



(c) Growth of
o dome


The upper surfaces of young rhyolite lavas are
typically blocky and rough. They have curved,
concentric ridges called ogives (Fig. 4.21a & Plate
2). These are concave in the upflow direction, and

Figure 4.26 (a) and (b) Cross sections through two of the
rhyolite domes in southern Lipari (located on Fig. 4.21 b).
Horizontal scale same as vertical. Mt Guardia is also pictured
in Figure 4.22. (c) 3-dimensional view of the growth of a
rhyolite dome (after Richardson 1978).


Figure 4.27

Ramp structure in the Rocche Rosse obsidian coulee. northern Lipari (photograph by S. Hall).

between the surface and interior viscosities and the

ratio of the compressive stress (due to flow) to the
gravitational stress (due to the weight of lava).
Fink's analysis also allows calculation of the minimum viscosity of many flows, for which such data
are unavailable.
The predominant flow foliation orientation on
the surface of La Primavera rhyolite lavas (Fig.
4.21a) is subvertical (Clough 1981). The same is
true of the rhyolite lavas of Lipari (Figs 4.26-28).
This suggests that in these cases the ogives are an
outer manifestation of an internal ramp structure

(see below) rather than surface folds. Fink's analysis can only apply to a limited period during the
emplacement history of a rhyolite lava flow. Once
the surface is cold, it will behave in a brittle
manner, and fracturing and ramping could then be
important and superimposed on these earlier
Other surface features of rhyolite lavas include
pumice diapirs. Fink (l980b, 1983) described in
detail pumiceous diapirs in the Big and Little Glass
Mountain obsidian flows, northern California
(Plate 2). These rose from the basal pumiceous

surfact breccic

} fol ia red obs idian

basal breccia

Figure 4.28 Cross section through the length of the Rocche Rosse obsidian coulee. with generalised flow foliation patterns.
(After Hall 1978.)


layer of the flows, due to the gravity instability

caused by the density inversion inherent in the
flow. Dome spacings of between 50 and 70 m were
measured, and elongation and surface folding of the
diapirs indicates they emerged before the flows
stopped moving. Crevasses may be common, and
these form by thermal contraction during cooling of
the surface and by radial expansion near the outer
margin of the advancing flow (Fink 1980b).
At their flow-fronts rhyolite lavas are steep, and
are typically terminated by talus aprons of brecciated lava and pumice blocks. These are built
partly by autobrecciation of the lava and, like some
andesite lavas, advance in bulldozer fashion. Later
gravitational collapse of the unstable steep flow
front would also be an important process in the
building of such aprons.



Flow foliation in rhyolite lavas consists of interbanded and foliated layers of varying crystallinity
(obsidian and stony rhyolite), spherulite content
and vesicularity. Different lithological layers are
thought to have been batches of physically heterogeneous lava with attendant variations in water
content, crystal content and, perhaps, temperature.
The prominent foliations are then generated during
stretching, shearing and attenuation during flow.
Recently, Nelson (1981) suggested that lithological
differences in rhyolite flow banding could result
from thermal feedback (and temperature increases)
in layers, due to shear stresses in the moving lava.
Local temperature increases would have the effect
of reducing local water solubility, increasing diffusion rates, and increasing nucleation rates and
growth rates of gas bubbles, thus causing highly
vesicular bands to parallel shear planes.
Flow directions and flow history of rhyolite lavas
can be determined by structural analysis of the
orientation of foliations, folds, vesicles, tabular and
platy crystals, and stretched-out volcanic glass.
Late-stage movements of cooled lava are indicated
by slickensides and tension gashes. However, there
are only a few studies of this kind documented in
the literature (Christiansen & Lipman 1966, Loney


1968, Benson & Kittleman 1968, Fink 1980a & b,

1983, Huppert et al. 1982b).
Early ideas suggested that rhyolite domes were
viscous extrusions from a central vent and were
endogenous, that is, formed by addition of lava
from within the lava body. Ideally, such bodies
should have a concentric structure, and this was
produced experimentally by Reyer (in H. Williams
1932) by squeezing a viscous substance through a
narrow aperture. However, in most cases, the
internal flow-foliations of the lava, while concentric
at the margins when viewed in plan, are either
vertical or steeply inclined in the core and dip
inward at low angles at the basal margin. This is the
so-called ramp structure (Fig. 4.26). As lava is
repeatedly injected into the growing dome, the
ramp structures move outwards, both radially and
tangentially (Fig. 4.27). With time, each fraction of
lava becomes progressively attenuated, due to
stretching and shearing, especially in the basal part
of the dome. Slickensides found on ramp structures
indicate movement directions on the foliation surfaces, which must have cooled to be solid enough to
allow such structures to form.
Rhyolite coulees often contain very well developed flow foliations. Again, these often seem to
develop ramp structures, steep at the top of the
flow, curving down to be asymptotic against the
base in the upflow direction (Fig. 4.27). Once the
width and height of the coulee is established, most
of the movement is concentrated in a thin zone of
shearing at the base. The normal situation will be
for rhyolite flows to be compressive, as lava builds
up behind the brecciated flow-front which retards
the advancing flow. By analogy with the analysis of
similar structures and the stress distributions found
in glaciers, slip or shear planes will be inclined back
towards the vent, and it is these that are the ramp
structures (Hall 1978). If the flow became extensional (such as just in front of a sudden increase in
slope) shear planes would have the opposite dip.
Hall (1978) has described these features in the
Rocche Rosse coulee in northern Lipari (Fig. 4.27).



4.11 Subaqueous silicic lavas

When silicic lavas are erupted into shallow water,
ice- or water-bearing sediments, then domes and
small lava bodies surrounded by quenched and
fragmented volcaniclastic debris form (Fig. 4.29).
Pichler (1965) extended the term 'hyaloclastite' to
cover the quenched and fragmented silicic rocks
formed in subaquatic environments (Section 3.6).
However, descriptions of acid hyaloclastites are not
common in the literature (Pichler 1965, de RosenSpence et al. 1980, Fumes et al. 1980).
Pichler (1965) described shallow-water submarine silicic lavas and hyaloclastites from the
Island of Ponza, Italy (Fig. 4.29). They are
rhyolitic to quartz-latitic in composition. The lava
bodies occur as dykes and stock-like masses. The
outer parts of these are glassy and extensively
brecciated and jointed, with radial prismatic cooling joints. Hyaloclastite formation may be a continuous process, with fresh magma being intruded
into the water-bearing hyaloclastites, and chilling of
the glassy selvedge, which then bursts into fragments with the influx of new magma. This process
would be continued until the flow of lava had
ceased. Pichler thought that there was a close
connection between the formation of hyaloclastites
and auto brecciation of the quenched surface of the
lava. The silicic hyaloclastites mostly occur as
unstratified, loose glassy sand-sized fragments containing angular juvenile lava blocks, often vesiculated. (Previously, these were generally referred to
as volcanic conglomerates and tuffs, pumiceous
agglomerates or lava breccias.) The hyaloclastites
on Ponza are associated with calcareous shallow
marine sediments, and marine fossils have been

sand slud

Figure 4.29 Geology of a silicic lava extruded into shallow

water. Thickness of dome depicted is of the order of 200 m.
(After Pichler 1965.)

reported within the hyaloclastites. Also, stratified

units of hyaloclastite material are found and attributed to sedimentary redistribution, while some
explosive activity at the surface could also have
formed pyroclastic deposits.
De Rosen-Spence et al. (1980) described subaqueous silicic lavas in the Rouyn-Noranda mining
area, Canada. The lavas form domes, lobes and
tabular bodies that are somewhat larger than those
described by Pichler (1965). The largest lava is
10 km long and 400 m thick. Hyaloclastites are
associated with small tongues and lobes of lava.
Deposits resembling flow-foot breccias are found,
and these are believed to form by avalanching at the
flow front as the lavas advanced. Volcaniclastic
turbidites also occur suggesting a relatively deepwater setting, although no specific depth is indicated.
Subglacially erupted rhyolite lavas and hyaloclastites have been documented from Iceland (Fumes et
al. 1980, de Rosen-Spence et al. 1980) and, as
previously mentioned, rhyolite lavas thought to be
erupted into a caldera lake or water-bearing sediments occur in La Primavera volcano (Clough el ai.
1981). These two examples are discussed further in
Chapter 13. Also, as pointed out at the beginning of
Section 4.9, the only observed eruption of rhyolite
lava, at the Tuluman Islands, was mainly submarine. Some of the coarse volcaniclastic deposits
illustrated in photographs (M. A. Reynolds et ai.
1980) may contain a high proportion of quenchfragmented debris.
Large volume, deep-water submarine silicic lavas
seem to be very different in their characteristics,
judging by an example from Australia (Cas 1978a),
namely the poorly vesicular dacite-andesite and
rhyodacite porphyries of the Merrions Tuff. Two of
these porphyries form thick, regionally extensive
units (> 1200 km 2) in the mid-Palaeozoic Hill End
Trough of New South Wales (Fig. 4.30). The
sediment sequence in this trough consists of thick
mass-flow deposits and turbidites (5 km thick)
deposited in a deep-water environment. The porphyries do not show cross-cutting relationships to
enclosing sediments, and there is no evidence for
them being post-sedimentation sills - indeed, there
is evidence that the porphyries were exposed to


Member 8 2



Figure 4.30 (a) Isopach maps of the three extensive silicic

lavas within the Merrions Tuff. Australia. These are constructed relative to the unfolded configuration of the
formation. isopachs in metres. (b) Inferred sequence of
emplacement and spatial relationships of the lavas. Not
shown are the deep-water marine sediment horizons
separating each unit. (After Cas 1978a.)

erosion accompanying the emplacement of sediment overlying one of the units, and their presence
has influenced later patterns of sedimentation.
Texturally, the porphyries show no evidence of
vitric1astic texture, broken crystals, pumice or
foreign lithic fragments, which may suggest they
were deep-water welded ash flows or ignimbrites
(see Chs 8 & 9). In places the units have fragmented
margins, thought to be partly quenched and partly
Aspect ratios of the two larger units are very low,


and flow volumes are two orders of magnitude

larger than for most silicic lavas. Cas (1 978a)
suggested that, although subaerial silicic flows are
demonstrably viscous and immobile, subaqueously
erupted and emplaced ones may behave fluidly and
be highly mobile. This would be because of the
inability of volatiles to escape under the high
hydrostatic pressure in a deep-water environment
(Ch. 3). Such an explanation is needed to account
for the wide areal extent and voluminous nature of
the silicic submarine Merrions Tuff lavas. A
consequence of this is that the products of deepwater silicic volcanism may be markedly different
from those of subaerial or shallow-water silicic
volcanism. However, we know of no similar descriptions in the literature. Some accounts in earlier
volcanic literature have described extensive submarine rhyolite lavas from North Wales, but these
units are now known to be welded ignimbrites.
Investigation of modern oceans has not found
large silicic flows, although some oceanic islands
are known to have erupted small volumes. This
suggests that there may also be some tectonic
control on the nature of this type of volcanism in
the past, and we will discuss large en sialic submarine basins in Chapter 15.

4.12 Komatiites - peculiarities of the

The discussion about the physical properties of
magmas in Chapters 1 and 2, and of the features of
lavas and their eruptions discussed in this chapter
so far, have been relevant to 'normal' or penecontemporary magmas and lavas of the Phanerozoic,
and even the bulk of the Proterozoic. However,
during the Archaean there was a unique, but
common group of magmas and lavas called komatiites. Their unique character appears to have been
not just compositional, but also in terms of their
physical properties and behaviour as lavas.
Komatiites are ultra basic volcanic rocks - either
lavas, tuffs, hyaloc1astites or autobreccias (Arndt &
Nisbet 1982). Compositionally, komatiites are
unique because they are extremely high magnesian
rocks, with MgO contents greater than 18% (Arndt



Figure 4.31

Spinifex texture characteristic of komatiitic

lavas . (After Donaldson 1982 .)

& Nisbet 1982). This is still much higher than

normal basalts 10% MgO), and there is an
intermediate group of rocks, called komatiitic
basalts, with MgO contents between 18% and 10%.
Mineralogically, the rocks are ultramafic, the
only crystalline phases in nearly all cases being
olivine, pyroxene and chromite, which have usually
been pseudomorphed by metamorphic assemblages.
Texturally, komatiites are distinguished by the
presence of needle-shaped crystals or crystallites of
olivine which criss-cross each other andlor are
arranged in radiating sheaths or clusters known as
spinifex texture (Fig. 4.31). This texture gives
many komatiites a distinctive appearance in hand
specimen or thin section. Komatiitic basalts can
have pyroxene spinifex textures, rather than olivine
spinifex textures. Spinifex textures are commonly
accepted as resulting from the extremely rapid
cooling (also called quenching) of the lavas.

Komatiites are thought to have been erupted at

temperatures between 1400 and 1700C, and viscosities have been estimated at 10-100 poises,
compared with recent basalts with temperatures of
1200C and viscosities of >5000 poises (Huppert et
al. 1984; also see Tables 2.2-4). Huppert et al.
(1984) calculated that the Reynolds Numbers for
komatiitic magmas being discharged at varying
velocities from fissures of varying width, may have
been in the range 5.2 x 103 to l. 0 x 106 , well
above the critical boundary of 2000 distinguishing
laminar flow from turbulent flow conditions (Ch.
2). Komatiites therefore probably flowed turbulently, and their rheology, unlike most lavas, would
not have been like a Bingham substance, but more
likely pseudo plastic or even Newtonian in character
eCho 2). For a fissure only 10 m wide and 100 m
long, magma discharge rates may have been
> 10 000 m 3 S-1 (cf. Table 4.1).
Fluid turbulence in lavas facilitates convective
heat loss, and this was probably responsible for the
abnormally high cooling rates in komatiites, and
the consequence of this, spin ifex texture (Huppert
et al. 1984).
The extremely high temperatures of komatiites
may have allowed them to melt and thermally erode
the substrate over which they flowed, producing
lava channels incised into, and bounded by, the
substrate (Huppert et al. 1984).
Komatiite lavas have thicknesses ranging from
< 1 m to > 10 m. They frequently form compound
lava units (Fig . 4.3) , and single cooling units
consisting of multiple flows that essentially cooled
as one (cf. ignimbrites, Ch'. 8). Many normal
features of basaltic lavas have been described in
komatiites: pillows (rare), polygonal cooling joint
sets, vesicles, and brecciated margins of both
hyaloclastite and autobreccia. Komatiites therefore
appear to have flowed in subaqueous, and probably
in subaerial environments as well.
From the studies of Pyke et al. (1973) and Arndt
et al. (1977), a general facies model highlighting the
internal textural zonation of komatiitic flows (Fig.
4.32) has been widely accepted and used as a datum
for comparison in other studies of komatiitic rocks
(e.g. Arndt & Nisbet 1982).




flow unll

. ".~ ;I ~.

.~. ~


IlowlOP breCCia


Irani Ilion ZOIle




~ 84

flow unll

Upper pari 01 11001 unil

Chilled and
A I fracIured 11001
A2 Spinlfn
Lower pOri of flow unit


ske lelo l




ollYlne cumulale


Chilled 11001 lap

A I wllh hne pOly hedral loinllng
A2 Splnl fe.
Medium -10 flneB
gro ned perldotlle

82 - Medium - to flne 8 4 grained perldotlle

83 Knobby perldo,""

pyro.ent cumulale

Chilled flow lap with

fine polyhedra l
10 nllng
Main port of flow;
med ium - to linegrained peridotite
with coarse poly hedro Jolnllng


border zone

Figure 4.32 Facies models for (a) komatiite lavas and (b) komatiitic basalt lavas, highlighting the internal textural zonation.
(After Arndt et al. 1977.)

4.13 Further reading

For a quantitative analysis of the eruption of
basaltic lava, the most rigorous study is that by L.
Wilson and Head (1981); we shall refer to this work
again in Chapter 6. Some of the best descriptions
and interpretative analyses of submarine lavas come
from detailed examination of Archaean successions
in Canada. We recommend to the reader the
excellent studies by Dimroth et at. (1978) and
Hargreaves and Ayres (1979) for submarine basaltic
lavas, de Rosen-Spence et at, (1980) for submarine

silicic lavas and Cousineau and Dimroth (1982) for

an andesitic submarine pile. Fink (1983) is the best
published account documenting the structure and
emplacement of a rhyolite flow, and is a good guide
to the type of structural mapping needed to study
these lavas. The geology of Archaean komatiite
lavas is summarised in Arndt and Nisbet (1982) and
Nesbitt et at, (1982); however, the main approach
has been the study of their geochemistry and

Plate 5

Pit dug to study a section through a young scoria-fall deposit erupted from Sunset Crater in about AD 1065, San
Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona, USA. Most pyroclastic deposits when freshly erupted are loose fragmental aggregates - so
use a spade and leave your hammer at home l



Three types ofpyroclastic

deposits and their eruption:
an introduction
Initial statement
Pyroclastic deposits form directly from the fragmentation of magma and rock by explosive volcanic
activity. They can be grouped into three genetic
types according to their mode of transport and

In this introductory chapter on pyroclastic rocks

we set out the differences between these three basic
types of deposit. We also describe the eruption style
and the deposits of different kinds of pyroclastic
falls, flows and surges, based on studies of Quaternary volcanoes. Recent work on pyroclastic deposits
from modern volcanic successions has largely

concentrated on their genesis, and here we relate

the deposits to the physical processes controlling
their formation, transportation and deposition.
Accretionary lapilli receive special mention, since
these can be important indicators of certain types of
eruption and process, and for distinguishing pyroclastic deposits from other volcaniclastic sediments.

5.1 Introduction
Three basic types of pyroclastic deposit have been
distinguished in the literature:
pyroclastic fall deposits
pyroclastic flow deposits
pyroclastic surge deposits
These types can all be formed by any of the



pyroclastic explosive eruption mechanisms introduced in Chapter 3 (magmatic, phreatomagmatic

and phreatic). The essential characteristics of the
main pyroclastic deposit types are initially summarised here, before their more detailed description and discussion in the later sections below, and
in subsequent chapters (Chs 6-9). The components
found in pyroclastic deposits have been described
in Chapter 3. The approach and methods used to
study and analyse modern pyroclastic deposits are
described and discussed in Appendix I. Particularly
relevant to this chapter is the discussion on
grain size distribution in Appendix I.



A fall deposit is formed after material has been

explosively ejected from a vent, producing an
eruption column, which is a buoyant plume of
tephra and gas rising high into the atmosphere. The
geometry and size of a deposit reflects the eruption
column height, and the velocity and direction of
(0) Fall

Figure 5.2 Several separate pyroclastic fall deposits forming the bedded sequence mantling erosional topography.
Hills and valleys are cut into older massive pumiceous
pyroclastic flow deposits of the Oruanui ignimbrite
(20000 years BP)' near Lake Taupo. New Zealand.

(b) Flow

(e) Surge


"' ''.~.


. ..

Figure 5.1 Geometric relationships of the three basic types

of pyroclastic deposit overlying the same topography. (After
J. V. Wright et al. 1980)

atmospheric winds (G. P. L. Walker 1973b, L.

Wilson et al. 1978). As the plume expands,
pyroclasts fall back to Earth, under the influence of
gravity, at varying distances downwind from the
source, depending on their size and density (or
terminal fall velocity; Ch. 6) so forming emption
plume derived fall deposits. The largest fragments
will be explosively ejected on ballistic trajectories,
and these are unaffected by the wind and are called
ballistic clasts. Other fine-grained pyroclastic fall
deposits are generated in part from ash elutriated
out of the top of moving pyroclastic flows forming
ash-cloud derived fall deposits; examples of this type
of pyroclastic fall deposit can be more voluminous
and may be further dispersed than those of ash
from eruption columns (Section 5.2).





ilu"" l'

flo w
lo ll
.uro. (.. nole lom lnoe)
.uroo (cor. lompl.)





, .~/
,- J: ...... ~---;


': Sc". '



Figure 5.3 (a) Mdq,/oq, plot often used to show grainsize

characteristics of unconsolidated modern pyroclastic
deposits. The grainsize distribution of a sample is first
determined by mechanical analysis (App. I) Cumulative
curves of the distribution are then drawn on arithmetic
probability paper and the two Inman (1952) parameters of
median diameter and graphical standard deviation, which is a
measure of sorting, are derived. Solid lines labelled 1% and
4 % are contours for the field of pyroclastic fall deposits and
within these 99% and 96%, respectively, of sieve analyses
of fall deposits occur (based on over 1300 analyses) (after
G. P. L. Walker 1971). Broken lines are similar contours for
the field of pyroclastic flow analyses (based on about 800
analyses) (after G. P L. Walker 1971, G. P. L. Walker et al.
1980). (b) Example of an Mdq,/oq, plot. All of the samples are
from the products of one large Mexican eruption. This
produced pumiceous pyroclastic fall. surge and flow
deposits. The pyroclastic flow deposits are called the Rio
Caliente ignimbrite (after J. V. Wright 1981).
















Figure 5.4 Two pyroclastic fall deposits. (a) Scoria fall

deposit on Santorini. Note planar stratification and the
degraded top of the deposit which is a palaeosol. Rule is
30 cm long. (b) Close-up, showing good sorting (for a
pyroclastic deposit) of a pumice-fall deposit from the Lower
Bandelier Tuff, New Mexico (Ch. 6).



Fall deposits show mantle bedding; that is, they

locally maintain a uniform thickness while draping
all but the steepest topography (Figs 5.1 & 2).
Although pyroclastic deposits are generally poorly
sorted, fall deposits are relatively well sorted ( 04)
values are normally ::::;2.0, Figs 5.3 & 4) because of
aeolian fractionation during transport. Sometimes
they show planar internal stratification or lamination
(which has been called shower bedding; Fig. 5.4a)
due to variations in eruption column behaviour, but
never cross-stratification or bedforms showing
erosion or truncation of the underlying layers. Near
to the vent, some air-fall deposits are welded, or
pass into agglutinated spatter (Ch. 3). Carbonised
wood is generally lacking but, when found, is
usually restricted to near-vent deposits.


These are the deposits left by surface flows of
pyroclastic debris which travel as a high particle
concentration gas-solid dispersion. They are gravity controlled, hot and, in some instances, may be
partly fluidised (Ch. 7). As a general rule, deposits
are topographically controlled, filling valleys and
depressions (Figs 5.1, 5 & 6) . However, certain
'violent' pumiceous pyroclastic flows emplaced at
extremely high velocities are known to form a
topography mantling pyroclastic flow facies. We
will discuss this special facies in Chapter 7.
Internally, pyroclastic flow deposits are generally
massive and poorly sorted ( 0 4) ?'! 2.0) , but sometimes show grading of larger clasts known as coarsetail grading (Fig. 5.6) . Poor sorting in flow deposits
is attributed to high particle concentration, and not
to turbulence, with the dominant flow mechanisms
probably being laminar or plug flow, or both (Ch.
7). The superposition of a number of flow units
(each flow unit being regarded as the deposit of a
single pyroclastic flow) can give the appearance of
internal stratification (e.g. Fig. 5.16a, below);
however, a diffuse layering is occasionally observed
within individual flow units, and is due to internal
shearing during transport. Pyroclastic flow deposits
sometimes contain 'fossil fumarole pipes' or gas
segregation pipes (e.g. Fig. 5.15c, below) , from




pyroclasllC lo ll depo."
20cm Ih,ck

approximale limll at
loll depa.,1

conlour Inferyal 500 merrn

ma,or highways

pyracla"ic lIow deposal.

Figure 5.5 Distribution of pyroclastic flow deposits from

the 1974 eruption of Fuego volcano, Guatemala. The
pyroclastic flo w deposits fill canyons and valleys on the
lower slopes of the volcano. Their distribution contrasts with
the pyroclastic fa ll deposits produced in the same eruption .
(After D. K. Davies et al. 1978a, Rose et al. 1978.)

which the fine-ash fraction has been lost by gas

streaming through the moving pyroclastic flow, or
after the flow came to rest (c. J. N . Wilson 1980;
Ch. 7). Such gas streaming produces pipes and
other pods enriched in heavier crystals, lithics or
larger vesicular fragments, which are important
features that distinguish these primary pyroclastic
mass-flow deposits of pyroclastic debris from epiclastic flows of volcanic material.
Pyroclastic flows are emplaced at high temperatures (Table 5.1) . Evidence for a high emplacement
temperature is also very important in distinguishing
pyroclastic flow deposits from epiclastic debris flow
deposits. This evidence would include the presence

carbonised wood,
pink coloration due to thermal oxidation of
iron, or dark coloration due to crystallisation
of finely-disseminated microlites of magnetite




Figure 5.6 Pyroclastic flow deposits. (a) Filling a valley on the lower slopes of Fuego after the 1974 eruption (Fig. 5.5). Note
the poor sorting and the large lava blocks showing overall reverse grading. The new channel cut through these deposits is
approximately 40 m deep, and this was incised in two wet seasons (after Vessell & Davies 1981) (b) Pumiceous pyroclastic
flow deposit (ignimbrite) ponded over a steeply dipping pumice-fall deposit. The pumice-fall deposit mantles former
topography and is internally stratified. This is called the Granadilla pumice, and the pyroclastic flow was erupted later in the
same eruption on Tenerife. A younger, thin pumice-fall deposit overlies the flat top of the pyroclastic flow deposit and this is
capped by a palaeosol (photograph by J. A. Wolff). (c) and (d) Thick deposit of a single pumice flow which choked a large valley
cut into older volcanics at Micoud, St Lucia, Lesser Antilles. Contact is to the right of scale figures.

Table 5,1

Some measured emplacement temperatures of pyroclastic flow deposits.


Komagatake 1929
pyroclastic flow deposit
Mt St Helens 1981
pumice-flow deposits
Vesuvius AD 79




(12 days after eruption)

direct measurement

Kozu (1934)


direct measurement

Banks and Hoblitt (1981)


vent 750-850)

palaeomagnetic & infra-red

D. V Kent
spectrum of carbonised wood

et at. (1981)

Upper Bandelier ignimbrite


welding experiments

R. L. Smith and Bailey (1966),

Ch. 8

Prehistoric Mt St Helens
block- and ash-flow deposit



Hoblitt and Kellogg (1979)




(or other iron or manganese oxide minerals),

which may be oxidised to haematite, producing
the pink colour,
a zone(s) of welded tuff and
a thermal remanent magnetism (TRM; Hoblitt
& Kellogg 1979).

Carbonised wood is common in pyroclastic flows

erupted from volcanoes in tropical or wooded
temperate areas, but is absent or scarce in those
erupted from volcanoes in dry climates.
Although the term 'ignimbrite' is widely used for
the deposit of any pyroclastic flow, we reserve it for
the deposits of pumiceous pyroclastic flows (see
Section 5.4.2 and Ch. 7).



A surge transports pyroclasts along the surface as

an expanded, turbulent, low particle concentration
gas-solid dispersion. Deposits mantle topography
but are also topographically controlled, and they
tend to accumulate, or are thickest in depressions
(Fig. 5.1). Characteristically, they show unidirectional sedimentary bedforms: low angle crossstratification, dune-forms, climbing dune-forms,
pinch and swell structures, and chute and pool
structures have all been described. Deposits are
often enriched in denser lithics and crystals. Individual laminae are generally well sorted, but core
samples incorporating a number of laminae can be
poorly sorted (Fig. 5.3). They can contain small gas
segregation pipes, produced by gases escaping from
preceding flow deposits, and carboni sed wood.
Of course, surges are a type of flow, but the term
pyroclastic flow has traditionally been associated
with the high concentration flows, and it is appropriate to classify the fundamentally different types
of deposits produced by flows and surges separately,
even though there may essentially be a spectrum
(see Ch. 7 for further discussion on the distinction,
and the debate surrounding this).

5.2 Eruptions producing pyroclastic falls

Upward transport of pyroclasts high into the
Earth's atmosphere may occur in two ways:
in eruption columns accompanying explosive
in ash clouds accompanying pyroclastic flows


The eruption columns produced by explosive
eruptions may take many forms (Figs 5.7 & 8), and
their energetics and dynamics have been discussed
recently by Settle (1978), L. Wilson et al. (1978),
Sparks and L. Wilson (1982) and Sparks (1986).
The height reached by an eruption column, together
with the atmospheric wind velocity profile (which
may vary with height, e.g. Fig. 13.28), controls the
dispersal ofpyroclasts (Fig. 5.8). Observed eruption
columns have attained heights between 2 and
45 km (Table 5.2; L. Wilson et al. 1978). Plume
height is a function of vent radius, gas exit velocity,
gas content of the eruption products and the
efficiency of conversion of thermal energy during
the entrainment of cool atmospheric air (L. Wilson
et al. 1978). In all highly explosive eruptions, the
thermal energy released is completely dominant
over the initial kinetic energy released from decompression and expansion of the gas phase. The style
of explosive activity is also important in controlling
the character of the eruption column. Discrete
instantaneous explosions produce transient plumes,
whereas prolonged release of fragmented magma in
a steady state eruption forms a long-term, maintained plume. If discrete explosions occur in rapid
succession (within seconds to a few minutes) a
maintained plume may also form.
Eruption columns can be divided into three parts
(Sparks & L. Wilson 1976, Sparks 1986):

an initial gas thrust part, due to rapid decompression of the gas phase,
an upper convection plume which is driven by
the release of thermal energy from juvenile
particles. In this region buoyancy is dominant
and the top is defined by the level of neutral



Figure 5.7 Two explosive eruption columns. (a) The 'big

umbrella' or 'mushroom' above Lassen Peak, northem
Califomia, in the eruption of 22 May 1915. Eyewitness
reports indicate that the height of the column was of the
order of 10-15 km (photograph courtesy of Loomis Museum
Association). (b) Above Mt St Helens on 22 July 1980. This
shows the convective column mushrooming out, and a
cloud of ash rising from a pyroclastic flow which moved
towards the photographer. Column height is about 15 km
(after J. W. Vallance in Christiansen & Peterson 1981).


buoyancy, H B , where the column bulk density

equals that of the surrounding atmosphere
an umbrella region (also called a downwind
plume), where the column spreads radially or
downwind, or both, to form an umbrella
cloud. The umbrella cloud extends from
height HB to height HT , the level to which the
column continues to rise due to its momentum
(Sparks 1986).

The height of the initial gas thrust phase varies

with the style of the activity (Ch. 6). In most
eruption columns, the lower gas thrust part makes
up less than 10% of the total column height (L.
Wilson et al. 1978). For discrete explosions (strombolian and vu1canian eruptions; Ch. 6) this ranges
from a few tens of metres to a few hundred metres

(E. Blackburn et al. 1976, Self et al. 1979). For

maintained eruption columns the range is from a
few hundred metres to a few kilometres in some
eruptions (1.5-4.5 km for initial gas velocities of
400-600 m S-I; L. Wilson 1976, Sparks & L.
Wilson 1976). Rapid deceleration of the gas thrust
phase occurs between these heights, above which
particles are incorporated into an eruption column
driven by convection. A maintained convecting
eruption column could reach heights of greater than
40 km during some large explosive (plinian) eruptions (L. Wilson et al. 1978). A convecting plume
will rise until it reaches a level in the atmosphere
(H B ) with the same density, and then it will
mushroom, spreading radially or laterally, or both,
downwind (Figs 5.8 & 9). In eruption columns that
form from discrete explosions, convective recovery
only takes columns to heights of a few kilometres,





















Di sta nce from vo lcono (km)


_ _ ~ ~TISH _C OLU_MB IA _.-_~~DA _ _ - - - - - - ~~fg~84 00


-14 500
.... 174 00



Spokon. \

Moy 18

16 00




11 4 5


Mt St Helens

. . ./ ------







. . ._ _




o L.....I.--'----'----'-~-'
o 20 4 0 60 80 100 120
Wind veloc ity

unless explosions occur in quick succession, 10

which case a maintained plume forms.
L. Wilson et al. (1978) and Settle (1978) have
independently shown that the maximum height of
an eruption column (H T ) is proportional to the
fourth root of the rate of release of energy, and
hence the fourth root of the mass eruption rate. For
maintained eruption columns the height can be
predicted from
(after Morton et al. 1956, L. Wilson et al. 1978),

where H T is the height of the column in metres and

Qis the steady rate of release of energy in watts. Q
is related to the eruption conditions at vent by:

Q = ~vJt?s(8

- 8a )F


in which ~, v, sand 8 are, respectively, the bulk

density, velocity, specific heat and temperature of
the erupting fluid, 8 a is the temperature to which
the eruption products ultimately cool (-270 K in
most cases), r is the vent radius and F is an
efficiency factor (discussed below). The bulk density, ~,is related to the density of the magmatic gas,






I- 0'o~ ---",

3] 9. :S--~_
"", \
~-;~ ~C-::~ '-'
,':.r...' _--'" \
,. __


mOil mum

thICkn ... 20cm

~ 0.25-->-Y--

' .,,' ...-,



MI SI Helens ---

\. "'--""""



IlopaChs in em

...' - _....

, --_








' ? -'..........
'.... --' '"

; '


' -----'.



... _---_""\.

P.rt lon d


~ O.I --'",',

: 0 2
. 5-'







Figure 5.8 Development of the eruption column, downwind plume and dispersal of pyroclasts in the 18 May 1980 eruption
of Mt St Helens. (a) East-west profile schematically showing early vertical growth and lateral expansion of the plume. (b)
Isochron map showing maximum downwind extent of the edge of the plume carried by the fastest-moving wind layer (as
observed on satellite photographs). On the left an average wind speed profile measured at Spokane at 16.00 h is given.
Circular wind diagram shows average directions to which wind was blowing at different altitudes, and were again measured at
Spokane at 16.00 h. (c) Isopachs of the 18 May pyroclastic fall deposit. Note the secondary thickening of the air-fall deposit
300 km downwind; the significance of this will be discussed in Chapter 6. (After Sarna-WOjcicki et a/. 1981.)

Table 5.2

Some data on observed eruption columns.


Hekla 1947
Hekla 1970
Soufriere 1902
Bezymianny 1956
Fuego 1971
Heimaey 1973
Ngauruhoe 1974
Santa Maria 1902
Mt St Helens
18 May 1980
22 Apri I 1979

Average volumetric
eruption rate
(m 3 S-l)









Volumetric eruption rates are given in terms of dense rock equivalent (App. I).
Plume heights are above the top of the volcano, not sea level.
The data on Hekla 1947, refer to the first 30 min of the eruption.
The data on Heimaey refer to the first few weeks of the eruption.
Information is taken largely from L. Wilson et al. (1978), with data on Santa Maria (1902) from S N. Williams and Self (1983),
Mt St Helens (1980) from Harris et a/. (1981) and Sarna-WojcICki et al. (1981), and Soufriere, St Vincent (1979) from Sparks and L.
Wilson (1982)







Bezymianny 1956



'0 ..,












Volumetric eruption rate (m 3

5- 1)

Figure 5.9

Relationship between plume height and volumetric eruption rate. The theoretical curves for F-values of
1.0, 0.7 and 0.3 are discussed in the text. Observed plume
heights for ten eruptions are plotted from Table 5.1. (After L.
Wilson et at. 1978.)

the density of the pyroclasts, Qm, and the weight

fractions of gas and pyroclasts, Nand Xm:



-=-+B Qm Qg

If it is assumed that the predominant gas is water

and that the erupting fluid is at atmospheric
pressure, then for 8 = 1200 K, Qg is 0.18 kg m- 3 .
The thermal properties of magma are dominated by
the solid phase for gas contents of a few per cent by
weight, and the value of s, the specific heat, is taken
as 1.1 X 10- 3 J kg- I K- 1 .
The maximum height of the eruption column,
H T , can also be expressed as a function of the
volume discharge rate of magma (Sparks 1986; Fig.


= 5.773(1 + n)-3/8[a<ps(S -



where <I> is the volume discharge rate In cubic

per second, s is the specific heat, S is the initial
temperature of the erupting material, Sa is the
atmospheric temperature at sea level, a is the
magma density and n is the ratio of the vertical
gradient of the absolute temperature to the lapse
Figure 5.9 depicts theoretical curves showing the
relationships between maintained eruption column

height and volumetric eruption or discharge rate of

magma calculated from Equations 5.1-5.3, together
with the heights of some observed eruption columns
(Table 5.1). The calculations coincide well with
recorded column heights. The efficiency factor, F,
measures the efficiency of conversion of heat to
potential or kinetic energy, and curves with values
of F = 1.0,0.7 and 0.3 are used in Figure 5.9. F is
mainly controlled by the degree of fragmentation of
the magma in the explosive event. Here we are only
considering magmatic eruptions, not the special
case of explosions generated by magma-water
interaction (which will be discussed below). In
eruptions which generate a higher proportion of
ash-sized ejecta, virtually all of the magmatic heat
can be converted to mechanical energy. Many
plinian deposits have a substantial proportion of
fine-grained particles, and Sparks and L. Wilson
(1982) estimated at least 70% efficiency in the
conversion of heat in selected plinian columns. On
the other hand, strombolian eruptions produce a
comparatively much higher proportion of coarse
debris (because of a lower degree of fragmentation;
Ch. 6), and columns are likely to be much less
efficient in the conversion of heat. Consequently,
observed eruption columns from this type of
activity should fit a theoretical curve with a low Fvalue, and this seems to be the case for the 1973
Heimaey eruption in Iceland (Fig. 5.9).
The maximum theoretical height expected for a
stable maintained eruption plume is about 55 km
(L. Wilson et al. 1978). This corresponds to an
initial gas velocity of 700 m s- I (greater muzzle
velocities are unlikely to occur on Earth; McGetchin
& Ullrich 1973, L. Wilson 1976), which leads to a
volume eruption rate of 1.1 x 106 m 3 S-I.
Equation 5.1 strictly applies to the vertical rise of
an eruption column into a still atmosphere with no
wind. This should be broadly applicable to most
large explosive eruptions, where upward velocities
of a particle-rich plume are likely to be much
greater over much of its height than the transverse
wind velocity. For strong winds and moderate to
small eruption columns the effect of wind on
column height can be significant, and this is
discussed by Settle (1978). A standard atmosphere
with a vertical decrease in temperature (environ-


mental lapse rate) of6SC km- 1 is also used in the

calculations of the theoretical curves in Figure 5.9.
However, substantial departures from standard
atmosphere can occur, and the scatter in the data
from observed eruptions in Figure 5.9 may partly
reflect variations in vertical atmospheric temperature gradients (L. Wilson et ai. 1978). These effects
have again been illustrated by Settle (1978).
To estimate the rise height of a plume generated
from a discrete explosion, another equation must be
(Morton et ai. 1956). This has the same form as
Equation 5.1, but Q is the total energy released in
During ph rea to magmatic eruptions, a great deal
of heat, that in normal magmatic eruptions would
be used to drive a convective plume, is used instead
in the conversion of water to steam (the heat of
vaporisation of water is 580 cal g-l (1 cal = 4.18 J)
at atmospheric pressure and 298 K) (L. Wilson et
al. 1978, Self & Sparks 1978). The thermal energy
used in vaporisation can only be recovered by
condensation of the steam. Consequently, eruption
column heights should be lower in a phreatomagmatic eruption than in a magmatic eruption with
the same volumetric rate of discharge. Sparks and
L. Wilson (1982) indicated that the effects of steam
in controlling column height are probably small
except where the mass of steam is comparable with
the mass of ash.



During pyroclastic flow-forming eruptions, much

of the explosively ejected fragmented magma particles may fail to be included in the resulting
pyroclastic flow deposit. Hay (1959) first showed
that an enrichment of crystals took place in a small
basaltic andesite pyroclastic flow from the 1902
eruption of Soufriere, St Vincent, and he attributed
this to the selective loss ofvitric ash. Lipman (1967)
found a similar enrichment in crystals in a pumiceous rhyolitic ignimbrite erupted from Aso
caldera, Japan. Since these studies, G. P. L. Walker


(1972) and Sparks and Walker (1977) have demonstrated that enrichment of crystals is a typical
feature of ignimbrites, and must be accounted for
by substantial volumetric losses of the vitric component of the original magma which is deposited in
associated air-fall ash deposits. Much of this ash is
elutriated out of the moving pumice flows by gas
streaming through and up, out of the flows. The
ash rises above the pumice flows in an upper
turbulent ash cloud, which is taken to great heights
by huge convective plumes (Fig. 5.7b). Because the
ash particles are very fine-grained (nearly all
< 1 mm), there may be nearly 100% efficiency of
conversion of heat to convective energy to drive the
The types of air-fall ash deposits which result are
variously termed layer 3 deposits (Sparks et al.
1973), co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits (this is our
preferred term; Sparks & Walker 1977), and vitric
air-fall ash deposits 0. V. Wright et al. 1980). What
is significant here is that these deposits can be very
extensive, and can have volumes which are comparable with those of ignimbrites. It is now thought
that many of the extensive large ash layers found in
deep sea cores are of this type (e.g. Ninkovich et al.
1978, Sparks & Huang 1980). We will describe coignimbrite ash-fall deposits in more detail in
Chapter 8, but will first consider other types of
deposits from ash clouds associated with pyroclastic
flows (Section 5.6.2).
As a final comment on eruptions producing
pyroclastic falls, the high plumes generated, particularly during plinian-type and ignimbriteforming eruptions, must penetrate the level of the
tropopause in the atmosphere (at heights of <6 to
18 km, depending on latitude and season) and
contribute fine ash and gaseous species to stratospheric dust veils. Some climatologists have therefore thought that volcanic eruptions might promote
periods of climatic cooling. The topic is beyond the
scope of this book, but two critical reviews, by
Rampino et al. (1979) and Self et al. (1981), have
suggested that volcanic dust veils are only likely to
cause short-term 10 years) very minor temperature fluctuations (in the order of <0.5C), and are
unlikely to trigger ice ages or glaciations, or even
minor fluctuations in the 10-100 year range.


Rampino et at. (1979) even suggested that it may be
climatic variations (leading to stress changes in the
Earth's crust) that augment volcanic eruptions
rather than vice versa.

5.3 Pyroclastic fall deposits: types and

The description and interpretation of pyroclastic
fall deposits can be approached in a number of
ways. The most useful for the volcanologist working
on modern pyroclastic deposits has been the
quantitative scheme of G. P. L. Walker (1973b),
and we will use this as a basis for a detailed
description of pyroclastic fall deposits and their
explosive mechanisms in Chapter 6. This is a
genetic scheme and divides explosive magmatic
eruptions from open vents into two groups. The
first represents a spectrum of increasing dispersal
and fragmentation: hawaiian, strombolian, subplinian, plinian and ultraplinian. Phreatomagmatic
eruptions constitute the second group, for which
two types have been described: surtseyan and
phreatoplinian. These two types have extremely
high degrees of fragmentation, and are, respectively,
generally basic to intermediate, and acidic in
composition although air-fall type and composition
cannot be considered in mutually exclusive terms.
Vulcanian air-fall deposits generated by explosion
from closed vents are also defined in the scheme.
However, before discussing this scheme and the
resultant deposits (Ch. 6), are there any simpler
divisions we can use that still retain some genetic
considerations to distinguish modern pyroclastic
fall deposits in the field? Three types of pyroclastic
fall deposits can be distinguished on broad lithological and genetic grounds:

scoria-fall deposits,
pumice-fall deposits,
ash-fall deposits.

Scoria-fall deposits are composed largely of

vesiculated basalt to basaltic andesite magma (Fig.
5.4a). These are the deposits characteristic of
hawaiian and strombolian explosive activity (Ch.
6). Near the vent they are associated with lava

spatter cones and scoria cones. They can be very

coarse-grained, with the predominant grain size
>64 mm, and contain large ballistic bombs, including irregularly shaped bombs and spatter
fragments (Ch. 3). Away from the cones, scoria fall
deposits are finer-grained and usually <5 m thick.
Pumice-fall deposits (Fig. 5.4b) are composed
largely of vesiculated high viscosity magmas (andesite to rhyolite, phonolite and trachyte). They form
widely dispersed sheets, and are the sub-plinian,
plinian and ultraplinian deposits in Walker's scheme
(Ch. 6). Deposits of one eruption are rarely> 10 m
thick, but very close to the vent deposits as thick as
25 m are known. At vent, the predominant grain size
may be >64 mm, and the deposits contain large
lithic and pumice blocks and bombs.
Ash-fall deposits can be formed by a whole
spectrum of pyroclastic processes. Phreatomagmatic
eruptions characteristically form fine-grained deposits and these often contain accretionary lapilli
(Section 5.8). Co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits can
be very extensive examples. They may also contain
accretionary lapilli caused by rain flushing, and
would be difficult to distinguish from silicic phreatomagmatic (phreatoplinian) ash-fall deposits in the
absence of field criteria (Ch. 6). Dense-clast pyroclastic flows may produce equivalent lithic ash-fall
deposits. Vulcanian eruptions typically produce
ash-fall deposits which may range from dense lithicrich to scoriaceous types. Close to the vent, these
deposits may contain abundant ballistic blocks and
bombs. Phreatic eruptions produce lithic ash-fall
deposits, and ballistic blocks may be very abundant
around the vent. As well as these, pumice and
scoria fall deposits have ash-fall dep6sits as their
distal equivalents, and their character depends on
downwind aeolian fractionation processes. Air-fall
ash deposits range in thickness from < 1 mm near
vent, to > 1 m thick more than 100 km away for coignimbrite ash-fall deposits and phreatoplinian
An alternative non-genetic approach uses lithological descriptions based on dominant grain size
and component types, as shown in Tables 12.5 & 7.
For example, in this case most pumice-fall deposits
would be pumice lapilli deposits. Most of the
coarser near-vent equivalents of the deposits dis-


cussed above would then be called volcanic breccias.

We will discuss the use of these two terms in
Chapter 12.

5.4 Pyroclastic flow-forming eruptions

Pyroclastic flows (Fig. 5.10) are potentially the
most destructive of all volcanic phenomena, due to
the large distances that some types are capable of
travelling and to their high temperature. Serious
loss of life has been caused by several small historic
pyroclastic flows. Small historic flows have been
observed to move up to about 20 km from vent at
speeds as high as 60 m s - 1 (J. G. Moore & Melson
1969, D. K. Davies et al. 1978a). However, field


studies of older Quaternary deposits suggest that

the larger flows (forming ignimbrites) have travelled
distances of > 100 km from vent, and theoretical
analysis based on measurements of the heights of
mountains climbed by pyroclastic flows suggests
that average speeds of > 100 m S-1 are common
(Ch. 7).
Pyroclastic flows are generated by a number of
different mechanisms (Fig. 5.11). From what we
understand of observed modern eruptions, these
can be split initially into two main types:
lava-dome or lava-flow collapse
eruption column collapse

Figure 5.10 Two pyroclastic flows. (a) Towering ash cloud 4000 m above a pyroclastic flow moving down the Riviere
Blanche from Mt Pelee during an eruption in December 1902 (after La Croix 1904) (b) Pumiceous pyroclastic flow erupted on
7 August at Mt St Helens in 1980. This flow travelled at speeds in excess of 30 m S-1. (After P W Lipman In Rowley et al.



(a) Gravitational dome collapse

(e) Continuous oas streamino

interrupted column collapse

(b ) Explosive dome collapse

(f ) Upwellino at ven t

(el Landslide triooerino

explosive collapse
of cryptodome

(0) Vertieal explosion from

dome eruption column collapse

(d) Discrete explosions

interrupted column

(n) Continuous eruption

Figure 5.11

"i nstantaneous collapse M

column collapse

Mechanisms generating pyroclastic flows. The pyroclastic flow proper is a high particle concentration underflow.

The ash cloud gives rise to other deposits (Fig. 5 .13).


This mechanism typically operates on steep-sided
andesitic volcanic cones, but also occurs during the
eruption of silicic domes not related to major
edifices. Fragmental flows of broken lava are
generated when an unstable, actively growing lavadome or lava-flow collapses from the summit or
high on the flanks of the volcano. Collapse may be
simply gravitational (which is not strictly pyroclastic), or could be an explosively directed blast
(Figs 5.11a & b). However, pressure release within
a dome due to an initial gravitational collapse could
lead to explosive collapse so, in some cases, both
processes may have occurred. Explosions could
also be triggered by contact of the growing dome
with ground water. Such an eruption could therefore be considered to be phreatomagmatic. This
also leads to the possibility that phreatic explosions
could generate pyroclastic flows containing no
juvenile fragments (e.g. Sheridan 1980). It is
therefore important to realise that different processes may have occurred at about the same time, and
the relative importance of each is, perhaps, difficult
to distinguish.
These types of pyroclastic flow we will term
block and ash flows, but other terms in use are lava
debris flows, hot avalanche deposits (P. W. Francis
et al. 1974) and nuees ardentes (see Ch. 12). Block
and ash-flows are small-volume pyroclastic flows,
and even the deposits of many separate flows or
flow units accumulated during the same eruption
typically have volumes <1 km 3 .
Examples of historic eruptions during which
explosive lava-dome or lava-flow collapse was
observed are the eruptions of Mt Pelee, Martinique
in 1902 and 1929-32 (La Croix 1904, Perret 1937),
Merapi, Indonesia in 1942-3 (van Bemmelen
1949), the eruptions of Hibok-Hibok, Philippines
(1951) (MacDonald & Alcaraz 1956), Mt
Lamington, Papua New Guinea (1951) (G. A.
Taylor 1958), and Santiaguito, Guatemala (1973)
(Rose et al. 1978). Historic examples where simple
gravitational collapse of a dome occurred are the
eruptions of Merapi in 1930 and 1942-3 (Neumann
van Padang 1933, van Bemmelen 1949) and
Santiaguito in 1967 (Stoiber & Rose 1969).


Here we must also ask whether the 1980 eruption

of Mt St Helens should be considered to be another
example of an explosive dome collapse. The explosive eruption of 18 May was initiated when a
giant landslide, triggered by an earthquake, released the confining pressure on a rising dacitic
dome (or cryptodome; Ch. 4) which was intruded
high into the north flank of the volcano (Christiansen
& Peterson 1981). A large rockslide avalanched,
and was quickly followed by an explosive directed
blast (Fig. 5.11c; also see Fig. 10.6). Explosions
were generated by flashing of superheated ground
water as well as release of magmatic gases when the
dome and its hydrothermal system were exposed
and depressurised by the landslide. The avalanche
formed a relatively 'hot and dry' volcaniclastic
debris flow consisting almost entirely of older
volcanic rocks with little juvenile material 1%;
Voight et al. 1981). At the time of emplacement
much of the deposit was as hot as 100C, and it is
perhaps debatable whether it should be termed a
pyroclastic flow deposit. What to call the deposit of
the blast has again been somewhat debatable, but it
has been widely regarded as a pyroclastic surge
(Section 5.6) and, more recently, as a pyroclastic
flow (Section 7.12). Although the eruption was an
explosive dome collapse, the eruption and its
deposits seem to be more complicated than those
generating the block and ash flows that we have
described previously. The events at Mt St Helens
also triggered a nine hour dacitic plinian eruption
with pumice flows forming an ignimbrite (Section
There may have been several historic eruptions
in which there has been a collapse of a sector of the
volcano similar to the one observed at Mt St
Helens. The eruption of Bezymianny in 1956
(Gorshkov 1959) produced a directed blast and
pyroclastic flows (as well as a very high eruption
column dispersing air-fall ash; Fig. 5.9), and is
sometimes given as an example of explosive dome
collapse (e.g. J. V. Wright et al. 1980). The
'agglomerate flow' of Gorshkov (1959) may have
been a similar volcaniclastic debris flow to the Mt St
Helens rockslide avalanche, containing a large
proportion of non-juvenile material, judging from
the horseshoe-shaped amphitheatre that was left



after the eruption. However, these deposits also

had a substantial amount of juvenile material and
were 'identifiable' as pyroclastic flow deposits.
Other eruptions, at Bandai-san, Japan in 1888
(Nakamura 1978), and Sheveluch, Kamchatka in
1964 (Gorshkov & Dubik 1970), seem to have
produced similar chaotic deposits, but made entirely
or almost entirely from non-juvenile fragments.
Therefore, there could be a broad spectrum of
deposits produced by collapses of this kind, ranging
from recognisable explosively generated block- and
ash-flow deposits (or even other types of pyroclastic
flow deposit), to volcaniclastic debris flow deposits
with no (or very little) juvenile material. Distinguishing such deposits, which lack a high
proportion of juvenile fragments, from those formed
by epiclastic debris flows is going to be, even in the
late Quaternary record, very difficult. Criteria by
which to identify such hot, dry volcaniclastic
debris-flow deposits have been discussed by Vi
(1983) and Siebert (1984).


In this case, the effective density of a vertical ashladen eruption column is greater than that of the
atmosphere, and gravitational collapse occurs,
generating a pyroclastic flow. All of the historic
examples of this type have again produced smallvolume pyroclastic flow deposits. Many of these
were probably formed by interrupted, partial
column collapse events. Observations suggest that
such small collapses occur when either a short
explosion ejects a dense slug of pyroclastic fragments to an altitude of a few hundred metres, part
of which then falls back (Fig. 5.lId), or as
overloaded parts of a more maintained vertical
column produced by continuous gas streaming,
collapse (Fig. 5 .11 e). Both types of collapse event
are common during vulcanian activity, but pyroclastic flows are not always generated in such
eruptions, and air-fall deposits may be the sole
products (Ch. 6). Observed historic eruptions
during which this type of pyroclastic flow formed
are Mt Lamington (1951) (G. A. Taylor 1958),
Mayon, Philippines (1968) 0. G. Moore & Melson
1969), Fuego (1974) (D. K. Davies et al. 1978a)

and Ngauruhoe (1975) (Nairn & Self 1978). All

produced scoria flows or scoria and ash flows.
These types of pyroclastic flows have also been
called nuees ardentes and pyroclastic avalanches
(Nairn & Self 1978).
Some older eyewitness accounts recorded by
Wolf (1878) of the eruption of Cotopaxi, Ecuador,
in 1877 suggest that another mechanism should be



Figure 5.12 Development of a pumice flow erupted from

Mt St Helens on 22 July 1980. The sequence is not
accurately timed, but it begins at 19.01 h (Pacific Daylight
Time) and lasts about 45 s. A photograph taken at 19.07 h
above Mt St Helens is shown in Figure 5.7b. (Photographs
by H. Glicken.)

considered for the eruption of scoria flows. Many of

the local people who had observed the eruption
described it as 'a pan of rice boiling over'. This
suggests that these pyroclastic flows may have
originated directly out of the vent, and formed
without the collapse of an eruption column, or from
a column so dense that it only rose a small height
above the vent and instantaneously collapsed and

'bubbled over' (Fig. S.IIt).

It thus seems likely that so-called 'column
collapse' that sources pyroclastic flows can take
different forms. These include variations ranging
from discrete column collapse of high, well maintained columns to partial collapse events from the
margins of an unstable, but established, column, to
discrete collapse followed by essentially continuous



fountaining of pyroclastic debris, to a more passive

boiling over, directly out of the vent.
It is now also thought that block and ash flows
may be produced by collapse of eruption columns
(Fig. S.l1g). Fisher and Heiken (1982) suggested
that some of the explosions in the early stages of the
Mt Pelee 1902 eruption were vertical rather than
directed laterally. Collapse of a vertical column, or
a slug of lava debris out of it, generated block and
ash flows rather than a directed blast. It was
eruptions of this type that occurred on 8 and 20
May 1902, and led to the destruction of St Pierre,
and the death of 30 000 people.
The deposits of pumiceous pyroclastic flows are
termed ignimbrite, and some of these can be very
large volume deposits (> 1000 km 3). Few ignimbrites have been erupted this century. Those that
have are only small-volume deposits (Ch. 8), and
there is little observational information for these.
The generally known examples are the Valley of
Ten Thousand Smokes ignimbrite erupted from
Katmai, Alaska, in 1912 (c. N. Fenner 1920,
Curtis 1968), those formed during the eruptions of
Komagatake, Japan, in 1929 (Aramaki & Yamasaki
1963) and those from Mt St Helens in 1980. Two
notable, and larger, ignimbrite-forming eruptions
occurred last century: Krakatau, west of Java, in
1883 (Self et al. 1981) and Tambora, also in
Indonesia, in 1815 (van Bemmelen 1949, Self et al.
Small-volume pumice flows, like scoria flows, are
perhaps in many cases generated by interrupted
column collapse. Nobody has yet observed a 1argevolume ignimbrite-forming eruption, although as
early as 1960, R. L. Smith (1960a) suggested that
they could be formed by an eruption column
collapse mechanism, but on a larger scale. Sparks
and L. Wilson (1976) and Sparks et al. (1978)
presented a theoretical model for the formation of
ignimbrites based on the continuous gravitational
collapse of a plinian eruption column (Fig. S.l1h).
This models helps to explain many features of
ignimbrites (Chs 7 & 8), and has since become
popular among workers in this field. Continuous
collapse of plinian eruption columns from heights
of several kilometres could account for the large
volume and wide distribution of some ignimbrites.

The model is also appealing because it explains why

many ignimbrites are underlain by plinian pyroclastic fall deposits (Fig. S.6b, Chs 6 & 8).
However, observations of the Mt St Helens 1980
eruption suggest that many of the pumiceous
pyroclastic flows, which under our definition form
ignimbrite, were not generated by collapse of a high
eruption column (Rowley et al. 1981), but from low
columns. Many pumice flows seemed to spread out
from bulbous inflated masses of pyroclasts as they
upwelled a short distance above the vent. The
sequence of photographs in Figure 5.12 of activity
on 22 July illustrate this particularly well, showing
the development and instantaneous collapse of a
fountain about 500 m high. Descriptions such as a
'pot boiling over' were given (Rowley et al. 1981),
and there are obvious similarities to the eyewitness
descriptions given of the Cotopaxi eruption in 1877.
During other periods of activity, partial gravitational collapse of the margins of maintained
columns was observed. None of the Mt St Helens
pumice flows travelled very far, and all are minor in
These new observations suggest that column
collapse as the only mechanism for the generation
of ignimbrites may have been overemphasised in
recent years, as suggested above. In some instances
'spluttering' or 'frothing' at the vent may be more
important. We will develop and expand these ideas
on eruption mechanisms of ignimbrites through
Chapters 6 and 8.

5.5 Pyroclastic flow deposits: types and

Most pyroclastic flow deposits are composed of
more than one flow unit. Each flow unit is usually
regarded as the deposit of a single pyroclastic flow
(Fig. 5.13), one of perhaps several or many
generated during the course of the same eruption
(Sparks et al. 1973, Sparks 1976). However, it is
certainly possible that as a pyroclastic flow advances
it could split into several subflows (R. L. Smith
1960a; and observed at Mt St Helens), each
represented in the field by a discrete depositional
flow unit. In the field pyroclastic flow units may be


01( - 'a ll ash dopoSl'

o.n- cloud surgo dopo,,'


o . o
'0 "

:0:. ":'.

~ : :-."

pyro clas1 1c flow uni t


ground ,urge
depoSl '

flow. No welded examples are known to us,

although Sparks (pers. comm.) repon;; one on the
southern flanks of Mt Pelee.
Homogeneous clast composition, hot blocks and
gas segregation pipes are the field criteria for
distinguishing these pyroclastic flow deposits from
types of sedimentary debris deposits such as rock
avalanches and debris flows (Ch. 10).


Figure 5.13 Schematic diagram showing the structure and

idealised deposits of one pyroclastic flow.

seen to be stacked on top of each other, or be

separated by other pyroclastic layers (fall or surge
deposits) or reworked epiclastic deposits.
From the foregoing discussion on pyroclastic
flow forming eruptions, it appears that three main
types of pyroclastic flow deposit are recognised in
modern volcanic successions (Figs 5.14-16):


These are topographically controlled, unsorted

deposits with variable amounts of basaltic to
andesitic ash, vesicular lapilli and scoriaceous ropy
surfaced clasts up to 1 m in diameter (Figs 5 .14b &
5 .15d-f). In some circumstances they may contain
large non-vesicular cognate lithic clasts (Fig. 5.1Sf).
Reverse grading of larger clasts within flow units is
common, and fine-grained basal layers are sometimes found at the bottom of flow units. Gas
segregation pipes and carboni sed wood may also be
present. The presence of levees, channels and steep
flow-fronts indicates a high yield strength during
flow. Again, we know of no welded examples.

block- and ash-flow deposits

scoria-flow deposits
pumice-flow deposits or ignimbrite



(0 )




These are topographically controlled, unsorted

deposits having an ash matrix and containing large
generally non-vesicular, cognate lithic blocks which
can exceed 5 m in diameter (Figs S.14a & 15a).
Some of these blocks contain radially arranged
cooling joints which show they were emplaced as
hot blocks (Fig. 5 .15 b). Clasts should be all of the
same magma type, and therefore the deposits
should be, or almost be, monolithologic. Individual
flow units are reversely graded in many examples
(Figs 5.14a & 15a). They may contain gas segregation pipes (Figs 5.15c & d), although these are
not found too commonly in block and ash deposits
(Ch. 7), and carboni sed wood. Surface manifestations include the presence of levees, steep flow
fronts and the presence of large surface blocks, all
of which again indicate a high yield strength during

fine grained
basal loyor


den.e ond I'o clasts

ves icu la .ed ba.allie -andesllo cia,.,
pumlc. cia ...
go. '.g,oga lion pIpe

Figure 5.14 Idealised sections of the three main types of

pyroclastic flow deposit and associated layers deposited by
the mechanisms suggested in Figure 5.13. (a) Block and
ash-flow deposit. (b) Scoria-flow deposit. (c) Pumice-flow
deposit or ignimbrite.



Figure 5.15 Block- and ash-flow and scoria-flow deposits. (a) Reversely graded block and ash-flow deposit, formed by
collapse of a rhyolitic lava flow. This was erupted towards the end of the 700 years BP Kaharoa eruption of the Tarawera
volcanic centre. New Zealand. Top of spade handle is base of block and ash-flow deposit. other layers are earlier co-eruptive
products. (b) Hot block in block and ash-flow deposit. San Pedro volcano. northern Chile (after P. W. Francis et al. 1974). (c)
Gas segregation pipes in the 1902 block and ash flow deposits erupted from Mt Pelee (after Fisher & Heiken 1982). (d) Scoria
flow deposit erupted from Mt Misery volcano. St Kitts. Lesser Antilles. Note the concentration zones of scoria which seem to
be associated with flow unit boundaries and coarser-grained pipes which have been emphasised by rain washing. Arrow
points to a carbonised log from which a 14C age of 2860 years BP was obtained (photograph by M. J. Roobol). (e) and (f) The
scoria flow deposits (dark) erupted in 1975 at Mt Ngauruhoe. New Zealand. Note thin lobate flow front and dense juvenile
fragments with more scoriaceous clasts.



Figure 5.16 Some general features of pumice-flow deposits. All of the photographs are from non-welded ignimbrites or nonwelded zones of welded ignimbrites. (a) Stacked thin flow units of the Rio Caliente ignimbrite, Mexico. Flow unit boundaries
are picked out by fine-grained basal layers (after J. V. Wright 1981). (b) Flow units of the Rio Caliente ignimbrite interbedded
with fluviatile reworked pumice (R) and erosion surfaces (E); arrow points to two flow units filling in small channels cut into the
succession. No soils are present, and field evidence elsewhere shows that these erosional events must have been local and
short-lived, and occurred during the same eruption. Height of cliff section is about 16 m (after J. V. Wright 1981). (c) Thick,
massive flow unit of the Oruanui ignimbrite in New Zealand, which is poorly sorted and texturally very homogeneous
throughout the thickness seen (horizontal lines are bulldozer scrapings). (d) Coarse, poorly sorted pumice-flow deposit on St
Lucia, Lesser Antilles. (e) Close-up showing poor sorting in an ignimbrite. This is from a flow unit of the Acatlan ignimbrite.
Mexico. Dark clasts are lithics.


ignimbrite sheets that bury all but high topographic
features. Sometimes they may show one or more
zones of welding eCho 8). Their common salmonpink colour, the presence of carbonised wood and a
thermal remanent magnetisation are all ways of
distinguishing non-welded ignimbrites from the
deposits of pumiceous mud flows. Also, ignimbrites
sometimes contain gas segregation pipes (Fig.

5.6 Origins of pyroclastic surges

It is now apparent that dilute, low particle concentration, turbulent, pyroclastic surges can be generated in many different ways. Volcanic base surges,
first described from the ph rea to magmatic eruptions
of Taal volcano, Philippines, in 1965 by J. G.
Moore et al. (1966) and J. G. Moore (1967), are
only one type of pyroclastic surge. Pyroclastic surges
are known to form in three situations, associated
phreatomagmatic and phreatic eruptions
pyroclastic flows
pyroclastic falls


Figure 5.16 continued (f) 'Fossil fumaroles'; crystal and
lithic enriched gas segregation pipes in the Taupo ignimbrite,
New Zealand (photograph by C. J. N. Wilson).



Ignimbrites are typically poorly sorted, massive

deposits containing variable amounts of ash, rounded pumice lapilli and blocks occasionally up to
1 m in diameter (Figs 5.14c & 16). Within flow
units, larger pumice fragments can be reversely
graded, while lithic clasts can show normal grading.
However, ungraded flow units are as common. A
fine-grained basal layer is usually found at the
bottom of flow units (Fig. 5.16a). The coarser,
smaller-volume deposits usually form valley infills,
while the larger-volume deposits may form large



These eruptions can generate a base surge which is

a collar-like, low cloud expanding radially in all
directions from the locus of a phreatomagmatic or
phreatic explosion and/or by the collapse of the
phreatomagmatic or phreatic eruption column
(Figs 5.17 & 18). The term 'base surge' was
originally applied to the radially outward moving
basal clouds observed and photographed in nuclear
explosions (Fig. 5.17), to which J. G. Moore (1967)
likened similar features observed during the Taal
1965 eruptions, and some other observed historic
The eruption of Taal on 28-30 September 1965
took place when water gained access to rising
basaltic magma on the southwest side of Volcano
Island, Lake Taal 0. G. Moore et al. 1966, J. G.


5 seconds

./:- .

r f


.. ,. .;- ....




Figure 5.17 Sequential diagram showing formation of a

base surge after an underground explosion equivalent to 100
kilotons of chemical explosives. (After J. G. Moore 1967.)

Moore 1967; Fig. 5.19). Explosions produced a

series of base surges (Fig. 5.19) which spread out
radially with 'hurricane velocity', causing extensive
damage and loss of life. These debris-laden clouds
obliterated and shattered all trees within 1 km of
the explosion centre, and sandblasted objects up to
8 km away. Initially, velocities may have been as
high as 100 m S-1 (J. G. Moore 1967).


Base surges result from the explosive interaction

of magma and water and are probably in many
cases 'cold and wet' (Ch. 7). In the entire area
affected by base surges from the Taal1965 eruption,
no evidence of charred wood was found on surviving
trees or in the deposits. In the zone where ash was
plastered on to objects (Fig. 5.19b) the ash must
have been mixed with water rather than steam to
have been so sticky, and surges would have had
temperatures below lOOC (J. G. Moore 1967).
However, some phreatomagmatic eruptions have
produced hot pyroclastic surges. During the phreato magmatic eruptions forming the Ukinrek maars,
Alaska, in 1977 (e.g. Fig. 5.18c), pyroclastic surges
charred tree branches and trunks (Self et al. 1980).
As discussed in Chapter 3, Sheridan and Wohletz
(1981) suggested that there is a natural division
between wet and dry base surges, depending on the
water: magma mass ratio in phreatomagmatic explosions (Fig. 3.9). With a low water: magma mass
ratio 'dry and hot' base surges may be produced.
Base surges are commonly associated with the
formation of small volcanic craters, called variously
maars, tuff rings and tuff cones (Ch. 13). These are
common features in areas of basaltic volcanism, and
without the interaction of ground or surface water
or sea water, the basaltic magma would have
erupted to form scoria cones and lava flows. There
have been a number of eruptions of this type in the
20th century. For descriptions and analysis of this
type of activity, the reader is referred to Moore
(1967) and Waters and Fisher (1971), who show
spectacular photographs of the eruptions of Capelinhos in 1957-8 in the Azores (Figs 5.18a & b) and
Taal, Philippines, in 1965-6, and the papers by
Kienle et al. (1980) and Self et al. (1980) describing
the formation of the Ukinrek maars, Alaska (Fig.
5.18c). Maars and maar-like constructional landforms can be formed by eruptions of other magma
types, including carbonatitic, phonolitic and rhyolitic compositions. For good descriptions of the
base-surge deposits associated with prehistoric
phonolitic and rhyolitic eruptions of this type see
Schmincke et aI. (1973) and Sheridan and Updike
(1975), respectively.
Base surges are also known to be erupted from
major volcanoes. They should be common products



Figure 5.18 Phreatomagmatic eruptions producing base surges. (a) At Capelinhos in October 1957. Height of vertical column
to top of photograph is about 2200 m. US Air Force photograph (after J. G. Moore 1967). (b) Capelinhos in September 1957.
Steam has blown downwind to expose a dense debris-laden central column collapsing to feed a base surge. On the right-hand
side of the photograph the surge is moving across the ocean surface (after Waters & Fisher 1971). (c) East Ukinrek maar in
1977. Note chevron shape of base surge cloud (moving to the left) which in this case was directed by lows in the maar rim
and shallow valleys (after J. Faro in Kienle et al. 1980).

of andesitic stratovolcanoes with crater lakes, and

other volcanoes with caldera lakes. Phreatic and
phreatomagmatic eruptions from the crater lake of
Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand, have been common this century, and base surges were observed in
the eruption of April 1975 (Nairn et al. 1979). The
1979 eruption of Soufriere, St Vincent, which was
through a crater lake, also produced base surges
(Shepherd & Sigurdsson 1982). The Quill stratovolcano on St Eustatius, also in the Lesser Antilles,
has a long history of phreatomagmatic activity, and
base-surge deposits form an important part of the
pyroclastic succession found in its ring plain. These
vary from basaltic andesite to rhyolite in composition, and were produced by a number of eruptions
over the past ~ 30 000 years as the volcano emerged
from the sea and grew to its present form (Roobol,

Smith & Wright unpub. data). The rhyolitic basesurge deposits form part of a thicker pyroclastic
sequence generated during an ignimbrite-forming
eruption. Rhyolitic base-surge deposits are also
known in association with phreatoplinian phases of
the Askja, Iceland, 1875 eruption and the Minoan
(1470 BC) eruption of Santorini (Self & Sparks
1978; Ch. 6). Phonolitic base surges also were
generated late during the AD 79 eruption of
Vesuvius, when large amounts of water from a deep
aquifer under the volcano gained access to the
magma chamber. The deposits are associated with
phreatoplinian air-fall layers (Sheridan et al. 1981;


(a) Thickne 55 of total ejecta

(surge plus fall deposits)


(b) Thickness of base surge



- -~o-.......

thlekn ... (em)


0' accretionary laplll i

Ihlckness 0' SU r~e deposits

5 - coo!ln~ verllcol objeel. (em)
ouler IImlt-delermln ed by folnl

sandblasling of objecl.

(d) Distribution of dune bedforms

In base surge deposits

(c) Maximum clast size In base

surge deposits

Lab Taa/



' -

- - 1- - max imum elo.. SIZ. (dlom.t.r in em)

~ dun, (re'5ts
10... wav.'.ngth (m)

flow dlrec:tions
-100- topographic contours (m)

Figure 5.19 General distributional characteristics of the deposits of the 1965 eruption of Taal in the Philippines. Flow
directions of major base surge movement in (d) were measured in the field from the sand blasting. tilting and coating of trees
and houses. (After J. G. Moore 1967.)


Thin, stratified pumice and ash deposits are often
found associated with pyroclastic flow deposits of
various kinds. When associated with the bases of
flow units, they are called ground surges, and when
associated with the tops they are called ash-cloud
surges. These types have different mechanisms of

generation. Compared with base surges they can be

considered to be hot and dry.
The term 'ground surge' was coined by Sparks
and Walker (1973), but it was used by these authors
to mean any type of pyroclastic surge. More
recently the term has become used just for those
surges found at the bases of pyroclastic flow units,
or associated with some fall deposits (Section 5.6.3;



Fisher 1979, J. V. Wright et al. 1980). Ground

surges are thought to be the same as the 'ash
hurricanes' described by G. A. Taylor (1958) from
the 1951 Mt Lamington eruption. Taylor observed
these to form at the same time as high concentration
pyroclastic flows (or his 'ponderous ash flow nuees')
directly from the crater without an accompanying
vertical eruption column, or from collapsing eruption columns (Fisher 1979).
Ground surges are envisaged as precursors to
dense, high concentration pyroclastic flows, preceding their flow-fronts. There are a number of
ways in which they can be generated:

from a directed low concentration blast,

out of the head of a moving pyroclastic flow or
by earlier, smaller collapses of the margins of a
maintained vertical eruption column.

The concept of a low concentration blast preceding the main part of a pyroclastic flow stems largely
from early ideas on understanding the 8 May 1902
eruption of Mt Pelee, which was thought to have
been a directed blast. We have already discussed
this eruption, and how it is now thought to have
generated block and ash flows by collapse of an
eruption column. Fisher et al. (1980) and Fisher
and Heiken (1982) suggested that St Pierre was
destroyed by an ash-cloud surge, although G. P. L.
Walker and Me Broome (1983) suggested that it was
by a violent pyroclastic flow (Ch. 7). Several
historic block- and ash-flow deposits produced by
explosive lava-dome collapse have obvious surge
deposits associated with them, but again some of
these could be ash-cloud surge deposits. However,
Rose et al. (1977) described a ground surge
produced by explosive collapse directed out of the
lava front at Santiaguito in September 1973, and
because the surge does not mantle the associated
block- and ash-flow deposit, they suggest that it
probably preceded it. The initial explosion of Mt St
Helens was an obvious directed blast, and its effect
on the forest in its path is well known. The deposits
from the initial explosion certainly show some
characteristics of a surge deposit, as we have
alluded to previously, and this is how they have
been described by J. G. Moore and Sisson (1981)
and Hickson et al. (1982). However, the stratigraphy

is more complicated than that of normal groundsurge deposits, and Hoblitt et al. (1981) have drawn
attention to this. G. P. L. Walker (1983) suggested
that the blast was a high concentration pyroclastic
flow emplaced at very high velocities, like some
violent ignimbrites (Chs 7 & 8). Like the Mt Pelee
event, this event and its deposits are the source of
much debate. Pumice flows forming ignimbrite did
not begin to erupt for another four hours after the
initial explosion at Mt St Helens.
Studies by C. J. N. Wilson (1980, 1981, 1984)
and C. J. N. Wilson and Walker (1982) suggest
that the flow-heads of some pyroclastic flows
(especially pumice flows) may ingest large volumes
of air, and may be inflated and highly fluidised (Chs
7 & 8). At the front of the moving flow, basal
friction will cause an overhang which will act as a
funnel for air, in much the same way as a
subaqueous mass flow incorporates water (Allen
1971, Simpson 1972). Cold air when heated would
rapidly expand, and surges of highly fluidised
pyroclasts would be jetted out of the head and
upper parts of the flow front (Fig. 5.13; Ch. 7);
material ejected at higher positions on the flowfront would contribu~e to the ash cloud. This could
also be another mechanism for generating turbulent, low concentration surges continually
advancing in front of some pyroclastic flows. The
escaping gas and ash gives the flow-head its
'billowing' or 'sprouting' appearance, as seen, for
example, by Perret (1937) in some Mt Pelee
pyroclastic flows erupted during 1929-32. This
type of jetting of material from the flow-head
explains some other facies associated with ignimbrites, and these will be discussed further in
Chapter 7.
The third mechanism we can envisage for the
generation of ground surges is by repeated minor
collapse of a maintained eruption column before
major ignimbrite-forming collapse. This could also
apply for some ignimbrite-forming eruptions, and
Fisher (1979) suggested such a model. Turbulent
mixing and intake of cold air at the margins of the
eruption column could overload parts of it, and
small-scale collapse could generate precursor
More recently, however, G. P. L. Walker et al.


' _ _....L...._----',
,- 2

.....-'" th ickness of Moy 8 ond 20, 1902

osh-cloud surge deposIts (m)
inferred flow vectors of expond ing
osh-cloud surges
current directions in ash -cloud
surge deposi ts (cross-beds and channels)

Figure 5,20 Distribution of the block and ash-flow and

associated ash-cloud surge deposits from the 8 and 20 May
1902 eruptions of Mt Pelee, and their inferred flow
directions. The main block and ash-flow lobe fills the Riviere
Blanche. Note how at Fond Canonville ash cloud surges
moved around the ridge and then in an opposite direction to
the main flow. (After Fisher et 81. 1980, Fisher & Heiken

(198Ia) and C. J. N. Wilson and Walker (1982)

suggested that some crystal- and lithic-rich deposits
at the bottoms of some ignimbrite flow units are
generated within the flow-head. These occupy the
same stratigraphic position as the ground surge, but
they are not deposited from a separate, dilute lowconcentration flow, therefore not by a pyroclastic
surge. G. P. L. Walker et al. (l98Ia) suggested that
these deposits be called ground layers. They


described one from the Taupo ignimbrite (Ch. 7),

and suggested that some other examples of deposits
previously called ground surges were deposited by
this alternative mechanism. Towards the vent, the
quite remarkable ground layer of the Taupo ignimbrite passes into a coarse-grained breccia (it contains
blocks> 1 m in diameter near the vent), and nearly
always lacks internal stratification. On the other
hand, ground surges are never as coarse-grained,
and have well developed planar stratification or low
angle cross-stratification. However, criteria to distinguish the deposits generated by all of these
different mechanisms have not been clearly identified.
Ash-cloud surges are turbulent, low density
flows generated in the overriding gas and ash cloud
as observed above historic pyroclastic flows (Fig.
5.10). The towering ash cloud contains material
elutriated from the top of the moving pyroclastic
flow, which forms a basal underflow (Figs 5.11 &
13). However, most of the ash rising into the ash
cloud is deposited later as a fine-grained ash-fall
deposit. In some cases ash-cloud surges could
become detached from the moving pyroclastic flow
and move independently .
Fisher (1979) discussed the formation of ashcloud surges in the Upper Bandelier ignimbrite.
Fisher et al. (1980) and Fisher and Heiken (1982)
discussed their formation during the Mt Pelt.~e 1902
eruption. They suggest that block and ash flows
were confined to valleys, while fully turbulent,
dilute high energy ash-cloud surges moved down
the mountain continually expanding outwards (Fig.
5.20). Gravity segregation within individual ashcloud surges occurred as they expanded, resulting
in secondary block and ash underflows with high
particle concentrations, which did not travel as far.
Fragment-depleted ash-cloud surges are thought to
have devastated St Pierre. Burnt wood and other
high temperature effects in St Pierre indicate that
the flows were hot. The deposits only had a
maximum thickness of I min St Pierre, where they
are fine-grained, and generally massive, but
internal stratification can be found. However,
G. P. L. Walker (1983) has questioned the ashcloud interpretation of these deposits, and in some
ways has reverted back to older ideas by suggesting


they were high-concentration blasts similar to that
at Mt St Helens (Ch. 7). Ash-cloud surges and their
deposits were certainly observed to develop at Mt
St Helens 1980, and are described by Rowley et al.


There is evidence that some pyroclastic surges,
associated with magmatic ally erupted air-fall deposits, are formed by the collapse of an eruption
column (or margins of it) without the generation of
an accompanying pyroclastic flow. Such surges
would again be termed ground surges (Fisher
1979). Roobol and Smith (1976) described prehistoric 'pumice and crystal ground surge deposits'
inter-bedded with pumice fall deposits on Mt Pelee,
extending up to 2 km away from the vent, and
suggested that they formed by gravity collapse of
plinian eruption columns. No doubt surges found
interbedded with pumice-fall deposits can be generated by other mechanisms. For example, small
amounts of external water gaining access to the
erupting magma (from surface ground water or a
deep aquifer) could generate hot, dry base surges
(Sheridan & Wohletz 1981). Sheridan et al. (1981)
suggested surge deposits interbedded with the early
erupted pumice-fall deposit of the AD 79 Vesuvius
eruption (the Pompeii pumice of Lirer et al. (1973);
Ch. 6) were formed in this way; these surges were
generated before the major phreatomagmatic activity which produced the wet base surges and
phreatoplinian layers mentioned previously.

5.7 Pyroclastic surge deposits: types and

From the above description, pyroclastic surge
deposits can be divided into three types:
base-surge deposits
ground-surge deposits
ash-cloud surge deposits


Base surges produce stratified, laminated, sometimes massive deposits containing juvenile fragments, ranging from vesiculated to non-vesiculated
cognate lithic clasts, ash, crystals and occasional
accessory lithics. Large ballistic lithics may form
bomb sags close to the vent. Surges produced in
phreatic eruptions are composed almost totally of
accessory lithics, plus perhaps minor amounts of
accidental lithics. Juvenile fragments are usually
less than 10 em in diameter, due to the high degree
of fragmentation caused by the water-magma
interaction. Base surges can accumulate thick
deposits (> 100 m) around some phreatomagmatic
craters (Ch. 13), although they thin rapidly away
from the vent. Deposits found in the successions of
stratovolcanoes are generally thin 5 em to
<5 m). Internally, deposits show unidirectional
bedforms, and climbing dune-forms can be common
(Figs 5.21a, b & 22). Near vent it may be difficult
to distinguish planar-bedded surge deposits from



Figure 5.21 Some features of basaltic base-surge deposits. (a) Climbing duneforms, surge flow direction from right to left.
Thin planar layers are air-fall deposits. From Lake Purrumbete maar, Western Victoria, Australia. (bHf) are from the coastal
slopes of Koko crater, Oahu, Hawaii, but most of the deposits in this area are thought to have been erupted from the
Hanauma Bay crater complex, 1-5 km to the southwest. (b) Climbing duneforms, surge direction left to right from Hanauma
Bay, Hawaii. (c) and (d) U-shaped erosional channels; U-shaped bases and stratigraphy of the deposits suggest that these
were fluviatile erosional gullies reshaped and re-emphasised by younger base surges from Hanauma Bay. (For complete story
see Fisher 1977.) Note how planar-bedded base surge layers thicken into the channels (cf. Fig. 5.1 c). (e) Ash plastered against
the almost vertical side of a wall of eroded basement of reef limestone. (f) Planar bedded deposits with penecontemporaneous slumping. (g) and (h) Bomb sags in planar-bedded deposits, Tower Hill. Victoria.



Figure 5.22 Rhyolitic base-surge deposits erupted from the Quill, St Eustatius 22 240 years BP), Lesser Antilles. The basesurge deposits dominate the stratigraphic interval visible in (a). Here there is a thin lower unit of base-surge deposits
(prominent white layer) separated from the thicker upper unit with well developed dunes by a plinian pumice-fall deposit. The
more-massive layer above these shown in (b) is a co-eruptive ignimbrite.



Figure 5.23 Some ground surge and ash-cloud surge deposits. (a) and (b) Ground surge deposits at the base of the Upper
Bandelier ignimbrite. (c) Ground surge deposit separating two flow units in the Upper Bandelier ignimbrite. The dark (pink)
stratified surge deposit is clearly associated with the upper darker flow unit and they were emplaced as one thermal package.
(d) Ash-cloud surge deposits between two flow units of the Upper Bandelier ignimbrite. Local field relations and the
photograph show that the thinly laminated surge deposits are associated with the pumice-rich top of the lower flow unit
(cavernous weathering). (e) Fine-grained 1902 ash-cloud surge deposit in the churchyard at St Pierre. Internal stratification is
found in this. (f) The church at St Pierre is thought to have been destroyed by an ash-cloud surge.



Figure 5.24 (above and facing page) Accretionary and cored lapilli. (a)-(f) Associated with different rhyolitic deposits. (a)
Within a rhyolitic ignimbrite from the Devonian Snowy River Volcanics, eastern Victoria, Australia. The matrix contains an
abundance of flattened and fragmented lapilli. (b) and (c) show exceptional concentrations of accretionary lapilli from
phreatoplinian air-fall ashes of the Oruanui eruption, Lake Taupo, deposited in a small crater lake inside the scoria cone,
Pukeonake, New Zealand. These have been reworked, as shown by the erosion surface in (c). (d) Lapilli within an ignimbrite
about 500000 years BP in New Zealand (photograph by C. J. N. Wilson) (e) In gas segregation pipes within the Oruanui
ignimbrite, New Zealand. (f) From a thick concentration of accretionary lapilli within the body of the Oruanui ignimbrite. (g)
Cored lapilli at Koko Crater, Oahu, Hawaii. (h) Cored lapilli in basaltic base surge deposits at Cape Bridgewater volcano,

flat-bedded air-fall deposits. Surge deposits usually

show some low-angle truncations, and therefore
these are key features to look for (criteria to
distinguish these two types of deposit in such
situations are discussed further in Ch. 7). U-shaped
erosional channels have also been described (Figs
S.2Ic & d) and their formation has been discussed
by Fisher (1977).
Base-surge deposits often show evidence of being
wet and 'sticky' when deposited. Accretionary
lapilli are common (Section S.8). Deposits may be

plastered and stuck to vertical or almost vertical

surfaces (Fig. S.2Ie), and layers often deform
plastically, which can be seen when large bombs
impact (Figs S.2Ig & h), or there is penecontemporaneous slumping (Fig. S.2ID. Also, vesiculated
tuffs with entombed gas cavities may be present.
Note, however, that vesiculated tuffs are not solely
diagnostic of a base-surge origin as indicated by
Lorenz (1974), and can be found in phreatomagmatic ash-fall layers, and not necessarily near the
vent. They only show that ash was nearly saturated


with water at the time of deposition, and that

trapped air or steam could not escape. When
basaltic in composition, juvenile material is usually,
to some extent, hydrated and altered to palagonite
(Chs 13 & 14). Such deposits can be lithified, but
should not be confused with welded tuffs.




Ground surges produce stratified deposits generally

less than 1 m thick which are typically recognised
at the base of pyroclastic flow units (Figs 5.23a, b &
c) . The deposits are composed of ash, juvenile



vesiculated fragments, crystals and lithics in varying

proportions, depending on the constituents present
in the eruption column. They are typically enriched
in denser components (less well vesiculated juvenile
fragments, crystals and lithics) compared with
accompanying pyroclastic flow deposits (Sparks
1976). Again, they show unidirectional bedforms;
carbonised wood and small gas segregation pipes
may be present.


The products of ash-cloud surges are stratified
deposits generally less than 1 m thick found at the
top of, and as lateral equivalents to pyroclastic flow
units (Figs 5.23d & e). They show unidirectional
bedforms and pinch and swell structures, and may
occur as discrete separated lenses (Fisher 1979).
The grain size and proportions of components
depend on the type of the parent pyroclastic flow.
One would intuitively expect such deposits to be
enriched in vitric particles. However, those associated with the Bandelier Tuffs (Fisher 1979; Fig.
5.23d) are enriched in crystals, and this must be.
due to further gravity segregation within the ash
cloud, as ash-sized particles with a significant
proportion of crystals are elutriated out of the
parent pumice flow. The ash cloud surges described
by Fisher and Heiken (1982) from the 1902
eruption of Mt Pelre (Fig. 5.23e) have very similar
component proportions to both their parent and
secondary block and ash flows, but this is not
surprising because there is little density difference
between dense ash-sized juvenile fragments and
crystals. Ash-cloud surge deposits again can contain
small gas segregation pipes.

5.8 Accretionary lapilli

Accretionary lapilli are lapilli-sized pellets of ash
commonly exhibiting a concentric internal structure
0. G. Moore & Peck 1962; Fig. 5.24). They have
been described from pyroclastic fall, surge and flow
deposits. They are believed to form by the accretion
of fine ash around some nucleus, either a water
droplet or solid particle. This could occur during

rain flushing 0. G. Moore & Peck 1962, G. P. L.

Walker 1981a) either of the downward plume from
an eruption column or of the accompanying ash
cloud of a pyroclastic flow. However, perhaps more
frequently, they form in the steam-rich columns of
phreatomagmatic and phreatic eruptions (Self &
Sparks 1978; the examples shown in Fig. 5.24),
perhaps around cons en sing water droplets. They
can then be transported and deposited by fall, base
surge or flow processes. Basaltic base-surge deposits
often seem to contain the variety called cored or
armoured lapilli, which have a recognisable lithic
core and a thick (sometimes 1-2 cm) shell of
unstructured ash (Figs 5.24g & h). Perhaps these
form in the outward-moving base-surge cloud as
solid fragments pick up a coating of sticky wet ash.
Accretionary lapilli also form by gases streaming up
through pyroclastic flow deposits, and they occur in
segregation pipes (G. P. L. Walker 1971; Figs
5.24e & f).
It is important to stress that accretionary lapilli
are not indicative solely of pyroclastic fall deposits,
as often seems to be assumed by workers in ancient
successions. They may occur in pyroclastic fall,
flow or surge deposits. Indeed, stratified deposits
several metres thick, with accretionary lapilli, are
more likely to be base-surge deposits. Also, some
accretionary lapilli can survive a limited amount of
reworking and redeposition, and can therefore be
found in epiclastic volcanic sediments (Figs 5.24b
& c). Furthermore, they can form well away from
vents in pyroclastic flows and their trailing ash
clouds, as well as in secondary eruption columns
generated when pyroclastic flows interact explosively with surface water into which they flow
(Chs 8 & 9). They are therefore nat indicative of
exclusively near-vent depositional settings.

5.9 Further reading

Aspects of the geology of pyroclastic deposits are
fully developed and discussed in our later chapters.
In Chapter 12 we will present a classification, and
in Chapter 12 and Appendix II we consider criteria
that may distinguish these rocks in ancient volcanic

Plate 6 Two rhyolitic plinian pumice-fall deposits (white layers) erupted in the past 5000 years from Hekla volcano, Iceland. Top
photograph is an outcrop 15 km from the vent and the bottom one shows the same two fall deposits considerably thinner, 50 km
from the vent. The pumice falls are interbedded with alluvial sediments and soils. Dark layer just above lower pumice fall in
bottom photographed is a distal scoria fall erupted from Katla volcano.



Modern pyroclastic fall

deposits and their eruptions
Initial statement
Pyroclastic fall deposits, their eruptions and the
physical controls on their formation are now
considered in detail. The classification scheme of
G. P. L. Walker (l973b) characterises fall deposits
by their dispersal and degree of fragmentation, and
this approach is used as a framework for our
description. Important volcanological assessments
can also be made, because these two parameters are
related to the height of an eruption column and the
nature of the fragmentation process. In this chapter
we also consider some surprising features of the Mt
St Helens ash-fall deposits and the implications of
these for plinian eruptions. We also focus on the
characteristics of distal silicic ash-fall layers. Finally,
the properties of welded air-fall tuffs which occur
near the vent on a number of volcanoes are

described. Criteria for distinguishing these from

welded ignimbrites eCho 8) and a thermal facies
model for pyroclastic fall deposits are also presented.

6.1 Introduction
The different types of pyroclastic fall deposit are illdefined in the literature. They are described by a
number of terms according to certain styles of
explosive activity, named generally after individual
volcanoes or volcanic areas where the activity was
first observed, or of which the style of eruptions
was thought to be characteristic. Examples include
strombolian, hawaiian, vcsuvian and pclcan. One
exception to this is plinian, which is named after
Pliny the Younger, from his account to the historian




Tacitus of the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. This

type of eruption and the resulting deposit could also
have been called vesuvian. However, in the literature this refers to another style, exemplified by the
basaltic eruption of Vesuvius in 1906, which
involved a long-sustained gas stream with little ash
being released (MacDonald 1972).
This approach to nomenclature has produced
many problems. First, the style of eruption can
change during the course of one eruption, and
certainly during the long-term history of a volcano.
For example, during its history Mt Pelee has shown
a variety of styles of eruption other than pelean . It
has also, for instance, experienced plinian eruptive
phases (Roobol & Smith 1976). Secondly, particular
eruption styles can occur in places other than the
places used to name the particular eruption style.
For example, hawaiian style eruptions are not just
confined to Hawaii. Lastly, many deposits from
historical or relatively recent eruptions have not
been studied immediately after their eruption with
the aim of correlating particular facies characteristics
with observed eruption styles. In many cases,
particularly with historic eruptions, the details of
eruption characteristics have been inferred from a




(; 50



1_-1" . . .




: . . . . . I ~~M
.:.. /
1")..~'- /
ci~ /
~~v ..-{PLINIAN I







Dispersal (D km 2)








Height of eru ption column ~

Figure 6.2 (a) D~F plot used to characterise different types
of pyroclastic fall deposit (after G. P. L. Walker 1973b, and
updated in J. V. Wright et al. 1980) (b) Cartoon explaining
D~F plot in terms of eruption column height and 'explosiveness'.

x locol ion
somplt sie .ed



es ti ma te d al 0. 1 Tmax




~~ Eiii
~l50 LdJ!II



Distance (km)
Figure 6.1 Representation of method used to obtain the
two parameters 0 and F. See text for explanation.

study of the deposits well after the eruption has

ended, by people who did not observe the eruption.
However, many of the poorly defined terms are
entrenched in the geological literature and it would
be naive to assume that they could be abandoned.
The only practical solution is to improve the
definition of existing terms by more quantitative
analysis applied to well preserved young deposits
for which good accounts of the eruption are
available. From these studies, better descriptions,
that can be used as a guide to interpret equivalent
deposits in the rock record, may result .
The first serious attempt to describe and classify
explosive volcanic eruptions producing pyroclastic
falls quantitatively was by G. P. L. Walker (l973b).
Walker's approach was based on the characteristics


of the fall deposits examined in the field, and not on

the characteristics of the eruptions as was generally
the practice previously. This quantitative scheme
(Figs 6.1 & 2,) relies on accurate mapping of the
distribution of fall deposits and detailed granulometric analysis to determine two parameters: dispersal (D) and fragmentation index or degree of
fragmentation of the deposit (F). The empirical
measure of D used is the area enclosed by the
O.OlTmax isopach (where Tmax is the maximum
thickness of the deposit; Fig. 6.1a). The empirical
measure of F chosen is the percentage of a deposit
finer than 1 mm at the point on the axis of dispersal
where it is crossed by the 0.1 Tmax isopach; this can
only be determined from the sieve analysis of a
sample collected either at this point or, more
practically, obtained graphically from sieve analyses
of a few samples collected near the dispersal axis
G. P. L. Walker (1973b) initially characterised
three types of pyroclastic fall deposit on the basis of
their values of D and F: hawaiian-strombolian,
surtseyan and plinian (Fig. 6.2a). A distinction
between strombolian and hawaiian types based on
D was proposed, and another distinction, based on
F, between normal and violent strombolian, was
also proposed. Also, sub-plinian was proposed as a
new type, intermediate in character between
strombolian and plinian. Since Walker's original
plot was published, later studies have refined this,
and other types of pyroclastic fall deposit have been
characterised: ultraplinian, vulcanian and phreatoplinian (Fig. 6.2).
The D-F plot is based on the measurable
characteristics of a deposit, but it also reflects some
of the essential features of the eruption, even
though many changes in observed style of activity
may have occurred throughout eruption. For any
deposit, this plot is a reflection of not only the
eruption column height, since it is this which
largely controls D, but also the 'explosiveness' or
degree of fragmentation of the magma (Fig. 6.2b).
High F-values, for instance, may result from very
high intensity eruptions (high volumetric eruption
rates) or magma-water interactions. This is therefore a most useful way of making volcanological
assessments of, and comparisons between, pyro-


clastic fall deposits whose eruptions were not

observed, and whose original extent is still reasonably intact.
Although the plot of D against F gives a basis for
detailing types of pyroclastic fall deposits and their
eruptions, it is important to point out here that
further research is increasingly revealing a number
of its shortcomings. The meaning of F is not as
clear as was suggested above. High F-values may
not prove to be the result of high degrees of
fragmentation, but may also reflect 'wet' eruption
plumes in which premature deposition of fines is
promoted by rain-flushing. This problem is highlighted in the discussion of distal silicic ash-fall
layers (Section 6.9). Also, the fields for phreatomagmatic ash-fall deposits, which are now simply
divided into surtseyan and phreatoplinian, are far
from satisfactory (Section 6.8).
Before we describe the different types of pyroclastic fall deposit and their eruptions, two parameters that are essential to understanding the
deposition and analysis of pyroclastic fall deposits
need to be discussed, these being terminal fall
velocity and muzzle velocity.

6.2 Terminal fall velocity and muzzle

The distance that individual pyroclastic fragments
are transported from the vent is controlled by many
interacting factors. The most important are the
heights to which particles are taken in the eruption
column, the angle of ejection, the wind strength
and the terminal fall velocity of the particles.
When an object falls through the air, it accelerates
until it reaches a constant or terminal velocity (TV),
which is the velocity at which the force of gravity
and aerodynamic drag forces are in a state of
balance. Particles with smaller terminal fall velocities will travel downwind further for a given
eruption column height and wind speed than larger
particles with a lower terminal fall velocity. Data on
the terminal fall velocities of pyroclasts are given by
G. P. L. Walker et al. (1971) and in Appendix 1.
G. P. L. Walker (1971) showed that for polycomponent pyroclastic fall deposits it is useful to


(a ) 2km









!.. 40

~ 10

cry ' 0 .8


cr. ' I.e





0;' 2 . 6



~ 40






av 0 .9






cr,' 1.1


OV - O 4







Figure 6.3 Grainsize characteristics of

three samples of the Middle Pumice. a
pyroclastic fall deposit on Santorini (Fig.
13.30) taken at increasing distances
from the probable vent. (a) Histograms
of the grain size distributions. Grainsize
distributions of air-fall deposits on a
weight percentage basis are a function
of the terminal fall velocity of ejecta,
which is controlled by both grainsize and
density. Less than 3 km from source,
samples of the fall deposit contain
>90 wt% pumice, and have unimodal
histograms and a low 0<1> value. The
proportion of dense components (lithics
and crystals) increases from source.
Between 3 and 5 km from source this
results in a bimodal grainsize
distribution, with a coarse mode due to
pumice and a fine secondary mode due
to the denser components, and an
increase in 0<1>' At greater distances
(>5 km) a decrease in the proportion of
very coarse pumice clasts results in a
restricted pumice size range with a
mode closely corresponding to that of
the dense components. The grainsize
distribution is unimodal and sorting
improves markedly. (b) Histograms of
grainsize in weight percentages plotted
against the terminal fall velocity of
ejecta; Vis defined as -log2 TV where
TV is the terminal velocity in metres per
second. These group together all
particles which fall at the same rate in
the same class. By doing this, all the
grainsize histograms become strongly



plot histograms of weight percentages against terminal fall velocity, so grouping together all particles
which fall at the same rate. When this is done,
grain size histograms of pyroclastic fall samples
become strongly unimodal (Fig. 6.3). Median
terminal fall velocity in an air-fall deposit gradually
decreases with distance (Figs 6.3 & 4). The slope on



the median terminal fall velocity-distance curve

(Fig. 6.4) is controlled by eruption column height
and wind speed. For the deposits shown in Figure
6.4, the wind speed was approximately the same,
and the slope of the line is therefore a function of
eruption column height.
One of the most useful physical parameters in the


_ lUI




Q)++- .-


therefore going to give the most reliable estimates of

muzzle velocities. For most practical purposes this
is going to involve only lithics much greater than
20 cm in diameter.




1973 (76)


6.3 Hawaiian-strombolian

"0 >



Distance (km)
Figure 6.4 Median terminal fall velocity plotted against
distance from source for some pyroclastic fall deposits. For
each deposit an indication of the windspeed (in km h- 1 ) is
given in parentheses. (After Self et al. 1974)

comparison of explosive pyroclastic fall eruptions is

the initial gas or muzzle velocity at the vent. During
observed eruptions this can be determined by
measuring the fall times of ballistic blocks and
bombs which are unaffected by the wind, or by
analysing films of eruptions. In older deposits one
can measure the average maximum size of the
largest fragments, and if the vent location is known
these sizes can be used to estimate the minimum
muzzle velocity based on the calculations of 1.
Wilson (1972). In 1. Wilson's (1972) paper the
ranges of particles ejected from vent, and the fall
times of particles released from an eruption column
(or ash cloud), are computed for various values of
particle radius, density, launch velocity, launch
angle and release height (see App. I).
For any deposit, on a plot of average maximum
clast size against distance from vent, a line drawn
along the top of the resulting scatter will show the
maximum range of fragments of a given size (e.g.
Figs 6.15 & 21, below). When maximum lithic or
denser juvenile sizes are plotted. This line usually
shows a sharp inflection a few kilometres from the
vent, and this is thought to reflect the distance
range of ballistic fragments (e.g. Figs 6.15 & 21,
below). Maximum pumice sizes usually do not
show this inflection, because larger pumice bombs
tend to break on impact with the ground surface,
and owing to their low density even the largest
clasts are affected by the wind to some extent.
Measurements of the largest lithic fragments are

These types of pyroclastic fall deposit are the

products of mildly explosive eruptions of basaltic or
near-basaltic magmas. Such eruptions eject scoria
and relatively fluid lava spatter, and are often
accompanied by the simultaneous effusion of lava
eCho 4; Plate 3). Vents for these eruptions can be
fissures or simple conduits. However, observations
and theoretical considerations suggest that activity
along fissures is quickly localised to a number of
points (1. Wilson & Head 1981). This happened,
for example, during the Heimaey eruption in 1973
(Thorarinsson et al. 1973). Explosive activity builds
scoria (cinder) or spatter cones, or both, at the vent,
with scoria-fall deposits of limited areal extent and
volume being deposited around and downwind of
the vent. Scoria cones may be the sites of persistent
activity over decades or longer, such as Stromboli
(Chouet et al. 1974) and Northeast Crater, Mount
Etna (McGetchin et al. 1974), but more generally
they are monogenetic cones (Ch. 13) produced by
what can be considered to be single eruptions
lasting usually a few weeks to a few months, such as
Heimaey in 1973 (Thorarinsson et al. 1973, Self et
al. 1974).


Deposits of scoria cones often consist of rather
poorly bedded, very coarse-grained and sometimes
red (oxidised) scoria with metre-sized ballistic
bombs and blocks (Figs 6.5-7). Many of the
observed beds are not simply air-fall layers, but
include mass-flow deposits formed by avalanching
and rolling of scoria down unstable slopes as the
cone built up. Such beds are laterally discontinuous.
Grain flow (Ch. 10) of the loose granular material
during downslope movement produces reverse
grading (see Fig. 6.1Oc). A variety of bombs and
blocks may be found: large scoriaceous fragments,



_ . ~~ ) 'OhoSI' IlelleneO cle.,s

t.,.....'tI.:A ...

..... ,e ..



porrlolly we-tded SCOriO

- ooolulinol." on" Otn.tly

welOeO spa IIer end seor le

melre - slltd .'obby blocks

01 Oens. lava

yery coorsf' f, omlP work

suppo".O 'co roo loll Oeposlts


lava lIow


,p: :~~ a~

c> -



sChem~ "c

eroded prol it.

Figure 6.5 Section through uppermost part of scoria

deposits at Ohakune craters, near Ruapehu volcano, New
Zealand. (After Houghton & Hackett 1984.)

less well vesiculated lava having spindle and cowpat

shapes, sometimes bombs with breadcrusted surfaces, and dense lava blocks and slabs. Large
accessory lithics of country rock are usually uncommon, but petrologically important mantlederived nodules may occur as 'cored' lithics with a
rind of lava around them. Bomb sags are not a
common feature. This is because ballistic bombs
land in a thick accumulating bed of coarse, loosely
packed, unstratified scoria (cf. surtseyan and basesurge deposits, where bomb sags are common
because of the finer grainsizes and the often wet,
plastic state of the ash pile). Layers of agglutinated
lava spatter and scoria can be conspicuous (Fig.

6.8). Complete welding-together of the clasts may

occur, and this is one way in which lavas may be
generated (Ch. 4). Rapid accumulation of spatter
and scoria is needed to produce such agglutinated
and welded layers, and clastogenic lavas (see
Section 6.10 on welded air-fall tuffs).
Hawaiian activity produces a much higher proportion of lava spatter at the vent, due to lava
fountaining. Consequently, the formation of spatter
deposits, spatter cones and ramparts at the vent
(Figs 6.8g) and lava flows is likely.
The downwind fall deposits are finer-grained and
composed almost entirely of scoria (Figs 6.9 & 10),
and are volumetrically small (Table 6.1). Closer to
the vent, ballistic bombs will be found and planar
stratification defining fall units may be prominent
(Figs 6.10 & 5.4a). Deposits usually contain
achneliths, which are juvenile fragments with
smooth, glassy surfaces formed from solidified lava
spray (G. P. 1. Walker & Croasdale 1972; Section
3.5). These would include the pear-shaped forms
called Pele's tears, although a wide variety of
shapes are possible (see Figure 3.17); the most
extreme form would be the filaments of basaltic
glass known as Pele's hair (Duffield et al. 1977).
Achneliths are especially common in hawaiian
scoria-fall deposits. Eruption column heights and
muzzle exit velocities during hawaiian and strombolian activity are low. Consequently, scoria-fall
deposits usually have a limited dispersal (D is low)
and the fragmentation of magma is low (F is low in
Fig. 6.11).
Table 6.1

Volume estimates of the three strombolian scoria

fall deposits in Figure 6.9 (excluding volumes of the cones).

Serra Gorda
Cone 301



* Dense rock equivalent used for these basaltic deposits is


g cm- 3


In hawaiian activity the eruption column is essentially a lava 'fire' fountain formed when jets of
disrupting magma are released, almost continuously

Figure 6.6

Cone-building strombolian scoria-fall deposits. (a) Mt Leura, Victoria, Australia and (b) Megalo Vourno, Santorini.



.. .





==~.(lx~ :\




Figure 6.7 Md<j>/o<j> plot for some strombolian pyroclastic fall

deposits. Solid circles are samples collected from scoria
cones, and crosses are from downwind fall deposits. (After
G. P L. Walker & Croasdale 1972, with additions fo. cone
deposits after Houghton & Hackett (1984), and J. V. Wright
unpub. data from Santorini.)







1~ 6 mm


in some cases, through the vent. Lava fountain

heights are generally less than about 200 m (MacDonald 1972), and in such cases magma would be
ejected at velocities of a few tens of metres per
second (L. Wilson & Head 1981). The predominant
products of these lava fountains are large spatter
pieces which fall back around the vent area. Poorly
developed convective plumes above lava fountains
may take the smallest ash-sized particles derived

Figure 6.8 (opposite and above) Agglutinated and welded

deposits from scoria cones and a spatter rampart. (a) Red
Rock Complex, Victoria, Australia. Non-vesicular, banded
zonation represents oxidised margins of welded spatter
fragments. Interiors have vesiculated (photograph by
R. Allen). (b) Coherent incipiently agglutinated scoria clasts,
Mt Leura, Victoria, Australia. (c) The largely quarried
strombolian cone at Ohakune, New Zealand, craters with the
two agglutinated and densely welded layers shown in Figure
6.5 occurring directly below each of the benches. (d) and (e)
Densely welded scoria in the cone at Balos, Santorini. Note
the columnar Jointing and welding zonation in (d). (f) and (g)
Agglutinated lava spatter from part of a spatter rampart at
the Sproul in the San Francisco volcanic field, Arizona.


from lava spray up to heights of a few hundred

metres, but all coarser fragments will already have
fallen out of the column,
The mechanisms and dynamics of strombolian
activity have been discussed by E, Blackburn et al.
(1976), L. Wilson (1980a) and L. Wilson and Head
(1981). Eruptions consist of a series of discrete time
transient explosions separated by periods of less
than 0,1 s to several hours. Explosions are thought
to be generated when one or a number of large gas
bubbles 1 to > 10 m in diameter) burst the
magma surface (of a lava lake) at vent (E, Blackburn
et al. 1976; Fig, 6.12a). These types of explosions
can only occur in low-viscosity magmas in which
bubbles can rise relatively rapidly and expand.
Explosions are driven by the excessive pressure
within each bubble. When each one bursts at the
surface, it blasts off as pyroclasts the fragmented
remains of the magma which formed the upper skin
of the bursting bubble (E. Blackburn et al. 1976, L.
Wilson 1980a). If there is a pause in activity or, as
in the waning stages of an eruption, there is a pause
in the activity and a crust has time to form on the
magma surface, then this may be ejected during
renewed bubble burst events (Fig. 6.12b), This
mechanism may account for the slabby lava blocks
found in some deposits (Figs 6.5 & lOb).
The pressure in the bursting bubbles is related to
their size and the history of their rise through the
magma, both of which, in turn, are governed by the
physical properties of the magma eCho 2). Theoretical analysis (L. Wilson 1980a) and observed
activity (Chouet et at. 1974, Self et at. 1974, E.
Blackburn et at, 1976) suggest maximum initial gas
velocities in these strombolian explosions of
300 m s -1. In their analysis of 15 explosions from
film of the Heimaey eruption in 1973, E. Blackburn
et at. (1976) found the maximum initial velocity in
one burst was 230 m s-1, but the mean was
157 m S-I, Generally, much lower initial velocities
(< 100 m s -1) were observed in the activity of
Stromboli in 1971 and 1975 (Chouet et al. 1974, E.
Blackburn et at. 1976), Initial high gas thrust
velocities rapidly decrease with height (up to
heights of a few tens to one or two hundred metres),
above which particles are transported in the upper
part of the eruption column driven by convection





/ 'l

1~ 17

I~BI .



, . 11


I km
.....- - - - - '

... -......

110 '" IS 5 . ,

I' . . -:";;o~ ,

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\ .22

' 93

\ \



-- 'C-'

..... _ - - ,



~ \


\ O.B


)I~ '

12': -:

<_2..4;) /

\2 .9
' 3.5 "


/ .4 .5 '



.1.0 ' ,




, 8.4 I

\ \



. 4 .2

6 .7. I
. 3.5
' 5.4 _ ,
3 .3'


.... - _ _ -

\ .: 2 .B



"7. 2 6

~~2.6 8.~1 ,
'0 \ .3. 7/ I .3.4 :


2 . B

/ : 1.0

" .3.S 23 4. 3
.2 .....
0 . 2.3


1.3-' ,

3 . ,.
..... , 5. S

1. 16 27
I I ........ - - ... ,
6.7. ,,_. 1.6 \

'" . . . - - - _

1.2 .

'.1 .1

.2 .4


/ / .4 '"

/, 0.6



8' \

\\ \


. . '"

~,.., C\J 1.96 , ,

. 120 I
\ 66\155 ......3.15....'
\ . , '99
.92 I '42
\ 4?,
' 134 I
54. - 0
12 . \
":l "
' \45> ,.27 72 /
' 26
21.24 ,
.... ",I


/,'" -


, I ~/"
11 2'/

. 10

I : '.\il'-O'go,

I 5 ."

\. 11
't 6

22 \

_ - - . . . ' .26


, ...... --- ......

":'; 2

'.......... ............. _------ .... -'




I I'

0 .8


- -5-- overage max imum size (em)

--10- - t hl ckn . .. (em)






2.8 1.8 ...

\ 17

. 4.4 \
4 .0 I

I ~i

\ 4.7 . . . . .:. ....

I =;f. A
\ \.".-iO:- 5

1.7 ' ,


- -.
. ...

- - --'.5km

--25-- th i ckn ess (em)


. 1.7


.....!;,O_ '2.

.",.---, \

.... ' 2. 6

,1.7/ .t.2
' - - 2' :(6

. 1. 8

2.3 ' /

overage maximum si .. (eml



Md, - 2.6
0-. '0 .85





.... - - . . . .

I/''' 7.4






Groin si ze ( jiI )
Figure 6.9 Thickness and grainsize characteristics of some strombolian pyroclastic fall deposits in the Azores. Isopleth maps
show the average diameter of the three largest scoria clasts. (a) and (b) Scoria-fall deposit from the Galiarte cone. Terceira
(after Self 1976). (c) and (d) Scoria-fall deposits from Serra Gorda (west) and Cone 301 (east) on Sao Miguel. (e) Grainsize
distribution curves for the Serra Gorda deposit at the three locations in (d) (after Booth et al. 1978). Volumes for the three
scoria-fa ll deposits are given in Table 6.1.



Figure 6.10 (a) Faintly stratified black scoria. Mt Leura. Camperdown. Victoria. Australia. Scoria overlies phreatomagmatic
base-surge and fall deposits. (b) Cognate basaltic bomb in scoria. Mt Leura. (c) Slight reverse grading and faint stratification in
scoria fall. Tower Hill. Victoria. Australia.




e P


--t--r---- 1.. - - "i: ,



3 H . 1I

e sc




D (km 2)
Figure 6.11 D-F plot for some scoria-fall deposits described in the text. 1. 2 and 3 are the downwind deposits for
the Galiarte. Serra Gorda and 301 cones. H is Heimaey
(1973); K is Kilauea (1959); P is Parfcutin; SC is Sunset
Crater (see Section 6.5 and Plate 5) (After G. P. L. Walker
1973b. Self 1976. Booth et al. 1978. Amos & Self unpub.
data and sieve data of J. V. Wright on the Kilauea 1959

Figure 6.12 Three stages depicting the rise. expansion and

bursting of gas bubbles for two contrasting situations during
strombolian eruptions. (After L. Wilson 1980a.)



(E. Blackburn et al. 1976). If explosions occur in

rapid succession (e.g. every 1-2 s), then a maintained eruption column, driven by convection,
could reach heights of 5-10 km, as observed in the
1973 Heimaey eruption (see E. Blackburn et al.
1976). When explosions occur at longer intervals
(e.g. several minutes), the convection cloud remaining after each gas thrust phase may have
dissipated before the next explosion, as observed at
Stromboli in 1975 (E. Blackburn et al. 1976). In
this type of activity a fine-grained, well stratified
scoria fall deposit of more limited dispersal could be
built up.

The distinction between hawaiian and strombolian
pyroclastic fall deposits was only tentatively defined
by G. P. L. Walker (l973b) because there were
limited data available at that time. There are still
very few quantitative data on these deposits,
especially those of hawaiian eruptions. Following
G. P. L. Walker (l973b), hawaiian basaltic activity
is so weakly explosive that any pyroclastic deposit
which results, has a D of less than 0.05 km 2 , while
strombolian activity produces a deposit with a D of
more than 0.05 km 2 (Fig. 6.2). This criterion,
together with the distinction between the eruption
mechanisms we have discussed, should only be
considered as a general guide in distinguishing
between hawaiian and strombolian fall deposits.
Lava fountaining can reach such heights that,
although observed activity would be considered
typically hawaiian, the resulting deposits would be
much more widely dispersed. The 1959 Kilauea Iki
lava fountains reached heights of 600 m and the
downwind scoria-fall deposit has a D-value of about
0.7 km 2 (Richteretal. 1970). By Walker's definition
it is strombolian (Fig. 6.11). However, this scoriafall deposit is composed almost entirely of achneliths
or fragments of them (Fig. 3.17), and these should be
a very large component of scoria-fall deposits, even of
those of wide dispersal, formed by lava fountaining.
During strombolian activity, if the intervals between
explosions are so long that a maintained column and
convective plume cannot form, then the scoria-fall
deposit will be more restricted, and may be hawaiian

in its dispersal characteristics. In these cases the

scoria fragments will more commonly be ragged
with stringy surfaces, and more typical of the
strombolian mechanism of disruption of magma.
Many eruptions will also vary in observed style
from hawaiian to strombolian, and vice versa. The
1973 Heimaey eruption began with lava fountains
rising 50-100 m from up to 20 vents along the
length of a 1.5 km fissure (Thorarinsson et al. 1973,
Self et al. 1974). Later, activity became centralised
and strombolian explosions took place from three
vents at the northern end of the fissure, and built a
scoria cone 200 m high, from which lava continually
flowed. Perhaps where detailed analysis of a deposit
is possible (i.e. exposure allows many vertical
sections of a deposit to be studied) the dispersal
characteristics of individual fall units corresponding
to different phases could be determined. However,
in most cases, it is only possible to determine the
finite characteristics of a deposit, which in the case
of Heimaey, show it is typically strombolian (Fig.
Finally, G. P. L. Walker (l973b) described some
scoria-fall deposits with unusually high values of F
as 'violent strombolian'. The scoria-fall deposit
erupted from Paricutin volcano, Mexico, is of this
type (Fig. 6.11). Activity during this eruption
continued sporadically for nine years. Ground
water possibly gained access to the magma at times,
but not in sufficient amounts to produce a surtseyan
fall deposit (Section 6.8).

6.4 Plinian
Plinian pyroclastic fall deposits are a common
product of highly explosive eruptions of high
viscosity magmas. These are generally andesitic to
rhyolitic, or phonolitic and trachytic compositions,
but rare basaltic scoria-fall deposits which have
plinian dispersal patterns are known (S. N.
Williams 1983, G. P. L. Walker et al. 1984). The
characteristics of plinian pumice fall deposits and
their eruptions are now fairly well defined, and the
extensive literature about these has been reviewed
by G. P. L. Walker (l981b).



(b) Lower Bondeli er

(0 ) Fog o 1563




/(i' 12 8


cal dora

3 .0









4 .6






. ,n'roplon,on
Ignlmbrl'e 9m 'hiC k



(e) Lower Pumice, Santorini

Ikm trom vent)
(d) Upper Toluca


. '

: Md , "- 4 .3

L?"I.:L~ ..

. '



















L NevodO de Toluca
[ ] pumic e


'\ \

Md," -4 .2
" 1. 4







cry"ol s

~:~~. ~:: ~
- 4 -2024

Gro in SIZ. ( ,II )

Figure 6.13 Some features of plinian pumice-fall deposits. ((a) After G. P. L. Walker & Croasdale 1971, (b) Self & Wright
unpub. data, (c) J. V. Wright unpub, data and (d) Bloomfield et al. 1977)


During plinian eruptions large volumes of pumice
are ejected and extensive pumice-fall deposits are
produced. These are the most impressive types of
pyroclastic fall deposit found in the field (Figs 6.13
& 14). The deposits of individual eruptions may
attain thicknesses near vent of 10-25 m (Fig.

6. 13c); maximum thicknesses can be much smaller,

but would rarely be greater. Near-vent deposits are
generally homogeneous and can be very coarse,
containing large pumice fragments of several tens of
centimetres, and metre-sized ballistic lithic blocks.
More rarely, larger pumice bombs are found, but in
most cases fragmentation on impact destroys these.
Away from the vent deposits become thin and fine-



grained, and change in character, and it is the

documentation and analysis of these changes that
can be so important in making volcanological
interpretations. Plinian pumice-fall deposits are a
common eruptive product of all large rhyolite
volcanoes, but are also frequently found as products
of a range of andesitic and alkaline stratovolcanoes.
A few plinian eruptions are known to have
occurred this century, and examples that are well
documented are the eruptions of Hekla, Iceland, in
1947 (Thorarinsson 1954, 1968) and Santa Maria,
Guatemala, in 1902 (Rose 1972b, S. N. Williams &
Self 1983). Another example is the 1932 eruption of
Quizapu in the Chilean Andes (Larsson 1936), but
there has not been a more recent study of the
deposits of this eruption. Quite a number of plinian
eruptions have occurred in earlier historic times,
and the deposits of the following examples have
received detailed attention: the eruptions of Askja,
Iceland in 1875 (Sparks et al. 1981), Tarumai,
Japan in 1667 (T. Suzuki et al. 1973), Fogo, Sao
Miguel, the Azores in 1563 (G. P. L. Walker &
Croasdale 1971; Fig. 6.13a) and, better known
because of their archaeological significance,
Vesuvius in AD 79 (Lirer et al. 1973) and the
Minoan (1470 BC) eruption of Santorini (Bond &
Sparks 1976). Historical records have complemented some of these studies, and have provided
evidence of the duration of these events. As well as
these, much of our data on this type of activity
stems from a number of studies on older plinian
deposits which abound in the Quaternary record,
e.g. Booth (1973), Bloomfield et al. (1977), Booth et
ai, (1978), G. P. L. Walker and Croasdale (1971),
G. P. L. Walker (1981c), G. P. L. Walker et al.
(l981d), and see the review of G. P. L. Walker
All of the historical plinian eruptions mentioned
00II Figure 6.14


above seem to have taken place from central vents,

and most of the older deposits studied have been
mapped to 'circular vents', which are generally
assumed to be located above cylindrical conduits.
There is no doubt that some of these vents are
aligned along linear fissures or ring fractures, but
activity from different vents in many cases can be
shown to be separated by long intervals, recognised,
for instance, by soils between their different fall
deposits. However, detailed mapping by Nairn
(1981) in the Okataina rhyolitic centre in New
Zealand has shown that many plinian fall deposits
and associated ignimbrites were erupted in simultaneous or sequential activity from multiple vents
along fissures. These eruptions were often spread
along lengths of fissure more than 10 km long but,
as in basaltic fissure eruptions, activity seems to
have been restricted to definite points. Vent types
for large explosive silicic eruptions, during which
plinian activity may lead to ignimbrite formation,
are discussed in Chapter 8.
When mapped out, plinian pyroclastic fall deposits are extensive sheet-like deposits. They have a
large dispersal, and D is >500 km 2 (Fig. 6.2).
However, fragmentation of the magma is only
moderate, and F is small to medium. Sizes of
ballistic lithic blocks near the vent imply that
muzzle velocities of 400-600 m S-1 occur (L.
Wilson 1976; App. I). These suggest that very high
rates of magma discharge are possible which in turn
lead to the 'stoking up' of very high eruption
columns, and evidence suggests that column heights
> 20 km should be common during this type of
activity (L. Wilson 1976, L. Wilson et al. 1978;
Ch. 5). In the events this century, the height of the
column of the 1947 Hekla eruption reached 24 km,
and that of Santa Maria in 1902 reached at least
28 km (S. N. Williams and Self 1983; Table 5.1). It

Plinian pumice-fall deposits. (a) The very impressive Lower Bandelier plinian deposit 30 km downwind from the
vent. This is the section illustrated in Figure 6.13b; overlying the stratified top of the pumice-fall deposit is ignimbrite. (b)
Upper Bandelier plinian deposit; note the finely stratified fall unit at the base. (c) Plinian fall deposit at the base of the Bishop
Tuff, California. Darker layer is a surge deposit which is overlain by ignimbrite. (d) Plinian deposit erupted 26000 years BP from
the Okataina rhyolitic centre, New Zealand. (e) Compositionally zoned pumice fallon Tenerife; white pumice is phonolitic, dark
(arrowed) is latite which is overlain by a soil. Hammerhead rests on base of the deposit (photograph by J. A Wolff). (f)
Reversely zoned basaltic to rhyolitic plinian deposit erupted 17 000 years BP from Tarawera, New Zealand. (g) Distal plinian
layer deformed by soft-sediment loading, this was erupted from Hekla volcano and is stratigraphically below the two deposits
shown in Plate 6.


Table 6.2

Volume estimates of some plinian deposits (highlighting some of the largest known in modern volcanic

Volume (km 3 )

Lower Bandelier
Upper Bandelier
La Primavera B (95 000 years BP)
La Primavera D
La Primavera E
La Primavera J
Upper Toluca (11 600 years BP)
Waimihia (3400 years BP)
Hatepe (AD 186)
Vesuvius AD 79 (pompeii pumice)
Askja 1875
Santa Maria 1902
Hekla 1947
Mt St Helens 1980

DRE* (km 3 )




rhyolite (mixed)
phonolite (zoned)
rhyolite (mixed)
dacite (mixed)

* A dense rock equivalent of 2.5 g cm- 3 is used.

Data are taken from G. P L. Walker (1981 b, c) except the Bandelier plinian deposits (Self & Wright unpub. data), Santa Maria
(S. N. Williams & Self 1983) and Mt St Helens 1980 (Sarna-Wojcicki et at. 1981) All volumes except Mt St Helens 1980 are
calculated from the area plots shown in Figure 6.18 and the method of G. P. L. Walker discussed in Appendix I.

is the high eruption column in this type of activity

that leads to the wide dispersal of plinian deposits.
Volumes of plinian-fall deposits range from about
0,1 to >50 km 3 (Table 6,2). Examples of smallvolume deposits would be those from Hekla in 1947
and Mt St Helens in 1980. Much larger deposits are
known further back in the record: some of the
biggest are the Shikotsu pumice deposit in Japan
and the Lower Bandelier plinian deposit, both
about 100 km 3 . Volumes can be estimated from
isopach maps of the deposits by various methods,
and these are discussed in Appendix I.


Many deposits at first sight appear to be fairly
homogeneous, or at least their lower parts do (Figs
6.13 & 14), and this is thought to reflect continual
fall-out from a downwind plume continually fed by
a continuous gas blast. They are predominantly
composed of juvenile material: pumice, glass shards
and, when the magma is porphyritic, free crystals.
However, significant departures from homogeneity
can occur in detail. Reverse-grading of larger
pumice fragments seems to be common, as is
internal stratification. Accessory lithics, derived

from the conduit wall, can be important in certain

parts of a deposit. Also, a number of plinian fall
deposits are now known to be compositionally
zoned, or to contain mixed pumice clasts (Figs
6.13c, 14e & f).
Reverse grading of larger pumice clasts has been
described from a number of deposits (e.g. Lirer et
ai, 1973, Bond & Sparks 1976, Bloomfield et ai.
1977). This is usually more likely to be found at
distances of several to a few tens of kilometres from
the vent, and outside these limits may be only
slightly developed, or it may not occur. Nearer the
km) deposits are often so coarse-grained
that it is very hard to detect any grading, and more
distally (>50 km) deposits may be too fine-grained,
Many deposits also show an upward increase in the
proportion and size of accessory lithic clasts.
Reverse grading of both pumice and lithics must
reflect some process occurring at the vent affecting
the eruption column with time. This will be
considered further in Section 6.4.3.
Internal stratification also occurs, It is usually
best developed towards the vent, and is commonly
and significantly found towards the top of some
deposits (Figs 6.13 & 14). Further away from the
vent such stratification disappears. Stratification


varies from a crude internal layering to distinct

mappable fall units, although dividing deposits up
into fall units can be rather subjective.
There are a number of causes for the development
of stratification. Eruptions are probably not truly
continuous, but pulse-like. Slight fluctuations in
muzzle velocity and discharge rate will cause
particles of a given size and terminal fall velocity to
be released from different heights. A pulsating
column such as this would produce faint layering in
a fall deposit (e.g. Fig. 6.14d); this type of
stratification would rapidly disappear away from
the vent as pyroclasts quickly mixed downwind.
More-significant changes in activity are probably
needed to cause distinct fall unit breaks. Activity
could temporarily cease, caused, for instance, by
blockage of the conduit by collapse of the vent
walls. During such breaks, fine ash may settle out
from the previous column as it dissipates, forming a
thin, discrete fine-grained fall unit overlying the
deposit of the maintained column. When activity
recurs, the next fall unit may at first be rich in lithic
fragments, as lithic fragments that blocked the vent
are reamed out. Smaller collapses of the vent wall
may just cause an increase in the amount of lithics
taken into the column, and these would be recognised as a layer of lithics, perhaps within a fall unit.
Obviously, there are a number of scenarios that can
be considered. All of the above mechanisms involve
changes at the vent affecting the behaviour of the
eruption column. However, stratification can also
be generated away from the vent. Rain flushing
could prematurely bring down fine ash from the
plume in localised areas while the eruption continues. Such fine-grained fall units will have isopachs which do not close on the vent (their
distribution and thickness is related to the distribution and intensity of the rain shower), and they
may contain accretionary lapilli (G. P. L. Walker
In the above we have only discussed the generation of stratification by the 'random' processes
which could occur at any time during a plinian
event. The stratification and fall units found at the
top of some deposits may, however, be related to
more-significant changes that are developing with
time as the plinian eruption continues. Sometimes


pyroclastic flow and surge deposits are found

interbedded between separate fall units, particularly
in proximal areas (e.g. Self et at. 1984). The
deposits of these flows can be traced laterally into
fine ash-fall deposits. In many cases plinian deposits
are overlain by ignimbrite, and it seems that there is
a continuum from a plinian eruption column to a
pyroclastic flow-forming or collapsing column. The
stratification at the top of many plinian deposits
may reflect instabilities in the column before
wholesale collapse occurs to generate ignimbrite.
Compositionally zoned plinian pumice-fall deposits are now known to be common, and invariably
these show an upward vertical increase in the
proportion of a more basic juvenile component
(Figs 6.13c & 14e). Rarer examples are known
where this type of zonation is reversed (Fig. 6.14f).
The boundary between zones can be gradational or
very abrupt. This is commonly not marked by
grain size differences, showing that the discharge of
magma was steady, although the composition of the
magma was changing. In some cases there is an
almost complete change in magma types, in others
there is just a slight change in the proportion of the
two types. Streaky mixed-pumice clasts are common
in some deposits, and indicate mechanical mixing
of the magma types before eruption (e.g. Fig.
3.22). Some deposits, although not distinctly zoned,
can have a significant proportion of mixed pumice,
e.g. the Askja 1875 deposit (Sparks et at. 1981).
Aspects of the role of magma mixing in explosive
volcanism have already been discussed in Chapter 3
(and see Ch. 8). It may be that injection of more
basic magma into high-silica magma chambers
triggered a number of plinian eruptions (Ch. 3).
Many of the overall downwind and lateral
changes in the character of plinian fall deposits are
now well established. These are:

decrease in thickness,
decrease in maximum grain size (pumice and
decrease in median grain size (increasing M<I>
increase in sorting (decreasing 0<1> values),
changes in component population and
decrease in median terminal fall velocity,


(0) Thic kness (m)







0 --------~


.. 1


(b) Averoge


pumice (em)











~- :-: -:--


~ oL---------~------~~------~

(c) Averoge moxlmum liThic (em)




i ... ~-- ---


- - - - - ......


- ... - - .. - -

___ - - ---__


-"'- ... --O~------~'O--------~2~O----~~~


Figure 6.15 The 1563 Fogo plinian pumice-fall deposit erupted from the volcano Agua de Pau (with a caldera now
occupied by Lago Fogo) on Sao Miguel (see also Fig . 6.13a). (a) Isopach map. (b) and (c) Maximum size isopleth
maps using the average diameter of the three largest clasts for pumice and lithics, respectively. (d)-(f) Maximum
pumice, lithic and total grainsize variation with distance from vent. (After G. P. L. Walker & Croasdale 1971.)

There are vanous forms in which these data are

presented, e.g. maps or graphically (Figs 6.
15-6.19). However, all illustrate the dispersal
characteristics of the fall deposit.
The best way of comparing thickness, maximum
grain size and median grain size is to make 'area
plots' (G. P. 1. Walker 1980, 1981b, G. P . 1.
Walker et al. 1981d; Figs 6.18 & 19). These show
the areas enclosed by isopachs of thickness, or
isopleths of maximum or median grainsize. These
plots are useful for comparing the dispersal charac-

teristics of different plinian deposits, and can also

be used to classify different types of pyroclastic fall
deposits instead of using D-F plots. In practice, it
is easier to determine the areas enclosed by
maximum grain size isopleths (Fig. 6.19) than
determining D-F values. The value of D is
sensitive to the choice of Tmax (Fig. 6 .1 b), which
may have to be extrapolated from data collected at
locations some distance from the vent. G. P. L.
Walker (l981b) indicated that when categorising a
deposit as plinian or not, more reliability should be


(a) Thickness

(c) Averaoe maximum lithic



: ...l



.f //

' 1.7


. 1. 2



: 1 1 1 6 .7 ..... - - 8 ,


,I I

'-{;'. :\ . ..

,'~ ~




1:7 2.2;
l~: 3.0. .' 3.~6 ",I
'~", .... ___ -"'4.0 ,:~ "">1. 1







,I '




./ .... ---~7-..........






.12 \
.22 '

:' "'....
35. \
. 80
11' \
'127 97,
77'1I~109: 64
'87.. 143
12 3 I 2 936 :76 51
113 98. i33- 9' 03 .70 . 56 \



..... -








.78 ",E> .."




36 .","




- - 8 - - Isoplelh lmml





I 12








,. -0.1






I /

'-:';1 /' / +1) I



..... \ \
-0.7 --2.4
-loS' -1.2 . I




. -0.5
.- 0.2 \


..... ::: "

2.3: -__







. +0.5 _-I

.::::.. . . ..

.+ 0. 5

",0 ' '' ",'"


53 7,2 63"~9
~I I
91: 74 I 8 ~
96' 64 4.



5!, '':9. 61





'?O' ('16~~\~.56474f1 31
~y 10bl~ 118 ;81 ~t :~~ i




(d) Median diameter


_---. 63

\ "


-- 64 - - lSapl. lh lmml

' 10 ...




' 93


(b) Averaoe maximum pumice

\ .....

vent area







. 0.3

Ih ic kn ... (m)



. .1/'


' ..............0.5
............. '.



~ ..\ '.;-. :\~


5. 5 .\


: 'r
~: II ~~

1. 6
" I ~,"~
, 7.~' 50'.
!.8. 1.2 /
3. I/~
:.: \~ ,:c.,.
~. ~ .6
'1JiI ' 2.0


\ 1.5

6 .4. '
7.2 6.4a~,22 6

: >2.41 8 II



_' __
'" 4.9
.... '
.2. 2
I I I'"
" 3.6


2 -


, .....



.-0. 81
1+0 .4 1



- - 4 - - i.oplelh. (mml


+/-0 .7 data point. I phi un,t.)

Figure 6.16 Thickness and grainsize characteristics of La Primavera B plinian pumice-fall deposit erupted from La Primavera
rhyolite volcano, Mexico. (After G. P. L. Walker et al. 1981 d.)


Wilson 1976). Plinian eruptions are essentially
relatively steady, high-energy events in which a
continuous, turbulent flow of fragmented magma
and gas is released through a conduit to the
We have already discussed how fragmentation of
magma occurs during this type of eruption in
Chapter 3 (Fig. 3.4). Gas bubbles in rising salic
magma nucleate and grow until the volume occupied
by bubbles has increased (by pressure decrease and
gas exsolution) to a critical value of about 70-80%,
when magma disrupts (Sparks 1978a). Rapid acceleration of the disrupted magma then occurs through
the conduit, which is essentially a fracture propagated to the Earth's surface from the magma
chamber. The maximum velocity of the mixture as
it leaves the vent is a function of gas pressure at the






Distance (km)








Distance (km)
Figure 6.17 Variation in maximum pumice and lithic
diameter (average of the largest three or five clasts) with
distance from vent for some plinian pumice-fall deposits and
the Taupo ultraplinian deposit. 1 Shikotsu; 2 Askja (1875); 3
Pompeii; 4 La Primavera B; 5 Upper Toluca; 6 Fogo (1563);
7 Fogo A; 8 Lower Bandelier. (After G. P. L. Walker 1980
and Self & Wright unpub. data on the Lower Bandelier
plinian deposit.)

placed on the plinian field in area plots of isopleths

maximum pumice (MP) , maximum lithics (ML) ,
and median (Md) grain sizes than on D-F plots.


From observations of historic eruptions and
analysis of plinian-fall deposits, coupled with
theoretical analysis and modelling, a large amount
is known about the mechanisms and dynamics of
this type of eruption. The development of ideas on
plinian eruption mechanisms can be traced in a
number of papers based largely on the work of
Lionel Wilson (L. Wilson 1976, 1980a, L. Wilson
et ai. 1978, 1980, Sparks 1978a, and Sparks and L.

10 1




Thickness (m)
Figure 6.18 Plot of the area enclosed by each isopach
against thickness for some plinian fall deposits and the
Taupo ultraplinian deposit. (After G. P. L. Walker 1980,
1981 b and Self & Wright unpub. data on the Bandelier
plinian deposits.)



Figure 6.19


Plot of the area

enclosed by isopleths of median
grainsize (Md). maximum pumice
diameter (Mp) and maximum lithic
diameter (MI). Stipple is field of
plinian deposits. Deposits are
labelled as in Figure 6.17 with the
following additions: 9 Upper
Bandelier; lOLa Primavera J; 11
Waimihia; 12 Minoan. (After G. P L.
Walker 1980, 1981 b and Self &
Wright unpub. data on the Bandelier
plinian deposits.)






10 1





fragmentation level, which is the depth to the free

surface of the magma where fragmentation is taking
place (Fig. 3.4; and see L. Wilson 1980a for a
detailed analysis). The theoretical models of L.
Wilson (l980a) predict maximum plinian eruption
velocities of 600 m S-l, which would agree with
maximum velocities deduced from the sizes of the
largest ballistic clasts ejected in these eruptions.
These exit velocities indicate that the volumetric
discharge rates of magma can be as high as
106 m 3 S-l (dense rock equivalent), which are
substantially greater than in observed historic
Table 6.3 Estimated muzzle velocities and volumetric
eruption rates of some plinian eruptions.


Upper Toluca
Vesuvius AD 79
Askja 1875
Fogo 1563
Santa Maria 1902

Maximum muzzle Average volumetric

eruption rate
(m S-1)
(m 3 S-1)

4.4 x 104
1.6 x 104
8.5 x 10 3
1.8 x 103
1.2 x 105

Volumetric eruption rates are given in terms of dense rock

Data from Bloomfield et al. (1977). Sparks et al. (1981). L.
Wilson (1976, 1978, 1980b). G. P L. Walker (1981b). S. N.
Williams and Self (1983)


M I(cm)
Table 6.4

Estimated durations of some plinian eruptions.

Upper Toluca
(11 600 years BP)
Minoan 1470 Be
Vesuvius AD 79
Fogo 1563
Askja 1875
Hekla 1947
Mt St Helens 1980

Duration (h)



theoretical analysis


theoretical analysis
historical records
historical records
historical records

Data taken from Bloomfield et al. (1977). Sparks et al.

(1981), L. Wilson (1976, 1978, 1980b).

eruptions (Table 6.3). A continuous gas blast can

probably not be sustained for a long time, and from
the available data typical durations vary from one
hour to one day (Table 6.4). The 1563 Fogo
eruption lasted up to about two days overall, but its
plinian eruption phase was interrupted during this
time, and the deposits contain interbedded small
ignimbrite flow units and other layers. The duration
of large ignimbrite-forming eruptions which sometimes follow an initial plinian phase can be much
longer (Ch. 8).
As a plinian eruption proceeds, we can predict
that two things will generally happen with time:

deeper, and more gas-depleted, levels of the

magma chamber will be tapped and


(b) widening of the vent by wall erosion will
The effect of (a) is to reduce the gas velocity of
the eruption column with time. The effect of (b) is
to increase the mass discharge rate with time, and
this will produce a column that steadily grows in
height. Both (a) and (b) cause the effective density
of a plinian column to increase steadily. This can
continue until at some stage the density of the
column becomes greater than that of the atmosphere, when gravitational collapse will occur to
generate ignimbrite-forming pyroclastic flows.
Models have shown that various combinations of
magmatic gas content, gas velocity and vent radius
produce convecting columns and others produce
collapsing columns (L. Wilson 1976, Sparks & L.
Wilson 1976, Sparks et al. 1978, L. Wilson et al.
1980; Fig. 6.20), and from these we can therefore
predict when eruption column collapse will occur.
Columns formed from magmas with high gas
contents (>5 wt% water) are likely to show convective motion, whereas those with low gas contents
1 wt% water) will form collapsing columns. In
magmas with intermediate gas contents, collapse
will occur when the vent radius exceeds a value
defined in Figure 6.20. However, not all plinian
eruptions continue to the collapse or ignimbriteforming stage, and there are many examples of
plinian deposits without associated ignimbrites e.g. the 1875 Askja plinian deposit (Sparks et al.
1981), the 1902 Santa Maria deposit (S. N. Williams
& Self 1983) and the Upper Toluca plinian deposit
in Figure 6.13d.
With this theoretical background, we can now
explain two common features of plinian fall deposits
that have been described: reverse grading, and
stratification in the upper parts of deposits. The
models of L. Wilson et al. (1980) suggest that the
major cause of reverse grading in plinian-fall
deposits is vent-widening by wall erosion during
the eruption. As an eruption continues and the vent
widens, the mass discharge rate increases and,
because of the increase in mass and energy flux,
increased convective velocities will raise the height
of the eruption column. Particles of a given size will
be taken to increasing heights in the column before



01 20



10 . 6






200 400 600

200 400 600





~ 30


venl radius


Gas velocity



200 400 600

(m 5- 1)

Figure 6.20

Eruption column height as a function of the

muzzle gas velocity for three different vent radii. In each
case curves are given for constant values of magmatic water
content. Column collapse occurs for combinations of values
to the left of the broken line. (After L. Wilson 1976.)

being released, and will then be transported downwind from the vent during the eruption. The
increased proportion of larger clasts downwind
with time will build up a reversely graded deposit.
Shifts in the wind direction or speed could also have
this effect, but these variables should also produce
just as many examples of normally graded plinian
fall deposits. This is therefore not a general
mechanism to explain the common occurrence of
reverse grading in many deposits. Local reverse
grading could also be found in falls deposited in
water, or on very steep slopes followed by secondary
mass (grain) flow (see Duffield et al. 1979).
Widening of the vent, together with an increased
rate of erosion during the eruption, also explains
why many plinian fall deposits show a vertical
increase in the proportion of accessory lithics. An
estimate of the lithic content therefore indicates the
amount of wall erosion and the size of conduit. For
example, the Fogo A plinian pumice deposit on Sao
Miguel contains 0.09 km 3 of lithic fragments
(14 wt%), and if the magma source was at a depth
of 5 km this would be equivalent to a hypothetical
cored-out cylindrical conduit of diameter 78 m.
However, erosion is likely to be more important
near the surface, where rocks are weak and less
consolidated, and flaring of the vent is therefore
probably likely (L. Wilson et al. 1980).
The explanation of the stratification observed at
the tops of many plinian deposits seems to be that it
is caused by instabilities in a column nearing the
point of collapse. Changes in wind direction and


speed could cause stratified layers, but their common occurrence at this level, and the presence of
interbedded pyroclastic flows and surges, suggests
a more general mechanism, as with reverse grading.
Any changes in gas velocity or mass discharge rate
in a column verging on collapse will have pronounced effects on its behaviour. Small collapse
events that generate pyroclastic flows and surges
may occur, for instance, with a sudden increase in
mass discharge rate. A convective column could
then be re-established with a slight increase in gas
velocity due to a small increase in gas content of the
magma. Choking of the vent by collapse of the walls
will also reduce mass discharge rate, re-establishing
a convecting column, but after this lithic debris has
been removed by ejection the wider vent will
promote collapse of the column. A complex sequence of activity and of pyroclastic deposits could
therefore be generated before massive collapse of
the whole column occurs, leading to a major
ignimbrite-forming eruption.

6.5 Sub-plinian
These are pumice-fall deposits which resemble
plinian deposits in the field, especially near the
vent, but when mapped out have a smaller dispersal
and are small volumetrically. G. P. L. Walker
(1973b) set arbitrary D limits for them of between 5
and 500 km 2 (Fig. 6.2). They are a common type of
pyroclastic fall deposit, although only a few specific
descriptions occur in the literature. This is because
studies of pumice fall deposits have generally
concentrated on the larger, more-dramatic examples
which are usually plinian in their F and D
characteristics. However, Self (1976) described a
number of sub-plinian fall deposits on Terceira in
the Azores (e.g. Fig. 6.21) and Booth et at. (1978)
documented examples on Siio Miguel. Sub-plinian
pyroclastic fall deposits are a product of rhyolite
volcanoes and stratovolcanoes, like their larger
plinian counterparts. Many form during an early
explosive phase accompanying the effusion of a
small rhyolite dome or coulee, as do the examples
on Terceira. However, plinian deposits can also be
erupted in this situation.


Sub-plinian eruptions are scaled-down plinian

eruptions, and their mechanisms and dynamics can
be treated as essentially the same (L. Wilson 1976,
1980b). Large lithics indicate that in some eruptions
muzzle velocities are as high as in some plinian
events (>400 m S-1), although the lower range is
100 m S-1 (L. Wilson 1976). Mass discharge rate is
likely to be lower for sub-plinian events, and this is
the main factor controlling eruption column height
and dispersal. The sub-plinian pumice-fall deposits
on Terceira are well-stratified and Self (1976)
suggested that there were large fluctuations in the
gas exit velocity, and hence mass discharge rate.
This would also inhibit the development of a fully
maintained convective plume, which would therefore not attain the heights associated with plinian
columns. Sub-plinian eruptions can lead to the
generation of ignimbrite-forming pyroclastic flows
similar to the larger plinian ones. The examples
mentioned above from the Azores do not show this
eruption sequence. However, it is shown in the
eruption of Krakatau in 1883. A pumice-fall deposit
which preceded an ignimbrite erupted at Krakatau
is sub-plinian rather than plinian in its characteristics (Self & Rampino 1981).
A number of basaltic or near-basaltic scoria fall
deposits are now also known to be sub-plinian in
their dispersal characteristics, rather than strombolian. G. P. L. Walker (1973b) cites as an example
the 1970 Hekla eruption, and another example is
the scoria-fall deposit erupted with the formation of
Sunset Crater (AD lO65) in the San Francisco
volcanic field, Arizona (Amos et at. 1981; Fig. 6.11
& Plate 5). As well as producing a very widely
dispersed scoria-fall deposit (deru;e rock equivalent,
DRE = 0.30 km 3) the Sunset Crater eruption also
built a scoria cone 300 m high (DRE = 0.15 km 3),
and in this respect is more typically strombolian in
its character. For such widely dispersed scoria-fall
deposits, one has to envisage a fully maintained
convective plume which reached greater heights
than in normal strombolian eruptions. The gas
thrust part of the column in the Sunset Crater
eruption may have reached heights of several
hundred metres, rather than the 50-200 m that is
usual in normal strombolian eruptions (Amos et at.
1981). Such energetic basaltic eruption columns


( bI





"4 a; - - ..... ................





... -...'"



7.. / '-r.") I
'1,0 I

r. .

\ I

I \


_ ..... - . . : - " , ' ,

1 ' / / .. ,

I \



\ \,
,\ \


\ \





... - - - -

~----~ '~,~'-,-......' -







~ ..




--10-- QVf(QQf rnOl lmum pum ice (em '

--2- - thickn ... (m )

(d I


pum lCf




Md, - 0 .6
CT, - 1.1
0 .1

:: "


, ,

_ ........_AJ:
, ."


Md - - 0 .5




<T, - 1.3





. '.,




,", " "


............... .....: .....


Distonce (km)


.. .



vent or.o



3k m

...... 50



, \'':10''
... _........ ..0


I" / .;:::: I I I
I /

1 . - '_ - - : - - '



\\ I\


,0,,- , , 02'"

\ \


I ....: //f~, I

5 .... __ .... /


' 16 .. __ / I


" ,
,,../, / ,., ----- ...........
, ,
/ / ... _ - - - ......... "
~~' ~ ....
- ' \ ", \
I/ / /
,It / -'1 - , \ \ "


/ I I,
,'~ 2 -...

I \\"4-/



-4 -2

Groin size (* I

Figure 6.21 Sub-plinian pumice fall deposit from Terceira, Azores. (a) Isopach map giving thickness in metres. (b) Average
maximum diameter of three largest pumice fragments in centimetres. (c) Average maximum diameter of three largest lithic
fragments against distance from source. (d) Section 1.8 km SE of source on dispersal axis. Frequency curves of w eight
percentage against grainsize show proportions of pumice, crystals and lithics for three sieved samples, together with vertical
variation in o<j> and Md. (After Self 1976.)

(which in some examples are also known to have

attained plinian proportions, see earlier) may have
formed through a combination of a relatively high
magma discharge rate and high initial magmatic gas

6,6 Ultraplinian
'Ultraplinian' has been recently introduced as a
separate type by G. P. L. Walker (1980) to describe
the most widely dispersed plinian fall deposits.



Published data are as yet only available for one

deposit, the Taupo pumice, which forms part of the
eruption sequence of the AD 186 eruption of Lake
Taupo, New Zealand. The products of this eruption
will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.
The Taupo pumice is currently the most widely
dispersed pyroclastic fall deposit known. D- and Fvalues are much higher than for normal plinian
deposits (Fig. 6.2) and clasts are dispersed over a
much wider area (Figs 6.17-19). The Taupo pumice
only has a maximum measured thickness of 1.8 m
which, by comparison with most near-vent plinian
deposits, is rather thin. Another feature is that the
deposit is very enriched in free crystals. This results
from the high degree of fragmentation, and from the
loss of a large proportion of vitric material by aeolian
fractionation. Data from crystal concentration
studies on the Taupo pumice show that 80%,
mainly glass, fell out to sea further than 220 km
from the vent.
Because of the great column height, which is
estimated to be >50 km (G. P. L. Walker 1980),
the deposit is also thickest 20 km downwind from


the vent. Thus in these situations the isopach map

must be used with caution as an indication of the
vent position. From other evidence, the vent for
this eruption is known to be in Lake Taupo.

6.7 Vu1canian
Vulcanian pyroclastic fall deposits from individual
eruptions are thin, small volume 1 km 3), stratified ash deposits which contain large ballistic
bombs and blocks near to the vent, sometimes with
breadcrusted and jointed surfaces (Figs 6.22-24).
In composition they are usually intermediate
(basaltic-andesite, andesite, dacite). They are
common products of andesite and basaltic-andesite
stratovolcanoes. However, they are usually so thin
and fine-grained that they are soon eroded by wind
and water. When eruptions continue for a few
years, bedded sequences can be built up near the
vent, but these are never likely to be of great
thickness, e.g. less than 2 m of ash-fall deposits
accumulated just 800 m downwind of the vent on
Irazu volcano, Costa Rica, from the eruptions
between March '1963 and mid-1964 (Fig. 6.23).
Vulcanian activity has been observed in a large
number of historic eruptions: for example; Fuego

r ipples

wet season
(March 20-Jun. 23 1964)




~~!- .rosion

dry sea. on
(December 10 19 63-MQrch 191964)

weT Sfoson
(Morch 13- Oec.mb .. 9

9 63)

......._ - " " , _ so,l


Ngou r uhoe


thickness (mml

Figure 6.22 Isopach map of the vulcanian pyroclastic fall

deposit erupted from Ngauruhoe on 28-29 March 1974.
Note thicknesses are in millimetres . (After Self 1974.1

Figure 6.23 Section, dug 23 June 1964, through ash

deposits accumulated from vulcanian activity at Irazu, Costa
Rica, which began 13 March 1963. The location is just
800 m downwind of the vent. While many of the ash layers
are the deposits of single ash falls, others represent layering
produced mechanically by falling raindrops , sheet wash and
aeolian reworking. For this reason ash deposited during the
wet seasons appears to be better stratified. The prominent
erosion surface results from a huge downpour on 10
December 1963. (After Murata et al. 1966.1






" .....

CJ"?-;' e EI665





_. . . . .-. .- I PLINIAN






O(km 2 )
Figure 6.25 D-F plot showing the field of vulcanian
deposits : C68 and C71 eruptions of Cerro Negro. Guatemala.
in 1968 and 1971; E. an old undated fall deposit of Mt
Egmont. New Zealand; E1665. fall deposit of the 1665
eruption of Mt Egmont; F71 . eruption of Fuego in 1971; 163
eruption of Irazu in 1963; N74 and N75 . eruptions of
Ngauruhoe in 1974 and 1975. (After J. V. Wright et al. 1980.)

Figure 6.24 Ballistic blocks from the 1888-90 eruption of

Vulcano. (a) Breadcrusted block. (b) Block having internal
radial cooling joints.

volcano, Guatemala, which has had 25 vulcan ian

eruptions since 1944 (Rose et al. 1978, Martin &
Rose 1981); the 1888-90 eruptions of Vulcano in
the Aeolian Islands, which are the 'type example' of
this activity (MacDonald 1972); the Irazu eruption
(Murata et ai. 1966); the 1976 eruption of Augustine volcano, Alaska (Kienle & Shaw 1979); and
examples shown in Figure 6.25.
Activity during vulcanian eruptions proceeds as a
number of discrete cannon-like explosions at intervals of commonly tens of minutes to hours . These
short-lived explosions produce a series of small
eruption columns 5 to 10 km) with plumes
strung out downwind of the volcano. Pyroclastic

fall deposits are fine-grained with a wide dispersal

(Fig. 6.25) . Larger fragments in the column simply
fall back around or into the vent, to be further
fragmented and abraded. Commonly, a large part

of the material ejected with each explosion is not

juvenile, but includes a large fraction of country
rock as accessory lithics. At the onset of an eruption
a plug of older, pre-existing lava may first be
exploded out. However, during recently observed
eruptions (for example, Fuego in 1974 and Ngauruhoe in 1975) coarser-grained scoria-fall deposits of
more limited dispersal were produced during
periods of more-intense, maintained explosions

ballistic li th ics
fo iled coo l ed cop

rone of


condu it ( 20m I

Figure 6.26 Schematic cross section through the crater of

a stratovolcano at the time of a vulcanian explosion.
Expanding 'cauliflower'-shaped slug rapidly decelerates
during this gas thrust phase. (After Self et al. 1979.)


with continuous gas-streaming. Eruption columns

reached heights of > 10 to 20 km. This type of
activity occurs intermittently with periods of shortlived explosions, and hence two types of fall deposit
are formed during eruptions which have overall
been termed vulcanian. The coarser scoria fall
deposits seem to have similar fragmentation and
dispersal indices to those deposits termed violent
strombolian by G. P. L. Walker (1973b).
Small-volume pyroclastic flows are also frequently generated during vulcanian eruptions when
large amounts of ejecta fall back around the vent.
Very good descriptions of scoria flows associated
with the 1974 Fuego and 1975 Ngauruhoe eruptions
are given, respectively, by D. K . Davies et al.
(1978a) and Nairn and Self (1978) (Fig. 6.26 and


see Ch. 5). However, not all vulcanian eruptions

produce pyroclastic flows, e.g. Irazu (1963-5).
The mechanisms and dynamics of vulcanian
explosions have most recently been described by
Schmincke (1977), Nairn and Self (1978), Self et al.
(1979) and L. Wilson (1980a). Self et al. (1979) and
L. Wilson (1980a) have critically evaluated the
energy equations used in previous studies for the
analysis of this type of explosion (e.g. Minakami
1950, Fudali & Melson 1972, McBirney 1973) .
Transient explosions, typical of vulcanian eruptions, result from the sudden release of pressure in
a gas due to the failure of some cap rock (Self et al.
1979, L. Wilson 1980a; Fig. 6.26) . Because of the
pressures involved, this cap rock is unlikely to be
simply a layer of unconsolidated clasts. It is most


Figure 6.27

Eruption of Ngauruhoe. New Zealand. at 18.10 h on 19 February 1975. (a) Expanding slug at +8 s; large blocks
are 20-30 m in diameter and breaking up with dust trails. (b) Collapse of dense interior of slug to form pyroclastic flows with
air-fall plume rising above summit at +45 s. (After Nairn & Self 1978.)


likely to be the cooled, congealed cap of new
magma that has risen after the previous explosion,
or it could be an older plug. The pressure rise may
be due to exsolution of magmatic gas, or to the
heating and partial vaporisation of ground water,
but not to violent mixing as in a phreatomagmatic
Gas pressure builds up until the overlying cap
fails, in tension or shear. For rocks at temperatures
up to 950C, pressures of up to a few hundred bars
are expected (L. Wilson 1980a). An explosion
releases a vertical slug of fragments and gas, with
initial velocities that may be supersonic, in which
case a shock wave would also be propagated (Nairn
1976). The history of one explosion from the
Ngauruhoe 1975 eruption shown in Figure 6.27 is
documented in Figure 6.28. The slug of material
was ejected at an estimated initial velocity of
~400 m S-I, and partial collapse of the column
occurred at nearly 500 m above the crater rim to
generate a pyroclastic flow (Fig. 6.27b).
Self et at. (1979) and L. Wilson (1980a) have


j s




spud of sound


ons tl of column cotlapu







- decelerotlon of erllpllon slu9





:~. i-



................... I


Distance above crater rim (m)

Figure 6.28 History of the 18.10 h vulcanian explosion at
Ngauruhoe, New Zealand, on 19 February 1975. Data are
from the analysis of still photographs; errors are shown as
bars. Curved line approximates exponential deceleration of
the eruption slug. The steep part of the curve (a) represents
deceleration in the gas thrust phase; the flat portion (b)
represents a slow, stable velocity condition while mixing
with air and column collapse took place; part (c) shows a
slight increase in velocity as convective recovery and rise of
the plume began. This event ejected 2 x 108 kg of rock,
although only half of this was juvenile. Half of the total
volume then collapsed to form the pyroclastic flow. (After
Self et al. 1979.)

estimated maximum velocities of ejected debris in

vulcanian explosions as a function of the pressure
beneath the retaining plug at the time it fails. Their
calculations suggest that previous estimates of preexplosion gas pressures (of the order of a few
kilobars) are overestimated by an order of magnitude. They also indicate that initial velocities up to
200 m S-I are readily explicable by magmatic gas
contents (up to a few weight per cent), and
pressures up to a few hundred bars are probably
consistent with material strengths. However, for
initial velocities above 300 m s-I the influence of
external water must be postulated; even if pressures
of several kilo bars (which cannot be supported by
rock strengths) are assumed, unreasonable magmatic water content of> 10 wt% is implied. Heated
ground water is probably a significant feature in
such explosions, but not necessarily an essential
feature as proposed by Schmincke (1977).

6.8 Surtseyan and phreatoplinian

These terms are used to describe pyroclastic fall
deposits resulting from eruptions which have taken
place in the sea or a lake, or by contact with ground
water. Such eruptions are most generally called
phreatomagmatic or hydrovolcanic (Chs 3 & 5) .
Both types of deposit have extreme fragmentation,
F being nearly 100% (Fig. 6.2), and this results
from the magma-water interaction. Surtseyan
pyroclastic fall deposits have moderate dispersal,
while phreatoplinian deposits can be extremely
widely dispersed (Fig. 6.2).
There is a tendency to associate specific magma
compositions with each of these two types of
deposit, based on the compositions of the type
examples used to define the terms originally
(basaltic for surtseyan, rhyolitic for phreatoplinian;
see below). However, given the right conditions,
the eruption of any magma type may produce the
dispersal and fragmentation characteristics defining
these two types of deposits on a D-F plot. It may
thus be possible to find rhyolitic surtseyan deposits,
and andesitic, trachytic and even basaltic phreatoplinian deposits.



The term 'surtseyan' was used by G. P. L. Walker
(1973b) to describe the type of air-fall deposit
which would result from similar activity to that
observed during the eruption of Surtsey in 1963.
Since then, the surtseyan field has been used in a
general way to group basaltic fall deposits resulting
from different types of hydrovolcanic activity.
Kokelaar (1983) pointed out that there may be
significant differences between true surtseyan activity, where (sea) water floods into the top of an open
vent, and true phreatomagmatic activity, involving
trapped ground water. However, there is still much
to be learnt about such explosive interactions, and
for our purposes it is convenient to continue to use
'surtseyan' for the pyroclastic fall field on D-F plots
irrespective of the environment of magma-water
interaction or vent conditions, and 'phreatomagmatic' more loosely for all types of hydrovolcanic activity. This unfortunately still leaves
unresolved problems. For instance, we use the
basaltic-andesite ash fall deposited during the 1979
eruption of Soufriere, St Vincent, as an example of
surtseyan activity because of its well documented
ph rea to magmatic characteristics and moderate dispersal. However, in detail, the high concentration
of lithics is not consistent with a true surtseyan ash
fall, and the deposit does not fit easily into a D-F
pigeonhole. Perhaps classification as (phreatomagmatic) vulcanian would be better (R. S. J.
Sparks, pers. comm.). Future studies may clarify the
grain size and dispersal characteristics produced
during different types of hydrovolcanic eruption,
and may lead to the definition of separate fields on
the D-F diagram.
Phreatomagmatic activity is very common in
basaltic volcanic fields, producing maars, tuff rings
and tuff cones (Ch. 13). These constructional forms
are largely built up from the deposits of base surges
(Ch. 5), and thin ash-fall beds occur downwind
(Fig. 6.29). Several examples of this type of
eruption have occurred this century (Section 5.6).
Eruptions of basic to intermediate magmas through
small crater lakes on some stratovolcanoes have also
produced phreatomagmatic air-fall deposits which


" "'0

- - 50 - -





Ih,ekneS$ (em)

Figure 6.29 Isopach map of the surtseyan ash-fall deposit

from the Monte Brazil tuff ring on Terceira. (After Self 1976.)

would have to be included under our broad

definition (e.g. the 1979 eruption of Soufriere, St
Vincent, Shepherd & Sigurdsson 1982; Fig. 6.30).
The downwind air-fall deposits are thin, finegrained ashes (Figs 6.29-32), and internally they
may be well laminated (Fig. 6.32) because phreatomagmatic activity seems to occur as a number of
short explosions. They often contain accretionary
lapilli (Ch. 5), and SEM photographs of the ashes
show very angular, broken surfaces due to the
magma-water interaction (G. P. L. Walker &
Croasdale 1972, Heiken 1974). For air-fall deposits
they can be poorly sorted (Figs 6.30c & 31). Studies
of the 1979 Soufriere air-fall ash layer have shown
that bimodal sorting may be an important feature
(Sigurdsson 1982, Brazier et al. 1982; Fig. 6.30c).
Bimodality and poor sorting is attributed to premature fall-out of aggregated wet or damp ash in
the eruption column or downwind plume. Accreted
ash could occur as accretionary lapilli, or as
unstructured ash clumps. During the 1979 Soufriere
activity such ash clumps were observed to fall and
then break on impact.
Nearer to the vent this type of air-fall deposit is
found interbedded with base surge deposits. One
problem in near-vent situations is distinguishing
air-fall layers from planar-bedded base surge deposits, and we will suggest the criteria to discriminate between them in Chapter 7. In many cases,













.:, ~ .
- - .--- .... x<;1. ...




Di stance (km)

."'- e.,

X ' x. . ~.
. 0.









0 0




0 0








1'16 mm

Figure 6.31 MdJ0<j> for some surtseyan ash-fall deposits.

Solid circles are samples collected at vent. while crosses are
downwind deposits. Diamonds are ash-fall deposits from
phreatomagmatic eruptions of the Quill. St Eustatius. Lesser
Antilles; all of the samples were collected between 2 and
3 km from the vent. Broken line is the field of magmatic
basaltic (strombolian) fall deposits (from Fig. 6.7). (After
G. P. L. Walker & Croasdale 1972 and J. V. Wright unpub.
data from St Eustatius.)




Distance (km)





both modes of deposition may have occurred

simultaneously as ash from a previous explosion, or
maintained column, fell around the vent into newly
generated surges. Other evidence of such ashes
being wet may be entombed gas cavities (Ch. 5).



-.- I-X;-"~v'O' O





----- e_ .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ I




Groin size
Figure 6.30 The phreatomagmatic ash fall deposit erupted
in 1979 from Soufriere. St Vincent. Lesser Antilles. Variation
in (a) maximum dense clast diameter and (b) thickness. both
as a function of distance from vent. (c) Bimodal size
distribution in a sample collected from the lower part of the
deposit. (After Sigurdsson 1982.)

The term 'phreatoplinian' was introduced by Self

and Sparks (1978) for the silicic analogue of
surtseyan, and they described several examples,
documenting in detail widespread ash layers from
the Oruanui Formation (now redefined and described by Self (1983) as the Wairakei Formation),
New Zealand, and from a phreatomagmatic phase
of the 1875 Askja eruption (Figs 6.33-35). They
also mention another example in New Zealand, the
Rotongaio ash, and examples from the Minoan
eruption of Santorini (Bond & Sparks 1976) and
Sao Miguel (Booth et al. 1978). Self (1983) discussed
the Oruanui (Wairakei) Formation in detail and
G. P . L. Walker (1981a) documented the Rotongaio
ash and the Hatepe ash, both of which were formed
in phreatomagmatic episodes during the Taupo AD
186 eruption. We shall describe these deposits along
with the ultra plinian deposit also produced by that
eruption in Chapter 8. The Vesuvius AD 79
eruption also produced phreatoplinian layers, as
was previously mentioned (Ch. 5).



Figure 6.32 Thinly, laminated phreatomagmatic ash-fall deposit of intermediate composition erupted from the stratovolcano
Mt Misery on St Kitts. Lesser Antilles (see Fig. 13.28; this ash deposit also contains accretionary lapilli (not visible)}. Knife is
30 cm long.

All of these phreatoplinian deposits were produced during phreatomagmatic phases of much
larger rhyolitic eruptions which involved several
different styles of activity. Collectively, these include plinian, base surge and ignimbrite-forming
activity (Fig. 6.33). With the exception of the
examples from Santorini and Vesuvius, they all
involved eruption of rhyolitic magma through
caldera lakes. In the Minoan eruption, sea water
gained access to the vent on Santorini. During the
Vesuvius AD 79 eruption, water from a deep
aquifer is thought to have gained access to the
magma chamber (Ch. 5).
The extremely wide dispersal of these deposits
(Fig. 6.36) indicates a high eruption column (of
plinian proportions), yet all of the other characteristics of the deposits indicate that they have a
phreatomagmatic origin. Deposits are very finegrained, even close to source (Fig. 6.35) and

accretionary lapilli are common. They may be

finely laminated, especially towards the vent, and
near to the vent they are often associated with base
surge deposits (Fig. 6.33). Deposits are poorly
sorted for pyroclastic falls, especially considering
their median grainsize, and their size distributions
are bimodal or strongly negatively skewed, or both,
indicating that they have an extended coarse tail
(Fig. 6.37). In contrast, plinian deposits are positively skewed. SEM studies show that blocky
shards are typical (Heiken 1972, 1974, Wohletz
1983; Ch. 3), although the phreatoplinian deposits
of the Askja 1875 eruption do contain 'vesiculated'
cuspate shards (Sparks et at. 1981), more usually
associated with magmatic eruptions, as do the
deposits of the Oruanui Formation (Self 1983).
Laterally, phreatoplinian deposits become imperceptibly thin and fine over wide areas. Downwind there is little sorting of the size distribution,


Loyer E

( b)

vulcanlan deposil

La ye r 0
Member 6

obSIdian Irogm,""

coors, pl inian pumIC e

loll de pOSIt

non- we lded Ignl mb " te



8 0 00

0 00

B 000


Loyer C2

... ersely g raded pumice

and o,h lo ll depo. 11 with
bose , u'ge hor lzoOl ( B)

Loyer C1

f,n. gra ,n ed poor ly .Orled

and "rarif ied olh fall

Loyer B

pum lc. lo ll depos l1


Member 5
' , '.

' 0


8 15"0<;
ash lol l depo.11
"Uh occre llonary

0 00

' .


Member 4

non-we lded Ign lmbr llf

(Oruonu l Ign lmb,U.)

fine o.h fall d.poIII wllh

Member 3 wilh occ<lllonory lopl il l

Member 2 pum ice loll dtposl1
Me m b e r fine
I "hlle o.h depo.11




.....ell 0


Figure 6.33 Schematic sections through the deposits of two eruptions which produced phreatoplinian
deposits. (a) The Oruanui (Wairakei) Formation, New Zealand, reconstructed close to source north of Lake
Taupo. Thicknesses of basal members (1~3) are exaggerated; 'e' indicates erosional breaks that occurred
during the eruption. (b) The products of the Askja eruption, Iceland on 28~29 March 1875. (After Self &
Sparks 1978.)

(a) Askja 1875 phreatoplinian deposit

(layer C)

(b) Oruanui phreafoplinian layers


- -2.5-- Ihicknus (em)


Figure 6.34 Isopach maps of the (a) Askja (1875), Iceland

and (b) Oruanui phreatoplinian ash layers, New Zealand. For
the Oruanui deposits this is the combined thickness of
members 1, 2, 3 and 5 (Fig 6.33) (After Self & Sparks





Figure 6.35 Phreatoplinian members 1-3 of the Oruanui Formation, New Zealand, 25 km from source. Member 4 is the base
of the co-eruptive Oruanui ignimbrite. Erosion surfaces between members can be seen. The scale is 45 em long. (After Self &
Sparks 1978.)



1I Sete


Rotongoio osh"

Hatepe ash

"Aska 1875

"M3 M1















o+---+-.--.-.---r-.----.----.-5 10





O(km 2 )
Figure 6.36 O-F plot of phreatoplinian deposits. (After Self
& Sparks 1978 and G. P. L. Walker 1981a.)

and it is only the larger particles that are lost with

increasing distance from the vent. This type of
grading is coarse-tail grading, and contrasts with the
distribution grading typical of plinian deposits
where, laterally, sorting affects the whole size
distribution (Fig. 6.37). Downwind sorting of fines
must be inhibited in some way, and involves the
bringing down of different-sized particles in aggregates or clumps to explain why these deposits are so
fine-grained near source and so poorly sorted.
These could fall as accretionary lapilli, but perhaps
in many cases as unstructured clumps of ash. More
extreme would be the wholesale water-flushing of
the downwind plume, in which case ash could fall
as 'mud-rain'. G. P. L. Walker (l981d) described a
type of micro bedding attributed to the splashing of
falling water during deposition of the Hatepe ash.
The source of most of the water was likely to have




(0) Phreotoplinion




Groin size

(b) Plinian

.'. ..



(lZJ )


1Sl. 2



+ plinian



',', :+





+ + + ++ + +
+++ + + +++
+/+ + ++ +
+, +











Skewness (oc)
~ 20

Figure 6.37 Grainsize data from the 1875 Askja deposits. Iceland. showing contrasts between the (a)
phreatoplinian (layer C) and (b) plinian (layer D) deposits (Fig. 6.33). Frequency-grainsize curves are for
samples collected at various distances downwind. (c) Plot of skewness against sorting. (After Sparks et a/.

been steam-generated at the vent by the interaction

of magma and water.
Other types of pyroclastic fall deposit can resemble phreatoplinian deposits in the field. One is
formed by local flushing of a downwind plinian or
sub-plinian plume by atmospheric rain, and this
type we have mentioned while discussing plinian
deposits. Such an ash-fall deposit could contain
accretionary lapilli, but an isopach map would
show that the deposit only covered a very limited
area. Co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits associated
with ignimbrite-forming eruptions (Chs 5 & 8) can
be very widespread and, if rain-flushed, could also
contain accretionary lapilli. However, these ash-fall
deposits are vitric-enriched because crystals are
preferentially segregated into the pyroclastic flows,
while phreatoplinian deposits should contain nearer
to the original magmatic crystal ratios if the magma
were porphyritic. Texturally, co-ignimbrite ash-fall
deposits should contain delicate shards and bubble
wall fragments, suggesting fragmentation by exsolving magmatic gases. It has now also been
recognised that plinian eruptions may produce
substantially more fine ash than has hitherto been

suspected, and may deposit poorly sorted, bimodal

ashes distally. Problems in the interpretation of
distal silicic ash layers are discussed in Section 6.9.

We have already discussed (Chs 3 & 5) some of the
physical controls of phreatomagmatic or hydrovolcanic explosions that generate surtseyan and
phreatoplinian pyroclastic fall deposits. Clearly, the
major contrast between these types of eruptions and
magmatic eruptions is the degree of fragmentation
of the magma. In magmatic eruptions disruption
and fragmentation of the magma is by ex solution
and expansion of its volatiles. In comparison, this
produces the relatively coarse population of particles observed in strombolian and plinian deposits.
However, even in the phreatomagmatic case it is
likely that some vesiculation and disruption of the
magma occurs by magmatic gases. SEM studies do
show that shards from surtseyan and phreatoplinian
deposits, although having sharp fractured boundaries, may contain small vesicles, suggesting that
magmatic fragmentation could playa role (see Figs


3.18, 24 & 25; Section 3.5.1). Self and Sparks

(1978) suggested a two-stage model for fragmentation in many phreatomagmatic eruptions. Magma
is first partially fragmented by vesiculating magmatic gases to give a coarse population which then
interacts with water. Hydrovolcanic explosions
occur and a second stage of fragmentation is
initiated, which is aided by the large surface area of
magma presented to the water because of the initial
magmatic breakage. Final grainsize characteristics
of the ejecta will depend on the efficiency of
mixing. From Figure 3.9 a water: magma mass
ratio of 0.3 leads to the most efficient fragmentation.
If almost complete hydrovolcanic fragmentation
occurs, the only evidence of the role of magmatic
fragmentation will be small vesicles seen within
some larger shards. In less-efficient events, larger
ash-sized fragments may be poorly vesicular.
However, it is unlikely that abundant delicate
cuspate shards and bubble wall fragments would be
preserved. This two-stage model for fragmentation
also explains the grain size distribution of phreatoplinian deposits: the fine-grained unimodal population is generated by hydrovolcanic fragmentation,
while the coarse-tail is of larger particles broken by
magmatic processes.
Eruption columns for this type of activity are
driven by rapid successions of hydrovolcanic explosions. Observations of the 1963 Surtsey eruption
suggest that these occur every few seconds to tens of
seconds (Thorarinsson et at. 1964). Each explosion
at Surtsey thrust out black jets of ash and bombs,
which occasionally reached heights of about 1 km.
Finer particles were then taken to greater heights
by convection, occasionally as high as 9 km
(Thorarinsson et al. 1964). During the 1979
Soufriere eruption, columns from phreatomagmatic
explosions rose as high as 18 km (Sparks & L.
Wilson 1982).
As the steam-pyroclast mixture rises, condensation of the steam may occur in the column. This
phase change requires a large change in volume,
and a substantial increase in density. Although this
may be partially compensated for by mixing of air
from the side of the column, partial collapse of the
column could occur. It is in this situation that base
surges (Ch. 5) will form. Eruptions producing large


amounts of steam may have lower convective

plumes, because of the thermal energy lost in
vaporising water (Ch. 5). However, the much finergrained nature of the ejecta means that it will be
more widely dispersed from a lower plume than it
would be from an entirely magmatic plume.
There are no direct observations of phreatoplinian
eruptions, but the continuous eruption of rhyolitic
magma at a high discharge rate through, say, a
caldera lake is likely to produce an eruptive plume
some tens of kilometres high.

6.9 Distal silicic air-fall ash layers

The interpretation of distal (> > 150 km from the
vent) air-fall ashes associated with large magnitude
silicic eruptions has become problematical. Large
magnitude events, in many cases ignimbriteforming, can be very complex, and this makes
understanding their distal ash layers difficult. Up to
a few years ago they were generally assumed to be
pre-ignimbrite air-fall deposits, a view still upheld
by Izett (1981). More-recent studies have indicated
that crystal-enriched ignimbrites should be accompanied by equally voluminous vitric-enriched
ash falls. Many widespread ashes were subsequently
interpreted as co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits (e.g.
Sparks & Huang 1980; Ch. 8). Widely dispersed
phreatoplinian ash-fall deposits were then recognised, and G. P. L. Walker (1980) suggested that
widespread ash layers could also be formed by
littoral explosions when hot pumice flows entered
the sea (see Chs 3, 9 & 10).
New studies, in which the total grain size populations of deposits have been, determined, now
suggest that the volume of fine ash produced during
plinian eruptions is much more than was previously
supposed. Thus, the importance of widespread ashfall deposits of plinian origin may have been


Most studies of pyroclastic fall deposits only
provide data on thickness and grainsize to distances
<150 km from the vent. Whole-deposit grain size


plinian / u lIra plinian







mm 64








Grain size
Figure 6.38 Whole-deposit grainsize populations of some
pyroclastic fall deposits formed by highly explosive silicic
eruptions. C is weight percentage coarser than size stated
on the x-axis. (After G. P L. Walker 1981 e and Carey &
Sigurdsson 1982.)

populations are important because they reflect the

initial size distribution in the eruption column. The
main problem has been to estimate the amount of
fine-grained ash, because a proportion of this is
always going to be deposited outside the limits of
the minimum thickness isopach. Various methods
have been employed, but usually they involve
dividing the isopach map up into different segments. Grainsize data for the segments are averaged
and then weighted according to the volume of each
sub-unit. Crystal concentration studies are used to
assess the total volume of the deposit for the area
outside the minimum isopach (see App. I). The
total grain size distribution is then determined by
integrating these data.
Whole-deposit grain size curves for some deposits
of highly explosive eruptions are given in Figure
6.38. What is surprising is the high proportion of
fines found in some plinian deposits, and the Taupo
ultraplinian deposit. These only seem to differ from
the phreatomagmatic deposits in having a tail of
coarser grainsizes, suggesting that fragmentation
during plinian eruptions may be much greater than
was previously thought. G. P. L. Walker (1981a)
suggested that the markedly different appearances

of plinian and phreatoplinian deposits in the field

reflect a different depositional process, perhaps
water-flushing in the second case, rather than
degree of fragmentation.
The data from Mt St Helens (Fig. 6.38) are
difficult to assess. Near the vent the air-fall is a
somewhat typical coarse-grained plinian pumice
deposit. However the whole-deposit grain size
population resembles that of phreatoplinian
deposits, and a very high proportion of ash was
produced during the eruption. Carey and Sigurdsson (1982) suggested that interaction with external
water may have been important. However, mechanisms of magma fragmentation and how they
operate during explosive eruptions are little understood at present. As indicated by G. P. L. Walker
(l981a), the clarification of grainsize relationships
requires more work.


As well as large amounts of fine-grained ash, the Mt
St Helens deposit surprisingly showed secondary
thickening beyond the 1 cm isopach (Fig. S.8c).
First, the air-fall deposit thinned exponentially to
1.0 em thickness at 180 km, but then increased to
4.0 cm thickness at 300 km before thinning once
again at greater distances. Carey and Sigurdsson
(1982) attributed this to premature fall-out of
aggregated particles in the eruption plume. Sorem
(1982) described ash clusters carefully collected
while settling, and shows SEM photographs of
these. These ashes are poorly sorted and bimodal.
Aggregation may be related to condensation of
vapour in the plume, which could have been
important if water was involved in the eruption, or
perhaps to electrostatic charging of particles.
Secondary thickening had previously only been
described in the air-fall deposit erupted from
Quizapu in 1932 (Larsson 1936), but Brazier et al.
(1983) recognised that secondary thickening and
bimodality may be common features of distal ash
deposits. They describe several North American
examples. Some are the distal deposits of ignimbriteforming eruptions, but others were from solely
plinian eruptions.


Bimodality has been used as a criterion to

distinguish co-ignimbrite ashes from precursor
plinian ashes in the deposits of multi-phase
ignimbrite-forming eruptions. In co-ignimbrite
ashes at or near vent, bimodality has been attributed to two separate sources which contribute
the different modes (Sparks & Huang 1980; Ch. 8).
The results from Mt St Helens and other North
American ash layers now bring into question some
of these interpretations. Bimodality may also be a
common feature of distal plinian deposits. Volcanological considerations still support the idea that
distal ash layers have a substantial co-ignimbrite
component (cf. Izett 1981), but the plinian component may be much larger than was recently
It is therefore apparent that, in distal situations,
clearly distinguishing phreatoplinian, plinian and
co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits is going to be very
difficult. By grain size characteristics alone this may
be impossible. Proximal characteristics of the
deposits and the eruption sequence will provide the
best criteria.
Table 6.5


Finally, if secondary thickening is a common

feature of distal plinian deposits, it therefore has
important implications for calculating their volumes. Conventional ways of estimating the volumes
of plinian deposits are based on thickness-distance
plots. These plots give straight-line or exponential
relationships in areas near the source 150 km
from the vent). However, secondary thickening in
distal deposits suggests that this method is therefore
unsuitable where dispersal of ash occurs over
distances greater than 150 km from the vent (cf.
Froggatt 1982). The volumes quoted in Table 6.2
were obtained by a different method (see App. I).

6.10 Welded air-fall tuffs

As discussed more fully in Chapter 8 (Section
8.10.1), welding involves the sintering together of
hot, glassy fragments, irrespective of shape and
size, under the influence of a compactional lithostatic load. During welding the glassy fragments
deform plastically, producing a bedding parallel

Examples of welded air-fall tuffs found on modern volcanoes.




Thera welded tuff, Santorini

dacite (mixed)

Sparks & Wright (1979)

Therasia welded tuff, Santorini

dacite (mixed)

Sparks & Wright (1979)

Askja 1875, Iceland

rhyolite (mixed)

Sparks & Wright (1979)

Ruapehu, New Zealand


personal observation

Newberry caldera, Oregon, USA


personal observation

Mt Giardina, Lipari


personal observation

Krakatau 1883

dacite (mixed)

Self & Rampino (1981)

Mt St Helens 1980


Banks & Hoblitt (1981), Rowley et al. (1981)

Tenerife (several of the 'eutaxites')


G. P. L. Walker (pers. comm.)

Green tuff, Pantelleria

pantel Ie rite

J. V. Wright (1980), Wolff and Wright (1981, 1982)

Mayor Island, New Zealand


B. Houghton (pers. comm)

Mt Suswa 'globule tuff, Kenya


Hay et al. (1979)*

Tongariro, New Zealand


Healy (1963)

Tarawera 1886, New Zealand


Cole (1970), G. P L. Walker et al. (1984)

* The description given by Hay et al. (1979) of this deposit suggests it is a welded air-fall tuff. In particular, the deposit is
sheet-like, mantles topography, is frequently stratified, welded tuff is found interbedded with air-fall pumice close to the
vent, and the overall degree of welding shows a strong dependence on distance from source.


fabric of flattened, elongate large pumice fragments
(fiamme) and glass shards, known as eutaxitic
Welded tuffs are common in the geological
record, and are generally called ignimbrites or ash
flow tuffs, implying deposition from a pyroclastic
flow. However, welded air-fall tuffs are a common
volcanic product, and are known to occur on
several modern volcanoes, covering nearly the full
range of magma compositions (Table 6.5). They
have also been recognised in ancient volcanic
successions (Suthren & Fumes 1980).
The best documented examples so far are from
Santorini volcano, Askja volcano, Iceland (Sparks
& Wright 1979) and the island of Pantelleria in the
Channel of Sicily O. V. Wright 1980). These tuffs
can be distinguished from welded rocks formed
from pyroclastic flows by their geometric form,
textures and field relations to non-welded counterparts. Their features indicate post-emplacement
compaction and welding over a wide area, and
cannot simply be ascribed to the agglutination of
spatter lumps on impact. We would restrict the use
of the term 'agglutination' to describe the process of
deformation and sintering of air-fall pyroclasts
when they impact on an accumulating bed. Flattening is thus caused by the momentum of the
falling pyroclasts. This is distinct from welding, in
a strict sense, which occurs under the influence of
load pressure imposed by already accumulated
tephra on the underlying, still hot, part of the
deposit. Agglutination requires the eruption of
more fluid magma and, as we have discussed, is
therefore a more important process in basaltic
eruptions (Section 6.3). However, extensive welded
scoria-fall deposits are known (Table 6.5), and
agglutination could have been an important process
near the vent during these eruptions.
Welding has also been documented in 'fused' or
'sintered' tuffs, where lava has induced welding of
underlying air-fall layers (Christiansen & Lipman
1966, Schmincke 1967a), but these are not formed
by primary processes like the examples described


Discussion of the more general aspects of welding
textures and processes will be left until we describe
welded ignimbrites in Chapter 8.
In the air-fall examples that are known, welding
occurs outwards to a distance of 1-7 km from the
probable vent position. Ignimbrites, on the other
hand, can be welded at distances of 50 km or more
from the source. The basic criteria used to distinguish welded tuffs of air-fall rather than pyroclastic
flow origin are:

mantle bedding and deposition on steep slopes

(>20; Fig. 6.39).
(b) internal stratification and distinguishable fall
units (this may be reflected by rapid fluctuations in the compaction profile) and
(c) non-welded equivalents having depositional
and grainsize characteristics of airborne ejecta.
We will now briefly mention some of the
examples that have been described.
The Thera welded tuff on Santorini forms a
distinctive black, glassy, dacitic layer as much as
7 m thick (Figs 6.40-42), which in hand specimen
has a well developed eutaxitic texture. It is exposed
for more than 1.5 km in the caldera wall and must
have originally covered at least 1 km 2 Laterally
and vertically the welded tuff passes into a thick,
coarse, non-welded pumice fall deposit (the Middle
Pumice, Fig. 13.30) which, near the welded tuff, is
thermally darkened and black in colour (Fig. 6.41).
This layer mantles topography, and isopach and
maximum-sized isopleth maps are typical for plinian
air-fall deposits (cf. Figs 6.18 - 19). These maps
indicate that the vent was near to the place where
the welded tuff is thickest. On close inspection the
tuff is seen to be internally stratified and to contain
some conspicuous layers of coarse pink pumice.
Many of these are not laterally continuous, and they
are thought to have formed by the rapid local
accumulation of very large pumice bombs. These
produce anomalous deviations in the compaction
profile, and one is shown in Figure 6.42. Grainsize
analyses of the non-welded pumice deposit are
typical of a fall deposit (Fig. 6.43).
The Askja 1875 welded tuffs were formed during



Figure 6.39 Welded air-fall tuffs mantling topography on (a) Ruapehu and (b) Tongariro volcanoes. New Zealand (both
photographs by C. J. N. Wilson). Note vertical cooling joints in (b).




(b) Unwelded thickness

(c) Maximum lithics (cm)

(d) Maximum pumice (em)

Figure 6.40 Distribution of the Thera welded tuff and its

equivalent non-welded pumice-fall deposit (the Middle
Pumice) in the caldera wall of Santorini. Greece. Dotted
circle marks the area in which the source vent probably
occurs. Isopleths show the average diameter of the five
largest clasts. (After Sparks & Wright 1979.)

the same explosive rhyolitic eruption of this Icelandic volcano discussed previously in Section 6.4.
The eruption produced a number of distinctive
pyroclastic layers, and two of these (C and D in Fig.
6.33b) pass into welded rocks near Oskjuvatn
caldera (Fig. 6.44). The most important welded tuff
grades laterally into layer C2 (Figs 6.44 & 45). This
welded tuff has a maximum thickness of 4 m and
covers a minimum area of l.6 km 2 . The welded tuff
mantles topography and can be found on slopes as
steep as 30. It is stratified, and there are marked
fluctuations in the compaction profile. Welded airfall tuffs are deposited in layers, and can show

vertical variations in grainsize, sorting, components

and, more importantly, accumulation rate. This
can result in more-irregular compaction profiles
than with ignimbrites.
The Green Tuff of Pantelleria is the best-exposed
and most spectacular and has been shown to have
been of plinian proportions (Wolff & Wright 1982),
and in its original distribution it must have mantled
the entire island (85 km 2) with over 5 m of densely
welded tuff. The tuff drapes the former topography
(Figs 6.46 & 47), but is ponded in depressions due
to rheomorphism, which is the post-depositional
secondary flowage of welded tuff (Ch. 8). The
overall geometry resembles that of pyroclastic
surges or low aspect ratio ignimbrites (Ch. 8).
However, there is no correlation between the
degree of welding and the thickness, as might be
expected were the thickness variation a pnmary
flow feature.
Other welded tuffs on Pantelleria adhere to
slopes steeper than 30. A good example of a
welded air-fall tuffin Figure 6.47d shows alternating
layers of densely welded tuff and well sorted
pumice, which are thought to reflect changes in
accumulation rate during the eruption (J. V. Wright


The critical problem posed by welded air-fall tuffs
is to determine under what conditions airborne
ejecta can remain sufficiently hot during flight to
weld and compact after deposition. The basic
controls are high discharge and accumulation rates.
Field evidence suggests that accumulation rate is
the critical factor. Both the Thera and Askja welded
tuffs are thickest and most densely welded near the
vent, where the accumulation rate was greatest (cf.
welded ignimbrites which are again most densely
welded where they are thickest, but where they are
ponded in a depression this could be a long distance
from the vent).
Accumulation rate has two main effects. First,
rapid accumulation prevents radiative and convective cooling of deposited fragments. On burial,
fragments are insulated, so they cool by conduction
alone, which is a slow process because of the high



Figure 6.41 The Thera welded tuff, Santorini, Greece. (a) At Thera Harbour with well developed internal stratification. (b)
Photomicrograph (negative) of eutaxitic texture. Note the development of perlitic cracking. Area shown is about 1 cm across.
(c) Non-welded pumice fall (between arrows) which is the lateral equivalent. Note thermal darking above base.
Figure 6.42 Compaction and lithological profile through the
Thera welded tuff, Santorini, Greece, where it is thickest.
The minimum strain ratio assumes all ellipsoidal pumice
clasts landed with their long axes parallel to bedding. (After
Sparks & Wright 1979; see this paper for method of
measuring strain ratio.)

Po,,,,"y 'Y. Oensily


o ~~~,~:I~~,?
[J e,!,,~~~yzone


20 40

cm- 3


1.5 2.5



.... .


---: .w._-.







----, "

- :':"~'-::"



- 6~~--~4~L---~2--L-~O~~~2~~
114 mm
Figure 6.43 MdJ(Jq, plot of the non-welded part of the
Thera welded tuff (for examples of grainsize histograms see
Fig. 6.3). On the basis of grainsize (Ch. 12). this welded
deposit and the other examples described herein would be
classified as 'welded agglomerates' and 'welded lapilli tuffs'.
For brevity in nomenclature, we have used 'welded tuff' as
a general term to cover them all. (After Sparks & Wright

( b)




porosity and poor conductivity of pumice. Secondly,

rapid accumulation leads to lower heat losses by
radiation, as a consequence of increasing concentrations of fragments per unit volume of air in the
falling ejecta. At high temperature, an incandescent
clast loses much of its heat by radiation. This loss is
reduced if each particle is surrounded by other hot
particles radiating heat in a dense cloud, as each
particle absorbs radiated heat from its neighbours.
The Askja 1875 eruption is sufficiently well documented to allow an estimate of the accumulation
rates which produced the welded tuff (Sparks &
Wright 1979). For the densely welded zone this was
calculated as 20 cm min -I, and at the boundary
between incipiently welded and non-welded zones
it was between 2 and 4 cm min -I.
Both the Thera and Askja welded air-fall tuffs are
also mixed pumice deposits (Sparks & Wright

Figure 6.44 (a) Location of the

welded tuff horizons from the
1875 Askja eruption, Iceland. (b)
Isopach map of the layer C (Fig.
6.33) welded tuff. (c) Schematic
north-south profile through layer
C. showing relationships
between welding zones and
thermal colour changes. (After
Sparks & Wright 1979.)


Askja Caldera
OSkJuvatn Caldera
dispersal axis of 1875 tephra
196 1 lava flaw
ir re9ular welded patches In al yer 0
extensive welded zone in layer C

~dense weld in g
......... limit at incipient weld ing
....... colour change
- - 50- - th icknus (cm)

~ densely we lded zone


incipienlly welded


colour chan ge (while below 10 orange above)


SIroln rolla
Plinian pumlct
deposil (layer D)

Poroslly % Denslly 9 em - 3

6 0I ,


0 0.51.0

--- --1


Figure 6.45 Compaction and

lithological profile through the zone of
densest welding at the thickest part of
the Askja welded tuff. (Atter Sparks &
Wnght 1979.)









ponlblt oourct .tnl


caldera wall monlltd by Qrttn lulf

conlou," 01 50 m. tr. Interval.

Iin tOl ion

Figure 6.46 The Green Tuff. Pantelieria. (a) Present outcrop (stipple) and contours showing how the welded tuff mantles
topography. (b) Generalised map of lineations produced by stretching of fiamme during secondary mass flowage (see Fig.
6.47b). (After J. V. Wright 1980 and Wolff & Wright 1981.)


Figure 6.47 Welded tuffs on Pantelleria. (a) Two deposits mantling an older rhyolite lava dome. The uppermost (above arrow)
is the Green Tuff, which has a slope of 40. (b) Strong lineation in the Green Tuff produced during rheomorphism. (c) Refolded
fold in the Green Tuff. (d) Welded air-fall tuff showing altemating layers of densely welded tuff (dark) and non-welded white
pumice fall. This is overlain by a younger welded tuff (dark), which underlies the Green Tuff in (a). Section is 10m thick.

1979), Superheating of the silicic component may

have been an additional factor promoting welding.
However, the importance of this is difficult to
judge, because many pumice fall deposits show
evidence of magma-mixing but are not welded.
Wolff and Wright (1981, 1982) suggested that
compositional factors have favoured the formation
of widespread and rheomorphic welded air-fall tuffs
on Pantelleria. Due to the low viscosity of pantelleritic ejecta, dense welding can occur at moderate
accumulation rates, and Wolff and Wright (1982)
indicated a rate of the order of 1 cm min -\ for the
Green tuff.


It is now possible to suggest a thermal facies model
for pyroclastic fall deposits. This scheme is shown
in Table 6.6. The lateral changes indicated also
occur vertically; most of the welded examples that
we have described display a range of these facies in
the vertical section. What is evident from this type
of analysis is the overlap between pyroclastic
processes and some lava-forming processes,
However, considerable uncertainty must be attached to the interpretation of clastogenic lava
facies. Although this is a common facies found in
the products of basaltic eruptions, it is unlikely to
be found in those of more-silicic magmas. A
rhyolitic agglutinate is known to us at Panum


Crater, Mono Craters, but more generally these

features in high-silica rocks are only going to be
found in the fluidal ejecta derived from peralkaline
magmas. Pantelleritic clastogenic lavas may occur
on Mayor Island, New Zealand (B. Houghtonpers.


The rheomorphic facies again seems rare among

silicic air-fall deposits. At present it has only been
described from Pantelleria (J. V. Wright 1980,
Wolff & Wright 1981,1982), but other pantelleritic
welded air-fall tuffs on Mayor Island and Suswa
(Table 6.5) show secondary flowage. Rheomorphism has also been noted in an andesitic
welded air-fall tuff on Ruapehu volcano, New
Zealand (Fig. 6.39a & Table 6.5), and in some


Icelandic rhyolitic welded air-fall tuffs (H. Sigurdsson & O. Smarason pers. comms). These include
the Askja welded air-fall tuff, which shows some
incipient rheomorphic structures.
Basaltic pyroclastic fall-forming eruptions often
seem to produce deposits showing a complete range
of thermal facies. In contrast, pumice fall deposits
are generally non-welded, with no welded facies
present. However, if non-welded they may still
show some thermal effects. Grey, black or brown
zones of thermal darkening may occur, and care
should therefore be taken when interpreting darkcoloured pumice because this may not necessarily
indicate a more basic composition.

Table 6.6 Suggested thermal facies model for pyroclastic fall deposits.
(1) Clastogenic

(2) Rheomorphic
welded tuff

(3) Densely
welded tuff

(4) Partially
welded tuff

(5) Non-welded
pumice deposit

- - - - - - - - increasing distance from vent - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...

- - - - - - - - decreasing accumulation rate - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
- - - - - - - - - decreasing temperature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : 1...






texture or

massive lava rock;

relict clast

linear fabric;


r- - - - - - - -

load-pressu re


planar fabric or
eutaxitic texture;
near-zero porosity
in zone of densest

poorly developed
eutaxitic textu re;
relict primary

loose pumice

Mt Suswa 'globule tuff'
Green Tuff, Pantelleria
Askja 1875
Thera welded tuff
Krakatau 1883

Tarawera 1886


6.11 Further reading

G. P. L. Walker (1973b) is essential reading, and
forms the basis for much of our treatment of
pyroclastic fall deposits. Also highly recommended
is the review by G. P. L. Walker (1981b) of plinian
fall deposits. The series of papers entitled 'Explosive volcanic eruptions I-V' (G. P. L. Walker et
ai. 1971, L. Wilson 1972, 1976, L. Wilson et ai.

1980, Sparks & L. Wilson 1982) provides a sound

physical basis for understanding pyroclastic fallproducing eruptions. L. Wilson and Head (1981) is
again recommended for a quantitative analysis of
basaltic explosive mechanisms. Further physical
treatment of pyroclastic falls is found in Allen
(1982), while Fisher and Schmincke (1984) also
discuss processes and the characteristics of the


Plate 7 The Taupo ignimbrite ponded in the upper Ngaruroro River valley, Kaimanawa Mountains, North Island, New Zealand.
The pyroclastic flow moved from left to right (southwards). and surmounted all of the hills seen in the photograph which rise to
550 m above the level of the valley pond. (Photograph by C. J. N. Wilson.)



Transport and deposition

ofsubaerial pyroclastic
flows and surges
Initial statement
In this chapter we examme more closely the
transportational and depositional processes associated with pyroclastic flows and surges eCho 5).
Both are a type of flow, one at the dilute, low
particle concentration end of the spectrum and the
other at the highly concentrated end. It is shown
that there is a broad spectrum of pyroclastic flow
types, and that the flow mechanics can vary, as do
the resultant facies. The roles of fluidisation and
turbulence are evaluated. The anatomy of pyroclastic flows is also examined, and consideration is
given to the characteristic depositional processes
associated with the head, body and trailing cloud.
We similarly look in detail at the flow and
depositional mechanics associated with surges, and
consider the differences between wet and dry

surges. Finally, we look at the possible relationships

and differences between pyroclastic flows and

7.1 Subaerial pyroclastic flows as high

particle concentration flows
All workers would now agree that pyroclastic flows
are gravity controlled and tend to move along
topographic depressions. However, there has been,
and still is, much debate on the details of flow
mechanisms. Because of poor sorting, earlier
workers thought turbulence within flows was important CR. L. Smith 1960a, Murai 1961, Fisher
1966a). The ability of some flows to surmount
topographic barriers (Plate 7) led some workers to
suggest that they were greatly expanded, implying




dilute, turbulent flows (Yokoyama 1974, Sheridan

& Ragan 1976). In contrast, from a detailed study
of grainsize variations in ignimbrites, Sparks (1976)
postulated that pyroclastic flows are high concentration, poorly expanded, partially fluidised flows , and
are in many ways analogous to types of debris flow
in which poor sorting is attributed to high particle
concentration, not turbulence (Chs 2 & 10). Their
transport and depositional mechanisms may be
similar to debris flows, but in debris flows larger
clasts are carried by a matrix of mud and water
(cohesive flows) or of poorly sorted granular material and water (grain dominant flows), whereas in
pyroclastic flows they are carried by fine ash and
gas. Sparks (1976) concluded that many pyroclastic
flows may be laminar in their movement, especially
in the body. Several more-recent studies have
concurred with this view (Sparks et al. 1978,
Sheridan 1979, J. V. Wright & Walker 1977, 1981,
C. J. N. Wilson 1980), although it is accepted that
variable degrees of turbulence may be important in
the head regions, and even in the bodies of violent
Pyroclastic flows encompass a wide range of
phenomena. At the one extreme are the small
denser-clast flows frequently observed in historic
eruptions (Ch. 5). These may come to rest on
substantial slopes, transport very large blocks and
have well developed levees (Fig. 7.la) and flow
fronts. All of these features suggest that these flows
had a substantial yield strength, and that deposition
was almost instantaneous by en masse freezing of the
flows, as is generally believed to be the case in
epiclastic debris flows (A. M. Johnson 1970; Ch.
10). Such flows act as simple avalanches of debris,
and gas probably plays only a minor role in their
movement. They are likely to flow by a combination
of laminar and plug flow, typical of Bingham fluids
with a high yield strength (Ch. 2). At the other
extreme are the pumice flows which form ignimbrites. These generally do not transport excessively
large blocks for great distances, they are generally
not found on steep slopes and neither levees, nor
any other surface depositional features are not
commonly observed. However, pumice flows still
produce poorly sorted, structureless deposits, and
all of the evidence indicates they move as high


Figure 7.1 (a) Scoria-flow deposits from the 1975 eruption

of Ngauruhoe with well developed levees and surface
ridges. (b) Oblique view of pumice flow lobes from the 22
July and 7 August 1980, eruptions of Mt St Helens, showing
their well defined surface morphology and the generally
constant width and thickness of the deposits. (After L.
Wilson & Head 1981.)


particle concentration flows. However, it is now

recognised that there is a complete spectrum of
ignimbrite types. Some of the Mt St Helens
pumice-flow deposits (22 July and 7 August flows),
although these produced only very small volume
deposits 0.001 km 3), have levees and surface
features (Fig. 7 .1 b), indicating that the flows may
have had higher yield strengths than are generally
expected for pumice flows. Extremely violent pumice
flows (c. J. N. Wilson & Walker 1981, G. P. L.
Walker & Wilson 1983), can leave a topography
mantling deposit and transport larger lithic blocks
considerable distances. The best-described example
is from the Taupo ignimbrite (Section 7.5; Ch. 8),
which is very different in many respects from
currently accepted, 'conventional' ignimbrites.
Large pumice flows can travel for distances of
tens of kilometres, and their mobility has been
considered spectacular because of their ability to
surmount topographic barriers. For example, the
Ito pyroclastic flow (Yokoyama 1974) must have
surmounted a 600 m high mountain pass 60 km
from source (Fig. 8.3) and the Fisher ash flow tuff
(Miller & Smith 1977) crossed a 500 m barrier
25 km from source. As mentioned previously,


some workers accounted for this mobility by

suggesting that pumice flows are highly expanded.
However, given sufficient momentum, a high
concentration pumice flow could surmount such
barriers, and indeed cold rock avalanches (Ch. 10)
are known to travel uphill, e.g. the Saidmarreh
landslide in Iran climbed over a 600 m barrier
(P. E. Kent 1966). If one allows for eruption
column collapse from heights of several kilometres
or more, pumice flows are found to be no less
mobile than other types of mass flow (Fig. 7.2).
Measurements of the heights climbed by a pyroclastic flow can be used to estimate minimum
palaeo flow velocities from the simple potential
energy to kinetic energy relationship
where h is the height climbed, v is the velocity and g
is the acceleration due to gravity. Absolute-minimum velocities of 60-160 m S-l are inferred from
several ignimbrites (e.g. Yokoyama 1974, Sparks
1976, P. W. Francis & Baker 1977, Miller & Smith
1977, Barberi et al. 1978). The Saidmarreh landslide must have had a velocity of at least 100 m s -1,
and thus such high flow velocities are not unique to
pyroclastic flows.


7.2 Fluidisation




.. Iqnlmt)rtle

.. ....

denser clost pyroclastiC


mud flows
cold rOCk avalanches





Hh (km)
Figure 7.2 Relationship between the vertical height
dropped (Vh) and the horizontal distance travelled (H h ) for
types of pyroclastic flow and debris flow. Vh for ignimbrites
is usually taken as the reconstructed height of the volcano
before caldera collapse, and bars indicate the uncertainty.
The data indicate that ignimbrites are apparently more
mobile than other types of debris flow. (After Sparks 1976.)

Although the mobility and momentum of pyroclastic flows can be attributed in the first instance to
either the momentum acquired during collapse
from a high eruption column (cf. rock avalanches,
Ch. 10), or the high eruption rates and associated
high exit velocities; this mobility can be enhanced
by the inclusion of a lubricating fluid within the
flow, especially if that fluid also provides dynamic
support or uplift to the grain population, or part of
it, during flow. In that way, the fluid would retard
sedimentation from the flow, and so act to reduce
the frictional interaction between the flow and the
Fluidisation is commonly believed to play an
important role in this regard, in the transport of
pyroclastic flows. As an industrial process, fluidisation was developed largely during and immedi-



ately after World War II. D. L. Reynolds (1954)

was the first geologist to examine the chemical
engineering literature and suggest that fluidisation
might have geological applications, including pyroclastic flows. More recently, its role in the emplacement of pyroclastic flows has been discussed
by McTaggart (1960), Sparks (1976, 1978b),
Sheridan (1979) and C. J. N. Wilson (1980, 1984).
When an upward stream of gas (or liquid) is
passed at increasing velocity (U) through a bed of
cohesionless particulate solids, fluidisation is the
condition attained at a certain critical fluid velocity
(the minimum jluidisation velocity, Umf) when the






drag force exerted across the bed by the fluid is

equal to the buoyant weight of the bed (see C. J. N.
Wilson 1980, 1984). In this state the bed no longer
exists as a coherent mass, but takes on a fluid-like
character. However, it is more appropriate here
(see below) to use the term in a looser sense (used
by chemical engineers) to cover all conditions, from
very low gas velocities and packed-bed conditions
(0 < U < Umf) to high flow velocities and dilutephase fluidisation (U > >Umr).
Sparks (1976) showed theoretically that pyroclastic flows can only be semi-fluidised. In polydispersive systems (grain populations with a wide
range of grainsizes or densities, or both), such as in
pyroclastic flows, before the largest particles become fluidised the gas flow velocity exceeds the
terminal fall velocity (U t ) of the smallest sizes. Such
particles are entrained by the gas and carried out
and lost from the system. This process is called
elutriation, and is important industrially and in the
transport of pyroclastic flows. Sparks calculated
curves of U mf and Ut for a wide range of particles
and conditions likely to occur in pyroclastic flows
(Fig. 7.3). These calculations used formulae from
standard chemical engineering literature (e.g.
Kunii & Levenspiel 1969). U mf can be determined
from the so-called modified Ergun equation:

~ (dpUmfQg)2





150(1 - emf) dpUmfQg

2 3

d~Qg((h - Qg)g


Gas velocity (cm s-I)

Figure 7.3 Theoretical curves of the relationship of minimum fluidisation velocity (Umtl and terminal fall velocity (U,)
and grainsize. Curves are calculated for spheres of density
1.0 9 cm- 3 in CO 2 with a voidage of 0.45 at 500, 700 and
1000C. The grainsize-U, curve is calculated at 700C for
CO 2 , (After Sparks 1976.)


where Umf is the minimum velocity of fluidisation

(cm S-I), Qg and Qs are the densities of gas and
solid, respectively (g cm- 3), d p is mean particle
diameter (cm), Qs is the sphericity of the particle
(dimensionless) (= surface area of sphere/surface
area of particle where sphere and particle have same
volume), emf is the voidage per unit volume at
minimum fluidisation state, II is the viscosity of gas
(poise = lO-1 Pa s) and g is the acceleration due to

Ut for a particle in a fluid is given by


g(Qs - Qg)dp2


when Re < 0.4 (7.3)


U = (4(Qs t

Qii )1j2 d

22 5QgY]


when 0.4 < Re < 500

Ut = ( 3.1g

(Qs - Qgi




when Re > 500


where Re is the Reynolds Number (Eqn 2.6; Ch.

Figure 7.3 shows that for any gas velocity it is
only possible to fluidise a limited range of grainsizes
that satisfy the condition Ut > U > Urnf' This led
Sparks to suggest that in pyroclastic flows there
must always be three phases when gas is passing

Phase I: particles with Ut < U,

Phase II: particles with Ut ;::::: U;::::: Urnf and
Phase III: particles with Urnf > U.
A pyroclastic flow was envisaged to comprise a
matrix of particles of phases I and II, in which is
dispersed particles of phase III which tend to float
(pumice) or sink (lithics) depending on the density
contrast with the matrix (see Section 7.3.3). Phase I
particles are lost by elutriation from the matrix to
form the dilute overriding ash cloud (see Fig. 5.13).
Later experimental work by Sparks (1978b),
Sheridan (1979) and C. J. N. Wilson (1980, 1984)
also demonstrated that pumice flows and pyroclastic
Fluidi sed





Water manometer

Figure 7.4 Schematic diagram of a fluidisation rig. A high

pressure air supply is regulated with valves. through
rotameters and the distributor. into the fluidised bed. During
runs. the height of the bed (H) and the gas flow rates are
recorded. together with the pressure drop (!'J.P) on a water
manometer. (After C. J. N. Wilson 1980.)


flows in general can only be semi-fluidised. The

most comprehensive studies are those by C. J. N.
Wilson (1980, 1984). Wilson reports fluidisation
experiments on simple systems and on ignimbrite
samples, and has supported his arguments with an
e.xtensive search into the chemical engineering
lIterature. His results show that the fluidisation
behaviour of pyroclastic flow samples differ radically
from any simple system, principally because of the
variable hydraulic properties of the different grain
types and their resultant poor sorting.
A fluidisation rig of the type used by Wilson is
illustrated in Figure 7.4. Examples of fluidisation
plots of U versus f....PIH (the pressure drop across
the bed per unit thickness of bed) are given in
Figure 7.5. For narrow grainsize populations of
ideally smooth and spherical particles, a fluidisation
plot shows two straight lines which intersect at, and
~efine, U rnf (Fig. 7.Sa). (The slope of the straight
lme for U < U rnf can be predicted by reference to
published correlations, and this information has
been used in the modified Ergun equation to obtain
correlations of U rnf versus particle and fluid
characteristics.) Commonly, some degree of hysteresis is evident between the curve corresponding
to increasing U and the one corresponding to
decreasing U (Fig. 7.Sb). This can be related to
voidage changes during fluidisation, a wide grain size
distribution and/or irregular particle shape. For
materials having a wide grainsize variation and
irregular particle shapes, a plot is obtained with
gross hysteresis (Fig. 7.Sc).
Poorly sorted (0<1> > 1.0) materials, such as sand
mixes and pyroclastic flow samples, show distinctive
fluidisation behaviour (Figs 7. Sc & 6). At a certain
gas velocity, designated Uie (the value of which
cannot be predicted), some samples begin to
expand, whereas at higher gas velocities, designated
U rnp' samples begin to show segregation structures
(Fig. 7.7). Urnp is the gas velocity at the maximum
pressure-drop that can be sustained across the bed
(i.e. where f....PIH is equal to the buoyant bulk
density of the bed multiplied by the acceleration
due to gravity: Fig. 7.6a). Urnp replaces Urnf
measured in simple systems, but cannot be predicted reliably from published Urnf correlations
Cc. J. N. Wilson 1984).


section 2, although superficially similar to section 1,
the bed has partially fluidised and expanded to
accommodate the gas flow. Elutriation of fines is
still absent. Section 3 is where an instability sets in,
and part of the gas flow is concentrated into discrete
channels. This leads to a sharp reduction in the
/).PIH ratio, which is accompanied by bubbling,
the deposition of coarser or coarser and denser
material in the channels (Figs 7.7 a & b) and the
elutriation of fines. At higher gas velocities, bubbleinduced circulation destroys the pipes formed
earlier, and irregular segregation pods settle towards
the base of the bed (Fig. 7.7c). Gradually, well



















U (em



5- 1 )

Figure 7.S Fluidisation plots for several materials. I1PIH is

in centimetres of water per metre of bed thickness. filled
circles define the runs with increasing U and open circles
the runs with decreasing U. See text for the definitions of U.
Umf Ump and I1PIH. (a) Glass spheres. Md", = 1.40. 0", =
0.22. (b) Quartz sand. Md", = 1.68. 0", = 0.32. (c) Md", =
1.28.0", = 1.55. (After C. J. N. Wilson 1980.)







The up-curve on fluidisation plots of pyroclastic

flow samples can therefore be divided into three

Section 1: 0 < U < Uie

Section 2: Uie :::; U:::; Umf and
Section 3: U> Umf
In section 1, no expansion of the bed occurs and
there is no loss of fines by elutriation (except
perhaps from the surface layer of the bed). In







U(cms- I )



Figure 7.6 (a) Typical curve with U increasing for a poorly

sorted sample such as of a pyroclastic flow to show how Uie
and Ump are defined. (b) Curve with increasing U for an
actual sample of ignimbrite fines (Md", = 1.22. 0", = 1.75).
(After C. J. N. Wilson 1980. 1984.)


defined segregation layers form at the top or bottom

(or both) of the bed (Figs 7.7d & e). Finer and
lighter particles move to the top of the bed, while
coarser and denser particles sink to the base. In extreme cases, the bed may become completely gassorted.
C. J. N. Wilson (1980) proposed that the fluidisation behaviour of all pyroclastic flows can be
typified by a fluidisation plot similar to those in
Figure 7.6. This was used as the basis for a
classification of pyroclastic flow types. Types I, 2
and 3 (Table 7.1, Fig. 7.8) were introduced to
relate a pyroclastic flow to the corresponding
section on a fluidisation plot. The different kinds of
grading and the causative mechanisms found in
pyroclastic flows are discussed further below
(Section 7.3). From Wilson's results, it is evident
that only in type 3 flows can the processes described
by Sparks (1976) operate freely.
Rheologically, fluidised systems behave in a nonNewtonian manner. Data in the chemical engineering literature deal almost exclusively with well
sorted materials (0<1> < l. 0) at high gas velocities
(U> U mf). Under such conditions these materials
Table 7.1 Classification of pyroclastic flow types based on
fluidisation behaviour (after C. J. N. Wilson 1980).
type behaviour with
increasing gas
flow velocities


non-expanded Non-graded flows; lack of expansion

and high yield strength inhibits
gravitational coarse-tail grading. If
grading of larger clasts is present. it is
due to some other mechanism.
Minimal loss of ash into
accompanying ash-cloud deposits



Expansion of flow allows

gravitational coarse-tail grading
of pumice and lithic clasts
High degree of fluidisation results
in extreme grading. Distinct
concentration zones of pumice and
lithics are found, and other gas
segregation structures. Large
volume of vitric ash lost into
co-ignimbrite fall


have a non-linear relationship of stress to strain

rate, and a negligible yield strength, C. J. N.
Wilson (1980) considered the rheology of fluidised
systems at U < Umf as follows, At rest (U = 0) the
bed behaves as a particulate material which, at a
given depth in the bed, can support a certain
differential stress before failure occurs at a stage
when the yield strength is exceeded. The yield
strength (So) increases with depth:



where !! is the tangent of the internal angle of

friction, Q is the buoyant bulk density of the
material, g is the acceleration due to gravity and dis
the depth in the bed, In a partly fluidised bed
(0 < U ~ U mf), the passage of gas results in a
pressure drop across the bed, reducing the yield
strength at a given depth. At U = U mf the yield
o < U ~ Umf , the yield strength in general (5 u )
vanes as:

5 u = (1

u/Umf)5 0




Once full bed support is achieved, materials with

< I may be expected to have similar rheologies
to published industrial examples. For materials
with 0<1> > 1, the rheology at high gas flow rates
(U> U mp ) is more complex. Much of the gas flow
is diverted through segregation channels in which
the material is better sorted, and this means that
although the bed as a whole has a higher permeability, it continues to have a yield strength.
The rheology of fluidised materials in pyroclastic
flows is therefore liable to be very complex, But
from the foregoing discussion we can surmise that
fluidisation will effectively reduce the yield strength
of a flow, This concurs with field observations of
the morphological and internal features of deposits.
Poorly fluidised type 1 flows show features which
indicate they had high yield strengths, and a
Bingham model may approximate their motion,
Yield strength is an important control of the types
of grading observed in flows, and highly fluidised
flows have very different characteristics. Fluidisation will also induce a stable density stratification

Figure 7.7 A sequence of photographs taken through the side wall of a '2-D' fluidisation bed to show the formation of segregation features in a
pyroclastic flow sample (Mdq, = 0.75. 0q, = 3.2). Scale bar is 25 cm, (a) After a few seconds of bubbling, segregation pipes start to form, (b) As bubbling
continues, the pipes become larger and propagate to the bed surface. (c) As the gas velocities are increased, the pipes are broken up by bubblinginduced circulation, and irregular segregation pods sediment towards the base of the bed. (d) With time, pipes continue to propagate back towards the




surface of the bed. The material ejected by the pipes is forming a fines- and pumice-rich segregation layer at the top of the bed. (e) As higher gas
velocities are reached. the bed becomes distinctly layered. being richer in lithics and crystals and poorer in fines at the bottom of the bed. and richer in
pumice and fines at the top. The base of this upper segregation layer is approximately at the top of the scale bar. (f) If the gas supply is slowly reduced
within the upper segregation layer. then the pipes are very thin and dominantly composed of pumice. almost all of the lithics and crystals being in the
lower segregation layer. (After C. J. N. Wilson 1980.)



.. ..



I '









. 0

,I "


... .~ '. eo~ ~ :


o. "

" . ..'! .





Figure 7.S Sketch showing the characteristics of C. J. N.

Wilson's three flow types. (a) Type 1: ungraded deposit,
surface ridging and block trains present, basal layer poorly
developed or absent. (b) Type 2: coarse-tail grading of larger
pumice towards top (reverse) and larger lithics towards base
(normal), well developed basal layer, concave upper surface.
(c) Type 3: strongly developed coarse-tail grading with
sharply bounded pumice and lithic concentration lones,
segregation bodies and pipes, and a fine-grained layer of
elutriated vitric ash segregated at the top of the flow. (After
C. J. N. Wilson 1980)

which will strongly suppress turbulence in the body

of a moving flow (Section 7.7).
Another important feature shown by Wilson's
experiments, and indicated by the above discussion,
is that fluidised pyroclastic flow samples expand
much less than conventional samples do, this being
due to the bypassing of the gas through segregation
channels. Wilson estimated that a 100 m thick
pumice flow, having fairly high gas velocities, will
deflate to form an ignimbrite depositional unit
which is not less than 70-85 m thick. This interpretation is also supported by 'a high tide mark'
found on the valley sides above some ignimbrites,
e.g. in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes
ignimbrite (Fig. 8.5) this mark rises only 50 m
above the general level of the deposit.
Finally, we must briefly consider what the gas
sources in pyroclastic flows are. These can be
divided into:

internal sources, being gases released from

juvenile clasts by diffusion, breakage and
attrition, and

external sources, which include gas trapped

during initial flow formation, air incorporated
at the front of the moving flow, gases released
by the combustion of vegetation and steam
from heated surface water or ground water.

The relative importance and effects of these different

gas sources are fully discussed by C. J. N. Wilson
The major part of the gas in pumice flows is
provided by emission from juvenile fragments and
by entrapment of air, both during eruptive column
collapse and by engulfment at the flow-front.
Sparks (1978b) modelled the diffusional loss of
residual gases from juvenile ash particles during
flow, and concluded that gas production rates are
generally sufficient to fluidise fine and medium ashsized particles in medium- and large-volume pumice
flows. Large-volume (thick) pumice flows are likely
to be substantially fluidised, and this may be
important in determining their mobility. Increasing
levels of fluidisation are predicted in larger flows
and in flows with higher initial gas contents in the
original magma. McTaggart (1960) suggested that
the mobility of pyroclastic flows in general was due
to the expansion of entrapped and heated air
causing fluidisation of the flow. However, despite
their high temperature, historic examples of small
pyroclastic flows were no more mobile than cold
rock avalanches (Fig. 7.2), which therefore throws
some doubt on the importance of entrapped heated

7.3 Pyroclastic flow units and grading

As previously indicated (Ch. 5), pyroclastic flow
deposits are usually composed of a number of flow
units. Sparks et al. (1973) first proposed a layering
scheme for pyroclastic flow units. The separate
layers were interpreted as reflecting different depositional regimes within a pyroclastic flow (Fig.
5 .l3). Layer 1, the lowest layer, was thought to be
the deposit of a dilute pyroclastic surge which
moved in advance of the pyroclastic flow. Layer 2
was the deposit of the pyroclastic flow proper, and
layer 3 was the deposit of the overriding ash cloud.


In this section we will examine layer 2. This layer

forms the main portion of most flow units, and is
now thought to be deposited by the 'body' of a
pyroclastic flow. Some deposits now correlated with
layer 1 are thought to be sedimented in or from the
flow 'head', rather than from a preceding surge,
and we describe these and the Jonn of a pyroclastic
flow in Section 7.5. Most of the following discussion
is concerned with the deposits of pumice flows. The
features of layer 2 to be discussed are:
basal layers

vertical grading
gas segregation structures
lateral grading
compositionally zoned pumice flow units

Flow units may vary in thickness from <0.1 m to
> 100 m where ponded in depressions. As an
example, to show the variation within the deposits
of the same eruption, the thicknesses of flow units
forming the Minoan ignimbrite on Santorini are
shown in Figure 7.9a.













Flow unit thickness (m)






















.c. 20

.:. .
.. . .




,- . /


,- . /





,- ,-






Bosal layer thickness (cm)









Maximum size

Figure 7.9 Some data on flow units of the Minoan ignimbrite. Santorini, Greece. (a) Thickness frequency
histogram of flow units. (b) Relation of thickness of the basal layer (layer 2a) to the thickness of its flow unit. (c)
Plot of maximum clast size with height for three basal layers (closed symbols, lithics; open symbols, pumice).




Many ignimbrite flow units have a fine-grained
basal layer (layer 2a) separating them from the
former ground surface (Fig. 7.10), and this is
usually still present even along almost vertical
valley wall contacts. The thickness of basal layers
varies from a few centimetres to a metre, but there
is usually only a poor correlation between their
thickness and the thickness of flow units within an
ignimbrite (e.g. Fig. 7.9b). The basal layer differs
from the main portion of the flow unit (layer 2b), in
that it lacks the largest pumice and lithic clasts.
Cumulative grainsize curves of the basal layer and
layer 2b therefore converge towards the finergrained size classes (Fig. 7.11). Basal layers often

show a reverse grading of both larger pumice and

lithic clasts (Figs 7. 9c & 10), and these are often
aligned parallel to the ground surface, sometimes
producing a faint stratification.
All of these features suggest that the basal layer is
an integral part of a flow unit and forms in response
to boundary layer effects between the moving
pyroclastic flow and the ground surface (Sparks
1976). The finer grain size and reverse grading of
clasts is generally attributed to grain dispersive
pressures due to particle collisions acting away from
the flow bottom (Sparks 1976), which is a zone of
high shear. When particles of mixed grainsize are
sheared together, the larger grains should drift
away from the zone of maximum shear, i.e. away
from the base and side of the flow in a valley (cf.
debris flows; Chs 2 & 10). The alignment of clasts
also suggests that the basal layer undergoes high
shear stresses. Basal layers often cannot be distinguished in block- and ash-flow deposits, scoria-flow
deposits and ignimbrite-flow units (see discussion




Figure 7.10 Bottom of lowermost flow unit of the Minoan

ignimbrite. Santorini. Greece. with basal layer below well
defined lithic concentration zone. Flow unit deposited on top
of white Minoan mud flow. Scale 20 cm.

The main portion of an ignimbrite flow unit (layer

2b) may show grading of the larger clasts (Ch. 5).
The 'textbook' diagram shows reverse grading of
larger pumice clasts and normal grading of larger,
dense lithic clasts, forming well defined concentration zones towards, respectively, the tops and
bottoms of flow units (Figs 5 .14c, 7.10 & 11). Flow
units with reverse grading of lithics are common,
but normal grading of pumice is more rarely found,
and an absence of grading is also common.
Grading processes affect only the coarse part of
the grainsize distribution, and this type is called
coarse-tail grading (cf. distribution grading found
in classical turbidites, Ch. 10; Allen 1982). Cumulative frequency grainsize curves of samples collected within the same flow unit converge towards
the finer-grained fractions (Fig. 7.11), indicating
that this part of the distribution or 'matrix' essentially remains homogeneous throughout the flow
unit. Grading is therefore a function of grainsize,
and is controlled by the hindered settling velocities
of particles. Only large clasts have sufficiently high




Figure 7.11 Cumulative

frequency-grainsize curves for samples
of the thickest flow unit of t~e Minoan
ignimbrite. Closed circles, samples from
the basal layer; closed squares, samples
from layer 2b; closed triangle is a coignimbrite ash-fall deposit (layer 3)



~ 50







.. :.....

.: ...




', '



Ii th,cS

... .

..;,::' -- 23

" :'. '





4 ( )
1/16 (mm)

- I

11 m

Groin size

settling velocities, and therefore coarse-tail grading

and poor sorting result.
The example shown in Figure 7.11 is characterised by reverse grading of low density pumice and
normal grading of high density lithics . This type of
gravitational (or buoyancy) grading must result
from the density contrast between the larger clasts
and the matrix. The matrix is invariably denser
than the pumice clasts (Table 7.2), and it is thought
that the flotation of the larger , lower density pumice
clasts causes the reverse grading (density of pumice
decreases with size). This implies that the matrix
could not have been greatly expanded in the moving
Table 7.2 Comparison of the densities of pumice and matrix
of four flow un its of the Minoan ignimbrite.

Flow unit

Pumice density
(g cm- 3 )

Matrix* density
(g cm - 3 )




* Matrix is <2 mm size classes.

None of these flow units showed normal grading of
pumice, which indicates that the pyroclastic flo w s could not
have been greatly expanded. In all cases the height of the
moving flows could at most have only been about twice the
present flow unit thickness. Flow unit a is discussed in text
and shown in Figure 7 .11.

pyroclastic flow , otherwise the density contrast

would have been lost, and therefore the matrix
density is an upper limit for the density of the
moving flow. Fo~ the example in Figure 7.11 the
density of the flow must have been >0.6 to
<1.05 g cm- 3 (flow unit a, Table 7.2). Lithics,
because of their high density (~2.s g cm- 3) sink,
and in this example the largest and heaviest clasts
have formed a distinct lithic concentration zone at
the base of layer 2b.
The type of grading observed within a flow unit
places important controls on the properties of the
moving pyroclastic flow. Normal grading of pumice
may be due to more-expanded flows in which the
pumice density is greater than the matrix. Reverse
grading of lithics (Fig. 7.12) suggests that flows
were only marginally expanded. In such flows high
shear-strain rates will be imposed through their
thickness and shear-induced grading of the larger
clasts will result. In such flow units it is often hard
to detect a separate layer 2a, because the whole flow
was effectively being controlled by boundary layer
Reverse grading of larger and denser clasts is
similar to that commonly found in block and ash
flow , and some scoria flow deposits (Figs s.14a , &
Isa & b), and again in these deposits a layer 2a is
often inconspicuous or poorly developed. Nairn



Figure 7.12 Flow unit showing reverse grading of larger

lithics in the Minoan ignimbrite. Santorini, Greece. Slight
erosional bench towards bottom of photograph marks finergrained base of flow unit. but a discrete basal layer is not
obvious. Scale 20 cm.

and Self (1978) stressed the importance of grainflow (Lowe 1976; Ch. 10) and grain dispersive
forces producing reverse grading in the Ngauruhoe
1975 scoria-flow deposits. However, not all reverse
grading in scoria flow deposits is shear-induced,
and in some deposits reverse grading of scoria clasts
is controlled by gravitational grading (Fig. 5.14d).
Thus, there are two mechanisms producing coarsetail grading (within layer 2b) in pyroclastic flows in

gravitational or buoyancy-induced grading

shear-induced grading.

These both occur in a spectrum of pumice flow

types (sometimes in the same ignimbrite), and

which mechanism operates is controlled by the
degree of expansion of the flow.
The degree of expansion of the flow is related to
the amount of fluidisation or the vertical gas flow
rate upwards through the flow, and this will control
grading processes. In the classification scheme of
Wilson (Table 7.1, Fig. 7.8) buoyancy-induced
grading is found in expanded type 2 flows, and is
well developed in segregating type 3 flows. Shearinduced grading is found in unexpanded type 1
The gas flow processes involved in fluidisation
produce their own grading and sorting in the finergrained fractions. A method has been developed to
analyse this type of gas grading, and the details are
given in J. V. Wright and Walker (1981) and J. V.
Wright (1981). The method basically assumes that
high expanded flows will lose a lot of fine-grained
ash (into the overriding turbulent cloud), while
less-expanded flows will lose relatively smaller
amounts. A qualitative assessment can be made in
the field because, if the magma were porphyritic,
highly expanded flows should have lost a high
proportion of fine glass, and therefore the matrix
should be very crystal-enriched compared with the
proportion of crystals in large pumice clasts or
The corollary is that flow units showing gravitational grading should show evidence of gas


Gas segregation pipes in pyroclastic flow deposits
were recognised by G. P. L. Walker (1971, 1972),
who described them as 'fossil fumaroles'. He
demonstrated that they were enriched in heavy
components (crystals and lithics), and suggested
that they formed by gas streaming through the ash
matrix of a flow on deposition (Fig. 7.13). Earlier,
H. Williams (1942) had described fumarole pipes in
the Crater Lake succession. Since Walker's studies,
they have been commonly found in ignimbrite flow
units, and also in some denser-clast types of
pyroclastic flow deposit (Figs 5.14, 15c, d & 16f).
Pipes have also been found in ancient pyroclastic







Figure 7.13 Grainsize

histograms of samples from
gas segregation pipes and
below the host ignimbrite
which contains them. (a)
Vesuvius AD 79. (b) Terceira,
Azores. (c) Lake Atitlan,
Guatemala. (d) Campanian Tuff,
Italy (After G. P L. Walker



.- I





pum lc.



li HlIts











flow deposits, where they are especially important

for distinguishing pyroclastic flow deposits from
epiclastic debris-flow deposits (e.g. Duyverman &
Roobol 1981). Water escape pipes which may
appear very similar have occasionally been found in
coarse-grained sedimentary debris flow deposits
(Postma 1983), including the deposits of the March
1982 Mt St Helens debris-flow event (c. J. N.
Wilson pers. comm.).
Gas segregation structures are generally up to
about 50 cm in length and a few centimetres wide,
but quite often they are only several centimetres
long and a few grain diameters wide. They are
characteristically depleted in fines and enriched in
crystals and lithics. Much larger segregation pipes
>2 m long occur in coarse, near-vent ignimbrite
facies eCho 8). In cross section they may have quite
irregular shapes, and are not necessarily true pipes;
pod-like structures may also be found. Segregation
pipes are often more common towards the upper
parts of flow units; however, they may also be
found at the bases (Figs 7.14,5.14 & 15c). These
variations are thought to reflect the effects of
different gas sources.
As described in Section 7.2, segregation pipes
and pods can be produced during fluidisation

flow unit



. . ..... .. .... . ..
basal laye r .

. .





. h\2
.' . . ~

. . ' ......'...... ....
~ ...


. :~ . .. :. ~ ; .~ . :~ ~

ground surge




!.. .. ;-.-: ; . ; : ~-- ' ,' ~ : , . .


Figure 7.14 Occurrences of gas segregation structures in

pyroclastiC flow deposits. 1, Pipes and pods generated
initially or formed entirely by intraflow gas sources during
emplacement; 1a, formed by continued post-emplacement
gas flow; 2, formed from heated ground water and
Incorporating fluviatile pebbles; 3, formed above burnt
vegetation and logs.


experiments (Fig. 7.7). Such structures are very
resistant to mechanical mixing, and once formed
were found impossible to destroy under laboratory
conditions; they have a high yield strength because
U/U mp is low Cc. J, N . Wilson 1980). This implies
segregation pipes in pyroclastic flow deposits need
not always be a secondary or post-emplacement
feature, but may be a primary gas-flow feature
surviving from the moving flow.
It is the intraflow gas sources that are potentially
the most important 'lubricating agent' and agent for
the support of clasts in moving pyroclastic flows,
especially pumice flows, Gas released from juvenile

Figure 7.15 Gas segregation pipes in flow units of the

Minoan ignimbrite, Santorini, Greece, which are interbedded
with coarse-grained flash flood deposits generated during
the eruption.
Figure 7,16 Remnants of a carbonised log (by lens cap)
with irregular segregation pipes rising off it. This is in the
distal part of a mid-Pleistocene ignimbrite in New Zealand.
(Photograph by C J . N.Wilson)


clasts by diffusion, and breakage and attntton,

should increase systematically with height through
a flow, and would therefore appear to control the
formation of pipes found concentrated towards the
tops of flow units. Pipes of this type are now
suspected to be generated in the moving flow,
although once established they may also act to
concentrate post-emplacement gas flow (e.g. they
may cut a later flow unit; Fig. 7.14).
Pipes found at the bottoms of flow units are
perhaps generally derived from external sources,
and are considered to be post-emplacement (e.g.
they cut basal layers; Fig. 7.14). Good examples of
this type of pipe are found in the Minoan ignimbrite, where flow units are interbedded with torrent
deposits and heated ground water was the gas
source (Bond & Sparks 1976; Fig. 7.15). Segregation pipes can also be found above burnt vegetation and logs (Figs 7.14 & 16).
Small segregation pipes have also been recorded
from pyroclastic surge deposits. Examples are
found in ash-cloud surge deposits in the Bandelier
Tuffs (Fisher 1979). These cut the internal lamination of the surge deposits, and were formed by



post-emplacement gas flow from the underlying

parent pyroclastic flow unit.


Small, denser-clast types of pyroclastic flows may
carry the largest blocks along the full length of their
run-out, and show no appreciable lateral grading
(e.g. P. W. Francis et al. 1974, D. K. Davies et al.
Many ignimbrites are known to show a decrease
in the maximum size of lithic clasts with distance
from source (Figs 7.17 & 18). The distance at
which clasts segregate out (into a lithic concentration
zone at the base of layer 2b) will be dependent on:

size and density of the clasts and

the density or viscosity of the 'matrix' of
fluidised fines.

U sing the above criteria and data on the lateral

grading oflarge lithic clasts, Sparks (1976) estimated
pumice flows to have apparent viscosities in the
range 10-1000 poise. Some ignimbrites show little
or no lateral grading oflarger lithics, and these may
Figure 7.17 Lateral variation in the
average diameter (in cm) of the three
largest lith ic clasts In fou r of the Vulsini
Ignimbrites. Average size decreases away
from Latera caldera (left with hachures) for
ignimbrites A. E and F and Bolsena caldera
(right) for ignimbrite C. (After Sparks 1975)

Ignimbrite E

/~O' 24

'3 !;;>T"'
,\2. :f~092



3~.~, ? 4







.13 1.lgnimbrite

~~ ' ,.
' 8222~
: Ie

' '' 18

' 96"~



(0 )




-iii 10


" ~..

.~ 5





:r. ,. JI':-


.,... "i'"


:r d







:. '"








" .



0.:, .,.

'. ").. "''':0.<

. ."..,. "'(/II..... .... .


Dista nce















.~ .
' ~'.__ ~ i::::::--' .

7 ' ----.:.

~. l

Distance (km)
Figure 7.18

(a) Lateral variation in average maximum clast

size in the Ito pyroclastic flow. Japan (after Yokoyama 1974).
(b) Relationship of the average maximum lithic clast size to
distance from source for several ignimbrites. 1, Towada
pumice-flow deposit; 2, Ito pyroclastic flow deposit; 3,
Shikotsu pyroclastic flow deposit; 4, ignimbrite C, Vulsini; 5,
Lajes ignimbrite, Terceira; 6, ignimbrite F, Vulsini; 7,
ignimbrite E, Vulsini; 8, Kuttyaro pyroclastic flow deposit.
(After Sparks 1975.)

have had higher viscosities, e,g. the Acatlan ignimbrite, Mexico (J, V. Wright & Walker 1977,1981),
Larger pumice clasts sometimes also show a
decrease in maximum size with distance from
source (e,g. Fig, 7.18). In many other cases no
simple relation is found, or maximum size may
even increase with distance.



Many ignimbrite sheets show progressive vertical

changes in mineral and chemical composition,
representing the inverted sequence of magma
erupted from zoned chambers. J. V. Wright and

Walker (1977, 1981) described compositional

zoning within a single flow unit. The upper main
30 m flow unit of the Acatlan ignimbrite passes
from white rhyolite pumice, through a thin mix
zone (passage zone), into black andesitic pumice
(Figs 7.19 & 20). Other ignimbrites showing a
similar change within one flow unit are also known,
e.g. the Hraunfossar ignimbrite in western Iceland
(Sheridan 1979) and the Kaingaroa ignimbrite,
New Zealand (c. J. N. Wilson pers. comm.). Such
compositionally zoned flow units provide another
way of testing the proposed emplacement mechanisms of ignimbrites. The simultaneous emplacement of light and dark pumice layers in the same
flow unit with a minimum of mixing implies a
laminar flow regime for the moving pumice flow. If
flow were turbulent, mixing of the two pumice
types would have taken place and destroyed the
compositional zoning.
For the Acatlan ignimbrite, details of the grain size
distribution suggested that laminar flow was perhaps
more important early in the history of the pumice
flow, and later movement of the zoned flow
occurred as a semi-rigid plug moving along a
sheared basal layer. The question could be asked:
'why does compositional zoning not constitute
evidence of layer-by-Iayer deposition from a turbulent, low particle concentration pyroclastic flow, as
envisaged by Fisher (1 966a) ?' However, the massive
structureless nature of the deposit, lack of bedforms
and the general lack of any vertical or lateral
grain size changes (except at vent, Ch. 8) all indicate
that the flow had a high particle concentration, and
deposition would have been almost'instantaneous by
freezing of the flow, not layer by layer
Some care must also be taken in the interpretation
of other colour zoned deposits, because such a
change may be a post-depositional thermal effect.

7.4 Theoretical modelling of the transport

of pumice flows
We have already mentioned some of the theoretical
modelling by L. Wilson, Sparks and co-workers on
the generation of pumice flows by collapse of
plinian eruption columns eCho 6). Here we will




(0 )

locotion of







I ~m

~ colour

..... chong~

-== r-.-

8 _

- 1--4-







1-1/21!8 -1/~



D isto nce (km )





- 6 -4 - Z

Figure 7.19 The compositionally zoned upper main flow unit of the Acatlan ignimbrite, Mexico. (a) Profiles at three
locations and average grainsize distribution. Ash content highlighted by close stipple. Star marks source position;
unornamented is area in which co-ignimbrite breccias occur (Ch 8). Inset shows lateral extent of ignimbrite and positions
the three locations; again, star is source vent, and large dots enclose area in which co-ignimbrite breccias are found (Fig .
8.19). (b) Details of the grainsize distribution in the profile measured at location 2. In histograms: stipple IS rhyolitic
pumice; diagonal rule is andesitic pumice; black is lithics. (After J. V. Wright & Walker 1981)

briefly present some results of the modelling of the

movement and emplacement of pumice flows from
Sparks et at. (1978).
The models of Sparks et at. (1978) indicate that
the height of eruption columns, when collapsing
above the vent, is between 0.6 and 9 km for the
range of values of the controlling parameters
considered (gas velocity, water content and vent
radius) (see Ch. 8) . They then postulate that when
eruption column collapse occurs, the mixture flows
away from the volcano as a density current with
high velocity. Initial velocities of the flows range
from 60 to 300 m S- l (Fig. 7.21). Flows from large
eruptions may still have velocities of 100 m S-l at
distances of 50 km from the source. The models
show that initially the mixture is likely to be a

highly turbulent, rapidly moving density current

with a low particle concentration. However, a
considerable proportion of the particles transported
by the pumice flows are unable to be supported as a
turbulent suspended load. This is because much of
the grainsize distribution has terminal fall velocities
well above the shearing stress velocities maintaining
turbulence in a flow, even for rapidly moving flows.
The ability of turbulent flows to suspend particles
is related to a parameter called the shearing stress or
friction velocity, V*, defined by

where cf is the drag coefficient of the ground and U


.~ l ot ' ly(m



s -I) rod ,us 1m)





~ 100


Distance (km)
Figure 7.21 Variation of velocity with distance from a
central source in a radially expanding, low density, turbulent
fluid. Six sample solutions are shown, to cover a wide range
of eruption column conditions. The flow velocity is calculated for the conditions of gas velocity and vent radius
indicated. All of the models are for 1% water content,
except for the solid circle solution, which is for 6% water
content. (After Sparks et a/. 1978.)

Figure 7.20 Compositionally zoned upper main flow unit of

the Acatlan ignimbrite showing colour contrast between the
lighter, lower rhyolitic part and the darker, upper andesitic
part. Note the occasional large, dark juvenile andesitic clast
in the top of the lower rhyolitic part which mark the passage
zone (Fig. 719). Height of outcrop is 4 m.

is the mean velocity. True turbulent suspension

occurs when the terminal velocity, VI' of a particle
is less than the product of the shearing stress
velocity and a constant ~. Values of ~V* were
computed at the same time as the velocity distance
curves shown in Figure 7.21. Figure 7,22 shows the
variation of ~ V* with distance from the vent. ~ V*
diminishes away from the source as the intensity of
turbulence diminishes. In Figure 7.23 the terminal
velocities of pumice and lithic clasts are shown in
fluids of several different densities, together with
shearing stress velocities for flow velocities of
10-100 m s -1 and a drag coefficient of 0.01. These





Distance (km)
Figure 7.22 Numerical solutions to the variation of shearing stress velocity (V*) in four model flows with distance
from the source. The four examples are the same as four of
those in Figure 7.21, and the legend is the same. (After
Sparks et al. 1978.)




15 25





15 25
















l'Og cm


001 L-L-.L---'----'--'--'--L-_ _L - - - ' -_ _-----'

Terminal velocity (m 5- 1)

2'5g cm



001 '---'---'----'-'~-'---:'IO'c--'---"""'---IO'-0-----'500

Terminal velocity (m 5- 1)
Figure 7.23 Terminal velocity-grainsize curves are given for (a) pumice clasts and (b) lithic clasts in fluids of several
different densities. The curves for the densities 0.0013 and 0.00017 g cm- 3 are for air at room temperature and
steam at 1300 K. respectively. The gaseous medium in a pyroclastic flow is assumed to have a density between that
of cold air (g = 0.0013 g cm- 3 ) and that of hot steam. The curve for H2 0 at 1300 K is an exact curve using the
solutions of G. P. L. Walker et al. (1971). whereas the other solutions plot an approximate equation (Reynolds Number
of >500). The broken vertical lines represent the shearing stress velocities of flows with velocities of 15. 25. 50. 100.
and 200 m S-l and a friction factor of 0.01. The intersection of any terminal velocity curve with any value of shearing
stress velocity defines the size of the largest particle that can be suspended by a flow of that density and velocity
(After Sparks et al. 1978.)

show that even in fast flows only particles finer than

about 1 mm can be transported in turbulent suspension and, in many cases, only particles finer
than a few hundred micrometres can be suspended.
It was therefore deduced that pyroclastic flows
develop a high-concentration basal zone within a
few kilometres of the vent, as larger clasts settle to
the base of the flow. In such a high concentration
flow other mechanisms of particle support are
dominant (see above) and the flow is capable of
transporting lithic clasts of diameter several centimetres for tens of kilometres. The motion of the
lower, dense flow dissociates itself from the upper
turbulent cloud of fine ash and gas, which mixes
with the atmosphere to form a convective plume.

7.5 Form of moving pyroclastic flows:

head, body and tail deposits
The term 'form' is used to describe the shape which
a pyroclastic flow will assume when moving.
C. ]. N. Wilson and Walker (1982) proposed that a
pyroclastic flow can be divided into a head, a body
and a tail (Fig. 7.24). The head region and the body
and tail region have different fluidisation states, and
this controls the development of separate layers and
facies within a pyroclastic flow deposit. Flows with
well developed heads should produce deposits that
are very different from those without heads, in
which nearly all of the material is deposited from
the body. It is at the head that erosion takes place,
and this will be greater in flows with larger heads.
The most fluidised part of a pyroclastic flow will
be the flow-head (c. J. N. Wilson 1980), into





Figure 7.24 Schematic diagram to illustrate the form of a

pyroclastic flow and the division into a head, body and tail.

which large quantities of air can be ingested (Fig.

7.25). By analogy with other density currents
(Allen 1971, Simpson 1972), a fast-moving pyroclastic flow is likely to develop a lobe and cleft
structure at its front, with air being preferentially
ingested through the clefts. Ingested air expands
rapidly due to the sudden temperature increase,
and this causes strong fluidisation, as well as
variable degrees of turbulence. Deposits sedimented
out of the flow-head should therefore be more finesdepleted and enriched in crystals and lithics than
those deposited by the remaining portions of the
flow (Fig. 7.25).

rearward I

se~ reQallon bodies

wllhm heod sediment
to generole
a crystal I l ithiC rich
Qround layer

lim" 01
llowheod :



I mOlerlol jOfled
I forwords f rom
I flow heod forms
: fines -depleted
I pumi ce depOSi t s



Figure 7.25 Processes occurring in the highly fluidised

flow-head of a pyroclastic flow like the Taupo ignimbrite. (a)
Cross section. (b) Plan view. (After C. J. N. Wilson & Walker

Most pyroclastic flow deposits that have been

studied so far appear not to show well developed
head deposits, but two exceptions are the Taupo
ignimbrite, New Zealand (c. J. N. Wilson &
Walker 1982, G. P. L. Walker & Wilson 1983,
C. J. N. Wilson 1985; Ch. 8) and the Rabaul
ignimbrite, New Britain (G. P. L. Walker et al.
1981c). However, it may be that a number of
crystal- or lithic-rich deposits previously regarded
as ground surges originated in the heads of flows
(Ch. 5). G. P. L. Walker et al. (l981a) proposed
the name ground layer for this type of head deposit.
The ground layer of the Taupo ignimbrite (Figs
7.26 & 27) extends nearly to the distal limits of the
ignimbrite, although there are many short breaks in
its continuity. Near the vent it is a very conspicuous
bed ofvoIcanic breccia up to 3 m thick (Ch. 8). The
ground layer rests on a marked erosional surface,
and erosion and deposition by the flow-head must
have occurred sequentially. The top of the ground
layer is separated from the base of the overlying
pumiceous part of the ignimbrite by another sharp
erosional contact; this is almost planar, and developed by shearing when the ground layer was
overridden by the rest of the flow. In the layering
scheme of Sparks et al. (1973) the ground layer is a
variant of layer 1. If true ground-surge deposits are
produced by surges generated from and travelling
in front of a flow eCho 5), then a ground layer
should normally also be present (see Fig. 7.29).
However, neither the Taupo nor the Rabaul
ignimbrites have an accompanying ground-surge
Another type of head deposit (and variant of
layer 1) has also been recognised. These, in contrast
to ground layers which are concentrated in heavies
(crystals and lithics), are fines-depleted pumice
deposits. In the Taupo ignimbrite they form a
laterally discontinuous unit below the ground layer,
and are separated from it by an erosive contact,
described above. Fines-depleted pumice deposits
are the lowest deposit of the pyroclastic flow.
Thickness varies greatly, from a few centimetres to
several metres, being more common and thicker in
topographic depressions. This layer is thought to
represent material jetted out ahead of the flow-head
(Fig. 7.25). Rapid, violent expansion of air as it is



Figure 7.26 The ground layer of

the Taupo ignimbrite. New
Zealand, at a location about 15 km
from source (Ch. 8). The ground
layer is the dark lithic rich horizon
(between lines) which overlies the
Taupo ultraplinian pumice-fall
deposit. (Photograph by C. J. N.

ingested into the moving flow causes portions of the

pumiceous head to burst continually and to be
jetted in advance of the flow proper. Large amounts
of fines can be lost by this process, and in the
Taupo deposit this gave rise to the distinctive finesdepleted ignimbrite or FDI (G. P. L. Walker et al.
1980g; Figs 7.27 & 28). At Taupo, excessive loss of
fines was attributed to a very high throughput of
gas, resulting partly from the ingestion of large
amounts of vegetation and partly from effects of
ground surface roughness on a very quickly moving
pyroclastic flow, so promoting air ingestion. Data
landscap e -mantling
Ignlmb,,'e vene.r
deposit WIth 'ayerln9

poeke' of
fines - dep'eted

ground loyer
rich in II th,cs
ond crystols

lee - side pumIce 'enses

formed In vorllcles under
'he pyroclostlc flow


Figure 7.27 Schematic cross section showing the facies of

the Taupo ignimbrite. which are thought to have been
deposited by the flow head (ground layer and fines-depleted
ignimbrite). body (normal valley-pond ignimbrite) and tail
(ignimbrite veneer deposit) of the pyroclastic flow. (After
G. P L. Walker 1981d.)

on the height climbed by the flow suggest that the

flow velocity probably exceeded 250-300 m S- 1
near the vent (Wilson 1985). These are the highest
velocities yet inferred from field observations for a
pyroclastic flow, although theory suggests that they
may not be unusual (Fig. 7.2l). Carbonised vegetation is found at all levels in the FDI, indicating a
thorough mixing by turbulence and supporting the
theory of ingestion and volatilisation of large
volumes of vegetation. In other fines-depleted
ignimbrites, turbulence, induced locally by surface
roughness, may have been the most important
cause of fines loss, e,g. on St Lucia (Fig, l3.35)
where pumice flows travelled down narrow, winding
and heavily vegetated vall~ys (J. V. Wright et al.
The presence of jetted, as opposed to surge,
deposits at the base of the Taupo ignimbrite may be
related to the high velocity of the flow. Only
packets of material with a high solids concentration
could burst forward with sufficient velocity to be
deposited before they were caught up by the flow
proper. It is only where the parent flow proceeds
more slowly that dilute surges have sufficient
velocity to move ahead and produce a ground surge
deposit (e,g. as at Santiaguito in 1973, Ch, 5).
C. J. N. Wilson and Walker (1982) proposed a
velocity-dependent hierarchy of conditions occur-



(0 )

(b) (

") rrr""\ ~)




Figure 7.28 Fines-depleted pumice deposit formed by
jetting from the flow head of the Taupo ignimbrite, New
Zealand. Note the clast-supported textures.

ring at the flow-head of a pyroclastic flow, leading

to the formation of the various layer 1 facies (Fig.
The body and tail of a pyroclastic flow give rise to
layer 2 deposits. In most examples the body-tail
region must have suddenly stopped, with a conventional flow unit (Section 7.3) coming to rest. Layer
2 deposits in the Taupo ignimbrite comprise two
very different facies: valley pond ignimbrite, or
VPI (Plate 7), and ignimbrite veneer deposit, or
IVD (G. P. L. Walker et al. 1980b, 1981b, C. J. N.
Wilson & Walker 1982, G. P. L. Walker & Wilson
1983, G. P. L. Walker 1983). VPI shows features
that are typical of a normal pyroclastic flow unit.
The IVD is very different, and mantles the landscape. It is stratified in localities near to the vent,
and occasionally shows bedforms (Fig. 7.30), and

for these reasons there has been debate whether this



"""\ /"'""'. 1










Figure 7.29 Hierarchy of conditions found at the fronts of

pyroclastic flows and the formation of various layer 1 facies.
(a) The flow is so slow that no significant air ingestion
occurs. No layer 1 deposits are generated. (b) Minor
amounts of air ingestion cause fluidisation and segregation
within the head, causing the formation of a ground layer. (c)
Moderate amounts of air ingestion cause dilute surges to be
generated from the front of the flow, producing groundsurge deposits. Segregation within the head forms a ground
layer. (d) Strong air ingestion causes the en masse Jetting of
material from the flow-front, forming jetted fineS-depleted
pumice deposits. Segregation within the head forms a
ground layer. The estimated flow-front propagation velocities
in the above groups are very approximately: (a) 0-10 m S-l;
(b) 10-30ms- 1 ; (c) 30-80ms- 1 ; (d) 80-200ms- 1 . At
extremely high velocities (>200 m S-l) the situation at the
flow-front is uncertain. Evidence from the near-source
outcrops of the Taupo ignimbrite implies that jetted deposits
are not formed, and only a ground layer containing minor
amounts of fine material is generated. What form the flowfront takes is not known. (After C. J. N. Wilson & Walker




Figure 7.30 The ignimbrite veneer deposit of the Taupo ignimbrite. (a) Finely stratified IVD overlying coarse FDI; locality is
16 km from source. (b) Coarse pumice lenses in IVD on lee-side of topographic obstacle; flow direction left to right. locality is
approximately 15 km from source. Note shovel for scale. (Photographs by C J. N. Wilson)

deposit is a type of surge or not. However, the

weight of the evidence suggests that it was left
behind as a trail-marker by the tail of the flow as it
moved over topography. C. J. N. Wilson and
Walker (1982) suggested that the tail consisted of
the lower parts of the flow which, because of their
proximity to the ground surface and their lower
ftuidisation state , were moving less rapidly than the
bulk of the flow, and hence were left behind.
Grainsize stratification is thought to represent the
passage of waves of material in a continuous high
concentration flow, each wave depositing a layer.

These layers are developed out to about 40 km

from the vent, and the number decreases outwards.
Other bedforms are found on the lee-side of
obstacles, where the flow jumped the ground
surface. Lee-side lenses of pumice developed in
turbulent vortices under the fast-moving flow, and
sometimes large prograding foresets are developed
(Fig. 7. 30b).'
IVD and VPI facies have been recognised in
some other ignimbrites. They are described from
the Rabaul ignimbrite (G. P. L. Walker et ai.
1981c), and examples which were first called ash-

~~~13~=====r.'.:-':~.:1-3~-------h:~~~. ~
~ 0 0 0,
~ .>.;......~; ______


~.' ~ .~ ~

'.': ~~: "



>/)~j~ 2

-----=t-:-;.:~::.1,. ,:~ =;";....:lStont

'". ?~~~:- / ., - "0.


Figure 7.31 Relationships between the layering scheme of

Sparks et al. (1973) and Idealised sections from the Taupo
Ignimbrite. (a) Conventional flow unit. (b) Valley-ponded Taupo
Ignlmbnte. Where large hthlcs are present at the base of
layer 2b It IS often possible to show they were derived by
erOSion from layer 1; PCZ is a well developed pumice
concentra tion zone; 2c IS an upper fme-gramed segregallon
layer as predicted from experimental studies (Fig . 7.8). (c)
Taupo Ignimbrite veneer deposIt. (d) Distant facies . No
eVidence has been seen of ash-cloud surge deposits (layer
3a, Fig . 5.12) above the Taupo Ignimbrite. (After C. J. N.
Wilson 1985)







i :. ;-.,-



loy e,2


wtok or no

--- - -

--":.:. .._,,::,--



Qfound loyer




lelled depos lI$

laye, I

~xp loslY~ ei~cllon

of mOlinO!

Figure 7.32 Dynamic model summarising processes which generate the different layers deposited by a rapidly moving
pyroclastic flow. (After C. J. N. Wilson 1985.)

hurricanes by Roobol and Smith (1976) , occur on

Martinique, erupted from Mt Pelee.
Depending on the flow velocity, and the nature
of the landscape over which emplacement occurs,
we can envisage a complete range of pyroclastic
flow forms. Slowly moving , denser-clast flows and
some pumice flows only have poorly or moderately
inflated heads. These produce pyroclastic flow
deposits, which in section have no, or only thin
head deposits. Material transported in the flowhead is dumped, forming a steep flow front, or is
pushed aside by the advancing denser body of the
flow which has a much higher yield strength, so
forming levees (e.g . the Mt St Helens 22 July and 7
August 1980 deposits; L. Wilson & Head 1981 ;
Fig. 7.1b). The bulk of the flow in these cases forms
a conventional layer 2 deposit. Layer 1 may include
a ground surge deposit (Fig. 7.31a). Other pyroclastic flows (exemplified by the Taupo ignimbrite)
which are emplaced at very high velocities have
highly inflated, turbulent heads, leading to the
development of prominent head deposits and a
highly erosive base below a ground layer. It is
envisaged that as such a flow moves, material from
the flow body is laterally transferred and cycled
through the more strongly fluidised front of the
flow. In this region bubble-induced turbulence,

due to strong fluidisation accompanying air ingestion, is important. The ground layer is then
overriden by the base of the flow body, and high
shear stresses result in the erosion of layer 1. These
flows produce well defined body and tail deposits.
The interpretation of the various facies of the
Taupo ignimbrite in terms of the three-layer
scheme of Sparks et al. (1973) is given in Figure
7.3l. A dynamic model summarising their formation is shown in Figure 7.32. Such flows seem to
stop because they run out of material rather than
because they freeze. For this reason, the edge of the
Taupo ignimbrite is not defined by a steep flow
front. Instead a zone 3-5 km wide is found where
layers 1 and 2 cannot be distinguished . This single
layer is termed the distant facies (Fig. 7.31d), and is
regarded as the deposit of the flow at the stage
where air-ingestion fluidisation was affecting the
entire flow, spreading a thin, strongly fluidised
layer across the landscape (c. J. N . Wilson &
Walker 1982, C. J. N. Wilson 1985). The flow
presumably terminated when remaining material
rose in the form of a buoyant convective plume
adding to a co-ignimbrite air-fall ash.
In summary, we still have much to learn about
pyroclastic flows and their deposits. There appears
to be a very large spectrum of types , including


dense block and ash flows at one extreme, to

turbulent, low density, violent types at the other
extreme. The latter, although only recently recognised, may be more common than is currently
realised. Clearly, much more work still needs to be
done on all aspects of pyroclastic flow processes and
on the characteristics of their deposits.

7.6 Pyroclastic surges as low particle

concentration flows
Pyroclastic surges are regarded as turbulent, highly
expanded, low particle concentration flows (Ch. 5).
Wohletz and Sheridan (1979) described surges as
time-transient, unsteady flows of tephra that occur
as a pulse or series of pulses in which the kinetic
energy rapidly decays. Surges are complex threephase systems, being mixtures of solids, gases and
water. The proportions of these phases vary from
one surge to another, and even during the flow of
individual surges (Allen 1982), but volumetrically
the proportion of solids (and thus their concentration) is subordinate to gas and liquid in most
surges, and therefore much less than in pyroclastic
flows (also see G. P. L. Walker 1983). In hot, dry
surges the liquid phase is an insignificant component. In wet, lower temperature surges subequal
proportions of all three phases are likely. In terms
of analogy with epiclastic sediment transport processes, surges are therefore roughly akin to subaqueous turbidity currents (but see Section 7.11 for
further critical discussion), whereas most pyroclastic flows are akin to high concentration, viscous
regime debris flows (Ch. lO). Surges can result
from eruptions of any magma type, and can arise
from both magmatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions (Chs 5 & 6).
During the initial stages in pyroclastic surges,
solid particles are widely dispersed within the fluid
phase(s), and are essentially supported and driven
by them through turbulence in the gaseous phase.
The solids thus behave in a particulate fashion
during transportation, and are free to sort themselves hydraulically. In viscous mass flows particle
interaction and particle-fluid cohesion hinders
sorting to a large degree. As the wetness of surges


increases, particle freedom decreases due to adhesion processes (see below).

Surges have densities higher than the ambient
atmospheric density, so their passage will be largely
gravity-controlled. Generally, they follow topographic lows (1. G. Moore 1967, Waters & Fisher
1971) but, because of their largely turbulent nature,
stemming from an initial explosive thrust or high
gas content relative to solids (especially fines, see
G. P. L. Walker 1983), or from both, they also
have the ability to climb very significant topographic highs and to mantle them with a thin
veneer of ash (e.g. Fig. 5.1; Nairn 1979).
Surge-forming eruptions are usually composed of
multiple surges, frequently as pulses with negligible
time intervals. Surge-forming eruptions may therefore lead to deposits which are stacks of surgedeposited beds. Successive surges may erode and
rework to varying degrees the deposits of preceding

7.7 Energy sources and initiation of surges

In Chapter 5 surges were subdivided into three
main types:
base surges
ground surges
ash-cloud surges
Each has a different ongm, and may therefore
contain different proportions of the three main
phases (solid, gas and liquid). This may in turn lead
to surges with varying physical properties, transportational and depositional modes, and facies
characteristics of their deposits.


Base surges (1. G. Moore 1967) originate from the
base of a phreatomagmatic eruption column as an
outward moving, ground-hugging, turbulent cloud
of fluid and ash (Ch. 5, Fig. 5.17). They develop
from phreatomagmatic blasts in the vent, which
eject dilute mixtures of solids, gases and steam.
These expand rapidly on eruption and then spread
radially, or flow along directed paths as turbulent



explosive ~ energy
e:a~~~Yl--'\ energy ~



(at vent)


......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

latent heat


[flOW +veIOCit y]

Figure 7.33 The complex energy chain

involved in the initiation and flow of pyroclastic surges.

of H20 gas

surges. Other surges originate from minor column

collapse events eCho 5). Base surges will generally
be wet, unless they are extremely hot when erupted
and so contain little condensed water.
The energy for base surge initiation and flow is
derived initially from the thermal energy of the
rising magma (Fig. 7.33). This is translated on
contact with ground water or surface water to
mechanical explosive energy, as the heat from the
magma is used to superheat and explosively expand
the external water source (Fig. 7.33; Ch. 3). The
explosive energy is translated into momentum and
kinetic energy. Potential energy is also created
during eruption, especially where base surges are
derived from minor column collapse (Ch. 5). This
potential energy, in turn , translates into kinetic
energy. In addition, during at least the early stages
of flow, extra thermal energy is liberated from
juvenile fragments, and latent heat is released when
condensation of gaseous water to liquid water
droplets occurs (Fig. 7.33). The thermal energy
produces turbulent convective circulation, and the
large initial explosive thrust ensures high lateral
transport velocities, which are responsible for
turbulent flow conditions. In the Reynolds Number

criterion for turbulence (Eqn 2.5, Re = Ugg/ll ),

the low viscosity of the driving fluid (gas) and the
high velocity fo the surge both contribute to high
Reynolds Numbers. Both the convective and
velocity-induced turbulence entrain and support
grains (see below).


Ground surges are associated with pyroclastic flow
forming processes, and are identified where they
directly underlie pyroclastic flow facies. They may
have several origins, as outlined in Chapter 5:
(a) directed blasts at vent,
(b) partial collapse of maintained eruption
columns and
(c) projection from the head of moving pyroclastic
In the first two cases the energy for initiation and
the mobility of the surge originates in much the
same way as for base surges. However, those that
are spawned from moving pyroclastic flows may
involve one further step. Their origin may be due to
the ingestion of cold air in clefts at the flow front, or

pyroc lasllc
flow head
lopldly e-<pondlflq
cell of Oil

ond /or
01 Clefts
a ll

ground surge
prOJecled from
lobe of pyroclastIC flow

Figure 7.34 Schematic representation of the

formation of a ground surge through ingestion
of air or volatilisation of vegetation or both. at
the head of a moving pyroclastic flow.



by erosional incorporation of excessive amounts of

vegetation with its high water content (Section 7.2;
Fisher 1979, C. J. N. Wilson & Walker 1982).
Both of these elements would be instantly heated,
and would produce rapidly expanding cells which
could have enough momentum and excessive kinetic
energy to be ejected forward, out of the head of the
moving pyroclastic flow as a cell of highly turbulent
gas and vapour with low particle concentration,
which moves forward as a surge (Fig. 7.34). The
surge deposit is then immediately overridden and
buried under the basal facies of the following
pyroclastic flow (Figs 5.13, 23a & b; Sparks &
Walker 1973, C. J. N. Wilson & Walker 1982;
Section 7.5).


Also associated with pyroclastic flows are ash-cloud
surges (Ch. 5), forming from the trailing ash cloud
which billows above and behind a pyroclastic flow,
as gas ami fine ash stream out of the head and body
of the flow under the influence of fluidisation
processes (Fisher 1979; Section 7.2). This loss of
fine ash is called elutriation, and was discussed in
Section 5.2.
The energy in this type of surge is derived
entirely from the parent pyroclastic flow. The surge
acquires its momentum and kinetic energy from the
pyroclastic flow out of which it stems. Unlike the
parent pyroclastic flow with high particle concentration, which is essentially flowing in laminar
fashion (Section 7.2; Sparks 1976; but see above),
the associated ash-cloud surge flows turbulently.
This turbulence also has two sources - convective
circulation and the overall high velocity of the
surge, which contributes to high Reynolds Numbers, as discussed above. The turbulence supports
the solids.


and grain-support
processes III surges


It has been suggested above that the transportation

of pyroclastic detritus in surges is dominated by
turbulence in the supporting gaseous phase. This is
based on direct observations of recent base surges

G. Moore et al. 1966, J. G. Moore 1967, Waters

& Fisher 1971, Kienle et al. 1980, Self et al. 1980)
and on the sedimentary structures observed in the
deposits of all types of surges. Observed surges are
dominated by turbulent billowing clouds of gas,
steam and ash. On this basis, at least the peripheral
parts of surges are turbulent. However, the unobservable inner, lower parts, or the 'body' of the
surge, can also be considered to be turbulent by
virtue of the tractional sedimentary structures such
as waves (dunes), cross-stratification and horizontal
lamination commonly found in their deposits
Moore 1967, Fisher & Waters 1970, Waters &
Fisher 1971, Wohletz & Sheridan 1979, Allen
1982, Leys 1982; Figs 5.20, 22 & 23). All of these
structures can only be produced by grain-by-grain
tractional transport (rather than en masse; Ch. 10)
implying low grain concentrations in the transporting medium. Under these circumstances, the uplift
force of turbulent fluid eddies is the main grainsupport process possible during the bulk of surge
movement. Suspended grain-support will be maintained as long as the drag force of these uplifting
turbulent eddies exceeds the settling velocities of
grains at the appropriate Reynolds Number for the
turbulence level (Allen 1982).
In wet surges, this simple analysis is complicated
by the process of clumping or adhesion of particles
in the very moist atmosphere of the moving surge
(Allen 1982, Leys 1982). Clumping and adhesion
refer to the aggregation of moist grains, especially
fines, with moisture droplets, so increasing the
effective dynamic transported grainsize. For continued
suspension transport of these clumps, the upward
component of the fluid drag force must therefore
also exceed the settling velocity of the clump. The
criterion for turbulent suspension has been discussed in Equation 7.9. Allen (1982) suggests that a
simple criterion for suspension transport to be
predominant is a Bagnold criterion:



W/V* ::::; 1.25


where W is the particle settling velocity and V*, as

defined in Equation 7.9, the shear velocity of a
moving flow or current.
These conditions hold for an initial highly
turbulent state and for small grainsizes. However,



surge deposits are known to contain fragments

several centimetres or more in diameter, which
were not finally transported and deposited as
ballistic blocks. They must have been at least
entrained, and moved by surges as well. The actual
competence of surges to transport different sizes in
true suspension is not clear, in spite of the
discussion related to Equation 7.9. However, it is
clear that during incipient sedimentation, if not
before, a large proportion of the solids are saltated
(bounced), rolled and dragged over the substrate as
bed load under the influence of a large lateral shear
velocity (Ch. 10). More of the population will
experience this mode of transport as the surge loses
momentum and begins to deflate.
There is therefore very likely to be a 'grain
layer at the base of most surges, out of
which the bulk of sedimentation will occur, as well
as a more dilute trailing ash cloud. The grain-layer
population is dragged along by the shear stress
operating at the base of the flow. Individual grains
will propel neighbours by colliding with them and
transferring momentum, which constitutes a form
of inertial dispersive pressure. It can be speculated
that a well defined, voluminous grain layer would
be most common in base surges. Base surges
originate as a vent blast and propel a poorly sorted
grain population from which a significant coarse
fraction will tend to drop out quickly. Both ground
surges and ash-cloud surges consist of a population
that is presorted to some degree. Therefore, in a
single surge some transport will take place through
turbulent suspension and some through shearinduced traction and grain collisions. As the surge
loses energy and deflates, more solids, particularly
the coarser fractions (including clumps) will cease
being transported in a suspension mode and will
become entrained in a traction mode of transport.
At low grain concentrations, discrete grain traction
probably occurs; at higher concentrations a grainlayer flow with high degrees of particle interaction
and collision, propelled by shear-stress, will develop. The change from low grain concentration
traction to high concentration, shear-induced grain
layer flow, conditions should be reflected, respectively, by cross-stratification and discrete lamination,
and by more massive or diffusely layered beds.

Complications to this will arise according to the

wetness, or moisture content, of the surge. In very
dry surges, the grain transport can be viewed as
occurring in an inertial regime, i.e. free from
viscous interaction with other grains or with the
driving fluid, as described above. As the moisture
content increases, and cohesive clumps of sediment
develop, transport becomes pseudo-viscous near
the base of the surge. It is still not wholly viscous,
because the high shear stress operating probably
continually reconstitutes wet clumps and smears
them out. That is, the moisture-laden, driving
gaseous fluid is distinct from the muddy clumps it
is propelling, since they have not totally amalgamated into a cohesive, viscous fluid. In this sense,
wet surge transport is quite different from other
types of particulate tractional transport or massflow transport because it is a polyphase system. It has
not been mathematically modelled. Evidence of this
complex phase transportation by wet surges is
found in accounts of observed base surges and their
deposits. Plastering of muddy ash on the upwind
side of trees and buildings was documented at Taal
0. G. Moore 1967). That these surges were still
turbulent is attested by the 'sandblasting' effects in
abrading and stripping of bark and foliage, and in
the near-blast zone, by the total destruction of
vegetation O. G. Moore 1967; Fig 5.19).
The role of fluidisation as a grain-support process
and the origins of the gaseous component in surges
has been touched on by several workers (Fisher
1979, Allen 1982, Leys 1982). Fluidisation in
polydispersive systems is most effective where the
grain concentration is high, and an abundance of
fines exists to stem the free flow of ,fluid through the
dispersion (Allen 1982, G. P. L. Walker 1983). In
pyroclastic flows it is seen as a very effective agent
in maintaining the mobility of the flows (Section
7.2). In surges it is less likely to do so because of the
low concentration of solids right from the outset.
Any fluid which is ingested will not be concentrated
along discrete channels, but will mix with the
ambient fluid phases in the surge. In this sense, the
ingestion of air at the head of the surge may
temporarily increase the internal turbulence of the
surge, particularly if the air is cold and the surge is
hot, so leading to expansive heating of the ingested


air. However, there will be overall loss of heat and

energy from the surge. Leys (1982), following Allen
(1971, 1982), suggested that because there is only a
small overhang in the profile of the head or leading
edge of observed surges, it is unlikely that significant ingestion of external air into the head and at
the base of the head occurs. If this is so, then
ingestion and mixing, and fluidisation in the head
region of surges, can be discounted as significant
grain-support processes. The absence of known
gas and segregation pipes originating within surge
deposits (cf. pyroclastic flow deposits, Section
7.3.4) also supports this. This is not to say that
surges do not contain gas and air, which is at times
reflected by post-depositional vesiculation in surge
deposits (e.g. Lorenz 1974).
What, then, are the potential sources of the fluids
providing grain-support in surges? As for pyroclastic flows (Section 7.2), the obvious sources are
magmatic volatiles (both those initially present and
those that diffuse from juvenile fragments within
the surge), external water incorporated during
ph rea to magmatic eruptions, and volatiles derived
from vegetation over which surges travel. Although
the role of external air ingested into the head and
fluidising the flow as a significant aid to grain
support for the bulk of the solids has been
discounted above, it is likely that significant mixing
of air into the billowing top of the surge occurs
(Allen 1982). There, the mixing will provide
turbulent support for only the finest grain sizes
transported by the surge.

7.9 Depositional processes in surges

Any transporting medium begins to deposit its load
when the energy levels drop below the threshold
level needed to maintain discrete grain support or
tractional entrainment, or drop below the momentum of a mass of particles moving en masse as one.
Surges, although initiated by an 'explosive' thrust,
once in motion, behave largely as gravity controlled
density currents (Allen 1982). As the turbulence
which provides grain support declines in response
to cooling and slowing, a changing mode from
suspended transport, associated initially with an


erosion stage, to surface traction transport will

commence. The energy that generates turbulence
for grain support is, as described above, of two
types: convective turbulence, due to the heat in the
surge, and velocity-induced turbulence in a medium
of low viscosity and high lateral velocity. Turbulence due to fluidisation-induced streaming of
external air is considered to be minor (Section 7.8).
Convective turbulence will be dissipated as the
surge cools in transit. This will occur as latent heat
is lost during condensation of steam to water and as
cold air is mixed into the surge, particularly along
its top. However, convective turbulence will
probably be subordinate to velocity-induced
turbulence. As the velocity declines, the sedimentcarrying capacity of the surge will also decrease,
and the surge as a density current will be dissipated.
Allen (1982, p. 397) proposes four causes for the
dissipation of a sediment density current with a
steady head and uniform body:


density reduction through sediment loss or

engulfment of ambient medium,
reduction in flow thickness, related to flow
stretching or collapse,
friction at the base and upper surface of the
flow, partly involving density reduction due to
mixing between flow and medium and
reduction in bed slope.

Fall-out of sediment will cause a decrease in the

bulk density of the surge and loss of momentum
(= mv, mass X velocity), and hence velocity and
turbulence, according to the Reynolds Number
criterion. A reduction in the slope will also lower
the velocity, as potential energy is being lost. Given
the low density of surges, the coefficient of friction
between the surge and its substrate will be low
while the surge is inflated and carrying a large
suspended sediment popUlation. However, when
the surge begins to deflate significant grain fall-out
will produce a concentrated basal tractional grain
layer. There will be a higher coefficient of friction
between this grain layer and the substrate, permitting sedimentation and further slowing of the surge.
Frictional retardation of a surge can also occur by
mixing of air at the head and top of the surge. Allen
(1982) suggested that the dissipation rate of a



density surge is
dissipation rate

= h/L


where hs> the thickness of the body of the surge , is

equal to O.OIH, H being the height of the head, and
L, the streamwise length of the mixing zone, is
equal to about 2-3H. The dissipation rate is in the
order of 0.01-0.001 (Allen 1982). Mixing of air into
the top probably occurs, but will have little effect
on the density of the head and body. If surges are
similar to turbidity currents in a general fluid
dynamic sense, then the body should flow more
quickly than the head, implying that once solids
have reached the head they should be circulated
upwards into the head proper, where mixing with
the ambient medium occurs due to the growth of
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability waves (billows) on
the top of the head (Allen 1982, p. 400). The upper
part of the head is diluted by this , and becomes less
dense and therefore slower.
For relatively dry surges, grain transport will
pass from suspended and surface traction modes of
transport to increasing degrees of tractional transport. The rate at which grain transfer from the
suspended to the traction mode occurs will control
whether relatively low grain concentration tractional
transport and sedimentation occurs (producing
corresponding structures such as cross-stratification

and well defined lamination), or whether high grain

concentration shear-induced grain-layer flow occurs, with attendant high degrees of particle interaction, deposition by freezing of the grain mass and
deposition of a massive bed. It can be speculated
that with wet surges the condensation of steam
should also be an important influence in causing
sedimentation. Adhesion occurs as fine ash and
water droplets begin to adhere to each other,
producing clumps. The effective transported grainsize will be increased by this. Condensation should
therefore lead to an increased rate of sedimentation
compared with the pre-condensation rate of sedimentation, because the greater effective transported
grainsize may exceed the prevailing competency of
the surge, and because of the adhesion effects
between the substrate and moist particles in the
surge. The rate at which condensation takes place
will therefore be important.
If surges do segregate into a lower concentrated
ground layer and a more dilute suspension cloud,
then some deposits should contain a separate 'body'
layer and an associated fall-out layer (e.g. Fig.

Figure 7.35 Probable distal

rhyolitic base surge deposits
from a Devonian tuff ring-caldera
lake succession, Snowy River
Volcanics, eastern Victoria. The
massive layers represent surge
'body' deposits separated by
accretionary lapilli-rich 'co-surge'
ash-fall layers (finger).


7.1 0 Facies characteristics of surge

The facies characteristics of surges can be readily
discussed in terms of some of the essential facies
parameters introduced in Chapter 1, including:
shape and vesicu1arity
depositional structures

The geometry of surge deposits will depend on the
type of surge, the topographic control and postdepositional erosion. Base surges, being a ventrelated facies, will build up an annulus around the
vent which is wedge-shaped in cross section,
thinning radially away from the vent. Base surges
form one of the principal facies of tuff rings and
maar volcanoes (Ch. 13). The deposit from a single
surge will be a thin sheet, with minor variations in
thickness being controlled by pre-depositional
topography and the surface bed-form (e.g. dune
forms). However, base surge deposits are almost
invariably composed of multiple layers representing
multiple surge events (e.g. Figs 5.21 & 22). Such a
pile may be tens of metres thick around the vent
(e.g. Crowe & Fisher 1973, Schmincke el at. 1973,
Sheridan & Updike 1975, Fisher 1977). Individual
layers may be up to a metre thick near the vent,
although usually closer to 50 em or less, and
distally away from the vent, only millimetres to
several centimetres thick. Base surges probably do
not flow further than 10 km from the vent, and
usually only several kilometres. As such, a succession of base surge deposits in the rock record is
indicative of proximity to the vent. They may
contain intercalated air-fall layers, as well as thin
near-vent pyroclastic flow deposits (e.g. Fisher et
al. 1983). Successive base surge deposits may be
separated by thin co-surge ash-fall deposits up to
several centimetres thick, derived from a trailing
ash cloud (cf. co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits).
Ground surges, usually being expulsions from the


head of a pyroclastic flow will usually deposit

thinner facies intervals than base surges do (e.g.
Fig. 5.23). They may be no more than several
metres thick, and usually a metre or less, and
should be directly overlain by the basal facies of the
parent pyroclastic flow. Being ejected from a
moving pyroclastic flow, the geometry and extent of
ground-surge deposits will largely be controlled by
the topography into which the pyroclastic flow has
Ash-cloud surge deposits should occur as a thin
(up to several metres thick) sheet of fine ash,
mantling the deposit of the host pyroclastic flow
behind which it trailed (e.g. Fisher 1979; Fig.
5.21). However, the preservation potential of ashcloud deposits is low because of the effects of postdepositional erosion. Unless quickly buried beneath
further eruptive products, they are likely to be
stripped off shortly after emplacement.

The grainsize of surge deposits reflects both the
degree of fragmentation at the time of eruption and
the competency of surges to carry particular
grain sizes (Ch. 1). The coarseness and variance in
the grainsize is thought to be a reflection of the
levels of turbulence (G. P. L. Walker 1983). As
Crowe and Fisher (1973) pointed out, because
surge-forming eruptions are highly pulsatory and of
variable explosive strength, there may be considerable changes in the flow-power and in the
grainsize characteristics of successive surges, and
even within single surges. Near to the vent ballistic
fragments and air-fall materials may also be incorporated into surge deposits. However, both
base-surge and ground-surge deposits, because of
their high energy state and because their sources at
the vent and the heads of pyroclastic flows may
contain considerable coarse debris, are capable of
carrying, and do carry, significant amounts of large
lapilli-size clasts. However, ash-cloud surges, being
the products of continued elutriation processes in
the head and body of pyroclastic flows, will be low
energy systems and their deposits will be finegrained, rarely containing lapilli, and then probably
only highly vesicular, low density ones.


7.10.3 SORTING
The sorting characteristics of the different surge
deposits will also be variable, and will be controlled
by the degree of fragmentation, the density variations in the debris being carried, the turbulence
levels, adhesion processes and the time available for
sorting. As discussed in Chapter 1, the sorting is an
hydraulic process, and in populations containing
grains with a variety of size, density and shape,
variation in grainsize will not necessarily reflect
poor hydraulic sorting. Nevertheless, given the
origins of the three surge types, it is likely that ashcloud surge deposits will be better sorted than basesurge or ground-surge deposits. In addition, because
of the relatively low particle concentration m

surges, the sorting will be significantly better than

in most pyroclastic flows, but less so than in fall
deposits (Fig. 7.36). However, field observation
shows that major grain size variations occur between
the layers in a single surge deposit, especially basesurge deposits, suggesting a highly pulsatory mode
of flow and grain transport within a single surge.
Secondly, sorting is generally still much poorer
than in most normal sedimentary systems transporting equivalent grain sizes , even in turbidites,
the nearest sedimentary analogue.


The shape and vesicularity of grain populations in
the deposits of the three surge types will be more a


(0) PyroclOSIiC Ilow



(b) Fines depleted Ignlmbrne



[ 57

Figure 7.36 Plots of Mdq,/oq, and of

weight percentage finer than
(F 2 1. versus weight percentage finer
than 1 mm (F,) for pyroclastic flows
and three kinds of fines-depleted
pyroclastic deposits. In (b) various
kinds of fines-depleted facies
associated with ignimbrite are
included: ground layers,
fines-depleted ignimbrite and gas
segregation pipes. The dotted area
contains co-ignimbrite breccias not
included in the contoured plot. Note
that fields in (bl. (c) and (d) overlap,
showing that grainsize parameters
alone are not good criteria of origin.
(After G. P. L. Walker 1983.)

(d) Pllnlon





reflection of the mode of fragmentation of the

magma during eruption than of flow processes.
Hence, base-surge deposits, being of ph rea to magmatic origin, will be dominated by poorly vesicular,
blocky fragments where the erupting magma is
poorly vesiculated (Ch. 3), as will the deposits of
ground and ash-cloud surges whose host pyroclastic
flows have been associated with phreatomagmatic
eruptions (e.g. Self 1983). However, ground and
ash-cloud surge deposits derived from eruptions
driven by magmatic explosions (Ch. 3) will contain
abundant vesicular fragments, although concentration processes during the initiation of ground
surges may concentrate denser lithics and crystals
in the surges (Section 5.7).

The composition of the erupting magma and
products has an indirect relationship to surge types.
Basaltic pyroclastic eruptions essentially do not
produce pyroclastic flows. As a result, essentially
all basaltic surge deposits found in the rock record
can be inferred to be near-vent base surge deposits.
The converse is not true, however. Intermediate
and silicic eruptions can give rise to all three surge
types: base, ground and ash cloud. Accidental
clasts may be a significant element in a surge
deposit due to explosive incorporation at the vent,
and particularly in phreatomagmatic base surge
deposits. Accessory clasts may be picked up in


lateral changes in the nature of bedforms or

associated internal depositional structures, or both,
with distance from the vent, as a response to
changing flow conditions as dissipation of surge
energy occurs.
As with normal sedimentary structures, structures in surge deposits can be classified as:

syn-depositional and)

Pre-depositional structures
Pre-depositional structures include erosion gullies
and U-shaped channels (Ch. 5) carved out of the
depositional surface and infilled by surge deposits.
The origin of these depressions may be normal
epiclastic erosional processes or erosion by pyroclastic surges (e.g. Fisher 1977, Richards 1959,
J. G. Moore 1967; Ch. 5.7, Fig. 5.21c & d). Others
include planar slide surfaces, usually on the inner
crater wall where segments of the unconsolidated,
frequently bedded pile of pyroclastics forming the
upper crater wall collapse and slide back into the
crater (Fig. 7.37). Younger pyroclastic surge and
fall deposits may accumulate on this slide surface.

Syn-depositional structures
Syn-depositional structures include wave-like (or
dune-like) structures called dune forms or dunes,
and their internal cross-stratification, massive beds
without structure and planar beds. In a discussion of
the lateral facies changes of surges from vent to


Depositional structures are diverse in surge
deposits, and have been recognised as a response to
varying flow and physical conditions ever since
surges were recognised as a pyroclastic transportational and depositional agent (J. G. Moore et al.
1966, J. G. Moore 1967, Fisher & Waters 1970,
Waters & Fisher 1971, Heiken 1971, Crowe &
Fisher 1973 , Schmincke et al. 1973 , Mattson &
Alvarez 1973 , Sheridan & Updike 1975, Fisher
1977, Wohletz & Sheridan 1979, Allen 1982, Leys
1982, Fisher et al. 1983, Edney 1984, Edney & Cas
in prep. ). Many of these authors have also recognised

Figure 7.37 Slide surface sloping into the crater of the

Lake Purrumbete maar tuff ring, Western Districts, Victoria,
Australia. Younger surge deposits have been deposited on
this slide surface. Flow direction is from right to left.


,Ikm D

sondwove focles
mOSSlve focles

plonar faCies

Figure 7.38 Distribution of major surge facies relative to

distance from vent. Ubehebe Crater. California. USA. (After
Wohletz & Sheridan 1979)

distal settings, Wohletz and Sheridan (1979), using

many of the concepts presented by Sheridan and
Updike (1975), document the occurrence of these
syn-depositional structures relative to distance from
the vent, based on studies of many volcanic centres
in the western USA. Facies intervals dominated by
wave- or dune-like bedforms and cross-stratification
occur closest to the vent, facies intervals with
dominantly massive, structureless beds occur at
medial distances and facies intervals dominated by
planar beds are most distal (e.g. Fig. 7.38).
Wohletz and Sheridan (1979) suggest that the
ordering of these facies with distance from vent can
be related to the changing flow conditions within a
surge with time and distance, and the implication is
that a facies model, much like the Bouma sequence
for turbidites, can be considered. The documented
grain size characteristics for these facies (Wohletz
1983, Sheridan & Wohletz 1983) indicate that all
are dominated by ash-sized material (Fig. 7.39).
However, Edney (1984) and Edney and Cas (in
prep.) have recognised that there is also an extensive
assemblage of lapilli-dominated base-surge facies in
the hydrovolcanic basaltic centres of western
Victoria, Australia, including massive to diffusely
layered lapilli facies (Fig. 7.40), cross-bedded
lapilli facies (Fig. 5.21a) and planar-bedded lapilli
facies (Fig. 7.40). These are associated with

equivalently structured ash facies, presumably

similar to those of Wohletz and Sheridan (1979).
The massive to diffusely layered lapilli facies at
least, is considered by Edney and Cas (in prep.) to
represent a proximal near-vent surge or surge
grain-layer underflow, perhaps deposited by the
head of the surge as suggested by Leys (1982), or
both. Mdq/acp plots (Fig. 7.41) show that the
massive lapilli facies are better sorted than pyroclastic flows (cf. Fig. 7.36) and that all facies
are coarser than the previously defined facies of
Wohletz and Sheridan (cf. Fig. 7.39). We suggest
that, given the complexities of surge mechanics
(dry, hot, wet, cold, condensation, intensity of
fragmentation, variation in degree of explosive
thrust), it may yet be premature to propose simple
proximal to distal and up sequence facies changes
and models similar to the Bouma facies model for
turbidites. Lapilli and ash-surge facies have quite
different hydraulic equivalence, and the relationships are bound to be complex.
The terms dune form, dune and antidune have
(0) Bosa Itlc

n ~ 127













(b) Silicic







',) ....















Figure 7.39 Grainsize characteristics of the principal surge

facies of Wohletz and Sheridan (1979) compared with
associated fall deposits. (After Wohletz 1983)




diffusely bedded 10pll!!

C plano, b.d~d lopllh
/ _ _ _ ....
-... 11010 Ileid








Figure 7.41 Grainsize characteristics of massive and
diffusely layered lapilli surge facies. Tower Hill Volcanic
Centre. western Victoria. (After Edney 1984.)

Figure 7.40 Three depositional facies of base surges: dune

form (top). planar bedded (middle) and massive to diffusely
layered lapilli (bottom). The upward succession from massive to planar bedded to dune-form facies reflects progressively lower concentration surges passing this point. The
corresponding decrease in grainsize corresponds with
increasing degrees of fragmentation and explosiveness or
decreased surge competency. or both . Note the thin lenses
of very low angle cross-stratified ash within the planar
bedded facies representing incipient dune form formation.
The dune-form facies interval (top) contains cross-beds
ranging from less than angle of repose. to steeper than
angle of repose. reflecting the wet cohesive nature of the
phreatomagmatic ash . Flow is obliquely into the photograph
from right to left. Holocene Tower Hill Volcanic Centre.
Western Districts. Victoria. Australia .

all been applied to the wave-like structures that

characterise dune-form facies (both ash and lapilli
deposits, Figs S.21, 22 & 7.40). Allen (1982) points
out that 'dune' and 'antidune' have been used
almost invariably synonymously with aqueous epiclastic wave forms. However, the use of these terms

for surge bed-forms may be incorrect, because the

physical processes involved in the formation of
pyroclastic dune forms and aqueous dunes and
anti dunes are quite different. Dune-like forms may
be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Asymmetry may
be either upflow or downflow. Dune-form bedding
set thickness decreases approximately logarithmically away from the vent (Wohletz & Sheridan
1979) and average wavelength also decreases away
from the vent (1. G .. Moore 1967, Waters & Fisher
1971, Wohletz & Sheridan 1979). Wavelength and
wave height are logarithmically proportional to
each other (Allen 1982).
Cross-stratification angles are highly variable
(Figs S.21, 22 & 7.40). Although they approach the
angle of repose in some instances, in most instances
they are considerably less than the angle of repose,
suggesting that the origin of the cross-stratification
is not analogous to low flow regime, aqueous, dune
formation, in which cross-beds form by passive,
inertial gravitational avalanching of grain layers
down the downstream face of the dune. Such a
process also operates with the formation of aeolian
dunes, and some ripples and cross-stratification. A
similar process may be responsible for high angle
cross-stratification in surge dune forms, probably
associated with dry surges.
Low angle cross-stratification is due to high velocity, current -driven grain layers being sheared
over an irregular, waved surface which itself has a
relatively low relief due to high bed shear stress
operating. Low angles of cross-stratification in
surge deposits have frequently been equated with
aqueous antidunes, irrespective of whether the dip



direction has been towards the source (normal with

aqueous antidunes) or away from the source. The
implication of this is that upper flow regime
conditions, analogous to those in aqueous unidirectional flow systems, were operating. However,
as Allen (1982) points out, this direct analogy is not
valid. In the aqueous system we are dealing with
cohesionless sediment entrained within an aqueous
medium with a density of 1 g cm - 3. In the pyroclastic surge situation we are dealing with particulate
matter driven by a fluid which has a density very
much less than that of water.
In the case of dry surges, which are simple, twophase gas-solid systems, the processes may be
analogous to normal aeolian processes. With dry
surge dune forms, normal asymptotic, angle of
repose cross-strata of avalanche origin may occur
but, even so, the competency of surges in transporting coarse debris is well beyond the limits of normal
surface winds, and low angle cross-stratification is
common. In the case of wet, three-phase surge
systems there seems to be no direct analogy with
normal sedimentary processes and systems, so
implications of analogous flow regime conditions
and processes should strictly be avoided. With wet
surges, added complications arise because of the
existence of a changeable three-phase system, the
adhesion processes taking place in transit and the
cohesive nature of the substrate over which the
surge travels. The last two of these are likely to be
responsible for the often very fluidal nature of the
layering in surge dune forms. The depositional
process will involve adhesion interaction between
entrained detritus and substrate, and deposition
will take place under the influence of a 'smearing'
bed shear force.
Further support for the view that flow conditions
in surges and normal sedimentary systems are not
analogous comes from the very significant grain size
variations between the layers of the same surge
cross-bed set, suggesting a much more pulsatory
non-equilibrium flow system. This grainsize variation can be from ash to lapilli sizes. Nevertheless,
there is conceptual, and probably some fluid
dynamic, equivalence between aqueous antidunes
and surge dune forms, given that the low angle
cross-stratification requires high shear stresses at

the bed surface - much higher than that associated

with low flow regime, high angle of repose crossstratification.
Nevertheless surge dune forms display sufficient
regularity in form for them to be used in determining
surge transport directions. Observations on modern
volcanoes have shown that dune crests are continuous and are orientated perpendicular to the surge
flow direction 0. G. Moore 1967, Waters & Fisher
1979, Allen 1982; Fig. 5.19d). Internal crossstratification can also be used to infer flow directions
(Figs 5.21-23 & 7.40). Allen (1982) related the
documented variations in bedforms and crossstratification relationships in base surge deposits to
sedimentation rate, surge temperature and moisture
content (Fig. 7.42).
In this scheme he has recognised three categories
of surge dune bedform: progressive, stationary and
regressive. In progressive bed-forms (types AI> A2
and B, Fig. 7.42) the crests of the dune forms
migrate in the direction of surge flow. Where the
sedimentation rate is high, the internal arrangement
of cross-strata resembles normal sedimentary
climbing ripples and cross-stratification (type AI)'
Progressive dune forms are considered by Allen to
be the result of surges that are relatively dry or hot,
or both. Stationary dune forms (type F) are
distinguished by crests which migrate neither
upstream or downstream. Regressive dune forms
are distinguished by an upstream migration of the
crest of the dune form, as represented in the crestal
point of successive sigmoidally-shaped cross-strata
in a single set. Allen suggests that regressive dune
forms are the products of wet or cool surges.
Although the crests are retreating upstream, the
through-flow of solids within individual layers is
downstream. In regressive bed-forms, the depositional process involves cohesive interaction
between the transported debris and the substrate.
Coarser fragments occur on the upstream side of
the crest (cf. progressive dune forms). 'Climbing'
effects, in this case upstream, result from both high
sedimentation rates and adhesion-plastering due to
wetness. Allen suggests that stationary dune forms
result from surges with temperatures at the condensation or boiling point of water (Fig. 7.42). In
support of his scheme, Allen (1982) points out that


ANO/OR HOr FLOWS - - - --

- - - - - --



. ~'<..


.. .--s....~~
t r.
.#;--...:..;,'~ ::::.---.:::::.





bedfor ms




dr y
steo m




Decreas ing temperature of surge




Increoslng moisture conlerlt of surge

Figure 7.42 ClaSSification of base surge bedform and internal cross-stratification variations related
to depositional rate (relative to transport rate; vertical axis) and surge temperature and moisture
content (horizontal axis) (After Allen 1982.)

only deposits with stationary or regressive dune

forms are known to contain accretionary or
armoured lapilli, or both, as well as vesicles which
are due to post-depositional expansion of trapped
hot volatiles in wet, impermeable ashes.
Small amplitude, irregular adhesion ripples,
similar to those formed in wind-swept snowfields,
are another, less common, form of dune forms
associated with surge deposits (Allen 1982, Leys
1982) .
The cross-stratification in surge dune form facies
can be very variable in form. In high angle of
repose sets it can be upward concave, asymptotic
and wedging downstream. In other situations it is
much more fluidal, showing significant thickness
variations and, unlike normal sedimentary crossstratification, individual layers may be continuous
from one dune form into the next, showing pinch
and swell geometry, and thinning over the crests of

waveforms. The dips in cross-beds may vary.

Where it is greater than the angle of repose
(>30-35), adhesion processes or soft-state plastic
deformation, or both, perhaps under the shearing
influence of the host surge, are almost certainly
responsible. Angle of repose cross-stratification
may also be due to these influences or due to leeside avalanching from a dry surge or from part of
one. More commonly, however, surge crossstratification is characteristically of a low angle,
indicating the influence of significant bed shear or
wet state smearing influences, or both, rather than
grain avalanching. Although the cross-beds in
individual sets may be conformable with each
other, very low angle, and irregular, truncations
may be common, and these reflect the highly
pulsatory nature of surges, even during deposition.
Massive ash facies (cf. massive lapilli facies,
above) are considered by Wohletz and Sheridan


en masse freezing of the grain population. The

Figure 7.43 Very low angle cross-stratification interval

(middle) within planar bedded facies of uncertain but
probable surge origin . Eocene-Oligocene Waiareka- Deborah
Volcanics, Oamaru, New Zealand.

(1979) to be transitional between dune form and

planar bedded facies, They describe beds of massive
facies as being frequently lens-shaped and occurring
on the lee-side of dune forms. They are ungraded,
and generally unstructured internally except for
occasional planar to wave-like diffuse layering or
pebble trains. Wohletz and Sheridan (1979) consider massive beds to be deposited by a deflating,
highly concentrated stage of surge flow, perhaps
involving some fluidisation. The massive character
is indicative of high particle concentrations and
very rapid rates of deposition, probably involving

diffuse layering probably reflects internal shearing

at the time of deposition in the highly concentrated
grain aggregate.
Planar bedded facies consists oflayers millimetres
to several centimetres thick which are planar,
slightly wavy or even locally lensoidal. Just as in the
cross-stratified sets of dune forms, major grainsize
variations are common from layer to layer and
between different sets. Some are ashes, others
lapilli deposits (Edney 1984, Edney & Cas in prep. ).
Layers are generally laterally extensive, and reverse
grading is common. The grainsize variation between
layers again suggests a highly pulsatory depositional
process during the formation of a set of planar beds.
Reverse grading indicates that a layer of grains is
shearing laterally over the substrate, larger grains
migrating upwards out of the zone of maximum
shear at the interface between the surge and the
substrate. Grain fall-out from suspension is not
indicated by this reverse grading. The reverse
grading, being of a shear origin, also implies that the
surge is in a deflated, highly concentrated state at the
time that this, the most distal facies recognised ,
forms. Planar-bedded facies may be difficult to
distinguish from bedded fall deposits without
evidence of lateral transport (scours, cross-stratification, low angle truncations).

Figure 7.44 Cross-stratified

surge deposits viewed
perpendicular to flow direction
showing wavy layering, and low

angle cross-stratification and

truncation. Mt Leura, western
Victoria, Australia.


Planar beds may be gradational with crossstratified intervals, and in some instances may have
a very low angle inclination (Fig. 7.43) appearing to
be planar but being incipient cross-beds (W. Edney
pers. comm.). However, in this regard the perspective is important. Exposures that are perpendicular
to flow direction will expose wavy, parallel to
subparallel layering of cross-bed sets (Fig. 7.44).

Post-depositional structures
Post -depositional structures commonly associated
with surge deposits include bomb sags (Fig. S.2lg &
h), formed when ballistic blocks and bombs lob
into wet, unconsolidated surge deposits producing
soft-sediment plastic deformation. Flame structures at
the base of surges have also been described (Crowe
& Fisher 1973) and soft-sediment oversreepening of
dune form cross-strata under the shearing influence
of the succeeding surge is common. Such oversteepening may bring strata that are normally at
lower than angle of repose inclinations 30), to
angle of repose (30-35) or even steeper. The
layering is usually still intact, but is stretched and
squeezed due to plastic deformation while in a wet,
cohesive state. Similarly, normal soft-sediment
slumping of wet, cohesive ash is common (Fig.

7.11 Surges compared with turbidity


In Section 7.6 it was suggested that, as a crude

generalisation, surges are akin to turbidity currents
in the normal sedimentary sphere, whereas pyroclastic flows are akin to viscous debris flows. This
general analogy is based on the fact that surges and
turbidity currents are turbulent, gravity-controlled
mass flows with low particle concentration, whereas
pyroclastic flows and debris flows are generally
both viscous, laminar-plug flow systems. There the
analogy ends, however.
Whereas turbidity currents begin to flow because
of their potential energy, surges are initiated by an
explosive thrust, with the exception of ash-cloud
surges. Thereafter there is a complex energy chain,
as discussed in Section 7.7. Whereas in turbidity


currents the particulate population is essentially

cohesionless, this is clearly not the case with surges
(Sections 7.8-10). Turbidity currents are simple
two-phase solid-liquid systems in which the density
contrast between the solids and the supporting
liquid is relatively small compared with that in the
complex three-phase (solid-liquid-gas) system of
most surges. The relative proportions of the three
phases may change in surges, as may the effective
dynamic granulometry, due to adhesion processes
leading to clumping.
Because of all these differences, hydrodynamic
equivalence between turbidity currents and surges
cannot be considered valid (Allen 1982). However,
once initiated, both move as gravity-controlled,
turbulent, cloudy masses, which seem to produce a
systematic succession of facies during deceleration
and deposition. The facies are not the same, and in
both cases not all facies elements need be produced
by all flows. Much work still needs to be done on
the facies and facies relationships produced by

7.12 Pyroclastic surges and pyroclastic

flows - relationships
The discussion of pyroclastic flows and surges so far
has emphasised their unique characteristics, the
former being described as poorly inflated, nonturbulent, concentrated mass flows which maintain
their kinetic energy over long distances and long
periods (relatively), whereas the latter highly
inflated, turbulent, low particle concentration,
short-term phenomenon which rapidly dissipates.
However, it has also been shown (Section 7.5) that
there are some extremely violent pyroclastic flows
which are at least partly turbulent, and are capable
of producing wavy stratification, bedforms and low
angle truncations and cross-stratification (Fig. 7.30)
in their veneer deposits. The Taupo ignimbrite
(G. P. L. Walker et al. 1981b, C. J. N. Wilson
1985), the Rabaul ignimbrite (G. P. L. Walker et
al. 1981c) and the ignimbrite of the 1815 eruption
of Tambora (Self et al. 1984) are key examples.
This brings into question the degree to which
pyroclastic flows and surges are distinct entities


(Section 5.6). Each is a type of flow, but is there a
spectrum from dense pyroclastic flows (e.g. nuee
ardentes, block and ash flows) at one end to dilute
surges at the other? G. P. L. Walker (1983) and
G. P. L. Walker and McBroome (1983) touched on
this problem. In both these publications Walker
poses the possibility that two of the better-documented so-called surge events of modern time those of Mt Pelee in 1902 and the 18 May 1980,
cataclysmic eruption of Mt St Helens, were not
surges, as has been asserted in the literature to date
(Fisher et al. 1980, A. L. Smith & Roobo11982: Mt
Pelee; Hoblitt et al. 1981, J. G. Moore & Sisson
1981: Mt St Helens; Section 5.6), but highly violent
pyroclastic flows. Waitt (1981) observed that the
characteristics of the 18 May Mt St Helens deposit
were similar to neither purely surge nor pyroclastic
flow deposits, but shared the characteristics of
each. Hoblitt et al. (1981) and J. G. Moore and
Sisson (1981) also noted anomalies compared with
the documented characteristics of surge deposits.

The diverse descriptions and subdivisions of the socalled surge deposits by different authors make it
difficult to extract a consensus stratigraphy but,
following Walker and McBroome, it seems that
three principal layers can be identified.
Layer 1 is a relatively well sorted gravelly or
sandy layer with rapid lateral changes in thickness
and grain size and some lateral discontinuity. Grainsize and thickness decrease outward from the
source, and significant fines depletion is evident.
Layer 2 contains two facies, a massive one which
'has the aspect of a pyroclastic flow deposit particularly where it occurs in valley ponds' (G. P. L.
Walker & McBroome 1983, p. 571), and one
showing stratification and dune forms. The massive
facies is homogeneous, occurs in valley pond
settings, and contains gas escape pipes where it is
thick. Layer 3 is very fine, contains accretionary
lapilli, is rarely more than several centimetres thick
and is agreed by all authors to be an ash fall-out of
dilute trailing ash clouds derived from the 'blast(b)


8. bedded

. masSive

layer 2

volley pond
pyrocl oallc flo\Ol


( d)

(c )


layer 3

+ layer I


Md ~
Figure 7.45 Grainsize data for 18 May 1980 Mt St Helens 'blast' deposit and valley-pond pyroclastic flows. (a) and (c)
Mdt/at plots, (b) and (d) plots of weight percentage finer than Y. mm (F 2 ) versus weight percentage finer than 1 mm
(F,). In (a) and (b) contoured fields for pyroclastic flows are shown, and in (c) and (d) contoured fields for samples from
fines-depleted facies of ignimbrite (G P L. Walker 1983) are shown. (After G. P L. Walker & McBroome 1983)


surge' body. The relationship between layers 1 and

2 is generally abrupt, but locally their interface is
gradational (Moore & Sisson 1981, Waitt 1981).
The total thickness of this assemblage of layers
rarely exceeds 1 m, except in hollows.
Based on oq, versus Mdq/o<j> plots and plots of F2
(the weight percentage finer than 1116 mm) versus
FI (the weight percentage finer than 1 mm) plots,
G. P. L. Walker and McBroome (1983) show a
close relationship between the layer 1 and 2 samples
and pyroclastic flow fields (Fig. 7.45). However,
samples show a significant depletion in fines,
indicating better sorting than most pyroclastic flow
Similarly, G. P. L. Walker and McBroome
(1983) point out that the surge deposits of Fisher et
al. (1980) and Fisher and Heiken (1982) associated
with the 1902 Mt Pelee eruption consist of three
layers: a basal gravelly to sandy layer, a stratified to
massive middle layer and a fine, thin, accretionarylapilli bearing, ash layer. Grainsize characteristics
are similar to those of Mt St Helens.
G. P. L. Walker and McBroome (1983) and
G. P. L. Walker (1983) interpret both the Mt St
Helens and Mt Pelee deposits to be the products of
very violent, low aspect ratio pyroclastic flows. In
the Mt St Helens case this is based on the grainsize
affinities with pyroclastic flows, and the doubt that
dilute surges could travel 30 km and maintain
turbulent suspension of clasts over that distance.
Layer 1 is interpreted as the fines-depleted ground
layer deposited from the fluidised head. The dune
forms and their internal wavy layering seem illdefined relative to most true surge deposits, suggesting weak, low levels of turbulence (G. P. L.
Walker 1983). The main layer, layer 2, seems very
similar to valley pond ignimbrite, and also occurs
on gently sloping valley walls, as a thin veneer
deposit (Ch. 8; G. P. L. Walker & McBroome
It is possible then that two modern catastrophic
events which had been interpreted as surges (Section
5.6), may have been very violent, even partly
turbulent pyroclastic flows, similar to the historic
ones erupted from the Taupo, Rabaul and Tambora
volcanic centres. It is therefore implicit that a
spectrum of pyroclastic flow types exists, from very


dense, high particle concentration ones to relatively

low concentration, but violent, ones. There is an
implication in this that there is also a spectrum of
grain-support processes from perhaps inertial grain
flow avalanching through fluidised, laminar semiplug flow (Sparks 1976, C. J. N. Wilson 1980),
through to fluidised, turbulent flow (c. J. N.
Wilson 1980). Given that surges are turbulent, but
that during deflation they may undergo shearinduced laminar flow, there is not much of a
quantum gap between dilute types of pyroclastic
flow and surges, implying a nearly complete spectrum of processes and deposits. However, on that
point G. P. L. Walker (1983) maintains that discreteness is required because, to maintain integrity
and to be capable of transporting large dispersed
clasts, pyroclastic flows are dependent on fluidisation, which can only be maintained while fines
are retained in order to act as resistance to, and to
channel, fluidising ingested air. In surges, fines loss
is inherent because of the high level of turbulence
and the consequent removal of large volumes of
fines by elutriation, which essentially discounts the
possibility of fluidisation. On the other hand,
however, fines loss or depletion can also occur in
certain situations related to pyroclastic flow processes (and not just surge transport; G. P. L. Walker
1983; Fig. 7.46) without affecting the overall
coherence of the pyroclastic flow. It is clear that
much is yet to be learned about the processes
operating in pyroclastic flows and surges and how
these two flow processes are related. This is more
than vindicated by the diverging views on the
G. P. L. Walker and McBroome (1983) interpretation, as shown by the responses and reply to that
paper (Hoblitt & Miller 1984, Waitt 1984, G. P. L.
Walker & Morgan 1984)!

7.13 Further reading

The papers by Sparks (1976), Sheridan (1979),
Fisher (1979), c. J. N. Wilson (1980, 1984) and
C. J. N. Wilson and Walker (1982) are essential
reading on aspects of flow and depositional processes
in pyroclastic flows, even though they have been
summarised here. On surge processes and facies



~ .'

(( . '


. -J


~-..... ~ /1'
" r"J_
.' r
.- ,)..
'. . .





'\ 'f




-------+ . '...



pyroclost lc loll
pyroc last ic suroe
IIIh ic log brecCia (co- ignimbrite Iog - loll deposit
coarse pum ic e lee - sida lens

ground layer lormlng 01 flow head

I InU - depleled Ignimbrite lormed by forward

jetll"g f rom flo w head


elu triotion pipe






0 - 0


. -+

loss 01 lines
sinking 01 dense par l lcles
strong Ingestion of a"'
high particle concenlrollon flow
loe pyroclastic flow)
low particle conce ntrollon flow
deflation Interval (the intervol required
to deflate 0 dll ule turbulenl f low to a
high por licle concantr olion
pyroclastic flow )

Figure 7.46 Schematic views showing seven situations which produce fines depletion and good sorting of
pyroclastic deposits. (After G. P. L. Walker 1983.)


characteristics, the review by Wohletz and Sheridan

(1979) is extremely useful, as are the earliest papers
on surge deposits by J. G. Moore (1967) Fisher
and Waters (1970), Crowe and Fisher (1973) and
Sheridan and Updike (1975). On the problem of the
distinction between violent pyroclastic flows and
turbulent surges, the papers by G. P. L. Walker
(1983) and G. P. L. Walker and McBroome (1983)
are recommended.


Plate 8 Canyon wall cutting through the Upper Bandelier Tuff showing a common sequence of deposits produced during
ignimbrite-forming eruptions: plinian fall deposit (base is at same level as top of the geologist's head), overlain by a pyroclastic
surge deposit and massive ignimbrite. This sequence overlies at least two smaller, sub-pllnian(7) pumice-fall deposits resulting
from earlier eruptions of the Valles caldera complex.



Ignimbrites and ignimbriteforming eruptions

Initial statement
Ignimbrites are the most voluminous of volcanic
products. Some are the largest single eruptive units
known, covering thousands of square kilometres
and having volumes of more than 1000 km 3 .
Although man has never witnessed an eruption
giving rise to such large volume units, they must be
. the most cataclysmic of all geological phenomena.
Even small-volume, historic ignimbrite-forming
eruptions are awesome: e.g. the 1470 BC eruption
of Santorini, which has been linked with the rapid
decline of the Bronze Age Minoan civilisation
centre on Crete; the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius, in
which the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum were
destroyed; the eruption of Krakatau in 1883 which
set in motion tsunamis killing more than 30 000
people on neighbouring islands; Tambora, which

1815 caused the deaths of more than 90000

people either directly, or as a result of tsunamis and
an ensuing famine; Mt St Helens in 1980; and EI
Chich6n in Mexico in 1982, after which 2000
people were missing.
This chapter examines in detail the geology of
ignimbrites: definition, occurrence, volume, types
of vent from which erupted, eruption sequen('~, a
depositional facies model for ignimbrite-forming
eruptions and welding. We also highlight the ,\D
186 Taupo eruption, because recent studies of its
deposits have greatly affected current thinking on
ignimbrite-forming events. Transportation and
depositional mechanisms are discussed in the
previous chapter.




8.1 Enigma of ignimbrites

Ignimbrites pose many problems but, as recently
stated by G. P. L. Walker, unravelling their origin
has been 'one of the outstanding success stories of
modern volcanology'. They vary widely in lithology,
and few products of volcanism have been misinterpreted for so long. They vary from incoherent ash
deposits texturally similar to mud flows, to hard,
densely welded tuffs which may be difficult to
distinguish from lava flows. Indeed, welded ignimbrites were generally regarded as lava flows until
the mid-1930s, and even later. They vary from rock
composed almost entirely of sub-millimetre particles to that in which the largest clasts may be over a
metre in diameter. Many ignimbrites are completely
non-welded, but the importance of these was
probably not recognised until the late-1960s and
It will be apparent to the reader who has
researched the volcanological literature that the
term 'ignimbrite' has been used in many different
ways. Marshall (1935) first introduced the term into
the geological literature. Confusion, partly attributable to the imprecision of Marshall's definitions,
has arisen and still exists because 'ignimbrite' is
sometimes used in a lithological sense to mean
welded tuff, and sometimes in a genetic sense to
mean the rock or deposit formed from pyroclastic
flows. Very often the term is used in both senses, or
it is used in ways that are never clearly defined.
However, it is illogical to use it as a lithological
term solely for welded rocks, since ignimbrites
generally also have non-welded zones. The occurrence of welding has occasionally been cited as
sufficient evidence of a pyroclastic flow origin.
However, even many large ignimbrites are entirely
non-welded, e.g. the Los Chocoyos ash-flow tuff in
Guatemala (Table 8.1). Also, welded air-fall tuffs
are believed to be a common volcanic rock (Ch. 6).
Weldin!? cannot therefore be considered to be a
fundamental characteristic of ignimbrites.
Following Sparks et ai. (1973) 'ignimbrite' is
defined here as: the rock or deposit formed from
pumiceous pyroclastic flows irrespective of the
degree of welding or volume. 'Pumice-flow deposit'
is an equivalent term (Ch. 5).

Table 8.1

Bulk volume estimates of some ignimbrites*.


Timber Mountain Tuff
Rainier Mesa Member
Ammonia Tanks Member
Paintbrush Tuff
Topopah Spring Member
Tiva Canyon Member
Nelson Mountain Tuff
Carpenter Ridge Tuff
Fish Canyon Tuff
Sapinero Mesa Tuff
Upper Bandelier Tuff
Bishop Tuff
Peach Springs Tuff
John Day pyroclastic flow deposit
Crater Lake pumice-flow deposit
Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes ignimbrite
Central and South America
Rio Caliente ignimbrite
Acatlan ignimbrite
Los Chocoyas ash-flow tuff
Apoyo pyroclastic flow deposit
Puricipar ignimbrite
EI Yeso ignimbrite
Cerro Galan ignimbrite
Lesser Antilles
Roseau Ignimbritet
Average Belfond pumice flow deposit on
St Lucia
Skessa welded tuff
RoydarfJordur tuff
Matarhnjkur welded tuff
average of six ignimbrites erupted from
Vulsini volcano
Vesuvius AD 79
Campanian ignimbrite
Minoan ignimbritet
Ito pyroclastic flow deposit
Aso III pyroclastic flow deposit
Kutcharo welded tuff
Akan welded tuff
Hakone pyroclastic flow deposit
Hijiori pyroclastic flow deposit
Kuttara welded tuff











Mashu pyroclastic flow deposit
Numajiri welded tuff
Tazawara welded tuff
Tokachi welded tuff
Tokachidake 1926 pumice~flow deposit
Agatsuma pyroclastic flow deposit
Asama pumice~flow deposit I
Asama pumice~flow deposit II
Komagatake 1929 pyroclastic flow deposit
Nantai pumice~flow deposit
Shikotsu pyroclastic flow deposit
Towada pyroclastic flow deposit I
Towada pyroclastic flow deposit II
Toba Tuff
Bali ignimbrite
Tambora 1815
Krakatau 1883t
New Zealand
Ongatiti ignimbrite
Whakamaru ignimbrite
Matahina ignimbrite
Taupo ignimbrite

Volume (km 3 )




* There are many problems with such a survey of the

literature. First. data from which estimates have been
made vary from detailed maps and volcanological studies
to simply gross estimates. Secondly, a significant or
major part of some ignimbrites is welded tuff, but the
proportion of welded to non~welded material is generally
not given; therefore, no allowance is made for compac~
tion although this is an important factor when making
size comparisons. Thirdly, published studies have tended
to describe the larger, more spectacular ignimbrites.
Note also that the volume lost into a co~ignimbrite ash
fall deposit is not included in these estimates.
t Major part deposited in sea as subaqueous 'pyroclastic
flow' deposits and ash turbidites (Ch. 9)

Based on the supposed dominance of ash-sized

particles in pyroclastic flows, R. L. Smith (1960a,
b) and Ross and Smith (1961) introduced the term
'ash-flow tuff, which is extensively used throughout
the American literature. However, as the modal
grainsize in many pumice-flow deposits is in the
lapilli or bomb size range, such deposits would
therefore not strictly come under the definition of
ash-flow tuff. For this reason the 'English school'
has tended to retain the term 'ignimbrite'. It is
unlikely that either term will be dropped from the
Ii tera ture.


Also, 'nwie ardente' has sometimes been used for

'ignimbrite' , as well as for other types of pyroclastic
flows (Chs 5 & 12). If used, 'nuee ardente' should
be restricted to those small-volume block and ash
flows produced by the collapse of an actively
growing lava flow or dome, as originally described
by La Croix from the 1902 eruption of Mt Pelee (La
Croix 1904). Nowadays we tend to avoid the term,
not only because it has become ambiguous, but also
because there are other more-specific terms, and
most of the 'glowing cloud' forms ash-cloud surge
and ash fall deposits.

8.2 Occurrence, composition and size

Ignimbrites are common volcanic products, being
found in all volcano-tectonic settings: oceanic
islands (e.g. Iceland, Azores and Canary Islands),
island arcs (Lesser Antilles), microcontinental arcs
(New Zealand), continental margin arcs (Andes)
and continental interiors (Western USA). Rhyolite,
dacite and andesite are the most common compositions. Many of th~ most voluminous ignimbrites
are rhyolites, some of which are compositionally
zoned, indicating in some cases the tapping of large
zoned magma chambers (R. L. Smith 1979).
Ignimbrites can have alkaline compositions, e.g. in
the Azores, Tenerife, Philippines and Italy (Ch.
13). Pantelleritic ignimbrites have been recorded
from a number of areas, e.g. the East African Rift,
Gran Canaria and the Western USA. Ignimbrites
have been recognised in geological formations of all
In size, ignimbrites range over at least five orders
of magnitude of volume. The largest are restricted
in their occurrence to continental margins and
interiors, and large islands. They typically result
from eruptions of silicic calc-alkaline magmas, and
tend to form extensive sheets or shields (Ch. 13).
The smallest are found in all settings and are a
common product of stratovolcanoes, although not
restricted to this type of centre (Ch. 13). These tend
to form valley fill deposits, and their distribution
may be localised and their stratigraphy very complex. Figures 8.1-8.7 illustrate the distributions of
some selected ignimbrites. Note the differences in

(a) Nelson Mounta in Tuff (26.5 Ma)

(b) Carpenter Ridge Tuff (27.2 Ma)


. Crnv lPr

SL Son Luis Caldera

(e) Fish Canyon Tuff (27.8 Ma)

(d) Sapinero Mesa Tuff (28.1 Ma)

L G La Gari la Co Id e ra

U and SJ



Uncompahgr. -San Juan (Old.,. (ompl

Figure S.1 Examples of large ignimbrite sheets and associated calderas in the Tertiary San Juan volcanic field.
Colorado. For the most part they are densely welded tuffs. Note that these maps only show schematic original
distribution. not present outcrop pattern. which is very complex because of erosion. (After Steven & Lipman 1976.)

scales between maps; there is a 24-fold difference

between maps showing examples from the San Juan
volcanic field in Colorado and the Mt St Helens
1980 deposit.
Table 8.1 lists the estimated volumes of a
number of ignimbrites. Most of the largest ignim-

brites described are those associated with large

calderas in the Western USA, and in many cases
are, for the most part, densely welded tuff. The
world's biggest is the Fish Canyon Tuff in the San
Juan volcanic field (Fig. 8.lc) which is thought to
have a minimum volume of 3000 km 3 . An enormous



(0 )



Figure 8.2 A LANDSAT image showing the giant Cerro
Galan ignimbrite and caldera in northwestern Argentina.
Extensive ignimbrite shield is seen as pale-toned. regularly
dissected smooth expanses. best displayed on the northern
flanks. The snow-capped resurgent dome (6100 m above
sea level) is conspicuous in the middle of the caldera.
Laguna Diamante is a relic of a much larger lake which may
have filled the caldera before resurgence. Cerro Colorado
and Cerro Beltran are pre-caldera andesitic stratovolcanoes.
Dark areas west of Cerro Colorado are basaltic andesite
scoria cones and lava flows broadly contemporaneous with
the ignimbrite. (After P. W. Francis et al. 1983.)

part of these large deposits occurs as thick intracaldera ignimbrite, while smaller volumes are
found as outflow sheets. Later updoming of the
intracaldera pile may form a resurgent dome (Fig.
8.2, Ch. 13).
In Table 8.2, the maximum distance travelled
from the source vent is given for a number of
ignimbrites. The data demonstrate the ability of
pumice flows to travel large distances, often over
gently sloping ground and sometimes over topographic barriers (also see Figs 7.2, 17, 18 & 21).



200 m con i our







Ito pyroclostlc
flow deposo

Figure 8.3 Ito pyroclastic flow deposit from Aira caldera.

Japan, erupted about 22000 years BP. Its eruption is
thought to have produced the Aira caldera. (a) and (b) show
the complex distribution pattern of the Ignimbrite, and the
topography that the (one) pumice flow was capable of
climbing, cross section 4 shows a good example of
depositional ramping (Section 8.8) The ignimbrite is largely
non-welded. (After Yokoyama 1974)

Table 8.2


Aso III pyroclastic flow deposit

Hakone pyroclastic flow deposit
Ata ash-flow tuff
Shikotsu pyroclastic flow deposit
Bali ignimbrite
Whakamura ignimbrite
Morrinsville ignimbrite
Taupo ignimbrite

Distance (km)

* Erosion probably makes many of these measurements


r idge of
---- 20--'' IhiC kn tss 1m)
- 100m - - lopoQrophlc conlour

Figure 8.4

Isopach map of the Minoan ignimbrite. Santorini.

Table 8.2 Maximum distances travelled from source by

some ignimbrites*.

Timber Mountain Tuff
Rainier Mesa Member
Paintbrush Tuff
Topopah Springs Member
Nelson Mountain Tuff
Fish Canyon Tuff
Sapinero Mesa Tuff
Upper Bandelier Tuff
John Day pyroclastic flow deposit
Crater Lake pumice-flow deposit
Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes ignimbrite
Aniakchak ash-flow tuff
Fisher ash-flow tuff
Mt St Helens 1980
Rio Caliente ignimbrite
Acatlan ignimbrite
Puricipar ignimbrite
Cerro Galan ignimbrite
Ignimbrite A Vulsini volcano
Ignimbrite C Vulsini volcano
Ito pyroclastic flow deposit

Distance (km)



Figure 8.5 Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes ignimbrite

(after C. N. Fenner 1920 and Curtis 1968).




course of
nOr! h for

Toutle RIver

Figure 8.6 Distribution of Mt 5t Helens 1980 pumice-flow
deposits. (After Rowley et at. 1981)

8.3 Eruption sequence and column

Most studies of the stratigraphic relations within
ignimbrites and interpretive analysis of their eruptions have been made on small- to medium-volume
1 a few hundred cubic kilometres) deposits.
These often indicate a common sequence of activity
(Sparks et al , 1973; Plate 8):

plinian phase producing a pumice-fall deposit

pyroclastic flow-phase producing ignimbrite
and pyroclastic surges and
effusive-phase producing lava (Ch. 4).

This sequence is thought to represent the tapping

of deeper and less gas-rich levels of the magma
chamber. A consequence is that a plinian eruption
will be driven towards an ignimbrite-forming one
as its column overloads and collapses to generate
pyroclastic flows (Fig. 8.8). Theoretical modelling


has shown that the change from plinian to ignimbrite-forming activity varies with vent radius, gas
velocity and H 2 0 content (L. Wilson 1976, Sparks
& L. Wilson 1976, L. Wilson etal. 1978,1980; Ch.
6). Collapse occurs at a critical level of magma
water content, given a constant vent radius and
muzzle velocity. Widening or flaring of the vent
during the eruption will also drive the column
towards collapse conditions. The fountain height of
the collapsing column as a function of gas content
and vent radius is shown in Figure 8.9. Scenarios of
three model ignimbrite-forming eruptions (Fig.
8.10) show the variations in column height and gas
velocity that take place as the conduit is eroded and
gas content decreases during the course of an
eruption. In the first case (Fig. 8.lOa), vent radius
changes while exsolved water content remains
constant at 3.45 wt%. The eruption column height
grows steadily until sudden collapse occurs and a
low ignimbrite-forming fountain is established.
Eruption velocity in the vent slowly increases
throughout the eruption. In the second case, vent
radius increases and exsolved gas content decreases.
Variation in height of the eruption column is
similar to that found in the first case, though
fountain height decreases after the collapse event.
Eruption velocity decreases throughout the eruption, due to the falling gas content. In the third
case, vent radius remains fixed and gas content
decreases during the eruption . There is a much
smaller variation in plinian column height than in
the first two cases. Again, fountain height gradually
decreases after the collapse event.
In Figure 8.11a, combinations of the controlling
parameters are plotted and fields of convecting
plinian and collapsing columns are shown. From a
knowledge of the stratigraphy of a deposit, and by
estimating values of the controlling parameters, it is
now possible to track the progress and changes in
energetics of an eruption to a first -order approximation. Three examples are shown in Figures
8.11 b, c and d. Eruptions which terminate before
column collapse conditions are reached will only
produce plinian fall deposits (Fig. 8.11b; Ch. 6).
S. N. Williams and Self (1983) suggested that the
Santa Maria 1902 eruption resulted from release of
volatile-rich magma at the top of a volatile stratified








pyroela,,1C .urgf dfpo,,'

; : : : hlhlC/pUMICf rich



"'""""' sOil

scoria fall dfP051t


!'IOSl0n lurfac.

- - - lIowl loll unll boundary

df n>fly wf ldfd (I,ammf)



non-w f td .d

III s,lIor


Figure 8.7 (a) Stratigraphy of the ignimbrites

in the Vulsini area. Italy. Ignimbrites are named
by letters on right-hand side of sections, A
being oldest. Sillar refers to coherent ignimbrite and its formation is discussed in Section
8.10. Most of the Vulsini sillars result from
vapour-phase crystallisation . (b) and (c) show
some of the stratigraphic complexities with
ignimbrites filling in valleys cut into older
ignimbrites. Repeated infilling and excavation
of the same valley is commonly observed with
ignimbrites. Because of compaction effects
fluvial erosion often quickly restores the preexisting drainage pattern. (After Sparks 1976.)






p colu mn
< p otmosphere

Go, content

Constont QOS

p column
>p otmosphere

Gal content
( w,% )

( wl% )

3.4 5 w

65432 1


65 432 1

4 00






Figure 8.8 Models of eruption columns formed during

ignimbrite volcanism' (a) plinian and (b) ignimbrite-forming.


Vent rod,us (m)

Venl roO,us (m)

Consta nt vent
rad ius a 200 m

Figure 8.10 Scenarios of three model ignimbrite-forming

eruptions (see text). (After L. Wilson et al. 1980)


(a) General model

(b) Santa Maria 1902

Gas veloc ity (ms- I )

200 300 400 500 2"06







Gas content (wt %)


==3 .. 0 5

(b) .c

. ~ 10






10 5
2.10 4


(e) Minoan









' "'z


pM . .


, .nd of

2 .. 0 6


2 3

10 6




(d) Lower
7.nd of






3>10 5
10 5


Gas content (wt%)

Vent rad ius (m)

Figure 8.9 Fountain height of collapsing ignimbrite-forming
eruption columns. (a) Plotted as a function of gas content for
three vent radii for a constant gas velocity of 600 m S-1 (b)
Plotted as a function of vent radius for three gas velocities.
The collapse height is only slightly affected by water
content, but the computations shown here refer to a value

Figure 8.11 (a) General model showing plot of vent radius.

gas content, eruption rate and gas velocity. relating these
parameters to convecting plinian and collapsing ignimbrlteforming eruption columns (after L. Wilson et al. 1980).
(b)-(d) Changing conditions dUring three eruptions (after
S. N. Williams & Self 1983. L. Wilson 1980a and Self &

of 1 %. (Af1er Sparks et a/. 1978)

Wright unpub. data)



magma chamber. As the eruption proceeded, less

volatile-rich magma was encountered and structural
instabilities caused collapse of the conduit walls,
abruptly shutting off the magma supply. The
remaining magma was unable to generate sufficient
volatile pressure to clear the conduit, and the
plinian phase ended; it was 20 years later when
volatile-poor magma reached the surface as a lava.
The Minoan plinian column was maintained until
collapse conditions developed (Fig. 8.11c), although
a phase of phreatomagmatic activity between the
plinian and pyroclastic flow-forming phases may
have complicated the transition between the two.
As the Lower Bandelier plinian column neared the
point of collapse (Fig. 8.11d), slight fluctuations in
gas velocity and mass discharge rate caused insta-

pyroclastiC sur;e depOSits

and IQnimbnU'

In." ~rb~.d~d~.d~.~ii

upper pert 01 B -

rtworkrd pum lcr _ __

upper pert 01 pumIce

lo ll 8->4m over whole
area 01 Guodolororc


RIO Caliente lonlmbn "~

mO xlmum rJ:po~ed
'~Ickne .. -100m

Ihln loll unl's -:----.~~!:;:tj

In'erbedded ",'h
IgnImbrite lIow unils

lo"er pc rr 01 B - only
expond beyond limits
01 Ignimbrite NE 01
(seellon no' 10 scal e I

Figure 8.12 Generalised stratigraphic section showing the

complex eruption sequence of the Rio Caliente ignimbrite.
Mexico, and co-eruptive plinian falls (designated La Primavera
8, Ch. 6). (After J. V. Wright 1981)

bilities in the column and small-volume intra plinian

flow units to form (Fig. 6. 13b). Catastrophic
column collapse ensued. Instabilities in eruption
columns nearing collapse conditions would account
for the stratification found at the tops of many
plinian deposits (Ch. 6).
Some deposits show much more complex eruption sequences than indicated above , and ignimbrite
flow units are interstratified with plinian fall units,
e.g. the Rio Caliente ignimbrite Mexico (Fig. 8.12)
and the Roseau Tuff, Dominica (Ch. 9). The Rio
Caliente can also be described as an intraplinian
ignimbrite because it is sandwiched between two coeruptive plinian fall deposits. Mechanisms to produce such complex sequences and changes in style
of activity include a large increase in gas content,
increasing proportions of low molecular weight
volatiles, and sudden closure of the vent by faulting
and its relocation. Choking of the vent by wall
collapse may also produce alternations from
ignimbrite-forming to plinian activity, especially if
column conditions are close to the boundary
between convection and collapse (Ch. 6). Very
complicated eruption sequences can also be produced if water is involved and collapse of ph rea toplinian eruption columns takes place (Sheridan et
al. 1981, Self 1983; Fig. 6.33a).
It must be stressed that not all ignimbriteforming eruptions have an earlier plinian phase,
e.g. the Cerro Galan ignimbrite (P. W. Francis et
al. 1983; Fig. 8.2) . This suggests that this very
large ignimbrite formed by a rather different
eruption mechanism than has been proposed for the
well described small- to medium-volume deposits.
The mammoth Fish Canyon Tuff, on the other
hand, is underlain by a pre-ignimbrite pumice fall
deposit and a thick sequence of pyroclastic surge
deposits. The implications in terms of type of vent
for the very large ignimbrite eruptions is discussed
in the next section.
Observations at Mt St Helens have shown that
even during small eruptions a high eruption column
is not an essential prerequisite for generating a
pumice flow (Ch. 5; Fig. 5.12). In such cases the
venting eruptive mixture may be so dense that a
well defined, maintained eruption column does not
form but, instead, a low maintained pyroclastic


fountain, with the appearance of 'a pot boiling

over', may form. Another possibility is that rapid
lateral expansion of the erupting mixture (exit
pressures> 1 bar; L. Wilson et al. 1980) causes it to
move away immediately as a flow.





8.4 Source vents



Several types of source vents for ignimbrites have

been proposed. The most voluminous ignimbrites
have generally been associated with either linear
fissure eruptions (Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes
type of H. Williams & McBirney 1979) or continuous ring fissure eruptions (Valles type). All observed ignimbrite-forming eruptions have issued
from what seem to be essentially point sources, or
central vents. Studies over the past ten years on a
number of smaller- and medium-volume ignimbrites have suggested that these ignimbrites are
commonly erupted from central vents.
Ignimbrites are often associated with calderas, a
fact which has been recognised for a long time, and
was very well documented in the classic paper of H.
Williams (1941). Many cases are known where
single ignimbrite forming eruptions seem to have
resulted in the creation of large calderas (e.g. the
Aira caldera in Japan) (Fig. 8.3); Crater Lake,
Oregon (Figs 8.16, 13.25 & 26); and Santorini
caldera (Figs 8.4, 13.30 & 31)). For example, in
the San Juan volcanic field the ignimbrite to caldera
ratio is low, suggesting that many eruptions are
monogenetic outpourings with each forming a
caldera. Figure 8.13 shows that there is a crude
relationship between caldera dimensions and the
size of the associated ignimbrite. The largest
caldera shown is La Garita, which is the source of
the Fish Canyon Tuff (Fig. 8.lc). The size of
calderas is often assumed to approximate the
dimensions of magma chambers at depth. In the
case of the San Juan volcanic field each ignimbrite
is believed to chronicle the emplacement of successive segments or stocks of an underlying batholith
(Steven & Lipman 1976).
Caldera collapse takes place when the lithostatic
pressure on the roof of the magma chamber exceeds
the chamber pressure by the compressive strength








Ignimbrite volume (km 3 )

Figure 8.13 Relationship between size of ignimbrite and
associated caldera.

of the overlying rock. Whether or not caldera

collapse occurs during or after an eruption will be
an important control on the type of vent.


The fissure hypothesis originated from the observation of lines of fumaroles in the Valley of Ten
Thousand Smokes ignimbrite after the 1912 eruption at Katmai in Alaska (Fig. 8.5). This led C. N.
Fenner (1920) to conclude that the ignimbrite
erupted from linear fissures in the floor of the valley.
However, more recently, from the closure of contours on isopach maps of pyroclastic fall deposits
produced in the same eruption, Curtis (1968)
located the central vent of Novarupta as the source.
The fumarole lines are now thought to be reflections
of basement faults along which ground waters
Since Fenner's observations at Katmai, the
importance of fissure eruptions for the formation of
ignimbrites has been assumed by a number of
workers, and has been regarded as the way to
account for the more voluminous deposits. Van
Bemmelen (1961) considered that ignimbrites were
erupted from major fissures in a similar manner to
flood basalts. Korringa (1973) documented a linear
vent system for the source of the Soldier Meadow
Tuff in Nevada, and this is often quoted as an



eruptions which begin along fissures, localisation to

a number of points seems to have occurred (Chs 4

& 6).






pyroclcU!C aprons with

pumice flow deposits

"", cOld lPra marOln

Figure 8.14 Linear fissure vent system of the Mamaku

eruption. Okataina rhyolitic centre. New Zealand. (After Nairn

example. However, Greene and Plouff (1981) have

suggested that this is related to part of the margin of
a larger caldera. In many other described examples
field evidence for linear fissure vents is meagre or
Convincing examples are described by Nairn
(1981 ) from the Okataina rhyolitic centre, New
Zealand (Ch. 6). All of the post caldera-forming
eruptions 20 000 years BP) are thought to have
occurred along fissures from multiple vents in
simultaneous or sequential activity. These produced
plinian deposits which are interbedded near source
with pumice flow and surge deposits and associated
lavas, forming thick multiple-bedded deposits.
These are exemplified by the Mamaku eruption
(7500 years BP), during which at least five magmatic
vents and one phreatic vent were active , these being
spread along 14 km of an underlying fissure (Fig.
8.14) . No major time breaks between the various
deposits are apparent, and 14C ages available for
two pyroclastic deposits erupted from separate
vents are not significantly different. As in basaltic

In another popular model ignimbrites are thought

to be erupted along a continuous ring fissure,
around which caldera collapse may have been
occurring during the eruption (R. L. Smith &
Bailey 1968). The ring fissure model has been
popular in the USA because it explains the radial
distribution of thin outflow sheets associated with
very much thicker intra caldera ignimbrites, which
are thought to have accumulated by ponding of
pumice flows erupted around the ring fissure
bounding a continually subsiding caldera floor
block (Fig. 8.15) . However, there have been very
few studies that have quantitatively mapped the
different facies of larger volume ignimbrites to
locate the source vent, as has been done for many
smaller-volume ignimbrites.
At Cerro Galan, eruption from around the ring
fissure was perhaps the important mechanism
throughout. The absence of a pre-ignimbrite plinian
deposit could suggest that the radius of the vent
widened almost instantaneously. This would make
a convecting column unstable, because of the very
high eruption rate (Fig. 8.11). P. W . Francis et at.
(1983) indicated that very large eruption rates
would be produced by sinking of the caldera floor
block into the magma chamber along outward
dipping ring fractures . Inward-dipping ring fractures, as generally suggested in previous models of
ring fissure eruptions (Fig. 8.15) , would inhibit
very high eruption rates. The present thickness of

IhlCk I nlracaldero
IQnlmbrole ponded
duronQ conhnuous
subsidence of

caldera floor

Figure 8.15 The popular ring fissure model for the eruption
of ignimbrites.


(0 )



rlnt;;l - vent phase [

mull I pI events



( b)

rhyodaci te
nonwe lded


I _;~ava yow
t ,:
", /
~, ",-'


:-1""<" -" :'': Mt. Mazama 2 ... of


5;,;;"-- ':'







Figure 8.16

(a) Stratigraphic relations and vent type for the

products of the 6845 years BP Crater Lake ignimbriteforming eruption. Oregon. Note also the last erupted pumice
flows were mafic andesites in contrast to the earlier
rhyodacites. and spectacular compositional zonation is
shown. (b) Single vent phase of the eruption; 1 indicates
vent for plinian eruption and 2 the enlarged vent during
eruption of the pumice flows that deposited the Wineglass
welded tuff. Arrows show direction of movement of pumice
flows. which were confined to topographic low areas.
Mount Mazama is the name given to the pre-collapse
stratovolcano. (c) Ring vent phase during which pumice
flows surmounted most topographic barriers. The ring
fissure is shown inboard of the present topographic rim
which would indicate scarp-retreat by landsliding and
slumping of the caldera wall during or after caldera-collapse.
Field evidence demonstrates the Cleetwood lava flow must
have been erupted just before the ignimbrite-forming
eruption, and after caldera-collapse backflow down the
caldera wall occurred. (After Bacon 1983.)

intracaldera ignimbrite exposed by the resurgent

dome is 1200 m (Fig. 8.2), and there is no doubt
that caldera collapse must have been concurrent
with eruption.
Detailed field studies of the smaller Crater Lake
pumice flow deposit have confirmed that eruption
from around the ring fracture must have occurred
while caldera collapse was taking place (Bacon
1983). The eruption sequence can be divided into


two stages: single vent and ring fissure vent phases.

The initial plinian phase was erupted from a single
vent. Collapse of this column generated a series of
pumice flows deposited to the north and east of Mt
Mazama (Fig. 8.16). Approximately 30 km 3 of
magma was expelled before collapse of the roof of
the magma chamber occurred, and the inception of
caldera formation ended the single vent phase.
Later pumice flows are believed to have erupted
from multiple vents around the ring fracture as
caldera collapse continued. Composition of lithic
clasts within proximal co-ignimbrite breccias
(Section 8.5) varies around the rim and certain
types can be correlated to probable vent locations.
During the ring vent phase another 20 km 3 of
magma may have been erupted. Druitt and Sparks
(1985) and Druitt (1985) have also proposed such a
two-stage model for caldera-related ignimbriteforming eruptions, based on studies on Santorini.
One noteworthy study of an ancient ring fissure
vent system is that by Almond (1971) of the LatePrecambrian-Cambrian Sabaloka cauldron, Sudan.
Almond has described welded ignimbrite dykes
which he believes fed their eruption around a ring



The eruption sequence of the Fish Canyon Tuff

may suggest an alternative type of vent system for
the largest ignimbrites (Self & Wright 1983).
Where studied, the outflow sheet is underlain by a
thin pre-ignimbrite plinian layer, and a relatively
thick sequence of pyroclastic beds bounded at the
top by a surface having an unusually large wavelike form (Fig. 8.17). These megawaves indicate
that there may have been an enormous, sudden
release of energy accompanying the eruption. The
explanation suggested is that the thin crust over a
high-level magma chamber collapsed inwards,
effectively opening the magma chamber to the
surface and triggering an enormous release of
energy, which was translated into lateral blasts or
surges. Failure of the roof seems to have occurred
soon after the beginning of the eruption, perhaps
because the upper part of the magma chamber had

( a ) I nitial pli nian outburst




co 6




rich fOP of tlow unll


<> <>

. 0

-,..."------rf' versrly grodfd pumlCf



... Idod

:~.. : .

. ...


(c) Ignimbr i te formation




<> . '. .. . .

"~~~~' v::~


.. .

( b ) Py r ocl ast ic surges

~ ~.,,.





GO~ 00


flow unit bouncory



'bubbling' base 0
eruption column
formmg mtra calder a pyro clastic

column collapse

loundermg 01
crustal blacks
above magma

high aspeCT Igmmbrlle

arms 10 subSiding


mom eruption col umn

ou t flow
pyroclas IC

mrgo woyt bf dform

Figure 8.17 Measured stratigraphic section through the

outflow sheet of the Fish Canyon Tuff at a location 35 km
south-east of the centre of La Garita caldera (Fig. 8.1). (After
Self & Wright 1983)

been quickly drained by a high intensity, initial

plinian phase. Figure 8.18 shows schematically the
sequence of events. After the surge blasts, the
eruption continued to generate ignimbrite-forming
pumice flows. As a result of the continued evacuation of magma, failure of the crust over the whole
of the present La Garita caldera area may have
occurred. Many vents could have opened around
foundering crustal blocks over a large area, rather

Figure 8.18 Possi ble eruption sequence for the Fish

Canyon Tuff and other very large ignimbrites. (After Self &
Wright. unpubl. data .)

than simply around a ring fracture. It is possible to

envisage these being aligned on a complexly organised tensional fracture system and, in a sense, these
would be of the linear fissure type . As the eruption
continued, more-localised vents may have developed.
With gradual subsidence of crustal blocks into
the magma chamber a thick (> 1.4 km) intracaldera
ignimbrite accumulated . The outflow ignimbrite
sheet (20-500 m thick) is composed of a number of
flow units, which are similar to smaller volume
ignimbrite flow units in their characteristics. The
fact that these were able to travel up to 100 km from
source suggests they acquired much of their kinetic
energy by collapse of a vertical eruption column,
probably at least 10 km high. The intra caldera
flows (very densely welded and devitrified) could be


more complex in their origin, being composed not

only of flows formed by column collapse, but also
perhaps generated by frothing over of material at
vent without column collapse. Such flows would
not be greatly expanded or travel very far, and
would build up a thick, high aspect ratio ignimbrite
(Section 8.7) within the caldera. Losses of vitric ash
should therefore also be minimal. The intracaldera
Fish Canyon Tuff, like many other intra caldera
ignimbrites, is very crystal-rich, but examination of
their juvenile clasts often seems to show that this is
a property of the magma, not extreme fractionation
by flow processes (Ch. 11).


A number of Quaternary ignimbrites have been
related to central vents by several methods, including mapping their distribution, mapping the
distribution of co-eruptive pumice fall deposits and
identifying proximal facies (Section 8.5). These
include ignimbrites with associated caldera formation. For example, the Rio Caliente ignimbrite
(Fig. 8.31) not only contains a chaotic near-vent
facies with co-ignimbrite breccias which can be
used to locate a central vent, but also a thicker
intracaldera ignimbrite which is partly due to
caldera collapse during the eruption. The Minoan
eruption sequence has been interpreted in terms of
a central vent which progressively widened during
the eruption (Fig. 8.11). If this is correct, then
caldera collapse, forming Santorini's present
caldera, had to happen near the end of or after the
Minoan eruption. Similarly, at Krakatau, caldera
collapse seems to have taken place very late in the
eruption (Self & Rampino 1981). The ultraplinianand ignimbrite-forming Taupo AD 186 eruption
has been related to a central vent. Sudden collapse
of the vent area is thought to have greatly widened
the vent, and to have triggered the eruption of the
violent Taupo ignimbrite, perhaps in a manner
somewhat similar to that suggested for the Fish
Canyon Tuff, but on a smaller scale and much later
in the eruption. Some central vent eruptions have
apparently been unrelated to any pre-existing
volcano. Just as Paricutin was 'born in a cornfield'
in 1943, so the Acatlan ignimbrite was erupted


from a 'hole in the ground' vent (located by the

near-vent occurrence of a co-ignimbrite breccia and
lava dome) on flat ground 0. V. Wright & Walker
1977; see below).
From the foregoing discussion it will be apparent
that the vent type and eruption mechanisms for the
largest ignimbrites remain unresolved. Models of
linear fissure and ring fissure eruptions must be
tested by the analysis of eruption sequences and
facies, and some of the answers are likely to be
found by further examination of ancient volcanic
terrains where the roots of large centres and
calderas are exposed. Vent type may change as an
eruption proceeds (e.g. Druitt 1985). Even if
eruption is initiated along a fissure, or if one or
more fissures develop due to later caldera-collapse,
localisation to multiple vents or a central vent may
be a natural progression. During the initial stages of
a highly explosive eruption the widest part of the
fissure will offer least frictional resistance to the
flow of gas and magma. Most-rapid erosion will
take place at this point, further accentuating the
flow until the eruption is confined to this point.
Note that in the theoretical column-collapse models
(Figs 8.9, 10, 11 &.6.20) a circular vent is assumed,
but the results can be applied to a fissure eruption
by replacing the vent radius with the half-width of
the fissure.

8.5 Co-ignimbrite breccias

Proximal ignimbrite breccias generated in the
eruption column and as part of an ignimbrite are
now known to be common. J. V. Wright and
Walker (1977) first described a co-ignimbrite lagfall deposit from the Acatlan ignimbrite (Fig. 8.19).
This coarse, lithic-rich deposit was identified as
part of the ignimbrite because it showed the same
compositional zoning as the ignimbrite (Figs 7.19 &
20). This was the key to the interpretation, because
it showed that the breccia accumulated synchronously with the formation of the ignimbrite, together
possibly representing only one flow unit. J. V.
Wright and Walker (1977, 1981) envisaged that the
deposit formed at or near the site of continuous
column collapse, and consisted mainly of pyroclasts



( b)



Illhlc s
within cO+19n im bn tf




",~ '




\ -rhyollfIC


eo,onomb"l t
100 lo ll
dtpo .. ,

'pumlc r









- -..;t--- ~ -------


andes it ic pumic e



---.----.-- ti'- - _;.#""'___ : _____


0 -.',


-i -....--- r -

20t _' _n_ n

50 100


_______ L_ _ _ _ _ _

.. 4 _ ____

rhyol it ic pumice





100 - fo il dtp o."


.-- ~-----. ....-- 20,



Distance (km)

Figure 8.19 (a) Measured stratigraphic section through the Acatlan lag-fall deposit. Mexico. approximately 1.5 km from the
most likely source vent; the conduit now covered by a rhyolite lava dome. (b) Average maximum diameter of the five largest
clasts plotted against distance from source in the main. compositionally zoned ignimbrite flow unit and the lagfall deposit.
(After J. V. Wright & Walker 1977)

that were too large and heavy for the column to

support. The term 'lag-fall' deposit was proposed,
because the accumulation of lithics was a residue
left behind by the pumice flows - that is, a lag
deposit. The lag deposit was of air-fall type as
shown by the stratification. The absence of finegrained fall units (ash grade <2 mm) and of
discrete bedding planes was thought to be evidence
for rapid accumulation from a continuous, vigorous
eruption column with only minor variations in
eruption intensity.
Similar breccias have since been recognised as a
near-vent facies of several ignimbrites (Figs 8.20 &
21). However, it is now realised that there are
different types, and a better general term to use for
these rocks is simply co-ignimbrite breccia. Many
of these examples did not simply accumulate by the
fall of lithics out of the eruption column, as
originally envisaged for the Acatlan ignimbrite, but
were emplaced by flow processes. Such types of
deposit include clast-supported lithic breccias containing a small amount of ignimbrite matrix. In
some cases they may grade into matrix-supported

breccias and coarse pumiceous ignimbrite containing large lithics (Figs 8.21 & 22). These deposits
can contain large segregation pipes and structures
enriched in lithics and depleted in fines, which
indicate a high degree of fluidisation in the proximal
pumice flows (Ch. 7). Complex interrelations between breccias and ignimbrite can be found (Fig.
Recent work shows that there are two types of
proximal ignimbrite breccias emplaced by flow. In
the first type, segregation of lithics takes place
through the body of the flow, and this is found
above a basal layer. This type is the near-vent
equivalent of the lithic concentration zone commonly observed at the bottom of layer 2b in
ignimbrite flow units eCho 7). Towards the vent this
type of breccia should grade back into a coignimbrite lag-fall of the Acatlan-type, in which
lithics settled out of the eruption column. Druitt
and Sparks (1982) have logically proposed that both
these cases of body segregation breccias should be
termed co-ignimbrite lag breccias. In the second
type, the segregation of lithics appears to have

Figure 8.20 Examples of co-ignimbrite breccias. (a) The Kamewarizaka breccia. a

proximal facies of the Ito pyroclastic flow deposit found close to the edge of Aira
caldera. Japan (Fig. 8.3). Largest lithics are 20-30 cm in diameter. Lighter coloured
lower half is the older Tsumaya pyroclastic flow deposit (photograph by S.
Yokoyama). (b) Lag-breccia in the Rio Caliente ignimbrite. Mexico. Note segregation
pipes. Largest lithic is a block of welded Rio Caliente ignimbrite which has been 're -

erupted', indicating considerable vent widening, or migration, during the eruption. (c)
Lag-breccia of the 18500 years BP eruption of Santorini, Greece (Fig. 13.31). The
breccias overlie a basal plinian pumice fall deposit (against which the geologist is
resting his hand) and show normal grading (after Druitt & Sparks 1982) . (d)
Lenticular segregation pod In lag breccias of the 18500 years BP Santorini eruption
(photograph by T. H. Druitt). (e) Wall of the Valles caldera showing a 5 m thick co(continued)

Figure 8.20 continued.

ignimbrite breccia bed in the Lower Bandelier Tuff. New Mexico. (f) Close-up of
Lower Bandelier co-ignimbrite breccia showing largest clasts up to nearly 2 m. (g)
Ground breccia of the Taupo ignimbrite at a location approximately 8 km from the

vent. New Zealand. The base of the ground breccia is sharply erosional. here it
overlies a local early ignimbrite flow unit (Section 8.12). (h) Detail of the Taupo
ground breccia with large. well-rounded mudstone block. Spade is in same position
seen in (g).




head - -- - body - - --


e ru pllon

lag breccIa


ground brecclo



Figure 8.21 Field sketch at an exposure in the Santorini

caldera wall showing co-ignimbrite breccias of the
18 500 years BP eruption. Santorini. Greece. This illustrates
the complex relationships that can be found between such
proximal breccias and ignimbrite. (After Druitt & Sparks

(0 )

+ log brecclo

IQnlmbr l tt

bo,ol loy.r

Qround brf cclc

,......,. ............_......................... .

b'" ,


. ~.

(_---~-.- __--::~---~::.O_<..::~::~::~I


'-----------------------~---~- -------





1/8 mm




" !hies

Ignimbri1e moxlrix







Figure 8.23 Model for the proximal segregation of lithic

clasts in pumice flows generated by column-collapse.
Ingestion of air at the flow-head causes strong fluidisation,
and the sedimentation of the ground breccia. Compression
of the particle-gas mixture at the base of the collapsing
column generates high pore pressures within a high particle
concentration flow body. Decompression of the gas phase
as the flow moves away laterally causes strong fluidisation
with the body, and the segregation of lithics to generate the
lag breccia. Open arrows schematically depict the passage
of gas through the flow system. (After Druitt & Sparks




4 ~
1/16 mm

Groins ize
Figure 8.22 (a) Mdq/o$ plot for proximal deposits of the
Santorini 18500 years BP eruption, Greece. Tie-lines with
arrows connect samples taken from a gradational section
measured on the eastern side of location sketched in Figure
8.21. (b) Grainsize histograms of a typical lag-breccia. The
deposit is bimodal with a mode in the >0.5 mm fraction due
to a high proportion of crystals. (After Druitt & Sparks 1982.)

taken place in the more strongly fluidised head of

the moving pumice flow. This layer is then
overridden by the rest or body of the flow (with
layers 2a and 2b). This type has been termed a
ground breccia, and the best example that has been
described is associated with the Taupo ignimbrite
(Figs 8.20g & h). This is the proximal equivalent of
the ground layer (G. P. L. Walker et at. 1981a; Ch.
7). Both types of breccia can be found within the
same flow unit. For their formation, Druitt and
Sparks (1982) have suggested the model illustrated
in Figure 8.23. Druitt (1985) has suggested that the
sudden appearance of lag breccias between normal
ignimbrites above and below, on Santorini, records
the change from a single point source eruption
point to caldera collapse. This leads to an increased
discharge rate, erosion of the collapsing roof
materials and eruption of the eroded blocks together
with ignimbrite from multiple eruption points
along the caldera collapse fracture system, as
multiple, localised deposits of lag breccia. The
succeeding normal ignimbrite records a return to a
single, stable eruption point.
Other types of breccia may be generated during
eruption of ignimbrites and are found closely
associated with them near vent. Lipman (1976) has



described caldera-collapse breccias within intracaldera ignimbrites in the San Juan volcanic field as
meggabreccias including clasts metres to hundreds
of metres in size (e.g. Thompson 1985). These are
thought to have formed by landslides from the walls
of calderas as collapse took place (see caption to
Fig. 8.16c and Ch. 13). Flash-flood breccias are a
prominent feature of the Minoan ignimbrite (Bond
& Sparks 1976; Fig. 7.15). G. P. L. Walker (1985)
has comprehensively reviewed the origin of coarse
lithic breccias near ignimbrite source vents.

8.6 Co-ignimbrite ash falls

In recent years it has become apparent that largevolume ignimbrites should have associated with
them large and very widespread air-fall ashes which
are synchronous with emplacement of the ignimbrite (Ch. 5). Ignimbrites commonly show a
marked concentration of free crystals in the matrix
compared with the juvenile magmatic content. This
may be attributed to the large amount of vitric dust
that has been lost during eruption and pyroclastic
flow, and is then deposited in an associated co(0)

ignimbrite ash-fall deposit (Sparks & Walker 1977;

Chs 5 & 11). From crystal concentration studies
(App. I), ignimbrites show average vitric ash losses
of at least 35% from the total erupted magma.
Thus, for an ignimbrite having a volume of
200 km 3 , there may be more than another 100 km 3
accompanying this as widely dispersed air-fall ash.
The significance of co-ignimbrite ashes is even
greater when the volumes of plinian deposits are
considered. Very few plinian deposits are known to
be greater than 25 km 3 in volume (Table 6.2).
Although dispersal is not necessarily related to
volume, this at least shows thin extensive, very
widely dispersed volcanic ashes are more likely to
be associated with the formation of the ignimbrite,
rather than with a preceding plinian phase or
individual plinian eruptions. However, the volcanological interpretation of distal silicic air-fall ash
layers is not easy. Other types of eruption will
produce widely dispersed ash layers, and the
plinian component can be substantial (Ch. 6).
During the eruption of ignimbrites, two sources
from which fine ash could be carried high as
convective plumes are (a) above the collapsing
column and (b) above the moving pyroclastic flow.

CORE RC 17 -1 45




\\ 1 ~
\\ 1/ ~


l\ ~
.I, \\.0

7 40


pJ"ton corts WI1h osh lay.r (thickn ess In em)

pl,fon corrs WJthout ash loylP r




. '.

1 10



La Tobo

Figure 8.24

(a) Map showing the distribution and thickness of the Toba ash-layer in deep-sea cores . This is a product of an

eruption from Lake Toba, Sumatra, 75000 years BP, which produced a 2000 km 3 ignimbrite (Table 8.1), and is the largest
magnitude eruption documented in the Quaternary. (b) Section showing the ash layer in the most proximal core. The lower.
coarser unit is interpreted as a distal plinian ash, and the upper graded fine unit the co-ignimbrite ash. (After Ninkovich et al.




rl r~';~~I:h









94cm -


DIStance (fIOOkm)

Grain diameter (l1I)


:11;-11] 1'\

DIStance (1320km)

Grain diameter (~)


DIStance (1620 km)

Grain diameter (Ill)

Grain diameter (0)

Distance (630 km)

Grain diameter (l1I)

Figure 8.25

Sections showing the Campanian (Y-5) ash layer in six deep-sea cores from the eastern Mediterranean Sea at
increasing distance from the Bay of Naples. This is correlated with tM Campanian ignimbrite, distributed over a large area in
the Napolitan region (Table 8.1, Ch. 13) (After Sparks & Huang 1980.)

When pyroclastic flows are generated by column

collapse a convective column rises above the vent,
producing a high eruption column, and lower
clouds of fine ash rise above the moving pumice
flows (Fig. 8.8). It is the preferential loss of vitric
material into convecting plumes which leads to a
complementary increase in the proportion of crystals
in the ignimbrite. Sparks et ai. (in press) have also
suggested that some flows may become completely
buoyant at their distal flow margins, and then rise
into the atmosphere producing a major mushroomlike plume of ash. This may be the source of very
large volumes of co-ignimbrite air-fall deposits.
This work is based on analysis of space and ground
photographs of the 18 May 1980 Mt St Helens blast
event, which suggests the growth and rise of a
major ash cloud at a point well away from the vent.
Many of the volcanic ashes found in deep-sea

cores are considered to be co-ignimbrite ash layers

(e.g. Figs 8.24 & 25). The largest known is that
associated with the Toba Tuff, erupted from Lake
Toba, Sumatra. Nearer to the source, cores also
pick up the distal plinian ash below the coignimbrite ash; in all the described examples this is
a thinner, coarser layer which peters out with
distance. In more-proximal cores through the
Campanian ash layer of the eastern Mediterranean
(Fig. 8.25), this ash is clearly divisible into a coarse
lower unit separated by a sharp boundary from a
fine graded upper unit. In core RC9-191 the lower
unit only shows a coarse mode, whereas the
normally graded top possesses a coaise and a finer
mode. The normally graded unit in core VlO-67 has
a bimodal distribution throughout most of its
thickness. Bimodality disappears downwind,
because the coarser mode decreases in diameter



with distance from source, but the finer mode

shows no lateral variation. During the plinian phase
of an eruption the coarse-grained lower unit, and at
least part of the coarse mode found in bimodal
ashes, is formed. The fine-grained upper unit is the
co-ignimbrite ash. The higher convecting plume
above the collapsing column may also contribute to
the coarse mode in this layer. However, bimodality
in distal silicic ash layers is not unique to coignimbrite ashes and can be produced by other
mechanisms (Ch. 6). Observations on the size
grading of crystals in deep ash layers are also
important, and can be used to estimate eruption
durations (Ch. 9).
In the geological record, many of the stratigraphically important bentonite layers and 'tonsteins' may be co-ignimbrite ashes, perhaps derived
from late stage, buoyant plumes originating from
the distal margins of flows as suggested by J. G.
Moore et al. (in press).

8.7 Depositional facies model

For our purpose here, a facies can be considered as
an eruptive unit, or part thereof, having distinct
spatial and geometrical relations and internal
characteristics (e.g. grain size and depositional
structures; Ch. 1). A facies model is a generalised
summary of the organisation and associations of the
facies in space and time.
C. J. N. Wilson and Walker (1982) described
the different facies that could be found in an
ignimbrite and related them to the depositional
regimes or 'anatomy', of the moving pyroclastic
flow. However, much of this discussion was based
on the study of one ignimbrite - the excellently
preserved Taupo ignimbrite. This has exceptionally
well developed facies contrasts, related to the
extreme 'violence' or velocity with which it was
emplaced (Ch. 7). Indeed, the Taupo ignimbrite
can be considered to be at one end of a spectrum of
ignimbrite types. Ideally, when constructing facies
models of depositional systems it is important to
study many examples. It is only after the local
effects of a number of examples are 'distilled away'
that a generalised model results (Ch. 14). However,

unlike many sedimentary systems, there are still

relatively few ignimbrites for which different facies
and lateral relationships are known. One example
where lateral relationships have been evaluated are
in the Laacher See tephra in Germany, where
Freundt and Schmincke (1985) have been able to
identify proximal, medial and distal facies.
The model presented here is largely developed
from a study of the Bandelier Tuffs 0. V. Wright et
al. 1981). Seminal works on many of the characteristics of ignimbrite volcanism originated from
studies of these deposits (R. L. Smith 1960a, b,
Ross & Smith 1961, R. L. Smith & Bailey 1966,
1968). The Bandelier Tuffs are therefore already
models for this type of volcanism, and we consider
them to be a good norm for comparison, which is
an important property of any facies model (R. G.
Walker 1984; Ch. 14). To illustrate the extremes in
ignimbrites, we can also examine and compare the
Rio Caliente and Taupo ignimbrites, which seem to
be at the opposite ends of the spectrum of ignimbrite
types. Readers are also referred to the facies model
of Freundt and Schmincke (1985) for ignimbrites of
the Laacher See volcano in Germany.


The Lower and Upper Bandelier tuffs of New
Mexico are the products of two voluminous,
rhyolitic ignimbrite-forming eruptions, dated 1.4
and l.1 Ma BP, respectively. Associated with these
eruptions was the formation of a large caldera
complex, including the Valles caldera and the
Toledo caldera (Figs 8.26, 13.42 & Plate 13).
Toledo caldera was believed to be the source of the
earlier ignimbrite, and Valles to be that of the later
ignimbrite. Stratigraphically the Lower and Upper
Bandelier tuffs are separated by erosional surfaces,
epiclastic sediments, soils and a sequence of up to
six pumice-fall (sub-plinian or plinian) deposits
(Plate 8) erupted from rhyolite domes in Toledo
Both tuffs have similar eruption histories. Extensive plinian fall layers occur at their bases (Plate
8, Figs 6.13b, 14a & b). The Lower Bandelier
plinian deposit with its volume of 100 km 3 and the
Upper plinian deposit with its volume of 70 km 3



cald fra

f'tson.o F.




prrsrn. ou'c,op 01 Band.h., lonlmbn.u

lopoorapt'lic rIm 0' caldtfO complu

....... ring 'ractur"

yon, la, Upp. , Bondt htr plInIan

.... n. for Lo.er Bondll'ltrr pllnlon

Figure 8.26

Location map of the Bandelier Tuffs. New

Mexico. Vent positions are from Self & Wright (unpubl.


are two of the most voluminous yet recognised (Ch.

6). Each has a lower, thick, homogeneous fall unit,
produced by the continuous gas-blast of a high
intensity, maintained, stable eruption column. The
homogeneous units are overlain by finely bedded
fall units, which are locally interstratified with
pyroclastic surge and flow deposits. These are
indicative of instabilities in the column, documenting fluctuations in gas exit velocity, mass
discharge rate, column height and minor collapse
events. Dispersal patterns of fall units within the
plinian deposits indicate the location of a central
vent for each eruption (Fig. 8.26). The sequence of
deposits suggests a continuum of events leading to a
major collapse (Fig. 8.11). Also, the initial pumice
flows at least seem likely to have been erupted from
the same central vents. Eruptions along a ringfissure vent system may have developed later.
The two ignimbrites both have volumes of about
200 km 3 , and consist of a number of flow units.
Flow unit thickness varies from <1 m to >20 m,
although in some of the deep palaeocanyons where


the ignimbrites are ponded and densely welded (see

Fig. 8.42, below), individual flow units could have
had uncompacted thicknesses of more than 100 m.
For most of the two sheets, anyone section only
shows a small number (two to four) of massive flow
units (Plate 8). Basal layers, normal grading of
lithic clasts and reverse-grading of pumices are
often evident.
Lithic breccias are interbedded, and grade into
ignimbrite flow units in the caldera wall. These are
co-ignimbrite lag breccias. The breccias form thick
segregation layers (Figs 8.20e & f), segregation
pods and large pipes. The appearance of lag
breccias associated with the ignimbrites of the
caldera wall may herald the onset of caldera
collapse and the opening of ring fracture vents.
The ignimbrites are underlain by ground surge
deposits (Plate 8, Figs 5.23a & b) and we have
already discussed the possibilities for the generation
of this facies (Chs 5 & 7). Also, directly below the
base of the lowermost flow unit of the Lower
Bandelier ignimbrite, large pumice clasts occur in
dune bed-forms (height 0.5-l.5 m, wavelength
5-10 m; Fig. 8.27) and in discontinuous lenses
(pumice swanns). These pumice swarms have also
been found in the thin flow units at the base of the
Upper Bandelier ignimbrite. More rarely, such
pumice concentrations have been found at the base

Figure 8.27

Pumice dune below base of lowermost flow

unit of the Lower Bandelier ignimbrite. Height of crest is
50 cm.



layer and this is regarded as distal Lower Bandelier

plinian fall. An upper, finer-grained (Md<j> = 4.1),
vitric (14 wt% free crystals) layer is regarded as a
co-ignimbrite ash fall. Crystal concentration studies
of the Lower Bandelier ignimbrite show that
approximately 100 km 3 of ash should have been
deposited as a co-ignimbrite ash-fall, and for the
Upper Bandelier ignimbrite one of comparable
volume is indicated.
In Figure 8.30 the different depositional facies
are placed together schematically as a model for the
products of ignimbrite-forming eruptions.


Figure 8.28 Thin, very pumice-rich, reversely graded flow
units and ash-cloud surge forming a distal facies association
of the Upper Bandelier ignimbrite. Deposits are indurated by
vapour-phase crystallisation (Section 8.10).

of flow units higher up in the ignimbrites, but they

are certainly best developed.in the lowermost one.
They represent jets of turbulent, highly fluidised
material which burst forward from the flow-head
(Ch. 7). This process was best developed in the
initial pumice flow because its flow-head was
ingesting cold air which would greatly expand,
enhancing fluidisation. Later flows ingested considerably hotter, and probably ash-charged, air
which would expand less.
Ground- and ash-cloud surge deposits also occur
interbedded with ignimbrite flow units (Figs 5.23c
& d). Ash-cloud surge deposits of the Upper
Bandelier ignimbrite have been described by Fisher
(1979). These are best developed at the edge of the
ignimbrite sheet associated with a number of
relatively thin, very pumice-rich, reversely graded
flow units (Fig. 8.28). These features suggest that,
distally, pumice flows were splitting up into separate
lobes, ash-cloud surges were well developed and
pumice was being dumped at the flow-fronts. These
processes are also all recognised at Mt St Helens,
but on a different scale.
Fine-grained ash from the eruption of the Lower
Bandelier Tuff is known to have been dispersed
500 km (Fig. 8.29). This distal ash deposit is
divisible into two layers. There is a lower, coarser
(Md<j> = 2.9), crystal-rich (36 wt% free crystals)


Both of these ignimbrites have vesiculated volumes

of about 30 km 3 , which makes them an order of
magnitude smaller than each of the Bandelier
ignimbrites. The Rio Caliente ignimbrite, from
Mexico, was formed from a low intensity (low
magma discharge rate) eruption, forming a multipleflow unit deposit (Fig. 5.16a) with a high aspect
ratio (1 : 300) 0. V. Wright 1981). At the other end
of the spectrum, the Taupo ignimbrite, from New
Zealand, was erupted with an extremely high
magma discharge rate and travelled with an extremely high velocity. It formed a low-aspect ratio
(1 : 70 000) ignimbrite, consisting of a single-flow
unit, and travelled radially outwards in all directions, almost regardless of topography, climbing

Figure 8.29 Distal air-fall ash layer from the Lower

Bandelier eruption at Floydada, Texas.


c o -Ignimbr ite

plinian fall

flow Units


laterally very
co - Ignimbrite
/ ash - fall deposit

very pumice rich

dIstal flow unIts



ash cloud
surge deposIts

fine distal ash

of plinian fall deposit

Figure 8.30 Depositional facies model for the products of ignimbrite-forming eruptions based on the Bandelier Tuffs. (After
J. V. Wright et al. 1981.)

hills up to 1500 m above the vent in Lake Taupo

(Ch. 7).
Maps of the two ignimbrites are shown in
Figures 8.31 and 32. The distribution of facies in
the Taupo ignimbrite is strikingly different from
those in the Rio Caliente ignimbrite and our
Bandelier Tuff model. Several important differences
can be highlighted:

An outstanding feature of the Taupo ignimbrite is that it occurs in two contrasting forms,
each having quite different relationships to the
pre-existing land surface. One is a landscape
mantling ignimbrite veneer deposit (IVD),
while the other fills in depressions like 'conventional' ignimbrites do, and is called valleyponded ignimbrite (VPI; Figs 8.32a & 7.27).
The IVD is stratified and occasionally shows
bedforms . All of the evidence suggests this

was left behind as a 'trail-marker' by the

rapidly moving Taupo flow (Ch. 7). Such
types of layers have not been found in the less
mobile Rio Caliente ignimbrite, which is
composed of normal flow units. However, the
Rio Caliente ignimbrite seems to have been
erupted onto gentle topography , and if hills
were present maybe local ignimbrite veneer
deposits could have formed; such a local
veneer deposit has been found at one locality
in the Upper Bandelier ignimbrite. What is
important is they could never have been an
important facies, as in the Taupo ignimbrite.
(b) Co-ignimbrite breccias in the Taupo ignimbrite extend much further from the vent.
They are of the ground breccia type, generated in the extremely fluidised head of the
Taupo flow. Laterally they pass into the
Taupo ground layer and the> 10 em average



" - - - - - '.

,_ ~/


oppro .. mo r~ IImlr

19n1mbn re rhlCkntss (m)

rhyohr ~ lovos

Figure 8.31 (a) Isopach map of the Rio Caliente

ignimbrite. Sierra La Primavera volcano. The base of
the ignimbrite is rarely seen and so recorded values
are minimum values. Within the caldera area (Ch .
13) the ignimbrite is now known from drilling to be
as much as 360 m thick. suggesting that calderacollapse was also concomitant with the eruption . (b)
Location of vent position (star); solid diamonds
represent exposed proximal ignimbrite facies with
co-ignimbrite breccias and fines-depleted ignimbrite; broken line is > 1 m lithic isopleth for the coeruptive plinian fall (Fig. 8.12) . Also shown is the
distribution (close stipple) of some localised mixedpumice flow units which travelled only a short
distance from the vent. (After J. V. Wright 1981 .)







1. 4 ......... , .........


'1.5 \





. 1.9



,," VPI

. 1.6






o --'---'---'---'--"~km
V nl


" - - ......

--5-- ovrroQt mOxlmum lithIc







Figure 8.32

(a) Map of the Taupo ignimbrite distinguishing

ignimbrite veneer deposit from valley-ponded ignimbrite.
Isopachs show the average thickness of IVD. (b) Isopleth
map of the average maximum diameter of the three largest
lithic clasts in the Taupo ground layer. (c) Distribution of
fines-depleted ignimbrite and pre-ignimbrite fall deposits.
(After G. P. L. Walker et al. 1980a, 1981 a,b.)

maximum lithic size isopleth extends 35 km

approximately radially around the vent (Fig.
8. 32b). The co-ignimbrite breccias identified
in the Rio Caliente ignimbrite (Fig. 8.31b)
formed by segregation through the bodies of
proximal pumice flows, and are of the lag
breccia type. These only extend up to a
maximum of 4 km from the vent. No ground


breccias have been found in the Rio Caliente

Another quite remarkable facies of the Taupo
ignimbrite is fines depleted ignimbrite (FDI).
This is very distinctive in the field, and is
characterised by large rounded framework
pumice clasts, with few fines and abundant
charcoal fragments (Fig. 7.28). The FDI is


restricted to an area where vegetation was not

covered by earlier co-eruptive fall deposits
(Fig. 8.32c; Section 8.12). The FDI is thought
to be material jetted out en masse from the flow
head (similar to the pumice dunes), but in this
case mixed with large amounts of vegetation
which also generated large amounts of gas,
carrying off even more fines. This fines
depleted facies extends 42 km from the vent.
Ignimbrite depleted in fines is found in the
Rio Caliente ignimbrite, but this only occurs
in proximal locations closely associated with
co-ignimbrite breccias (Fig. 8.31b). This is
again a facies consistent with a high degree of
agitation-fluidisation near the vent in proximal
pumice flows, as they are segregating from the
collapsing column.
(d) Following on from the above, total loss of
vitric material is very much greater in the
Taupo ignimbrite than the Rio Caliente ignimbrite. Although both ignimbrites have similar
volumes, the quantity of ash occurring as a coignimbrite ash-fall facies is quite different for
each. The Taupo co-ignimbrite ash has an
estimated volume of 20 km 3 and the Rio
Caliente co-ignimbrite ash only 7 km 3 . This
was clearly controlled by the degree of expansion and mobility of the moving pumice
flows (Section 7.3).


Simple Ignimbrite
aspect ratio = I 50000


[~!o =====:=:::S:::=:=====:::::S::.=====



Compound ignimbrite
aspect ratio = I . 500


Figure 8.33

Simple and compound ignimbrites. Relationships between thickness. number of flow units and distance
travelled are shown schematically for two ignimbrites with
similar volumes. (After J. V. Wright 1981)

Walker (1981) managed to make an estimate for the

Rio Caliente and Taupo ignimbrites, respectively,
and these are used as the basis for Figure 8.34,
together with other data available in the literature.
From the scenario suggested in Figures 8.33 and
34 we can make an assessment of where the
Bandelier ignimbrites, and therefore our facies
model derived from them, are positioned within
this spectrum of ignimbrite types, and also an order
of magnitude estimate of their magma discharge
rates. Consideration of aspect ratio (1: 500),
number of flow units and proportional volume of


The most important control on the overall geometry

and internal characteristics, and therefore facies, of
the Rio Caliente and Taupo ignimbrites is believed
to be magma discharge rate. J. V. Wright (1981)
drew the analogy between multiple and single flow
unit ignimbrites, and compound and simple lava
flows (Fig. 8.33). It was G. P. L. Walker (1970,
1973a) who first suggested that magma discharge
rate was perhaps the single most important factor
governing lava flow morphology and the distances
that lavas travelled (Ch. 4), and this appears to be
the same for ignimbrites. For most ignimbrites it is
not possible to determine discharge rate. However,
J. V. Wright (1981) and C. J. N. Wilson and



Los Chocoyas





10- 3

Rio Caliente
MSH (May 18)


10 -2 '--::-_ _-'-:_ _---'-_ _ _L , -_ _---'-=,---10 7

10 3
10 4
10 5

Eruption rate (m 3

5- 1)

Figure 8.34 Plot of aspect ratio against the average

volumetric eruption rate of magma for a number of
ignimbrites. Arrows for the Los Chocoyas and Toba ignimbrites indicate uncertainty in measuring aspect ratio.



fine ash lost suggests that both of the Bandelier

ignimbrites are towards the lower end of the
discharge rate spectrum, and that they have discharge rates of about 105 m 3 S-I.

8.8 Palaeocurrent indicators

Flow direction has been determined for a number
of ignimbrites by measuring the preferred orientation of elongate crystals and lithic fragments (K.
Suzuki & Vi 1982), tree logs (Froggatt et al. 1981),
welding fabrics (Elston & Smith 1970, Rhodes &
Smith 1972, Kamata & Mimura 1983) and magnetic
fabrics (Ellwood 1982). K. Suzuki and Vi (1982)
have shown that flow orientation was strongly
controlled by the pre-existing topography for the
Ata pyroclastic flow deposit. Flow lineations
oriented radially away from source were only
obtained for samples collected from the surface of
the ignimbrite sheet. Samples collected from the
bottoms of valley-fill deposits had lineations parallel
to the axis of the valleys. Samples collected from
valley walls tended to be parallel to the slope of the
valley. Froggatt et al. (1981) also noted that in the
Taupo ignimbrite the orientation of tree logs in
areas far from the source was parallel to valley axes,
even though these could be perpendicular to the
general outflow direction.
Wolff and Wright (1981) showed that directional
fabrics in welded tuffs are strongly controlled by
local palaeoslope. The fact that ignimbrites generally slope away from their source volcano has
suggested to some workers that these directional
fabrics are likely to reflect flow direction. However,
above, we have shown that this line of reasoning is
not valid. This short discussion therefore suggests
that caution is needed when palaeocurrents of
ignimbrites are measured, especially in ancient
examples, where they are used to locate source
vents. Contouring average maximum lithic clast
sizes is the alternative method.
K. Suzuki and Vi (1982) also noted large
depositional ramps on the original surface of the
Ata pyroclastic flow deposit which provide an
independent flow direction indicator. These are
shown by the asymmetric distribution of elevation

and thickness of deposits in valleys and basins, with

deposits ramped up higher on vent-facing slopes.
Depositional ramps are also recognised in cross
sections through the Ito pyroclastic flow deposit
(Fig. 8.3).

8.9 Secondary deposits

Some ignimbrites are obviously interbedded with
and overlain by secondary deposits derived from
the ignimbrite (e.g. Figs 5.16b & 7.15). These
include variously pumiceous mud flows, torrent
deposits, lacustrine sediments, reworked wind
deposits (Ch. 10) and locally generated phreatic
Pumiceous mud-flow deposits can closely resemble ignimbrite, and be difficult to distinguish.
J. V. Wright (1978) showed that mud-flow deposits
interbedded with the Minoan eruption sequence on
Santorini could be distinguished from ignimbrite
flow units by the absence of a thermal remanent
magnetism. Segregation pipes indicating that they
had a continuous gas phase, may also be used to
identify ignimbrite deposits. However, if mud
flows have been generated by water flooding into
still-hot ignimbrite, then similar pipes could form
but, in these, clasts may be mud-coated and
entrapped vesicles may be present in the muddy
matrix. Note also that Sheridan et al. (1981) have
indicated that some pumiceous mud flows could be
primary products formed at vent during hydrovolcanic phases of ignimbrite-forming eruptions.
Torrent deposits that are rich in large lithic blocks
may be difficult to distinguish from co-ignimbrite
breccias, and pumiceous examples may be hard to
differentiate from surge deposits. Angle of repose
cross-stratification (Ch. 10), if present, indicates an
alluvial origin. Lacustrine deposits will form where
river valleys have been blocked by debris. Deposits
could include ash turbidites and fines-free assemblages of coarse, very well rounded pumices representing pumice rafts which formed a floating
layer on the surface of the lake (Ch. 10). Wind
reworking of the top of an ignimbrite could
produce stratified and low angle cross-stratified
layers which would closely resemble ash-cloud



steam explosions occur above the Taupo ignimbrite

(c. J. N. Wilson & Walker 1985) and Crater Lake
pumice flow deposit (Bacon 1983).

8.10 Welding and post-depositional

Ignimbrites are emplaced at high temperatures and
welding, recrystallisation and alteration may occur
during the period of cooling. Three main processes
can be recognised:
vapour-phase crystallisation

8.10.1 WELDING
Welding is the sintering together of hot pumice
fragments and glass shards under a compactional
load (R. L. Smith 1960a, b, Ross & Smith 1961) .
The most important controls are:
Figure 8.35

Phreatic explosion craters in the 18 May

pumice flow deposits on the western part of the Pumice
Plain at Mt St Helens (Fig . 8.6). Craters are approximatel y
5- 25 m in diameter. (After Rowley et al. 1981.)

surge deposits. However, wavelength and SIze

would not be related to pumice-flow transport
direction. On a larger scale , wind erosion can strip
large volumes of ignimbrite, adding this to a loess
blanket as has happened in New Zealand. Without
knowing the regional stratigraphy, such a deposit is
probably difficult to distinguish from an air-fall ash
deposit at some outcrops (Fig. 1O.32b; Section
Where large quantities of water gain access to a
still-hot ignimbrite, steam explosions can be triggered. These form rootless explosion craters like
those observed at Mt St Helens (Fig. 8.35), where
local phreatic surge and ash-fall layers were also
generated. Similar stratified deposits formed by

glass viscosity (dependent on temperature and

composition) and
lithostatic load (dependent on the thickness of
the deposit).

Lithic content in a deposit will also affect the

development of welding (Eichelberger & Koch
1979). Experimental studies indicate that welding
begins between about 600 and 750C for rhyolitic
compositions, depending on load pressure and H 2 0
content of the glass (I. Friedman el al. 1963,
Bierwirth 1982 ; Fig. 8.36).
Characteristically, when welding approaches
completion, three zones of dense welding, partial
welding and non-welding are produced (Fig. 8.37;
R. L. Smith 1960b). In the welded zones flattened,
often glassy juvenile clasts called fiamme, and glass
shards define a planar foliation or eutaxitic texture
(Figs 8.38 & 3.23b). In most cases fiamme seem to
be flattened pumice clasts, but sometimes they may
have originally been unvesiculated juvenile clasts
(Gibson & Tazieff 1967). Welding is often associated with distinctive colour changes, which are due
to different oxidation states of iron. In densely




(0 )

Figure 8.36 Experimentally derived compaction

curves for anhydrous rhyolitic
ash 2 mm) from the
Upper Bandelier ignimbrite.
(a) At a constant
temperature of 800 0 and
load pressures of 7.2,14.5,
217,28.9 and 36.2 bars. (b)
At a constant load pressure
of 28.9 bars and
temperatures of 650, 700,
750 and 800e. (After
Bierwirth 1982)











Porosify ("!o)

welded zones columnar cooling joints are often well

developed (Fig. 8.39). Lithophysae may also be
present (Fig. 8.37; Ch. 5). A densely welded tuff,
which in hand specimen has a glassy appearance, is
sometimes called a vitrophyre.
Many workers have recorded systematic changes
with height in bulk density and porosity in welded
ignimbrites (Fig. 8.40). Typically, bulk density is
at a maximum, whereas porosity is at minimum in
the lower central half of the deposit, and this
corresponds to the zone of dense welding. Ragan
and Sheridan (1972) showed in the Bishop Tuff that
these features are related to the degree of flattening

of the pumice clasts, which can be considered a

measure of the compactional strain (Fig. 8.41).
Strain ratio (see also Figs 6.42 & 45) can be
measured in welded tuffs by applying techniques
developed by structural geologists to measure
tectonic strain (Ramsay 1967, Dunett 1969, Elliot
1970, Lisle 1977, B. Roberts & Siddans 1970,
Ragan & Sheridan 1972, Sheridan & Ragan 1976,
Sparks & Wright 1979, Wolff & Wright 1981).
R. L. Smith (1960b) classified ignimbrites that
showed such simple welding variations as simple
cooling units. Riehle (1973) found that these
variations could be predicted from theoretical

grey partly welded

vapour phase tuff
grey to brown nonwelded
to partly welded tuff



purple brown densely

welded tuff

"~"""":: l---__ __

o ----

purple brown densely

welded tuff with


devilrified luff

~- .... --...

white non welded tuff

~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~1~:~;~1_ ~

grey to brown non welded

to partly welded tuff

vilric luff

Figure 8.37 Schematic

cross section based on fou r
measured sections of the
Yucca Mountain Tuff
showing welding and
devitrification zones in an
ignimbrite. (After Lipman &
Christiansen 1964.)

Figure 8.38 Welded ignimbrites with eutaxitic textures defined by fiamme. (a) Ignimbrite erupted from Platoro caldera (part
of Treasure Mountain Tuff), San Juan volcanic field, Colorado. (b) Very densely welded ignimbrite near La Piedad, Central

Figure 8.39 Columnar jointing in welded ignimbrites. (a) Amealco ignimbrite (Quaternary). near San Juan del Rio, Central
Mexico. (b) Bishop Tuff, California. (c) Rubicon Rhyolite (Devonian), Central Victoria, Australia.


Porosity ("!o)















Figure 8.40 Densityporosity profile for the

Bishop Tuff. (After Ragan
& Sheridan 1972)


foliation of fiamme they show a well defined

lineation (Fig. 8.43). This indicates secondary mass
flowage of the tuff during welding, and is termed
rheomorphism. Flow folds are sometimes also well
developed. Schmincke and Swanson (1967) and
other workers (e.g. Chapin & Lowell 1979) have
suggested that stretching and welding of fiamme
may be a primary flow feature during the final
stages of pyroclastic flow. Wolff and Wright (1981)
argued that it must be a secondary process involving first compactional deformation and then
subsequent flow on a slope. Many (but not all)
examples of rheomorphic welded tuffs are peralkaline rhyolites having unusually low glass viscosities
compared with calc-alkaline rhyolites.
Ignimbrites which show well developed zones of
dense welding, and in which the proportion of
welding is high, can be termed high-grad~ ignimbrites, in contrast to low-grade ignimbrites, which
are totally non-welded or of which only a small
proportion is welded. The temperature of emplacement of ignimbrites is therefore very variable.
R. L. Smith (l960a) considered that processes
within the eruptive column must be responsible,
and Sparks et al. (1978) explained this by the
eruption column collapse model. Eruptions with
low gas content and low gas velocity will lead to low
collapse heights and little heat loss during collapse,

Density (g cm- 3 )

analysis of the cooling of a sheet emplaced with

uniform temperature. However, some ignimbrites
have several zones of dense welding and partial
welding. Such ignimbrites are classified by Smith
as compound cooling units (Fig. 8.42). These
suggest that the upper parts of earlier flow units of
the ignimbrite must have been partially or wholly
cooled before the emplacement of later flow units.
Some care must be taken when describing compound cooling units, as they may even consist of a
number of ignimbrites separated by long intervals
between eruptions.
Most welded rocks only show compactional
flattening of fiamme and glass shards (Fig. 8.41).
However, in some welded tuffs fiamme are seen to
be stretched, and in sections parallel to the plane of

f lomme
Figure 8.41 Cut blocks of Bishop Tuff. showing increase in
flattening of pumice clasts with decreasing porosity. Values
of strain ratio (Rs) show the increasing compactional strain.
Note block (c) is cut slightly oblique to the foliation. (After
Ragan & Sheridan 1972)


Figure 8.42



> 45'. porOSI1 't


40 - 45


vapour phase erys 011l50110n

30 - 40

20 - 30

> 20

1 - V

eoo1lO9 uniTs

o'...._ _--'"_ _--J5m


--=-.-.,,;:;~~:=di~':=:::::;;;:~===--/ v-

IV and V. and nearer the

source they pass into
densely welded tuff. continuing the trend towards
higher temperature of
emplacement of successive pumice flows that is
more clearly shown by
units I-III. Note. the
topography that the
ignimbrite fills in is cut
into older ignimbrites
and basement. including
Precambrian (cross
section is approximately
normal to movement
direction of the pumice
flows). (After R. L. Smith
& Bailey 1966)

Zones of we lding


Zones of crysta ll isat ion

which will favour formation of a densely welded

ignimbrite. This condition will also lead to lessexpanded flows which should lose only minor
amounts of vitric ash, as seems to be the case for
many densely welded intracaldera ignimbrites
(Section 8.4; Ch. 11). Flows formed from high
collapse heights will be emplaced at relatively lower
temperatures, and may form non-welded deposits.
Some large ignimbrites show an upward increase in
welding due to the emplacement of flow units of
successively higher temperature. The Upper
Bandelier ignimbrite shows such a sequence, with
flow unit temperatures changing from the order of
550-800C (R. L. Smith & Bailey 1966; Fig. 8.44).
Widening of the vent and a decrease in gas content
during eruption and column collapse could both
explain increasing emplacement temperature.
The time taken to produce welding has been
estimated theoretically by Riehle (1973) and Kono
and Osima (1971). However, their methods are

section througi, part of
the Upper Bandelier Tuff.
showing welding and
crystallisation zones. The
ignimbrite is a compound
cooling unit. and shows
an upward increase in
the degree of welding in
cooling units I-III.
Recognisable flow units
are much thinner in units

based on the assumption that viscous strain occurs,

but this is incorrect for porous volcanic ash because
it does not allow for the effects of pore space
(porosity) and packing geometry. Bierwirth (1982)
considered the effects of porosity as shown by
models of sintering and hot pressing processes used
in the ceramic and metallurgical industries. The
strain rate for porous materials is given by

= KI(g)pne - QIRT


where, T is temperature, P is load pressure, Q is

activation energy, n is a stress factor, I(g) is a
density function, R is the universal gas constant
and K is the strain rate constant. Using the results
of his Bandelier Tuff experiments (Fig. 8.36),
values of Q, nand K were determined and a
nearest-fit equation assigned to I(g). After converting strain to density, Equation 8.1 was integrated
giving an equation defining compaction rates of
anhydrous ash from the Bandelier Tuff:


(0 )


secOndary mass flowage



Figure 8.43 Lineation produced by stretching fiamme

during rheomo rphism .

20"1. poros. t y
0 .5% H 2 0

20~. porosity





I om5::-h-.J..,------''''-::--,,-l>o---'-~-10..J..'. a-,.~I.L.oo-'.a,.




Figure 8.44 Time required to produce dense welding of rhyolitic ash (a) anhydrous and (b) with 0.5 wt% water for various
ignimbrite thicknesses and emplacement temperatures. Calculated from Equation 8.2 based on experimental studies of the
Upper Bandelier ignimbrite. The model is least reliable for thin flows and long times. due to the effects of cooling. Sheet
thickness was calculated for porous ash (1 bar = 7 m). (After Bierwirth 1982.)

19.7 Qll + 0.04p-l - 0.092 =

(6.3 X 10 15p17e -5.6 X 10411 )t


where Q is fractional density, t is time in seconds, P

is in bars and T in K.
Values are reliable for fractional densities less

than 0.9 2.4 g cm- 3 , >10% porosity). Equation

8.2 produces values which correlate well with
experimental results, and enables predictions to be
made beyond the time range of experiments. For an
ignimbrite 100 m thick and emplaced at 850C,
dense welding 20% porosity) would occur within



one week (Fig. 8.44a). For even a 1 km thick

intracaldera ignimbrite at 650C, dense welding
would only be achieved after one year, assuming
that crystallisation of the groundmass did not
prevent compaction. Welding temperatures will be
lowered by the effect of water content in the glass,
and the times shown in Figure 8.44a can be
regarded as maximum values. Bierwirth indicated
that 0.5 wt% water will lower welding temperatures
by approximately 60C compared with anhydrous
conditions (Fig. 8.44b).


Vapour-phase crystallisation results from the percolation of hot gases through ignimbrites during
cooling. The most important gas sources are
probably diffusion from juvenile vitric particles and
heated ground water.
The main products of vapour phase crystallisFumorol ic

ation are tridymite, cristobalite and alkali feldspar,

which occur as drusy infills of matrix and pumice
cavities, so forming a cement and reducing the pore
space. Vapour-phase crystallisation can produce a
coherent rock. The term sillar (a Peruvian word
first applied by C. N. Fenner 1948) is often used
for such rocks, but the term has also been applied
to incipiently welded tuffs in which ash grains are
barely sintered at point contacts and show no other
deformation of juvenile clasts (Fig. 8.7). Vapourphase crystallisation can occur in separate zones in
compactionally welded ignimbrites, and is commonly found towards the top of a sheet (Figs 8.37,
42 & 45). Sheridan (1970) described fumarolic
mounds and ridges of sillar above the Bishop Tuff
(Figs 8.45 & 46a). Similar palaeofumarolic features
and peculiar 'steam pipes' occur in the Rio Caliente
ignimbrite, which are thought to have formed
where it was deposited in a shallow lake or on
marshy ground (Figs 8.46b, c & 47). Fumarolic
pipes have also been found in the Bandelier
ignimbrites (Fig. 8.46d).




".,pou, pha


drv ilnhpd







Devitrification involves the sub-solidus crystallisation of metastable glass (Ross & Smith 1961,
Lofgren 1970). The main products are cristobalite
and alkali feldspar. Devitrification tends to be more
prevalent in densely welded tuffs, and particularly
in thick intracaldera ignimbrites because of the
protracted cooling (Figs 8.37, 42 & 45). Nevertheless, more-porous ignimbrites may also be devitrified. (Note that devitrification is also common in
coherent glassy lavas and shallow intrusives.)
Devitrification is discussed further in Chapter 14
(Section 14.3.2).



8.11 Chemical analyses?


==- =-.:::--=-- -=-- =----


Figure 8.45 Zones of vapour-phase crystallisation and

devitrification in the Bishop Tuff. Fumarole mounds project
from top of vapour-phase zone through non-welded ash.
(After Sheridan 1970)

Post-depositional chemical alteration is a common

feature even of modern ignimbrites. There are
several processes which can produce alteration.
One is leaching by ground water, and studies show
that metastable glass is easily leached and Na, K
and Si are often removed (e.g. Noble 1967, Scott

Figure 8.46 (a) Fumarole mounds on the surface of the Bishop Tuff.
minerals are predominantly clinoptilolite and heulandite which suggests
alkali feldspar, which are the usual vapour-phase minerals found, e.g. in
deposited in a shallow lake or on marshy ground and vaporised ground

(b) and (c) Small 'steam pipes' in the Rio Caliente ignimbrite. Vapour-phase
low temperature fumarolic activity (compared with tridymite, cristobalite and
the Bishop Tuff). This is as might be expected if the ignimbrite were locally
water was important. (d) Fumarole pipes in the Upper Bandelier Tuff.






analyses of ignimbrite (especially whole rock analyses of ancient welded ignimbrites), and indicates
the care needed in sampling.

8.12 The great Taupo AD 186 eruption

5 ,,110'
~ c.mpoclI.nally w.,d.d

,ny.h't lavas
approx,mOlt hmll

\'- of u~nlmbrltt


Q non-wtld.d
Ign im britt



ggj mo ",. silla,

Figure 8.47 (a) Map showing distribution of sillar and

palaeofumarolic area in the Rio Caliente ignimbrite. New
Mexico. (b) Field sketch showing relations in the area shown
in Figure 8.47a. Pipes are radially distributed about massive
zones of sillar, which seemed to have been the sites of
most intense vapour-phase activity

1971). Vapour phase and fumarolic activity and hot

springs related to the regional geothermal system
(Fig. 13.48) is the second important source of
alteration (see the previous section),
Both Ui (1971) and G. P. L. Walker (1972) warn
against the acceptance of whole rock analyses of
ignimbrites as guides to the composition of the
parent magma. Such analyses are subject to considerable error, because of the presence of xenoliths
in the lithic component (Ui 1971). Perhaps more
important, though, is the concentration of crystals
that is found in ignimbrites due to the selective loss
of fine vitric ash during eruption and emplacement.
The composition of the ignimbrite will be enriched
in those elements occurring in higher proportions
in the crystals, and will be depleted in those
occurring in higher proportions in the glass.
The above questions the value of chemical

The studies by G, p, L. Walker, C. J. N, Wilson

and co-workers on the products of this ignimbriteforming eruption have greatly stimulated volcanology, yielding new insights into explosive volcanism and extending the range and scale of known
volcanic phenomena. A brief eruption narrative is,
therefore, a fitting finale to this chapter. The
eruption produced a great variety of pyroclastic
products, including the most powerful plinian and
most violent ignimbrite-forming events yet documented (Chs 6 & 7; Section 8.7). It is the youth and
excellent preservation of the deposits that enabled
the eruption sequence to be examined in such
The products of the Taupo eruption (Figs 8.48
& 49) are dispersed over a large part of the North
Island of New Zealand. They consist of: an initial
plinian pumice-fall deposit, the Hatepe pumice;
two phreatoplinian ashes, the Hatepe ash and the
Rotongaio ash, which are separated from each other
by an erosional break; an ultraplinian pumice-fall
deposit, the Taupo pumice; and, finally, the


Taupo pum l CIP

Ro.onooi o ash

Figure 8.48 Stratigraphy of the products of the Taupo AD

186 eruption, New Zealand. (After G. P. L. Walker et al.



sequence of phases can be interpreted in terms of

tumescence of the vent area or loss of lake water, so
exposing a dry-land vent , and subsequent detumescence submerging the vent during the eruption
(Fig. 8.50).
We will now consider the principal phases of the
Taupo eruption:
early air-fall phases
Taupo ultraplinian fall deposit
Taupo ignimbrite


Figure 8.49 The Taupo eruption sequence as explained in

Figure 8.48, showing prominent infilled erosion gullies
between the Hatepe and Rotongaio ashes, and strongly
discordant erosion surface between the Taupo ignimbrite
and Taupo pumice. This location is 20 km ESE of the vent.
(Photographs by C. J. N. Wilson)

climactic Taupo ignimbrite . The total erupted

volume was about 100 km 3 (dense rock equivalent),
of which 24 km 3 is found in the Taupo ultra plinian
pumice-fall deposit, 30 km 3 in the Taupo ignimbrite and another 20 km 3 in a co-ignimbrite ash
fall . In this section we briefly consider some of the
exceptional features of this sequence.
From various lines of evidence, the vent position
is inferred to be at or near the Horomatangi Reefs
in Lake Taupo. Horomatangi Reefs may be lava
domes or the remnants of a pyroclastic cone. The

The Hatepe pumice is a coarse, relatively homogeneous and well sorted layer which shows mantle
bedding. Its dispersal (Fig. 8.51a) and grainsize
characteristics are typically plinian.
The two phreatoplinian layers (Figs 8.51b & c)
are fine-grained, stratified , relatively poorly sorted
ash deposits (G. P . L. Walker 1981a). Both show
very little change in grainsize and sorting with
distance from source. They both show many signs
of being deposited as 'wet' ash . For example, the
Hatepe ash locally shows a type of micro bedding
attributed to the splashing of falling water; both
deposits contain vesicles formed when air was
trapped by ash falling as sticky mud; the Rotongaio
ash, where thick, often slid as small mud flows into
the gullies cut into the Hatepe ash; and softsediment deformation structures are found (Fig.
8.52) . However, both lack accretionary lapilli, but
very wet accretionary lapilli similar to mud-rain
could have easily splashed on impact. The poor
sorting of the deposits is attributed to waterscavenging of the ash cloud . Although they only
show limited fractionation with distance , both
layers show a regular exponential thinning from
source (Figs 8.51b & c), indicating that the
scavenging water must have been derived from the
source, Lake Taupo. The water was therefore an
integral part of the eruption column and ash cloud,
and G. P . L. Walker (1981a) envisaged a fully
water-charged column erupting out of Lake Taupo,
with both ashes actually falling as mud .
The deep-gullied erosion surface separating the
two ash layers is significant , and there is a similar,



(0) Halepe pumice

(b) Halepe ash ('pully a$h')

(c) 'Volcanogene walerspout '

(d) ROlonga io ash

(e) Taupo pumice

(1) Taupo Ignimbrite

Figure 8.50 Pictorial

representation of the
different phases of the
Taupo eruption.

but less prominent, erosion surface within the

Hatepe ash. Features of the gullies indicate very
rapid erosion in two brief episodes during the
eruption. The depth of gullying, and therefore the
amount of erosion, decreases systematically away
from Lake Taupo (Fig. 8.53). This strongly suggests
that the gully erosion was somehow related to the
eruption column, and Walker believes that this was
when a large part of the lake was erupted as a giant
'volcanogene waterspout' (Fig. 8.50c).



The Taupo pumice is extensively described by

G. P. L. Walker (1980), who used this deposit to
define the term 'ultraplinian' , reflecting its extremely
wide dispersal (Fig. 8.54; Ch. 6). It is a coarse
pumice fall deposit (Fig. 8.49), which is internally
stratified, especially near vent, shows mantle bedding and otherwise resembles a normal plinian
deposit on a local scale. Although the maximum
lithic and pumice isopleths demonstrate that the



(a) Hatepe pumice



(b) Hatepe ash

(c) Rotongaio ash


near-source outcrops the Taupo pumice has obviously been eroded by the Taupo ignimbrite which
followed, and therefore thickness measurements
are anomalously thin.
The maximum measured thickness is only 1.8 m,
which reflects the great dispersal of the deposit
although, again, even where it is thickest there is a
marked erosional discordance between it and the
ignimbrite. Despite its unimpressive thickness (cf.
other plinian deposits, Ch. 6), calculations by
G. P. L. Walker (1980) from the concentration of
free crystals in the deposit show that the total
volume erupted was 24 km 3 (6 km 3 dense rock
equivalent (DRE)), which is as big as some of the



Figure 8,51 Isopach maps illustrating the distribution of

the early air-fall phases. (After G. P L. Walker 1981 a & c)


- -o


vent lay within the present Lake Taupo, the

isopachs of the deposit close about a point about
20 km east of the lake, a fact which led earlier
workers to place a vent on-shore. However, this
secondary thickening away from the vent can be
explained by the combination of a very high
eruption column, partly attributable to a very high
eruption rate (estimated at 106 m 3 S-l of magma),
and a strong westerly wind shifting the eruption
column sideways (Fig. 8. 50e). Also, at many of the


---..~'- - " " - - - - - - - '


-----.... , '............... "








" ........






\ - - __ - v
............... ---,\~


" "




..... ---Om



Figure 8.53 Map showing approximate extent of gully

erosion in the interval between the eruption of the Hatepe
and Rotongaio ashes with isopleths of gully depth. (After
G. P. L. Walker 1981a)

Figure 8.52 Soft-sediment

deformation structu res
between the Hatepe (pale) and
Rotongaio (dark) ashes. The
contact separating the two is
partly erosive (Fig. 8.49).
(Photograph by C. J. N. Wilson)


(a) Thickness (em)

(b) Maximum pumice (em)

(c) Maximum lithic (em)

Figure 8.54 Isopach and maximum-size isopleth maps

(average diameter of the largest clasts) for the Taupo
pumice. (After G. P. L. Walker 1980.)

larger plinian deposits known (Table 6.2). Of this

volume only about 20% fell on land, and 80%
(mainly finer vitric ash) fell out to sea more than
220 km from source. Independent methods indicate
that the height of the eruption column must have
been in excess of 50 km, and that this phase lasted
6-17 h.


We have already discussed at length many of the
features of this spectacular ignimbrite (Ch. 7;
Section 8.7). The abrupt switch from fall- to flowforming activity is thought to have been caused by a
drastic increase in discharge rate (Fig. 8.34), and
cannot simply have been due to the collapse of the
very high ultraplinian column. C. J. N. Wilson
and Walker (1985) suggest that the high eruption
rate during the ultra plinian phase drained the
upper part of the magma chamber, leaving its roof
unsupported. This eventually led to major collapse
of the vent region (Fig. 8.50f). This greatly
widened the vent, and the ignimbrite-producing
flow was then formed by instantaneous column
collapse, the discharge rate being suddenly much
greater than that which would allow for the
maintenance of a stable convective column (Fig.
8.11). The lithic content of the pre-ignimbrite airfall deposits (1 km 3) implies that vent widening by
erosion was important and would eventually have
led to column collapse if the eruption had followed
a normal course of events. Indeed, occasional
partial collapses of the ultra plinian column did
occur, generating a number of early ignimbrite flow
units found interbedded with the Taupo pumice
near the source. A sudden increase in the volume
(2 km 3) and sizes of lithics in the Taupo ignimbrite
support the idea that there was a drastic change in
eruption conditions.
Field data suggest that the parent flow of the
Taupo ignimbrite erupted over only 400 s in
batches of material which gradually coalesced so
that from about 40 km outwards the flow was a
single wave of material (c. J. N. Wilson & Walker
1981). During most of its passage, the flow consisted
of a head (strongly fluidised by ingested air) which
generated layer 1 deposits, and a body plus tail
which generated layer 2 deposits (Ch. 7). The flow
moved at very high velocities over a locally mountainous terrain at speeds probably exceeding
250-300 m S-1 near the vent, and which remained
high (locally> 100 m s -1) to the outer limits of the
flow. The flow-head was highly erosive and locally,
almost unbelievably, scalped and overturned the
floor over which it rode (Fig. 8.55). A variety of



flow. In addition, mud flows and floods reached far

beyond the limits affected by primary eruption
products. The total duration of the eruption could
have been as short as a few days or as long as
months, depending on the length of the time gap
between the Hatepe and Rotongaio phreatoplinian
phases. If the Taupo eruption were repeated, there
can be no doubt how catastrophic its effects would

8_13 Further reading

flow d"ect lon

Taupo Iqn lm br ite

olde, 0" - taUs

ond soils

Figure 8.55 The Taupo ignimbrite at this location scalped

and overturned air-fall layers of the preceding phases in the
eruption and older air-fall deposits and soils. This outcrop is
approximately 15 km east of the vent; the Taupo pumice is
absent because it was presumably stripped off before the
erosive overturning event occurred.

processes acting in response to fluidisation or flow

kinetics operated within the flow to produce the
great variety of facies.

The total thickness of air-fall deposits amounts to
over 5 m near the vent, nearly all of the material
having been blown to the east of the vent by strong
south-west to westerly winds (Figs 8.51 & 54). Airfall deposits more than 10 cm thick were deposited
over an area of 30 000 km 2 , while an area of about
20 000 km2 was devastated by the Taupo ignimbrite

R. L. Smith's classic papers published in the early1960s CR. L. Smith 1960a, b, Ross & Smith 1961)
are still essential reading, having been, for the past
two decades, the foundation for the advances in our
understanding of ignimbrites. The Geological
Society of America has honoured this pioneering
work with publication of the Special Paper entitled
'Ash-flow tuffs', edited by Chapin and Elston
(1979). This contains some of the more up-to-date
information and reviews, including one by Smith
himself CR. L. Smith 1979) which looks in some
detail at physicochemical aspects of ignimbrite
magma chambers. G. P. L. Walker (1983) reviewed
ignimbrite types and problems, and in this very
useful article 'takes stock of what is known, and
also what needs to be known before ignimbrites are
well understood'. In addition Walker (1985) has
reviewed the origins of ignimbrite-associated
breccias. Although much of the Taupo AD 186
story is scattered in a large number of papers,
C. J. N. Wilson and Walker (1985) have pieced
together an eruption narrative, and C. J. N. Wilson
(1985) presents his complete story for the Taupo
ignimbrite in an outstanding publication. One
other, slightly older, paper worthy of special note is
y okayama (1974), on the Ito pyroclastic flow
deposit (Fig. 8.3). An important volume on caldera
formation and caldera geology is the special issue of
Journal of Geophysical Research (1984, volume 89
BlO), edited by Lipman, Self and Heiken. The
papers by Lipman (1984) and G. P. L. Walker
(1984a) in this volume provide interesting contrasts,
Lipman high-lighting the complexities of the
'standard' caldera collapse model, including the



changing nature and position of the vent system,

whereas Walker puts the 'standard' caldera model
into perspective by identifying significant deviations
from the standard model in many volcanoes. Fisher
and Schmincke (1984) have also given a comprehensive summary of the characteristics of pyroclastic
flow deposits.

Plate 9 The Minoan ignimbrite sloping towards the southern shoreline of Santorini. Entrance of pumice flows into the sea
during the 1490 Be eruption could have deposited substantial accumulations of subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits and ash
turbidites in submarine basins surrounding the island.



Subaqueous pyroclastic
flows and deep-sea ash layers
Initial statement
The modes of formation of subaqueous volcaniclastic rocks can be very diverse eCho 3), and
recognition of the origins is often not simple. This
chapter specifically deals with those volcaniclastics
considered to be primary pyroclastic products of
highly explosive eruptions. However, one is never
far removed from the problems of differentiating
primary from redistributed, or epiclastic, volcanigenic sediments. We examine the concept of
subaqueous pyroclastic flows and ignimbrites, discussing the types of deposits that have been
described, the terminology used and the controversial subjects of subaqueous welding and subaqueous eruption. We suggest that, in general, such
deposits are the lateral equivalents of subaerial
eruptions from island volcanoes rather than wholly

subaqueous deposits of submarine eruptions, and

that welding in ignimbrites is a feature found in
those deposited on land or in very shallow water.
We also consider many examples of widely dispersed deep-sea ash layers, which result from the
distal fall-out of large-magnitude continental silicic
eruptions. Marine processes which affect their
distribution and accumulation are discussed, as
well as a method for determining eruption duration
from graded bedding. Finally, we briefly speculate
on whether subaqueous base surges can form.

9.1 Introduction
In this chapter we address one of the most difficult
and speculative areas in volcanology: subaqueous
pyroclastic flows and subaqueous welding. These


aspects are controversial because, unlike subaerial
phenomena, subaqueous pyroclastic flows have not
been observed, and because the deposits that have
been interpreted as subaqueous pyroclastic flow
deposits, especially welded ones, have not to our
mind been convincingly proven to be such. Major
unresolved problems exist with regard to subaqueous pyroclastic flows. Very little is known
about the physical interaction between hot, gassupported particulate pyroclastic flows and a cold
ambient body of water and about the boundary
conditions between them. Can hot, subaerial, gassupported, pyroclastic flows retain their integrity
and heat when they flow into water, and continue to
flow underwater, uninterrupted, as a hot, gassupported pyroclastic flow? Will such a flow be
capable of producing a welded deposit? Or, will the
combination of a relatively low bulk density, high
flow velocity, the essentially frictionless nature of
the flow, the surface tension of the water and the
low angle of incidence of a flow on to the water
surface cause deflection of the flow so that it skips
or flows over the water (cf. skip bombs)? Can, in
fact, hot pyroclastic flows be generated from
shallow, subaqueous pyroclastic eruptions?
All of these problems are offundamental importance to those of us who have to make palaeoenvironmental interpretations of volcanic successions.
Until recently, welded ignimbrites were generally
accepted to be good indicators of subaerial, to at
best shallow marine, environments. However, there
are now several papers in the literature that claim to
have found subaqueous welded ignimbrites, even
in relatively deep-water settings.
Given the uncertainties and the questions posed
above, we wish to some degree to play the devil's
advocates. This is because we feel strongly that all
of the essential pieces of evidence necessary to
prove the case for submarine pyroclastic flows and
welding have not been presented in any study. We
hope that our discussion may provoke further
consideration of the strength of the evidence
available, and of some of the problems involved in
generating subaqueous pyroclastic flows.
The essential evidence that we feel needs to be
established in each case is briefly summarised as
follows. First, the facies characteristics of the host

sedimentary succession in immediate contact with

the suspected pyroclastic flow deposits should be
fully documented. It is insufficient simply to state
the preferred depositional setting without proving
it, given the controversial nature of the subject.
Secondly, the evidence for a hot state of emplacement (welding, gas segregation structures, columnar
jointing) has to be very convincingly documented
and illustrated in each case. The only unequivocal
evidence for welding is plastically deformed, flattened, annealed cuspate glass shards (burst vesicle
walls) or preserved plastically collapsed, flattened
vesicles in larger glassy fragments (pumice), or
both, at the microscopic scale. Without this, welding
is not proven. In old, tectonised, altered successions this may be difficult. In such situations
deformation and alteration can produce elongation
and flattening of clasts, especially original glassy
clasts that have been altered to phyllosilicates. This
can produce a pseudo-eutaxitic texture that can be
mistaken for welding and the existence of pumice.
It should also be noted (also see Ch. 10) that the
presence of shards in a deposit is not proof of a
pyroclastic flow depositional origin. Shards indicate
a pyroclastic mode of fragmentation originally (Ch.
3), but thereafter the pyroclastic debris, without
any further reworking or sorting, could be redeposited and transported long distances from the
source by subaqueous (and, for that matter, subaerial) epiclastic mass-flow processes (Ch. lO). The
deposit will be a very juvenile aggregate of pyroclastically fragmented debris, but such a history
does not involve transport as a subaqueous pyroclastic flow.

9.2 Types of subaqueous pyroclastic flow

A large proportion of volcanic rock transported as
pyroclastic flows from island volcanoes must be
deposited into the ocean (Plate 9). In a broad sense,
the subaqueous equivalents belong to, and can be
described by, the terminology of subaqueous clastic
mass-flow facies associations (e.g. Mutti & Ricci
Lucchi 1978, R. G. Walker 1984; Ch. lO). Two
main types of deposit formed by the movement of
pyroclastic flows underwater have been described
in the literature:


subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits

ash turbidites



Subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits should, by

virtue of their name, be the subaqueous equivalents
of subaerial pyroclastic flow deposits. They may be
the lateral equivalents of subaerially erupted pyroclastic flows, or they may be subaqueously erupted
flows of the type envisaged by Fiske (1963) and
Fiske and Matsuda (1964) (Section 9.5). In the
literature the term is generally applied to massive
depositional units which show features akin to high
concentration types of mass flow (Figs 9.1--4).
Some individual depositional units are very thick,
and examples described by Fiske and Matsuda
(1964) from the Tokiwa Formation in Japan are up
to 50 m thick (Fig. 9.1d). Recent examples found
in the Grenada Basin, which can be shown to be the
submarine equivalents of pumice flow deposits
forming the Roseau Tuff on Dominica, are much
thinner, but again show sedimentary features suggesting deposition by high concentration mass flows
(Carey & Sigurdsson 1980; Figs 9.3 & 4).
Carey and Sigurdsson (1980) suggest that the
term 'subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposit' should
only be used if there is evidence of a high
emplacement temperature. They prefer to use the
term 'subaqueous pyroclastic debris flow deposits' to
describe the submarine equivalents of the Roseau
ignimbrite. This is supposed to indicate that
deposition was from high-concentration debris
flows of pyroclastic material, without implying that
they were hot. We feel that the term 'pyroclastic
debris flow', although well intended, is potentially
confusing and contradictory. If 'pyroclastic' is to be
used in the term at all, there should be evidence
that the deposits have both a demonstrable pyroclastic mode of fragmentation and mode of transport.
If this is not the case, and if there is a reasonable
possibility that normal epiclastic mass flow of
juvenile volcanic debris was involved, then terms
such as 'volcaniclastic debris-flow deposit' or
'volcaniclastic granular mass-flow deposit' should
be used (Chs 10 & 12).


In the case of subaerially erupted pyroclastic

flows, the distance that a flow can be maintained
underwater as a gas-particulate dispersion is unknown. If ingestion of water through the flow-front
and mixing into the body of the flow (Allen 1971,
Simpson 1972) were important, a water-particulate
debris flow or granular mass-flow (Ch. 10) could
quickly be generated and, eventually, with extensive dilution, a turbidity current. The lower massive
unit of the Dali Ash (Figs 9.1e & 2) contains
foraminifera dispersed through its thickness, indicating that this example was certainly deposited
from a water-particulate system. Also, bed-forms
are developed at the base of the lower massive unit,
and there is a particularly distinctive thin (4 em),
planar-laminated, crystal-rich layer at the very
base. It has been suggested that such tractional
features formed in the more dilute, more turbulent
head of the flow 0. V. Wright & Mutti 1981),
indicating that this must have been actively ingesting
water. The inflated flow head would have allowed
an early stage of traction plus fall-out from a more
dilute dispersion, followed by en masse deposition
of the overlying and more concentrated body of the
flow (see also Sparks & C. J. N. Wilson 1983). The
crystal-rich layer may correspond to the ground
layer found in some subaerial pyroclastic flow
deposits (Ch. 7). Traction structures are found at
the base of some clastic mass-flow deposits (Lowe
1982), but the possibility that these could be flowhead deposits has not been previously suggested.
Deciding whether these massive types of volcaniclastic sedimentary mass-flow deposit are primary
eruptive products can be very difficult O. V.
Wright & Mutti 1981). This is especially so in
ancient submarine volcaniclastic sequences where
pyroclastic layers cannot be correlated with landbased studies, as has been done, for example, in
studies in the Lesser Antilles island arc (Carey &
Sigurdsson 1980; Fig. 9.3). Therefore, in most
cases such deposits should be described simply as
volcaniclastic debris flow deposits. To stress this
point, although it is tempting to interpret the Dali
Ash as a primary eruptive product, this is by no
means proved, and it is possible that the whole
deposit is remobilised pyroclastic debris, including
shards, slumped, for example, off the sides of a





.... ..




mos.,ve lopllh tuffs and

coarse lulf, wllh
slump ,'ruclure.

hiCk subaqueous
pumice flow depOSit ( 150m)

coarse and fine luffs

slumped lone (several mltr.s)

massive suDoqueous

thin bldded sIltstone

(s._erol tens 01 metres )

pyroclaslic flow depoSlI

conlolnlng pumice ond dense
9la.,y lava fra gments


- coorse bedded tuffs

subaqueous pumice liow depos"

(lower port rich n ond .. I',e frogmenll


-- ~~,uboq~s

sub aqueous pumice flow deposit

__ pyroclast l~ w deposil __

scor loceotJI landstonl, s ilistone

fine tulf wllh accrelionary lapllil

....--. --..








: .. . : .,.,9 .,"

su baqueous pumice flo w deposl'

( upper port pumiceous sondltone ;
lowlr pori riCh in ondesltic f,oomen")


Inlerbedded Coorse and

f ine luffs with slump


and pumi ceous sandstone


coarse bedded luffs

subaqueous pumlce .flow depoSl'


fine tuff s w ith scattered

pumice fragments


massive subaqueous
pyrocla,l ic flow depos it
containing pumice and
dense glassy lava fragments


su baqueous pumice lIow deposits

(upper part pumiceous sandslone)
subaqueous pum ice f low deposit

, " :.L.:::


. . ! ,.--~




:.r ....

Ci::i~i:i;i _.. -

lake water level
- - - - - ------.;,:....:....-- ' - - ' - - - ----:;7 centre
massive very f ine tuff div.
pora llel laminaled f ine tuff dl v.
~ parallel lamlnaled sandy
pumice lull di v.

I ~O

I -:

~ ":


f ine luff
subaqueous pumice flow depOsit
subaqueous pumice lIow deposit
mosslve silly fine luff
suboqueous pumice flow
subaqueous pumice flow
pumiceous sandstone
slltsl one
subaqueous pumice flow deposit
siltstone beds


~::::::::.~ ..


ash turbidite.

parallel lam lnaled

pumice tuff



mo..i ve graded
di vision
bottom topoQroP

- IOF.:=:;:::>-- -- - - - - -

lower mass ive unit

(subaqueous pyroclastiC
flow deposit)



crystal rich layer

mudstone partings


cross slratlf ication

wavy tamlnations
horizonlal laminations
planar bose

ash lurbldites (bedded dacilic

luff and lapllll luff)

subaqu eaul pyrocla,tlc flow

(malSlve 10plliI tuff)

l"eQula, bose



medium sand



Figure 9.2 The Dali Ash deposit

showing a lower massive unit (5 m thick)
overlain by bedded ash turbidites (2.5 m
thick) . The lower massive unit was
deposited by a high concentration
turbidity current. and the ash turbidites by
dilute turbidity currents. Foraminifera are
dispersed throughout the deposit and
indicate that all of the sedimentary mass
flows were cold water-particulate
systems. If the Dali Ash is the lateral
equivalent of a subaerial ignimbrite the
lower massive unit may be interpreted as
a large pumice flow that continued
subaqueously, and the ash-turbidites as
smaller, later flows generated during the
eruption, or redeposited slumps of the
lower massive unit off a submarine slope.
(After J. V. Wright & Mutti 1981)

shallow-marine rhyolitic tuff ring complex. Even

the Roseau volcaniclastic debris flow units in the
Grenada Basin could have been generated by
slumping of primary or redistributed Roseau deposits from higher up the submarine slope or shelf.
In a similar example, Cas (1979, 1983a) demonstrated that the massive sedimentation units of the
Devonian Merrions Tuff of southeastern Australia

consist of very juvenile volcanic detritus (Ch. 11).

However, in the absence of evidence for primary
pyroclastic transport processes, he concluded that
the material was finally transported and deposited
by huge epiclastic granular mass flows, perhaps
originally derived from subaerial pyroclastic activity (Cas 1983a).

.... Figure 9.1 Some examples of deposits which have been termed 'subaqueous pyroclastic flow' deposits in the literature. All
of the examples are Tertiary in age. (a) From the Ohanapecosh Formation, Washington, described as examples of
subaqueously erupted pyroclastic flows deposited in a marginal freshwater-marine basin (after Fiske 1963). (b) and (c) are
examples thought to have been erupted subaerially and then deposited in a caldera lake at Onikobe in Japan . On entering
water they flowed as a turbidity current and a vertical sequence comparable to that of clastic turbidites is found, although,
sometimes considerably thicker; the example shown in (c) is the uppermost subaqueous pumice flow deposit indicated in (b)
(after Yamada 1973). (d) Sections of the Wadaira Tuff (unit D) in the Tokiwa Formation, Japan, described as having been
erupted subaqueously and deposited in a marginal marine basin (after Fiske & Matsuda 1964). (e) The Dali Ash, Rhodes.
Although quoted as a deep-water welded tuff, it is now known to be non-welded, and thought (but not proved) to be the
submarine lateral equivalent of a subaerially erupted ignimbrite (see Fig. 9.2) (after J. V. Wright & Mutti 1981).




( b)

GS 7605 - 2


.,,/ I








...... 323 iG.

~ iQnimbril.

welded luff
flow depOsits
~I 0 \'10 domes

>60cm J

, 1I9cm .

>50: m l

,+>~ (


I 255cm












plinia n

" 00





0 '.



pyroc last ic

plinian /
we ll sorled
dellolc sequence


Rouau tuff


o" fo ll








. 0,









0 . 0


GS 7605-2

Grand Fond



, , '.

.,, ,
; 0



o ~ o

O' !o

Md , . 180


- --- - ~ ~-----

Md; ' 1 75




----- ------;,

Md , . 166


- ----_....:.::..----118





Figure 9.3 The Roseau ignimbrite on the island of Dominica and its submarine equivalents in the Grenada Basin. (a) Subaerial
distribution of the major young pyroclastic flow deposits and associated lava domes on Dominica. The Roseau ignimbrite
includes the more southerly of the two welded outcrops; the northern outcrop is another stratigraphic unit. (b) Distribution of
the Roseau subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits. Solid circles indicate piston cores in which subaqueous deposits of
pyroclastic debris have been found. with their thicknesses. while open circles correspond to cores which do not contain them.
(c) Subaerial stratigraphy at two locations. (d) Submarine stratigraphy and grainsize profiles of three subaqueous deposits from
the piston core located in (b). (After Carey & Siqurdsson 1980.)





Figure 9.4 Submarine volcaniclastic deposits in piston cores from the Lesser Antilles arc. Scale bars are in centimetres. (a)
Roseau ash-fall layer in a core from the Atlantic Ocean, 700 km east of its source on Dominica. (b) Roseau 'subaqueous
pyroclastic flow' deposit in a core from Grenada Basin, 270 km west of Dominica. Note large pumice clasts. (c) Subaqueous
deposit with large clay rip-up clast in Grenada Basin. (d) Epiclastic sand. layer interbedded with hemipelagic sediment in a core
from the Grenada Basin. This thin deposit was possibly emplaced by a small turbidity current which transported sand-sized
volcaniclastic detritus derived from the narrow shelf between islands of the arc. (After Sigurdsson et al. 1980.)


Ash turbidites are the deposits of turbidity currents
in which volcanic ash predominates. 'Tuffaceous
turbidite', 'pyroturbidite' and 'igniturbidite' are
other terms that have been used in the literature.
These deposits show sedimentary structures akin to
classic turbidites, and can be described using the
Bouma sequence (Figs 9.1 & 2; Ch. 10). In some
cases, ash turbidites may represent the lateral
equivalents of dense subaqueous mass flows of
juvenile debris after mixing with water and extensive
dilution has produced a low particle concentration
turbidity current. This may occur by mixing water
directly into the body of the flow by ingestion at the
base of the flow-front, or by ablation of the upper
surface of the flow-front by shearing and erosion, so
generating an upper turbulent zone of mixing
which would continue as a turbidity current after
the debris flow has come to rest (Hampton 1972).

A number of so-called subaqueous pyroclastic

flow deposits pass vertically into bedded sequences
of ash turbidites (Fig. 9.1). Some of these show
double grading (Fig. 9.5). Fiske and Matsuda
(1964) interpreted this as evidence for a waning
submarine eruption column (Section 9.5). The
example detailed by Yamada (1973; Fig. 9.1c) also
shows this type of grading, but he interpreted this
in terms of a normal turbidity current mechanism.
In the Dali Ash, the upper sequence of ash
turbidites may represent several later, smaller
pumice flows which mixed with more appreciable
amounts of water and were deposited by lower
concentration flows than the lower massive unit.
Another alternative is that they are slumps off the
submarine slope of the lower massive unit, which
itself could have been redeposited, as indicated in
the foregoing discussion.
However, not all ash turbidites are the lateral
equivalents of pyroclastic flows. They are more







.... ..... . : ... .


. .. : ......... : ... .... .


~ ....:.'-'. ,...
. '-';"-'1

.....: . ,:: .:. ;: ,.' . .

' 0," ,

... . .... .



",', :



:. :':'': "::: :":.~.;h':~~..~\



o . . .... ,


~ .......
'-~ l.~ ..... ~



.: = ... .

. - . t:


...... ". ... . .

r,r ' .
' "



' ','

.', : ...: " .. <'..:





-, .~

. ... .


, '. , . :- . ;'!

~ . : .... ~III,!

..~ ;...

~ cJ,,~'''' .'!'-.I.i.. ~.

...'...... .-,.

.,~~ ~;!'.:... ~ ~i:'-'.




lOP of maSSlYe
suboQueous pyroclosllC

flow depo,"

Figure 9.5 Schematic

representation of double
grading in ash turbidites in the
upper bedded part of Waidaira
Tuff D (Fig. 9.1d) Each bed is
graded, and the beds at the
base of the sequence contain
coarser and denser juvenile
fragments than the beds
towards the top. In the field
this sequence actually
contains about 200 beds, not
25 as illustrated here. (After
Fiske & Matsuda 1964)

likely to be composed of redeposited material from

turbidity currents generated by slumping of older
volcanic debris, although even this slumping could
be a co-eruptive event. This happened during the
1902 eruption of Soufriere, St Vincent, when
pyroclastic flows built out a delta into the sea and
then slumped into the Grenada Trough to generate
an ash turbidite (Carey & Sigurdsson 1978). A
better non-genetic term to use for these rocks is
therefore 'volcaniclastic turbidite'.

9.3 Hot subaqueous pyroclastic flows and

subaqueous welding of ignimbrites
There has been much debate recently on the
transport of pyroclastic flows into and under water,
and particularly on whether such flows can retain
enough heat to weld. The debate was stimulated by

a reinterpretation of some of the Caradocian (Ordovician) volcanic rocks of North Wales (Howells et
al. 1973, 1985, E. H. Francis & Howells 1973),
and has been heightened by the comprehensive,
thought-provoking field guide for the Welsh
volcanic-sedimentary successions by Kokelaar et
al. (1984), and the more detailed descriptions of the
Ramsey Island succession by Kokelaar et al. (1985) .
Ignimbrites of the Capel Curig Volcanic Formation can be traced from an uninterrupted sequence
of subaerial, densely welded tuffs into three separate, welded, submarine ignimbrites which pass
upwards and laterally into current-bedded reworked tuffs and tuffaceous sandstones (E. H.
Francis & Howells 1973; Figs 9.6-8). Welding is
considered to have occurred underwater in the
submarine equivalents, and Francis and Howells
suggested that as a flow entered water an insulating
carapace of steam formed around it. However, at
the Capel Curig location, where the ignimbrites are
believed to have been welded subaqueously,
palaeontological evidence from the associated epiclastic sediments only indicates near-shore marine
conditions, while sedimentological evidence such as
bimodal cosets of large-scale cross-stratification,
suggests a tidal to subtidal shallow-marine environment. P. Sutcliffe (pers. comm.) even reports
mudcracks in epiclastic sediments between the
Garth Tuff and Racks Tuff at this location,
suggesting periodic exposure and desiccation.
However, a more accurate estimate of water depth
is a problem. One method is to use heights of sets of
large-scale cross-stratification, assuming that these
represent the minimum heights of dune bed-forms,
and the results of such an exercise suggest palaeowater depths of <10 m (Table 9.1). This approach
can be criticised for several reasons, but the
estimate agrees with water depths found in comparable present sedimentary environments. For
example, in a non-barred, high energy, near-shore
environment on the southern Oregon coast, Clifton
et al. (1971) found that dunes, formed in <5 m of
water, had heights between 30 and 100 cm, which
is about the range in heights of sets of cross-strata
found at Capel Curig (Table 9.1). At Capel Curig,
we therefore feel there might be an alternative
explanation, namely, that these thick ignimbrites











., .


2b ,
....... .........
.......:':::::." 20', "


. .,?







. --2b







--- ..




Ve.-'Ical Ical.
In metre,


firSI member

member boundaries

second member
20 lowe' subunll

IUhotoqlccl corlelellon




four Ih mem bifl



thud member




2b upper subun u


rr ---O --- IJ







Ilhe-eous n.odules

rl:C'rysfallisQUon fabriCs.
domU'1an ~Qty fe ldspar

mOIOIc., and Quar1z

Itnlleles olonQ weoki inO

fol lChon locolly

Figure 9.6 Correlation of tuff members within the Capel Curig Volcanic Formation, Wales, and the depositional
setting. Welded ignimbrites form Members 1, 2b and 3. Note the close association of siliceous nodules and the
marine environment. (After Howells et al. 1979.)



Table 9.1 Water palaeodepths of shallow-marine sediments intercalated with Caradocian welded ignimbrites in Snowdonia,
North Wales.

No. of sets of

Range in heights
of cross-strata

Range in
water depth

water depth







2.3- 84










below Garth Tuff

(Fig. 9.7)
between Garth Tuff and Racks Tuff
(Fig. 9.7)
below Pitts Head Tuff
(Fig. 99)
above Pitts Head Tuff
(Fig. 9.9)

Water palaeodepths were estimated from the maximum heights of sets of large-scale cross-stratification which are assumed
to represent heights of dune bedforms using the relationship (determined by Allen, 1968) H = 0.086d 119 , where H is the height
of the dune bed-form and d is the water depth. 95% confidence limits were placed on Allen's (1968) data, and the range in water
depth was determined from the depth minima and maxima.





0 0

O,lfr,n M,mby' Tuff

cleo_ed .,lroC Iu I


accretionary lap,UI

Roc.s Tull


rewo<ked 'ull


bedded sondstone
dlS'urbed sondslone


sondslones "lin 10rOt scole

cross ~lrOI'''COI'on ,nd,COI'nQ
blmodol poloeocurrenl dorecllOn.

blanketed the marine shelf but were not submerged.

Welding took place on top of shallow-water sediments, but not necessarily underwater. The tuffs do
show some notable differences from subaerial
welded ignimbrites which are compatible with our
interpretation. The highly irregular bases (Fig. 9.8)
may have formed as a result of loading of the
underlying water saturated sands, superheating of
the interstitial water to steam and the liquefaction
and fluidisation of the sands. Siliceous nodules in
the ignimbrites are composed of drusy quartz (Figs
9.6 & 7) and are thought to have infilled original
vesicles which formed as a result of the upward
migration of large amounts of steam.
Howells et at. (1985) have also described the
occurrence of spaced, isolated pods of 'subaqueous
welded ash-flow tuff as the lateral equivalents of


we lded luff

Figure 9.8 Schematic cross section through the Garth Tuff

at Capel Curig, Wales. (After E. H. Francis & Howells 1973.)

elded 'Qn,mbrote ","h

SIliceous nodules


cleoved "Uslones ond


Gorth Tull
moss .. e welded '9n,mbrole w,lh Slhceous
nodule. ond reworked top


Figure 9.7 Generalised stratigraphic section of the Capel

Curig Volcanic Formation at Capel Curig, Wales. The Garth
Tuff and Racks Tuff are Members 1 and 2b, respectively, in
Figure 9.6, and the Oyffryn Mymbyr Tuff is Member 4. (After
E. H. Francis & Howells 1973.)









~it" Head ., Id ld ".. fll

Br)'n-Ou breccial

planar flamm.
IIn eor flamme

CJ ~~~:I:~I
D IOndo'ono

dol.,.,1: 8 rhyolltl






younQ ln; dhtttion


Figure 9.9

Diapiric structures interpreted as explosive

rootless vents in welded ignimbrites at two locations in
the Pitts Head Tuff Formation, Wales. Note again the
association of siliceous nodules. (After J. V. Wright &
Coward 1977.)

the continuous ignimbrites described above. These

pods are up to several tens of metres in diameter,
and are spaced hundreds of metres apart. Although
the evidence is not presented, they are apparently
completely welded through to their bases, and have
been interpreted as being due to the disruption of a
subaqueous ash flow by interaction with water
during flow. The enclosing sediments are not
adequately described but are considered by Howells
et al. to be tidal to subtidal, shallow-marine in
origin. This study is problematic, in that there are
several unexplained, undocumented aspects of
major importance, especially given that the paper is
trying to establish the existence of subaqueous
pyroclastic flows and subaqueous welding. First,
the facies characteristics of the enclosing sediments
are not described and documented, which seems
necessary to establish the depositional context.
Secondly, the assumed welding textures are not
described and illustrated. Finally, is it possible that
the end of the continuous sheet, and the appearance
of the pods, represents the point where the host

pyroclastic flow became wholly buoyant because of

its low bulk density, and began to flow over, rather
than under, the sea. Pods of pyroclastic debris may
have periodically dropped out of the base of the
moving pyroclastic flow, perhaps associated with
local disruptive phreatic explosions, and sagged
into the shelf sediment sequence to form discrete
Elsewhere in North Wales, J. V. Wright and
Coward (1977) concluded that ignimbrites of the
Pitt's Head Tuff Formation (again Caradocian in
age, but stratigraphically higher than the Capel
Curig Volcanic Formation; Fig. 9.9a) were emplaced in a shallow, gently shelving sea where water
depths were insufficient to prevent welding. Data on
water depths estimated from the heights of largescale cross-stratification are given in Table 9.1, and
again suggest a palaeowater depth of <10 m. J. V.
Wright and Coward (1977) described diapiric
structures (Fig. 9.9) within these welded ignimbrites, and concluded that they were rootless vents
formed from steam trapped below the welding



ignimbrites, which periodically burst through as

small, secondary phreatic explosions. These might
have produced small pyroclastic craters on the
surface of the ignimbrite, like those made by
secondary explosions at Mt St Helens (Fig. 8.35).
Also associated with the rootless vents are zones of
siliceous nodules, and sometimes these nodules
occur in bubble trains extending parallel to the
margins of the diapiric structures, indicating the
upward migration of steam. Rootless vents and the
zones of nodules are thought to be good indicators
of ignimbrite deposited in a shallow-water environment O. V. Wright & Coward 1977).
Other examples of welded ignimbrites emplaced
in shallow-water environments can be found in the
literature. Stanton (1960) and Dewey (1963) described welded ignimbrites in the Mweelrea Group
(Caradocian) of Murrisk, Ireland, which they
thought had been deposited in a shallow water
deltaic environment. Again, here, such shallow
water depths perhaps would not prevent the ignimbrites from welding. In a discussion of densely
welded ignimbrites in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks
of Newfoundland, Lock (1972) describes a 'sludgeflow subfacies' for rocks formed by the rapid
quenching, collapse and liquefaction of a pyroclastic flow passing from a subaerial to a submarine
The Dali Ash on the island of Rhodes, Greece
(Figs 9.le & 2), has been cited as an example of a
hot subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposit because of
the references made to welding textures by Mutti
(1965). Unlike the welded ignimbrites described
from North Wales, the Dali Ash occurs in deepwater sediments, and therefore subaqueous pyroclastic flows must have remained hot for appreciable distances underwater. However, it is now
known that these textures were misidentified, and
there is no textural evidence of welding or palaeomagnetic evidence of a high emplacement temperature O. V. Wright & Mutti 1981). The deposit
contains abundant angular and cuspate shards
(Fig. 3.23a), but these are not plastically flattened
or even incipiently welded. The Dali Ash may be
the lateral, subaqueous equivalent of several flow
units of a subaerially erupted ignimbrite but, as
discussed in Section 9.2, this is not certain.

Supposedly deep-water welded ignimbrites have

also been described from the Fishguard Volcanic
Group (Lower Ordovician) in South Wales (Lowman & Bloxam 1981). Several welded ignimbrites
are associated with graptolite-bearing shales and
basaltic pillow lavas. Vesicles in pillow lavas
indicate water depths ranging from tens of metres
to 2 km, and Lowman and Bloxam (1981) have
suggested a depth of 1-2 km. However, these
measurements, although made within the mapped
Fishguard Volcanic Group, are located 8 km away
from the welded tuffs. Both areas show differing
volcanic rock associations, and the stratigraphy
could be more complex than has been considered to
date. Lowman and Bloxam suggest that a steam
jacket insulated the moving subaqueous pyroclastic
flows, and the hydrostatic pressure of sea water
maintained cohesion and retained heat and volatiles
within the flows.
Lower Ordovician deep-water welded ignimbrites
are also reported from Ramsey Island, just off the
South Wales coast (Kokelaar et ai. 1984, 1985).
Welded shard textures are not evident in thin
section because of recrystallisation, but pumice
fragments show flattening parallel to the dip of the
ignimbrite sheets. The main unit of interest, the
Cader Rhwydog Tuff also has a normally graded
top, which contains strongly flattened pumices in
its lower part. This has been interpreted as a
subaqueous welded fall tuff, and Kokelaar et ai.
(1984) interestingly proposed that the eruption,
emplacement and welding sequence of the whole
unit occurred underwater. The unit is 186 m thick,
consisting of a lower massive interval of 161 m, and
an upper 25 m of unbedded, normally graded
lapilli tuff to fine tuff above. The base overlies an
erosional surface and contains rounded to angular
clasts of rhyolite, as well as intraclasts of mudstone.
In one place, a load cast-like feature 10 m deep
protrudes into the underlying mudstone from the
base, and nearby, rhyolite pebble horizons occur in
the tuff. The depositional context is demonstrated
to be submarine, below wave base, although no
absolute water depth can be determined. However,
the evidence for the welding is more equivocal. It is
essentially based on the presence of 'strongly
flattened, ragged fragments of porphyritic rhyolite',


which are interpreted to be flattened, welded

pumice. However, it has not been demonstrated
that these fragments were pumice (are highly
vesicular textures preserved?) or that the flattening
was caused by plastic, hot state, compactional
welding, producing highly strained, but intact,
vesicle walls. If they were pumices, could they have
been flattened in a more brittle fashion during
normal burial compaction, and subsequent shape
moulding during alteration, metamorphism and
deformation? Although the presence of 'crude
columnar joints' is cited as further evidence of a hot
state of emplacement, crude 'columnar-like jointing'
can develop in many rock types, and lack of
illustration again makes this aspect of the proof
Is it possible that the Cader Rhwydog Tuff is a
huge, water-supported mass flow of pyroclastic
and/or quench-fragmented debris transported by
epiclastic mass-flow processes, as has been suggested for the Devonian Merrions Tuff (Cas 1979,
1983a; Ch. II)? Many of the described features of
the Cader Rhwydog Tuff are consistent with this.
For example, the massive, large-scale graded aspect,
the erosional base with load cast-like features, the
included rounded clasts and intraclasts, the former
sometimes in distinct horizons. The flattening of
rhyolite clasts could be due to burial compaction and
subsequent shape moulding of the altered, ductile
clasts during alteration, metamorphism and deformation, as also appears to have happened with the
Merrions Tuff.
Yamada (1984) has also indicated that deep-water
welded ignimbrites occur in the Neogene deposits
of Japan. These occur within the Green Tuff, a
sequence also important for its association with
Kuroko-type massive sulphide deposits (Chs 13 &
14). The welded tuffs are thought to be proximal
facies of subaqueous pumice flows; typically the
Green Tuff consists of distal equivalents intercalated
with fossiliferous marine siltstones and sandstones.
This study also lacks adequate documentation and
photographic illustration of the depositional context, i.e. of the facies characteristics of the host
sedimentary succession, and of the microscopic
evidence for welding.
Another reported deep-sea welded tuff, dredged


from the Grenada Basin (Sparks & Carey 1978), is

now known to have been misidentified (Sparks et
al. 1980a). The only other claimed example of a
subaqueous welded tuff known to us comes from
the Philippines. Fernandez (1969) noted a welded
ignimbrite associated with a sequence of pillow
lavas and tuffaceous sediments (Cretaceous to
Palaeogene). However, whether the stratigraphic
evidence is sufficiently substantial to conclude that
subaqueous welding occurred is debatable, particularly given that pillow lavas can form in very
shallow water (Ch. 4).
Hot, subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits have
been described from the Donzurubo Formation
(Miocene) of Japan (Kato et al. 1971, Yamazaki et
al. 1973). Although none of the pyroclastic flow
deposits shows any textural evidence of welding, it
was concluded from the stabilities of the natural
remanent magnetism and Curie points that they
contained a thermal remanent magnetism and were
deposited at about 500C. Such high temperatures
preclude mingling of the flow with water. Stratigraphic evidence suggests a water depth of 50 m
but documentation of associated facies is lacking.
Some workers have doubted this evidence and,
indeed, have even suggested that the Donzurubo
subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits could be
subaerial (E. Yamada pers. comm.). Hot pyroclastic
flows (they are pink in colour) of mid-Miocene age
on Santa Cruz Island in the Californian borderland
are thought to have been deposited in a near-shore
subaqueous environment (Fisher & Charleton
Recent studies of the Krakatau 1883 eruption
(Self & Rampino 1981) suggest that a hot, submarine
ignimbrite could have been formed. Shallowing of
the sea floor up to 15 km north of Krakatau is
thought to have been caused by subaqueous pyroclastic flows which largely infilled parts of the
Sunda Strait that had been 20-60 m deep (Fig.
9.10). The subaqueous deposits have not been
cored, so it is not known whether the flows were
actually dense gas-particulate flows, dense waterparticulate flows or turbidity currents, or if there
were any vertical and lateral facies changes. After
the eruption, temporary islands and shallow banks
of pumice had formed, and it seems the flows (of




pre - 1883 islands

pOSI - eruption outl ines of oslands
lemporar y oslands and pum ice bonks
submarine iQn imbrite
oppro.imote 1883 vent position

Figure 9.10 Submarine distribution of the 1883 ignimbrite

at Krakatau, Indonesia. (After Self & Rampino 1981.)

whatever type) gradually ponded until water depths

became very shallow, in which case the last erupted
pumice flows would probably have maintained
their essential character. Secondary phreatic explosions produced small craters on Calmeyer Island
(Fig. 9.10). These formed by explosive vaporisation
of sea water, either below one of the last erupted
pumice flows or in contact with hot deposits at
depth. If the latter occurred, the possibility exists
that welding might also have been occurring in the
lower part of the deposit. The loosely consolidated
deposits forming the islands were eroded, and these
quickly vanished below the sea .
Recently, Sparks et at. (l98.0a, b) have presented
geological and theoretical models, both for the
entry of pyroclastic flows into water and for
subaqueous welding. They suggest that welding of
an ignimbrite is more favourable underwater than
subaerially. Essentially, this is because there can be

a substantial reduction in glass viscosity after

emplacement at moderate to deep depths, due to
the high solubility of steam in rhyolitic glass at
pressures of tens of bars. However, there are
several points of contention with their studies. The
most important is the geological evidence for the
entry of pyroclastic flows into the sea and their
behaviour subaqueously, this evidence being based
on the observations of a dense-clast block and ash
flow erupted on Dominica. Such types of flows are
generally much less expanded and have a higher
yield strength than most pumice flows which form
ignimbrite. There would seem to be no problem for
block and ash flows (with a flow density perhaps as
high as 2.0 g cm- 3) passing into water and maintaining their identity. However, this type of pyroclastic flow does not form welded tuff (Ch. 5). With
pumice flows, which have a much lower bulk
density, it is uncertain what will happen when they
flow into a standing body of water. Will they
maintain their integrity and continue to flow
uninterrupted underwater as a hot gas-particulate
system? Or, given the low density contrasts between
the pumice flow and the water, and the enormous
thermal potential between the pyroclastic flow and
the cold water, will the interaction be more
dynamic? We suspect that in most pumiceous
pyroclastic flows where their density is nearer to
that of water, even if they get underwater, ingestion
of water and inflation of the flow-front will be
important and they will quickly lose their identity
as gas-particulate systems. The major problem for
pumice flows will be to make that smooth transition
underwater. In shallow water the interaction of
water with hot ash at the flow boundary is
potentially explosive, and could lead to the destruction of many flows. At Krakatau, it has now been
suggested that many of the separate explosions
known to have occurred during the eruption were
caused by hot pyroclastic flows entering the sea.
Such violent explosions would lead to the formation
of a widespread ash fall (G. P. L. Walker 1979),
and could trigger the formation of water supported
mass flows (Fig. 9.11), as suggested for the
Merrions Tuff (Ch. 11; Cas 1979, 1983a).
The low bulk density of pumice flows suggests
that many flows may be buoyant enough to flow


.::') x-~\a~Sh cloud



fine ash and

...-+-- steam


dilute ash - cloud surge

continues over surface
of sea

violent explosions and
mixing with water
on entering sea

water - supported mass flow

continues subaqueously

Figure 9.11 One possible model for what occurs when a subaerially erupted pumice flow enters the sea. The density of the
pumice flow depicted is greater than 1.0 g cm- a It has been almost destroyed as a gas-particulate flow by violent explosions
on entering the sea. The accompanying ash-cloud surge with a density much less than 1.0 g cm- 3 has ridden across the
surface of the sea. As turbulence becomes less effective, the larger clasts in this must drop out into the sea, and eventually
the surge is depleted in solid material. Presumably something similar happens when a pumice flow with a density less than
that of water enters the sea, although in detail. particle-support mechanisms may be very different (Ch. 7).

over water, as was suggested earlier to account for

isolated pods of ignimbrite within the Capel Curig
Formation of Wales. This certainly appears to be
the case for ignimbrite deposited on islands some
distance away from the 1883 Krakatau eruption in
Indonesia (Self & Rampino 1981), as well as the
distribution of the Plateau ignimbrite on several
islands of the Dodecanese group in the Aegean Sea
(Fig. 13.44). The surface tension of the water
together with the high velocity and frictionless
nature of the flow may act as a sufficient physical
barrier to prevent intimate mixing of the flow and
water, although phreatic explosions need not be
On these grounds, we therefore speculate that it
is unlikely that pumice flows will in general form
subaqueous welded ignimbrites because of the
innate difficulties there seem to be in maintaining
integrity both at the land-water interface, as well as
underwater. Are there conditions where we can
envisage a welded submarine ignimbrite forming?
One would have to invoke the eruption of a very

thick, very poorly expanded, unusually dense

pumice flow which could maintain its identity
through the land-water interface by very rapid
passage into deep water. Another situation, discussed further in Section 9.5, is where a submarine
caldera forms in relatively shallow waters, accompanied by high magma discharge rates, rapid
caldera subsidence and rapid caldera infilling (e.g.
Busby-Spera 1984). Welded ignimbrites can also be
envisaged forming in shallow-water environments
where pyroclastic flows might essentially blanket
part of the shelf, so making water depths insignificant, as perhaps happened in North Wales.
However, it is important to state that nobody has
yet traced a Recent welded subaerial ignimbrite
into a welded submarine equivalent. The Roseau
ignimbrite on Dominica is welded in places, but its
submarine equivalent shows no evidence of a high
emplacement temperature (Carey & Sigurdsson
1980; Figs 9.3 & 4).
In summary, it seems imperative to establish on
the soundest sedimentological grounds the palaeo-



environmental significance of the sedimentary facies

intercalated with suspected subaqueous pyroclastic
flow deposits. In the past insufficient attention
seems to have been given to the sedimentary facies.
Equally important, the clearest evidence for welding
must be presented, especially at the microscopic

9.4 Submarine eruption of pyroclastic

A model for the submarine eruption of subaqueous
pyroclastic flows was developed by Fiske (1963)
and Fiske and Matsuda (1964), based on studies of
the Ohanapecosh Formation (Eocene to Oligocene?), USA, and the Tokiwa Formation (Miocene),
Japan, respectively. According to this model, at the
start of an eruption vesiculating silicic magma is
erupted into cold sea water, and a submarine
eruption column begins to rise above the vent (Fig.
9.12a). During the climax of the eruption (Fig.
9.12b) large volumes of ejecta form a fountain
above the vent, and the submarine eruption column
carries much fragmented pyroclastic debris high
into suspension. The eruption column could also
burst through the sea surface into the air. Intense
sorting splits the debris into various fractions:
buoyant pumice floats; denser semi- and nonvesicular juvenile fragments and large crystals settle
around the vent and slough laterally in a subaqueous
flow of pyroclastic debris; but most ash remains in
suspension. At the end of the eruption the amount
of material falling out of the submarine eruption
column gradually decreases, and is insufficient to
maintain a steady debris flow (Fig. 9.12c). The flow
is therefore replaced by repeated turbidity currents.
Because the volume of material raining down
around the vent progressively decreases and becomes finer grained and less dense, the later
turbidity currents become more infrequent and
carry finer and less dense ash. The sequence of
turbidites that is deposited shows double grading
(Fig. 9.5). Much fine ash probably remains in
suspension and is dispersed by ocean currents.
Wadaira Tuff D (Fig. 9.1d) and other examples
in the Tokiwa Formation show a fully developed


B~ginn i ng

of erupt ion

.eo level

(b) Climax of eruption

(c) End of eruption

Figure 9.12 Model for the submarine eruption of 'subaqueous pyroclastic flows'. (After Fiske & Matsuda 1964;
see text.)

submarine eruption sequence. In the Ohanapecosh

examples (Fig. 9.1a) doubly graded units are not
found, and Fiske (1963) suggested that this was
because the Ohanapecosh vents were in shallower
water, and the erupted debris was not thoroughly
sorted as it settled back to the flanks of the
submerged volcanoes. Doubly-graded depositional
sequences would therefore only appear to be
characteristic of the deeper submarine eruptions.
Foraminifera indicate water depths of up to 500 m
for the Tokiwa Formation.
Similar depositional sequences have since been


described from other areas, and workers often

interpret them in terms of the model of Fiske and
Matsuda, e.g. the examples of Howells et al. (1973)
from the Caradocian of North Wales. The physical
basis of the model was questioned by McBirney
(1971) on the grounds that from the available data
(Fig. 3.7b) it is apparent that salic magmas can only
vesiculate significantly at water depths of tens of
metres or less. Thus, in general salic pumice
eruptions can only occur in very shallow waters,
and at such water depths a phreatoplinian eruption
(Ch. 6) will almost certainly occur. Collapse of the
eruption column could lead to the formation of
pyroclastic flows which might then continue subaqueously. At present not enough is known about
salic eruptions involving water, and their deposits,
to decide whether subaqueous eruption of ignimbrite is likely to occur. Submarine eruption of
vesiculated salic magma certainly does occur, as is
evident from pumice rafts, such as those observed
in 1979 between the Tonga and Fiji islands in the
South Pacific.
Intuitively, it would be expected that an eruption
of the type proposed by Fiske and Matsuda would
produce dense to pumiceous, quench-fragmented
blocky hyaloclastite fragments of silicic glass, and
hyaloclastite debris flow deposits. The examples
described from the Ohanapecosh and Tokiwa
Formations do contain a large proportion of glassy,
non-vesiculated juvenile fragments.
Busby-Spera (1984) has suggested a more likely
circumstance by which subaqueous pyroclastic flow
deposits may be formed. In describing the character
of the Triassic-Early Jurassic Mineral King roof
pendant in the southern Sierra Nevada, BusbySpera describes voluminous ash-flow tuffs which
she interprets to have accumulated in a submarine
caldera. They contain inter stratified marine sedimentary rocks. Contemporaneous caldera collapse
has led to the ponding of ash-flow tuffs greater than
0.5 km. If eruption was in shallow enough water
(Ch. 3), the magma discharge rate was high
enough, and caldera subsidence was rapid enough,
then it seems feasible for volumes of ignimbrite to
be preserved subaqueously, although it is surprising
that more explosive interaction with water did not
take place.


9.5 A model for the passage of

pyroclastic flows into subaqueous
A schematic model for the transportation of volcaniclastic material as pyroclastic flows from island
volcanoes into ocean basins is presented in Figure
9.13. We suggest that, in general, if truly subaqueous pyroclastic flows and ignimbrites occur,
then they are distal equivalents of subaerial deposits,
rather than the wholly subaqueous products of
submarine eruptions. We also suggest that welding
in pyroclastic flow deposits is essentially a feature of
subaerially erupted ignimbrites deposited on land,
or in very shallow water, where water depths would
be insufficient to prevent welding. Exactly what
happens to a pyroclastic flow on entering the sea is,
though, perhaps as controversial as ever. What
occurs in a particular case will be controlled by a
number of factors. These include characteristics of
the flow, such as thickness, discharge rate and,
most importantly, the degree of expansion (which
will determine its density). In addition, environmental factors will be important, and these include
the slope, which will determine the water depth,
the width of the shallow water shelf and, hence, the
degree of interaction with water at the critical point
at which entry into the sea is made.
Figure 9 .13a shows the eruption of a large, single
pumiceous pyroclastic flow forming an ignimbrite.
On land the deposit had sufficient heat and
compactionalload to weld. On reaching the sea, the
thick flow spread across a shallow shelf. The flow
had sufficient momentum and density to continue
subaqueously into deeper water, but rapidly, and
perhaps explosively, mixed with water and chilled.
The cooled water-particulate subaqueous debris
flow continued along the sea floor and deposited a
non-welded massive subaqueous deposit of originally pyroclastically fragmented debris. Gradually,
mixing with more and more water occurred, until at
some point the mechanism became that of a
turbidity current and deposited an ash turbidite.
On the shallow shelf, steam generated by the hot,
thick pyroclastic flow was trapped at the base of the
flow, as consolidation and welding occurred.
Secondary steam explosions periodically burst







we lded IQnimbrote
non - welded pumice flow deposil

In contrast, small, dense block and ash flows may

move into water and continue subaqueously without
losing their essential character (Fig. 9 .13c). Ablation
of the flow-front may generate an upper turbulent
zone of mixing, which may continue as a turbidity
current after the block and ash flow has come to
rest, to deposit an ash turbidite.
However, the simplest, and undoubtedly the
most important, way by which volcanic material is
transported into ocean basins as flows is by
epiclastic processes and slumping (Fig. 9.13d; Chs
10,11,13& 14). Coupled with seismicity, the steep
slopes of many island volcanoes are obviously
unstable and material consequently readily slumps
into the ocean basins, generating high concentration
debris flows and low concentration turbidity currents. As well as small-scale slumping, large-scale
sector collapse of volcanoes could occur. In the
Lesser Antilles island arc the so-called Qualibou
caldera on St Lucia may be such a gravitational
slide structure, and similar structures have been
recognised on Dominica and St Vincent (Roobol et
ai. 1983; Fig. 13.35). Flows generated by such
slumping should be heterolithic and generally
much more heterogeneous than those which are the
lateral equivalents of primary pyroclastic flows.
The deposits are volcani'clastic debris-flow deposits
and volcaniclastic turbidites.

suboqueous pum ice flow deposil

block and ash flow deposi t
osh turbid ite

Figure 9.13 Schematic model for the passage of pyroclastic flows into the sea. and the transportation of
volcaniclastic material as mass flows from island volcanoes
into ocean basins (see text),

through the welding flow to produce rootless vents

with associated pyroclastic craters.
The eruption of a small pumiceous pyroclastic
flow is represented in Figure 9.13b. On land it
formed a non-welded deposit. On reaching the sea,
the pyroclastic flow did manage to continue subaqueously initially, but mixing with water quickly
changed the flow mechanism to that of a turbidity
current which deposited an ash turbidite.

9.6 Deep-sea ash layers

Megascopically visible ash layers preserved in
sediment cores have often been found several
hundreds of kilometres away from their potential
sources (e.g. Figs 8.24, 9.14 & 15). Many of these
layers are the distal air-fall equivalents of large
silicic eruptions that have taken place on both
island and continental volcanoes (Chs 6 & 8). Until
relatively recently, widespread volcanic ash layers
in deep-sea sediment cores were only used for
stratigraphic purposes. Early studies were designed
for application to marine investigations requiring a
stratigraphic framework (e.g. Worzel 1959,
Ninkovich & Heezen 1965, Ninkovich et ai. 1966,
Hays & Ninkovich 1970). Now studies go far
beyond being a stratigraphic correlation exercise,






%C loy



Md ~


% Pumice c:::::J
% li thlcs
% crystols c::J






-:-:- G

Figure 9.14 Section showing

lithological variations in the Minoan
ash-layer in core TR 172-9, taken
approximately 170 km south-east of
Santorini. From bottom to top: units A
and B are interpreted as the plinian
fall; C, as a fine ash fall; D, as two
repeated ash turbidites; E and F, as
laminated ash layers winnowed by
bottom currents; G, as pelagic muds
admixed with ash. (After Watkins et al .





: A ._-------=========


and have made an important contribution to

understanding volcanic processes and volcaniclastic
sedimentation in marine basins (e.g. Huang et al.
1975, 1979, Watkins & Huang 1977, Watkins et al.
1978, Carey & Sigurdsson 1978, 1980, Ninkovich
et al. 1978, Ledbetter & Sparks 1979, Sigurdsson et
al. 1980, Sparks & Huang 1980). In this section we
concentrate strictly on ash layers that result from
fall-out of airborne ash. However, as discussed in
the foregoing sections, substantial accumulations of
subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits and ash
turbidites that are ponded in basins around island
volcanoes may be in part their proximal equivalents.
Both volcanic and marine processes will control
the accumulation of any deep-sea air-fall ash layer.
Their interpretation and internal stratigraphy can
be as complex as the subaerial products of the
eruptions (e.g. Fig. 9.14). More distally, the
problem of distinguishing the different types of
silicic air-fall ash also becomes more complex
(Section 6.11).
Several marine processes may affect the thickness
of air-fall ash deposits:

ocean currents,


secondary slumping,


:,>. . ....

- 1000 -

carl contolnln9 al YIl L

ond thlcltnllt
c.or. witl'lout 10YI( L
dlplh II') tothoml

Cr om ... , 11 currtM
wut.ord li mit of lay., l
IOem lupach
QUOltr nOr:r


.,) 9-





0 .......


200 0




Figure 9.15 Distribution patterns of the Worzel L ash layer

(230 000 years BPl, probably erupted from a source in
northern South America. (After Ninkovich & Shackleton




bioturbation and

Although wind transport is the dominant dispersal mechanism, the strength and direction of
ocean currents will have an important effect on the
distribution of the ash in the marine environment.
Ninkovich and Shackleton (1975) attributed the Wshaped pattern of the Worzel L ash layer to the
effect of the strong equatorial undercurrent, or
Cromwell current, moving eastwards across the
Pacific at a depth between 100 and 300 m, and a
speed of 100-150 cm S-l (Fig. 9.15). As well as
surface and near-surface currents, bottom currents
can cause reworking and redistribution, and in
terminology applied to clastic sediments, such
layers would be called contourites (Stow & Lovell
Ash which settles-out on top of submarine
topographic highs will be susceptible to secondary
slumping, generating turbidity currents. The consequence of such processes is an increase in ashlayer thickness in basins, and a thinning or removal
of ash layers from highs and steep slopes. In the
basins a succession of ash turbidites may be
deposited by repeated slumping during or after an
eruption. Figure 9.14 shows the lithology of several

units within the Minoan ash layer, cored in a small

basin south-east of Santorini in the Aegean Sea.
The two units labelled D are both interpreted as
turbidites as they have erosional basal boundaries,
show normal grading and contain abundant carbonate, clay and some rounded terrigenous quartz
grains mixed with the ash (Watkins et al. 1978).
Crystal-poor, fine-grained air-fall ash derived from
the phreatomagmatic phase in the eruption, or coignimbrite ash, probably accumulated on submarine
highs and then slumped into the small deep-water
basin where this core is located. Close inspection of
Figure 9.15 also suggests that slumping could at
least be partly responsible for the distribution
pattern of the Worzel L ash layer.
Bioturbation of ash layers mixes the ash with
other sediments and can reduce visible ash layer
thicknesses. In some cores through the Minoan ash
layer, Watkins et al. (1978) found that over 50% of
the original ash had been dispersed upward by this
Post-depositional compaction can substantially
reduce the thickness of the ash layer. A reduction
factor of 50% is usually adopted when recalculating
isopach contours to represent the thicknesses of
freshly fallen ash (e.g. Watkins et al. 1978).
One of the most exciting new applications of the


, N : eruption ceases

,nli iolion of erupllon t ash pan icl es

(~) ,njeeled ,nlO w, nd syslem

o .' ' .


, I ' ash from ' ","01 erup"on ( Ao) reaches

sea surface; S'le $oriino beq,ns




.,' 0":':"0 .... : ....

'0 ash depos,ted

I oroest
" ash
,,~moll.r'o ash






o 0



.... ; ':.' '..~

In woter co lumn

: : .... : ....

---- '1 'o.j. olmOsphenc res,dence

Ao'~ ""

lime (I.)

\\ -- - L - - - :

Figure 9.16 Model for the duration of an explosive volcanic

eruption deduced from graded bedding in deep-sea ash

layers. (After Ledbetter & Sparks 1979)

I: laroesl' Nash ( AN ) a smallesl'0 ash Ihol Is
overloken (0 ) are bolh deposited
r N I ' r Nt 10 + selthnq lime of A Nosh (rA N) a
r N.1 '0+ '. + setlhno time of 00 ash (Tao)
Tao + TAN ' TN- TO ' durolion


Settling time




Top , . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - ,

I---- duration - - - -








Base l..-_-..L.._ _



Particle size
Figure 9.17 Theoretical grading of the coarsest and finest
particles in a deep-sea ash layer. Explanation is in the text.
The duration is estimated from the difference in settling
times of the coarsest and finest particles at the level where
a marked inflection occurs in the grading of coarse particles.
(After Ledbetter & Sparks 1979.)

work on deep-sea ash layers is in estimating the

duration of large-magnitude explosive eruptions. A
model has been developed by Ledbetter and Sparks
(1979) that estimates the duration of these eruptions
from the vertical size-grading of feldspar phenocrysts near the base of deep-sea ash layers. The sizegrading is a function of the release time of the
particles from the atmosphere, their settling velocity, the water depth at the site of the ash layer,
and the duration of the eruption (Fig. 9.16). This
model predicts a zone at the base of the deep-sea
ash layer where the size of the coarsest particle
remains constant with height (Fig. 9.17). Above
this zone the size of the coarsest particle decreases
with height. The prominent break in the coarsest
particle size-to-height curve represents the deposition of the last largest particle ejected at the end of
the eruption (AN)' The finest particle (ao) deposited
in conjunction with the last largest particle must
have been erupted at the beginning of the eruption.
The difference in settling times between the largest
and smallest particles at the critical level is equal to
the duration of the eruption.


There are several assumptions that have to be

made with the duration model. The most important
is that size of the largest particles arriving at any
downwind site remain the same throughout the
eruption. For this to occur, the range of particle
sizes ejected at the vent must not vary substantially,
the eruption column height must not change
substantially, and the wind direction and dispersal
direction must not vary. If these conditions are not
met, the vertical size distribution of particles would
not show the pattern predicted in the model, and
more-complex patterns of grading would result. It
is also necessary that the ash layer be recognised as
a primary air-fall deposit. The normal size grading
of an ash turbidite may approximate the size
grading predicted by the model for the base of a
primary ash-fall layer. It is therefore important to
search for other distinguishing sedimentary
Results from the study of the Worzel D ash layer
are shown in Figure 9.18. This layer is the distal
counterpart of the Los Chocoyos Ash, which is the
product of a major rhyolitic ignimbrite- and
caldera-forming eruption associated with Lake
Atitlan in Guatemala, as well as being the largestvolume Quaternary eruption in the Central American region (Drexler et al. 1980; Ch. 8). The
estimated duration of this eruption is 20-27 days.
The model has also been tested on the Toba deepsea ash layer (Fig. 8.24), and indicates that the
duration of the eruption was about 10 days.
Knowing the approximate volume of the total
products in these two eruptions, it is possible to
estimate the volumetric eruption rate of magma
(Fig. 8.34). This provides a means of comparing
large-magnitude explosive eruptions with relatively
small-scale ones.
Deep-sea ash layers are potentially the best
record of age, location, duration and magnitude of
explosive volcanism. Methods for high resolution
dating of sedimentary cores have been refined so
that the dating of a discrete event can be readily
carried out (e.g. Ninkovich & Shackleton 1975,
Ledbetter 1985). However, the full potential of the
study of ash layers in the ocean basins for further
resolving eruption histories and characteristics remains to be exploited.



(a) Settling time (hours)













C:J' ~Ci















Ash particle size ()-1m)





= 27days






340 300







Settling time

= 20 days


















Ash particle size (}-1m)

9.7 Subaqueous base surges?

Conceptually, the likelihood of subaqueous base
surges forming does not seem feasible because of
the resistance to flow by the water body. Surges are
low density media, with probably somewhat lower
densities than that of water at 1 g cm ~ 3 . The
turbulent, dispersed mixtures of solids and water
which make up turbidity currents are considered to
have densities of 1.1-1.4 g cm~3 (Allen 1982), so
allowing them to flow as gravity driven undercurrents in a body of water. The average density of
a surge is probably below 1 g cm~3 because the
fluid medium of the surge is essentially gaseous and
supports condensed water droplets, and solid glass,
lithic fragments and congealing magma clots.
Because of its vesicularity, this solid component is
likely to have a density lower than the normal nonvesicular grains transported by most turbidity
currents. Overall, therefore, surge densities should
be less than 1 g cm ~ 3, perhaps in the range greater
than 0.6 g cm~3. Very wet, condensed, deflating
surges may have densities greater than 1 g cm~3.
Nevertheless, it seems that if the surge density is
less than that of water, then the resistance to flow
by a body of water should be too great for surges to


Figure 9.18 Duration model

applied to the Worzel Dash
layer in two cores from the
eastern equatorial Pacific. (a)
Core TR 163~7 in water 3435 m
deep. (b) Core TR 163~ lOin
water 3500 m deep. (After
Ledbetter & Sparks 1979.)

travel through it as surges. Initial surge-like thrusts

may translate into turbidity currents.
However, Kokelaar (1983) has suggested that in
Surtseyan eruptions with their near-surface, yet
submerged, vents, the cone of water within the
submerged crater contains a partly fluidised slurry
of pyroclastic debris and water, through which
steam, generated from the magma in the vent, is
turbulently streaming. The water in this cone must
also be close to its boiling point. Periodically,
during the pulsatory magma rise and explosive
eruptions which characterise Surtseyan eruptions,
it is possible that the cone is evacuated of a
continuous body of water and contains a dense
atmosphere of steam, water droplets and particulate
matter, through which surges could be propagated.
This speculation is being further investigated.

9.8 Further reading


V. Wright and Mutti (1981) is important reading

because it identifies the major kinds of problems
encountered when interpreting so-called 'subaqueous pyroclastic flow' deposits. Cas (1979) is a
useful example of the value of applying a sedimentological approach to such deposits. The excel-


lent paper by Sigurdsson et al. (1980) is a very good

guide to the spectrum of volcaniclastic depositional
processes and sediment types that can occur in
submarine basins around intermediate to silicic
island volcanoes. Papers by Carey and Sigurdsson,
and by Fisher (both in Kokelaar & Howells 1984)
are also helpful reviews. This special publication


also includes other relevant papers by Yamada and

by Kokelaar et al. to which we have referred. To
appreciate fully the processes and products of
volcanigenic sedimentation that occur in, and feed
subaqueous basins, Chapters 10 and 11 are now
essential reading.

Plate 10 (a) Aerial view of the incised stratovolcano, Mt Egmont. New Zealand. The diameter of near- circular vegetated area is
about 20 km. Egmont is a multi-vent centre, the principal visible ones are at the centre of the cone, the parasitic vent. Fanthams
Peak, just south of the central vent, and those associated with the small domes. An older, more degraded volcano lies to the
north. The rugged, ampitheatre-like area between the central vent and Fanthams Peak is thought to have resulted from sector
collapse producing a major debris flow unit, the Opua Formation (Neall 1979). (b) Erosional canyon on the flanks of the
stratovolcano Mt Egmont. New Zealand, cut into fluviatile sheet flood, lahar, air-fall deposits and lavas.



Epiclastic processes in
volcanic terrains
Initial statement
Volcanic eruptions are short-lived and occupy only
a small time interval in the total history of a
volcano, especially on large volcanoes. Their principal effect is aggradational, building up the surface
relief against the base level to which erosional
processes work. Repose periods between eruptions
occupy the bulk of the time interval covering the
history of a volcano. Given the effects of aggradation
above erosional base level, the development of high
slope angles overall or locally, and the general
abundance of loose erodible debris, it is not
surprising that the long-lived repose periods are
dominated by normal epic1astic surface processes:
erosion, transportation and redeposition. In this
chapter we review the types of epic1astic processes
that are likely to occur in both subaerial and

subaqueous volcanic terrains. In particular we

examine transportational and depositional processes
and the basic principles underlying these processes,
and we consider the characteristics of resultant

10.1 Introduction
Volcanic terrains have rarely been looked at from
the point of view of epic1astic sedimentology. They
have most commonly been considered to be the
realm of igneous processes. Yet given the abundance
of loose debris and the overall steep slopes, the
processes of erosion, transportation and redeposition of fragmental debris constitute a major phase
of activity in the majority of volcanic terrains.
In this chapter we examine the types of epiclastic



processes that operate in different volcanic terrains.
Epiclastk processes are here taken to include
weathering, erosion, and transportation and deposition of fragmental sediments at the surface of the
lithosphere in both subaerial and subaqueous environments. The epiclastic processes which affect
volcaniclastic debris are no different from those that
affect non-volcanic terrigeneous detritus. However,
given the greater diversity of densities due largely
to variable degrees of vesiculation in volcanic
debris, and the effects of hydraulic sorting, volcaniclastic deposits of epiclastic origin may be more
poorly sorted, and therefore slightly different texturally and in terms of their sedimentary structures.
On the whole, however, the facies should clearly
reflect their epiclastic origins.
By reviewing epiclastic processes and the
characteristics of the resultant deposits, we will
highlight the features that make epiclastic deposits
in the rock record distinguishable from other facies
in volcanic terrains (also see App. II). Our review
of sedimentological principles and processes cannot
be comprehensive. We will summarise basic concepts and, by way of examples from volcanic
settings, show how epiclastic processes are as
relevant in volcanic settings as in non-volcanic
Relatively little will be said about the processes of
weathering of volcanic material. The reader is
referred to relevant sources (Paton 1978, Press &
Siever 1978, Blatt et al. 1980). Because of the
metastable nature of volcanic glass and the highly
weatherable labile mineralogy of many volcanic
successions, chemical weathering and physical disintegration into particulate and soluble material is
likely to occur at high rates given the right climatic
conditions and time. However, the time factor in
most volcanic terrains is insignificant because the
high slopes and highly erodible nature of volcanic
terrains ensures rapid transit of detritus through the
sediment cycle to the site of deposition, so shortcircuiting chemical weathering. In low relief terrains, the effects of chemical weathering may be
more pronounced, but may also be postponed until
volcanism has ceased, because of the emplacement
of new volcanic deposits associated with successive
eruptive episodes.

Physical processes may be very significant in

liberating particulate matter for subsequent transportation and deposition. Important physical processes include gravitational collapse or masswasting, and the abrasion effects of waves (marine
and lacustrine shorelines), running water (rivers,
rain water and melt water on subaerial slopes),
moving mass-flows (subaerial and subaqueous),
moving ice (in high altitude and/or high latitude
volcanic terrains), the effects of thawing and
expansion, and of a permafrost (also in relatively
high altitude and/or high latitude volcanic terrains).

10.2 Importance of erosion and sediment

transport in volcanic terrains
The fact that volcanism generally produces positive
topographic relief may suggest that erosion has little
or no effect in volcanic terrains during the active life
of a volcano. The lifespan of active volcanoes is
highly variable, ranging perhaps from a few weeks
or months for basaltic cinder cones to a million or
more years for stratovolcanoes or rhyolitic volcanic
centres (Ch. 13). For cinder cones, the eruptive
periods span nearly the entire, if short, active life of
the volcano. However, for stratovolcanoes and
rhyolitic centres there are significant repose periods
between eruptions (Ch. 13). During these periods
of eruptive quiescence, normal surface processes
operate at very high rates. In fact, in such centres
the total of all the repose periods far exceeds the
total time over which active eruptions take place. In
such terrains, therefore, it is not that erosion is an
insignificant process during the active life of the
volcanic centre, but rather that the enormous
volumes of rock that are erupted and the rates at
which they are erupted during eruptive episodes far
exceeds the huge volumes removed and the very
high rates of removal during quiescent intervals. As
in normal sedimentary successions, the time interval
represented by the boundaries between depositional
units is greater than that represented by the depositional units (e.g. Sadler 1981). However, once the
active life of the volcanic centre has ceased, erosion
continues to operate and in a geologically short
period is capable of eliminating the majority of the
surface relief of volcanic piles.


E. H. Francis (1983) summarised known erosion

rates within the context of volcanic terrains. He
cites figures of 0.1-1. 0 m per thousand years as
determined by erosion downcutting rates in areas of
high relief (after Young 1969), and figures of
1-2 km Ma- I in the Andes of South America (after
Drake 1976). He also points out the effects of high
ratios of loose debris to lavas, the loss of vegetation
cover in accelerating the erosion rate, and suggests
that over a geologically significant period (1-2 Ma)
the proximal, highest near-vent area of a stratovolcano would be eroded away, leaving only the
core complex and part of the voluminous, epiclasticdominated ring-plain sequence. These erosion rates
accord well with those calculated by Mills (1976)
for the stratovolcano Mt Rainier of the Cascades
arc. Rates based on dissection of landforms are
1.1 m per thousand years, and those based on river
sediment load are 3-4+ m per thousand years,
leading to a span of 1-3 Ma for complete erosion of
the 3 km stratovolcano. These erosion rates are
higher than those inferred for scoria cones based on
the studies of Wood (1980b) and Kieffer (1971)
(Section 13.4), and those calculated by G. P. L.
Walker (1984a) for basaltic highlands in Iceland.
Walker calculated down cutting rates of 58 m Ma- I
from his Icelandic study, in a terrain with an
average elevation of 400 m. These figures are only a
general guide to rates, and variations will occur for
a variety of reasons.
Vessell and Davies (1981) documented the close
temporal relationships between volcanic and epiclastic processes in the Guatemalan chain, based on
their study of Fuego volcano, which has erupted
many times in historical and recent times. They
suggest that the history of the Guatemalan volcanic
chain is marked by cycles of activity consisting of
four phases:

Phase 1, which lasts between 80 and 125 years, is the

inter-eruption phase, and is marked by low rates of
sediment deposition, by erosional incision of
meandering rivers and by reworking of deltas.
Phase 2 is the eruptive phase. It is marked by
eruption of lavas, air falls and pyroclastic flows and
lasts for less than one year.


Phase 3, which is called the fan-building phase, is

dominated by debris flows and coarse fluvial
sedimentation, which occurs in response to intense
rainfall after Phase 2. It lasts up to two years.
Alluvial fans characteristically develop around the
margms or base of stratovolcanoes during this
Phase 4, the braiding phase, results from the influx
of large volumes of volcanic sediment into stream
systems, transforming them from incised meandering systems to flood-prone braided systems. Rapid
progradation of deltas also occurs during this stage.
This phase lasts from 20 to 30 years.

It is clear from this summary that the duration of

epiclastic processes far exceeds that of the actual
eruptive phases, and that epiclastic processes are
rejuvenated in response to eruptive episodes.
Kuenzi et al. (1979) provided a valuable account
of the relationship between volcanism, erosion and
sedimentation resulting from the 1902 eruption of
the andesite stratovolcano Santa Maria, also in
southern Guatemala. Santa Maria, along with its
near neighbour Santiaguito, is drained by the
headwaters of the Samala River, which fall from an
altitude of over 2500 m around Santa Maria down
. to the Pacific shoreline over 60 km away. Following
the major 1902 eruption, sediment supply to the
Samala River increased dramatically. The eruption
resulted in a mantle of pyroclastic debris 20-30 m
thick on the slopes within the watershed of the
Samala River. Given the typical torrential rainfall
levels (>381 cm year-I) and the associated total
destruction of vegetation by the eruption, it is not
surprising that the sediment load of the Samala
increased so much. Kuenzi et al. calculate that
between 1902 and 1922 the bed of the Samala rose
10-15 m. In so doing, it dammed up several major
pre-1902 tributaries, producing elongate valley
ponded lakes (Fig. 10.1) and re-activating older
(?Pleistocene) alluvial fan sedimentation. In addition, a significant delta of volcanic sediment was
built at the mouth of the Samala, extending the
shoreline nearly 7 km seaward, and involving
4 km 3 of sediment (Fig. 10.1). Subsequently,
reduced sediment supply has led to retreat and





Figure 10.1 Detailed representation of the depositional

systems of the Samala River on the Guatemalan coastal
plain following the 1902 eruption of Santa Maria. (After
Kuenzi et al. 1979.) Note the valley-ponded lakes in the
tributaries of the Samal<l River and the major deltaic lobe at
the mouth of the Samala.

stabilisation of the shoreline. In addition, the active

braided channel system of the Samala has experienced major shifts on the coastal plain (Fig.
10.1). The Guatemalan volcanic chain can thus be
seen to be a very dynamic system, not only from the
point of view of its volcanic activity, but equally
from the point of view of the contemporaneous
epiclastic processes. Epiclastic volcanic sediments
therefore represent a significant facies group, and
are intimately associated with primary volcanic
Richards (1965) described the types of erosional
processes, their rates and effects in marine volcanic
terrains, in discussing the erosional history of the
volcano Barcena in the Pacific Ocean in 1952. The
principal agents of erosion were gravity, wind,
shoreline wave erosion and surface runoff following
several periods of heavy rain. Barcena is a cone of

trachytic tephra and lesser lavas. Over two months

2.7 x 108 m 3 of tephra were erupted. The tephra
consisted largely of ash, and lesser proportions of
scoria lapilli, blocks and bombs. Gravitational
grain-flow avalanching of tephra occurred during
the eruption period, producing a radiating system
of downslope furrows on the cone surface. Wind
erosion was prominent until the first rains resulted
in a surface crust, but recurred during subsequent
dry periods. Rains produced significant erosional
gullies, which in time rounded the knife-like crater
rim, markedly modified the initial furrow system
and commenced the infilling of the 'crater and the
burial of the crater dome. Wave erosion of both
tephra and a lava delta caused major changes to the
position of the shoreline and removed large volumes
of debris, which were then presumably redeposited
subaqueously offshore. In the four months after
eruption began, erosion of tephra sea-cliffs occurred
at a rate of 1.7 m day-I, and about 0.71 x 106 m 3
of tephra were removed by wave erosion over a
40 day period. A lava flow was eroded at a rate of
0.12 m day-lover a 158 day period in 1953.
Similarly, Thorarinsson (1967) records the major
impact of storm wave erosion on Surtsey and its
satellite centres from 1963-66.
Subaqueous epiclastic processes and rates from
modern volcanoes are not well studied or documented, but ancient examples from the rock record
are abundant. J. G. Jones (1967b) and Mitchell
(1970) have shown that the subaqueous parts of
marine stratovolcanoes are dominated by redeposited mass-flow volcaniclastics (debris flows,
turbidites, etc.). In these cases, much of this debris
was probably fed from the subaerial and shallow
marine parts of the volcanoes, and was eroded by
subaerial and shallow marine processes such as
those in the cases described by Vessell and Davies
(1981), Kuenzi et ai. (1979) and Richards (1965)
and discussed above. At the other extreme, wholly
subaqueous volcanoes are likely to be less dominated
by epiclastic processes and facies than are subaerially exposed volcanoes, because several of the
main agents of erosion (wind, running water and
wave action) are absent. In such subaqueous
settings, gravitational collapse is the main epiclastic
process operating, but may nevertheless be signi-


ficant. However, if such volcanoes occur in

restricted, small basins, then extra-formational
epiclastic sediment transported from shallower
basin margins will also be important.
In summary, epiclastic processes are extremely
significant in volcanic terrains, both in terms of
their duration and in terms of the volumes of rock
matter that may be transported. Their activity
seems to be accelerated in direct response to
eruptive activity. In ancient successions, therefore,
erosional discordances and variable proportions of
epiclastic volcanic sediments should be expected,
depending on the balance between erosion and
sedimentation during the history of the volcanic

Table 10.1

Sediment transport in both volcanic and nonvolcanic terrains takes place in two basic forms: in
particulate fashion, whereby each particle behaves
individually, or by mass-movement, whereby a
packet of sediment is moved as one, essentially
instantaneously. In particulate sediment movement,
particles have the freedom to move as individuals in
response to the forces acting on them. In massmovement, because a large population of fragments
is moving en masse, particle freedom is largely
inhibited, and collisions and dynamic interaction
between fragments is common. As well as subdividing sediment movement on the basis of it being
particulate or by mass-movement, further subdivision can be made on the basis of the involvement of an interstitial medium as follows (Table
no necessary interstitial medium
ice as an essential interstitial medium
water as an essential interstitial medium
air as an essential interstitial medium
The function of an interstitial medium is to drive
sediment movement, provide grain-support or act
as a lubricant.

A classification of sediment transport processes.


Nearest primary
volcanic analogue

1 Sediment transport not dependent on an interstitial

(a) particle free fall
(b) particle creep
(c) rock fall
(d) slides
(e) avalanches


10.3 Epiclastic sediment transport


air-fall (Chs 5 & 6)

nuees ardentes, block

and ash flows
(Chs 5 & 7)

grain flow

Sediment transport in which ice is an essential interstitial


(a) ice rafting
(b) glaciers

(c) glaciers
(d) permafrost creep

3 Sediment transport in which water is an essential

interstitial medium
(a) traction (bed load, saltation)
(b) suspension
(c) in solution
(d) fluvial torrent flow, sheet flood
(e) subaqueous granular mass flow
(e.g. turbidity currents)
(f) mud flows, debris flows
(g) slumps
(h) soil creep

lahars (herein)

4 Sediment transport in which air is an essential interstitial

(a) traction
(b) suspension
(c) air-lubricated rock

surges (Chs 5 & 7)

eruption columns,
plumes (Chs 5 & 6)
pumice, scoria, ash,
block and ash flows
(Chs 5 & 7)



In this situation there is no interstitial medium to
drive sediment movement, provide grain-support
or act as a lubricant for sediment movement. The
only force causing sediment movement is gravity,
and the gravitational potential of the sediment. This
can occur either in particulate fashion, and includes:

particle free fall,

particle creep,
or under mass-movement conditions, and includes:

avalanches and
grain flows.

root systems in a lake or ocean, with fall-out from

the root system through the water column (Fig.
10.2). Deposition onto a hard substrate will produce
isolated angular fragments, and repeated events will
produce an unstructured pile of fragments. Where
deposition occurs onto a soft, unconsolidated substrate, soft-sediment deformation and impact
structures may occur. Subsequent deposition of
normal ambient sediment should produce drape
structures (Fig. 10.2). Impact structures are also
produced by explosively ejected ballistics (Figs
S.20g & h), and by fall-out after ice rafting (Section
10.3.2). In the former case there is usually a
directional asymmetry resulting from the directed
trajectory of the ballistics. In the latter case other
evidence for the contemporaneous influence of ice
and glacial activity should be apparent.

Particle creep

Particle free fall

Here a fragment is dislodged from an elevated
position above a local base-level and free falls either
through air or water, or both, and/or tumbles
downslope. Although the fragment falls through air
or water, neither medium contributes to the motion
of the particle. Examples include dislodgement of
individual fragments or blocks from cliffs or steep
slopes, with deposition either subaerially or subaqueously, and free rafting of debris in vegetation
Suboe rl oll y


Figure 10.2 Various situations of particle free fall and

resultant characteristics of deposits.

Particle creep involves the slow, almost imperceptible, downslope movement of individual particles,
again solely under the influence of gravity. The
particle rolls or slides bit by bit. Strictly, particle
creep is unaided by any medium but, in practice,
on exposed slopes rainfall, splash erosion, surface
water sheet flow and the effects of wind will almost
certainly be periodic causes of movement as well as
gravity. There may also be an alternation between
creep, tumbling and free fall and, where a large
number of particles move together, mass-movement
sliding, avalanching or grain flow will obviously
occur. Particle creep can occur on any slope,
whether it be subaerial or subaqueous, where a
particle has gravitational potential. Particle creep
will be widespread in volcanic terrains where
unconsolidated debris lies on slopes. Its influence
in ancient deposits may be almost impossible to
recognise, since it produces no unique structure.

This form of mass-movement is a direct extension
of particle free fall discussed above, but involves
multiple particles or a large volume of rock matter.
Again, a volume of rock is dislodged, and then free
falls. After impact at a break in slope it may
avalanche or tumble very rapidly downslope under
its own momentum and the influence of gravity,


Figure 10.3 Mass-movement rockfall and avalanche producing an unstructured. base of slope talus deposit.

without the assistance of any medium. The process

can take place subaerially or subaqueously, and is
well documented from non-volcanic terrains
(A. M. Johnson 1970, Voight 1978), but is also
common in volcanic terrains. The volume of rock
matter may be deposited as an unstructured pile of
rubble at the base of slope (Fig. 10.3), or may
translate into another form of mass-movement such
as slide, air-lubricated rock-avalanche, or viscous
debris flow (e.g. the Olokele rock avalanche on the
island of Kauai, Hawaii, when it flowed into a river

Figure 10.4 The scar of the Olekele rockfall-avalanchedebris flow event, Olekele Gorge, Kauai, Hawaii. (After B. L.
Jones et al. 1984.)


valley, Fig. 10.4; B. L. Jones et al. 1984), The

Olekele avalanche originated from a 60 slope,
800 m high at the head of a canyon entrenched into
the plateau-like summit of a shield volcano. The
caldera margin collapse breccias of Lipman (1976)
(Ch , 8) are also examples of this mode of epiclastic
erosion and transport, and lead to progressive
caldera scarp retreat and build-up of a caldera
margin talus deposit.

In slides (or landslides or rockslides) the dislodged
mass of rock maintains contact with and shears over
the substrate. It moves as an essentially coherent
mass under the influence of gravity. If it acquires
enough momentum it may even climb and slide up
slope, as appears to have been the case with the
Vaiont slide in Italy. In most cases slides will be
initiated on relatively steep slopes. Their scale may
be enormously variable. They may be very small,
local, insignificant events, or they may be major
catastrophic events involving millions of tonnes of
rock. Examples of major subaerial slides have been
adequately documented in the volume edited by
Voight (1978). Subaqueous slides (e.g. D. G.
Moore 1978) should be just as common given the
extra lubrication provided by an aqueous environment, even though water is not an essential
influence in the movement of slides. The source
areas for slides should be marked by major scars.
In volcanic terrains slides should be very common, given steep slopes and the interbedding of
lithologies of very diverse mechanical properties.
Such slides may be very local in significance, or
may involve large-scale sector collapse of the
volcano (e.g. Vi 1983; Fig. 10.5 & Plate 10). One of
the best known slides of recent times in volcanic
terrains was the spectacular one initiating the
devastating 18 May 1980 eruption of Mt St Helens.
The growth of a high-level magma reservoir within
the core of the stratovolcano caused gradual oversteepening of the northern flank of the volcano. On
18 May, apparently triggered by an earthquake, the
over steepened slopes collapsed, causing a huge
landslide which unroofed the magma reservoir, and
initiated a simultaneous phase of pyroclastic activity
(Fig. 1O.6a; Section 5.4; Christiansen & Peterson




Figure 10.5 Major erosion scar on the flanks of the island

volcano Stromboli resulting from a major slide which
continued into the surrounding submarine environment.
(After Korgen 1972.)

1981, Voight et al. 1981). Several discrete initial

slide blocks were identified from time-spaced
photographs, but under the influence of the simultaneous explosive blast, and interstitial hot water
and steam, the slide masses moved away in dyamic
fashion, leaving a huge horseshoe shaped, concave,
amphitheatre-like erosion scar (Fig. 10.6b). Many
similar volcanic analogues are known (Voight et al.
1981, Vi 1983; Section 5.4). The characteristics of
the final deposit will be described in the next
section, on avalanches, since the slide evolved into
a mobile avalanche.
True slides will therefore be relatively coherent
masses retaining some element of original stratigraphy. Some degree of internal deformation may
be apparent (faults, folds - some soft sediment
ones), and the mass will be separated from the
substrate by a sole thrust. The source area will be
marked by a major scar, which is frequently
concave in the direction of movement (Fig. 10.7).
Stranded detached slabs of the slide mass may mark
the trail of the slide back to the scar. Slumps
(Section 10.3.3) represent near-source, incipient
Several possible major submarine slide masses
have been proposed by J. G. Moore (1964) on the
flanks of the Hawaiian ridge, based on detailed
bathymetric surveys. The proposed source region is
marked by a topographic scar, and the slide bodies
are marked by irregular topography. One mass may
be as large as ISO km long and SO km wide.

In an avalanche the dislodged rock mass flows,

rather than slides, and the frictional interaction
with the substrate is very low (Hsti 1975, 1978, Vi
1983, Siebert 1984). The term 'flow' implies a
degree of relative motion and freedom between
clasts, indicating that pervasive internal deformation occurs within the flow . Avalanches are
therefore not coherent, and there is considerable
interaction between clasts in the flow. Hsti (1975,
1978), interpreting the work of Albert Heim (e.g.
1932) on sturzstroms, or catastrophic rock debris

Figure 10.6 (a) The initial landslide of the 18 May 1980 Mt

St Helens eruption. also showing the initiation of the
simultaneous pyroclastic blast event. The slide mass is
moving away to the right at the foot of the volcano. leaving a
major concave erosion scar (after G. Rosenquist in Voight
1981). (b) The concave. amphitheatre-like erosion scar
resulting after the major slide and pyroclastic explosion
event of 18 May 1980. Mt St Helens (after Lipman &
Mullineaux 1981).



Figure 10.7 Initiation and major elements of a coherent

slide, and the resultant internal deformed deposit.

Figure 10.9 Formation of rock avalanches from rock-falls,

and characteristics of avalanche deposits.

streams, equated the flow mechanics of avalanches

with inertial Bagnoldian grain flow. In this, grain
support, grain momentum, and flow momentum
and mobility are all maintained by grain-to-grain
collisions leading to a progressive transfer of
momentum through the flow. That is, if an
interstitial medium is present it plays no necessary,
active, dynamic role in the motion of the avalanche,
nor does it buffer collisions between clasts, these
being essentially cohesionless. Fluids may nevertheless be present. For example, many documented
avalanches (including the 18 May Mt St Helens
one) have included volumes of snow and ice, which
melt during flow as a result of impacts. Air may also
be trapped within the flow, and fluidisation by air
(Ch. 7) may also occur, although it is not essential
to the mechanics of avalanches as seen from
interpreted lunar avalanches (Howard 1973, Hsii
1975). In the past there has been some speculation

that rock avalanches owed their mobility to a

trapped cushion of compressed air on which the
avalanches rode (e.g. Shreve 1968). In this model
the air is trapped at a break in slope or hydraulic
jump, where the avalanche changes from a largely
fall trajectory to a lateral flow trajectory.
Mechanically, avalanches can be distinguished
from more-viscous modes of transport, such as
debris flows, by their greater speeds, and by the
lower frictional interaction with the substrate.
Speeds of 200-300 km h- 1 or more are not uncommon and are based on well constrained calculations (Voight 1978). Huge blocks, metres in
diameter, hurled a kilometre or more on ballistic
trajectories by avalanches, also attest to amazing
speeds (e.g. Plafker & Ericksen 1978). The apparent
coefficient of friction can be as low as 0.06 (Ui 1983),
compared with, for example, a block of rock sliding
according to Coulomb's law of sliding friction, with
an apparent coefficient of friction of 0.62 (Figs 10.8
& 7.2; Hsu 1975,1978). Avalanches in non-volcanic
terrains most frequently originate from rockfalls
(Fig. 10.9). In volcanic terrains they may also do so
(e.g. Fahnestock's 1978 account of rock avalanches
on Mt Rainier), but they may also evolve from slides
associated with collapse of a major sector of a volcano
accompanied by simultaneous explosive release, as
described in the Mt St Helens case above (Fig.
1O.6a; Voightelal. 1981, Ui 1983) and in many other
situations on stratovolcanoes (Ui 1983, Siebert 1984,
Francis et al. 1985). Hence, a dynamic slide of
volcanic debris can translate into a significant rock
debris avalanche.
Deposition takes place by frictional freezing of
the avalanching rock mass as it loses momentum,
implying a relatively high bulk viscosity for the





YolconlC dry Oyolonch.

o nonyolcon,c dry oyolonche

" nu.e ordenle

O I-t-....L..-~'---f-~'----"'T""----"'T""--

0 1



Length (km)
Figure 10.8 Apparent coefficient of friction according to
the Coulomb law for sliding friction for volcanic rock
avalanches, non-volcanic rock avalanches and ignimbrites.
The apparent coefficient is defined as the vertical height
moved to the projected horizontal distance travelled, HIL.
A/so see Figure 7.2. (After Ui 1983.)

avalanche flow, and a high degree of particle



Figure 10.10 Rock avalanche

deposit on the Emmons Glacier
high on the Cascades
stratovolcano Mt Rainier. The
mega block with the person on top
is 40 m wide and 18 m high. and is
estimated to be more than
45 000 tonnes in weight. Note the
predominance of blocks. The
matrix is of sand-to-gravel size.
(After Fahnestock 1978.)

interaction. Avalanche deposits form well defined

lobes with steep margins. Marginal ridges including
levees, internal pressure ridges and surface pile-up
mounds have been described and suggest a significant yield strength (Ch. 2). Because of these
significant topographic variations on the surface of
the flow, thicknesses are very variable. Internally
avalanches are massive and extremely poorly sorted,
with fragment sizes ranging from huge mega blocks
thousands of cubic metres in size through to gravel,
sand and mud sizes (Figs lO.9 & lO). Rare
individual blocks up to 500 m in diameter have
been claimed (Ui 1983). Individual blocks are
frequently broken in transit, but pieces can be fitted
back together again in jigsaw puzzle like fit.
Frequently, original stratigraphy or lateral relationships or order of lithology as documented in the
source can be pieced together, suggesting that
relatively little internal mixing of clasts has occurred. The avalanche can thus be viewed as a mobile,
fluidal, close packing of blocks and fragments
which jostle, bump, push, collide and fragment
each other in transit. The matrix between blocks
can vary greatly in character from deposit to
deposit. It often includes material such as soil,
alluvial gravel and vegetation eroded in transit.

However, much of it is abraded in transit from clast

Few detailed granulometric analyses are available
for avalanche deposits and there are obvious
problems in representing the many large blocks.
Analyses of the matrix for the Mt St Helens
avalanche deposit average 4, 11, 42 and 43 wt%,
respectively, for clay, silt, sand and gravel sizes.
The deposits are therefore very granular, perhaps
more so than might be expected of viscous debris
flow deposits. Herein lies the problem with avalanche deposits. Are they distinguishable in the
rock record from debris flow deposits? This problem
is touched on by Voight et ai. (1981) in comparing
the granulometry of the Mt St Helens avalanche
deposit with other known volcanic avalanche deposits (the Mt Rainier ones referred to above) and
coarse deposits from both Mt St Helens and Mt
Rainier which had previously been interpreted as
lahars (i.e. debris flows of volcanic composition).
The overall morphology of both is similar, which
suggests a generally similar rheology (Ch. 2).
Possible criteria include the presence of mega blocks
(many metres to tens of metres or more in diameter)
and the lack of a pervasive muddy matrix in
avalanche deposits. Debris flows frequently de-


velop a basal laminar, shear zone in which crude

bedding develops, and grading of clasts occurs.
Open framework - that is, matrix-support of large
clasts - might also be expected in debris-flow


Grain flow involves the spontaneous, passive downslope rolling and sliding of a population of cohesionless grains that together constitute a moving grain
layer. The grains move solely under the influence of
gravity, and not under the influence of an external
shear stress, induced, for example, by flowing
water or wind. However, grain-to-grain collisions
which produce a transfer of momentum are an
important mechanism in maintaining the mobility
of the entire grain-flow layer. These collisions
produce a reaction force, called dispersive pressure.
Given that the grains are cohesionless and that no
viscous interstitial fluid is involved, the dispersive
pressure or collisions operate in an inertial regime.
Grain flows can also occur subaqueously in more
viscous water, and grain collisions also occur in
very viscous fluids such as mud (e.g. in debris
flows) . In those situations the collision events are
buffered by pressure gradients set up in the viscous

fluids during near approaches of grains just before

collision. These pressure gradients also contribute
to the reaction force affecting the colliding grains,
so that they are subjected to viscous dispersive
pressure developed in the fluid between the colliding
grains, as well as the inertial dispersive pressure of
the actual collision between grains.
Given these constraints, it is not surprising that
true grain flow only occurs on steep slopes, those
steeper than the maximum natural angle of stability
or repose for a pile of grains. If this angle is
exceeded, then downslope movement will eventually be initiated, the angle at which this occurs
being called the angle of initial yield (Allen 1982).
After flow, the angle of slope will be adjusted to a
lower, more stable one equal to or less than the
angle of repose, which Allen (1982) calls the
residual angle after shearing. The natural angle of
repose for an aggregate of grains depends on the
grainsize, sorting, packing, grain shape and grain
surface texture. For most sands and gravels it is
between 30 and 35, but may be steeper for coarse,
very angular aggregates .
Grain flow is' different from rock avalanches
discussed in the previous section, in that in grain
flow there is considerable particle freedom and

(a) Ripples and dunes

(b) Scree slopes

Grain flow

Initial onQle of yield

(>on9Ie of repose)
tractive, erosive
_ _ force of current
~".o--- post - 'J"olnflow anQle of

(S; onQle of repose)

Figure 10.11 Two common occurrences of grain flow. (a) Lee-side cascading of grain-flow layers in ripples and dunes so
forming intemal cross-stratification and resulting in downcurrent migration of the ripple or dune. A carpet of grains is eroded
off the up-current side of the ripple and moved to the crest by the tractive force of the current. Oversteepening occurs at the
crest and a grain-flow layer cascades down the lee-side face, into the space called the separation zone over which flow
streamlines pass. (b) Grain flow on scree slopes initiated by oversteepening to the angle of initial yield. Grain-flow restores the
slope to a more stable attitude equal to or less than the angle of repose.



grain mobility within the grain-flow layer, and

there is considerable frictional contact or interaction
with the substrate. In grain flow the mobility of the
grain-flow layer is largely due to the momentum of
the individual grains. In rock avalanches the
mobility is largely due to the momentum of the
whole rock avalanche mass.
Grain flow can occur in many natural situations
and at different scales. It is responsible for the
formation of angle of repose cross-stratification in
ripples and dunes by the passive cascading of sand
grain-flow layers down the steep, protected lee-side
of the ripple or dune structure (Hunter 1985, Fig.
1O.11a). It also occurs in the formation of relatively
fine-grained sandy to gravelly scree slopes (Fig.
In volcanic terrains grain flow will be significant
in both types of grain flow cited here. On the small
scale it will be manifest in cross-stratification
produced by epiclastic tractional sediment transport of volcanic sediments (Section 10.3.3), and on
a larger scale, on steep slopes strewn with pyroclastic or epiclastic debris, or both, may give rise to
scree slopes. The steep slopes of cinder or scoria

cones and stratovolcanoes (Ch. 13) are not just

coincidentally sloping at about angle of repose.
Steeper slopes are prone to gravitational collapse,
producing either slides or grain flows. Grain flow is
particularly prominent on cinder or scoria cones
(Ch. 6), and often produces a radiating downslope
system of furrows (e.g. Richards 1965), as well as
maintaining the slopes at or about angle of repose
during pyroclastic eruptions (Ch. 13). Scree slopes
are common features adjacent to steep scarps made
of semi-consolidated debris. They often form inside
craters, rifts (e.g. Fig. 1O.12a) or against fault
scarps, and again the slope angles are nearly angle
of repose. Reverse-graded pumice grain-flow layers
frequently accompany pumice falls on steep slopes
(Duffield et ai. 1979).
Grain-flow deposits will be marked by steeply
inclined stratification (30 to 35), internally diffuse,
relatively thin stratification caused by the high
frictional interaction between the grain-flow layer
and the substrate, and by the development of
internal shear layering. Individual layers will be
thin (centimetres to a few tens of centimetres) and
may develop a reverse grading produced by intense

Figure 10.12 (a) Scree slopes in the rift vent formed by the 1886 eruption of
Mt Tarawera, New Zealand. The older rhyolitic dome complex of Tarawera was
mantled by basaltic tephra (dark) of the 1886 eruption and both sources are
contributing to the scree slope debris. The trails of individual grain flows are
represented by the streaks on the scree slope surfaces. (b) Pyroclastically
erupted and deposited (air-fall) debris of Pukeonake cone, New Zealand . Following air-fall deposition the debris was moved
downslope by grain flow, producing a series of slightly irregular, mostly reverse-graded grain-supported layers. Reversegrading is especially well developed in the upper coarsest layer, but also in lower layers.


shearing at the contact with the substrate (Figs

10.12b & 6.6b; Lowe 1982).



The principle here is that sediment particles are

trapped within or on top of significant bodies of ice
which act as transporting agents. The ice thus
provides grain support in a solid state. Where the
ice floats, it and its sediment load are buoyed up,
usually by slightly denser sea water, and movement
occurs in response to currents. Where the ice is
glacial or permafrost, the ice-sediment mass has
gravitational potential and the lubrication provided
by the base of the ice mass ensures relatively rapid
downslope movement under the influence of
gravity. Ice can move sediment in either particulate
fashion by:

ice rafting
or in mass-movement form by:

glaciers and
permafrost creep.


Ice rafting
The principles involved in deposition of sediment
after being ice-rafted are the same as those discussed
above for particle free fall (Section 10.3.1). An
iceberg carrying sediment, and perhaps originating
from a glacier flowing into sea water or from shelfice, begins to melt and, bit by bit, releases its
sediment load. Dropped boulders with impact
structures and draped sediment layers sh01.ild be
expected (Fig. 10.2). However, not all ice-rafted
dropstones necessarily produce impact structures,
especially if the dropstone still has attached to it a
large volume of ice, so reducing the total bulk
density of the dropstone and ice, and so very
markedly reducing the fall velocity. Volcanic terrains in high latitudes with associated marine
environments should therefore be the source for,
and site of, deposition of drops tones of volcanic
composition (Fig. 10.13), as well as those of other
compositions (e.g. Lisitzin 1962).

Glaciers (particulate movement)

Glaciers are relatively mobile huge masses of ice
which creep, flow or slide down slope due to their
gravitational potential at speeds that vary from the
imperceptible to greater than 100 m day-I. The
latter occurs where frictional coupling between the

Figure 10.13 Inferred dropstone

of latite composition. Permian
Kiama Sandstone Member,
Broughton Formation ('Gerringong
Volcanics'), Sydney Basin, New
South Wales, Australia. Note illdefined draping over top right of
boulder. Enclosing volcanic
sandstones are considered to be
turbidites deposited in a stormdominated shelf setting. As part of
Gondwanaland, the Sydney Basin
was located in a periglacial setting
during sedimentation of the Kiama





Figure 10.14 (a) The stratovolcano Mt Rainier of the Cascades arc of westem North America. Note the Emmons Glacier, the
rock avalanche burying the toe of the glacier, Little Tahoma Peak, the source of the avalanche 600 m above the glacier, the
moraine deposits of the glacier, and the White River, the braided outwash river of the glacier (after Fahnestock 1978). (b)
Thorsnarsk Glacier, Iceland and its associated fluvial outwash system. (c) Snow cap and summit glacier, Mt Kilimanjaro in the
equatorial zone of the East Africa Rift Zone, Africa (photograph by Frances Williams).


glacier and the substrate has been reduced by basal

melting (Raymond 1978). Glaciers have enormous
erosive capacity, as evidenced by the U-shaped
valleys they gouge out, and the huge volumes of
sediment they deposit in ground, lateral and
terminal moraines. Glaciers transport their sediment
as base load, interior load or surface load. Base load
is eroded from the substrate at the base and edges of
the glacier. Interior load may originally have
commenced transport as base load, but because
internal flow paths are often forward and upward, it
ends up within the interior, well above the base.
Surface load results from material falling onto the
surface of the glacier, for example by rockfall or
rock avalanche as discussed above (Fig. 10.10), or
from wind transport or volcanic air fall.
Glaciers develop at relatively high altitudes,
where snowfall is common and accumulates for a
substantial part of the year. This is not restricted to
high latitudes, and glaciers are even known at high
altitudes in the equatorial zone. Since volcanism
occurs all over the globe independent of climate, it
is not surprising that volcanoes and glaciers are
frequent associates. For example, glaciers drain off
the volcanic chains of Alaska, the Cascades (Fig.
1O.14a), the Andes and Antarctica, to name but a
few. Glaciers are even major epiclastic agents on the
Atlantic mid-oceanic spreading ridge system in
Iceland (Fig. 1O.14b). Mt Kilimanjaro, in the
equatorial belt of the East Africa rift system, also
has glaciers draining off its summit (Fig. 10 .14c).
The sediment load of glaciers is dumped at the
base, margins and terminus of glaciers in irregular
piles or ridge-like accumulations called ground,
lateral and terminal moraines, respectively. Moraines consist of unsorted debris varying from
particles as fine as clay, resulting from the intense
grinding abilities of the glacial ice mass, to huge
blocks that have been dragged and rafted along.
The terms 'till', 'tillite' and 'diamictite' are used for
these moraine deposits, the first being for unconsolidated moraines and the other two for lithified
moraines. 'Diamictite' is a more general, nongenetic textural term for poorly sorted aggregates
such as tilVtillite and debris flow deposits. The term
should be used in this sense. The provenance of till
depends on the source rocks in the drainage area of


the glacial system. If these are volcanic, then

volcanic till will result (e.g. Crandell & Miller 1964,
1974, Fahnestock 1963). Sediment particles drop
out one by one as melting of the ice occurs (Fig.
10.15). If the terminus of the glacier is on land,
then the moraine material may be reworked to
varying degrees by the high energy outwash river
systems (Section 10.3.3; Figs 1O.l4a & b) fed by
the melting of ice at the terminus and the base.
These systems are frequently of the braided type.
Given that most glacial systems have both shortterm and long-term histories of advance and retreat,
the upsequence facies variations through a pile of
glacial sediment may be complex (Eyles et al.
1983). Facies differences also occur according to
whether the glaciers are temperate, sub-polar or
polar, which affects their thermal regime and the
degree of basal melting. Interested readers are
referred to Eyles et al. (1983) and Eyles and Miall
The stratovolcano Mt Rainier and the Cascades
arc have already been referred to with regard to
rock avalanches in volcanic terrains (Section
10.3.1). Mt Rainier also has a developed glacial
system including the Emmons Glacier (Fig. 10. 13a),
lateral and terminal moraine deposits, and a fluvial
outwash system (Fig. 10. 14a; Fahnestock 1963,
1978, Crandell & Miller 1964, 1974). All are
sourced within the volcanic pile of Mt Rainier. Mt
St Helens also had a complex of summit glaciers
before 1980, much of which was destroyed by the
18 May eruption (Brugman & Meier 1981).

Glaciers (mass-movement)
Glacial transport also essentially involves massmovement as well as particulate transport, because
till of lermlno l
mora ine

Figure 10.15 Glacial transport of sediment as bed load,

interior load and surface load, and textural character of
glacial till of the terminal moraine, which is being reworked
by the fluvial outwash system.



in addition to carrying individual eroded fragments,

glacial transport involves the carrying of aggregates
of rock, perhaps picked up as base load from fluvial
valley fill sedimentary piles over which the glacier is
moving, or as surface load, that is deposited on the
glacier surface by a rock avalanche as discussed
above (Fahnestock 1978). The principles of transportation, and of deposition of aggregates of rock
by glacial transport and the characteristics of the
resultant deposits, are the same as in the previous

Permafrost creep
Permafrost creep involves the very slow downslope
creep of a frozen surface ground layer. That layer
may be soil or loose surface aggregate in which
interstitial ground water has become frozen, and
due to position on slope, the whole frozen layer of
rock matter and ice acquires an increased gravitational potential which drives its slow passage
down slope. On melting, an unstructured pile of
material is deposited, perhaps preserving some
original stratigraphy, and perhaps containing less
finely ground or milled clay size material than in
true glacial till.

Again, the sediment transport can occur in both

particulate and mass-movement forms. If the sediment movement is particulate or involves the massmovement of a cohesionless population of grains
(i.e. grains which have no significant attraction or
repulsion to each other) in low viscosity, noncohesive, relatively pure water, then the transport
is said to take place in a non-viscous or inertial
regime. If mass-movement involves cohesive
particles (e.g. electrostatically charged clay platelets) and/or a cohesive aqueous fluid (e.g. a viscous
clay-water, mud mixture), then the transport is
said to take place in a viscous regime. In the nonviscous or inertial regime the settling of the
cohesionless particles is not significantly retarded
by the interstitial fluid (water), and is essentially
controlled by the momentum of the particles, their

settling velocities in water and their degree of

interaction (collision) with other particles.
In the different modes of sediment transport to
be discussed here, water performs all of the
different functions of an interstitial medium discussed previously. That is, it can drive sediment
movement, it can provide grain-support or it can
act as a lubricant (further discussed below in the
relevant sections). However, its role as a sorting
agent is also extremely important in controlling the
textural characteristics of the resultant deposits. As
discussed in Chapter 1, with volcanic sediments
lack of uniformity of grain size is not necessarily a
reflection of an hydraulically poorly sorted sediment. Fluids, especially water, sort clastic aggregates according to their hydraulic properties, the
most important of which will be shape and density.
Given the variable density of volcanic detritus due
to variable vesicularity, hydraulically well sorted
aggregates may be very poorly sorted according to
grainsize. The other effect of water is to lower the
effective or dynamic transportable mass of sediment
particles where these are immersed in water. Given
that mineral and rock fragments have densities of
around 2.5+ g cm- 3 , immersion of such grains in
water (density of 1 g cm - 3) lowers the effective
transportable mass of such fragments by 40%
relative to their mass in air, making erosion an
easier prospect.
In particulate form, sediment transport takes
place in the following ways:

suspension and flotation,
in solution,
and in mass-movement by:

fluvial torrent flow, sheet flow,

subaqueous granular mass flow (e.g. turbidity

mud flows, debris flows, lahars,

slumps and
soil creep.

Tractional sediment transport produces a very
important group of sedimentary structures called,
appropriately, tractional sedimentary structures (e.g.






Figure 10.16 The two sediment transport modes that

together constitute tractional sediment transport: bed load
(rolling and sliding) and saltation (jumping). Smaller grains
may also be lifted into continuous or intermittent suspension.

ripples, dunes, cross-stratification, horizontal or

plane-bed lamination, antidunes). Tractional structures can be produced where any fluid (water, air)
flows over a bed of cohesionless grains and initiates
movement of the grains as bed load or in saltation
(Fig. 10.16). Tractional reworking will also remove
most clays, so producing granular clastic aggregates
with little or no mud matrix.
Bed load refers to the rolling or sliding of
particles along the bed (Fig. 10.16). Bed load
movement occurs because the flowing fluid exerts a
lateral shear stress at the bed surface which is great
enough to overcome the weight of the particle and
the frictional resistance at the bed surface. At this
stage the fluid has an erosive capacity, its velocity is
greater than the minimum threshold velocity for
erosion of the grainsize in question (e.g. according
to the Hjulstrom curve), and the flow conditions in
the fluid are turbulent, so that Reynolds Numbers
are high (Ch. 2). Erosion does not take place under
low velocity laminar flow conditions.
Saltation refers to a downstream bouncing or
jumping mode of transport, involving short-term
suspension of particles (Fig. 10.16) that may be
induced either by the impact of other particles
falling back to the bed, or by high enough velocities
(and therefore bed shear stress) to lift the particles
into suspension. This is effected by the deflection of
streamlines over the crest of particles, concentrating
the streamlines and producing a pressure gradient
in the fluid above the grain. A low pressure zone
develops on the lee-side of the grain. The resultant
Bernoulli effect produces an uplift force in a
downstream direction, which may be sufficient to
lift the particle from the bed.


The net effect of continuous bed load and

saltation (i.e. tractional) transport of a large number
of cohesionless grains, simultaneously under the
influence of a unidirectional water flow, is to
produce a range of tractional bed forms or sedimentary structures (Fig. 10.17). For any particular
grain size population under steadily accelerating or
decelerating flow conditions, a regular succession of
structures should occur. However, the succession is
different for different grain sizes (Fig. 10.17). Ripples, sandwaves and dunes are all wave-like bedforms that form in sequence as velocity is progressively increased. They are all asymmetrical structures produced by unidirectional current flow, the
steep face being on the downstream, or downcurrent, side (Fig. 10.18). Internally they are
marked by cross-stratification (cross-laminae if the
cross-strata < 1 cm thick, cross-beds where crossstrata> 1 cm thick; Figs 1O.19a-c), which dips in
the direction of flow. This cross-stratification is
typically at or just below angle of repose (25-35) at
its upper end, and forms by the passive grain flow
of packets of granular sediment down the downcurrent face under the influence of gravity (Fig.
10. 12a). Little or no lateral current-induced bed
surface shear stress is involved in this passive lee200





'0 60







-- -- -- --




v. coarse



0.2 0.250.3

0.4 0.50.6

0.8 1.0

Mean sediment size




Figure 10.17 Stability fields for the common tractional

structures as a function of mean water flow velocity and
mean grainsize. Data points represent many experimental
flume runs using different grainsizes. Note that for different
grainsizes different sequences of bed-forms develop as flow
velocities increase or decrease. (After Harms et al. 1982.)



- - - - - - accelorallng flow sequonco of SlruClures (eroslonol re gime) -----t~


- - - - deCelerating flow sequenco of struclures (deposltlonol reg lmo) - - - -





l..------,:> FLOW DIRECT ION

.ery fine sand


~ ~~~~~~=-

" ......

medium ro coorse sand

...... ......
~ \--- ~ ~ ......~~~~~ ~



very coars e sand





----"" " ' ".......-<" '".






Figure 10,18 Schematic

representation of successic'l of
tractional bed-forms and
corresponding internal sedimentary
structures formed under conditions
of unidirectional water flow, with
flow either accelerating (left to right)
or decelerating (right to left), During
acceleration the succession of bedforms is eroded, under deceleration
the succession of bed-forms and
flow stages may be preserved
upsequence because net
aggradation (deposition) will occur at
the bed, The velocity-grainsize
relationships hold only for dense
mineral and lithic grains, No data are
available for low density, vesicular

Mean ve loc ity (em sec - I)


ri pples

cross -


lowe r plane
bed a hero lonto l
lam inati on
(coarse t o e. r y
coars e sand)

du ne
plan ar
cross crou bedding
( angle of re pose)

side grain flow but, where it is involved, the effect

is to progressively lower the angle of cross-stratification below the angle of repose with increasing
bed shear stress. Sandwaves (or large two-dimensional ripples) have straight to slightly sinuous
continuous crests and long wavelength crests, and
produce tabular planar cross-strata. Ripples and
dunes have diverse morphologies (Allen 1982, Blatt
et al. 1980) and most commonly produce upwardsconcave sets of trough cross-strata. Ripples are less
than 4 em in amplitude. Lower plane bed lamination forms in place of ripples in coarse sediments
(Figs 10.17 & 18) under low flow velocity conditions. Ripples do not form in coarse sediment.
If the flow velocity increases further, dune bedforms are smeared out by the current under very
high bed shear stress conditions, and are replaced
by a flat or horizontal planar bed-form (Figs 10.17
& 18) which, internally, is represented by horizontal , planar, parallel laminated sands (Fig. 10. 19d).
This bed-form represents the transition from relatively low energy conditions known as the lower
flow regime, to higher energy and velocity flow

upper pla ne
bod a herllontol
laminat ion

antIdune a
diffuso low
ang lo crossstral if lcotionl
m QSSlve


conditions known as the upper flow regime, which is

represented by a bed-form called anti dunes (Fig.
10.18). Lower and upper flow regimes are distinguished by a parameter called the Froude
Number (Fr):



where U is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to

gravity and h is the flow depth. Where Fr < 1,
lower flow regime bed-forms and structures occur,
and this corresponds to a fluid flow state of
subcritical turbulence. Where Fr - 1, antidunes
form, and this corresponds to supercritical turbulent
flow, which means it is a very dynamic, high energy
flow system. Antidunes are marked internally by a
poorly defined, low angle 20) cross-stratification
that most commonly dips upstream, but may wrap
over the crest of the structure, or rarely dip
downcurrent. Antidunes have no clear-cut asymmetry. The low angle cross-stratification (Fig.
10. 1ge) results from the smearing of sediment over
the bed surface under conditions of very high
lateral bed shear stress, as discussed above. How-


ever, antidunes are rarely preserved. That flow

stage is more commonly represented by massive
beds of cohesionless sediment, if represented at all.
Massive, internally structureless beds result from
the rapid deposition (mass-dumping) of large volumes of sediment out of suspension. True tractional
sediment transport has probably been surpassed by
this stage.
Figures 10 .19a-e are a selection of photographs
of the common, hydrodynamically significant tractional structures discussed above, taken from a
variety of volcaniclastic sediment successions.
The complete succession of structures reflecting
the change in flow regime conditions during one
flow cycle is only likely to be preserved from the
decelerating part of the cycle, since only then will
sedimentation occur. As a result, antidunes are
frequently destroyed by reworking, during lower,
declining flow regime conditions. Upward fining
cycles and sequences of structures from fluvial
channel-point bar depositional settings (especially
meandering river successions) are most frequently
depicted as showing the complete succession of
flow regime level structures (e.g. R. G. Walker
1984). As discussed further below, subaqueous
granular mass flows can also produce such successions of sedimentary structure intervals, reflecting
declining flow regime levels during the decelerating
or waning stages of flow.
Although many other features of tractional sediment transport and sedimentary structures could be
discussed, space precludes this. However, some
further comment should be made about crossstratification and its diverse origins (see Allen 1982
for a comprehensive discussion). Cross-stratification
can be subdivided into two essential types: high
angle, which is at or near the angle of repose
(25-35), and low angle (usually <20). Only high
angle cross-stratification can be confidently interpreted as the product of lower flow regime tractional
transportation and deposition. It can occur in sets
of cross-laminae only centimetres thick to sets of
cross-beds many metres thick. Some surge crossstratification can be high angle, but there are other
criteria for recognising this origin, as discussed
below and in Chapter 7. Low angle cross-stratification can have many origins, including:



Tractional, representing the assymptotic toeset

portion of a once larger-scaled set of crossbeds, the upper part of which approached the
angle of repose. Such a set would be associated
with a migrating dune or sandwave, the top of
which was truncated by contemporaneous
flow erosion. The downstream converging
nature of the assymptotic layers should be
definitive and should also distinguish such
layers from upper flow regime horizontal
lamination for which they could be mistaken
in large-scale, broad sets.
(b) Upper flow regime antidune cross-stratification, as discussed above.
(c) Nested scour and fill trough shaped sets,
which in sections perpendicular to flow direction (Fig. 1O.l9f) give apparent low-angle
truncations. These are end-on views of trough
cross-bedded sets formed by downcurrent
migration of large dunes by normal tractional
processes. Compare this with the flow-parallel
section in Figure 1O.l9b.
(d) Two-way cross-stratification associated with
symmetrical ripples formed by oscillating,
near-shore wave reworking (Fig. 10 .19g).
(e) Low profile domal sets of cross-strata, called
hummocky cross-stratification (Fig. 10 .19h),
and associated broad, open, low profile troughlike sets called swaley cross-stratification.
These are produced when the bases of storm
waves surge over the bed in storm-affected
shelf settings. Each layer represents a shortlived surge event rather than passive angle of
repose cross-stratification. Shelf turbidites
may be present (R. G. Walker 1984).
(f) Beach face low angle cross-stratification
marked by very low angle truncations 10
to 15) between sets which are made up of
broad planar to open trough sets. The sets are
produced by onshore wave surges onto the
beach face, in the swash-backwash zone.
(g) Pyroclastic surge cross-stratification (Chs 5 &
7). This is usually very fluidal in form, with
set layers wrapping over dune crests and
thickening and thinning. Sorting is poor, and
major grainsize variations occur between set
layers. Accretionary lapilli may be present.

Figure 10.19 (a) Ripple cross-lamination in pumiceous sands, 5 m terrace Lake Taupo, New Zealand. Current flow from left to right. Note the lenses of
large pumice trapped in the much finer-grained sands suggesting that because of the very vesicular, low density nature, and its flotational abilities, such
large pumice is hydraulically equivalent to very much smaller, denser grains. (b) Angle of repose trough cross-bedding in coarse pumiceous fluviatile
sediment. Locality as for (a) current flow from right to left. (c) Planar angle of res pose cross-bedding, in fluvio-Iacustrine volcanic sandstone, Lower
Devonian Snowy River Volcanics, W-Tree, Victoria, Australia. Current flow from left to right. (d) Planar, horizontal lamination and massive bedding
(= antidune stage) in fluviatile volcanic sandstones of the Cretaceous Strzelecki Group, Gippsland Basin, Victoria, Australia.


Figure 10.19 (continued) (e) Low-angle, possible antidune cross-stratification in the submarine Eocene-Oligocene Waiareka-Deborah volcanics,
Oamaru, New Zealand. Current flow from left to right. (f) Scour and fill structures (=? swales) Pleistocene (7) Makariki Tuff, Rewa Hill. New Zealand.
The view is end-on to sets of trough cross-bedded pumiceous sands. (g) Two-directional cross-stratification and symmetrical ripples formed by nearshore wave oscillation, ancestral Lake Taupo shoreline, Puketapu, New Zealand. (h) Mound of hummocky c.ross-stratified marine volcanic sandstone.
Permian 'Gerringong Volcanics', Broughton Formation, Kiama, New South Wales, Australia.



The aim of this brief summary has been to

highlight those primary, current -generated tractional sedimentary structures that have hydrodynamic significance, so that some assessment of
the energy regimes operating during sedimentation
can be made. However, interpretation of the
palaeoenvironment where tractional structures are
found has to be made with care, because aqueous
tractional structures can form in any setting where
water drives sediment. This occurs in a subaerial
landscape where surface waters have gravitational
potential (e.g. rivers), or in standing bodies of
water (lakes, oceans) where water movement is
induced by winds, tides, Coriolis force, or temperature or density differences. Tractional sedimentary
structures can therefore form in a whole range of
environments and water depths (e.g. alluvial fans,
rivers, deltas, shorelines, shelf, deeper-marine)
affected by bed-surface currents. They can also
result from sub-aqueous (i.e . relatively deep water),
non-viscous granular mass flow such as turbidity
currents. Although these are initiated by gravitationally controlled downslope movement of sediment, this moving sediment quickly entrains
ambient water. When the turbidity current slows
and sediment is deposited, the entrained water has
momentum. As the water decelerates it can therefore
drive and rework the depositing sediment into
tractional structures, which often form the upper
parts of turbidite deposits (see below for further
discussion). Tractional structures are therefore
rarely indicative of any specific depositional environment, which thus has to be worked out from
the overall facies characteristics of the succession.

tractional sedimentary structures. High flow velocities can lead to high volumes of sediment in
suspension, which then begin to verge on massflow conditions, which will be discussed below.
Under high enough velocities, even gravel-sized
material can be lifted into suspended transport,
even if only intermittently.
Where the sediment particles are clay platelets,
suspension transport can occur in even very slow
laminar flow conditions. This is due to their small
mass and their plate-like form which give them
buoyancy, but also because of the electrostatic
interaction between the water molecules and the
charged clay platelets, which produces an electrostatic force support effect. Deposition of suspended
clay particles will only occur under very still
conditions in a standing body of water (lake,
abandoned channel, swamp, deep ocean), by settling of clays out of the water column, producing
massive clay layers (Fig. 10.20). These may periodically be interrupted by coarser layers introduced
by fluvial crevasse splay events, or subaqueous
turbidity current transport, or some other shortlived , high energy sedimentation event.
These epiclastic processes all operate in volcanic
terrains in the rivers, lakes, shorelines and seas
associated with different volcanic settings. The
products will be tractional deposits such as those
illustrated in a variety of situations in Figure 10.19,

Suspension and flotation

Suspension involves the long-term support of
grains above the bed by the fluid (Fig. 10.16).
Where the grains are silt and coarser, this takes
place during turbulent flow conditions. Suspension
of particulate granular sediment can occur during
normal tractional sediment transport. Whereas
coarser grains are moved in tractional form as
discussed above, finer grains are lifted into suspended transport. During current deceleration,
fall-out from suspension occurs and the sediment
returns to the traction mode, resulting in standard

Figure 10.20 Grey-to-black suspension-deposited muds.

and thin associated volcanic sandstone turbidites deposited
in a lake. intruded elsewhere by rhyolite cryptodomes. Late
Devonian Boyd Volcanic Complex, Bunga Head, New South
Wales, Australia.



Figure 10.21 (a) Floating pumice on a roadside pond (note splash from thrown
stone) east of Lake Taupo. New Zealand. The pumice is derived from the
deposits of the major AD 186 Taupo eruption. discussed further in Chapters 7 & 8. (b) Old lake deposits exposed in a 5 m
terrace, shores of Lake Taupo, New Zealand. The deposits consist of muds, peat layers, phreatoplinian ashes and pumice
falls that may have settled out of suspension from a quiet water body.

and suspension fall-out muds such as those illustrated in Figures 10.20 and 2l.
However, in volcanic settings material very
much coarser than clays, even gravel-sized material,
may also result from very slow settling out of the
water column under quiet water conditions. The
origin of this very coarse material is neither tree
rafting nor ice rafting, but as self-rafted floating
pumice. The bulk density of pumice may be
significantly less than that of water because of the
dominant void space. It therefore has enormous
flotational potential (Fig. 1O.21a). There are many
accounts in the literature of pumice which has
floated around the world before coming to land
after specific marine volcanic eruptions (e.g.
Richards 1958). Pumice can, of course, also float in
lakes (e.g. the giant pumice blocks discussed in Ch.
13 from La Primavera volcano, Mexico), and can be
washed onshore as a shoreline deposit. However,
because of its porosity pumice will soak up a lot of
water and may eventually become sufficiently
waterlogged to sink like waterlogged wood. In a
significant study of the hydraulic behaviour of cold
and hot pumice clasts, Whitham and Sparks (in
press) have shown that the water-logging of cold

pumice can, predictably, take a long time, and is

dependent on the degree of interconnection between
vesicles, their diameter and surface tension effects.
Surprisingly, hot pumice can draw in water very
rapidly as a result of the cooling and contraction of
hot gases in vesicles when the pumice falls into cold
water, and the resultant suction effect that draws
water into the pumice. The settling rate will vary,
depending on the rate of water intake and the rate at
which the bulk density of the pumice and soakedup water increase relative to the density of water.
Gravel-sized floating pumice may therefore be
hydraulically equivalent to clay platelets in terms of
settling velocity and, while floating, it has no
equivalence! Deposits resulting from this process
should therefore be essentially mud sequences
containing isolated outsized pumice clasts and even
concentrations of pumice in layers (e,g. Fig.
10.21 b), perhaps representing a significant event
(pyroclastic eruption, epiclastic (e.g. flood) event)
that delivered an increased volume of pumice to the
water body.



In solution
In all environments natural waters carry dissolved
chemical components that have been weathered or
leached out of ambient rock matter. This should be
a particularly important process in volcanic settings
with their abundance of metastable glass in lavas,
intrusives, and pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits.
In surface and subsurface waters these chemical
components may flocculate as clays, or may precipitate as other mineral species as surface deposits
and pore fillings, given the right chemical conditions. Flocculation of clays may occur in surface
waters at the interface between fresh and saline
waters. Precipitation of siliceous sinter (e.g. Fig.
10.22) and sulphide minerals, often under the
influence of biogenic agents such as bacteria and
algae, may occur from hydrothermal systems.
Although these processes are not strictly epiclastic,
they are included here briefly to illustrate that the
waters so frequently responsible for surface epiclastic transport are simultaneously or penecontemporaneously also moving considerable volumes
of rock matter in dissolved form, both at the surface
and in recirculating subsurface systems. The volumes of water and rock matter involved over a
significant geological time interval should not be

Fluvial torrent flow, sheetflood

In the above, reference was made to large volumes of
suspended granular sediment under conditions of
high velocity surface flow. These occur during peak
flow or flood events in river systems experiencing
upper flow regimes, when the river system has
enormous erosive capacity. Under these conditions
huge volumes of sediment are carried in suspension,
supported by the turbulent eddies in the water (Fig.
10.23). With large suspended sediment loads, flow
conditions are similar to those in subaqueous
granular mass flows (Section 10.3.3), i.e. grains are
supported by fluid turbulence and grain-to-grain

Figure 10.22 Siliceous sinter curtain precipated from

inactive hot-spring pond, Whakarewarewa thermal area,
Rotorua, New Zealand. The front-central part of the curtain is
covered with a film of sulphur.

opposite is the case. Nevertheless, when flow

velocities wane in high energy river systems, rapid
rates of sedimentation occur, leading in places to
the deposition of massive, structureless deposits of
granular sediment (e.g. the upper layer in Figs
1O.19d & 24), or plane bed, horizontally laminated
deposits (e.g. the lower layer in Fig. 10. 19d), both
representing upper flow regime conditions. Such
high energy conditions are called torrent -flow
conditions and are most likely in high energy river

collisions are common. The essential difference lies

systems such as braided rivers, and entrenched

in the nature of the force driving water-sediment

movement: in fluvial systems movement is due to
the gravitational potential of the water and the
sediment is entrained; in granular mass flow, the

highland river valleys where all runoff is concentrated into narrow steep-sided gorges and valleys.
Vessell and Davies (1981) and D. K. Davies et
al. (l978c) described the fluvial dynamics and



massive beds and horizontally laminated deposits

should be common.

Subaqueous granular mass flow

Figure 10.23 Torrent flow conditions in fluvial systems

represent extremely high flow regime conditions corresponding with the antidune stage at the bed, whereas
standing and upstream breaking waves characterise the
state of the water surface. Resultant deposits are frequently
massive to plane bed horizontally laminated, and significant
erosional scour surfaces represent new flood cycles .

sedimentation history of the rivers draining from

the Guatemalan stratovolcano Fuego following the
1974 eruption. Flow conditions are commonly in
the upper flow regime. In the highlands part of the
river systems, intermittent suspension transport
occurs for all fine-medium sand, which constitutes
25% of the sediment load . Coarser sediment is
moved as bed load. However, during peak flood
events the granular sediment load in suspension
would be even higher, and boulders 2-3 m in
diameter are known to be moved as bed load . In the
lower reaches, on lower gradients, the proportion of
suspended granular sediment transport is lower.
The outwash rivers fed by melting glaciers may
at times form meltwater floods and be very dynamic,
experiencing torrent flow conditions. Under these
circumstances they carry very high sediment loads,
which may be instantaneously dumped upon rapid
deceleration, producing massive, structureless deposits. In Iceland such floods, often triggered by
sub-glacial eruptions, are called 'jokulhlaups' and
these form extensive outwash fans of volcaniclastic
sediment called 'sandurs' (Fig. 1O.24b).
Sheetfloods commonly originate in areas of steep
slope (>20) and spread out onto relatively flat,
lower slopes 10) after sudden torrential downpour. Water depths are a metre or more, and
velocities reach 10 m s - 1. Flow conditions are
therefore turbulent and highly erosive (Hogg 1982).
Sheet floods dissipate quickly because they represent surges of water from a finite source. Sediment loads and sedimentation rates should be high,
and upper flow regime conditions suggest thal

Subaqueous granular mass flow refers to the

downslope flow of a volume of cohesionless grains
containing low viscosity, interstitial water, in a
standing body of water (lakes, oceans). The mechanics of transport have been discussed by various
authors including Middleton and Hampton (1976),
Carter (1975), Lowe (1979, 1982), Nardin et al.
(1979) and Allen (1982). Movement of the sediment
mass is maintained by its own gravitational potential, and may begin initially by creep, sliding or
more dramatic gravitational collapse. However,
once in motion ambient water may be mixed into

Figure 10.24 (a) Massive to very diffusely layered fluvial

volcanic sandstone containing soft-sediment deformed
bedded sandstone- mudstone intraclasts. See Figure 10.19d
for setting. (b) Massive deposits of basaltic sediment
dumped by flash floods of glacial meltwater or 'jokulhlaups'.
Sandur near Vlk, Iceland.



the sediment mass at its top, sides or be ingested

along clefts in the flow-front. As a consequence, the
volume of the sediment mass expands and fluid
turbulence is initiated in the interstitial spaces
within the flow. If the degree of expansion is low,
grain-support in the flowing mass is due to both
fluid turbulence and grain-to-grain collisions. If the
flow is highly expanded with grains widely dispersed
in the fluid medium, then they can only be
supported by turbulence in the fluid. Although
turbulence in the interstitial water is providing
support for the grains, the water plays a passive role
in the sense that it is not driving sediment motion,
because its velocity and momentum is the same as
that of the sediment, if not less. The water is thus
entrained by the sediment. In fact, Middleton
(1966) suggested that sediment movement in the
body and head of such flows was faster than the
speed at which the whole flow was advancing,
leading to upward recirculation of the sediment in
the flow-head.
Subaqueous granular mass flows like these, in
which turbulence plays a major grain-support role,
are called turbidity currents and their deposits are
called turbidites. In turbidity currents with low
sediment concentrations and high degrees of expansion, particle interaction is minor, so particles
can be sorted according to their hydraulic properties. When sedimentation begins, the heaviest
particles settle first. If all particles are of uniform
density, the first particles to settle will also be the
heaviest and largest, so producing a well defined
upward fining or size-grading. Where particle
densities are variable, for example due to the
inclusion of variably vesicular grain types, size
grading of the dense components may be accompanied by a density grading unrelated to size,
perhaps producing reverse grading in the pumice
Other features of low sediment concentration,
expanded turbidity currents include the common
development of an upward sequence of structures
reflecting the changing flow regime in the current as
it decelerates. Bouma (1962) first recognised the
regularity of the succession of structures (now
known as the Bouma sequence, Fig. 10.25), but the
significance of this in terms of declining flow regime

(0) Low concentration turbidity currents

(b) High concentrat ion turb idit y currents

Figure 10.25 Characteristics of low and high concentration

turbidity currents and their deposits. The resultant sedimentary structure divisions are interpreted in terms of the
flow regime (F.R.) at the right (U.F.R. = upper flow regime,
L.F.R. = lower flow regime).

conditions was first recognised by Harms and

Fahnestock (1965) and R. G. Walker (1965) (Fig.
10.25). Complete Bouma sequences are not always
present in outcrop, depending on distance from
initiation point, flow distance, sediment load at that
point, velocity at that point and degree of expansion.
Relatively close to the initiation point the upper
divisions are most frequently lacking (divisions c, d
& e), and such turbidites are described as being
proximal in character. Distal turbidites most
frequently lack the basal divisions (a & b) and are
found in settings distant from the source point, or
in near-source areas, in overbank settings, between
subaqueous distributary channels. When successive
granular turbidite beds lack an intervening mudstone layer (divisions d and/or e), they are said to be
amalgamated. These frequently occur as channelfill deposits in proximal to medial distances from
source point, or as the deposits of channel mouth
lobes in medial to distal settings, associated with
submarine fan systems (e.g. R. G. Walker 1984).
In turbidity currents with high sediment concentrations and low degrees of expansion, particle
freedom is inhibited and size grading is only poorly
developed, or is not developed at all, or is only


represented by the coarsest and densest and heaviest

grains (called coarse-tail grading). Large clasts can
be supported by such a dense grain dispersion.
Reverse-grading may also be developed in the basal
part of such deposits, due to intense shearing in the
basal part of the highly concentrated depositing
grain mass. Internal shearing may also produce
diffuse layering. These variations in the nature of
the basal division of the Bouma sequence (division
a) led Cas (1979) to suggest that this division could
be subdivided into a basal reverse graded division
ai' a middle non-graded division a2, and an upper
normally graded division a3, which is equivalent to
division a for low concentration turbidity currents
(Figs 10.25, 26a & b) . Allen (1970b) also recognised
that Bouma's (1962) sequence did not take account
of very coarse sand to pebbly sand turbidites, which
sometimes developed a lower cross-bedded division
as well as an extra division of horizontal lamination
(Fig. 1O.26b). All of these variations were encompassed into an extended Bouma sequence for
fine- and coarse-grained turbidites by Cas (1979)
(Figs 1O.25a & b) , based on studies ofvo1caniclastic
turbidites. R. G. Walker (1975 ) developed generalised, Bouma-like facies models for mass-flow conglomerate turbidites. The common development of
reverse grading, no grading and normal grading in
these suggests that these are also the deposits of
highly concentrated turbidity currents , in which

clast suspension plays an important part. Importantly, these coarse-grained conglomeratic turbidites
testify to the competency of turbidity currents to
transport and support gravel-sized clasts by fluid
turbulence as suggested by Komar (1970). The
variations in the character of conglomeratic turbidite
deposits suggest that a composite facies model
along the lines of the extended Bouma sequence can
also be tentatively made for these (Fig. 1O.26c;
R. G. Walker 1984) although such a model is not as
confidently constructed as for sandy turbidites.
Again, in any deposit not all divisions need be
present. Lowe (1982) produced a comprehensive
breakdown of the variations in the deposits of
subaqueous mass-flow processes, with particular
emphasis on those of high density, high particle
concentration granular mass flows. In his scheme,
Lowe distinguishes the effects of traction, traction
carpet and suspension fall-out sedimentation, the
first two developing in coarse sand to gravel
deposits. Lowe's facies subdivisions from bottom to
top in a theoretically complete sedimentation unit
are: a basal gravelly, plane laminated to crossstratified division (SI-traction), a division of shear
layers with reverse grading (Sz-traction carpet,
equivalent to our al division), a division of massive
non-graded to normally graded, sometimes with
water escape structures (Srsuspension, equivalent
to our az and/or a3 divisions), followed perhaps by


(0 )
















00 0




. , '" 100



massive mudstone
laminated mudstone, siltstone
c2 ripple cross - lamination
b2 plane bed laminated sands
c I cross - bedded coarse
bl plane bed laminated coo rse sands
02 non - graded sands
reverse graded sands
x horizontally bedded fine gravels a sands
cross - stratified fine gravels a sands
z 3 normally graded gravels
z2 non - graded gravels
z l reverse graded gravels


Figure 10.26 Three generalised. complete facies models for turbidity currents. (a) Silt to coarse sand
turbidites (after Cas 1979). (b) Coarse sand to fine gravel turbidites (after Cas 1979, Allen 1970b) (c) Gravel
turbidites, in which imbrication may be present in the gravels (after R. G. Walker 1975).



normal divisions of the Bouma sequence. Where a

coarse, true gravel is involved, Lowe recognises a
basal traction division (R 1), followed by a reverse
graded layer (Rz, equivalent to our ZI and Zz
divisions) and an upper normally graded division
(R3' equivalent to our Zz and/or Z3 divisions), which
could be followed by the S divisions as defined
It should also be mentioned here that short-lived
turbidity currents can be generated on stormdominated continental shelves. Onshore directed
storm surges are balanced by offshore directed
turbulent surge-like underflows. These carry shoreline and near-shore sediment offshore, depositing
massive graded sands with sharp bases into areas of
shelf mud sedimentation. Hummocky crossstratification may occur, and the setting should be
identifiable from fossils and trace fossils in rocks of
the appropriate age. Gravels may also be transported in this way. Storm-generated shelf-turbidites
do not necessarily develop as much of the Bouma
sequence as normal turbidites, and may be particularly deficient in divisions c and d. This is thought
to be due to their relatively low degrees of
expansion, the low slopes over which flow occurs
and the low initial potential energy, all of which
lead to rapid deceleration and rapid rates of
sedimentation. (See R. G. Walker 1984 for further
review; see Fig. 1O.28f, below, for a volcaniclastic
shelf turbidite.)
There has also been some debate in the literature
as to the significance and likelihood of liquefied and
fluidised granular mass flows (e.g. Middleton &
Southard 1978, Allen 1982, Lowe 1982). Liquefaction is the process of the breaking of grain
contacts in a loosely packed aggregate of cohesionless grains without there being any volume increase
in the aggregate. This can only occur in a very
inefficiently packed aggregate. After breaking of
contacts the grains are suspended in the interstitial
fluid, supported by high excess pore pressures
(viscous dispersive pressure), and the whole aggregate is in a 'quick', fluidal state. How far such
liquefied aggregates can flow as such is uncertain. If
unconfined, the interstitial water can escape. This
process of escape itself gives grain support, because
as the fluid streams out and up it exerts a lift force

on the grains through which it streams. The

streaming of a fluid through a clastic aggregate to
provide grain support is called fluidisation, and has
been discussed with respect to support processes in
pyroclastic flows and surges in Chapter 7. The
simple settling of dispersed grains causes upward
displacement of fluid and very short-term selffluidisation support, but it cannot be maintained
for very long unless there is an external source for
the fluidising fluid (Allen 1982), for example by
ingestion of ambient water at the head of a granular
mass flow. However, Allen (1971, 1982) suggests
that relatively little fluidisation of this type actually
occurs. Nevertheless, coarse granular mass-flow
deposits do show evidence of liquefaction and
fluidisation processes (e.g. dish-structures, pillar
structures, which reflect water escape; Lowe 1975)
which, if nothing else, reflect excess pore pressures
at the time of sedimentation. However, it is doubtful
that wholly liquefied and fluidised flows can travel
very far without assistance from interstitial fluid
turbulence, in which case they translate into highly
concentrated turbidity currents.
Grain flows have also been assessed in the
subaqueous realm (Middleton & Hampton 1976),
but strictly grain flow, as discussed in Section
10.3.1 in subaerial settings, faces the same constraints subaqueously. It involves very significant
frictional interaction with the substrate and will
therefore only operate on slopes near or at angle of
repose. It does operate subaqueously (e.g. lee-side
grain-flow forming cross-stratification in migrating
ripples, sandwaves and dunes; subaqueous scree
slopes), but once initiated subaqueously on long
steep slopes it may evolve into a turbulent turbidity
current. True grain-flow layers will be thin and
reverse-graded (Lowe 1982).
Finally, sluny flows are essentially turbidity
currents in which the interstitial fluid is not pure
water, but contains a significant component of
mixed clays (5-10+%), giving that interstitial fluid
significant viscosity and strength. As such grain
support is also provided by the strength of the fluid
and the added buoyancy caused by the lessened
density contrast between the fluid and the grains
(e.g. Hampton 1972, 1975). However, with increasing viscosity, turbulence levels in the fluid are


damped according to the Reynolds Number

criterion (Ch. 2). Resultant deposits should be sandy
mudstones or sandstones with abundant mud
matrix. Intraclasts may be important throughout
the bed, and tractional structures may be notably
lacking due to suppressed turbulence (Hiscott &
Middleton 1979; see Carter 1975 for more details).
Slurry flows are clearly transitional between viscous
subaqueous debris flows and low viscosity turbidity
This lengthy discussion of subaqueous granular
mass-flow processes is justified by virtue of the
significance of such deposits in the sedimentary
record. Volumetrically, they are dominant. In
volcanic terrains they are also important. They
operate in relatively deep lakes, especially caldera
lakes supplied by steep, erodible margins or
streams and deltas, and they operate in seas
marginal to or hosting volcanic provinces. Accounts
of the influences of subaqueous mass flows in
marine volcanic settings are plentiful. They have
been documented from modern oceanic settings,
where they have been cored (e.g. Sigurdsson et ai.
1980, Sparks & C. J. N. Wilson 1983, Klein 1975,
Klein & Lee 1984, Carey & Sigurdsson 1984), and
amongst the successions of ancient volcanic terrains
ranging from the Tertiary to the Archaean (e.g.
J. G. Jones 1967b, Mitchell 1970, Fiske 1963,
Fiske & Matsuda 1964, J. V. Wright & Mutti 1981,
Cas 1978b, 1979, 1983a,Casetai.1981, Tasseetai.
1978, Lajoie 1984, Ricketts et ai. 1982). In all of
these modern and ancient successions normal
turbidite deposits of volcanic detritus have been
commonly identified. In many the detritus is very
juvenile in character, including unabraded cuspate
glass shards (e.g. Cas 1979, J. V. Wright & Mutti
1981). This is important from two points of view.
First, pyroclastically fragmented detritus is being
redeposited by epiclastic mass-flow processes and,
secondly, subaqueous mass-flow processes are
capable of transporting fragile, pyroclastically
fragmented detritus tens to hundreds of kilometres
without significant abrasion. So two points raised
initially in Chapter 1 - that modes of fragmentation
and final deposition may be quite independent and
have to be evaluated independently, and that
subaqueous mass-flow processes can be non-


abrasive and can transport detritus long distances

without significant textural modification - are
The nature of the supply process of the volcanic
detritus may be variable and is difficult to determine
in some cases. Sometimes the origin can be essentially epiclastic (epiclastic reworking, gravitational
collapse and epiclastic mass-flow redeposition; e.g.
J. G. Jones, 1967b, Mitchell 1970). In other cases
the supply originates from subaerial pyroclastic
activity. Pyroclastic air-fall and pyroclastic flow
processes then transport the debris into water and it
is then redeposited subaqueously by epiclastic
mass-flow processes (e.g. Ch. 9; Sigurdsson et al.
1980, Cas 1979, 1983a, Cas et ai. 1981). For
example, Cas (1979, 1983a) has suggested that
anomalously thick individual sedimentation units
(metres to ten of metres thick) of crystal rich,
juvenile volcanic detritus with rare preserved cuspate shards, were initiated when subaerial pyroclastic flows flowed into the sea, perhaps interacted
explosively with it and were then reconstituted into
huge, highly concentrated turbidity currents. This
seems to have occurred several times, producing a
coherent stratigraphic interval made up of multiple
massive, graded to non-graded, very thick beds
with all the characteristics of normal highly concentrated turbidites (Fig. 10.27), except for their huge
thickness which is explained by the nature of the
supply (see Ch. 11 for further discussion). Similar
features were documented in coeval deposits by Cas
et ai. (1981) (Fig. 14.12b). In other cases the supply
could be directly and indirectly from shallow
subaqueous eruptions (e.g. Fiske 1963, Fiske &
Matsuda 1964; Fig. 9.12), but nevertheless most of
the deposition appears to involve redeposition by
subaqueous, epiclastic, water-supported mass-flow
processes rather than pyroclastic flows (Ch. 9).
The distinction between what is pyroclastic flow
and what is epiclastic mass flow in such situations
may seem academic, and has been discussed in
considerable detail in Chapter 9. From the point of
view of establishing criteria for palaeoenvironmental
interpretation, it is an extremely important distinction. We will iterate here our ideas from Chapter 9.
Except in very shallow settings, it has not been
convincingly demonstrated that gas-supported



82 m









r. .



























I :::

I \I
,,~ ~ /!
,, -




aren ite ( luvon,le

volconooenlc character)

. ..

vnr lclosls
( Mesas cooic scale )


docilo - andeslle - rhyodac it e

lova )

l ava boulders



pellte (. m inor chert)


,nferred rock Inlerval


sandy pe lile or th inly n

I terbedded
peme and l in. aren il e


clastic ,ntroc lo.",

oenerall y peli tiC
IImeslone 'rooments;


arenite bed
($ 1.5 metres Ihick)

graded sedimentat ion unil

correlation datum at
the bose of Member 0

eroliona l or i"eoulor

0 '

rud ite


,nferred or omo loomoted

bedd ino contoct
dllfuu lam ination

Figure 10.27 Facies characteristics and correlations for very thick (see scale) crystal-rich highly concentrated turbidity
current flow deposits and intercalated lavas, Lower Devonian Merrions Tuff Formation, southeastem Australia. (After Cas
1978b.) Numbers at the tops of columns are section numbers, letters identify informal stratigraphic members.


pyroclastic flows can maintain their integrity subaqueously. We therefore favour epiclastic flow and
grain-support mechanisms for relatively deepwater, coarse granular volcaniclastic deposits, unless they can be demonstrated to be of air-fall origin.
Unfortunately, there are numerous references to
subaqueous and submarine pyroclastic flow deposits
and events in the literature, when the deposits
clearly bear the imprint of epiclastic mass-flow
facies characteristics (e.g. Lajoie 1984). Perhaps the
intention was to identify (epiclastic) flows of pyroclastic debris (i.e. debris originally fragmented
pyroclastically, but redeposited by epiclastic massflow processes. Lajoie (1984) for example, illustrates
numerous deposit types which are identical to the
facies models described here in Figures 10.25 and
26 (see R. G. Walker 1984), but clearly labels them
to be subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits implying, perhaps unintentionally, gas support flow
mechanisms for which there is no evidence.
Similarly Niem (1977) and Yamada (1984) discuss
subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits and imply a
pyroclastic flow mechanism. There is no doubt that
fragmentation was by pyroclastic explosive activity,
as shown by well defined shards in the case of
Niem's successions. However, final transportation
and deposition appear to have been from watersupported epiclastic mass-flow processes, as was
the case for the shard bearing Merrions Tuff units
of Cas (1979, 1983a) and the Dali Ash of J. V.
Wright and Mutti (1981). Niem (1977) even documents tabular cross-stratification high in his depositional units, and flute marks at the bases of his
units, suggesting aqueous turbulent flow conditions
in the flows. Yamada (1984) describes the deposition
of his units as being by turbidity currents, yet still
calls them pyroclastic flow deposits. They would
appear to be epiclastic turbidites transporting
pyroclastic debris! That the detritus was originally
fragmented pyroclastically is incidental to the fact
that epiclastic mechanisms were responsible for
final deposition, and we believe that this distinction
should be clearly made. Both the Niem and
Yamada accounts are also valuable in demonstrating
the flotational capacity of pumice, which in places
forms high level, reverse-graded pumice zones in
depositional units.


The question of subaqueous air-fall deposits also

brings into focus just how much of a subaqueous
volcaniclastic succession might be air-fall and how
much is epiclastic mass-flow deposits. The answer
is that there is no consistent answer. For example,
Sigurdsson et al. (1980) have shown that around the
Lesser Antilles arc system, prevailing westerly
wind systems disperse nearly all of the air-fall
material eastwards, whereas westwards, behind the
arc in the back-arc basin, a huge apron of redeposited mass-flow volcaniclastic sediment almost
completely devoid of air-fall deposits is forming.
Finally, we provide illustrative documentation of
this spectrum of subaqueous granular mass-flow
epiclastic processes and facies from a variety of
volcanic settings (Fig. 10.28). The foregoing has
suggested that in any subaqueous granular massflow, a number of different grain-support mechanisms (Fig. 1O.29a) may operate in combination, or
at different times during the initiation and flow
history (Fig. 1O.29b). These include interstitial
fluid turbulence, grain-to-grain collisions, fluidisation and liquefaction effects. Where interstitial
fluids are viscous, fluid strength and buoyancy
effects also operate (Fig. 1O.29a). As a result, and
also dependent on flow velocity and competence
with distance travelled, a wide diversity of facies
may result (Fig. 1O.29b & c).

Mudflows) debris flows) lahars

These three flow types differ from the previous
mass-flow types in being viscous. Cohesive mud flow
or debris flow generally involves a cohesive mud
fluid with a strength which is capable of supporting
large clasts if available (Hampton 1975, 1979). The
second element of support for large clasts is a
buoyancy effect resulting from the low density
contrast between clasts and high density mud fluid
(cf. Archimedes' principle). A third source of
support comes from the viscous dispersive pressure
that builds up in the matrix mud fluid during near
approaches oflarge clasts. Hampton (1979) suggests
that, on this last count alone, the higher the
proportion of large clasts, the greater the mobility
of the viscous flow and the greater the competence
to carry large clasts.
Viscous mass flows have been called mud flows


where coarse debris is absent, debris flows where

very coarse to fine sediment is involved, or lahars
where the detritus consists of contemporaneous
volcanic debris. Appreciable granular sediment can
be mixed with the mud fluid without affecting its
viscous properties. As long as the granular sediment
particles are not in mutual contact and locking, the
overall internal friction of the mass is low and
viscous flow can be maintained, slopes permitting.
This has led to the recognition of debris flows with
as little as 5% interstitial mud-water fluid, but
apparently enough to lubricate the movement of the
granular sediment component (Lowe 1979, 1982,
Rodine & Johnson 1976). These have been called
grain modified debris flows (Lowe 1979), a better
term perhaps being 'grain dominant debris flow'.
According to Rodine and Johnson (1976), the
support of large clasts in such debris flows occurs
because of the poor sorting, and the resultant
hierarchy of grainsizes. Each grainsize level, together with the finer grain size levels and the
interstitial fluid, provide support for the next
coarser grain size level, and so on.
A. M. Johnson (1970) has shown that debris
flows usually move by combined laminar and plug
flow (Ch. 2). The marginal laminar flow zone
represents the zone of maximum shear at the
interface between the substrate and the body of the
debris flow. The inner part of the debris flow moves
as an inert plug on the laminar zone, and can be
viewed as an extreme laminar flow layer. Lateral
levees and surface mound topography are not
uncommon, indicating a high yield strength.
Middleton and Southard (1978) suggested that
thick debris flows may develop turbulent parts, and
Lowe (1982) suggested possible facies characteristics
for such deposits. Because of the cohesive nature of
debris flows, tractional structures are unlikely.
Subaqueous debris flows can transform into slurry


flows and perhaps turbidity currents, provided

sufficient ambient water can be mixed into the
interstitial mud-fluid to reduce the fluid strength
and viscosity sufficiently to allow interstitial fluid
turbulence to develop (Hampton 1972). Debris
flows occur subaerially and subaqueously in any
setting where slopes are relatively high, slope
instability prevails and water-saturated, fine-grained
cohesive sediments, with or without associated
coarse debris, are available. Debris flows are
initiated by slumping-sliding on relatively steep
slopes (Fig. 10.30) and are therefore commonly
associated with' alluvial fans, steep slopes with
expandible clayey soils, marine slopes, delta fronts,
upper parts of submarine fans and, of course, the
slopes of both subaerial and subaqueous volcanoes.
Their mobility and competence should not be
underestimated. They are known to flow several
tens of kilometres, carrying very large boulders well
away from the source. Speeds of 40 m S-l were
calculated for the 1980 Mt St Helens lahars.
Many documented accounts of debris-flows carrying volcanic debris in volcanic terrains are
known, the majority being associated with stratovolcano terrains (e.g. Mullineaux & Crandell 1962,
Mt St Helens; Fiske et al. 1963, Crandell 1971, Mt
Rainier; Schmincke 1967b, eastern margin of
Cascades arc; Janda et al. 1981, Mt St Helens).
Again, the most widely published debris flows are
those from the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mt St
Helens, which were derived directly from the slide
and avalanche event, and flooded the major distributary systems draining the volcano with huge
volumes of debris.
Debris-flow deposits should be very poorly
sorted, usually with large clasts in open framework
organisation in a finer-grained matrix (Figs 10.30 &
31) containing significant, although apparently not
necessarily large, amounts of clays. They are there-

Figure 10.28 (a) Conglomeratic base of submarine crystal-rich volcaniclastic turbidite of the Lower Devonian Merrions Tuff
discussed in Cas (1979). Note large flame structure. The bed is several metres thick and shows coarse-tail grading. (b) Steeply
dipping, white weathering pumiceous ash turbidites, Obispo Tuff, Twichell Dam, California. (c) Amalgamated basaltic
volcaniclastic turbidites, Eocene-Oligocene Waiareka-Deborah volcanics, Oamaru, New Zealand. (d) Thinly bedded,
amalgamated, pumiceous lacustrine turbidites, Quaternary Huka beds, Huka Falls, New Zealand. (e) Normally graded, 25 cm
thick, lacustrine volcaniclastic turbidite, Late Devonian Boyd Volcanic Complex, Bunga Head, New South Wales, Australia. (f)
Storm-generated shelf turbidites derived from a latite source. Tops of turbidites are highly bioturbated. Units are internally
massive and graded. Permian 'Gerringong Volcanics', Broughton Formation. Kiama. New South Wales, Australia.



(a) Grain support mechanisms and flow types

Sediment moss

Glnero l


S plclflc



Deb". flo w




L.quehed tHor
flu .d d
sed,ment flow


Se dime nt
ml cho nl lm

(gravity) flow


Inerflol dlSptlrSIV8

molr", slrenglll 8
buoyancy ,SCOUS

0 0

(b) F low initiation. possible evolution and deposits

Time and/or space









f luid


ri vers

,n fl ood



High cDncllnlrOIlOn


Lo w conCllnlrDIIOn
lurbl(/IIy CUff Bill

Flow initiat ion

Main long - distance

transport process

,. P



ltJ U 0 b




(trocllon) (trocllon)

o;,:0'B flUids

Late stage modif icat ions

Figure 10.29 (a) Different grain-support mechanisms and related flow types in the realms of subaqueous mass flow (after
Middleton & Southard 1978), (b) Modes of initiating subaqueous mass flows, possible evolution paths and generalised
characteristics of deposits (after R, G, Walker 1978), The cirded numbers correspond to the principal grain-support process
operating, depicted in (a),



(c) Subaqueous mass -flow facies and process spectrum

Gro 1 foclts

Mud focI ..

Sand foclII


I ~~rod'"_"

; ~:'M ~
I' dL


', ' .



tl -

i v.

. ,- ,I


' ~.






.;: :~.





__ ,

__ J dL, oc

""p . absent




dL - di ffuse 10y"ronO
- dense closls



~~ ". ~"-r-

PEBBLY ! ' " '"9 rood... fob"e

SANOY ;:'!; . COClt.1 f rociton
MUD - _ :
9' od'"9 bOIol '"
STO~E . -.- ne of 1heO,.SCNl

""" 11 ". . ", '"

) 0101



. .~.:.

.'f1 0'1 "'

~~'~~~ CIOIIl

~. d OI90n,ud

fob rlc

dlh - dISh ,Irueture

1mb Imbnco I on
00 0 - pumice clasts If presenl or Idenlifjobl



11 I
111 17/


I? I ?


oe -

& Z"




y .

Id 111

I ? I I? I
I ? I 11\












'rOChon qrociln9
ond lor tont e nl
~. 9"odlnq (,e upwOtd
(SLURRY .~~" Increalt In. hnt'S)



I ll y

; t







" B~J"I


I ."

y . s co~




~u,_ '




-_ =oci,1


leone. n OIIl y


~, ~l::t ":.- I

su ppor t

bo ..



obund obund mo" t y



...... ~,


~~u !


+ ,









OUtsize clost

Figure 10.29 (continued) (c) A generalised process and facies spectrum for subaqueous mass flow. depicting the general
facies characteristics, the flow types. the physical properties of these, the grain-support processes operating and the general
physical conditions during flow (after Cas 1977),

Figure 10.30
debris flows,

Initiation and general internal texture of

fore a type of diamictite as defined in Section

10,3 .2. Water seems to be a major lubricant in the
whole system. Thicknesses of deposits may be less
than a metre to several tens of metres. A basal shear
zone layering may be developed (Fig. 1O.3Ic), out
of which most large clasts will have moved because
of the effects of dispersive pressure in thin, shearing
layers. Lahars are thought to accompany eruptions
frequently, and as such they may carry hot debris,
evidence of which may be found in charred woody
remains, although such material could easily be
picked up in transit by a cold debris flow. Lahars
could easily have a generally similar texture to non-



Figure 10.31 (a) Volcanic debris flow (lahar) mantled by air-fall or surge deposits. Mt Egmont. New Zealand. Note open
framework organisation of clasts in the matrix which contains a high proportion of sand-sized volcanic detritus. (b) Tangiwai
railway bridge over the Whangaehu River, draining off Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand. On Christmas Eve 1954 the railway bridge
was wiped out by a debris flow from Ruapehu, only minutes before a crowded train passed by and crashed into the river, with
major loss of life. Boulders in the river may have been transported by debris flow, but the river has washed finer matrix away.
(c) Semicircular erosion channel gouged out into underlying bedded volcaniclastic deposits by a marine grain-dominant debris
flow, Bridge Point. Kakanui, New Zealand, Eocene-Oligocene Waiareka- Deborah volcanics. The base of the debris flow has a
diffuse layering parallel to the outline of the channel representing the basal laminar shear flow zone. Large clasts are
concentrated in the central massive plug zone. (d) Same debris flow deposit as in (c), showing open framework texture of
basaltic blocks, including a prominent breadcrusted block. (From Cas & Landis in prep.)

welded ignimbrites, the major distinguishing

criteria to look for are gas escape pipes (Ch, 7) and
evidence of sintering and vapour-phase crystallisation in ignimbrites.

Slumps are coherent masses of aggregate that creep,
slide or flow down slope leaving an erosion scar
behind, to which the tail of the slump is still
attached. They are therefore local in significance
and represent incipient slides, with which they

form a continuum. Internally soft-sediment deformation may be apparent, but original layering is
still preserved. The role of water in this case is to
lubricate movement. Slumping can occur subaerially or subaqueously; in the former case slumping is
not unusual after heavy rainfall.

Soil creep
Imperceptible, downslope creep of soil or surface
aggregate, lubricated by interstitial water is common
on all landscapes with steep slopes.



The role of air in this case is either to drive
sediment movement through the effects of wind, or
perhaps to lubricate movement of rock avalanches.
In particulate form wind moves sediment by:

traction and


whereas in mass-movement it may be involved in:

air-lubricated rock avalanches.

Traction and suspension

These t\VO modes will be discussed together since
the basic principles have already been touched on
in discussing the same modes subaqueously. The
main difference is that because particles are not
immersed in water their transportable weight is
greater, and because the density and viscosity of air


Figure 10.32 (a) Coastal

titanomagnetite-rich beach dunes,
Bethel's Beach, Auckland, New
Zealand. Sediment is eroded from
Tertiary intermediate volcanics
exposed in coastal cliffs. (b) The
Taupo ignimbrite ponded against a
palaeovalley margin made of
eroded Oruanui ignimbrite (right)
draped by a thick 1 m deposit of



is less, it cannot exert as high a shear stress at

equivalent velocities. As a result wind cannot move
coarse granular material (except during hurricanes,
etc.), the optimum sizes being fine-medium sand,
although once eroded finer grainsizes are easily
suspended. As with all of the other modes discussed,
this is based on dense grain size equivalents, and not
on the hydraulic properties of low density
pumiceous material, for which no information is
known. The processes of bed load and saltation
transport again constitute tractional transport, and
are responsible for producing structures such as
ripples and large-scale wind dune systems, the
characteristics of which are adequately described by
Brookfield (1984).
In volcanic terrains, wind erosion and transport
can be major influences, particularly when newly
erupted pyroclastic ash mantles the surface in an
unconsolidated state. Richards (1965) mentions the
extreme cloudiness of the atmosphere around
Barcena due to wind-borne ash, and records the
development of wind-generated barchan dunes. In
most cases these may only be ephemeral features,
but in some circumstances they could be preserved.
Again, angle of repose cross-stratification will be
distinctive, and cross-stratification sets may be
highly irregular in geometry with well defined
bounding surfaces representing breaks in movement. Coastal erosion of volcanic successions could
produce significant coastal beach dune successions
of volcanic sands (e.g. Fig. 1O.32a).
One major consequence of significant wind
erosion in volcanic terrains may be to mantle the
landscape with a blanket of ash, superficially
similar to air-fall ash. Figure 1O.32b depicts prehistoric loess mantling the New Zealand volcanic
landscape. The loess was apparently mobilised
during the influence of the recent ice age and
associated strong winds. The loess shows mantle
bedding and is relatively thick, and to the unwary
could be misinterpreted as a blanket of pyroclastic
airfall heralding a major eruption! Heaven help the
geologist confronted with such a deposit in an
ancient volcanic terrain!

Air-lubricated rock avalanches

In the discussion of rock avalanches in Section
10.3.1 mention was made of ideas that rock
avalanches in some circumstances could glide on a
trapped, compressed cushion of air, trapped at the
hydraulic jump or break in slope where the rock
mass changed from a fall trajectory to a lateral flow
trajectory. In such a situation the air would also
fluidise the flowing rock mass. While some support
this mechanism (e.g. Shreve 1968), others discount
it (e.g. Hsii 1975, 1978, Howard 1978) but the
concept should not be totally rejected (Allen 1982).

10.4 Further reading

This chapter has attempted to provide a general
overview of principles involved in epiclastic transport and deposition and we have shown by way of
example that almost every process can be found
represented by deposits in the record of volcanic
terrains. However, the content of the chapter
should only be considered as an introduction to the
subject, and should be followed by more-detailed
reading where necessary. In particular, no discussion has been possible of facies models for the
overall sediment successions of specific depositional
environments, for which the reader is referred to
excellent sources such as R. G. Walker (1984) and
Reading (1978). For discussion of principles and
mechanics of sediment movement Allen (1970a,
1982), Leeder (1982), Middleton and Southard
(1978) and Harms et al. (1982) are recommended.
Few reviews of epiclastic processes and influences
in volcanic settings are known to us but Fisher
(1984) has provided a useful evaluation of the
interaction between sedimentation and volcanism
in submarine environments, as has Lajoie (1984).
However, in both these reviews the term
'subaqueous pyroclastic flow' has to be interpreted
with care.

Plate 11 Photomicrograph of crystal-rich aggregate from the Lower Devonian Merrions Tuff. central westem New South
Wales. Australia. Note the juvenile grains of volcanic quartz. microperthitic orthoclase and albitised plagioclase in closed
framework organisation.



Crystal-rich volcaniclasticspyroclastic or epiclastic?

Initial statement
Crystal-rich volcaniclastics are not uncommon in
volcanic terrains or in the surrounding basins that
derive their sediment from volcanic terrains. In this
chapter we show that their origins may be diverse,
involving the influence of pyroclastic processes, or
epiclastic processes, or combinations of both.
Having dealt with pyroclastic and epiclastic processes in preceding chapters, we can thus use this type
of deposit to illustrate the relationships between,
and the possible interface between these two groups
of processes, and the importance of evaluating the
role of each group of processes in volcanic terrains.
Crystal-rich volcaniclastics are frequently called
'crystal tuffs' without careful evaluation of the
possible diverse origins, or without consideration of
the genetic implications of such terminology. In

this consideration of crystal-rich volcaniclastics,

and especially the use of the term 'crystal tuff, we
can consider some of the problems of classification
and terminology as an introduction to a comprehensive discussion on terminology in Chapter 12.

11.1 Introduction
Having dealt with pyroclastic and epiclastic processes and products in previous chapters, we now look
at one particular lithofacies, crystal-rich volcaniclastics, as a way of showing that particular
lithofacies can have diverse origins. Like volcaniclastics rich in glassy or lithic components, crystalrich volcaniclastics can be produced by either
pyroclastic processes or epiclastic processes, or by a
combination of the two. They are not uncommon in



volcanic terrains and in the basins peripheral to
volcanic terrains, so evaluation of the origins of
specific deposits requires familiarity with the pyroclastic and epiclastic processes that produce crystalrich volcaniclastics.
Given that crystal-rich volcaniclastics can have
diverse origins, there also exists a problem of
nomenclature, in that the name applied should
clearly reflect both the mode of fragmentation and
the mode of transport and deposition. Crystal-rich
volcaniclastics have frequently been called 'crystal
tuffs' (or 'crystal-lithic tuffs' where lithic components are also prominent), in the stratigraphic
literature, and whether intended or not, this has
specific genetic implications, indicating both a
pyroclastic mode of fragmentation and a pyroclastic
mode of transportation and deposition. It is therefore also appropriate here to evaluate the usage of
the term 'crystal tuff, as a prelude to a comprehensive discussion of classification and nomenclature in
Chapter 12.

11.2 Three types of ash and tuff

Ashes and their lithified equivalents, tuffs, have for
a long time been subdivided into three types: vitric,
lithic and crystal ashes and tuffs (Pirrson 1915,
Holmes 1920, H. Williams et at. 1954, Carozzi


crystal fragments



Figure 11.1 Standard classification of ashes and tuffs into

vitric. lithic and crystal types. (After Schmid 1981.)

1960, MacDonald 1972, Pettijohn 1975, H.

Williams & McBirney 1979), which serve as end
members in the formal classification of~shes and
tuffs (Pettijohn 1975, Schmid 1981; Fig. 11.1).
By definition, ashes and tuffs are pyroclastic
deposits with an average grainsize of 2 mm or less
(Ch. 12). They are deposited by pyroclastic processes (Chs 5-9, inclusive) and are not reworked or
redeposited by epiclastic processes (Ch. 10), in
which case they would essentially be tuffaceous
sediments (Ch. l2). The three principal components
of explosive eruptions - cognate glassy clasts,
crystals and lithic fragments can be present in
varying combinations in ash deposits (Heiken 1972,
1974). Their abundance depends first on the makeup of the magma at the time of eruption, including
its degree of crystallisation, secondly on the type of
explosive activity (Ch. 3) and thirdly on the effects
of sorting processes during pyroclastic eruptions.
Vitric ashes and tuffs are dominated by largely
un crystallised glassy fragments with an average
grainsize less than 2 mm. They are the products of
the explosive eruption of poorly crystallised magmas, and/or they are very fine distal ashes deposited
far from the vent, owing their vitric character to
sorting in the eruption column and plume which
has left behind coarser and denser crystals and
lithic fragments closer to the vent, or to elutriation
of fines from pyroclastic flows, resulting in crystal
enriched ignimbrites and vitric co-ignimbrite ashes
(Chs 5 & 8). In explosive eruptions, in which
magmatic explosions are dominant, the fragments
will be highly vesiculated pumice or scoria, or
cuspate shards which are the fragmented walls of
vesicles (Ch. 3; Figs 3.23a & 24; Heiken 1972,
1974). In eruptions where phreatomagmatic explosions are dominant the fragments may be less
vesiculated, blocky, glassy fragments (Ch. 3; Fig.
3.18; Heiken 1972, 1974, Self & Sparks 1978,
Sheridan & Marshall 1983).
Lithic ashes and tuffs are dominated by variably
crystallised volcanic rock fragments of cognate
character and, frequently, also by fragments of
older lithified igneous (or other) rocks, eroded from
the walls of the vent as accessory inclusions during
explosive eruptions of magmatic, phreatomagmatic
or phreatic origin (Heiken 1972, 1974). The influ-


Figure 11.2 'Crystal tuff' from the Carboniferous Tulcumba

Sandstone, Keepit Dam. New South Wales, Australia. Note
the resorption embayments in some quartz and feldspar
grains. Crystals are Juvenile and the matrix is stili glassy.

ence of magmatic explosions should be reflected by

highly vesiculated cognate fragments, whereas
phreatomagmatic origins should be reflected by less
vesiculated cognate fragments and often also by
increasing proportions of accessory clasts.
Crystal ashes and tuffs, by definition, should
contain a dominance of crystal grains over vitric
and lithic fragments (Figs 1l.1 & 2; Plate 11). The
crystals should be discrete fragments with little or
no attached groundmass selvedge. The influence of
magmatic explosions should be reflected by shards
and highly vesiculated cognate fragments. Crystalrich ashes and tuffs could be produced by both
magmatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions, but
special conditions attend, particularly in the formation of extremely crystal-rich pyroclastic deposits,
as discussed further below.
Of the three, it is acknowledged by early workers
that crystal tuffs are rarest and probably require
relatively special conditions of formation. Holmes
(1920) credits Cohen in 1871 with the introduction
of the term 'crystal tuff, and it is explicit in early
definitions and discussions of the characteristics
and origins of tuffs, that crystal tuffs originate as
near-vent ash-fall deposits derived from the explosive disruption of crystal-rich magmas or crystallised igneous country rock, or both (Pirrson
Such origins are demonstrable for some modern
crystal-rich ashes which mantle the flanks of


modern active volcanoes, their close spatial relationship to the velu being one of the most
compelling reasons for invoking a near-vent ash-fall
origin (e.g. the samples cited by H. Williams et al.
1954). The term crystal tuff pervades the general
stratigraphic geological literature on ancient volcanic successions, often without clear qualification
of the origins of the deposit in question. In some
instances, the term has been clearly applied to rocks
that are strictly redeposited tuffaceous sandstones,
and even to very labile, turbidite greywackes.
Unless qualified the term 'crystal tuff can only be
taken to mean that the relevant crystal-rich volcaniclastic aggregates are of ash-fall origin and that they
are derived directly from the explosive eruption of
crystal-rich magma. However, work in recent years
is beginning to show that 'crystal tuffs' also occur as
pyroclastic flow deposits . In addition, eruptionrelated pyroclastic processes may be responsible for
causing the apparently crystal-rich nature of many
'crystal tuffs', and equally importantly, epiclastic
processes involving reworking or redeposition (note
the distinction), or both, may also be involved in
the genesis of so-called 'crystal tuffs'. However,
with the exception of the recent paper by Cas
(1983a), there has been little or no attempt to
review the possible origins of the spectrum of
crystal-rich volcaniclastic aggregates, and of the
conditions needed to produce true crystal tuffs.

11.3 Possible fragmentation and

transportation modes for crystal-rich
volcaniclastic deposits
In the book so far, we have looked separately at the
processes that produce pyroclastic deposits (Chs
5-9) and those that produce epiclastic deposits (Ch.
10). From this it should be apparent that different
processes can produce superficially similar lithofacies. In particular, aggregates of pyroclastic
debris that have not been significantly reworked,
but have been redeposited by epiclastic processes
shortly after eruption , may superficially resemble
primary pyroclastic deposits (those that have both
been fragmented, transported and deposited by
pyroclastic processes) . For example, epiclastic



mass-flow processes can redeposit pyroclastic

debris and produce deposits that are internally
massive and structureless, and which resemble
pyroclastic flow deposits (Ch. 9 & 10). Proximal,
fine-grained ash turbidites could be mistaken for
aqueously deposited air-fall deposits eCho 9). Crossstratified epiclastics could be mistaken for pyroclastic surge deposits, and so on. It is therefore
important to distinguish carefully the possible
modes of fragmentation and the possible modes of
transportation and deposition independently,
before a final interpretation of the genesis is made
(Ch. 1) and before a genetic name is given to the
deposit (Ch. 12). In this section we briefly recapitulate the possible modes of fragmentation of volcaniclastics (Ch. 3), and their possible modes of
transportation and deposition (Chs 5-10). The
appropriate chapters should be referred to for more
detail, and for appropriate facies characteristics.
A further point is that both pyroclastic and
epiclastic transportation processes are capable of
transporting their load tens of kilometres or more
from the source, and so the identification of
pyroclastic material, no matter how coarse, does
not mean that the depositional site was close to the
source vent. This can only be established on the
basis of important associations of facies (Ch. 14).
Therefore, crystal-rich volcaniclastic aggregates
are not necessarily pyroclastic in origin or deposited
by pyroclastic processes such as fall, flow and
surge, and they need not indicate proximity to the
vent. This has to be demonstrated rather than
assumed. Of the principal modes of producing
volcaniclastic aggregates (Ch. 3; magmatic explosions, phreatomagmatic explosions, quenchfragmentation, autobrecciation and epiclastic
erosional processes), only magmatic explosions,
phreatomagmatic explosions and epiclastic erosional
processes seem capable of producing large volumes
of ash-sized volcaniclastic aggregates (Ch. 3). For
crystal-rich volcaniclastic aggregates, it also seems
necessary to be dealing with at least moderately
crystallised magma or volcanic rock sources. However, the final aggregate may contain significantly
different crystal contents relative to the source
magma or rock as a result of efficient fractionation
and sorting processes operating during eruption or

transportation and deposition (see Section 1l.4.2).

Pyroclastically fragmented, crystal-rich aggregates should be recognisable as an homogeneous,
coherent assemblage of grain types of which the
glassy clasts will be variably vesiculated and, for
conclusive interpretation, should be dominated by
abundant shards, particularly in the case of magmati cally fragmented debris. Epiclastically fragmented debris should be characterised by relatively
high degrees of sorting and rounding compared
with pyroclastic deposits, and the grain population
may be compositionally heterogeneous.
The mode of deposition may be by pyroclastic
flow, pyroclastic fall, pyroclastic surge (Chs 5-9) or
epiclastic processes (Ch. 10), each of which should
be identifiable from field facies characteristics,
particularly outcrop-scale textures and sedimentary
structures, as long as metamorphic and deformational overprints are not too strong. Even the
presence of abundant shards is not diagnostic of
pyroclastic transportation and deposition processes
although it is indicative of pyroclastic fragmentation. Subaqueous turbidity currents, for example,
can transport even fragile shard fragments for long
distances with little or no physical abrasion (e.g.
Cas 1979, J. V. Wright & Mutti 1981) because the
transportation time is short, the transport mechanism is turbulent suspension, so limiting abrasive
particle interaction, and because the viscosity of the
interstitial water cushions grain impacts. In each
case, therefore, the depositional and transportational mode has to be assessed independently of
the mode of fragmentation, and this must be done
using field facies characteristics.
Perhaps the biggest problem in distinguishing
between pyroclastic and epiclastic transportation
influences relates to distinguishing pyroclastic flow
deposits from redeposited pyroclastic deposits involving high concentration granular mass flow or
debris flow, as already discussed (Chs 9 & 10). The
former should be recognised by evidence for a hot
state of emplacement, including microscopic evidence
of welding (see Ch. 9), columnar jointing and gas
segregation pipes (see Ch. 7). In particular, nonwelded pyroclastic flow deposits may be difficult to
distinguish from the mentioned types of epiclastic
mass-flow deposits because they will lack evidence


of welding and columnar jointing. In ancient

deposits, epiclastic origins will have to be equally
entertained with pyroclastic flow origins.

11.4 Factors influencing high crystal

The various factors that can effect a high crystal
concentration in volcaniclastic aggregates are:
eruption of highly crystallised magmas
physical fractionation and sorting processes associated with pyroclastic eruption and transportation processes
epiclastic reworking and redeposition



Marsh's reasoning is supported by the rarity of

lavas with 50% or more phenocrysts. For example,
Ewart (1979) collated the modal phenocryst
abundances for some 1650 volcanics with SiO z
contents greater than 60% (Fig. 11.3). Only two
specimens exceed 60% phenocryst content, and
only 38 exceed 50% crystal content. However, it is
unclear from Ewart's data whether the volcanics are
lavas or pyroclastics, or what the proportions of
each are.
From this, it is unlikely that highly crystallised
magmas or their extrusive derivatives will have
risen in a highly crystallised state from any significant depth in the subsurface (say, >3-4 km). It is
therefore probable that moderately to highly crystallised magmas that are erupted will have crystallised wholly or at least partially in relatively shallow
magma chambers (e.g. Clemens & Wall 1984) to


At face value, the occurrence of volcaniclastic

aggregates rich in crystal grains and fragments
implies the need for highly crystallised magmas to
erupt at the Earth's surface. However, van der
Molen and Paterson (1979) suggested that crystalrich magmas have difficulty in reaching the surface,
because when the crystal content is about 60-65% a
contact framework of crystals is produced. The
bulk viscosity of the magma is increased (Marsh
1981), and so is the internal frictional resistance to
flow, so preventing the magma from rising through
the crust to the surface. Marsh (1981) suggests that
this critical crystallinity limit is about 55% for
basaltic magmas. At crystal abundances below this,
basic magmas have the potential to be erupted as
lava. At higher concentrations than 55% crystals,
they are destined to become intrusive bodies
(Marsh 1981). For such basaltic magmas with their
low silica content, it is essentially the crystal
abundance which exerts the dominant control on
bulk viscosity and, hence, magma mobility eCho 2).
However, for more-silicic magmas the inherently
high silica content also controls the viscosity (Ch.
2). Therefore, for silicic magmas the critical limiting
crystallinity necessary to render the magma immobile will be significantly less than for basaltic
magmas (Marsh 1981).







c. 1650













Total phenocryst content (%)

Figure 11.3 Total crystal contents for some 1650 Cainozoic
volcanic rocks from the circum-Pacific region plotted from
the data in Ewart (1979).



preclude the need to migrate far while in a

rheologically unsuitable state. Although Marsh's
findings preclude eruption of highly crystallised
lavas, it is still possible that highly crystallised
magmas may erupt explosively to produce crystalrich pyroclastics (Marsh 1981) from the shallow
near-surface magma chambers where they crystallised. The energy for explosive activity would come
largely from the volatiles and latent heat released as
a consequence of second boiling (crystallisation),
and explosive eruption would occur when the
pressure in the magma chamber equalled the
confining pressure and the tensile strength of the
country rock (Ch. 3; Burnham 1979, 1983). Collapse of the roof of the magma chamber, the cause
of caldera collapse, could produce rapid explosive
eruption of highly crystallised magma, producing
crystal-rich air falls or crystal-rich ignimbrites, or
both (e.g. Steven & Lipman 1976, Clemens & Wall
1981, Birch 1978, R. J. Roberts & Peterson 1961),
because the release of pressure causes rapid boiling
of the magmatic volatiles, leading to explosive
Even so, there are few ignimbrites with greater
than 60 wt% phenocrysts. For most outflow ignimbrites at least, it can be argued that they have
undergone crystal concentration processes during
and after eruption (see below) so that the original
magma crystal concentration at the time of eruption
would have been less than that preserved in the
Other implications can also be made about the
modes of fragmentation of magmas with different
crystal contents and compositions. Since crystalrich magmas are likely to have crystallised over
some time in relatively shallow but stable magma
chambers, and because their high bulk viscosity
prevents spontaneous rise towards the surface,
phreatomagmatic causes for triggering explosive
eruption are unlikely. Explosive eruptions of such
highly crystallised magmas are therefore likely to be
exceedingly rapid, and to be due to second boiling
associated with crystallisation, and exsolution of
magmatic volatiles from subsurface magma chambers as discussed above. Explosive eruption of
poorly to moderately crystallised magmas 40%
crystals), on the other hand, may be triggered by

either magmatic or phreatomagmatic explosions,

depending on the circumstances. Being less crystalrich they are mobile enough to rise through and
reside in shallow crustal levels en route to the
surface, and so interact with ground or surface
waters, or both.
R. J. Roberts and Peterson (1961) noted that
welded crystal-rich ignimbrites in the Western
USA are very largely dacitic to rhyodacitic in
composition, whereas welded crystal-poor ignimbrites are largely rhyolitic. This is apparently due to
rhyolitic magmas being near-minimum melts for
which the interval between the solidus and liquidus
is narrow, particularly at high levels of water
activity (Tuttle & Bowen 1958, Wyllie 1977). This
means that the temperature range over which
crystallisation can occur is narrow, implying that
unless eruption of a rhyolitic magma occurs very
soon after its formation, or the magma temperature
is initially well above its liquidus, it may crystallise
rapidly (depending on the size of the chamber), and
it may become too crystal-rich to migrate upwards
through the crust and erupt, especially if crystallisation occurs internally, rather than just along the
walls of the chamber. On the other hand, morecalcic magmas such as dacites and rhyodacites have
a wider solidus-liquidus interval, even over a wide
range of water activities, and so are likely to
experience a more protracted crystallisation history ,
allowing migration or eruption, or both, over a
range of crystal abundances (V. J. Wall pers.




Hay (1959), G. P. L. Walker (1972) and Sparks

and Walker (1977) have shown that during pyroclastic eruptions much of the fine glassy ash
(representing a significant part of the uncrystallised
part of the magma at the time of eruption) can be
lost by physical fractionation processes accompanying eruption and transportation of the tephra. The
fractionation processes separate some of the fine
glassy ash from the coarser, denser crystal and lithic
fragments. This fractionation and sorting takes
place first in the eruption column and, secondly, in


pyroclastic flows, if these should be formed during

eruption. It occurs because vesiculated glass fragments into much smaller, lighter particles than
associated crystals which have greater strength.
Turbulence and convective circulation in the
eruption column may winnow out a large proportion
of fine glassy ash, carrying it into the upper part of
the eruption column and then into a downwind
eruption plume (Chs 5 & 6). Crystals and lithics
therefore become more concentrated within the
main body of the eruption column. From there they
may either fall-out relatively close to the vent as a
crystal-enriched ash, or alternatively they may be
incorporated into pyroclastic flows (Chs 5, 6 & 8).
During pyroclastic flow, elutriation of fine glassy
ash from the fluidised head and body of the flow
takes place, producing an overriding and trailing
ash cloud fed by gas and ash escaping from the flow
Both column- and flow-related fractionation
processes appear to have the capacity to remove
huge volumes of glassy ash. G. P. L. Walker (1972)
and Sparks and Walker (1977) have calculated that
50% of the erupted volume of a magma can be lost
in these ways. This calculation comes from comparing the proportion of crystals in pumice clasts,
... crushed pumice


fine ash-foil deposits













which represent whole or bulk samples of the

erupting magma, with that in the body or matrix of
the ignimbrite. This is calculated on a weight
percentage basis to establish dense-weight equivalents for crystals and glass, and to overcome the
problem of vesicularity or porosity. The studies of
G. P. L. Walker (1972) and Sparks and Walker
(1977) show that the matrix of ignimbrites, especially of outflow ignimbrites, is consistently enriched
in crystals relative to the whole pumice fragments
(Fig. 1l.4). This difference seems to be minor in
some caldera-fill ignimbrites (e.g. Birch 1978,
Clemens & Wall 1981), suggesting that perhaps the
eruption of these did not produce a large, well
defined eruption column, implying that the ignimbrites were not generated by collapse of a high
maintained column (Chs 6 & 8).
G. P. L. Walker (1979) suggested that a thirdstage pyroclastic crystal concentration process could
have been involved in producing the 42 OOO-yearold Rotoehu ash of the North Island of New
Zealand (Nairn 1972). He suggested that some
pyroclastic flows associated with the deposition of
the ignimbrites of the coeval Rotoiti Breccia may
have flowed into the Bay of Plenty along the
northern margin of the North Island. By this stage

ir\ 5t~-~+

4 ....




6., .,' "II


\ \

' \

\ +\



l ~

Figure 11.4 Graphical representation of the proportions of glass (Pl. crystals (e) and lithics (L) in samples of artificially
crushed pumice (triangles) taken from within ignimbrites, and therefore representing whole rock samples of the erupting
magma, ignimbrite (closed circles) and associated co-ignimbrite ashes (crosses). Samples 1-6 are from ignimbrites and ashes
of Vulsini volcano, central Italy. Sample 7 is from the Minoan ignimbrite and its co-ignimbrite ash. Santorini. (After Sparks &
Walker 1977.)


they would presumably already have undergone the
fractionation processes within the eruption column,
and subsequently in the pyroclastic flows. On
flowing into the Bay of Plenty, Walker argues that
they interacted explosively with sea water producing
rootless vents (Ch. 3) and secondary eruption
columns in which fine ash would again have been
separated and from which the crystal-rich Rotoehu
ashes were dispersed. These stages of progressive
crystal-concentration are again reflected by the
relative proportions of crystals in various products
of this apparently complex eruption. Crystal contents are lowest in pumice fragments from Rotoiti
Breccia ignimbrites and fall deposits, these pumices
representing whole, unmodified samples of the
erupting magma. Crystal abundances are higher in
the matrix of the Rotoiti Breccia ignimbrites, which
is the depositional residue of elutriation and sorting
processes operating first in the eruption column
and, secondly, during pyroclastic flow. Crystal
contents are highest in the Rotoehu ash, the
inferred product of secondary rootless vents and
eruption columns (Fig. 11.5).



Epiclastic processes can concentrate crystal fragments in several ways. The two principal modes are
normal reworking, especially of poorly consolidated
and unwelded ignimbrites and fall deposits, and
redeposition by relatively non-viscous regime massflow processes such as turbidity currents and
fluidised sediment flows (Ch. 10).
Reworking has two principal effects in this
regard. First, epiclastic reworking can sort grains of
different size or hydraulic equivalence, or both
(Ch. 1). A large amount of fine ash and highly
vesicular glassy fragments should therefore be
readily separated from denser crystal and lithic
fragments. Secondly, the abrasion effects associated
with reworking will abrade fragile, irregularly
shaped (especially vesicular) glassy fragments more
readily than crystals. Any degree of abrasive
reworking should therefore lead to physical breakdown and removal of vesicular glassy fragments
and concentration of crystals and dense lithics (e.g.

... f.rom ignimbrite} crushed
" f'om ash fall

o near top }
near bottom ignimbrite

ash fall


Figure 11.5 Graphical representation of the proportions of

glass (P). crystals (C) and lithics (L) in the Rotoehu ash (unit
G) and Rotoiti Breccia ignimbrite, and pumice in both for the
sum of grainsize classes 0.25 mm and coarser. (After
G. P. L. Walker 1979.)

Roobol 1976). The effects of this should also be

reflected by rounding of the corners and edges of
crystals. However, with volcanic detritus, not all
rounding is necessarily due to epiclastic reworking.
Magmatic resorption may also cause smoothing of
the corners and edges of a whole array of mineral
crystals before eruption (Fig. 11.2).
It is also possible for crystal-rich clastic aggregates
to be produced by erosion of plutonic sources. In
such cases identification of the plutonic origins
would entail establishing: the presence of plutonic
quartz (irregular shape, fluid vacuoles, semicomposite character, slight undulose extinction;
see Folk 1980, Blatt et al. 1980 for details) rather
than clear, un strained bipyramidal volcanic quartz,
which frequently has marked resorption embayments (Fig. 11.2); the presence of feldspar types
such as microcline or coarse perthite, which can
only develop in plutonic bodies; a high proportion
of subhedral to anhedral crystals due to mutual
interference between crystals during growth in the
plutonic situation; and the occurrence of plutonic
rock fragments. The epiclastic origins should also
be identifiable from relatively good sorting and
rounding where reworking has been significant.


Subaqueous redeposition of volcaniclastic aggregates by relatively non-viscous mass-flow processes

such as turbidity currents and fluidised sediment
flows (Ch. lO) can also produce significant separation of fine ash from denser crystals and lithics.
Water ingested at the head of the flow streams
backwards from the head through the body and
carries fine ashy sediment into the dilute and
turbulent trailing sediment cloud (Sparks &
C. J. N. Wilson 1983). The coarser, denser
fraction, such as crystals and lithics, is deposited
from the head and body as a massive, variably
graded layer, grading upward into the fine suspension deposits of the trailing cloud. Such deposits
are volcaniclastic turbidites and may contain several
or more of the Bouma succession of sedimentary
structural zones (Bouma 1962, R. G. Walker 1984;
Ch. lO). Ash turbidites could be several centimetres
thick (Sparks & C. J. N. Wilson 1983) or tens of
metres thick (Cas 1979, J. V. Wright & Mutti
1981; Ch. 9) and could be deposited up to hundreds
of kilometres from source (e.g. Sigurdsson et al.
1980, Sparks & C. J. N. Wilson 1983).

11.5 Several 'crystal tuff deposits and

their interpretation
On the basis of the previous discussion it seems
desirable to consider several 'crystal tuff deposits
with diverse origins, these being discussed according to whether the genesis was essentially pyroclastic, mixed pyroclastic and epiclastic, or essentially epiclastic.



In this category, deposits whose modes offragmentation, transportation and deposition were purely
pyroclastic are included. Deposits such as crystalrich air-fall ashes and tuffs, crystal-rich surge
deposits and crystal-rich pyroclastic flow deposits
(ignimbrites) are also included.
G. P. L. Walker (1971) and G. P. L. Walker
and Croasdale (1971) have described crystalenrichment processes associated with air-fall de-


posits of the Fogo A Member in the Azores (also see

Chs 5 & 6). The air-fall deposit is essentially a
pumice-fall deposit but, in the middle distances of
its dispersal area, it shows distinctive crystal
enrichment (up to 46 wt% crystals) associated with
sorting processes in the upper, spreading, umbrellalike part of the eruption plume. The explanation is
that large pumices drop out of the plume close to
the vent, while smaller particles, with lower terminal fall velocities (Ch. 6) are carried further,
leading to increased proportions of crystals further
from the vent. In a similar way, pumice that is
lighter than crystals, and especially fine, glassy,
shard-rich ash, will occur as an enriched component
in the ashes most distant from source because the
terminal fall velocity of these elements is less than
that of the bulk of larger, heavier crystals. The
Fogo A deposit is essentially a massive, structureless
deposit, interrupted only by thin pyroclastic flow
units. Although its characteristics have been described only from onshore exposures, a significant
part must have fallen offshore as water-lain ash.
G. P. L. Walker (1979) also interpreted the very
crystal-rich deposits of the Rotoehu Ash of New
Zealand as air-fall deposits resulting from secondary, rootless vent eruption columns generated when
pyroclastic flows flowed into the Bay of Plenty. The
several phases of crystal concentration, as described
above, led to concentrations of crystals to as high as
60 wt% and more, in the coarsest of several beds in
the Rotoehu Ash, especially Bed G. Bed G is
described as 'conspicuously rich in crystals, resembling a waterlain sand. The relative uniformity
of grain size and thickness over a great area, the
perfect mantle bedding, and the lack of rounding of
the grains, however, leave no doubt as to its shower
origin' (G. P. L. Walker 1979).
Crystal-rich surge deposits have also been documented. Fisher (1979), for example, described ashcloud surge deposits (Chs 5 & 7) from the Upper
Bandelier Tuff (Ch. 8), in which distinct crystalrich laminae occurred as parts of planar to crossstratified bed sets. The surge deposit occurs as a
variably thin (2-35 em), discontinuous, lensoidal
horizon between two ignimbrite cooling units. The
surge deposit is gradational into the underlying
cooling unit, interdigating with it, and also contains



gas segregation pipes, continuous from the underlying ignimbrite, and so also indicating a contemporaneous relationship. The crystal enrichment in
these surge deposits can thus be viewed as a
product of elutriation of fines, including some
crystals, from pyroclastic flows, their concentration
and separation into the trailing ash-cloud, and then
hydraulic sorting within the turbulent ash-cloud
leading to cells enriched in, and depleted in
crystals, which are represented by the alternating
crystal-rich and crystal-poor laminae in the surge
Self (1976) also records crystal-rich (up to
44 wt%) surge deposits at the base of the Angra
ignimbrite on Terceira, Azores, although detailed
field descriptions are lacking and there is no
consideration of whether they are base-surge deposits or ground-surge deposits.
Crystal-rich ignimbrites or pyroclastic flow deposits
with crystal contents in excess of 40% are documented from both relatively young and old volcanic
successions. From the Western USA, for example,
Lipman (1975) and Byers et al. (1976) have
described the successions associated with mid- to
late-Tertiary, largely acidic volcanism. Lipman's
account is of the volcanic history associated with the
29-30 Ma old Platoro Caldera Complex of the
economically important and very large San Juan
volcanic province of Colorado and New Mexico.
The Platoro caldera formed during eruption of the
Treasure Mountain Tuff, which consists of three
members: the La Jara Canyon member (oldest), the
Ojito Creek member and the Ra Jadera member.
All are described as being quartz latites, but vary
markedly in crystal contents. Only the La Jara
Canyon member is particularly crystal-rich, containing approximately 40-50% crystals in the intracaldera fill units and 20-35% crystals in the outflow
sheet units. This discrepancy is not clearly explained, but may be due to tapping of different
parts of the magma chamber, suggesting that the
outflow sheet ignimbrites and the intracaldera fill
are of different ages and did not originate from the
same eruption phase (cf. Fig. 8.18). The overall
crystal-rich nature is presumably due to eruption of
an originally crystal-rich magma. No comparison of
the crystal content of the ignimbrite and pumice

fragments was carried out, so it is difficult to

evaluate how much loss of glassy ash or crystal
enrichment took place during eruption. For the
other two, less crystal-rich members, crystal contents in pumice appear to be up to 10% lower (by
volume) than in the ignimbrite matrix, suggesting
some loss of fine vitric ash during eruption or flow,
or both (Lipman 1975).
The emplacement of the Treasure Mountain
Tuff and associated lavas and intrusives was followed by a period of erosion and reworking of
volcanic sediments, and then by a succession of
regionally extensive ignimbrites originating from
other eruptive centres. These include the two most
extensive ignimbrites in the San Juan province, the
Fish Canyon Tuff and the Carpenter Ridge Tuff
(Lipman 1975; Ch. 8; Fig. 8.1). The Fish Canyon
Tuff is credited with being the largest ignimbrite in
the world (3000 km 3 distributed over 15 000 km 2)
and is a crystal-rich, quartz-latite ignimbrite
whereas the Carpenter Ridge ignimbrite is a crystalpoor rhyolitic ignimbrite sheet. As a caldera fill, the
Fish Canyon Tuff is over 1 km thick. As an outflow
sheet it varies from 20 to 500 m thick. Crystal
contents recorded by Lipman (1975) vary from
34-51 % for the intracaldera fill to 34-46% for the
outflow sheet. Again, there is little information on
crystal contents of pumice fragments for use in
evaluating ash loss during eruption, but Lipman
(1975, p. 49) alludes to the latter having occurred
(see also Section 8.4.3).
Crystal-rich ignimbrites are also well represented
in the Upper Devonian volcanic successions of
southeastern Australia (Birch 1978, Clemens &
Wall 1984). Those that have been studied in detail
are thick intracaldera fill ignimbrite piles. Crystal
contents vary from relatively low 20%) to high
(65%), and there is in many instances a systematic
change in the quantity and types of crystals through
the succession, suggesting progressive eruption
from a zoned magma chamber (Birch 1978, Clemens
& Wall 1984). The high crystal content again
implies eruption of highly crystallised magma.
However, Birch (1978) suggests that juvenile
magma clots (called 'schlieren') are chemically and
mineralogically similar to the surrounding magma,
implying minimal loss of fine ash during eruption.


This observation is also supported by Clemens and

Wall (1984), who imply that collapse of large
eruption columns was therefore not likely in
generating these ignimbrites, and also suggest that
much of the crystallisation in the Violet Town
Volcanics took place in high level magma chambers,
after a crystal-poor magma rose from deeper crustal
melting source areas.
It should also be noted that local crystal- or lithicrich pods, or both, may occur in ignimbrites. The
pods may be diffuse or well-defined pipe-like
structures representing gas segregation pipes, from
which fines have been removed (Ch. 7). Sparks and
C. J. N. Wilson (1983) have also noted that the
flow-head deposits of violent pyroclastic flows
(layer 1, or the ground layer) may also be enriched
in crystals or lithics or both, resulting from the
extreme turbulence in the head of such pyroclastic
flows and the loss of fines because of this.
The correct terminology to use for all of these
deposits, which are all wholly pyroclastic in origin,
is the appropriate genetic terminology for primary
pyroclastics as outlined in Chapter 12, once the
wholly pyroclastic origin has been established.
Deposits such as these are true ashes and tuffs, and
where crystal-enriched, are crystal-rich ashes or

Crystal-rich primary pyroclastics are not abnormal,
but their crystal-rich origin is not just simply due to
the eruption of a crystal-rich magma. Crystalenrichment processes during eruption are just as
important. Crystal-rich ashes and tuffs have been
documented from each of the main pyroclastic
deposit types: fall, surge and flow. Ignimbrites can
vary markedly in their crystal contents. This, in
large measure, reflects the degree of crystallisation
before eruption, and for crystal-rich ignimbrites it
probably implies significant crystallisation in high
level or shallow crustal chambers. During eruption
the crystal content may be modified by separation
of fine ash. However, it seems that some ignimbrites, especially intra caldera fill ones, may be
erupted without significant loss of glassy ash, which
has implications for the eruption mechanism (e.g.
Fig. 8.18). Clearly, more attention needs to be paid


to the crystal contents of pumice fragments and the

enclosing ignimbrite matrix to get a clearer picture
of eruption mechanisms and sorting processes. To
establish a pyroclastic flow origin for crystal-rich
volcaniclastics, the field facies characteristics (Chs
5, 7 & 8) need to be established.



There are several well documented cases where the

genesis of so-called crystal tuffs has been influenced
by both pyroclastic and epiclastic processes. Cas
(1978b, 1979, 1983a) described submarine crystalrich tuffaceous sediments from an en sialic deep
marine Siluro-Devonian basin, the Hill End
Trough, in southeastern Australia. These tuffaceous
sediments had previously been called crystal tuffs
(Packham 1968), and form part of the so-called
Merrions Tuff formation. The Lower Devonian
Merrions Tuff consists of nearly equal volumes of
andesiticldacitic and minor rhyodacitic lavas and
crystal-rich volcaniclastics. The volcaniclastics are
composed of crystals and fragments of volcanic
quartz, albitised plagioclase, orthoclase (see Plate
II) and minor vitriclasts. These occur in mediumto coarse-grained sedimentation units up to tens of
metres thick, which in places grade into siliceous
pelitic tops containing well preserved shard
pseudomorphs. In extreme instances, crystal contents are in excess of 80% but average 64.2%, much
higher than the average 37.6% phenocryst content
of the associated lavas and glassy intraclasts. The
volcaniclastics are therefore largely closed-framework grain aggregates with a subordinate matrix
component. They are also chemically different
from the associated lavas and are therefore not just
unmodified pyroclastic equivalents of the lavas (Cas
Sedimentation units are largely massive or
internally structureless, with sharp, frequently
erosive bases, and they are non- to normallygraded. They are akin to very thick, voluminous,
high particle concentration turbidity current deposits (Cas 1979; Ch. 10) and show no evidence of
having been emplaced by hot phase pyroclastic


transportation processes (they lack welding and
columnar jointing). Yet, clearly, their fragmentation
mode was pyroclastic, as evidenced by shards.
They are juvenile and have not been reworked by
epiclastic surface processes, but they have been
transported and redeposited by epiclastic processes
(Cas 1979, 1983a). Their juvenile character and the
fact that they were used together with the lavas to
define a tight whole rock Rb/Sr isochron (Cas et al.
1976) suggests that they were deposited shortly after
eruption. If they had been reworked and then deposited long after eruption, they would have mixed
with older detritus, and would probably not have
constituted part of a coherent isotopic suite of rocks.
However, the crystal contents are in many
instances much higher than in ignimbrites. Cas
(1983a) therefore suggested that they have experienced very efficient fractionation processes
leading to very high concentrations of crystals.
Based on concepts discussed in Section 11.3, Cas
(1983a) suggested that the genesis of the Merrions
Tuff crystal-rich volcaniclastics could have involved
explosive eruption of a highly crystallised magma,
and one or more very efficient stages of separation
of glassy ash. This could have occurred in the
eruption column, and subsequently from resulting
pyroclastic flows and secondary eruption columns,
perhaps generated when the initial pyroclastic flows
entered the sea and interacted explosively with it
after the model ofG. P. L. Walker (1979). This led
to contemporaneous submarine slumping and
submarine mass-flow redeposition by turbidity
currents, during which more fines were elutriated
from the head and body of such flows (Sparks &
C. J. N. Wilson 1983).
Given that there are many sedimentation units
and that these occur in compositionally discrete
stratigraphic packets (Cas 1978b), with minor
interstratified background basinal sediments
(hemipelagic pelites, greywackes), it appears that
such a process was repeated many times in quick
succession. Cas et al. (1981) suggested a similar
origin for part of the Kowmung Volcaniclastics of
the southeastern Hill End Trough, and it is clear
from the stratigraphic account of Packham (1968)
that many more such events are recorded in the
stratigraphic record of the Hill End Trough.

Sparks and C. J. N. Wilson (1983), Sparks et al.

(1983) and J. V. Wright and Mutti (1981) also
describe crystal-rich ash turbidite layers, which
are, however, much smaller in scale than those
described above from the Merrions Tuff. The
deposits of Sparks and C. J. N. Wilson (1983) and
Sparks et al. (1983) were by-products of the historic
Minoan eruptions of Santorini in the Mediterranean. Their origin is attributed to slumping of
very extensive marine ash-fall deposits. These
slumped ashes were then transported by deepmarine turbidity currents, and show many features
of turbidites. Generally, they are rich in glassy ash,
but several of these ash turbidites have a well
defined 5-10 mm thick crystal-rich to pumice-rich
basal layer which Sparks and Wilson attribute to
sorting processes in the head of the transporting
turbidity currents. They suggest that ingestion of
ambient water into the head of the turbidity current
leads to fluid streaming through the head and
backwards (fluidisation), leading to elutriation of
fines and concentration of denser and larger particles
in the head from which they are deposited. This
head layer deposit is then overridden by the body of
the flow from which the bulk of the vitric-rich ash is
deposited. Again, the initial fragmentation mode of
these deposits was pyroclastic. They were initially
transported and deposited by pyroclastic processes,
and then finally retransported and redeposited,
perhaps appreciable distances, by epiclastic massflow processes which were apparently entirely
responsible for producing crystal-rich layers. A
similar origin was proposed earlier for crystal-rich
layers in the Dali Ash by J. V. Wright and Mutti
(1981; Ch. 9).
The terminology for this class of deposit is
perhaps the most problematic. The terminology
used should reflect both the initial pyroclastic
influence during eruption, fragmentation and initial
pyroclastic transport, and the influence of the final
epiclastic mode of transportation, given that this
type of deposit is not an in situ pyroclastic deposit.
Terms such as 'crystal tuff and 'crystal-lithic tuff
are inappropriate. These deposits are tuffaceous or
pyroclastic sediments, and therefore qualified terms
such as tuffaceous sandstone, arenite, siltstone,
lutite, etc., are more appropriate.


These cases have highlighted the intimate interaction between pyroclastic and epiclastic processes.
It is clear that although a pyroclastic fragmentation
mode is demonstrable, final transportation and
deposition involved epiclastic processes that appear
to have been capable of causing significant crystal
concentration. Identification of this epiclastic
influence has been dependent on familiarity with
the sedimentary structures, textures and general
facies produced by epiclastic processes (Ch. 10). It
is important to note that mass-flow transportation
and deposition has not caused any abrasion or
rounding of even delicate shard fragments. This is
because the transportation time is too short and
abrasive impacts are buffered by the viscous
interstitial water. Furthermore, subaqueous resedimentation and mass-flow transport can redeposit juvenile volcanic debris long distances away
from source.



In this situation we are dealing with volcanic

sediments which have been reworked considerably,
imparting a distinctive sedimentary imprint and
overprinting any original primary volcanic features.
Comprehensive accounts of crystal-rich reworked
volcanic sediments and their origins are not
common. The first example chosen lacks detailed
sedimentological data, but serves to illustrate the
effects of reworking. Roobol (1976) documents the
existence of well stratified, well sorted, crystal-rich,
greenish-grey sands and grits interbedded with
shallow-marine limestone horizons from the
Maastrichtian Summerfield Formation in Jamaica.
Overlying this basal marine interval is a succession
of less well sorted, pink coloured sandstones and
conglomerates and two ignimbrites. The sandstones
and conglomerates are poorly stratified, and indistinct lenses of boulders are often present. Roobol
interprets this upper sediment section as being of
continental fluviatile origin, with all the rocks
having an hornblende-andesite parent-age. Roobol
suggests that most of the volcanic detritus had a


pyroclastic origin. Crystal concentration processes

during pyroclastic flow, as well as during epicla:;tic
transportation and reworking, especially in the
marine part of the section, led to removal of glassy
ash and pumice, some of which is concentrated in
mudstone interbeds. Comparison of the crystal
abundance in the resultant sediments with the
crystal contents of lava boulders in the succession
suggests that up to 60% of glassy ash could have
been separated from crystal grains and fragments
Sigurdsson et al. (1980) describe redeposited,
rounded beach sands from the deep-sea cores of the
Grenada Basin in the Caribbean (Fig. 9.4d).
Although they do not discuss crystal contents,
R. S. J. Sparks (pers. comm.) indicates that some
are crystal-rich, essentially crystal beach sands
derived from the erosion, reworking and mass-flow
redeposition of debris derived from ignimbrites
exposed onshore. During reworking, significant
crystal concentration has occurred as in the case
described by Roobol (1976). The authors have
sampled similar crystal-rich beach sands on the
island of Kos in the Dodecanese Islands, Greece,
which were derived from Quaternary rhyolitic
pyroclastics exposed on Kos (Fig. 13.44). Such
crystal-enriched beach sands have, without doubt,
also been redeposited offshore into surrounding
Similar crystal-rich clastics of volcanogenicderivation, involving erosion, variable degrees of
reworking, and final redeposition, abound in the
rock record and have frequently been called
'greywackes', which is appropriate to their almost
completely sedimentary origin. The use of the term
'crystal tuff in such cases would be totally inappropriate in spite of the volcanic provenance of
many of the grain types. An alternative terminology
would include terms such as feldspathic or crystalrich volcanic sandstone, arenite, conglomerate,
rudite, etc., depending on grain size (Ch. 12). Such
deposits can be found in any sedimentary environment, and the transportation mode could be any of
the appropriate ones discussed in Chapter 10. For
example, Tanner et al. (1981) and Storey and
Macdonald (1984) describe volcaniclastics of the
Lower Tuff Member of the Annenkov Island


(a) Explosive eruption of crystal- rich maoma

(b) Convective tranlport of f ine alh Into upper

column and downwind tranlport In plume

(d) Pallaoe of pyroclastic flow Into a water

body ex plollv e Interaction prod ucino
lecondar y r ootlesl venti

(e) ReworklnO of crYltal-rlch lonlmbrite

(beach or river)



\,( ,

:,(" 5-

conc.nlfa/,M 01 eryS/al.

rand ",hies) In low" port

of .ruplNJII column OfICI tioW'l'tWmd

It) 'muldI, ' dl, fQnCU

(f) Slumping and subaqueous turbidity current

transport of crystal-rich pyroclastic

detritus from (d) or reworked crysta l-rich
detritus from (e)

conc,nlrD/lon 01 "lsIOls
m/o body of flo w ;
lJu;tifsol/Dn Qnd , Iufr /allon
01 lin,s In IrOllln9 dl/ul.

I.dlm,nl cloudJ

Figure 11.6 (aHf) Schematic representation of the factors controlling the formation of crystal-rich pyroclastic and epiclastic
volcaniclastic deposits.


Formation of the South Georgia back arc basin as

'crystal-lithic tuffs'. In places this nomenclature is
qualified as 'turbiditic', indicating that the mode of
transportation and deposition was by epiclastic
turbidity currents. However, in spite of this it is not
convincingly demonstrated that the volcaniclastics
had a pyroclastic fragmentation mode, although it
seems likely. The use of 'turbiditic' is a valuable
qualification in this case, but given the epiclastic
influences, 'tuffs' could be dropped in favour of
'tuffaceous sandstones'. Unless the inferred pyroclastic fragmentation origin is demonstrable, a
preferable term may be 'crystal-lithic volcanic
sandstone' .

Epiclastic derivation of crystal-rich volcaniclastics
is also a common way of producing crystal-rich
volcaniclastics. Given the major role of epiclastic
processes, the final deposit should bear the imprint
of reworking or redeposition, or both, in terms of
textures and field facies characteristics (Ch. lO).

11.6 Overview
The foregoing has clearly demonstrated that the
genesis of crystal-rich volcaniclastics may be
complex (Fig. 11.6). In many cases they probably


owe their origin to explosive eruption of a relatively

highly crystallised magma. Thereafter they may be
modified by efficient fractionation processes involved with pyroclastic or epiclastic transportation
and deposition processes, or both. The latter could
transport such aggregates well away from source.
The analysis of such deposits must involve
determination of the modes of fragmentation and
the modes of transportation and deposition independently of each other. The determination of the
full history of these deposits (and others) is best
attempted by an integrated approach involving
understanding of sedimentological, volcanological,
petrological and chemical concepts as outlined by
Cas (l983a), and herein.

11.7 Further reading

To our knowledge, this topic has not been adequately covered elsewhere.

Plate 12 Poorly sorted, matrix-supported volcanic breccia on the upper slopes of Mt Ruapehu on Pinnicle Ridge. Is this volcanic
breccia an explosion breccia (i.e. agglomerate) or a redeposited epiciastic breccia? The open framework character, the
sandy-muddy matrix, and the thick massive nature suggest the latter, which is consistent with the well-known frequency of
debris flow and lahar events on Mt Ruapehu.



Classification ofmodern
and ancient volcaniclastic
rocks ofpyroclastic and
epiclastic origins
Initial statement
In this chapter we first provide classification
schemes for modern pyroclastic deposits. We then
describe an approach to the classification oflithified,
indurated and metamorphosed volcaniclastic rocks
of the rock record, stressing the problems, and the
caution needed in giving names, even with basic
genetic meanings, to such rocks. This is followed
by a discussion of descriptive lithological criteria
and their relevance in determining the genesis of
ancient volcaniclastic rocks. The problems associated with the use of the terms 'agglomerate' and
'vulcanian' for ancient volcaniclastic rocks are

discussed and, finally, we comment on the nomenclature of quench-fragmented and auto brecciated
(flow brecciated) volcaniclastics.

12.1 Introduction
From the foregoing chapters it should be apparent
that recent work on young volcaniclastic deposits
has shown that genetic nomenclature is useful in
representing our understanding of fragmentation,
transportational and depositional mechanisms,
especially for pyroclastic deposits. It should also be
clear that genetic terminology cannot always be



immediately applied, especially to ancient volcaniclastic rocks, because of the problems caused by
poor exposure, lack of exposure of contact relationships, weathering, alteration, metamorphism and
deformation (Ch. 14). In both modern and ancient
volcanic terrains two different approaches to
nomenclature of deposits are needed. An initial
non-genetic approach is required, especially for
those working on ancient successions. Application
of genetic terminology should be .a final step after
all lithological and field facies characteristics have
been evaluated, induding consideration of both the
modes of fragmentation and final deposition.
However, this approach is not obviously embodied in the recommendations of the lUGS
Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous
Rocks in their publication on the 'Descriptive
nomenclature and classification of pyroclastic deposits and fragments' (Schmid 1981). Although
Schmid (1981) professes that the approach used is
descriptive rather than genetic, this is not borne out
by the use of terms such as 'tuff and 'agglomerate'.
The nomenclature scheme proposed by Schmid

only has application to hand specimen and petrographic

characteristics being based largely on grainsize, and
to some degree on grain types and morphology and
fails in not comprehensively reviewing necessary
field facies characteristics. It is a scheme that
merely duplicates the valuable contributions of
Fisher (1961, 1966b), does not contribute anything
significantly new to Fisher's summaries and does
not attempt to go that one step further in the
process of genetic interpretation - that of identifying
the transportational and depositional origins of
volcaniclastics. Without considering these aspects
erroneous use of names can easily occur. We hope
that by reading this book, particularly this chapter,
and Appendix II, a clear approach to objective
description and nomenclature, and then to genetic
interpretation and nomenclature, will become

12.2 Modern pyroclastic deposits

There is no unique approach to classifying modern
pyroclastic deposits. Many schemes and approaches
have been proposed (e.g. Fisher 1960,1961, 1966b,

A. E. Wright & Bowes 1963, Parsons 1969, J. V.

Wright et al. 1980, Schmid 1981). J. V. Wright et
al. (1980) indicated that at least two systems are
genetic classification and
lithological classification
The purpose of a genetic classification is to
interpret the genesis of deposits which can then be
related to the history, eruptive pattern and mechanisms of a volcano or volcanic terrain. The purpose
of a lithological classification is primarily descriptive, describing and documenting the major
characteristics of a deposit, such as grainsize and
constituent fragments. However, these features
themselves may indicate a particular process and
allow some conclusions to be made about the
genesis of a deposit.


The genesis of a pyroclastic deposit is partly
deduced from its lithology, but also from geometry
and field relations. Because of this, a genetic
classification can only be rigorously applied in the
field to very young, well exposed Quaternary
deposits. However, even then initial description
and consideration of the total facies characteristics
should be made before a genetic name can be
applied. As discussed in Chapter 1, the term
'pyroclastic', or rock names pertaining to a pyroclastic origin (e.g. ash or tuff, agglomerate) should
only be applied to deposits or rocks with a
demonstrated pyroclastic mode of fragmentation
and a pyroclastic depositional origin. We have
already discussed in Chapter 5 how pyroclastic
deposits can be divided into those derived from:

pyroclastic falls,
pyroclastic flows and
pyroclastic surges,
and this will be the basis of the following classification schemes.

Pyroclaslic fall deposils

For pyroclastic fall deposits the classification scheme
of G. P. L. Walker (1973b) (Ch. 6) is the most
practical approach yet proposed for working on


Table 12.1


Genetic classification of pyroclastic falls and their deposits.

Eruptive mechanism


open vent

closed vent

Pyroclastic fall






v. wide


pumicet (scoria)
pumicet (scoria)


wide to moderate*

v. high to moderate*
v. high



v. wide

v. high

silicic ash+

Essential fragment

* Dispersal and fragmentation of vulcan ian fall deposits depends on whether they are generated by short-lived explosions or
periods of intense maintained explosions (Ch. 6).
t Most sub-plinian and nearly all plinian deposits that have been documented are pumice falls. However, scoria-fall deposits
that are sub-plinian and even plinian in their dispersal characteristics are known (Ch. 6).
+ The type examples used to define these terms were basaltic for surtseyan and rhyolitic for phreatoplinian but. given the
right conditions, it may be possible to find rhyolitic surtseyan and even basaltic phreatoplinian ash falls (Ch 6). Further
studies are needed to characterise air-fall deposits produced in different types of hydrovolcanic eruption, i.e. between true
surtseyan (open vent in a surface body of water - lake, sea) and those formed by interaction of magma and ground water,
but having surtseyan dispersal characteristics.

modern pyroclastic fall deposits. As already discussed, this quantitative scheme relies on the accurate
mapping of a deposit and detailed granulometric
analysis (see Figs 6.15, 16 & 21). Enough data for
plinian and sub-plinian deposits are also now available to use thickness or maximum clast size to
characterise them on 'area plots' (Figs 6.18 & 19).
These plots have certain advantages because if, for
reasons of time or geography, it is not possible to
map a deposit to the 0.01 isopach, or to carry out an
extensive programme of sieving, the deposit can still
be accurately classified. A summary of this genetic
scheme for pyroclastic fall deposits is given in Table

Pyroclastic flow deposits

Pyroclastic flow deposits have been described by a
lexicon of terms and classified in numerous ways. A
genetic scheme for the three main types of pyroclastic flow deposit (Chs 5, 7 & 8) is given in Table
12.2. This is based on the eruptive mechanism and
characteristics of the deposit, and is adapted from
J. V. Wright et ai. (1980). Some of the other names
used for these types of flow deposit are shown in
Table 12.3, which attempts to compare various
classifications. In our scheme we have also included
deposits of hot, dry volcaniclastic debris flows of

the type generated at Mt St Helens in 1980 and

Bandai-san in 1888 (Ch. 5).
One term that needs further comment is 'nuee
ardente', meaning glowing cloud. This was first
used by La Croix (1903, 1904) to describe pyroclastic flows he observed during the 1902 Mt Pelee
eruption. In a later publication La Croix (1930)
expanded the use of the term to include all types of
pyroclastic flows. 'Nuee ardente' has since become
widely used, but in the past few years it has become
somewhat unfashionable (e.g. see Nairn & Self
1978, J. V. Wright et ai. 1980). This is because the
term was used too generally to describe eruptions
from many volcanoes, as well as to describe the
mechanism producing widespread ignimbrite
sheets. More-meaningful words should be used to
describe the processes and deposits, as it is quite
obvious that La Croix meant 'glowing cloud' to
describe the complete volcanic phenomenon (both
overriding ash cloud and basal underflow or pyroclastic flow proper), and we now know these behave
differently during transport, and produce very
different types of deposit.
Although 'glowing cloud' is perhaps a very good
description of how some small volume pyroclastic
flows appear when moving down the sides of large
volcanic cones, we would suggest that their deposits


Table 12.2

Genetic classification of pyroclastic flows and their deposits.

Eruptive mechanism

eruption column
(fountain) collapse

lava, dome collapse

(explosive and

Pyroclastic flow


Essential fragment




ignimbrite, pumice
flow deposit,
ash-flow tuff*

scoria flow

scoria flow deposit


block and ash

flow (nuee

block and ash

flow deposit


debris flow

accessory lithics
( juvenile fragments)

hot, dry
debris flow


decreasing density
of juvenile clasts

* In a strict definition, 'ash-flow tuff' should only refer to deposits with >50 wt% finer than 2 mm. 'Ignimbrite' and 'pumiceflow deposit' can be used more loosely irrespective of grainsize, although 'pumice-flow deposit' is sometimes used to
emphasise those flow deposits with a large proportion of bomb-sized pumice fragments.

Table 12.3

Comparison of various classifications of pyroclastic flows.

Murai (1961):
based on type
eruptions and
of the deposits

This book:
based on eruptive mechanism and
characteristics of the deposits
Pyroclastic flow

(large volume)

pumice flow

Kra katoa-type


(small VOlume)}
scoria flow

block and ash flowt

block and ash flow:j:

large-volume ash-flow tuffs

(100-1000 km 3 )


intermediate-volume ash-flow
tuffs (1-100 km 3 )

St Vincent-type

block- and ashflow deposit


St Vincent type


block and ash flow* }

Smith (1979):
Williams and
McBirney (1979): based on volume of
based on site of the deposits
and type




* Produced by collapse of vertical eruptive column accompanying lava or dome collapse.

t Produced by explosive collapse of an actively growing lava flow or dome.
:j: Produced by gravitational collapse of an actively growing lava flow or dome.
VTTS = Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.

small-volume ash-flow
tuffs (0.001-1.0 km 3 )


Table 12.4


Genetic classification of pyroclastic surges and their deposits.

Eruptive mechanism

(outward moving radial
collar and column collapse)

Pyroclastic surge

water content

base surge

cold. wet
(hot. dry)

ground surge

hot. dry

(vesiculated to

ash-cloud surge

hot. dry

(vesiculated to

ground surge

hot. dry


pyroclastic flows

pyroclastic fall
eruptions (but
without generation of
a pyroclastic flow)

can be better categorised in the manner indicated

here. Alternatively, as suggested by J. V. Wright et
al. (1980), we should restrict 'nuee ardente' to its
original definition and only use it for pyroclastic
flows produced by collapse of an actively growing
lava flow or dome. This is indicated in Table 12.2.

Pyroclastic surge deposits

A classification of pyroclastic surges is given in
Table 12.4. Ground and ash cloud surges accompanying pyroclastic flows are generated by the
whole spectrum of mechanisms indicated in Table


The main bases of a lithological classification are:

the grainsize limits and overall size distribution of

the deposit,
the constituent fragments of the deposit and
the degree and type of welding.

Table 12.5 summarises the grain size limits of
pyroclastic fragments from the schemes of Fisher

Essential fragment

(vesiculated to
non-vesiculated) ;
accessory lithics

(1961, 1966b). Concerning the overall grainsize

distribution, granulometric analysis of non-welded
and unlithified pyroclastic deposits can be an
important discriminant in distinguishing different
types of deposit. We have seen that a convenient
way of representing grainsize data is an Mdq,loq, plot
eCho 5; App. I). Pyroclastic flow deposits usually
have 0q, values greater than 2.0, whereas in general,
pyroclastic fall deposits have values less than 2.0.
Mdq/oq, plots of pyroclastic surge deposits tend to
overlap both fields. Individual laminae of surge
deposits can be well sorted, while channel samples
through several laminae are often poorly sorted.
Ground and ash-cloud surges may be better sorted
than base surge deposits, and this may be due to the
cohesion of water-saturated fine ash in the basesurge clouds. However, an Mdq,l0q, plot should be
viewed with caution, and not used alone to interpret
the origin of a deposit. Pyroclastic deposits are
formed by complex processes. For example, some
concentration zones or segregation structures in
pyroclastic flow deposits may be as well sorted as
pyroclastic fall deposits or, conversely, some
phreatomagmatic ash-fall deposits may be as poorly
sorted as flow deposits. In the more-recent publications other types of grainsize plots are being used,


Table 12.5 Grainsize limits for proven pyroclastic fragments and pyroclastic aggregates
(after R. V. Fisher 1961, 1966b).
Pyroclastic fragments


round and
fluidally shaped

Name of





256 - - - - - - - - bombs





lapilli deposit


1/16 - - - - - - - - ash

Table 12.6

ash deposit


Summary of the components in pyroclastic deposits (after J. V. Wright et al. 1980).

(a) Pyroclastic flows and surges

Type of flow or surge

Other components

Essential components


pumice flow and surge



accessory and
accidental lithics

scoria flow and surge



cognate. accessory and

accidental lithics

block and ash flow and surge.

(nuee ardente)

poor to moderately
vesicular juvenile clasts

cognate lithics
and crystals

accidental lithics

(b) Pyroclastic falls


Essential components*

Type of fall


pumice or scoria

cognate and accessory

cognate or accessory
lithics, or both


lapilli deposit

pumice or scoria

cognate or accessory
lithics, or both


ash deposit

pumice or scoria

crystals and/or cognate

and/or accessory lithics

* Depending on type of deposit.

Other components



and again these should be treated with the same


Constituent fragments
A summary of the dominant components in a
pyroclastic deposit provides a qualitative lithological
description as well as information on the genesis
(Table 12.6).

We have already discussed the process of welding
and the lithological variations it can produce in
Chapters 6 and 8.

12.3 Classification oflithified, indurated

and metamorphosed volcaniclastic
The foregoing review of the classification of modern
pyroclastics is an essential prelude to the consideration of ancient volcanic successions because it
gives an appreciation of the great range of products
produced by a diversity of observed (or confidently
inferred) processes in, around and stemming from
modern volcanic vents and centres. Such an awareness of the possible range of origins is critical for
the geologist working in ancient successions because, in most instances, the definitive context and
spatial relationship to vent or volcanic centre, that
are often (but not always) observable or inferable
for modern successions, are lacking. The approach
therefore initially has to be more objective and less
genetic, with the overall context, extent and
characteristics of the lithological unites) having to
be established.
Other factors which complicate the genetic interpretation and classification of lithified volcaniclastics include: devitrification, recrystallisation,
new mineral growth during diagenesis and low
grade metamorphism, and deformation, all of
which lead to modification of original textures and
mineralogy to varying degrees (Ch. 14). Add to this
that epiclastic volcaniclastics can also be exceedingly
abundant, and equally modified, and that modern
weathering also takes its toll in producing confusion. It is then a brave person who walks up to an


outcrop and applies a genetic classification or

terminology. For example, devitrification of an
originally glassy lava can produce an equigranular
mosaic or spherulitic texture, so giving a pseudogranularity in hand specimen. Metamorphism and
weathering can further accentuate this, so producing
a granular texture which may be very difficult to
distinguish from a truly fragmental texture. Thin
section examination may be no more helpful than
the hand specimen, because t4e original glassy
character of the rock may have been overprinted,
with the distinction between a coherent glassy
groundmass and vitriclastic (e.g. shards) or epiclastic textures being difficult to identify.
Application of genetic terminology to lithified
volcaniclastics should therefore be avoided until
thorough evaluation of the complete set of characteristics of the lithology (or lithologies) has been made,

hand specimen characteristics (textural,

compositional) ,
(b) outcrop characteristics (bedded as opposed to
massive; structures and fabrics that are essentially contemporaneous with emplacement),
(c) contact relationships (sharp or continuous,
gradational) ,
(d) geometry (three-dimensional form and
(e) associated facies and
(f) context and palaeogeographic setting.
Rarely will anyone of these, or any single
outcrop, be definitive enough to allow an unequivocal interpretation of the genesis. Furthermore, it cannot be assumed, as is commonly done,
that because a rock is volcaniclastic it had a
pyroclastic origin. Even having demonstrated that a
rock is of probable pyroclastic origin, it cannot be
assumed that it was deposited close to the vent, as is
also often done.
Finally, it cannot be assumed that the imprint
and character produced by a particular mode of
eruption will reflect the final transportational and
depositional mode. For example, pyroclastically
fragmented detritus (crystals, pumice, shards) can
be transported and deposited by means other than
pyroclastic ones (e.g. surface reworking, lahars,


Table 12.7 Non-genetic classification of volcaniclastic rocks
(modified from R. V. Fisher 1961)

Volcanic breccia
closed framework
open framework
non-cohesive. granular matrix
cohesive mud-sized matrix
Volcanic conglomerate
closed framework
open framework
non-cohesive, granular matrix
cohesive mud-sized matrix



Volcanic sandstone
0.0625 mm--------------------0.0625 mm
Volcanic mudstone
volcanic si Itstone
volcanic claystone

if sufficiently well sorted

and volcanic origin is clear

subaqueous mass flows; Ch. 10) and in environments away from the near vent area. Consideration

of genesis therefore involves consideration of both the

fragmentation mode and final depositional mode.
A useful starting place with ancient volcaniclastic
rocks before attempting any kind of genetic classification, as presented in Section 12.2, is Fisher's
(1961) suggested non-genetic nomenclature.
Following Fisher's lead, a suggested initial nongenetic terminology is given in Table 12.7. If a
wholly pyroclastic, rather than epiclastic, origin can
be established, then the nomenclature of Table 12.5
can be used, and if beyond that the pyroclastic
transportation and depositional origins can be
established, then the appropriate nomenclature of
Tables 12.1-12.4 can be used.

12.4 Descriptive lithological aspects of

ancient volcaniclastic rocks relevant
to determining their genesis
Few of the textural or compositional characteristics
of volcaniclastics are by themselves indicative of
one particular mode offragmentation or deposition.

For example, the term 'agglomerate' (which has

distinct genetic connotations, see Section 12.5), is
frequently used for any volcanic breccia but, as
seen in Table 12.8, there are over twenty ways of
producing volcanic breccias!
Another example is accretionary lapilli, which
are generally assumed to be diagnostic of air-fall
deposits, formed by rainfall through a downwind
ash cloud or from a moisture-laden eruption
column, especially a phreatomagmatic column. It is
now known that accretionary lapilli are perhaps
more commonly generated within the explosive
eruption column, particularly within those of
phreatomagmatic eruptions (Ch. 5). They are
therefore common in base surge deposits and some
ignimbrites, as well as surtseyan and phreatoplinian
ash-fall deposits (Fig. 5.24). They have also been
noted in fossil fumarole pipes in ignimbrites, and
could form in the secondary explosion columns of
rootless vents formed where pyroclastic flows or
lavas interact explosively with a body of water (Ch.
3) or ice.
The following is a brief listing of important
descriptive properties of volcaniclastics and some
qualifying comments on their usefulness or limitations. The assemblage of properties should be
used together with the larger-scaled outcrop and
field properties and relationships to evaluate the
genesis. The majority of the listed properties are
sedimentological in origin, and we feel that such an
approach is a useful one.

coherent crystalline Igneous texture versus fragmental texture

angularity or rounding, and
framework type

compositional affinities
compositional homogeneity, and
clastic components.



Table 12.8 Grainsize-textural classes of volcaniclastic rocks and some possible origins (see App. II for sugg0sted diagnostic

Grainsize-textural class

conglomerate - closed framework

(rounded clasts essential)


epiclastic reworking (fluvial, shoreline)

mass-flow redeposition (subaqueous)
pumice and scoria concentration zones in ignimbrites and scoria-flow deposits
fines-depleted ignimbrite

conglomerate - open framework

(rounded clasts essential)

5 epiclastic reworking and mass-flow redeposition (deposits with granular matrix)

6 cohesive pebbly mudflows and lahars
7 non-welded (uncollapsed pumice) ignimbrite and scoria-flow deposits

breccia - closed framework

(angular clasts essential)

8 epiclastic redeposition and mass-wastage (includes gravitational collapse,

including caldera margin collapse breccias)
9 aa lavas
10 block lavas
11 lava dome and flow-front talus deposits
12 agglutinates
13 agglomerates
14 quench-fragmented lavas, cryptodomes and shallow intrusives (hyaloclastites)
15 hydrothermal explosion breccias
16 hydraulic fracture breccias
17 pumice-fall deposits
18 scoria-fall deposits
19 lithic concentration zones (base of layer 2b) and ground layers of
violent ignimbrites
20 co-ignimbrite breccias (lag breccias and ground breccias)
21 fines-depleted ignimbrite

breccia - open framework

(angular clasts essential)



glacial till and moraines (diamictites)

glacial dropstone deposits
epiclastic reworking and mass-flow redeposition with granular matrix
cohesive debris flows and lahars
ignimbrite (layer 2b) and other (denser clast) pyroclastic flow deposits
(block and ash flows, scoria flows)
co-ignimbrite breccias and proximal ignimbrites
near-vent base surges
ground or ash-cloud surge
giant pumice beds
epiclastic reworking
epiclastic mass-flow redeposition
weathered and/or devitrified lavas or dykes
fine-grained ignimbrite
air-fall ashes or tuffs
base surge deposits
ground or ash-cloud surges


(sand-sized framework grains


(mud-sized grade predominant)

38 epiclastic
39 fine-grained ignimbrite
40 air-fall ashes or tuffs
41 surge deposits



Coherent igneous texture versus fragmental texture

Intrusive or extrusive porphyritic rocks should be
characterised by an even distribution of euhedral to
subhedral crystals in a fine glassy or variably
devitrified and recrystallised groundmass. Apart
from occasional xenoliths, the rocks should lack
evidence of clastic or vitriclastic texture. If a clastic
character is demonstrable, for example broken and
shattered crystals and abundant lithic fragments,
then any of the fragmentation origins discussed in
Chapter 3 are possible, and have to be evaluated.

If textural evidence of welding (eutaxitic texture,
pumice lenticle foliation) can be found, it is
important because this is indicative of the rock
having a pyroclastic origin. Welded rocks are likely
to be preserved in the record because of their
resistance to contemporaneous erosion compared
with non-welded equivalents. Welding is not
uniquely indicative of a pyroclastic flow origin.
Welded air-fall tuffs are a common rock and, if
recognised, can be important in determining vent
proximity (Ch. 6). They have been identified in
ancient volcanic successions.
However, in modern volcanic successions, many
ignimbrites are totally non-welded, and few welded
air-fall deposits are known compared with nonwelded ones. Alignment of pumice and other
juvenile clasts can be caused by sedimentary
processes, and flattening can be caused during
tectonic deformation associated with the strain
effects of the formation of a tectonic cleavage. As a
result the origins of apparent welding textures
should be investigated. Welding is only
unequivocally demonstrable at the microscopic

This is the most obvious characteristic of any rock,
and it is the first observed in any specimen or
outcrop (Ch. 1). However, grain size , especially
average grainsize, is not indicative of particular
deposits or origins (Ch. 11). Table 12.8 and
Appendix II summarise the possible origins of the

major non-genetic size classes listed in Table 12.7,

and emphasise the diverse range of possibilities for
each textural category. Most importantly, breccias

do not necessarily indicate proximity to the vent.

Ignimbrites, for example, can have coarse, basal,

lithic concentration zones many kilometres from
the vent (Chs 7 & 8). Volcanic mudflows or lahars
are also capable of carrying exceedingly large
blocks tens of kilometres from the source point of
the flow, which is usually high on the volcanic
edifice. Many kilometres from source this coarse
volcaniclastic material may then be reworked by
river systems, or in the marine environment into
other types of epiclastic breccias and related deposits (Ch. 10).

Sorting, combined with various grainsize statistical
parameters, has been used to distinguish different
types of young pyroclastic deposits. For lithified,
indurated and even metamorphosed aggregates,
grain size parameters and quantitative values of
sorting are not accurately determinable. The usefulness of sorting is also dubious, except in a
qualitative way, and only then when combined with
other properties (see Ch. 1). Most deposit types,
irrespective of their clastic origins, can be well
sorted or poorly sorted. The distinction between
simple size sorting and hydraulic sorting is
important (Ch. 1).

Grain shape can be distinctive for explosively
ejected detritus (Chs 2 & 3). Glass shards are
diagnostic of explosive fragmentation during
eruption (Ch. 3), but could thereafter be deposited
in ignimbrites, air-fall and surge deposits, or could
be reworked to minor degrees, or could be redeposited by mass-flow processes (Ch. 10), particularly subaqueously without being destroyed
(Chs 9 & 11). Shaped bombs, breadcrust bombs
and irregular spatter fragments are typical of the
explosive eruption of fluidal (basaltic) magma.
These components should be the only criteria for
the use of the term 'agglomerate'. Large irregular
blocks, irrespective of composition, could have
diverse fragmentation and depositional origins.


Flattened, attenuated pumice fragments (fiamme)

and in thin section, plastically deformed shards, are
indicative of welding. The distinction between
euhedral-subhedral and angular crystals may be
indicative of volcaniclastics as opposed to coherent,
un-fragmented igneous rocks, but not always so.

Angularity or rounding
Angularity or rounding of clasts should be interpreted with care. Angularity by itself does not
imply proximity to the vent or a primary volcanic
fragmentation or depositional origin (Ch. 1).
Rounded clasts imply post-eruptive reworking by
but exceptions occur.
Accretionary lapilli are spherical and rounded, but
clearly have a pyroclastic origin. Rounded fluvial
clasts can be picked up by ignimbrites as accidental
lithics. Pumice clasts become rounded in transport
within an ignimbrite. Rounded edges and corners
on crystals (especially volcanic quartz) may be due
to magmatic resorption before eruption, rather than
to post-eruptive reworking.


mixtures of crystals, glassy fragments and cognate

lithics may be a compositionally homogeneous
assemblage of components because they can all be
derived from the one source, reflecting the fragmentation of a partially crystallised magma.

Clastic components
Abundance of glass shards, pumice or scoria,
certainly indicates a pyroclastic eruption mode and
possibly, but not necessarily, deposition by pyroclastic processes. As the crystal or lithic content, or
the content of both, increases, and if compositional
homogeneity decreases, a greater diversity of fragmentation and depositional origins, including
epiclastic origins, becomes more probable.

12.5 Use ofthe terms 'agglomerate',

'vulcanian breccia' and 'tuff in
ancient successions

Compositional homogeneity of the clastic aggregate

may be useful in identifying the degree of reworking, if any, of the aggregate. Homogeneity is
probably best evaluated from lithic components,
including partially crystallised glassy fragments.
Their compositional, and for that matter textural
homogeneity, should reflect the degree of mixing of

'Agglomerate' and 'vulcanian' are the two terms

that seem to have caused more confusion and
problems than any others in discussion of old
volcanic successions. Both can be highly misleading
terms, and we would try to avoid use of either for
ancient volcanic rocks.
An agglomerate is a coarse pyroclastic deposit
composed of a large proportion of rounded,
fluidally shaped, volcanic bombs (predominant
grain size is >64 mm). It is essential that evidence
of true volcanic bombs be present (e.g. shaped or
breadcrust types or bomb sags). In the strict sense
the term implies a fall deposit (Table 12.6), and is a
very good indicator of proximity to the vent. It is
perhaps best applied to the scoria deposits that
build strombolian cones (Figs 6.5 & 8).
The main problem is that geologists working in
ancient volcanic successions have used the term
'agglomerate' indiscriminately for any volcanic
breccia, and then, even worse, suggested connections with distance from vent or volcanic centre,
which in many cases could be totally wrong.
Caution is necessary when using this term or
interpreting other geologists' work and maps in
which it is used, because of the obvious genetic

different source materials. Note, however, that

implications of the term.

This is not indicative of any particular origin (see
Table 12.8), but is nevertheless a useful indicator of
transport conditions.

Compositional affinities
The actual compositional affinities of a volcanic
rock are of little use in determining the genesis,
except for the fact that volumetrically the majority
of basaltic products are lavas, while the majority of
silicic products are pyroclastic.

Compositional homogeneity


'Vulcanian' is often applied to (bedded) sequences of volcanic breccias, and as with 'agglomerate', suggests proximity to the vent. However,
as described in Chapter 5, vulcanian air-fall deposits
from individual eruptions are thin, small-volume
stratified ash deposits, although near vent they
contain large ballistic blocks and bombs. Vulcanian
deposits have a low preservation potential. To
identify a breccia as vulcanian in an ancient
succession, evidence of ballistic blocks and bombs
with bomb sags must be present and, again, as with
agglomerates, most rocks identified as such in the
record are in fact other types of volcanic breccia.
Although denser clast types of pyroclastic flows
are commonly generated during vulcanian eruptions
(Chs 5 & 6), such volcanic breccias are better
described as scoria-flow deposits or block- and ashflow deposits. This avoids the implication that
'vulcanian breccias' are necessarily near vent.
'Tuff is the lithified equivalent of an ash deposit
(Table 12.5). Both terms are genetic and should
only be applied to aggregates that have been
demonstrably fragmented and deposited by pyroclastic
processes, and in which the grain size of the
pyroclasts is <2 mm. Where significant proportions of lapilli also occur (> 10%) the terms lapilliash and lapilli-tuff can be used. The pyroclastic
fragmentation mode is interpreted from the grain
morphology (Ch. 3) and the pyroclastic depositional
mode from field facies characteristics (Chs 5-9).
Where more-comprehensive indications of the
transport and depositional origins are required,
terms such as 'ignimbrite', 'air-fall tuff and 'basesurge tuff can be used.

12.6 The consequences of

redeposition on nomenclature
In Chapter 1, Section 1.3.2 pyroclastic and
epiclastic deposits were distinguished based on
their modes of fragmentation and final deposition.
Pyroclastic deposits are those which have a demonstrated pyroclastic mode of fragmentation and a
demonstrated pyro-clastic mode of deposition (fall,
flow, surge). Epiclastic deposits, as defined in
Chapter 1, are clastic deposits which were frag-

mented by normal surface processes (weathering,

physical abrasion, gravitational collapse) or were
deposited by normal surface processes, irrespective
of the mode of fragmentation, or both. Therefore,
where pyroclastic deposits are reworked or redeposited, or both, to any degree by epiclastic
processes (Ch. 10; interpretation comes again from
facies characteristics) genetic terms such as 'agglomerate' and 'tuff can no longer be used (Ch. 11).
The deposit is then a volcanic gravel (? breccia),
sand or mud or, where lithified, a volcanic breccia,
sandstone or mudstone. If such a' deposit still
clearly contains evidence of its pyroclastic fragmentation mode, then qualifying terms may be
used, e.g. 'tuffaceous sandstone' or tuffaceous
'mudstone'. In this way, the general textural
character and the combined influences of pyroclastic and epiclastic processes in the formation of
the aggregates are clearly reflected. In some
countries the term 'tuffite' is used for such redeposited pyroclastic deposits.

12.7 Nomenclature of quench-fragmented

and auto brecciatedvolcaniclastics
In the foregoing sections we have essentially
addressed the nomenclature of pyroclastics and
epiclastics. Quench-fragmented and autobrecciated
volcaniclastics do not fit into either category, and
this point cannot be stressed strongly enough.
Many workers equate aggregates of angular
volcanic fragments with explosive, pyroclastic
origins. However, in subaqueous, and especially in
deep subaqueous, settings many such aggregates
are the result of quench fragmentation (chilling and
shattering) or autobrecciation, or both (Ch. 3).
Quench-fragmentation can produce aggregates
that are coarse and angular or finely granulated.
Such deposits are called hyaloclastites (Ch. 3).
However, in the first instance such an origin may
not be clear, especially in ancient volcanic successions. The initial approach should be non-genetici.e. the aggregates are either volcanic breccias or
volcanic sandstones according to the grain size
(Table 12.7). If the quench origin can be established, the genetic names to use are 'hyaloclastite


breccia' and 'hyaloclastite sand-stone'. For

fluidised mixtures of hyaloclastite and sediment,
formed either when magma is intruded through, or
lava flows over wet, unconsolidated sediment (Ch.
3), the term 'peperite' or 'peperitic hyaloclastite'
may be used. However, as discussed in Section 3.6,
the term 'peperite' should be used with care and in
a non-genetic, descriptive sense only, because of
the diverse possible origins of deposits with peperitic
texture. 'Peperitic breccia' may, in fact, be a
preferable less genetic term than 'peperite'.
A similar approach should be used towards
autobreccias (Ch. 3). In the first instance they are
volcanic breccias. Once their origins have been


determined confidently from the other possible

origins of breccias (Table 12.8; App. II), the
genetic term 'autobreccia' can be used.

12.8 Further reading

The paper by J. V. Wright et al. (1980), much of
which has been summarised here, is essential
reading on the classification of pyroclastic deposits.
The earlier literature, especially the papers by
Fisher (1960, 1961, 1966b) and Parsons (1969) are
also useful.

Plate 13 LANDSAT image of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico, the source of the Bandelier Tuff. The caldera has a diameter of
nearly 24 km, and is surrounded by the wide, shallow dipping ignimbrite shield. Note that the arcuate alignment of the dome
complex within the caldera. See text for further discussion of characteristics. (After Sheffield 1983.)



Modern volcanoes and

volcanic centres
Initial statement
This subject warrants much fuller attention than we
are able to give within the scope of this book. We
therefore document the important physical and
stratigraphic characteristics of modern volcanoes
and volcanic centres, as a preliminary account
before considering them within the context of
general facies models for modern and ancient
successions in Chapter 14. Our attention is focused
here on individual volcanoes rather than on provinces, an important distinction, given the relatively
short life-span of individual volcanoes compared
with the longer lived, larger volcanic-sedimentary
provinces of which they are part. Initially we
concentrate on the volcanic forms commonly built
by the subaerial eruption of basaltic magmas:
basaltic shield volcanoes, flood basalt plateaus,

scoria cones, maar-type craters, and also pseudocraters and littoral cones. Pumice-forming eruptions
can also build steep-sided cones somewhat akin to
scoria cones, and these are briefly mentioned.
Maar-type craters of virtually every composition are
known. We go on to describe stratovolcanoes,
which are the most abundant type of large volcano
on the Earth's surface, and are built from repeated
eruptions of either calc-alkaline or alkaline magmas.
Multi-vent intermediate-silicic centres are then
briefly covered, and include some large calderas
and volcano-tectonic depressions. The large rhyolitic volcanoes are discussed next. The remaining
two sections deal first with submarine spreading
centres and seamounts and, lastly, with intra- or
subglacial volcanoes. From this chapter the duration
of the active life of different types of volcanoes and
of the duration of volcanic versus epiclastic proces363


ses should be appreciated before considering ancient
volcanic successions in Chapter 14.

13.1 Monogenetic and polygenetic

Volcanoes can be subdivided into two types:
monogenetic and polygenetic. Monogenetic volcanoes are built up by the products of one eruption
or one eruptive phase, while polygenetic volcanoes
are those resulting from many eruptions, separated
by relatively long periods and often involving
different magmas. An eruption from a monogenetic
volcano could last several years, but is essentially
one prolonged eruption involving one magma type.
For example, the relatively recent eruptive phases
of Paricutin, Surtsey and Heimey all represent the
activity of monogenetic centres, even though the
activity varied from months, in the case of the 1973
activity on Heimey, to nine years, in the case of
the Paricutin activity. By contrast, the Hawaiian

volcanic islands are frequently polygenetic, involving not only repeated eruptive phases sep:!rated
by significant repose periods from the one vent, but
also being marked by multiple vents or eruptive
centres. The island of Hawaii hosts several major
volcanoes in their own right: Mauna Loa, Mauna
Kea, Kohala, Hualalai and Kilauea (Fig. B.lb),
not to mention numerous other smaller ones. The
whole complex is clearly a major polygenetic
A significant distinction between monogenetic
and polygene tic volcanoes appears to be that
monogenetic volcanoes have a simple magma
conduit system used only during one eruption or
one prolonged eruptive phase. However, polygenetic volcanoes may have complex 'plumbing
systems', with an intricate, complicated conduit
system that is used many times, or different parts of
which are used, during spaced eruptive phases.



HI$lor Ie fl ows

Other flows

fault system
Inferred fault s.
conlour lnf.rvol500 melt'l

I -_ _



Figure 13.1 (a) The island of Hawaii and shield volcanoes. (b) Distribution of lava flows and associated vents of
documented historic eruptions along Mauna Loa's southwest rift zone. (After Lipman 1980.)


13.2 Basaltic shield volcanoes

In plan view, basaltic shield volcanoes are symmetrical and circular to elliptical in shape. In
profile they are convex-up piles of basaltic lava,
with gentle slopes of <10. They are built up by
frequent eruptions of fluidal basaltic lava from
central vents or flank eruptions, or both. The
smallest shields have basal diameters (Ws) of a few
kilometres (e.g. Mauna Ulu on Hawaii), whereas
for the largest shields found in the Hawaiian Islands
Ws is over 100 km (e.g. Mauna Loa; Fig. 13.1; Pike
& Clow 1981). Shield heights (Hs) are on average
Ws. The flanks of basaltic shields are
dominated by well defined overlapping lava flows
(Fig. 13.1b). Lithologically, basaltic shield volcanoes are almost entirely composed of lava flows.
Both pahoehoe and aa types occur; most lavas are
pahoehoe near the vent and may change to aa with
distance eCho 4).
Other than basalt lavas in the pile, there may be
minor 1%) pyroclastic deposits, including scoria
fall deposits of limited dispersal (hawaiian, strombolian), and deposits produced by phreatomagmatic
and phreatic explosions. Oxidised soil horizons (red
boles) and epiclastic layers which may be of diverse
origins (e.g. glacial as on Mauna Kea; Porter 1979)
may also be interbedded. From Figure 13.1 b it is
obvious that in detail the lava pile will have a
complex stratigraphy, and it is certainly not of
layer-cake character.
In the literature basaltic shield volcanoes are
sometimes divided into different types. The two
most important are:


Hawaiian or large shields and

Icelandic or small shields
and a third type we shall describe is:
Galapagos shields.


The Hawaiian volcanoes are well known through
the studies of Gordon MacDonald and the reader
should refer to MacDonald (1972) and MacDonald
and Abbott (1979). The largest polygenetic basaltic


shields (Figs 13.1 & 2) have summit calderas, and

major rift zones marked by spatter cones, spatter
ramparts, collapse craters (pit craters), scoria cones
and smaller superimposed (Icelandic) monogenetic
shields, e.g. Mauna Ulu on Kilauea. Eruptions
within the calderas occur slightly more frequently
than on the rifts, but it is the eruptions from the
lateral rifts that give these shields their elongate
form. Mauna Loa and Kilauea have the largest
calderas, both slightly over 5 km in diameter, on
the island of Hawaii, but older shields on other
islands in the chain have calderas between 10 and
20 km in diameter. Vents for eruptions within the
calderas are generally fissures that cut across their
floors. The Halemaumau crater within Kileaua
caldera (Fig. 13.2) is somewhat of an exception. It
may have a pipe-like vent, although eruptions still
tend to occur through fissures at the bottom of the
crater, and it has been the site of a lava lake many
times. As well as lavas and minor pyroclastics, the
shields are also built by high level intrusions which
may be present in the walls of the summit calderas
(Fig. 13.3).
The two most active shields on Hawaii are
Kilauea and Mauna Loa. Mauna Loa is the world's
largest active volcano, rising nearly 9 km from the
Pacific Ocean floor to its summit at 4169 m above
sea level. The total volume of Mauna Loa is around
40000 km 3 . At their present combined growth
rates (including intrusions) of ~0.1 km 3 year- I
(Swanson 1972) both Mauna Loa and Kilauea could
have been built in less than 1 Ma. However, much
of Mauna Loa and Kilauea is likely to consist of
pillow lava formed by submarine extrusions as the
volcanoes rose from the sea bottom, in the same
way as seamounts grow (Section 13.10; Fig. 13.50;
Ch. 15). These shields therefore closely interface
with the marine environment. Some of the important structural features of the shields such as
rifts can be traced offshore (e.g. Fornari et al.
1979). Gravity sliding and slumping of their flanks
into the ocean basin has also occurred, e.g. at
Kilauea (Duffield et al. 1982). The southern flank
of Kilauea is constantly being displaced towards the
sea along normal faults (pali) as a result of
oversteepening caused by addition of lava flows and
the intrusion of magma into the summit and rift




....' - - ' - --"

Conlou, 1.1... 01 on mel,es

zones (Figs l3.1 & 2). The area south of the Hilina
Fault system may be part of a large gravity slide
extending to the base of the volcano at abyssal
depths (e.g. J. G. Moore 1964).
Volcanologists have recognised a series of stages
in the growth of the Hawaiian shields, and these are
sometimes named after the volcano showing those
characteristics, e.g. Mauna Kea stage. Although we
do not wish to go into details here, it is important to
note that compositional differences occur between
the different stages, and lavas and other erupted
products change from tholeiitic, becoming more
alkalic with time, although some of the earliest
submarine products may be alkaline. More explosive activity accompanies the eruptions of alkaline magmas, and over 300 scoria cones have been
built on the sides of Mauna Kea during the last
phase of its eruptive activity (Porter 1972, 1973).

Figure 13.2 Map of Kilauea

shield volcano showing
eruption centres, principal rift
zones, fault systems and pit

These are concentrated along the rift zones of the

volcano and reach a density of eight per square
kilometre (Fig. 13.4). The explosive eruption of a
rare highly differentiated trachytic magma on
Hualalai formed the Puu Waawaa pumice cone
(located on Fig. l3.1). A high aspect ratio lava flow
was also extruded during this eruption and this is
morphologically very different from the basaltic
lavas of this shield or elsewhere on the island.
Frequency of eruptions also decreases with time,
but the precise nature of the transition between
stages in terms of compositional and output variations remains unclear. This is discussed by
Feigensen and Spera (1981), who presented a
dynamic model for temporal variation in magma
type and eruption interval at Kohala volcano.




Figure 13.3 (a) Wall of Kilauea

caldera showing part of the
succession of thin lava flows
that have built the shield.
Irregular body (bottom centre)
is an intrusion called the
Uwekahuna lacolith, and this is
seen in (b).


Icelandic shields are smaller (Ws < 15 km), almost
symmetrical and entirely, or nearly entirely, built
up by effusive eruptions from a central summit
vent. The summit craters of Icelandic shields are
usually < 1 km across, and often have raised rims of
spatter. There are generally few radial fissures , or
lines of parasitic cones. These shields are composed
oflarge numbers of thin pahoehoe flows. One of the
best known volcanoes of this type is Skjaldbreidur
in Iceland (Fig. 13.5), which has a w" of about

10 km and Hs of 600 m. Most Icelandic shields are

probably monogenetic, and even the larger ones
such as Skjaldbreidur may be constructed in less
than 10 years.
Although no historic eruptions producing
Icelandic shield volcanoes are known, the eruptive
activity of Surtsey in the period 1963-7 is perhaps
an example of the duration of the eruptive event
required to produce Icelandic shield volcanoes.
Although the subaqueous, explosive phase of the
Surtsey eruption is somewhat anomalous, the later
subaerial effusive phase of the activity of Surtsey is


scorlo cone


cones per km 2 (I - 81







/'/' ---


". J


- - - - - - 2 5 0 0 m"


/ 0.

( . .V"


. . . ~--2000m-





- ' .........




-----' \\

( .

6l \\,










~~ //~~

Figure 13.4 Map showing

distribution and density of latestage alkaline scoria cones on
the upper slopes of Mauna Kea.
Their distribution clearly
defines the rift zones (see Fig
13.1 a). (After Porter 1972.)

contour interval 100 m



Figure 13.5 The nearly perfectly symmetrical shield of

Skjaldbreidur formed by lavas erupted from a central summit
vent (cf. the Hawaiian shields where eruptions from the rift
zones determine their shape; note scale difference).


perhaps indicative of the style of activity involved in

the building of Icelandic shield volcanoes. The
Surtsey eruption involved the eruption of over
2 km 3 over the four years of activity. The activity of
Mauna Ulu on the flanks of Kilauea in 1969 to 1974
can also be cited as an example of the duration and
style of eruption producing Icelandic shield


The Galapagos Islands of Isabela and Fernandia
have several major polygene tic shield volcanoes.
These are very regularly spaced occurring about
35-40 km apart at the intersections of orthogonal
tectonic lineaments. Ws at sea level varies from 45
to 80 km, and Hs is between 3000 and 3500 m
above sea level (Pike & Clow 1981). These shields
have gentle lower slopes which rise to steeper
central slopes that flatten off around spectacular
summit calderas. The summit calderas are between
3.0 and 8.7 km in diameter (the largest being on
Sierra Negra), and are surrounded by well defined
concentric fissures which are marked by small
scoria and spatter cones. Lavas have been erupted
from these, some pouring back into calderas, and
lavas have also issued from radial fissures on the
flanks of the shields. Alkaline basalt is more
important than in the Hawaiian shields. It has been
suggested the high level intrusion of dykes and sills
may account for their characteristic shape.

13.3 The source vents in flood basalt

plateau and plains basalt provinces
So far we have looked at volcanic centres dominated
by effusive, lava-forming eruptions. In this section
we look at the nature of vent systems with high
magma discharge rates that are the sO:J.rce of
extensive plateau basalts and plains basalts, as
discussed in Section 4.5. This is done to show that
not all vents are necessarily parts of central or
point-source volcanoes. In a strict sense, these vent
systems are source vents to entire provinces rather
than single localised volcanoes, but because of their
importance, we consider them here.


Flood basalts are some of the largest single

eruptive units known, and are believed to have
flowed great distances from source eCho 4). Repeated eruptions build up a flood basalt pile,
forming a vast lava plateau which may cover areas
of > 106 km 2 , and which generally has slopes
<2-3. These are typified by the Columbia River
Plateau in Washington, Oregon and Idaho which is
of mid-Miocene age (Fig. 4.1b). The Columbia
River Plateau basalts cover an area of about
220 000 km 2 , have an estimated volume of
195 000 km 3 , and were erupted during a very short
interval of only 2 or 3 Ma (Swanson et al. 1975,
Swanson & Wright 1981, H. Williams & McBirney
1979). Other younger examples occur in Iceland
(G. P. L. Walker 1963), the Tertiary North
Atlantic volcanic province, and the mid-Tertiary
Ethiopian-Yemen plateaux. Older examples include the Cretaceous Deccan Traps in northwestern
India, which cover an area of more than 500 000
km 2 and have a volume of more than 1 million km 3
(Choubey 1973, Subbarao & Sukheswala 1981), the
Cretaceous Parana plateau of southern BrazilUruguay, the Jurassic Karoo in South Africa, the
central sector of the Siberian platform, which is
early Mesozoic in age, and the Proterozoic Keweenawan district of north-central America.
Many flood basalt plateaux are closely associated
with the initiation and early development of rifted
continental margins eCho 15). Some of the above
examples became active during the formation of
new continental margins born with the MesozoicCenozoic fragmentation of Pangaea. The Ethiopian
flood basalt province, the evolution of which has
been recently reviewed by Mohr (1983), is shown in
Figure 13.6. The area covered by Tertiary flood
basalts in Ethiopia (even excluding the once contiguous Yemen province) is about 600000 km 2 ,
and must have been close to 750 000 km 2 before
plateau uplift and ensuing erosion occurred during
Pleistocene time.
The characteristics of flood basalt lavas and their
eruptions are described in Chapter 4. Plateaux are
built of simple lava flows which cover vast areas
because they may be erupted at discharge rates as
high as 106 m 3 S-I. (Compare this with eruptions
that produce Icelandic shields which may take



(0) Iniliol downwarp and f roclurln o



(b) Flood batallt and warplno



(c) Shield volcanou and mlorallon

of f inure zonu



(d) Plaleau uplift and erotlon

(e) Generallon 01 new crull

and near-vent areas (Fig: 13.7, Table 13.1) are

defined by remnants of spatter cones and ramparts,
agglutinates and welded scoria which are the typical
near-vent products of lava-fountaining. Lava flow
units are also more abundant in these areas.
Vent systems within flood basalt plateaux are
therefore likely to be large and to have complex
stratigraphies, with overlapping spatter cones and
interdigitating agglutinated layers, clastogenic lavas
and welded scoriar fall deposits (Chs 4 & 6).
Downwind, fall deposits may have formed when
scoria was not incorporated into moving lava, and
because of the very high discharge rates these might
have wide dispersals of perhaps plinian proportions .
. ' ....

n, .. bOlolllc cruI!






Figure 13.6 Schematic evolution of the Ethiopian flood

basalt province from about 30 Ma BP to the present. Length
of sections is about 1000 km. Note with (b), tholeiitic basalts
were erupted in the northem sectors of the province during
the late Oligocene-Miocene with the development of the
Afar Margin, but in the southern sectors further into
continental Africa coeval flood basalts were mildly alkaline.
(c) Later in the Miocene eruptions of alkaline basalts built
shield volcanoes over the present plateau surface. (After
Mohr 1983.)

several months. For a medium-sized shield, the

volume may be about 10 km 3 and, assuming an
eruption duration of six months, this leads to an
average discharge rate of6 x 102 m 3 S-I.)
Although flood basalts were generally believed to
be erupted from fissures, recognising the vent
systems has been difficult, and Swanson et at.
(1975) were probably the first to document vent
systems for a large flood basalt province. Part of the
problem is that these vents tend to be covered by
younger flood basalts. Also, features that may mark
the vents, such as spatter cones and ramparts, are
ephemeral features which are easily eroded.
Swanson et at. (1975) documented vent systems for
the Roza Member (Ch. 4; Fig. 4.1b) and the Ice
Harbour flows in the Columbia River Plateau.
They are both associated with one linear dyke
system at least 200 km wide and 450 km long. The
vent systems are confined to linear zones within this
dyke system, are tens of kilometres long and a few
kilometres wide, and have the same trend. The vent


younoer basal! ond andes"e fio .. , }

Roza Member


older basal! flows

Yaklmo Basal!

ROla vrnl or nror-veni location

Figure 13.7

Map locating linear-vent system for the Roza

flood basalt flows in the Columbia River Plateau (total areal

extent of the Roza Member is shown in Fig. 4.1 b). Features

found that indicate a vent or near-vent position for the
numbered locations are listed in Table 13.1. (After Swanson
et at. 1975.)


Table 13.1


Vent and near-vent areas for the Roza flood basalt flows (after Swanson et al. 1975).



bed of scoria and spatter, welded at base, between two Roza lava flows


thick beds of spatter and scoria, in places welded, partly define cones and ramparts


spatter and thin flows


spatter and scoria ramparts and cones overlain and bulldozed by Roza flows


spatter and scoria, in places welded, interbedded with thin flows; small dykes; relics of
cones and ramparts


bed of spatter and scoria overlain by a Roza flow


bed of spatter and scoria overlain by a Roza flow


poorly exposed spatter and scoria beneath a Roza flow


dyke of Roza chemistry and lithology high in section



ash, spatter, and scoria between two Roza flows



four thin Roza flow units with interbedded ash and spatter



thick beds of spatter and scoria, dykes and thin flow units associated with Roza flows



spatter and cinder



welded spatter between two Roza flows





thick piles of dense, viscous Roza flows; platy joints and ramp structures



thick piles of dense, viscous Roza flows; platy joints and ramp structures



thin dyke of Roza lithology



at least seven dykes (some wider than 2 m) of Roza chemistry and lithology

large cone of spatter and pumice cut by Roza dykes and associated with thin, dense Roza flows

As discussed in Chapter 4, the vents in plains

basalt provinces are both of the central vent type,
largely within low profile shields, as well as fissure
systems (Greely 1982). As such, these provinces
share characteristics of both flood basalt provinces
and shield volcanoes. According to Greeley (1982)
some lava fields consist of coalescing very low
profile shields, others of moderate-sized, fissure-fed
lavas. The lavas are frequently multiple or compound types, their volumes are small to moderate
(cf. flood lavas) and the inferred magma discharge
rates are considered to be considerably less than
those for flood basalt provinces.
The lava shields have slopes less than ! except
at the summit where slopes may rise to 5. The
summit region may also be marked by one or more
irregular craters. The shields are up to 15 km in

diameter, and have volumes of less than 7 km 3 .

These low profile shields have also been described
on Hawaii and Iceland (Greeley 1982). In the Snake
River Plain, many contemporaneous sets of shields
appear to be aligned in distinctive rift zones,
representing fissures along which localised eruption
points formed.
In the type example of plains basaltic provinces,
the Snake River Plain, scoria cones, spatter cones,
tuff cones and maars are not common.

13.4 Scoria cones (and pumice cones)

Scoria or cinder cones (Figs 13.8 & 9) are small

volcanic landforms built typically during subaerial
strombolian eruptions (Ch. 6) of basaltic and





Figure 13.9 The partially degraded cone of Mt Elephant in

western Victoria. Australia.

also found to be characterised by relatively wide

craters for any given basal diameter of the cone, and
crater width, Wer = OAOWeo (Fig. 13.1Oc). This is
because most of the cone is built oflarger fragments,
which are ejected on short ballistic trajectories and
so fall only around the vent.
Scoria cones are very susceptible to weathering
and erosion, which changes their morphology (cf.
Figs 13.8 & 9). In the Massif Central of France,
Kieffer (1971) showed that 10 OOO-year-old cones
Figure 13.8 The almost fresh basaltic scoria cones in the
San Francisco volcanic field. Arizona. (a) Merriam Crater. (b)
Cone 173.

basaltic andesite magmas. Wood (1980a) gives an

excellent review of their characteristics and evolution, and indicates that they are the most common
type of volcano. In another paper, C. A. Wood
(l980b) also studied the degradation of scoria cones
and modelled their changes in shape with time.
The cones are often approximately circular in
plan. Elongate forms are built when eruptions
continue along a large part of a fissure which does
not localise to a single point-source vent. They have
central bowl-shaped craters, although these tend to
become infilled by subsequent mass-wastage. In a
morphometric analysis of 910 scoria cones, C. A.
Wood (l980a) found that the basal diameter, Weo,
ranges between 0.25 and 2.5 km (mean 0.9 km),
and for 83 fresh cinder cones, cone height, Reo =
0.18Weo (Figs 13.1Oa & b). These volcanoes were


cone basol diameter


cone heioht


crater diameter



-------- ~o--------


( b)











~ 02






W CD (km)



r '.







Figure 13.10 Cone dimensions for 83 relatively fresh

basaltic scoria cones from various parts of the world. (After
C. A. Wood 1980a)


surface pro. lie of aCflve volcano

prohle ofltr 10000yea" (eQ ChaTn. d.. Puy,)
prahl. after I Ma ('0 0 )
prolile oller 4 Mo ( '0 C':alller)

~~~~1 ~ prevoiconlll; surface

Figure 13.11 Changes in cone morphology with increasing

age in the Massif Central. France. (After Kieffer 1971.)

have slopes several degrees shallower than the most

recent cones, and that slopes of cones 1 Ma old are
as low as 15 (Fig. 13.11). Cones 4 Ma old are
marked only by residual necks, the scoria having
been completely removed. With time and increasing
degradation, cones show decreases inReo, Reo: Weo
ratio and slope, but the ratio of Wer : Weo does not
appear to change (c. A. Wood 1980b). Variation in
Reo and Wco for 38 scoria cones of different ages
from the San Francisco volcanic field are shown in
Figure 13.12a (after C. A. Wood 1980b). The two
young cones from this field shown in Figure 13.8
are of Merriam age. In Figure 13.12b the future
degradation history of Sunset Crater, which is the
youngest cone in the San Francisco field, is
predicted. This has been derived from past degradation trends of other cones in this field.
Fresh scoria cones have steep angle of repose
slopes of about 33. Avalanching and rolling of
coarse, mainly ballistic scoria down the outer and
inner slopes and back into the crater, are important
depositional processes occurring on the cone during
an eruption. Many of the scoria layers found in the
cones are therefore of mass-flow origin (inertial
grainflow; Chs 6 & 10). D~posits of the cones also
include bombs of lava spatter (e.g. cow-dung
bombs and spindle bombs), and sometimes these
form agglutinated layers (Chs 3 & 6). Clastogenic
lava flows can form with the rapid accumulation of
spatter (Chs 4 & 6). Frequently, the gas content of a
magma will decrease towards the end of an eruption,
so the proportion of lava spatter ejected increases.
Many cones are therefore capped by a collar or ruff
of spatter. Sometimes dissected scoria cones show
welded interiors with columnar jointing and compaction profiles broadly similar to welded tuffs


(Fig. 6.8d). The different deposits found in the

interiors of scoria cones have been fully discussed
and illustrated in Chapter 6. A large proportion of
the explosively ejected scoria is transported downwind to form a mantling fall deposit of usually
limited dispersal, although more widely dispersed
(sub-plinian and plinian) examples are known (Ch.
6). Most cones have accompanying lava flows which
form during cone-building, or when degassed
magma continues to be extruded after explosive
activity has ceased. Scoria cones generally have
smaller volumes than their associated lavas, and
(0 )

x Sun .. 1 Cra lor 10 3 year.

51 10 4 yta "
Tappan Age
0 .2-0.1my
.. Woodhouse Age 0.6 - 3.0my

+ Mt rnom AOt


E 200






2 .0

2 .5

W CO(km)
3001'-'~,-p_re_se_n_1_ _o_m_'_m_y_o... Me",am Age

pred ic ted deorada t lon

trend of Sun.el Cro t.r




Woodhou se age


10 3

10 4

10 5

10 6

Cone age (years)

Figure 13.12 (a) Cone height versus basal diameter for 38
cones of different stratigraphic ages in the San Francisco
volcanic field. (b) Possible future degradation history for
Sunset Crater derived from past degradation trends in the
San Francisco volcanic field. (After C. A. Wood 1980b.)


therefore the cone only represents a small part of
the total magma erupted.
Scoria cones are typically monogenetic. They
most commonly occur as isolated cones in large
basaltic volcanic fields, but they also occur in
nested clusters within complex tuff ring and maar
centres (Section 13.5) and as parasitic cones on
polygenetic shield and stratovolcanoes, on which
they are also essentially monogenetic elements.
Eruptions range in duration from a few days to a
few years (e.g. the nine year eruption of Paricutin
in Mexico between 1943 and 1952). Of observed
scoria cone eruptions, 50% have lasted for less than
30 days, and 95% stopped within one year (c. A.
Wood 1980a). Later eruptions produce new cones
at separation distances of a few kilometres, and it
has been speculated (McGetchin & Settle 1975) that
these distances may be approximately equal to the
depths of the magma reservoirs. Repose periods in
these basaltic fields are in the order of 102_10 3 years,
-1000 _

and such fields may be active for 106 years. There

are many examples of this type of basaltic volcanic
field which are today potentially active. One example is the Newer Volcanics in southeastern
Australia (Fig. 13.13), where volcanic centres are
dated from <5 Ma BP to as young as 40006000 years BP (Aziz-Ur-Rahman & McDougall
1972, G. Blackburn et at. 1982, Joyce 1975).
Basaltic volcanism may be active for much longer
periods (5 x 10 7 years) in the same region when a
number of separate magmatic provinces (l06 years)
are relatively closely related in space and time. The
Older Volcanics of Victoria are an example of this,
and basaltic volcanism persisted from 95 to 17 Ma
BP (Wellman 1974, Day 1983).
Pumice-forming eruptions can also build steepsided cones at vent, although pumice cones are not
well documented in the literature. An example
previously mentioned in this chapter is the trachytic
cone Puu Waawaa on the side of the Hualalai shield

~nI~~r~e:' b~:'h ~~ob~~~~lenl

Terliory and Creloceous ted lmenls
volcono" wllh scor ia



50_ _ _ _ _ _




". ", . ) ,

o ______


......... ::. .&'"

.. 1' :',0.1. ~.. it
.... : ....~ ..'\
. t* ""
-.... -:.& ....

....... '"

~ t . '+..


...... ".

. ..





.' " -I.,.

.. '.. ' .
~.l 0"

.... ","


1 00~m


Figure 13.13 Map showing distribution of scoria cones and other volcanic centres in the Newer Volcanics basaltic field
in southeastern Australia, and relationship to basement contours and sedimentary cover (after Joyce 1975). Mt Elephant
(MEl; Fig. 13.9) is identified, and the maar-type volcanoes (some with associated scoria cones), Lake Purrumbete (P),
Tower Hill (TH) and Mt Leura (ML) and a scoria cone, Mt 'Eccles (MEc) discussed in text and Figures 13.15 & 22, are also


(Fig. 13.1). Some very large examples with basal

diameters much greater than those found for scoria
cones occur within La Primavera volcano (e.g. Figs
4.21a, 4.22e & 13.37; Section 13.9). Larger cones
have complex stratigraphies and may be polygenetic. Many smaller ones seem quite similar
internally to scoria cones, and are constructed



predominantly of steeply dipping, reversely graded

mass-flow layers, e.g. as at Puu Waawaa. However,
lava spatter, agglutination and welding are probably
not found except in peralkaline examples (see
Section 6.11). Effusion of lava produces short
coulees (Ch. 4).

Figure 13.14 Maars, tuff rings and tuff cones, (a) Crater
Elegante, Pinacate Volcanic Field, Sonora, Mexico (after
C. A. Wood 1979), (b) East Ukinrek Maar, Alaska, View into
crater during eruption on 3 April 1977 (after Kienle et at.
1980), (c) Fort Rock tuff ring, Oregon, USA. with spectacular
wave cut cliffs cut into palagonite, The volcano is an isolated
feature in a flat lake basin; the south rim was breached by
waves of the former lake, (d) Koko Crater tuff cone, Oahu,
Hawaii. (e) Diamond Head tuff cone, Oahu, Hawaii,








Siony RItes basal!

luff cli ff
poloeocurrenl directIon

13.5 Maars, tuff rings and tuff cones

These volcanic craters (Figs 13 .14 & 15) are usually
monogenetic and are produced by phreatomagmatic
and phreatic eruptions (Chs 3, 5 & 6). They are
second only to scoria cones in abundance (c. A.
Wood in press), and all of these landforms are often
associated with each other in large basaltic volcanic
fields, e.g. the Fort Rock, Christmas Lake Valley
basin, Oregon (Heiken 1971) and the Newer
Volcanics, southeastern Australia (Fig. 13.13).
There is usually some geographical control on the
distribution of the different volcano types, determined essentially by hydrological factors. In
Oregon, phreatomagmatic craters are found in an
area once occupied by a lake, while scoria cones
occur only outside the former lake basin (Fig.
13.14c). In southeastern Australia, phreatomagmatic craters are concentrated where a cover of
aquifer-bearing Cainozoic sediments overlies the
Palaeozoic basement (Figs 13.13 & 16). Examples
of other magma compositions are also common,
e.g. rhyolitic (Sheridan & Updike 1975), dacitic
(Sillitoe et al. 1984), phonolitic (Schmincke et al.


Figure 13.15 Maps of two maars in the Newer Volcanics

basaltic field. (a) Lake Purrumbete . (b) Tower Hill whi ch is a
very large nested maar- scoria cone complex. The stratigraphies of these two centres are discussed later in the text.

1973) and, more exotic, carbonatitic (Dawson &

Powell 1969). Their classification and terminology
has been a subject of debate for the past ten years.
'Maar' has been used as the general term for broad ,
low rimmed volcanic craters (including tuff rings
and tuff cones), but it also has a more restricted
usage (and below we follow the distinctions of
C. A. Wood in press as summarised in Table 13.2)
hiohiands ..--volcanic

plo l n s _

' -+='---':::::::::;}. 2


Tm Miocene . edlment,

KI Lower Cretaceous sedlmenlS

+~ ;ronlte


Pre-M iocene sediments

pz Polo.ozoic


Upper Cretaceou, sed iments


ntwfot volcanic.,

Figure 13.16 North-south cross section through western

Victoria (see Fig. 13.13) showing the distribution of maartype craters and other volcanoes (scoria cones and lava
shields) in relation to the basement of Palaeozoic rocks and
trough of Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments. (After Joyce


Table 13.2


Distinguishing characteristics of maar-type volcanoes (after C. A. Wood, in press).


Tuff ring

Tuff cone

rim dips




floor level

below surroundings

higher than surroundings

higher than surroundings

magmatic materials (%)


90- 100


inner slope

steep or vertical



outer slope




crater or cone diameter




ejecta or crater volume




(0) Maars
pre eruption surtoce

.moll loke
ponded Oil., e,uplion

(b) Tuff rlno.

onwo,d dlpplnQ bods

(c) Tuff con

".op oulor

Figure 13.17 Schematic cross sections showing differences between the three types of crater formed by
phreatomagmatic eruptions and for maars also by phreatic

for phreatomagmatic craters with steep to vertical

inner slopes, with floor level below the level of the
surrounding terrain and with shallow, outward
dipping slopes on the surrounding tuff ring. Other
important reviews describing these volcanoes are
given by Oilier (1967a), Lorenz et ai. (1970),
Lorenz (1973) and Wohletz and Sheridan (1983).
Maars, when new and little eroded, have craters
which are cut into the surrounding country rock
(Fig. 13.17a). They generally lack or have only
minor inward dipping beds, and frequently exhibit
near-vertical scarps below rim beds . Maar craters
range in diameter from a few hundred metres to
about 3 km. Wer for 116 maars measured by C. A.
Wood (in press) from throughout the world are
given in Figure 13.18. The youngest maars have
crater depth-to-diameter ratios of 1 : 5, but this
ratio increases with age as the craters become
infilled with epiclastic sediment, often deposited in
ponded shallow lakes , and as erosion increases their
diameter . They form when rising magma explosively interacts with ground water or surface-derived
water below the original topographic surface (Figs
13 .17a & 19), and the deposits may contain very
little or, in the case of phreatic eruptions, no
juvenile magma. Note that Wohletz and Sheridan
(1983) use 'maar' somewhat differently, applying it
to the crater of either a tuff ring or tuff cone
occurring below the pre-existing ground surface.
According to these authors tuff rings are more
commonly associated with maars than tuff cones.
Maars may lie above diatremes, which is the term
used for a pipe-like volcanic conduit filled with




~ 20




W cr (km)
Figure 13.18 Histogram showing measurements of crater
diameter for maars. (After C. A. Wood in press.)

volcaniclastic debris (Fig. B.17a). Diatremes are

only exposed by deep erosion and are therefore
generally only seen in older volcanic successions.
They can be very important economically (e.g.
Sillitoe et at. 1984).
Tuff rings have craters that lie on, or above, the
pre-eruption surface, and have relatively steep rims
which dip both inwards and outwards with approximately equal slopes (Fig. 13.17b). Less information is available on the dimensions of tuff
rings (although this may be partly because of the
confusion in terminology), but they seem to have
dimensions comparable with maars (c. A. Wood in
press). Tuff rings form when rising magma interacts
explosively with abundant water close to or at the
ground surface. They usually contain a much
It vel of




higher proportion of juvenile material than do

maars. Tuff rings are also usually basaltic, but
more-acidic ones are also common (e.g. Phlegrean
Fields, Italy).
Tuff cones (Fig. 3.14) differ from tuff rings by
having smaller craters, and having larger height to
width ratios (Fig. B.17c). They are formed in areas
where surface water (lake or shallow-marine) is
located above the vent. They show bedding angles
of 20-25 near rim crests.
The pyroclastic deposits forming the constructional parts of maars, tuff rings and tuff cones
consist of stratified and cross-stratified ash. Crossstratified units can be readily identified as base
surge deposits and should show radial palaeocurrent
distributions (e.g. Fig. 13.15). However, it may be
difficult to distinguish between flat-bedded layers
which are base surge plane beds and those which
are surtseyan air-fall layers (Ch. 7). From the
number of examples of tuff rings and maars we
have visited, the conclusion is that most of the
thinly stratified flat beds found in or near the crater
walls are base surge rather than air-fall ash deposits.
Realistically, base surge and air-fall material would
often have been deposited simultaneously. The
layers often show abundant evidence that they were
wet and sticky when deposited (Chs 5 & 7). Debrisflow deposits may also occur.
aquIfer .Iape> 01 "" peu'

Loke 8tellorOf _ _a,.;~~~~~~~~~-::--:::::

<Q.;'Qlt~~- - - appro.:.mote level

~.- -

of reOlonol water


Peuli" pumice



and shol~


'Upper JUrassIc
No nok Formollon

JurassIc batholith

vent lilt 01 volcanic

. brecc lo

Figure 13.19 Schematic cross section showing the setting of the Ukinrek maars in
Alaska. formed during the April 1977 eruption (also see Figs 13.14b & 5.18c).
Subsurface geology is inferred and shows the proposed basaltic dyke that triggered the
explosive eruption. an evacuated feeder under West Maar which led to collapse of the
crater rim along arcuate fractures. and a dyke feeding a lava dome which was extruded
on the crater floor of East Maar. The ground water contained in the underlying till and
silicic volcaniclastic deposits from nearby Peulik volcano controlled the dominantly
phreatomagmatic course of the eruption. (After Self et al. 1980.)


Figure 13.20 Large ballistic block of country rock with

bomb sag at Tower Hill (Fig. 13.15b). The local stratigraphy
suggests this fragment of limestone was brought to the
surface from a depth of 600 m (W. Edney pers. comm.) and
this was part of the aquifer that triggered the hydrovolcanic

Near-vent ballistic blocks and bombs are often

common, and are usually fragments of country
rock. If the local stratigraphy is known, then the
ballistics can be used to estimate at what depths
explosions were taking place, and to identify
subsurface aquifers (Fig. 13.20).
Penecontemporaneous collapse of parts of crater
rims, including country rock, often occurs during
an eruption, and structural and stratigraphic complexities in the ring succession may be found.
Erosion surfaces and unconformities within the
deposits of crater rims record changes in erosional
and constructional phases around the rim during
the eruption . On a small scale these may represent
changes in the direction of movement and velocity
of surge blasts . On a large scale they could result
from a change in the position of the vent, or
renewed activity from the same vent after a major
break in the eruption.
The evolution and eruptive histories of these
volcanoes have been discussed by Wohletz and
Sheridan (1983) and Heiken (1971). Generalised
stratigraphic sections of the deposits found in
maars, tuff rings and tuff cones are shown in Figure
13.21. Typically the first deposit to be ejected is a
volcanic breccia consisting of coarse angular fragments of broken country rock. This is essentially
the product of initial phreatic explosions. Most of


the fragments are deposited by ballistic fall-out, but

these may be interbedded with less-coarse fall
deposits and fine-grained surge layers . Small maars
are predominantly composed of such deposits, e.g.
the Ukinrek maars (Figs 13 .14b & 19). During the
main construction phase of larger maars and tuffrings, thinly bedded deposits are mainly emplaced
by highly inflated and energetic surges (Ch. 7) .
Tuff cones follow the same initial eruptive pattern
but continue into a third stage, characterised by
deposition from poorly inflated surges and falls.
This forms massive, crudely bedded qeposits which
construct the major portion of the cone.
A number of centres show a common progression
from phreatomagmatic to strombolian or hawaiian
activity, and a scoria cone may be built or a lava
lake pond inside the maar crater or tuff ring may be
produced by the earlier activity. This reflects a
decrease in the degree of water-magma interaction
or the water-magma ratio during the eruption (Ch.
3). Either the ground water or surface water source
was gradually exhausted, or rising magma was
effectively cut off from the water supply.
To illustrate the effects of availability of water on
the volcanic stratigraphy, the successions found in
four centres in the Newer Volcanics basaltic field in
southeastern Australia are shown in Figure 13.22.
At Mt Eccles the eruption that built a scoria cone
(a) Maar or
tuff ring


Tuff cone

..... , ...

..; : ...


surQ! with
air -fall

Figure 13.21 Generalised stratigraphic

sections for (a) maars and tuff rings and
(b) tuff cones. (After Wohletz &
Sheridan 1983.)



'. ,

. :.-"....!. .





air fall
tuff or
laplil l
depos it




Mt Leura

Mt Eccles

Tower HIli

Lake Purrumbete

metres j-.:s~oll;.........---,







.,III" II'"


9 r Oln SIze
( mm)


basalile blocks
bom bs

lava flow

dlffus. / mass ive


plonar bedding

era.. bedd ing '

limes lone bomb



Figure 13.22 Graphic sections

showing the successions found
in four centres in the Newer
Volcanic basaltic field
southeastern Australia. All
sections are essentially free of
major weathering -and erosional
breaks, implying a short
accumulation time. Their
eruptions all opened with
phreatomagmatic activity but
only at Lake Purrumbete did
this continue throughout. All the
centres are located on Fig.

,ros lon ,urtoce

was initially phreatomagmatic, but there was insufficient water for this phase to continue long
enough to form a tuff ring . At Lake Purrumbete
(Fig. 13.1Sa) abundant ground water was available
throughout the eruption which was solely phreatomagmatic. Both Mt Leura and Tower Hill (Fig.
13.1Sb) are major 'nested' tuff ring-or maar-scoria
cone complexes. The eruption at Mt Leura gradually
progressed from a phreatomagmatic phase during
which a tuff ring was formed to a strombolian phase
when a scoria cone complex was built (Fig. 6.6a).
Lava fountaining along a fissure also built a series of

spatter cones, and a lava flow also occurs in the tuff

ring moat. Base surge layers and scoria-fall deposits
are closely interbedded where the transition from
phreatomagmatic to magmatic activity took place
(Fig. 13.23a) . This may have been due to pulsations
in the magma discharge rate subtly controlling the
water-magma ratio, and hence the type of eruptive
activity. Tower Hill has a much more complex
eruption history, and the maar crater wall shows a
succession of interbedded phreatomagmatic and
magmatic deposits (Figs 13 .22 & 23b). Magmatic
activity also built a considerable scoria cone complex




Figure 13.23 (a) Base surge and scoria-fall deposits near the top of the tuff ring at Mt Leura. Victoria. Australia. showing the
change from phreatomagmatic to strombolian activity. (b) Interbedded phreatomagmatic and scoria-fall deposits (dark layers
with arrows) near top of crater wall at Tower Hill. Victoria. Australia.



and eruption points were clearly aligned on fissures

(Fig. 13.1Sb). Constantly alternating phases in the
style of activity may be due to a very complex
interrelationship between rate of supply of water,
from a ruptured and fracturing subsurface aquifer,
and magma supply rate (Edney 1984).
The original basaltic glass (sideromelane) in the
phreatomagmatic deposits of some craters is quickly
altered by hydration to palagonite (Hay & Iijima
1968; Ch. 14). This produces indurated and lithified
tuffs, and primary textures become obscured,
especially in layers composed of fine ash. Palagonitisation seems to be more commonly found in tuff
cones rather than the other types of crater
& Sheridan 1983), although many tuff rings are
altered (e.g. Fort Rock, Fig. 13.14c). Wohletz and
Sheridan (1983) suggest that this is because tuff
cones are largely constructed by less-inflated surges
(Ch. 7) containing a high proportion of water which
is then trapped in the ash after emplacement.
Alteration of the glass may also be caused by steam
moving through the deposits with mild hydrothermal activity, as has occurred at Surtsey.
Eruptions of maars, tuff rings and tuff cones
have, rarely, been witnessed. The two Ukinrek
maars which erupted in the tundra of the Alaskan
Peninsula between 30 March and 9 April 1977 are
the best documented examples of the formation of
this type of crater (Kienle et al. 1980, Self et al.
1980; Figs 13.14b & 19). Historical eruptions
forming maars suggest durations from a few days to
a few weeks. The eruption that produced Tower
Hill deposits perhaps persisted for a few months
(Fig. 13.22). Only one major erosional unconformity is found near the top of the succession and
this does not necessarily indicate a long time break.
The best known tuff cone is the marine volcano,
Surtsey, which began to erupt in November 1963
and continued into the summer of 1965, although
satellite vents remained active until 1967.


13.6 Pseudocraters and littoral cones

These are small secondary cones or rootless vents.
Pseudocraters from Iceland have been described,
and form where basalt lavas flow into lakes (Thor-

arinsson 1953). Secondary explosions are caused by

steam trapped under a lava, and small volcaniclastic
cones are built. Littoral cones form in a similar way
when basaltic lavas enter the sea, and are best
described from Puu Hou, at the southern end of
Hawaii (Fisher 1968). These examples formed in a
five day period when two lava channels from the
1868 Mauna Loa flow entered the sea. A cone
complex consisting of overlapping half-cones was
constructed on land. They are built of poorly
bedded hyaloclastite fragments and layers of
agglutinated spatter which show crude welding
profiles and form clastogenic lavas. Older littoral
cones along this stretch of coastline show identical
features (Fig. 13.24).
These types of volcanic cone are important
palaeoenvironmental indicators, and it is important
not to misinterpret examples as primary centres
(e.g. see Cheshire & Bell 1977). The distinctive
association of facies to look for is the combination


pillow lavas,
palagonitised hyaloclastite breccias which may
show crude foreset bedding (flow-foot breccias) and define a lava delta (Ch. 4) and
shallow marine and lacustrine sediments (and
marine or freshwater fossils to distinguish
between marine and lacustrine shorelines).

13.7 Stratovolcanoes
Stratovolcanoes or composite volcanoes are the
characteristic volcanic landform found at subducting plate margins, and are the most abundant
type of large volcano on the Earth's surface (Fig.
13.25). Stratovolcano morphology results from
repeated eruptions of pyroclastics and relatively
short lava flows from a central vent. The textbook
diagram usually shows a symmetrical cone with
steeply dipping pyroclastic deposits interbedded
with lava flows. However, in detail the shapes of
these volcanoes are more variable (e.g. there may
be several eruptive points, or the presence of a
caldera), and they rarely have a layer-cake geology.
It is also important to stress that mass-wastage is




Figure 13.24 Puu Ki littoral cones on the southernmost

coast of the island of Hawaii. (a) Crescent-shaped landward
rim of one example. (b) Seaward section of a half-cone with
steeply dipping layers of spatter and clastogenic lavas. (c)
Layer of partially agglutinated spatter overlying a clastogenic

just as important as, if not more important than,

volcanic processes in determining their characteristics and lithologies (Ch. 10), although obviously
an aggradational landform would not be present
without the volcanic activity. Volcaniclastic deposits (pyroclastic and epiclastic) are usually very
important volumetrically, and on some volcanoes
can make up to 70-80% or more of the succession.
However, the variations in the proportions of lavas
to volcaniclastics can vary enormously from one
stratovolcano to another. Some may be dominated
by lava eruptions (e.g. Bultitude 1976a). However,
even on volcanoes such as Ruapehu (Fig. 13.2Sd),
where lavas are important in the edifice, they are
surrounded by extensive ring plains of volcaniclastic
debris .
At destructive plate margins , stratovolcanoes are
built by eruptions of calc-alkaline magmas (Ch.
15). They are usually broadly andesitic or basalticandesite in composition, but their products may

include basalts, dacites and rhyolites, and some are

basaltic centres, e.g. Fuji in Japan. Alkaline magmas
also generate stratovolcanoes which are on average
larger than their calc-alkaline counterparts (Table
13.3). Examples built up oftrachytic and phonolitic
products are common on the Mid-Atlantic islands
of the Azores and Tenerife (which are not associated
with subduction margins; Ch. 6), and a basaltic
example is Etna. Again it should be clear that
chemical composition cannot be the sole control of
volcano shape, and indeed the 'classic' stratocone ,
Fuji , is basaltic. Fuji has much lower average
magma discharge rates than basaltic shield-forming

Pike and Clow (1981 ) collated morphometric data
for over 200 stratovolcanoes. They divided stratovolcanoes into a number of classes according to



Figure 13.25 Examples of stratovolcanoes. (a) Mt Shasta in the Cascades, westem USA. (b) Crater Lake, western USA.
(c) Mt Egmont. North Island, New Zealand. (d) Ruapehu, North Island. New Zealand.

whether the magma type is calc-alkaline or alkaline,

and according to the presence of a summit crater,
sector collapse scar (Ch. 5) or caldera. Those
volcanoes with calderas were further subdivided
according to the proportions of silicic and pyroclastic products. Data for these different classes are
summarised in Table 13.3. Some stratovolcanoes
are topographically very impressive, rising steeply
as high as 5 km above their bases. The tallest seems
to be Queen Mary's Peak on Tristan da Cunha.
Average slopes of stratovolcanoes range from about
15 to 33.
Another term we need to note in connection with
the morphology of stratovolcanoes is 'somma'. This
is used to describe a high, circular or crescentshaped ridge with steep inner walls, which may be
the rim of an older crater or caldera surrounding a
central volcanic cone. The name is taken from

Monte Somma (Table 13.3) which forms a low

ridge encircling the active cone of Vesuvius on its
northern and eastern sides.



Little information on the output rates of stratovolcanoes is available because the activity of very
few centres has been monitored over a sufficient
time interval. Output of Cerro Negro in Guatemala
has averaged 0.15 km 3 per 100 years for the first
121 years of its lifetime (c. A. Wood 1978), and
Fuego has averaged 0.38 km 3 per 100 years for the
past 450 years (Martin & Rose 1981). The three
active stratovolcanoes on Sao Miguel, Sete Cidades,
Agua de Pau and Furnas, have a combined average
output rate of 0.1 km 3 per 100 years (dense rock



Summary of dimensions of different classes of stratovolcano (after Pike & Clow 1981).

Table 13.3





1 calk-alkaline
with summit crater




2 alkaline with
summit crater






4 calc-alkaline
with caldera




5 calc-alkaline with
caldera. more silicic and
more pyroclastics than 4




6 alkaline with







3 calc-alkaline with

Summit crater. Average

collapse scar or volume
caldera diameter Ikm 3 )



Fuego. Popocatepetl. Mt Shasta.

Mayon. Fuji. Ngauruhoe.
Mt Egmont



Etna. Vesuvius. Stromboli. Hekla.

Queen Mary's Peak. Mt Erebus



Bezymianny. Shiveluch.
Mt St Helens. Lassen Peak



Coseguina. Toluca. Aniakchak.

Batur. Ruapehu



sector collapse scar


Crater Lake. Santorini. Krakatau.

Rabaul. Deception Island


Sete Cidades. Agua de Pau.

Furnas. Kilimanjaro. Tambora


Lake Bolsena. Monte Somma

(Vesuvius). Pantelleria. Fantale


7 alkaline with


caldera, more silicic

and more pyroclastics than 6
* Average height of crater or caldera rim crest above pre-volcano topographic datum.

Table 13.4 Average lifetime output rates for some stratovolcanoes (after Wadge 1982).

Santa Maria

(km 3 )

(10 3 years)




output rate
(km 3 per
100 years)


equivalent, DRE) over the past 5000 years (Booth

et al. 1978), and this figure includes an estimate of
the large volume of trachytic pumice dispersed far
away from the cones as air-falls.
In Table 13.4 a compilation is given of estimates
of the volumes of some large active stratovolcanoes
and the time taken to build them. Average lifetime
output rates can be calculated from these, but note
that the volumes in general represent less than the
total volume of magma erupted at each volcano
because dispersed pyroclastics are not accounted
for. Wadge (1982) indicated that periods of dormancy for stratovolcanoes may be twice as long as
periods of activity, for which average output rates
are three times higher than the total construction
rate. Wadge (1980, 1982) suggested that during
active periods average output rates are fairly constant over periods of many years, even though
magma may appear in a complex series of eruptions.
According to Wadge, periods of steady-state
volcanism may be maintained for up to a few
hundred years.


Repose periods between eruptions seem to vary
considerably. Some stratovolcanoes are almost
persistently active, and we can think here of Fuego,
Soufriere on St Vincent, the island volcano Stromboli, and Ruapehu. Other stratovolcanoes seem to
have repose periods as long as 103 and 104 years,
and these are sometimes erroneously termed dormant, and even extinct, although they may be very
much alive.
Most active stratovolcanoes appear to be less than
105 years old (e.g. Table 13.4). Some are older, Mt
Pelee having been K-Ar dated at least as old as
0.4 0.2 Ma BP (400000 years) (Briden et al.
1979). The oldest volcanic rocks on Santorini are
dated at about 1 Ma BP. However, it is perhaps
more important to know the length of time over
which overlapping and closely spaced stratovolcanoes of a polygenetic complex can be active in
an area. It is unlikely that within ancient terrains
(Palaeozoic and older) all the individual centres
could be distinguished, so with what time periods
could we be dealing? Martinique, as an example,
has at least six (probably more) centres, and K-Ar
dating (Briden et al. 1979) indicates their development over at least 20 Ma. We are therefore considering time periods perhaps as large as 10 7 years
or more, in many cases reflecting the age of the
volcanic arc of which stratovolcanoes are characteristic elements.



Eruptions of stratovolcanoes are very variable in

style, duration and frequency. As a result even
modern stratovolcanoes present a myriad of
problems in the stratigraphic analysis of their
Several modern cones exhibit nearly continuous
mild strombolian activity, e.g. Stromboli. Vulcanian eruptions are common and these may
generate small denser-clast types of pyroclastic
flow, e.g. Ngauruhoe and Fuego (Chs 5 & 6).
Ph rea to magmatic eruptions are also common where
volcanoes have, or had, a crater lake, e.g. Soufriere
St Vincent (Shepherd & Sigurdsson 1982; Ch. 6),
and Ruapehu (Healy et al. 1978). More cataclysmic

Figure 13.26 Wizard Island, which is a scoria cone formed

within the Crater Lake caldera.

are pelean eruptions, involving the explosive collapse of viscous domes as exemplified by the 1902
eruption of Mt Pelee (Ch. 5). Less frequently,
plinian and ignimbrite-forming eruptions occur
from these cones, producing much larger
(> 10 km 3) types of pumiceous deposit. Welded
tuffs of both air-fall and pyroclastic flow origin can be
formed during this type of activity. These eruptions
also cause the more important changes in cone
morphology, e.g. Mt St Helens 1980, and caldera
collapse may result, as happened during or after the
ignimbrite-forming eruptions of Crater Lake (Figs
13.25b & 26), Santorini 1470 BC and Krakatau AD
1883. Effusive eruptions are frequently observed,
and lavas and domes may be important in the pile of
some stratovolcanoes, although these may vary
considerably in composition, even on the same
volcano. Other eruptions can occur from parasitic
centres, and scoria cones (Fig. 13 .26), spatter cones
and phreatomagmatic craters may form, perhaps
aligned along a fissure. Magma is also intruded into
the piles, and dykes and shallow intrusive bodies
are seen in the crater or caldera walls of stratovolcanoes (Fig. 13.27).
Stratovolcanoes can therefore show a wide
variety of primary volcanic products, and these may
be distributed quite differently around the volcanic
centre. Viscous lava flows and welded air-fall tuffs
may be confined to near-vent areas. Pyroclastic
flows will be channelled down canyons and valleys,





M! Mlury


Figure 13.27 Near-vertical dykes which form ridges cutting

a succession of basaltic lavas in caldera wall of Ceboruco
volcano. Mexico.

dIspersal alto of ba.alllc s!rombollan

sCOria fall depoSl!s
dlSperoal alu of onde .. !!c sub-plin ian
and plinIan fall deposl!s

ash-fall and surge depo.lI.

(b) Eruption of basaltic strombolian

scoria falls

that are often repeatedly re-excavated and infilled

(Figs l.2 & 8.7b) and may be radially distributed.
Parasitic cones and dykes may also have radial
distributions. The dispersal of pyroclastic fall
deposits will be controlled by the height of the
eruption column and the prevailing wind direction
at the time of the eruption. This means that on
many stratovolcanoes the distribution of fall deposits may be quite asymmetric. This is well
illustrated by many volcanoes in the Lesser Antilles
because of a layered atmospheric system with
contrasted bipolar wind directions at different
altitudes (Sigurdsson et al. 1980, Roobol et al.
1985). Around Mt Misery on St Kitts (Fig. 13.28),
basaltic strombolian scoria falls and phreatomagmatic ash falls (Fig. 6.32) have been dispersed
mainly to the north-west and west by lower surface
tropospheric winds. In contrast, andesitic subplinian and plinian falls with higher eruption
columns have been dispersed to the south-east and
east by upper tropospheric winds.
In addition to these types of 'primary' stratigraphic complexity, further problems arise because
mass-wastage and epiclastic processes are very
important on stratovolcanoes, and their deposits
form major parts of the successions (Ch. 10,
Sections 14.8.2 & 6).
The volcanic successions of two modern stratovolcanoes are illustrated in Figures 13.29-3l.
Stratigraphies show complex and rapid changes in



(c) Eruption of andesitic sub-plinian

and plinian falls
...._ _ slra!ospherlc

.0.ltrly winds


(d) Eruption of phreatomagmatic ashes


~;+J):=-- -- --

Figure 13.28 The effect of a layered wind system and

height of eruption columns on the dispersal of air-fall
deposits erupted from Mt Misery, St Kitts. The lower
tropospheric easterlies are today confined to altitudes of
-5-9 km depending on season. We have depicted the
boundary during the wet summer season. The tropopause
occurs at -17-18 km. Trajectories are schematic transport
paths of air-fall ejecta. (After Roobol et al. 1985.)



0 0




'o~'o ~o~; ~~'

". ~'."

o o


.... ,r '.'':
0 ...
0 0


0000_ 0

0 0 00
0 0

... -- ... '"


, ... '...


o 0


P 25




..-,... .......
.- .... ..



~~~$4.23~- 22=





4 6/16


... ~ .. o


000 Go-.oo/J 0

0. 0 0,.0





' '~ '. '',;,.



':0 ,,~;'.'-:;-~~~

4 0/-

0 ~ '0;;


0 ", 0.





'';:0'0 00
~ o~.rt0ooJ' ~oo


. ~.

. . ! .. :'~'.,

56 =




48 - 49 -

. 22 /-

0 000.
00 00.
0.0.00 0


.":.~ .~'. ?. ?


~~~~~~~ ~!~;o~Y
0\0 ooooo~o8 45
.~ ...o_~ .~~?!,?p.

5 1 /1-7

".. ~. '''~'''''I
'~~' """" ~ .. .


40 - 41 39
38 = =

f low



Figure 13.29 Composite section through part

of the volcanic succession of the Agua de Pau
volcano on Sao Miguel. The section comprises
65 separate trachytic pumice-fall deposits,
numbered 1-65 in sequence upwards, and
includes several plinian (P) deposits, together
with three thin basaltic ashes, one welded
ignimbrite, a number of mud flows (m), some
of which have been omitted, and a lava flow.
The thick, in part, very coarse fall deposit
numbered 14, has a local source. The figures
to the left of the column give the average
maximum diameters in centimetres of, respectively, the three largest pumice clasts and the
three largest lithic clasts found . The Fogo A
eruption has been 14C dated at 4550 years BP,
and the volcano has erupted four younger
trachytic pumice-fall deposits not shown here,
the last being in 1563 (Ch. 6). Probably several
tens of thousands of years of activity are
represented by the section. Carbonised wood
found in deposit number 14 has given a 14C
age of >34 200 years BP. It is also quite
probable that some of the falls were erupted
from other vents. (After Booth et al. 1978.)


Figure 13.30 Interactive

stratigraphic section Illustrating
the volcaniC succession of
SantOrlm volcano. Note section IS
not to scale In thickness or time.
Bu, Bm and Bo are abbreViations
of the German 'Blmsstem,
unterer, mtf(ler and oberef,
stemming from Rec 's claSSIC
work, and are key stratigraphic
markers. Ages are based on 14C
and fiSSion-track dating, and the
application of oxygen Isotope
stratigraphy to deep-sea cores
containing correlated distal
Santorini ash layers. (Based on
Pichler & Kussmaul 1980, DrUitt
& Sparks 1982 and J. V. Wright
unpub. data .)

Bo cold . ro
UpP f" r pumicr

Se" (Bo)

37 000


Bm co ld.ro
Middle PumICe
S."e, (Bm)






!! Bu co ld. ro




Lower Pum ice

S .. lo, (Bu)


n ~ooO1


Bu I



I m,llIon yeors
Juron'cl Trion ic


Low er TO" iory


lon lmb, il .

co -i onimbrife brf'ccia


welded 01,- roll lult

welded ion imbrite

pan,on pumICe roll deposll


pyroclastic ,uroe deposit

und itter . nl,oled volconiclo.lies
(bolh pyrotlo,lIc and op lel a.,;c depos its
and Inc luding palaeosols)

bosolt ic 10 andu,I,c lavas

ooolulinoies and

~ wo ldod $Cori o

docilic 1o rhyodocilic
lovo, and domes


Ih in nlno Oul
Sfrollgroph lc oop




lithologies, both vertically and laterally. Volcaniclastic deposits are the much more voluminous
products of both examples. Santorini also shows
complex compositional variations, and products
range from basaltic through to rhyodactic. Many of
the pumice deposits also result from mixed magma
eruptions, e.g. the Lower Pumice (Fig. 6. 13 c) , the
Middle Pumice (Ch. 6) and the Minoan deposits
(Bond & Sparks 1976). Obviously, the generation,
evolution and type of magma erupted from these
volcanoes can be complex. This could involve
magma chambers on different levels and a complex
plumbing system, as well as different batches of
primary basaltic magma periodically rising into the
system. Marine stratovolcanoes could consist of an
initial stratigraphy much like basaltic seamounts
(Section 13.l0), i.e. an initial pile of pillow lavas
passing upwards into hyaloclastites, pyroclastics
and epiclastics, and then even a subaerial stratigraphic succession like the one just described.
It has also been proposed that many porphyry
copper-molybdenum-gold deposits are formed
during final consolidation of high-level magma
chambers beneath andesitic-dacitic stratovolcanoes
(Sillitoe 1973). The porphyry-copper bearing
stocks may intrude the basal parts of the volcanic
pile, although more commonly they appear to be in
the subvolcanic basement (Ch. 14). Stratovolcanoes
found in island arc settings, especially those with
submarine calderas (e.g. Santorini, Krakatau (Fig.
9.10), Rabaul and Deception Island), are thought
to be economically important because they are
considered to be favourable sites for the formation
of a whole selection of sea-floor polymetallic massive sulphide deposits, which are generally grouped
together under the general heading of 'Kuroko-type
deposits' (e.g. Colley 1976). Stratiform massive
sulphide deposits can therefore be a very important
part of the successions of these volcanic centres.




Unfortunately volcanologists, igneous petrologists

and geologists in general have largely ignored or
underestimated the influence of sedimentary
processes on modern volcanoes (Ch. 10). Yet if we
observe modern volcanic regions, then it is quite
evident that reworked volcanic rock is volumetrically important and must be significant in the
geological record, and we have tried to emphasise
this in this chapter and especially in Chapter 10.
Stratovolcanoes are very prone to mass-wastage
because they are high topographic features,
although all modern volcanoes are continually
being degraded.
The most comprehensive study to date on
epiclastic processes is by Vessell and Davies (1981)
on the cone of Fuego. They divided the deposits of
Fuego into four facies associations (Fig. 13.32):



Volcanic core facies of lavas, air-fall deposits

and colluvium breccias.
Proximal volcaniclastic facies of volcanic breccias (block and ash-flow deposits, colluvium
breccias) and air-fall deposits.
Medial volcaniclastic facies of debris-flow
deposits (lahars) and fluvial conglomerates
with some air-fall deposits.
Distal volcaniclastic facies dominated by
fluvial sands, breccias and conglomerates,
which interfaces with the coastline near Fuego.

The succession examined by Vessell and Davies

(1981) was deposited in the past 20000-30000
years, and repeated cycles of deposits and sedimentary processes have been recognised. Three
cycles, each triggered by an eruption, could be
divided into four phases, as discussed in Section
10.2 and summarised in Table 13.5. From Table
13.5 it is apparent that there is much more
happening on volcanoes than simply volcanic

Three consecutive views of the caldera wall of Santorini illustrating part of the volcanic succession shown
opposite. Views move north-south from south of Cape Skaros to south of Thera town, and cover a distance of about 2 km.
Height of caldera wall is up to 300 m. Key stratigraphic markers: Lower Pumice Series (deposits of younger Bu II eruption) is
prominent light coloured layer in (c); Middle Pumice Series (Thera welded tuff, Ch. 6) is prominent dark layer in lower part of
(b). this mantles the Lower Pumice to south which is cut-out by the Bu caldera; Upper Pumice Series (Minoan deposits) is
white layer seen at the very top of the succession in (c) which can be traced northwards on top of cliffs.

~ Figure 13.31




Table 13.5 Sedimentary cycles triggered by larger eruptions

of Fuego volcano (after Vessell & Davies 1981).

Duration (years)

Sedimentation process


stream incision and

delta reworking

air-falls and
pyroclastic flows






distal volcantc focles

braided chonn.'.
flood bosin and
cooSilln. )




pyroclo.IIC deb". flow deposil'
olr loll depo.lI.


debris flows


braided fluvial transport and

delta construction

t s,nuou.


fluv ial chonn r l.

Figure 13.32 Facies model of a stratovolcano based on

studies of Fuego, Guatemala. In (a). Tvc are massifs of
Tertiary volcaniclastics which separate elongate troughs
filled with modern volcaniclastic sediment. The active cone
is flanked by numerous alluvial fans (dotted areas) which
extend onto the edge of the coastal plain. X to X' is the
cross section shown in (b). (After Vessell & Davies 1981.)

eruptions. On Fuego, only eruptions producing

greater than 6 x 10 7 m 3 of ejecta were found to be
capable of triggering large-scale sedimentary
events, and the repose period between these
eruptions is 80--125 years. Minor eruptions with a
shorter repose period do not significantly affect the
sedimentary system, which proceeds as a series of

short pulses. Since major eruptions between 1972

and 1974, at least 6 x 106 tonnes of volcaniclastic
debris have been removed from the cone of Fuego,
which is at present in a Phase 4 stage (Table 13.5;
Section 10.2). More data describing fluviatile
processes on Fuego are given in D. K. Davies et ai.
Kuenzi et ai. (1979) also described fluvial and
deltaic sedimentation on the Guatemalan coastal
plain in front of Santa Maria volcano. They
document effects of the dramatic increase in sediment supply after the 1902 plinian eruption (Chs 6
& 10). The bed of the Samala River was raised
10-15 m, and between 1902 and 1922 a deltaic
platform prograded approximately 6.4 km seaward
and deposited a prism of sediment having a volume
of about 4 km 3 (Figs 13.33 & 10.1). However, with
waning sediment supply, the delta was destroyed
and sands were redistributed laterally into prograding shoreface and beach environments. This
developed the present arcuate shoreline, which has
essentially remained unchanged since before 1947.
Figure 13.34 shows facies patterns resulting from
long-term progradation along the entire length of
the coastal plain supplied by Santa Maria and
nearby stratovolcanoes of the Guatemalan volcanic
front (also see Fig. 10.1). In this setting, progradation would not be constant along the length of
the volcanic arc, but would vary with time, and
with magnitude and frequency of volcanic eruptions. Sporadic episodes of delta formation and
subsequent reworking of deltaic sands along sedimentary strike would produce a complex sand body
showing a variety of vertical sedimentary sequences



"iolconu; tronT

I prOXImal volcanic


2 ollu.,ol lod

3 shoreline toe,",

deeper woter foc l e~

Figure 13.34 Facies relationships resulting from long-term

progradation of coastline parallel to Guatemalan volcanic
front. (After Kuenzi et al. 1979.)


Figure 13.33 (a) Map showing progressive seaward displacement of the 10 fathom depth contou r from the mouth
of Samala River, as shown by hydrographic charts for 1897,
1909, 1919 and 1922. (b) Cross section of body of
volcaniclastic sediment deposited by deltaic progradation at
mouth of Samala River between 1902 and 1922. (After
Kuenzi et al. 1979.)

generated by a number of shoreline processes, This

would overlie deeper water facies (e.g. prodelta
turbidites) and be overlain by an alluvial complex
which would intertongue landward with proximal
volcanic facies.
Similarly, marine stratovolcanoes are also subject
to major mass-wastage, involving landslides, debris
flows, and to high energy, fluvial gullying, and
torrent flow, on the subaerial flanks, to subaqueous
slides, debris flows and turbidity current processes

(Ch. 10) on the subaqueous flanks, The subaqueous

flanks would expand by the radial growth of a
subaqueous volcaniclastic apron fed by the massflow processes mentioned above.
In addition to these degradational processes,
stratovolcanoes are particularly prone to explosively
or non-explosively induced sector collapse whereby
a large segment of the edifice is mobilised into a
dynamic slide and avalanche (Ch. 10, Vi 1983,
Siebert 1984, Francis et ai, 1985).

13.8 Intermediate-silicic multivent

Some other andesitic-dacitic and alkaline volcanoes
seem to be multi vent complexes that lack a central
The highlands of St Lucia form a volcanic core
from which radiate valley-filling dacitic pumice
flow fans (Fig, 13.35), Studies of the volcanic
succession indicate that eruptions have occurred
from a number of vents located over a wide area,
involving different dacitic magma batches at various
times 0. V. Wright et at. 1984). Eruption of
volatile- rich magma led to highly explosive pumiceforming activity. Degassed magma was extruded
later, from the same vents or from the attenuated


Self 1982; Fig. 13.36). Laguna de Bay has the
appearance of a caldera with dimensions of 25 x 12
km (300 km2), nested in a large collapse structure
of uncertain origin. This latter structure is 35 x 45
km in diameter (1500 km2 in area), which would
make it one of the largest volcano-tectonic structures yet described. It may be compared with, for
example, the Taupo volcanic centre covering an
area of 1100 km 2 (see below). Major Pleistocene
eruptions of alkali-rich andesitic ignimbrites from
Laguna de Bay and Taal have joined together
several Tertiary island volcanoes to form the
present landmass of southwestern Luzon (Fig.
13.36). The Phlegrean Fields-Bay of Naples


yoleon le core comple<

:;~~ li mil. of groyily s li de

(i'7i) young doc llt domn

\.!.!) I Terre Blanche

2 Bellond Comple<


Pea k

old pllons
3 Pelil pilon
4 Gro. pilon

~ he-od Icarp of groyity sli de

Figure 13.35 Map showing the multi-peaked central

volcanic core of St Lucia from which fans of late Quatemary
dacitic pumice-flow deposits radiate. Some of the peaks are
the suspected source vents, but others, including Mt Gimie.
are older andesitic lavas and volcaniclastics. (After J. V.
Wright et al. 1984.)

flank of the Qualibou depression, which is thought

to have formed by a large gravity slide on the side of
the volcanic complex (Ch. 9). This activity produced
lava domes with associated block and ash-flow
deposits. The island of Dominica has a similar
central volcanic core complex, and vents for
pumice flows are plugged by lava domes with
block- and ash-flow aprons (Sigurdsson 1972,
Carey & Sigurdsson 1980; Fig. 9.3).
Much larger intermediate-silicic multivent
centres are known which are associated with large
calderas, and some come under the heading of
volcano-tectonic depressions. Like rhyolitic
volcanoes (Section 13.9), these are surrounded by
large ignimbrite sheets. Andesitic examples would
include the Laguna de Bay and Taal volcanotectonic depressions in the Philippines (Wolfe &



~<l4 .'rUClurO I morg in

01 Yo lconO - IeClon lc depr .,ion

~...... caldera margin

[T]) new

10 nd

Figure 13.36

Location of the Laguna de Bay and Taal

volcanic centres, and palaeogeographic reconstruction of
southwestern Luzon before the main ignimbrite-forming
eruptions from these centres about 1 Ma BP. New land was
largely added by deposition of ignimbrites, and has joined
islands together to form the present landmass. The Taal
ignimbrites may, in part, post-date eustatic change and have
substantially added to the land area. (After Wolfe & Self



volcano-tectonic depression is a large multivent

alkaline centre surrounded by the Campanian
ignimbrite, which is compositionally a potassic
trachyte (Barberi et ai. 1978, Rosi et ai. 1983; Ch.
8). Caldera collapse in the Bay of Naples undoubtedly accompanied the eruption. More-silicic
examples would have to include the very large
dacitic ignimbrite-forming centres like Cerro Galan
(Fig. 8.2), and perhaps some of those in the San
Juan volcanic field which erupted ignimbrites that
are not truly rhyolitic (Ch. 8; Fig. 8.1). The large
calderas of Kyushu, Aso, Aira and Ata, all of which
are surrounded by extensive andesitic to rhyodacitic
ignimbrite sheets, fall into this group. The Aira and
Ata calderas have collapsed beneath Kagoshima
Bay, which is a large volcano-tectonic graben open
to the sea (Fig. 8.3). Again, this would be a
contemporary setting for the generation of Kurokotype massive sulphide deposits.


13.9 Rhyolitic volcanoes or centres

Rhyolitic volcanic centres are some of the largest
volcanic landforms on the Earth's surface. They are
polygenetic and invariably consist of multiple
eruption points or volcanoes. They are found in
extensional tectonic settings in rifts, grabens and
marginal basins of continents and microcontinents
(Ch. 15). Their form is in marked contrast to
stratovolcanoes, and in many cases from a distance,
it would be difficult to convince the layman that
they were even volcanoes! Typically they lack a
topographically impressive cone, and in extreme
cases they form large, broad volcano-tectonic
depressions which G. P. L. Walker (l981e) termed
inverse volcanoes, the type example being Lake
They are multivent complexes, and the volcanic
centres are a collection of low rhyolitic hills which
~ { --~
~ .. ... "

> @l

lava mantled
by pumicf
pumice cone

\6J with crolfr

~ ~ 10k. d.po.lt.

'" (;:;~

i;nimbrlt. limits


lava d.br is
flow dtpo. il

...J ( '

caldera rim


~ @


rhyolite lava

dill! bosoll.

~ ~ andesite

> tr;i


Aeotlan Ignlmbr,lf

~ limits

~ (7). older volcanicJ

(Tertiary 71

Figure 13.37 Geological map of La Primavera volcano and adjacent areas. A-C refer to different ignimbrites
erupted separately; B is the Rio Caliente ignimbrite. Numbers are rhyolite hills: 1. EI Majahuate; 2. Pinar de la
Venta; 3. EI Pedernal; 4. San Miguel; 5. Cerro Las Planillas; 6. Cerro Pelon; 7. EI Colli. The lava debris flow deposit
results from the collapse of an obsidian flow on Las Planillas. (After G. P. L. Walker et al. 1981 d.)




, ' ,, ,
", ,,
1/ ,



,, ,





onde"te 10Yo flow
bosalt lava 110w



... '----

, I

rhyolite 10YO domes ond flows

oluYlol ond eplclast lc depos its

greywotkeS ond sed,ments

doc Ile domes

IgnImbrite sheels !including pyroclastic
falls . su'ges and eplc lastlc depoSIts 1

Figure 13.38 Map of Taupo volcanic centre, showing the major inward drainage system developed in this low profile
volcano, the diversity and distribution of volcanic and epiciastic products, and older basement. (After Grindley 1960.)

may be scattered over a few hundred square

kilometres, and situated within a shallow caldera
(Figs 13.37 & 38). These rhyolite hills are composed
of rhyolite domes, coulees and pumice cones . The
hills rise from gently sloping ignimbrite sheets,
often containing more than one ignimbrite, and

interbedded pumice-fall and epiclastic deposits.

The whole form is therefore of a broad shield , and
C. A. Wood (1977) has drawn an analogy between
their shape and basaltic shield volcanoes .


Detailed morphometric data are not available, but
we have made some approximations based on
examples from the USA, Mexico and New Zealand.
Ws (diameter of shield) varies from about 50 to
>200 km, and WVCl which is the width of the
volcanic centre defined by the rim of the caldera
(Figs 13.37 & 38) is 10-60 km. Slope varies from
< 1 to 5 and Hs (height of shield) would generally
be a few hundred metres, unless resurgence has
occurred (see below). Total volume of these shields
varies from 10 2 to > 10 3 km 3 . These volume estimates ignore the large amounts of ash lost far
beyond the limits of the volcanoes as co-ignimbrite
and distal plinian ash-fall deposits. It should be
noted that larger rhyolitic calderas do exist. The
largest recognised is Lake Toba in Sumatra, having
rim dimensions of 100 x 35 km (Ch. 8).



Again, we can make some order of magnitude

estimates of the volumetric output of this type of
volcano. For La Primavera volcano, which has been
active for the past 100 000 years, the average
output (as dense rock equivalent, DRE) is 0.06 km 3
per 100 years (G. P. L. Walker et al. 1981d). This
compares with an average of about 0.4 km 3 per
100 years (DRE) for each of Taupo and Okataina,
which are the two most active rhyolitic centres in
New Zealand and probably the most productive
rhyolitic volcanoes known.
A striking difference between rhyolitic volcanoes
and stratovolcanoes and their types of activity is the
repose periods between eruptions. Although stratovolcanoes have been persistently active throughout
historic time, only one rhyolitic eruption of any
kind has been observed by volcanologists. For La
Primavera there has been an eruption on average
about every 2000 years for the past 100 000 years.
For Taupo the average repose period for the past
50000 years is ~3000 years, but has varied from a
few hundred years to 16 000 years, and for Okataina
for the same period it is ~ 2500 years (Froggatt 1982).
Repose periods between eruptions of very large


ignimbrites may be of the order of 105 years, and

perhaps even 106 years. Such intervals suggest that
some of the rhyolitic centres in the western USA,
especially Long Valley and Yellowstone, are
certainly still capable of erupting a large-volume
The life expectancy of some individual rhyolitic
centres could therefore be greater than 106 years.
The Yellowstone centre is at least 2 Ma old
(Christiansen 1979). As for large rhyolitic volcanic
fields, the large San Juan calderas and associated
ignimbrites, were all formed within a period of
~ 7 Ma, between 29 and 22 Ma BP (Steven &
Lipman 1976). The Taupo volcanic zone has been
active for 0.6 Ma (Cole 1981, 1984).



From the discussion above it is apparent that

eruptions from rhyolitic volcanoes are relatively
infrequent or there is a relatively long repose
period. The primary eruptive products which
characterise rhyolitic volcanoes are large explosive
eruptions of rhyolitic pumice as plinian fall deposits,
voluminous ignimbrites and small-volume rhyolite
lavas (Fig. 13.39).
Plinian pumice fall deposits will vary from < 1 m
to > 10 m in thickness in and around a rhyolitic
centre, and we have already discussed in detail the
controls of their dispersal and distribution (Ch. 6).
Measured sections showing the pumice fall stratigraphy of La Primavera volcano are illustrated in
Figure 13.40. It is important to note the number of
fall deposits, their individual thicknesses and, from
the foregoing discussion, to consider the time
Ignimbrites are the dominant components of the
low-angle shield flanking a rhyolitic centre. We
have already discussed their many depositional and
welding facies, and a complex variety of lithologies
may be found in the same ignimbrite (Chs 7 & 8).
Stratigraphic relationships between different
ignimbrites are also likely to be complex, as each
one fills an erosional surface cut into the older
succession (e.g. Fig. 13.41; Ch. 1). In addition,
ignimbrites from nearby ~ntres may overlap.




OCIOOO'r ... .

EI Colli



~(J00 0

Pe lon

lovo (0.3km 3)
la vas ( 2 .5 km 3 )

pumice fall J (0-8m, 3 . 4 km 3 )


ign imbrite G (O-15m)

Son Millue l lavas (4-7km 3 )

pum ic e fall E (O-6m, 0 .7m 3 )
Los Plan illos


E I Pedernal

lavas (4 .0km 3 )
avos ( 3 .1km 3)

inner nng lava s (4.5 km 3 )

lake deposits (~IOOm)and gianl
pumice block bed (O-15m)



..3 D.: :\ \ . ~::: :.: . .

.... :.'..... : .:. '........ :. '.' . '.: ":.:-.<...: ..: .
:.:', . . ~ .' : ','..... . . . . . ...
. . . ::", '... ' . .' .. '. '. " " . : : .

pum ice fall 8 and

RIo Caliente Ign imbrite
(0- > 100m. 100 km 3 )

::'" =: "


Pre-8 lavas

. :.:. :. :..


::'.' . " ,': ':

: } opP,rrit com ,ndllt klw



porph,rll c (.omtnCm JQV4


19n1mbllt t


Ignimbrite A CO-7m)

The ignimbrite-forming eruptions are generally

associated with major structural changes of the
volcano and with caldera collapse (Ch. 8). Caldera
collapse occurs after or during the eruption, around
a circular ring fracture formed above the drained or
draining magma chamber. At this time, calderacollapse breccias of the type envisaged by Lipman
(1976) may form by the caving or gravitational
collapse of the caldera walls, producing rock slides
and falls, which may be interbedded with ignimbrite
(cf. co-ignimbrite breccias, Ch. 8).
Later volcanic activity is then concentrated on
this ring fracture, perhaps for 105 years. Explosive
phases producing plinian and sub-plinian air-fall
deposits and small ignimbrites precede the eruption
of rhyolite domes and flows. Individual rhyolite
lavas do not travel far from the vent (Ch. 4), but in
time they may coalesce on some volcanoes to

Figure 13.39 Interactive stra tigraphic section illustrating

the rhyolitic succession of La Primavera volcano (see Fig .
13.38). Note all volumes are ORE . (Based on G. P. L.Walker
et al. 1981d and Mahood 1980.)

produce a nearly complete ring of rhyolite lava. La

Primavera (Fig. 13.37) and Valles (Fig. 13.42)
volcanoes illustrate these features particularly well.
At Valles all the rhyolite lavas are located on the
ring-fracture of the Valles caldera, or part of an
incomplete ring related to the earlier Toledo
caldera. Each of these domes is probably monogenetic with a repose period of perhaps 103 years
between eruptions. La Primavera is somewhat
more complicated. Some of the lavas are located on
an almost complete ring, with some lavas on a
transverse line which crosses it. Most of these
domes are again monogenetic, with a vent-to-Iava
ratio of 1: 1. However, there are three larger,
polygenetic structures which could be called independent volcanoes in their own right. These are
younger, petrologically different (Fig. 13.39), and
may lie on an outer second ring structure. Rhyolite



palrolo l
.pl elo, IIC

pyroc lO ,r lc 11.1(91'

Cltn,."pumlc.t IQftlmt,," t

C CO-Ionlmbrite o,h-fOIl

m muOf low


bomb lOQ




Figure 13.40 Twelve measured stratigraphic sections showing lateral variations and established correlations for
the rhyolitic pumice-fall succession erupted from La Primavera volcano. (After G. P. L. Walker et al. 1981 d.l




events were part of an evolutionary cycle shown by

rhyolite volcanoes. The cycle was divided into
seven stages:



regional tumescence and generation of ring

ignimbrite eruption,
caldera collapse,
pre-resurgence volcanism and intra-caldera
resurgent doming,
major ring-fracture volcanism and
terminal fumarolic and hot spring activity.

The type example is the Valles centre (Plate 13)

where two successive cycles are recognised. The
resurgent dome of Redondo Peak (Fig. 13.42),
formed after the second cycle, is associated with the
eruption of the Upper Bandelier Tuff and formation
of Valles caldera (Ch. 8). At La Primavera the
updoming is much later than the ignimbrite event
and the possibility is that this might be related to


n neer deposit
Toupo Ignim bri te
~ 186A. O.
~ pum ice f all deposits
~ 20000y BP - 186 A.O.

I77'l Or uanu l I gnlmb "l.

~ 20000y 8P

Rang ltalkl Ignlmbrl t.

1:.:.1 300000y 8P

Figure 13.41 (a) View to Lake Taupo from east showing

rounded hills cut into Oruanui ignimbrite and valley pond of
Taupo ignimbrite (light-coloured vegetation). (b) Schematic
diagram showing geological relations at the above location.
Valley pond of Taupo ignimbrite is up to about 40 m thick.
The Rangitaiki ignimbrite is welded but both the Oruanui and
Taupo ignimbrites are non-welded.

volcanoes without a well defined ring structure also

occur. The rhyolite lavas at Okataina have a more
linear distribution, and many of the vents seem to
have been located along fissures and to have fed
nests of domes (Nairn 1981, Cole 1970; Chs 6 & 8).
Regional extension seems likely to have been a
much more important structural control on the
distribution of eruptive points than magmatic
The central parts of some rhyolitic calderas are
updomed giving rise to resurgent domes (R. L.
Smith & Bailey 1968; Ch. 8). This is thought to
occur when new magma surges back into a magma
chamber following a climactic ignimbrite eruption.
R. L. Smith and Bailey (1968) suggested that these


, Vall .. Caldora
topographic r im

~ g~~-~~~~~:n~g~~O:'~k'

... ' Toledo Caldera

topographic rim

-,:T normal

.,.. dip of beds

8ande lier Tull


~ lat. rhyol ilt



L']J }UPPtr


rhyo li 'e layas of

Voiles Coldera

~ ~~~:~~e ~~~~:r~'

middle rhYO ll le} =

early rhyoll ,.

lote pyroclas'ics
lake beds, olluvlum

~ ear l y caldero fill

Figure 13.42 Geology of the Valles and Toledo calderas.

Jemez Mountains. New Mexico. (After R. L. Smith & Bailey



Figure 13.43 Delta at mouth

of Tongariro River prograding
into Lake Taupo. This
transports reworked Taupo
rhyolitic pumice and andesitic
epiciastic debris from the
Tongariro centres (Tongariro,
Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu) into
the caldera lake.

the buoyant uprise of a new pluton (G. P. L.

Walker et ai. 1981d). Updoming, resurgent or
otherwise, has significant structural effects, particularly on deposits within the caldera .
Although rhyolitic volcanoes generally contain
little other than rhyolite, there is usually a small
proportion of basaltic volcanic rock, and characteristically there is a so-called bimodal association
(e.g. Cole 1970). Basaltic rock may be present as
scoria or mixed pumice in rhyolitic pyroclastic
deposits (e.g. in J at location 4, Fig. 13.40), as
cognate xenoliths in rhyolite lavas, or as small
scoria cones (e.g. near Cuxpala, Fig. 13.37). The
evidence of mixed magma deposits suggests that
basaltic magma may participate in at least some of
the eruption of rhyolitic magma. Rhyolite magma
chambers are widely thought to be generated and
stoked up by basalt from a mantle source. Occasionally basaltic dykes do reach the surface, but
generally only outside the rhyolitic centre (defined
by the caldera rim) which may be a shadow zone
above the magma chamber through which higher
density, but lower viscosity, basaltic magma cannot
Epiclastic processes and deposits are also significant, and it is important to stress the repose periods
between eruptions, and the possible effect on the
hydrologic and geomorphic system of a large
ignimbrite eruption. Rhyolitic volcanoes are
characterised by the rapid production of vast
volumes of loose, easily erodible sediment over
irregular intervals. This sediment can be transported out of the volcano by rivers, or back into the
system to be deposited in the caldera (Fig. 13.43).
Caldera fills are complex sequences of fluvial and
lacustrine epiclastic sediments, pyroclastics and
lavas. Also very significant are the products of

hydrothermal alteration and precipitation. The

near-surface intrusion of rhyolite domes and
magma at depth below these long-lived centres can
promote very active geothermal systems. Hot
springs associated with rhyolitic volcanoes are
important environments for the formation of epithermal gold-silver deposits (Henley & Ellis 1983;
Ch. 14).
Submarine rhyolitic calderas are thought to be
very important sites for the formation of Kuroko-

rn Plot~ou I~n lm br i '~

A"f In t.ned cold.ro ring frect ure



rhyolite demu
rhyolite pumice cone

Figure 13.44 Distribution of the Plateau ignimbrite and

outline of a submarine rhyolitic caldera between Kos and Yali
in the Dodecanese Islands.



type massive sulphide deposits (Ohmoto 1978,

Ohmoto & Takahashi 1983). In the Kuroko area in
Japan, the Miocene mineralisation is associated
with rhyolitic lava domes and volcaniclastic rocks
believed to have been emplaced at minimum water
depths of 1000 m (Ohmoto & Takahashi 1983).
There are no well known Quaternary submarine
rhyolitic calderas for comparison. One good example exists in the eastern Aegean Sea between Kos
and Yali in the Dodecanese Islands (Fig. 13.44).
Caldera collapse was associated with the eruption of
the rhyolitic Plateau ignimbrite which is found on
Kos, and in valleys and bays facing Kos on some of
the other Dodecanese Islands (Fig. 13.44). It would
be very enlightening to explore this centre further
with deep-sea submersibles to try to locate hydrothermal vents and recent polymetallic sulphide
deposits. Other submarine rhyolitic calderas may
exist in the northern offshore extension of the
Taupo volcanic zone (Ch. 15), where submarine
geothermal activity has been recorded (Duncan &
Pantin 1969, Pantin & Duncan 1969), but these
centres would have to be completely submerged.








La Primavera lacks a well defined structural expression of a caldera because subsequent uplift of the
central parts of the volcano has masked original
relationships. What is significant is a circular area
of lake sediments 10 km in diameter associated with
rhyolite lavas erupted on a ring fracture (Clough et
aZ. 1981, 1982; Fig. 13.45). For this reason the
sediments are believed to have been deposited in a
caldera lake. The caldera was formed by the biggest
explosive eruption of the volcano, i.e. the event
which produced the Rio Caliente ignimbrite (Figs
13.37 & 39; see Ch. 8). A 30 m scarp around the
northeastern edge of the centre may be the original
embryo rim (continuous with the outer ring or
rhyolite extrusives mentioned above).
Updoming and inversion of topography (Fig.
13.4Sb) have provided an opportunity to examine
the caldera fill of a rhyolitic volcano. The lake
deposits have a maximum exposed thickness of
-100 m, and they rest on top of the ignimbrite


Figure 13.45 The giant pumice block bed and lake

sediments. and their relationships to the rhyolite lavas of La
Primavera volcano. (a) Distribution of lake sediments and
rhyolite lavas: fine stipple is lake sediments; coarse stipple
is porphyritic comendite lavas lying on an 'inner ring' with a
transverse zone; triangles represent inferred vent positions;
cross-hatch is aphyric comendite lavas lying on an 'outerring'; hachured line is a low escarpment, possibly an embryo
caldera rim. (b) Altitude contours of the top of the giant
pumice block bed in hundreds of metres above sea level.
Dip of lake sediments is also shown (arrows). (c) Thickness
of giant pumice block bed in metres. (d) Median diameter of
giant pumice blocks in metres. (e) Three stages in the
envisaged formation of the giant pumice block bed. (After
Clough et al. 1981)


which was eroded before their accumulation. The

sedimentary succession consists largely of thinly
bedded white ashy sediments, ash turbidites, some
beds of diatomite and an unusual bed of giant
pumice (Figs 13.45 & 46). This bed contains blocks
of pumice up to 8 m in diameter, which are thought
to have formed when rhyolite lava erupted underwater, as was observed to happen during the
submarine eruption of rhyolite lava at Tuluman
Islands (M. A. Reynolds et al. 1980; Ch. 4).
Rhyolite lavas commonly contain a pumiceous
carapace which at La Primavera is thought to have
spalled off and floated away (Fig. 13.45e). Eventually the pumice blocks became waterlogged and
were deposited. Another giant pumice deposit
which formed at the end of the AD 186 Taupo

Figure 13.47


Silica sinter deposit Within the La Primavera

eruption has been identified by C. J. N. Wilson

and Walker (1985), and it therefore seems that this
facies may not be particularly unusual in rhyolitic
caldera fills.
The associated porphyritic rhyolite lavas at La
Primavera (Figs 13.39 & 45a) also show features
that suggest they were erupted underwater or
emplaced as shallow intrusions or cryptodomes into
the lake sediments (Clough et at. 1982). Many of
these lavas have thick, glassy, quench-fragmented
and lobate margins, and at some exposures lava can
be demonstrated to have intruded lake sediments.
Reverse faults and folds are seen in some of the lake
sediments, suggesting forcible intrusion. An outward dip is commonly seen in the sediments which
mantle the domes, but one could also argue that
this was due to sedimentary draping or postdepositional compaction.
Numerous hot springs are active within the
caldera, and sinter deposits have formed (Fig.
13.47). These point to the existence of hot rock or a
magma body below the caldera.


Two other types of explosive crater that might be
found associated with rhyolitic centres are:
Figure 13.46 (a) Giant pumice blocks enclosed in bedded
lacustrine sediment. (b) Field sketch showing disturbed and
contorted lake sediments with blocks of giant pumice. Some
blocks show cooling joints normal to their margins. (After
Clough et al. 1981.)

rhyolitic tuff rings and

hydrothennal explosion craters.



Rhyolitic tuff rings

The early explosive phase accompanying the eruption of domes and coulees on the ring-fracture may
be initially ph rea to magmatic and build a tuff ring
(Section 13.5). Often these are not seen because
they are destroyed or overwhelmed by later lava

Hydrothermal explosion craters

Hydrothermal explosions occur when superheated
water at shallow depths flashes to steam, disrupting
the confining rocks and ejecting solid debris, water
and steam. In these explosions magma is not
involved (cf. phreatomagmatic, where magma is
involved, Ch. 3). The explosions form small craters
(Wer < 1 km) but they may also occur as multiple
structures. Deposits are bedded, and consist of
angular fragments of old ignimbrite, rhyolite lava
and other volcanic, epiclastic and local rocks within
a matrix of more-finely granulated fragments and
hydrothermal clays. Some of the layers may be
deposited as base surges. Good descriptions of these
rock types in the Quaternary Kawerau geothermal
field, New Zealand, are given by Nairn and
Wiradiradja (1980). Hydrothermal explosions have
occurred in most boiling spring areas of New
Zealand during the late Quaternary, including
several historic events. At depth hydrothermal
explosion craters should root in breccia pipes or
diatremes, as may be the case for many maars
(Section 13.5). Again they may be economically
very important, concentrating gold-bearing, deep
system fluids into the near-surface epithermal
depositional environments (Henley & Ellis 1983,
Sillitoe et al. 1984).

13.10 Submarine spreading ridges and

Over the past ten years detailed investigation of the
ocean floor has provided a wealth of information
about submarine basaltic volcanic processes at
constructive plate margins and in the ocean basins.
Although fissure-fed basaltic lavas create most of
the newly accreted upper oceanic crust, large-scale

volcanic cones that are the products of central

volcanism are also important components in both
axial rift systems as well as oceanic plate interiors.
Submarine oceanic plate volcanism is important
because it produces the largest volume of volcanic
rocks on Earth, especially at active spreading
ridges. However, because of subduction, the vast
majority of these volcanic rocks are destined to be
subducted, so in terms of their preservation
potential in the rock record they represent a much
less significant group of volcanic products than
their present extent suggests. Where preserved, the
volcanics occur as stratigraphic elements of oceanic
crustal slices, which are usually tectonically emplaced as ophiolite slices in forearc, subduction
related accretionary prisms, or obducted onto
continental margins. Ophiolite slices may also be
preserved in ancient greenstone belts and as the
basement to island arc complexes. More will be said
about ophiolites in Chapter 15.
Although much has been written on the stratigraphy of oceanic crust, it is only recently that
insight has been gained on the nature of the
volcanoes that erupt oceanic crustal volcanic rocks.
In this section we consider the nature of the
volcanoes, rather than the stratigraphy of oceanic


Macdonald (1982) has reviewed the controls on the
nature of the basaltic volcanoes, the morphology
and tectonic form of major oceanic spreading
ridges. His 1982 work is a review of recent
advances through the use of submersibles, deeptow instrumentation, side-scan sonar and high
resolution bathymetric surveying (e.g. Ballard &
van Andel 1977, Luyendyk & Macdonald 1977,
Macdonald & Luyendyk 1977, Searle & Laughton
Mid-ocean ridge (MOR) volcanism issues from
fissures within a median rift valley. This is dominated by ridge-parallel fractures and faults, producing a very rough terrain with horsts and grabens
(Fig. 13.48). Small volcanic mounds with a topography made of overlapping flow-fronts are prominent. Pillow lavas can be expected to be abundant,



Figure 13.48 Map of fault patterns (hachured

lines) and volcanic mounds (shaded areas in the
inner rift valley of part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Darkest shading indicates youngest volcanism on
present rift axis. Heavy fault lines indicate wall
faults; light fault lines. inner-floor faults. Black dots
(most recent) and open circles (older) indicate
vents and crest lines of volcanoes; thinner arrows
show flow lobes. Dip and plunge of fault blocks on
walls shown with thick short arrows. Fault lines
are placed near the base of fault scarps and throw
on faults varies' from <0.1 to 25 m. Mount Venus
rises about 200 m from its base. Data are from
bathymetric map. dive observations. bottom
photography and deep-towed geophysical studies.
(After Ballard & van Andel 1977.)

but non-pillowed lavas are also common (Ch. 4). At

the foots of fault scarps talus fans of brecciated lava
are found (e.g. Ballard & van Andel 1977).
Hydrothermal vents and fissures are also very
important features. One of the most exciting recent
discoveries in volcanic and economic geology has
been the direct observation of active sulphidedepositing vents, or black 'smokers', on the East
Pacific Rise (Francheteau et ai. 1979, Hekinian et
ai. 1980, Ballard et ai. 1984). There are close
similarities between these active hydrothermal
systems and the fossil ore depositing systems that
have formed Cyprus-type massive sulphide deposits
(Rona 1984; Ch. 14).
Macdonald (1982) pointed out that spreading
rates not only affect the morphology of the ridge
crest, but also of the volcanoes from which the
basalts of layer.2 of the oceanic crust are erupted.

The neovolcanic zone (the zone of recent and ongoing volcanism at the spreading centre, cf. on the
ridge flanks) is only 1-2 km wide. At low spreading
rates the neovolcanic zone lies within a well defined
rift valley (Fig. 13.49) and is dominated by a
discontinuous line of central volcanoes. These are
elongate parallel to the spreading axis, and typically
have dimensions of 1-4 km in basal diameter and
heights of about 250 m. They are dominated by
pillow lava (Ballard & van Andel 1977, Luyendyk
& Macdonald 1977, Macdonald 1982).
At intermediate spreading rates the medial rift
valley is less well defined, and the volcanoes are
more elongate along strike, appear to be fissure-fed,
and may be interrupted by en echelon offsets (Fig.
13 .49). Heights are only a maximum of 50 m and
pahoehoe-like sheet flow lavas are more common.
At high spreading rates there is no definable axial


(0) Slow

(b) Intermed iate

V E -2x
Inner woU

(c) Fost


Figure 13.49 Schematic illustration of characteristics of volcanoes and the central rift of mid-oceanic spreading ridges with
different spreading rates. (After Macdonald 1982.)

rift valley. The central volcano resembles a very

elongate hawaiian-type shield volcano (see Section
13.2) with gentle slopes and a summit rift (Fig.
13.49c). The 'volcano' is only 1-2 km wide (cf.
Hawaiian shields), and may be 100 km long, so is
clearly fissure-fed. Both pillow lavas and massive
sheet lavas have been observed (Macdonald 1982).
The only sediment deposited is from pelagic
sources. A pelagic sediment mantle only becomes
prominent at the edges of the median rift valleys,
and on the ridge flanks and abyssal plains as the
lithosphere spreads with time away from the
MORs. The pelagic sediment layer and the underlying basaltic crustal layer make up layers 1 and 2,
respectively, of the oceanic crust. These should be
closely associated with an underlying mafic sheeted
dyke complex, and gabbroic and mafic cumulate
igneous rocks. Such crustal profiles coincide with
ophiolite profiles, as discussed in Chapter 15.
Marginal seafloor spreading centres (Ch. 15) also
produce a similar crustal profile, but in addition the
basaltic crust should be overlain by a mixed
volcaniclastic-carbonate clastic mass-flow sediment
apron derived from associated island arcs.
It is uncertain, however, what the nature of the
volcanic centres is, since little or no work has been
done on these. Although the axial spreading systems
are usually topographically elevated ridge regions
of high heat flow, the axial rift morphology that is

relatively easily definable for mid-oceanic ridge

spreading systems is not easily definable in marginal
basins. In addition, magnetic anomaly patterns are
also difficult to define clearly, suggesting that the
spreading process may be more diffuse and the
eruptive centres less clearly identifiable.



This is a poorly known group of submarine

volcanoes which, because they have not been
readily observable, have not received much attention until recently. However, advances with submersibles, high resolution side-scan sonar and
narrow-beam bathymetric surveys have greatly
increased our understanding of the morphologies of
these volcanoes. Recently Searle (1983, 1984) and
Batiza and Vanko (1983) have added considerable
insight to the nature of submarine seamounts and
guyots documented by earlier workers such as
Menard (1964, 1969). These central volcanoes are
variable in size and shape. Volcanoes that are near
circular in plan-view have basal diameters ranging
from the minimum limits of resolution 1 km) to
25 km (although usually less than 10 km), and their
heights are usually several hundred metres, but
may exceed 2 km. They have dominantly concaveup or sometimes convex-up slopes, which at their
maximum are inclined at up to 40, and on average


about 20. The summits are usually flat-topped

with diameters up to lO km, and frequently these
have well defined craters or caldera collapse structures less than a kilometre in diameter (Hollister et
aI. 1978, Searle 1983, 1984, Batiza & Vanko 1983).
Although seamounts are probably mostly relatively small monogenetic centres, some may evolve
(d) Terraced and subsided

(c) Truncated and subsided

(bJ Emerged

flow foor

- - '"

(0 ) Subm erged
0 , . . . ,


Figure 13.50 Growth of oceanic seamounts, as first

postulated by Jones from his studies on intraglacial
volcanoes (see Fig. 13.51). (After J. G. Jones 1966.) Recent
work suggests that even in stage (a) a flat-topped morphology may be developed (see text).


into very large, complex polygene tic centres, such

as Hawaii. In this case the subaerial part of the
volcano has evolved into a major shield volcano
(Section 13.2.1).
Variations in shape and form stem from variations
in conduit geometry (Batiza & Vanko 1983).
Submarine central volcanoes are frequently located
along fracture systems of the oceanic lithosphere,
and may have associated lava fields.
Oceanic seamounts are cones and domes that
grow upwards from the abyssal plains near spreading ridges, or away from them, in which case they
are thought to be derived from mantle hot spots.
They are therefore essentially basaltic, and pillow
lavas appear to be prominent in the basal parts
where, due to the great water depth of the vent, the
hydrostatic pressure of the water column is sufficient to prevent explosive eruption of the basalt
(Fig. 13.50), although hyaloclastites could form. If
the (pillow) lava pile grows closer to sea level,
where the hydrostatic pressure is less, exsolving
magmatic volatiles or hydrovolcanic interaction, or
both, may be capable of producing explosive
eruptions, so that the basal pillow pile becomes
mantled by pyroclastics and/or hyaloclastites of
variable grainsize (e.g. Fig. 4.15). If the seamount
emerges above sea level and the vent is no longer
intruded by sea water, more-passive lava eruptions
will produce a lava cap over the volcaniclastic layer.
Lavas flowing into the sea may transform into
pillow lavas or, more commonly, will quenchfragment and build out coarse hyaloclastite deltas
and flow-foot breccias eCho 4; J. G. Jones 1966,
J. G. Moore & Fiske 1969). Complex relative sea
level changes associated with large tidal ranges or
tectonic movements could produce complex stratigraphic-structural relationships in the upper part
of the stratigraphy, including several levels of
coherent lava-flow-foot breccia transition, as discussed by J. G. Jones and Nelson (1970) (Fig.
4.17). Surtseyan volcanoes (e.g. Thorarinsson 1967)
are examples of basaltic seamounts whose eruptions
were initiated in relatively shallow seas. As a result
the initial products are phreatomagmatic pyroclastics (J akobsson & Moore 1980) the usual early
pillow lava and hyaloclastite stage of deep water
seamounts being by-passed. After Surtsey emerged



above sea level and its vent was protected from

access by the sea, a passive lava cap formed.
However, some seamounts with flat tops never
reached sea level (Searle 1983). Searle's explanation
for their morphology is that the steep slopes are
built of pillow breccias and hyaloclastites (Lonsdale
& Batiza 1980) tumbling over the edge of the flattopped summit, which is built of sheet flows with
high effusion rates, and pillow lavas. Flat tops are
therefore not necessarily produced by wave erosion
and truncation, as was previously thought.
Older seamounts are stabilised by precipitation
of volcanogenic ferromanganese crusts and elements. They may become colonised by fringing,
framework-building biota, which will then contribute carbonate clastic debris to the submarine
flanks of the volcanic pedestal. Prolonged growth of
the seamount could produce an apron of coarse
volcaniclastic and carbonate clastic detritus, transported and deposited by mass-flow processes fed
through a well developed canyon system. The facies
of such a seamount should merge laterally into the
pelagic sediment facies mentioned above. Isostatic
subsidence of the seamount and cessation of volcanism could lead to the development of an atoll and
eventually complete submergence of the seamount.

lava grow out into the meltwater, eventually

forming an equidimensional table-mountain.
Intraglacial basaltic eruptions in Iceland have
formed very substantial deposits, often referred to
as 'moberg'. Overlapping centres form compounded

--= -=:-----.--:::"..-:::: .....

-- -

- --.: -.




13.11 Intra- or subglacial volcanoes

The best-documented intra-or subglacial volcanoes
are from Iceland. Compositionally, all types occur:
basaltic, andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic (Furnes et
aI. 1980). Typically they form steep-sided ridges
called tindas, or steep circular table mountains
called tuyas, which were first described from
British Columbia by Mathews (1947).
Basaltic subglacial volcanoes consist principally
of masses of pillow lavas, palagonitised hyaloclastite
breccias and sideromelane fragments. J. G. Jones
(1969) envisaged that a subglacial basaltic eruption
first builds up a steep-sided pillow pile, as lava from
a fissure is extruded into a meltwater vault created
under the ice sheet (Fig. 13.51). Much of the
hyaloclastites may form later as lava deltas build out
into a meltwater lake as the growing pile emerges.
Flow-foot breccias develop as the deltas capped by

Figure 13.51 Growth of a tuya. (a) Aquatic effusive phase.

Magmatic heat causes melting of ice sheet above eruptive
fissure forming meltwater vault. Within this vault erupting
lava builds a steep-sided pillow lava pile. (b) As pile builds,
roof of vault collapses forming intraglacial lake. Effusion
gives way to explosive phase on emergence and resulting
volcaniclastic deposits accumulate between walls of ice on
top of pillow lava pile. (c) Emergent explosive phase gives
way to aerial effusive phase. Lava issues from vent and
pushes out into meltwater lake on deltas of flow-foot
breccia. (d) Advanced stage of aerial effusive phase.
Products of earlier eruptive phases overwhelmed and buried
by flow-foot breccia. (After J. G. Jones 1969.)


of moomo
In clple nl

. ' aV e




~ Infermed ia te



. ~:.;' . - ' "

.~,., ., :s.~~.
" ... (Iype 2)

C3 ..
,. (~

dlrlclion of flow


Fin al .'age


column ar

.............:.. rhyolill

Figure 13.52 Evolutionary model for formation of the two

types of silicic hyaloclastite and lava lobes during a
subglacial eruption. (After Fumes et al. 1980.)

deposits extending tens of kilometres and forming

mountains up to 1500 m in height, and resulted
from eruptions during the latter parts of the late
Pleistocene. Older moberg masses (late Plioceneearly Pleistocene) are also known and are buried by
younger volcanic rocks.
Several rhyolitic subglacial accumulations of
smaller volume (0.01-0.1 km 3) also occur in Iceland
(Fumes et al. 1980). These consist of two main
components (Fig. 13.52):

hyaloclastites and
lava lobes averaging a few metres 10 m) in


Two types of breccia are found, and these are

believed to represent major changes in the style of
activity during subglacial eruptions. Type 1, by far
the most important type, is brecciated pumice and
glass, and is thought to result from explosive
activity (stage A, Fig. 13.52). By analogy, with
subaerial silicic eruptions the initial phase of the
eruption of rhyolite magma beneath ice is also likely
to have been explosive (plinian or phreatoplinian) if
the confining pressure is not too high. Type 2 is
characterised by fragments of obsidian and stony
rhyolite, and is genetically related to the lava lobes
(stages B & C, Fig. 13.52). The lobes generally
consist of (from the margin inwards), a chilled
obsidian rind, a zone of flow-banded and flowfolded pumiceous rhyolite, and a central zone of
radially joined rhyolite. These lobes are thought to
be the remnants of disintegrated subglacial lava
flows or lava intrusions into the waterlogged
pumiceous hyaloclastite. Type 2 breccias are hyaloclastites formed by the brecciation and quenchfragmentation of the lobes. The lava flows or
intrusive bodies are emplaced by a continuous
process of alternating construction and fragmentation of lobes. Rhyolite lavas which have been
emplaced into wet sediments show similar lava
lobes at their margins (Clough et al. 1982; Section
13.9), and these, as well as extensive quenchfragmentation, seem to be an important feature of
rhyolites intruded into water-saturated hosts.
Also associated with subglacial eruptions are
huge meltwater floods, called 'jokulhlaups' in
Iceland. These have deposited large debris fans
(sandurs; Fig. 1O.24b), and some of the larger flows
are believed to have continued into the North
Atlantic Ocean and deposited volcaniclastic turbidites (Laughton, Berggren et al. 1972).

13.12 Further reading

Several data sources are now available which list
active and potentially active volcanoes. The
International Association of Volcanology and
Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) has
published the invaluable Catalogue of the active

volcanoes of the world including solfatara fields.



This, at present, consists of 22 volumes, which are

listed on the back of every issue of Bulletin
Volcanologique which now continues from 1986 as
Bulletin of Volcanology. Descriptions of the different
centres vary in quality, but for many a geological
map, short description, summary of historic activity
and some petrological information are found.
Simkin et al. (1981) of the Smithsonian Institute
have compiled Volcanoes of the world, which presents
a very large amount of data in digital format. When
eruptions do occur, the location and type of activity
are reported in the Scientific event alert network
(SEAN) bulletin published by the Smithsonian
Institute. Also, the Bulletin of volcanic eruptions is an
annual report of world volcanic eruptions published

by the Volcanological Society of Japan and the

IAVCEI, and this appears in Bulletin volcanologique,
and will continue to do so in the new Bulletin of
Volcanology which will also release condensed
reports from the SEAN Bulletin.
In addition, more-general literature sources on
the characteristics of different types of volcanoes
include MacDonald (1972), Bullard (1976) and H.
Williams and McBirney (1979), on basaltic volcanoes, C. A. Wood (1980a, b and in press),
Greeley and King (1977) and Basaltic volcanism on
the terrestrial planets (Basaltic Volcanism Study
Project 1981), and on calderas, the special issue of
the Journal of Geophysical Research (volume 10,
BIO edited by Lipman et al. (1984).

alaeogeograp y
.In the lower
. s relationships
""ctioo (After
of theCas
p et aI. t981.1 h and facie
Plate 14 A. schematic


Facies models for ancient

volcanic successions
Initial statement
The preceding chapters have laid the groundwork
for this chapter, by emphasising processes and
products in modern volcanic terrains, which are
extremely important in understanding equivalent
elements in ancient terrains. Any study in modern
terrains is only half complete if the relevance to the
rock record is ignored. The majority of workers in
volcanic terrains are not working in modern successions, but are geologists (most of them exploration
or survey geologists) trying to make sense of discontinuously outcropping, variably deformed,
metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered successions. Therefore, in this chapter we try to bring
together what has been presented in previous
chapters to construct general but workable facies
models. These serve to represent significant

associations of facies and, if possible, their spatial

and genetic relationships, and to summarise, however schematically, the palaeoenvironmentalpalaeogeographic context. If this can be done, then
such facies models may have predictive value for
ancient successions and in basin analysis studies
involving volcanic successions. We also consider
the influences that modify original facies characteristics in ancient successions, including the effects of
erosion, alteration, metamorphism and diagenesis.

14.1 Introduction
The consideration of facies descriptors in Chapter
1, and the subsequent documentation of the facies
characteristics of volcanic successions and of the
processes involved (Chs 3-13), have paved the way




for discussing the analysis of facies, depositional

setting and general palaeogeographic context of
ancient successions. However, in ancient successions all of the facies descriptors (geometry, lithology,

sedimentary structures, sediment movement patterns

and fossils; Ch. 1) are subject to varying degrees of

modification by processes contemporaneous with
deposition or post-dating it, or both. The former
processes are represented largely by erosion and
hydrothermal alteration, and the latter by protracted
hydrothermal alteration, diagenesis, metamorphism
and deformation. These are considered before
proposing an approach to facies analysis and the
construction of general facies models.
The facies models we will develop represent
generalised summaries of many of the volcano types
discussed in Chapter 13, and the descriptions of the
various facies models in this chapter should be read
in close association with the relevant parts of
Chapter 13. However, in this chapter we take the
discussions of Chapter 13 one step further, by
placing the various volcano types and their successions in a broader geographic context, i.e. within
the context of the basins within which volcanism is
occurring. As such the facies models that are
developed should have significance in basin analysis
studies involving volcanic successions.

14.2 Facies geometry and faciesstratigraphic relationships: factors

affecting them in ancient successions
Ancient volcanic successions are, on the whole, the
erosional relics of complex volcanic centres and very
few ancient centres will look the same as presently
active volcanoes. In the first instance, the preservation of the constituent facies and their geometry is
dependent on the interplay between aggradation
(deposition) and degradation (erosion; Chs 1, 10 &
13). Because of the relatively high slopes and the
generally high availability of loose debris in proximal and near-vent settings, erosion rates in such
settings are usually high (Ch. 10). Unless a particular unit is resistant (lavas, welded deposits) or is
rapidly buried under a resistant unit, or both, it will
be eroded. The record ,of such rock units may be

lost or their original extent and geometry may be

severely modified. A consequence of this is that, in
many volcanic successions, much of the original
volcanic and sedimentation record is lost, resistant
units may be disproportionately preserved in the
rock record relative to original abundance, and
original depositional geometries are frequently not
preserved. Lateral facies and age relationships may
therefore be complex, change abruptly (Fig. 1.2),
and are not necessarily related to fault contacts.
Furthermore, unconformities may be common,
relatively local in significance, not related to
regional deformation, and the erosion that unconformities represent may have been initiated by an
aggradational (eruptive) event rather than tectonic
Nevertheless, volcanic terrains are also the sites
of contemporaneous crustal movements and, given
that many are associated with orogenic belts, they
may also be the sites of subsequent penetrative
deformation. Deformation may also therefore
severely change original stratigraphic relationships
and, where strain is high, the original geometry of
rock units. However, until evidence one way or
another is found, deformational influences should
be demonstrated rather than assumed, and be given
only as much weighting as erosional contacts in
assessing lateral discontinuities.
Furthermore, although deformation may cause
steep dips, these are not necessarily the consequence
of tectonic deformation in volcanic terrains.
Volcanoes may have steep initial slopes upon which
deposition occurs. Fall deposits may mantle an
irregular, steep topography, producing steep
depositional attitudes (Fig. 5.2), which may be at
least partly preserved in the rock record.
It is also clear from the preceding that discordant
stratigraphic relationships (e.g. high angle unconformable contacts, Figs 8.55 & 1O.32b) maybe
common, and need not represent major, regionally
extensive deformational events or time breaks. It
may be difficult and unrealistic in some instances to
construct conventional 'layer-cake' stratigraphies or
columns. This is particularly so in proximal and
near-vent settings, with the irregularities in topography and the diversity and frequency of events
(eruptive, depoS;itionaf, erosional, tectonic). Unless



processes. These can generally be grouped into

those that are contemporaneous with emplacement,
and those that clearly post-date emplacement.
Contemporaneous processes include:
polyphase hydrothermal alteration
palagonitisation (in basaltic glasses)
hydraulic fracturing
Processes post-dating emplacement include:



eplclos! IC 'Red - Bed'




dIStal rhyolite base

surve depoSits
qUOriZ - roch

extrusive I Intrusive
feldspoth lc
rhyolite domes I
- ,onlm br Ite
',nely laminated locuslr in e ~
10V - brecc ia
ashy sedlmenls
co - Ivnlmbrl!. ashes I
Iluvlo - lacustrine
surqe deposits I InlervolcanIC sediments
flow ashy sedimen t s
wllh channels


Figure 14.1 Example interactive stratigraphic column,

based on the mapped geology of the uppermost Lower
Devonian Snowy River Volcanics, Murrindal - W- Tree area,
eastern Victoria, Australia. Also see Figures 13.30 and 13.39
for other examples.

critical contacts are well exposed, it may be difficult

to ascertain the exact age relationships between
facies. In such cases interactive stratigraphic-facies
diagrams (Fig. 14.1; also see Figs 13.30 & 39) may
be preferable as a means of schematically representing spatial facies-stratigraphic relationships, the
possible age relationships and the preserved
geometries. In the distal parts of basins away from
vents, slopes may be lower, facies should be more
laterally continuous and more-consistent stratigraphic relationships should occur (e.g. Cas 1978b,
McPhie 1983, Mathisen & Vondra 1983).

prolonged hydrothermal alteration

Where ancient successions have been subjected
to prolonged polyphase hydrothermal alteration ,
diagenesis, metamorphism and deformation, the
effects of each may be difficult to distinguish.
These processes not only have the ability to
overprint original textures, but in some instances to
obliterate them totally and produce new textures
(even apparent clastic textures) that can lead to
misconceptions of the original rock-types. Original
textures therefore have to be proven rather than
assumed, and unusual textures have to be explained .
Each of the alteration and modification processes
will now be briefly introduced. However, the
coverage is not intended to be comprehensive. The
interested reader is referred to other sources, and
some useful references on these topics are provided
in the following discussion.



'Hydrothermal alteration is a general term embracing the mineralogical, textural and chemical
response of rocks to a changing thermal and
chemical environment in the presence of hot water,
steam or gas' (Henley & Ellis 1983, p. 10). The
14.3 Factors affecting original lithological
upper limits of this process are ill-defined and are
characteristics and depositional
gradational into low grade burial metamorphism.
According to Henley and Ellis (1983), hydrothermal alteration involves ion-exchange reactions,
The preserved outcrop, handspecimen and petromineral phase transformations, mineral dissolwion
graphic characteristics of volcanic facies may be
new mineral growth. Although the original
-'SIgnificantly influenced by post -depositionaf~



rock composition has some effect on the secondary

alteration mineralogy, the main influences are the
permeability of the rock pile, temperature, and the
composition of the fluids moving through the rock
Hydrothermal alteration can take many forms.
Some of the alteration minerals produced include
amorphous silica, quartz, K-feldspar, albite, calcite,
montmorillonite, montmorillonite-illite, illite,
kaolinite, alunite, chlorite and a wide array of
zeolites and low grade metamorphic minerals.
Needless to say, bulk rock compositions can be
very significantly altered. Stages of alteration or
distinctive alteration mineral assemblages, or both,
are identified by a variety of terms, which are by no
means standardly defined and used (e.g. chloritic,
sericitic, potassic, phyllic, argillic and propylitic
alteration, silicification, etc.). For a discussion of

alteration types, processes and assemblages the

interested reader is referred to Ellis (1979), Franklin
et al. (1981), Beane (1982), Titley (1982), Urabe et
al. (1983), Henley and Ellis (1983) and R. W.
Hutchinson (1984). One general comment that
should be made about alteration is that many of the
'type' alteration minerals (e.g. chlorite, silica,
sericite) can also be produced by low grade
metamorphism. Silicification can also be produced
simply from circulating meteoric waters passing
through a glassy pile. It may also be difficult to
distinguish the effects of devitrificatiol'l. from true
hydrothermal silicification.
Hydrothermal alteration and processes are, of
course, an extremely important adjunct to epithermal precious metal and base-metal sulphide
mineralisation (see preceding references as well as
Rona 1984). From our point of view it is also

Figure 14.2 Gradational to sharp textural contacts in

Cambro-Ordovician chlorite--quartz- sericite altered submarine rhyolite lava. eastem Australia. (a) Apparent clasts
are sharply to diffusely defined. and irregular in shape. (b)
Close-up of sericite alteration (light) superimposed on flow
banding. and note uniform phenocryst texture throughout.
Drill core diameter is 3.5 cm.


extremely important because of the modifying

effects it can have on original rock textures, and the
problems this can lead to in terms of recognising
original rock types. Rocks may be subjected to
more than one alteration event or type, and these
may occur in close spatial and temporal relationship.
Where this occurs the resultant textures and
mineralogy may be complex.
The alteration takes place as a result of ion
diffusion and fluid migration. Neither is necessarily
pervasive in its coverage, leading to variation in the
intensity of the alteration from barely perceptible,
to patchy, and in the extreme to pervasive. The
second of these stages may cause the most significant complications. Patchy alteration may juxtapose
areas of original texture and mineralogy, or of an
earlier alteration event, with later superimposed
alteration effects. The overall effect of this may be
to produce an apparent clastic texture (Fig. 14.2)
wherein the relic patches appear as clasts in a differently coloured, mineralogically different matrix.
The 'clasts' may even resemble fiamme and are sometimes called 'pseudo-fiamme'. R. L. Allen (pers.
comm.) has shown convincingly that Palaeozoic
rocks in southeastern Australia that were previously
interpreted as acidic pyroclastic and epiclastic
volcaniclastics are mostly variably devitrified, polyphase altered acidic lavas, cryptodomes and quenchfragmented equivalents. Allen suggests that the
apparent clastic texture represents intensely
sericitically altered patches in less sericitic, silicasericite material, or intensely chloritically altered
patches in less chloritic, more siliceous material. In
both cases, original glass has been initially altered
and then incompletely silicified. Recognition of
such effects depends on recognising relic primary
(pre-alteration) textures, even if only ghosts of the
original texture. Relic primary textures which were
important to the correct identification of lithology
in Allen's study were faint, alteration-modified flow
banding, evidence of quench fragmentation, autobrecciation, and continuity of homogeneous
porphyritic texture from the apparent clasts into the
apparent matrix. In both 'matrix' and 'clasts',
similar crystals (or their ghosts) occurred in similar
proportions, sizes and distribution. Apart from
these criteria, it is also the gradational nature of the


contact between the zones or patches of different

alteration which is the key to recognising the
complication of polyphase alteration. Contacts
between stratigraphically distinctive and adjacent
lithological units should be relatively sharp, and not
gradational in terms of colour, alteration and
intensity of alteration (Fig. 14.3) as frequently
seems to be the case in polyphase altered volcanics.
Where such polyphase alteration is overprinted by
a penetrative tectonic cleavage, the apparent clastic
texture can resemble eutaxitic texture because the
apparent clasts are streaked out within cleavage
planes. Irregularly smeared out, highly strained
crystals can also produce an apparent or pseudoeutaxitic texture.

Figure 14.3 Effects of variable alteration type or intensity,

or both, on rock type. (a) Six core samples through the same
dacite unit. In order from left to right the principal alteration
phases are: 1, quartz-kaolinite-sericite; 2, sericite-chlorite;
3, chlorite-pyrite; 4, sericite-quartz-chlorite; 5, chloritesericite; 6, sericite (pale)-chlorite (dark) resulting in an
apparent clastic, breccia texture. (b) Variable visibility of
phenocrysts in a dacite as a function of varying intensity of
sericite-quartz alteration Phenocrysts are easily visible in
the core on the left. moderately visible in cores 2 and 3 and
barely visible or imperceptible in the other cores.


Although the emphasis here has been largely on
textural changes, it is inherent from the types and
intensity of processes operating that significant
chemical changes should also occur, causing
significant changes to the original igneous bulkrock compositions.

Since glasses are thermodynamically unstable they
can undergo post-eruption devitrification, which
involves the nucleation and growth of fibrous
crystallites of largely quartz (after cristobalite and
rarely tridymite) and both sodium-rich and potassium-rich alkali feldspar (Lofgren 1970, 1971a &
b). Lofgren's studies involved the experimental
devitrification of rhyolitic obsidian glass under

varying conditions of temperature, pressure, time

and fluid compositions. He was able to simulate
many of the devitrification textures found in natural
glasses, including spherulites, bow-tie aggregates,
axiolites, orb texture and devitrification fronts (cf.
Ross & Smith 1961). Devitrification can occur in
both lavas and pyroclastic rocks. Given the scarcity
of natural glasses in rocks older than Tertiary, it
must be assumed that glasses either devitrify
penecontemporaneously or are altered because of
their metastable state, as discussed above, under
diagenetic to low grade metamorphic conditions.
The stages defined by Lofgren (l971b) are an
initial hydration stage, a glassy stage, a spherulitic
stage and a granophyric stage. The hydration stage
is characterised by a polygonal mosaic of fractures
in glass enclosed by a sharp curviplanar fracture,

Figure 14.4 Devitrification features of glassy rocks. (a) Radiate, fibrous devitrification spherulites from Carboniferous rhyolite
dyke, Bathurst. New South Wales, Australia; plane-polarised light; width of field is 10 mm. (b) As in (a). crossed nicols. (c)
DevitrificatiOn spherulites, sometimes amalgamated and arranged in trams, Upper Devonian Boyd Volcanic Complex, New
South Wales, Australia; slab is 8 cm long. (d) Granophyrically recrystallised, originally glassy dacite lava, Lower Devonian
Merrions Tuff Formation, New South Wales, Australia.


called the hydration front. In addition, a straininduced birefringence, a change in colour from pale
yellow-green to pale green and pale reddish brown,
and the development of micrometre-sized bubbles
were noted. The glassy stage is marked by felsitic
texture and minor spherulites, whereas the spherulitic stage is marked by abundant spherulites and
micro-poikilitic quartz. Spherulites consist of radiating clusters of fibres, and vary in size from
100 mm to several centimetres (Figs 14.4a & b;
Section 4.10.2). When large, they are generally
spherical with smooth surfaces, but some irregularities are found (Fig. 14.4c). Sometimes spherulites
can amalgamate to produce an elongate train of
connected, overlapping spheroids (Fig. 14.4c) ,
often concentrated and aligned along flow layering.
Large spherulites with internal cavities or vughs are
called lithophysae (Fig. 14.4c). Lofgren (1971a)
found that the morphology of spherulites varied
according to the temperature of the run. At runs
below 400C their outlines were nearly circular,
between 400C and 600C bow-tie shaped aggregates
occurred and at 700C lath-like fibres, or open
framework circular clusters of spaced fibres occurred. The granophyric stage, although not noted in
Lofgren's experiments, is common in old, devitrified glassy rocks and is dominated by finegrained, roughly equidimensional, recrystallised
aggregates of quartz and feldspar, rather than
elongate fibres (Fig. 14.4d).
Devitrification can produce an apparent granularity through the development of spherulites and
orbs, which at times may give rocks an apparent
clastic character and overprint original textures.
Patchy devitrification can also give rocks a patchy
domainal texture, the boundaries between devitrified and non-devitrified zones (glassy, altered)
being called devitrification fronts.
Devitrification and hydration occur through the
depolymerisation effects of water in breaking
Si-O-Si bridges and hydrolysing tetrahedral oxygen
to OH-. The liberated Si04 tetrahedra are then free
to reorganise and to nucleate quartz and feldspar
crystal structures in the presence of alkalis (network
modifiers), which diffuse through the glass network
(Lofgren 1970; see also Ch. 2). Lofgren found that
adding alkalis in solution increased the devitrifi-


cation rate by four to five orders of magnitude, and

the hydration rate by one to two orders of magnitude.
The original textures of all glassy rocks are
therefore inevitably modified by devitrification and
ensuing alteration. However, in addition Lofgren
(1970), following the observations of Lipman (1965)
and Noble (1967), found that there were significant
changes in the bulk rock chemistry accompanying
hydration and devitrification, especially variations
in Si0 2, H 20, Fe20iFeO ratio, Na20 and K 20
contents (up to 2% for individual element oxides).
Ancient glassy volcanics are unlikely to reflect
original chemistry on this count alone, not to
mention the effects of alteration, diagenesis and
Devitrification in ignimbrites can be more
complex. It can have a zoned .distribution through
ignimbrites, and be accompanied by vapour-phase
crystallisation and hydrothermal or fumarolic
alteration. The essential devitrification stages
(hydration, glassy, spherulitic and granophyric)
can all occur. However, because of the variation in
welding and zonation in welding (Ch. 8), different
degrees of devitrification can occur at different
levels (R. L. Smith 1960b, Lipman & Christiansen
1964, Lipman et al. 1966, Scott 1971, Briggs 1976,
Carr 1981; Ch. 8). Carr (1981) also suggested that
devitrified pumice seemed to host spherulite growth
more than the glassy welded matrix. In addition, in
the porous, partially and non-welded zones of
ignimbrites, especially the upper zones, vapourphase crystallisation can occur. Vapour-phase
crystallisation involves the growth of tridymite, less
commonly cristobalite (both of which readily invert
to stable quartz), alkali feldspar (usually sanidine),
haematite and, less commonly, biotite, amphiboles
and zeolites in open pore spaces (e.g. between
uncompacted shards and pumice, in the vesicles of
uncollapsed pumice). It occurs contemporaneously
with or after devitrification, and at least the early
va pours from which these secondary mineral species
are precipitated, are derived from trapped volatiles,
volatiles which continue to exsolve or diffuse, or
both, from juvenile glassy fragments, and heated
ground water, which percolates through the ignimbrite shortly after its emplacement and during



cooling (Gilbert 1938, R. L. Smith 1960b, Ross &

Smith 1961; Ch. 8). These fluids escape and move
upwards during compaction and welding. After
emplacement of an ignimbrite, downward percolation of rain water leaches elements out of the
porous, glassy top of the ignimbrite, and may also
lead to secondary mineral precipitation in open
pore spaces.
In basic rocks, spherulite-like radiating aggregates of largely feathery, needle-like crystals of
plagioclase and pyroxene are called variolites and
the texture variolitic texture. Variolites may in part
result from devitrification, but where they occur in
submarine glassy rocks, especially in the margins of
pillows, they may be a product of quench-induced

When basaltic magma is chilled or quenched by
contact with water it forms a pale brown to reddishbrown glass called side rome lane or a black glass
called tachylite (MacDonald 1972). Tachylite was
thought to be black due to very fine, dispersed
grains of magnetite (Peacock & Fuller 1928, R. E.
Fenner 1932, MacDonald 1972, Kawachi et al.
1983). However, Kawachi et al. (1983) have established that the black grains are not magnetite but
quenched crystallites of pyroxene. In pillow lavas
the two glass types may occur together in layers at
the margins of pillows O. G. Moore 1966, Kawachi
et al. 1983). These glasses, especially sideromelane,
are susceptible to alteration.
When sideromelane alters it changes to a paleyellow to yellow-brown hydrated altered glass
called palagonite (Peacock & Fuller 1928, J. G.
Moore 1966, Hay & Iijima 1968, MacDonald 1972,
Kawachi et al. 1983), which is either finely fibrous
or gel-like, and isotropic. The formation of
palagonite involves hydration and ion-exchange
0. G. Moore 1966). Moore found that during the
formation of palagonite in submarine hawaiian
basaltic glasses, sodium, calcium and manganese
were lost, whereas potassium, iron and titanium
were gained relative to the unaltered glass, presumably due to exchange with sea water. He also
found that the palagonite layers at the margins of

pillows became thicker with age. A manganese

crust precipitated from sea water was observed on
the surfaces of pillows, and was also noted to be
thicker as the age of the pillows increased. Moore
also suggested that tachylite could be replaced by
palagonite but Kawachi et al. (1983) found that this
had not happened with their Eocene pillow lava
succession. Kawachi et al. (1983) indicated that
palagonite was a mixed-layer montmorillonite-illite
mineral and that palagonitisation involved considerable element mobility. In general palagonitic
layers were depleted in Si, Mn, Ca and Na, and
enriched in K and H 20. Fe was either depleted or
enriched, as were Ti, Mg and AI. Ti, contrary to its

reputation as a stable element, was found to be

considerably mobile.
Palagonitic alteration of basaltic glass is thus
clearly pre-metamorphic, is essentially a weathering
effect due to the interaction of water with metastable
basaltic glass 0. G. Moore 1966, Hay & Iijima
1968, MacDonald 1972), and produces significant
compositional changes in affected rocks. Jakobsson
(1978) has summarised his significant research on
the palagonitic alteration of the tephra erupted on
Surtsey during 1963. He indicates that palagonitisation can occur at normal surface temperatures
and pressures over the years, but is speeded up by
the influence of temperature. In the area of a
significant thermal anomaly, palagonitisation
appears to have occurred within 1-11/2 years, under
the influence of temperatures between 40 and
100C. In association with concurrent precipitation
of secondary minerals such as opaline silica, zeolites
and calcite Oakobsson 1978, Jakobsson & Moore
1980) palagonitisation has the potential to stabilise
and cement Surtseyan volcanic piles within several
years after cessation of volcanism.


If a fluid system in the subsurface develops a
pressure which exceeds the tensile strength of the
enclosing rock and the minimum principal stress
component, then that fluid has the capacity to
propagate a fracture or fracture system, and to open
it in a tensile manner (see Chs 3 & 15; Secor 1969,
Phillips 1972, Shaw 1980). Such fracture propa-



In small, incipiently brecciated zones, breccia clasts

may have jigsaw puzzle like fit relationships. In
well developed breccia zones, clasts may be moved
relative to each other, significantly rotated, and
even transported through the system, leading to a
heterogeneous mixture of clast lithologies. Such
breccia zones may also obviously be the sites for
significant hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation (e.g. Phillips 1972). Also, where through
these alteration processes significant weakening of
the rock has resulted, such zones may preferentially
absorb strain and become highly deformed during
subsequent tectonic movements.


Figure 14.5 Hydraulic fracturing . and brecciation, and

copper-gold mineralisation in Permo-Carboniferous rhyolite
intrusive, North Queensland, Australia. Core diameter is
3.5 cm. (Photograph by R. Allen.)

gation and opening may lead to brecciation of the

wall rock associated with the fracture, or system of
fractures. The rock is essentially shattered in tensile
fashion by the overpressured fluids working through
the rock (Fig. 14.5). The resultant fracture need
not be involved in shear motion, and so the breccia
fragments and the associated wall rock to the
fracture need not be pervasively foliated or sheared.
This fluid induced fracturing and brecciation is
called hydraulic fracturing (see Secor 1969 and
Phillips 1972 for further discussion of the mechanics and principles).
In volcanic successions, hydrothermal fluid
systems have enormous potential for causing
hydraulic fracturing and brecciation. The breccia
fragments are generally angular, blocky to splintery
in shape (Fig. 14.5) and, out of context, could be
confused with quench-fragmented hyaloclastite
deposits. Where observable in outcrop, hydraulic
fracture breccias should be distinguishable by their
cross-cutting character and confinement to a fracture
zone. The width of such hydraulic fracture zones
may vary from several centimetres to many metres.

The concept of diagenesis encompasses the mineralogical and textural changes associated with
lithification and the early stages of burial of any
sediment or rock system. It is of fundamental
importance in hydrocarbon exploration because it
modifies original porosity, generating secondary
porosity and causing hydrocarbon maturation.
Significant textural and mineralogical changes can
be produced by dissolution of original components,
precipitation of and replacement by new mineral
phases, and compaction. These processes occur
under the influence of increasing pressure, temperature and significant fluid flux during burial.
Diagenesis can be viewed as the low grade, initial
stages of metamorphism.
In volcanic rock systems, diagenesis is just as
significant if not more so than in sedimentary
systems, given the usual abundance of metastable
glassy material and the presence of labile mineral
components, especially in basaltic to intermediate
rocks. Granophyric recrystallisation can be considered to be a diagenetic process. In addition to
these, the growth and overprint by burial metamorphic mineral assemblages, typically zeolite
facies assemblages, can be significant in causing
major modification of original rock textures and
components (e.g. Raam 1968, D. K. Davies et ai.




Metamorphism, whether it be regional or contact,

is a higher grade extension of diagenesis, but
should not be confused with hydrothermal alteration, which is usually more local in effect. Metamorphism produces pervasive mineralogical and
textural changes and, where allied with the strain
effects of deformation, can cause major problems in
the recognition of original textures and rock types.
Nevertheless, perseverance is usually rewarded,
because frequently enclaves of rock, still preserving
original textures or ghosted relics of such, can be
found, particularly in greenschist or lower grade
rocks. For example, relic shards, welded textures
and perlitic textures are all documented in greenschist grade volcanics. Weathering frequently
etches out original components (e.g. fiamme), and
even in high grade metamorphics or deformed rock
successions, or both, original features may be
etched out on weathered surfaces of rocks which
internally (e.g. in fresh core) are totally recrystallised and contain only obvious metamorphic and/or
structural features. For example, in amphibolite
and granulite facies rocks it is sometimes possible to
recognise sedimentary structures, pillow lavas and
even spinifex textures on weathered surfaces.

Deformation is important, first from the point of

view of its regional and outcrop effects; for example,
in modifying geometry. Secondly, on a mesoscopic
and microscopic scale, deformational fabrics and
strain create major problems in recognising original
textures and rock types, particularly where, as
suggested above, pervasive deformational and
metamorphic effects are both well developed. However, even in such successions there will be
significant local variations in the degree of strain,
and therefore the effects on original textures (Fig.
14.6). Such variations may misleadingly give the
impression of different juxtaposed lithologies.
However, original textures are frequently preserved
in only mildly affected enclaves, which are well
worth the time spent in looking for them (e.g. S. F.
Cox 1981; Fig. 14.6).

Many highly altered volcanic rock successions are

penetratively deformed and cleaved (e.g. S. F. Cox
1981). The question frequently arises as to whether
the alteration preceded the deformation or whether
deformation fabrics produced permeability for
alteration fluids . There is obviously no simple
answer, but it should be clear that if a rock

Figure 14.6 Variable strain and its

effect on original porphyritic dacite. At
right, undeformed porphyritic dacite
with well defined feldspar
phenocrysts; in centre cleaved dacite
with strained, smeared feldspars; left,
highly cleaved (and more pervasively
altered) chloritic schist after dacite.


succession is significantly altered, either in discrete

zones or at large, the affected areas will be
mechanically weakened and will preferentially
absorb more strain than unaltered zones will. As
suggested above, there may thus be significant
variations in the degree of deformation.


be beyond recogmtlon, depending on its postdepositional history. Fiske (1969) suggests a combination of both careful hand specimen and thinsection examination to verify the existence of

14.4 Recognition of pumice in the rock


14.5 Facies as diagnostic indicators of

palaeoenvironments and palaeoenvironmental conditions

Although pumice is one of the most abundant

components in pyroclastics and epiclastic volcanic
sediments in modern silicic volcanic terrains, its
recognition can be very difficult in the rock record.
Not that pumice should be any less abundant in the
rock record than it is today. It is, however, one of
the components most susceptible to post-depositional modification. It is porous and so readily
allows passage of circulating fluids; it is glassy and
metastable, so readily alters or is replaced; and it is
mechanically weak, so may take up significant
strain during burial compaction or deformation, or
both. It also hosts vapour phase crystallisation (in
ignimbrites) and diagenetic minerals, and it readily
devitrifies and may preferentially develop devitrification spherulites.
In ancient volcanic successions pumice is most
readily identified in welded ignimbrites since its
flattening produces the characteristic eutaxitic texture (Ch. 8; Fig. 8.38). Even in metamorphosed,
weathered ignimbrites the flattened pumice lenticle
foliation, or fiamme may be distinctive and etched
out by weathering. In non-welded ignimbrites and
sediments the pumice fraction could be especially
susceptible to weathering. It could also be flattened
by mechanical, brittle collapse during burial and
compaction, or it could be 'densified' by the
precipitation of secondary minerals in vesicles, and
so retain an original unflattened shape, perhaps
making distinction from lithics difficult.
Fiske (1969) addressed the problem of recognising pumice in ancient marine volcaniclastic
deposits, and he noted the problems outlined
above. However, he cited the preservation of
pumice in rocks as old as Precambrian. Essentially,
pumice may be preserved in nearly pristine state or

The point of carefully documenting the characteristics of facies is to identify those characteristics
which give clues to the mode of deposition or
environmental conditions, or both, at the time of
emplacement. For example, angle of repose crossbedding in epiclastics suggests tractional sediment
transport and deposition; structureless to faintly
laminated epiclastic claystones or mudstones suggest settling out of suspension and very quiet
aqueous conditions; well defined eutaxitic texture in
a thick, massive, undeformed volcaniclastic deposit
suggests welding and deposition by pyroclastic flow.
However, there are few facies or facies characteristics which by themselves unequivocally identify
the host depositional environment or the spatial
context of a facie:>; within a broader palaeogeography. This applies in both sedimentary and volcanic
terrains. For example, eutaxitic texture by itself
may indicate a near vent, welded air-fall deposit
(Ch. 6) or ignimbrite (Ch. 8), in both cases
suggesting a subaerial setting. Only more detailed
analysis, and consideration of related facies will
determine which it is and, if it is ignimbrite,
whether it is proximal or distal. Pillow lavas (Ch. 4)
indicate a subaqueous depositional environment,
but the environment could have been a lake or the
sea. The water depth could be anywhere from only
several metres to kilometres, and the vent could
have been subaqueous or subaerial. Also, subaerially erupted basaltic lavas can flow into water
and transform into pillow-lavas (Section 4.6).
Accretionary lapilli (Ch. 6) indicate the existence of
subaerial conditions, but final deposition could
have been in a subaerial or aqueous environment
and may have occurred close to or far away from
vent (Ch. 5). Ballistic bomb-sag structures are one



of the few diagnostic facies features of volcanic

terrains, suggesting a near-vent (within hundreds of
metres) setting (Ch. 5). However, impact sag
structures can also be produced by epiclastic
processes (Section 10.3).
Therefore, to arrive at a sound interpretation and
reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and its
conditions, the geologist working in ancient terrains
has to establish significant associations of facies.
The context of any single facies is most likely to be
revealed by its relationship to and association with
other facies. For example, a lake-deposited facies in
a subaerial volcanic terrain could be part of an
eruptive centre (crater or caldera lake) or could
have formed in the surrounding landscape far from
an eruptive centre. The facies by itself may not
suggest which setting, but the associated facies, e.g.
perhaps thick, areally restricted rhyolite intrusives
and flows (Ch. 4), proximal ignimbrite facies (Ch.
8), base surge deposits (Chs 5 & 7), critical
epiclastic facies (Ch. 10), should help to identify the
relevant setting.
Similarly, a succession of ignimbrites could
represent an intra caldera fill succession, or a series
of outflow ignimbrites deposited tens of kilometres
from the vent. For example, McPhie (1983) has
identified a succession of Carboniferous ignimbrites
(both welded and non-welded) as an outflow
succession. This was based on the association of
moderately thick ignimbrites (cf. very thick intracaldera fill ignimbrites, Ch. 8) with valley fill
morphologies, with fluvial volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, and the absence of the expected association
of caldera related facies as summarised in the
previous example.
So, in summary, there are few facies in volcanic
terrains that will be unique to a particular setting or
environment, so that interpretation should be based
on the association of facies. Associated sedimentary
facies will be most valuable indicators of immediate
sedimentary environments and the sedimentary
processes and conditions operating. Readers are
referred to current sources for the detailed facies
characteristics of modern sedimentary environments and successions CR. G. Walker 1984,
Reading 1978, Selley 1978, f98-2, Friedman &
Sanders 1978, Blatt et al. 1980).

14.6 A suggested approach to facies

A thorough, careful analysis of facies and associations of facies in ancient volcanic successions will
inevitably involve several stages.

Stage 1: where surface exposure or subsurface mine

exposure occurs, produce an outcrop map, which is
a map showing where each outcrop occurs, its size,
its composition and any relevant structural information. Outcrop maps, being 'fact maps', are
important because they constrain the degree of
confidence that can be put on final interpretations,
and serve as a basis for critically evaluating the
possible spatial and age relationships between
different facies. Where subsurface core is available,
detailed logging will be necessary, and two- or
three-dimensional correlation fence diagrams
should be attempted.

Stage 2: determine the structure of the succession.

Stage 3: identify and describe all facies present
based on field outcrop, core characteristics, handspecimen characteristics, and personal thin-section
observations, using the facies descriptors outlined
in Chapter 1. Measure detailed sections or logs to
represent facies characteristics. In successions that
have been variably altered and deformed, facies
analysis should first be done in the least altered
areas or cores, and when confidence in recognition
of original facies has been developed, only then
work back into more altered areas and cores.
Petrographic work should be done personally by
geologists. Petrographic descriptions made by consultants who do not see the rocks in context should
be avoided if possible.

Stage 4: work out the spatial and age relationships

of facies (sharp, gradational, conformable, unconformable, faulted, intrusive) from outcrop patterns
and cross sections, and represent these on interactive
diagrams (Section 14.2).

Stage 5: assess the possible modes of fragmentation

and/or formation, transportation and deposition.

Stage 6: consider the possible genetic relationships

between associated facies, and then make genetic


interpretations of each facies and the total association of facies in terms of origins (stage 5),
environment of deposition and environmental

Stage 7: if a broader palaeogeographic context is

required, then look at the identified significant
associations of facies and their relationships to each
other. Where outcrop permits, this could be
supplemented by collecting data on transport and
source directions such as palaeocurrent measurement, contouring of maximum clast sizes, and
thickness variations.

14.7 Facies models - what they represent

and their uses
Roger G. Walker, introducing the excellent volume
he edited on facies models for sedimentary successions, writes:
a facies model . . . [is] a general summary of a
specific sedimentary environment. ... The basis
of the summary consists of many studies in both
ancient rocks and recent sediments. . . . The
increased need for models is due to the increasing
amount of prediction that geologists are making
from a limited local data base. This prediction
may concern subsurface sandstone geometry in
hydrocarbon reservoirs, the association of mineral
deposits with specific sedimentary environments,
. .. In all cases, a limited amount of local
information plus the guidance of a well-understood
facies model results in potentially important
predictions about that local environment. CR. G.
Walker 1984, pp. 3-4)
Walker goes on to emphasise that a facies model
has four principle functions: as a norm for comparison, as a framework and guide for further observations, as an initial predictor in new geological
situations and as a basis for hydrodynamic interpretation of the environment it represents. However, as
discussed further in Section 14.8, although the
facies model acts as a general guide, each case will
have peculiar features that are slightly at variance to
the norm. The identification of these differences is


just as important as the recognition of the similarities.

The construction of a facies model for a particular
type setting involves recognition of the essential
elements common to all the examples (modern and
ancient) of that type setting and encapsulating these
into the general facies model. It also involves
ignoring the local, insignificant pecularities of each
example, the guideline being that the omi~sion of
that idiosyncracy does not fundamentally affect the
distinctive character of the facies model. R. G.
Walker (1984) called this process of incorporating
the essentials and omitting the insignificant idiosyncracies the distillation of a general facies model.
One common element in the approach to the
interpretation of facies and the development of
facies models in both non-volcanic and volcanic
successions is the need to develop a framework of
focal elements for reference, and to provide a scale
perspective. For example, in fluvial successions the
focal element is the channel; in deltas, alluvial fans
and submarine fans it is the system of distributary
channels; in near-shore marine successions it is the
shoreline; and in volcanic terrains it is the eruptive
centre. Irrespective of whether it is the actual
eruption centre complex or the environments
marginal to that complex that are of interest (e.g.
for exploration purposes), it is necessary to locate
the centre in order to predict where the marginal
environments and facies will be found.
Another common approach in the analysis of
facies in sedimentary successions and in the development of facies models is to identify distinctive
sequences of facies, which may define trends
unique to particular environments. For example,
meandering fluvial facies models are dominated by
upward fining channel-point bar packets of sediment; transgressive successions are upward fining;
regressive successions are upward coarsening; midfan lobes of deep submarine fans are typically
depicted as upward coarsening with beds thickening; associated channel fills are typically depicted as
upward fining with beds thinning (see R. G.
Walker 1984, Reading 1978). Such facies sequences
are produced by a dynamic equilibrium in the
sedimentary environments, leading to an essentially
predictable progression of facies. However, in vol-



canic terrains, and in facies models for volcanic

settings at large, such up sequence trends are not
likely to be well defined because events are more
random in terms of timing, intensity and volumes of
material release. Although individual events may
produce deposits for which a general facies model is
applicable (e.g. ignimbrites, Section 8.7), the
whole volcanic succession probably will not. Statistical facies sequence analysis (e.g. Markhov chain
analysis; see R. G. Walker 1984) is unlikely to
produce systematic patterns or trends. A possible
exception to this rather negative assessment of
regularity in facies successions, is in ophiolite and
oceanic crust facies models (Sections 14.8.4, and
15.2 & 3). Although some volcanic successions
show upsequence compositional changes, these are
chemical changes rather than systematic, predictable changes in the physical facies, on which facies
models are based.
Another approach frequently used in sedimentology, is the use of analogy, whereby the succession
in question is compared with well documented,
specific case studies of modern and ancient counterparts. This serves several functions. First it provides
a scale perspective, particularly where a modern
counterpart is being used for comparison. Secondly,
it allows the similarities, but equally importantly
the differences, to be identified, and their importance to be evaluated.
Finally, the ultimate aim of any facies analysis
study is to produce a comprehensive, if at times a
little imaginative, palaeoenvironmental-palaeogeographic reconstruction which serves as a working
model (even if schematic) (e.g. Cas & Jones 1979,
Fergusson et al. 1979, Cas et al. 1981) of the
dynamics and products in the basin, or part
thereof, in question. Such reconstructions can be in
the form of interpretative two-dimensional cross
sections, interactive stratigraphic diagrams (Fig.
14.1) or three-dimensional block diagrams (Plate
14), or as a combination of these. If the general
facies models available are relevant, then the final
reconstructions will be amended versions of these
diagrams to suit the case in hand.

14.8 Facies models for volcanic

The distillation of general characteristics into a facies
model, as outlined in Section 14.7, suggests that it
should be possible to take the general features of
modern volcanoes (Ch. 13), and those of documented ancient ones, together with a knowledge of
the range of facies found (Chs 3-11) and an
understanding of the eruptive, depositional and
erosional processes (Chs 1-13) in modern volcanic
terrains and associated basins, and use these to
generate useful facies models for a wide range of
volcanic settings. Such general facies models have
predictive value to the degree that they summarise
the range of associated facies to be expected in such
settings. However, each case will have unique
features, and the spatial relationships between
facies will have to be determined in detail. The
general facies model cannot be expected to be a
consistent representation of scale and particular
relationships between specific facies, but will serve
as an initial framework to be modified to produce a
more specifically relevant facies model for the case
in hand. That specific, modified facies model will
then have predictive value for the particular rock
succession under consideration.
Mineralised zones and ore horizons and alteration
zones can also be considered as facies within the
context of our facies models, and their relative
distribution can be shown. Syndepositional ores
(e.g. exhalatives) should, in any case, be treated as
a depositional facies and their critical relationships
with other facies noted, and considered in terms of
possible environmental significance.
The volcanic settings for which we will attempt
to construct facies models are:
continental basaltic successions
continental stratovolcanoes
continental silicic volcanoes
submarine basaltic rift volcanism
oceanic basaltic seamounts
marine stratovolcanoes
marine felsic (silicic) volcanoes
silicic volcanic facies of ensialic marine basins


intraglacial basaltic and rhyolitic volcanoes

Precambrian volcanism



Selected references
Sections 13.3-6, Greeley and King (1977), Swanson
et at. (1975), Swanson and T. Wright (1981), Waters
(1961), Ollier (1967b), OIlier & Joyce (1964), Joyce
(1975), Mohr (1983), Choubey (1973), Subbarao
and Sukheswala (1981), Bultitude (1976b) White
(1960) and Bristow and Saggerson (1983).

The principal volcanic elements of continental
basaltic provinces and the basins in which they
occur will be flood and valley-fill lavas (Chs 4 &
13), cinder cones, maars or tuff rings and shield
volcanoes. Important accessory sedimentary environments will include fluvial channels, which will
be constantly relocated as flood lava ponds in
valleys. The fluvial systems will be incisive and
erosional, acting against the aggradational effects of
the basaltic volcanism in building up the topography. Fluvial successions will therefore not be
thick or extensive, and will only be preserved in the
rock record through the capping effects of valley-fill
lavas, producing 'deep lead' deposits which, in
eastern Australia, are renowned for their precious
metal and precious stone alluvial resources.
Lacustrine and swamp deposits and environments
may also be relatively short-lived. Their origin
could be either within maars or tuff rings, or
craters, or be due to damming up of valleys by lavas
or ponding within the flat landscape dominated by
flood lavas. They may be short-lived because
contemporaneous erosion could breach their
physical margins or because they become buried
under a new lava flow. The basaltic succession may
be underlain by alluvial-fluvial deposits and basement from which it may be separated by a regional
unconformity, and upwards may pass again into
alluvial-fluvial successions as volcanism wanes.
Locally, where lavas have flowed over swampy
areas, or into lakes or rivers, hyaloclastites, and


even pillow lavas, may be found. If regional

volcanism occurred in a continental edge setting, it
may have been accompanied by regional updoming
or tumescence, which is compensated by regional
subsidence after volcanism ceases, perhaps leading
to marine transgression. Throughout the section
fossil soils should be found, reflecting the long
erosion-weathering intervals between short-lived
volcanic episodes. Magmas in these provinces may
be alkaline to tholeiitic in composition.

Facies model
See Figure 14.7.

Economic significance
These settings may host concentrations of alluvial
precious metals and stones (called 'deep lead'
deposits) in river channel successions buried by
flood basalt lavas. Diamonds may occur in kimberlite pipes, diatremes and breccia pipes in the root
zones of maars and tuff rings.


Selected references
Section 13.7, Pike and Clow (1981), Vessell and
Davies (1981), Roobol and Smith (1976), Fiske et
at. (1963), Lipman and Mullineaux (1981), Thompson et at. (1965), Gregg (1960), Grindley (1960),
Neall (1979), Gorshkov (1959), Aramaki (1963) H.
Williams and McBirney (1979, pp. 312-3), Branch
(1976) and R. W. Johnson (1976, 1981).

Stratovolcanoes show complex primary variations
in erupted products in time and space, and
epiclastic processes and mass wastage of the steepsided cones further complicates the stratigraphy of
the pile (Ch. 13). We have already discussed the
principal volcanic elements of stratovolcanoes in
Chapter 13. Short lavas, domes and shallow intrusives (commonly basaltic andesite to dacite in
composition) are the main cone-building elements,
and armour the cone against erosion. These are
flanked by, and interdigitate with, various types of
pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks. Pyroclastics may



pelt velcenlsm succtlslen


flUVia l .. dlment,

loke .. d,menls



Figure 14.7


elluv ial fan

felS,1 .ells on bOlolt


bOlalt laval
deoroded cinder centl

degraded maar and

tuff "no ce mpl"
lava ,hle ld velcanlc pll,
pyroclalt i t and or hydrocie.l,c basal1 lc aOQreoates
feeder tondu,"! dykes

General facies model for continental basaltic successions.

show a wide range in composition and eruptive

style. However, it will only be the deposits of large
plinian and ignimbrite eruptions, especially welded
tuffs, that tend to be preserved in the geological
record. Other pyroclastic deposits will be for the
most part eroded and redeposited as mass-flow
deposits and reworked epiclastic sediments in basin
areas marginal to the volcanic centre. Much of this
probably occurs very shortly after their eruption
(1-10 years) with much of the deposition taking
place on the developing ring plain of these volcanoes.
Are there any generalisations that can be made
about the volcanic successions of stratovolcanoes?
It seems that their variability is their most important
characteristic, and we can conclude that the stratigraphies of stratovolcanoes show:


Rapid inconsistent lithological and compositional changes in the vertical succession;

Rapid lateral lithological changes which,
moving away from the source, may fit into a
systematic facies pattern. Around the cone,
facies will be discontinuous, controlled by



deep valleys channelling the coarse debris of

pyroclastic flows and other types of volcaniclastic flows, and the presence of lavas will be
Near to the vent, a large proportion of volcaniclastic breccias, which may be pyroclastic flow
deposits of various types and facies (Chs 7 &
8) or secondary epiclastic flows due to masswastage (Ch. 10); these will be closely spatially
associated with lavas, domes and shallow
intrusives, together constituting the 'core' of
the volcano; and
Away from source, thick successions of immature volcanic detritus in alluvial or marine
settings, or both.

Facies model
See Figure 14.8. Note that this model is a very
generalised one, depicting a relatively large proportion of volcaniclastics. However, as noted in
Chapter 13, many stratovolcanoes consist of a much
higher proportion of lavas and intrusives than
shown here, especially in the near-vent 'core' area
(e.g. Bultitude 1976a).



pOI! - ooleon ie luee, .. lon

.I' .



al har

' h.lv.al cr yS101 - rich epIC'OSlIe


thin plo n,on fall depos it

fluv ia l channel
' Iulila\ ,ple lolt lc led lmenls
ashy lake sed iments

fuder I Inllul lve '9n'Oul bodl..

with olterot,on halo .nd pot,nh.1
porphyry Cu - Mo and epithermal
Au - A9 - Pb - Zn mineroli ,o tlon
laval and domes
pyroclOSht fait and volcan ,clcllt,e
mou - lIow de pol l"
.roded remnontl of pyrocloltlc
f. 1I deposlt l
epiclall,c .. d imenll -






youn9,r poII- volcon llm

eplclo,t lc "d lmentl - from
eroded fiolconoes 19 In

l ahar
$eo" o


fa ll depo .. t
fa ll dep.,,,
sed ,ments
.1I.n 9 ,n ba> - canyon

I nto

1- 6

monne tronsQreu llJ to londlton ...


ma lor trO, lon' dflQrodo, Ion


subsurface InlnU1V'



block and alh depOSIt

non - "e lded 19n,m brl"
we lded '9nlm br li e

Figure 14.8 Generalised facies model for continental stratovolcanoes. Note the significant variations from the proximal nearvent cone facies to the distal ring plain environment where epiclastic volcaniclastics are dominant. Also see Figure 13.32.

Economic significance


Stratovolcanoes may host deep-level vein-stockwork

porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits, higher
level epithermal lead-zinc deposits and shallow
level epithermal gold and silver deposits.

The principal volcanic elements of modern rhyolite

volcanoes are topographically subdued clusters of
rhyolite hills rising above gently sloping ignimbrite
shields. The rhyolitic hills are composed of lava
domes and short flows, with associated near-vent
pyroclastic falls and other rhyolitic volcaniclastic
deposits. The ignimbrite shields will contain the
various ignimbrite facies discussed in earlier chapters (Chs 5, 7 & 8), and rhyolitic fall deposits
erupted from the centre (e .g. sub plinian , plinian,
phreatoplinian, Ch. 6). The focal element of this
association of primary volcanic facies in the shield,
is the caldera structure, which will contain multiple
lava and ignimbrite eruption points. The margins
of the caldera may he abrupt, steep scarps, or


S elected references
Section 13.9, G. P. L. Walker et al. (1981d), R. L.
Smith and Bailey (1968), Byers et al. (1976),
Lipman (1975, 1984), Bailey et al. (1976), Christiansen (1979), M. C. W. Baker (1981), Grindley
(1960), Healy et al. (1964), McPhie (1983, ancient
outflow ignimbrites) G. P. L. Walker (1984a),
Lipman et al. (1984) and Nathan (1976).


gently inward dipping slopes and may have associated caldera margin collapse breccias (Ch. 13). The
rhyolitic lavas and domes will lie within or at the
margins of the caldera structure, although some
may be erupted outside the caldera. The caldera
subsidence basin will host not only lavas and domes
(or cryptodomes), but also thick intracaldera ignimbrites (Ch. 8). These can be extremely thick (much
thicker than ignimbrites of the shield outside the
caldera), they may have associated near-vent coignimbrite breccias, they are frequently crystal-rich
and often lack evidence of significant ash-loss
associated with eruption. This caldera-fill succession
will also contain intercalated epiclastic sediments.
Contemporaneous basaltic scoria cones may occur
around the margins or beyond the limits of caldera
structures, but rarely within the caldera confines.
Hydrothermal systems including sinter deposits
and pools will be common within and outside the
caldera, and these may be associated with hydrothermal explosion craters.
Epiclastic deposits may be volumetrically important caldera-fill elements, covering areas between
102 and 104 km 2 . Such deposits could include
fluvial sediments, subaerial mass flows, and caldera
and valley-ponded lake deposits, subaqueous debris
flows and turbidites of pumiceous and dense
rhyolite debris, hemipelagic lacustrine muds,
horizons of floated pumice, and even diatomaceous
oozes. Where caldera centres are resurgent, caldera
fill strata could be significantly tilted, faulted, and
even folded.
The ignimbrite shield or plateau outside the
caldera is dominated by relatively thin (tens of
metres or more), sheet-like ignimbrites, known as
outflow ignimbrites. Interspersed with these are
pyroclastic fall deposits and epiclastic deposits
(McPhie 1983). Erosion will be important between
ignimbrite eruptions. Valleys, typically steep-sided
box canyons, are quickly incised into freshly
erupted ignimbrite as the drainage pattern tries to
re-establish itself (e.g. Figs 8.7 & 42). If welded,
the non-welded top will be stripped off in time (e.g.
102_10 5 years, depending on size and climate),
otherwise rapid degradation of the whole sheet will
continue unless covered by another ignimbrite, or
other deposits. Epiclastic processes within the

shield are largely erosional, and depositional processes are restricted to alluvial settings and to local,
shallow lakes formed in valleys, or perhaps developed on the low slopes of the shield. The eroded
volcaniclastic debris is largely removed from the
volcano and is deposited in basins marginal to the
centre, and the shields are therefore composed
dominantly of ignimbrite with volumetrically small
amounts of epiclastic interbeds. Large volumes of
pumice, ash and crystals will be removed to be
deposited in large fluvial outwash plains flanking
the ignimbrites (perhaps more than 50% of most
ignimbrites ends up in such epiclastic sequences),
or are even transported into the marine environment. Many, especially small-volume, non-welded
ignimbrites such as the Taupo ignimbrite (Chs 7 &
8) have a low probability of even being preserved in
the geological record.
When a number of silicic centres are associated
together in time, such as in the Taupo Volcanic
Zone in New Zealand or the San Juan Volcanic
Field in the western USA, ignimbrite shields will
overlap. Anyone stratigraphic section could therefore contain a number of ignimbrites from different
centres, and in both pf these fields ignimbrites from
one centre are known to fill in older calderas of the
other centres. Facies associations will be diverse,
lateral facies relationships will be abrupt and
stratigraphic relationships will be complex.

Facies model
See Figure 14.9.

Economic significance
Precious and other epithermal metal deposits are
the most important resource associated with continental silicic volcanoes. Epithermal deposits of
mercury, arsenic, antimony, gold, silver, lead and
zinc may be found associated with shallow level
hydrothermal systems both inside and outside the
caldera margins, and may be associated with
diatremes and breccia pipes (Sillitoe et ai. 1984). In
addition, porphyry copper-gold deposits may be
associated with deeper-level intrusives. Bedded
sulphides may occur in deep caldera lakes, but no
substantial deposits of this type are yet known from
continental silicic centres.



ep.claslic sediments
welded 'gnlmbrlte 2



rel ations


welded 'gnlmbrlte


surge If all I



rhyoille lavas wllh feeder dykes


Ign.mbr ile ( thick '"tr acoldera f ill

thinner outflow sheets )

perhops transgressive IImeslanes


plinian fa ll deposit s

younger succeulon


co - Ignimbri te breccias

subsurface SOurCe
magma chamber

loke depos.t s with o

l calised
bedded sulphides

late slage basalt $

f lUVial eplclastic - contemporaneous

aUerolion zone. reed.r hydr olhermal

system and possible epithermal minerali sation


past - erupti ve ep lclost lc diment. from
rewo r ked centre - In this COte marine
transgressive sandstones or alluv ial fluvial sediments

pluton /

Figure 14.9 Facies model for continental silicic volcanoes depicting the variations in facies associations from the focal
caldera complex to the ignimbrite plateau or shield outside the caldera.





Selected references
Section 13.10, Macdonald (1982), Ballard and van
Andel (1977), Luyendyk and Macdonald (1977),
Macdonald and Luyendyk (1977), Searle and
Laughton (1981), R. N. Anderson et al. (1982),
Newmark et al. (1985), Moores (1982) and
Coleman (1977).

As summarised m Section 13.10, basaltic rift
volcanism associated with mid-ocean spreading
ridges (MORs) occurs within the median valley.
The morphology of the volcanoes varies from the
central type where spreading rates are low, to
elongate, fissure-fed ones with intermediate spreading rates, to very elongate shield-like volcanoes at
high spreading rates. Both pillowed and nonpillowed lavas are common in these volcanoes.
However, ridge crests and oceanic lithosphere are
dominated by ridge-parallel fractures and faults,
which form in the environs of the ridge due to
tectono-isostatic adjustments as the lithosphere
ruptures and spreads away from the ridge crest.
Because of this, the original volcanic mounds are
likely to be highly dismembered. In the rock record
their recognition as discrete volcanoes, or parts
thereof may be nearly impossible. More commonly,
their activity and original presence is preserved
only as an almost imperceptible part of the layer 2
basaltic layer of oceanic crust and ophiolites.
A veneer of pelagic sediment and downward
transition into a mafic sheeted dyke complex and
gabbroic and mafic-ultramafic cumulate rocks,
complete the stratigraphy associated with MOR
volcanism (Ch. 15). This stratigraphy is similar to
that of ophiolites, as discussed in Sections 15.2 and
Basaltic rift volcanism may also take place in
marine settings within submerged sialic crust (e.g.
some Archaean greenstone belts). In this situation
the nature of the volcanic pile will depend on the
nature of the vent (whether a point-source or
fissure), the rate of extension, the rate of magma
discharge and the water depth. All transitions from

small piles resembling seamount facies models

(Sections 13.10 & 14.8.5; Fig. 13.50) to large piles
similar in character to the median rift valley
volcanoes of MORs (Section 13.10; Fig. 13.49)
could be expected. Pillow lavas, massive lavas and
hyaloclastites (quench-fragmented lavas) should be
prominent. If eruption occurs in shallow enough
water, and there is explosive interaction between
magma and water (Ch. 3), then pyroclastics should
also be present. Talus slopes and pelagic sediment
or epiclastic sediments, or both, may also be
prominent. Breaks in eruption activity will be
recorded by pelagic-hemipelagic sediments and
perhaps redeposited volcanic sediments, and
hydrothermal activity and water depth permitting,
bedded to massive sulphides.

Facies model
For a typical ophiolitic facies model see Figure
15.1. For ensialic rift basaltic facies model, see
Figure 13.50.

Economic significance
Marine basaltic rift volcanism is significant for its
potential as a source of Cyrus-type copper-pyrite
mineralisation (and to a lesser extent zinc, lead,
manganese, nickel, cobalt, silver and gold). Ore
deposits occur as massive bodies at the sediment or
seawater-basalt interface, and as subjacent, intensely hydrothermally altered stockworks.
Manganese nodules with significant concentrations
of Mn, Cr, Ni and Co may form post-depositionally
at the sediment-basalt interface and within the
sediment pile. Mineralisation at seafloor spreading
centres has been reviewed by Rona (1984).


Selected references
Section 13.10, J. G. Jones (1966), J. G. Moore and
Fiske (1969), Batiza and Yanko (1983), Searle
(1983), Thorarinsson (1967) and Kokelaar and
Durant (1983).

See Section 13.10. Where basaltic seamounts
develop on oceanic lithosphere, their preservation


potential in the rock record must be poor. They,

like their substrate, face being subducted. During
this they may become detached from the substrate
and are likely to be variably dismembered, depending on the tectonics of the subduction setting. So,
like the volcanoes of MORs their recognition may
be difficult.
Where basaltic seamounts develop on submerged
sialic crust in a setting not necessarily subjected to
subduction tectonics, they may be preserved in the
record, and their recognition will be dependent on
recognising the up sequence facies changes first
documented within an overall facies model by J. G.
Jones (1966) (Section l3.10; Fig. l3.50). After
cessation of volcanism, the shallow tops of some
centres may be sites for atoll and limestone cap

Facies model
See Figure l3.50. Note: eruptions that begin in
relatively shallow waters (e.g. Surtsey, Thorarinsson 1967), may consist only of the upper pyroclastic
succession with or without the succeeding subaerial
lava cap.

Economic significance
Basaltic seamounts are not noted for their resource
potential, although development of ferromanganese
crusts (see Section 14.3, discussion on palagonitisation) and nodules could produce significant manganese deposits, which in ancient successions have
been called Lahn-Dill-type deposits.


Selected references
Section l3. 7, Bryan et al. (1972), Bauer (1970),
Black (1970), Ball and Johnson (1976), Pichler and
Friedrich (1980), Pichler and Kussmaul (1980),
Self and Rampino (1981), Sigurdsson et al. (1980),
Mitchell (1970), J. G. Jones (1967b), Klein (1975),
Klein and Lee (1984) and Ricketts et al. (1982).

Marine stratovolcanoes are generally similar to their
wholly subaerial counterparts: they have significant
relief above their base, they are large and steep-


sided, they may have summit calderas, and they

have diverse magmatic compositions (Section 13.7).
However, they are significantly different in that
they have a foundation built in submarine conditions
and a summit region which may be subaerial. If the
initial eruptions are basaltic to basaltic andesite,
then the lower submarine parts of the stratovolcanoes may develop similar stratigraphy and
characteristics to volcanic seamounts, being
dominated by lavas including pillow lavas and
hyaloclastites. However, stratovolcanoes may be
longer lived than individual oceanic seamount
volcanoes, and they may build substantial subaerial
cones dominated by lavas, pyroclastics and immature epiclastics intruded by feeder bodies. Such
volc2rloes are almost invariably associated with
island arc systems (Ch. 15) built on prominent arc
crustal blocks which consist of older, deformed arc
volcanic piles, associated intrusives and younger
carbonate cappings, upon a foundation of submerged oceanic or continental crust. Such settings
are associated with significant epiclastic erosional,
transportational and depositional processes (Ch.
10). High rates of subaerial mass-wastage and
shoreline erosion will be accompanied by major
submarine mass-flow processes, shedding debris
into associated basins. These produce coarse,
proximal forearc and back-arc sediment aprons
built up largely by mass-flow deposits (debris flows,
rubble avalanches, turbidity currents, slumps and
slides). In this regard, emergent stratovolcanoes
will be different from seamounts in that their initial
lava-dominated foundation will be buried by, and
flanked by a volumetrically, equally significant,
volcaniclastic apron.
The back-arc apron, which is under the direct
influence of the active volcanic are, will contain
much juvenile, contemporaneous volcanic debris,
as well as older epiclastic, volcanic detritus.
Sigurdsson et al. (1980) suggested that in the Lesser
Antilles arc system the back arc apron is depleted in
primary pyroclastic fall material because of the
preferential transport of ashes eastwards by strong
prevailing westerly wind systems at higher altitudes
(Ch. l3; Fig. l3.28). Most of the back-arc apron
therefore consists of mass-flow deposits (Klein
1975, Klein & Lee 1984). Both aprons may contain






IOk m

vOlcan iclastic depOSIts of slratovolcano

I bath pyroclasllc and oPICIO,l lc)

older volconlc carbonale IniruSlYe

complex of arc bloCk

basa l , onlappi ng pillow pile


feeder Ilnlruslve Igneous bod ies with
hydrothermal olloralton envelope and
vl ln stockwork mlnerallsallon


carbonate and volcaniclastic man flow

depa,," from eroded volcanoes

pelagic and hemipelagic sed iments where

open ocean, Or lerr lgenous ,.dlmeol where
,n prOK lmlty to a I micra) conllnent
malar eras lonl degradallon

Figure 14.10 Facies model for marine stratovolcanoes and environs. Compare with the model for continental
stratovolcanoes. The significant differences are the presence of pillow lavas and submarine mass-flow volcanic
sediments in the marine stratovolcano pile.

channel-form canyon fills as well as sheet-like

sediment bodies. Intercalated pelagic intervals
should be diagnostic facies of such intra-oceanic arc
volcano terrains. The distal facies of such aprons
will be dominated by relatively fine-grained
volcaniclastic mass-flow deposits (largely turbidites), occasional ash horizons and more-abundant
pelagic sediment horizons. Depending on the
topography, they could show greater lateral continuity than the more proximal facies of volcaniclastic
aprons. Where marine stratovolcanoes are associated with a significant, nearby landmass, there
will be interface between the facies of the volcanic
pedestal with terrigenous, continentally derived
sediment, rather than with open ocean pelagic

Facies model
See Figure 14.10.

Economic significance
As for continental stratovolcanoes, marine andesite-dacite stratovolcanoes should have potential
for porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold deposits
and higher level epithermal vein zinc, lead, gold
and silver mineralisation. In addition, where a
substantial part of the stratovolcano is submerged,
seafloor hydrothermal springs may have potential
for producing massive, exhalative sulphides. These
could occur in two sites - either on the flanks,
associated with lateral hydrothermal springs, or
where the summit is a collapsed caldera, in a
summit basin fed directly by the vent hydrothermal
system (e.g. Santorini, Krakatau). The steep flanks


may be subject to considerable epiclastic erosional

and mass-flow depositional processes long after
eruption has ceased, so that ore precipitation could
be interrupted or could also be redeposited downslope by mass-flow processes, or both.



Selected references
M. A. Reynolds and Best (1976), M. A. Reynolds
et at. (1980), Ohmoto (1978), Kouda and Koide
(1978), Ohmoto and Takahashi (1983), Sato (1977),
Sangster (1972), Spence and De Rosen-Spence
(1975), De Rosen-Spence et at. (1980) and Kokelaar
et at. (1984, 1985).

Although acidic magmas can be erupted in intraoceanic settings and result from differentiation and
fractionation processes m basic-intermediate
magma chambers, they are more common in
marine environments floored by continental (sialic)
basement (Ch. 13; Fig. 13.44). The popularity of
submarine felsic and silicic centres as exploration
targets stems from their association with Kurokotype and Canadian Archaean base-metal ore deposits. Because of the difficulties associated with
observing modern marine (especially submarine)
volcanoes much of the current understanding
comes from the rock record, especially from the
closely studied Kuroko successions of Japan and
those of the Archaean Abitibi greenstone belt of
Canada. Although some workers have interpreted
the Kuroko successions as submarine calderas
(Kouda & Koide 1978, Ohmoto 1978, Ohmoto &
Takahashi 1983), others (Cathles et at. 1983) have
suggested that volcanism occurred in a narrow
extensional rift-like basin, presumably from scattered point sources. The two ideas are, in fact, not
mutually exclusive, and are similar in many regards
to the ideas about the Canadian volcanic centres
(e.g. Spence & De Rosen-Spence 1975; see Section
The essential elements of the Kuroko successions
seem to be subaqueous dome-like lavas, associated


volcaniclastics, mudstones, the focal massive

sulphides and their associated chemical sedimentary
facies. The commonly preferred setting of the
Kuroko deposits is in deep marine conditions, in a
rift basin. The interpretation for water depth is
based on both palaeontological grounds (Guber &
MerillI983), and by the need to prevent the boiling
off of ore fluids (Ridge 1973, Franklin et at. 1981).
The latest estimate of the depth of the depositional
environment is about 3500 m (Guber & Merill
1983), although it may be a little less. Such depths
have two effects on the eruption modes and
products. First, because of the confining pressure
of the water column at such depths, exsolution of
volatiles may be considerably inhibited, so maintaining low magma viscosities. If the volume of
magma that is erupted and the discharge rate is
large, this could lead to areally extensive felsic lavas
which flow anomalously large distances given the
magma type (Ch. 4). Small volume, high viscosity
lavas will be local in extent and produce small
domes, as appears common in the Kuroko situation.
Secondly, the confining pressure of the water
column at depths of -3000 m will preclude explosive fragmentation (Ch. 3). Although the volcaniclastics associated with the Kuroko deposits have
been described as tuff-breccias, lapilli-tuffs and
pyroclastics, they are unlikely to be in situ pyroclastics, particularly given their low vesicularity of
17-34% (Ch. 3). At the water depths suggested
above, they are more likely to be redeposited
volcaniclastics derived from shallower depths
500 m), or quench-fragmented hyaloclastites.
Only at shallow eruptive depths are true, in situ
pyroclastics likely to be significant, in which case
significant sulphide precipitation may be precluded
because of boiling off of host fluids. In situ
hyaloclastites will also be important elements,
associated with both surface domes and shallow
cryptodomes intruding water-saturated sediments.
With the former the domes may be mantled by
aprons ofhyaloclastite. The hyaloclastites associated
with the cryptodomes may be dynamically mixed
with the sediments they intrude through boilinginduced fluidisation of the interstitial pore fluids,
producing peperitic textures (Ch. 3).
In summary, relatively deep marine silicic vol-



canic centres should be dominated by lavas, perhaps

in overlapping nests, hyaloclastites, redeposited
volcaniclastics derived from shallower eruption
points, deep-marine pelagic-hemipelagic sediments
representing hiatus in eruptive activity, possible
associated sulphides, and variable proportions of
terrigenous sediments, depending on proximity to
land masses. Further consideration is given to the
Canadian Archaean successions in Section 14.8.10.
Intermediate depth to shallow water centres will
contain progressively increasing proportions of in
situ pyroclastic deposits. Intermediate depth centres
will contain local pyroclastic successions such as
tuff cone and tuff ring deposits (e.g. Bunga outlier
of the Boyd Volcanic Complex, southeastern
Australia, Tuluman Volcano, Papua New Guinea;
Reynolds & Best 1976, Reynolds et al. 1980).
Shallow water centres may be highly explosive, and
produce ignimbrites, that may be deposited in
shallow waters or on exposed islands, as well as
abundant water-lain tephra fall deposits, abundant
redeposited pyroclastic debris, and domes. The
geology of Kos in the Dodecanese islands of Greece
is representative of subaerial accumulations associated with shallow submarine calderas (Fig. 13.44).

Facies model
See Figure 14.11.

Economic significance
Massive stratiform sulphides are the most significant
resource likely in such settings. These should
accumulate during quiescent times or in quiescent
settings associated with pelagic-hemipelagic sediments, or both, may be in local trapped basins
(between several domes), or perched (on top of
domes) basins. There they will be protected from
the influx of significant volumes of pyroclastics and
epiclastics. Such settings should be fed by hydrothermal springs. It appears that many Kuroko-type
massive sulphide deposits show clastic textures and
are thought to have been mechanically transported.
Hence, the difficulty lies in finding environments
marginal to domes where these redeposited,
slumped sulphide deposits have come to rest. A
footwall stockwork system of sulphides and perhaps
precious metals may also be prominent.



Selected references
Cas (1978b, 1979, 1983a), Cas et al. (1981), Fiske
and Matsuda (1964), Fiske (1963) and J. V. Wright
and Mutti (1981).

Shallow-marine to subaerial silicic volcanic centres
produce abundant pyroclastic deposits, and the
successions of the centres themselves will be similar
to those of continental silicic volcanoes (see Section
14.8.3). However, where such centres interface
directly with deep-marine basins, a significant
proportion of the erupted products will be deposited
in these basins. Much will be redeposited by
normal subaqueous mass-flow processes, perhaps
derived from shoreline settings. Slides, rubble
avalanches, debris flows and turbidity currents
(Ch. 10) will build an apron of volcaniclastics
interdigitating with normal basinal facies. Other
deposits will result from the interaction between
pyroclastic flows and sea water (Ch. 11). Except for
dense block and ash flows, there is considerable
doubt that most pyroclastic flows will continue to
flow underwater as gas-supported pyroclastic flows
(Ch. 9). They may interact explosively with sea
water, and the debris may then be redeposited as
large-volume, very thick mass-flow deposits of
juvenile volcanic debris, in associated basins,
frequently well away from the original volcanic
centres. In these settings stratigraphy may be
continuous, and the volcaniclastic succession will
interrupt the accumulation of normal basinal sediments and will interdigitate with them. These basin
sediments will be largely sandy turbidites and
interbedded hemipelagic mudstones.

Facies model
See Figure 14.12.

Economic significance
These successions will have little resource potential
unless they are associated with distal hydrothermal




bosement or pre - volconlc successIon

I'~ 1111

youngest lelslc loyo domes

or intrus ve cryptodomu

early, exlenSlye submorone

felsic layo

zone 01 ollerotlon

I,' "1

lelsoc submarine loyos /

Intrusive cryptodomes


(quench - Irogmented
lavas I Inlruslves)


bedded redeposited contemporaneous

hyaloclastite and or pyroclastic debris
from shallower water sources, pelogic heml -pelagic .edlments, chemical
sediments, are horizons (block)
post - yolconl c epiclosllc
vol can Ic sed iment
post - yolconic succesSion

Figure 14.11 Facies model for relatively deep marine felsic (silicic) volcanic centres. The model depicts areally extensive
deep-marine felsic lavas, followed by smaller dome-like bodies. The mineralisation is depicted as being associated with
the youngest. smallest domes, as appears to be the case in the Kuroko region. Intermediate depth volcanic centres may
also contain local in situ accumulations of pyroclastic deposits, such as tuff cone and tuff ring successions.

spring systems on the slopes of the source volcanic

centre, or unless they host significant redeposited,
bedded clastic sulphide deposits.



Facies models


The characteristics of the deposits and the processes

involved have been described in Section 13.11.

See Figures 13.51 & 52.

Selected references

Economic significance

Mathews (1947), J. G. Jones (1966, 1969, 1970)

and Fumes et al. (1980).

Being subglacial successions, these types of volcanics have no specific economic significance other



South ..._ _ _









I----~ Eo$l


T------T~r---~------._------~I_----- ~~ -

-- ~.:-:;~-:.?


-- ----

We st



Vert icol El09gerollo n 20 l


Merrlons Tuff


Member E


Membe r PcioSI ies

Member A

Merr ions Tuff clostlcs enclosed

by reglonol molri. rocks

Mamb..r 0

1,'=" 1 Member

Membe r J
pem es

Member M

Member L
closll cs

Membe r F
closl iC!

lime plones

Member H

Member C

Member K

meolured secllon

Figure 14.12 Facies model for deep-marine voicanic successions derived from shallow marine-subaerial silicic
volcanic centres. (a) Basin floor facies fed by subaerial ignimbrites flowing into water and subaqueous fissure lava
eruptions, interdigitating with normal basin terrigenous epiclastics, Lower Devonian Merrions Tuff, southeastern
Australia. The three cross-sectional perspectives are arranged from northernmost (top) to southernmost (south).
Each clastic interval consists of multiple thick, massive sedimentation units (after Cas 1978). Also see Figure
10.27 for greater detail. (b) (opposite) Volcanic apron, interdigitating with normal deep-marine basin, epiclastic
terrigenous sediments, Lower Devonian Kowmung Volcaniclastics, southeastern Australia (after Cas et al. 1981).








~ E G;
o C ..







zone of no
thinly interbeddde
sandstone on
mudstone d'mentation
graded se I

Vertical scale
in metres




'c S/or
vOIC~~:te clasts
block shale
deformed zone


Silicic Breccia








than as parts of basaltic and rhyolitic volcanic

complexes, as discussed in previous sections.


Selected references
Arndt and Nisbet (1982), Huppert et al. (1984),
R. W. Hutchinson (1973, 1980), Naldrett and
Macdonald (1980), Ricketts et al. (1982), Dimroth
et al. (1978), Sangster (1972), Spence and De
Rosen-Spence (1975), De Rosen-Spence et al.
(1980) and Thurston (1980).

How different were physical volcanic processes in
the Precambrian from those operating during the
Phanerozoic? Tectonic controls, settings and conditions may have been different, and some of the
erupted magmas may have been different from
those erupted in more-recent times. In particular,
during the Archaean, the atmosphere may have had
a different composition and density, and the
occurrence of komatiite lavas (Ch. 4) in Archaean
greenstone terrains records the eruption of very
high temperature ultramafic lavas quite different
from any magmas erupted in modern settings
(Huppert et al. 1984, Arndt & Nisbet 1982). The
geothermal gradient may have been different and
the tectonic regime was also almost certainly
different. Nevertheless, the basic physical principles
that we have reviewed in this book should be as
applicable to Precambrian volcanic successions as
they are to more-recent volcanics. Lavas of all types
(basaltic, andesitic and rhyolitic) in all physical
forms (pillowed, massive and dome-like) have been
described in Precambrian successions (e.g. Ricketts
et al. 1982, Dimroth et al. 1978, De Rosen-Spence
et al. 1980). Similarly hyaloclastites, ignimbrites,
air-fall deposits and redeposited epiclastic volcaniclastics have been recognised (Ricketts et al. 1982,
Dimroth et al. 1978, De Rosen-Spence et al. 1980,
Thurston 1980). It is clear that the physical
volcanic processes were therefore similar to those
operating in modern volcanic settings, although the
larger-scale tectonic controls, processes and settings
may have been different.

However, whether the volcanic centres were

similar in character to modern ones is not clear.
Perhaps their nature was affected by the different
tectonic regime, influenced by the possibly higher
geothermal gradient and a substantially thinner
crust and lithosphere. In this regard, few comprehensive accounts of the structure and modern
affinities of Precambrian volcanic piles have been
ventured. Two distinctive types of volcanic pile
have been recognised in Precambrian successions:
mafic-ultramafic komatiite-bearing (Ch. 4) piles,
and cyclical basic-intermediate-felsic piles (Naldrett & Macdonald 1980, R. W. Hutchinson 1973,
Mafic-ultramafic volcanic piles are dominated by
high temperature tholeiitic to komatiitic lavas and
intrusives, and volcaniclastics and sediments seem
to be a minor component. Lava thicknesses are very
variable, ranging from about a metre to several tens
of metres. The features of komatiitic lavas have
been briefly touched on in Section 4.12. These piles
are thought to have been associated with early to
mid-Archaean rifts (R. W. Hutchinson 1980) at a
time when there was little or no crust and the near
surface geothermal gradient may have been higher.
Basic-intermediate-felsic volcanic piles (Sangster
1972, R. W. Hutchinson 1973, 1980) appear to
have become prominent from the mid-Archaean
onwards, and to have continued into the Proterozoic. Sangster (1972), R. W. Hutchinson (1973,
1980) and Spence and De Rosen-Spence (1975)
indicate that these centres were polygenetic, and
erupted magmas ranging from basalts through to
rhyolites: 'The volcanism is envisaged as the quiet
outpourings of lava sheets on to the sea floor from
magma rising through numerous fissures and small
vents ... ' (Spence & De Rosen-Spence 1975,
p. 94). The volcanic piles are often constructed of
multiple cycles, commencing with basalt, followed
by intermediate and then silicic lavas. Where
mineralisation occurs it is most likely to be associated with the rhyolitic phase, which appears to be
associated with domal masses, and has similarities
to the successions described in Section 14.8.7. This
style of volcanism appears to have developed at a
time when the upper mantle and crust were
becoming differentiated. Piles as thick as 10 000 m


attest to significant subsidence contemporaneous

with eruption, suggesting that in many cases relief
of the volcanic piles above base level may never
have been high. Nevertheless, volcaniclastics may
constitute significant intervals, and include hyaloclastites and significant epiclastic sediments.
Chemical sediments, including cherts and iron
formations, are also common. Although pyroclastics
have also been documented, some of these may, in
fact, be misinterpreted hyaloclastites or epiclastics.
Ricketts et al. (1982) have recognised similarities
between a Proterozoic basaltic pile, the Belcher
Group, with modern basaltic seamounts in Icelandic
rift-like settings (Section 14.8.4) or young island
arc volcanoes (Section 14.8.6). However, many
volcanic piles appear to be dominated by lavas and
intrusives, and volcaniclastics are minor (e.g.
Spence & De Rosen-Spence 1975).



mafic volcanics

, II

Intermed la e yolcanlcs

fe lSic volcan ics


Facies models
See Figure 14.13 for basic-intermediate-felsic piles.
Also see Figure 14.11 for details of the upper parts
of these piles.

Economic significance
Archaean mafic-ultramafic volcanic piles are hosts
to many rich nickel-copper deposits, with accessory
cobalt and gold. The basic-intermediate-felsic piles
are known hosts to zinc-copper and lead-zinccopper-silver massive sulphide deposits.

14.9 Summary
The aim of this chapter has been to provide those
working in ancient volcanic successions with an
awareness of the problems of rock identification,



----- ----------------------------------------------


Iron formation - sulphide


sediments - f ine ep,clost lc.

volcan lclastoc - chemica l


Late Archaean - PrOlerozolc

crust - Ihlckening Sialic,
Includ" Archaean g"enalones,

La te Archaean - Proterololc
Upper Monlle - thin,
dlff. r.nt iat ing, ( intermediate - )
maf ic - ultramafic compasition

( Pb - ) Zn -Cu (- Ag ) are


dlment. - coarse clostics.

baSin mar gi n

Figure 14.13 FaCies model for Precambrian basic-intermediate-felsIc volcanic cycle, representing perhaps one of
several such cycles In many volcanic piles (After Hutchinson 1973) Also see Figure 14.11, which can be taken to reflect
details of the top of such piles



with an approach to facies analysis, and with

schematic facies models to be used as norms for
comparison. In particular, we have emphasised the
effects of various forms of post-emplacement alteration and deformation in causing significant problems in identifying original textures. This hinders
identification of the original rock types and depositional facies. Even apparent clastic textures, with
all kinds of potentially misleading implications for
depositional processes, can result from polyphase
alteration. Careful observation, description and
interpretation are therefore necessary, and must be
based on thorough understanding of Chapters
1-14. Recognition of significant associations of
facies, and an understanding of the depositional
context, may be very important guides in interpreting problematic rocks. We have emphasised again
that volcaniclastic rocks may have diverse modes of
formation. Some may be pyroclastic, but many may
be quench-fragmented, or epiclastic, and the assumption must be avoided that volcaniclastics by
and large are pyroclastic in origin. This must be
proven rather than assumed.
The facies models are an initial attempt to
summarise the essential characteristics of different

volcanic successions. The models are based on

understanding of both modern and ancient volcanoes and their products. Both the modern and
the ancient have important strengths from a learning
point of view. In modern terrains the processes, the
way they interact, and their products can be
directly observed. Workers in ancient terrains who
have not looked first-hand at modern settings are at
a major disadvantage. On the other hand, ancient
terrains also have much to offer, especially with
regard to subaqueous volcanic processes and products. In addition, the long-term development of
stratigraphy of particular settings can be better
evaluated and, most importantly, the context
of volcanic hosted resources can be most easily

14.10 Further reading

Although Williams and McBirney (1979) and
Fisher and Schmincke (1984) give some attention to
analysis of ancient volcanic successions, there are
no other comprehensive reviews known to us like
the one in this chapter.

Plate 15 Aerial view of part of the East Africa Rift system on the border of Tanzania and Kenya. North is to the right. The
volcanoes and lakes are characteristic of the landscape of the rift. The major volcano in the centre left is Ngorongoro
Immediately above (west of) Ngorongoro is Olduvai Gorge. (After Sheffield 1981.)



Volcanism and

tectonlC settlng
Initial statement
The relationship between volcanism and tectonic
setting is a diverse topic. One approach to this
subject in recent years has been from a geochemical
point of view, the approach being to correlate
particular geochemical properties or trends in
modern volcanics with their specific tectonic setting,
and to use the patterns derived from modern
successions in trying to identify the tectonic affinities of ancient volcanic successions. Ancient volcanic successions not only suffer from the effects of
deformation in masking the original tectonic context, but also from the chemical overprints of metamorphism and alteration. In spite of advances in
isotope and trace-element geochemistry, the geochemical approach offers little hope of unambiguously clarifying the original tectonic context by

itself. The tectonic setting can only be evaluated by

considering the overall regional geological framework of the volcanics in question, combined with a
consideration of the original tectonic controls that
allow volcanism to occur in the first place. In this
chapter, we review the known tectonic settings in
which volcanism occurs and the overall geological
characteristics of these settings, and propose guidelines for the evaluation of tectonic settings in
ancient terrains.




15.1 An introduction to volcanism in the

modern global tectonic framework as
a guide to the tectonic settings of
ancient volcanic successions
The plate tectonic model for the modern global
tectonic framework has produced a reasonably clear
picture of the patterns and conditions of volcanism
associated with different tectonic settings, and it is a
useful starting place for developing an approach to
interpreting the tectonic setting of ancient volcanic
successions. The following is written with the aim
of formulating guidelines for interpreting the tectonic context of ancient successions.
Although the approach of using modern global
tectonic settings as analogues for past tectonic
configurations is not new, many attempts at doing
so suffer from two weaknesses: first, they frequently overestimate the scale of ancient configurations compared with the scale of supposed modern
tectonic analogues and, secondly, they frequently
lack critical evaluation of whether all the essential
dynamically important tectonic elements of the
modern analogue can be found in the ancient
configuration. For example, modern plate margin,
volcanic island arc systems are not small-scale
tectonic systems. They are regionally extensive
systems hundreds to thousands of kilometres long,
usually hundreds of kilometres wide, and include at
least the volcanic arc itself, the forearc region
including the accretionary prism, perched basins
and the trench, and they may include back-arc
basins (see Section 15.7). The volcanic arc consists
of a line of stratovolcanoes with basal diameters of
at least 20 km. The spacing between individual
stratovolcanoes in a modern plate margin/arc system
is in the order of 10 1_10 2 km or more. The length
of a volcanic arc is usually hundreds to thousands of
kilometres. Therefore, in an ancient orogenic belt a
linear volcanic belt only tens of kilometres to a
hundred kilometres long does not constitute a plate
margin/arc system. This is especially so without the
proven coexistence of a contemporaneous forearc
accretionary prism system, which is the physical
evidence of the subduction process. The point of
this digression is that reconstructions of ancient
tectonic configurations have to be constrained

carefully by the scale of supposed modern analogues, as well as by a clear understanding of all the
dynamically important tectonic elements of each
tectonic setting, their relationships and extent.
However, having said this, care needs to be taken
with Archaean terrains, because it is uncertain
whether the geothermal gradient was the same as at
present, and whether the scale of tectonic systems
was the same as modern ones, or perhaps smaller.
Areas of modern volcanic activity can be classified
into one of the following tectonic settings:

open ocean (mid-ocean) spreading ridge

(b) marginal sea-back-arc basin-interarc basin
spreading volcanism behind oceanic island
arcs (e.g. Lau-Havre Trough, Marianas
(c) intra-plate oceanic volcanism (e.g. Hawaiian
chain and other oceanic volcanic seamounts),
(d) intra-plate continental (flood) volcanism (e.g.
eastern Australia Cenozoic volcanism),
(e) continental rift volcanism:
narrow, linear zones (e.g. East Africa rift
zone), including aulocogenes, and broad,
wide zones (e.g. Basin and Range Province,
western USA),
(f) young island arc volcanism associated with
oceanic trench subduction zones (e.g. TongaKermadec, Marianas, Aleutians, Hellenic,
Scotia arcs),
(g) micro-continental arc volcanism associated
with oceanic trench subduction zones (e.g.
Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia) and
(h) continental margin arc volcanism associated
with oceanic trench subduction zones (e.g.
Andes, Cascades volcanic belt, western USA).

15.2 Mid-oceanic ridge volcanism and the

geology of the crust and lithosphere
Mid-ocean ridge (MOR) volcanism (Sections
13.10.1 & 14.8.4) appears to issue from fissures
which are arranged en echelon within a median
valley (Searle & Laughton 1981, Macdonald 1982).
Small volcanic mounds and a topography of overlapping flow-fronts are prominent in this median


valley. The volcanics are overwhelmingly basaltic,

and pillow basalts can be expected to be abundant.
However, deep-sea drilling project results have
shown that non-pillowed lavas are also common.
Hydrothermal vents and fissures may also occur.
The MORs are dominated by ridge-parallel fractures and faults, producing a very rough ridge and
chasm terrain. The only source of sediment is
through pelagic sources. A pelagic sediment mantle
only becomes prominent at the edges of the median
valleys and on the ridge flanks and abyssal plains as
the lithosphere spreads away from the MORs (for
details see Ch. 13; MacDonald 1982).
Although the full stratigraphy of the oceanic
crust has not been penetrated by the Deep Sea
Drilling Project, seismic, gravity and magnetic
studies suggest that it closely resembles ophiolite
stratigraphy (Coleman 1977, Moores 1982, R. N.
Anderson et al. 1982, Newmark et al. 1985; Fig.
15.1a). Ophiolite stratigraphy was defined by a
Penrose Conference (1972) and was expanded by
Moores (1982) (Fig. 15.1b) to include, from bottom
to top:

a crystalline basement and shallow-water

sedimentary sequence,
(b) a tectonic unit of thrust slices of continental
margin, rise and abyssal sediments, and/or
(c) a metamorphic unit, as much as a few
hundred metres thick, generally with higher
grade rocks over lower grade ones,
(d) an ultramafic tectonite unit composed dominantly of multiply deformed peridotite, dunite
and minor chromite,
(e) a cumulate complex, ultramafic at the base
grading to mafic or intermediate at the top,
(f) a non-cumulus unit of variably textured gabbro
and minor trondhjemite,
(g) a sheeted dyke complex,
(h) an extensive section of massive and pillowed
flows and intercalated sediments,
(i) an abyssal or bathyal sediment sequence
which may include radiolarian chert, red
pelagic limestone, metalliferous sediments,
breccias and/or pyroclastic deposits and
(D post-emplacement deposits of laterite, reef


limestone, or shallow-marine or subaerial

Ophiolites are usually tectonic slices that have
been tectonically emplaced during orogenesis
(Moores 1982). In this context, units (a)-(c) are
basement onto which the oceanic slice, units (d)-(i)
have been emplaced and (j) develops following
Seismic stratigraphic studies of oceanic crust
have defined a generally comparable stratigraphy
based on seismic properties. The principal seismic
layers identified based on seismic propagation
velocities were layer 1, layers 2A, 2B, 2C and layer
3 (R. N. Anderson et al. 1982, and references
therein). The most successful penetration through
this stratigraphy has been in Hole 504B of the
DSDP/IPOD programs, on the southern flanks of
the Galapagos spreading centre (R. N. Anderson
et al. 1982, Newmark et al. 1985). The stratigraphy
and correlations with the seismically defined layers
were {Fig. 15.1c):

layer 1, pelagic sediments (274 m),

layer 2A, permeabl~ succession of pillow lavas,
breccias and some massive flows (100 m),
layer 2B, more pillow lavas, breccias and minor
massive flows; fractures filled with smectite (475 m),
transition layer, decreasing frequency of pillow
lava; increasing frequency of dykes; includes a
stockwork of Fe, Zn, eu-sulphides in laumontite,
chlorite, calcite and quartz veins in a fractured and
brecciated pillow lava sequence (210 m) and
layer 3, sheeted dyke complex (300+ m).
A complete section of oceanic crust would have a
thickness of 5-7 km (R. N. Anderson et al. 1982).
The thickness and character of the layer 1 sediments
is highly variable and depends on the age of the
crust (thin for young crust, thick for old crust),
biogenic productivity and proximity to areas of
influx of continentally derived terrigenous clastic
sediments. True open ocean oceanic crust will be
mantled by calcareous or siliceous pelagic sediment,
or both. Where oceanic crust comes under the
influence of continental margin sedimentation it

(0 )







Vp 5.1 km 5-1






Vp 6 .Bkm 5-1






Vp 8 .1 km 5 -I










" ~


,., ~0E :::0 c

























.. "







Shallow water or continental deposit, commonly with laterite.

Pelagic sediments or abyssal deep-sea fan
terrigenous or arc type deposits
Pillow and maSSive lavas.
transitional contact
Dyke complex, commonly with dyke within dyke relations.
transitional contact
Massive - noncumulate plutonic rocks with dlorrte, plagiogranite
also With intrusive breCCia with fragments 01 dolomite.

Cumulate section ; ultramalic- mafiC at base, felsic toward top

commonly cyclic, common contorted layerrng and other
evidence of deformation .

Ultramafic tectonite, peridotite with discontinuous layers of

dunite (d) and concentrations of chromlte (Cr) .

Metamorphic complex, commonly 0 - 100 m thick

Tectonic sedlmentor y melange I assocloted Imbricate slices
of marginal sediments
Crystalline shield With overlYing plotlorm sedimentary






, _-





'~i~m brecclo



_- - - - - . . , Sea floor

IfIHlntl_<:>M........ tronSlhon



Figure 15.1 (a) Comparison of stratigraphy of several known ophiolites with the seismic stratigraphy of
oceanic crust and mantle (after Moores 1982). (b) Expanded definition of a complete ophiolite (see text) (after
Moores 1982). (c) Schematic representation of the section intersected in Deep-Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Hole
504B, southern flanks of the Galapagos spreading centre, south of the Costa Rica Rift (after R. N. Anderson et

al. 1982)

will also be marked by significant thicknesses of terrigenous sediments. Oceanic crust formed near
island arcs will be mantled by pyroclastic and
redeposited volcanic sediments (see Section 15 .3)
The areal extent of oceanic crust during active
ocean basin life is huge and measurable in terms of
millions of square kilometres. However, because of
the developmenl of subduction systems and the
subducted. In old orogenic belts preserved oceanic
potential of oceanic crust is low, as most will be
subducted. In old orogenic belt preserved oceanic
crust is likely to occur as long fault slices caught up
in accretionary prisms of subduction complexes,
or as slabs obducted over the leading edge of the
overriding plate and its volcanic arc , whether it be
oceanic or continental (e.g. Coleman 1971, H. L.
Davies & Smith ]971, Moort's 1992).
Oceanic crust is pervasively normally faulted.
This faulting occurs during the initial stages of
rifting, as the oceanic crust moves from the initial
vok-ank rift valley beyond the flanks of the ridge
(Macdonald I n2). It need not be the result of
su bseq uen! deformation.
The geochemistry of the basalts is typically

described as being oceanic tholeiite in character

(Basaltic Volcanism Study Project 1981), and the
geochemical characteristics indicate derivation from
poorly evolved magmas. However, although the
magmatism is clearly mantle-derived, it need not be
exclusively mafic. Silicic differentiates, including
small-scale ignimbrites, an' known on the rare
subaerial exposures of mid-oceanic ridges such as in
Icdand (G. I' I. \X'alker lY621. Vay rart' occur
rences 01 subaenal lava , pyroclastic and epiclastic
facies may be lound. It should bt' noted here,
however, that Iceland is very atypical of spreading
ridge volcanism. More strictly it should be considered as a region of oceanic platform volcanism
that happens to L'oincide with an active spreading
ridge axis. In places alkaline volcanism may also
occur, especially along transform faults,
Alteration may be variab!t~ in its grade, intensity
and distribuuon, and varies from low grade sea
floor weathering products [u at least greenschist
facie~ assemblage mmerals. The variation is due to
variable permeabilities controlling the throughtlow
of hydrothermal flUids (R. N. Anderson el al.



In ancient terrains, true oceanic crustal basaltic

volcanism derived from mid-oceanic spreading
centres will be distinguished not so much by
geochemical characteristics as by overall, regional
geological context. The basement to the volcanic
succession should be clearly simatic; the layer 2
basalts should interface directly downwards with a
sheeted dyke complex, which is the principal
physical evidence of the tectonic extension associated with spreading; an essentially full oceanic
lithosphere stratigraphy should be developed (layers
1--4); and the relict oceanic lithospheric slices should
form an integral part of a complex orogenic terrain,
irrespective of whether the final tectonic emplacement of the slices was by subduction-related
accretionary prism offscraping and thrusting, or by
obduction (Moores 1982). The scale of the whole
complex should be large enough to be compatible
with an original large oceanic basin setting and a
subsequent major subduction setting.

15.3 Oceanic back-arc basin-interarc

basin-marginal sea spreading
volcanism and its geological context
Karig (1970, 1971, 1974) has shown that in the
western Pacific many marginal basins are the
product of the successive splitting and rifting of
subduction-related volcanic arc blocks, and the
oceanward migration of the frontal half of the rifted
block, by the opening of a new back-arc or interarc
basin containing a small-scale seafloor spreading
centre (Fig. 15.2). This is suggested by irregular


topography, little or no sediment cover, high heat

flow and limited magnetic anomaly patterns over
elevated basin centre areas (e.g. Sclater et al. 1972).
The successive splitting of the arc block and the
seaward migration of the frontal arc should produce
a sequence of progressively younger back-arc basins
oceanwards, by successive 'small-scale' seafloor
spreading in these basins (also see Section 15.7).
The part of the rifted block that stays behind is
called the remnant or third arc. The basins and
ridges or rises east of Australia and east of the
Chinese mainland have the ages predicted by this
model, and are floored by oceanic crust (Burns,
Andrews et al. 1973; Andrews, Packham et al.
1975; Karig, Ingle et al. 1975; Hussong, Uyeda et
al. 1981). The currently active, youngest of these,
the Lau-Havre Trough and the Marianas Trough,
are marked by high axial heat flow and have a '
sufficiently linear, though not always symmetrical
or well defined, magnetic anomaly pattern to
suggest axial, if diffuse, spreading from a basin
axial, irregular topographic rise (e.g. Karig 1970,
1971, 1974, Sclater et al. 1972, Bracey & Ogden
1972, Bibee et al. 1980, B. Taylor & Karner 1983,
Eguchi 1984). The crustal thickness is thin (5-15
km, Brooks et al. 1984) and oceanic in nature, and
the crust could also be expected to have an
ophiolitic profile consisting oflayers 1-3 as outlined
in Section 15.2, overlying a layer 4 upper mantle
However, not all arc systems necessarily have
back-arc basins originating from the rifting of an
arc block (Cooper et al. 1977, B. Taylor & Karner


_ . - 1- ARC - - , - PRISM


4 ~.. :.;;;;
, ....;;.;;
.. :..:,;;
:. ~rt:





~~~~======9 4


I \
VE 5.


- 400




l. V. z. \

- 500

- 200









Figure 15.2 Essential elements of an active back-arc-interarc-marginal basin and its associated arc-subduction
complex. (After Karig 1974.)


1983, Brooks et al. 1984). For example, the

Aleutians arc appears to have formed upon old
open ocean lithosphere and to have 'trapped' part of
this in the associated back-arc basin.
Tamaki (1985) has suggested that some associations of marginal basins may have opened simultaneously. He cites the two areas of the Sea of Japan
that are floored by oceanic crust and separated by
the submerged block of continental crust of the
Yamoto Rise. Tamaki (1985) suggests that these
back-arc basins opened simultaneously as the
micro continental arc of Japan separated from the
Asian mainland. He suggests that this dual basin
system resulted because of a shallow dipping
subduction zone and that single back-arc basins
form where subduction zones are steep. Although
Tamaki's suggestion may be correct, it is also
possible that the refractory and thick nature of the
continental basement under the Japan arc may have
contributed to the opening of multiple basins.
Layer 1 sediments are largely pelagic where they
are formed well away from the influence of sedimentation from the rifted arc blocks bounding the
developing marginal sea. However, even within a
hundred kilometres of the frontal arc and remnant
arc blocks, redeposited volcaniclastic sediments
transported by submarine mass-flow processes will
form a significant pile of sediments above the layer
2 basalts (Klein 1975, Hussong, Uyeda et al. 1981,
Klein & Lee 1984). Various amounts of redeposited
carbonate debris may also be included. Ash-fall
layers derived from the active frontal arc block may
also occur. The volcaniclastic character of this layer

and sediment succession may help to distinguish

marginal sea crust and lithosphere from large ocean
basin oceanic crust, the latter being mantled by only

pelagic sediments or terrigenous, continentally

derived clastics, or both, except where it is being
subducted at an island arc plate margin, in which
case it may also contain a volcaniclastic element in
layer 1. These continentally derived clastics are
likely to be more compositionally mature (quartzrich) and diverse in their provenance than the
sediment fill of an interarc basin. However, marginal basins directly adjacent to continental masses,
may contain both provenance elements (e.g.
Rodolfo 1969).


Although the geochemistry of modern marginal

sea layer 1 basalts is generally similar to that of midoceanic ridge basalts (MORB), i.e. oceanic tholeiite
(Sclater et al. 1972, Gill 1976, Hawkins et al. 1984,
B. Taylor & Karner 1983), it shows sufficient
geochemical differences to be considered transitional between MORB and island arc tholeiites
(B. Taylor & Karner 1983).
In terms of recognising ancient marginal sea
crust volcanism in the rock record, the most
compelling criteria are the ophiolitic stratigraphy
outlined above, the distinctive volcaniclastic
character of layer 1 sediments, and the association
with a regionally extensive, well documented contemporaneous arc succession and its forearc complex. The scale of the whole system should be
compatible with suitable modern analogues (e.g.
Cas et al. 1980, Cas 1983b). Modern marginal
basins are hundreds of kilometres long and similarly
wide at their widest parts, but may narrow right
down to converging apices, such as in the Marianas
system of the northwest Pacific Ocean. Deformational style of the preserved marginal sea succession could be variable depending on its tectonic
history. Karig (1972) suggested that the active life
of marginal seas may be terminated by the initiation
of subduction zones within the marginal seas
during complete polarity reversal of the arc system.
Evidence of this should occur in the form of an
intra basinal subduction complex. Simpler deformational styles involving regional compressional
deformation, perhaps associated with the jamming
up of the subduction zone in front of the arc, could
also occur.
Finally, it should be mentioned that back-arc and
interarc basins can have on-land extensions or
equivalents floored by continental crust. For example the wholly oceanic Tonga-Kermadec island
arc extends into the microcontinental mass of New
Zealand. The arc volcanoes in New Zealand (Section
15.8) are nested within the major Taupo graben
system which Cole (1984) has described as an
en sialic marginal basin.



15.4 Intraplate oceanic volcanism

15.5 Intraplate continental volcanism

Intraplate oceanic volcanism occurs upon a basement of older oceanic crust and lithosphere, the
characteristics of which have been described in
Section 15.2. It can be represented by a single
oceanic volcano (Sections 13.10.2 & 14.8.5), or
lines of volcanoes such as the Hawaiian-Emperor
seamount chains. Individual seamounts may be
< 1 km to tens of kilometres in diameter and will
have a volcanic pedestal stratigraphy up to several
kilometres thick (e.g. J. G. Jones 1966, J. G.
Moore & Fiske 1969; Fig. 13.50). This will consist
of a basal pile of predominantly basaltic pillow
lavas, hyaloclastites, and if the seamount approaches
sea level, a veneer of pyroclastic-hyaloclastic layers,
capped by coherent submarine lavas, perhaps all
fringed and ultimately surmounted by limestones,
organic colonies, etc., as atolls form. (Such a
volcanic stratigraphy can also be produced subglacially, e. g. J. G. Jones (1969); Section 13 .11 ;
Fig. 13.5l.) The basaltic rocks may be alkaline or
tholeiitic and geochemically variable (MacDonald
1968, Frey & Clague 1984, Hawkins & Melchior
1984). Associated sediments are likely to be pelagic
and volcaniclastic, and carbonate mass-flow deposits
are likely to form aprons. Lines of oceanic islands
with increasing age trends away from and perpendicular to MORs are interpreted in terms of passage
of a lithospheric plate over resurgent sub-lithosphere mantle hot-spots (J. T. Wilson 1963,
Menard 1964, McDougall 1974), and trace the
direction of movement of the host lithospheric
As for volcanism associated with mid-oceanic
ridges and crust formation, the preservation potential of oceanic volcanic islands in the rock record is
low and they, too, should get subducted along with
the oceanic lithosphere. They could conceivably be
preserved as parts of ocean crust slices in convergent margin accretionary complexes (Section 15.2),
or as discrete ofT-scraped, sheared-off blocks in
these settings (e.g. G.]. Macpherson 1983), in
which case they may be highly deformed, even
dismem bered.

Intraplate continental volcanism (Section 14.8.1) is

also essentially basaltic, although rarer, more acid
centres are also known. Basaltic provinces are
characterised by plains of valley-fill lavas (plains
basalts) dotted with cinder cones and tuff rings
(Section 13.5), such as occur in southeastern
Australia (Ollier & Joyce 1964, Joyce 1975; Figs
13.13 & 16), and the Snake River Plain (Greeley &
King 1977), or thick, regionally extensive flood lava
sheets (plateau basalts; Section 13.3), such as the
early flood basalts of Ethiopia (B. H. Baker et ai.
1972, Mohr & Wood 1976, Mohr 1983), and the
Columbia River Basalt Plateau (Swanson et ai.
1975, Schmincke 1967c, Swanson & Wright 1981;
Ch. 4). The effect of the outpouring of fluidal
basaltic lavas into valley topography is to reorganise
the drainage, in some cases damming up valleys,
producing swamps and lakes. Fluvial, swamp and
lake sediments should be interspersed with the
basaltic volcanics (Fig. 14.7), but are probably best
developed below and above the relatively shortlived volcanic succession.
Linear age trends in the eastern Australia
Cainozoic province have also been interpreted in
terms of the passage of a lithospheric plate over a
mantle hot-spot (Wellman & McDougall 1974) and
by intraplate extension (Pilger 1982). The geochemical character can range from alkaline to
tholeiitic and more-differentiated rocks, including
trachytic rocks, are also common. The predominance of basic volcanics in such settings suggests
that the magmas are rising from mantle sources and
passing through the crust rapidly enough to prevent
partial melting of the crust, and the production of
more-acidic magmas. Kimberlites could also be
expected in these settings.
Intraplate continental volcanics should have a
moderate preservation potential in the rock record,
the major counteracting influence being long-term
post-eruptive erosion in a tectonically, relatively
stable continental setting. Volcanic successions of
this type, erupted upon a stable continental rock
record, should be recognisable by virtue of a
regionally extensive basaltic suite erupted upon a
demonstrable continental (sialic) basement.


Widespread continental basaltic volcanism

probably suggests that the lithosphere is in a
generally atectonic, or extensional state (see below),
allowing large volumes of mantle magmas to reach
the surface. Many major continental basaltic
provinces can be related to major continental
stretching, rifting and separation (Section 13.3) and
to lithospheric adjustments (e.g. eastern Australia).
These provinces frequently develop near rifted
plate margins (e.g . Subbarao & Sukheswala 1981).

15.6 Continental rift volcanism

A large body of literature is now available on the
East Africa Rift Zone, so its morphology, sediments, sedimentary environments, geophysics,
tectonics, petrology and geochemistry are well
known (Di Paola 1972, B. H. Baker et al. 1972,
Mohr & Wood 1976, Neumann & Ramberg 1977,
Ramberg & Neumann 1978; Figs 15.3 & 4).


Several uplift-updoming phases in the Cainozoic

were accompanied by are ally widespread continental flood volcanism. In the late Cainozoic the areas
of principal updoming were affected by initial
rifting and extension, reflected by the formation of
an axial graben system and by are ally restricted
axial graben volcanism (Fig. 15.4b). Igneous
products are petrologically and geochemically
diverse, ranging from mafic to silicic in character,
and are alkaline to peralkaline rocks. Ignimbrites
are common products, as are lavas, pyroclastics and
epiclastics. The initial environments, at least, have
subaerial settings and could include fluvial, alluvial
fan and lake environments within a normal-faultcontrolled topography (Fig. 15.3). In advanced
rifting stages, continued extension and axial graben
subsidence should produce marked marine incursions, and in time an overall transgressive
succession should develop. The basal parts of the
succession contain volcanics or thick volcaniclastics,
or both, which slowly disappear upsequence as the
rift widens into a narrow sea with a MOR, such as
in the Red Sea (Fig. IS .4a) and the Gulf of
California. During this, the volcanism should

Figure 15.3 Geography of the Ethiopian Rift Valley between r oo' and 8"40' North, showing the vari ation In volcaniC
landforms and centres and the interaction between volcanism, normal surface processes and enVironment s, and te ctonics.
(After DI Paola 1972)















Ethlopion Ploteou
Horor (Somolloll)
E. UQonda Plateou

Figure 15.4 (a) Setting of the East Africa Rift System (after
B. H. Baker et al. 1972). (b) Distribution of volcanic centres
about the East Africa Rift System. but not including those of
the south em Ethiopian Plateau (after Mohr & Wood 1976).
Volcanoes of the graben-rift system are generally the
youngest. their development coinciding with the initiation of
active rift--graben formation. The widespread volcanism of
the bordering plateaux preceded rift formation.

become more oceanic tholeiitic in character. The

up sequence change from subaerial fluvial-alluviallacustrine successions to marine sedimentation
should be accompanied by fundamental lithological
changes upsequence. Mixed basaltic to silicic volcanics and volcaniclastics or basement-derived,
immature, lithic sediments, or both, should become
increasingly mature, more quartz-rich, and may
give way to marine carbonates (also see Dickinson
1974). Failed rifts or aulacogenes could cease to
develop at any stage (e.g. Burke 1978).
The basement in the initial stages is clearly
continental explaining, in some cases, the abun-

dance of silicic volcanics, derived from subcrustal

heating of the lower crust. As the extensional
tectonic regime develops, giving access to more
mantle magmas, the thinning continental crust
becomes injected with mafic magmas, becomes
transitional in character and, finally, when spreading proper commences, it becomes oceanic in
character. Well defined rift systems are a hundred
kilometres or more long and tens of kilometres
wide, and may even consist of a dual rift system
such as the East Africa Rift, the Western Australian
rifted continental margin and others (c. A. Wood
1984, Veevers & Cotterill 1978). Veevers and



Cotterill (1978), in describing and modelling the

Western Australia continental margin rift history in
detail, have provided a useful general account of rift
margin history.


The Basin and Range Province is dominated by a
broad terrain of graben formation, normal faulting
and volcanism with a great diversity of petrological
characteristics (Christiansen & Lipman 1972, R. B.
Smith & Eaton 1978, and papers therein, Eaton
1982, 1984; Figs 15.5 & 6). The igneous rock types
are frequently described as being a bimodal maficsilicic association. Although both basaltic and
acidic rocks are major rock types, intermediate
rocks also occur. There is a complete spectrum of
clan types from alkaline to tholeiitic to calc-alkaline

(Christiansen & Lipman 1972, Eaton 1982). The

silicic rocks include large ignimbrites originating
from large caldera structures. The width of the
whole volcanic-graben terrain is several hundred
kilometres. Magmatic activity may be concentrated
along basement lineaments, and individual magmatically active graben basins may be similar in
characteristics to the early stages of the linear rift
zones described above. However, they are different
in having many counterparts on a regional scale, so
producing a regionally broad rift-basin terrain.
Although the basement of the Basin and Range
Province is clearly continental, it is thin 30 km
thick; Scholz et all 1971 , R. B. Smith 1978, Eaton
1984). The Basin and Range Province has anomalously high heat flow properties. Fault plane solutions suggest a predominance of normal faulting,
with the present direction of extension being
WNW-ESE, although in mid-Cainozoic times it
was WSW-ENE. Basaltic dyke swarms of mid-late
Miocene age are also prominent.

---.~-, /1
- -

~ .L,


Figure 15.5 (a) Distribution of grabens and other structural basins in the western USA containing Miocene, Pliocene and
Quaternary sedimentary and Quaternary volcanic rocks (after Eaton 1982). (b) Distribution of Miocene and younger normal faults
with known or suspected Quaternary movement. The extent of the Miocene and younger continental volcanic arc is shown by the
bold line, the modern arc being confined to the northern third of the area shown. Strike-slip faults in southern and coastal California
are also shown. (After Eaton 1984.)







' .,. Ii","





Figure 15.6 Present tectonic context of the Basin and

Range Province of the western USA. (After Dickinson 1979)

The origins of such a terrain are uncertain, but

ideas include subduction of an active MOR under
the western North American continent (Menard
1964) and the development of a back-arc continental
basin system analogous to oceanic back-arc basins
(Scholz et al. 1971, Eaton 1984). Zoback et al.
(1981) and Eaton (984) expanded on the latter
hypothesis, suggesting that during the Oligocene,
extensional tectonics occurred within a very wide
calc-alkaline arc. This arc had narrowed by the
mid-Miocene, and eastwards of it back-arc extension
occurred in a WSW--I':NE direction. This produced
an ensialic back-arc basin with bimodal volcanism,
behind a linear calc-alkaline arc that extended south
along the trend of the present Cascade arc. During
the late Miocene, the San Andreas transform
system propagated northwards, the sUUlhern end of
the arc n:treated nurthwards, and under the
influence of transcurrent faulting assuciated with
the San Andreas system, extension bel'amt orientated WNW-ESE tZoback ct at. 19~n; Fig. 15.5).

This extension is now described as 'back-transform

extension' (Eaton 1984). Smaller-scale, more linear
back-arc ensialic, verging on ensimatic, basins have
also been proposed for the Mesozoic-Tertiary of
Chile (e.g. Dalziel 1981, Bartholomew & Tarney
1984, Aberg et al. 1984), and the Quaternary
Taupo Volcanic Zone has been described as an
en sialic back-arc basin by Cole (1984).
In the Basin and Range, extensive sediment
successions are associated and inter stratified with
the volcanics. These are typical continental sediments (fluvial, alluvial fan and lacustrine), frequently developed within graben basins, and often
associated with volcanic landforms and successions .
Significant extension and subsidence could produce
marine incursions, transforming many of the graben
basins into marine basins. Such a setting is envisaged for the Silurian-Early Devonian of southeastern Australia (Cas 1983b). Although the volcanics may still be similar to the subaerial situation,
it is in deepwater basins associated with such
extensional tectonic terrains that unique, large
volume, regionally extensive, submarine silicic
lavas might be expected (Cas 1978a). Their presence
in association with regionally extensive, dominantly
silicic volcanics and contemporaneous granitoid
plutons clearly indicates the sialic nature of the
basement upon which this Palaeozoic extensional
province developed (Cas 1983b). Another, but
subaenal, clearly bimodal Late Devonian extensional province then followed a mid-Devonian
compressional event.
In the rock record, the principal criteria to look
for are the widespread (hundreds of kilometres
WIdth) occurrence of bimodal volcanics, associated
granItoids and multiple, localised, structurally controlled sedimentary basins (Cas 1983b).

15. 7 Young island arc volcanism

associated with oceanic trench
subduction zones
The locus or volcanism is typically a narrow (no
more than 50 km wide) line of volcanoes (some
submerged, sume emergent aboVl: sea level) lying
parallel to an eq ually linear, deep-sea trench. The


trench and line of volcanoes may have a straighttrace (Tonga-Kermadec Islands) or be curved
(Marianas arc, Fig. 15.7). The arc system has a
regular structure: trench; inner trench wall; forearc
basin slope (or arc-trench gap), perhaps above an
accretionary prism; arc block, including an outer
non-volcanic line of islands; volcanic arc-back-arc
basin-marginal sea-interarc basin; and, in some
systems, a remnant or third arc (Figs 15.2 & 7), all
developed above an arcward-dipping seismic
(Benioff) zone. Karig (1970,1971,1974) has shown
that in the western Pacific many marginal basins are
the products of successive rifting and splitting of the
arc block and the oceanward migration of the frontal
half of the rifted block by the opening of a new
interarc basin, as discussed in Section 15.3. The
other half of the rifted arc block is called the remnant
arc, or third arc. A new line of volcanoes forms



4 ...

bathymelrlc contour. (km)

active volcanau
non - valcanlc sI lands
topographic mid - slape basement high between
volcanic arC and trench

Figure 15.7 Principal elements of the Marianas island arc

system (after Karig 1971). Note the arcuate character of the
system and the apical terminations of Mariana Trough, the
present active back- arc basin.


behind the frontal arc block which consists of an

older volcanic-plutonic-volcaniclastic sediment
complex mantled by younger volcaniclastics and
perhaps carbonates. This sequential evolution indicates that the ages of basins will be successively
younger in an oceanwards direction, and that the
lifespan of the sediment fills of successive basins will
be progressively shorter.
The volcanoes will probably have a similar stratigraphy to oceanic basaltic islands, as discussed in
Sections 15.2 and 14,8.6. The sediment fills of the
basins will be volcaniclastic mass-flow deposits laid
down as aprons on the flanks of the' arc volcanoes, as
thinning mass-flow sheets in the near reaches of
associated basins, and as wedges and sheets in the
forearc basin. Carbonate debris may also be included in these deposits. Pelagic sediments will also
be important. During the active life of the volcanic
arc, pelagic sediments will be best represented
furthest from the active arc apron, but are thin or
non-existent in the basin centre. In volcanically
inactive basins pelagic sediments will also mantle
the previously active volcanic apron and will be
interspersed with a declining proportion of epiclastic
volcaniclastic sediments derived from the remnant
arcs. Whereas some arcs are wholly intra-oceanic,
others develop in relatively close proximity to
continental masses . In old successions terrigenous
clastics in basinal sequences can be used as an
indication of proximity to continental crustal masses
(e.g. Cas et al. 1980).
Most young island arc rocks are basalts or basalticandesites of 'island arc tholeiite' character derived
from the subducting lithosphere and/or the overlying mantle and crust (Bryan et al. 1972, Ewart et
al. 1973, Gill 1981, Hawkins et al. 1984, Gill et al.
1984). More recently, boninites (Mg, Cr, Ni enriched basaltic and andesitic rocks; see Hawkins et al.
1984, and references therein) have been considered
to be important magmatic products emplaced in the
forearc region of the frontal arc block, although these
can also occur in continental settings (Wood 1980).
Karig (1970) and Gill et al. (1984) also suggest that
acidic rocks (low-K rhyolites, Gill et al. 1984) may be
found as initial products of arc-block rifting that
leads to formation of a new interarc basin. Sample
and Karig (1982) noted that magma production rates



can vary along arcs, apparently as a function of

variable along-arc subduction and back-arc spreading rates. Locally more-silicic differentiates may
occur within the arc volcanoes (e.g. Bryan et al.
1972) and rare, small ignimbrites may occur. The
basement in the basins is clearly oceanic lithosphere,
whereas the basement in the arc block is initially
oceanic lithosphere, succeeded upwards by a
variably deformed volcanic- volcaniclastic-pelagic
sediment-mafic intrusive complex, about 15 km
thick (Karig 1970). The arc block itself contains an
interesting array of nonnal faults, particularly
towards the rear. The inner trench wall may be
made up of an imbricate stack of faulted slices of
off-scraped ophiolite slivers and deepwater sediments, both pelagic and redeposited volcaniclastic
in origin, in which the faults dip towards the arc
(Karig & Sharman 1975, Karig 1982; Fig. 15.2).
This deformed, off-scraped sediment wedge or
accretionary prism may be subducted some depth
and subjected to high pressure, low temperature
metamorphism, which should be reflected by a
high pressure mineral assemblage. Tectonic
melanges may also be produced at this time.
Although accretionary prisms should be soughtafter evidence of subduction in the rock
record, it is apparent that several modern island arc
subduction systems lack accretionary prisms. This
is apparently due to relatively low sediment influx
rates and to a low degree of frictional coupling
between the plates, so allowing what sediment there
is to be subducted in step-like graben sediment
traps in the down-going plate (Uyeda 1983, Von
Huene 1984).
Arcs are at least several hundred kilometres long,
the line of active volcanoes is less than 50 km wide,
the distance between the active arc and trench may
be tens of kilometres or more, and the width of the
basin between the frontal and remnant arc varies
from a few tens of kilometres to hundreds of
kilometres wide.
Karig (1972) suggested that arc polarity may
change in time, leading to the development of a
subduction system in the previous back-arc basin
and then to the migration and collision of the arc
block back onto the nearby continental mass. The
recognition of an ancient island arc system within

an orogenic belt remains a problem, and some of

the criteria considered necessary (scale, oceanic
basement and subduction accretionary prism complex) have been alluded to in Section 15.1.

15.8 Microcontinental arc volcanism

associated with oceanic trench
subduction zones (e.g. Japan,
New Zealand, Indonesia)
The arc-block structure is much the same as for the
young island arc system discussed above. The main
differences are that the arc block is substantially
thicker (30-35 km, e.g. Katili 1973, Sugimura &
Uyeda 1973, Cole 1984), there are considerable
proportions of recycled, mature supracrustal sediments, and the arc block is much more sialic in
character. This has profound effects on the magmatic products which are largely silicic and are in
large part derived from the lower crust (Ewart &
Stipp 1968, Cole 1979, 1984). However, rock types
range from mafic to intermediate to silicic in
character (Ewart et al. 1977, Whitford et al. 1979,
Cole 1984). Calc-alkaline rocks are very prominent,
but as in Japan and Indonesia, an across-arc trend
from tholeiitic nearest the trench to calc-alkaline to
alkaline and even shoshonitic volcanoes furthest
from the trench, is known (e.g. Miyashiro 1972,
1974, Whitford et al. 1979, Hawkins et al. 1984).
The active volcanic belt is again relatively narrow
(several tens of kilometres), but may migrate
towards or away from the trench with time (e.g.
Sugimura & Uyeda 1973) or be widened by
extensive outflow ignimbrite sheets. Along-arc
variations also occur, with the more oceanic,
juvenile parts of arc systems (e.g. east Indonesian
arc, Tonga-Kermadec arc) being more mafic in
character, with the more-mature parts (e.g. JavaSumatra, New Zealand) having more silicic
products (e.g. Ewart et al. 1977). Large silicic
ignimbrites (Ch. 8), large calderas, some submarine
in their setting, e.g. Krakatau (Self & Rampino
1981), and stratovolcanoes (e.g. Cole 1979, 1984;
Ch. 13; Fig. 15.8) are common. Co-magmatic
granitic intrusives may also be prominent, and
testify to the existence of a sialic crust at least 20 km



deplh contoutS, Benioff Zon.




,ync hno


st(l)l;l and djp of monochne


no, mal fault. with dow nth rOw

( ) mojor Quat.,no,y ,hyolltlc

volcanic: cenlrll

ctntrol yoleanOIl In allQnmtnt

Mlocono - Roconll


. / /. q,.




IOO km

Figure 15,8 Extensional. graben-dominated basins and normal faulting associated with the Taupo Volcanic
Zone of New Zealand. (After Sporli 1980.)


thick - thick enough for anatexis of the lower crust
to occur. Basaltic volcanics and dykes testify to
mantle influences in magma genesis (Cole 1979,
1984). This sialic crust is not only thick, but
regionally extensive. For example, the marine
straits between Malaysia, Sumatra, Java and Borneo'
are underlain by sialic crust, and the submarine
Campbell Plateau off southeastern New Zealand is
also sialic crust.
A forearc accretionary prism may also be developed (e.g. G. F. Moore & Karig 1980, Van der
Lingen & Pettinga 1980, Sporli 1980, Von Huene
& Arthur 1982, Shiki & Misawa 1982) and blue
schist metamorphic assemblages should occur
(Miyashiro 1972). A significant structural feature is
the association of graben, subsidence basins with
the volcanic belt (Sugimura & Uyeda 1973, Hamilton 1979, Healy 1962, Sporli 1980, Cole 1984; Fig.
15.8). In Indonesia and New Zealand there is a
significant strike-slip component of movement associated with the extensional terrains, some basins
being pull-apart basins (e.g. Ballance & Reading
1980). In New Zealand the Taupo Volcanic Zone
can be viewed as an on-land extension of the Havre
interarc basin (Karig 1970) and has been described
by Cole (1984) as a back-arc en sialic marginal
Sediments associated with the arc system will
vary from continental (fluvial, alluvial fan, lacustrine) to marine. The forearc basin may contain all
of continental, shallow-marine to deep-marine sediments. Pelagic sediments will only be prominent in
far offshore environments, away from the dominating influence of near-arc terrigenous mass-flow

15.9 Continental margin arc volcanism

associated with oceanic trench subduction zones (e.g. Andes, Cascades)
Magmatism in these settings takes place upon a
wholly sialic, continental type crust, which in the
Andes is up to 60 km thick (James 1971). Crustal
involvement in magma genesis is evident from the
high proportion of silicic volcanics, including huge
ignimbrites (Ch. 8) and contemporaneous grani-

toids. Intermediate volcanics may also be common

(e.g. Andes, Cascades), and the volcanics appear to
be largely calc-alkaline. Forearc basin(s) and accretionary prisms should be expected (Kulm et ai.
1982, Moberley et ai. 1982, J.
Moore et ai. 1979;
Fig. 15.9) and, as with micro continental arc settings, extensional basins may be associated with the
volcanic arc (Zeil 1979, H. Williams & McBirney
1979; Fig. 15.10). Sediments associated with the
arc and back arc will be continental: fluvial, alluvial
fan and lacustrine. Sediments in the forearc area
will range from continental to shallow marine to
deep-marine. The volcanic arc will again be hundreds of kilometres long, relatively narrow at any
one time (tens of kilometres), but may migrate
producing a time-transgressive, wider belt of volcanic rocks (e.g. Eaton 1982) and associated granitoids.
In the rock record such a setting should be
recognisable by the association of a regionally
extensive, linear, acidic-intermediate calc-alkaline
magmatic belt with continental sediments, paralleled by a complexly deformed, forearc accretionary
prism, all associated with a basement that was
demonstrably sialic.


15.10 Igneous rock-types as indicators of

From Sections 15.2-9, several observations can be
made about the usefulness of igneous rock types
and their compositional characteristics in assessing
0.---------- -- -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - , 0



_ ~";:'f~i''''


\ 7.

~ ", ,,\, "------..,_

, ,,-,,~....,~ .. ,,,, TRANSITION
5 I ,." <' . '
.. ',











Figure 15.9 Forearc accretionary prism and basin complex

of the Middle America trench and arc system as depicted in
line drawings of a seismic profile_ DSDP holes are
numbered_ Current slope basins and sediment apron lie
above the dotted line_ (After J_ C. Moore et al_ 1979_)



crust becomes sufficiently thickened that its

base is depressed to depths of higher isotherms, partial melting could also occur, but
this is speculative (R. S. J. Sparks pers.






active volcano
seism ic plane,depth in km



Figure 15.10 Association of regional extensional basins

and Cainozoic volcanic activity in South America. (After Nur
& Ben-Avraham 1983.)

the general tectonic setting and, more specifically,

the nature of the basement at the time the volcanic
succession was forming.

Silicic magmas may be generated in areas

where the basement is oceanic, as well as in
areas where it is continental. Conversely,
mafic magmas are not uncommon in continental settings, and can, in fact, be quite
voluminous. However, large volumes of silicic
magmas only occur wherever a significant
sialic-type basement is present. Silicic ignimbrites also follow this pattern. Hildreth (1981)
expressed the opinion that mantle derived
magmatic activity is probably the ultimate
source for all magmatic activity, whether
oceanic or continental. In continental crustal
settings it is subcrustal heat sources that cause
the high geothermal gradient from which
partial melting of the lower crust occurs,
leading to large volumes of both volcanic and
plutonic silicic magmas. In some cases, if the

Continental basement will contain prominent

granitoid complexes. In addition to indicating
the existence of a well developed sialic-type
crust at the time of cooling of the granitoids,
the granitoids may give useful information
about the nature of the crust at earlier times,
according to whether they are S-, 1- or A-type
granitoids (Chappell & White 1974, Collins et
al. 1982) and according to the isotopic characteristics of a regionally extensive suite of
granitoids (Compston & Chappell 1979).
(c) Particular magmatic suites (alkaline, tholeiitic,
calc-alkaline) are not unequivocally unique to
any particular tectonic setting, although they
may be more prevalent in some settings than
in others. The geochemical characteristics of
magmatic products are the result of many
factors that are not unique to any particular
tectonic setting. These include the degree of
melting in the subsurface source area, the
compositional character of the source area, its
earlier history, and the local temperature and
pressure regimes. These factors are also not
going to be the same in different examples of
the same tectonic setting.
(d) Stemming from this, the tectonic setting of old
successions can only be reliably inferred from
the whole regional geological framework including its volcanic and plutonic rock assemblages, its metamorphic state, the regional
distribution and styles of diagnostic structural
domains, the sedimentary facies, and the
determined basement character. Geochemical
fingerprinting techniques by themselves are
unsatisfactory, although they may add support
to the total picture.
(e) The nature of the basement is different in
different tectonic settings and, most importantly, it can change in time (e.g. young island
arc developing into a more mature arc system;
rifting of continental blocks leading to the
formation of new oceanic lithosphere; thin



skin thrusting of lithosphere). Truly oceanic

basement is likely to be ophiolitic and extensive. Even in old successions, it should be
prominent in regionally extensive suture
zones. Localised ophiolitic bodies could be
allochthonous, could be subvolcanic complexes, or could be related to restricted crustal
rupturing or rifting without wholesale spreading.
(f) Several studies of modern volcanic provinces
have tried to establish, with reasonable accuracy, based on geophysical information, a
relationship between volcano spacing and
crustal and/or lithospheric thickness, in both
oceanic and continental settings (e.g. Vogt
1974, Mohr and Wood 1976). For old deformed terrains this is an almost impossible
approach, but see Windley and Davies (1978).
Recently Rickard and Ward (1981) and
Rickard (1984) have used the spacing between
granitoids in southeastern Australia and Baja,
California, respectively, to estimate the thickness of the crust at the time of emplacement of
the granitoids.
(g) Finally, there are always exceptions to generalisations, even these!

15.11 Volcanism related to regional

tectonic regimes and local stress
field conditions
The plate tectonic-related settings discussed above
can be regrouped according to whether the prevailing regional tectonic regime is divergent, 'passive'
or convergent:


mid-oceanic ridges
marginal seas or back-arc basins
of spreading origin
continental rifts
narrow African rift types
broad Basin and Range types


{ intraplate oceanic volcanic islands

intraplate continental volcanic provinces


young island arcs

{ microcontinental arcs
continental margin arcs

The term 'convergent' was deliberately chosen,

rather than 'compressional' , to avoid the assumption
that in convergent plate margin areas the stress field
configuration is compressional in the sense that 0],
the maximum regional principal stress component,
is horizontal and directed parallel to the direction of
convergence. The reasons for making this distinction are briefly outlined as follows.
The rise of magma to the surface is dependent on
the existence of vertical or subvertical fractures, or
pathways in the crust. Such fractures are most
likely to form when 0], the maximum principal
stress, is orientated vertically (or subvertically) or
horizontally, and 03, the minimum principal stress,
is orientated horizontally. Fractures will then propagate parallel or subparallel to 0] if it is high enough
to exceed the tensile strength of the rock. Once the
rock has fractured, the magma will move along
these fractures only if the magma pressure is greater
than 03 (Shaw 1980, M. A. Etheridge pers. comm.),
which is orientated perpendicular to 0]. In a
situation where 0] is vertical and 03 is horizontal
(equivalent to normal faulting), the magma will
move through subvertical dyke-like fractures or
fracture intersections upward to the surface (Fig.
1S.lla). Where 0] is horizontal, the resultant
fractures will be subhorizontal if 03 is vertical, and
could lead to low-angle thrusting (Fig. 1S.llb).
The magma will move through subhorizontal silllike fractures, and will not migrate significant
distances vertically through the crust. Minor
volumes may do so if there are already pre-existing
vertical structural inhomogeneities in the crust. If
01 is horizontal and 03 is also horizontal, vertical
fractures will be produced and strike-slip movement will occur (Fig. 1S.11c). Such fractures could
also allow the passage of magma to the surface. The
failure mechanics in all three cases range from pure
extensional fracture (rare) to extensional shear
failure (more common) (Shaw 1980).
Stress-field configurations can be analysed at all
scales. A single magma chamber or body generates
its own local stress field, because it exerts a
significant fluid pressure. If a magma chamber
develops at a shallow crustal level it will be the local
stress-field configuration in the wall-rock around
the chamber, particularly the roof, that will control




Figure 15.11 Schematic representation of crustal lithospheric stress-field configurations. orientations of resultant
fractures and the controls of these on the passage of
magma through the crust and lithosphere. (a) Normal
faulting. (b) thrust faulting. (c) strike-slip faulting.

whether the magma will be erupted at the Earth's

surface (also see Ch. 3). However, at a more
regional scale the overall stress-field configuration
in the lithosphere will also be important in controlling whether magmas, especially deep-seated mantle
magmas, can rise through the lithosphere. If the
lithosphere is in a largely compressional state (J 1
horizontal, (J3 vertical) this will be difficult. In
addition, as Shaw (1980) points out, the overall
lithospheric stress-field configuration will control
magma ascent rates .
What, then, is the stress-field orientation in the
lithosphere at convergent plate margins? Forearc


sedimentary accretionary prisms with their stack of

imbricate, low-angle thrust faults (e.g. J.
et al. 1979), testify to a high sediment supply to the
trench zone (Uyeda 1983, Von Huene 1984) and to
a largely compressional tectonic regime at the
leading edge of the overriding plate. However,
many structures in the arc block of island arc
systems suggest that nomal faulting is prevalent
over reverse faulting or thrusting, even in the
forearc region (Uyeda 1983) (Fig. 15.12), and that
the tectonic regime is largely extensional (] 1 is
therefore vertical and is equivalent to the litho static
load). The location of the active volcanic arc at the
rear edge of the arc block, at the oceanward edge of
the extensional back-arc basins, suggests that island
arc volcanism occurs in an extensional tectonic
setting. Similarly, the occurrence of grabens with
many active volcanic arcs on microcontinents
(Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia) and continental
margins (Andes, Cascades; H. Williams & McBirney 1979) forces a similar conclusion. The
physics of the situation outlined above requires that
extensional, or strike-slip faulting tectonic regimes
exist before large volumes of magmas reach the
surface. Strike-slip faulting may well be significant
in Sumatra (Hamilton 1979) and New Zealand.
For intraplate volcanism the stress field is neither
compressional nor extensional, but perhaps passive
or atectonic. It has been thought to be associated
with vertical lithospheric fractures, including the
inactive extensions of transform faults, which
reflect at least an earlier strike-slip tectonic regime,
presumably when the fractures were active ridgeridge transforms (Searle 1984).
It is therefore suggested that voluminous volcanism will generally only occur in extensional, strikeslip or passive (neither compressional nor extensional but with associated pre-existing vertical
crustal fractures) tectonic regimes (also alluded to
by Hildreth 1981), but not highly compressional
tectonic regimes. Under highly compressional
regimes subsurface intrusive bodies are more likely,
although large plutonic masses, which will create a
large local extensional stress field in the roof region,
may in time rise to sufficiently shallow levels of the
crust to permit volcanic eruptions. Hildreth (1981)
has suggested that in highly extensional settings,




--------~ O

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ==---'-'----------105


15 :;:




' ,"



. ---"

VE 22.

basaltic volcanics will be prominent and that in less

extensional regimes, although basaltic volcanics
may not erupt, basaltic magmas are probably the
heat source for crustal magma-forming processes.
These findings pose interesting questions for the
plate-tectonic model. How can significant extensional regimes exist in what is supposedly a
dynamic, convergent (?compressional), tectonic
regime? There are two possible answers:

The overriding lithospheric plate is arched

from the trench to the back-arc region. This
would establish a compressional regime at
depth, closest to the centre of curvature, and
an extensional regime at shallow levels, where
maximum stretching occurs. Magmas could
reach the surface in this situation, unless they
were derived from the mantle, irrespective of
whether it was from the mantle at the base of
the arched lithosphere or deeper. However,
such mantle-derived magmas do exist in all
convergent plate settings.
(b) The subduction process is not always as
dynamic as is believed, only the leading edge
of the overriding plate being a site of compressional tectonics for most of the life of the
subduction system. This implies that the
subducting plate is subducting passively,
rather than thrusting forcefully under and
against the overriding plate. This would suggest that the leading edge of the overriding
plate is simply spreading laterally under its
own gravitational potential (cf. van Bemmelen
1974), or that the downgoing plate is sinking
passively (or in the jargon, has negative
buoyancy), or the upper plate is experiencing
backwards absolute motion (Cross & Pilger

3-0 ~
35 l

" 0 (\l

Figure 15.12 Normal faulting in

the arc block of the
Tonga-Kermadec arc system.
(After Karig 1970.)

1982), or any combination of these. This

problem has been addressed by Uyeda and
Kanamori (1979) and Uyeda (198'3), who have
introduced the concept of the degree of
frictional coupling between two plates involved
in subduction to account for the variation in
development of extensional features associated
with arc systems. They recognise two endmember coupling types: Andean-type, involving subduction of oceanic lithosphere under
continental lithosphere and Marianas-type,
involving subduction of oceanic lithosphere
under oceanic lithosphere. Andean-type settings are supposed to involve high degrees of
coupling and few, if any, extensional features;
frictional interaction between the two plates is
high. Marianas-type settings are supposed to
involve low degrees of coupling or frictional
interaction, and extensional features such as
back-arc or interarc basins are well developed.
However, this classification seems a little simplistic, and even untenable. It has been pointed out
above that Andean-type and microcontinental-type
subduction settings can also have well developed
extensional features associated with them, such as
arc-associated grabens or back-arc ensialic basins
(see Sections 15.6, 8 & 9). The splitting of continental fragments and their separation by back-arc
spreading to produce marginal seas floored by
oceanic lithosphere (e.g. Sea of Japan, Tasman Sea
Basins) is evidence that Marianas-type dilatation
can occur as successfully in Andean-type continental margin arc systems. Conversely, Marianastype arcs also contain evidence of compressional, as
well as extensional, tectonics as, in fact, do
Andean-type settings. It is suggested that both types


of settings may experience periods of high frictional

coupling and low frictional coupling. The latter will
be reflected by extensional features such as grabens,
back-arc basin spreading and abundant magmatic
activity. The former will be represented by widespread compressional deformation and limited or
no surface magmatic activity. Extension and compression may be cyclical, i.e. alternating (ZeiI1979,
Cas 1983b), and magmatic activity may also be
cyclical (Cas & Jones 1979), reflecting alternately
overall lithospheric compression (little or no magmatic activity), and lithospheric extension, or
relaxation (magmatic activity).
The greater propensity for back-arc extension to
occur with island arc systems could be a reflection
of the lesser strength, the less refractory nature and
thinner character of relatively young oceanic lithosphere compared with the greater strength, and the
more refractory nature and greater thickness of
continental crust. Arc systems are also periodically
subjected to compressional deformation, perhaps
when for whatever reason, the subduction system
jams up (or in the jargon, experiences greater
degrees of coupling). The older successions of the
Tongan arc, for example, are deformed (Karig
1970, Bryan et al. 1972), and prominent unconformities occur, as well as breaks in volcanism (Cas &
Jones 1979). Sample and Karig (1982) also noted
synchronous fluctuations in volcanism in arc
systems, over large regions and perhaps globally,
but discount these being controlled by subduction
rates because no corresponding changes in spreading rates occur. It is suggested that deformation,
unconformity and a break in volcanism coincide
with an overall compressional stress configuration
in the overriding lithospheric plate, at least as far
back as the volcanic arc, whereas normally, during
relatively passive subduction, compression only
occurs at the very leading edge of the accretionary
prism, where the sediment supply exceeds the
volume of small step-like sediment traps on the
surface of the downgoing plate, so leading to offscraping rather than subduction of the sediment
(Uyeda 1983, Von Huene 1984).


15.12 Igneous rocks as palaeostress

indicators in the crust and
In tectonically active regions magmatic activity, or
its absence, may be a potential indicator of the
stress configuration of the lithosphere. The relationship between magmatic activity and intervals of
crustal extension and compression has also been
noted by other workers (e.g. Noble et al. 1974,
Bussell 1983). Periods of extensional tectonics
coincide with widespread magmatic activity,
especially volcanism and mantle-derived dyke
swarms, whereas lithospheric compression leads to
a restriction of magmatic activity. However, compression may precipitate base of crust melting, as
mantle-derived magmas are prevented from rising
through the lithosphere because of its compressional
stress state. As soon as relaxation of such lithospheric stresses occurs, for example immediately
after the peak of orogenic compressional deformation, these crustal magmas may rise through the
crust and be emplaced at shallower levels as
granitoids, perhaps with co-magmatic eruptives.
Throughout the 200 million year history of the
Palaeozoic Lachlan Fold Belt of southeastern
Australia, Cas (1983b) has noted alternations of
magmatic activity, corresponding with associated
extensional tectonics and diminished levels of, or
cessation of, magmatic activity corresponding with
compressional events.
Nur and Ben-Avraham (1983) and McGeary et
al. (1985) have noted that gaps in magmatism
('magmatic gaps') occur along some arc systems
where an oceanic ridge or plateau collides with, or
is being subducted in, a trench. They suggest that
the causes of such magmatic gaps could be diverse,


complete jamming and cessation of subduction, so curtailing magma production,

reduction in angle of subduction, so eliminating the asthenospheric wedge where magmas
are generated between the arc and the subduction zone and
continued subduction but the ridge or plateau
changes the local stress field, suppressing a



rise of fluids as suggested above, or it changes

local chemical conditions because it has a
different composition or hydrous sediments
on its top have been scraped off.
Although McGeary et al. (1985) discount the stressfield effect because of lack of seismic evidence, it is
peculiar that narrow magmatic gaps occur almost
everywhere that there is such a collision. We
suggest that stress field controls play a relatively
significant part in terminating magmatism in such
Igneous rocks can also be used in more-specific
ways to reconstruct the palaeo stress conditions in
volcanic terrains. In particular, the orientation of
planar or tabular igneous bodies, especially dykes,
can be used to infer the palaeo stress field configuration, given the conditions necessary for magma
rise through the lithosphere and crust outlined in
Section 15.11. Widespread, uniformly orientated
vertical dykes suggest that 03, the minimum principal stress component, was orientated horizontally,
perpendicular to the strike of the dykes. 01' the
maximum principal stress component, was therefore
orientated either vertically (equivalent to extension)
or horizontally (equivalent to strike-slip motion).
Using principally the orientation of dykes, Zoback
et al. (1981), Eaton (1982, 1984) and Laughlin et al.
(1983) have been able to indicate the lithospheric
extension directions in the Basin and Range
Province and Mexico, from the mid-Tertiary to the
present. From regional considerations, especially
associated normal faults in the Basin and Range
Province, extensional tectonics with 01 being
vertical can be inferred.
In another application of this principle, Nakamura (1977) considered the alignment of flank
eruptions, elongation of volcanoes and preferred
orientation development of radial dykes about
central volcanoes in modern convergent margin
volcanic arc systems. In these instances, alignments
of dykes and flank eruptions and elongation direction are largely perpendicular to the associated
trenches, and are therefore generally parallel to the
direction of plate convergence. In these circumstances 01 is horizontal and orientated parallel to
the direction of convergence, and 03 is also horizon-

tal, indicating the direction of dyke dilatation. Such

a situation implies a local, mildly compressive,
strike-slip stress field configuration, which is not,
however, strong enough to prevent magma rise
through the lithosphere, as, for example, at the
peak of major compressional orogenic deformational events.
Finally, locations of volcanism can frequently be
related to major fractures in the lithosphere or
intersections of volcano-tectonic lineaments (e.g.
Wolfe & Self 1982). In the simplest case, seamounts
may occur along lithospheric fracture zones that are
or were active transform faults (e.g. Searle 1984).
In the more complex situation, volcanoes may
occur along on-land surface projections of fractures
or above hinge-type transform faults in the subducted plate which divide the downgoing plate into
segments of differing dip or age, or both (Nixon
1982). For example, in the Central Mexican convergent arc system, all of these factors contribute to
a complex spatial pattern of volcanism as well as an
anomalously(?) diverse array of compositional
characteristics in the arc volcanics (Nixon 1982).

15.13 An approach to evaluating the tectonic context of ancient successions

Evaluation of the tectonic setting of ancient terrains
has to be based on an appraisal of the total geologic
framework, not simply the geochemistry or any
other single factor. The following are suggested
guidelines, based on the approach adopted by Cas
(1983b) in reviewing the palaeogeographic and
tectonic development of the Palaeozoic Lachlan
Fold Belt of southeastern Australia.


Divide the time interval of interest into the

smallest possible time-slices for which sufficiently detailed control of the ages of stratigraphic formations is available. For the
Palaeozoic, time slices of 5 million years or
less duration will be rare; 10-20-million-year
time-slices will be more common, simply
because of lack of adequate fossil coverage, or
detailed enough biozonation.
Construct a base map for the whole terrain of





interest, even if the specific area of interest is

only a minor part.
On multiple copies of the base map, plot the
outcrops of formations relevant to geology for
each time-slice. For each formation depict
facies, volcanics (differentiating their compositions) and plutonics, also differentiating
their compositions. Only plutonics with ages
falling within a particular time-slice should be
Find the best available modern palaeogeographic analogue for the facies configuration
plotted. The analogue must be of the same
scale, and should have an equivalent facies
distribution pattern.
Assuming that the tectonic development of the
modern analogue is known, identify the important dynamic elements in the geological
framework of the modem analogue that support the accepted tectonic history. This should
include structural, metamorphic, petrological
(particular suites), facies, and geometrical



Test whether evidence for equivalent dynamic

elements can be found in the ancient terrain of
interest. Evaluate the degree of correspondence and the degree to which the two can be
considered to be tectonic analogues. Equally
importantly, evaluate the degree to which they
differ and the significance of these differences.
The present is therefore used to test the past
critically, as well as to model it.

15.14 Further reading

H. Williams and McBirney (1979) cover some of
the aspects discussed above, while Cas (1983b)
attempts to evaluate the tectonic setting of magmatic
activity and sedimentation critically in an ancient
Palaeozoic orogenic terrain. Gill (1981) and Thorpe
(1982) both consider the distribution of andesitic
volcanoes and their relationship to plate tectonic
settings. Shaw (1980) is essential reading on the
stress-field conditions associated with the migration
of magmas in the subsurface.


Methods used in studying

modern pyroclastic deposits
1.1 Physical analysis
Geologists who work solely on ancient volcanic rocks
often have only a limited conception of the techniques
employed to study Recent unconsolidated pyroclastic
deposits, and so may not fully understand how the data
are obtained or expressed. Many of the problems
encountered in the study of modern pyroclastic deposits
are similar to those found in sedimentary rocks, where
grainsize, grain shape, geometry of the deposit and
internal fabric must be the tools used to determine the
physical processes controlling their formation and deposition. The pioneers in this type of approach were
undoubtedly Japanese volcanologists (e.g. Kuno 1941,
Aramaki 1956, Katsui 1959, Murai 1961, Kuno et al.
1964), whereas G. P. L. Walker (e.g. 1971, 1973b) can
be credited with extending and developing the approach.
The following are properties that are now routinely
measured in the physical analysis of modern pyroclastic
maximum grain size
grainsize distribution
proportions of components
crystal content of pumice clasts
density and porosity

The methods used to measure these, and the major

uses of these measurements are set out below.
Maximum thickness of a pyroclastic fall deposit is
measured in centimetres or metres, and the measurements
are used to construct an isopach map. In the figures
accompanying Chapter 6 there are a number of examples
of such maps, which in many cases, are a meaningful
indication of:

the vent position,

the dispersal, which can be related to the type of
eruption, and
the volume of the deposit.

Construction of an isopach map entails mapping out

the deposit, sometimes over large areas. However, by
mapping we do not mean tracing lithological boundaries
between deposits, as these are usually so complex that no
attempt is made to draw them. Thus, a map of a Recent
pyroclastic fall deposit generally shows its inferred
original distribution, and not its present outcrop pattern,
as between datum points the deposit could be partially or
completely eroded. Indeed, non-welded pyroclastic
deposits may be ephemeral (Ch. 10). In addition,
outcrops may be so rapidly overgrown and badly



weathered that they cannot be used. For example, new
roadcuts in the tropical Caribbean are sometimes
completely overgrown within four or five years. Because
pyroclastic fall deposits can change markedly laterally, it
is preferable to use reasonably closely spaced datum
points. Although spacing ultimately depends on the type
of eruption, for the large plinian fall deposits localities
within 1 km of each other are favoured. Within these
distances correlation is more certain, and internal
changes can be carefully documented. This is very
important in correlating deposits between localities and
in understanding the eruption and its stratigraphy.
The volumes of air-fall deposits have been calculated
from isopach maps in various ways. A common method
involves measuring the area enclosed by each isopach and
then to plot area against thickness on a log-log 'area plot'
(Fig. 6.18). A curve, or two straight lines (Rose et al.
1973), are fitted to the data, and integration of this curve
gives the volume. Other methods include plots of volume
against thickness and plots based on theoretical isopach
shape (Froggatt 1982). All of these methods involve
extrapolation of isopachs to the low-thickness distal limits
of the deposit where outcrop may be poorly eroded. This
introduces major uncertainty for larger, more widely
dispersed types of deposits, especially where secondary
thickening might have been important (Ch. 6). To try to
resolve this, G. P. L. Walker (1980, 1981b, c) developed
an independent method for estimating the total volume of
plinian deposits, based on crystal concentration studies
(see below) of the Taupo ultraplinian, and Waimihia and
Hatepe plinian deposits. Once the total volume erupted
had been estimated from the proportion of free crystals
relative to the magmatic ratio as represented in pumice
clasts, a straight-line extrapolation could be made at the
low thickness end on an area plot to a selected limiting
thickness value, so giving the same volume as would be
calculated by integration of the area curve. It was found
that for all three deposits extrapolations to the same lower
limiting thickness of 1 Ilm had nearly identical slopes.
Total erupted volumes of other plinian deposits can be
conveniently estimated on an area plot by extrapolation
parallel to this slope, using the same limiting thickness of
1 Ilm (G. P. L. Walker 1981b; Table 6.2).
Measurements of the variation in the thickness of
pyroclastic flow and surge deposits are less meaningful in
terms of an indicator of vent location. This is because
both are gravity-controlled mass flows, which therefore
tend to pond in depressions. However, thickness is
important in calculation of the volumes of such deposits.

Measuring the average maximum juvenile and lithic clast
size is an important field technique, which involves
measuring, at numerous localities, the long axis of several
of the largest clasts in a deposit. In some detailed sections
the variation in grainsize between different layers of one
deposit is measured. Usually the sizes of the three or five
largest clasts are then averaged, and this would closely
approximate the coarsest one-percentile often quoted by
sedimentologists. Average maximum pumice (or scoria)
and lithic sizes can be plotted up as isopleth maps (Chs
6-8). As with isopach maps, maximum-size isopleth
maps are important in locating the vent from which
pyroclastic fall deposits were erupted, and for comparing
their dispersal in order to characterise the type of
eruption. However, for pyroclastic fall deposits, such
isopleth maps have certain advantages over an isopach
map, because at some localities it may not be the original
depositional thickness that is being measured. The top of
a deposit may have been eroded by either a later surge or
flow, which is sometimes common with near-vent plinian
deposits, or by later local erosion or soil-forming
processes. It may also have been overthickened by
secondary slumping, especially if the fall was deposited
on a steep slope. Also, some extremely widely dispersed
(ultraplinian) deposits may be thickest just down-wind of
the vent (Chs 6 & 8), and secondary thickening of distal
ash may occur (Ch. 6).
Measurements of maximum clast size are also used to
analyse the energetics of pyroclastic fall eruptions. This is
especially so for large ballistic clasts; that is, those clasts
which are so heavy that they follow ballistic trajectories
and are unaffected by wind drift. The distance at which
ballistics fall from the vent (that is, their range) can be
used to estimate initial gas thrust velocities from the vent,
or the muzzle velocities of the ballistics from the vent
(Ch. 6). L. Wilson (1972) presented tables of calculated
ranges for particles of varying radii and density, launched
at speeds between 10 and 1000 m S-l and various
angular elevations. These are reproduced in Table 1.1,
and cover most ballistic clast sizes (Ch. 6).
For plinian deposits the muzzle velocity can be
conveniently calculated from measurements of maximum
clast size using the equation of L. Wilson (1976, 1978):





where Uo is the velocity of the gas (or muzzle velocity), C

is the drag coefficient (-1 for plinian velocities), Qo is the

Table 1.1
(m S~l)


Logarithms (base 10) of the ranges of larger pyroclastic particles (after L. Wilson 1972).
(g cm- 3)

Launched at 45 radius

Launched at 66 radius

Launched at 37 radius





















































4.23894.7075 5.0257
3.7592 4.2319 4.6183
3.4931 3.9647 4.3891


4.04104.5111 4.86735.23575.5274
3.5575 4.0304 4.4499 4.8381 5.2261

3.1877 3.6669 4.0293 4.3988 4.6906




4.1652 4.6458 5.0139 5.4302 5.8157
3.8073 4.2817 4.6933 5.1087 5.5245
3.5373 4.0098 4.4526 4.8524 5.2928

4.0926 4.5719 4.9631 5.3820 5.7887

3.9602 4.4406 4.8427 5.2624 5.6795
3.3309 3.8005 4.2660 4.6621 5.1253

3.2356 3.7238 4.1204 4.5432 4.9575

2.74043.2191 3.66074.08364.5308
2.4679 2.9400 3.4069 3.8174 4.2831



4.21004.6948 5.0861 5.5273 5.9760
3.8477 4.32314.75175.18105.6329
3.5749 4.0479 4.5032 4.9130 5.3772

4.1354 4.6207 5.0348 5.4885 5.9963

4.0014 4.4857 4.9075 5.3542 5.8474
3.63844.11394.56704.9921 5.4732

3.1407 3.6332 4.0573 4.5119 5.0191
2.7752 3.2547 3.7089 4.1463 4.6333
2.5003 2.9732 3.4489 3.8687 4.3578


effective density of the volcanic gas in the vent

(0.25 kg m- 3 for dusty gas), g is the acceleration due to
gravity, ro is the radius of the average maximum clast at
vent and 00 is its density (generally taken as 2.5 g cm- 3
for lithics). Because of inaccessibility, it is usually
impossible to measure ro, but it can be estimated by
plotting a graph of the product rooo of the largest clasts
against distance from the vent, and extrapolation to the
zero range (L. Wilson 1978). Applying Equation I.1
gives the maximum muzzle velocity during the eruption,
and the average velocity is taken as half this value.
Measurements of the average maximum lithic size are
also important in locating the vent position for some
pyroclastic flows and surges, and their distribution can be
important in understanding and quantifying some of the
transport and eruption processes (Chs 7 & 8). Maximum
pumice size seems to be of less value in locating vents in
this type of deposit.


Mechanical or granulometric analyses are used as the
main source of data when examining the grainsize
variations in non-welded and unconsolidated pyroclastic
deposits. Generally, the methods described by G. P. L.
Walker (1971) are followed. Analyses are made with a set
of sieves with mesh sizes spaced at one-phi (<I intervals
(where <I> = -logzd, d being the grainsize in millimetres)
and ranging in size from -5 to 4 phi (32 to is mm).
Sieving is usually carried out by hand to avoid excessive
breakage of juvenile vesiculated fragments, which can
occur during mechanical sieving, as indicated by
G. P. L. Walker (1971). The material retained in each
sieve (each size class) is then weighed to 0.01 g on a
laboratory balance and the weight percentage calculated.
Sometimes the 16 mm and 32 mm size classes are sieved
in the field, and weighed on a portable balance to 0.1 g.
In this case the <16 mm fraction can be split, so
reducing the sample size that needs to be transported.
For measuring clasts coarser than 64 mm a number of



Table 1.2 Details of sieve analyses of a sample of a pyroclastic fall. surge and flow deposit. The samples are all from the Upper
Bandelier Tuff collected from the locality shown in Plate 8. These data are used as a basis for the graphical analysis of the size
distributions shown in Figure 1.1.











techniques are used: field sieves can be used if available,

linear point traverses can be made in the field, or
photographs of the deposit can be taken and used to
determine the proportion of larger clasts. With these last
two methods clast abundances are often expressed as a
volume percentage rather than weight percentage, but if
the average density of clasts is measured in the laboratory,
then conversions to weight percentages can be made.
Whenever different techniques are used, or splits taken,
the results must be integrated.
There are no set rules governing the size of sample that
should be collected for a routine sieve analysis of
pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits. In many cases this
is determined by the practicalities of the amount of
material that can be transported back to a field camp or
laboratory. Obviously, the sample size needed to give a
representative sieve analysis of a deposit becomes larger
with increasing maximum grainsize, and is also larger if
the sorting in a deposit is apparently poor. For very
coarse deposits, samples weighing several kilogrammes
may be required, and these would have to be initially
sieved in the field and a split of the finer sizes taken. For
coarse plinian fall deposits (Ch. 6) within a few
kilometres of the vent, samples between 0.5 and 2.0 kg
would be collected. In some very poorly sorted deposits
larger clasts can be measured (for instance, by linear
traverses) and then much smaller samples of just the
matrix taken. For fine-grained deposits only containing
ash-sized particles 2 mm) samples weighing a few
grammes to a few tens of grammes may be adequate.
From the raw grain size data (Table 1.2) the usual
procedure is to construct cumulative curves of the










gramSlZe distribution on arithmetic probability paper

(Fig. 1.1), and to determine the Inman (1952) parameters
of median diameter (Md<l' graphical standard deviation
(0<1' which is a measure of sorting and occasionally firstorder skewness (U<I, which is a measure of the
asymmetry of the distribution (Table 1.3). The relevant
formulae are:
Md<l> = <Pso




(<P84 - <P16)/2


A standard practice is then to plot Md<l> against 0<1>

(Fig. 5.3), as was done by G. P. L. Walker (1971)
in an important study which set out the major
grainsize differences between pyroclastic fall and
pyroclastic flow deposits. Because of their simplicity, these two parameters are still mainly chosen and
most of the major grain size studies of pyroclastic deposits
have used them (Murai 1961, G. P. L. Walker 1971,
Sparks 1976). The validity of these statistics relies on the
assumption that the grain size distribution is approxiTable 1.3 Grainsize parameters for our three pyroclastic
samples. derived graphically from the cumulative curves in
Figure 1.1 (a).







(b) Foil


















50 1--+---+---14





1/16 mm


Groin diameter





1116 mm

Gro in dia meter




f--t--n "-- -hf--1




crYllo ls
IiI hics






4 J5


Groin diameter





1116 mm

Groin diameter
Figure 1.1

Graphical representation of the three grainsize analyses from samples of the Upper Bandelier Tuff in
Table 1.2. (a) Cumulative plot on probability ordinate. The 16th, 50th and 84th percentiles are drawn, and their
intersection with the grainsize distribution curves gives the grain diameters used to derive the Inman parameters
in Table 1.3. (b) Histograms for components separated by methods described in the text. The components have
their own grainsize distributions, while each deposit has an overall distribution which is the combined distributions
of the three components. The fall deposit is well sorted for a pyroclastic deposit. and is distinctively unimodal,
having a high proportion of crystals within a limited size range in the 0.5 and 1 mm size classes. The flow deposit
is poorly sorted and polymodal. The sub-populations reflect more than one transport process affecting the various
grainsizes and components differently in the moving pyroclastic flow (Ch. 7); note that ngain there is a peak in the
proportion of crystals in the 0.5 and 1 mm size classes. The surge deposit is unimodal, but the distribution has an
extended coarse tail, or is negatively skewed. It is quite well sorted, but not as good as the fall deposit. This
sample is also a core sample through several laminae which make up this depositional unit

mately log normal. In many analyses, the central 68% of

the distribution approximates a straight line, and it is
argued that the statistics are useful for comparison
between different samples. If used with care, such
statistical information can also be used to aid genetic
interpretation of pyroclastic deposits (Sparks 1976, Bond
& Sparks 1976).
Most pyroclastic deposits , when compared with normal
sedimentary grain aggregates, are poorly sorted (Ch. I).
This has led to unfortunate differences in the descriptive
assessment of sorting given by sedimentologists and
volcanologists to sedimentary and pyroclastic deposits,
respectively . To most sedimentologists , any deposit with
a value of Gq, > 1.0 would be described as poorly sorted.
To a volcanologist, the division between good and poor
sorting in pyroclastic deposits is Gq, = 2.0, and this value
partly stems from the original Mdq/ocp plot of G. P. L.

Walker (1971), which showed that better sorted pyroclastic fall deposits generally had values of Gq, < 2.0,
while less well sorted pyroclastic flow deposits had values
greater than 2.0 (Fig. 5.3). Table 1.4 shows the essential
Table 1.4 Differences in descriptive summaries of sorting
used by sedimentologists and volcanologists.



0- 1

very well sorted to

moderately sorted

very well sorted

1- 2

poorly sorted

well sorted


very poorly sorted

poorly sorted


extremely poorly sorted

very poorly sorted



differences in descriptive summaries of sorting between

volcanologists and sedimentologists. Also, see Chapter I
for a discussion on the differences between size sorting
and hydraulic particle sorting.
Fluidisation experiments on ignimbrite materials have
recently suggested that the most useful statistical
parameters to be used on ignimbrites are those of Folk
and Ward (1957), where:
Mz =




<1>84 -


+ <1>95


= graphic mean



= mc USlve grap IC

(I 6)

stand ar d deVlaUon
(a measure of sorting)

During experiments, C. J. N. Wilson (1981, Ch. 7)

found that the addition of fines to a coarse sample could
have changed its fluidisation behaviour. Although the
dynamic behaviour of the sample had changed, as had its
grainsize make-up, these grain size changes were not
detected in the Inman parameters, making their use in
interpreting depositional processes and conditions doubtful. At the other extreme, more accurate sedimentological
parameters, such as the method of moments, proved
oversensitive. Adding a small amount of fines to a coarse
sample may make no appreciable change to its fluidisation
behaviour, yet have an inordinate effect on method of
moments grainsize parameters. C. J. N. Wilson (1981)
concluded that the Folk and Ward parameters were the
best compromise, and the use of these are a necessary
step in studies attempting to understand the dynamics of
For samples containing a large amount of fine ash (e.g.
>50% finer than fs mm, which is, conventionally, the
finest grainsize sieved) analyses can be completed by
pipetting or with a Coulter counter. For samples with
lesser amounts of ash the distribution curve is usually
simply extrapolated to <1>84 as a straight line. However, for
the more-refined studies that are now being carried out
on pyroclastic deposits, and with the increased availability
of Coulter counters, accurate analysis of the fine end of
the grainsize distribution is desirable and easier than it
used to be. With more-detailed grain size studies it will be
more appropriate to sieve at half-phi mesh intervals, and
perhaps, in some cases, even quarter-phi intervals.
For further information and discussion of the size
properties of grain aggregates in general, the reader is
referred to the relevant parts in standard sedimentology
textbooks. Particularly useful is the unique manual of
Folk (1980), and also Pettijohn et al. (1972) and Leeder
(1982), and the references therein.


The relative proportions of the different components in a
pyroclastic deposit reflect its mode of formation, and
details of the transport process. Different techniques are
used to separate pumice, crystals and lithics in the
different size classes (Fig. Lib). The larger size classes
(>4 mm) are hand picked, but forceps are used for the
fine end of this size range. Quite often with the> 16 mm
size classes this is done in the field, if field sieving and
weighing can be carried out. For the size classes 2 mm to
0.5 mm, hand picking is carried out under a binocular
microscope using fine forceps or a camel-hair brush. The
main prublem is to separate out as much material as is
needed to produce a satisfactory result, while keeping to a
minimum the time involved, so as to be able to treat a
large enough number of samples. This usually involves
making tests to determine the minimum weight of split
sample that will give consistent results, or the minimum
weight for routine analysis (for the 2 mm class this is
between 5 and 10 g). Weighings are usually carried out
accurately on an analytical balance. In the finest size
classes, grains are usually counted either under a
binocular microscope (0.25 and 0.125 mm) or under a
petrological microscope (0.063 and <0.063 mm). This
entails, first determining the minimum number of counts
needed for routine analysis (for the 0.25 mm size class
this is usually up to about 500 grains) and, secondly,
determining a conversion factor for pumice to convert the
counted percentage of pumice grains present into equivalent weight percentages. This is usually arrived at by
comparing the weights of equal numbers of pumice and
lithic fragments counted from the 2 mm size class.
Conversion factors are usually between about 0.5 and
0.75. However, there are no standard techniques used in
component analysis, and workers often substitute their
own variations depending on the needs of the study (for
instance, water panning to separate pumice from crystals
and lithics first).
Measurement of the proportions of components in an
air-fall deposit enables particles to be grouped according
to their terminal fall velocities (Ch. 6). Terminal fall
velocities have been determined experimentally for
various sizes of pumice, lithic clasts and crystals, and
theoretically computed for a range of sizes and densities
by G. P. L. Walker et al. (1971). Theoretical curves for
cylindrical particles, which were found to approximate
most closely the behaviour of pyroclastic particles, are
shown in Figure 1.2. L. Wilson (1972) also computed the
fall times of particles of various sizes and density
corresponding to five release heights (Fig. 1.3).






10 ~----+-----~~~~~~~----~--




0.01/-- - + - - - - + - - - - ! - - - - t


Diameter (em)


Figure 1.2 Computed terminal fall velocities for cylindrical

particles, which show good agreement with the behaviour of
pyroclastic particles. The curves are for grains ranging in
density from 0.313 to 5 g cm- 3 (After G. P. L. Walker et ai.

(a) O5gcm- 3

(b) IOgem- 3

4-:::::--1---+---+ i=:---I---+-------t






+-----1r----+---i- -I-----;----t-- - +
I -2

25 g em - 3

(d) 3 5 g em- 3



EF= -


The weight percentage of crystals separated from artificially crushed large pumice clasts is assumed to represent
the original magmatic crystal content (G. P. L. Walker
1972). Together with component analysis, these data are
important in determining the amount of crystal enrichment or depletion, or glass (vitric) enrichment or
depletion in particular types of porphyritic pumice
deposit. Enrichment or depletion in either of these
components is controlled by, and therefore can be used to
assess , aeolian fractionation processes in falls, and
transport processes in flows and surges. Also, from these
data, total erupted volumes can be better calculated. Most
pumice deposits (falls, flows and surges) have lost some
vitric component, usually transported far beyond where
the thickness of the deposit can be measured or isopachs
drawn, and therefore the amount of crystal enrichment is
a means of estimating this loss.
Usually, large weighed pumice clasts are crushed to
free all the crystals. Tests can be made to determine the
minimum clast size that gives the true magmatic
crystal: glass ratio. Ratios may be inconsistent in small
clasts. For most routine studies, a number of clasts from
the> 16 mm size classes are suitable; with very coarsely
porphyritic pumices larger clasts may be needed . Crystals
can then be separated from the vitric fraction by panning
under water, or if the vitric fragments prove too dense to
be hydraulically separated this can be supplemented by
hand picking or counting with a binocular microscope.
The weight of the loose crystals can then be expressed as
a percentage weight of the original clasts or, together with
results from component analysis, used to define the
enrichment of crystals in a deposit, expressed as an
enrichment factor , EF (G. P. L. Walker 1972), given by



1 -2
L0910 particle radius (em)

Figure 1.3 Computed fall times of particles ranging in

density from 0.5 to 3.5 g cm- 3 . The curves (from bottom to
top) are for particles released from heights of 5, 10, 20, 30
and 50 km. (After L. Wilson 1972.)



(I. 7)

where C/P I is the weight ratio of free crystals to glass in

artificially crushed pumice and CiP 2 is the same ratio in
the deposit. For pyroclastic deposits that are depleted in
crystals relative to the magmatic proportion, it is more
appropriate to define a depletion factor, DF, which is the
reciprocal of EF, and quantifies the enrichment in the
glass component.
The weight percentage of vitric material lost (VL)
during the eruption and emplacement of an ignimbrite is
given by



where K is the weight percentage of grainsizes in the

ignimbrite finer than 2 mm (crystal concentration data
only applying to the matrix). This material is lost into a
co-ignimbrite ash-fall (Chs 6 & 8), the volume of which
needs to be added to that of the ignimbrite to estimate the
total volume erupted during the ignimbrite-forming
For widely dispersed pumice fall deposits, crystal
concentration studies can be used to estimate the total
mass and volume erupted, without the need for extrapolation of isopachs at the distal limits (as discussed
earlier). In practice, using the isopach map of the deposit
and measured bulk densities of samples of the deposit
(see below), an isopleth map is constructed to show the
mass of deposit per square centimetre (Fig. 1.4a). From
sieve analyses a second map can be derived showing the
mass per unit area of pumice that is <2 mm in size (Fig.
lAb). Integration of this map, by estimating the value at
the intersection points of grid lines, yields the total mass
of <2 mm pumice. From the crystal content of sieved
samples, another map showing the mass per unit area of
free crystals is derived (Fig. lAc), and integration of this
(a) Moss of depos it

(b) Moss of sub2mm pumice

(c) Moss of free

(d) Mass of sub2mm IIthics


map yields the total mass of free crystals (C') in the

accessible parts of the deposit. A fourth map is constructed from the lithic content of sieved samples, and the total
mass of <2 mm lithics (L'<.2) is derived. The method
used to calculate total erupted mass and volume is
summarised in Table 1.5 using the Hatepe pumice as our
example (Fig. 104; G. P. L. Walker 1981c). The method
depends on the fact that liberated crystals fall closer to
source than similar sized pumice or glass shards (Fig.
1.3), and because of their rather restricted size range
crystals are not a large component in the most widely
dispersed size classes. Assuming that C' is equal to the
total quantity of crystals liberated (C), the total erupted
quantity of vitric particles in the <2 mm size classes
(P <2) can be determined. A second calculation assumes
20% of the crystals erupted fell outside the mapped area.


The standard procedure for determining the density and
porosity of a welded tuff (or lava) sample is, first, to ovendry the sample at about 100C for 24 h and then to allow it
to cool in a desiccator, after which it is weighed to
determine the dry weight in air (M I)' The sample is then
placed in a container from which the air is evacuated, to
extract air from the pore spaces. This container is flooded
with deaerated water and the sample is left immersed
under pressure for two days to allow water to be absorbed.
The sample is removed from the water and quickly
weighed in air, after removing the excess water from the
surface, to give the wet weight in air (M 1) . The sample is
then weighed while immersed in water to obtain the wet
weight in water (M3)' Then:

Figure 1.4 Maps showing the basic data for the determination of the total mass and volume of the Hatepe plinian
deposit erupted from Lake Taupo. New Zealand (Chs 6 & 8).
Map (a) is derived from isopachs of the deposit (Fig. 8.51 a)
and bulk density data. The other maps give isopleths
(g cm -2) for the different components in the fractions of the
deposit finer than 2 mm. The figures in the bottom righthand corner of each map give the total mass for the on-land
part of the deposit (After G. P. L. Walker 1981 c.)

= M/(Ml - M 3)

Ml -MI

--''----'-- x 100%


Ml - M3

However, the porosity measured by this method only

measures open, connected pore space, and unconnected
vesicles formed before or after emplacement are not
To determine the bulk density of an unconsolidated
pyroclastic deposit, a dried sample is placed in a suitablysized beaker with a graduated volumetric scale. The
beaker is tapped gently to ensure that all the void space is
filled, and when no further compaction occurs the
volume is measured. For coarse plinian deposits a
void age correction will be required. The sample is
weighed, and the weight divided by the volume gives the
density. A useful technique actually to collect samples of

Table 1.5 Mass and volume calculations for the Hatepe
plinian deposit based on crystal concentration studies (after
G. P. L. Walker 1981 c).
V' volume within mapped area* (km 3 )
M' mass within mapped area*
P'.c2<2 mm pumice*t
C' free crystals
L'.c2 <2 mm lithics*



Calculation assuming C' = C

P<2 total <2 mm pumiceH
mass outside mapped area
P' pumice, all <2 mmt
L" lithics, all <2 mm~
M" total outside mapped area
V' volume outside mapped area[[ (km 3 )
Mtotal mass of deposit (=M' + M")
V total volume (= V' + V') (km 3 )
DRE volume (assuming Q = 2.5 g cm- 3 ) (km 3 )


Calculation assuming C' = 80% of C

P<2 total <2 mm pumicet:(:


mass outside mapped area

P' pumice, all <2 mmt
C' free crystals
L" lithics, all <2 mm~
M" total outside mapped area
V' volume outside mapped area[[ (km 3 )
M total mass of deposit (= M' + M")
Vtotal volume (= V' + V') (km 3 )
DRE volume (assuming Q = 2.5 g cm- 3 ) (km 3 )




Values of mass are all in units of 10 15 g. *By integration of

the appropriate map (Figs 8.51a & 104). tlncluding glass
shards. tEquals C' x magmatic glass: crystal ratio (96.7/3.3).
By difference, equals P<2 - P~2.
~Some 8% lithics have also been assumed lost outside the
mapped area. [[Assuming the same bulk density (0.7 g cm- 3 )
as in the eastern part of the mapped area.

known volume in the field is by forcing a tub of known

volume into the outcrop.
In certain studies, knowledge of the density of pumice
clasts is required, sometimes in the different size classes.
In the 16 mm to O.S mm classes, bulk pumice density is
determined by placing samples of picked pumice from
one size class into a small graduated beaker or measuring
cylinder and gently tapping until no further compaction
occurs. The sample weight is then divided by volume.
Usually some tests are made initially to determine a
void age correction for individual size classes, this correction obviously increasing with increasing grainsize.
For the >32 mm size classes pumice clast density can
be measured by the method described for welded tuffs


and lavas above or, if the apparatus is not available, by

simple displacement in water. Each clast from a sample is
weighed individually (oven-dry), and then soaked in
water for at least half an hour to ensure that all connected
vesicle space has been flooded, otherwise intake during
measurement would increase the apparent volume of the
clast. The clast is then immersed in a container or
measuring cylinder and the volume of water displaced
equals the volume of the clast. Other methods used
involve coating the clasts in waterglass, or cutting cubes
out of the clasts (but both of these methods destroy the
pumices for further use), or approximating their volumes
to that of equivalent ellipsoids.
Sometimes it is necessary to know the bulk density of
the matrix 2 mm) of samples of pyroclastic flow
deposits. This can again be determined using a measuring
cylinder; no voidage correction is necessary.

1.2 Stratigraphic analysis

This type of analysis comes under the broad heading of
tephrochronology. However, tephrochronology has a
wide variety of applications, and is an important tool in a
number of disciplines. For example, ash layers have been
used in dating archaeological sites, measuring rates of
sedimentation in oceanic and other sedimentary basins,
and in palaeoecological studies. The pioneer in this field
was Sigvaldur Thorarinsson, who introduced the term
'tephra' and the study of tephrochronology in 1944 in his
doctoral thesis. He promoted the use of tephra as an
important tool in volcanological, pollen-analytical, glaciological, geomorphological and archaeological research.
For a historical perspective, the reader is referred to
Thorarinsson (1981).
The aim of stratigraphic analysis of modern pyroclastic
successions is to divide them into eruptive units and to
facilitate their correlation. This can involve much more
than just determining the 'ash stratigraphy', because the
measurements of thickness, grain size and constitution of
a deposit, which are necessary for correlation, are of great
volcanological value in assessing the style and scale of
explosive volcanic activity, and in understanding processes (Section 1.1). Two papers which set out this
approach are G. P. L. Walker and Croasdale (1971) and
Booth et ai. (1978). However, we should acknowledge
some of the pioneering Japanese work in this field, for
example, Nakamura (1962) and Aramaki (1963).
The deposits of different eruptions can be separated
from one another by recognition of intervening:



erosion surfaces,
(epiclastic) sediments and

Different deposits can be identified from one another

by differences in:

composition and mineralogy,

grain size ,
degree and style of welding and
relative stratigraphic position.

It is often found that no single characteristic is indicative

of a particular fall, flow or surge deposit, and some are so
similar that they can only be distinguished once their
relative stratigraphic position to a distinctive or key
deposit have been determined.
Stratigraphic relations can be very complex (Chs 1, l3
& 14). The usual technique is to construct logged sections
of all available outcrops (including digging pits, Plate 5)
and piece together the pyroclastic stratigraphy from a
number of key locations (e.g. Figs 8.7 & l3.40). In this
way studies can be made on the whole succession, or just
on the separate layers accumulated during different
phases of the same eruption. The deposits of different
eruptions are often dispersed differently around a volcano,
and transport and depositional mechanisms (fall, flow or
surge) will also control distribution. The deposits accumulated during the same eruption can show just as
many spatial complexities in their distribution. It is
therefore very unlikely that anyone section will show the
whole stratigraphy of a volcano, or even a large part of it.
Where volcanoes are in close proximity, deposits erupted
from different centres will also overlap and interfinger.
The whole stratigraphy is further complicated by epiclastic processes of reworking and mass-wastage.
It is therefore no surprise that there are very few

outcrop or contact maps drawn of individual pyroclastic

deposits. Most maps group together large parts of the
stratigraphy. For example, the terms 'newer' or 'older
pyroclastics' may be used to subdivide the stratigraphy,
but each probably represents the deposits of many
eruptions, and their epiclastic derivatives.
Where possible, stratigraphic sections should be dated.
This can be most important for correlation, and for such
things as volcanic hazard assessment and determination
of magma production rates. The three most important
dating methods used are 14C dating, which has been most
important for young deposits 50 000 years BP); and
fission-track and K-Ar dating, which have been used for
Quaternary pyroclastic deposits. The fission-track method
can routinely date glass shards and zircon older than
100000 years. The usefulness of K-Ar dating depends
on the material to be dated. Sanidine can be routinely
dated where ages are older than 70 000 years; the
practical younger limit of plagioclase is 200 000 years; in
rare cases some minerals with high potassium contents
can be reliably dated if they are as young as 30000 years.
For a full discussion of these dating techniques applied to
Quaternary tephra, and their limitations, see the
excellent review by Naeser et al. (1981).
In some studies of pyroclastic deposits geochemical
fingerprinting can be essential for correlation and tephrochronology, and has been very successively used, for
example, in correlation of deep-sea ash layers (Ch. 9).
Rapid and routine electron microprobe analysis of individual glass shards now provides a particularly
powerful correlative tool. Again, as with dating, a
discussion of these methods is beyond the scope of this
book. For the reader interested in geochemical correlation
there is an excellent review by Westgate and Gorton
(1981). Naeser et al. (1981), Westgate and Gorton (1981)
and Thorarinsson (1981) all feature in Self and Sparks
(1981), to which we refer the reader for a number of other
papers detailing methods that can be used in correlation,
and for an up-to-date picture of the applications of tephra
studies and tephrochronology.


Grainsize textural classes of

volcaniclastic rocks) some
possible origins) and suggested
diagnostic characteristics

A Conglomerate closed framework

(rounded clasts


Essential characteristics



Epiclastic reworking
(fluvial, shoreline)

heterogeneous clast composition;

tractional structures;
well-rounded clasts;
context with and within
sedimentary succession

very good

very good

2 Epiclastic mass-flow

heterogeneous clast composition;

disorganised to gradedstratified facies (Ch. 10);
association with other
mass-flow facies

very good

very good

3 Pumice and scoria

homogeneous composition;
good in welded moderate
clast support of pumice or scoria;
sheet to lensoidal geometry;
fines depleted; crystal-enriched
if magma porphyritic; intercalated
with other recognisable ignimbrite
facies; usually at tops of flow units;
thickness <2 m

concentration zones in
ignimbrites (upper part
of layer 2b) and scoriaflow deposits ICh. 7)

4 Fines-depleted
ignimbrite (Ch. 7)

homogeneous composition;
crystal-rich matrix if magma
porphyritic; massive - occasional
bedding; thickness - several to
>10 m; succeeded by volcanic
breccia (lithic-rich ground layer
of ignimbrite)






Grainsize textural
B Conglomerateopen framework
(rounded clasts

C Brecciaclosed framework
(angular clasts)


Essential characteristics

5 Epiciastic reworking
similar to 1 and 2
and mass-flow redeposition
(deposits with granular
matrix) (Ch. 7)

very good

very good

6 Cohesive pebbly mud

flows and lahars

pebbly mudstones texturally;

good if formed poor
composition of clasts
heterogeneous to homogeneous;
intemally massive; up to a few
tens of metres thick; lack evidence
of hot state emplacement (hot
blocks, thermal colour alteration
thermal remanent magnetisation);
no gas segregation structures

7 Non-welded (uncollapsed
pumice) ignimbrite and
scoria-flow deposits
(Ch. 5) (Fig. 5.24a)

compositionally homogeneous
often very poor poor
(subject to variation in content
and composition of lithics
which may form breccia horizons);
intemally massive (with exception
of ignimbrite veneer deposits in
violent ignimbrites (Ch. 7) which
may be crudely layered); up to a
few tens of metres thick; may
contain gas segregation pipes &
pods with clast-supported fabric;
accretionary lapilli may be present;
gradational downwards into 4 or 17

8 Epiciastic redeposition
and mass-wastage
(includes gravitational
collapse, including
caldera margin collapse
breccias (Chs 8 & 13)
(Ch. 10) (Fig. 10.10)

compositionally homogeneous to
heterogeneous; disorganised to
graded-stratified facies for
redeposited units; massive to
diffusely layered for mass-wastage
(e.g. scree slopes, avalanches,
surface mounds on debris flows);
local lobate geometry to more
extensive for redeposited facies
and where large-scale sector
collapse has occurred; thickness
up to hundreds of metres;
associated epiclastic facies may
contain tractional structures


9 Aa lavas (Ch. 4)
(Fig. 4.6)

compositionally homogeneous
poor for
(basaltic); very irregular spinose
spinose top
clast morphology; variation in
vesicularity; accidental ciasts
incorporated from substrate;
margins brecciated and interior
massive; usually less than 10m thick




Grainsize textural

Essential characteristics




10 Block lavas and

autobrecciated lavas
(Ch. 4) (Figs 3.26,
4.18a & b)

as for 9 except that clasts are

angular blocks; intermediate or
silicic composition; thickness up to
100 m or more



as for 10; diffuse layering in scree

slope talus deposits; association
with dome lava



12 Agglutinates
(Chs 3 & 5)
(Figs 3.13 & 6.8)

homogeneous composition
(basaltic, rarely peralkaline);
moulded fluidal clast shapes and
accommodation (Chs 3 & 5);
sector to annular geometry around
vent; variable thickness up to tens
of metres; interbedded massive
lavas (clastogenic lavas, Ch. 4)


very good

13 Agglomerates
(Chs 5 & 12)
(Fig. 6.6)

only diagnostic criterion is shaped

bombs or 'hot' breadcrusted or
jointed blocks that have not been


very difficult

14 Quench-fragmented
compositionally homogeneous;
lavas, cryptodomes,
very angular to splintery clasts;
shallow intrusives
coarse blocks to finely granulated
(hyaloclastites) (Chs 3 & 4) glassy aggregates; may be
(Figs 3.12 & 25)
crystal-rich if porphyritic


very good

'jigsaw puzzle' fit of clasts where

there has been no redistribution
from site of fragmentation by
turbulent mixing; gradational to
intercalated with unfragmented
lava (massive, pillowed, jointed);
may be pervasively altered in
ancient rocks


very good

15 Hydrothermal explosion
breccias (Chs 3 & 13)

diverse clast types and

morphology; clasts variably
altered; matrix of hydrothermally
altered clays; may be associated
with surge deposits; accretionary
lapilli may occur



16 Hydraulic fracture
breccias (Ch. 14)
(Fig. 14.5)

compositionally homogeneous to
very good
partially heterogeneous; clasts
variably altered; angular to splintery
clasts; 'jigsaw puzzle' fit of clasts
where little transport of clasts has
occurred; confined to cross-cutting
zones centimetres to metres wide

Lava dome/flow-front
talus deposits (Chs 4 &
10) (Fig. 10.12)

very good



Grainsize textural


Essential characteristics



17 Pumice-fall deposits
(subplinian, plinian,
ultraplinian) (Chs 5 & 6)
(Figs 6.14, 41c & 8.49,
Plate 8)

homogeneous clast composition

poor except
(but variable accessory lithics);
where covered
identical crystal types in both
by co-eruptive
pumice clasts and matrix; massive welded
to diffusely layered; no crossignimbrites;
stratification; thickness up to 25 m, excellent
but usually< <10 m; susceptible to where welded
weathering and alteration with
breakdown of glass to clays, etc.;
susceptible to tectonic deformation
and layer shortening; where welded,
eutaxitic texture also present, and
local distribution around the vent

recognised by
context; good
for welded

18 Scoria-fall deposits
(hawaiian, strombolian)
(Chs 5 & 6) (Figs 3.16,
5.4, 6.6 & 6.10, Plate 5)

as for 16, but even more

susceptible to weathering and

very poor

19 Lithic concentration
zones (base of layer 2b)
and ground layers of
violent ignimbrites
(Chs 7 & 8)
(Figs 7.10 & 26)

homogeneous to heterogeneous
good for
good if
lithic clast composition;
gradational upwards into matrixconcentration
supported and lithic-poor breccia
zones in welded
(upper part of layer 2b);
interbedded with other ignimbrite
otherwise poor
facies - underlain by basal layer
(sand to microbreccia grainsize);
thickness generally <1 m; ground
layer of violent ignimbrites may
overlie 4 or 21, and is sharply
overlain by layer 2b ignimbrite facies

20 Co-ignimbrite breccias
(lag breccias and ground
breccias) (Ch. 8)
(Fig. 820)

as for 19, but deposits thicker and

clasts coarser; thickness up to
20+ m(?); upper contact sharp to
gradational into open framework
co-ignimbrite breccias and other
ignimbrite facies

good if
capped by

good if


as for 4, but pumice clasts




(Chs 7 & 8)
(Figs 7.28 & 30b)

very poor


Grainsize textural

0 Breccia open framework

(angular clasts


Essential characteristics




22 Glacial till and

moraines (diamictites)
(Figs 10.2, 13 & 15)

heterogeneous clast composition; moderate

clast shape variable from angular
to rounded; matrix includes large
proportion of fine rock powder;
unlikely to contain significant pumice
or shards; massive to crudely
bedded; associated striated
pavements, pebbles and fluvioglacial
facies; variable thickness

to good

23 Glacial dropstone
deposits (Ch. 10)
(Figs 10.2 & 13)

as for 22, but thinner and matrix

may be coarser, and contained
within lacustrine and marine facies;
dropstones may show impact sags;
may be reworked

very good
from pyroclastic
bomb sags by

24 Epiclastic reworking
and/or mass-flow
redeposition with
granular matrix (Ch. 10)
(Figs 10.28a & 31 b)

as for 5 (also see 1). but clasts

angular to sub-rounded

very good


25 Cohesive debris flows

and lahars (Ch. 10)
(Figs 2.13, 10.30 & 31)

as for 6, but clasts angular to


very good


26 Ignimbrite (layer 2b).

and other (denser clast)
pyroclastic flow deposits
(block and ash flows,
scoria flows) (Chs 5,
7 & 8) (Figs 5.14,15,
16, 7.31, 8.38 & 10.32,
Plate 8)

homogeneous clast composition

excellent for
(but variable accessory and
accidental lithics); crystal types
same in pumice clasts and matrix; otherwise poor
massive depositional units (with
exception of veneer deposits in
violent ignimbrites which show
crude stratification); thickness
variable - ignimbrites <5 m to
hundreds of metres; denser clast
flow deposits up to several tens of
metres; evidence of hot state
emplacement (see 6). and in the
case of welded ignimbrites,
development of eutaxitic texture
and columnar jointing; gas
segregation pipes and pods (with
clast support); association with other
ignimbrite facies (layer 2a) and
co-eruptive fall and surge deposits

27 Co-ignimbrite breccias
and proximal ignimbrites
(Ch. 8) (Fig. 8.20)

as for 18 and 20 but matrixsupported; presence of large

segregation pipes and pods

excellent for
otherwise poor

good if capped good if

by welded




Grainsize textural

Essential characteristics



28 Near-vent base surge

deposits (Chs 5 & 7)
(Figs 5.21, 22, 7.40, 43)

compositionally homogeneous to
heterogeneous; variable
vesicularity of juvenile clasts (Ch. 3);
presence of ballistics and impact
sags; cored lapilli; massive, bedded
and cross-bedded intemal
structures; thickness of multiple
base-surge piles (tuff rings) up to
tens of metres

good if

29 Ground or ash-cloud
surge deposits
(Chs 5 & 7)
(Fig. 5.23, Plate 8)

compositionally homogeneous to
good when
heterogeneous microbreccias
capped by or
(dependent on composition of
within welded
parent pyroclastic flows and lithic
content); stratified and crossstratified; position below and above,
respectively, pyroclastic flow facies;
thickness generally <2 m

good, but not in

deformed units

30 Giant pumice beds

(Ch. 13) (Fig. 13.46)

uniform composition of pumice

clasts; enclosing matrix sediments
are stratified; lacustrine (or marine)
setting; radial jointing in some
individual clasts; chilled glassy
sheath on margins of some clasts;
clasts up to several metres

within thick
caldera lake

very good in

very good

very good

very good

very good

E Sandstones
(sand-sized framework
grains predominant)

Epiclastic reworking
abundant tractional structures;
(Ch. 10) (Figs 10.19 & 24) cross-stratification is either high
angle of repose or hummocky
cross-stratification (cf. surge
cross-stratification); body and
trace fossils

32 Epiclastic mass-flow
redeposition (Ch. 10)
(Fig. 10.28, Plate 11)

mass-flow facies characteristics;

body and trace fossils

33 Weathered and/or
devitrified lava/dykes
(Ch. 14) (Fig. 2.10)

generally granular texture; even

very good
distribution of phenocrysts if
crystallised; thick massive character;
(?)relic flow banding; lithophysae,
spherulites (Chs 4 & 14);
radiate fibrous to granophyric
ground mass of quartz and feldspar

recognition as
lavas difficult
in instances

34 Fine-grained ignimbrite
(Chs 5 & 8) (Fig. 5.16c)

gross granular texture; thick

massive character; rare shard
textures in thin section and may
be eutaxitic shard texture if
originally welded; gradational into
other ignimbrite facies (lithic
concentration zones, gas
segregation structures)

recognition of
origin may be

poor unless


Grainsize textural


35 Air-fall ashes and tuffs

(Chs 5 & 6)
(Figs 6.32 & 35)

F Mudstones
(mud-sized grade

Essential characteristics

homogeneous composition; rare

shards preserved; possible
intemal diffuse lamination;
thickness generally <1 m;
accretionary lapilli




good if in
ashes) and in
lacustrine and
deep marine

difficulty in
from redeposited origin
for subaqueous

as for 28, but finer-grained;

36 Base-surge deposits
(Chs 5 & 7) (Figs 7.40, 43) presence of cogenetic air-fall ash
layers with accretionary lapilli


good if

37 Ground and ash-cloud

as for 29 but finer
surge deposits (Chs 5 & 7)
(Plate 8)

see 29

see 29

38 Epiclastic
(Ch. 10) (Fig. 1020)

as for 31 and 32

very good

very good

39 Fine-grained ignimbrite
(Chs 5 & 8) (Fig. 5.16c)

as for 34

poor unless

recognition may
be difficult

40 Air-fall ashes and tuffs

(Chs 5 & 6)
(Figs 6.35 & 8.52)

as for 35

see 35

see 35


as for 36 and 37

Surge deposits
(Chs 5 & 7)

see 36 and 37


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Many authors, organisations and publishers have

generously consented to the use of their work. It is
with great pleasure and gratitude that we acknowledge the following copyright holders:
Plate 2 reproduced from Volcanism of the Eastern Snake
River Plain, Idaho: a comparative planetary geology
guidebook CR. Greeley) by permission of the author and
NASA; Figure 2.1 reproduced from A. Streckeisen,
Geology 7, 331-5 by permission of the author and the
Geological Society of America; Figures 2.2 and 2.6
reproduced from T. Murase and A. R. McBirney, Geol.
Soc. Am. Bull. 84, 3563-92 by permission of A. R.
McBirney and the Geological Society of America; Figures
2.3 and 6.46b reproduced from J. A. Wolff and
J. V. Wright, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 10, 13-34
by permission of J. V. Wright and Elsevier Science
Publishers; Figure 2.4 reproduced from Physical processes
of sedimentation - an introduction (J. R. L. Allen) by
permission of the author and Allen & Unwin; Figure 2.7
reproduced from 1. Kushiro et al., J. Geophys. Res. 81,
6351-6 by permission of 1. Kushiro and the publisher,
1976 by the American Geophysical Union; Figure 2.8
reproduced from T. Murase, Hokkaido Univ. Fac. Sci.
]., Ser. 7, 1 487-584 by permission of the author;
Figures 2.12a and c reproduced from Physical processes
in geology CA. R. Johnson) by permission of the author
and Freeman, Cooper and Company; Plate 3 reproduced
from Volcano: ordeal by fire in Iceland's Westmann Islands
CA. Gunnarsson) by permission of S. J6nasson and the
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Earth Mineral Sci. (Penn. Sf. Univ.) 41, 69-70 by

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Figure 4.1a reproduced from S. Thorarinsson, Bull.
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Figures 4.1b and 13.7 reproduced from D. A. Swanson
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Nelson, Geol. Mag. 107, 13-2l by permission of J. G.
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17-30 by permission of M. Kraft, K. Kraft and the U.S.
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Melson,]. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 17, 111-31 by
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Figures 5.3a and 7.13 reproduced from G. P. L.
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and D. W. Peterson, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper No.
1250, 17-30 by permission of J. W. Vallance and the
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1829-36 by permission of L. Wilson and the publisher,
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17-30 by permission of P. W. Lipman and the U.S.
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5.20 reproduced from R. V. Fisher and G. Heiken, J.
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Figure 6.4 reproduced from S. Self et al., Geol. Mag.
111, 539-48 by permission of S. Self and Cambridge
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Walker, Geol. Rundschau 62, 431-46 by permission ofthe
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Walker and R. Croasdale, ]. Geol. Soc., Lond. 127,
17-55 by permission of G. P. L. Walker and Blackwell
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Bloomfield et al., Geol. Rundschau 66, 120-46 by
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reproduced from G. P. L. Walker,]. Volcanol. Geothenn.
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Geol. Geophys. 18, 189-95 by permission of the author
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Nairn and S. Self,]. Volcanol. Geothenn. Res. 3, 39--60
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Figures 6.30a-c reproduced from H. Sigurdsson, Science
216 (4 June 1982), 1106--8 by permission of the author
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Bull. Volcanol. 41, 196--212 by permission of S. Self and
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G. P. L. Walker, in Tephra studies (S. Self and R. S. J.
Sparks, eds), 317-30 by permission of the author and D.
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Carey and H. Sigurdsson, J. Geophys. Res. 87, 7061-72
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/ Figure 7.1 b reproduced from L. Wilson and J. W.
Head, U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. No. 1250, 513-24 by
permission ofL. Wilson and the U.S. Geological Survey;
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]. Geol. Soc., Lond. 139, 581-92 by permission of
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Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper No. 180, 177-94 by
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Developments in sedimentology - 30B. Sedimentary structures

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Wilson et al., Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc. 63, 117-48 by
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Matsuda, Am. J. Sci. 262,76--106 by permission of R. S.
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827-38 by permission of O. H. Horst and the Geological
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Jones et al., Geology 12,209-11 by permission of B. L.
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Prof. Paper No. 1250, 69-80 by permission of G.
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Geol. Survey Bull. 1221-A, 1-30 by permission of D. R.
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by F. W. Williams; Figure 10.17 reproduced from J. c.
Harms et al., Structures and sequences in clastic rocks,
SEPM short course No.9 by permission ofR. G. Walker
and the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists; Figures 1O.26a and b reproduced from R. A. F.
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Geol. Soc. Austral. 24, 381-401 by permission of the
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G. V. Middleton and J. B. Southard, Mechanics of
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Figure 11.1 reproduced from R. Schmid, Geology 9,
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Symp. ]. ]ung-geol., geomorph., struct. profonde du Massif
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13.27 reproduced from H. Pichler and S. Kussmaul,
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Mahood,]. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 8, 199-230 by
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by D. E. Karig, reproduced from the Annual Review of
Earth and Planetary Sciences Volume 2, 51-75 by
permission of the author and the publisher, 1974 by
Annual Reviews Inc.; Figure 15.3 reproduced from G.
Di Paola, Bull. Volcanol. 36,517-60 by permission of the
author and the publisher; Figure 15.4a reproduced from
B. H. Baker et al., Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper No. 136,
1-67 by permission of B. H. Baker and the Geological
Society of America; Figure 15.4b reproduced from P.
Mohr and C. A. Wood, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 33,
126-44 by permission of P. Mohr and Elsevier Science
Publishers; Figure 15.5a by G. P. Eaton, reproduced
from the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Volume 10,409-40 by permission of the author and the
publisher, 1982 by Annual Reviews Inc.; Figure
15.5b reproduced from G. P. Eaton, Tectonophysics 102,
275-95 by permission of the author and Elsevier Science
Publishers; Figure 15.6 reproduced from W. R.

Dickinson, Pacific coast palaeogeographic symp. No.3,

1-13 by permission of the author and the publisher;
Figure 15.7 reproduced from D. E. Karig, Geol. Soc.
Am. Bull. 82,323-44 by permission of the author and the
Geological Society of America; Figure 15.8 reproduced
from K. B. Sporli, Int. Assoc. Sedimentologists Spec.
Publ. No.4, 147-70 by permission of the author, the
Editor and Blackwell Scientific Publications; Figure 15.9
by J. c. Moore et al., reprinted from Nature Vol. 281,
pp. 638-42 by permission of J. c. Moore and the
publisher, copyright 1979 Macmillan Journals
Limited; Figure 15.10 reproduced from A. Nur and Z.
Ben-Avraham, Tectonophysics 99, 355-67 by permission
of A. Nur and Elsevier Science Publishers; Figure 15.12
reproduced from D. E. Karig, J. Geophys. Res. 75,
239-54 by permission of the author and the publisher,
1970 by the American Geophysical Union.
Figure 1.2 reproduced from G. P. L. Walker et al.,
Geophys J. R. Astr. Soc. 22, 377-83 by permission of
G. P. L. Walker and Blackwell Scientific Publications;
Figure 1.3 reproduced from L. Wilson, Geophys. J. R.
Astr. Soc. 30, 381-92 by permission of the author and
Blackwell Scientific Publications. Fig. 1.4 reproduced
from G. P. L. Walker, N.z.;. GEOL. Geophys. 24,
305-24, by permission of the author and publisher.


Numbers in italic type refer to text figures, and numbers in bold type refer to text sections.

aa lavas 4.S.1, 481, 4.5

Acatlan ignimbrite 194,237-8,5.16,
accessory lithics 54
accidentallithics 54
accretionary lapilli S.S, 356
accretionary prisms, forearc settings
IS.I, IS.7-9, 15.2, 15.9
achneliths 49, 134,3.17
acidic rocks
definition 17
mineralogy 17
agglomerate 356, 12.5, 481
agglutinated lavas (see also clastogenic
lavas) 64
agglutinates 48,134,481,6.8,13.24
Agua de Pau 384, 6.15, 13.29
Aira caldera 233,395,8.3,8.20
alkali basalt 17
andesitic lavas 4.S, 4.18
Angahook Basalt member 3.11
Angra ignimbrite 342
arc volcanism - tectonic setting
continental margin 446, IS.9, 15.9,
island arc 446, IS.7, 15.2, 15.7, 15.8,
microcontinental446, IS.S, 15.8, 15.9
area plots 146,470, 6.1S, 6.19
armoured lapilli 126
ash 47, 485
classification 11.1
deep-sea layers 9.6
duration of large magnitude explosive
eruptions from deep-sea ash layers
elutriation from pyroclastic flows 103,

lithic 334
loss from eruption columns 242
phreatomagmatic 3.18, 3.25
turbidites 9.2.2, 287-9
vitric 335
ash cloud surge S.6.2, 7.7.3
deposits S.7.3, 7.10, 484, 485, 5.20,
ash fall deposits
distal silicic 6.9
ash flow tuff (see also ignimbrite) 225
Askja 65,116,143,159,166,168,3.21,
Aso caldera 103, 395
aspect ratio 62, 64, 71, 89
Ata caldera 395
Augustine volcano 154
autobreccia 3.7, 481, 3.27
nomenclature 12.7
auto brecciation 3.7
processes 34
rocks 4
avalanches 300-3, 330, 10.3, 10.4,
ballistic fragments (see also bombs) 133,
clast trajectory - velocity calculations
ranges Table I.l
Bandai-san 351
Bandelier tuffs 232, S.7.1, 256-8,
Plate 13,400,3.24,6.14,6.17,
6.19, Plate 8, 8.20, 8.26-30, 8.36,
8.42,8.44,8.46, /.1, Table 1.2
ash cloud surges 120, 341-2,5.23,
Barcena volcano 296

basaltic lavas
eruption of 4.4
features of subaerial lavas 4.S
fire fountains 64
massive 73
passage into water 4.7
pillow 73
sheet 73
submarine 4.6
basaltic pyroclasts 48-9
basaltic shield volcanoes 13.2, 13.1-5
Galapagos type 13.2.2
Hawaiian type 13.2.1
Icelandic type 13.3.3
basaltic successions facies models
continental 14.S.1, 14.7
description 427
economic significance 427
facies model 14. 7
basanite 17
base surge 114--15, 7.7.1,5.18,5.19
depositional processes 7.9
deposits S.7.1, 7.10, 484, 485, 5.19,
dry 115,206
subaqueous 9.7
transport mechanics 7.S
wet 115,206
basement 455,458
igneous rock types as indicators IS.10
basic rocks
definition 16
Basin and Range Province 446, IS.6,
bentonite 244
Bezymianny 107
Big Glass Mountain
obsidian flow complex Plate 2, 86




bimodal volcanism 455

Bingham substances 21, 22, 2.3, 2.12
Bishop Tuff 6.14,8.40,8.41,8.45
block and ash flows 107
deposits 5.5.2, 483, 5.14, 5.15
block lavas 65, 76
blocks 47
Blow Hole Latite3.11
boccas 64
Bombo Latite 2.11,3.12
bombs 47,134,3.14,6.10,13.20
sag structures 13 .20
boninites 457
Boyd Volcanic Complex 85, 3.10, 3.26,
breadcrust texture 3.15,6.24,10.31
Bridgewater volcano 3.18, 5.24
Cader Rhwydog Tuff 280,281
caldera collapse 233, 234, 398
breccias 242,398,481
calderas 79, 8.1, 8.2, 13.3, 13.26, 13.27,
size 8.13
Campanian ash 243, 8.25
Campanian ignimbrite 395, 7.13, 8.25
Capel Curig Volcanic Formation 276,
Capelhinos 45, 115, 5.18
carbon dioxide
exsolution of 34
Carpenter Ridge ignimbrite 342
Ceboruco volcano 13.27
Cerro Galan 232,234,395,8.2
Cerro Negro 384, 6.25
Chao dacite flow 62, 76
Circle Creek Rhyolite 81
components in pyroclastic deposits
Table 12.6
grain size classes, non-genetic
Tables 12.7, 12.8, App. II
pyroclastic falls and their deposits,
genetic Table 12.1
pyroclastic flows and their deposits,
genetic Tables 7.1,12.2,12.3
pyroclastic surges and their deposits,
genetic Table 12.4
pyroclasts Table 12.5
sediment transport processes
Table 10.1
classification of magmas, igneous rocks
chemical 2.1.1, Table 2.1
mineralogical 2.1.1, 2.1
classification of volcaniclastic deposits
'agglomerate' , use of 12.5
ancient volcaniclastic rocks 12.3
auto breccias 12.7
composition 12.4.2
constituent fragments 355
descriptive lithological aspects,
ancient volcaniclastic rocks 12.4

genetic 12.2.1, Tables 12.1-5

grainsize 353, 358
hyaloclastites 12.7
lithological 12.2.2
modern pyroclastic deposits 12.2
non-genetic Table 12.7
peperite 361
pyroclastic fall deposits 350
pyroclastic flow deposits 351-3
pyroclastic surge deposits 353
sorting 358
'tuff, use of 12.5
'vulcanian breccia', use of 12.5
welding 355,358
clastogenic lavas 65, 134,373,13.24
climatic effects
volcanic eruptions 103
cognate lithics 54
co-ignimbrite ash-fall deposits 103, 8.6
co-ignimbrite breccias 8.5, 483, 484,
co-ignimbrite lag-fall deposit 237, 483
colonnade 71, 4.10
Columbia River plateau Plate 4, 369,
column collapse 5.4.2, 150,8.3
columnar jointing 71, 4.10
ignimbrite 252, 8.39
comendite 17
component proportion analysis in
modern pyroclastic deposits App.
composite volcanoes see stratovolcanoes
composition 9
of volcaniclastic 12.4.2
compound lavas 63
confining pressure
definition 34, 35
effects on exsolutionlvesiculation 34,
continental margin arc volcanism 446,
continental rift volcanism - tectonic
broad zones 446,15.6,15.5,15.6
narrow linear zones 446,15.5,15.3,
cooling units 255
cored lapilli 126
Cotopaxi 108, 110
coulees 81, 87,4.22,4.27,4.28
Crater Elegante 13.14
Crater Lake 233,235,251,386,13.25,
critical point
pure water 38, 3.6
salt water 38, 40, 3.8
cross stratification 309
low angle 98,213, 311
surge deposits 98,212,311
cryptodome 78, 4.20
rhyolitic 82
crystal ash/tuff 334, 335, 11.5, 11.1, 11.2

airfall 341
ignimbrite 342
pyroclastic flow deposits 342-3
pyroclastic origin 11.5.1
surge deposits 341-2
crystal concentration
determinations 475-6
epiclastic processes 11.4.3
eruption-related processes 11.5.2
factors affecting 11.4, 11.6
ignimbrites 242
in magmas 11.4.1, 11.3
pyroclastic flows 103, 11.4, 11.5
crystal content of magma, 11.3
effects on viscosity 2.5.5
crystal-rich volcaniclastics Ch. 11,
Plate 11, 11.2
airfall deposits 341
deposits 11.5
epiclastic origins 345
fragmentation modes 11.3
ignimbrite 342
mixed pyroclastic and epiciastic origin
pyroclastic origin 11.5.1
surge deposits 341-2
terminology 344
effects on exsolution 35
second boiling 35
Cyprus type massive sulphide deposits
dacitic lavas 4.8, 4.18, 4.19
Dali Ash 271-5, 280, 323, 344,3.23,
Deborah Volcanics 2.13, 3.11
debris flows 29,323-5,2.13,10.30
cohesive 29, 323
dead zones 29
deposits 323-5, 480, 483,10.31
flow state 29
grain dominant 325
interior channels 29
laminar flow 29
levees 29, 325
mobility 7.2
plug flow zones 29, 325, 2.13
turbulent flow 29
yield strength 29, 325
Deccan Traps 61, 369
decompression of magma 36, 40
decompressional vesiculation 35, 36
deep-sea ash layers 9.6
bioturbation of 288
estimating duration of large
magnitude explosive eruptions 289,
Deep-Sea Drilling Project 447
deformation of volcanic successions
degassing of magma 60


determinations for modern pyroclastic
deposits App. 1.1.6
juvenile fragments 3.20
magmas 2.3
pumice 3.21, Table 7.2
devitrification 8.10.3, 415, 416, 14.3.2,

associated vapour phase crystallisation
chemical effects 419
in ignimbrites 419, 8.37, 8.45
spherulites 419,14.4
stages 418
diagenesis of volcanic successions 415,
diamictite 307, 483
diatremes 377
diffusion coefficient 36
diffusion of volatiles 36
basalts 36
effect of viscosity 36
rhyolites 36
domes 81, 4.18, 4.21-4, 4.29
caldera 13.9.4
collapse 5.4.1
cratered 81
marginal talus deposits 481
resurgent 400
rhyolitic 83, 87
subaqueous silicic 88
Donzurobo Formation 281
double grading 275
Dyffryn Mymbyr Tuff 9.7
East Africa Rift Plate 15,453,15.3,15.4
EI Chichon 223
ensialic marginal basin 451,460
entablure 71, 4.10
definition 4, 8, 34, 56, 294, 360
deposits Ch. 10, App. II.
fragmentation 34, 3.8
epiclastic processes Ch. 10
response to volcanic events 295
rhyolitic volcanoes 401
sediment transport 10.3
stratovolcanoes 13.7.4
epithermal mineralisation 416
in volcanic terrains 10.2
rates 295
eruption column 5.2.1, 5.7, 5.8, 8.8,
8.9,8.11, Table 5.2
ash loss 242
collapse 5.4.2, 150,8.3
duration Table 5.2
effect of wind 102, 13.28
gas thrust zone 98
height 38, 42, 98-103, 5.9, 6.20,
Table 5.2
phreatomagmatic 103
umbrella region 99

upper convection plume 98

eruption rate 38, 289
andesitic lava Table 4.2
basic lava Table 4.1
dacite lava Table 4.2
explosive eruption columns 100-2
flood basalt 63
ignimbrite 63
silicic lavas 63, Table 4.2
eruption velocities 38
Ethiopian flood basalt province 369,

Ethiopian Rift Valley 15.3
eutaxitic texture 166,8.38
pseudo- 270, 417
explosive fragmentation of magma 3.2
open vent 3.2.2 .
role of magma mixing 3.3
sealed magma chamber 3.2.1
subaerial vents 36-8
subaqueous vents 38-41
vesicle growth 3.3, 3.4
exsolution of volatiles 3.1,3.2
carbon dioxide 34
crystallisation induced 35
decompressional 35, 40
factors controlling 34, 35
first boiling 35
water 34
fabric 10
analysis 4-12
associations of 6, 11, 424
concept 1.2
definition 5
description of 1.3, 14.6
descriptive lithological aspects 12.4
fossils in 1.3.5
geometry of 1.3.1, 14.2
interactive stratigraphic/facies
diagrams 415
interpretation 14.6
lithology of 1.3.2, 12.2.2, 12.4, 14.3
palaeocurrents of 1.3.4.
palaeoenvironmental indicators 14.5
post -depositional modification 14.3
sedimentary structures of 1.3.3
stratigraphic relationships 4, 14.2,


trends 425
facies models
basaltic seamounts 14.8.5, 13.50
continental basaltic volcanic
successions 14.8.1, 14.7
continental silicic volcanoes 14.8.3,


continental stratovolcanoes 14.8.2,


deep marine distal volcanics 14.8.8,


functions 425
ignimbrite 8.7


marine stratovolcanoes 14.8.6, 14.10

mid-oceanic ridge volcanism 14.8.4,


intra-subglacial volcanism 14.8.9,


Precambrian volcanism 14.8.10,


submarine felsic volcanic centres

uses 14.7
volcanic centres/successions Ch. 14,


felsic 17
felsic volcanoes-continental see rhyolite
associated deep marine facies 14.8.8
felsic volcanoes-submarine-facies models
description 435-6
economic significance 436
facies model 14.11
fiamme 166,251,255,8.38,8.43
fines depletion processes in pyroclastic
deposits 7.46
fire fountains 64
first boiling 35
Fish Canyon Tuff 232,342,8.17,8.18
vent system 8.4.3
Fishguard Volcanic Group 280
fissure vents 64
flood basalt Plate 4, 60,4.5.2
aspect ratio 71
eruption of 64
paleoflow indicators 73
vents 64,13.3,13.7, Table 13.1
flood lavas Plate 4
area 60,369
basalts 4.5.2
Columbia River Plateau 61,369,4.10
Deccan Traps 61, 369
discharge rate 63
eastern Iceland 61
effusion rate 63
eruption duration 61, 63, 369
Ethiopian flood basalt province 369,


flow distances 61
length 60
thickness 61
vents 60,64,370,13.7, Table 13.1
volume 63, 369
flow banding 28, 78, 84, 87,2.10,2.11,


flow-foot breccias 75, 4.16, 4.17

flow fragmentation 34
flow regime 310
fluid flow states 15,2.7
ash elutriation 180
curves 7.3,7.5,7.6
experimental rig 7.4
in pyroclastic flows 7.2
minimum fluidisation velocity 180,




of sediments 43
fluidised sediment flows 320
Fogo plinian deposit 150, 341, 6.15,
Fogo volcano 143
Fort Rock tuffring 13.14
of magmas Ch. 3
Froude Number 310
Fuego volcano 108, 153,295,384,392,
fuel-coolant interaction 43, 45
Fuji 383
fumarolic pipes 258, 8.45-7
Furnas 384
Galapagos rift 74
Galapagos shield volcanoes 13.2.3
Galiarte cone 6.9, 6.11
Garth Tuff 276, 9.7, 9.8
gas bubbles
effects on viscosity 2.5.6
gas segregation pipes 96, 181, 7.3.4,
7.7, 7.14-16
geochemical fingerprinting of modern
pyroclastic deposits 478
geothermal systems 401
Gerringong Volcanics 3.11, 3.12, 10.13,
glacial sediment transport 305-8, 10.14,
deposits 305-8, 483, 10.13, 10.14
diamictite 307, 483
till, tillite 307, 483, 10 .15
gravity-density 190
lateral in pyroclastic flow deposits
reverse 188, 189,304,323
shear induced 190, 305
vertical in pyroclastic flow deposits
grain flow 303-4,310,320,10.11
grainsize 9, 358
classification, non-genetic Tables
12.7, 12.8, App. II
classification of pyroclasts Table 12.6
determination App. 1.1.3
distribution App. 1.1.3
Folk and Ward statistical parameters
graphical standard deviation 472
Inman statistical parameters 472
maximum App. 1.1.2
median diameter 472
pyroclastic fragments 353
sieving methods 471
sorting statistic 472
Green Tuff, Pantelleria 168, 6.46, 6.47
ground layer 119, 198,202,482
ground surge 5.6.2, 7.7.2
deposits 5.7.2, 7.10, 484, 485

Halemaumau crater 365

Hanauma Bay crater complex 5.21
Harman Valley lava flow 4.5
Hatepe ash 158-61,261,8.49,8.52,
Hatepe plinian pumice deposit 260, 470,
1.4, Table 1.5
Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain 452
Hawaiian fall deposits 131,6.3.1
classification 6.3.3
Hawaiian shield volcanoes 13.2.1
growth stages 366
summit calderas 365
superimposed volcanoes 365
volume 365
Hawaiian style eruptions 129,6.2
mechanisms and dynamics 6.3.2
head deposits
pyroclastic flows 197, 202
Heimay Plate 3, 137-40,364,6.11
Hekla volcano Plate 6, 143, 144
Helgafell Plate 3
Hibok-Hibok 107
hornitos 69
hyaloclastite 45,54,75-6,88,360-1,
hydraulic fracturing 415, 14.3.4
breccias 482,14.5
hydraulic sorting 294
hydrostatic pressure
effect on explosive fragmentation 36,
pressure gradient 38
hydrothermal alteration 415,14.3.1
associated mineralisation 416
effects on deformation 14.3.8
minerals 415
textural effects 417, 14.2, 14.3
hydrothermal explosions 3.4.5
craters 404
deposits 3.4.5, 482
vents 405
hydrovolcanic activity 42,3.4,55, 157
eruption mechanisms 6.8.3
Ice Harbour flows 370
Icelandic shield volcanoes 367, 13.2.2
ignimbrite Ch. 8, App. 11,5.14,5.16,
aspect ratio 8.34
associated secondary deposits 8.9
basal layers 7.3.2, 7.9
bedforms 200
chemical analyses 8.11
co-ignimbrite breccias 8.5, 247,483,
co-ignimbrite lag breccia 238, 483
co-ignimbrite lag-fall deposit 237, 483
columnar jointing 252
compaction 8.36, 8.40, 8.41
composition 224
compositional zoning 7.3.6, 7.19,

compound 8.33
cooling units 255
crystal concentration 242, 342
definition 110, 224
density 8.40, Table 7.2
deposits 5.5.3, 7.3
devitrification 8.10.3
distances travelled Table 8.2
eruption rate 63, 8.7.3, 8.34
eruption sequence Plate 8,8.18
facies model 8.7, 7.27,8.30
fiamme 251, 255
fines depleted 199, 248, 480, 483,
fumarolic pipes 258
gas segregation pipes 7.3.4,7.7,
grade 255
grain size characteristics 7.9, 7.11,
7.13,7.18,7.36,7.45, Table 1.2
ground breccia, layer 119, 198,202,
241,483, 7.26,8.20
head deposits 198, 202
intracaldera 227, 235
intraplinian ignimbrite 232
lag breccias 238, 483, 8.19, 8.20, 8.22
landsat image 8.2
lateral grading 7.3.5
lithic concentration zones 188,482,
maps 8.1,8.3-6,8.32
occurrence 8.2
outflow sheets 227, 8.17
palaeocurrent indicators 8.8
pumice concentration zones 188,480
rheomorphism 255
rootless explosion craters 251
sillar 258
simple 8.33
size 224, 8.13
source vents 8.4
stratigraphy 8.7, 8.17
thickness 7.3.1,7.9,8.4,8.31
valley pond 200, 247, 7.31,8.32
vapour phase crystallisation 8.10.2,
veneer deposit 200, 247,7.30,7.31,
vents 8.4, 8.14, 8.16
vertical grading 7.3.3
vitrophyre 252
volume Table 8.1
welding 8.10.1, ,8.37-44
ignimbrite forming eruptions Ch. 8
Inman grainsize statistical parameters
graphical standard deviation 472
median diameter 472
sorting 472
interactive stratigraphic diagrams 13 .30,
intermediate rocks
definition 16


mineralogy 16
intermediate-silicic multivent centres
intraglacial volcanism see subglacial
intra-plate volcanism - tectonic setting
continental 446, 15.5
oceanic 446, 15.4
inverse volcanoes 395
Irazu volcano 153,6.23,6.25
island arc volcanism 446,15.7,15.2,
isopach maps 469,6.15,6.21,6.22,
isopleth maps 470, 6.15, 8.31,8.32,
Ito pyroclastic flow 7.18, 8.3, 8.20
Jeffreys equation 22
jokulhlaups 317, 409, 10.24
juvenile fragments 3.5.1
Kaingaroa ignimbrite 3.23
Karoo basalts 369
Katla volcano Plate 6
Kauai 299
Kawera geothermal field 404
keratophyre 19
Kilauea 45, 140,364-5,369,4.5,6.11,
Koko crater 5.24
Komagatake 110
komatiite lavas 30, 60, 4.12, 4.31,4.32
eruption temperatures 90
Reynolds Numbers 90
rheology 90
thickness 90
viscosities 90
komatiitic basalts 89
Kos 345, 402, 13.44
Kowmung Volcaniclastics 344, Plate 14
Krakatau 110, 151,223,281-2,386,
Kuroko ores 40,395,401
Kyushu caldera 395
La Garita caldera 233, 8.17
La Primavera volcano 79,85,88,375,
Laacher See
Tephra 244
volcano 244
Laguna de Bay 394,13.36
lahars 323-7, 480, 483
Lake Atitlan 289, 7.13
Lake Toba 243, 397,8.24
Laki basalt flow 61,63,4.1
laminar flow 15,2.7
landslides 299-300, 10.5-7
lapilli 47
lava deltas 75

lava flows Ch. 4

aa lavas 4.5.1, 4.6
andesitic 4.8
basalts 60--2
Bingham substance 64
block lavas 65
caves 67,4.7
compound 63, 4.3
dacitic 4.8
dead zones 64
degassing of 65
dimensions 4.2
effect of slope 64
effusion rate 4.3.1, Tables 4.1, 4.2
eruptive conditions 59
fire fountains 64
flood lavas 63
flow distance 62
lengths 60--1
levees 64,70--1,4.9
massive 73
pahoehoe lavas 4.5.1, 4.5
palaeoflow indicators 67, 73, 87
phonolites 62
physical properties 4.3.2
pillow lava 73
pressure ridges 69, 4.8
rheology of 65
rhyolite 62, 4.9
sheet 73
simple 62, 4.3
size and form 4.2
submarine basaltic 4.6
thickness 64
trachytes 62
tumulus 69, 4.8
viscosity 60
volume 60--1
width 64
lava fountains 64, 134-7
lava lakes 65,71
lava tubes 67-9, 4.7
levees 29, 70
Lipari, Aeolian Islands 80,4.21,4.22,
liquefied sediment flows 320
lithic ash/tuff 334
lithology 1.3.2, 12.2.2
lithophysae 84, 4.25
lithostatic load
role in vesiculation 34, 36
littoral cones 76, 13.6,13.24
loess 10.32
Long Valley calderas 79,81
Los Chocoyos ash 289
maars 13.5, 13.14-17, 13.21,13.22,
Table 13.2
deposits 378, 7.37, 7.40, 7.41,
dimensions 377, 13.18
eruptive activity 379
mafic 17


density of 2.3,2.2
mixing 15,3.3
network modifying elements 26
network structural units 26
polymerisation in 26
properties of Ch. 2
rheology of 15
solubility of water 24, 3.1
temperature of2.2, Tables 2.2, 2.3,
viscosity of2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8,
Table 2.4
yield strength 2.4, Table 2.4
magmastatic pressure 36
magmatic associations 2.1.2
magmatic explosions 3.2, 34
mantle bedding (air-fall deposits) 96
marginal basin volcanism 446, 15.3,
Marianas Island Arc 15.7
mass flow/movement 297, 298, 304,
307-8,316--29,330, App. 11,10.29
Mauna Iki 4.5, 4.7
Mauna Kea 364, 366, 13.4
Mauna Loa 62,365,4.6
Mauna Vlu 67,69,73,76,365,369,4.5
Mayon volcano 108
Mayor Island 173
Megalo Vourno 6.6
Merapi 107
Merrions Tuff 88, 273, 281, 282, 323,
Plate 11,343-4,4.30,10.27,14.4
mesa lavas 81
metamorphism of volcanic successions
415, 14.3.6
microcontinental arc volcanism 446,
microlites 8
mid-oceanic ridge, 13.48, 13.49
central volcanoes 405
hawaiian type shield volcanoes 406
hydrothermal vents 405
lavas 75
median rift valley 405--6
mineralisation 406
tectonic setting 446, 15.2
vents 74, 13.48
volcanic activity 75, 446, 15.2
volcanoes 13.10.1, 13.48, 13.49
mid-oceanic ridge rift volcanism-facies
description 432
economic significance 432
facies model 13.50, 15.1
milling 47
Mineral King Roof Pendant 282
continental basaltic volcanic
successions 427-8
continental silicic volcanoes 430--2
continental stratovolcanoes 428
deep marine distal felsic volcanics 436



hydraulic fracture breccias 420

intra-subglacial basaltic and rhyolitic
volcanism 437
marine stratovolcanoes 434
mid-oceanic ridge rift volcanism 432
oceanic basaltic seamounts 432
Precambrian volcanism 441
submarine felsic volcanic centres 436
Minoan deep-sea ash layer 9.14
Minoan eruption 232, 237
Minoan ignimbrite 242, Plate 9, 7.9-12,


mixed pumice 41, 170,3.22

moberg 409
Mono Craters 79-81,85
Monte Somma 384
Mt Eccles 379, 4.5,13.13,13.22
Mt Egmont Plate 10,6.25,10.31,13.25
Mt Elephant 3.14,13.9,13.13
Mt Etna 62-3, 71, 383,4.9
Mt Hamilton 4.5
Mt Lamington 107, 108, 118
Mt Leura 380, 3.14a, 6.6, 6.8, 6.10,


Mt Mazama 235
Mt Misery 387, 5.15,6.32,13.28
Mt Napier 3.13
Mt Pelee 107, 110, 118, 119, 130,202,
Mt Rainier 301-2, 307, 325, 10.10,
Mt Ruapehu see Ruapehu
Mt St Helens 45
ash cloud surges 120
ash fall deposits 165,243,5.8
avalanche 300-2
blast deposit 118, 218-19,7.45
debris flow deposits 191, 325, 351
dome collapse 107
glaciers 307
ignimbrites 1l0, 179,202,223, 7.1,


lahars 325
landslide 299, 386, 10.6
phreatic explosion craters 46, 251,

plinian fall deposits 144
pyroclastic flows 5.10, 5.12,7.1
Mt Shasta 13.25
mudflow 323-5, App. II
muzzle velocity 6.2,470,6.20
Mweelrea Group 280
nephelinite 17
Newberry Crater 4.23
Newer Volcanics volcanic province 374,


Newtonian substances 21, 22, 2.3

turbulence criterion (Reynolds
Number) 27, 28, 2.9
Ngauruhoe 108, 154, 190,386,6.25,

6.27,6.28, 7.1, 13.43

nomenclature of pyroclastic and

epiclastic volcaniclastic deposits see
Novarupta 233
nuees ardentes 107, 225, 351-3
obsidian 83-5, 2.10, 4.23, 4.25
definition 18
flow, Big Glass Mountain Plate 2
oceanic crust 404
geochemistry 449
seismic stratigraphy 447,15.1
stratigraphy 447-9,15.1
ogives Plate 2, 85
Ohakune craters 6.5, 6.8
Ohanapecosh Formation 284-5,9.1
Okataina volcanic centre 143, 234, 397,
Plate 1,2.10,4.23,6.14,8.14
Older Volcanics 374
Olekele avalanche 299
Onikobe caldera 9.1
ophiolite 404, 447-50
stratigraphy 447, 15.1
Oruanui Formation 158-9,6.33,6.35
Oruanui ignimbrite 5.2, 5.14, 5.24
pahoehoe lava 4.5.1, 4.5
channels 67
lava caves 67
lava tubes 67
palaeoflow indicators 67
ropy 67
shelly 67
transition to aa lava 70
palaeocurrents 1.3.4
in ignimbrites 8.8
palagonite 382
palagonitisation 415, 14.3.3
chemical effects 420
Pantelleria 166, 168, 173, 6.46, 6.47
pantellerite 17
Panum Craters 80
Paricutin volcano 140, 364, 374, 6.11
particle free fall 10.2
particulate sediment transport 297-8,


Pele's hair, tears 134

pelean style eruptions 129
peperites 43, 46, 55, 361
perlite 83-5
phenocrysts 8
Phlegrean volcanic field 394
phonolite 17
phreatic explosions 34, 3.4, 42
craters 8.35
phreatomagmatic deposits 6.29-32
phreatomagmatic explosions 34, 40, 42,


eruption column height 103

interaction with groundwater 3.4.1
interaction with surface water 3.4.2
lava flowing into water or over watersaturated sediments 3.4.3

magma rising into a hydrothermal

system 3.4.5
pyroclastic flows moving into water or
over water-saturated sediments


surges 5.6.1
water: magma mass ratio 42,45,3.9
phreatoplinian fall deposits 131, 6.8.2,


coarse-tail grading 158

D-F plots 6.36
grainsize characteristics 6.3 7
phreatoplinian style eruptions 6.8.2
mechanisms 6.8.3
physical constituents 8
Picture Gorge Basalt 4.10
pillow lava 73, 4.11-14
intrusive 3.11
plains basalt 4.5.3
rift zones 371
vents 13.3
plate margins and volcanism
stress field conditions 15.11
plate tectonics
setting for volcanism 15.1
Plateau Ignimbrite 283, 402, 13.44
Platoro caldera complex 342, 8.38
pipe vesicles 73
pitchstone 18
Pitts Head Tuff279, 9.9
plinian fall deposits Plate 6,131,229,


area plots 6.18, 6.19

basaltic 140
compositional zoning 145
grain size characteristics 6.16, 6.17,


internal and lateral changes 6.4.2

internal stratification 144, 150
intaplinian ignimbrite 232
reverse grading 144
volume estimates Table 6.2
zoned deposits 6.14
plinian style eruptions 129,6.4,239
column collapse 150-1,8.3,8.8-11
duration Table 6.4
eruption rates Table 6.3
general features 6.4.1
mechanisms and dynamics 6.4.3
muzzle velocities Table 6.3
polymerisation in magmas 24, 26
polyphase alteration see hydrothermal
porosity determination App. 1.1.6
Precambrian volcanism-facies models
description 440-1
economic significance 441
facies model 14.11, 14.13
effects on viscosity 2.5.1
pressure ridges 69, 4.8
pseudocraters 76, 13.6
pseudoplastic substances 22, 2.3

Pukeonake scoria cone 5.24,10.12
pumice 36, 49, 3.19
concentration zones in ignimbrites
crystal content App. 1.1.5
diapirs 86
density 3.21, Table 7.2
fall deposit (see also plinian fall
deposits) 5.4
flotation 315, 10.21
flow deposits (see also ignimbrites)
flow transport mechanics 7.4, 8.23
giant pumice beds 403,484,13.45,
mixed 41,170,3.22
recognition in the rock record 14.4
terminal fall velocity 7.23
vesicle nucleation size 36
pumice cones 13.4, 374
Purrumbete, Lake 380, 5.21,7.37,
Puu Hou 382
Puu Ki littoral cones 13.24
Puu Waawaa pumice cone 366, 374
definition 4, 8, 350
nomenclature/classification of deposits
pyroclastic deposits - modern
area plots 470
ballistic clast trajectory-velocity
studies 470
classification Tables 7.1,12.1-5
component proportion analysis App.
components Table 12.6
dating 478
density App. 1.1.6
fines depletion processes 7.46
geochemical fingerprinting 478
grain size characteristics (see also
pyroclastic fall, flow, and surge
deposits) 5.3, 1.1, App. 1.1.3,
Table I.2
grainsize determination App. 1.1.3
isopach maps 469
isopleth maps 470
mass calculations 1.4, Table 1.5
maximum grain size studies App. 1.1.2
methods of study App. 1
muzzle velocity 470
physical analysis App. I.1
porosity App. 1.1.6
relationship to topography 5.1
sieving 471
sorting classes 472-3, Table 1.4
stratigraphic analysis App. 1.2
tephrochronology 477
terminal fall velocity 475
thickness App. 1.1.1
volume calculations 470, 1.4,
Table I.5

pyroclastic fall deposits 5.1.1, 5.3,

Ch. 6,5.1,5.2,5.4
area plots 146,470,6.18,6.19
ash cloud deposits 5.2.2
ash-fall deposits 104
associated surges 120
ballistic fragments 133
classification of 130, 351, 6.2,
Table 12.1
D-F plots, 6.1, 6.2, 6.11, 6.25, 6.36
grain size characteristics 5.3, 6.3, 6.7,
Table I.2, Table I.3
mantle bedding 96, 5.1,5.2
methods of study for modern deposits
App. I
pumice fall deposits 104
scoria fall deposits 104
thermal facies model Table 6.6
pyroclastic fall forming eruptions 5.2
explosive eruption columns 5.2.1
hawaiian 104
phreatoplinian 104
plinian 104
strombolian 104
sub-plinian 104
surtseyan 104
terminal fall velocity 94
ultraplinian 104
vulcanian 104
pyroclastic flow deposits (see also
ignimbrite) 5.1.2, 5.5, 7.3, Ch. 8,
basal layers 7.3.2, 197
block and ash flow deposits 5.5.1
classification 351, Tables 7.1,12.2,
coarse-tail grading 96
compositional zoning 7.3.6
crystal-rich 342
fines depleted ignimbrite 199
fossil fumarole pipes 96
gas segregation pipes 96, 181,7.3.4
grading 186, 7.3.3
grainsize characteristics 5.3,7.13,
7.17,7.18,7.36,7.45,8.22, Table
I.2, Table I.3
ground layer 198, 202
head deposits 198, 202
ignimbrite 5.5.3, Ch. 8
ignimbrite veneer deposit 200
lateral grading 7.3.5
lithic concentration zones 188
methods of study for modern deposits
pumice concentration zones 188
pumice flow deposits 5.5.3
scoria and ash flow deposits 5.5.2
reverse grading 188
thermal oxidation 96
thermal remanent magnetisation 98


thickness 7.3.1
valley pond ignimbrite 200
yield strength 183
pyroclastic flow forming eruptions 5.4
column collapse 5.4.2, 150,8.3,8.8,


lava dome collapse 5.4.1

subaqueous 9.4
pyroclastic flows 7.8
ash elutriation 103, 180
block and ash flows 107
classification of types Table 7.1,
Tables 12.2, 12.3
crystal concentration 103
definition 181
distances travelled Table 8.2
entry into water 9.11,9.13
fluidisation 7.2
form 7.5,7.24
mobility 7.2
nuees ardentes 107,225,351-3
passage from air into water 9.5
relationship to surges 7.12
subaerial Ch. 7
subaqueous Ch. 9
submarine eruption 9.4
temperature Table 5.1
transport and deposition Ch. 7
transport mechanics 7.4,7.25,7.29,
violent flows 96, 179
viscosity 193
yield strength 183
pyroclastic surge 98, 5.6, 7.6-12
ash cloud surge 5.6.2, 7.7.3
base surge 5.6.1,7.7.1
classification Table 12.4
depositional processes 7.9
energy chain 7.33
ground surge 5.6.2,7.7.2,7.34
initiation 7.7
transport mechanics 205
pyroclastic surge deposits 5.1.3, 5.7,
ash cloud surge 5.7.3
base surge 5.7.1,7.35,7.40,7.43,
bomb sags 217
chute and pool structures 98
classification 353, Table 12.4
comparison with turbidity current
depositional structures 7.10.6
dune-form structures 98,210,213,
geometry 7.10.1
grain size characteristics 7.10.2, 7.39,
7.41, Tables I.2, I.3
ground surge 5.7.2
low angle cross stratification 98, 213
methods of study for modern deposits
App. I
relationship with pyroclastic flows 7.12



sorting 7.10.3
pyroclasts 3.5
bombs 47,134,3.14
classification of grainsize and
nomenclature Table 12.5
crystals 3.5.2
juvenile fragments 3.5.1, 3.20
lithic fragments 3.5.3
phreatomagmatic 3.18, 3.25
quartz keratophyre 19
Queen Mary's Peak 384
quench fragmentation 34, 40, 42, 43-5
products 54--6
Quill, St Eustatius 116,5.22,6.31
Quizapu volcano 143, 164
Rabaul ignimbrite 198,201
Racks Tuff 276,9.7
ramp structures
in rhyolite lavas 86--7
Ramsey Island volcanic succession 276,
Red Rock Volcanic Complex 6.8
resurgent domes 400-1
reverse grading 304,323,10.12
basal layers of pyroclastic flows 188,
Reynolds Number 15, 28
definition 16
of fluidised pyroclastic flows 183
oflavas 65
of magmas 15, 16,21
rheomorphism 168, 173,255,8.43
rhyolite lavas 4.21~
basic inclusions 85
cryptodomes 82
domes 81
eruption of 4.9
features of 4.10
flow directions 87
flow fronts 87
growth 4.10.4
internal structure 4.10.4
lithology 4.10.2
ramp structures 85-7, 4.27
ring fractures 398
stony 83-4, 4.23
subglacial 88
surface features 4.10.3
talus aprons 87
thickness 81
vents of 4.9
rhyolitic volcanoes/centres 13.9,
associated craters 13.9.5
bimodal associations 401
caldera collapse 398
caldera collapse breccias 398
caldera sediments 13.9.4
deposits 13.9.3

domes 13.9.4
epiclastic processes 401
eruption styles 13.9.3
evolutionary cycles 400
facies models 13.37, 14.9, 14.11
geothermal systems 401
giant pumice beds 403
hydrothermal explosion craters 404
life expectancy 13.9.2
maps 13.37, 13.38, 13.42
morphometry 13.9.1
output rates 13.9.2
repose periods 13.9.2
resurgent domes 400
rhyolitic tuff rings 404
ring fractures 398
shadow zones 401
stratigraphy 13.39, 13.40
submarine calderas 401, 13.44
ring plains 383
Rio Caliente ignimbrite 232, 237, 244,
Rocche Rosse coulee, Lipari 87
Roches lava, Montserrat 78
rock fall 298-9, 10.3, 10.4
rootless vents 46,279,382,9.9
Roseau ash 9.4
Roseau subaqueous pyroclastic deposits
Roseau Tuff 226, 271, 283, 9.3
Rotoehu ash 46, 339, 341, 11.5
Rotoiti Breccia 339, 11.5
Rotongaio ash 158,260,8.49,8.52,8.53
rounding 10, 359
Roza Member, Columbia River Plateau
61,63,369,4.1,13.7, Table 13.1
Ruapehu 45,116,173, Plate 12,383,
Saidmarreh landslide 179
salic 17
San Francisco volcanic field 373, 6.8,
San Juan volcanic field 397, 8.1
San Pedro volcano 5.15
sandurs 317, 409
Santa Maria volcano 63, 143,229,295,
Santaguito dacite dome 63, 199
Santorini 116, 143, 158, 166,223,233,
237,241, Plate 9, 343-4,5.4,6.3,
scoria 36, 48,3.16
concentration zones 480
fall deposits see strombolian fall

vesicle nucleation size 36

scoria cones 13.4, 13.4, 13.8, 13.9,
dimensions 372, 13.10, 13.12
erosion 372, 13.11

eruption duration 372

vents 371
scoria flow deposits 5.5.3, 480, 483,
scoria concentration zones 480
seamounts 13.10.2,4.15,13.50
caldera collapse 407
dimensions 407
eruption and growth 408
seamounts basaltic-facies models
description 432
economic significance 433
facies model 13.50
second boiling 35
sector collapse 107
sedimentary processes in volcanic
terrains Ch. 10
sediment transport processes in volcanic
terrains 10.3, Table 10.1
air as an essential interstitial medium
avalanches 300-3, 330, 10.3, 10.4,
bedload 309
debris flow 323-7,10.29-31
flotation 311-14, 10.21
fluidised flows 320
glacial transport 305-8, 10.13-15
grain flow 303-5, 310, 320-1, 10.11
ice rafting 305, 10.13
involving ice as an essential interstitial
medium 10.3.2
lahar 323-7
landslides 299-301, 10.5, 10.6
liquefied flows 320
mass movement 297,298-305,307-8,
mud flow 323-7
not dependent on an interstitial
medium 10.3.1
particle creep 298
particle free fall 298, 10.2
particulate 297-8,305-7,308-15,
permafrost creep 308
rockfall 298-9, 10.3, 10.4
saltation 309
sheetflood 316--17
slides 299-301,10.5-7
slumps 328
slurry flows 320
soil creep 328
solution 316,10.22
subaqueous granular mass flow
suspension 311,329-30,10.20
torrent flow 316--18,10.23
traction 308-14, 329-30, 10.16-19
turbidity currents 318-20, 10.20,
water as an essential interstitial
medium 10.3.3
sediment movement patterns 1.3.4


sedimentary structures 1.3.3

tractional 309-14
sedimentary-volcanic cycles 10.2,
13.7.4, Table 13.5
Serra Gorda 6.9,6.11
Sete Cidades 384
shape 10, 358
shard 51-2, 3.23-5
sheet flood, flow 316-17
shield volcanoes 13.2, 13.1-5
Shuveluch 108
sideromelane 382, 420
silicic ash fall deposits 6.9
silicic-intermediate volcanic centres (see
also rhyolite volcanoes) 13.8
silicic lavas
eruption rate 63
subaqueous 4.11
silicic magmas
temperatures 20
silicic rocks
definition 16, 17
mineralogy 17
silicic volcanoes-continental-facies
models see rhyolite volcanoes
associated deep marine facies 14.8.8,
description 436-40
economic significance 430--2
facies model 14 . 9
silicic volcanoes-submarine-facies
models see felsic volcanoes
sillar 258, 8.7,8.47
sinter 10.22,13.47
Skjaldbreidur shield volcano 13.5
slides 299-301,10.5-7
slumps 328
slurry flows 320
Snake River Plain 73,371
Snowy River Volcanics 3.27, 5.24,7.35,
somma 384
sorting 10, 294, 358
differences between epiclastic and
pyroclastic deposits 473, Table 1.4
Folk and Ward statistical parameter
Inman statistical parameter 472
Soufriere 78, 103, 116, 157, 276, 386,
spatter 48, 3.13
cones 64, 134
ramparts 64, 134
spherulites 83-4, 419, 4.25
spilite 18
spinifex texture90, 4.31
spiracles 73
spreading ridges, mid-oceanic see midoceanic ridges
steam explosions 3.4
stony rhyolite 83-4
stratovolcanoes 13.7, 13.25
composition 382

deposits 13.7.3
dimensions Table 13.3
epiclastic processes 13.7.4
eruption styles 13.7.3
facies model 13.32, 14.8, 14.10
life expectancy 13.7.2
marine 391, 14.10
mass wastage 13.7.4
mineralisation 391
morphometry 13.7.1
output rates 13.7.2, Table 13.4
parasitic centres 386
repose periods 13.7.2
ring plains 383
summit caldera 13.26, 13.27, 13.31
stratovolcanoes-continental-facies models
description 436
economic significance 429
facies model 14.8
stratovolcanoes-marine-facies models
description 433-4
economic significance 434
facies model 14 .10
strength of magmas 2.6
stress field
conditions for volcanism 15.1, 15.11
igneous rocks as indicators 15.12
Stromboli 137,386,10.5
strombolian fall deposits 131,482,5.4,
classification 6.3.3
volume estimates Table 6.1
strombolian style eruptions 129
gas velocities 137
mechanisms and dynamics 6.3.2,6.12
subaerial vents
explosive fragmentation of magma
subaqueous granular mass flow 317-23
subaqueous ignimbrites 9.3
subaqueous lavas
basaltic 4.6
silicic 4.11
subaqueous pyroclastic flows Ch. 9
deposits 9.2.1
passage from air into water 9.5,9.11,
submarine eruption of9.4, 9.12
subaqueous surges 9.7
subaqueous vents
explosive fragmentation of magma
subaqueous welding 9.3
Andean type 464-5
Marianas type 464-5
sub-intraglacial basaltic and rhyolitic
volcanism 13.11, 13.51,13.52
basaltic 408
moberg 409
rhyolitic 88, 409
tindas 408
tuyas 408, 13.51


sub-intraglacial basaltic and rhyolitic

volcanism-facies models
description 437, 13.11
facies models 13 .51, 13.52
sub-plinian fall deposits 131,6.5,6.21
basaltic lSI
sub-plinian style eruptions 6.5
Summerfield Formation 345
Sunset Crater 6.11
surges see pyroclastic surge
Surtsey 45,364,367,407,420
surtseyan fall deposits 131,6.8.1,6.29,
surtseyan style eruptions 6.5.1
mechanisms 6.8.3
suspended sediment transport 311-14,
Taa145, 115,394,5.19,13.36
tachylite 420
Tambora 110,223
Tarawera 3.15, 5.15, 6.14, 10.12
Tarumai 143
Taupo AD 186 eruption 158,223,237,
early airfall phases 8.12.1, 8.51
eruption sequence 8.49, 8.50
giant pumice bed 403
stratigraphy 8.48,8.49
ultraplinian fall deposit 8.12.2, 8.49,
Taupo ignimbrite Plate 7,181,198,
8.12.3,5.16, 7.25--J, 7.30, 7.31,
Taupo (ultraplinian) pumice 153,261,
Taupo volcanic centre 394, 397, 13.38,
Taupo Volcanic Zone 79,397,15.8
tectonic setting and volcanism Ch. 15
evaluation for ancient volcanic
successions 15.13
effects on viscosity 2.5.2
of magmas 2.2, Tables 2.2-4
pyroclastic flows Table 5.1
tensile strength of country rock
effect on explosive fragmentation 35
tephra 47
tephrochronology 477
terminal fall velocity 94, 6.2, 475, 6.4,
7.23,1.2, I.3
texture 9
definition 9
fabric 10
grainsize 9
rounding 10
shape 10
sorting 10
Thera welded tuff 166,168,6.3,



thermal oxidisation 96
thermal remanent magnetisation 98, 281
tholeiite 17
temperature of magmas 19, 20
till, tillite 307, 494
tindas 408
Toba deep-sea ash layer 289, 8.24
Toba Tuff 243
Tongariro 6.39, 13.43
Tokiwa Formation 271,284--5,9.1
Toledo caldera 244,398,13.42
Tonga-Kermadec arc 15.12
tonsteins 244
torrent flow 316-18, 10.23
Tower Hill Volcanic Centre 380-2,
tractional sediment transport 308-16,
tractional sedimentary structures
309-14, 10.17-19
Treasure Mountain Tuff 342,8.38
tuff cones 13.5, 13.14, 13.17, 13.21,
Table 13.2
deposits 378
eruptive activity 379
tuffrings 13.5, 13.14, 13.17, 13.22,
13.23, Table 13.2
deposits 378, 13 .23
eruptive activity 379
rhyolitic 404
'tuff, use of 12.5
Tuluman Islands 79, 88, 403
tumuli 69, 4.8
turbidite 318-20, 10.26-9
ash 9.2.2, 286-7
turbidity currents 318-20, 10.25, 10.26,
turbulent flow 15,2.7
tuyas 408,13.51
Ukinrek maars 115, 382, 13.14, 13.19
definition 16
komatiites 4.12
lavas 89
ultramafic 17, 90
ultraplinian eruptions 6.6
ultraplinian fall deposits 131, 6.6
Taupo pumice 153,8.12.2
Usu volcano 78, 4.20
Valles caldera 244, Plate 13,398-400,
Valley ofTen Thousand Smokes
ignimbrite 233, 8.5
vapour phase crystallisation 8.10.2,419,
variolites 420
central 8.4.4
flood basalt provinces 13.3, 13.7
ignimbrite fissure vents 8.4.1, 8.14

ignimbrite sources 8.4, 8.14, 8.16

plains basalt provinces 13.3
ring fissure 8.4.2
subaerial explosive activity 36-8
subaqueous explosive activity 38-40
factors affecting growth 37
growth 36, 3.3, 3.4
nucleation size 36
pipe 73
vesiculated tuffs 124
vesiculation 35, 36
first boiling 35, 40
growth of vesicles 36
nucleation size 36
of magma subaqueously 38-40
second boiling 35, 40
vesuvian style eruptions 129
Vesuvius 116, 129, 143, 158,223,384,
viscosity 15,2.4,2.3,2.5--8
Bingham 21, 2.3, Table 2.4
calculated 21
effects on lavas 21
experimentally determined 21
factors controlling 2.5
measured Table 2.4
of tholeiite 21, Table 2.4
plastic 21
pyroclastic flows 193
vitric ash/tuff 335
vitrophyre 252
volatile content
effect on viscosity 2.5.3
gas pressure 3.5
volcanic centres Ch. 13
facies models Ch. 14
volcanic eruptions
climatic effects 103
effects on sedimentary processes 10.2,
13.7.4, Table 13.5
volcanic rocks
chemical classification 2.1.1, Table 2.1
crystal contents 11.3
mineralogical classification 2.1.1, 2.1
volcanic - sedimentary cycles 10.2,
13.7.4, Table 13.5
volcanic successions
facies models Ch. 14
rock types in 4
stratigraphic relationships 4, 14.2,
crystal-rich deposits Ch. 11, Plate 11,
definition 8
deposits Ch. 3
modes of fragmentation Ch. 3
nomenclature/classification of deposits
plate tectonics 15.1
stress field conditions 15.11, 15.11

tectonic setting Ch. 15

volcanoes Ch. 13
basaltic shield 13.2, 13.1-5
facies models Ch. 14
.intermediate-silicic multivent centres
intraglacial/subglacial13.11, 13.51,
littoral cones 13.6, 13.24
maars 13.5, 13.14-22
monogenetic 364
polygenetic 364
pseudocraters 13.6
pumice cones 13.4
rhyolitic volcanoes/centres 13.9,
scoria cones 13.4, 13.4, 13 .8-13
seamounts 13.10.2, 13.50
shield 13.2, 13.1-5
spreading ridge 13.10.1, 13.48, 13.49
stratovolcanoes 13.7, 13.25-7,13.30-2
tuff cones 13.5, 13.14, 13.17, 13.21
tuff rings 13.5, 13.14, 13.17, 13.21,
volcano-tectonic depressions 394, 13.36
vulcanian fall deposits 131,6.7,6.22-4
D-F plots 6.25
nomenclature 12.5
vulcanian style eruptions 6.7, 6.26--8
Vulcano volcano 154, 6.24
Waiareka Volcanics 2.13, 3.11,7.43,
10.19, 10.31
Waidara Tuff 284,9.1,9.5
Waimihia plinian deposit 470, 3.22,6.19
Wairakei Formation 158
effect on magma viscosity 23, 24
exsolution of 34, 35
solubility in magmas 23,25,3.1
water: magma mass ratio 42, 45, 3.9
weathering 294
welded air-fall tuffs 6.10, 6.39-47,
Table 6.5
characteristics and examples 6.10.1
conditions of formation 6.10.2
thermal facies model 6.10.3,
Table 6.6
welding 165, 8.10.1, 270, 355, 358,
subaqueous 9.3
D ash layer 289,9.18
L ash layer 288,9.15
xenocryst 8, 54
xenolith 8, 54
Yali 402,13.44
Yellowstone volcanic centre 397
yield strength 2.4, 64
of fluidised pyroclastic flows 183

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