Compton Field Geology

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The key takeaways are that field studies provide unique advantages in solving geologic problems by allowing identification of materials and structures in context and immediate checking of interpretations. Field studies involve gathering objective data through observation, interpretive associations that provide genetic insight, and age relations that allow ordering of events.

The three types of information gathered during field studies are straightforward facts from direct observation and measurement, interpretive associations that imply genetic conditions or environments, and age relations that allow ordering of geologic events.

The main topics covered in Chapters 2 through 8 and 11 are methods of gathering and organizing objective field data.


Philosophy and Organization

of a Field Study

1-1. Field Geology in General

Field studies offer several unique advantages in solving geologic problems.

For one, earth materials and structures can be identified most easily when
seen with related features. For another, interpretations made in the field can
be checked immediately against relations they predict. And for a third,
studying actual associations of materials and structures can lead to discovery of new kinds of features or relations, and thus to new ideas.
Field studies are founded on three kinds of information, the simplest being
the straightforward facts arising from direct observation and measurement.
The texture of a rock, the strike and dip of beds, and the geographic relations
between two rock bodies are examples. These are objective data. They constitute the main information on geologic maps, and ideas drawn from them,
alone, are truly inductive. In this book, methods of gathering and organizing
objective data are the main topics of Chapters 2 through 8, and 11.
The second kind of information is basically interpretive. Certain associations of rocks and primary structures, for example, are thought to imply
specific genetic conditions or environments. Geologists "see" environments
of the past by means of these implications. This approach has great power
because genetic insight can clarify a host of interrelated data. Interpretations, however, depend on the state of geologic theory and on the geologist's
perception and experience, and thus may be incorrect. They are nonetheless
the most valued basis of many modern field studies, and the descriptions,
drawings, and references in Chapters 9,10, and 12 through 15 are intended
to help in making them.
The third kind of information consists of age relations. These relations
are partly objective and partly interpretive but form a particular category
because they put geologic events in order. Ordering of events is essential in
geology because the science is basically historical. Every geologic event is
unique and each rock and structure thus has intrinsic uniqueness, a dependency differing radically from those of broadly abstract sciences. In physics,
for example, all atomic particles of one kind are considered identities, each
represented by a numeral representing charge or mass; the history of a
given particle in no way distinguishes it. In geology, on the contrary, each
rock unit is unique because it represents history. Each lava flow, for example,
represents a unique eruption from a specific volcano. Lava flows can thus be

Geology in the Field

Philosophy and Organization of a Field Study

used to work out locations and eruptive histories of groups of volcanoes and
thereby the tectonic and thermal development (history) of that part of the
Age relations among events are determined in part by cross-cutting or
superimposed structural relations in rocks, as described in parts of Chapters
9, 10, and 12 through 15. Stratigraphic sequence, a second means of ordering
events, is treated in parts of Chapters 9,10,11, and 13 through 15. Determining geologic ages and numerical ages of rocks is especially valuable
for ordering events, and those topics are treated briefly in several chapters.
To summarize, field studies are both operational and philosophical. Factual field data are at the heart of the science because they force us to see the
earth as it is and permit us to discover new geologic relations. Field interpretations are based on theory and thus may be incorrect, but they enrich
and enlarge studies in many ways. Firm age relations are the basis for ordering facts and interpretations into actual histories. They provide the strongest test of broad geologic theory.

terns of specific kinds of data that imply genetic relations; for example, the
zonal patterns of metamorphic minerals or small-scale structures around
igneous intrusions. As already noted, the geologist uses mapping to resolve
age relations and thus to work out geologic history.
No matter how great the geologist's experience and capacity for memory,
mapping always leads to discoveries and often to surprises. It commonly
sends him or her back to certain localities to look again.

1-2_ Geologic Maps and Mapping

Three conditions tend to make geologic field studies intriguing and sometimes difficult: (1) the great length of time and the many events that may be
represented in a given area; (2) the typically incomplete record at anyone
place; and (3) the thinness of the earth's exposed skin. Geologic mapping
deals uniquely with each of these conditions. Geologic time is set in order by
a carefully constructed geologic map showing the geometric relations among
the different rocks and structures. The incompleteness of the local record
may be compensated by correlating the map's features with more complete
records mapped elsewhere. The thinness of the exposed skin may be resolved
by using the map to project structures to depth in vertical cross sections.
A geologic map is a precisely oriented, scaled-down diagram of the earth's
surface, or perhaps of an underground level in a mine. Its position relative to
other parts of the earth is shown by lines of latitude and longitude,
as well as by other cadastral lines or geographic boundaries. Sizes, orientations, and positions of geologic features can thus be compared exactly with
those on other maps. Rock units and structures are identified in an explanation , which also shows the age sequence of the rock units. Contours and
symbols for waterways, roads, and buildings make it possible for anyone to
take the map to the field and find the geologic features shown.
Geologic maps are thus of great value for others to use; they are, in addition , absolutely essential to the geologist who makes one. Many geologic
features are too large, too complex, or too diffuse to be recognized outright
on the ground. Mapping is a meaI;1s of discovering such features and finally
of seeing them exactly in three dimensions. Mapping may also develop pat-

1-3. Selecting a Field Study

Although many thorough and valuable field-based studies have been made,
geologic theory has advanced so rapidly over the past few decades that the
science needs almost countless additional studies. Over the same period, the
potential of field work has been increased by: (1) new means of biostratigraphic zonation, (2) increased availability of numerical dating, (3) new or
improved laboratory methods , (4) new remote imagery and improved base
maps, (5) new field techniques, and (6) digital analysis of data. Many areas
and problems studied more than 20 years ago might thus be restudied.
Selection of a study can therefore be made from a wide range of possibilities. A primary need is that the study truly interest the person undertaking
it. It should constitute a scientific challenge and at the same time promise
enjoyment. Ideas for studies are usually gained or refined by reading and by
discussions with other geologists. Pertinent literature is indexed by subject,
area, and author in these standard references: Bibliography of North
American Geology by the U.S. Geological Survey (up to 1970); Bibliography
and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America by the Geological Society of
America (for 1933-1968); Bibliography and Index of Geology by the Geological
Society of America (1969-1978) and by the American Geological Institute
(since 1978). These reference sets and many of the items to which they refer
are available in most university libraries and in libraries of U.S. Geological
Survey regional offices.
Some state agencies (e.g. , the California Division of Mines and Geology)
have also compiled topics and locations of theses, dissertations, and other
academic work, and may be able to supply information on studies in progress. Trautmann and Kulhawy (1983) have described data sources for engineering geologic studies which can be used for other kinds of geologic studies.
Many computer facilities can provide access to search systems that include
earth science data bases (e.g., Dialog).
Geologic maps are included in the indexes cited above, and most states in
the United States and provinces in Canada can supply geologic maps or
references to maps published by other agencies. Inquiries regarding geologic
maps and information can also be made to specific national surveys (Geologic
Inquiries Group, U.S. Geological Survey, 907 National Center, Reston , VA

Geology in the Field

22092; Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario KIA
OEB, etc.).
The focus of the study should be a major consideration. Some projects are
directed toward specific questions; some others explore more general questions, and still others examine promising areas to develop questions. Focusing on a'specific question can have great value but is sometimes overdone.
Some questions are concocted so carefully that they are answered largely
before the field season. Some topics are such current favorites that they will
be difficult to investigate without bias. Projects should be planned so as to
permit discoveries and innovation.
Generally, however, it should be clear not only what is to be accomplished,
but also who will be interested in the results. How will the study be reported,
and to whom? It may be helpful to read Chapter 16 during the planning
1-4. Reconnaissance

Although a perfect topic may be selected by reading, discussion, and study,

it cannot become a practical project until an area has been reconnoitered.
The reconnaissance has two basic purposes: (1) to make sure the area is
suitable for the topic selected; and (2) to plan the field work in light of time
and funds available. The reconnaissance will be especially effective if copies
of pertinent geologic maps are taken to the field, or if data from maps and
reports are copied onto a map of the area. A preliminary photogeologic study
may prove invaluable (Section 7-3). If possible, a large-scale topographic
map of the area should be carried during the reconnaissance so that geologic
data and ideas can be located precisely. Locations and sets of data or ideas
must be recorded in carefully organized notes (Section 3-3). In addition to
the geology, the reconnaissance must evaluate the terrain and its accessibility. Specific items and questions will vary with the geography, but in
most cases the following will be useful:

1. What are the principal rock units in the area? Do they differ from
descriptions of the same units studied elsewhere? Are they sufficiently exposed
and fresh enough to meet the needs of the project?
2. Are there homoclines of layered rocks that can be used to establish an
age sequence? Might fine-grained sedimentary rocks be collected to see if
they contain usable microfossils?
3. Do major folds, faults, or unconformities mapped elsewhere continue
into the area? What major structures can be seen otherwise?
4. If intrusive bodies are present, are their contacts exposed? Do contacts between adjoining intrusions indicate age relations?
5. Does the area have different structural terrains, perhaps expressed
topographically? How are they joined?

Philosophy and Organization of a Field Study

6. For deformed rock units , what structural features appear clear and
consistent from place to place?
7. What scale will be needed to map the more important structural
details? Will there be time to do this?
B. Are there fine-grained rocks that should be collected for petrographic
iden tifications?
9. How will the topography and vegetation affect field work? Does vegetation preclude use of aerial photographs as a base for mapping (Section
10. Who are the chief landowners? Will their permission be necessary for
camping, collecting, and mapping?
11. Will camping during the field season save time and funds? If it is not
fea sible, what time and funds must be allotted for commuting and living
12. Which of the roads in the area can be driven safely? Are there trails or
other easy means of access otherwise? Must parts of the area be mapped
from backpack camps?
13. If plane table methods are being considered, does the area meet the
special needs described in Chapter B?
14. Reviewing all the information gained, what field methods and map
scale will be optimal to serve the project's purpose? Is there a particularly
well exposed area at which mapping should be started? Should a stratigraphic section be studied in moderate detail before beginning the mapping
(Sections 5-1 and 11-l)?
A thorough reconnaissance is likely to take about a week for a moderately
complex area of 40 to 100 sq km (15 to 40 sq mi). About twice that much time
is likely to be needed for complex areas. The time spent will rarely be wasted.
1-5. Preparations for the Field

A reconnaissance commonly gets one to reread the literature, typically

with much more interest than before. The general idea is to be as well prepared as possible for the actual features in the1area, and to see what they
may contribute to the topic or question of the study. Another major task is
preparing or obtaining field equipment. Appendix 1 provides a checklist;
Chapter 2 describes basic equipment; and Chapters 6, 7, and Bmention additional equipment needed for certain methods or kinds of surveys. Small
items, such as pencils, pens, and protractors, are easily lost, and thus several
should be obtained. The magnetic declination must be determined for the
field area (Section 2-4). It may also be necessary to confirm permissions to
map on private land, to arrange for additional persons to help with the mapping, and to arrange for funding and insurance.
Choice of a base for mapping depends on the characteristics of available

Geology in the Field

topographic maps and aerial photographs as well as the nature of the area
being studied and the scale to be used. Areas covered by forest are very
difficult to map on aerial photographs, and areas of monotonous brush or
grass will show few features by which to make accurate locations. Otherwise, aerial photographs have a characteristic that makes them virtually
invaluable: They may show geologic features that do not appear on topographic maps and would probably go unnoticed on the ground. Another
advantage of aerial photographs in many areas is that locations can be
made on them accurately and quickly because they show many details,
such as individual trees and the smallest of streams.
Otherwise, topographic maps might be preferred for several reasons.
They are far less expensive than aerial photographs, especially in mapping
quadrangle-size areas. They give a more exact three-dimensional view of
large areas, and cross sections can be drawn from them more readily. They
can be enlarged inexpensively so as to give more room for plotting features
and locality numbers, and although photographs can also be enlarged, they
cannot then be used easily to obtain stereographic (three-dimensional)
views of the terrain. Finally, the relatively small area covered by each photograph, and the patchy dark-and-light nature of the photo image, make it
difficult to get an overview of features mapped on anum ber of photographs.
In conclusion, mapping in many areas can be done more accurately, completely, and rapidly on aerial photographs, but the data should be transferred frequently to a topographic base. The latter will give a clear view of
the geology covered and permit construction of cross sections at any stage
of the mapping. Geologists should nonetheless become experienced in
mapping directly on topographic maps, because this experience instills an
ability to visualize the third dimension as well as skill in making accurate
locations on both maps and photographs. In addition, topographic maps
are the preferred base for some areas.
16. Work in the Field

This book is composed of instructions and suggestions for work in the

field but does not advise about many specifics, especially the commonsense
ones that may be important to the success of a project but generally must be
tried and learned in an individual's own way. Hints that will surely help in
this regard were brought together in an essay by an expert field geologist,
S. W Muller (1983). One suggestion deserves emphasis: Field geology is learned
in the field; therefore one must go there as soon and as frequently as possible.
Geologic mapping is a good way to start field work because it is reasonably
sim pie in concept. A map can be constructed from a blank sheet of paper, but
usually a topographic map or an aerial photograph is carried in the field to
serve as a base on which to plot geologic data. Mapping should be started in

Philosophy and Organization of a Field Study

an area where rock units are well exposed and where their sequence has
been reconnoitered (Section 1-4). As rock units and other features are
encountered, their exact positions are located and marked by a point, a line,
or a closed form. The localities are numbered in order to relate them to field
notes that describe the features. If structures are measured, such as strike
and dip of bedding, a structure symbol is plotted on the map. This is done at
once so that the symbol can be checked against the outcrop, and to see structural relations develop as soon as possible. Where a locality exposes a contact
surface (interface) between two rock bodies, a line is drawn on the map
depicting a scaled-down copy of the contact's trace across the ground. Faults
and fold hinges are examples of other structures that are mapped as lines.
Localities of collected fossils, rocks, or minerals are plotted, as are sites
where photographs are taken or where drawings are entered in the notes to
record structural relations too small or too complex to map to scale. In short,
the map becomes a picture of the formations and structures that can be
drawn to scale as well as a geographic record of all other data and ideas
recorded. The map will be easier to read if the mapped units are colored
lightly, and the recorded notes will be easier to use if organized, dated, and
paginated with strict consistency.
Mapping is likely to be exploratory and deliberate until the principal rocks
have become familiar and mapping units have been tested and proven. Visits
to nearby mapped areas and to type sections of formations may be needed to
complete this selection. When mapping becomes more rapid and systematic,
it should be directed toward parts of the area that seem most likely to resolve
the project's major questions. As parts of the area are more or less completed,
they can be checked by constructing cross sections through them. Recesses
may be needed to do laboratory work on critical fossils or rocks.
Work in the field camp or office must be done routinely during evenings or
on an occasional office day. Data are transferred frequently from separate
field sheets or aerial photographs to an overall base map, an office map,
which is colored lightly to emphasize the distribution of rock units and
structures. The transferring is done frequently in order to see the geology
develop concurrently with field mapping, and thereby keep the project
moving ahead as planned. Other important routines are to read field notes
and study the map and rock samples together in order to examine recent
discoveries and think over geologic puzzles. These reviews are the basis for
planning the field strategies of the next few days or weeks. They also insure
that the project will proceed as originally intended (Section 1-3).
As parts of the area are completed, trial cross sections should be constructed from them. Faulted or folded parts of the area may thus be examined to see if they are geometrically consistent in three dimensions. Sense
of movement on faults may be estimated from relations described in Section
12-5. Folds will be clearer if constructed in profile view (Section 12-3), and

Geology in the Field

Philosophy and Organization of a Field Study

the consistency of foliations and lineations may be checked by compiling

these data on equal-area stereographic diagrams (Appendix 14).
An important routine is to write summary descriptions of rock units and
large structures as field work progresses, including interpretations that
cite evidence pro and con. These summaries indicate what has been
resolved and how, as well as which questions are left to be answered. They
are an invaluable basis for writing the final report.
Mechanical operations include inking note numbers and structure symbols on field sheets or photographs. Contacts, faults, and fold hinge-lines
may also be inked when they seem to be resolved. Faults are commonly
inked by thin colored lines rather than the standard thick black lines, which
may cover topographic detail. Rock and fossil samples should be checked
after each day's work to be sure their labels are legible. If samples are
segregated per unit, they can be reexamined easily when writing descriptions of units or considering problems.

ink. Each plate must carry a complete title and explanation. Writing a
report (the last major task) should be based largely on the map and sections,
and on the summary descriptions written during the field season. The
organization and clarity of the report are crucial, because it will have to be
understood by persons who have not seen the rocks and structures described. The clarity of the report will always be improved if the report , like
the field project, is organized so that the purpose of the study is the central

1-7. Completing a Field Study

Late in the field study, questionable faults, unconformities, and intrusive

contacts should be reexamined. Specific kinds of data or samples may also
have to be augmented. Commonly, the more intensive parts of the study are
expanded during a second field season, or after laboratory or office study of
data and samples. Samples for numerical age determinations should not be
selected until field work has established the events that will be dated.
While still in the field, the geologist can anticipate the final report by
doing the following:
1. Com paring the office map to field sheets and notes to make sure that all
data have been compiled and designated correctly on the map.
2. Selecting cross-section lines and preparing complete pencil drafts of
the sections. Typically, the data on the map will be insufficient to resolve all
parts of the sections, so that traverses must be made along the lines of section
to obtain additional data.
3. Reviewing notes and summary descriptions to be sure that (a) all units
and structures can be described fully; (b) rock and fossil samples will be
adequate to resolve questions of interpretation; and (c) structural data are
sufficient to define major structures and principal episodes of deformation.
4. Writing an outline of the geologic history in order to note any age relations that have not been explored adequately.
5. Studying Chapter 16 to be sure that any miscellaneous data needed for a
report will be available.
On completion of field work, all notes, maps, photographs, and samples
are organized for office and laboratory work. A final geologic map, cross
sections, and perhaps columnar sections are prepared and finally copied in

References Cited

Muller, S. w., 1983, Some field hints from an old top hand : Journal of Geological
Education, v. 31, p. 3637.
Trautmann, C. H., and Kulhawy, F. H., 1983, Data sources for engineering geologic
studies: Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin , v. 20, no. 4, p. 439-454.

Basic Equipment and Its Uses

Basic Equipment and Its Uses.

2.1 Equipment for Sampling and Recording

Appendix 1 lists all equipment that is likely to be needed in the field or

fie.ld office, and the nature and use of the more basic items are described in
this chapter. Topographic base maps are described in Section 6-1 aerial
phot?graphs in Section 7-1, equipment used in mapping on photogr;phs in
SectIOn 7-1 and 7-4, and equipment for plane table mapping in Chapter
8. Suppliers, such as Miners, Inc. (p.O. Box 1301, Riggins, ID 83549) and
Forestry Suppliers, Inc. (Box 8397,Jackson, MS 39204-0397) sell most kinds
of geologic equipment, and generally send catalogs on request.
. A ~ammer wit~ a pick or chisel end is used for cleaning exposures, for
dlggmg, for breakmg rocks, and for trimming samples. Standard geologists
hammers have heads weighing 1.5 to 2lb (0.68 to 0.9 kg) and are adequate for
most geologic work. A small sledge-for example a 2 or 3-lb head on a 14-in.
handle-may be needed to collect fresh samples of especially tough rocks.
All hammers are potentially dangerous , because heavy blows may send off
rock spalls or steel flakes at high speeds. It is truly important, therefore:
(1) to wear safety goggles (which fit over glasses); (2) not to strike heavy
blows when people are nearby; (3) never to strike one hammerhead with
another, as when using one as a wedge; and (4) to strike angular rock edges
so that spalls :vill fly ~o the side rather than toward oneself (Fig. 2-1A). The
hammerhead IS less hkely to spall if the corners and edges of the striking
face are filed or ground to a bevel.
A cold chise~ or a moil (a piece of tempered drill steel with a pointed end)
may be used With a hammer to split rocks parallel to bedding or foliation and


to free fossils or specific mineral samples from non foliated rocks. A pocket
knife is used for cutting suitable materials rather than prying and scratching
rocks, which will spoil the blade. Scratch tests can be made with a sharp
steel needle, which may be mounted permanently as follows: (1) cut a 4-in.
(lO-cm) piece from a green sapling branch as thick as a heavy pencil; (2) cut a
needle in half with a pair of pliers; (3) holding it in the pliers, force the cut
end about 1 em into the piece of sapling; and (4) add a cap eraser that will
cover the needle and fit snuggly on the sapling (Fig. 2-1B).
A map holder must be large enough to carry 9 X 9 in. (23 X 23 cm) aerial
photographs and should be made of masonite rather than metal (which is
uncomfortable to carry) or plastic (which may break when cold) (Fig. 2-2).
The same holder can be used for 8.5 X 11 in. (21.6 X 27.9 em) ruled paper
sheets for field notes (which are placed over the aerial photograph or map).
Field notes may also be taken in a separate field notebook, which can be
obtained in sizes small enough (about 4.5 X7 in.) to fit in a large pocket. Or it
may be preferable to take notes in a small loose-leaf notebook which is carried
in a leather case on one's belt. Engineers' field books and level books are
available with high-rag or waterproof papers, which are essential for notetaking in wet conditions. If separate sheets are used , as in the map holder
shown in Fig. 2-2, heavy ledger paper of top quality should be used in wet or
very dry climates (the latter eventually cause light, inexpensive papers to
Pencils and pens are used for plotting data on maps or photographs, for
taking field notes, and for marking samples. The one used for plotting on a
base map must make fine lines that are easily visible, will not smudge, and
are erasable. The choice will vary with the climate and the operator but is
generally a well-sharpened pencil of about 2H hardness. Mapping on plasticbase photographs such as those currently supplied by the U.S. Geological
Survey (Section 7-1) requires a sharply pointed ink-flow pen (as a Pilot ultrafine-point, permanent, SC-UF). Red or green pens mark black and white
photographs more legibly than black or blue pens. Pens should be tested on

rD------6.....-, Spri ng clips

9.Sin. -


C]:l==~ .~-Cap eraser

.":. ~ -f F--]

Fold or
cloth hinge
in cardboard

Ma sonite

,----- --

Fig. 2-1. ~. Correct method of breaking a spall from the angular edge of an outcrop.
B. Mountmg a needle to use for scratch or probe tests, or for marking points on aerial
pho~ographs . A cap eraser used to cover the needle can be placed over the other end of the
saphng when the needle is being used.

Fig. 2-2. Lightweight holder for carryi ng maps, aerial photographs, and 8.5 X 11 in.


Geology in the Field

photographs before the field season, and should make a fine, even line that
can be wiped off the photograph with a moist piece of cloth or a moistened
soft eraser. These erasures should not damage the photograph if made within
a day, and should damage it only slightly if made at a later time. Ink-flow
pens with standard (moderately thick) points are used for marking rock or
fossil samples. A pencil or ball-point pen used for note-taking must make
easily legible copy that is waterproof and will not smudge. Several extra sets
of pencils and pens should be available in the field camp and an extra set
should be carried in the knapsack.
A scale, used for measuring features or laying off distances on maps and
photographs, should have fine, distinct graduation marks that are equivalent
to even incremen ts at the map scale used. The engineer's 20-scale, for exampie, has divisions equal to 100 ft on maps of 1:24,000 (1 in. = 2000 ft), and a
millimeter scale corresponds to even units on a metric map. A scale 6 in. (15
cm) long is adequate for most work. Transparent plastic scales with built-in
protractors are generally available (as from the C-Thru Ruler Co., Bloomfield, CT 06002). Sets of 6-in. scales graduated in various metric and English
units corresponding to specific map scales are available from some suppliers.
A protractor is used for plotting bearing lines and structure symbols on
maps and photographs and for measuring angles between structures in
rocks. In order to plot lines by the method illustrated in Fig. 6-IA, the protractor should have a base 4 to 6 in. (10 to 15 cm) across.
A camera is carried routinely in most field studies and should thus be
compact and strong. Older models of several of the top-grade 35 mm cameras
have retractable and exchangeable lenses as well as solid workings that make
them ideal, moderately priced field cameras. All 35 mm cameras have a
greater depth of focus than cameras with longer focal lengths, and this is a
decided advantage in photographing irregular outcrops at close range. A
wide-angle lens (as a 2.8 cm lens for a 35 mm camera) gives extreme depth of
focus (commonly 1 m to infinity) and a much fuller view of outcrops that
must be photographed at close range. A lightweight tripod permits longer
exposures and thus the reduced apertures required for maximum depth of
focus. A flash attachment may prove valuable, as described in Section 3-4.
Of a miscellany of items, sample bags of cloth or plastic may be obtained
through most suppliers, or bags may be of extra heavy paper, the variety
often used as nail bags. A small spring-wound 6-ft tape can be used to measure bed thicknesses, clast sizes, and so on, and a compact pair of binoculars
may be helpful in finding outcrops. The use of a precise altimeter is described
in Section 6-3. Hydrochloric acid will be needed, and should be diluted just to
the strength that causes effervescence of calcite but not dolomite (except
when powdered). A shovel, pick, and soil auger are likely to be essential in
studies of surficial deposits (Chapter 10) or in mapping rocks through poorly
exposed areas. A gold pan is useful for concentrating heavy minerals that

Basic Equipment and Its Uses


might otherwise go unnoticed-for example kyanite or staurolite in an area

of mica schist.
2-2. Selecting and Using a Hand Lens

Of the hand lenses generally available, lOX and 14X lenses are used most
widely. With a 14X lens, one can see the 0.01 mm divisions of a micrometer
scale, whereas objects only as small as 0.02 mm can be distinguished with a
lOX lens. The depth of focus of the 14X lens, however, is only 0-8 mm, whereas
that of the lOX lens is 2.5 mm. This is a major consideration because it is
tiring to the eyes to raise and lower a lens in order to see all parts of grains
sharply. The 14X lens must also be held closer to the object being viewed,
which tends to interfere with lighting.
Whatever magnification seems best, the quality of the lens can be tested
by examining fine print or a finely graduated scale on a flat surface. The
field of view should be sharply in focus out to its edge. Good quality triplet
lenses typically give excellent images. In testing a lens, and in all other
viewing, the following are important:
1. Hold the sample so that the area being viewed is in full light-in sunlight, if possible.
2. Hold the lens exactly at the distance of sharp focus, with its optical axis
perpendicular to the surface being viewed.
3. Bring the eye to the point where the eyelashes are almost touching the
lens (this is the only position from which the entire field of view will be
sharply and comfortably in focus).
Hand-lens procedures seem awkward at first because of the unnaturally
close range of viewing and because of the images seen through the unused
eye. With practice, however, the method will simply become an additional
way of seeing things. The broken rock surface will then appear as a welllighted landscape, every part of which can be "visited" and examined in
great detail. Because objects only 0.01 to 0.02 mm in diameter are visible, a
hand lens has far greater potential in rock study than is usually realized.
Mineral properties that can be used to identify grains with a hand lens
differ in some ways from those used on large mineral specimens. Color and
luster are readily observable with a hand lens and generally are reliable
properties in unaltered rocks. Crystal form or habit, fracture, cleavage, and
parting are particularly valuable, although working them out accurately
may require study of several grains. The angle at which two sets of cleavages
intersect can be estimated by facing the sun and holding the sample so that
the line of intersection of the two cleavages is approximately horizontal. If
the sample is then rotated on this horizontal axis, the amount of angular
rotation between the two sets of cleavage reflections gives a measure of the


Geology in the Field

angle between the cleavages. Cleavages can also be determined directly by

examining crushed material under the lens.
Streak is a reliable property that is easily determined where hammer
blows have powdered the rock, yet left it coherent; dark feldspar and quartz
grains, for example, become white in such areas. Streaks of small grains
softer than 5 on the Mohs scale can be made by scratching them with a steel
Hardness of small' grains is difficult to test, except by using sharply
pointed objects, as a steel needle (H =5), a sharpened copper wire (H =3), or a
set of hardness points. Hardness tests must be made with care so that the
grains are not crushed in the process of trying to scratch them. A needle can
also be used to determine whether flexible cleavage plates are elastic (a true
mica) or brittle (other sheet silicates). With moderate practice, the lens and
sample can be held firmly in one hand (the left hand of a right-handed person)
while using the other hand to probe grains with a needle or place a drop of
HCl on a grain.
2-3. Materials and Methods for Staining Rocks

Several important rock-forming minerals may be distinguished in the field

by staining procedures similar to those used in the laboratory. Smooth, clean
outcrop surfaces have been found to give results almost as good as sawed
and lap-ground surfaces, and freshly broken surfaces have given adequate
results . The methods described here, based on those of Laniz and others
(1964), are a sequential use of cobaltinitrite, which stains potassium feldspar
bright yellow, and amaranth dye, which stains plagioclase (except albite)
medium crimson and cordierite deep crimson. Albite is stained crimson by
prior use of CaCl z solution. Dolomite, benitoite, celsian, hydrogarnet, peeto
lite, vesuvianite, witherite, and wollastonite also stain medium to deep
crimson, and because calcite stains pale pink, it can be distinguished from
dolomite as well as from several minerals common in calcsilicate rocks.
Specific reasons for staining include the following:
1. Making accurate estimates of the mineral composition of quartzofeldspathic and calcsilicate rocks, including fine-grained varieties.
2. Making fabrics more discernible (Sections 4-2, 4-6, and 14-2).
3. Seeing the distribution of phenocrysts, irregular metacrysts, clots,
veins, compositional layering, and segregations in granitic rocks, metamorphic rocks, dolomitic limestone, and dolomitic chert.
4. Using a hand lens to see textural details such as intergrowths, zoned
crystals, partially resorbed or reacted grains, potassic halos next to veins,
and poikiloblasts (irregular metacrysts containing large numbers of other
The reagents needed are: (1) concentrated hydrofluoric acid (52% HF);

Basic Equipment and Its Uses


(2) a saturated solution of sodium cobaltinitrite; (3) amaranth solution,

which is made by dissolving 1 ozofF. , D. and C. Red No. 2, 92% pure coal-tar
dye, in 2 liters of water; and (4) calcium chloride and barium chloride solutions, both made by dissolving 5 gr of the salt in 100 cc of water. These
reagents can be obtained from any chemical supplier. Essential equipment
consists of a pair of rubber or plastic gloves, heavy plastic-covered tongs,
and several shallow plastic bowls large enough to hold the samples.
Hydrofluoric acid is highly corrosive and poisonous. Its use should be
supervised by experienced persons. These rules are essential: Wear gloves;
use tongs to handle samples; do not breathe the acid fumes; do the etching as
far away from the face as possible; have ample water at hand for washing;
use the HF over a small pit dug in soil well away from any stream or vegeta
tion; a nd cover it with soil when the staining is completed.
The procedure that follows is based on the laboratory method described
by Laniz and others (1964):
1. Find clean, smoothly worn outcrop surfaces from which to break samples for staining.
2. If the samples need washing, dry them thoroughly.
3. Pour hydrofluoric acid over the surface to be stained, using the precautions noted above.
4. After 10 to 15 seconds dip the sample in water or pour water gently
across the etched surface.
5. To stain for potassium feldspar, immerse the etched surface in sodium
cobaltinitrite solution for 1 minu te, or, if the sample is large, pour the solution
over the surface.
6. Remove excess solution by pouring water gently over the surface.
7. Dry the stained surface.
8. Immerse the surface for 15 seconds in 5% barium chloride solution.
9. Dip surface once quickly in water;blow off excess water and let dry.
10. Immerse the surface for 15 seconds in amaranth solution.
11. Dip the surface once quickly in water.
12. Tilt the surface and gently blow off remaining excess of amaranth
solution and let dry.
13. If milky white (etched) areas suggest albite, select another sample and
go through steps 1 through 4 with it, then dip it in 5% calcium chloride
solution, dry it, and proceed with steps 5 through 12 (or, if potassium feldspar
is absent, steps 8 through 12).
An advantage of using this method for staining dolomitic carbonate rocks
and cherts is that only one set of reagents needs to be taken to the field. A
disadvantage is the poisonous nature of hydrofluoric acid. Thus if only carbonate rocks will be stained, other methods should be adapted for field study,
as those described by Friedman (1959).


Geology in the Field

2-4. The Compass

A variety of compasses are available at a considerable range of prices (see,

for example, a supplier's catalog). Of these, the Brunton compass (Fig. 23)
has the advantages of combining a precise sightingclinometer and hand
level with a compass that can be used to measure bearings at either waist
height or eyeheight. The less expensive and more compact Silva Ranger
Compass is excellent for measuring strike and dip, or trend (bearing) and
plunge, but cannot be used as a precise sightingclinometer or hand level.
The Silva compass also lacks a leveling system for sighting bearings and
thus is not as precise as the Brunton compass when traversing or making
locations by intersection (Section 63).
Brunton compasses, however, may be damaged when handled roughly,
and should therefore be checked before use to be sure that: (1) the compass
needle swings freely; (2) the hinges of the sighting arm and lid are firm ; and
(3) the point ofthe sighting arm touches the axial line of the mirror when the
arm and lid are turned together. The clinometer level, which may become
misaligned, can be checked by setting the vertical angle index at 0 and plac
ing the compass on a smooth surface that has been leveled with a long car
penter's level or an alidade (the bull'seye level on the Brunton compass is not
precise enough). If the tube bubble does not move to center, the plastic (or
glass) cover must be removed and the levelmount rotated gradually until
the bubble is centered.
The compass must also be opened to clean or dry the needle bearing or to
level the magnetic needle by moving the small wire coil on it. For mapping
south of the equator, the coil must be removed and placed on the north
seeking half of the needle.
The magnetic declination (the local difference between magnetic north
and true north) must be added or subtracted from all bearings taken with a
magnetic compass. The correction is made beforehand and automatically
for most compasses by turning the graduated compass circle the amount of
the local declination. The circle of the Brunton compass is turned by a screw

Basic Equipment and Its Uses


on the side of the compass box. For example, if the declination is 17 east of
true north , the circle is turned until the index pin (at the base of the sighting
arm) points to 17 on the side of the graduated circle marked with an E. To
check this setting, hold the compass level and oriented so that the white end
of the needle points to 0 (thus the sighting arm should be pointing to true
north). Now see if the needle is pointing 17 tothe right of the index pin-the
direction you know geographically to be eastward of true north. If it is, the
setting was made correctly.
In the rare cases where a modern map cannot be used to obtain the direc
tion and amount of the magnetic declination, the declination can be read
before the field season from an isogonic chart, available in most surveying
texts and from government agencies (in the United States from the National
Ocean Survey, Department of Commerce). These charts also give the amount
of change in the declination per year, which is less than 3 minutes per year
for all parts of the United States except the southeastern states, where it is
as much as 5 minutes per year.
2-5. Taking a Compass Bearing

A compass bearing is the geographic direction from one point to another,

as N 10 W (or, on an azimuth scale, 350). A bearing is taken by standing at
one poin t, orienting the sigh ting arm of the com pass toward the other poin t,
and reading the compass graduation indicated by the north-seeking (white)
end of the needle. The following detailed procedure for the Brunton compass
is used when the point to be sighted is visible from waist height. This is the
easiest way to take an accurate bearing.
1. Open the compass as in Fig. 2-4A, and cup it firmly in one hand at waist
2. Level the compass by centering the bull's-eye level and adjust the lid
until the sighting tip and the point sighted appear in the mirror. The sighting
arm may be turned upward as necessary.
3. Rotate the leveled compass on a vertical axis until the mirror images of
the point sighted and the sighting tip coincide with the axial line of the
4. Check the bull's-eye level and read the bearing indicated by the white
end of the needle. If the needle has not come to rest (it may not in old models
not equipped with a damping mechanism), carefully estimate the center of
its swing.
5. Record the bearing and repeat the procedure as a check.

If the point sighted can be seen only at eye-level, or by a steep downhill

sight, the procedure is as follows:
Fig.2-3. View directly down on a Brunton compass with lid and sighting arm fully open.

1. Open the compass as shown in Fig. 2-4B and hold it with the sighting

Geology in the Field


arm pointing toward the eye. Hold it about 1 ft (30 cm) from the eye so that
the point sighted and the axial line of the mirror will both be in sharp focus.
2. After leveling the compass by observing the bull's-eye level in the mirror,
rotate it on a vertical axis until the point sighted is seen through the window
in the lid.
3. Checking to be sure the compass is level, bring the point sighted, the
sighting tip, and the axial line of the window into coincidence.
4. Read the bearing in the mirror and transpose it to a foresight before
recording it (e.g., N 20 W becomes S 20 E, or 340 becomes 160). Transposition is necessary because the compass is oriented 180 from its bearing
sense_ Repeat the procedure as a check.
Both procedures require patience in holding the compass level, which is
essential for accurate inclined sights. The needle should be nearly still by
the time the sight is completed, so that the bearing can be read to the nearest
degree, perhaps the nearest Ih degree. This is the precision of the instrumen t;
the accuracy of the reading can be affected by sighting the wrong point, by
tilting the compass even slightly when taking an inclined sight, by reading
or recording the bearing incorrectly, or by local magnetic anomalies.
Magnetic anomalies may be caused by any nearby iron-bearing objects or
by magnetic rocks. A steel belt buckle is likely to affect readings taken at
waist height, and a hammer must be dropped to the ground at least a meter
away. Wire fences, pipelines, and steel tapes may cause notable anomalies,
as may mafic and ultramafic rocks. Any suspect object can be tested by
bringing it close to the leveled compass when the needle is at rest. Local
magnetic rock bodies are indicated when a foresight and backsight between
two widely separated points do not agree. The actual magnetic anomaly at
any point can be determined by locating the point precisely on a topographic
map and taking a compass bearing to another point that can also be located
on the map. The compass bearing is then compared with the true bearing
read from the map by the use of a protractor.
In areas where magnetic anomalies are typical, as over large bodies of
gabbro, basalt, or ultramafic rocks, it may be necessary to use a sun compass
(available from Miners , Inc.), which indicates bearings by means of a linear
shadow cast by the sun.

Basic Equipment and Its Uses


2-6. The Clinometer; Calculating Vertical Distances

A clinometer is a sighting instrument with a tube level mounted on a

movable graduated arc. It is used to measure the vertical angle between the
horizontal and any line of sight. A clinometer is built into the box of the
Brunton compass (Fig. 2-3), which is used to measure a vertical angle as
1. Open the lid and sighting arm as in Fig. 2-4B, but hold the compass so
that the box is on edge and the clinometer is upright. The sighting tip should
be about 1 ft from the eye.
2. Move th~ compass until the point to be sighted is visible through the
window in the lid and coincides with the axial line and the sighting tip.
3. Holding the compass in this position, rotate the clinometer by the lever
on the base of the compass box until the tube bubble, as observed in the
mirror, is centered.
4. Recheck the alignment, and finally bring the compass down in order to
read the angle indicated by the vertical angle index. Record it at once and
repeat the entire procedure as a check.

If a horizontal distance is measured (Section 2-8), or is scaled from a map,

a vertical angle can be used to calculate a vertical distance by the relation:
vertical distance =horizontal distance Xtangent of the vertical angle (Appendix
11). If a slope distance is measured, the relation is: vertical distance = slope
distance Xsine of the vertical angle. The height of one's eye above the ground
is then added for uphill sights and subtracted for downhill sights (Fig. 2-5).
2-7. The Hand Level

A hand level has a tube level set parallel to the sighting axis and is designed
so that the level bubble can be observed while sighting. The clinometer of
the Brunton compass is converted to a hand level by bringing the clinometer
to exactly 0. The compass is then held as for taking vertical angles (Section
26) and is brought to level by observing the level bubble in the mirror. All
sighted points coinciding with the axial line and the sighting tip will be at
the observer's eye level.



Line of sight
viewed in mirror





Fig.2-4. Brunton compass with lid opened for taking a bearing at waist height (A) and at
eye height (B) .

Fig. 2-5. Relations among eye height, distance calculated from a measured vertical angle,
and actual vertical distance between two ground points.


Geology in the Field

The vertical distance between two points can be measured with a hand
level by: (1) determining the height of one's eye above the ground; (2) standing
at the lower of the two points and sighting a level line to select any convenient
intermediate point at eye level; (3) walking to that point and repeating the
procedure; and (4) continuing similarly until the last measure before the
second point, which will generally be less than eye height and can be estimated or measured with a roll-up tape. The difference in elevation is the
number of intermediate points multiplied by the height of one's eye, plus the
last fractional measure. This measurement can be made rapidly and has an
inherent precision of 2 in. (5 cm) if made with reasonable care. Major errors
result from occupying an intermediate position other than the one actually
sigh ted, and from miscoun ting the in termediate points. Miscoun ting can be
avoided by using a tally counter or making a pencil tally.
AJacob staff (Section 11-4) provides a solid base against which to hold the
hand level and thus obtain precise vertical measures on rough ground.
2.8 Taping and Pacing Distances

Fairly accurate measurements of distance are needed occasionally in most

field projects and are essential routine in measuring stratigraphic sections
and in making unusually large-scale maps where no suitable base is available. Section 5-1 describes a full procedure for detailed traversing with a
Tapes ordinarily used are made of nylon, fiberglass, or steel ribbon, and
mounted in a roll-up case or on a reel. Hip or belt chains that have digital
recorders operated by a pull-out thread may be precise enough for many
purposes (see a supplier's catalog). Steel tapes are heaviest and least comfortable to handle but are easiest to keep clean. A dirty tape may jam the windup mechanism as well as become difficult to read. The rule is, always wipe a
tape clean before rolling it up. Be sure not to step on any kind of a tape, and
not to kink steel tapes (which shortens them).
Distances are taped most rapidly by holding the tape level. One person
can tape in a downhill direction by fastening the 0 end of the tape to the
ground with a nail or chaining pin and carrying the case or reel ahead until
it is at eye level when the tape is within a few degrees of level, as determined
with a hand level. The measure can be carried to the ground by dropping a
pebble. The point is then marked clearly so that it can be found after bringing
the 0 end of the tape ahead, and the measured distance is recorded in a
notebook. Using reasonable care, distances of several hundred meters (600900 ft) can thus be taped to the nearest 0.2 m (8 in.). Taping longer distances
with greater precision is described for measuring a base line in Section 8-7.
Pacing is less precise than taping but is much faster and eliminates carrying a tape. The length of one's pace (double step) is determined by walking a

Basic Equipment and Its Uses


ta~ed course of 100 m or so until the results compare within one pace. The
galt must be kept natural, and the calibration should be repeated after several days and occasionally thereafter. Precision of pacing decreases with
steepness of slope and roughness of ground, and if adverse conditions are
typi~al, a calibration should be made on similar ground. When walking
uphill, for example, steps tend to be shorter than when walking downhill.
Where trees are in the',way, the course must be offset at right angles. The
numb~r of normal ~aces through a bush or across a large stone can usually
be estimated by notmg where steps would fall if the obstacle were not there.
Errors of miscounting can be eliminated by using a tally counter, which is
advanced one digit by pressing a lever. A pedometer, which is advanced by
the j?lt of eac? footstep, does not allow for offsets and broken paces.
With practice, the precision of pacing is 1 to 2 parts in 100, which is
adequate for most geologic mapping but not for detailed measurement of
stratigraphic sections (Chapter 11).
Rangefinders might be considered in place of pacing for projects that will
require rapid traversing over rough ground or many measurements of moderate distances. A rangefinder about 11 in. (27 cm) long has an advertised
precision of 1 part in 100 at distances up to 100 m (see a supplier's catalog).

References Cited

Friedman, G. M., 1959, Identification of carbonate minerals by staining methods:

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 29, p. 87-97.
Laniz, R. v., Stevens, R. E., and Norman, M. B., 1964, Staining of plagioclase
feldspar and other minerals with F D. and C. red No.2: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 50l-B, p. 152-153.

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

Basic Procedures at Outcrops.

3-1. Observations in the Field

Outcrops, or exposures, consist of earth materials that can be examined

in place. They constitu,te all of the earth that can be observed directly, and
examining them is the most fundamental procedure of field geology. Finding
enough of them may be a problem, especially at the outset of a study. Unusu
ally large exposures can generally be located by photogeologic studies (Sec
tion 73). Topographic maps and aerial photographs may also show the
general grain or trend of rock structures, and streams aligned across this
trend commonly develop many outcrops. Otherwise, outcrops tend to be
located on steep slopes or in road and railway cuts, ditches, landslide scars,
and at places where streams have undercut their banks. Where outcrops are
scarce or geologic relations complex, a pick and shovel may be needed to
enlarge or make them.
The primary physical operation in studying outcrops is looking. Most
outcrops have much to observe, and the challenge is to look carefully enough
to see as much as possible. The first thorough examination may thus take
an hour or more. It must also be as objective as possible and might be organ
ized as follows :
1. Look over the outcrop and nearby outcrops broadly in order to spot the
principal bodies of rock or other materials. Walk around or over large out
crops several times and view them from various distances. Do all the bodies
of rock appear to have once continued beyond the outcrop, or do some end
there against other bodies? Do they end against faults, intrusive contacts, or
unconformi ties? Wh y does the ou tcrop itself end where it does? Does it grade
into soil or is it overlain by surficial deposits?
2. Continue to study the outcrop from a moderate distance. Are the rock
bodies tabular, irregular, lenticular, or with some other distinctive shape?
What are their orientations and dimensions? If they are internally layered,
are the layers parallel to any of their bounding surfaces? In overall view, do
any rock bodies appear variable? Do any contain fragments?
3. Now study the boundaries (contact surfaces) between the bodies, both
at a moderate distance and up close. Are they sharp or gradational? Do they
cut across grains or structures in either adjacent body? Do any rocks or
deposits vary in color or texture near these contacts? The views in Fig. 31
may be helpful.
4. Break off, or scoop up, samples of the main materials, and examine


weathered as well as fresh surfaces with a hand lens. Identify the consti tuent
mineral and rock grains, and note their sizes, shapes, and surface features,
as well as their part in the overall fabric and porosity of the rock or deposit.
To test for the distribution of soft mineral grains, especially carbonates,
probe grains with a needle, apply dilute HCl, and examine weathered sur
faces for pits and insoluble residues. Estimate the composition of each sam
pie, in percent by volume of each kind of grain , and identify the rock or
material (Chapter 4). Even if it seems obscure, give it a provisional name.
5. Now examine the rocks closely for primary fabrics and structures.
Look especially for structures that establish tops and bottoms of deposited
layers that were once sediments or igneous deposits (Section 910). Do rela
tions at contacts support these indications of sequence?
6. Look for all features indicative of depositional current direction or
direction of magmatic flow. Measure a number of them in order to judge
their consistency (Sections 94, 132, 134, and 141 through 145).
7. To detect deformation, see if rock layers, veins, or planar structures
have been folded (Section 123). If no folds are obvious, perhaps foliations,
cleavages, or lineations indicate folding (Section 124).
8. Whether the rocks are folded or not, examine them for grains or other
small bodies that have been deformed into planar or linear shapes that give a
measure of deformation (Section 122). How are these grains oriented relative
to other structures?








~ ::"?:'7' " t-----~

.... ' -.
....--..- -_- .... -.-. .. - - --- ............
..... ".--.'"
- _. -.-.......




" ,




Fig 3-1. Six basic kinds of contacts, viewed here at single ou tcrops of shale overlying
sands tone. In addition to the simple geometric relations shown , depositional gradations
are discussed in Section 5-2, scour s urfaces and major unconformities in Section 9-6
faults in Sections 5-4 and 12-5, and intrusive contacts in Sections 13-7 and 14-1.


Geology in the Field

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

9. Examine all faults , even those that displace rocks as little as a centimeter. Are there gouge or breccia along them? Any indications of actual directions of displacement (Section 12-5)? Are the faults younger than other
tectonic features?
10. To determine the physical state of the rocks, especially if they are
sedimentary, test the degree of compaction and cementation by hefting dry
samples (porous rocks are lighter than nonporous ones), by their reaction to
breaking in the hands and to hammer blows (Appendix 4), and by the rate
they soak up water. Porous fine-grained rocks tend to stick to the tongue.
Depth and strength of weathering generally increase with porosity and
11. What are the typical spacings and orientations of joints in the different
rocks? Are there secondary color changes, and are they related to fractures?
Fracturing and weathering characteristics may help in iden tifying the same
rock unit in other outcrops (see the subsection that follows).
12. Bring together all observations made th us far in order to iden tify rocks
and structures that were originally obscure, or to refine identifications.
13. Systematically measure and record: (a) the thickness of each layered
unit of rock; (b) structural attitudes of all primary structures, as bedding;
and (c) attitudes of all secondary features, as folds and faults (Sections 3-5
and 3-6).
14. Make a thorough search for fossils (Section 3-7).
15. Collect rocks that seem particularly useful, either as typical samples
or to resolve identifications (Section 3-8).
16. Before interpreting the various rocks and structures, be sure that you
have observed all possible indications of relative ages of the rocks in the

Discoloration of rocks to shades of yellow, orange, red, and brown is

generally due to leaching of Fe++ from unstable minerals and its fixation as
Fe+++ in oxide pigments. The degree of discoloration thus indicates degree of
stability of minerals in rocks and may be highly specific for distinguishing
between closely similar rocks. One dolomite, for example, may be stained
more than another because of containing ferroan carbonates, and two granites may stain differently because the biotite in one is more stable than the
same mineral in another.
Exposed rock surfaces may also develop forms characteristic of certain
rock units. These forms can typically be classified as one or more of:
smoothly rounded, fluted, pitted, cupped, parallel-ribbed, reticulate-ribbed,
beaded, knobby, chalky, hackly, irregularly rough, and exfoliated.

Weathering and related secondary characteristics are seldom described in

the literature and almost never treated in geology courses, which traditionally present fresh, solid rock specimens. Secondary characteristics are,
however, of great value in field studies. They can be used (1) to recognize
specific minerals and rocks, and (2) to recognize individual map units of
rocks. They are essential data in engineering geologic studies (Section 5-7).
Some rocks disintegrate into individual mineral grains and others into
fracture-bounded pieces that may have distinctive sizes and shapes. Disintegration is often along microscopic fractures that may be cogenetic with
the rock and thus highly specific to one rock formation. One kind of granite
in a composite pluton, for example, may crumble into mineral grains and
another granite in the same pluton into small fragments of rock. Disintegration may also be caused by unstable minerals that swell when altered to
OH-bearing minerals of greater specific volume. Alteration of feldspar and
mica to clay and of olivine to serpentine are examples.


3-2. Interpretation of the Outcrop

When the objective examination seems complete, the rocks and structures
are interpreted as fully as possible. This must be done at the outcrop so that
the observer can test interpretations against additional materials or relations they predict. The scientific method is thus fully encompassed: (1) an
examination has been made, as suitable to the purpose of the study; (2) the
resulting data and ideas are thought through completely to compose all possible explanations (hypotheses) for the observed materials and features; and
(3) additional relations predicted by each explanation are sought at the same
outcrop and elsewhere in order to settle on the most satifactory explanation.
In actual practice, steps 2 and 3 are likely to be taken in part during the
initial examination. The basic imperative in every case is that all three steps
be completed before leaving the outcrop.
The explanations or hypotheses of step 2 are based partly on the specific
materials and relations examined. They are also based on resemblances to
features, models, or ideas stored in one's memory, in field notes, or deduced
from theory. Important prerequisites are research of the literature and an
open mind, but most important is a fertile imagination (in the sense of forming mental images-image-ination). Some of these images will be largely
geometric, as in seeing a feature of the outcrop in its broad structural
setting. Others will be genetic explanations that may arise from similarities
to rocks and features having genetic significance, as the possibilities described in Chapters 9,10, and 12 through 15. These images answer the question "How did this particular association of rocks and structures form?"
The most involved and demanding images (and the most exciting and
powerful ones) are histories of how observed features came to be, thus
including their various attachments through time. The questions asked are
" If that is how such-and-such formed, how did that come to happen?" and
"What are some consequences of its happening?" The power of these his-


Geology in the Field

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

torical images derives from their forcing one to seek causes as well as
results. The images can therefore be tested and sharpened by a variety of
data and relations. G. K. Gilbert described these interrelations as follows
(1886, p. 285):

sand was injected forcefully, other intrusions might be found in the shale.
The small sandstone lens shown may thus be part of a sill and, if so, should
match in detail the sandstone on the right side of the outcrop. Perhaps some
of the shale inclusions in the sandstone have small sand injections.
To further test the intrusion hypothesis, the other wall of the body could
be sought somewhere to the right of the view, in other outcrops. Similarly,
evidence for unconformity (Section 9-6) and additional evidence for faulting
(Sections 5-4 and 12-5) should be sought at nearby outcrops in order to test
those explanations.
The investigator may well leave the outcrop favoring the sand-intrusion
hypothesis, but remain unconvinced because of the incomplete record.
Interpretation and testing have nonetheless sharpened several explanations
and thereby the field study in general. They have given the investigator
some specific things to look for. Crucial but poorly preserved features that
would otherwise be overlooked are thus more likely to be found at the next

Phenomena are arranged in chains of necessary sequence. In such a

chain each link is the necessary consequent of that which precedes, and
the necessary antecedent of that which follows. The rising of the sun is
consequent on the rotation of the earth. It is the logical antecedent of
morning light. Morning light is in turn the consequent of sunrise and the
antecedent of numerous other phenomena. If we examine any link of the
chain, we find that it has more than one antecedent and more than one
consequent. The rising of the sun depends on the position of the earth's
axis as well as on its rotation, and it causes morning heat as well as
morning light. Antecedent and consequent relations are therefore not
merely linear, but constitute a plexus; and this plexus pervades nature.
Perhaps a partial example will give a sense of how this "plexus" may be
utilized. Fig. 3-2 illustrates an outcrop to be interpreted and notes the main
features that were observed and identified in the first part of the examination. The discordant contact and the bend in the shale beds near it suggest a
fault, and thus the contact is reexamined for other evidence of faulting. A
few millimeters of gouge and some slickensides are found on parts of the
contact, but striations on the slickensides are oriented nearly horizontally
and therefore do not match the direction of displacement indicated by the
bent shale beds. Moreover, faulting does not explain the fragments of shale
included well within the sandstone.
Are there other explanations for the contact? For one, it could be an
unconformity that has served as a surface for minor to moderate fault displacement. It could also be the margin of a sand body intruded into a fracture
(possibly a fault?) in the shale, and subsequently displaced along this same
surface. What consequent and antecedent relations might be sought to test
the latter explanation? If the sand was injected into the shale from beneath
(a relation supported by the upward bend in the shale beds), the shale should
be underlain somewhere by more of the same sandstone. In addition, if the

Fig. 3-2. Vertical face exposing shale and sandstone with features as noted.


3-3. Taking Field Notes

All observations and interpretations are recorded in field notes, which

will generally be better organized and less redundant if written after parts
of the examination seem more or less complete. Notes can be kept from
becoming verbose or illegible by use of engineering-style lettering, telegraphic composition, and abbreviations (Appendix 2, Fig. 3-3). The part of
the notes covering the interpretation, however, should probably be composed
of well-thought-out sentences rather than cryptic words and phrases; it is
easy to forget the exact meaning and relevance of ideas that were clear at
the outcrop. Each set of notes should be completed at the outcrop and not
modified later unless the changes are identified clearly.
Materials for taking notes are described in Section 2-1. Each page of notes
must be numbered consecutively for a given notebook or project, and must
be headed by the geologist's name, the date, and preferably by a brief title
for the area covered by the notes on that page (Fig. 3-3). The number of the
map sheet or aerial photograph must be recorded, and numbers of additional
sheets or photographs entered in the left margin as work progresses. Field
locations are numbered consecutively (strictly). Chapters 6 and 7 describe
how they are located and marked on the front or back of field sheets or aerial
photographs. Points of unusual interest, such as specimen locations and
critical relations or questions, should be noted in the left margin (Fig. 3-3) or
flagged by a colored line or a box. Notes taken on loose-leaf sheets should be
stored in order in a safe place at the field camp or office.
The descriptive parts of the notes should present facts and thus be kept
as free as possible from terms that are basically genetic. Rocks and struc-


Geology in the Field

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Basic Procedures at Outcrops

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Fig. 3-3. Two pages of field notes. selected to show a variety of entries.


Geology in the Field

tures identified with certainty can be given firm names, but other identifications should be queried, noted as problems, or simply stated as unknowns.
Interpretations interwoven with descriptions must be identified clearly so
that they will not later be read as facts.
Notes covering a number of outcrops will be easier to use later if each set
is written in the same order. The order will probably seem most natural if
broader aspects are described before more specific ones (Fig. 3-3, Note 1).
The final item, the interpretation, includes a brief description of the origin
of each rock and feature. Events implied by structural relations should be
summarized together with the evidence on which they are based (Fig. 3-3,
Note 1). All events should be recorded as a history if possible, with specific
age relations noted. Inconclusive, even highly speculative ideas should be
included and identified as such, together with whatever suggests them (Fig.
3-3, Note 4). Sketches or schematic diagrams will often be helpful. The gaps
and doubts in the interpreted history are noted so that they can be sought at
the next outcrop. In this way, field work and interpretation evolve together.
Before moving on to the next outcrop, however, the history might be
reconsidered carefully. If the rocks are as old as they are thought to be, can
you imagine all that has happened since? Think of additions to the local
history implied by relations outside the immediate area. Perhaps a last
careful look at the outcrop will be worthwhile.
Descriptions of rock units. As the study is extended to additional outcrops,
rocks that continue as uniform materials are simply recorded as "the same."
This must be done cautiously, however, beca use it may be easy to gloss over
small but important differences. Variations are described per outcrop,
including any geographic sense of variation discovered at that p()int. When
a specific rock or deposit has been walked out and examined as much as it is
likely to be, a complete description is generally recorded, one that includes
all variations as well as the overall nature of the rock unit or deposit-from
one contact to the other. The following outline suggests items that might be
included and an order for presenting them.
1. Stratigraphic name of the unit, or its relations to named units.
2. Area to which description applies.
3. Nature of the terrain underlain by the unit-its topography, soils,
vegetation, and outcrops.
4. Overall shape or structure of the rock unit in this area.
5. Thickness of the unit.
6. Principal kinds of rocks and their distribution in the unit.
7. Unusual rocks and their stratigraphic (or other) position and genetic
8. Primary structures in the unit.
a. How bedding or other layer-structures (as flow structures) are

Basic Procedures at Outcrops


expressed, as by color, texture, induration, and so on .

b. Range of thicknesses and typical thicknesses of beds or other primary layer-structures.
c. Shapes of beds or other layer-structures.
d. Primary structures within beds or other structures, as grading,
laminations, cross-stratification, channeling, and inclusions.
9. Fossils.
a. Distribution of fossils, stratigraphically and laterally.
b. Special characteristics of the more fossiliferous rocks.
c. Positions and condition of fossils, as growth position, fragmental,
rounded, and any signs of reworking (Section 3-7).
10. Description of rocks, most abundant kind first.
a. Color-fresh, weathered, moist, dry (Appendix 6).
b. Firmness of fresh and of weathered rock (Appendix 4).
c. Grain sizes- range and average (or typical) sizes.
d. Degree of sorting or equigranularity.
e. Typical shapes of the principal kinds of grains.
f Fabrics (orientations) of tabular or linear grains, especially in relation to rock structures.
g. Kinds and proportions of mineral cements, matrix, or groundmass.
h. Nature and proportion of pores (porosity) and indications of
i. Kinds of grains and the approximate percent by volume of each.
11. Contacts (Fig. 3-1).
a. Sharp or gradational (describe gradations).
b. Indications of scour, unconformity, intrusive relations, or faulting.
c. Criterion or criteria for locating the contact in the field.
12. Characteristic secondary features, such as cleavage (fissility), concretions , veins or other fillings, presence of hydrocarbons, and deformational structures, including joints.
13. Characteristics that are particularly useful in distinguishing this unit
from all others in the area.
14. Interpretation of the unit.
a. Geologic environment or conditions under which the unit was originally deposited or crystallized.
b. Specific processes contributing to its origin.
c. Genetic relations to associated rocks.
d. Later modifications within the rock at grain-scale, as cementation,
compaction, autometamorphism, and recrystalliza-tion.
e. Tectonic and other structural modifications, as folding (Section
12-3), fracturing (Sections 12-4, 5, and 6), and homogeneous strains
(Section 12-2).
f Geologic age of the unit or age relations to other rock units.


Basic Procedures at Outcrops

Geology in the Field

3-4. Drawing and Photographing Outcrops

Drawings often save time in note-taking and may be essential for recording complex shapes or relations. Drawing contributes to observation by
forcing one to look closely, especially at how specific features come together.
One general method of note-taking is to make a page-size drawing of the
outcrop or some part of it, and record descriptive notes right on the drawing
(Fig. 3-4A). Small cross sections can be used to record stratigraphic sequence
and structural relations (Fig. 3-3, Note 3), and a page-size columnar section
(Fig. 11-3) can be used in overall descriptions of rock units. All drawings
should be accompanied by a bar scale, by indication of geographic directions,
and by labels to identify features.
Drawings need not be "artistic" or otherwise attractive, but they must
show proportions, angular relations, and shapes of important features correctly. If drawing the parts of an outcrop to proportion proves difficult,







Vie.w I-/NW


a/- r cm~~


~QJ<ui:; au-_


EQ.. oe.c.ur ...


s 0"

e.t .

Fig. 3-4. A. Drawingof a roadcut exposure, copied from a page of a field notebook of A. H.
Sylvester, and reduced approximately 30%. Note that the Quaternary terrace sediments
(Qt) are displaced along the most recently active fault trace, and that older traces cut
Neogene sediments and are truncated by the erosion surface beneath the Qt. B. Outline of
the outcrop of A, showing measurements (arrows) that could be used to lay out the main
lines of a field drawing. C. Rectangular grid used as a basis for a drawing (here a very
large-scale map) of a horizontal outcrop surface (ux = unexposed).


measurements of the outcrop's main divisions can be used to block out the
main lines of the drawing. The drawing of Fig. 3-4A, for example, could
have been started by making the measurements and drawing the light pencil
lines shown in Fig. 3-4B. Important inclined lines, such as the faults in Fig.
3-4A , may be sighted with a clinometer or compass and plotted with a protractor. Irregular lines and curving boundaries should then be drawn a
little at a time while observing the outcrop frequently. A method worth
practicing is to draw these lines while observing the outcrop rather than
the drawing. A given line is started by placing the point of the pencil at the
correct place in the drawing, then looking at the outcrop andfeeling that the
pencil point is being held against the actual line on the outcrop. As the eyes
follow the outline of the feature, the pencil is moved along it, thus scribing
the outline on the drawing. If the line goes somewhat astray, it can be corrected afterward. The method will seem awkward at first but will lead to
these advantages: (1) observing more exactly; (2) making drawings more
quickly, and (3) gaining a sense of proportion in drawing.
If an outcrop is large, complex, and with no clearcut divisions to serve as a
framework, a rectilinear grid may be constructed on the outcrop surface to
control the drawing. The grid lines might be spaced at 0.5 to 3 m apart,
depending on the size of the features to be recorded, and can be made from
tape, string, sticks, marker pen, or pieces of rock. Agrid is then plotted to a
convenient scale on a note sheet, and each square on the outcrop is examined
in order to draw its part of the picture (Fig. 3-4C). On more or less horizontal
outcrop surfaces, the drawing will be a very large-scale map of the outcrop;
indeed, this is a mapping method that may be used for small but critical
When the principal lines and forms of the outcrop have been drawn,
details and labels can be added as necessary. The general rule is to keep the
drawing as simple as possible, so that important features will stand
out clearly. Unexposed areas are generally left blank, and incidental features
like roots and washovers of soil are omitted. Shading is generally unnecessary in line drawings like Fig. 3-4A but might be needed to show threedimensional shapes, as those of Fig. 4-17.
Photographs take little time to complete in the field and show features
exactly as they are, thus being the most convincing kind of graphic evidence.
Some useful photographs are: (1) overall views of outcrops, showing relations to their surroundings; (2) features showing age relations; (3) close-up
views of primary and secondary structures; (4) well-exposed contacts; and
(5) compositional or textural variations in a rock, by a series of close-up
Taking clear, informative photographs requires thought and practice.
Considerations before taking a photograph include direction of the view,
direction of lighting, closeness of the subject, and depth of focus. The direc-


Geology in the Field

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

tion of the view should, if possible, be parallel to bedding or other planar

structures, such as faults. The planes will thus appear as lines in the photograph and true bed thicknesses will be shown. For folded rocks, the camera
should be pointed parallel to hinge lines, thus recording true shapes of folds
and beds. The horizon or some other indication of horizontal or vertical
directions should be included wherever possible. Subjects to be illustrated
in the round, such as fossils and landforms, should be lighted from one side,
and from the upper left, if possible. Local shadows on irregular outcrops can
be resolved by taking photographs: (1) on a cloudy day, (2) when the outcrop
is in full shadow, or (3) by using flash lighting. Depth of focus is crucial in
most close-up views and can be increased by using a tripod, fast film, or
flash lighting, all of which permit small lens apertures.
An exposure meter must be held over the part of the outcrop that IS of
interest. A hammer or scale (nota coin) should be included in the view, and a
sketch drawn in the notes to help in identifying features in the photograph.
When taking color photographs in which exact color will be important, a
card used to indicate scale can be composed of color strips that will serve
later to check the accuracy of the photograph. A Polaroid camera permits
marking prints in the field and thus using them as adjuncts to field notes.
Using an ordinary camera, it may be worthwhile returning to outcrops in
order to use prints in the same way.

Strike and dip can be measured in a number of ways, each having certain
advantages and disadvantages, as noted in the following descriptions.
Although the instructions specify beds, other planar structures are measured in the same way.

3-5. Measuring Strike and Dip

Strike and dip are used to record the structural attitude of beds, layers in
igneous and metamorphic rocks, planar fabrics, cleavages, faults, join~s,
and planar veins. Outcrops must first be checked to be sure that they are m
place rather than large half-buried boulders or parts of landslides (Section
10-7). Planar structures in ductile rocks, especially rocks rich in clay, are
likely to be distorted by downhill creep, an effect that can be avoided by
using hilltop or valley-bottom outcrops. Bedding in some sandstones ~nd
mudstones is obscure except for occasional minor layers of coarser grams,
or a planar fabric due to flakes of mica, chlorite, or carbonaceous materiaL
These various features and relations should be clear by the time an outcrop
has been examined thoroughly (Section 3-1). The measurements are made
with a compass and clinometer (Chapter 2). Suggestions for plotting them
on maps or aerial photographs are given in Section 5-4.
Strike is the geographic alignment of any horizontal line on a planar surface, and dip is the angle of slope at right angles to strike-:-thus the ~axi
mum slope of the surface. Note that strike is not unidirectIOnal; that IS, a
strike line might be read either as N 30 E (azimuth of 30) or S 30 W
(azimuth of 210). When using a quadrant compass, errors in transposition,
recording, and plotting will generally be avoided if only the north half of the
graduated circle is used.


1. Procedure for a single large outcrop. Where beds trend across an outcrop
for several meters or more, and locally jut out so as to give three-dimensional
views of tops or bottoms, strike and dip can be taken so as to average out
local irregularities and thus be accurate for that outcrop. The observer:
(1) moves to a position several meters or more from the outcrop; (2) selects
a planar bedding surface with an overall attitude representing the outcrop' and (3) moves gradually tv just that position from which the twodim~nsional surface appears as a line (Fig_ 3-5A). The observer's eye is thus
in the projected plane of the bedding surface to be measured. Staying in that
exact position, the observer sets the clinometer as a hand level (Section 2-7)
and takes a level sight to the trace of the planar surface. Because this sight is
a horizontal line in the plane of the bedding surface, it is a strike line of that
surface. The observer carefully notes the point determined by leveling and
uses the compass to read the bearing (or antibearing) to that point (Section

2-5). The compass can be held at waist height provided it is in the vertical plane
that includes the level line of sight.
The dip is measured from the same position by opening the lid and sighting arm of the compass and holding it at arm's length so that the edge of the
lid and box appear to coincide with the trace of the bedding surface (Fig.
3-5B). The clinometer is then leveled and the dip read from it.
2. Where beds dip more steeply than 600 the bUll's-eye level is precise enough
to find the horizontal line needed for the strike. Thus after getting in a
position from which a bedding surface appears as a line (method 1), the
compass is held as in Fig. 2-4B, leveled carefully, and used to sight a bearing
to the trace of the bedding surface.
3. Leveling between two outcrops gives a more accurate average measurement of strike and dip than method 1 and can be used wherever a bed is

Fig 3-5. A. Making a level sight to a bedding surface that appears as a line (as in B).

B. Measuring dip along the same line of sight.


Geology in the Field

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

continuous from one side of a valley to the other side. The observer stands at
one outcrop such that his or her eye is level with the surface to be measured,
and sights a level line (a line of strike) to the same surface across the valley
(Fig. 3-6). The dip is measured by sighting from the same position.
4. Beds truncated by a level surface, as a stream bed or an unpaved road,
permit a quick and accurate measurement of strike. The observer simply
stands over the surface and aligns the compass with the linear traces of the
beds, thus taking the strike direction. Dip can be read at a point nearby
where the same beds crop out in three dimensions, or a pick can be used to
dig out a planar surface against which the compass is placed directly (as in
method 5).
5. Procedures for small outcrops. Where less than a meter or so of a planar
surface is exposed, or where it is impossible to take sights as described in
the foregoing methods, a measurement can be made by: (1) selecting a planar
surface that is as representative as possible; (2) placing a notebook or map
case against it to average out small irregularities; (3) placing the lower edge
of the compass box directly against it, and (4) leveling the compass and
reading the bearing or antibearing (Fig. 3-7). The dip is measured by placing
the compass on the same surface and orienting it perpendicular to the line
of strike. The map case and rocks should be checked to see if they affect the
compass needle (Section 2-5). If the outcrop is small, the observer should
also double-check to be sure it is not a block of float or part of a landslide.
6. Around bodies of water, strike can be measured directly where the edge
of the body crosses a bedding surface, or along the mark of a former waterline on a bedding surJace.
7. At large exposures of bedding surfaces, it may be convenient to use the
compass as a clinometer and sight directly up or down the slope in order to
measure the dip (Section 2-6). The strike is then taken as perpendicular to
that line of sight.
8. Gently dipping beds are difficult to measure precisely by any method,
for local irregularities cause major deflections of strike lines. If th~ lines of

sight described in method 1 are a few degrees off horizontal, the resulting
strike measurement may be in error by 5 to 15. Used with care, methods 1
and 3 should give results accurate within a few degrees for planar structures
dipping more than 5. Where outcrops are small, it may be easiest to find the
direction of dip first, as by pouring a small amount of water on the surface
or placing the compass against the surface and moving it slowly while
adjusting and observing the clinometer level until finding the direction of
maximum slope (the true dip). The strike is then measured as a line perpendicular to this slope.
9. The three-point method can be used for accurate measurement of beds
that dip gently and consistently over large areas. The method requires
determining elevations and horizontal positions of three points on a single
bedding surface, as the top of a distinctive bed or a contact between two
conformable formations . The points must define a triangle with all internal
angles greater than 20, and if a topographic map is used to determine the
positions and elevations of the points, the sides of the triangle should be
greater than 1.5 cin (0.5 in.) as plotted on the map. If no suitable map is
available, or if the outcrops are spaced too closely to use a map, the method
requires: (1) reading the bearings from each point to the other points; (2)
measuring the horizontal distances between any two pairs of points (Section
2-8); and (3) measuring the vertical distances by leveling (Section 2 7). These
data are used to construct a triangle (Fig. 3-8), and a point (D), is located on
one leg at the same elevation as B, as by using the relation


AD = A C difference in elevation between A and B

difference in elevation between A and C
The line BD is thus level and is a line of strike. Its bearing can be determined from the bearing of BC and the angle DBC, which can be read with a
protractor. The dip can be determined by making a graphical construction
as shown below the triangle of Fig. 3-8, or by constructing the line AE

Outcrop surface

Fig.3-6. Sighting a strike line across a valley.

The dip is taken from the same position and
averaged over the entire outcrop on the far

Fig. 3-7. Measuring strike of a planar surface by placing the compass against a map
holder that is held against the surface. The map holder cannot have iron or steel parts.


Basic Procedures at Outcrops

Geology in the Field

perpendicular to BD and solving the relation

tangent of the angle of dip




difl in elev. between A and B


The dip can then be read from a pocket calculator or table of tangents
(Appendix 11).
If beds dip at angles less than 4 over large areas and accurate data are
required , plane table methods are advised (Chapter 8).
3-6. Measuring Attitudes of Linear Features

Many kinds of linear grains and structures, often called lineations , are of
value in interpreting rocks and geologic histories. Some indicate directions
of currents that acted on sedimentary particles (Section 9-4). Others can be
used to interpret flow in lavas (Sections 13-2 and 13-4), flow in intrusive
magmas (Sections 14-2, 14-3, and 14-4), and flow in solid rocks (Section 12-2).
Particularly useful linear structures may be formed during folding and
faulting (Sections 12-3, 12-4, and 12-5). Because of the many ways in which
they may form, each set of structures must be described exactly and not be
given a specific genetic name unless there is little doubt about its origin.
Except where they are horizontal, linear features have a bearing sense
(often called their trend) which is taken as the direction in which they point
at an angle downward. The amount of this angle, measured from the horizontal, is called the plunge of the linear feature.
To measure the bearing (trend) of a lineation, the observer finds an outcrop
surface that exposes the linear features in full length (as in Fig. 3-9A). For
fault grooves this will be the fault surface, and for most igneous and metamorphic linear features it will be a principal surface of foliation. The
observer stands on this surface (if possible) and aligns the compass by looking vertically down at the linear features (view Yin Fig. 3-9A). The sighting
arm of the compass is pointed in the direction of plunge, and the northseeking (white) end of the needle thus indicates the bearing (trend). The



: Ang~

A k=\ _


Fig. 3-8. Measuring strike and dip from three

points of which A is the lowest and C the highest. In the elevation-view beneath, AC' is a
horizontal line perpendicular to BD, a nd C'C"
is equal to the difference in elevation between
A and C.

Fig. 3-9. A . Sloping surface exposing linear features in full length , with views used in
measuring their bearing and plunge. B. Rounded outcrop showing the apparent shapes of
identical spindel-shaped bodi es that plunge nearl y vertically.

angle of plunge is measured by moving to one side, looking perpendicular to

the direction of plunge (view X in Fig. 3-9A), and using the clinometer of the
compass as is done for measuring dip of beds (Fig. 3-5B).
If the linear features are exposed on the underside of ajutting surface, or
are so steeply inclined that the observer cannot stand over them, their bearing may be measured at any position from which their trace in the surface
appears vertical (view Z in Fig. 3-9A). The bearing is taken along this line of
sight and transposed 180 if the surface slopes toward the observer.
Rocks that are lineated and not foliated commonly break in prisms with
long axes parallel to the lineation, which makes them easy to measure. On
the contrary, !ineated rocks that do not cleave readily (as beds with linear
imbrication) must be studied thoroughly in three-dimensional outcrops in
order to identify the direction of lineation. Linear bodies will appear equidimensional, or most nearly so, on surfaces perpendicular to the lineation,
and they will appear most elongate in sections parallel to it (Fig. 3-9B).
Appendix 7 illustrates map symbols used to represent bearings and
plunges of lineations.
Pitch is the acute angle between a linear feature and a horizontal line in
the plane containing the feature (Fig. 3-10). Pitch can be measured by first
marking a horizontal line on the surface by using a clinometer and a pencil,

Fig 3-10. Pitch is meas ured in the plane of

the surface containing the linea r feature.

Geology in the Field

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

and then measuring the angle of pitch by laying a protractor on the surface.
If this can be done easily at outcrops where it is difficult to measure the
bearing and plunge of the lineation, pitch can be converted to plunge by
using a stereo net as described in Fig. 3-11. Plunge can be converted to pitch
by the inverse construction.

In areas with unconformities, overturned folds, or low-angle faults, a dozen

fossil finds may resolve more problems than anything else done in the study.
The brief suggestions that follow may be supplemented from Kummel and
Raup (1965), Raup and Stanley (1978), Brasier (1980), and other books on
paleontology. Trace fossils are also important and are described briefly in
Section 9-5.
Macrofossils give the advantage of being identifiable at the outcrop or in
the field office. Index fossils of North America (Shimer and Shrock, 1944)
illustrates a large number of important fossils and can be supplemented by
copies of figures in specific papers or from the various volumes of Treatise
on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore, 1953-; Teichert, 1970-).
The chief tasks in the field are: (1) to find fossils and (2) to collect material
that can be identified specifically. Fine-grained limestone, calcareous shale,
and calcareous parts of sandstone are most likely to contain well-preserved
forms. Well-sorted calcarenite and calcirudite may consist almost entirely
of fossils, but typically of fragments that cannot be identified specifically.
Dark, thinly laminated (un bioturbated) fine-grained rocks generally contain
delicate fossils that would normally have been destroyed by bottom-dwelling
scavengers. Concretions and nodules typically form around fossils at an
early stage of diagenesis, thus protecting them from compaction and latediagenetic solution. Whole fossils can be collected relatively easily from
concretions that are softened by weathering, or by searching under ledges
of resistant calcite-cemented siltstone and sandstone. Where permeable
siltstone and sandstone have been leached of fossil material, molds of the
fossils may be complete enough to be identifiable.
Collecting fossils can be guided further by knowing which kinds of rocks
typically contain specific kinds, and which parts of the fossil organisms will
be most useful for identifications. Pelecypods and brachiopods are most
abundant in limestone and calcareous sandstone and mudstone, and are
locally well preserved in chert. Some massive forms, as large oysters and
rudists, may be preserved in conglomerate. Material needed for identification
of pelecypods and brachiopods includes a complete view of the outer shell
surfaces as well as fragments exposing the inside of the shell and the details
of the hinge and beak, or pedicle. Gastropods occur similarly to pelecypods;
collected material must show details of all structures around the aperture
as well as the general form and ornamentation of the shell. Cephalopods are
most abundant in limestone, calcareous shale, and calcite-cemented concretions in siltstone. They break easily and thus should be collected in adequate
matrix, which may be cleaned later to reveal the sutures or the details of the
aperture and siphuncle needed for identification. Corals are most abundant
and best preserved in limestone and calcareous mudstone, and the most
valuable samples are of whole colonies or completely preserved solitary
forms. In addition to their overall shape and surface features, the internal


3-7_ Finding and Collecting Fossils

Fossils may be used to determine environment of deposition as well as

geologic age and should therefore be sought thoroughly in all sedimentary
and pyroclastic rocks. Even metamorphic rocks may contain flattened or
recrystallized forms that can be identified by a paleontologist (Section 15-1).

Fig. 3-11. Conversion of pitch to plunge with a stereo net (here dotted and simplified to
300 ,60 0 , and 90 0 arcs). THe example used is for a surface striking N 300 E, dipping 60 E,
and containing a lineation pitching 60 toward the NE quadrant. A. Mark a north tick on
overlay and rotate overlay so that tick is 30 to the W of the N pole of the net; trace the
meridian at 60, mark the point 60 from the N pole, and draw a line from the origin (a) to
the point (P). This plot shows the planar surface and the lineation. B. Rotate overlay so
that OP coincides with the equatorial line of the net; read the amount of plunge by
referring to the meridian passing through P (here, 48). C. Rotate overlay to north
orientation and read the bearing of the lineation by extending line OP to the primitive
circle of the net (here, at N 72 0 E).


Geology in the Field

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

structures are needed for identification, so that recrystallized or dolomitized

material is generally inadequate.
Bryozoans are most abundant in thin-bedded limestone and calcareous
shale and require study of internal structures for identification. Crinoids
are locally abundant in limestone and sandstone but become disarticulated
easily and thus provide few specimens suitable for assigning geologic age.
Echinoids are commonly preserved intact in limestone and sandstone. Trilobites and graptolites occur chiefly in shale and thin-bedded limestone,
where they are found by using a chisel to split the rock parallel to bedding.
Graptolites are fairly common in low-grade slates and even in phyllite, and
their uncompacted forms may be found in massive fine-grained limestone
and chert.
Well-preserved fossil fish are most common in dark, unbioturbated shale,
limestone, or diatomite of lakes, marshes, and dysaerobic marine environments. Rocks worth searching contain scattered fish scales, single bones,
coprolites, or other phosphatic particles. Terrestrial vertebrate fossils occur
mainly in mudstone, tuffs, and sandstone, and their teeth and case-hardened
bones may be washed and sorted into rivulet-channels. The skull, teeth, and
appendage bones are most valuable for identifications. Fossil land plants
are most abundant in dark fissile shales associated with coal, and in thinbedded lacustrine limestone, siltstone, diatomite, and tuff. Large collections
are generally needed and should include all remains of flowers, seeds, catkins, or cones as well as whole leaves. Well preserved silicified wood may be
Each fossil locality should be examined to determine if the fossils: (1)
were in living-position when they died; (2) accumulated at or near where
they lived; (3) were transported a considerable distance before they accumulated; or (4) were eroded from older fossiliferous rocks. This study should be
made before the outcrop is broken as well as during the process of collecting,
and all evidence should be recorded in the notes. Fossils in living position
are indicated by attached sessile habit, by abundant articulated specimens
of bivalves, and by pelecypods oriented at right angles to bedding with beaks
directed downward.
Evidence suggesting accumulation at or near a habitat includes: (1) many
well-preserved specimens of one or a few species; (2) parts of complex individuals, such as crinoids, more or less in one place; (3) an assemblage of
species thought to occupy a single ecologic niche; and (4) sediments suitable
to the life-habits of the organisms. Exceptions to the first two criteria just
given are plants and animals that tend to float after dying. Ammonites, for
example, may be well preserved after long periods of transportation. Generally, however, extensive transportation is shown by: (1) rounded (abraded)
fossils; (2) mixtures of ecologically diverse species; and (3) fossils restricted
to beds that appear to be deposits of sediment gravity flows.

Reworked fossils are indicated by: (1) remnants of rock matrix (perhaps
only inside the shell); (2) being weathered on one side; and (3) differences in
preservation and appearance from other fossils in the same rocks. Fossils
that seem stratigraphically out of place are not proof of reworking, for the
age-ranges of many organisms are imperfectly known. Such finds must be
collected carefully and studied thoroughly.
If fossils are abundant, as great a variety of species should be collected as
possible. The relative abundances should be described in the notes, because
this information will help to establish the age and environment of the
assemblage. Generally, no attempt should be made to trim and clean specimens at the outcrop. Samples should be protected from wear during transport by packing them in soft paper, grass, or whatever is at hand. If no
packing material is available, the fossils should be left at the outcrop and
packed later.
Each specimen must be marked with the number of the field station, and
the same number is written on the bag in which the sample is placed. Some
geologists number fossils and rock samples with a compound number consisting of: (1) the number of the field sheet or aerial photograph; (2) the
number of the field note; and (3) a letter to designate each of two or more
samples collected at that site. In Fig. 3-3 the samples of note 2 would thus be
numbered 3-2A, 3-2B, and 3-2C. Another system, one making it especially
easy to find the field note for a given sample, uses a set of numbers for the
month, day, and year, followed by the note number. A sample collected
on March 15, 1954, and described in note 9, would thus be numbered
The location should be described in the field notes before leaving the
outcrop, and this description must be complete enough so that the exact
locality can be found again. A photograph of the outcrop with a hammer or
scale placed at the exact point of collection will be helpful. The stratigraphic
position of the collection site should be measured as precisely as possible
(Chapter 11), and the outcrop must be described thoroughly with special
attention to any features suggesting environment of deposition. Sooner or
later, the latitudes and longitudes of localities should be determined exactly
by reference to a topographic map, or the locations can be referred to a
cadastral system such as that of Appendix 5. Paleontologists are more likely
to help with identifications if all this information is provided.
Microfossils are exceptionally valuable because they are common in many
fine-grained marine and lacustrine rocks that contain few macrofossils.
They are virtually essential in the study of drill cuttings and drill cores.
Biozones have been established at least locally on almost all kinds of microfossils, and several kinds of pelagic microfossils are the basis of worldwide
correlations. Research on the least-known kinds is progressing rapidly, and
separatory techniques are also being improved.



Geology in the Field

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

A drawback in the use of microfossils is that coccoliths, foraminifers, and

ostracodes are generally leached from weathered permeable rocks. Augering
or excavation may thus be necessary. Another drawback is that most pelagic
microfossils cannot be seen with a hand lens when they are in rocks, so that
sampling must be blind. The latter situation can sometimes be resolved by
taking separatory materials and equipment to the field camp in order to test
initial sets of samples. At the least, residues of limestone and dolomite that
have been dissolved in weak acid can be examined with a binocular micro
scope for conodonts, radiolarians, diatoms, and silicoflagellates. If these
fossils are reasonably abundant and the rocks are calcareous, then calcareous microfossils are likely to be present. Methods of separation are described by Brasier (1980), Kummel and Raup (1965), and in literature cited in
those books.
Collecting may also be guided by the fact that certain rocks typically con
tain specific kinds of microfossils. Pelagic foraminifers, radiolarians, coccoliths, diatoms, and silicoflagellates are most abundant in claystone. They
may impart a slippery (talc-like) feel to the rocks or, if the microfossils are
the dominant constituent, a chalky appearance. Radiolarians may be visible
with a hand lens in cherts, from which they can be separated by the methods
described by Pessagno and Newport (1972) and Holdsworth and others
(1978). Pelagic fossils are scarce in turbidite sequences except in thin pelagic
layers of mudstone that accumulate between successive turbidity flows,
thus lying at the top of each Bouma sequence (the Tep division in Fig. 9-6A).
In the fine-grained facies of submarine-fan deposits (Section 9-9), the pelagic
accumulations may be distinguished from thin turbidite layers by lack of
grading, absence of current-generated lamination, and perhaps lighter color.
Diatom frustules are destroyed by diagenesis when buried to moderate
depths (Section 4-2). Rock containing an abundance of diatoms is noticeably
light to heft, and the larger of the diatoms are visible with a hand lens,
appearing as silky disks. Ostracodes occur in a great variety of marine and
lacustrine rocks. They are generally more visible in claystone and calcilutite,
in which they look like small ooliths. Conodonts may be found in most kinds
of marine rocks and are most abundant in limestone and mudstone. They
are among the few fossils that are commonly preserved in dolomite, and
many sandstones and siltstones contain them in moderate to small numbers.
Although large enough to be seen with a hand lens, they are difficult to
recognize in rocks.
Benthic foraminifers are commonly large enough to be seen with a hand
lens and are most abundant in mudstone and fine-grained limestone. The
largest foraminifers (fusulinids, orbitoids, and nummulitids) may be visible
with the naked eye in a variety of marine rocks, especially in sandy limestone
and calcareous sandstone. They can be identified specifically only if they
have well-preserved internal structures.

Spores and pollen of land plants are most abundant in dark claystone and
argillaceous limestone deposited in lakes, on deltas (as coal-bearing sequences), or in terrigenous marine deposits. They are too small to be seen with a
hand lens and can be separated as described by Kummel and Raup (1965)
and Brasier (1980). Dinoflagellates are typically in dark-gray marine beds,
often together with spores and pollen, and are separated similarly.
Samples weighing 1 kg (2Ib) are ample for most studies, but samples of 2
kg should be collected for conodonts and other fossils that may be scarce.
Beds that are clearly fossiliferous or are highly favorable for fossils are
generally sampled in single chunks or sets of chips. In thick mudstone or
limestone sequences where no microfossils are seen, channels are cut across
a meter or so of section in the hope of sampling fossil-rich layers; these
samples are thus a set of chips representing the full channel.
In sampling for small microfossils it is absolutely essential to avoid contaminating samples with dust from other sites. Sampling tools and hands
must thus be scrubbed clean with soap and water, and clothing must be
brushed and shaken of dust. Microfossils may also be washed down open
fractures, root holes, and dissolved openings, which must thus be avoided
in sampling. Samples should be placed in new plastic bags that are strong
enough to remain unpunctured during transport. For bags of chips, a plastic
identification tag should be placed in the bag and the same information
written on the outside label. Describing and numbering samples in the notes
are the same as for macrofossils.



3-8. Collecting Rock Samples

Rock samples can be used to: (1) make petrographic identifications; (2)
measure small-scale planar and linear structures; (3) trace mineral reactions
(Section 15-3); and (4) compare rocks from different parts of an area. If
interest is in the principal (typical) rocks of an area (which is usual) they are
the ones to collect. This will take effort, for typical rocks tend to become an
unnoticed background to ones that are unusual or curious (Fig. 3-12).
In addition to being representative, samples must be as fresh as possible;
however, additional weathered pieces may be needed in engineering studies
or for fully characterizing rock units. The minimal size of a sample is pres-

Fig. 3-12. Collect typical rocks (always X; and

Yand Z only if you must). After C.M. Isaacs
(oral presentation , 1981).

Geology in the Field

Basic Procedures at Outcrops

cribed by its purpose and grain size. In average situations, uniform rocks
with grains less than 1 mm in diameter are well represented by pieces 3 X5
X5 cm or equivalent. If grains are 2 to 3 mm in diameter, samples should be
about twice that large. Samples need not be trimmed unless they must be
stored in shallow drawers. Important small features (e.g., crucial grains or
small fossils) should be circled with a pen, because they may be difficult to
find later. Rock samples are numbered, marked, and labeled in the same
way as fossils (Section 3-7) and wrapped or placed in bags to protect them
from abrasion.
Oriented samples are collected for later study of fabrics or small features
that must be related to the geologic map or to major structures. Examples
are sandstone with possible current oriented fabric; metamorphic rocks
with folded lineations; igneous rocks cut by sets of thin veins; and orientations of crystallographic axes of quartz. Most samples can be collected by: (1)
measuring the strike and dip of a planar surface on the rock and (2) drawing
a strike-and-dip symbol on the surface before breaking the sample from the
outcrop, or after fitting it back exactly to its original position. An arrowhead
is added to the strike line and a geographic direction to the dip line to insure
that the orientation will be unambiguous (Fig. 3-13A). The compass direction of the arrow is included in the notes, as is a notation as to whether the
planar surface faces upward or downward (Fig. 3-3, Note 2). If the rock to be
sampled has no planar surface, a clinometer can be used to draw horizontal
and vertical planes across enough of the sample so that it can be reoriented
later (Fig. 3-13B).
All features relating to samples should be described, perhaps with a
drawing showing geometric relations. If the marked surface is not a primary
one, the strike and dip of primary structures must be measured and recorded
for the sample site. Linear features should also be measured, recorded, and
described at the outcrop, because they are likely to be far less obvious when
the sample is studied in the laboratory.
If the samples are intended for a systematic, thorough study, a sample or
two might be analyzed before a large number are collected. The analyses
may prove so time-consuming that only a moderate number can be com-

pleted, in which case sampling should be deferred until the field study has
shown which sites will be most valuable.


Fig. 3-13. Oriented samples of (A) a rock with a planar surface and (B) a rock that has
none. The bearing of the vertical plane on B must be measured and recorded.


References Cited

Brasier, M. D., 1980, Microfossils: London, George Allen & Unwin, 193 p.
Gilbert , G. K., 1886, The inculcation of scientific method by example, with an
illustration drawn from the Quaternary geology of Utah: American Journal of
Science, 3rd Series, v. 31 (whole number 131), p. 284299.
Holdsworth, B. K.,]ones, D. L., and Allison, C., 1978, Upper Devonian radiolarians
separated from chert of the Ford Lake Shale, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey,
Journal of Research, v. 6, p. 775-788.
Kummel, B., and Raup, D., editors, 1965, Handbook ofpaleontological techniques: San
Francisco, W H. Freeman and Co., 852 p.
Moore, R. C., director and editor, 1953-, Treatise on invertebrate paleontology (in many
parts, each a separate volume): Lawrence, KA, The University of Kansas, and
Boulder, CO, The Geological Society of America.
Pessagno, E. A.,Jr., and Newport, R. L., 1972, A technique for extracting Radiolaria
from radiolarian cherts: Micropaleontology, v. 18, p. 231234.
Raup, D. M., and Stanley, S. M., 1978, Principles of paleontology, 2nd edition: San
Francisco, W H. Freeman and Co., 481 p.
Shimer, H. W, and Shrock, R. R., 1944, Indexfossils of North America: New York,
John Wiley & Sons, 837 p.
Teichert, C., editor, 1970, Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, revised (in many
parts, each a separate volume): Lawrence, KA, The University of Kansas Press,
and Boulder, CO, The Geological Society of America.

Identifying Rocks in the Field

Identifying Rocks in the Field.

4-1. General Rationale

Rocks must be identified at each outcrop in order to interpret other

observed features (Sections 31 and 32). Identifying rocks is often easier in
the field than in the laboratory, because many minerals and textures are
more apparent on clean, weathered surfaces than on broken ones, and one
can search through as much material as necessary to find diagnostic grains
or other small features. In addition, rock associations and primary struc
tures can help greatly in field identifications, as noted partly in this chapter
and partly in Chapters 9,10,13,14, and 15. Some features commonly thought
to be microscopic are included in this chapter because they may be visible
with a hand lens, providing it is used as effectively as possible (Section 22).
Rock staining is another means of clarifying fine textured relations as well
as of identifying minerals (Section 23). Other equipment generally needed
is described in Section 21, and Appendix 3 presents diagrams for estimating
percentage composition.
As used in this book, the texture of a rock is the overall aspect imparted by
the sizes, shapes, and arrangement of its grains, andfabric is the component
of texture resulting from the relative sizes and shapes of grains, especially
from the preferred orientation of platy or elongate grains. A structure, on the
other hand, is a rock body or domain differing in texture or composition
from other parts of the rock. Textures, fabrics, and small structures are
emphasized in this chapter because they are often easier to recognize than
minerals, and they may be more significant genetically.
4-2. Textures of Sedimentary Rocks

Three categories of texture are typically combined in sedimentary

rocks: (1) clastic (fragmental) textures, imparted by detritus transported to
the site of deposition; (2) crystalline textures resulting from mineral growth
at the site of deposition; and (3) crystalline textures resulting from diagene
sis. Many sedimentary rocks are classified on the basis of clastic-texture.
Textures of the other two categories are important, however, and should be
described in the field notes.
Clastic texture. Grain size is the primary element of clastic texture because
it suggests the level of kinetic energy during transportation and deposition.
The size classification in Table 41 is used by most North American geolo
gists, whereas other classifications are used by most engineers and by geol48


ogists in some other parts of the world (Pettijohn, 1975, p. 29).

A given sediment or rock is assigned to the size class that is the average
(median) size for its grains, the amounts being measured either by weight or
by volume. Generally, the average size is also the dominant size, with other
size classes containing less and less material as they are increasingly coarser
or finer than the average. Some sediments, however, have abundant grains
in two distinctly different size classes. Such bimodal sediments are suggestive of the mixing of two separate batches of sediment, as by entrainment in
a debris flow (Section 92) or by bioturbation (Section 95). The textural
names of these sediments can be compounded, as bimodal coarse and very

fine sand.
A simple device for determining grain size can be made by sieving sand
and coarse silt into the size classes of Table 4-1 and gluing a small patch of
each along one edge of a small card. The card is then held against a rock or
sediment sample and the two are compared under a hand lens. Another
method is to use a millimeter scale to locate several grains or spots in the
sample that are exactly 0.5 mm and 1 mm in diameter, and then using a
hand lens to estimate sizes of nearby grains. Grains coarser than sand can
be measured directly with a scale.
Degree of sorting is a measure of how closely the clastic grains in a sediment approach being one size. Sorting provides a measure of the uniformity

Table 4-1. Classification of Clastic Sediments by Grain Size.





Sediment name
Boulder gravel
Coarse cobble gravel
Fine cobble gravel
Very coarse pebble gravel
Coarse pebble gravel
Medium pebble gravel
Fine pebble gravel
Very fine pebble gravel
Very coarse sand
Coarse sand
Medium sand
Fine sand
Very fine sand
Coarse silt
Medium silt
Fine silt
Very fine silt
Clay (any detritus this size)

Group name





Identifying Rocks in the Field

Geology in the Field

and persistence of currents or waves and is thus invaluable in interpreting

sedimentary processes. Degree of sorting can be estimated with a hand lens
by determining the number of size classes included by the great majority
(about 80%) of the grains. This determination can be made by noting the
size of the largest grains that make up the finest 10% of the sediment, and
the size of the smallest grains comprising the coarsest 10%of the sediment.
The bulk (80%) must be distributed among all the classes between these two
limits and the number of these classes gives a numerical measure of sorting.
Figure 4-1 suggests names for the categories based on these num bers, and
shows somewhat diagrammatic views of each sorting category.
The greatest difficulty in estimating sorting of sand arises where weak
grains have been compacted between strong grains, intruding among them
to form a pseudo matrix of fine material. The weak grains are typically fecal
pellets or fragments of mudstone, slate, tuff, argillaceous calcilutite, or
altered feldspar. Pseudomatrix can be recognized by its patchy nature or by
noting grains that are only partly compacted among their neighbors
(Fig. 4-2).
Rounding of grains by abrasion reflects duration of transport and is an
aspect of grain shape that may be used as a textural adjective or described in
the notes. Figure 4-3 suggests names for degrees of rounding. For material
of a given kind, the rate of rounding by mechanical impacts generally

Well sorted


Fig. 4-2. Pseudomat ri x of dark shale and silt

stone pressed among tightly compacted quartz
and feldspar grains of the same size as the dis
torted lithic grains.

increases with increasing grain size, and any departures from this norm
should be noted. Distinctly different degrees of rounding of a given material
within one size class indicate mixing of grains from two or more sources.
Large angular grains should be noted because they imply either a nea~by
source, or transport in an unusually supportive medium, such as a mud-nch
debris flow. At the other extreme, rounded or subrounded fine quartz sand
implies an unusually long history of abrasion .
Fabric in rocks with only slightly platy or elongate grains will require
careful study; however, even a small percentage of thin mica plates or
strongly elongated fossil fragments may impart a recognizable fabric. Fabric
is used in determining the orientation of bedding (Section 3-5) and of current
direction (Section 9-4), and in interpreting sedimentary environments. Platy
and linear grains that have settled in the absence of a lateral current tend to
lie parallel to bedding, without a linear orientation. Grains that have
accumulated from a strong to moderate current tend to impart a planar
fabric dipping upstream, an arrangement called imbrication (Fig. 4-4). Gen~le
bottom currents may align elongate plant fragments and some other fossIls
parallel to the current and also to bedding.

Moderately sorted

Poorly sorted

Very poorly sorted

Fig. 4-1. Ha ndlens view of one layer of detritus sorted to various degrees. The numerical
limits are explained in the text.

Fig. 4-3. Degrees of rounding of sandsized grains, the upper set equidimen.sional
(sp herical) and the lower somewhat elongated. After Powers, M.e . (1953). Society of
Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, copied with permisSion.


Geology in the Field

Fig. 4-4. Strongly developed imbricate fa bric indicating a current that flowed fro m left
to righ t. Elongate clasts may plunge upstream,
as in the figure, or may have their longest axes
hori zonta l a nd at right angles to t he current

Textures formed by minerai growth at the site of deposition are of great val ue
in determining environments of deposition and may be classified into two
genetic groups: inorganic and biogenic. In the inorganic group, hypidiomorphic granular texture is characterized by euhedral or subhedral grains
among anhedral grains, or by anhedral grains with skeletal euhedral interiors or zones of pores (originally brine) lying along crystallographic planes.
These various features indicate growth of crystalline grains from concentrated solution, as by evaporite sedimentation, rather than growth during
diagenetic crystallization.
Oolitic and pisolitic crystalline textures result from inorganic precipitation
of substances around separate cores, forming rounded, smooth-surfaced
grains that commonly have internal radial fabrics or concentric shells (Fig.
4-5A). Oolites are sand-sized grains, and pisolites are larger. The precipitated
minerals are aragonite, calcite, collophane (apatite), or chamosite. The
grains may later be transported and mixed with other detritus, as indicated
by abrasion and sorting.
Crystalline pelletal texture may result where certain substances, especially
glauconite and apatite, accumulate by slow alterations of other grains on
the substrate. These pellets differ from oolites and pisolites in being irregularly bulbous or in filling shells of protozoans or other small fossils.
Biogenic crystalline textures and structures result from biologic deposition
of carbonates or collophane, the latter as bones. Especially abundant are
deposits of calcareous algae, which encrust and otherwise hold sediment
together. Stromatolites (Section 9-7) are included here for convenience,
although most of them are formed by entrapment of fine carbonate detritus

Fig. 4-5. A. Aggregate of ooli tic g rains, several cut pa rtly away to show concent ric internal structure. B. Pelletal limestone, each pellet
a struct ureless agg regate of very fine-grained
(micri tic) calcite. The matrix around the pellets is also micrite.

Identifying Rocks in the Field


between noncalcareous algal filaments. Corals in growth position, attached

mollusks, and deposits secreted by worms are biogenic rock-forming structures. A common biogenic texture results from accumulation of skeletons of
plants and animals that lived on the substrate or in the water directly above
it. The evidence for this origin is lack of rounding and sorting (fragrpentation
alone is not necessarily evidence of transport because skeletal parts may be
broken by predators). Pelletal biogenic texture results when animals excrete
fine-grained sediment held together by mucous in rounded to elongate
masses (Fig. 4-5B). Because these pellets would disintegrate if transported
far across the substrate, they are a criterion for formation nearby or from
the overlying water column.
Diagenetic textures form after a sediment is buried and while it is being
transformed into rock. The specific processes are compaction , solution,
cementation, grain growth or recrystallization, polymorphic transformation, and replacement.
Compaction of well sorted sand results in closer packing of grains, with
extreme compaction causing grain deformation (Figs. 4-2 and 4-6A). These
effects are not visible in fine-grained sediments, but are suggested by
increase in bulk density (heft), toughness , and sound of a hammer blow
(Appendix 4). The coalification series (Section 4-3) provides a means of
comparing degree of compaction from one locality to another.
Solution under low to moderate loads produces holes having the shapes of
dissolved grains, the most common being fossils. Partly dissolved sand
grains may be recognized by corroded or honeycombed surfaces, and by
pores too large to be primary. Partial dissolution of cement may produce
pores with fluted or honeycombed surfaces, and pores formed by complete
dissolution of carbonate may be coated with thin pigments of iron oxides.
Under high loads, grains tend to be dissolved where they bear against one


Fig. 4-6. Effects of directed pressure during diagenesis, show n here as though rocks
were loaded verticall y. A. Qua rtz a nd fe ldspa r sand grains, some deformed and most
showing moderately sutured contacts. B. Cross section of calca reous mudstone with
pressure-solution surfaces marked by insolu ble materials and partly dissolved foss ils. C.
Cross section of stylolite with res idue of sil t in sil ty li mestone. The parallel thin lines are
press ure-solu tion cleavage (Section 12-4).


Geology in the Field

Fig. 4-7. A. Granular (below) and prismati c crystalline cements in sandstone. B. Banded
colloidal cement in well sorted sandstone. C. Large calcite crystals (dotted contacts) filling
shells above deposits of fine sediment.

another, forming smooth to interlocking contacts (Fig. 4-6A). The contacts

may join in sets of parallel surfaces that are a variety of spaced cleavage
(Figs. 4-6B and C). Stylolites are highly irregular pressure-solution surfaces
commonly developed in limestone (Fig. 4-6C).
Cementation textures are most apparent in coarse well-sorted sandstone
and conglomerate. Crystalline cements are typically sugary or fibrous, and
colloidal cements smoothly vitreous and often banded (Figs. 4-7A and B).
Single-crystal overgrowths on quartz in partly cemented sandstone can be
seen with a hand lens as bright geometric reflections from crystal faces.
Large cavities in limestone commonly become filled with coarse (sparry)
calcite or by fine sediment introduced by pore fluids during early diagenesis
Besides forming cements, diagenetic crystallization may lead to increasing
grain size of fine sediments and to devitrification of glass and colloidal substances. The diagenetic grains are generally anhedral because they grow
against one another in the solid state, and they may become coarse enough
in limestone and evaporites to show visibly granoblastic arrangements (Fig.
4-8A). Unaffected relics such as fossils, carbonaceous detritus, or well-sorted
quartz sand are useful indicators of diagenetic crystallization (Figs. 4-8B

Identifying Rocks in the Field


and C). In cherts, recrystallization of chalcedonic quartz to fine granular

quartz is suggested by a change from waxy to dull stony luster.
Polymorphic transformations take place at certain temperatures and thus
indirectly indicate depth of burial. Transformations of Si02 are especially
valuable because they can be recognized in the field, as described by Isaacs
(1981, 1982). In brief, the hydrated amorphous form of Si02(opal-A) makes
up the skeletons of diatoms, radiolarians, and some sponges, and it transforms to interlayered cristobalite and tridymite (opal-CT) at temperatures
equivalent to about 750 m of burial. A sediment containing 80% or more of
diatom skeletons is thereby changed from earthy, highly porous diatomite
to vitreous, brittle opaline chert. At somewhat higher temperatures, diatomaceous sediment with 20%to 60%impurities is changed from friable mudstone to hard , moderately porous porcelanite (Section 4-3). With increased
burial, _opal-CT transforms to quartz at temperatures corresponding to
depths of about 2000 m. The quartz is usually chalcedonic, giving transformed chert a waxy luster but leaving the appearance of impure (porcelanous) rocks unchanged.
Sedimentary minerals may be replaced chemically by other minerals during diagenesis, generally producing crystalline granular textures. Common
replacive minerals are dolomite, calcite, ankerite, quartz, opal-CT, iron
oxides, iron sulfides, and apatite. Some diagnostic features are: (1) fossils or
oolites known to consist originally of aragonite or calcite that are now other
minerals; (2) nodular or irregular bodies of replacive minerals crossing bedding or other primary structures; and (3) formations known by mapping to
consist of certain primary minerals and now consisting locally of others.
The approximate timing of diagenetic replacements may be judged from the
degree of compaction of bedding around replaced bodies (Fig. 9-11A).
Many of these diagenetic changes can be mapped as zones, constituting
an overprint on formations or other primary rock units. The zones will thus
express systematic variations in depth of burial, diagenetic temperature, or
action of fluids.
4-3. Naming Sedimentary Rocks

Fig. 4-8. A . Ideal granoblastic (mosaic) crystalline text ure as seen under a hand lens. B.
Well-sorted quartz sand " floating" in a crystalline limestone, indicating that the rock
was originall y a sandy calcareni te, and that the car bonate grains have recrystallized. C.
Biomicrite (shell y micrite) partly recrystallized to a granular text ure.

Sedimentary rocks are classified primarily on the basis of composition or

grain size, as in the subtitled categories of this section. Genetic varieties of
specific rocks are described in Chapters 9 and 10.
Silicate-rich sandstone may be classified texturally into wacke, which has
silt and clay-sized detritus between its sand grains, and arenite, which is
free of these matrix materials (Williams and others, 1982, p. 326). In graywacke, the fine matrix is so crystallized or indurated as to make the rock
exceptionally tough and typically dark colored, regardless of the kinds of
sand grains present.


Identifying Rocks in the Field

Geology in the Field

Sandstone may be classified further on the basis of the kinds of sand

grains comprising the rock, as in a scheme developed by W. R. Dickinson in
1978 for hand lens study (Fig. 4-9). To use it, one first estimates the proportions among: (1) quartz and quartzite grains, (2) feldspar grains, and (3)
lithic (rock) grains, and then locates that composition in the diagram. An
advantage ot this classification is that each rock name indicates provenance
(source materials) as well as relative weathering maturity, and thus suggests
rate of uplift and erosion of the source area. A difference from classifications based on microscopic petrography is that chert grains, which typically
look like other rock fragments , are included with the lithic grains rather
than with quartz. In cases where chert grains can be recognized with a hand
lens (and this typically will be when they are abundant), they are probably
best added separately to the rock name, as chert-grain subquartzose sandstone.
Sands derived largely from volcanic materials may be specified as volcanic
or andesitic, and so on, and those with notable varietal minerals as biotitic,
and so on.
Cementing substances have usually been referred to by adjectives such
as calcareous, dolomitic, and siliceous; however, these terms might also imply
accessory detrital materials, so that the unambiguous terms calcite
Quartz and quartzite
Quartzose sandstone



cemented, dolomite-cemented, and quartz-cemented are recommended.

Silicate-rich rudites containing subangular to rounded clasts are conglomerate, and those composed entirely of angular clasts are breccia or
sharpstone conglomerate. The scheme proposed in Fig. 4-10 is based on degree
of sorting. In a simpler twofold classification, clast-supported rudite is sorted
well enough so that the large clasts touch, and matrix-supported is not. Clasts

in the 2 to 6 mm range should be sought for and measured with care because
they tend to look like sand. Pebble-sized fragments of fossil shells are also
easy to overlook in coarse, sandy rocks.
Rudites are of particular value because their clasts are large enough to
identify as rocks and thus to indicate provenance. If one kind of rock predominates, it is commonly used in the rock name, as chert pebble conglomerate. Thorough provenance studies require systematic pebble counts, as by
marking out several square meters of an outcrop and inventorying all the
gravel-sized clasts therein. Clast shapes may also indicate provenance; for
example, somewhat abraded fragments of round clasts indicate conglomerate in the source area. Rudites are often termed mature if they contain little
else besides tough, chemically stable fragments (chert, vein quartz, quartzite, quartzose hornfels, silicified or devitrified rhyolite, etc.). They are
termed immature, or polymictic if they contain more than 10% of weak or
chemically unstable clasts (mudstone, limestone, slate, dolomite, intermediate to mafic volcanic rocks, feldspathic plutonic rocks, schist, etc.).
Silicate-rich lutite. The grains in well-sorted siltstone can generally be seen
with a hand lens, but clay-rich rocks require accessory tests. Well-sorted
claystone has a smooth waxy aspect when cut or scraped with a knife, especially when moist, and is not gritty when rubbed between the teeth. Mix-



+-___..i-_ _ _+-___..l...-_ _ _



____ _

or breccia


Lpa-r~L----:8~0-~-~60--J--4.l..0-~-~20-~----1 Felds
lithic (rock
Percentage of fetdspar


~-----+--------\ 20


Fig. 4-9. Names for sandstones based on the proportions of three principal groups of
detrital grains (see text for explanation). From W. R. Dickinson (personal communication,


or breccia


Silt and clay

Fig. 4-10. Names for rocks containing gravel-sized clasts. Generall y, rocks above the 40%
line will be clasts upported and those below the 20% line matri x supported.


Geology in the Field

Identifying Rocks in the Field

tures of silt and clay, called mudstone, may look like claystone because
abundant clay-sized material screens the larger grains, but these rocks are
gritty to the teeth or knife. Poorly sorted mudstone commonly contains
sand that may be hidden on broken surfaces by the abundant clay but is
visible on clean weathered surfaces. Sandy mudstone may grade to muddy fine sandstone (fine wacke) that looks like mudstone except on clean,
weathered surfaces.
Shale is a lutite with a flaky cleavage (fiss ility) and, commonly, thin bedding laminations (but the name i~ also used for any silicate-rich lutite). Silty
or sandy shales may have abundant visible mica flakes that lie parallel to
the cleavage. The name argillite is sometimes used for tough lutite that
breaks into angular fragments,and can be distinguished from calcitecemented lutite because it does not effervesce and crumble in dilute HC!.
Limestones are composed mainly of calcite or aragonite, and those with
clastic texture may be named according to grain size: calcirudite for sizes
coarser than 2 mm; calcarenite for sizes between 2 and 1116 mm; and calcilutite (or micrite or lime mud) for finer sizes. Dunham (1962) proposed an additional set of names based on sorting: grainstone is calcarenite or calcirudite
with no micrite (calcilutite) matrix; packstone is calcarenite or calcirudite
with a relatively sparse micrite matrix and with the larger grains touching
(clast-supported); wackestone is a micrite-supported mixture containing
more than 10% of sand-sized or coarser clasts; and lime mudstone is micrite




Sparse pelmicrite





Fig_ 4-11. Names for limestones with fragmental textures. A. Sparry (coarsely crystalline) calcite cement fills intergranular spaces (lined pattern represents calcite cleavage).
B. Micrite (calcilutite) fills between larger grains. The upper names were proposed by
Folk (1959, 1962) and the lower are based on the system proposed by Dunham (1962). In
addition , Fig. 4-58 illustrates a pelmicrite or pelletal packstone.


with less than 10% of coarse clasts.

Limestone may also be classified according to five common kinds
of particles (Folk, 1959, 1962): (1) bioclasts (skeletal grains); (2) pellets (also
calledpelloids); (3) oolites (or ooids) andpisolites; (4) intraclasts (fragments of
limestone); and (5) micrite (all particles finer than sand size). The dominant
kind of particle serves to name the rock (Fig. 4-11).
Two varieties of biogenic limestone are classified on a structural basis.
Reefal limestone, biohermite (Folk, 1959), or boundstone (Dunham, 1962)
forms thick lenses or steep-sided bodies composed mainly of skeletons of
sessile organisms held together by encrusting or ramifying forms, typically
algae. Biostromal limestone may be similarly composed but forms tabular
sheets or thin lenses. Either kind of limestone can be specified further by
adjectives such as algal, stromatolitic, and coralline.
Limestones with diagenetic textures are crystalline (or crystallized) limestone. Grain-size adjectives may be useful to indicate the degree of grain
growth, as: coarse, larger than 1 mm; medium, 1 to 1,4 mm; andfine, smaller
than 1,4 mm.
Dolomite (dolostone) consists predominantly of the mineral dolomite.
Most varieties have crystallized diagenetic textures, so that the adjective
crystalline need not be used before the rock name. Grain-size adjectives are
generally useful, as just noted for crystallized limestones. Rocks with primary particles (see limestone, above) may be named accordingly (as oolitic
dolomite). Rocks formed by replacement of a specific kind of limestone, as
shown by gradations or by relict structures or residual materials, may be
given compound names, as dolomitized oolitic packstone. Sections 9-7 and 9-9
describe primary structures that help in identifying varieties of dolomitic
Phosphorite consists largely of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline
apatite (collophane) in the form of bones, oolites, pellets, nodules, coprolites,
and finely divided grains. When fresh, these materials are typically dark
gray to black or brown in Mesozoic and older rocks and typically pale tan to
medium brown or orange in Cenozoic rocks. The darker varieties can be
recognized by a secondary coati ng ("bloom") that is white or pale gray and
slightly bluish, and the pale varieties by local secondary green coatings.
Pyrite and fish scales are common constituents. Cements are typically fine
silica minerals, calcite, or dolomite. Bedded phosphorites are typically associated with organic-rich (kerogenic) laminated siliceous rocks, or with calcilutite, shale, and dolomite. Nodular deposits occur with glauconite in sandy
sediments that accumulated very slowly and thus suggest unconformity.
Siliceous lutites that have not been strongly compacted or crystallized
range from more or less pure diatomite, radiolarite, and spiculite (composed
of sponge spicules) to ordinary mudstone or limestone with abundant
siliceous skeletons (as diatomaceous mudstone and radiolarian calcilutite).


Geology in the Field

Identifying Rocks in the Field

Rocks rich in siliceous skeletons are unusually light to heft, highly porous,
friable, light in color, and insoluble in He!.
The diagenetic origin of several derivative rocks is described in Section
4-2 and their field classification has been described by Isaacs (1981, 1982).
Opaline chert is glassy, brittle, and light to heft. Porcelanite is tough, breaks
like unglazed porcelain, sounds "clink" to hammer taps, and has so many
minute pores as to have a dull luster and to stick to the tongue. Chalcedonic
chert is heavier to heft (density close to quartz), has a waxy luster, and is
commonly darker and more opaque in thin flakes than opaline chert. Quartz
chert, in which grain growth has led to microgranular texture, has the stony
appearance of fine-grained quartzite and has a hackly fracture.
These siliceous rocks commonly form distinct beds a few millimeters to
10 or 20 cm thick which are laminated and initially rich in organic (sapropelic) substances (Section 9-9). Distinctly different are the cherts that form
nodular to irregular bodies in limestone, dolomite, and siliceous sediments.
These concretionary and typically replacive bodies may show internal relics
of carbonate fossils and bedding laminations, and may develop secondary
banding subparallel to their nodular forms or arranged in bizarre oblique
sets. Nodules formed at an early stage of diagenesis may consist of opal-CT,
but most nodular cherts consist of chalcedony or microgranular quartz.
Limestone and tuff may also be silicified through large masses to form chert
with relict primary features.
Volcaniclastic lutite. Vitric tuff and fine detrital sediment rich in volcanic
glass commonly devitrify diagenetically to hard, tough rocks easily mistaken for chert. Crystallized volcaniclastic lutite, however, has a duller,
stonier luster than either opaline or chalcedonic chert, and can be recognized
readily where the silicate minerals are strongly weathered. Patient hand
lens study will almost always disclose minute feldspar subhedra or other
igneous grains. Volcaniclastic lutite may also be associated with volcanic
rocks or with sandstone containing igneous mineral grains or pumice lapilli.
Evaporites, where more or less pure, are named according to their mineral
species: anhydrite rock, gypsum rock, halite (or salt) rock, and so on. The mineral names are used as adjectives in cases where other sedimentary materials predominate, asgypsiferous shale, anhydrite-bearing dolomite. Textures
are crystalline in almost all cases, but grain sizes and textures formed by
mineral growth at the site of deposition (Section 42) should be described in
the notes. Any evidence of detrital origin, as in gypsum sands, should be
described. Associations of evaporites are described in Section 9-7.
Iron-rich rocks can be recognized broadly by their high density, their surficial alteration to yellow-brown or reddish hydrated iron oxides, and,
commonly, by their magnetism. Four principal varieties are: (1) bedded
arenite composed of oolites or structureless pellets of hematite, magnetite,
chamosite, greenalite, or glauconite, and named accordingly (e.g., oolitic

hematite arenite); (2) lutite that is commonly laminated or nodular and con-


sists of various mixtures of siderite, hematite, hydrated iron oxides, silica

minerals , iron sulfide, iron-poor carbonates, and clay; (3) laterite, an earthy
to nodular, red, residual deposit formed by extreme chemical weathering in
humid, warm climates; and (4) sandstone composed of magnetite, hematite,
and ilmenite concentrated as placers in beach or stream deposits, and named
as other sandstones (e.g., magnetite-rich nonquartzose sandstone). Origin of
the first two kinds of iron-rich deposits has been discussed by James (1966).
Carbonaceous and kerogen-rich rocks. Carbon-rich rocks are classified
and named according to extent of compaction and heat-induced changes,
resulting in a coalification series:
1. Peat -surficial deposits of decomposed and partly humified plant debris.
2. Lignite-friable brown coal that cracks markedly on drying and commonly includes recognizable woody or leafy plant remains.
3. Sub-bituminous coal-black to dark brown somewhat friable coal that
gives a brown streak, contains no recognizable plant remains, and is weakly
jointed perpendicular to bedding.
4. Bituminous coal-black to dark brown hard coal that is strongly jointed
perpendicular to bedding and commonly laminated by dull and brightly
reflective layers (except for cannel coal, which, being rich in sapropel, has a
greasy luster and is massive).
5. Anthracite-black, hard, typically massive coal with semimetallic luster
and conchoidal fracture.

The usable coals contain up to 50% silicate and carbonate "ash" (nonflammable impurities). Rock with 50% to 80% ash is called bone coal, and
with more than 80% ash carbonaceous shale (or limestone, etc.).
Rocks containing abundant kerogen (brown to yellow microscopic bituminous residues) are commonly called oil shale. Most, however, are kerogenrich dolomite, dolomitic limestone, and siliceous lutite, all with fine
laminations and a brown color imparted by the kerogen.
4-4. Textures of Igneous Rocks

The diagnostic textural features of igneous rocks are those implying the
former presence of molten silicate liquid: (1) glass or its alteration products;
(2) well-formed crystals of minerals that are typically anhedral in metamorphic rocks (as feldspars or feldspathoids), implying growth in a melt; or (3)
relative ages (suggested by shape, sizes, and reaction relations or overgrowth
relations among grains) that can be matched to a known crystallization
sequence in magma of the same bulk composition (Fig. 4-12). Igneous textures may be grouped into four categories: phaneritic (mineral grains are
large enough to be visible without magnification), aphanitic (grains are too
small to be seen without magnification), glassy, and fragmental.


Geology in the Field

Identifying Rocks in the Field

Phanerltic rocks with granular texture are composed of grains that are
not distinctly aligned, whereas rocks with fluidal texture contain distinctly
aligned platy or elongate grains. Either textural type may also be porphyritic
if it contains grains (phenocrysts) that are much larger than other (groundmass) grains. Seriate rocks have inequigranular textures in which grains
range more or less continuously from large to small.
The adjective hYPidiomorphic (as in hypidiomorphic granular texture) is used
where grains show a range of perfection of crystal forms, such that some
are euhedral, some subhedral, and others anhedral, suggesting a crystallization sequence (Fig. 4-13A). In some mafic and ultramafic rocks, early-formed
subhedra look like loosely packed sand grains surrounded by later-formed
anhedra, a texture that may have formed by mechanical accumulation fol-

Waterpoor basaltic

Mg olivine-

quartz, K feldspor




--plagioclase- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Mgolivine- - - - - - clinopyroxene - - - - -


---plagioclase - - - - - - - - - - - - quartz, hornblende, K feldsPa~ J

Water rich basaltic

or andesitic


rhyolitic, alkaline


Fig. 4-13. A. Hypidiomorphic granular texture in granodiorite, indicating that plagioclase grew largely before quartz. Hornblende and biotite probably also grew before quartz;
however, their shapes must be used with caution, because they may grow crystal faces
against quartz and feldspar in the solid state (Table 4-3). B. Allotriomorphic granular
tonalite. C. Granophyric groundmass with phenocrysts of alkali feldspar and quartz.

lowed by crystallization of interstitial melt (Fig. 4-14A). In allotriomorphic

granular texture (Fig. 4-13B) all grains are anhedral, perhaps due to: (1) the

Crystallization range per mineral

Melt composition


---hornblende - - - - - - - - - - mt. , biotite----plagioclase - - - - - - - - - - ---quartz - - - pyroxene, hornblende, bioti~e - - - - - - - - - mt.---plagioclase------------ - - quartz - - - - - - - K feldspar- - Fe olivine - biotite, alk. amPh_ibole ......
- - Fe pyroxene-----,
- - - KNafeldspar-----------quartz------

minerals crystallizing simultaneously from a melt; (2) certain minerals continuing to grow until interstitial melt was used up or displaced (Fig. 4-14B);
or (3) a hypidiomorphic rock recrystallizing when more or less solid.
The following grain-size terms may be useful in overall descriptions of
phaneritic rocks: Smaller than 1 mm, fine grained; 1 to 5 mm, medium
grained; 5 to 20 mm, coarse grained; and larger than 20 mm, very coarse

Aphanitic and glassy textures are produced by rapid cooling or by rapid
loss of dissolved vapor. These textures thus characterize most volcanic rocks
and some shallow intrusions. The most rapidly solidified melts have glassy
texture, and those with abundant microscopic crystals in glass have a waxy
or resinous luster, as in pitchstone. Massive glass is generally called obsidian,
whereas glass that separates into small pellets along a myriad of curving
fractures is perlite. Glassy rocks with phenocrysts are vitrophyric.

- - magnetite, biotite-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
----plagioclase- - - - - - - - - - K feldspar---:_: - - - - - - - - - - - - quartz-----

Fig.4-12_ Typical crystallization sequences of common silicate melts in the upper crust.
Solid lines represent dominant range of crystallization and dashed lines possible additional ranges. Magnetite (mlJ typically forms early in water-rich melts and may continue
to form at later stages. The plutonic equi valents of the seven volcanic melt names are
gabbro, plagioclase-rich gabbro, pyroxene diorite, quartz diorite (or quartz gabbro, or
mafic tonalite), granodiorite, alkaline granite, and calcalkaline granite.

Fig. 4-14. A. Olivine subhedra (stippled) in large poikililic crystals of pyroxene (dark)
and plagioclase-possibly a cumulate texture. B. Olivine anhedra in pyroxene and plagioclase suggest partial reaction or solution of once-larger grains, whereas larger, closely
packed olivine anhedra suggest continued growth of olivine grains like those in A.


Geology in the Field

Aphanitic rocks consist of crystals smaller than 0.25 mm in diameter and

commonly accompanied by equally small patches or ramifying matrixes of
glass. The abundant small crystals give the rock a stony, opaque appearance;
however, the groundmass grains may be visible with a hand lens, especially
in glass poor basalt. The term trachytic may be used if the tiny plates and
laths of thegroundmass have a distinctly planar or linear fabric. Aphanitic
rocks are porphyroaphanitic if they carry easily visible phenocrysts and
glomeroporphyritic or cumulophyric if the phenocrysts tend to be joined in
Vesicles may be so abundant as to constitute a textural aspect of glassy
rocks, as in pumice, or of aphanitic rocks, as in scoria. Vesicles may also
form ramifying interstices between small phaneritic crystals in basalts, a
relation called dikytaxitic texture.
Aphanitic rocks may form from glassy rocks by devitrification, a change
indicated by relict glass or by certain crystalline arrangements: (1) delicate,
locally contorted flow banding; (2) spherulites (spherical stony bodies that
may have internal radial structure and often lie along flow bands); (3) litho
physae (spherical stony bodies with concentric openings); (4) vapor-formed
cavities lined by tridymite, cristobalite, magnetite, or hematite crystals;
and (5) relict vitroclastic textures (see below). Fine-grained feathery or graphic intergrowths of quartz and alkali feldspar, called granophyre, form by
devitrification or by late-stage crystallization of viscous melt or glass (Fig.
4-13C). Early devitrification of basalt, especially in the glassy skins of pillows, may form stony gray or green spherulites called varioles.
Fragmental texture in phaneritic rocks is important and widespread in
some plutons (e.g., those of anorthosite), and is local or absent in others.
Breccia, conglomerate, and finer fragmental rocks may be formed by explosions, by escape of vapor, by collapse, or by other displacements in nearly
solid intrusions (Section 13-7). Nearly solidified margins of plutons may be
pressed or deformed under simple shear so as to develop gneissose, schistose,
or mylonitic textures. These rocks are sometimes called protoclastic when


Identifying Rocks in the Field

they result from deformation at a late stage of igneous crystallization (Fig.

4-15A). They may be distinguished from metamorphic rocks by late-stage

igneous minerals that form small dikes or fill cracks in pulled-apart grains
(Fig. 415B).
Pyroclastic texture results from any kind of volcanic process that leads to
the eruption of fragments. The most common processes are volcanic explosions or continuous violent emission of volcanic gases. The textures are
classified primarily on the basis of grain size (Fig. 4-16). The kinds of pyroclastic particles (all of which may be called tephra) also contribute to the
texture, and they may be of one kind or a mixture of several. Because they
are important genetic features, they should be listed or described whether
or not they are used in the rock name (Fig. 4-17).
Additional pyroclastic textures result from compaction and welding of
freshly deposited hot ash, and from vapor alteration of hot ash (Section 13-5).
4-5. Naming Igneous Rocks

Igneous rocks are named according to their texture and mineral com position or, if the rock is largely aphanitic, by an estimated mineral composition.
Appendix 3 may be helpful in estimating amounts of minerals. Phaneritic
rocks are classified by mineral composition in Fig. 4-18. Additional minerals
that comprise more than 5% of the rock, or are genetically important, are
used to modify the rock name, the most abundant being placed next to the
name (as biotite-hornblende granodiorite).

Blocks and bombs

Coarse blocks
and bombs

Fine blocks
and bombs










if bombs
breccia ,.;-;- predominate





'/'6 mm
Fine ash

Fig. 4-15. Possible protoclastic textures. A. Bent feldspar (with dotted cores) and kinked
or broken hornblende and biotite subhedra. B. Feldspar phenocryst that has been pulled
apart and cemented by quartz and feldspar.



Fig. 4-16. Names for size categories of pyroclastic materials (A) and for pyroclastic rocks
(B). The dashed boundary in B is somewhat arbitrary (see Fisher and Schmincke, 1984,
p. 92). A is after Fisher (1961) and B after Fisher (1966), with permission.

Geology in the Field



Identifying Rocks in the Field

Several additional phaneritic rocks have special textures or compositions:

Aplite-typically equigranular and finer grained than 1 mm; contains less
than 2% mafic grains; typically in thin dikes and other small bodies, often
associated with pegmatite (Section 14-6).
Pegmatite-typicall y inequigranular, with many grains larger than 5 mm ;
textural and mineralogic variations patchy or in zones parallel to margins of
body (Section 14-6).
Granophyre-groundmass consisting of feathery to graphic intergrowths of fine-grained feldspar and quartz; feldspar phenocrysts typical
(Fig. 4-13C).
Porphyry-phenocrysts abundant and prominent in a phaneriticgroundmass finer than 1 mm.


Lamprophyre-dark porphyry with abundant mafic minerals as phenocrysts and in the groundmass; biotite-rich minette can generally be recognized with a hand lens; other varieties may be named by their principal
mafic minerals, as hornblende-pyroxene lamprophyre (Section 14-6).
Igneous rocks that are largely aphanitic cannot be named directly from
Fig. 4-18 because some essential minerals may not have grown to visible size
before the magma solidified. However, if crystallization sequence is taken
into account (Fig. 4-12), phenocrysts can be used as a basis for field names
(Table 4-2). Additional suggestions of rock composition come from density
(heft), from primary structures, and from abundance of glass and other
features indicating viscosity of the original magma (Chapter 13).
Three kinds of altered volcanic rocks that retain many of their igneous
textural features are sometimes named specifically. Spilite is altered basalt
consisting of pale gray to greenish gray albite and abundant chlorite, often
with clinopyroxene unaltered and with calcite in amygdules. Keratophyre is
altered andesite or similarly plagioclase-rich rock consisting of the same

(XO.1 or less)

Table 4-2. Naming Volcanic Rocks on the Basis of Phenocrysts . .





Partly shaped
scoria lump

(X 1)



... II



(Pele's tears)

Thread s
(Pehi's hair)




Glassy and stony

lithic lapilli


cf. 4
~qp~ ~':&V~~
:t/17 'M




with Alkali feldspar: plagioclase ratio < 1:2 and

Quartz alkali feldspar commonly absent; Quartz may
be scarce; hornblende, pyroxene, and biotite
all likely


Alkali feldspar: plagioclase ratio> 4:1; biotite

or pyroxene scarce olivine

" '0'


Alkali feldspar: plagioclase ratio typically

Rocks > 1:2; biotite or pyroxene generally < 5%



pxt /~

~ q'i"
~hbl ~o

Vitric ash

Fig. 4-17. Kinds of tephra (py roclasts). In each row, viscosity increases from left to right.
The cracked surface of breadcrust bombs is due to expansion of their interiors. Pumice
and most shards resu lt from vesiculation and disintegration of melt, and accretionary
lapilli form by adhesion of fine ash in wet eruption clouds (Moore and Peck, 1962). The
block and other lithic fragments are solid rocks derived from vent walls or beneath the
volcano; some may be xenoliths brought up from great depths. Crystal ash may be of
euhedra, as shown, but is more commonly of mineral fragments.

Rocks without Quartz ,

melilite, or

Alkali feldspar: plagioclase ratio < 4:1; hornblende, biotite, or pyroxene scarce olivine


Alkali feldspar absent; plagioclase abundant;

pyroxene and (or) hornblende scarce olivine


Olivine and plagioclase abundant (high

alumina basalt), or pyroxene abundant
and plagioclase and olivine abundant to scarce
Alkali feldspar abundant and> plagioclase;
pyroxene, biotite, and amphiboles all possible

Plagioclase abundant and> alkali feldspar;

Rocks with clinopyroxene abundant; no olivine
melilite, Plagioclase abundant and > alkali feldspar;
or analcite clinopyroxene abundant; with olivine
Feldspathoids abundant; little or no feldspar;
clinopyroxene abundant olivine



Geology in the Field

Identifying Rocks in the Field


minerals as spilite but with mafic minerals distinctly subordinate. Quartz

keratophyre is altered rhyolite or siliceous dacite, and is like keratophyre

except for containing quartz phenocrysts or abundant quartz in the

Pyroclastic rocks are named primarily according to grain size (Fig. 4-16),
and secondarily by the predominant kind of fragmental material, which is
used as an adjective: vitric (the sum of all glass fragments, including pumice);
crystal; or lithic (the sum of all rock fragments other than pumice). A compositional name is added if possible (as rhyolite vitric tujf) , and adjectives such
as welded or vaporaltered as appropriate (Section 13-5).

(1 )Typically trondhjemite if
biotite is only mafic mineral
and makes up less than 10%
of rock.

4-6. Textures of Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic textures result from grain growth in solid rock, often during
deformation , and from deformation of solid rock, which may be followed by
recrystallization. Because the minerals grow simultaneously, they tend to
include one another randomly rather than showing a sequential order like
minerals in igneous rocks. Perfection of crystal form in metamorphic rocks


( pyroxenite
Hornblendite- J..... _ _ _ _ _-+-_---,
-,--_.,Pyroxenite /i\


Diorite or

-I-_ _ _ _ _ _~;::,:;~;;;;.;;...........\_ _ ygabbro(21

,L--':~_ _ _ _ _




~ Foid-bearing


diorite or


Olivine websterite

f- Websterite

~ Orthopyroxenite


Fig. 4-18. Classification of phaneritic igneous rocks, based on proportions among the

principal minerals. A. Ultramafic rocks (rocks with more than 90% mafic minerals). 01,
olivine; Px, pyroxene; Rbi, hornblende; Opx , orthopyroxene; Cpx, clinopyroxene. B. Rocks
with less than 90% mafic minerals, composed mainly of quartz (Q), alkali feldspar (A),
plagioclase (P), or feldspathoids (foids) (F). Modified slightly from Streckeisen (1973). To
use the diagrams, (1) select the triangle with the appropriate minerals at its corners; (2)
use the percentages of any two of these minerals to form a ratio (for example, if mineral A
is 5% and mineral B is 20%, the ratio is 1:4); (3) use the ratio to locate a point on the
appropriate side of the triangle (at a ratio of 1:4 it would be 1I5th of the distance from
corner B to corner A ; (4) do similarly for either of the other two mineral pairs; (5) draw or
visualize lines passing from the two points to the opposite corners; and (7) use the inter
section of the lines to plot or visualize a point, which will serve to name the rock.

(3)The kind of alkali feldspar

should be specified if possible; e.g., microcline granite.

(4)The feldspathoid should be
specified in each rock name;
e.g., nepheline syenite.

(2)With less than 5% mafic

minerals, the rock is anor
thosite. With more than 40%
mafic minerals, it is typically gabbro. Rocks with 540% mafic minerals are
either diorite or leuco
gabbro, and require determination of the plagioclase, the
limiting composition being


Geology in the Field

Identifying Rocks in the Field

typically depends on the growing strength of the mineral rather than the
stage during which it crystallized. Because the degree of perfection is
roughly predictable, it is a clue for recognizing metamorphic rocks (Table
4-3). Feldspars, for example, are typically euhedral or subhedral in igneous
rocks and almost always anhedral in metamorphic rocks. Deformation gives
metamorphic rocks another common textural characteristic: a linear and
(or) planar fabric.
The principal metamorphic textures may be named as follows:

Cataclastic texture-composed of brittle-fractured grains; unfoliated; typically the texture of a very poorly sorted breccia (Wise and others, 1984).
Mylonitic texture-groundmass aphanitic or nearly so and typically foliated but generally not fissile; typically with angular or rounded relicts
(porphyroclasts) of protolith; surfaces broken parallel to foliation are commonly knobby due to porphyroclasts and commonly lineated by compositional streaks and minute folds.
Polymetamorphic texture-complex textures that may show age relations
between two or more periods and perhaps two or more kinds of metamorphism (Sections 15-2 and 15-8).


Granoblastic texture-phaneritic granular; grains approximately equidimensional and commonly of about the same size; if grain growth has been
much more dominant than grain deformation, simple grain boundaries will predominate (Fig. 4-19A); grain growth during somewhat more
rapid deformation will result in more irregular and platy or linear shapes
Horn/elsie texture-most metamorphic grains aphanitic or nearly so; large
relict grains of the igneous or sedimentary protolith recognizable but recrystallized to fine aggregates; grains interlocked so tightly that rock is exceedingly
difficult to break and rings like steel to hammer blows; broken surfaces are
hackly at all angles to bedding or foliation and often have thin sugary coatings
of rent grains that adhere so strongly they cannot be rubbed off.
Schistose texture-platy or elongate grains aligned and so abundant as to
impart a fissility to entire rock, which splits in thin plates or elongate fragments and often forms tabular or elongate outcrops (Fig. 4-19C and D).
Semischistose texture-platy or linear grains less abundant or less perfectly
aligned than in schistose rocks, so that rock breaks in unevenly platy or linear
fragments; commonly developed in metamorphosed sandstone, conglomerate,
and igneous rocks that show relict textural features (Fig. 4-19E and F).

Table 4-3.


Crystalloblastic Series: Relative Degrees of Perfection of Crystal Forms

in Metamorphic Rocks.

Minerals typically euhedral

against minerals lower in
the series
Minerals commonly euhedral
against minerals lower in
Minerals typically subhedral
against minerals lower
in series
Minerals typically anhedral

staurolite, sillimanite, kyanite, rutile,

chloritoid, ilmenite, tourmaline, pyrite,
andalusite, garnet, sphene, epidote,
zoisite, magnetite, other spinels,
ankerite, idocrase
micas and chlorites (platy form~),
amphiboles and pyroxenes (prisms),
wollastonite, dolomite, apatite
quartz, feldspars, calcite, aragonite, olivine,
cordierite, scapolite, humites

Fig. 4-19. Metamorphic textures , as seen through a hand lens. A. Granoblastic texture,
in part a mosaic texture (with many triple junctions of grains with interboundary angles
of around 120). B. Granoblastic texture of irregular grains, with a large poikiloblast in
the upper left. C. Schistose texture with a euhedral porphyroblast. D. Schistosity
imparted by small flakes and lenticular granoblastic domains. E. Metasandstone with
fine mica in the matrix, imparting a semischistose texture. F. Semischistose texture due
to fine chlorite and actinolite in the groundmass of a blastoporphyritic metabasalt. C.
Somewhat mylonitic granite passing downward into protomylonite. H. Orthomylonite
passing downward into ultramylonite. I. Granoblastic texture in a blastomylonite, the
latter indicated by the recrystallized margins of relict porphyroclasts (enlarged about 5
times relative to H).


Geology in the Field

Grain sizes have not been standardized for metamorphic rocks but these
may be useful: less than 1;4 mm, fine grained; 1;4 to 1 mm, medium grained;
1 to 2 mm, coarse grained; and more than 2 mm, very coarse grained. Using
actual sizes is often preferable because they give a firmer basis for judging
specific cases, as degree of grain growth or completeness of mylonitization
in a given area.
Inequigranular textures are of several kinds:

Porphyroblastic-where the larger grains (porphyroblasts) grew during

metamorphism (Fig. 4-19C).
Poikiloblastic-where porphyroblasts include many small mineral grains
(Fig. 4-19B).
Porphyroclastic-where the large grains (porphyroclasts) are relics in a
fine mylonitic groundmass (Fig. 4-19H).
Blastoporphyritic-where the larger grains are relict phenocrysts of an
igneous protolith (Fig. 4-19F).

4-7. Naming Metamorphic Rocks

Although certain rock names may connote specific metamorphic conditions or associations (Williams and others, 1982), field names should probably be based only on texture, thus:
Rocks with granoblastic texture

a. Grano/els-a name that can be used for any granoblastic rock (Goldsmith,
1959). Granulite has been used in a similar way but is less desirable
because it tends to imply certain metamorphic conditions.
b. Skarn-granoblastic rock, often of uneven grain size, consisting of
calcsilicate minerals, especially garnet, clinopyroxene, and epidote
(Section 15-7).
c. Marble, quartzite, amphibolite-rocks of specific mineral composition
that are taken to be granoblastic unless otherwise modified, as schistose
marble, and so on.
Rocks with horn felsic texture

a. Horn/els-the basic rock name for all hornfelsic rocks; where relict
features are well-preserved, however, the adjective horn/elsic might be
used with the name of the protolith, as horn/elsic metarhyolite.
Rocks with schistose texture

a. Schist-grains are phaneritic.

b. Phyllite-microscopically schistose, as indicated by fissility and sheen
caused by alignment of platy or acicular grains.
c. Slate-microscopically schistose; splits readily in sheets (or elongate
fragments if lineated); cleavage surfaces have a dull luster.

Identifying Rocks in the Field


Rocks with semischistose texture

a. Semischist-basic name for the group; however, rocks with relict fea
tures can be named as modified protoliths, as semischistose metarhyolite.
b. Gneiss-most parts of the rock are granoblastic, but separate folia or
elongate grou ps of minerals im part a crude cleavage and a semischistose
aspect (Section 155).
Rocks with cataclastic texture

a. Faultgouge-grains chiefly finer than sand; coherent but may be friable

or plastic when wet; may become silicified or altered otherwise.
b. Fault breccia-coherent but may be somewhat friable (unless recrystallized or cemented); fragments have a large range of sizes.
(after Wise and others, 1984)
a. Mylonite-the general name for the group.
b. Protomylonite -fine, tough matrix that is at least locally foliated and
includes at least 50% of porphyroclastic mineral grains or lenses and
chunks of the protolith (Fig. 4-19G).
c. Orthomylonite-fine, tough matrix that tends to be foliated strongly
and includes 10% to 50% porphyroclasts (Fig. 4-19H, toP).
d. Ultramylonite-same but with less than 10%porphyroclasts (Fig. 19H,
e. Varieties of mylonite with visibly schistose or granoblastic matrix have
also been called blastomylonite (i.e., a mylonite with large amounts of
late-stage grain growth) (Fig. 4-191).
Rocks with mylonitic texture

Rocks dominated by relict textures

Nonschistose low-grade rocks that are not hornfelsic and are dominated
by relict textures generally are given names such as metarhyolite, massive
metasiltstone, and so on.
Mineral modifiers. Metamorphic rock names are completed by adding the
names of the principal minerals before the rock name. They are placed in
order of abundance with the most abundant next to the name. A diopsideplagioclase hornblende grano/els is thus a granoblastic rock in which hornblende is most abundant, plagioclase less so, and diopside least abundant.
The mineral names are important because they may indicate metamorphic grade or facies. Some, as the index minerals of metamorphic mineral
zones (Section 15-3), should be included in rock names even if they are
scarce. The minerals in the name should be those that formed together at the
most advanced stage of metamorphism. Relict and retrograde minerals may
be included by brief modifying statements, as partly chloritized garnet
biotite-quartz schist.
Rocks affected strongly by metasomatism commonly have variable textures
and include abundant veins, coarse clots, and zoned bodies (Section 15-7).
Skarn is described above and in Section 15-7, and a few other metasomatic


Geology in the Field

rocks have been named specifically: serpentinite (consisting mainly of serpentine minerals and formed typically from peridotite or pyroxenite);greisen
(quartz-muscovite rock, often with topaz; see Section 15-7); adinole (pale,
fine-grained albite-rich rock typically formed near diabase bodies); and rodingite (white to pale green, heavy rock consisting mainly of hydrogrossularite, tremolite, and chlorite, and occurring in serpentinized peridotite near
contacts). Other metasomatic rocks may be named descriptively, as coarse
quartz-schorl rock, silicified tuff, and so on.
References Cited

Dunham, R.]., 1962, Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional

texture, p. 108-121 in Ham, W. E. , edi tor, Classification ofcarbonate rocks: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir l.
Fisher, R. v., 1961, Proposed classification of volcaniclastic sediments and rocks:Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, p. 14091414.
Fisher, R. v., 1966, Rocks composed of volcanic fragments and their classification:
EarthScience Reviews, v. 1, p. 287-298.
Fisher, R. v., and Schmincke, H.U., 1984, Pyroclastic rocks: New York, SpringerVerlag, 472 p.
Folk , R. L., 1959, Practical petrographic classification of limestone: American Asso
ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 43, p. 1-38.
Folk, R. L., 1962, Spectral subdivision of limestone types, p. 62-84 in Ham, W. E.,
editor, Classification of carbonate rocks: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Memoir l.
Goldsmith, R., 1959, Granofels, a new metamorphic rock name: Journal of Geology,
v. 67, p. 109110.
Isaacs, C. M., 1981, Guide to the Monterey Formation in the California coastal area,
ventura to San Luis Obispo: Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, v. 52, 91 p.
Isaacs, C. M., 1982, Influence of rock composition on kinetics of silica phase changes
in the Monterey Formation, Santa Barbara area, California: Geology, v. 10, p.
James, H. L. , 1966, Chemistry of the iron-rich sedimentary rocks: U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 440-W, 61 p.
Moore, J. G., and Peck, D. L., 1962, Accretionary lapilli in volcanic rocks of the
western continental United States: Journal of Geology, v. 70, p. 182-193.
Pettijohn, F. J., 1975, Sedimentary rocks, 3rd edition: New York , Harper & Row,
628 p.
Powers, M. C., 1953, A new roundness scale for sedimentary particles: Journal of
Sedimentary Petrology, v. 23, p. 117-119.
Streckeisen, A. L., chairman, 1973, Plutonic rocks: classification and nomenclature
recommended by the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous
Rocks: Geotimes, v. 18, no. 10, p. 26-30.
Williams, H., Turner, F.]., and Gilbert, C_ M., 1982, Petrography: an introduction to
the study of rocks in thin section, 2nd edition: San Francisco, W. H. Freeman
and Co. , 626 p.
Wise, D. U. , and seven others, 1984, Fault-related rocks: suggestions for terminology: Geology, v. 12, p. 391-394.

Mapping Rock Units
and Structures

5-1. A Geologic Pace and Compass Traverse

This chapter describes procedures used in finding, walking out, and

defining rock units and structures, regardless of the base on which they are
mapped. Methods of locating and plotting these features on topographic
maps and aerial photographs are the chief topics of Chapters 6 and 7,
respectively, and this section describes mapping by a compass traverse at
scales larger than topographic maps and aerial photographs typically permit. A compass traverse is a suitable introduction to geologic mapping in
general, because it is often used to explore, measure, and describe rock units
that may then be mapped more widely and at smaller scales. The map
resulting from the traverse may be only a narrow strip (Fig. 5-1); however,
additional traverses could be used to expand the map. Mapping by closed
traverse loops is described in Section 6-3, as is the use of triangulation to
control large-scale mapping with a compass. Another method to consider
for unusually detailed maps of large outcrops is that of laying out a grid
directly on the ground (Section 3-4). Plane table mapping is another alternative for detailed studies; however, it would require more than one person,
expensive equipment, and additional time (Chapter 8).
The purpose of the traverse described here is to investigate and measure a
sequence of layered rocks, although it could also be used to explore any rock
body or structure in detail. If the rocks to be studied are formations or other
formal (named) units, Section 5-3 should be read at the outset. The first step
in the field is tofind a place where the rocks are well exposed along a course
that is roughly perpendicular to the strike of bedding or other rock layers.
The survey itself consists of measuring the bearing and distance from a

Fig. 5-1. Map of traverse across several formations (indicated by letter symbols), with
small circles marking traverse stations and dashed lines traverse legs. The scale of the
figure is about one-third that of a typical field sheet.



Geology in the Field

rocks have been named specifically: serpentinite (consisting mainly of serpentine minerals and formed typically from peridotite or pyroxenite);greisen
(quartz-muscovite rock, often with topaz; see Section 15-7); adinole (pale,
fine-grained albite-rich rock typically formed near diabase bodies); and rodingite (white to pale green, heavy rock consisting mainly of hydrogrossularite, tremolite, and chlorite, and occurring in serpentinized peridotite near
contacts)_ Other metasomatic rocks may be named descriptively, as coarse
quartz-schorl rock, silicified tuff, and so on.

Mapping Rock Units
and Structures

References Cited

5-1. A Geologic Pace and Compass Traverse

Dunham, R. J., 1962, Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional

texture, p. 108-121 in Ham, W. E., editor, Classification of carbonate rocks: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir l.
Fisher, R. V, 1961, Proposed classification of volcaniclastic sediments and rocks:Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, p. 1409-1414.
Fisher, R. V, 1966, Rocks composed of volcanic fragments and their classification:
Earth-Science Reviews, v. 1, p. 287-298.
Fisher, R. V, and Schmincke, H.U., 1984, Pyroclastic rocks: New York, SpringerVerlag, 472 p.
Folk, R. L., 1959, Practical petrographic classification of limestone: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 43, p. 1-38.
Folk, R. L., 1962, Spectral subdivision of limestone types, p. 62-84 in Ham, W. E.,
editor, Classification of carbonate rocks: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Memoir l.
Goldsmith, R., 1959, Granofels, a new metamorphic rock name:]ournal of Geology,
v. 67, p. 109-110.
Isaacs, C. M., 1981, Guide to the Monterey Formation in the California coastal area,
ventura to San Luis Obispo: Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, v. 52, 91 p.
Isaacs, C. M., 1982, Influence of rock composition on kinetics of silica phase changes
in the Monterey Formation, Santa Barbara area, California: Geology, v. 10, p.
James, H. L., 1966, Chemistry of the iron-rich sedimentary rocks: U.S . Geological
Survey Professional Paper 440-W, 61 p.
Moore, J. G., and Peck, D. L., 1962, Accretionary lapilli in volcanic rocks of the
western continental United States: Journal of Geology, v. 70, p. 182-193.
Pettijohn, F. J., 1975, Sedimentary rocks, 3rd edition: New York, Harper & Row,
628 p.
Powers, M. c., 1953, A new roundness scale for sedimentary particles: Journal of
Sedimentary Petrology, v. 23, p. 117-119.
Streckeisen, A. L., chairman, 1973, Plutonic rocks : classification and nomenclature
recommended by the lUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous
Rocks: Geotimes, v. 18, no. 10, p. 26-30.
Williams, H. , Turner, F.J., and Gilbert, C. M.,1982, Petrography: an introduction to
the study of rocks in thin section, 2nd edition : San Francisco, W. H. Freeman
and Co., 626 p.
Wise, D . U., and seven others, 1984, Fault-related rocks: suggestions for terminology: Geology, v. 12, p. 391-394.

This chapter describes procedures used in finding, walking out, and

defining rock units and structures, regardless of the base on which they are
mapped. Methods of locating and plotting these features on topographic
maps and aerial photographs are the chief topics of Chapters 6 and 7,
respectively, and this section describes mapping by a compass traverse at
scales larger than topographic maps and aerial photographs typically permit. A compass traverse is a suitable introduction to geologic mapping in
general, because it is often used to explore, measure, and describe rock units
that may then be mapped more widely and at smaller scales. The map
resulting from the traverse may be only a narrow strip (Fig. 5-1); however,
additional traverses could be used to expand the map. Mapping by closed
traverse loops is described in Section 6-3, as is the use of triangulation to
control large-scale mapping with a compass. Another method to consider
for unusually detailed maps of large outcrops is that of laying out a grid
directly on the ground (Section 3-4). Plane table mapping is another alternative for detailed studies; however, it would require more than one person,
expensive equipment, and additional time (Chapter 8).
The purpose of the traverse described here is to investigate and measure a
sequence of layered rocks, although it could also be used to explore any rock
body or structure in detail. If the rocks to be studied are formations or other
formal (named) units, Section 5-3 should be read at the outset. The first step
in the field is to find a place where the rocks are well exposed along a course
that is roughly perpendicular to the strike of bedding or other rock layers.
The survey itself consists of measuring the bearing and distance from a

Fig. 5-1. Map of traverse across several formations (indicated by letter symbols), with
small circles marking traverse stations and dashed lines traverse legs. The scale of the
figure is about one-third that of a typical field sheet.


Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

station at one end of the course to some station ahead, and from that station
to another, and similarly to the far end of the course (Fig. 5-1). As the figure
suggests, geologic features are examined and plotted sequentially along the
traverse, thus forming a skeletal geologic map.
A reconnaissance will usually be needed to select the best course for the
traverse and to examine the rocks in a preliminary way. Because measurements will be made by pacing, the course should be as unobstructed and
smooth as possible, as along a road, trail, beach, or open ridge. Stream
courses may provide abundant exposures but are commonly too overgrown
for pacing. Compass traverses along railroads and near power lines are likely
to be inaccurate because of magnetic anomalies.
The rocks are reconnoitered in order to subdivide them into more or less
uniform units and to determine if any of their contacts is a fault. A decision
should also be made as to the smallest features that are to be plotted to scale
on the traverse map and sections, because this size will prescribe the minimum scale of the traverse map. Units and features less than 2.5 mm (0.1 in.)
across on a map are difficult to plot accurately; thus if the thinnest unit to
be mapped is 10 m across on the ground, the map scale can be no smaller
than 1:4000 (1 cm = 40 m or 1 in. = 333 ft).
The equipment needed for the survey will vary somewhat with the kinds
of rocks or deposits being studied and can be selected from the descriptions
in Chapter 2. Good quality 8.5 X11 in. quadrille paper is suitable for plotting
a traverse map, and line-ruled paper for taking notes. Basic operations with
a compass and clinometer are described in Chapter 2 and methods of studying outcrops and taking notes in Sections 3-1 to 3-3.
The traverse can be started at either end of the course, but differences in
elevation can be measured more easily when traversing upslope. The ends
of the traverse should be marked with stakes or firmly set stones so that
they can be located easily. Traversing may then proceed by these steps:

procedures is determined by the uniformity of the rock units and the amount
of detail to be plotted. If units are uniform and thick, the traverse legs should
be surveyed at least as far as the first contact before describing the rocks. If
the sequence consists of a variety of thin units, or if many details in thicker
units are to be mapped, the rocks should probably be examined and described as each traverse leg is completed.
Geologic features next to the traverse course are located by the paced
distance to that point. Outcrops more than several meters from the traverse
course generally require offsetting by a compass bearing and a paced
Section 3-1 describes steps in examining the rocks themselves. Contacts
between rock units are plotted as lines (Fig. 5-1). Strike and dip of bedding
should be measured and plotted wherever attitudes change significantly,
such as by 100 in strike or 50 in dip. Folds will be indicated by bedding
symbols and should also be mapped by the bearing and plunge of their hinge
lines (Sections 5-4 and 12-3). Sections 5-4 and 12-5 describe ways of recognizing faults, which are plotted as lines with dip arrows and other symbols
indicating the sense of displacement along them (Appendix 7).
Notes taken on traverses are traditionally numbered by the distance from
the last traverse station. Thus, data observed 21 m along the first traverse
leg would be numbered 0+ 21, and an outcrop 8 m along the second leg, 1 +8.
Section 3-3 describes note-taking and systematic descriptions of rock units.
A ground profile will be needed for the cross section, and it is measured
when the map is complete enough so that a section line can be selected and
drawn on it. The location of this line is a compromise between two needs:
(1) it should be about perpendicular to the strike of bedding or other planar
structures, and (2) it should lie as close as possible to the measured data. If
the traverse is along a straight road or ridge that crosses the beds at about
right angles, the profile can be surveyed by measuring differences of eleva-



1. Standing at an end station (station 0) sight ahead to select the clearest

course for the first traverse leg, then walk ahead to the farthest point from
which station 0 is visible.
2. Mark this point (station 1) with a stake or stone and read a bearing back
to station 0, using the first method described in Section 2-5.
3. Record the bearing, and pace and record the distance back to station O.
4. At station 0, read the bearing to station 1, record it, and pace back to
station 1; if the bearings agree within about 10 and the paced distances
within 1 part in 100, use their averages to plot the first traverse leg. Use the
rulings on the quadrille paper as north-south and east-west lines, and plot
the first leg so that the entire traverse will fall on the sheet.

The survey can then be continued by similar steps, or the geology along
the first leg can be studied and mapped at once. The choice between the two

Fig. 5-2. Traverse (dashed) and cross section line (solid) used to measure a sequence of
folded strata exposed along a high ridge.


Geology in the Field

tion along the traverse, as by hand leveling (Section 2-7). In the more usual
case, the traverse is sinuous, so that the profile must either be measured by a
separate survey of elevations along the section line or be estimated by rough
measurements of slope angles made from the traverse course (Fig. 5-2). The
second procedure is less time-consuming and is typically accurate enough
for rock sequences that are structurally simple. In every case, an elevation
above sea level should be carried to the traverse by leveling from a nearby
bench mark or by estimating from a topographic map.
The geologic information obtained by the traverse can be presented as a
cross section and columnar section arranged with the traverse map on one
plate (Fig. 5-3). The constructions should be made first in pencil. The
equipment needed includes a drawing board, a large drafting triangle, a
Tsquare (or a second triangle), a 3H pencil and eraser, a ruling pen (or any
pen that will give an even line when guided along the edge of a triangle),
black waterproof ink, an accurate scale, and a protractor. Lettering
guides and a contour pen (for drawing evenly weighted freehand lines) may
be helpful.
The following steps are suggested:
1. Tape the traverse map to the drawing board and upon it tape a second
piece of paper for the cross section. On the latter, draw a pencil line exactly
parallel to the section line on the map; this will be the base line of the cross
section. Make short ticks (cross lines) at the ends of the section line on the
map, and project the two ends to the cross section (Fig. 5-4A). Use the elevation data from the survey to plot the ground profile about 3 cm above the
base line.
2. Check the notes and map to be sure that all data have been plotted, and


(i.f"ot.()v. (...

",.p ". . 0

~~"". "D.



A. '."t""

""""t,. " .. 0



Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures


11.. ,.,..

~~~"." "'T1lar.c,Al[

\.4&110 ....


~f~:~/ --- ... __


- ... --

Projection to section line


Projection to section
Plotted apparent dip

Base of section

Fig. 5-4. A. Using a triangle and straightedge to project end of cross section line to end of
section. B. Projecting structures from the section line to the profile of the section.

then project each structure to the section line on the map, curving the projection lines as necessary (Fig. 5-5A).
3. From each of the points thus marked on the section line, project the
structures to the ground profile of the cross section, as shown in Fig_ 5-4B.
4. Use a protractor to plot the dip of each structure, making lines about 1
cm long at each of the points just transferred (Fig. 5-4B). Apparent dips
must be used for structures that strike oblique to the section, and they are
defined and tabulated in Appendix 13. Fig. 5-5B shows how to obtain dips
along curving strike lines.
5. If contacts or faults strike approximately parallel to the section line and
thus do not cross it, they may project into the cross section below the surface.
Section 6-5, step 9, describes how to add them to the cross section.
6. Complete the geology of the cross section by extending bedding and
other structures to the base of the section. Lines that cannot be extended
with reasonable confidence may be dashed, questioned, or omitted.

. ""

. '



'<., ,

"- '-




'\ \", , ,

"- '-








'<... ,
, ,,



'" ,
3O,'d, ,'\ \'<

"- , , , ,,


\, a







'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stratigraphic


Fig. 5-3. Layout of a traverse map and constructed sections.

Fig. 5-5. A. Projected surfaces that converge unnaturaily (left) are probably parts of a
fold and should be curved (right) so as to maintain unit thickness as nearly as possible. B .
To determine the dip at the section line, calculate a thickness from d 1 by the relation t= d J
Xsin L dip; then use this thickness and the distance d2 to calculate the dip at the section
line (sin L dip =ti d;). For the case shown, the dip at a is approximately 40.


Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

7. Figure 6-S shows other additions that may be appropriate.

S. If strike of bedding is about perpendicular to the section line on the
map, scale thicknesses of units directly from the cross section. Otherwise,
measure the outcrop widths of the units perpendicular to strike, and calculate thicknesses by the appropriate equation in Fig. 11-12.
9. Using the unit thicknesses, construct a stratigraphic column in pencil
by starting at a ruled base and adding the units in order of decreasing age.
Use as large a scale as the final plate will permit so that the rocks can be
shown in as much detail as possible. Graphic symbols for rocks are shown
in Appendix S, and Fig. 11-15 illustrates the general style and specific parts
of a stratigraphic column. Important items to include are a vertical scale; a
brief description of each unit, which is lettered to the right of the column;
and the rock-unit names and ages on the left. An explanation will not be
necessary if the unit descriptions cover all rocks plotted in the column.
10. Assemble the pencil copies of the three parts of the plate so that the
base of the cross section is parallel to the section line on the map, and the
stratigraphic column is perpendicular to it (Fig. 5-3). Tape a piece of tracing
film over them with its base parallel to the section line and trace the illustrations in ink. Add at least these items: (1) a title at the top of the plate (as

limiting rock units. If the limits so defined are less than 10 m apart, and the
base map has a scale of 1:24,000, the contact can be plotted as precisely as if
it were totally exposed.
If outcrops are a good deal farther apart, the position of the contact must
be worked out by using accessory evidence. The commonest indicators are
float fragments of one or both rock units, which can be used even where
downslope creep has displaced them (Fig. 5-6A). Weakly resistant rocks that
rarely form float may be brought up at animal burrows or may leave residual
concretions or fossils in the soil. The soil itself commonly varies from one
rock unit to another, often by containing specific refractory mineral grains,
such as quartz grains that might mark the position of a granite or a sandstone next to a gabbro or a limestone. Other soil properties, such as color,
texture, and compactness may also be useful in certain kinds of soils (Section
10-9). Vegetation may differ across an unexposed contact, and this relation
is generally more visible from a distance or by examining aerial photographs.
Concealed contacts may also be indicated by a change in the angle of slope or
by aligned springs or patches of wet ground.
A sharp, well-exposed contact is drawn on the map by a solid thin line.
Irregularities that cannot be drawn to scale must be generalized, but otherwise the line shows the contact's exact position. Strike and dip of the
contact surface should be measured where possible and plotted by the symbols shown in Appendix 7. If outcrops and other firm evidence are so widely
spaced that the contact line may be in error by 1 mm (1125 in.) on the map (24
m or SO ft on the ground at 1:24,000 scale), the line can be dashed to indicate
the uncertainty. Dashes approximately 3 mm (liS in.) long are commonly
used where the uncertainty is under 2 mm (1/10 in.) on the map, and dashes
1 mm (1/25 in.) long are used for less certain contacts (Appendix 7). Dashed

Cross Section and StratigraPhic Column ofMiddle Miocene Rocks Along Shady
Ridge); (2) your name; (3) date of the project; (4) the method used (as By pace
and compass traverse); (5) a bar scale for the map and cross section; (6) a
north arrow next to the map; (7) elevations at the ends of the cross section;
(S) brief labels or symbols for all features plotted on the map; and (9) an
explanation that identifies all symbols (see Appendixes 7, S, and 9).
5-2. Finding and Tracing Contacts Between Rock Units

Any rock that forms bodies large enough to plot on the base being used
may serve as a mapping unit. Rock units are mapped by walking out their
contacts with adjoining units and by locating and drawing the contact traces
as lines on the map or photograph. This procedure should not be delayed
until all outcrops have been visited, nor until contacts are "understood"
and ideal rock units have been selected (Section 5-3). Rock units are bound
to be refined and perhaps redefined drastically during the course of mapping.
The most productive procedure at the outset is to start mapping obvious
contacts, and thus let the map take form with as little bias as possible.
A sharp contact between two distinctly different rocks is an ideal one to
start mapping. In the usual situation the contact will be exposed only locally,
so that it must somehow be followed across areas where it is concealed. If
outcrops are fairly closely spaced, the contact can be followed by walking a
zig-zag course in the general direction predicted by the strike and dip of the
contact where it is exposed. The strategy is to locate all outcrops of the two


Contour int. 0 40 It.

Fig. 5-6. A. Using upper limits of pebbles and (below) of clay-rich soil to map two contacts.
B. Strike and dip measured near a contact (upper left) are used to project the contact
ahead by the relation x = difl in elevation -;- tan L dip.


Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

contact lines are not always used on published maps because of drafting
costs or the difficulty of scribing dashes, but they are valuable as a field
Use of strike and dip to locate contacts is helpful where one or both units
are bedded or foliated parallel to their contact. The method is based on the
assumption that the strike and dip remain the same for some distance
viewed ahead. In open country the procedure is as follows: (1) stand on the
trace of the contact, facing in the direction of a line of strike measured
nearby; (2) set the clinometer at the measured dip and hold the compass as
though measuring dip, sighting ahead along the projected trace of the contact; (3) visualize the planar surface in the mind's eye and thus estimate
where it would cross the topographic forms that lie ahead; and (4) walk
ahead on and near this line, searching in places where the units might be
exposed. In areas where one cannot get a view ahead along the projected
contact, a predicted line can be constructed on a topographic map by using
strike and dip (Fig. 5-6B). Neither of these methods should be used to map a
contact, for the contact might turn or be displaced along a fault at any point.
They help, however, in the search for crucial outcrops or other indications
of the contact's actual position.
Units too small to map to scale include many dikes, sills, intrusive pipes,
veins, tuff beds, and thin sedimentary units, such as coal seams, fossiliferous beds, and conglomerate beds. Where tabular, these units are plotted as
single lines that represent their mapped traces. Color pencils may be used to
distinguish different kinds of units. Where dikes or other thin units are too
closely spaced to be plotted separately, lines may be used to represent
swarms of more or less parallel units. Intrusive pipes and other nontabular
rock bodies can be plotted as small circles, ellipses, or lenses that can be
identified by a letter symbol or a spot of color. Because the size of all these
units is exaggerated, their actual dimensions must be entered in the notes.
Gradations between rock units are as important as sharply defined contacts. Sharp contacts imply distinct changes in conditions when the rocks
were formed or abrupt changes in the materials being emplaced at a given
site. In sedimentary rocks they suggest a hiatus in deposition and should
always be examined for evidence of unconformity (Section 9-6). Gradations,
on the other hand, imply continuity of accumulation, or materials already in
place becoming mixed with newly deposited materials. Gradations resulting
from gradual changes during accumulation are especially common in sedimentary rocks but apply to other kinds of sequences, such as lavas that
become successively more silicic due to evolution of magma at depth.
Gradations between rock units must be mapped by criteria that are considered carefully and used consistently. Where a single contact line is drawn,
it is generally located in the middle of the gradation . In some cases, a simple
physical criterion can be used as the basis for the line. For example, if sand-

stone grades upward into shale through a sequence of interbedded sandstone

and shale, the line might be placed at the top of the highest sandstone bed
exceeding a certain thickness. Units that grade to one another normal to
bedding, however, are also likely to grade laterally, and thus a single bed
such as that just mentioned is not likely to retain the same thickness for a
great distance. Figure 5-7 illustrates a typical case.
Some broadly gradational relations may be mapped by plotting two contacts, one where each unit begins to show changes from its normal characteristics. The two lines thus encompass the total zone of gradation and if
desirable a midline can be drawn as the final contact line (Fig. 14-1). Spots of
color may be effective in marking the limits of each rock because they are
readily distinguishable from other penciled data in the same area.
Compton (1962, p. 64) suggested using a thin band of hachures for gradational contacts. Although generally not used in published maps (perhaps
because it is not a crisp line), this symbol may make field maps more informative. Appendix 7 shows two other line symbols that have been used for
gradational contacts.


5-3. Refining and Correlating Geologic Units

Mapping is best started with units that seem obvious, natural, and suit
the scale of the mapping, rather than forcing contacts to fit formations
mapped in other areas. As a study progresses, however, these initial units
are typically modified for several possible reasons. Thin units may have to
be combined to complete mapping on schedule. A thick unit that seemed
uniform may prove to be separable along an unconformity proven by fossils
of greatly different ages. Some units may be impossible to map throughout
the area because of lateral changes or inconsistent contact relations. Still
others may prove to be entirely secondary, as a dolomite body superimposed
across one or more limestone units.



~~Y !--------------<!



Fig. 5-7. A vert ical and lateral gradation between sandstone and shale units (le/t) can be
mapped at the top of sandstone beds with a certain minimal thickness (upper right) or
generalized by a dashed line.

Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

An important question to consider is whether or not mapped units correspond to formations or other units established elsewhere in the region.
Established (formal)units mayor may not be ideal (truly useful), but one
should lean toward using them in order to keep regional geologic relations
as simple and clear as possible. References to the names, original descriptions, and current usage of formal units in the United States have been
computerized and are available by phoning, writing, or visiting the Geologic
Names Committee representative in any regional office of the U.S. Geological
Survey. Information on units in other countries is generally available
through that nation's geological survey and is usually also available through
provincial geological surveys.
Rock units that prove useful but have not been formalized by the rules of
the stratigraphic code are generally termed informal. Formal or informal,
the only units suitable for the sort of mapping described in this book must
have lithic characteristics or distinctive contacts that can be recognized in
the field. The latest stratigraphic code (North American Commission on
Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 1983) proposed four categories of units that
meet these requirements, and they are defined briefly below:

time to time in succeeding stratigraphic codes. If the current code cannot be

read before or during the field season, yet certain units being mapped seem
likely to be proposed as new formal units, the following should be done in
the field:


1. Lithostratigraphic units are composed of sedimentary rocks, extrusive

volcanic rocks, or metamorphic variations of unmistakable sedimentary or
volcanic protoliths. The basic formal unit (the one generally used in mapping) is the/ormation, and it may be divided into members and may be part of
a unit called a group, which is composed of two or more formations ..
2. Lithodemic units are composed of intrusive rocks , of highly deformed
rocks, or of metamorphic rocks too metamorphosed to be mapped as sedimentary or volcanic protoliths. The basic formal unit is the lithodeme, which
may be divided into informal subunits and may be part of larger lithodemic
units called suites.
3. Allostratigraphic units are composed of sedimentary or extrusive volcanic rocks that are lithologically indistinguishable from adjoining units
but are mappable because of distinctive contacts that are typically unconformities. The basic unit is the all%rmation, which may be divided into
allomembers and may be part of an allogroup.
4. Pedostratigraphic units are buried soil profiles or parts of profiles, and
are too thin to map to scale in most studies but are important stratigraphically (Section 10-9).

Biostratigraphic units and magnetostratigraphic units, also defined in the

1983 code, are of great value in determining geologic age but require intensive
laboratory study of samples and are thus impractical for typical mapping in
the field.
The rules for naming and defining these various kinds of units are too
comprehensive to include here; moreover, they are likely to be modified from


1. A type section should be selected and measured (Chapter 11) if the unit
is lithostratigraphic or allostratigraphic, and a type locality or area should
be selected if it is lithodemic or pedostratigraphic. This selection is based on
two needs: (1) the rocks must be truly representative of the unit, and (2)
they should be as well exposed as possible.
2. The unit should be described fully, as suggested in Section 3-3 and
parts of Chapters 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15.
3. The contacts should be mapped as extensively as possible and studied
and defined exactly.
4. Fossils and rocks that can be used for assigning geologic or numerical
ages should be collected.

All rules in the code can then be met after the field season.
consists of working out the equivalence of rock units from one
area to another, based on one or more of these criteria: age, stratigraphic
position, lithologic characteristics, and fossil content. Correlations are
generally made when a field study has reached the stage that local rock
units have become well enough known to be compared with units established elsewhere.
Fossil collections and isotopic data are typically the surest means of
correlating units by age; they can be in error, however, so that equivalence
should be checked by as many of the following as possible: (1) specific thin
units that can be identified with certainty, such as a tuff bed, a limestone
bed, a phosphate-rich bed, a claystone, or a layer rich in unusual detrital
minerals; (2) geomagnetic polarity; (3) climatic markers such as glacial deposits (Section 10-5), specific kinds of paleosols (Section 10-9), or fossils indicative of changes in ocean temperature; (4) durations of time expressed by
varves or other annual layers in sediments or fossils; (5) intrusive or extrusive igneous rocks recording unique igneous events; (6) evidence of rapid
marine transgression or regression, such as sequences of primary structures
like those described in Section 9-8; (7) major unconformities; (8) unique
sequences of lithologic units; (9) tectonic events, as indicated by deformed
rocks or by rapidly accumulated coarse sediments; and (10) age relations
among deposition, deformation, metamorphism, and igneous activity.
Although all of these means of correlation can be fallible, certain ones may
work well in a given area. Additional age-relations that may be useful are
described in Chapters 9, 10, and 12 through 15.
Geochronology consists of assigning specific geologic ages (geochronologic
units) to rocks , generally on the basis of fossils or numerical ages. Appendix


Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

10 can be used to assign geologic ages on the basis of numerical ages; however, some of the numbers may be modified from time to time. Lacking suitable materials, ages can be assigned tentatively by other means (see
correlation, above).

changes in orientation of bedding, foliation, or lineations; (4) brecciation; (5)

sudden appearance of altered rocks; (6) abrupt increase in jointing; and (7)
fracture surfaces with local slickensides or other indications of displacement. As the mapping progresses, faults with large displacements will
become obvious on the map, which will show one or another of: (1) abrupt
offsets of rock units; (2) repetition of units or parts of units; (3) missing
units or parts of units; or (4) angular discordance of bedding or other kinds
of layering. Faults must be walked out completely, for they may turn
abruptly, may terminate in another fault, may die out in flexures or splays
of many minor faults , or may pass into bedding-plane faults that cannot be
located by mapping rock-unit contacts.
A variety of features may suggest faults in poorly exposed areas or where
faults/ lie entirely within one rock formation: fragments of rocks that are
stratigraphically out of place; float of brecciated, crudely foliated, or slickensided rock; silicified rock fragments or rock altered to clays or other
secondary minerals; lines of springs or water-seeking plants; aligned breaks
in slope; aligned saddles in ridges; valleys that are oblique to the main structural grain; and lineaments on aerial photographs or other imagery. Because
some of these features form along fractures that are not faults, each possible
fault must be tested by walking single rock-layers up to it, and seeing
whether or not they cross it without offset.
Once a fault has been discovered, exposures should be sought in stream
banks, road cuts, and excavations in order to measure its strike and dip.
Exposed fault surfaces may have slickened grooves, striations, or major
corrugations that indicate the direction of latest fault movement, and the
plunge or pitch of these linear structures should be measured and recorded

5-4. Mapping Geologic Structures

Folds, faults, unconformities, and intrusions are indicated by the mapped

shapes of rock contacts and by patterns of strike-and-dip symbols or plunge
symbols of lineations. Adjacent symbols that are not parallel indicate a
structure of some kind and imply a need for additional information. Structural attitudes should thus be recorded in the notes and plotted on the map
or aerial photograph as soon as they are measured. Strike and plunge lines
can be plotted quickly by orienting the protractor as shown in Fig. 6-1A. As
soon as it is plotted, each symbol must be checked by holding the map or
photograph so that it is oriented parallel to the terrain, and by comparing
the symbol with the outcrop. Does the bed dip in the direction plotted? Is the
strike line in the right quadrant?
In structurally disturbed areas each symbol must be located so that the
place occupied is exactly at the point where the strike and dip lines join, or is
at the back end of a plunge arrow.
Nonparallel structure symbols commonly correlate with tectonic structures (see below) but may be due entirely to: (1) soft-sediment or other intraformational folding; (2) landslides; and (3) creep. Closely spaced structure
symbols may also differ because of variously inclined initial dips, such as
those of channel-facies sandstone in a small, steep alluvial fan , or of tephra
on the flanks of a cinder cone. In areas where structural attitudes are moderately variable, the overall attitude of a contact or layer-surface can be
determined by the three-point method (Section 3-5).
Folds of large size will generally be shown by the curving or zig-zag
traces of mapped contacts. Individual distinctive beds (key beds) or intraformational contacts may have to be mapped additionally to work out the
folds' full shapes and positions. Folds within single rock units are suggested
by opposed dips of structure symbols, and these suggestions can be verified
by finding small-scale fold hinges or cleavage-bedding relations, which are
generally coaxial with large folds (Fig. 5-8). These relations and other suggestions for working with folded rocks are described in Chapter 12. Section
3-6 describes measurement of lineations, and Appendix 7 shows line symbols
used for folds on maps.
Faults are rarely seen in natural exposures because the broken or weakened rocks along them are preferentially weathered and eroded, especially
along faults with large displacements. In fairly well exposed areas, faults
may be suggested at the outcrop by: (1) rock units or parts of units that are
clearly out of place; (2) sudden and unlikely changes in lithology; (3) abrupt

\ ", .t'
"0 " "









~ .t








", /



~ 1- ~




.... . . . .. ...












'_1_ - ,


- - -1-I


.. "



Fig.5-8. Map of outcropsize folds (le/t) and approximate forms, plunges, and axial sur
faces of larger folds in terpreted from these data (right). Each symbol in the map on the left
IS drawn as the small fold would appear on a horizontal surface (the three boxes show
horizontal outcrops from which the respective symbols were derived).


Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

(Section 3-6). Rock fragments foreign to the wall rocks should be noted and
collected. Cataclastic rocks and mylonitic rocks can be classified as suggested in Section 4-7. Section 12-5 describes structures and relations suggesting sense of movement as well as features indicating recent movement
on faults.
Symbols for plotting faults are given in Appendix 7 and should be no more
specific than justified by mapped arid observed relations (Section 12-5).
Known faults should be plotted even though they do not offset contact lines
at the scale of the map. Such offsets may be exaggerated slightly on the map
to show readers the sense of displacement.
Foliation, jOints, and tabular intrusions are measured in the same way as bedding, and each is plotted with a distinctive symbol (Appendix 7). The structures
must always be plotted as mapping proceeds, in order to determine the overall
shapes of rock bodies, the locations of faults, and the principal trends of fracture
systems. Bearings and plunges of a variety of linear structures are measured
and plotted for the same reasons. During mapping, these various structures
must be identified no more specifically than evidence permits. General groupings and specific (genetic) varieties are described in Chapters 9, 10, and 12
through 15. Symbols for many varieties have not been standardized but may be
keyed on the field map by small letters placed next to structure symbols or by
using colored structure symbols.

forms and vegetation. Field glasses will help greatly in identifying outcrops
and soils along each extended line. As the traverse is continued, views back
over the terrain from different vantage points may improve the mapped
contacts and structure lines.
A second traverse is then made along an adjoining ridge or road. Contacts
and structures are connected to the lines drawn during the first traverse
some of which can be corrected by views back to features not visible fro~
the first traverse line. When the second traverse is completed, units generally become easier to recognize from a distance and the spacing of traverses
may be increased.
Rock units and structures which are finally mapped throughout an area
are typically larger and simpler than those that would be mapped in a thorough survey. Generally, however, the data collected along the first traverse
should be quite thorough, so that contacts can be recognized confidently on
the next few traverses. Later, when stratigraphic details have become
familiar, small units may be grouped into larger and simpler units. These
larger units should be as genetically coherent as possible. For example, a
variety of silicic lavas, pyroclastic rocks, and minor intrusions might be
grouped into a unit of related silicic volcanic rocks. Continuity and distinctiveness are as important as size or thickness in selecting map units. An
ideal map unit, for example, might be a persistent thin limestone that forms
a distinctive ledge on slopes.


5-5. Rapid (Reconnaissance or Regional) Geologic Mapping

The thorough mapping described in the preceding sections may take too
much time for some projects, or may be impossible because of limited access.
More rapid methods may be used, and they will result in accordingly
approximate or incomplete maps. The term reconnaissance is often applied
to such mapping, especially when it precedes more thorough studies. Rapid
mapping methods may also be used to develop the regional geology of a
detailed study or to supply a regional framework for other measurements.
In addition, projects consisting of detailed mapping may close with brief
mapping excursions into surrounding areas to check the continuity of rock
units or major structures.
Rapid geologic mapping should be preceded by study of aerial photographs
(Section 7-3). Data from the photographs and from existing geologic maps
and reports should be penciled tentatively on a base map. The field mapping
can then be planned on the basis of key areas described in the literature, as
well as of major exposures and routes of access.
The mapping can often be started by traversing along an open ridge (or
perhaps a road or trail) that crosses the structural grain at a large angle. As
each unit-contact and structure is plotted along the traverse course, its
mapped trace is extended as far as possible on the basis of topographic

5-6. Outcrop Maps, Maps of Surficial Deposits, and Bedrock Maps

Outcrop maps show individual exposures plotted to scale and thus are
valuable in showing exactly what is visible in the field (Fig. 5-9). Persons
using these maps can find important outcrops easily and can make their
own interpretations of concealed contacts, faults, and folds (Kupfer, 1966).
Outcrop maps are commonly made for studies of surficial deposits, for
engineering geologic studies, and in cases where new kinds or new sets of
data may be added from time to time, as in mapping a mineral deposit that is
being prospected and developed into a mine.
In order to show geologic relations at individual outcrops, outcrop mapping is typically done at scales larger than 1:24,000. Contacts between map
units are drawn as solid lines in outcrop areas and as dotted lines in covered
areas (Fig. 5-9). Letter symbols or colors are used to identify units within
outcrop areas, and pale color tints can be added to show interpreted continuity of concealed units. On field sheets, some geologists draw colored lines
around ou tcrops to distinguish these contacts from those wi thin the exposed
area. Others draw a black line around the outcrop and add a color line on the
outside to clarify the positions of rock and cover in large irregular exposures.
The continuity and significance of bedrock structures can be interpreted

Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

and plotted most effectively if outcrops are mapped systematically across

areas. The method of predicting contact traces by using a measured strike
and dip (Section 5-2) may be helpful in following concealed structures from
one outcrop to the next.
Surficial deposits encountered during general geologic mapping are
mapped as specific units if time permits. Small patches are usually generalized and sometimes omitted, because they may be difficult to map accurately
or may interfere with structural patterns in the underlying units.
On the contrary, accurate, complete maps showing all kinds of surficial
deposits as well as their stratigraphic subdivisions are essential for some
geologic studies. Examples of such studies are interpretations of Quaternary
history, measurements of recent deformation, selection of sites for construction , exploration for surficial economic materials, and land-use planning. Mapping methods are basically similar to those described elsewhere
in this chapter; however, they require patience and thoroughness, because
surficial deposits are commonly unbedded and so weakly consolidated as to
form few outcrops and to spread widely as float. A working knowledge of a
variety of genetic units and features is desirable (Chapter 10).
Mapping is best started at quarries, road cuts, or other large excavations
where a sequence of deposits is exceptionally exposed. Tracing contacts
across country typically requires augering or trenching and study of soils
and soil maps (Section 10-9). Well-drillers, farmers , engineers, and local

government surveys may be able to supply geologic or geophysical data from

well logs, test holes, or former excavations, such as for pipelines, tunnels,
and building foundations.
Surficial deposits commonly comprise two or more age-units (as a
sequence of loess sheets) and quite commonly more than one kind of unit (as
alluvium overlain by till). Contacts in multiple units are locally emphasized
by cut-and-fill relations, by lags of coarse particles, and by paleosols, as
described more fully in Chapter 10. These stratigraphic sequences are of
great value and may be plotted on field sheets next to their location
(Fig. 5-10).
A system of color spots or letter symbols for keying outcrops on field
sheets should be devised with extra care because of the variety of deposits
that may be encountered. The Q may be omitted from symbols for Quaternary deposits because they will be the dominant age class. Letter symbols
should be as brief and informative as possible, as in the system described in






Hrat .

~c.tioni 0




Old alluvium

Pinta Shale


Alluvial sand
of floodplain

Rugin Shale

Sand and
gravel of
alluvial fan


I~ '!.d;v1
Dill Rhyolite

Fig. 5-9. Fragment of an outcrop map wi th contours omitted. The double lines a re roads
and the structure symbols are explained in Appendix 7.





Ruby Shale

Eolian sand


Clast lineation
in till

Wind direction
from dunes

Auger hole
test pit

Fig. 5-10. Map of surficial units , with simplified stratigraphic sections at exceptional
exposures. Contours omitted. Surficial unit symbols based on the system in Table 51.


Geology in the Field

Table 5-1, which was devised for engineering geologic mapping. Multiple
sequences can be coded by numbers (Fig. 5-10).
Bedrock maps show the distribution of more or less solid (indurated)
mapped units , whether the units crop out at the earth's surface or are
covered by loose or moderately indurated surficial deposits. Bedrock units
are typically much older than the surficial deposits; however, an age distinction may be arbitrary in areas where solid rocks are being formed more or
less continuously, such as in long-active volcanic fields .
The purpose of bedrock maps is to show the continuity and thereby the
structure of the bedrock units. They are usually constructed for areas
covered largely by surficial deposits. Figure 5-9 shows such an area, and
this map could be converted to a bedrock map by making the dotted
(covered) lines solid and coloring or patterning the bedrock units over the
entire map. It is useful to retain the contact lines of surficial deposits, and to
show the positions of small bedrock outcrops in areas of surficial deposits
by marking each location with a small x. The bedrock units may be shown
in full color where they crop out and in a pale tint of the same color where
they lie under surficial deposits.
5-7. Mapping Engineering Geologic Units

To be as useful as possible for non-geologists and particularly for engineers, geologic maps must show properties of earth materials as well as all
of the usual geologic features. This information is needed for site selection,
construction, and land-use planning. Ordinary geologic maps are always
pertinent to such projects, and complete maps of surficial deposits may be
essential. However, a single rock unit on a geologic map commonly includes
materials with widely different physical properties, such as separate bodies
of sandstone and mudstone. In addition, map units that are uniform to a
geologist may be critically nonuniform to an engineer. An example would be
a specific granite that is solid and widely jointed in some areas, highly fractured in other areas, and deeply decomposed in still others.
Thus, engineering geologic mapping typically involves two categories of
units: (1) rock and surficial units of ordinary geologic maps and (2) units
based on features indicative of one or more of these basic properties of materials: (1) strength (resistance to deformation under loading); (2) ductility
(ease of more or less plastic flow); (3) hardness (resistance to abrasion, cutting, and drilling); (4) durability (resistance to decay and disintegration);
and (5) permeability. Attewell and Farmer (1976) have described ways of
measuring these basic properties in the laboratory and in the field , but these
measurements usually are not made during initial mapping. Instead, the
basic properties are estimated from specific characteristics, simple field
tests, and features such as those listed below:

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures


Table 5-1. Engineering Geologic Symbols for Surficial Deposits*


A - Alluvial
G - Glacial
C - Colluvial
L - Lacustrine
E - Eolian
M - Marine
F - Fill (manmade)
R - Residual

S - Slide
V - Volcanic

B. LITH.OLOGIC SYMBOLS (always used and placed after genetic symbol; symbols
for mIxed materials can be composed in three ways: (1) for simple combinations
o~ sizes, the sy~bol of the most abundant material is placed first, as ms for sandy
SIlt; (2) where sIzes show a large range, a dash is used, as c-gfor all sizes from clay
to gravel ; and (3) where different materials are mixed as structural domains a
slash is used, as m/p for interbedded silt and peat)
c - clay
k . cobbles
e - erratic blocks
m - silt
b - boulders
p - peat
s - sand
r - rock rubble
0 - organic material
g - gravel
t - trash or debris
d - diatomaceous material
C. QUALIFYING GENETIC SYMBOLS (may be used for specific kind of units;
placed in parentheses after lithologic symbol, as Ag(f) for gravel of an alluvial fan)
Alluvial - (f), fan; (te), terrace; (fp), floodplain ; (p), pediment; (df), debris flow;
(de) , delta
Collu vial- (sw), slope wash ; (ra), rock avalanche; (ta), talus; (cr), creep deposits
Eolian - (d), dune morphology; (1), loess
Fill- (u), uncompacted; (e) engineered
Glacial - (f), fill, undifferentiated; (It), lodgment till; (at), ablation till; (es), esker;
(m), morainal ridge; (k), Kame; (0), outwash; (i), ice contact
Lacustrine and marine - (b), beach; (et), estuarine, undifferentiated; (sp), swamp;
(de), delta; (rna), marsh; (tc), tidal channel; (0), offshore, undifferentiated
Residual - (sp), full soil profile; (bh), B horizon; (ch), C horizon; (sa), saprolite;
(wp), weathering products, undifferentiated
Slide - (ro), rotational; (tr), translational ; (fl), earthflow; (fa), fall; (sl), slump or soil
Volcanic - (at), airfall ; (pf), pyroclastic flow ; (s) surge; (PY), pyroclastic, undifferentiated; (I), lahar; (pw), water-deposited pyroclastic; (pc), pyroclastic cone
D. THICKNESS is indicated by placing the thickness in meter-s or feet in parenteses
at the end of the s ymbol , as Gs(o)(14m) for 14 meters of glacial outwash sand;
symbols may be stacked, with intervening horizontal lines, to show stratigraphic
sequence at anyone place
E.. PHYSICAL MODIFIER SYMBOLS (placed before the genetic symbol , as cAg(f)
for cemented alluvial fan gravel)
c - cemented
e - expansive
h - hydrocompactible
*Modified after Galster (1977) and Keaton (1984)

Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

Strength: (1) response to tests of firmness, as those of Appendix 4; (2)

spacing of joints; (3) degree of fissility, which is likely to be high in shale,
slate, schist, and foliated igneous rocks; (4) porosity; and (5) steepness of
topographic slopes.
Ductility: (1) clay content of rocks, deposits, and soils; (2) creep deformation on slopes; (3) tendency to form earthflows rather than blocky slide
masses (Section 10-7); (4) swelling, shrinking, cracking, and slaking; (5) soil
consistence (Section 10-9); and (6) presence of specific ductile rocks, such as
shale, claystone, gypsum, salt rock, ice, altered vitric tuff, altered slate and
mica-rich schist, and melange deposits.
Hardness: (1) resistance to scratching with a steel point; (2) in firm rocks,
hardness of the principal minerals (Appendix 4).
Durability: (1) resistance to erosion, as expressed by topography; (2)
thickness of disintegrated materials on moderate slopes; (3) grain size of
disintegrated materials; (4) fracture spacing; (5) proportion of cemented
pores and kind of cement; (6) susceptibility to gullying, slumping, and sliding; (7) all other indications of high ductility, softness, and low strength.
Permeability: (1) size and continuity of pores; (2) spacing and openness of
fractures; (3) grain size and sorting of aggregates; (4) rates of drying after
thorough wetting; (5) rates of infiltration of water; (6) presence of vegetation
requiring rapid, deep drainage (generally large plants) as opposed to prolonged shallow moisture (generally small plants).

may include unusually large-scale mapping (1:50 to 1:200), as described

briefly in Section 3-4 and for trenches and other excavations by Hatheway
In some cases the engineering geologic data plotted on the map will be
based on measurements or estimates of actual quantities; in other cases
they will consist of broader qualitative judgments. Examples of measurements or estimates of quantities are the numbers of Appendix 4, the thickness of surficial ductile deposits, and the spacing of fractures. Qualitative
judgments are usually rated in five categories (very low, low, moderate, high,
and very high) and may involve one kind of information (as porosity) or all
information relating to a basic property (as ductility). Both kinds of information can be recorded at field sites by letter symbols, color spots, or colored
numbers (Tables 5-1 and 5-2, Fig. 5-11). Contact lines are mapped in the field
where properties change from one category to the next. Varnes (1974) and
the International Association of Engineering Geology (1976) have described
additional categories of information plotted on engineering geologic maps,
and several specific mapping systems have been presented in the August
1984 issue of The Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists
(vol. 21, no. 3).
The mapping should also indicate places where on-going processes may
affect structures or prohibit certain land uses. Examples are sites of rapid


The procedures used in making an engineering geologic map depend on

the uniformity of geologic units and on whether or not a geologic map of
suitable scale is already available. If an accurate geologic map is available,
and field checking shows that each of the mapped units is uniform with
respect to engineering properties, the geologic map can be converted to an
engineering geologic map by measuring or estimating and describing the
engineering properties of each unit and by plotting specific data at sites of
borings or other tests, as in a map prepared by Radbruch (1969).
In cases ,where many geologic units have been mapped, and field study
shows that each is uniform and physically similar to others of the units, the
geologic map can be converted to an engineering geologic map by grouping
similar units and describing the engineering properties of each group, as in
a map by Briggs (1971).
In the third and perhaps commonest case, geologic units are nonuniform
and must thus be divided into units based on engineering geologic properties,
using one or more criteria such as those described above. The mapping
should be done on a clean topographic base or aerial photograph. If a standard geologic map is available, it should be checked and improved during the
mapping. If a geologic map is not available, one should be made, because it
will be needed for a full interpretation of structural relations. Field studies


Fig. 5-11. A. Part of a field sheet made to determine distribution of large scale strength of
bedrock in an area underlain by granite (sjCR, slightly fractured; mjCR, moderately
fractured; and kjCR, highly fractured granite; em-g, colluvium ranging in grain size
from silt to gravel; Ags, alluvial sandy gravel; other symbols explained in Appendix 7). B.
Part of a map showing distribution and thicknesses of surficial ductile materials (hwSS,
highly weathered sandstone; mwSS, moderately weathered sandstone; hwSH, highly
weathered shale; mwSH, moderately weathered shale; Cc, colluvial clay; Ccs, colluvial
sandy clay; Scs (fl), sandy clay of ea rthflow; and As(fp), sand of floodplain). Small x's are
outcrops and small circles are auger holes.


Geology in the Field

Mapping Rock Units and Stuctures

erosion or deposition; faults and landslides that may become active; areas
susceptible to flooding by rivers or tides; potentially active sinkholes; significant deposits of uncompacted fill ; soils undergoing rapid creep; slopes prone
to gullying, loess units susceptible to hydrocompaction and thus to collapse;
and ground that would develop unusually strong motion during earthquakes. Some critical areas can be recognized by comparing the present
terrain with features shown on old aerial photographs, ground photographs,
or maps, or described in historical records.
All of the information described above will be of immediate use for a specific project and may b_e enhanced for other uses. Data on ductility and per-

meability, for example, can be combined with slope angles to produce a map
showing probable slope stabilities. Slopes should be measured if possible,
because contour maps may show moderately steep to steep slopes to be
gentler than they actually are. Varnes (1974) described how to analyze several
sets of data in order to locate areas suitable for specific uses.
Environmental assessments predict how and to what degree specific
engineer-projects will affect the natural and cultural environment. Basically,
the assessments describe: (1) the existing environment; (2) the probable
impacts of a project on it; and (3) ways (if any) of mitigating against adverse
effects. Typical nongeologic topics include the local cultural history, specifics
of the flora and fauna, and interactions of local people with their
surroundings-a topic ranging from air pollution to aesthetics. Although
brief checklists for preparing an assessment are available (Jorgenson, 1982),
the nongeologic topics vary so greatly with the kind of project, the specific
needs of people, and local politics, that state and local codes should be consulted in all cases.
The geologic topics of environmental assessments have their basis in
engineering geologic studies such as those already described. In addition to
describing rocks, structures, and surficial deposits, the assessments should
include thorough descriptions of topographic features, hydrologic systems,
surficial processes, and the effects of adding or removing materials. Topics
relating to topography include: (1) details of genetic forms (floodplains, terminal moraines, karst, beach ridges, periglacial ground, etc.); (2) lateral stability of slopes underlain by certain rock or surficial units; (3) distribution
of all landslides and soil slips; (4) locations of cracked, hummocky, or patterned ground; (5) slopes susceptible to gullying or unusually rapid creep;
and (6) stability of excavated surfaces and of natural slopes placed under
heavy structural loads.
Topics to consider in describing hydrologic systems include: (1) kinds of
water bodies (streams, ponds, swamps, springs, etc.); (2) their sources; (3)
their distribution relative to other geologic features and units; (4) rates of
flow in streams, springs, and groundwater systems; (5) diurnal, seasonal,
and long-term variations in amounts of flow or sizes of water bodies, citing
specific evidence of long-term variations (historical records, mineral deposits, topographic forms); (6) interactions with flora and fauna; (7) effects of
water on properties of rocks and surficial deposits; (8) effects on landsliding
and creep; (9) water chemistry; (10) freeze-thaw regimes; (11) variations in
height of the water table; (12) production of groundwater relative to longterm variations in precipitation; and (13) confined systems and their piezometric surfaces.
Some topics relating to on-going processes are mentioned in the foregoing
section on engineering geologic maps and the references cited there. Additional topics in areas subject to earthquakes are: (1) direct effects of fault



5-2. Engineering Geologic Symbols for Rocks*

SS - sandstone
DT - diatomite
DO- dolomite
ST - siltstone
SH - shale
CK- chalk
CG - conglomerate
LS - limestone
CH- chert
CS - claystone
GR - granite (granitic rock) AN - andesite
RH - rhyolite
GA- gabbro
BA - basalt
VO - volcanic
FE - felsite
DI - diorite
IG - undifferentiated
TU- tuff
SY - syenite
QT - quartzite
SL - slate
MA - marble
SC - schist
AR - argillite
SE - serpentinite
GS - greenstone
GN- gneiss
ME - undifferentiated
PH - phyllite
HO- hornfels
CC - Portland cement
AC - asphaltic concrete
PA - undifferentiated
Mixed domains too small to be mapped to scale can be indicated by a slash, as
SS/ ST for interbedded sandstone and silts tone
Thicknesses of units that cannot be mapped to scale are indicated by numbers in
parentheses placed after the rock symbols. Symbols may be stacked with inter
vening horizontal lines, to indicate s tratigraphic or structural seq~ence at any
one place.
MODIFIER SYMBOLS, if used , are placed in front of the rock symbol , as in Fig.
511 . Symbols based on quantified systems, a s that of Williamson (1984), are
' After Galster (J977) and Keaton (1984)


Geology in the Field

movements (ground rupture, subsidence, uplift, etc.); (2) effects of shaking

on the various rocks and deposits (liquefaction, sliding, cracking, settling
due to compaction); (3) effects related to groundwater (fountaining, liquefaction, sliding); (4) and indirect hazards (seiching, tsunamis, flooding). Additional
suggestions for overall geologic-seismic studies are available in Note
Number 37 of the California Division of Mines and Geology (reproduced in
Slosson, 1984).

Geologic Mapping on
a Topographic Base

6-1. Topographic Maps

References Cited

Attewell, P. B., and Farmer, 1. W, 1976, Principles of engineering geology: New York,
John Wiley & Sons, 1045 p.
Briggs, R. P., 1971, Geologic map of the Orocovis quadrangle, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geo
logical Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Series Map 1615.
Compton, R. R., 1962, Manual of field geology: New York, John Wiley & Sons, 378 p.
Galster, R. W, 1977, A system of engineering geology mapping symbols: Association
of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 14, no. 1, p. 3947.
Hatheway, A. W, 1982, Trench, shaft, and tunnel mapping: Association of Engineer
ing Geologists Bulletin, v. 19, p. 173-180.
International Association of Engineering Geology, 1976, Engineering geological maps;
a guide to their preparation: Paris, UNESCO Press, 79 p.
Jorgenson, D. B., 1982, Outline for environmental impact statements, Data sheet
27.1 in Dietrich, R. V., Dutro, J. T., Jr., and Foose, R. M., AGI data sheets: Falls
Church, VA, American Geological Institute.
Keaton, J. R., 1984, GenesisLithologyQualifier (GLQ) system of engineering geology
mapping symbols: Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 21, no. 3, p.
Kupfer, D. H., 1966, Accuracy in geologic maps: Geotimes, v. 10, no. 7, p. 11-14.
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 1983, North American
stratigraphic code: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, p.
Radbruch, D. H., 1969, Areal and engineering geology of the Oakland East quadrangle,
California: U.S. Geological Survey Quadrangle Map GQ-769.
Slosson, J E., 1984, Genesis and evolution of guidelines for geologic reports: Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 21, p. 295-316.
Varnes, D.]., 1974, The logic of geological maps, with reference to their interpretation
and use for engineering purposes: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 837,
48 p.
Williamson, D. A., 1984, Unified rock classification system: Association of Engineer
ing Geologists Bulletin, v. 21, no. 3, p. 345-354.

Topographic maps delineate landforms and approximate elevations above

sea level by means of contours, which depict level lines spaced at a useful
vertical in terval called the contour interval. Each line lies at a fixed elevation
above sea level, and this number generally is used to label every fifth contour.
In addition, specifically determined, and typically more exact, elevations
are shown for some hilltops, road crossings, or survey stations. Most of these
points are marked with a small x and a number for the elevation, which is
shown in black if the elevation has been checked and in brown if it has not.
On U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle maps, contours are printed brown;
drainage lines and all water bodies are in blue; geographic boundaries, bench
marks, triangulation stations, roads, buildings, mines, and all other human
culture are in black; areas covered by trees, brush, and crops are in patterns
of green; and highways, certain fencelines, and all survey lines and corners
of the townshipsection cadastral system (Appendix 5) are in red. Lavender
or pink may be used for areas of closely spaced buildings in urban areas, and
overprints of purple are applied to show up-dated cultural features, such as
new highways and buildings. The patterns used for specific kinds of features
are defined in a Topographic Maps Symbol Sheet, which is available free on
request from any of the NCIC addresses given below.
Short lines in the margins of quadrangle maps show exact positions of
lines of latitude and longitude, lines of the Universal Transverse Mercator
Grid, and lines of state coordinate systems. Besides the map title, the margins
also carry labels for townships and ranges (Appendix 5) and, in the lower
margin, a scale ratio and bar scale, the contour interval, arrows indicating
the directions of true and magnetic north, a location map, notation of
mapping dates and methods, and perhaps other notes referring to geographic
features. Ellis (1978) has given descriptions of the grid and coordinate systems, the construction of map projections, and the methods of making the
maps and charts of the United States. This reference also shows full-scale
examples in color of topographic maps, shaded contour maps, coastal charts,
orthophoto maps, and other kinds of modern maps.
Some advantages of using topographic maps in geological mapping are
given in Section 1-5. Mapping should ordinarily be done on maps with as
large a scale as available, and maps with scales of 1:24,000 or 1:25,000 are
generally the most recent and accurate. The most widespread coverage in


Geology in the Field

movements (ground rupture, subsidence, uplift, etc.); (2) effects of shaking

on the various rocks and deposits (liquefaction, sliding, cracking, settling
due to compaction); (3) effects related to groundwater (fountaining, liquefaction, sliding); (4) and indirect hazards (seiching, tsunamis, flooding). Additional
suggestions for overall geologic-seismic studies are available in Note
Number 37 of the California Division of Mines and Geology (reproduced in
Slosson, 1984).

Geologic Mapping on
a Topographic Base

6-1. Topographic Maps

References Cited
Attewell, P B., and Farmer, 1. W, 1976, Principles of engineering geology: New York,
John Wiley & Sons, 1045 p.
Briggs, R P, 1971, Geologic map of the Orocovis quadrangle, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Series Map 1-615.
Compton, R R, 1962, Manual of field geology: New York, John Wiley & Sons, 378 p.
Galster, R W, 1977, A system of engineering geology mapping symbols: Association
of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 14, no. 1, p. 39-47.
Hatheway, A. W, 1982, Trench, shaft, and tunnel mapping: Association of Engineer
ing Geologists Bulletin, v. 19, p. 173-180.
International Association of Engineering Geology, 1976, Engineering geological maps;
a guide to their preparation: Paris, UNESCO Press, 79 p.
Jorgenson, D. B., 1982, Outline for environmental impact statements, Data sheet
27.1 in Dietrich, R V., Dutro, J. T., Jr. , and Foose, R M., AGI data sheets: Falls
Church, VA, American Geological Institute.
Keaton,]. R, 1984, Genesis-Lithology-Qualifier (GLQ) system of engineering geology
mapping symbols: Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 21, no. 3, p.
Kupfer, D. H., 1966, Accuracy in geologic maps: Geotimes, v. 10, no. 7, p. 11-14.
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 1983, North American
stratigraphic code: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, p.
Radbruch, D. H., 1969, Areal and engineering geology of the Oakland East quadrangle,
California: U.S. Geological Survey Quadrangle Map GQ-769.
Slosson,]. E., 1984, Genesis and evolution of guidelines for geologic reports: Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 21, p. 295-316.
Varnes, D.]., 1974, The logic of geological maps, with reference to their interpretation
and use for engineering purposes: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 837,
Williamson, D. A., 1984, Unified rock classification system: Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 21, no. 3, p. 345-354.

Topographic maps delineate landforms and approximate elevations above

sea level by means of contours, which depict level lines spaced at a useful
vertical interval called the contour interval. Each line lies at a fixed elevation
above sea level, and this number generally is used to label every fifth contour.
In addition, specifically determined, and typically more exact, elevations
are shown for some hilltops, road crossings, or survey stations. Most of these
points are marked with a small x and a number for the elevation, which is
shown in black if the elevation has been checked and in brown if it has not.
On U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle maps, contours are printed brown;
drainage lines and all water bodies are in blue; geographic boundaries, bench
marks, triangulation stations, roads, buildings, mines, and all other human
culture are in black; areas covered by trees, brush, and crops are in patterns
of green; and highways, certain fencelines, and all survey lines and corners
of the township-section cadastral system (Appendix 5) are in red. Lavender
or pink may be used for areas of closely spaced buildings in urban areas, and
overprints of purple are applied to show up-dated cultural features, such as
new highways and buildings. The patterns used for specific kinds of features
are defined in a Topographic Maps Symbol Sheet, which is available free on
request from any of the NCIC addresses given below.
Short lines in the margins of quadrangle maps show exact positions of
lines of latitude and longitude, lines of the Universal Transverse Mercator
Grid, and lines of state coordinate systems. Besides the map title, the margins
also carry labels for townships and ranges (Appendix 5) and, in the lower
margin, a scale ratio and bar scale, the contour interval, arrows indicating
the directions of true and magnetic north, a location map, notation of
mapping dates and methods, and perhaps other notes referring to geographic
features. Ellis (1978) has given descriptions of the grid and coordinate systems, the construction of map projections, and the methods of making the
maps and charts of the United States. This reference also shows full-scale
examples in color of topographic maps, shaded contour maps, coastal charts,
orthophoto maps, and other kinds of modern maps.
Some advantages of using topographic maps in geological mapping are
given in Section 1-5. Mapping should ordinarily be done on maps with as
large a scale as available, and maps with scales of 1:24,000 or 1:25,000 are
generally the most recent and accurate. The most widespread coverage in

Geology in the Field

Geologic Mapping on a Topographic Base

the Uni ted States is by 1:24,000 7.5 X7.5-minute quadrangles; the new metric
maps have a scale of 1:25,000 and most are 7.5 X 7.5-minute and the others 7.5
X15-minute quadrangles. Maps with scales of 1:50,000 (the basic map series
in Canada), 1:62,500 (available for many parts of the United States), and
1:63,360 (covering much of Alaska) are adequate for detailed geologic mapping if enlarged 2 or 3 times, and are excellent for less detailed mapping.
Maps with scales of 1:100,000, 1:125,000, or 1:250,000 have been made for
most parts of the world and are geologically useful for planning, for reconnaissance, for regional geologic mapping, and for compiling geologic data from
other sources. Topographic maps with scales larger than 1:24,000 are made
occasionally for local government agencies or private companies and may be
available from them. Unusually large-scale maps without contours (planimetric maps) are commonly made for urban and suburban areas, and their
detailed views of buildings, roads, and waterways make them excellent
geologic base maps.
Accuracy of topographic maps of the United States is prescribed by
national standards adopted in 1941. Maps are tested for compliance and bear
a statement to this effect in the lower margin. The horizontal accuracy must
be such that not more than 10% of the well-defined map points tested are
more than 0.5 mm (1/50 in.) out of correct position. This tolerance corresponds to 12 m (40 ft) on the ground for 1:24,000-scale maps and 31 m (104 ft)
for 1:62,500-scale maps. Standards for vertical accuracy require that no more
than 10% of the elevations of test points interpolated from the contours shall
be in error more than half the contour interval. Thus, even the most precise
methods of locating geologic features from map features may occasionally
lead to errors somewhat greater than these tolerances.
Sources oftopographlc maps of the United States are the headquarters or
regional offices of the National Cartographic Information Center (NCIC) of
the U.S. Geological Survey. The NCIC can also supply information about all
maps and charts, aerial and satellite photographs and imagery, map data in
digital form, and geodetic control data obtained by other federal agencies.
The addresses are: NCIC-Headquarters, U.S. Geological Survey, 507
National Center, Reston , VA 22092; NCIC-East, U.S. Geological Survey, 536
National Center, Reston, VA 22092; NCIC-mid-Continent, U.S. Geological
Survey, 1400 Independence Rd., Rolla, MO 65401; NCIC-Rocky Mountain,
U.S. Geological Survey, Box 25046, Federal Center, Stop 504, Denver,
CO 80225; and NCIC-West, U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Rd.,
Menlo Park, CA 94025. Inquiries should include a small-scale map or a description giving the exact latitudes and longitudes bounding the area of
interest. Quadrangle names and scales are shown on indexes published
periodically for each state, and are available on request. The indexes also
show locations of maps being planned or made, and preliminary editions of
the latter are sometimes available.

In addition to topographic maps printed on paper, maps printed on transparent materials and enlarged to the user's specifications (up to a limiting
size) can be ordered from the U .S_ Geological Survey. Of particular value for
geologic projects are chronoflex prints, which are monochromatic prints of
maps, made on a stable plastic base that has a burnished upper surface
suitable for ink and pencil work. Green chronoflex prints have proven especially useful. They should be ordered with the map printed on the bottomside of the sheet in order that corrections of geologic mapping on the upper
surface will not erase the base map.
Canadian topographic maps of all scales are shown on three indexes: No.
1, Canada east of 96 longitude and south of 62 latitude; No.2, Canada west
of 88 longitude and south of 68 latitude; and No.3, the remaining northern
parts of Canada. The indexes give prices and instructions for ordering and
are available on request from The Canada Map Office, 615 Booth St.,
Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OE9.



6-2_ Preparations for a Mapping Project

Chapter 1 presents the general philosophy and organization of a geologic

mapping project and Sections 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5 describe important preparations. In addition to the basic equipment described in Chapter 2, some special
equipment might be considered. If the terrain is wooded and slopes are typically gentle, traversing by pacing may be a principal procedure and a small
tally counter will be helpful. If the area is one of mafic and ultramafic igneous
rocks, a sun compass may be essential (Section 2-4). A Jacob staff is recommended for projects requiring detailed stratigraphic measurements (Chapter
11). The equipment list of Appendix 1 should be examined in light of other
special needs and of expected weather conditions.
The base map may have to be prepared in various ways. Paper maps can
be waterproofed inexpensively with a spray of clear lacquer, or a print of the
map can be obtained on a stable waterproof sheet (Section 6-1). Enlarged
map sheets may be needed for unusually detailed studies. Maps can be cut
into sheets that will fit a map case or notebook, and if each sheet is cemented
to a sheet of quadrille paper that shows on all margins, the grid will be
helpful in plotting bearings and strike lines. Several extra copies of the map
should be taken to the field, preferably in a waterproof container. Topographic maps of surrounding quadrangles may be needed for reconnaissance,
and a set of aerial photographs or other remote-sensed imagery should be
obtained for prefield photogeologic reconnaissance and for use in the field
(Sections 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3).
6-3_ Locating Points in the Field

From the first outcrop studied, information is plotted at points on the


Geology in the Field

map that correspond with locations on the ground. Regardless of how

detailed and successful the study of each ou tcrop may be, the accuracy of the
map - even its meaning - depends on locating these points exactly. If done
patiently at the outset, the methods of location become familiar in a week
and second nature in a month. The following steps are recommended for
making these locations:
1. Use a compass to find the geographic direction of north.
2. Face in that direction and hold the map flat with its north (top) edge
pointed northward.
3. Compare the map with the surrounding terrain, carefully identifying
nearby features on all sides.
4. Continue to compare the map wi th surrounding features un til the location can be estimated and marked lightly on the map with a pencil.
5. Use two or more of the following methods to refine the location:
a. If the place occupied proves to be at a unique feature, such as a
distinctive bend in a stream, road, or narrow ridge, a junction of
streams or roads, a hilltop, and so on, a final point can be marked on
the map with confidence.
b. If the place occupied is along a linear feature , such as a stream, a
road, or a narrow ridge, its position on the map can be fixed by a
bearing line from another visible feature, as a hilltop, that can be
located accurately on the map. The location is made by drawing an
antibearing line from the observed feature to intersect the linear
feature occupied (Fig. 6-1A). For an accurate location, the linear feature and line of sight should cross at angles near 90 and never less
than 30.
c. If the location is along a linear feature that slopes steeply, such as a
mountain road, it can be fixed on the map by determining its elevation and referring to the contours that cross the linear feature on the
map. The elevation of the location can be determined by: (1) sighting
to nearby hilltops and other distinctive features with a hand level
(Section 2-7); (2) finding one that is at the same elevation as the place
occupied; and (3) reading its elevation from the topographic map.
The elevation can also be read from an altimeter.
d. If the place occupied is near a feature that can be identified with
certainty on the map, it can be located by reading a bearing to the
feature, pacing the distance to it, then checking both results by taking a bearing back to the place to be located and pacing the distance
back. After the bearing line is plotted, a scale is used to layoff the
paced distance.
e. If the place occupied gives a reasonably full view of the surroundings,
it can be located on the map by reading bearings to three or more

Geologie Mapping on a Topographic Base


features that can be identified with certainty on the map. The lines
plotted are antibearings from the three map points (Fig. 6-1B), and
the accuracy of the location will depend on their intersecting at large
f Under conditions like those for method e, a location can also be made
by reading and plotting one bearing line to a distant feature and
determining the elevation of the place occupied as described in
method c. The point is located where the bearing line crosses the
appropriate con tour line or a line interpolated between two con tours.
Locating outcrops by compass trallerses may be necessary in wooded areas
where long sights are generally not possible and where relief is so subdued
that contours give inaccurate locations. The details of a pace and compass
traverse are described in Section 5-1, and a tape can be used if greater precision is needed. If possible, the traverse should be brought around to its starting point or to another point that can be located independently on the map.
When this is done, the two points commonly will not coincide. Such errors
of closure can be ignored if they are small or within the limits of precision of
the method. If they are large enough to displace geologic data seriously, the
traverse should be corrected as much as possible. Plotting errors may be
eliminated by checking the traverse against the recorded data, and if this
does not resolve the error, the traverse must be resurveyed. On long traverses,
errors in pacing or mistakes in reading and recording bearings sometimes
can be located quickly by making connecting traverses that will localize the
error (Fig. 6-2). If the traverse cannot be corrected, it should not be replotted
by distributing the error among the traverse legs as described in most sur-

Pomt sighte ,,/

Po int

Fig. 6-1. A. Us ing a protractor to draw an antibearing from a point sigh ted to the point
occupi ed. If the point occupied lies beyond the protractor, a plasti C scale can be ~laced
along the base of the protractor to extend its reach. Strike lines may be plotted In the
same way. B. Locating a point by three anti bearing lines. The dashed parts of the hnes
need not be drawn.

Geology in the Field

Geologic Mapping on a Topographic Base

veying texts. Later traverses or other locations may correct the locations in
Locating outcrops with an altimeter is especially suited to areas where relief
is at least moderate and forest hides much of the terrain. The method entails
first establishing a line along which the outcrop is known to lie, then using
an elevation read from the altimeter to locate the point by referring to the
corresponding contour or interpolated contour on the map. The line along
which the point lies can be established: (1) by inspection, if it occurs along a
ridge, creek, road, or trail shown on the map; (2) by a bearing line to any
feature that can be located accurately on the map; or (3) by making a compass
traverse from any point that has been located nearby (see the preceding
The altimeter must be adjusted fairly often because it will respond to
pressure variations due to changes in temperature, local winds, and broad
weather conditions. Adjustment is made by going to a point that can be
located confidently on the map and setting the altimeter scale so that the
indicated elevation corresponds to the local elevation read from the map.
The precision of the adjusted altimeter should be to the nearest few meters
and because contours may be in error by as much as one-half a contou;
interval (Section 6-1), the checkpoints should, if possible, be places where an
elevation is recorded on the map, typically at bench marks, hilltops,
or roadj unctions. The checks should be made every half hour or so, depending on how rapidly atmospheric conditions are changing. If checkpoints
cannot be visited easily and wind and weather conditions seem constant,
the effects of temperature can be corrected by reading temperatures from a
thermometer. If elevations are in feet, the change in elevation since the last
adjustment is multiplied by 0.002 for each oF, and if elevations are in meters,
it is multiplied by 0.0006 for each OF or by 0.0011 for each C. The resulting
number is added when the temperature has risen and subtracted when it
has fallen.

An altimeter used for mapping at scales of 1:24,000 or 1:25,000 should have

a reading precision of about 2 m and must have an elevation range suitable to
the area being studied. It should be tested before the field season to make
sure it will respond with the necessary precision during normal field handling. Details of maintenance and tables for temperature corrections should
be obtained from the manufacturer.
Locating outcrops by use of triangulation stations may be necessary where
topographic relief is subdued and the base map has only a few features that
can be located exactly in the field. The method first requires that a number
of easily visible markers not shown on the map are surveyed onto it by triangulation (intersection) (Fig. 6-3A). The markers may be any features, natural
or manufactured, that can be seen and identified over large areas. Examples
are distinctive lone trees, dead spars, prominent outcrops, rock cairns, lone
buildings, transmission poles, and crossings of roads or trails. For average
mapping conditions, they should be spaced about a mile apart and located so
that lines of sight among them intersect at angles between 30 and 150.
The survey must be started at two adjacent points (as A and B in Fig.
6-3A) that can be located accurately on the map by inspection or other means.
Each of these points is occupied in turn and compass bearings are read to all
adjacent station-markers, which are located by intersections of bearing lines
plotted lightly in pencil. Each intersected station is then occupied and bearings are read to all visible stations, including the two used as starting points.
These readings serve to check the initial bearing lines and to provide threeline intersections of stations such as C and D in Fig. 6-3A. If intersections
result in triangles that are too large for the precision required, the bearings
must be reread and corrected. When the intersections are acceptable, the
survey can locate additional stations (as F, G, and /I). The located stations
can then be used to locate outcrops by methods d or e, above, and thus to
map the geology.



Error of closure _

\ -- _ --_ c --_-- ---- _ --7\

/ \G


\\ ",' .'




/_-~I~::""""'" ........,





Fig. 6-2. Traverse map with closing error and two connecting traverses which suggest
(tnal 1) that the error is prior to station 17, a nd (trial 2) that it is somewhere between
s tations 13 and 17.

..... _


_--- A
Hf.,~-:-:"-:"----------- D

Fig. 6-3. A . Triangulation network based on two points of known location (A and B). B.
Brunton compass mounted on a ruler so that the line of sight is parallel to the ruler 's edge,
and with lid and sigh ting arm in position for direct sighting.


Geology in the Field

Geologic Mapping on a Topographic Base

Triangulation errors that cannot be corrected are generally caused by

magnetic anomalies. This source of error can be avoided by triangulating
graphically with a plane table and telescopic alidade (Section 8-7) or with a
peep-sight alidade and traverse board (a small plane table). Lacking a peepsight alidade, a Brunton compass can be mounted on a heavy plastic ruler
(Fig. 6-3B) or a Brunton alidade protractor (see a supplier's catalog, Section
2-1) which has a straightedge parallel to the Brunton sighting axis. The
sighting arm and lid are then opened so that direct sights can be made. The
method is basically like the one described in Section 8-7.

be horizontal; (3) contacts parallel to lines depicting streams must dip the
same as the stream gradient; (4) contacts that form V's pointing downstream
must dip downstream more steeply than the stream gradient; (5) contacts
that form V's pointing upstream must either (a) dip upstream, (b) be horizontal, or (c) dip downstream less steeply than the stream gradient.
The strike and dip of any planar feature on a contour map can be determined exactly as described in Fig. 6-5. This procedure is crucial in areas
where contacts can be mapped on the basis of float and soil but outcrops are
so crumbled that reliable structural attitudes cannot be measured. If rock
units and contacts are truly hidden in some parts of an area but are well
exposed in adjacent parts, the method described in Figure 5-6B may be used
to project a contact across the unexposed part.
A topographic map can also be used to determine the thickness of a
mapped rock layer by the steps that follow:

6-4. Interpretation of Geologic Lines on a Topographic Base

Following contacts between rock units is described in Section 5-2, and

finding and mapping various structures is presented in Section 5-4. Most of
the other information in Chapter 5 will also be pertinent to geologic mapping
on a topographic base. Geologic relations will be easier to recognize on field
sheets if the rock units are colored lightly and if a color (customarily red or
green) is used for fault lines and perhaps for other important kinds of structural symbols, particularly if they occur among numerous symbols for other
kinds of structures.
An advan tage of plotting con tacts and faul ts on a topographic base is that
the map clearly and precisely depicts geometric relations between mapped
surfaces and topographic forms. Direction and approximate amount of dip
can be seen at a glance by noting the relation between a contact or fault trace
and the contours (Fig. 6-4). Studying the diagrams, one can derive some
simple rules for attitudes of dipping surfaces, which will be simplified here
as contacts: (1) contacts that cross topographic forms as straight lines must
be vertical; (2) contacts that remain parallel to curving contour lines must

Fig. 6-4. Structural attitudes expressed by V patterns on contour maps. Left, horizontal
tabular units and vertical fault; middle, tabular units dipping parallel to stream gradients,
and dike dipping upstream; and right, tabular units dipping downstream less steeply
than stream gradient, and dike dipping steeply downstream.


1. Construct a strike line for the layer by drawing a line between any two
points where one of the contacts crosses a given contour.
2. Draw a line perpendicular to the strike line, extending this "dip line" at
least from one contact past the other.
3. Using the dip line as a line of section, construct a ground profile and a
vertical cross section of the layer (Section 6-5); then scale the layer's thickness
from this section.
4. If more convenient: (a) determine the vertical distance between the top
and bottom of the layer as shown by the contours intersected along the dip
line drawn in step 2; (b) scale the horizontal distance between the contacts
along the dip line; (c) in the three equations that follow, let the vertical distance bex, the horizontal distancey, and the amount of thedipd; if the slope
and dip are in opposite directions, thickness = cosd(x + y tan d); if the slope and
dip are in the same direction and the dip is the steeper, thickness =cosd(y tand
- x); and if the slope and dip are in the same direction and the dip is the
steeper, thickness = cosd(x - y tan d) .

Fig. 6-5. Contour map with mapped trace of

a planar surface. Strike can be determined
by drawing a line joining two or more points
where the surface crosses a given contour
(such as the dashed lines). Dip can be deter
mined by drawing a line (xy) perpendicular
to the strike lines and calculating from the
relation: tanLdip =vertical distance between
x and y 7 horizontal distance between x and y.


Geology in the Field

Geologic Mapping on a Topographic Base


6-5. Office Routines; Constructing Vertical Cross Sections

Routine tasks in the field camp or office and specific steps in completing a
field project are described in Sections 1-6 and 1-7. Preparing accurate, detailed
cross sections is one of the more important procedures late in the field season. Cross sections not only develop and clarify geologic relations for the
investigator, they are necessary for others who will read the report or use
the map. In many cases, traverses may have to be made along the lines of
section in order to check important relations and add attitudes of structures.
In all cases, the sections must be prepared and studied thoroughly when it is
still possible to go back to the field and look. The sections may be constructed
from the topographic-geologic map as follows:
1. Select a section line that will develop as much of the mapped geology as
possible and pass through or near to areas where data are especially reliable
and abundant. In order to show more or less true dips and true thicknesses,
orient the section line within 20 of perpendicular to the strike of structures.
Consider all possibilities thoroughly, because selection of a line of section i~
by far the most important step in the procedure. Note that some features not
crossed by the line will dip or plunge into the section below the surface.
2. Draw the section line on the map using a sharp pencil and an accurate
straightedge. Hold the pencil consistently vertical so that the line will be
straight, and check its straightness by laying the straightedge along the
opposite side of the line. Draw short cross lines (ticks) perpendicular to the
section line at its two ends.
3. Prepare a strip of drafting film or tracing paper wide enough to include
the highest and lowest points along the section line plus space for geologic
features under the ground profile. Use quadrille-ruled material if the divisions can be calibrated to contour intervals, at map scale, or rule a set of
horizontal lines on blank material, spacing them at some contour interval.
Do not use an exaggerated vertical scale except in the rare cases where it
is needed; for example, to show sequences of surficial deposits in detail
(Fig. 16-6).
4. Lay the strip over the map and parallel with the section line. Orient the
strip so that the right-hand end is either the more easterly end or is oriented
due north. However, if two or more subparallel sections are oriented roughly
north-south, all their northerly ends should be on the right. Trace the ends
of the line on the strip exactly and extend them as end lines perpendicular to
the horizontal lines of the strip (Fig. 5-4A). Label the horizontal lines with
elevation numbers.
5. Plot points for the ground profile by either (a) raising or lowering the
strip until the elevation line equivalent to a contour lies over the section line
(Fig. 6-6A), or (b) taping the strip in place and using a triangle and straight-


Section strip" /


00 Contour map


/ ,>00

600 ..

l~5~o~oj~. '-"[~~~"srl~'~'"~~~~oo

I // I

Section line

End tick
'-.. .

, Section


~~o g~~~~~-~f~tSection


Fig. 6-6. A. Cross section strip in position for marking elevation points for the 500 m
contour (as at dark arrow). B. Projecting the elevation point for the 500 m contour, using a
triangle placed against a straightedge parallel to the section line.

edge to project each point where the section line is crossed by a contour to
the corresponding elevation line on the strip (Fig. 6-6B). If relief is at least
moderate, plot elevation points at about 40 meter intervals, and draw the
profile between these points by visual inspection from the other contours.
Draw the profile line in pencil, using a straightedge or drafting curve for
reasonably smooth slopes. Check the line carefully against the map; then
ink it so that it will not be smudged when geologic data are added.
6. Lay the strip over the map again, exactly matched at its ends, and mark
the profile at each point where a contact, fault, hinge line, or strike line

h =dtanLdip










Fig. 6-7. Projecting structures that cut across sections beneath the surface, which in the
cases shown is a level plain. Depths (h) are calculated by the equation shown . In calculating h for the fold, the angle of plunge is used rather than the angle of dip. For a contact or
fault (left), the distance d is measured parallel to the local dip, and for a fold (right) it is
measured parallel to plunge. The apparent dip to be plotted at any point can be read from
Appendix 13 or by projecting a number of points and connecting them by a smooth line. If
the ground surface is not a level plain, the difference in elevation between the original
map point and the point projected to the line of section must be added or subtracted toh.


Geology in the Field

Geologic Mapping on a Topographic Base

crosses the section line, using either method shown in Fig. 6-6. Use a protractor to construct a line ab.out 6 mm (14 in.) long, showing the dip of the
feature below the profile. If the section line is oblique to the direction of
strike, plot the apparent dip, which can be determined from Appendix 13.
7. Remove the strip and project geologic data to the section line on the map,
incl uding o!,!ly the data that are close enough to the section line, or persisten t
enough, to be projected reliably. Where structures have approximately
parallel strikes or plunges, projection lines will be straight. Where structures appear to converge, follow the instructions of Fig. 5-5 to project the
structures and to correct their dips.
8. Lay the strip over the map and use the methods of step 6 to add the
features projected to the section line in step 7.
9. Examine the map thoroughly for contacts or other structures that do
not project along the surface to the section line but dip or plunge into the
section below the surface. The more common will be contacts, faults, and
beds or other layers that strike about parallel to the section line and dip
toward it. The depths at which features meet the section may be determined
trigonometrically or by accessory cross sections (Fig. 6-7).
10. Project plotted features to as great a depth as seems reliable. Typically,
some parts of the section may be drawn to greater depths than others. Layers
in parallel folds (Fig. 12-12) may be projected as circular arcs, as by the Busk

method, described in most structural geology texts. The less reliable lines
may be dashed or queried (e.g., faults without observed dips). Large areas
under surficial deposits may have to be left blank or perhaps completed with
queried lines.
11. When the section is completed in pencil, trace it in ink and add some or
all of the items shown in Fig. 6-8. If the section will not be on a plate with the
map and will not be bound in a report, also include with it: a title, giving the
geographic location; the name(s) of the geologist(s); the date of the survey;
and a full explanatory key to the rock units, structures, and any special
symbols used.

N85W-Ot @
1600 m
Sea level

~ , ,

2000 meters

Fig. 6-8. Geologic cross section illustrating general form and certain specifics: (1) letter
symbol designating end of section line on map; (2) bearing of section line, if section does
not accompany map; (3) bedding lines and lithologic patterns; (4) questioned structure
where control is weak; (5) blank areas where units and structures are not well known; (6)
unit symbols; (7) projected structures where helpful in clarifying relations; (8) geographic
names; (9) hinge where section line changes direction; (10) wells (dashed where projected
into section); (11) position of important samples; (12) arrows showing relative movement
on faults: (13) elevations (incl ude elevations in feet at one end of section if map con tours
are in feet); (14) bar scale.


References Cited

Ellis, M. Y., editor, 1978, Coastal mapping handbook: U.S. Geological Survey and
National Ocean Survey, Washington, Government Printing Office, 200 p.

Primary Features of
Marine Sedimentary Rocks.

9-1. Beds and Bedding

Sections 9-1 through 9-6 describe sedimentary structures, many of which

may be either marine or nonmarine. The remainder of the chapter presents
structures and rock associations typical of certain marine environments,
and Chapter 10 describes associations in nonmarine environments. The
descriptions are brief and might well be supplemented by other sources,
such as the exceptionally clear introductory book by Leeder (1982) or the
more specific ones by Reineck and Singh (1980), Harms and others (1982),
Scholle and Spearing (1982), and Scholle, Bebout, and Moore (1983).
The basic structure in all environments is the sedimentary bed (stratum),
which is a distinct layer of sediment or rock that may differ in a variety of
ways from overlying and underlying layers. Genetically, the base of a bed
represents an abrupt change in depositional conditions or sediment supply;
the bed represents more or less uniform conditions; and the top represents
another abrupt change. The changes may include a period of erosion or a
pause in deposition, and thus some bed surfaces are minor unconformities
or omission surfaces (Section 9-6). When erosion surfaces between beds of
closely similar materials are so faint that the composite unit looks like a
single bed, the beds are said to be amalgamated. For example, a dense turbidity current might sweep away all but the basal sand division of a preceding turbidity-current deposit, so that two sand beds become amalgamated
into a single thick unit. Amalgamated deposits should be considered as
separate beds, no matter how obscure their internal contacts may be.
Beds are studied and described according to (1) how they differ from
adjoining beds (by grain size, fabric, composition, or primary color); (2) their
shape (Fig. 9-1); (3) their thickness (actual thickness is most useful); (4) their
lateral extent, noting the degree fo which it can be determined; (5) their

Fig. 9-1. Some bed shapes: A, tablet; B, wedge; C, trough; D, lunate trough; E, lenticular
spar; F, cylinder; and G, lens.

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks


internal structures; and (6) the nature of their contacts with adjacent beds.
The most common internal structure, lamination, consists of layering
within beds. In cross-bedding (cross-stratification), the laminations are
oblique to the bed containing them, a common relation in current-deposited
sediments. Cross-bedding is described according to the overall geometry of
the cross-bedded units, the shape of the inclined surfaces, and the angles
they make with the top and bottom of the bed (Fig. 9-2).
Grading in beds may be by grain size or by composition, and often is
noticeable due to a color gradation. Some size-graded beds have a matrix of
fine sediment throughout and some consist of relatively well-sorted coarse
and fine materials. Size grading is normally from coarser up to finer sizes,
but may be inverse, complex, or inconsistent.
Similar beds may be grouped in bedsets (Campbell, 1967), and specific
kinds of beds or bed sets may be repeated cyclically, as ABCABC"', or
rhythmically, as ABCBABCB ". Cycles of beds that become broadly coarser
grained upward or finer grained upward are of particular value in interpreting cyclic changes in the energy of transporting currents. Beds in
coarsening-upward and fining-upward cycles tend also to thicken upward
and thin upward, respectively; however, cycles based solely on changes in
thickness may be due to other causes, such as variation in sediment supply.



.' surface

Fig. 9-2. Cross-bedding, with arrows indicating current direction where appropriate_ A .
Three tabular sets with (from toP) angular, parabolic, and sinusoidal cross-lamination.
B. Wedge sets indicating variable current direction. C. Trough sets or festoon crossbedding. D. Hummocky cross-bedding, thought to be formed by storm waves on the lower
shoreface (Hunter and Clifton, 1982).

Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

In addition to their genetic value, specific kinds of cycles may be used to

identify formations or stratigraphic tops of beds in areas of complex structure. A number of kinds of cycles and rhythms are described in this chapter,
and Einsele and Seilacher (1982) have presented additional kinds.
Bedding differs from beds in being the general aspect of bedded rocks, as
might be shown by a succession of beds in a large exposure, by lamination in a
single bed, or by the grain fabric within a small sample (Fig. 9-3). Cross-bedding
has already been described.

beds dip at low angles upstream, and these angles increase as the sediment
supply increases, such that steeply climbing ripples are produced when sediment is deposited over the entire ripple bedform (Fig. 9-4D). Oscillating
bottom-currents produced by waves commonly cast sediment into oscillation
ripples, which are symmetrical if waves are acting alone and asymmetrical if
a unidirectional current is superimposed. Oscillation ripples can be distin
guished from current ripples by straighter crests that branch here and there
(Fig. 9-4C).
At moderate current velocities (up to about 90 cm/sec averaged through
the lower 35 cm of a stream), current ripples coalesce and grow, and sediment
coarser than about 0.2 mm is cast into larger forms called dunes, megaripples,
or large ripples. Dunes may initially be ridges transverse to the current but
generally change at higher velocities to mounds or cuspate forms with the
internal structure of festoon cross-bedding (Fig. 9-5A). As velocity increases,
the dunes become lower and spaced farther apart, and at high velocities (as
at 120 cm/sec averaged through the lower 15-20 cm of a stream) the bed
becomes planar. Deposited sand is laminated parallel to the plane bed, and
the upper surface is commonly lineated by thin stripes of grains aligned
parallel to the current. At higher velocities the bed may be cast into a series
of low sand waves called antidunes, some of which migrate slowly upstream
as sand is deposited on their upstream slopes and others remain stationary
or migrate downstream. The laminations are occasionally disturbed by the
shear of the swift curreI1t (Fig. 9-5B).


9-2. Depositional Bed Forms and Structures

These features vary with the nature of the transporting current and with
the concentration and texture of the sediment. Currents that transport
sediment can be classified into two categories, one being fluid gravity currents, which are generated by gravity acting on a fluid. Rivers and tidal
currents are examples. Sediment gravity currents, the other category, are
generated by gravity acting on a mass of suspended sediment that entrains
intergranular fluid. Turbidity currents and debris flows are the best known
of this category, which also includes fluidized sediment flows, liquefied sediment flows, and grain flows. The mechanics of sediment gravity flows have
been reviewed by Lowe (1982), and deposition from fluid gravity currents
has been described by Harms and others (1982).
Fluid grallity currents deposit sediment mainly from the traction load
(grains that slide, roll, or skip along the bed). The sediment is cast into bed
forms that vary in size and shape with the depth and power of the current
and the grain size of the sediment. Where the forms are not preserved on the
upper surface of a bed, they can often be identified by the bed's internal
lamination and fabric.
At low velocities (as between 20 and 40 cm/sec, averaged through the
lower 35 cm of a stream), silt and sand finer than 0.6 mm are deposited as
current ripples, which migrate slowly downstream as grains are deposited
on their steeper downstream slopes, finally constructing thin crosslaminated beds (Fig. 9-4A,B). When the sediment supply is moderate, the

Fig. 9-3. Bedding patterns: A, lenticular; B, trough-flaser; C, linear pinch and swell;
D, wavy discontinuous; E, nonparallel planar; and F, parallel planar.


Fig. 9-4. Ripple structures, all from currents flowing toward the right: A, linguoid current ripples; B, transverse current ripples; C, oscillation (wave) ripples affected by a
superimposed current; D, sections through rippledrift beds, with angle of climb increas
ing to the right.


Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

Fig. 9-5. A. Dune formed by flow from left to right. B. Antidune with cross-bedding
indicating migration upstream, lying on planar and convoluted laminations.

Bed forms in sediment coarser than about 0.6 mm are exceptions to this
progression, in that a planar bed rather than ripples forms at low current
velocities, and antidunes may form before a plane bed at high velocities
(Harms and others, 1982). Bed forms in associated finer sediments must
thus be used to distinguish between low-velocity and highvelocity planar
bedding in coarse sandstone.
Turbidity currents keep sediment suspended by turbulence and by addi
tional dispersive mechanisms in their lower, denser parts. Beds are deposited
in successive stages, generally giving a broadly graded layer consisting of


.. .....

~~;~ :':,~:;;'~ . ~_ -o~. ?;..

~;~;::;~1;~~~~ 52


divisions that may be obvious or rrtay require close examination. The relatively coarse divisions (as Ta in Fig. 9-6A) are absent from deposits formed
from low-density turbidity currents, and the coarse divisions formed from
high-density currents vary with the range of grain sizes being transported.
These coarse divisions are not completely understood, but the classification
proposed by Lowe (1982) provides a basis for analysis and comparisons.
Briefly, and for idealized cases, high-density flows carrying sediment finer
than about 0.5 mm deposit the Ta division by rapid settling of large amounts
of sand. The deposit may be normally sizegraded and is unlaminated
because it is not reworked in traction. If the sand is fairly well-sized, upward
escape of intergranular water may redistribute fine sediment so as to form
elutriation pillars and dish structures (Fig. 9-7).
In contrast, high-density flows carrying abundant coarse sand and fine
pebbles may form coarse basal deposits in three stages: (1) settling of sand
and pebbles that are reworked in traction, forming crossbedding and cut
andfill structures (division Sl in Fig. 96B); (2) rapid settling of a carpet of
sand and pebbles, which is swept along bodily beneath the main current and
becomes reverse sizesorted due. to intergrain collisions and the buoyant
effects of fine sediment (division S2 in Fig. 96B); and (3) rapid settling of a
thick layer of sand that may develop waterescape structures as already des
cribed (division S3 in Fig. 9-6B). More than one sizegraded layer (as in S2 of
Fig 9-6B) may result if the current surges (undergoes an increase in
Finally, high-density flows containing abundant cobbles as well as smaller
grains generally deposit the cobbles in a basal sandy conglomerate. Deposi
tion of this conglomerate may start with a traction-worked (cross-bedded or
imbricated) division, but more commonly the first division is deposited bodily


0.5 m

~',-----Fig. 9-6. A. Section through an idealized deposit of a sand-rich turbidity current, with
divisions lettered as by Bouma (1962). B. Idealized deposit of a high-density turbidity
current that carried abundant sand and pebbles. Division S I was deposited in traction; S2
was transported as a coherent traction carpet; and S3was deposited from suspension. Tt
is a traction-laminated division that commonly includes Tc and Tb of the Bouma sequence
as well as a basal division with large-scale cross-bedding. C. Deposit of a high-density
turbidity current that carried abundant sand, pebbles, and cobbles. Division R2 was a
traction carpet and R3 was deposited from suspension. Band C are after Lowe (1982),
@ The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, copied with permission.


---.-:' ~ '--.

---- ~/" ~ --------

------------- ~

~- """""'"

Fig. 9-7. A. Vertical sections through elutriation pillars (light-toned) and adjacent dish
structures, in dark sandstone. B. Vertical section through dish structures in light sandstone. From photographs by Wentworth (1966)_ Dish structures tend to become narrower
and taller in the upper parts of thick beds, as indicated diagrammatically in Fig_ 9-6B_

Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

and is structureless except for reverse grading (division Rz in Fig. 9-6C). It is

followed by a division (R3) with broad normal grading. The graded divisions
are then overlain by divisions similar to the pebbly and sandy divisions in
The finer-grained, laminated divisions of ideal turbidites (Tb and higher
in Fig. 9-6A) tend to be eroded away by subsequent high-density turbidity
currents, but they are commonly preserved in sequences deposited by lowdensity currents. The laminated division Tb is formed when sand that settles from the current is swept along in traction. Then, as velocity and
sediment concentration of the current decrease, fallout and traction produce: (1) cross-laminated fine sand and silt typified by climbing ripples (Tc);
(2) very fine sand, silt, and clay sorted into more or less parallel thin layers
(Td); and (3) silty clay deposited from the last of the turbid cloud, largely
after it stops (Tet). The turbidite bed may then be overlain by silt, clay, and
microskeletons carried to the site by other processes (Tep). Turbidity currents that are especially diffuse (typically because they have traveled long
distances) may deposit beds that start with the Tc or the Td division.
A variety of scour casts and load casts are typical of the bottoms of sandy
or conglomeratic turbidite beds (Section 9-3), and scour commonly emplaces
fragments of Te or Td division mud into these beds. Lamination in the Tc
division is commonly convoluted (Fig. 9-6A and Section 9-3).
'Debris flows suspend sediment by the cohesive strength of their mud
matrix, by its buoyant effect on larger clasts, and by its lubrication of contacts between large clasts (Lowe, 1982). Their deposits are unsorted except
for a reverse-graded layer that may form at the base due mainly to the dispersive forces produced by collisions of the clasts. Large floating clasts may
project partly above the upper surface of the deposit, and the deposit may be
overlain by a fining-upward layer of sediment that settled from suspension
after the flow was emplaced. Coarse sand needs no more than 20% of clay
matrix to move as a debris flow, and fine sand only 4% (Hampton, 1975).
Thus debris flow deposits resulting from mobilization and resedimentation
of somewhat clayey fine sand may be recognizable only by the fine graded
layer that caps them. Marine debris-flow deposits, also called olistostromes,
must be distinguished from tectonic melanges, as described in Section 12-7.
Other kinds of sediment grallity flows are much less widespread than the
two already described; however, the mechanisms that support grains in them
con tri bu te to the su pport of grains in all high -densi ty sedimen t gravi ty flows.
The grains in liquefied flows are partly supported by upward flow of intergranular fluid, and those influidizedflows are totally supported in this way.
Either kind of flow may be generated by slumping of sorted sand on a moderate slope, followed by liquefaction and perhaps by fluidization. The deposits
are likely to have water-escape features (Fig. 9-7) but otherwise should be
structureless. They may be overlain by a thin division of sand with cross-

bedding or cut-and-fill structure.

The sediment in grain flows is supported by upward-directed forces (dispersive forces) resulting from grain collisions. The flows should be thin,
should form on slopes as steep as the angle of repose, and should travel only
short distances beyond the slopes. Sand flows on the steep faces of eolian
dunes are grain flows of well-sorted sediment (Fig. 10-4). In grain flows of
gravelly sand, dispersive forces should sort the larger clasts toward the top
of the flow.



9-3. Postdepositional Structures

Marks caused by scour or by objects moved across the substrate are most
sharply defined in clay-rich mud. They are commonly made by sediment
gravity flows and become filled by the basal sand or gravel of the flow that
made them. It is the casts on the bottoms of the latter beds that are used in
most studies, because mudstone usually disintegrates more rapidly than
sandstone or conglomerate in surface exposures. The casts are valuable in
determining paleocurrent directions (Section 9-4) and stratigraphic tops of
beds (Section 9-10). The prominent narrow ends of scour casts called flute
casts point up-current (Fig. 9-8A, 8B), and the beaklike ends of the more
prominent forms indicate erosion by small eddy currents (Fig. 9-8D). Marks

Fig.9-8. Casts on the bottom of beds, filling marks made by currents flowing toward the
right . A. Pointed flute casts (in turbidites, typical of divisions Tb and Tc). B. Bulbous
flute casts (in turbidites, typical of divisions Ta and 51). C. Groove casts (1), prod or
impact cast (2), grazing impact cast (3), casts of bounce marks (4), and cast of chevron
marks (5) (in turbidites, all are common at the base of divisions Tb and Tc). D. longitudinal section of a flute mark (in mud). E. Longitudinal section of an impact mark.


Geology in the Field

with asymmetry opposite to flutes are produced when objects carried by the
current proq the bottom sediment, saltate (bounce) across it, or are moved
over it so closely as to create eddies that scour rhythmically spaced chevronshaped forms (Fig. 9-8C, E). Groove casts fill linear grooves formed by objects
dragged along the bottom, and thus give only an either-or current direction
(Fig. 9-8C). Dzulynski and Walton (1965) described additional kinds of scour
forms and bed markings and illustrated many forms with superb photographs.
Soft-sediment deformation. A number of structures may result when
loose sediment is disturbed: (1) convolution due to liquefaction within a sedimen t layer or to shear of a loose su bstrate by curren ts (Fig. 9-9A); (2) slumps
caused by creep orfailure on slopes, whereby the upper ends of slope deposits
are faulted and extended, and the lower parts buckled or converted into slides
and perhaps debris flows (Fig. 9-9B); (3) load structures, due to deposition of
relatively dense sediment on less dense sediment, most commonly sand over

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks


water-rich mud (Fig. 9-9C); and (4)flame structures, which are upward narrowing wedges and wisps of mud typically produced by loading (Fig. 9-9C).
That all these structures are sedimentary rather than tectonic may be
proven by lack of deformation of overlying beds, or by undeformed burrows
that cut through the structures.
Deformational features are also caused directly or indirectly by the
transmission of pore fluid , which flows most readily through well-sorted
sand and gravel. Some sands are thus liquefied and convoluted in place, and
both fine and coarse sediments may be mobilized and injected by lurching
during earthquakes (Fig. 9-10). Soft or partly consolidated sediments may
also be deformed tectonically, as indicated by structural relations described
in Section 12-l.
Diagenetic structures due to compaction. Structural relations may give a
measure of compaction where laminations pass through concretions (Fig.
9-11A). Delicate fossils that have been broken and rotated toward bedding
planes may also indicate compaction (Fig. 9-11B), as may buckle-folding of
steeply inclined dikes or tubes filled with loose sand, and elliptical sections
of originally cylindrical burrows (Fig. 9-11C).
To determine the actual amount of compaction, thicknesses of beds or
laminae must be compared with original sediment thicknesses, or bulk
densities and porosites must be compared with original values. Original
thicknesses, bulk densities, or porosities can be obtained from data on modern sediments accumulating in an environment identical to that interpreted
from the rocks being studied (Hamilton, 1976).
9-4. Paleocurrent Direction and Paleoslope Direction

A number of the primary structures described in this chapter and Chapter

10 indicate current direction, and some of the deformational features suggest
slope direction at the time of deposition. Structures that initially dip in the
direction of the current are cross-bedding and cross-lamination (Figs. 9-2
and 9-4). Planar structures that dip opposite to the direction of the current
are cross-laminated beds formed by climbing ripples (Fig. 9-4D) and planar

Fig. 9-10. Bed of liquefied sand (below) con

voluted and injected into overlying shale as
a dike, a sill, and a laccolith.
Fig. 9-9. A . Convolution caused by a current flowing toward the right. B. Schematic
structural facies of a subaqueous slump, which may pass into a debris flow to the right.
C. Progressive loading of sand into watery mud, with enlarged views showing idealized
patterns of bedding lamination.


Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

clast-im brication (Fig. 4-4). Convolutions with consistently asymmetric fold

forms suggest drag under a current that flowed opposite to the dip of their
axial planes (Fig. 9-9A); however, similar forms might be generated by
downslope flow in a liquefied sediment. Linear structures that give a unidirectional sense of a current are the troughs of festoon cross-bedding (Fig.
9-2C); flute casts, prod or impact casts, bounce casts, and chevron casts
(Fig. 9-8C); and plunging linear imbrication (Fig. 4-4). Linear structures
that give only an either-or sense of current direction are groove casts (Fig.
9-8C), cut-and-filled channels, and linear fabrics (e.g., of elongate fossils)
that are parallel to bedding surfaces.
Paleoslope direction can be determined from: (1) consistently overturned
load structures; (2) the dip direction of early formed faults (Fig. 9-9B); (3) the
direction in which beds are pulled apart (Fig. 9-9B); (4)rotated concretions
or other solid bodies; and (5) sheared-out trace fossils or primary structures.
Asymmetric convolutions are suggestive of paleoslope direction but may also
form by drag of a bottom current, as already noted. Postdepositional convolutions and other deformational effects can be identified in cases where trace
fossils, flute casts, cross-bedding, and other depositional features have
become deformed.
Procedures_ Outcrops must be examined in three dimensions to make
certain of measuring true dips and plunges rather than apparent ones. Sev-

eral measurements should be made at a given locality, because all currents

tend to be variable in orientation.
If beds dip less than 15 and are known to be unstrained and un deformed
paleocurrent directions can be read directly with a compass. For plana;
structures in nearly horizontal beds, the paleocurrent direction is at right




';- N80E


c -~<,~

c.. -' ,'_ /'

Fig. 9-11. A. Concretions formed before (left), during (middle), and after compaction of
muddy sediment. B. Foraminifer shells crushed by compaction . C. Compaction of flame
structure and sand-filled burrows.


.. ;~ -..... /


.... ..>...

Fig. 9-12. Rotating current indicators to original orientation; stereo net is dotted and
overlay and construction lines solid. Data for A, B, and C are: attitude of bedding, N
45E, 50 E; plunge of linear current indicator, 34 ~ N 80E. A. With overlay as shown,
plot ticks at due N, due S, N 45E, and N 80E. B. Rotate overlay so that tick of current
indicator is at E-W diameter and mark the point (L) 34 inward from outer circle. C.
Rotate overlay so that tick for N 45~E is at N pole of net, and draw trace of bedding along
the meridian 50 inward from outer circle. This line will pass through L if the data were
measured accurately. Find the stereo net small circle that passes under L; follow it to the
outer circle, and mark point L'. Finally, rotate the overlay into the position shown in A, in
order to read the arc SL', which is the original orientation of the current indicator, here, S
88E. Dillustrates the correction of a planar current indicator for these data: bedding is
due N, 50 0 W; crossbeddingis N lOoW, 70W. First, plot ticks for due N, due S, and N lOoW
and construct planes for each bedding surface as in step C above. Next, find the current
direction (C) in the bedding plane by counting an arc of 90 from the intersection of the
bedding and cross-bedding planes (point Q). Finally, follow the stereo net small circle
from C to the outer circle and tick the point C'. The arc C'S gives the bearing of the
current (here, S 64W).


Geology in the Field

angles to the strike of the planar features. Linear features are measured by a
compass bearing (Section 36). Neither the amount of plunge of linear structures nor the dip of planar ones is required; in fact, linear structures in
moderately tilted beds may plunge at a low angle opposite to the paleocurrent
direction. It is thus crucial to record the current direction correctly, which is
worth a double check of the outcrop and systematic note-taking (e.g., a symbol such as ~N46E could be used for paleocurrent directions and a two-ended
arrow for either-or paleocurrent indicators such as groove casts).
Where beds dip more steeply than 15, or where gently dipping beds are
likely to be parts of large folds or strained in other ways, the structure of the
area must be determined as completely as possible. The current structures
may be measured at any time, however, and these data are required: (1) the
strike and dip of the bed in which, or on which, the current indicators lie; (2)
the strike and dip of planar indicators, or the trend (bearing) and plunge of
linear ones; and (3) the sense of the paleocurrent direction relative to the dip
or plunge, which is generally recorded as (+) if the paleocurrent direction is
downward in the same direction as the dip or plunge, and (-) if it is the
opposite (e.g., if flute marks plunging 40 N 65 E have an opposite paleocurrent direction, the reading would be recorded 40- N65E (-), and the direction
would point 40 above the horizon in the direction S 65 W).
The structural data needed to correct the measurements just described
are: (1) strike and dip of beds; (2)bearing and plunge of fold hinge lines (fold
axes) in the area; (3) strike and dip of faults along which the rocks have been
rotated; and (4) orientation and amount of strain in the rocks at sites of
In the commonest case, beds have been tilted by one episode of cylindroidal
folding on a more or less horizontal axis. This kind of folding is indicated by
hinge lines that are approximately horizontal and are approximately parallel
from one fold to the next. Any linear current-indicator may be plotted on a
stereographic net and rotated back to its original orientation by the steps

Fig. 9-13. A major fold (A) and a fault (B) that have tilted preexisting folds from which
current data have been collected. The stippled patches represent possible sites for the
data used in Fig. 914.

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks


described and illustrated in Fig. 9-12A, B, and C. For a planar currentindicator, a somewhat different construction is used , as described in

Another common structural relation is that in which cylindroidal folds
plunge, either because they have been rotated by later folding or faulting, or
because strata inclined by folding or faulting have later been folded. Mapping
or use of pre-existing regional maps should disclose both sets of folds (Fig.
9-13A) or perhaps a major fault along which the folded rocks were rotated
(Fig. 9-13B). The age relations are not needed to correct current indicators
measured in such areas, but it is essential to know the trend and plunge of
the hinge lines of the local folds as well as the trend of the major folds or the
strike of the major fault. Figure 9-14 describes a method for such cases.
Deformation that is still more complex can generally be recognized in the


Fig. 9-14. Correcting a current direction for rocks folded or faulted as in Fig. 9-13. Data
for the case illustrated are: hinge of greater fold or strike of fault, 0 ~ NlOoE; hInge of
lesser fold, 26 -+ N 80 0 E; attitude of bed containing current indicator, N 75W, 50 0 N.E;
plunge of cu rrent indicator, 49 -+ N 23E. The steps are: (1) witH the overlay as In Fig.
9-12A, mark ticks for due N, N lOoE , N 80 0 E, N 75W, and N 23E; (2) rotate the overlay so
that the N 80 0 E tick is at the E W diameter and mark the poin t H 26inward from the
outer circle; (3) rotate the overlay so that the N 23E tick is at the E W diameter and mark
the point L49 inward from the outer circle; (4) with the N 75W tick at the N pole, draw a
line along the meridian 50 inward from the outer circle (this line will pass through Hand
L); (5) with the N lOoE tick at the N pole (as in part A of thiS figure!, draw a lIne from H
a long the underlying small circle to the outer circle of the net (pOInt H i; (6) count the
degrees in this arc (here, 28) and project L for the same number of degrees along the
underlying small circle, thus locating the point L '(t hese operations correc.t for the effects
of the greater fold or for the fault); (7) bring H'to the N pole of the n~t (as 10 part B of ~he
figure) and project L'along the underlying small circle to the outer Circle of the net (poIOt
L'i, an operation that unfolds the lesser fold; (8) finally, rotate the overlay so that the ~Ick
for N is at the N pole and read the arc NL", the corrected current directIOn (here, N 34 E).



Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

Geology in the Field

field by the unusual forms of folded beds or other deformed primary structures (Sections 12-2 and 12-3). In cases where several episodes of folding are
all approximately cylindroidal, it may be possible to obtain approximate
current-directions by extending the method just described. If strains in
complexly deformed rocks cannot be resolved, mapping the distribution of
depth-related or slope-related sedimentary facies may indicate paleoslope
directions (see, e.g., Deep-sea fans, Section 9-9).
9-5. Trace Fossils; Bioturbation

Trace fossils (ichnofossils) are often abundant where true fossils are scarce
or missing, and provide clues to depositional environments as well as to
sedimentation rates and processes (Crimes and Harper, 1970; Frey, 1975).
Animals make traces in six principal ways: (1) by touching or resting on the
bottom; (2) by moving across the bottom; (3) by feeding on the sediment
surface; (4) by probing or excavating sediment for food; (5) by digging or
boring a living space; and (6) by escape from such a dwelling. Trace fossil
assemblages commonly include several of these kinds of structures, so that
the animal itself can sometimes be deduced from the traces (Seilacher, 1970).
Most traces, however, have not been .matched conclusively with specific
animals, and therefore trace fossils have been classified independently by
their shapes and structural details. A large number have been named, described, and illustrated (Hantzschel, 1975). Trace fossils that are invisible in
fresh rock may contain enough iron sulfide to develop iron-oxide stains where
weathered. Farrow (1975) has described the use of ink and Alizaron Red or
Methylene Blue dye to make trace fossils more visible.
Because traces are records of animal behavior, different animals that
behave similarly may leave nearly identical traces. Behavior, however, is
connected broadly to environment, and therefore trace fossils are valuable
in interpreting conditions of deposition (Fig. 9-15). Substrate alone, however,
may lead to similar trace fossils at greatly different water depths. Burrows
common in shallow marine sands, for example, may occur here and there in
similar sands deposited on deep-sea fans.
Bioturbation is the sum effect of animal movements that destroy primary
fabrics and structures. The degree of bioturbation depends on: (1) the concentration of animals; (2) the rate of accumulation of sediment; (3) the food
content of the sediment; and (4) the kind of feeder-for example, burrowing
animals that feed on particles suspended in water bioturbate far less sediment than animals that ingest deposited sediment. Mud generally contains
more food and becomes more bioturbated than sand, except where anaerobic
organic-rich muds preclude most life. In fact, lack of bioturbation of laminated mudstones containing organic materials is evidence of an oxygendepleted environment (see Dysaerobic environments, Section 9-9).













Fig. 9-15. Some distin ctive trace fossils indicative of sedimentary facies. Top row: bur
rows in sand beds 15 cm or more thick and typical of the littoral and nearshore environments . Second row: Cruziana and Taphrhelminthopsis are trails cast on the bottoms of
sandstone and siltstone beds and the others are burrows; all are typical of interbedded
sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone of the shelf and somewhat deeper slopes and basins.
Third row: casts of surface traces and shallow burrows on the bottom of thin beds
(typically turbidites) of sandstone and siltstone of the slope and ocean basin . Bottom row:
delicate casts of surface traces on the bottoms of turbidite beds of very fine sandstone
and siltstone of the same environment. Cruziana is after Seilacher (1970) (Liverpool
Geological Society; copied with permission). Arenicolites, Cylindrichnus, and Teichichnus
are after Howard and Frey (1984) (National Research Council of Canada; copied with
permission). Taphrh elminthopsis and all the drawings in the third and bottom rows are
after Ksiazkiewicz (1970) ( Liverpool Geological Society; copied with permission).


Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

Geology in the Field

Degrees of bioturbation may be quantified as the percentage of bioturbated material per bed or locality (Fig. 9-16). Fine-grained sediments must
be examined closely with a hand lens (and possibly with a microscope),
because some mud-dwellers are so small as to bioturbate thin layers without
mixing them with other layers. Degrees of bioturbation have been used
together with kinds of fossils and trace fossils to evaluate the details of
depositional environments (Dorjes and Howard, 1975).

B'.,: : ,:::,.: .. ..
'.. ... ', . .- ... - . ,'

':: ' ,.',

.. - . : '.


. .. ... ~. :' : .: - .- ..

::~\.:!.~ :;/{./~~~

9-6_ Unconformities; Rates of Deposition

Unconformities result from erosion or nondeposition, followed by

renewed deposition.When the older rocks are arched or otherwise deformed
before being eroded, the resulting angular unconformity is easily recognized
in exposures or by geologic mapping, An unconformity parallel to the underlying beds (a disconformity) may be indicated or suggested by: (1) datable
fossils or volcanic rocks lying just above and just below the surface; (2) relics
of a soil profile in the underlying rocks; (3) truncation of root tubes, burrows,
joints, faults, dikes, or alteration zones in the underlying rocks; (4) concentrations (lags) of resistant clasts or fossils on the surface; (5) accumulations
of clay or chert nodules on an irregular surface between two limestone beds;
(6) the underlying rock being distinctly more compacted, cemented, or crystallized than the overlying one; (7) irregularities or cracks in the older rock
filled by the younger; (8) relics of encrusting organisms or holes bored by
animals at the top of the underlying rock; and (9) fragments of the underlying
rock (preferably rounded) included in the overlying deposit.
Of these relations, the first is by far the most valuable because it can be
used to determine the time-equivalence of the missing strata; however, it is
the least likely to be of help at the outcrop. The last relation has little signifi-

Fig. 9-17. A. Intraformational conglomerate in platy limestone. E. Curled mud plates

accumulated with windblown sand over cracked mud. C. Mud fragments caught up by a
turbIdIty current while they were still soft.

Fig.9-16. Some kinds and degrees of bioturbation: A , laminated kerogen rich shale 0%
bioturbated; E, diastem crossed by burrow; C, laminated sandstone with burrows i5%
bioturbated; D, contact 100% bioturbated; E, laminated siltstone mottled by 100% bi~tur
bation; F. diastem cutting underlying trace fossils, locally cut by overlying burrows; and
G, laminated muddy sandstone partly homogenized at large burrows, 75% bioturbated.

Fig. 9-18. A. Burrowed limestone with hardground (H) drilled by organisms and later
covered by lime mud that was burrowed much like the older deposit. E. Burrow traces in
mudstone, some cut off at an unhardened diastem and younger ones crossing it. C.
Storm-sorted lag of shelly sand crossed by an escape trace of animal that was in underlying muddy sand.

cance if the fragments are of clay-rich rocks, because they may become
coherent shortly after being deposited and may thus be ripped up by storm
waves, wind, or other strong currents (Fig. 9-17).
Many of the relations enumerated above can result from geologically brief
scour and nondeposition, which result in minor unconformities (diastemsor
omission surfaces). Whether local or extensive, these surfaces are important
in interpreting the depositional environment as well as specific events.
Traced laterally, they may pass into patches or thin wedges of very slowly
accumulated sediment, recognizable by concentrations of glauconite, phosphatized fossils or coprolites, teeth and bones, nodules of manganese oxides,
or silicified fossils.
Cementation and alteration during a long pause in sedimentation may
cast carbonate sediments into a surficial hardground or oxidize them to
yellow or red tints. A hardground may be indicated by trace fossils that
include: (1) an early suite made when the sediment was soft; (2) a suite of


Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

borings in the hardground; and (3) a still younger suite in the soft sediment
above the hardground (Bromley, 1975) (Fig. 91BA ). Brief erosion is shown
where unlithified burrows are cut off at a diastem and similar ones cross it
and occur above it (Fig. 9-1BB). Distinct layers consisting of the larger clasts
in the underlying sediment indicate a period of erosion and thus an omission
surface (Fig. 9-1BC). Brief erosion is also indicated by burrow fillings with
concave-downward laminations made by animals that were evidently burrowing downward to maintain an optimal depth in the sediment.
Rates of deposition must generally be computed as averages (as in cm/ lOOO
yr) based on ages derived from fossils or radioactive isotopes. Exceptions are
sequences that consist of well preserved annual cyclic beds, such as the
varved sediments of glacial lakes (Section 10-5) and of some dysaerobic deposits (Section 9-9). Rates of accumulation of other kinds of deposits must be
judged from analogous modern or late Pleistocene deposits, which can be
observed in formation or dated by 14C content.
Trace fossils help in evaluating accumulation rates. Slow deposition of
mud and fine sand rich in organic detritus typically results in complete
bioturbation of primary features, producing mottled sandy mudstone in
which traces are truncated and crossed by younger ones (Fig. 9-16). As rates
of deposition increase, traces become less numerous, and burrow fillings
may have concave-upward laminations made by animals that were burrowing upward in order to maintain an optimal depth. Finally, traces are typically absent from the main parts of thick sandy layers formed by a single
storm or sediment flow. The upper parts of such layers generally contain
trace fossils, however, and layers less than 30 cm thick may be crossed by
escape traces made by animals living in the underlying sediment at the time
the layer was emplaced (Howard, 1975) (Fig. 9-1BC).

Estuaries are coastal waterways in which salinities vary measurably from

a maximum at their mouths to a minimum where they are joined by a river.
Tidal currents are concentrated in central channels, which are characterized
by sorted sand or shelly gravel. Dunes and bars will have reversing structure
(Fig. 9-19A) or complex crescentic shapes with alternate crescents dominated
by one or the other tidal currents (Fig. 9-19B). Sandy or silty mud is deposited
on the gently sloping bottoms near channels, and fine silt and clay are caught
up in the bordering marshes, which lie just below the highest tide level. A

Soil profile; root tubes
Dark silty claystone with
peaty layers, burrows;
coarsening downward to
clayey siltstone.




~::.:::.: .~>. >.:~

9-7. Environments Affected by the Tides

Tidal currents are a major cause of transportation and deposition in

estuaries, bays, lagoons, and over certain parts of the seafloor. Where ebb
and flood currents are moderate and roughly equal, tidal deposits may be
recognized by the opposite facings of cross-lamination in ripple-deposited
mud and fine sand, and locally in coarser cross-bedded sand (Fig. 9-19A). If
sediment is supplied abundantly, ripple forms may be preserved between
linear crescents of fine mud accumulated in ripple troughs (Fig. 9-19C). Tidal
currents swift enough to transport medium and coarse sand are typically
divided into domains dominated by either ebb or flood flow (Terwindt, 19B1).
Thus dunes at an ebb-dominated locality will have sets of cross laminations
that all dip in the ebb direction but are separated by reactivation surfaces
eroded by flood-tide currents (Fig. 9-19B). At nearby localities, the cross lamination will dip in the opposite direction.


Channel with accreted

mud bar over lag of shells
and mud clasts.
Sandy muddy siltstone,

Large tidal channel in

sandstone. filled with cross
bedded sandstone, shelly
lag gravel

Fig. 9-19. A . Herringbone cross-lamination due to sedimentation of sandy mud by tidal

currents. B. Evolution of cross-bedding and erosion s urfaces (reactivation surfaces) where
one tidal current is dominant. C. Depositional sequence leading to flaser-bedded mud and
sand in a tidal environment: (1) fine sand transported in traction during peak tidal flow
and deposited as cross-laminated ripples; (2) mud deposited from suspension during slack
current; (3) partial erosion of mud followed by deposition of more sand ripples during
reverse tidal flow; (4) deposition of another mud layer during slack current; and (5)
sequence resulting from additional tidal cycles. After Reineck (1960); Geologische Rundschau, copied with permission. D. Generalized sequence deposited during the filling
of an estuary.

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

Geology in the Field



Fig. 9-20. Transverse section through deposits associated with a tidal marsh behind a
sand barrier that has migrated slowly landward (to the left). Diagrammatic, with vertical
scale exaggerated at least 4X.

filled estuary thus shows a sedimentary sequence that becomes finer grained
upward, with local channel facies at the thickest sections (Fig. 919D). Tidal
distributaries in marshes develop steepsided sinuous forms that migrate
laterally and show cutbank and pointbar arrangements of mud (Fig. 919D).
Bioturbation is strong in the lower (seaward) parts of estuaries and decreases
away from the sea.
Barrier-bounded lagoons and bays have sedimentary facies similar to those
of estuaries but generally have more sand fed in from the sea. The barriers
consist mainly of dune ridges with beach deposits on their seaward side
(Section 98). Tidal channels cut deep transects through them. Sandy
washover fans form in the lagoon where low parts of the sand barrier are
topped at high tide, and broad sand wedges are deposited over lagoonal muds
when storm waves cross the barrier (Fig. 9-20). Commonly, subsidence and
landward erosion cause the barrier to migrate slowly landward, placing
eolian dunes, beach, and nearshore marine structures over eroded marsh
and bay deposits (Fig. 9-20). Unlike true estuaries, bioturbation is abundant
throughout bays, but it decreases near bay mouths because of rapid reworking of sandy sediments by waves and tidal currents.
Carbonate associations. Where lagoons or banks are rimmed by organic
reefs or by partially cemented beach or submarine ridges, carbonate production is rapid throughout an array of subenvironments (Fig. 9-21). The

Fig. 9-22. Carbonate structures typical of intertidal and supratidal zones: A, stromato
lites; B, oncalites; C, upwardbranching small stromatolites; D, crinkled algal layers
with open spaces (fenestra or birdseye structure); E, flat algal layers, cracked and curled
(below), and locally broken and buckled into tepee structure; and F, anhydrite nodules.

reef typically comprises a large variety of organic and detrital structures

Games, 1983). It is flanked on its steep, seaward side by distinctly sloping
proximal beds of breccia and calcarenite, and by distal beds of lime mudstone
and occasional coarse deposits of sediment gravity flows. The lagoonal sediments are mainly bioturbated fossiliferous lime mud, with sand or shells
forming local deposits near the reef or as isolated dunes or mounds.
Sediments of the intertidal zone, which is alternately submerged and
exposed daily, can be recognized by filled tidal channels, which consist
mainly of fossiliferous lime mud but have a basal layer of gravel composed of
shells and intraclasts. The intertidal sediments may also have algal struc-

- - - - - - SUBTIDAL-------'.*I._-INTERTIDAL-~)+<I.~ SUPRATIDALBarrier
Tidal channels
~~~ -- .--- -------- -- ---------------- - - - --~
- ~-~-~~~~~~~~~

Calcarenite, micrite,
local calcirudite




Porous dolomite
and limestone,
locally with

Fig.9-21. Diagrammatic transverse section showing the principal subenvironments and

deposits of a carbonateproducingreef and lagoon. MHW= mean high water, and MLW=

mean low water.

Fig.9-23. Breccia formed by solution and piecemeal collapse, with detail showing cave
pearls (with concentric structure) overlain by laminated sediment and by banded deposits of dripstone.

Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

tures (Fig. 9-22A, B, and C), abundant burrows, reversed (tidal) crossbedding, and tracks of wading animals.
The supratidal zone is flooded only during spring tides and strong onshore
(storm) winds, and thus is exposed most of the time (Shinn, 1983). As a
result, the laminae of washover lime mud are commonly dried, cracked, and
locally recast into breccia and conglomerate (Fig. 9-22E). Shrinkage and the
expansion of gases commonly produce a variety of openings in the laminated
rocks (Fig. 9-22D). Dolomite is common, and evaporation in arid climates
results in nodular anhydrite (Fig. 9-22F), bedded gypsum, and other evaporite minerals, any of which may later be dissolved away and perhaps replaced
by chalcedony. Prolonged solution and collapse may form large breccia-filled
openings (Fig. 9-23).
If the lagoon fills with sediment faster than the deposits subside, the tidal
zone will migrate seaward, placing the subfacies in a distinctive vertical
sequence (Fig. 9-24). Where well exposed, the oxidized supratidal rocks are
noticeably lighter in tone than the darker gray (reduced environment)
lagoonal limestone beneath.

minerals are more abundant near the base of each lamina and may form
distinctive dark sheets where waves temporarily scoured and winnowed the
foreshore. The set of inclined laminae is capped by a layer of sand deposited
by overrun of waves on the berm (Fig. 9-25A). Beach deposits are particularly
recognizable where deposited in sequence between nearshore marine sands
and sands of wind dunes (Fig. 9-25B). Deformation and bioturbation are
scarce above the strandline, where vertical burrows occur locally. Crosslaminae in marine dunes outside the breaker zone may dip alongshore rather
than onshore. Another feature of the seaward facies, particularly on highenergy coasts, are rip channels, which are typically a meter deep, several
meters across, and aligned perpendicular to the shore. They can be recognized by crosscutting relations , by gravelly (often shelly) basal lags, and, at
their outer ends, by sand bars with seaward-dipping cross-lamination.
Beach gravels may be recognized by strongly aligned, locally vertical, or
even reversed imbrication, and by abrupt lateral and vertical changes in
grain size and fabric. Large isolated clasts in beach sands tend to be discoid
and lie ei ther parallel to sand laminae or to dip more steeply seaward. Gravel
may form a winter lag that becomes overlain by summer deposits of sand
(Fig. 9-25A). These gravels are often spaced rhythmically in mounds that


9-8. Beach and Shelf Deposits


Beach sands are characterized by simple planar laminae that are 2 to 40

mm thick and inversely size-graded (coarsen upward) (Clifton, 1969). Heavy


.::..~~~~~. Dolomitized algal limestone with anhydrite



~~ _La_m_in_a_te_d_do_lo_m_it_ic_lim_e_s_to_ne_
. o_n_ca_li_te_s._et_c._ _


6. Dune sand , typically

Laminated to bioturbated micrite. pelletal packstone

bioclastic wackestone, local boundstone of patch re~fs

:>~~:>}")~'::;: .:':::::<
,". ,.,

5. Planarbedded beach

Oolitic and bioclastic calcarenite, commonly in cross

bedded dunes

4. Cut-andfill of rough
Heads of algae, coral , etc., with intervening sorted calcarenite, poorly sorted calCirudite, local solution surfaces
and dolomitized rock

3. Planar bedded sand


:;;:';: "'.-'- ' - ..

2. Crossbedded sand in
zone of dunes

1. Crosslaminated sand
of ripples
Breccia and conglomerate of reef fragments, sorted oolites, etc.


Fig. 9-24. Vertical sequence of carbonate rocks formed by seaward migration of the sub
tital, intertidal, and supratidal environments.

Fig. 9-25. A. Diagrammatic section through nearshore and beach deposits of a high
energy coast. See also Clifton and others (1971). B. Stratigraphic sequence resulting from
falling sea level or seaward aggradation , such that the numbered features in A become



Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

were gravel cusps when the winter beach was exposed.

Wave energy is suggested by the dip of beach laminae, by grain size, and
by the height of the berm (thickness of the deposit). Low-energy beaches
along low-lying coasts have foreshore dips of less than 3, and have abundant
trace fossils near the strandline. Between major storms, large sand bars
migrate onshore, creating runnels that become filled in part by rippled sand
with cross-laminations dipping alongshore (Fig. 9-26). Because beaches on
low-lying coasts are commonly backed by dune-ridges and marshes, they are
transected here and there by tidal channels that are 10 to 30 m deep and
extend for kilometers offshore. Where filled, these channels can be recognized by a coarse lag at their base, by sands with alternately facing (tidal)
cross-lamination (Section 9-7), and by a complex of sand bars with
alongshore-directed cross-lamination resulting from filling at the end of a
spit (Hine, 1979).
Pre-Quaternary shelf deposits may differfrom modern ones, which tend to
reflect major changes in sea level during the Pleistocene glaciations. Older
deposits should be well-sorted cross-laminated sandstone near shore and
grade broadly seaward to finer deposits, typically interbedded silty mudstone and laminated sandstone, and then clayey mudstone, all bioturbated
to various degrees. Perhaps the best indicators of environment are indigenous fossils, which are likely to be abundant locally. Hummocky cross-bedding
(Fig. 92D) is thought to result from erosion and resedimentation of sand by
major storm waves, and would be preserved if below fair-weather wave base,
thus indicating a shelf environment. A storm and its waning effects are
indicated by a fining-upward sequence that ideally shows: (1) a base scoured
in burrowed sand or mud, often with a coarse lag; (2) sand in hummocky
cross-beds as in Fig. 9-2D passing up into (3) flat-laminated sand, (4) ripplelaminated sand, and (5) siltstone or mudstone that typically is burrowed
(Dott and Bourgeois, 1982). Hummocky cross-bedded sandstone may also be
part of large sandstone lenses that are many meters thick and formed offshore as shoaling sand bodies. These bodies may be distinguished by a capping of shelly gravel. Opposed (tidal current) cross-bedding may develop
locally on shelves, and long periods of slow sedimentation may be marked by

concentrations of glauconite, chamosite, or phosphate pellets.

Carbonate deposits of shallow, high -energy shelves and barrier-free banks
can be recognized by an abundance of oolites and sand-sized skeletal grains,
which are typically well sorted (grainstone and packstone) and locally cast
into tidal cross-bedding structures (Section 9-7). In great contrast to these
calcarenites are the pelagic chalk and marl formed in shelf seas that were so
broad as to receive little terrigenous detritus. These deposits can be recognized by: (1) abundant fossils of shelf-environment organisms; (2) chalk-marl
(light-dark) rhythms that are laterally persistent and may be anywhere from
centimeters to meters thick; and (3) numerous hardgrounds or omission
surfaces, commonly associated with nodular flint, glauconite, and phosphatic nodules and grains. Scholle, Arthur, and Ekdale (1983) also noted the
common occurrence of the trace fossil Thalassinoides in sediments of this
environment (Fig. 9-15). As described by Garrison and Kennedy (1977),
nodules of lithified chalk may form during early diagenesis, and subsequent
compaction and pressure solution of interstitial carbonate may lead to lenticular (flaser) structure (Fig. 9-27). The initial chalk nodules may also
become concentrated by erosion of the loose sediment around them, forming
a residual nodulegravel,locally with eroded-out Thalassinoides fillings. With
further lithification, these gravels become striking hardgrounds (Kennedy
and Garrison, 1975).
Marine deltas consist of seaward-aggraded deposits of marine, salt marsh,
tidal channel, and alluvial deposits (Fig. 9-28A). The thickness and extent of
each deposit varies with the size and sediment load of the river system, the
tidal range, and the rate at which the delta has subsided (Morgan, 1970). At a
given locality, the delta association can be recognized by a coarseningupward sequence of marine sediments overlain by marsh and alluvial deposits, which may be repeated cyclically due to periodic subsidence (Fig.

Distinctive parts of this sequence in a river-dominated delta have been

'2:::;"~d~;:,R":":.,.,,~oa..~::;'::::~ ~.;,~~:~
Surface eroded by major storms

Fig. 9-26. Diagrammatic section through nearshore and beach deposits of a low-energy
coast. Vertical scale exaggerated .

Fig. 9-27. Nodular chalk (A) modified by pressure solution into lenticular structures (B).
After photographs supplied by R. E. Garrison .


Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

described by Coleman and Prior (1982). Briefly, bioturbation in the thinly

laminated prodelta clays and silts decreases markedly upward, and these
sediments locally grade upward to deposits of distal bars, in which the fine
sediments are interiayered with thin beds of cross-laminated silt and sand.
The thick sands of the distributary mouth bar are well sorted and crosslaminated, and are commonly distorted by slumping; they may grade upward
into coarse sands reworked by tidal currents, or into marsh deposits associated with overspill (splay) sands of the distributary system. Distinctive
sedimentary facies of the subaerial delta below high-tide level are: (1)
numerous channels filled with woody detritus and organic-rich clay and silt
in which bedding is distorted during compaction; and (2) bay fills, which
coarsen upward from marsh clay with much organic debris to increasingly
sandy sediments deposited as small deltas. Deposits of the delta plain not
reached by high tides can be recognized by: (1) dark organic clays of swamps
and lakes, commonly containing pyrite, vivianite, and nodules cemented by
siderite, and locally broken perpendicular to bedding by contraction (syneresis) cracks; (2) shells of fresh water mollusks; (3) a capping of oxidized
(slightly reddened) mud with root tubes; and (4) cross-cutting braided river
channels that fine upward as described in Section 10-2.
9-9. Marginal and Basinal Deposits of the Deep Sea

Of the environments of the deep sea, those near its margin show the great-

Organic mud, coal ,
thin sands of swa mp
Marsh mud, channel

Gradation to delta
front sand , as at
lower left
Marine limestone

bar sand , slu mped
Delta front sand
Prodelta mud
Marine clay
Marine limestone

Marine mud
Marine sand over
wave-cut surface
Swamp and marsh
deposits as at upper

Fig.9-28. A. Diagrammatic longitudinal section through a large delta, with vertical scale
exaggerated greatly. The marsh and swamp deposits thicken landward due to gradual
subsidence of the delta. B. Vertical sequence with base at the lower left and top at the
upper right , illustrating a complete deltaic cycle closed by marine erosion du e to subsidence and followed by the beginnings of another cycle.


est variety of sedimentary associations. The relatively smooth slope and

rise of the western Atlantic is covered by mud and sand transported by the
contour-parallel geostrophic boundary current (Heezen and Hollister, 1971).
These contourites can be recognized by widespread distribution, by persistent thin laminations without size grading, by moderate numbers of trace
fossils (Fig. 9-15), by cross-lamination in thin beds of coarse silt and fine
sand, and by consistently oriented linear sediment tails and ripple s~ts
which indicate a current that flowed equatorward. In contrast, the contmental slopes of tectonically active margins develop thick local sequences of
mud, sand, and local gravel caught behind fault or slide blocks. Slumping
forms convolute strata, breccias, and debris flows in these sequences.
Dysaerobic environments are fairly common where the oxygen-minimum
zone of the ocean column (for dysaerobic conditions, water with 2 to 0.1 mill
of dissolved oxygen) impinges on slopes and basins not flushed by oxygenrich currents. Typical indicators in sedimentary rocks are: (1) lack of benthic invertebrate fossils except for certain protozoans; (2) unscavenged
remains of fish or delicate foraminifers, such as arenaceous forms; (3) laterally continuous planar lamination, commonly consisting of ann~al var:es
of dark/light pairs less than 1 mm thick; (4) scarcity of trace fOSS1ls, wh1ch
are typically thin forms parallel to bedding, such as Chondrites (Fig. 9-15);
(5) abundant organic matter; and (6) drab and commonly dark c?lors (g~ay,
gray-green, brown). These rocks may alternate with beds depos1~ed dunng
aerobic episodes, during which benthic animals bioturbate them mto structureless layers or into sequences with irregular and discontinuous ~a~ina
tion (Govean and Garrison, 1981; Isaacs, 1983). The other charactenstlcs of
the aerobic beds are generally opposite those enumerated above. Truly
anaerobic (oxygen-free) depositional environments are probably rare; however, pore water in deposits containing abundant organic matter may become
anaerobic, as indicated by formation of sulfides.
Deep-sea fans are forming today where sediment is funneled thr~u?h
submarine canyons to the floor of the deep ocean, and some tur?l~lte
sequences appear to represent similar pre-Quaternary fans. Other turb1d1tes
may represent fans in shallower or more restricted basins, and som~ ~re
problematical (Normark and others, 1983/ 1984). An~ien~ fan (or tur~ld1te)
associations are studied by mapping paleocurrent d1rectlOns and sed1mentary facies, and the facies that have been especially useful are those of Mut~i
and Ricci Lucchi (1978). The brief descriptions of them that follow are mod1fied somewhat after Howell and Normark (1982).
A. Sandy-conglomeratic facies - medium to very coarse sandstone and
conglomerate (the latter either clast- or matrix-supported) in beds more than
1 m thick; beds may be amalgamated or separated by thin beds of mudsto~e
or by zones of ripped-up mudstone clasts, some clasts more than 1 m m


Geology in the Field

diameter; beds vary in thickness and thin abruptly at channel margins;

some beds are ungraded, some have reverse grading, and many are normally
graded and may be laminated in their upper parts; scour and load casts are
common and may be deeper than 1 m.
B. Sandy facies - coarse to fine sandstone in beds typically less than 3 m
thick; beds more tabular and with more numerous and persistent mudstone
interbeds than in A; laminations may be common and are often broadly
wavy through most of bed; dish structures and elutriation pillars may be
present; scour marks scarce but filled channels, mudstone clasts, and softsediment deformation common.
C. Sandy-muddy facies - sandstone-mudstone turbidite beds like those of
Fig. 9-6A dominant; coarsest sand usually medium-grained but some Ta
divisions contain coarse sand or pebbles, usually near their base; beds typically 0.5 to 1.5 m thick and more tabular than in B; scour casts abundant;
intraformational mudstone clasts usually less than 3 em in diameter.
D. Muddy-sandy facies I - turbidite beds consisting of divisions Tc to Te
typical, and otherwise lowest division is Tb; all beds laminated; sandstone:mudstone ratios from 1:2 to 1:9; sandy parts of beds 3 to 40 cm thick and
composed of fine sand to coarse silt.
E. Muddy-sandy facies II - turbidites similar to those of D but beds are
thinner (generally less than 0.3m thick), more lenticular, have sandstone to
mudstone ratios about 1:1 or more, have sand coarser and less sorted, have


Sea level

Sl ope

BaSin plain

Fig. 9-29. Oblique view of an ideali zed deepsea fa n , with inner, middle, and outer envi.
ronmen ts delimited by dashed lines. Typical locations of the four columnar sections are
show n by circled numbers, and the sedimentary sequences are described in the tex t.

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks


basal divisions unlaminated and with mudstone clasts, and have sandstone
and mudstone distinctly separated in a given bed.
F. Chaotic facies - slumped beds , contorted or broken strata, or debris
flows (Figs. 9-9B and 12-29).
G. Hemipelagic and (or) pelagic facies - mudstone (siltstone to claystone)
with varying content of fine sand, detrital mica, and carbonates; structureless to laminated; may consist of thin separate deposits on Tet divisions or as
thicker sequences; generally with more microfossils than Tet mudstone and
thus lighter colored.
These facies form typical associations and sequences in the fan environments of Fig. 9-29. The inner fan is characterized by channel deposits of
sandy-conglomeratic facies with subordinate sandy facies and occasional
chaotic facies. Hemipelagic or pelagic facies is typical of the interchannel
parts of the inner fan , locally being associated with muddy-sandy facies II.
The middle fan is dominated by channel deposits of sandy facies, locally
with sandy-conglomeratic facies and sandy-muddy facies. Muddy-sandy
facies II forms levees and grades outward to muddy-sandy facies I and perhaps to pelagic facies in areas farthest from channels. Laterally shifting
channels result' in thinning-and-fining-upward sequences over large areas
(Fig. 9-29, column 2). The outer fan is generally defined as fan-areas beyond
the ends of the distributary channels, and sandy muddy facies and muddysandy facies I are characteristic, commonly being associated in thickeningupward deposits of sand lobes, with sandy facies forming the uppermost
part of these deposits (Fig. 9-29, column 3). The outer fringe of the fan may
show thickening-upward sequences starting with hemipelagic or pelagic
facies whereas the basin plain is composed of the latter facies, with occasional beds of muddy-sandy facies I and perhaps sandy-muddy facies (Fig.
9-29, column 4).
A paleofan is proven by the distribution of these facies associations and by
a radiating pattern of channels and of flow casts (Section 9-3). The latter are
well developed in many fan sediments and are oriented fairly consistently at
anyone locality. Convolute bedding is common in the coarser deposits. Sandy
and conglomeratic facies are likely to contain displaced shallow water fossils
without accompanying burrows, whereas adjoining mudstones contain
pelagic fossils and trace fossils typical of deep water (Fig. 9-15).
Basinal sediments in areas adjacent to deep-sea fans are typically laminated clayey siltstones. Farther basinward, clays and planktonic skeletons
become the dominant components, forming biogenic calcareous deposits
and , in deep cold waters, siliceous deposits and clays that are residual to the
solution of all carbonate. Bedding in most of these deposits is parallel, thin,
and highly persistent laterally. Cross-lamination is fairly common but is so
thin and often at such low angles to bedding as to require sawing and etching


Geology in the Field

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks

in dilute HCI in order to measure paleocurrent direction. Well-preserved

trace fossils are scarce and are mainly grazing trails or shallow probing
marks and burrows. Sediments are generally oxidized and may thus be reddish or brownish. Association of vesicle-poor basalt with calcilutite, bedded
chert, or porcelanite is indicative of a deep-sea environment. In addition to
occasional far-traveled turbidity currents, silt and coarser sediments may
be introduced by floating ice, by winds from arid continental areas, and by
major volcanic explosions.
Deep-sea carbonates formed from calcareous plankton are preserved at
depths less than around 4 km, forming chalks and marls (and their derivative limestones). These deposits can be distinguished from shelf-sea chalks
(Section 9-8) by scarcity of fossils of benthic organisms and by the absence
of hardgrounds and the trace fossil Thalassinoides (Scholle, Arthur, and
Ekdale, 1983). Beds are typically tabular and highly persistent. Where
amounts of carbonate decrease, due either to dissolution or to local scarcity
of plankton, chalk and marl (or limestone and calcareous shale) grade laterally to carbonate-free clay or organic deposits of silica. As noted by Scholle,
Arthur, and Ekdale (1983), these fine-grained deposits accumulate so slowly
that delicate trace fossils (as the bottom two rows in Fig. 9-15) are destroyed
by bioturbation, and the only preserved traces are Planolites, a small flattened burrow-filling that is variously curved and lies about parallel to bedding (see Hiintzschel, 1975).

...... : :'1

Fig. 9-30. Miscellaneous structures indicating stratigraphic sequence. A. Organisms

attached to the top (free face) of rock substrate or boulder; from left to right, solitary
corals, drilling pelecypod, brachipods, barnacle, and bryozoan. B. Living positions of
certain organisms. C. Dimple under drops tone (ice-rafted or kelprafted) overlain by
planar beds. D. Fluted top of exposed limestone. E. Prints of raindrops or hail. Partly
after "Criteria for determining top and bottom of beds" by S. W. Muller (1958, Stanford
University), reproduced in full by Dietrich and others (1982).


9-10_ Structures Indicating Stratigraphie FaCing (Tops) of Beds

Primary sedimentary structures can often be used to determine stratigraphic tops in areas where strata are deformed. Although a number of
these features have already been described, a list may be helpful: crossbedding with cut -and-fill relations or parabolic foreset lamination (Fig. 9-2);
ripple forms preserved at the top of cross-laminated sequences (Fig_ 9-4);
turbidite beds (Fig. 9-6); elutriation pillars and dish structures (Fig_ 9-7);
scour forms (Fig_ 9-8); load casts (Fig. 9-9C); trace fossils consisting of surficial tracks , trails, or grazing marks (Fig. 9-15); truncated burrows, bored
hardgrounds, and escape traces (Fig_ 9-18); all relations indicating unconformi ty (Section 9-6); inverse size-grading in beach sands (Section 9-8); cu tand-fill relations in reversing (tidal) cross-bedding (Fig. 9-19B); sequences of
aggraded estuarine and bay deposits (Fig. 9-19D); gravel or shell lags at the
base of cut forms (Fig_ 9-19D); growth forms of stromatolites (Fig. 9-22),
dessication plates curled upward at their edges (Fig. 9-22E); collapse breccia
(Fig. 9-23); sequence in barrier-related carbonate deposits (Fig. 9-24); sequence in aggraded near-shore and beach deposits (Fig. 9-2.5); channel f~r~s
in turbidite fan deposits (Fig. 9-29). Additional structures mclude stratified
fillings in vesicles and fossils (Fig. 4-7C), as well as the features illustrated in
Figure 9-30.
Structures indicating stratigraphic tops in nonmanne depOSits (Chapter
10) are: fining-upward sequences in alluvial sediments (Fig . .10-lB); ~ut
and-fill in alluvial fan deposits (Fig. 10-2); forms and cross-beddmg of eolian
dunes (Fig. 10-3); slump-and-fill in dune foreset beds (Fig. 10-4); inverse
size-grading in eolian ripple-drift layers (Fig. 10-5); gravel lags at the base of
eolian sand accumulations (Section 10-4); sequence in composite till sheets
(Fig. 10-6); size-grading in talus deposits (Fig. 10-11); upward-opening shapes
of filled ice wedges (Fig. 10-12); facing of involutions in Vertisols (Fig. 10-16);
and almost all soil profiles (Section 10-9).
Where volcanic and sedimentary rocks are intercalated, stratigraphic
sequence can be determined from these features in basalts: (1) position of
pipe vesicles, pahoehoe toes, and pahoehoe tops (Fig. 13-1); (2) stratified
filling and stalactites in lava tubes (Fig. 13-3B); (3) patterns o~
joints (Fig. 13-4); and (4) cuspate forms at the base of some lava pillows (Fig.
13-5). In viscous lavas, stratigraphic tops may be indicated by thrust faults
and vertical distribution of flow structures (Fig. 13-7). Indicators of sequence
in pyroclastic deposits include bomb sags (Fig. 13-9B), cross-bedding ~n su~ge
deposits (Fig. 13-9), original textural sequences in ash.-flow depOSits (~Ig.
13-10A and B), and the facing of gradations due to weldmg and compactIOn
(Fig. 13-10C).
Finally, in sedimentary sequences that have been folded once stro~gly,
tops of beds in isolated outcrops can be based on the geometric relatIOns
between bedding and cleavage (Figs. 12-18 and 19).


Geology in the Field

References Cited

Bouma, A. H., 1962, Sedimentology ofsome flysch deposits: a graphic approach to facies
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Bromley, R. G., 1975, Trace fossils at omission s urfaces, p. 399-428 in Frey, R.W.
Campbell, C. V., 1967, Lamina, laminaset, bed and bedset: Sedimentology, v. 8,
Clifton, H. E ., 1969, Beach lamination: nature and origin: Marine Geology, v. 7,
Clifton , H. E ., Hunter, R. E., and Phillips, R. L., 1971, Depositional structures and
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Petrology, v. 41, p. 651-670.
Coleman,]. M., and Prior, D. B., 1982, Deltaic environments of deposition, p. 139-178
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Crimes , T. P , and Harper, ]. C., editor s, 1970, Trace fossils: Liverpool , See1 House
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Dietrich , R. V. , Dutro,]. T . .Jr., and Foose, R. M., compilers, 1982. AGI data sheets,
second edition:Falls Church, VA, American Geological Institute.
Dorjes,J., and Howard,]. D., 1975, Estuaries of the Georgia coast, U.S.A.: Sedimentology and biology, IV. Fluvial-marine transition indicators in an estuarine
environment, Ogeechee River-Ossabaw Sound: Senckenbergiana Maritima, v. 7,
Dott, R. H.,]r., and Bourgeois,]., 1982, Hummocky stratification: significance of its
variable bedding sequences: Geological Society of America Bulletin , v. 93,
Dzulynski, S., and Walton, E . K., 1965, Sedimentary features offlyschandgreywackes:
Amsterdam, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., 274 p.
Einsele, G. , and Seilacher, A., 1982, Cyclic and event stratification: New York,
Springer-Verlag, 536 p.
Farrow, G. E., 1975, Techniques for the study of fossil and recent traces, p. 537-554
in Frey, R. W.
Frey, R. W, editor, 1975, The study of trace fossils: a synthesis ofprinciples, problems,
and procedures in ichnology: New York, Springer-Verlag, 562 p.
Garrison, R.E., and Kennedy, W.}., 1977, Origin of solution seams and flaser structure in Upper Cretaceous chalks of southern England: Sedimentology, v. 19, p.
Govean, F. M., and Garrison , R. E. 1981, Significance of laminated and massive
diatomites in the upper part of the Monterey Formation , California, p. 181-198
in Garrison, R. E., and Douglas, R. G., editors, The Monterey Formation and
related siliceous rocks of California: Society of Economic Paleontologists and
Mineralogists Pacific Section , Special Publication.
Hamilton , E . L., 1976, Variations of density and porosity with depth in deep-sea
sediments: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology , v. 46, p. 280-300.
Hampton, M. A., 1975, Competence of fine-grained debris flows: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 45, p. 834-844.
Hiintzschel, W, 1975, Trace fossils and problematica, Part W, Supplement 1, in
Teichert, C., editor, Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, Lawrence, University of
Kansas, and Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America, 269 p.
Harms , }. C., Southard, J. B. , and Walker, R. G., 1982, Structures and sequences in
clastic rocks: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, lectures for
short course no. 9, 8 chapters paged separately.

Primary Features of Marine Sedimentary Rocks


Heezen, B. C. , and Hollister, C. D., 1971, Thefaceofthedeep: New York, Oxford Univ.
Press, 659 p.
Hine , A. C., 1979, Mechanisms of berm development and resulting beach growth
along a barrier spit complex: Sedimentology, v. 26, p. 333351. .
Howard,] . D., 1975, The sedimentological significance of trace fOSSIls, p. 131-146 In
Frey, R. W
Howard , ]' D., and Frey, R. W, 1984, Characteristic trace fossils in nearshore to
offshore sequences, Upper Cretaceous of east-central Utah: Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences, v. 21, p. 200-219.
Howell, D. G., and Normark, W R., 1982, Sedimentology of submarine fans, p. 365404 in Scholle, P A., and Spearing, D.
Hunter, R. E. , and Clifton, H. E., 1982, Cyclic deposits and hummocky crossstratification of probable storm origin in Upper Cretaceous rocks of the Cape
Sebastian area, southwestern Oregon: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 52, p.
Isaacs, C. M., 1983, Compositional variation and sequence in the Miocene Monterey
Formation, Santa Barbara coastal area, California, p. 117-132 in Larue, D. K., and
Steel, R. J., editors, Cenozoic marine sedimentation, Paci!i~ marlf!n, U.S.1.:
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists PaCIfic SectIOn, SpeCIal
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Normark, W R., Mutti, E., and Bouma, A. H., 1983/84, Problems In turbIdIte research: a need for COMFAN: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 3, p. ?3-56.
Reineck, H. E., 1960, Uber Zeitlucken in rezenten Flachsee-Sedlmenten: Geologzsche
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Scholle, P A., Arthur, M. A., and Ekdale, A. A., 1983, Pelagic environment, p. 619-691
in Scholle, P A., Bebout, D. G., and Moore, C. H.
. .
Scholle, P.A. , Bebout, D.G., and Moore, C.H., editors, 1983, ~arbonatedeposltzonal
environments: American Association of Petroleum GeologIsts MemOIr 33,700 p.
Scholle, P A., and Spearing, D., editors, 1982, San.dstone de~ositional environments: American Association of Petroleum GeolOgIsts MemOIr 31, 410 p.




Geology in the Field

Seilacher, A., 1970, Cruziana stratigraphy of "nonfossiliferous" Paleozoic sandstones, p. 447-476 in Crimes, T P., and Harper, J. C.
Shinn, E. A., 1983, Tidal flat environment, p. 171210 in Scholle, P. A., Bebout, D. G.,
and Moore, C. H.
Terwindt, J.H.]., 1981, Origin and sequences of sedimentary structures in inshore
mesotidal deposits of the North Sea, p. 426 in Nio, S.D., Shuttenhelm, R.TE.,
and van Weering, TC.E., editors, Holocene marine sedimentation in the North
Sea basin, International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication
no. 5.
Wentworth, C. M., Jr., 1966, The Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary rocks of the
Gualala area, northern Coast Ranges, California: Stanford University, CA, PhD
dissertation , 197 p.

Surficial Sediments;
Continental Environments

10-1. The auaternary Record

The descriptions in this chapter pertain to nonmarine deposits of all ages

but are applied especially to Quaternary deposits because of the areal extent
and importance of that System. Field studies of Quaternary deposits are
somewhat special for several reasons. The cyclic nature of the System makes
it necessary to recognize specific subunits within sequences of similar units,
which requires careful attention to small differences in color, texture, induration, and primary structures. Soils and paleosols are among the most
important units, and they are alteration zones rather than deposits. In addition, all kinds of surficial deposits tend to be loose, which makes for infrequent exposure and the need for picks and shovels, soil augers, coring
devices, and entrenching machines. Aerial photographs are typically essential. Study of landforms and their relations to soils, plant communities, and
underlying deposits is one of the more basic approaches (Ruhe, 1975). Geomorphological techniques (Goudie, 1981; Dackombe and Gardiner, 1983) may
be useful. Intercalated volcanic deposits provide means of numerical dating
(Chapter 13; Self and Sparks, 1980), and active faults are important (Section
12-5). Most of the basic terms and relations described in the first six sections
of Chapter 9 apply to continental deposits as well.
Quaternary stratigraphy is based on cyclic climatic variations, because the
period was too brief to evolve sets of index fossils or faunal-zone assemblages.
The acknowledged subdivisions are four glacial periods and three interglacials, based on glacial drifts separated by warm-climate soils or other
materials. A number of studies have now demonstrated, however, that there
were additional cold-warm cycles during the Quaternary Period. As examples, sequences of loess layers and climate-related fauna and flora in central
Europe indicate at least 17 cold-warm cycles in the past 1.7 m.y. (Fink and
Kukla, 1977), and unusually complete pollen records (Woillard, 1978) and
thick sedimentary sections that can be dated paleomagnetically (Cooke, 1981)
also indicate many climatic cycles.
One must thus proceed with caution in assigning local indications of a
cold-warm change to one of the classical subdivisions. Before beginning a
study, the local and regional Quaternary stratigraphy should be reviewed
thoroughly, with special note of all horizons dated by 14C or other methods.
Valuable unpublished data are commonly available through local geology or

Stratigraphic Sections.

11-1. Preliminary Steps

Stratigraphic sequences are measured and described in many kinds of

projects and are generally presente<! as columnar sections or detailed descriptive logs. These surveys have three basic purposes: (1) to obtain accurate thicknesses of mapped units; (2) to record full sequential descriptions
of the rocks within the units; and (3) to obtain exact stratigraphic positions
of fossils and rock samples.
Well-exposed sections are often surveyed during a mapping project in
order to recognize stratigraphic position in places where the same rocks are
poorly exposed or broken by faults. Stratigraphic measurements may also
have specific purposes, such as determining areal variations in thickness or
lithology; connecting surface IJlapping with subsurface logs of wells; and
describing type sections of new formations (Section 5-3). In addition to their
use in sedimentary sequences, stratigraphic sections may be compiled for
volcanic sequences, for metamorphic rocks, and for stratified plutons.
Additional suggestions for specific projects as well as for methods of measurement have been given by Kottlowski (1965).
Accurate stratigraphic measurements and descriptions require much
time and effort and thus warrant thorough preparation. The preliminary
steps that follow are suggested for field projects consisting chiefly of stratigraphic measurements. In cases where extensive geologic mapping precedes
measurements, most of the steps will already-have been taken.
1. Researching rock units will firm up the purpose of the project and indi-

cate features that should be examined during the field work. Geologic mapping is reviewed in order to compile areal variations in thickness and broad
structural relations, such as unconformities, gradations to other units, and
positions of dated samples in nearby areas. The units are discussed with
geologists who have studied them elsewhere.
2. Selecting locations. Ideally, each section should: (a) be well exposed; (b)
be measurable within an area of small size (to be as nearly as possible a true
stratigraphic column); and (c) be undisturbed by faulting or other deformation that cannot be resolved. These requirements are assessed mainly during field reconnaissance, but study of aerial photographs, geologic maps,
topographic maps, and soil maps will help to narrow the selection. Road and
railroad cuts, aqueducts, and stream courses often provide the most continuous exposures but may intersect bedding at such low angles as to extend

Stratigraphic Sections


the study too far laterally. If dips are at low angles, steep valley walls scored
by ephemeral streams may be ideal sites.
3. Reconnaissance is the most important step in planning (Section 1-4).
Landowners or local residents may be questioned regarding access and
permission and can often supply valuable information on locations of outcrops or on records from local wells and inaccessible mine workings. The
best locations are examined and, if outcrops are scattered, possible courses
for measurement are walked out to see if a complete section can be pieced
together (Section 11-2). Landslides, faults, and folds that affect the sections
are studied to determine if they can be resolved. Closely spaced exposures of
the sequence are compared to test its lateral uniformity. Samples are collected to determine if materials are fresh enough for micropaleontologic or
petrologic studies (Sections 3-7 and 3-8). The openness of the terrain is noted
in cases where telescopic surveying instruments will be used.
4. Precision of stratigraphic l1leasurements arises from two different
aspects of a study. The first is the mechanical precision of the surveying
methods that will be used (Sections 11-4 to 11-8). The second is how finely
the rocks should be subdivided, measured, and described (Section 11-2),
The time and funds available affect both aspects of precision. The scale of
stratigraphic columns that will be prepared may also affect them (Section
5. Preparations/or the/ield. Besides accumulating equipment and supplies
ordinarily used in field work (Section 2-1), stratigraphic measurements may
require surveying equipment (Section 11-4 to 11-8), special equipment for
sampling (mattock, shovel, sledge, rock drill, or crowbar), and equipment
for scraping or washing rock faces. Field sheets or notebooks may be set up
in advance to help systematize rock descriptions.
11-2. Subdividing and Describing a Section

The description of the section is generally undertaken in this orger: (1)

location and study of contacts between formations or members; (2) subdivision of these formal units into the informal units that will be described; (3)
trial measurements and descriptions of several of these units; (4) systematic
measurements and descriptions of the entire section; and (5) reexamination
of parts of the section, as necessary.
Formations or members in the section provide a me~ns of correlation
with the same units elsewhere. Their contacts should be located exactly at
the line of section and should be studied for at least several hundred meters
on either side of the section. The contacts are based on prior mapping in the
area or on published descriptions (Section 5-3). Any contact that cannot be
located firmly is described as being within a certain measured interval.
The subdivisions used in the measurement are physically distinct groupings of rocks that will be of value in unifying parts of the d,escription, in



Geology in the Field

Stratigraphic Sections

preparing a columnar section, and in interpreting the section. Other geologists may use these units to locate specific parts of the sequence in the field.
Ideal stratigraphic units are based on lithologic characteristics that have
genetic meaning, and the more practical are also based on obvious surficial
characters, such as degree of exposure, steepness of slope, thicknesses of
beds, kinds of vegetative cover, and color of rock and soil. Thickness is not
an important criterion provided the unit is physically distinct. A thin tuff
bed in a sedimentary sequence, for example, would be a valuable unit. Disconformities should be used as contacts between units even if they seem
A trial description and measurement of part of the section serve to calibrate procedures to the time available and the purpose of the project. These
trials may be unnecessary if the rocks have become well known during
prior field work.
Systematic measurement and description of the full section is best made

by advancing up-section, in order to see the sequence in depositional order.

This approach is especially important for sections with occasional scour or
omission surfaces, or for sequences composed of depositional cycles or
rhythms. Outcrops are generally easiest to find and examine when walking
upslope, especially if the survey is somewhat pressed for time. In any case,
all aspects of approach, study, and precision should be kept as consistent as
possible during the survey.
Restudying or recollecting parts of the section may prove necessary if
important features or relations are recognized after the measurement is
well underway. The section may also have to be restudied after thin sections, fossil identifications, or analytical data have been examined. Reoccupying parts of the section should be no problem if a number of stations
are marked permanently, or if the units are lithologically distinctive and
they were described carefully and fully in the first place.
Descriptions are accumulated per measured unit as the survey proceeds.
They should be as complete as time permits, but they are usually recorded
in telegraphic style and with use of abbreviations. They are generally
started with the name of the rock or rocks that make up the measured unit,
followed by data in a systematic order suitable to the project and to the
specific rocks being described. The order in Fig. 11-1 is appropriate for
general study of a sedimentary sequence, and the characteristics listed in
Section 3-3 and those described in Chapters 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15 give additional categories of data. Consistency of order is important because of the
need to compare units later and to synthesize overall formation descriptions.
It may be worthwhile to make up and duplicate check sheets if a large
number of units must be measured in a short time or if data will be digitized
(Fig. 11-2).
If a columnar section will be prepared from the data, agraphic log depicting shapes and relative thicknesses of beds and their primary structures is
highly desirable (Fig. 11-3). Drawing the log forces one to look systematically
at important features and to generalize them consistently. The log also
affords a detailed basis for drawing the final columnar section.
Sample sites are recorded in the notes by specific measure and are plotted
to scale on the graphic log. Sites of samples that will be analyzed or used
biostratigraphically should be marked clearly on the outcrop or photographed with a hammer or other scale at the sample point.

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,.'- ;/.,,'" &~tI.s: "':,,; 1- 5_~.",
- ,-----,-,- -- " f"-cr~,1. ,9.1.. ,I:>l.,~,,-Co~<>''''._. ,;,). ."S:,;: ~S h'. ,.r.a.y ( ' , ~/O) , "".0:.1'1')
------.-"-,, .. - _ tid./.p.4J:lu~ ..;-.<lh' 9,u.rfz.Q~,~ . ..,,",;.r:1, '-:J.., 'l..... "'-of'-I<,

JA~p_~-e._~_~,JI'a.rr< __ -ts> .II-'>ni.

... _... - -----_. ; .. ----'---"'-- --------

<-c ; 1-<


GQ.tJ':(:Rp_'y{s.. _,c.oll"'~f"'<t . Ll':.. / 3,S",, __ .

------- - _.... _----

.. _.- - --------- -- ----_ .. _----

I.,l.rl!t3. .."3.t'fra ____Tf ~JYJl.{ ;.~s: _C_...) ./i'3.e. _

$ __

';'I:/'dci ,,'"t<'rlo. _V- f.D~ I,i c.Jtc.c ,ovs. .~s

---- ---"---- ___ :__q~d_, .rJ1:it: _; ---y, J~-- J..'2"'!N-':J,',;-I, ,,~r.~,Y_, /s:y~

' _._s/ 0,,; m _o ; Jr)

-----------": .f... l,/,.lp,a ,d",;; _, <1.n.d __ ':>7_'~<1-.t;J!.D, "'S. __ ,~_ .L"'_~"- ___1;"<?"''''__S __ ~_c'',,_-/.p j ,t ., ,
.. ---- -- - ___ ~ h:t:l,~-gr"-y- ( %, y~__ , 'f.":>/J}/_ 'nIZJ-.JI:)'T_-f, :r.vj~". _
"",:n.._19-<-.... (7""".";
-----.... _... _ ... j~4...II'.L.r, _ ..JjL..."'~.. _c...tx.... _.

__ . __ _ __

Fig. 11-1. Field notes from a detailed description of a measured formation,

11-3. Covered, Deformed, or Laterally Variable Strata

Offsets are commonly needed to piece together separated exposures of a

stratigraphic sequence (Fig. 11-4). Ideally, an offset is made by walking
along a specific bed or bedding surface that connects the stratigraphically
upper part of one exposure to the lower part of a nearby exposure. In cases
where the offset must be made across a covered area, a specific bed or a







Section Worden Fm. alonj l<.t. 33 In. Rinqw-ood Canyon

Unit 7
Measured thickness 28",
NI5W 65W
Measured by M. Lawry
Date~Conments V. well~xposed. 8eHer






Primary structures:

I! "



C o/citi", Iv d%mific shQ/tI, 5G' 3/1,

w;fh 30"70 0./ - 0.3 ~ i"f.rh"cJ,s
5'r 4/, d%". ;fe ("" i t ." relics


pe I/Q raj /1'7icrile).



1 mm

1 ." ,




60 - 75' "70 b,'c,fC/rbaled.




, 13

, 008

Fig. 11-3. Part of a graphic log and accompanying unit descriptions, constructed from
the base of the formation upward. The fossil symbols are explained in Appendix 9, the
rock symbols in Appendix 8, and the color notation in Appendix 6.


unique set of beds can sometimes be recognized in both exposures. Lacking

these direct means of correlation, the offset must be made by walking along
a visually projected line of bedding, as by the method described in Section
5-2 under Using strike and dip to locate contacts.
Cover. Despite careful selection, a section line may cross intervals that
are unexposed and cannot be resolved by lateral offsets. If an interval is
hidden only by soil, its lithology may be approximated from soil texture,
from fragments brought up by burrowing animals, by augering through
the upper part of the soil, or by digging shallow pits. Intervals covered by

, 03

1 -+I~I~+I--~I~1--1~41--~1-+1~OI~15-+1-.-O~104
t mm ,25


Degree of sorting:
Grain shapes:

very well

very angular angular

loose moderate tight



poor very poor

subangu1ar subrounded


Fo5s ,ls end spa,.se (3 '70




focal /y plonlllr




jill I i




1 m


, 7:'

qua rt z

Litnic clasts:



granite chert aplite

slate argillite


1s dol



,.., 2.5"10
feld .L-------------~

,.,.,icri f'e..

1-3," ht!'ds oo//;'-lc. grd' ins/ol)t ,z"cf

PQ<~"f"ne with 10 - 30 ~/o '1z SQnd ;
5Y 6/1 , wedfher",d fan .


10 r<je

heels 6 /ocl asfic pacK-

stone. Qnd tA.H7c:1<~.s lone~ 5)' 5/2;

wilh 20"/'0 0./-0 .2 "" ;nrerheds


Planar X- bedd,n <]

Grain sizes range: 512

0.4-1.6 m

.1 m

q bundanl- -- unit


3-48", - -~~~~
<2> 3 -38", _




calc,"fic ri%m i ft., 5G'f







""",' I}' re"c.s 01 oolif i c (?)

10rR 8/3






Sandsfone, sub9uO'r/'zose, fCelcJspqlh'-c

v. p41e brn


f03" / cool/ecl-iOns C O'n Dt? nl&ld e.

Rock or sediment name:


Stratigraphic Sections

Geology in the Field

Cement: cal dol qz opal clay

lit;,ic gyp tar anhyd zeolite


Fig.11-2. Check sheet for describing measured stratigraphic units, with slant-lettering,
brackets, arrows, and underlines showing data recorded for a specific case.

Fig. 11-4. Offsets (heavy dash ed lin es)

between measured courses (heavy solid lines)
in gullies and along a craggy outcrop.



Geology in the Field

Stratigraphic Sections

surficial deposits may have to be recorded as unknown parts of the section;

however, some can be resolved by unusually long offsets or by study of the
same general part of the sequence in neighboring areas.
The approximate thickness of strata in covered intervals must be determined in order to obtain the thickness of the unit overall. Covered intervals
are measured by using strikes and dips like those stratigraphically above
and below the covered interval and measuring as if the interval were
Faults typically are not exposed and therefore constitute a major problem
in measuring stratigraphic sections. The suggestions in Section 5-4 may
help in recognizing unexposed faults . In particular, any linear strip of
unexposed ground should be checked by tracing specific beds or other
structures (dikes, veins, etc.) up to the strip and seeing if they project across
it to the other side.
The section being measured is generally the best means of correlating
stratigraphic units from one side of a fault to another. Where faults and
units have been mapped, the relations described in Section 12-5 may help in
correlating fragments of a faulted section and thus in determining the stratigraphic interval that is missing or duplicated along a specific fault.
Landslides can generally be recognized by their morphology, by variability
of bedding attitudes in the slide mass, or by backward tilt of beds (Section
10-7). In measuring sequences of poorly exposed rocks or surficial deposits,
large exposures are often formed at the main scarps of slides or in the gullies
that tend to form along the lateral shear surfaces (Figs. 10-9 and 10-10).
Folding commonly changes thicknesses of folded units , most typically by
thinning strata in the limbs of folds and seemingly thickening them in the
hinge areas (Fig. 12-12). These effects are absent only in parallel (concentric)
folds, which are probably far less common than generally supposed. The
effects may be tested by measuring specific rock units on limbs and in the
hinge area. If that is not possible, the shapes of outcrop-size folds may suggest the sort of changes likely in large folds_ The only firm resolution, however, requires mapping folds and constructing a cross section at right angles
to hinge lines, a so-called profile view or righ t section of the fold (Fig. 12-10).
To use this view in determining the approximate original thickness of a
unit, it is first necessary to determine the mechanism of apparent thinning
and thickening, which may have been (1) compactional closing of pore space
during folding, or (2) plastic deformation of the solid grains in the rock. If
the deformation was only compactional, the approximate original thickness
is most nearly represented by the thickness at the hinge. If the solid grains
of the rock were deformed plastically, the approximate original thickness
can be determined as shown in Fig. 11-5. The result is generally a minimum
thickness , because rocks are typically also condensed by compaction.
Compaction is indicated by low porosity in rocks normally with high

porosity , as mudstone, and by undeformed grains and weak grain fabrics, if

any, in limestone and sandstone. Plastic deformation is indicated by cleavage oblique to bedding in the hinge areas of folds , and by strong fabrics and
deformed grains in limestone and sandstone. If the deformed grains are also
elongated parallel to the hinge line, the amount of extension in that direction
must be determined in order to further correct the thickness of the deformed
rock unit. Sections 12-1, 12-2, and 12-4 include suggestions for recognizing
compactive deformation and for measuring grain fabrics and rock strains
due to plastic deformation.
Small folds in an otherwise unfolded sequence mayor may not cause
problems in stratigraphic measurements. Single beds containing softsediment folds (Section 9-3) are measured according to their present thickness. A group of beds affected by soft-sediment folding may be part of a
major slump and should, if possible, be traced laterally to determine the
original thickness of that interval. Finally, small overturned folds associated
with shear zones along specific stratigraphic intervals may indicate detachment faulting (Section 12-5). These intervals may have to be mapped
over a large area to determine if part of the section is missing.
Lateral variations in original thickness or lithology are not a problem if a
section is measured on a fairly straight course at right angles to bedding
and the results are intended to show thicknesses along that line_ If the
purpose of a section is to illustrate average or typical thickness and lithology
over some larger area, additional sections should be measured and averaged
to form the section. If exposures are abundant, lateral variations can be
walked out and a typical section selected directly.
11-4. Measurement with the Jacob Staff

In this method, strata are measured in true thickness as the section is

traversed and described. The method requires only one person and is especially suited to areas of at least moderate exposure where outcrops are fairly
closely s paced near the section course. It may be the only usable method in

Fig. 11-5_ To obtain an average thickness

from a profile view: (1) mark the hinge and
inflection points on both folded surfaces and
connect them by lines perpendicul a r to the
surfaces; (2) measure the average segment
length xy; (3) place a sheet of transparent
grid paper over the profile and count the
squares included in the segment xy, thus
determining its area; (4) obtain the thickness
by di viding the area by the segment length.
Th e b loc k below s hows th e unfolded

--------Inflection point


Geology in the Field

rough or brushy country where long taped measurements and long sights
are difficult or impossible.
A Jacob staff is a board or pole graduated in suitable units (as decimeters
and centimeters) and somewhat longer than the eye height of the person
using it. A staff can be made from a piece of planed lumber measuring
approximately 2.5 X5 X200 cm (1 X2 X75 in.) and of light but strong wood, as
Douglas fir. The graduations are ruled across the broader face and must
be exactly perpendicular to the staff's length. A Brunton or Silva compass,
used as a clinometer, is held firmly against this face parallel to thegraduations (Fig. 11-6A). Suppliers (see Section 2-1) generally stock a telescoping
Jacob staff and attachments for mounting a Brunton compass to it.
In principle, a measurement is made by aligning the staff at right angles
to bedding and sighting downdip to the point subtended by the measure
(Fig. 11-6B). The distance from the base of the staff to the sighting axis of
the clinometer is thus equal to the thickness of strata from the base of the
staff to the point sighted. The complete procedure is as follows:
1. Measure the strike and dip of bedding at the place of the measurement;
record the attitude and set the clinometer at the angle of dip.
2. Open the compass lid 60 and hold the compass firmly against the staff
as shown in Fig. 11-6A, with its base parallel to the graduations on the staff
and at a comfortable eye-height. Record this height and, if convenient, use it
for all other full measures.
3. Place the staff at the base of the unit to be measured and tilt it downdip
(exactly perpendicular to strike) until the clinometer bubble is centered.
4. Study the point sighted on the ground to determine if the staff can be
placed on it; if so, note the point carefully by eye and advance the staff to it.

Fig. 11-6. A. Holding a Brunton compass against the Jacob staff in sighting position. B.
Measuring the stratigraphic thickness between two bedding surfaces with a Jacob staff
and clinometer (here. a Brunton compass).

Stratigraphic Sections



-.::----.---- -- -


Fig. 11-7. Error in measurement resulting from a small error in alignment.

5. If the point sighted cannot be used, move the base of the staff along the
same bedding surface until a suitable point can be sighted.
6. Before taking the next measure, tally the first.
7. Proceed similarly to the top of the unit, and for the last fractional measure hold the compass at whatever height is appropriate to sight the top,
and record that partial measure.
The thickness of the unit is equal to the tallied number of measures multiplied by the staff-height used, plus the final partial measure.
Because the method requires sighting with a small instrument, it may be
tempting to save time by aligning the staff by estimation. Moderate errors
in alignment, however, can cause large errors in measurements (Fig. 11-7).
In addition, when sighting up or down a slope, one tends to tilt the staff so
that it is perpendicular to the ground surface. Errors thus tend to be systematic and to accumulate through a series of measures. When the staff is
correctly oriented with the clinometer, the error should be no more than a
few centimeters per measure and will tend to be compensated in successive
measures. Other methods should nonetheless be considered when both the
slope and dip are at low angles.
Sighting with a staff as just described becomes increasingly awkward as

Fig.11-8. Positions of a Jacob staff for specific combinations of slope and dip (see text for


Geology in the Field

dips become steeper. Lines of sight typically become shorter, however, and
thus accuracy is maintained (Fig. 11-8A). For dips greater than 70, the
operator can kneel and look along strike, viewing the clinometer face.on
and making the projection to the ground by estimation (Fig. 11-8B). Beds
meeting the surface of the ground at 90 0 can be scaled by direct measurement (Fig. 11-8C), and the staff can be reversed to measure steeply dipping
beds where the average slope is steep to very steep (Fig. 11-8D) or beds are
overturned (Fig. 11-8E).
Steep walls of valleys eroded across strike often have the best exposures,
and they must be measured by views parallel to strike. In such cases, the
clinometer is set to the dip as usual but the lid of the compass is opened so as
to make an angle of 900 with the compass face (Fig. 11-9A). The observer
holds the compass against the staff and stands facing the compass and
outcrop, looking exactly along strike (Fig. 11-9B). The outcrop is sighted
along the upper edge of the lid, and the staff is held so that the side facing the
observer is vertical. An exact vertical orientation can be obtained by holding
a small carpenter's level against the staff.
An efficient procedure is to measure a full unit (or some 10 measures or so
if the uni t is thick) and then return to the base of this measured in terval to
start describing the rocks bed by bed or measure by measure. The top of the
unit should first be marked so that it can be found again easily. Beds and
inte~va~s thicker than a .staff-measure are measured in the same way as the
sectIOn IS measured. Thmner ones generally can be measured directly with
the staff or with a roll-up tape. When the description of the unit or other
measured interval is completed, the thicknesses are summed and compared
with the overall measurement.

Stratigraphic Sections

Fig. 11-10. Successive positions of an observer and formula for measuring strata with a
Brunton compass, by sighting perpendicular to strike (A ), and parallel to strike (B). AB
is the eye height of the geologist, and AC the thickness measured.

11-5. Measurement using Eye Height and a Brunton Compass

The Brunton compass can be used to measure sections rapidly when

no other equipment is available. It is not suitable for measuring the details
of a variable section, however, because it cannot be used for partial measures. Horizontal strata are measured by setting the clinometer at 0 and
taking eye-height measures as in leveling (Section 2-7). For inclined strata,
the clinometer is set at the local angle of dip and the compass is used to sight
down dip much like it is with a Jacob staff (Fig. 11-10A). The number of
measures through a unit or exposed interval is tallied and multiplied by the
trigonometric relation shown in the figure. Strata that can be observed
most easily when looking along strike are measured by setting the clinometer at 0 and sighting eye-height measures that are then converted to thickness trigonometrically (Fig. 11-10B). The point sighted is projected by eye
down the trace of bedding to a convenient place to stand for the next
Precision depends on knowing one's eye height in the footwear being used,
standing straight at the exact spot sighted, measuring the strike and dip
frequently, and sighting exactly along lines of dip or strike.
Tanner (1953) noted the ease and adaptability of the Brunton method and
added a version for places where the measurement must be made oblique to
the dip, such as where a stream bed or roadcut provides the only exposure.

Fig. 11-11. Stratigraphic measurement

along a linear exposure (R7) that is oblique
to strike and thus shows apparent dip of
beds. RTV is the direction angle used in
Appendix 13.
Fig .. 11-9_ Sighting along ~trike with a Jacob staff. A. Holding the Brunton compass
against the staff and sIghting along edge of lid. B. Position for taking a measure.



Geology in the Field

Stratigraphic Sections

The clinometer is set to the apparent dip in the exposure and sights are
made parallel to the exposure (line RT in Fig. 11-11). The number of measures along the exposure is the same as it would be by using the true dip and
sighting downdip (as along the line RV). The thickness is thus equal to the
number of eye-height measures times eye height, multiplied by the cosine of
the true dip (Fig. 11-10A). If true dip cannot be measured, it can be determined from the apparent dip by measuring the angle RTV and using
Appendix 13. If the line RTis inclined more than 10, a correction must be
made for the fact that the angle RTVis not a horizontal angle. Angle RTVis
reduced by 1 if RTis inclined at 15, by 2 if it is inclined at20, and by 3 if
it is at 30. The method also requires that the direction of the line RT be
measured with extra care (to the nearest degree) in cases where this line is
within 15 of the line of strike.
11-6. Tape-Compass-Clinometer Method

A stratigraphic unit can be measured indirectly by taping its intercept on

a topographic slope (the distances AB in Fig. 11-12), measuring the dip of
bedding and the inclination of the slope (angles x and y in Fig. 11-12), and
calculating the thickness by the appropriate formula. This method is more
precise than the Jacob staff method in cases where the ground surface
crosses bedding at angles less than 20 (Fig. 11-7). I't is ideally suited for



BC = AB cos

(x + y

- 90')



comparatively smooth slopes where outcrops lie along more or less straight
courses for distances of 20 m or more. These courses need not be parallel,
and offsets can be made as described in Section 11-3 or by a short compassand-tape traverse (Section 5-1).
The calculation of thickness is simple in cases where the taped line is
perpendicular to the strike of the beds (Fig. 11-12). Where the taped line is
oblique to the strike, which is typical if the line is to follow the best array of
exposures, the thickness is found by a formula derived by Palmer (1916)
(Fig. 11-l3). This calculation may be made fairly quickly with a pocket calculator or by using a nomograph (Palmer, 1916; Mertie, 1922).
If the difference between the angle of slope and the dip is less than 10,
and especially where the slope and dip are in the same direction, precision
can become a problem because sines of angles around 10 change nearly 1
part in 10 for every degree. The following precautions are therefore
1. Check the accuracy of the clinometer before the survey (Section 2-4).
2. Use two persons for the survey if possible.
3. Be certain that the angle of slope is measured on a line exactly parallel
to the tape. Thus: (a) in taping, hold the tape the same distance above the
ground at both ends, and (b) in measuring the vertical angle, stand exactly
at one point and sight to a point eye height above the ground at the far end of
the taped line.
4. Measure strike and dip by sighting rather than by contact methods
(Section 3-5).

A measure is made as follows :

1. Starting at the stratigraphic base of the section, hold (or secure) the 0


BC= AB sin (x - y)



Be = AB sin (y - x)

Fig. 11-12. Formulas used for determining thickness where the slope measurement (AE)
is at right angles to strike: (1) slope and dip are opposed and slope angle plus dip angle is
less than 90; (2) slope and dip are opposed a nd slope angle plus dip angle is greater than
90; (3) slope and dip are in the same direction and dip angle is greater than slope angle;
and (4) slope and dip are in the same direction and dip angle is less than slope angle.

Flg.11-13. Where the taped line (s) is oblique to the strike (angle a), the true dip (angle d)
and vertical angle of the taped course (a ngle b) can be used to find the stratigraphic
thickness by the formula: thickness = s(sin a sin d cos b + cos d sin b) for cases where dip
and slope of the taped course are opposed. Where they are in the same direction, the + sign
is changed to a - sign.


Geology in the Field

end of the tape at the base of the section and carry the reel to the first full
length or the first break in slope. Pull the tape taut and mark the measure
with a chaining pin , nail, or stake.
2. Record the distance, then measure the bearing of the taped
line and the local strike and dip as exactly as possible, and record them.
3. Measure and record the slope angle as described in step 3 above.
4. Describe the sequence in stratigraphic order, positioning each lithic
contact by projecting it (parallel to bedding) to the tape, which is held taut
and on the same slope as that just measured (Fig. 11-14).
5. Measure strike and dip at several places along the line and determine
an average as necessary. If the attitude changes abruptly, measure the distance to that point and treat the parts of the line separately.
6. Calculate the overall thickness by the appropriate formula (Figs. 11-12
and 11-13); then calculate the thicknesses of the units included, if any, and
check their total thickness against the overall thickness. Or, if more convenient, calculate the thicknesses later and return as necessary to correct
errors of measurement.
7. Advance the tape so that the 0 end is at the first point marked by the
nail or stake, offset if necessary (Section 11-3), and continue by the steps
just described.
11-7. Transit Method

The transit is ideally suited for measuring stratigraphic sections in

areas of low relief where beds dip at angles less than 15, and it should be
considered for any section that must be measured with unusual precision.
Advantages over the alidade and plane table are: (1) a transit can be set up
more solidly and more quickly; (2) it can be used to measure vertical angles
more quickly and more precisely; (3) it permits measurement of a greater
range of vertical angles; (4) it can be used to sight down slopes too steep to be
visible from a plane table; (5) it can be operated at stations where there is
not enough foot room to work around a plane table; and (6) the mountaineering transit and most modern' 'micro" models are less cum bersome to carry.
Descriptions of transits and instructions for checking, adjusting, and oper-


Fig.11-14. Tape held taut on grade by the recorder while geologist determines measure to
a unit contact by sighting down dip with a clinometer set to the local dip.

Stratigraphic Sections


ating them are included in texts on surveying and, for recent models, are
supplied with the instruments.
The transit method used most commonly is almost like the tapecompass-clinometer method (Section 11-6) except that vertical angles and
angles between the line of strike and the taped course are measured with
the transit. As with the ordinary clinQmeter, the transit must be aligned
parallel to the tautly stretched tape, and this can be done by holding a Jacob
staff (or any graduated rod) at one end of the line and sighting a point equal
to the -height of the transit axis above the station mark on the ground.
The stations where the transit is set up are generally marked permanently with a firmly set stake and a small nail. The strata in between may be
measured and described as in Section 11-6, or by using a Jacob staff in cases
where angles of dip and slope permit adequate precision. The staked stations
are a basis for collecting samples or additional data at a later time. In some
cases it may be most efficient for two or three persons to survey the line
with a transit and tape, and then for one person to measure and describe the
section on the basis of the staked stations.
11-8. Plane Table Methods

These methods are ideal where dips and slopes are too gentle for accurate
measurements with either the Jacob staff or tape and clinometer and where
outcrops are so scattered that a transit and tape survey is impractical. The
alidade and plane table may also be needed where no suitable geologic map
is available and the sequence is complicated by faults or folds. In such cases,
a strip or skeletal map must be constructed along the section course, and
the plane table and alidade permit doing this as the measurement proceeds.
An important initial consideration is the scale required to measure the
section to some limiting degree of precision. If the section must be measured
to the nearest meter or so, and plotting precision is approximately 0.2 mm
on the plane table sheet, the map scale would have to be greater than 1:5000
and preferably 1:2500 or more. At a scale of 1:2500, a standard plane table
sheet is just large enough to map a strip 1.5 km long.
The length of the strip to be mapped and the map scale also affect the
selection of the kind of survey that will give adequate precision. An uncontrolled stadia traverse should be precise enough to map a strip less than 0.5
km long at scales of 1:2500 or more, providing stadia distances are kept
under 100 m and checked by a backsight when the plane table is advanced
from one station to the next (Section 8-7, last subsection). Stadia measurements may also be used to map outcrops off the section line, as needed to fill
in the stratigraphic section or to determine positions of faults and geometry
of folds. Detailed measurement and description of the section itself, however, are better made with a Jacob staff or tape, because otherwise one


Geology in the Field

person will be standing at the plane table for long periods between stadia
sightings. The stadia points would thus provide a geologic framework for
the more detailed measurements.
If the section strip is between 0.5 and 1.5 km long, a traverse can still be
adequately precise for scales of 1:2500 or larger, but the main traverse legs
should be taped rather than measured by stadia. Strata exposed along the
taped traverse legs can be measured directly by the tape, as in the transit
method described above. Strata exposed on either side of the traverse line
may be mapped by stadia.
Section strips longer than 1.5 km , and thus extending beyond one plane
table sheet if mapped at scales of 1:2500 or larger, should probably be controlled by setting up and intersecting a chain of triangulation stations (Section 8-7). This control is especially advisable where structural relations
must be mapped in order to measure the section or where there is no largescale topographic map by which to check the overall dimensions of the plane
table map. Mapping between the control stations is done by stadia methods
(Section 8-9) and the details of the stratigraphic section can be accumulated
by any of the direct methods described in this chapter.
In areas of gently dipping strata, errors in vertical position introduce
almost equal errors in stratigraphic thickness. Vertical distances must thus
be measured as precisely as possible, as by using the stepping method rather
than measuring vertical angles (Section 8-5). An advantage of the plane
table is that the three-point method can be used easily to determine accurate
strikes and dips (Section 3-5).
11-9_ Presenting Stratigraphic Sections

Graphic columnar sections are the traditional means of presenting measured sequences (Fig 11-15). Brief descriptions of the units may be lettered
to the right of the column, as in the figure , or the column may be accompanied by an explanation consisting of a small box for each lithologic symbol
and for the other symbols alongside the column. No explanation is included
in Fig. 11-15, but symbol boxes of lithologic patterns are shown in Appendix
8 and other symbols in Appendix 9. The following elements of a stratigraphic column are essential and are keyed to Fig. 11-15 by numbers: (1) title,
indicating topic, general location, and whether the section is single (measured in one coherent course), composite (pieced from two or more section
segments), averaged, or generalized; (2) name(s) of geologist(s) and date of
the survey; (3) method of measurement; (4) graphic scale; (5) map or description of locality; (6) major chronostratigraphic units, if known; (7) lesser
chronostratigraphic units , if known; (8) names and boundaries of rock units
(Section 5-3); (9) graphic column composed of standard lithologic patterns;
(10) unconformities; (11) faults, with thickness of tectonic gaps, if known;

Stratigraphic Sections



by R. M. Woolsey f2\
Aug . 10-17, 1984 \V

(DE 50 m 5 B~ Summit 935ft

Summit 803 ftL'" \ . _ _L~e C~


Measured with Jacob staff


Vertical scale

Based on Fern 15' quadrangle (1961)

"'/~ Summit 1012

Summit ~5 ft ~

'?",\"/- '"

.. ~ .


I~'" KD'" I~








c: ._





f- .-





. .; or- unconformity

C1 ':,~~.~~;,j

(J) ''';:::;




500 .0<>."

" ."

o~. o. ~"

. ...:.".



I a:::















- -- - -

R-9 6b






~-- -~



Shale, greenish gray, locally
laminated siltstone and clay
stone but mainly bioturbated;
.2,.7 m beds of micrite inter
bedded rhythmica ll y

deformed interval

E::.~. :-:-:-~ ...

low-angle fault


_:....<:::>_...:..J. ~
h,- ""L - -r; - :,,: @


Conglomerate, red , alluvial ,

with bed of rhyolite vitric tuff
(R18, 3.9 m y, KAr)


400 ~, - ~








Tuff, vitric, dacitic , partially

welded for 35 m above base





" " "' P-7




::J . ~












Sands tone , pa le gray, quart
zose, in .32 m beds, with large
dolomitic concret ions


\ l- M-17;



Limes tone, dolomitic in upper

part: pale brown micrite,
locally with bioclasts and
oolites but chiefly crystallized:
beds of oolitic grainstone in
upper part.

Flg_ 11-15. Columnar section with title and accessory data. Numbered items are identified
in the text.

Geology in the Field

Stratigraphic Sections

(12) covered intervals, as measured; (13) positions of key beds; and (14) positions of important samples, with number and perhaps data.
Other kinds of information that may be included are: (15) designations of
formal or informal measured units; (16) an irregular edge indicating relative
resistance of the rocks; (17) summary descriptions of formations or other
units (especially desirable if the section will not be accompanied by an
explanatory text); (18) thicknesses of units; (19) intervals of deformed rocks;
and (20) symbols or numbers indicating kinds of fossils, primary structures,
porosities, cements, shows of petroleum, and so on. Some of the latter features may be added directly to the lithologic column, as at (21).
Columns are constructed from the stratigraphic base upward and should
be plotted first in pencil in order to insure spaces for gaps at faults and
unconformities. Sections that are thicker than the height of the plate can be
broken into two or more segments, with the stratigraphic base at the lower
left and the top at the upper right. Bedding and unit boundaries are drawn
horizontal except in detailed sections or generalized sections of distinctly
non tabular deposits, as some gravels and volcanic units (Fig. 11-15, and see
Mullineaux, 1970, p. 37).
Uses of columnar sections in reports are described in Sections 16-2 and
Stratigraphic logs are used to describe sections in the text of reports.
Although telegraphic in style, they may describe each measured unit as
fully as warranted, and thus present sections in greater detail than all but
the most detailed columnar sections. They are not usually published unless
they are the type section of a formation or member; however, they may be
the main vehicle in an unpublished report.
Logs are arranged so that the youngest rocks appear first in the text. The
smallest measured units are numbered to make the sequence clear. Order
of presenting data should be kept as consistent as possible, as in the fragment that follows:

the base of the section exactly, and a description at the base or the top of the
log gives methods of measurement, date, and personnel. Descriptions
inserted at all major offsets give their locations and the bedding attitudes at
the top of one exposure and the base of the other. The purpose of these
descriptions is to guide other geologists to the base of the section and completely through it. Examples are given by Love (1973).


Smith formation
3. Shale, black, soft, locally leaf-bearing. _____ ..... __ ........ 5 m
2. Sandstone, dark gray, moderately resistant, carbonaceous, feldspathic, in beds 0.5-2 m thick, the thinner
with carbonaceous 1-cm laminae; thick beds heavily
burrowed ......................... ....... ............ 23 m
1. Conglomerate, light gray, highly resistant, of
rounded chert pebbles, fine sand matrix, imbricated ....... 2 m
Total Smith Formation ..................... 232 m
Base of formation is an unconformity on well-exposed Byron Shale.
An additional description at the base of the log is generally used to locate


References Cited

Kottlowski, F. E., 1965, Measuringstratigraphicsections: New York, Holt, Rinehart

and Winston, 253 p.
Love,]. D., 1973, Harebell Formation (Upper Cretaceous) and Pinyon Conglomerate
(Uppermost Cretaceous and Paleocene), northwestern Wyoming: U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 734A, 54 p.
Mertie.J. B..J r., 1922, Graphic and mechanical computation of thickness ofstrata and
distance to a stratum: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 129-C, p. 39-52.
Mullineaux, D. R., 1970, Geology of the Renton, Auburn, and Black Diamond quadrangles, King County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
672,92 p.

Palmer, H. S., 1916, Nomographic solutions of certain stratigraphic measurements:

Economic Geology, v. 11, p. 14-29.

Tanner, W_ F., 1953, Use of apparent dip in measuring thickness: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 37, p. 566-567_



Field Studies of Plutons

Field Studies of Plutons.

14-1. Rock Units, Ages, and Depth Relations

The term pluton is used here in a general sense, implying only a subjacent
body large enough to map to scale, typically intrusive but not necessarily
so. Plutons may occur singly but typically are in groups, commonly forming
linear chains of separate plutons or belts of overlapping plutons. The great
batholiths that evidently formed beneath volcanic arcs, such as the Coastal
Batholith of the Peruvian Andes, are composed of hundreds of plutons
(Pitcher, 1978).
A pluton may consist of one rock unit or more than one, and nearby plu
tons may consist of the same unites) or of different ones. The most crucial
step in mapping plutons is coming to know these rock units as exactly as
possible. Ideally, one should be able to recognize a specific unit whether it
recurs in another pluton tens of kilometers away or as a few inclusions in a
dike nearby. Rock units must therefore be based on all primary features
possible: (1) proportions among specific varieties of minerals; (2) all aspects
of texture (Sections 4-4 and 14-2); and (3) kinds, shapes, and sizes of inclusions, layers, and schlieren (Sections 14-3, 14-4, and 14-5). Associated dikes,
pipes, veins, and alterations may be helpful if they reflect the unit's original
magmatic constitution; for example, its content of volatile substances or its
tendency to segregate late-stage melts (Sections 14-6 and 14-7).
These fundamental mapping units have commonly been called plutonic
units and are equivalent to formations in sedimentary rocks or to the lithodemes of the stratigraphic code (Section 5-3). Lesser units might be local
textural or altered variants that are modifications of a given plutonic unit.
A plutonic unit might thus have a folia ted facies near certain contacts or a
local sericitic zone due to superimposed alteration.
Plutonic units may be assembled into plutonic suites on the basis of features
or relations indicating a close genetic relation. Chief among these indicators
are geographic association, similar age, and minerals and mineral reactions
indicating chemical affinity. A close genetic relation can be checked in the
laboratory by determinations of numerical ages, chemical compositions,
and isotopic compositions.
Plutonic suites are important because they give a basis for judging the
source and history of magmatic sequences. For example, Shaw and Flood
(1981) were able to classify a series of plutonic suites into Stype suites
(thought to be derived mainly by melting of metasedimentary rocks) and
I-type suites (derived from igneous or metaigneous rocks). This particular

distinction was based largely on isotopic compositions of Sr, 0, and S, but

S-type suites were also indicated by minerals reflecting a high Al content
(presence of cordierite, AI-rich garnet, or an AIzSiO s polymorph), and I-type
suites by minerals indicating relatively low Al content (hornblende with or
without augite). Pitcher (1984) has summarized the characteristics and
geologic environments of these two suites and two others, and has discussed
pertinent literature.
Contacts between plutons and country rocks are usually distinct and readily mapped. Sharp contacts may be irregular due to blocky reentrants,
cuspate forms, or folds , and these features should be mapped to scale, if
possible, or recorded by suitable notes or by some design on the map. Where
the contact is a broad gradation, the line is generally placed at the center of
the gradation or where the plutonic rock forms a more or less continuous
matrix around inclusions of country rock. In some cases two adjoining zones
of mixed rocks can be mapped (Fig. 14-1). Pluton margins are likely to be
broadly schistose or mylonitic in plutons emplaced diapirically when the
body was more than 70%crystallized, and the contact may lie within this
broad zone of ductile shear (Soula, 1982).
Dikes near the contact generally are of great value in interpreting a pluton's evolution. They may belong to one of these age groups: (1) dikes associated with the pluton but cut by it (Fig. 14-2A); these dikes may record the
composition of the first magma emplaced at the observed level; (2) apophyses
connected to the pluton, which, if porphyroaphanitic, will indicate the proportion of crystals to melt at this margin; (3) dikes emplaced when the pluton
was still mobile and probably contained some melt (Fig. 14-2B); (4) dikes
without chilled margins, emplaced in the pluton when it was still hot; and
(5) dikes with chilled margins, emplaced in the pluton after it had cooled.
Contacts between rock units within plutons may be obscure where two
rocks are almost identical or where they grade to one another. Such contacts
may be marked by: (1) small differences in color and texture; (2) inclusions,
schlieren, or layers in the younger rock, commonly forming a zone parallel

\t.;I"1:'..,'1:,...~'-,' '!,..
.;t 1'!j",': '1 "1, 1',.
. \ II'"

' "


; . :

. .,. ;


" I

I ,', t"

I "

~ I'.'","
'.' .:,' ':','

: .'.. 1 , : .. , 'J

Zone 01 dikes

Zone 01 inclUSions


Nebulitic granite

Fig. 14-1. Diked (left) and migmatitic gradational margins of plutons.

Geology in the Field


Fig. 14-2. A. Pluton emplaced into a radial array of somewhat older dikes. B. Dike broken,
intruded , and partly granitized within the rock it intruded.

to the contact; (3) features in the older rock (inclusions, fabric, schlieren,
layers, dikes) cut off by the younger rock; and (4) mild to moderate deformation of the grains in the older rock, which generally makes the rock darker
than usual. The latter criterion must be used with caution, because magmas
that are largely crystallized may develop a dark schistose or mylonitic contact facies due to ductile shear against an older rock (Y. R. Todd, personal
communication, 1984).
Relative ages can be determined from most of the features just listed.
Where none of these features can be found, the younger unit commonly
shows a broad gradation away from the contact, generally involving one or
more of color, grain size, mineral content, numbers of inclusions, and
abundance of schlieren (Moore, 1963, p. 43). Emplacement of the younger
unit will typically remove the original marginal facies of the older, which
will therefore be more uniform than the younger. Age relations are more
difficult to determine where a septum of country rock lies between two
intrusions; however, dikes of the younger may intrude the older, or dikes
associated with the older may be cut off, deformed, or metamorphosed by
the younger (Fig. 14-3).
Relative ages of emplacement are not necessarily resolved by crosscutting relations, especially in areas where the country rocks are broadly
metamorphosed. In a case described by Soula (1982), magmatic diapirs cut-

Pluton 1


Field Studies of Plutons


ting upward into non magmatic gneiss domes have the same emplacement
age as the domes but are discordant because they were less viscous than the
domes. Viscosity contrasts may affect intrusive relations in other situa
tions. Viscosity of magma can be predicted to decrease with decreasing Si02
content, with increasing content of water and halogens, and with decreasing
proportions of suspended crystals and inclusions.
Dating plutons is done most conveniently and least expensively by K-Ar
methods (Dalrymple and Lanphere, 1969). The data obtained give cooling
rather than emplacement ages , however, which may be a major problem in
areas heated broadly at a later time, or in cases where a pluton is heated by
a younger intrusion. Even for a single pluton, one or two K-Ar dates may
suggest an erroneously simple history. U-Pb dating of zircons from the
Tatoosh pluton in Washington, for example, indicated an emplacement
history lasting for approximately 12 m.y. (Mattinson, 1977).
U-Pb dating of zircons, however, requires large to very large whole-rock
samples and even they may not yield zircons that will give a useful age. The
Rb-Sr method will give a dependable emplacement age as long as the rocks
used are fresh, have all developed from one starting magma, and represent
a large range of rubidium concentrations, which generally increase between
the initial melt and the late residual melts of a pluton. Late potassium-rich
dike rocks, such as aplites, are typically rubidium-rich; however, they need
not necessarily have formed from the pluton in which they occur.
Mapping the country rocks for considerable distances around a pluton is
likely to be at least as informative as studying the pluton itself. This mapping may provide the only firm evidence of mechanisms of emplacement
(Fig. 14-4) (Nelson and Sylvester, 1971; Pitcher and Berger, 1972). Studies of
contact metamorphism will always be of unique value (Chapter 15). The
stratigraphy and detrital content of sedimentary and volcanic rocks deposited during and after a pluton's emplacement may provide the only clear
evidence of uplift or subsidence of the / rocks over the pluton, of connected
volcanic activity, and of the date at which the pluton was unroofed by erosion (Fiske and others, 1963, pp. 59, 63).

Pluton 2

Fig. 14-3. Dikes indicating age relation be

tween two plutons with a septum (intervening sheet of country rock).

Fig. 14-4. Diagrammatic mapped relations of plutons and country rocks, indicating (from
left to right) diapirism, piecemeal stoping, and cauldron (block) subsidence.

Geology in the Field

Field Studies of Plutons

Depth of emplacement may be indicated approximately by stratigraphic

relations and by metamorphic minerals and zones (Section 15-3)_ Additional
kinds of evidence for a shallow level of intrusion are: (1) porphyroaphanitic
marginal facies; (2) porphyroaphanitic dikes and sills associated with the
pluton; (3) inclusions of porphyroaphanitic rocks; (4) breccia dikes or pipes
containing porphyroaphanitic rocks; (5) nearby volcanic rocks of the same
composition as the pluton; (6) miarolytic cavities; (7) granophyric rocks or
patches of granophyre between larger grains; (8) breccia with open cavities
(Tabor, 1963); (9) quartz veins, sulfides, and hydrothermal alteration
widespread in the pluton or in the surrounding rocks (Section 14-8); and (10)
evidence of rapid heating and cooling, such as patchy con tact metamorphism
and fine-grained alteration products (Pitcher, 1978, p.164). Fiske and others
(1963, p. 39-63) described most of these features in their study of the Tatoosh
Emplacement at unusually great depth is suggested by the following
relations and features: (1) occurrence in extensive terrains of high-grade
metamorphic rocks; (2) lack of a distinct contact metamorphic aureole,
although migmatites may be more abundant near the pluton; (3) plutons
more or less concordant and commonly phacolithic or broadly folded; (4)
textures commonly allotriomorphic granular; (5) rocks commonly gneissose;
(6) internal foliations and lineations parallel with those of surrounding
country rocks, and (7) quartzofeldspathic rocks with moderately to distinctly dark feldspar and anhydrous mafic minerals, especially pyroxene
and garnet. Many of these features, however, may be formed at moderate
depths when country-rock temperatures are unusually high and plutons
are synorogenic.
Plutons emplaced at intermediate levels tend to lack the two groups of
features just noted, and otherwise have no unique characters.

ates the feldspar forms (Duffield, 1968, p. 1363).

Mineral fabrics can form at any stage of crystallization of a magma. At an
early stage, crystals are so few that they can rotate freely in the melt, thus
producing a fabric that is sometimes preserved by oriented phenocrysts in
the finer groundmass of chilled apophyses or marginal facies (Drever and
Johnston, 1967; Compton, 1960, p. 1398). In nonporphyritic rocks, fabrics
formed at an early stage are characterized by unstrained crystals and by
orientation of only those grains that were distinctly shaped at the
time: elongate prisms of amphibole and tablets or flakes of biotite, plagioclase (especially in gabbros), and potassium feldspar (especially in syenites).
Also oriented but not nearly so obviously are stubby prisms (as pyroxenes)
and somewhat elongate plates (as both feldspars in quartzofeldspathic
rocks, and olivine). Quartz grains are equidimensional and thus not
oriented. Feldspar orientations are often the main component of the fabric
and can be recognized in hand specimens or large broken surfaces by
numerous reflections of light from (010) cleavages. Such surfaces are common because the aligned cleavages determine the freeway - the direction in
which the rock splits most readily.
Early-stage fabrics may be restricted to pluton margins, perhaps due to a
steep gradient of simple shear there, or to flattening of the marginal facies
by diapiric expansion of the pluton's core. Analyses and experiments by
Willis (1977) indicate that inclusions or crystals free to rotate in a medium
undergoing simple shear should develop degrees of preferred orientation
dependent mainly on the ratio of their greatest to their least dimensions
(Fig. 14-6A). Early-stage fabrics may also form by accumulation of platy or
lineate grains on a substrate, and the grains may be aligned linearly if deposited from currents moving against the substrate (Morse, 1969, p. 63).
Morse also noted accentuation of these fabrics near inclusions. Elongate



14-2. Fabrics of Plutonic Rocks

Preferred orientation of mineral grains, inclusions, and miarolytic cavities can be used to judge flow directions in many plutons. Fabrics may be
foliate, lineate, or both (Fig. 14-5). They are measured and plotted as described in Sections 3-5,3-6, and 5-4. Lineations typically are parallel to ("lie
in") the plane of foliation, but they may be oblique to it and may have more
than one preferred orientation. Degrees of preferred orientation (fabric
strength) have not been standardized; however, strongly developed fabrics
are easily visible in hand specimens, moderately developed ones are clear
only on outcrop surfaces of 1 sq m or more, and weakly developed ones
require study of much larger outcrops. Oriented inclusions are often the
most obvious indicators of otherwise weak fabrics; however, inclusions are
not always parallel to grain fabrics. Where fabrics are obscure they can be
measured on oriented samples sawed and etched with HF, which accentu-

Fig. 14-5. Strongly developed fabrics in seriate rocks with the same mineral composition.

A . Fabric planar with respect to all elongate and tabular components. B. Fabnc linear
with respect to all elongate components. C. Fabric linear with respect to elongate components (here, hornblende prisms and some inclusions) and planar with respect to tabular
components (as tabular feldspar).


Geology in the Field

Field Studies of Plutons


late-stage dikes, veins, and segregations. It will invariably pass through

inclusions and pluton contacts and, when mapped, may appear as an overprint of parallel planes or lines over the entire pluton and its surroundings.
Such fabrics can be distinguished from later regional fabrics by being restricted to the pluton and its aureole.
It must be emphasized that one pluton may have fabrics formed during
all of these stages, so that criteria must be sought repeatedly and consistently from one place to the next. Age relations with respect to dikes emplaced
at various times are especially valuable. Pitcher and Berger (1972) described
studies of granitic rocks having late-stage to postmagmatic fabrics.
Fig. 14~. A . Fabric typical of stage when inclusions (left) and crystals (right) can rotate
more or less freely. Note that fabrics of some inclusions are not parallel to pluton fabrics .
B. Strong fabric typical of late magmatic stage, with schistose zones parallel to inclusions
(left) and sample showing gradation from moderately to highly deformed (mylonitic) rock.
Mylonitic fabrics are shown at hand-lens magnification in Fig. 4-19G and H.

minerals oriented perpendicular to an interface suggest crystallization in

exceptionally fluid magma (see comb layers, Section 14-4).
At a late magmatic stage, crystals typically bear on one another and flow
of the magma will result in deformation of mineral grains. Ductile minerals
such as quartz and olivine become flattened or elongated, often recrystallizing into fine-grained aggregates. Relatively strong minerals, such as feldspars, hornblende, and pyroxene, may rotate against ductile grains or may
bend, break, or be pulled apart (Fig. 4-15A). Biotite and orthopyroxene may
be kinked and recrystallized. Crucial for recognizing late-magmatic as
opposed to postmagmatic flow are fillings of late-stage magmatic minerals
between pulled-apart fragments of grains or in fractures opened during
extension (Fig. 4-15B). Where deformation is unusually strong, the texture
may become mylonitic (Fig. 14-6B). Late-stage fabrics tend to pass with
little if any deflection into inclusions and wall rocks that were as ductile as
the magma at that stage (Fig. 14-7).
Fabrics formed when the magma is entirely crystallized but still hot are
similar to those just descri bed except that the fa bric will also pass through

Fig. 14-7. Pluton fabric passing into inclusions and country rocks without deflection.

14-3. Inclusions in Plutons

The term inclusion is used here for any kind of rock body enclosed in
plutonic rock, regardless of the body's origin. Most inclusions have the
aspect of fragments or lumps of rock, but they may grade to less distinct
clots or streaks called schlieren (Section 14-5). Typical sizes or abundances
of inclusions may characterize certain plutonic units (Moore, 1963, p. 118).
Specific kinds of inclusions of preexisting rocks (xenoliths) often provide
clues to an intrusion's history; for example, metasedimentary xenoliths
identifiable with formations in the surrounding country rocks can be used
to measure net displacements since they were incorporated.
Igneous and meta-igneous xenoliths can sometimes be matched to older
plutons, dikes, or volcanic sequences. Others are cognate xenoliths, which
are composed of rocks formed during the intrusive history of the pluton
that contains them. Cognate xenoliths can sometimes be correlated with
earlier marginal or dike facies, and these correlations generally require
study of the entire pluton and its surroundings (Fiske and others, 1963).
Cognate xenoliths may also form if magma related to a pluton intrudes the
pluton when the latter is viscous enough to fracture yet is hot or fluid
enough to modify and incorporate the new magma (Fig. 14-2B). Such mixtures sometimes result in inclusion swarms that can be walked to places
where a dike is still more or less intact. Cognate inclusion swarms may also
form by accumulation of inclusions at certain levels or against solidified
faces within a pluton.
Dark, igneous-appearing inclusions that cannot be matched to marginal
or internal sources may be so widespread and evenly distributed as to suggest that they came up with the pluton magma from deeper sources (Moore,
1963, p. 120). Such inclusions may be restites, bodies residual to the partial
melting of rocks at depth. They might also be cognate xenoliths of mafic
igneous rocks emplaced at depth ahead of the ascending pluton. The term
autolith (an inclusion formed from the magma that contained it) has also
been applied to dark, granular inclusions in the belief that they have somehow crystallized as mafic segregations. A case that seems reasonably valid

Geology in the Field

Field Studies of Plutons

is that of orbicules, which are spherical or ellipsoidal bodies built up of one

or more shells that commonly have a core or a radial fabric, suggesting
growth outward from a core.
Finally, skialiths are inclusions remaining after the surroundmg roc~ has
been converted metasomatically to plutonic rock. They may have eIther
sharp or gradational margins, and are suggested where country rock units
can be projected through the plutonic body (Fig. 15-3B) (however, see
Pitcher, 1970).
Inclusions are typically altered during and after their incorporation, in
many cases greatly so. Quartzofeldspathic xenoliths in mafic and intermediate rocks may be partially melted and thereby associated with patches or
schlieren of late-stage granophyre (Wager and Brown, 1967, p. 124). Silicic
and intermediate magmas commonly react with rocks included in them,
and Fig. 14-8 illustrates some common protoliths and reaction products.
Thoroughly altered inclusions imply a long period of immersion or reaction
with volatile-rich facies of the magma. Contact zones sometimes show all
stages in the alteration of included rocks.
Characteristics of inclusions that are useful in systematic studies are:
kinds of rock and their abundances; typical size and size-range; kinds and
degrees of alteration; sharpness or fuzziness of borders; angularity or
roundness, and degree to which borders are smooth or irregular. Additional
characteristics that can be used in conjunction with host-rock fabric to

determine the degree of late-stage deformation are: (1) degree of flattening

or elongation per kind of rock, which should vary with ductility; (2) orientation of inclusion fabric and its relation to inclusion form; and (3) degree of
preferred orientation of inclusions. Pitcher and Berger (1972) described a
study that utilized data from inclusions, and Didier (1973) reviewed the
nature of inclusions and their relations in a number of plutons.



\ / '1,'





Vii l/EJ.

? -'&';: t

. il~~t??~!- Corundum

Andaluslte ~."" ,,~.

and mica
'--.-- .

'do;:'!""~"" Clinopyroxene

c:..... ~




1..... /

41 ,'



Syenite rim

~;L Hornblende

Fig. 14-8. Mineral and texture zones in and ar0':lnd !nclusio~s that ha~e reacte~ with
silicic and intermediate magmas. All are about fist size. A . Limestone In gr~nodlOnte .
B. Quartzite in granodiorite. C. Peridotite in granodiorite. D. Cl~ystone In gramte.
E. Limestone in potassic granite. F. Epidote nodule (from metabasa~ttcor metaa~d~slttc
tuff-breccia) in granodiorite. C. Gabbro in granodiorite. H. Dolomite In granodlOnte.


14-4. Layering (Banding) in Plutons

Compositional and textural layers (bands) in silicic plutons have generally

been called schlieren, whereas all planar features in mafic plutons, no matter how streaked or indistinct, have commonly been called layering (or
banding). A consistent geometrical nomenclature should probably be used
in the field, irrespective of how or where the features may have formed, and
it is recommended that the term layers (or bands) be used for distinct bodies
that are typically tabular or len ticular, but may have other shapes (Fig. 9-1),
and that the term schlieren be used for discontinuous, streaky, or vague
bodies (Section 14-5).
A terminology for layered plutonic rocks was proposed by Jackson (1967,
p. 22) for supposedly cumulate rocks; however, it is essentially descriptive
and thus can be used for layered rocks that are not necessarily cumulates. A
layer is a sheetlike body of more or less uniform character, distinguishable
by its proportions of minerals or by mineral or grain-size proportions that
change gradually (as in graded layers). Laminae are the thinnest recognizable layers (generally less than 2 cm thick). A horizon (a single surface) is a
phase contact when set at an abrupt appearance or disappearance of a
(cumulus) mineral; it is a ratio contact when marked by the proportion of
two (cumulus) minerals, or alorm contact when marked by a sharp change
in typical size or shape of a (cumulus) mineral. Layers forming cyclic sets,
such as the harzburgite-orthopyroxenite-wehrlite sequence described by
Irvine and Smith (1967), may be particularly informative.
The most-studied layers are those with sedimentary aspects such as
cross-bedding, grading by grain size or mineral proportions, cut-and-fill
structures, channels filled with lenticular layers, angular unconformities,
and a variety of soft-sediment folds, flame structures (parsons, 1979), faults,
and slump-breccias, the latter reworked into size-graded conglomerate layers in some intrusions (Irvine, 1974, p. 63). These structures are not illustrated here because of their similarity to those shown in Chapters 9 and 10;
many photographs of them have been published (Wager and Brown, 1967;
Morse, 1969, Irvine, 1974; McBirney and Noyes, 1979).
Although many layer structures suggest sinking, transport, and accumulation of crystals in melts, they have also been interpreted in other ways.
McBirney and Noyes (1979) suggested that the Skaergaard intrusion became
layered due to gravitational segregation of melt combined with oscillatory

Geology in the Field

Field Studies of Plutons

crystal nucleation and growth . Komar (1972) described grain-sorting and

concentration caused by mechanical interactions among grains being carried in melt, or by forces resulting from a rapid lateral variation in the rate
of simple shear, as near a contact. Jahns and Tuttle (1963) interpreted
layered pegmatite-aplite bodies as due to multiple intrusion followed by
segregation during crystallization (Section 14-6). Nonuniform magma produced by local contamination or by partial mixing of two magmas may
become swirled and drawn out into layered patterns during subsequent
flow . Thayer (1963) described flow layering interpreted to have formed during emplacement of largely crystallized gabbro-peridotite bodies, the evidence being: (1) disrupted chromitite layers thought to be of cumulate
origin; (2) lenticularity of the gabbro and peridotite layers; (3) interlayering,
in any order, of widely different monomineralic and polymineralic rocks; (4)
xenomorphic (allotriomorphic) textures; (5) foliation and lineation discordant to layers; (6) thickening of layers at fold hinges, and (7) widespread
un deformed dikes of gabbro, including pegmatitic gabbro.
Comb layers consist of elongate crystals of plagioclase, pyroxene, or
hornblende that appear to have grown outward into a body of magma, either
from a pluton wall or from an inclusion (Fig_ 14-9A). These structures may
be of great value in interpreting processes in plutons, for Moore and Lockwood (1973) found that the crystals tend to branch inward and to bend
upward, as though affected by fluids flowing upward along the contact
(Fig. 14-9B). They interpreted the fluids to be volatiles that were channeled
along inverted troughs in overhanging walls of plutons, and thus comb
layers may help in identifying volatile-rich parts of plutons. Distinct comb
layering has been described only from intermediate to moderately mafic
plutons. Some mafic gabbroic intrusions, however, have thick layers or
bodies of border-zone rocks with elongate plagioclase or olivine crystals
oriented approximately perpendicular to contacts (Wager and Brown, 1967).
Layering may also form when plutons that are largely crystallized are

injected by another magma that enters, sill-like, along foliation planes, or

along parallel extension fractures. The resulting layering can be identified
where the sills break across septa of the older rock or where the younger
rock includes fragments of the older. In addition, the younger rock will
commonly be finer grained than the older and often will lack the fabric of
the older rock. Pitcher and Berger (1972, p. 215) described banding (layering)
of this kind associated with extensive planar swarms of xenoliths in the
main granitic pluton of Donegal, Ireland.
Late-stage layering may also form where residual melt is segregated into
subparallel fractures, or where transient components, as K+ ion, are carried
by fluids to fractures, to foliation partings, or to ductile faults. This kind of
layering may be recognized where fractures or faults locally cross, or by the
distribution of specific minerals, such as potassium feldspar (pitcher and
Berger, 1972, p. 215). Segregated layers may also show locally diffuse contacts, partially feldspathized inclusions, or other early-stage relics. Finally,
when all the melt has crystallized but the rock is still hot, it is susceptible to
all the processes of differentiation that produce layering in metamorphic
rocks, as described in Section 15-5.
Because all late-stage processes may be guided by earlier mineral fabrics
or layer structures, several kinds of layers may be parallel, and evidence of
their ages must be sorted out with care.


Fig. 14-9. A. Comb layers at contact of a pluton and forming an inclusion (orbicule) of
comb-layered rock. B. Part of a si ngle comb layer, showing elongate plagioclase crystals
branching and curving upward and away from the contact.


14-5. Schlieren and Related Structures

Schlieren (literally, streaks) are compositional or textural domains that

are typically lenticular, planar, or elongate but may be more or less equidimensional. They differ from inclusions in being less distinctly circumscribed, especially at their ends, and from compositional layers in being less
tabular, and less likely to compose sets. We know little for certain about the
origin of schlieren, but they are useful physical characteristics of certain
plutons or pluton facies, and can be classified in a descriptive way. Some
schlieren grade into layered rocks or inclusion swarms, and in the latter
case appear to have formed by partial assimilation of the inclusions (Fig.
14-lOA). In other cases, schlieren are deflected around inclusions as sinuous
flow streaks (Fig. 14-10B).
Schlieren may be classified into those darker and those lighter than their
host rock. The two may occur separately or together. Light schlieren, which
are far less obvious than dark ones, are commonly aplitic (Didier, 1973), but
they may be as coarse or coarser than their host, in some cases being pegmatitic. Light schlieren that form sheets and patches in miarolytic facies
may be late-stage segregations, akin to pegmatite and aplite. Dark schlieren
in granitic rocks are commonly thin sheets and wisps that cut across one
another, in some cases so systematically as to suggest regular late-stage
displacements or cross-bedding (Fig. 14-10C). Others, however, have bizarre

Geology in the Field

Field Studies of Plutons

shapes, appearing like parachutes, medusas, or segmented funnels (Fig.

14lOD). Coarsely dioritic (pegmatitic) or granophyric schlieren in the border
zones or upper parts of gabbro intrusions may result from partial assimila
tion of quartzofeldspathic or perhaps micaceous xenoliths. Widespread
streakiness and lenticular layers in otherwise layered gabbros suggest late
stage flow or solidstate deformation (Davies, 1971, p. 19).
Didier (1973) pointed out that schlieren occur throughout migmatitic
plutons, whereas they are usually restricted to the marginal zones of uniform plutons. Schlieren zones deep within uniform plutons may thus mark
internal intrusive contacts between succeeding plutonic units. Regardless
of their origin, schlieren are valuable indicators of late deformation; for
example, by showing folds or faults. It is therefore desirable to fix schlieren
in time sequence as much as possible. Their relations to inclusions and to
the various kinds of fabrics described in Section 14-2 may be helpful in
doing this.

or whether they came from elsewhere, perhaps from another pluton. The
suggestions for mapping zones of hydrothermal alteration (Section 15-7)
and migmatites (Section 15-6) may be helpful.
Pegmatite is generally the most obvious of the volatile-related rocks. The
influence of volatiles in its crystallization is indicated by large grain-size,
euhedral feldspar, pronounced mineral segregation, alterations of early
formed minerals to minerals containing volatile components, dissolution of
minerals, and filling of vugs by euhedrallate-stage minerals. Pegmatite in
gabbro typically forms dikes, lenses, or schlieren of coarse plagioclase and
pyroxene, of plagioclase and hornblende, or of plagioclase, pyroxene, and
fayalitic olivine, all with fine-grained quartz or granophyre. These rocks
typically occur in the upper halves of differentiated sheets, or in their marginal facies, in the latter case commonly associated with partially assimilated quartzofeldspathic inclusions. Pegmatite bodies in peridotites
described by Moores (1969) have margins of coarse pyroxene, with plagioclase locally in their cores. Pegmatites of intermediate and silicic plutons



14-6. Pegmatite and Other Volatile-related Rocks

Concentration and action of volatiles in plutons are suggested by pegmatite, aplite, miarolytic rock, orbicular rock, plumose structure, intruded
breccia, and lamprophyre. Additional effects of hydrothermal fluids are
described in Section 14-8. A principal value in mapping these variants is
that of discovering which parts of a pluton were relatively rich in volatiles.
Mapping should also include a large area around the pluton in order to
determine whether the volatile-rich materials are indigenous to the pluton



Fig. 14-10. Schlieren in plutons. See text for descriptions.

Fig. 14-11. A. Vertical face exposing gently inclining pegmatite'aplite dike with vertical
spiracles that cut across the dike's aplitic margin (see detail,lower left) and are headed by
zoned pods of pegmatite (detail,lower right). From photographs by R. A. Osiecki (and see
Osiecki , 1981). B. Diagrammatic vertical section through granite pegmatite dike with
zoned lower facies. The aligned white crystals of the shell are K-feldspar euhedra, graphically intergrown with quartz where they are stippled. The black elongate crystals in
the lower shell are beryl, topaz, or minerals containing Li or P. After Uebel (1977, p. 92).
E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, copied with permission.

Geology in the Field

Field Studies of Plutons

typically form tabular dikes or lens-shaped pods. Other structural varieties

range in size and complexity from single large potassium-feldspar crystals
laced with graphically intergrown quartz (Osiecki, 1981) to compositionally
zoned dikes and pods many meters across. In exceptional cases, structural
relations of zoned pods may indicate intrusion of pegmatite magma (Fig.
Mineral zones in most of the zoned granitic pegmatites described by
Cameron and others (1949) are, from outside inward: (1) plagioclasequartz-muscovite; (2) plagioclase-quartz; (3) quartz-perthite-plagioclase,
with or without muscovite and (or) biotite; (4) perthite-quartz; and (5)
quartz. Crystals tend to be oriented perpendicular to contacts. Grain size
and degree of segregation tend to increase inward. The zones in some pegmatites appear symmetrical in most horizontal sections. Many are asymmetric in vertical sections, in some cases strongly so (Fig. 14-11B). Sodium,
chiefly in albite, tends to be concentrated in the lower parts of pegmatites,
whereas potassium, chiefly in potassium feldspar, tends to be concentrated
in the upper parts and may form micas from aluminosilicates in the surrounding rocks. Vugs dissolved by volatiles cut across earlier-stage minerals
or zone boundaries and have radial fabrics of volatile-deposited minerals.
Aplite is common in silicic and intermediate plutons and is occasionally
associated with gabbro. It commonly grades texturally to fine pegmatite
and may be porphyritic, carrying potassium-feldspar phenocrysts in a
groundmass that consists mainly of albite and quartz. Some aplite forms
separate bodies, but most occurs with pegmatite in composite dikes or pods.
Aplite is usually marginal or central to pegmatite, and textural relations at
the contacts may suggest continuity of crystallization (Fig. 14-12A). Layered
bodies may form by multiple injection of sheets that are differentiated into
albite-quartz aplite below and potassium-feldspar-quartz pegmatite above
(Fig. 14-12B). Compositional layering in the aplitic parts of large pegmatiteaplite bodies is typically thin (1-10 mm) and marked by concentration of
garnet, tourmaline, or muscovite (Jahns and Tuttle, 1963). Aplites in composite bodies may also show faint schlieren that are locally contorted near
projections of wall rocks or large crystals and are probably primary flow
structures Gahns and Tuttle, 1963, p. 82).
According to the model of Jahns and Burnham (1969), aplite is typically
produced by pressure-quenching of a residual melt, caused either by sudden
opening of fractures or by rapid ascent of largely crystallized granitic
magma. A volatile-rich phase released during the quenching then crystallizes to pegmatite, or the volatiles may form pegmatite where they stream
along fractures. The total amount of aplite and pegmatite thus gives a measure of the amount of residual melt extracted from the pluton, and the ratio
of aplite to pegmatite indicates the concentration of volatiles in the separated
residual melt.

Miarolytic structures are most common in silicic plutons. They may be

vesicles formed by volatiles ex solved from melt or may be dissolution cavities formed by volatiles. Vesicles tend to be pressed around already crystallized grains, whereas grai ns are cu t off at the margins of dissol u tion cavi ties.
Euhedral grains may line or fill both kinds of cavities, and they are presumably deposited from the volatiles. The filling minerals are typically quartz,
alkali feldspars, carbonates, epidote, or chlorite. Unfilled miarolytic cavities
are not particularly obvious in hand specimens unless late-stage alteration
forms colored halos around them.
Orbicularrock and the comb-layered marginal facies often associated with
it are suggestive of transport in a volatile medium, as already mentioned
(Section 14-4).
Plumose structure consists of groups of elongate crystals which radiate
from centers that may be closely or widely spaced. The crystals are commonly micas or tourmaline in silicic rocks and epidote, chlorite, or amphibole in intermediate to mafic rocks. Because the structure is most common
in pegmatite, it probably results generally from the presence of volatiles.
Intrusions of breccia or conglomerate (pebble dikes) similarly suggest
deposition from a fluid phase, for the fragments may be moved large distances from their sources, may be rounded, or may be faceted and pitted as
though sand-blasted. Although these rocks are suggestive of explosive
activity associated with volcanoes (Section 13-7) or with the uppermost
parts of plutons (Section 14-8), Wright and Bowes (1968) and Pitcher and



Fig. 14-12. A. Two aplite-pegmatite dikes, the marginal pegmatite of the upper one consisting largely of elongate K-feldspar crystals that suggest inward growth, and the lower
with an irregular aplite margin (stippled) that grades inward to coarse pegmatite. B.
Four parallel dikes of pegmatite and layered aplite (s tippled) composing a multiple intrusion. The base of each successive dike is indicated by partial screens of country rock


Field Studies of Plutons

Geology in the Field

Berger (1972, p. 156) documented and discussed cases that appear plutonic.
Lamprophyre is usually emplaced during or just after the late magmatic
stage of a pluton and is thought to be formed when basaltic or basanitic
magma mixes with the pluton's residual melts or volatiles (Rock, 1977). A
point in evidence is the close age relation between lamprophyre and aplite
or pegmatite (Fig. 14-13). Indications of volatiles in lamprophyres include:
high degree of alteration; euhedral forms of most minerals; and, in alkaline
varieties, nodules (ocelll) of feldspathoids or carbonates.
In addition,lamprophyre often occurs with small stocks and thick dikes
of rocks characterized by long prisms of early, euhedral hornblende. These
gabbroic and dioritic rocks are commonly associated further with granular
diorite and may grade to hornblendite and hornblende-pyroxene-olivine
rocks. Many of the dark rocks are cut by networks of feldspathic veins that
intersect at pegmatitic nodes. Abundant volatiles are also suggested by biotitic facies and by hydrothermal alteration, especially to chlorite. This
association of dark hornblendic rocks is called the appinite suite in Britain,
and has been described and reviewed by Pitcher and Berger (1972, p.
14-7. Fracture Systems in Plutons

Fractures form at a late magmatic or postmagmatic stage in most plutons

are commonly filled by fine-grained phaneritic rocks similar in compoSItIOn to those of the pluton, or by one or more of the volatile-related rocks
described in Section 14-6. A close age-relation to the pluton is indicated
where these minor bodies: (1) form hybrids with the pluton; (2) occur as
fragments in the pluton (Fig. 14-2B); (3) are locally intruded by the pluton;
(4) are offset along faults that are healed within the pluton (Fig. 14-14A); (5)
have a fabric continuous with that of the pluton (Fig. 14-14B); or (6) are
overgrown by megacrysts that are also in the pluton (Fig. 14-14C). Late

magmatic fractures that are not filled with magma can be recognized by
coatings or drusy fillings of late magmatic to postmagmatic minerals:
qu~rtz, potassium feldspar, albite, micas, epidote, actinolite, chlorite, magnetIte, hematite, sulfides, carbonates, and so on (Section 14-8). These
mi.neralized fractures may cut late dikes as well as the pluton, thus affording
eVIdence of the late magmatic age of the dikes (Neff, 1973).
Fractures can often be classified genetically where they cut small-scale
structures of a pluton. Most fractures are due to simple extension, as
expressed by drusy fillings or by dilation of features cut by dikes (Fig. 1414D). Faults and zones of simple shear are indicated by displaced crystals
inclusions, layers, dikes, schlieren, and so on, and locally by thin sheets of
schistose or mylonitic rock that may include folds or other lineations suggesting a direction of displacement (Fig. 12-5). Dikes offset by faults soon
after emplacement may show distinctly plastic strains (Fig. 14-14E), or may
have sigmoidal fabrics in cross sections aligned parallel to the direction of
simple shear (Fig. 14-1410.
The different kinds of fractures and fracture fillings should be mapped
with different symbols as much as practicable; for example, by a small
letter placed by a strike-and-dip symbol, or by a color. Except for large or
otherwise unusual dikes , each symbol generally is used for localities where
several dikes or fractures are parallel or nearly so.
Maps of fracture systems and rock fabric may be interpreted in light of
the mapped shape of the pluton or one of its local phases. Steeply inclined

~ :;lt~"'II(j"
' .

Fig, 14-13. Lamprophyre dike (dark) in

granodiorite, with a pegmatite dike along
the lower contact. Ptygmatic and pinch-andswell shapes of aplite dikes suggest emplacement when the lamprophyre was still plastic.


~ ,


I \


: " . ' , ':-,'


.:':::>: <:\':(, ::';','.::.::

Fig.14-14. Geometric relations between dikes and the plutons they intruded. See text for
interpretations. Fis after Moore (1963, p. 126) and is of a dike approximately 1 in. across.

Geology in the Field

Field Studies of Plutons

dike swarms in elongate groups of plutons commonly strike parallel to the

group (Pitcher, 1978,'p. 171). Steeply inclined dilative fractures perpendicular to foliation are often radial in more or less circular plutons and suggest
upward bulging, perhaps due to magma intruded at a late stage (Fig, 1415A). Dilative fractures roughly perpendicular to linear fabrics suggest
extensional strain in the solid or near-solid state. For example, radial fractures perpendicular to horizontal lineations in the outer parts of a pluton
suggest diapiric extension when the marginal facies was nearly solid
(Fig. 14-15B). The sense of displacement on faults may correlate with one of
these patterns (Fig. 14-15A) or may be younger and express some other
strain system, Balk (1937, p. 104) described systematic marginal reverse
fa ul ts ("U pthrusts") that indica te ou tward bulging of a pi u ton, and Bateman
and others (1963, p. 25) used the gash-fracture shapes of dikes at pluton
contacts to interpret the direction of movement along the contact (Fig. 1415C). In an unusually complete analysis, upward dilation of the near-pluton
edges of sills intruded from an early core of the Tatoosh pluton could be
related to doming of the country rocks (Fiske and others, 1963).
Fractures in volatile-rich cupolas. Complete three-dimensional data on
fracturing in the uppermost parts of volatile-rich stocks have come from
detailed surface and underground studies of copper-bearing and molybdenum-bearing plutons, reviewed by Beane and Titley (1981) and White
and others (1981). Myriads of quartz-sulfide veins in these bodies suggest
hydrofracturing due to expansion of volatiles ex solved from melt at a late
stage of crystallization (Burnham, 1979). These fractures dip steeply in a
variety of sets, indicating outward expansion of the pluton under a vapor
pressure close to load pressure. In regions broadly under stress, the frac-

tures may have a preferred strike direction (Rehrig and Heidrick, 1972).
The characteristics of the early veins are: (1) small size (generally less than
1 cm thick and 1 m or so long); (2) irregular shape and generally nonparallel
walls; (3) laterally discontinuous or segmented forms; (4) lateral gradation
to altered mineral grains; (5) lack of internal symmetry of mineral fillings;
(6) lack of distinct external halos; and (7) association with high-temperature
alteration minerals (typically potassium feldspar or biotite).
The same plutons tend to be broken by a somewhat younger set of nearhorizontal fractures that carry simple tabular veins as thick as a meter or
so, a relation indicating extension parallel to the vertical axis of the stock.
Other late-formed sets may be radial with respect to some point within a
pluton. At EI Salvador, Chile, fractures of a radial array were intruded by
latite porphyry, and pebble dikes formed when the latite magma intruded
rock saturated with groundwater at depths of a few kilometers (Gustafson
and Hunt, 1975, p. 875).


Fig. 14-15. A. Simplified map showing radial fractures , foliate fabric, and reverse faults
suggesting upward bulging of an underlying core. B. Map of pluton with linea ted margi
nal zone broken along fractures suggesting extension parallel to the margin . C. Vertical
cross section through pluton margin and country rocks that have steeply inclined bedding. Orientation of the dikes and their systemmatic dilation indicate upward movement
of the magma relative to the walls,


14-8. Autometamorphism of Plutons

Most plutons are altered to some degree by magmatic volatiles during

late stages of crystallization. Many are also altered by geothermally circulated groundwater. Detailed studies of copper-bearing and molybdenumbearing shallow plutons have provided a general model for these auto-metamorphic processes (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Burnham, 1979; White and
others, 1981). Expansion of magmatic volatiles exsolved at an early stage
result in either miarolytic cavities or, in more quenched facies, a myriad of
small irregular fractures, as described above under Fractures in volatile-rich
cupolas. Alterations at this stage produce minerals that are stable at high
temperatures and in the presence of abundant volatiles: quartz, potassium
feldspar, biotite, sodic plagioclase, and sulfides in silicic rocks, and quartz,
biotite, sodic plagioclase, and sulfides in intermediate ones. Mafic rocks
have not been studied in these associations but would probably be altered to
hornblende (possibly actinolite), epidote, sodic plagioclase, quartz, biotite,
and sulfides. In rocks of silicic composition, phenocrysts are easily recognizable and groundmass is completely reconstituted to a sugary (aplitic)
mixture consisting mainly of quartz and alkali feldspar. Mapped as an
alteration zone, these rocks lie completely within the pluton or extend for
short distances beyond it. High volatile pressure at this stage keeps
groundwater out of the pluton, but geothermal circulation may form a
hydrothermal aureole outside it (Section 15-7).
As a pluton cools, the model predicts further fracturing, growth of larger
and more tabular veins, and alteration of potassium feldspar and plagioclase
to sericite, typically with quartz and sulfides and in some cases tourmaline,
topaz, or fluorite. Igneous textures in these rocks are fuzzy to obscure due to
the abundant sericite, which defines a broad zone of sericitic alteration.

Geology in the Field

Field Studies of Plutons

Meteoric groundwater may form a major share of the altering fluid at this
stage and may become dominant in still later , lower temperature alterations
that produce clays and a variety of other fine-grained minerals (pyrophyllite,
diaspore, alunite, etc.). The latter rocks are pale, locally vuggy, and generally
without relict igneous texture. They are generally mapped as a zone of
argillic alteration.
The close spatial relation between the concentric alteration zones and a
given pluton, and the characteristics of the fractures and veins (Section
14-7), are the basic evidence for autometamorphism.
In plutons that are not so strongly nor so pervasively altered, or where
alterations are of other kinds, one or more of the following relations may
suggest autometamorphism by magmatic volatiles: (1) alteration is confined to the pluton, perhaps not even affecting its marginal facies; (2) if
alteration is not confined to the pluton, it is most intense within it and is
concentric around it; (3) in composite plutons or closely grouped intrusions,
each intruded body has its associated alterations, a relation proven where
younger intrusions cut across veins or alteration zones of an older intrusion
(Gustafson and Hunt, 1975, p. 881); (4) alteration is widespread within any
one intrusive unit, is selective of the minerals altered, and is unrelated to
fracture-controlled alterations of regional extent; (5) alteration is confined
to, or centered around, miarolytic or pegmatite-bearing units or facies; (6)
alteration is concentrated in areas of small irregular veins that appear to
have formed at a late magmatic stage (Section 14-7, last part); and (7) alteration minerals are those requiring temperatures higher than 550 to 600C
and the presence of abundant volatiles.
Relations suggesting alteration of a pluton by geothermal (largely meteoric) fluids are: (1) alteration is in wall rocks as well as in the pluton, and is
especially intense in the outer and upper parts of the pluton; (2) alteration is
concentrated near fracture systems; (3) minerals are dominantly OHbearing species and are commonly OH-rich (chlorite, sericite, clays, etc.);
and (4) successive alterations are overprinted on earlier ones (because
geothermal circulation is likely to continue throughout the cooling history
of the pluton).

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Jahns, R. H., and Tuttle, O. F., 1963, Layered pegmatite-aplite intrusives: Mineralogical Society of America SPecial Paper 1, p. 78-92.
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Geology in the Field

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Field Studies of
Metamorphic Rocks

15-1. Protoliths of Metamorph iC Rocks

The classical genetic kinds of metamorphism-thermal, dynamic, high

pressure, metasomatic-rarely affect rocks separately. They may act to
gether; they may act in turn during one period of metamorphism; or they
may act in various combinations during widely separated periods. Age
relations are thus crucial in studies of metamorphic rocks, and they are
most easily resolved where specific minerals or textures can be related to
structures that give clear evidence of relative ages. Age relations are thus
described in most sections of this chapter and are brought together in the
last section in an abbreviated checklist. Structures and structural methods
are described in Chapter l2, and metamorphic rocks in Chapter 4.
A second major aspect of field studies entails mapping metamorphic
zones, igneous bodies, metasedimentary and metavolcanic stratigraphic
units, and relations of metamorphic rocks to major structures. Such map
ping may identify geographic or broadly structural varieties of metamorphism: contact metamorphism, regional metamorphism, and so on.
In every type of study, interpretation depends partly on knowing the
protolith of each metamorphic rock. Highly metamorphosed or deformed
rocks may have to be mapped as lithodemic units (Section 5-3), but meta
morphic rocks should, if possible, be treated as metamorphosed sedimentary
or volcanic formations or lesser units. In ideal cases, metamorphosed units
can be traced to other areas where they are un metamorphosed or slightly
metamorphosed. Stratigraphic sequence may be unique enough to correlate
metamorphosed units positively with un metamorphosed units.
If stratigraphic correlations are not possible, protoliths of undeformed or
moderately deformed rocks can usually be deduced from relict primary fea
tures, such as those described in Chapters 4, 9, 10, 13, and 14. Growth of
metamorphic minerals typically blurs these features or obscures them by
darkening the entire rock, but relics can often be seen on smooth, clean,
weathered surfaces or on wet surfaces. Metamorphosed sedimentary beds
that were originally size-graded from sand or silt upward to clay may
become inversely size graded, from finer quartz-rich rock at the base to rock
with large grains of aluminum-rich silicates at the top. Igneous intrusions
can usually be recognized by their cross-cutting relations and by moderately
affected igneous texture in their central or leastsheared parts. Feldspar


Geology in the Field

Appendix 14


APPENDIX 13: Table for Interconversion of True Dip and Apparent Dip

APPENDIX 14. Equal-area (Schmidt) Stereographic Net

The true dip of a planar feature is seen in vertical sections oriented perpendicular to the strike of the feature. Vertical sections oriented otherwise
show apparent dip. All beds have horizontal apparent dips in any vertical
section parallel to their strike, and the apparent dip increases as the acute
angle between the vertical section and the strike increases, approaching
the true dip as the angle between the section and the strike approach 90.
The values of apparent dip given below correspond to the true dips shown
at the left of the table and to the angles between strike and the line of the
vertical section shown at the top of the table and in the diagram_ The values
of apparent dip are rounded to the nearest 0.5 because dips are rarely
measured or plotted more precisely.

To prepare the net for use: (1) cut it out and glue it toa smooth-surfaced flat board ,
such as one made of !AI-inch masonite; (2) make a small hole through the board
exactly at the center of the net; (3) insert a thumbtack through the hole from the
back of the board, and glue or tape it firmly in place; (4) cut a rectangular shee~ of
plastic drafting film or tracing paper that is somewhat larger than the net; (5) stick
a small piece of drafting tape on the back of the sheet at its center; (6) press the sheet
down over the board so that the tack comes through the piece of tape and the sheet
lies flat on the net; (7) mark and label pencil ticks on the sheet at the Nand S poles of
the net.
Data may now be plotted on the net, and Fig. 3-11 describes how .to plot a pl~nar
feature and a lineation that lies parallel to the feature . The same figure describes
each step in converting a lineation measured by its pitch into a lineatio.n basedon
bearing (trend) and plunge. In addition, Fig. 9-12 describes the ~teps In rotatl~g
inclined linear features and planar features so that they are hOrizontal , and Fig.
9-14 describes rotations used to unfold or unfault linear and planar features. Turner
and Weiss (see the references for Chapter 12) have described basic as well as more
complex procedures with a stereographic net; and basic procedures are also described in some structure texts.

True diP.........

/-- Line of


~'- Angle used

'-- Line of vertical section








5 10 15
0.5 1.0 1.5
1.0 2.0 2.5
1.5 3.0 4.0
2.0 3.5 5.5
2.0 4.5 7.0
3.0 6.0 8.0
3.5 7.0 10.5
4.0 8.0 12.0
5.0 10.0 14.5
6.0 11.5 17.0
7.0 14.0 20.0
8.5 16.5 24.0
10.5 20.5 29.0
13.0 25.5 35.0
18.0 33.0 44.0
26.5 44.5 56.0
45.0 63.5 71.5


11 .0





81 .5





41 .0







Compass Techniques

The Brunton Compass


Parts of the Brunton Pocket Transit


compass- measuring magnetic bearing

clinometer- measuring vertical inclination of planes
hand level- sights for line surveying


clinometer level = use for taking vertical angles
bullseye level = use for taking compass readings
graduated circle
compass needle
sighting arm
sighting window
declination adjusting screw
lid with mirror
lift pin/needle brake

Making Compass Readings


Set magnetic declination

use adjusting screw
refer to topo map or mag. dec. charts


Compass bearings = line orientations in space relative to geographic

directions (quadrant vs. azimuth methods)
open lid with sighting arm extended
center bull's eye bubble
align compass along desired line
read bearing indicated by white end of compass needle
check bearing and record

warnings: watch for magnetized objects that could alter

compass reading



Fe-rich rock bodies can only use sun compass

Using clinometer
align vertical edge of compass with angle of plane
adjust bubble level of clinometer
read angle from vernier scale on compass

Computing vertical elevation


measure eye height from ground surface (E.H.)

sight compass to top of object (e.g. top of a pole)
adjust vertical bubble level and read angle (theta)
measure horizontal distance from compass point to object (H.D.)
solve: total vertical height of pole = (H.D.)(tan(theta)) + E.H.


Measuring horizontal distances

measuring wheel
tape measure
pace estimation


Using Hand Level to Measure Elevation Differences



set compass clinometer to 0

open compass with sight and lid mirror toward eye
measure eye height (E.H.)
sight up slope, keep track of no. of moves and no. of E.H.

Measuring Strike and Dip





Strike = line connecting points of equal elevation on planar surface

(e.g. rock bed)
line bearing as azimuth or quadrant
Dip = vertical angle of inclined surface, measured down from
horizontal, perpendicular to strike
vertical angle + direction of dip
Orientation of Lines in Space


Trend: compass bearing of line in space

Plunge: vertical angle from horizontal, and direction of
angle in space

Methods of Measure
direct measure

H. Compass Bearings
1. Bearing- the direction from one point to another, usually expressed in degrees
east or west of true north (quadrant method) or in degrees from 0-360 (azimuth bearing) where
north is 0o or 360o, east is 90o, south is 180o, and west is 270o.
2. Measuring Bearings- To determine the bearing/direction from one point to
another do the following:
a. Draw a line from the first point to the second point
b. using a protractor, center the origin of the protractor on the first point,
align the bottom edge with the bottom edge of the map, and the 90 degree tic parallel with true
north at the top of the map.
c. Read the angle between north at the 90 degree mark of the protractor,
and the line between the two points in question.
1. give answer in either the quadrant or azimuth notation.

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