Types of Muscle Tissue
Types of Muscle Tissue
Types of Muscle Tissue
1. Skeletal
: contractions are under voluntary control, forcefuland strong
: with alternating light and dark bands
: the nuclei is located just underneath the plasmalemma(not centrally located):
cylindrical, multinucleated formed by the fusion of multiple individual nucleated
cells called myoblast duringembryonic devt and because of the fusion of these
myoblast resulted in the formation of a syncytium or what we call a muscle fiber
:the nuclei is not centrally located because the myofibrils, making up the bulk of
the cytoplasm, and these push the nuclei to the sides
: Cytoplasm is homogenously eosinophilic
: spindle-shaped, fusiform
: has no striations
: uninucleated and elongated, centrally located at the whitest portion of the cell
: contractions under involuntary control, slow
2. Cardiac
: striations are present ; alternating dark and light bands
: 1 nucleus present, centrally located and ovoid in shape surrounded by
myofibrils that have a pattern of cross striations similar to skeletal muscle
: branched fibers connected by intercalated disks
: contractions is strong rhythmic, and under involuntary control
Figure 1: differentiation between muscles types. Note the presence of intercalated disks in cardiac
light bands which are isotropic are called the I- bands) (these can be seen
under the light microscope with the Z line)
o A band: alternating light and dark bands; both thin and thick
o H band: thick filaments only; area in the a band which is void of thin filaments
o I band: thin filaments only
o M line: middle of the H band; bisecting the A band
o Z line: bisects the I band
Sarcolemma- plasmalemma
Its outer surface is coated with thin external lamina(similar to basal lamina
of epithelium)- coated with dystrophin which prevents mechanical stress
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy- a hereditary disease that causes
progressive weakness of muscles over age due to the absence of the
protein dystrophin starts at age 3, gradually become weaker until the age
of 13, they are confined in a wheelchair
Sarcoplasm- cytoplasm- contains glycogen granules and myoglobin (protein
which binds to oxygen)
Sarcosome- mitochondria
IMPULSES: Sarcolemma > T-tubule > Cisterna > Release of calcium > Muscle
Four proteins:
1. Actin- thin filament
2. Myosin- thick filament
Thin Filaments:
a) Actin
-Consists of 2 strands wherein each strand will contain a G-actin monomer
wherein each has a binding site for myosin; with G-actin monomers together,
it forms a polypeptide chain, wherein two chains would twist to become Actin
b) Troponin
3 components/peptides:
In the contracted State, The I band, H band, Sarcomere shortens; wherein the
myofilaments and A band does not change because there is a sliding of the thin
past the thick filaments (Sliding Filament Theory)