Geometric Concepts in Islamic Art

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Geometric Concepts in Islamic Art Issam El-Said and Ayse Parman Foreword by Titus Burckhardt £ World of Islam Festival Publishing Company Ltd To construct a pentagon witha given side AB Bisect AB at O (Figure 60), and construct square ABPQ; with O as centre and OP as radius deseribe a semi-circle intersecting the extensions of ABat C and D. Taking A as centre and AC as radius, describe an are cutting the perpendicu- lar bisector of AB at X, and with B as centre and BD as radius describe another are from D inter- secting the perpendicular bisector of AB also at X. ‘Then with B as centre and BP as radius describe an are eutting are CX at Y, and repeat with Aas centre and AQ as radius to cut arc DX at Z. Join points BYXZA to form the regular pentagon, Figure so * Itcan be seen that the line AC was obtained by the same procedure as shown in Figure 59, and that AC: AB — 4, ic., the ratio of the diagonal to the side of the regular pentagon equals the Golden Ratio. The diagonals of the pentagon are the sides of the inseribed pentagonal star (Figure ‘618) which cut each other in the proportion 4, i.e AX _AG _ GX _ AG Gx Ga eo ‘The method of constructing a pentagon in a circle has already been given in Figure 4. _, In the inseribed decagon Figure 61b, which is derived from the pentagon (as shown “arlier in Figure 6), the ratio of the radius OX of the circumscribed circle to the side XE of the decagon and the ratio of the side XF of the star cagon to the radius XO of the circle is equal to Geometric Patterns in Islemaic Design th Golden Ratio, i.e, OX — XE XE OX Tecan be seen that the regular pentagon and the regular decagon provide the designer with a geo- metric system of proportioning based on the Golden Ratio. Figures¢iaandb 83 1 | a | x | | I HIN Figure 59 FREEBIES meen eenne VSR IN oe Ser reKere ct XS AZ OK AN. C Figures ee ey \ SES ie To obtain the Golden Ratio froma square The Golden Ratio ¢ can also be obtaineg by the use of a square. Bisect at O the side AB of the square ABDE (Figure 59). Draw diagonal OD, and with centre O and radius OD cut extended AB at C. If BD =1, OB=} and, therefore, using the theorem of Pythagoras, op 200 =44 2 Since AC = AO + OC, then: AC: AB=1 4 X3:1 ad or = Ea Zi eure ig Geometric Patterns in Islannie Design 4 The Pentagon . and the Golden Rati Euclid described the Golden Ratio as the ‘extreme and mean ratio’. Renaissance writers referred to it ax the ‘Divine Proportion’, and in the nineteenth century it became known as the ‘Golden Section’. At present it 18 occasionally represented by the letter 9, phi, to express the ratio obtained by the following reasoning. If the ratio between two quantities of the ‘same kind is such that the ratio of the bigger b to the smaller a equals the ratio of the sum of both a+b wo the bigger b, that is, 2 PE #—¢, then we have the Golden Ratio, The Golden Ratio has been represented numerically by the Renais- sance scholar, Fibonacci, by means ofa seri De ee ee a oe Po ere ee a ‘The series is an approximation which becomes more accurate the higher it goes until it nears the decimal value of at 1.628. +o To divide a straight line AC into two seg- ments related by the Golden Ratio Given a line AC (Figure 58), draw the perpendicular DC — } AC, and with D as centre and DC as the radius describe an are cutting AD at X. With A as centre and AX as the radius describe an are cutting AC at B. ‘9 obtain the Golden Ratio fj re Guide aks 4 eae ‘sare by the use of a square, Bisect at O he Ping the square ABDE (Figure 59), de AB of Draw diagonal OD, and with centre. OD cut extended AB at C. If BH Tadigg and, therefore, using the theorem of Py 0 hag op —0¢ = 45 =*) Since AC — AO + OC, then: 1 AG: AB =i + o ia ord Bo Figeress ia eae Nc Sa ed LSS PQA KRW ee SS ee COLO {\ /\ \ Cee a) — PIR PREERA *

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