L5 Sols

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2MMD30: Graphs and Algorithms Lecture 5 by Jesper Nederlof, 24/02/2016

Solutions to exercises of lecture 5

Excercise 5.1. Recall that in the Traveling Salesman problem, we are given a graph G = (V, E)
P an integer weight we and the question is to find a Hamiltonian cycle C E minimizing
eC we . Can you solve it in O (n!) time?
Solution: Every Hamiltonian cycle is described by a permutation v1 , . . . , vn of the vertices so we
can simply iterate over all permutations v1 , . . . , vn of V and see which one minimizes w(vn ,v1 ) +
i=1 w(vi ,vi+1 )
Excercise 5.2. In the k-coloring problem we are given a graph G and integer k and need to
determine whether G has a k-coloring. Is this problem parameterized by k FPT?
Solution: Not assuming P 6= N P : an O(f (k)nc ) time algorithm for this, for some constant c,
would imply an O(nc ) time algorithm for 3-coloring.
Excercise 5.3. Find an algorithm detecting k-clique in O(nk k 2 ) time, why is this not FPT?
Solution: We cannot write O(nk ) as f (k)poly(n), since the latter implies a fixed exponent of n
while in the first the exponent depends on k.
Excercise 5.4. Show that if G has a FVS of size at most k, it has a k + 2-coloring. Can you give
an example of a graph with a FVS of size at most k but no k + 1 coloring?
Solution: use colors 1, . . . , k to color all vertices in the FVS with a distinct color, use k + 1, k + 2
for a two-coloring of the forest (which is easily seen to exist by fixing one color and propagating).
A complete graph on k + 2 vertices would be such an example.
Excercise 5.5. Give an O (2n/2 ) time, O (2n/4 ) space algorithm for Subset Sum using the 4SUM

Solution: Assume n is a multiple of 4, construct an integer ai for every W {1, . . . , n/4}, bi for
every X {n/4+1, . . . , n/2},ci for every Y {n/2+1, . . . , 3n/4},di for every Z {3n/4+1, . . . , n},
set the target of the 4SUM problem to be t. This 4SUM instance has a solution if and only if the
subset sum instance has one since every subset S {1, . . . , n} can be written as W X Y Z.
Excercise 5.6. Can you solve 4-coloring
O (2n ) time? What about 3-coloring in O ((2 )n )
time, for some  > 0 (Hint: use that k 2
for k n/3)?
Solution: For 4-coloring, we may iterate over all vertex sets X V that could have the first two
colors. Given such X we just need to see whether both G[X] and G[V \ X] are 2-colorable.
For the second question, note that one color class must be of size at most n/3 so in Algorithm
3colv2 we may iterate over all sets of size at most n/3 instead.
Excercise 5.7. Solve Vertex Cover in O (1.4656k ) time.
Solution: Adjust vc2 as follows: if there exists no vertex of degree at least 3, we have a set of
cycles, paths and isolated vertices and an optimal solution is computed in polynomial time by a
simple greedy argument. Otherwise, branch as in Line 4 of vc2. If T (k) denotes the number of
leaves in the branching tree we see that T (0) = 1 and for k > 0
T (k) max T (k 1) + T (k d).

We see that T (k) is bounded by 1.4656k since 1.46561 + 1.46563 1

Excercise 5.8. Recall the definition of NP. Why can any problem instance x {0, 1}n of a
language in NP be solved in 2poly(|x|) time?
Solution: NP: there exists a polynomial time verifier V , (e.g., an algorithm that runs in time
polynomial in x with the following property: there exists a certificate c such that V (x, c) returns
true if and only if x L). Since V runs in time polynomial in the input, |c| needs to be polynomial
in |x|, so given an instance x, we can iterate over all 2|c| = 2poly(|x|) possible c and see whether
V (x, c) gives true somewhere.

Excercise 5.9. An algorithm running in time nlg(n) for some constant c is called quasi-polynomial.
Recently, in a big breakthrough1 L
o Babai showed that the Graph Isomorphism problem can
be solved in quasi-polynomial time. Graph Isomorphism is not known to be NP-complete. Can
you explain why a quasi-polynomial time algorithm for an NP-complete problem would be a huge
result (Hint: recall the definition of NP-completeness)?
Solution: NP-complete: L is NP-complete if for every other problem L0 in NP there exists a
polynomial time reduction from L0 to L, e.g., an algorithm R such that for every input x, x L0
if and only if R(x) L. Since R is polynomial time, |R(x)| is polynomial in |x| thus if L is solved
in time |x|lg(|x|) , then this gives an

|R(x)|lg(|R(x)|) = (|x|c )lg(|x|


c0 )c

0 0

= |x|c c


(see e.g., http://www.quantamagazine.org/20151214-graph-isomorphism-algorithm/)

time algorithm for problem L0 . So this would be huge because it implies a quasi-polynomial time
algorithm for any NP-complete problem.
Excercise 5.10. Show that Feedback Vertex Set is NP-hard. In particular, show that given an
instance (G, k) of vertex cover, we can compute in polynomial time an equivalent instance (G0 , k)
of feedback vertex set.
Solution: Given an instance G = (V, E), k of vertex cover, add a vertex ve for every edge (u, v)
with neighbors {u, v}. There always exists an optimal FVS in which no added vertex is picked since
ve can be replaced with either u or w if e = {u, w}, and such a FVS is a FVS of the new graph if
and only if it is a vertex cover of the old graph since for every edge e = (u, w) it needs to hit the
triangle u, w, ve .
Alternatively, one could apply the degree 2 reduction rule to obtain a multigraph in which all
edges occur twice.
Excercise 5.11. The nth Fibonacci number fn is defined as follows: f0 = 1,f1 = 1 and for n > 1,
fn = fn1 + fn2 . What is the running time of the following algorithm to compute fn ?
Algorithm FIB1(n)
Output: fn
1: if n = 1 then return 1
2: return FIB1(n 1)+FIB1(n 2).

Solution: The running time is at most O(nf (n)). To see this, note that the number of leaves is
exactly f (n). If you insist to be more precise to get rid of the n factor, note that the branching
tree has no degree 2 vertices, and for any such tree the number of internal vertices is at most the
number of leaves.
Excercise 5.12. In the Set Partition problem we are given F1 , . . . , Fm U and need to find a
subset of the sets that partition U . Can you do this in O (2m/2 ) time?
Solution: S Assume m is even by adding an empty set. Enumerate L = { iX Fi : X {1, . . . , m/2}}
and R = { iX Fi : X {m/2 + 1, . . . , m}}. For every Y L check whether U \ Y is in R, return
yes if so and no otherwise.
Excercise 5.13. In this exercise well look at the d-Hitting Set problem: given sets F1 , . . . , Fm U
of size d each, where |U | = n, we need to find a subset X U with |X| = k that hits every set in
the sense that Fi X 6= for every i.
1. By which other name do you know 2-Hitting Set? Why is it equivalent?
2. Can you solve 3-Hitting Set in time O (3k )?
3. Can you solve 3-Hitting Set in time O (2.4656k )
Hint: Use iterative compression. Suppose
are also given a hitting set of size k + 1,
P youk+1

can you solve the problem in time O ( k+1
i 1.4656 ). This equals O (2.4656 ) by
the binomial theorem.

Solution: Vertex Cover. Pick a set of size at most 3 and branch on one of the three elements
that needs to be included.
Suppose we have a 3-hitting set H of size k + 1. Guess the subset X H that will be in the
solution. Remove all sets that intersect with X and remove all elements from H. Since H was a
hitting set, all sets are now of size at most 2. Pick elements in sets of size 1 so only sets of size 2
remain, and we have an instance of vertex cover.
Excercise 5.14. Give an algorithm that determines whether a given 3-CNF-Sat formula is satisfiable in time O ((2 )n ), for some  > 0.
Solution: Use the following branching algorithm: pick a clause of maximum size and branch on
all assignments of its variables satisfying it. For example, if the clause is v2 v4 v6 , we recurse
on the CNF-formula obtained by setting v2 , v4 , v6 to all 8 assignments except 1, 0, 1. This results
in 7 new recursive calls on formulas with at most n 3 variables, so we can use the following
recurrence for the number of leaves of the branching tree T (0) = 1 and for n > 0
T (n) max{7 T (n 3), 3 T (n 2), T (n 1)}.
Setting T (n) = 7n/3 < 1.913 works since
max{7 7


,3 7




} 7n/3 .

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