L2 18 and 19 Mar Sequences

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Structuring DATA

FM131 Programming and Data Structures

18 MAR 2024
How are you ?
Pressure ?

Questions – Complexity?

Lab assignment problems

Project – Feedback (next week)

What’s a data structure ?
Why Data ?
Q: Data is important?

Ans: Its our memory, and the need for evolution!

Why Structure ?
Q: Data is important so how do we keep it ?

Ans: We find a way in which we can store data and find it

when required!
Why Structure ?
What is a data Structure ?
We have a numerous types of data and we can define storage of data in several ways.

We can perform numerous types of operations based on how we store it.

Interfaces (WHAT) Implementation (HOW)

- ADT - Data Structure
What is a data Structure ?
ADT (Abstract Data Types)

A sequence of elements to which we can

1. add elements anywhere

2. remove element from anywhere
3. get an element in sequence / iterate the sequence
4. Find the length
What is a data Structure ?
ADT (Abstract Data Types) Data Structures

A sequence of elements to which we can arrays

1. add elements anywhere

2. remove element from anywhere
3. get an element in sequence / iterate the sequence
4. Find the length
What is a data Structure ?
ADT (Abstract Data Types) Data Structures


pointer based lists

Word RAM
Think 1 mins – (NO TALKING)

You create an array of integers (assume each integer is exactly 4 bytes) in

memory, and the beginning of the array (i.e., the start of the very first cell of
the array) happens to be at memory address 1000 (in decimal, not binary).

What is the memory address of the start of cell 6 of the array, assuming 0-
based indexing (i.e., cell 0 is the first cell of the array)?
Take a vote

1. 1004

2. 1023

3. 1024

4. None

1. 1004

2. 1023

3. 1024

4. None
Arrays as static sequences

A sequence of elements to which we can

1. add elements

2. remove element

3. get an element in sequence / iterate the sequence

4. Find the length

Arrays as static sequences

A sequence of elements to which we can

1. add elements

2. remove element

3. get an element in sequence / iterate the sequence

4. Find the length

Arrays as static sequences

A sequence of elements to which we can

1. add elements

2. remove element

3. get an element in sequence / iterate the sequence

4. Find the length

Arrays as dynamic sequences
A sequence of elements to which we can
1. add elements anywhere
2. remove element from any anywhere
Arrays as dynamic
A sequence of elements to which we can
1. add elements anywhere
Arrays as dynamic
A sequence of elements to which we can
1. add elements anywhere
Think 2 mins – (NO TALKING)

What is the worst-case time complexity for an "insert" operation in an

arbitrary Array List (i.e., we know nothing about the elements it contains)?

What is the worst-case time complexity for a "find" operation in an

arbitrary Array List (i.e., we are searching for a given element and we know
nothing about the elements the Array List already contains)?
Take a vote

1. O(1), O(n)

2. O(1), O(1)

3. O(n ),
2 O(n)

4. O(n), O(n)

1. O(1), O(n)

2. O(1), O(1)

3. O(n ),
2 O(n)

4. O(n), O(n)
Arrays as dynamic
A sequence of elements to which we can
1. add elements anywhere
2. remove element from any anywhere
Think 2 mins – (NO TALKING)

You are given an Array List with 100 elements, and you want to remove the
element at index 7 (0-based indexing). How many "left-shift" operations will
you have to perform on the backing array?
Take a vote

1. 372

2. 92

3. 93

4. 368
Dynamic Sequence
ADT (Abstract Data Types)

A sequence of elements to which we can

1. add elements anywhere

2. remove element from anywhere
3. get an element in sequence / iterate the sequence
4. Find the length
Dynamic Sequence
ADT (Abstract Data Types)

A sequence of elements to which we can

1. add elements anywhere

2. remove element from anywhere
3. get an element in sequence / iterate the sequence
4. Find the length
Linked Lists
Linked Lists
Linked List, which was developed in 1955 by Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert A. Simon at RAND
Corporation. The Linked List is a dynamically-allocated data structures, meaning it grows dynamically in
memory on its own very time-efficiently (as opposed to an Array List, for which we needed to explicitly
reallocate memory as the backing array fills, which is a very time-costly operation).

Allen Newell (right) and Herbert Simon (left) (courtesy of Carnegie Mellon University)
Linked Lists
Linked Lists
Think 2 mins – (NO TALKING)

If I only have direct access to the head or tail pointer in a Linked List, and I
can only access the other elements by following the nodes' pointers, what is
worst-case time complexity of finding an element in a Linked
List with n elements?
Take a vote

1. O (n)

2. O (1)

3. O (n )

4. Do not know

1. O (n)

2. O (1)

3. O (n )

4. Do not know
Linked Lists
Think 3 mins – (No TALKING)
Write a function that starts at the
given node and returns true if the
element exists somewhere in
the Linked List, otherwise false if the
element does not exist in the Linked

You may choose to implement it

either iteratively or recursively: we will
pass in the head node when we call
your find function, so both
approaches have equally valid
Pair 2 mins – (TALKING)
Write a function that starts at the
given node and returns true if the
element exists somewhere in
the Linked List, otherwise false if the
element does not exist in the Linked

You may choose to implement it

either iteratively or recursively: we will
pass in the head node when we call
your find function, so both
approaches have equally valid
Share 2 mins – (TALKING)
Write a function that starts at the
given node and returns true if the
element exists somewhere in
the Linked List, otherwise false if the
element does not exist in the Linked

You may choose to implement it

either iteratively or recursively: we will
pass in the head node when we call
your find function, so both
approaches have equally valid
Linked Lists
Think 3 mins – (No TALKING)
Write a function that
inserts newnode into index index of
the Linked List. We guarantee that we
will not have you insert at the very
beginning nor the very end of the
Linked List (so you won't need to
worry about updating the head or tail
pointers of the Linked List).
Pair 2 mins – (TALKING)
Write a function that
inserts newnode into index index of
the Linked List. We guarantee that we
will not have you insert at the very
beginning nor the very end of the
Linked List (so you won't need to
worry about updating the head or tail
pointers of the Linked List).
Share 2 mins – (TALKING)
Write a function that
inserts newnode into index index of
the Linked List. We guarantee that we
will not have you insert at the very
beginning nor the very end of the
Linked List (so you won't need to
worry about updating the head or tail
pointers of the Linked List).
Summary Operation O( )
Static Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic

Get At() Insert First () Insert last () Insert at ()

Set At() Delete First () Delete last () Delete at ()


Linked List
Summary Operation O( )
Static Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic

Get At() Insert First () Insert last () Insert at ()

Set At() Delete First () Delete last () Delete at ()

1 n n n

Linked List
n 1 n n
Thank you.

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