Cloud Based Smart Parking System

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Received July 24, 2015, accepted August 16, 2015, date of publication September 9, 2015, date of current version September 23, 2015.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2477299

A Cloud-Based Smart-Parking System Based

on Internet-of-Things Technologies
1 Department
2 Department

of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University, Taichung 407, Taiwan
of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua 500, Taiwan

Corresponding author: D.-J. Deng ([email protected])

ABSTRACT This paper introduces a novel algorithm that increases the efficiency of the current cloud-based
smart-parking system and develops a network architecture based on the Internet-of-Things technology. This
paper proposed a system that helps users automatically find a free parking space at the least cost based on
new performance metrics to calculate the user parking cost by considering the distance and the total number
of free places in each car park. This cost will be used to offer a solution of finding an available parking space
upon a request by the user and a solution of suggesting a new car park if the current car park is full. The
simulation results show that the algorithm helps improve the probability of successful parking and minimizes
the user waiting time. We also successfully implemented the proposed system in the real world.
INDEX TERMS Smart-parking system, performance metrics.


In the development of traffic management systems, an intelligent parking system was created to reduce the cost of
hiring people and for optimal use of resources for car-park
owners. Currently, the common method of finding a parking
space is manual where the driver usually finds a space in
the street through luck and experience. This process takes
time and effort and may lead to the worst case of failing
to find any parking space if the driver is driving in a
city with high vehicle density. The alternative is to find a
predefined car park with high capacity. However, this is
not an optimal solution because the car park could usually
be far away from the user destination. In recent years,
research has used vehicle-to-vehicle [21] and vehicle-toinfrastructure [23] interaction with the support of various
wireless network technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID), Zigbee, wireless mess network [22], and
the Internet. This study aimed to provide information about
nearby parking spaces for the driver and to make a reservation
minutes earlier using supported devices such as smartphones
or tablet PCs. Furthermore, the services use the ID of each
vehicle in booking a parking space. However, the current
intelligent parking system does not provide an overall optimal
solution in finding an available parking space, does not solve
the problem of load balancing, does not provide economic
benefit, and does not plan for vehicle-refusal service.
VOLUME 3, 2015

To resolve the aforementioned problems and take

advantage of the significant development in technology, the
Internet-of-Things technology (IoT) has created a revolution
in many fields in life as well as in smart-parking system (SPS)
technology [20]. The present study proposes and develops
an effective cloud-based SPS solution based on the Internet
of Things. Our system constructs each car park as an
IoT network, and the data that include the vehicle GPS location, distance between car parking areas and number of free
slots in car park areas will be transferred to the data center.
The data center serves as a cloud server to calculate the costs
of a parking request, and these costs are frequently updated
and are accessible any time by the vehicles in the network.
The SPS is based on several innovative technologies and can
automatically monitor and manage car parks. Furthermore,
in the proposed system, each car park can function independently as a traditional car park. This research also implements
a system prototype with wireless access in an open-source
physical computing platform based on Arduino with RFID
technology using a smartphone that provides the communication and user interface for both the control system and the
vehicles to verify the feasibility of the proposed system.

In some studies [1][3], the authors proposed a new algorithm

for treatment planning in real-time parking. First, they used an

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T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

algorithm to schedule the online problem of a parking system

into an offline problem. Second, they set up a mathematical
model describing the offline problem as a linear problem.
Third, they designed an algorithm to solve this linear
problem. Finally, they evaluated the proposed algorithm using
experimental simulations of the system. The experimental
results indicated timely and efficient performance. However,
these papers do not mention the resource reservation mechanism (all parking requirements are derived immediately and
are placed in the queue), the mechanism for assessing the
resources system, the mechanism to guide vehicles to the
parking space, the mechanism for handling situations when
the request for service is denied and do not calculate the
average waiting time and average total time that each vehicle
spends on the system.
In another study [4], the authors propose an SPS based on
the integration of UHF frequency, RFID and IEEE 802.15.4
Wireless Sensor Network technologies. This system can
collect information about the state of occupancy of the car
parks, and can direct drivers to the nearest vacant parking
spot by using a software application. However, in this work,
the authors have no mathematical equations for the system
architecture and do not create a large-scale parking system.
The results of this paper only implement the proposed architecture; they do not mention the performance of the parking
system. Hsu et al. [5] proposed an innovative system including the parking guidance service. A parking space can be
reserved by a smartphone via Internet access. Upon entering
the car park, the reserved parking space will be displayed on
a small map using wireless transmission for vehicles under
the dedicated short-range communication protocol DSRC.
An inertial navigation system (INS) is implemented to guide
the vehicle to the reserved space. The system will periodically
update the status of the parking space in real time to help
ensure system accuracy. System performance is measured
through the accuracy of the inertial navigation systems run
in an indoor environment, and the system implementation is
evaluated by considering the accuracy of the GPS. In this
paper, the authors have not evaluated the performance of the
parking services, they do not provide any mathematical model
of the system, and do not consider the waiting time of each
vehicle for service.
Other researchers have designed architecture for parking
management in smart cities [6]. They proposed intelligent
parking assistant (IPA) architecture aimed at overcoming
current public parking management solutions. This architecture provides drivers with information about on-street parking
stall availability and allow drivers to reserve the most convenient parking stall at their destination before their departure.
They use RFID technology in this system. When a car parks
or leaves the IPA parking spot, the RFID reader and the
magnetic loop detect the action and send this information to
the unit controller to update the information on the car park
status. This study uses only some simple mathematical equations for the system architecture and does not create a largescale parking system. In other works, authors have designed

and implemented an SPS [7] to solve the parking problem.

A part of this system is implemented in the Zigbee network
which sends urgent information to a PC through a coordinator
and then updates the database. The application layer can
quickly pass the parking information over the Internet, and
use the advantages of a web service to gather all the scattered
parking information for the convenience of those who want to
find a parking space. This paper simply reports the design and
implementation of an SPS and does not evaluate the system
Bonde et al. [24] aimed to automate the car and the car
parking. The paper discusses a project which presents a
miniature model of an automated car parking system that can
regulate and manage the number of cars that can be parked
in a given area at any given time based on the availability
of parking spaces. The automated parking method allows
the parking and exiting of cars using sensing devices. Entry
to or exit from the car park is commanded by an Android
based application. The difference between the Bonde system
and the other existing systems is that the authors were
aiming to make the system as little human dependent as
possible by automating the cars as well as the entire car
park; on the other hand, most existing systems require
human intervention (the car owner or other) to park the car.
Lambrinos and Dosis [19] described a new SPS architecture
based on the Internet of Things technology. The architecture of this system consists of a Zigbee Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN), an IoT middleware layer and a front-end
layer as the final user interface that provides data reporting to
the user. However, there are disadvantage as it does not use a
suitable application protocol for the transfer of data from the
WSN to the server, such as the constrained application protocol (CoAP), there is no mathematical model for the system
operations, and there is no system performance evaluation.

With the aim of overcoming the disadvantages of the systems

mentioned above and inspired by [1][4] and some relevant
works [17], [18], we introduce new SPS architecture based on
IoT and build a mathematical model of the system operation.
First, our algorithm adopts a mechanism to search car parks at
the least cost. Second, we adopt a mechanism for forwarding
the vehicles to another car park if the current car park is
full. We propose a network of car parks such that each park
is a node in a network. Each node obtains the information
from the neighboring node, thus ensuring smooth movement
of vehicles at low cost and increasing the probability of
finding a free parking space. Our system achieves better
performance compared with other parking systems. We evaluated the performance of our system through simulation and
implementation. The results of the simulation are close to our
mathematical models and achieve better performance than the
other systems. The proposed system reduces the number of
vehicles failing to find a parking space and minimizes the
costs of moving to the car park. The cost defined here is the
time that the user must wait for the service, thus helping users
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T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

save time and money and reducing environmental pollution.

We have also successfully implemented our system in a university parking system.

at each car park. The system allows a driver to search

and find information on parking spaces from each car
park without the need to directly access the local server
node by directly accessing the cloud-based server.


This paper is organized as follows: Section II describes

the proposed architecture including the system and network
architectures. Section III discusses the algorithms and the
mathematical models of the system. Section IV presents the
simulation. Section V is the implementation of the system.
Section VI is our conclusion and suggestions for future work.

The system is derived from the idea of IoT [13], [14]. The
system uses the WSN [15] consisting of RFID technology
to monitor car parks. An RFID reader counts the percentage
of free parking spaces in each car park. The use of RFID
facilitates implementation of a large-scale system at low cost.
The system provides a mechanism to prevent disputes in the
car park and helps minimize wasted time in looking for a
parking space. After logging into the system, the user can
choose a suitable parking space. Information on the selected
parking location will be confirmed to the user via notification.
Then, the system updates the status of the parking space to
pending during which time the system will not allow other
users to reserve it. If after a certain period of pending time
the system determines that no car is parked in that space, then
it changes the status to available. The system will update
the status from the WSN node (the status of car park spaces)
when a new car joins in the system. Therefore, the status of
the overall parking system is always updated in real time. The
system will help plot the parking time for each parking space
in real time and can support the business with hourly parking

FIGURE 2. Local unit.

Local Unit: This unit is located in each car park and

stores the information of each parking space, as shown
in Fig.2. The local unit includes the following:
Control Unit: This is an Arduino module, which is
connected using an RFID reader. The card reader
authenticates the user information and then displays
this information on the screen. If the information
of the RFID tag or card is correct, the Arduino
module will control the opening of the door for the
vehicle to enter. The Arduino module connects with
the cloud server through an Internet connection to
transfer data from the local car park to the cloud
server database.
Screen: This displays information on the capacity
of the local car park, the total current percentage
of free spaces, the status of the RFID tag check, the
user card when entering, and a mini map of the local
car park.
RFID Tag or ID Card: This is used to check
and authenticate user information and calculate the
percentage of total free spaces in each car park.
Software Client: This is an application software system.
Running on Android operating system, the users will
install it on their smartphones and use it to reserve
parking spaces. The users access the system via
3G/4G mobile connections.


In general, we will use the term user when referring to the

driver or vehicle and the term resources when referring to
the parking spaces.
FIGURE 1. Architecture of the proposed system.


Fig. 1 shows our smart IoT parking system.

Elements in the system:
Cloud-Based Server: This is a Web entity that stores
the resource information provided by local units located
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We use the car park network (CPN) architecture infrastructure/backbone. The architecture is shown in Fig. 3(a), where
the dashed lines indicate wireless link and the solid lines
indicates wired link. This type of parking network includes
routers that form as the infrastructure for connected clients.
The CPN infrastructure/backbone can be built to allow sensor
networks to connect using wireless radio technologies. The
routers form a self-configuring and self-healing link network.

T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

FIGURE 4. Parking network.

FIGURE 3. (a) Infrastructure/backbone of the CPN architecture.

(b) CPN deployment for car parking system.

Routers can be connected to the Internet by gateway

functionality. This approach, also referred to as infrastructure
meshing, provides the backbone for conventional clients and
enables integration of CPNs with existing WSNs through
gateway/bridge functionalities in the routers. Conventional
clients with the same radio technologies as the routers can
directly communicate with the routers.
We have assumed that each car park is a node in a CPN.
The deployment network in a real environment is shown
in Fig. 3(b) where each car park is labeled.
P1 is car park number 1; N1 is the total parking spaces
in P1 .
P2 is car park number 2, N2 is the total parking spaces
in P2 .
Pn is car park number n, Nn is the total parking spaces
in Pn .
The total capacity of the system is N = N1 + N2 + N3 +
. . . + Nn (spaces). D is the real distance between two nodes
in the network. Dij is the distance between nodes Pi and Pj .
Fig. 4 shows our network.
Each node has a neighbor table to maintain information on
the current status of the network and a queue with predefined
length. The neighbor table for each node contains information
on the neighboring nodes directly linked to it. On the other
hand, the queue is used to control the number of vehicles
forwarded to the node, which aims to prevent overloading
in the number of vehicles beyond the capacity of the node.
In our proposed system, each node will broadcast a message
to its neighboring nodes after a new node joins or leaves it.
This message includes information on its total free resources.
The neighboring node that receives this message will update
its neighbor tables. We have assumed that, in our network,

N1 = 100 spaces, N2 = 120 spaces, N3 = 200 spaces,

N4 = 100 spaces, N5 = 120 spaces, N6 = 120 spaces,
N7 = 100 spaces; D12 = 1.2 km, D13 = 1.6 km,
D23 = 2.0 km, D27 = 1 km, D34 = 1.5 km, D37 = 1.8 km,
D45 = 1.2 km, D56 = 0.8 km and D67 = 1.2 km. These
parameters are shown in Fig. 5 using simple neighbor tables.
In Fig. 5, we assume that the total free spaces in N1 = 20,
in N2 = 60, in N3 = 60, in N4 = 70, in N5 = 60, N6 = 30
and in N7 = 60. To increase the performance of finding a free
parking resource, the neighbor table in each node contains
information on the current number of free parking resources
in the neighboring nodes. Our idea is to use the number of
total free parking resources in each node to calculate the cost
for choosing a car park.

FIGURE 5. Simple neighbor tables.


We use a function named F(, ) to calculate the cost

between the nodes in the network. F(, ) is a function that
depends on the distance between two nodes and the number
of free parking spaces in the destination node. F(, ) is
considered to be a weighted link between two nodes in the
parking network. If two nodes are not directly linked, then
F(, ) = . If the vehicle comes into a node and that node
is full, the vehicle will be forwarded to the next node, which
is a neighbor of this node with the smallest value of F(, )
in the neighbor table. We calculate the cost function F(, )
from node Pi to node Pj , i.e.,
Fij = Fij (, ) =


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where is a coefficient that depends on the length of the path

between two nodes and is a coefficient that depends on
the number of free slots in the destination node. F(, ) is
inversely proportional to the distance between two nodes and
directly proportional to the total free slots in the destination
node. Depending on which parameter we consider to be
the more important of the two parameters, i.e., the distance
or the free slots, we can adjust and to achieve better
network performance. and are parameters derived from
the experiment, and their value is [0, 1]. If = 0, we only
consider the number of free spaces to calculate the
cost to the user. If = 0, we only consider the distance between two nodes to calculate the cost to the
In Eq. (1), we calculate the cost function based on the
distance between two nodes and the percentage of free
parking spaces at each node. We use the upper bound
of the distance between two nodes and the upper bound
of the capacity for parking in each car park. In Eq. (1),
dij is the distance between nodes Pi and Pj , Dup is the upper
bound of the distance and is a global parameter, tj is the
number of spaces that are occupied at node Pj , and Tup is the
upper bound of the capacity of the overall parking network
and is a global parameter. We assume a network with
seven nodes as in Fig. 5 and calculate the value
of function F with = 0.2, = 0.8, D = 2 km,
T = 200 spaces: F12 = 0.36; F13 = 0.72; F21 = 0.44;
F23 = 0.76; F27 = 0.34; F31 = 0.48; F32 = 0.44;
F34 = 0.27; F37 = 0.42; F43 = 0.71; F45 = 0.36;
F54 = 0.24; F56 = 0.44; F65 = 0.32; F67 = 0.36;
F72 = 0.34; F73 = 0.74; F76 = 0.48. The neighbor table
of each node with the F(, ) function is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 shows that the new neighbor table for each node follows
Eq. (1). We will use this routing table in choosing the next
node where to forward the user when a car park is full.

FIGURE 6. Neighbor tables sorted by descending values of F(, ).

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We propose an algorithm to describe the operation of the


When a user wants to find a parking slot, he must login to our

system. After successful login, a request message is sent to
search for a free parking slot. Then, the system will send back
a response message containing the information, including the
car park address and the directions to reach it. The choice
of the car park is based on the function F(, ), which is
calculated based on the current location of the vehicle and the
location of the car park. The system will forward the vehicle
to a car park with a minimum F(, ) value if the current
car park is full. When the user arrives at the car park, he
must be authorized to enter. This authorization is achieved
via the RFID technology or by scanning the user card. This
mechanism is simple but economical. If the information is
correct, the user is allowed to park. If the current car park is
full, the system will send a suggestion message that includes
information on a new car park, including the address and
new directions, with a minimum cost. The new car park
will be selected based on the neighbor table of the current
car park (the first node in the neighbor table), as shown
in Fig. 7.

FIGURE 7. Algorithm of the system operations.


T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

the neighboring tables of its neighboring nodes, as shown

in Fig. 9.

FIGURE 8. Vehicle processes.

Our proposed system involves two processes: reservation

and entering.
Reservation Process: Starting from (1) to (3) shown
in Fig. 8, if the user is looking for a free parking space,
he will send a request message to the system (1), which
is done using a smartphone. When the system receives
this request, it will find car park P1 with the least cost
[minimum value of F(, )] and forward this message to
the user. In this case, the least cost is the minimum value
of function F(, ). The value of F(, ) is calculated as
the distance (between the vehicle and car parks) and the
number of free spaces in each car park. If this car park
has free parking slots, it will send a response message to
the user (3). The response message includes the address
of car park P1 and its directions. Because we use the
percentage of total free spaces in suggesting a new car
park, a high probability of success exists in finding a free
parking space.
Entering Process: Starting from (4) going to (5), if a
user enters car park P1, he must be authorized using an
ID or an RFID card (4). If authorized, the door is opened,
and the count will increase by one. The system will
send a response message to the user to notify successful
parking (5). If the car park is currently full, it will send
a response message suggesting an alternative car park,
including relevant information on new car park P2 , with
the least cost.

In our proposed system, we use RFID technology to calculate

the percentage of total free parking spaces in each car park.
In each car park, an RFID reader is installed at the entrance.
We use a variable named Count to calculate the total
number of vehicles in the car park. Count = Count + 1
when a vehicle enters, and Count = Count 1 when a vehicle
leaves. When Count = Ni , car park i is full. The process of
updating the neighbor table is described as follows: when a
change in the value in the Counter occurs, which changes
the percentage of the total free parking spaces at this node,
this node will send a message containing updated information
to the cloud-based server. The cloud-based server will update

FIGURE 9. Algorithm for updating the status of the car park.


We build the mathematical models of our proposed system

based on the results in [1] and [2]. We create a parking
planning strategy. We let P denote the set of all vehicles with
parking queries in the queue. We let S denote the total of all
available car parks. We let W denote the set of wij , where wij
is the cost between vehicle pi (pi P) and car park Sj (Sj S).
We can achieve W by calculating the distance from the vehicle to the car park (GPS address) and the number of free
spaces in car park Sj . We let M and N be the size of P and S,
respectively. Therefore, the size of W is M N. By assuming
that vehicles are jobs and parking places are servers, Wij is
the cost for server Sj to do job Pi . We save the solution in X,
where xij X , i.e.,
1, if Pi will park at Sj
xij =
0, if Pi will not park at Sj .
We let C be the total cost for all vehicles in P to go to the
parking places assigned to them by the SPS, i.e.,


wij xij .


i=1 j=1

In our study, we use F(, ) as the cost; thus, we have a

new total cost.


Fij (, ) xij

(30 )

i=1 j=1

To decrease the cost to the user, we will choose the minimum value of F(, ) in (30 ). We aim to make C minimum
on the condition that each vehicle obtains exactly one parking
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T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

resource and each car park space can be assigned to only one
vehicle, i.e.,


xij 1


xij = 1.

is expressed as
Ta =

Ta =

xij 1 indicates that any user in the queue may be


The average waiting time in the queue (expected from a

long run) in the M/M/k queue is expressed as



s A

k(s A )


The average waiting time of the system is


assigned at most one car park but may also fail to get an
assignment. On the other hand,
xij = 1 still guarantees

that each user in the queue maintains a car park assignment.

In our proposed system, if a vehicle does not find a free
parking space on arrival at a full car park, forwarding it to
a different car park will be suggested. We let h denote the
number of forwarded vehicles. Each car park can be assigned
to kj vehicles (kj is the total free slot in Sj ;
kj = N ), i.e.,

P x h




xij = kj .



The time complexity of our algorithm is O(n k). We will

try to reduce the time cost for each vehicle in finding a free
parking resource. Our mathematical model has reduced the
total cost and reaches a better solution in distributing the users
to the overall network resources.

We modeled the system into a service queue. It includes all

users entering each car park. The entering process at each
node is considered to be a first-in first out (FIFO) queue and
a Markov process, as shown in Fig. 10.



where N is the total number of parking spaces.
Ta =



To evaluate the performance of the processes, we simulated

a network deployment, including the car park architecture
mentioned above. We used the network simulation tool Arena
to simulate this network. To simulate the mathematical and
queuing models, we randomly created vehicles to join the
network. The arrival process of the vehicles followed the
Poisson distribution in our simulation, which was denoted
as POIS(X), where X is the inter-arrival time between successive vehicles arriving at the car park. In this simulation
X = 15 and 20 min. We considered the vehicle as the job
and the parking space as the entity doing the job. The time
for doing the job followed an exponential distribution, which
was denoted as EXPO(Y) in this simulation, where Y is the
average service time that a vehicle stays in the parking space.
We chose Y = 60 min in this case. We simulated a parking
network with five car parks as five nodes. We assumed that
the network nodes are interconnected, as shown in Fig. 11.
We set up each car park with a capacity for four parking
spaces as the resources. We also created the same number of
random vehicles to arrive at each car park. In this simulation,
the number of vehicles arriving at each car park is 60, 70, 80,
90, and 100. We ran the simulations until all vehicles were

FIGURE 10. Service queue.

The mathematical model for the entering process can be

described as follows: M/M/1/K/FIFO. The first M denotes
that the distribution of the arrival process is Markovian
(Poisson distribution), the second M stands for the servicetime distribution, which is also Markovian (exponential distribution), 1 denotes the server, and K is the number of
lots. A is the inter-arrival time between two users, and S is
the service time (parking time). By assuming that S > A ,
the queue does not explode. The average waiting time in
the queue (expected from a long time) in the M/M/1 queue
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FIGURE 11. A five-node network.

To compare the network performance and provide an optimal solution for our proposed network, we set up a simulation based on various values of and . We simulated
all cases of alpha and beta in the range from zero to one.
The following are some outstanding values of and in the

T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

range from zero to one. The value of alpha changed from

= {0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1}. The value of beta changed from
= {0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1}. We set up the distance between the
network nodes as follows: D12 = 0.6 km, D15 = 1.2 km,
D23 = 2.4 km, D24 = 2.0 km, D34 = 1.8 km, and
D45 = 1.6 km. We chose the value of the upper bound of
the distance as Dup = 2.4 km and that of the upper bound
of the capacity as Tup = four spaces. All set-up parameters
of the simulation are summarized in Table 1.

of the algorithm that we proposed with an existing parking

system, we used two different models for evaluation. In the
first network model, as shown in Fig. 12(a), we implemented
the greedy method. In this method, when vehicles arrive at
a full car park, they will be placed in a queue and wait for
the service until this car park has a free parking space. This
queue is the FIFO queue. The greedy method is a common
method that represents the traditional parking system with no
planning to solve this problem. A loop is used to loop vehicles
until the node has an available parking space.

TABLE 1. Simulation parameters.


Arena is discrete event simulation and automation software

developed by Systems Modeling and acquired by Rockwell
Automation in 2000 [9][12]. It uses the SIMAN processor and simulation language. Arena is good software that
simulates many types of real-time systems such as parking
systems. The basic building blocks of Arena models are
modules. Flowcharts and data objects define the process
to be simulated and are chosen from panels in the project
bar. Flowchart modules describe the dynamic processes in
the model. The types of flowchart modules available are
Create, Dispose, Process, Decide, Batch, Separate, Assign,
and Record. Other panels may contain many additional types
of flowchart module. Data modules define the characteristics
of various process elements such as entities, resources, and
queues. They can also set up variables and other types of
numerical values and expressions that pertain to the whole
In particular, in the parking system simulation, Arena
supports many random distributions of arrival and service
processes, such as Poisson, Normal, Exponential, Triangular,
Uniform, Beta, Gamma, Logarithmic, and Weibull distributions. It allows statistical calculations and exports the average
values of the parameters used to evaluate the performance,
such as the average vehicle waiting time for parking requests
and average time the vehicle stays in the parking system.
Many previous researchers have shown that the simulation
results in Arena are close to those in actual practice. Owing
to the abovementioned advantages, we chose Arena as the
simulation tool in this study.

As mentioned in Section IV-(1), we created a simulation network consisting of five nodes. To compare the performance

FIGURE 12. (a) Network model with the greedy method. (b) Network
model with forwarding.

To reduce the waiting time of vehicles in the system, we use

the second network model in planning to solve this problem.
This network model is shown in Fig. 12(b). In this network
model, when a vehicle arrives at a car park that is currently
full, it will be forwarded to a different car park that has free
parking spaces. The forwarding is based on the algorithms
that we have proposed. We simulated two network models
in the Arena simulator, and we compared the average waiting
time and average total time that a vehicle resides in each node.

To evaluate the performance of the proposed system, we

determined the parameter for system performance as the cost
in terms of user time in the system. The cost to the user is the
time that the user spends in the parking system for service.
If this cost can be minimized, we can reduce the other costs
such as monetary, fuel, and environmental pollution costs.
The time in this study is the average waiting time for the
service to the user and the average total time of the user in
the system, including the waiting, travel, and service times.
A smaller cost value leads to better system performance.
Given the parameters we simulated, the parameter with the
smallest time cost value will be considered as the optimal
solution and is used as a proposal to deploy a similar model in
practice. Fig. 13 shows our comparison of the average waiting
time in a normal network with a loop and our proposed
network. In the simulation, we used 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and
100 vehicles that arrived at each node. The distribution of
the inter-arrival time = POIS (15 min), which means that
VOLUME 3, 2015

T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

FIGURE 13. Average waiting time (15 min).

four vehicles arrive at each car park per hour. The results
show that our algorithm achieves better performance than the
network model without planning. We can see that if the value
of is 0.8 and the value of is 0.2, our proposed network
achieves the best performance with minimum waiting time.
If the value of is 1 and is 0, our proposed network has the
longest average waiting time, which is the worst case because
we only use the distance parameter to calculate F(, ).
If the user is only forwarded to the car park with the shortest
distance, a high probability exists that at the next car park,
the user will still not find a free parking space because the
percentage of available parking spaces is not taken into
account. The network performance in this case is not equivalent to a normal network. We realize that if we use the
percentage of free spaces in each car park as a parameter for
planning with regard to forwarding the users, the waiting time
of the user for the service will be greatly reduced compared
with that in an ordinary network.

that of is 0.2, our proposed network achieves the best

performance compared with the other (, ) pairs. If the value
of is 1 and is 0, the average total time is approximately
equal to the average total time in a normal network, which
is the worst case. The best solution in this network with
( = 0.2 and = 0.8) reduces the average total time the user
stays in the system by approximately 50%. Fig. 15 shows our
simulation of 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 vehicles arriving
at each node. The distribution of the inter-arrival time =
POIS(20 min). The results show that our algorithm achieves
better performance than the system with no parking planning.
If the value of is 0.8 and that of is 0.2, our proposed
network realizes the best performance in the range from
60 to 70 vehicles arriving at each car park. In the range from
70 to 90 vehicles arriving at each node, the pair ( = 0 and
= 1) realizes the best performance. We can explain this
result by the fact that the number of parking spaces at each
network node is only four, and the arrival rate of the users
decreases (20 versus 15 min); thus, the percentage of free
parking-space factor is more meaningful than the distance.
If the value of ( = 1 and = 0) is still the worst case, the
system experiences the longest average waiting time.

FIGURE 15. Average waiting time (20 min).

FIGURE 14. Average total time (15 min).

Fig. 14 shows our comparison of the average total time of

each vehicle in a normal network model and our proposed
network model. We can see that if the value of is 0.8 and
VOLUME 3, 2015

In this case, the expected inter-arrival time is 20 min, which

is longer than 15 min. Thus, Fig. 15 shows that the average
waiting time will be significantly reduced (approximately
10 times for the best case where = 0.2 and = 0.8)
compared with that shown in Fig. 13. The simple explanation
is that if more vehicles come into the system per hour, the
greater is the waiting time for service in terms of the total
number of parking spaces in each node, which do not change.
Fig. 16 shows the average total time of each vehicle in the normal network versus the proposed network in the case where
the distribution of the arrival process is POIS(20 min). If the
value of is 0.8 and that of is 0.2, our proposed network
realizes the best performance (a minimum of the average total
time). Based on the results of the simulation, we can conclude
that if we only use the distance parameter in planning for
parking, the network performance will be lower than that

T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

FIGURE 16. Average total time (20 min).

FIGURE 17. Implementation of the software system. (a) The login

interface; (b) the map of all distributed car parks; (c) the result of the
shortest case; (d) the result of our algorithm.

of the normal network. However, if we use the percentage of

total free spaces in combination with the distance parameter
in planning for parking, the network performance will significantly improve compared with that of the normal network.
In all cases, the best network performance is achieved with
the (, ) pair of (0.2, 0.8).

We designed a software client that runs on a smartphone

based on the Android platform [8], which was built from the
ground up to enable developers to create compelling mobile
applications that take full advantage of all that a handset
can offer. In this phase, we use the Android SDK Tools,
Revision 24.3.4, which is a set of development tools used to
develop applications for Android platform that can be used
to write Android programs in the command prompt. The
most common method is using an integrated development
environment. In our ideal concept, users who want to use our
system must be registered as a member of the system. Our
cloud-based server is implemented on Apache Hadoop 2.7.1,
and we use Apache HBase as our database. Apache HBase is a
Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, and large data store.
Fig. 17(a) shows the login interface of the system.
Fig. 17(b) is a map describing the distribution of all car parks
at a university. In this map, there are seven car parks with
capacities of: P1 = 75 spaces, P2 = 30, P3 = 56, P4 = 60,
P5 = 80, P6 = 50, P7 = 85. Symbol S is the current
location of the user. Fig. 17(c) indicates the result returned
by the system when users search for a car park following the
shortest distance. The result returned is P5 and the distance
from the user to the car park is 42 m. Fig. 17(d) indicates the
result returned by the system when users search for a car park
following our algorithms, here called the best case. The result
returned is car park P2 , the distance from the user to the car
park is 176 m.

Fig. 18 describes the implementation of the system

elements, including RFID tags, the RFID reader, the

FIGURE 18. Implementation of elements in the system. (a) Implement of

local unit; (b) the screen display information of RFID tags; (c) the
implementation of the cloud-based server.

RFID antenna, Arduino Uno R3, Arduino Ethernet Shield,

Screen and Cloud-based Server system. Fig. 18(a) shows
the implementation of the local unit; Fig. 18(b) describes
the screen display information of the RFID tags; Fig. 18(c)
describes the implementation of the system cloud-based

This study has proposed a parking system that improves

performance by reducing the number of users that fail to
find a parking space and minimizes the costs of moving
to the parking space. Our proposed architecture and system
has been successfully simulated and implemented in a real
situation. The results show that our algorithm significantly
reduces the average waiting time of users for parking. Our
results closely agree with those of our proposed mathematical
models. The simulation of our system achieved the optimal
solution when most of the vehicles successfully found a free
parking space. The average waiting time of each car park for
service becomes minimal, and the total time of each vehicle in
each car park is reduced. In our future study, we will consider
the security aspects of our system as well as implement our
proposed system in large scales in the real world.
VOLUME 3, 2015

T. N. Pham et al.: Cloud-Based SPS Based on IoT Technologies

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VOLUME 3, 2015

THANH-NAM PHAM received the B.S. and

M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Hanoi University of Science and Technology,
Vietnam, in 2010 and 2012, respectively. He is
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in information engineering with Feng Chia University. His research interests include peer-to-peer
networks, wireless sensor networks, and protocols
for Internet of Things.

MING-FONG TSAI received the Ph.D. degree

from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Computer and Communication
Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
Taiwan, in 2011. He is currently an Assistant
Professor with the Department of Information
Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia
University, Taiwan. His current research interests
include error-control coding, multimedia communications, and vehicular communications.

DUC-BINH NGUYEN received the B.S. degree

in information technology from the Thai Nguyen
University of Information and Communication
Technology, Vietnam, in 2008, and the masters degree in information technology from
the Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation,
Philippines, in 2010. He is currently pursuing the
Ph.D. degree with the Department of Information
Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia
University, Taichung, Taiwan. He was a Lecturer
and the Manager of Network and Communication Department with the Thai
Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology, Thai
Nguyen, Vietnam. His current research interests include mobile computing,
vehicle ad-hoc network, wireless ad-hoc networks, and Internet of Things.

CHYI-REN DOW was born in 1962. He received

the B.S. and M.S. degrees in information
engineering from National Chiao Tung University,
Taiwan, in 1984 and 1988, respectively, and the
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from
the University of Pittsburgh, PA, in 1992 and
1994, respectively. He is currently a Professor with
the Department of Information Engineering and
Computer Science, Feng Chia University, Taiwan.
His research interests include mobile computing,
ad-hoc wireless networks, agent techniques, fault tolerance, and learning

DER-JIUNN DENG received the Ph.D. degree

in electrical engineering from National Taiwan
University, in 2005. He joined the Department of
Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Changhua University of Education, in
2005, as an Assistant Professor, and then became
a Full Professor in 2012. His research interests
include multimedia communication, quality-ofservice, and wireless networks. In 2010, 2011, and
2012, he received the Research Excellency Award
of National Changhua University of Education. In 2012, he also received
the Outstanding Faculty Research Award of National Changhua University
of Education. He served or serves as an Editor and a Guest Editor of several
technical journals. He also served or serves on several symposium chairs and
technical program committees for IEEE and other international conferences.


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