Cloud Based Smart Parking System
Cloud Based Smart Parking System
Cloud Based Smart Parking System
Received July 24, 2015, accepted August 16, 2015, date of publication September 9, 2015, date of current version September 23, 2015.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2477299
of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University, Taichung 407, Taiwan
of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua 500, Taiwan
ABSTRACT This paper introduces a novel algorithm that increases the efficiency of the current cloud-based
smart-parking system and develops a network architecture based on the Internet-of-Things technology. This
paper proposed a system that helps users automatically find a free parking space at the least cost based on
new performance metrics to calculate the user parking cost by considering the distance and the total number
of free places in each car park. This cost will be used to offer a solution of finding an available parking space
upon a request by the user and a solution of suggesting a new car park if the current car park is full. The
simulation results show that the algorithm helps improve the probability of successful parking and minimizes
the user waiting time. We also successfully implemented the proposed system in the real world.
INDEX TERMS Smart-parking system, performance metrics.
In the development of traffic management systems, an intelligent parking system was created to reduce the cost of
hiring people and for optimal use of resources for car-park
owners. Currently, the common method of finding a parking
space is manual where the driver usually finds a space in
the street through luck and experience. This process takes
time and effort and may lead to the worst case of failing
to find any parking space if the driver is driving in a
city with high vehicle density. The alternative is to find a
predefined car park with high capacity. However, this is
not an optimal solution because the car park could usually
be far away from the user destination. In recent years,
research has used vehicle-to-vehicle [21] and vehicle-toinfrastructure [23] interaction with the support of various
wireless network technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID), Zigbee, wireless mess network [22], and
the Internet. This study aimed to provide information about
nearby parking spaces for the driver and to make a reservation
minutes earlier using supported devices such as smartphones
or tablet PCs. Furthermore, the services use the ID of each
vehicle in booking a parking space. However, the current
intelligent parking system does not provide an overall optimal
solution in finding an available parking space, does not solve
the problem of load balancing, does not provide economic
benefit, and does not plan for vehicle-refusal service.
VOLUME 3, 2015
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The system is derived from the idea of IoT [13], [14]. The
system uses the WSN [15] consisting of RFID technology
to monitor car parks. An RFID reader counts the percentage
of free parking spaces in each car park. The use of RFID
facilitates implementation of a large-scale system at low cost.
The system provides a mechanism to prevent disputes in the
car park and helps minimize wasted time in looking for a
parking space. After logging into the system, the user can
choose a suitable parking space. Information on the selected
parking location will be confirmed to the user via notification.
Then, the system updates the status of the parking space to
pending during which time the system will not allow other
users to reserve it. If after a certain period of pending time
the system determines that no car is parked in that space, then
it changes the status to available. The system will update
the status from the WSN node (the status of car park spaces)
when a new car joins in the system. Therefore, the status of
the overall parking system is always updated in real time. The
system will help plot the parking time for each parking space
in real time and can support the business with hourly parking
We use the car park network (CPN) architecture infrastructure/backbone. The architecture is shown in Fig. 3(a), where
the dashed lines indicate wireless link and the solid lines
indicates wired link. This type of parking network includes
routers that form as the infrastructure for connected clients.
The CPN infrastructure/backbone can be built to allow sensor
networks to connect using wireless radio technologies. The
routers form a self-configuring and self-healing link network.
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wij xij .
i=1 j=1
Fij (, ) xij
(30 )
i=1 j=1
To decrease the cost to the user, we will choose the minimum value of F(, ) in (30 ). We aim to make C minimum
on the condition that each vehicle obtains exactly one parking
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resource and each car park space can be assigned to only one
vehicle, i.e.,
xij 1
xij = 1.
is expressed as
Ta =
Ta =
s A
k(s A )
assigned at most one car park but may also fail to get an
assignment. On the other hand,
xij = 1 still guarantees
P x h
xij = kj .
where N is the total number of parking spaces.
Ta =
To compare the network performance and provide an optimal solution for our proposed network, we set up a simulation based on various values of and . We simulated
all cases of alpha and beta in the range from zero to one.
The following are some outstanding values of and in the
As mentioned in Section IV-(1), we created a simulation network consisting of five nodes. To compare the performance
FIGURE 12. (a) Network model with the greedy method. (b) Network
model with forwarding.
four vehicles arrive at each car park per hour. The results
show that our algorithm achieves better performance than the
network model without planning. We can see that if the value
of is 0.8 and the value of is 0.2, our proposed network
achieves the best performance with minimum waiting time.
If the value of is 1 and is 0, our proposed network has the
longest average waiting time, which is the worst case because
we only use the distance parameter to calculate F(, ).
If the user is only forwarded to the car park with the shortest
distance, a high probability exists that at the next car park,
the user will still not find a free parking space because the
percentage of available parking spaces is not taken into
account. The network performance in this case is not equivalent to a normal network. We realize that if we use the
percentage of free spaces in each car park as a parameter for
planning with regard to forwarding the users, the waiting time
of the user for the service will be greatly reduced compared
with that in an ordinary network.
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