PID Control

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Anatomy Of A Feedback Control System

.Here is the classic block diagram of a process under PID Control

?Whats going on this diagram

.The Setpoint (SP) is the value that we want the process to be
For example, the temperature control system in our house may have a SP of 22C. This means that
we want the heating and cooling process in our house to achieve a steady temperature of as close to 22C as
The PID controller looks at the setpoint and compares it with the actual value of the Process Variable (PV).
Back in our house, the box of electronics that is the PID controller in our Heating and Cooling system looks at
.the value of the temperature sensor in the room and sees how close it is to 22C
If the SP and the PV are the same then the controller is a very happy little box. It doesnt have to do
.anything, it will set its output to zero
However, if there is a disparity between the SP and the PV we have an error and corrective action is needed.
In our house this will either be cooling or heating depending on whether the PV is higher or lower than the SP
Lets imagine the temperature PV in our house is higher than the SP. It is too hot. The air-con is switched on
.and the temperature drops
The sensor picks up the lower temperature, feeds that back to the controller, the controller sees that the
temperature error is not as great because the PV (temperature) has dropped and the air con is turned down
.a little
.This process is repeated until the house has cooled down to 22C and there is no error

.Then a disturbance hits the system and the controller has to kick in again
In our house the disturbance may be the sun beating down on the roof, raising the temperature of the air
?So thats a really, really basic overview of a simple feedback control system. Sounds dead simple eh

Understanding the controller

Unfortunately, in the real world we need a controller that is a bit more complicated than the one described
above, if we want top performance form our loops. To understand why, we will be doing some thought
.experiments where we are the controller
When we have gone through these thought experiments we will appreciate why a PID algorithm is needed and
.why/how it works to control the process
We will be using the analogy of changing lanes on a freeway on a windy day. We are the driver, and therefore
.the controller of the process of changing the cars position
Heres the Block Diagram we used before, with the labels changed to represent the car-on-windy-freeway
.control loop

Notice how important closing the feedback loop is. If we removed the feedback loop we would be in open loop
!control, and would have to control the cars position with our eyes closed
.Thankfully we are under Closed loop control -using our eyes for position feedback
As we saw in the house-temperature example the controller takes the both the PV and SP signals, which it
then puts through a black box to calculate a controller output. That controller output is sent to an actuator
.which moves to actually control the process

We are interested here in what the black box actually does, which is that it applies 1, 2 or 3 calculations to the
:SP and Measured PV signals. These calculations, called the Modes of Control include

Proportional (P)
Integral (I)
Derivative (D)

Under The Hood Of The PID Controller

:Heres a simplified block diagram of what the PID controller does

It is really very simple in operation. The PV is subtracted from the SP to create the Error. The error is simply
multiplied by one, two or all of the calculated P, I and D actions (depending which ones are turned on). Then
.the resulting error x control actions are added together and sent to the controller output
:These 3 modes are used in different combinations
P Sometimes used

PI - Most often used

PID Sometimes used
.PD rare as hens teeth but can be useful for controlling servomotors

:Go into the control room of a process plant and ask the operator
?Whats the derivative of reactor 4s pressure
:And the response will typically be
!Bugger off smart arse
:However go in and ask
?Whats the rate of change of reactor 4s pressure
:And the operator will examine the pressure trend and say something like
About 5 PSI every 10 minutes
Hes just performed calculus on the pressure trend! (dont tell him though or hell want a pay raise)
.So derivative is just a mathematical term meaning rate-of-change. Thats all there is to it

Integrals without the Math

Is it any wonder that so many people run scared from the concept of integrals and integration, when this is a
?typical definition

?!?!What the
.If you understood that you are a smarter person than me
:Heres a plain English definition
The integral of a signal is the sum of all the instantaneous values that the signal has been, from whenever
.you started counting until you stop counting
So if you are to plot your signal on a trend and your signal is sampled every second, and lets say you are
measuring temperature. If you were to superimpose the integral of the signal over the first 5 seconds it
:would look like this

The green line is your temperature, the red circles are where your control system has sampled the
temperature and the blue area is the integral of the temperature signal. It is the sum of the 5 temperature
values over the time period that you are interested in. In numerical terms it is the sum of the areas of each of
:the blue rectangles
63 C s = (11x1)+(12x1)+(13x1)+(14x1)+(x 1 13)
The curious units (degrees Celsius x seconds) are because we have to multiply a temperature by a time but
.the units arent important
As you can probably remember from school the integral turns out to be the area under the curve. When we
have real world systems, we actually get an approximation to the area under the curve, which as you can see
.from the diagram gets better, the faster we sample

Proportional control
:Heres a diagram of the controller when we have enabled only P control

In Proportional Only mode, the controller simply multiplies the Error by the Proportional Gain (Kp) to get the
.controller output
.The Proportional Gain is the setting that we tune to get our desired performance from a P only controller

A match made in heaven: The P + I Controller

If we put Proportional and Integral Action together, we get the humble PI controller. The Diagram below shows
.how the algorithm in a PI controller is calculated

The tricky thing about Integral Action is that it will really screw up your process unless you know exactly how
.much Integral action to apply
A good PID Tuning technique will calculate exactly how much Integral to apply for your specific process - but
?how is the Integral Action adjusted in the first place

Adjusting the Integral Action

The way to adjust how much Integral Action you have is by adjusting a term called minutes per repeat. Not
?a very intuitive name is it
So where does this strange name come from? It is a measure of how long it will take for the Integral Action to
.match the Proportional Action
In other words, if the output of the proportional box on the diagram above is 20%, the repeat time is the time
.it will take for the output of the Integral box to get to 20% too
And the important point to note is that the bigger integral action, the quicker it will get this 20% value. That
.is, it will take fewer minutes to get there, so the minutes per repeat value will be smaller
.In other words the smaller the minutes per repeat is the bigger the integral action

To make things a bit more intuitive, a lot of controllers use an alternative unit of repeats per minute which is
.obviously the inverse of minutes per repeat
.The nice thing about repeats per minute is that the bigger it is - the bigger the resulting Integral action is

Derivative Action predicting the future

OK, so the combination of P and I action seems to cover all the bases and do a pretty good job of controlling
our system. That is the reason that PI controllers are the most prevalent. They do the job well enough and
.keep things simple. Great
.But engineers being engineers are always looking to tweak performance
.They do this in a PID loop by adding the final ingredient: Derivative Action
So adding derivative action can allow you to have bigger P and I gains and still keep the loop stable, giving
.you a faster response and better loop performance
If you think about it, Derivative action improves the controller action because it predicts what is yet to happen
by projecting the current rate of change into the future. This means that it is not using the current measured
.value, but a future measured value
The units used for derivative action describe how far into the future you want to look. i.e. If derivative action
.is 20 seconds, the derivative term will project the current rate of change 20 seconds into the future
The big problem with D control is that if you have noise on your signal (which looks like a bunch of spikes with
:steep sides) this confuses the hell out of the algorithm. It looks at the slope of the noise-spike and thinks
!!!Holy crap! This process is changing quickly, lets pile on the D Action
.And your control output jumps all over the place, messing up your control
Of course you can try and filter the noise out, but my advice is that, unless PI control is really slow, dont
.worry about switching D on

The classical three-term PID controller

We have seen in section 7.1 that proportional feedback control can reduce error responses but that it still allows a non-zero
steady-state error for a proportional system. In addition, proportional feedback increases the speed of response but has a much
larger transient overshoot. When the controller includes a term proportional to the integral of the error, then the steady-state
error can be eliminated, as shown in section 7.2. But this comes at the expense of further deterioration in the dynamic response.
Addition of a term proportional to the derivative of the error can damp the dynamic response. Combined, these three kinds of
.actions form the classical PID controller, which is widely used in industry

This principle mode of action of the PID controller can be explained by the parallel connection of the P, I and D elements shown in
Figure 8.1. From this diagram the transfer function of the PID controller is

Figure 8.1: Block diagram of the PID controller

The controller variables are


integral action time

derivative action time

Eq. (8.1) can be rearranged to give


These three variables


are usually tuned within given ranges. Therefore, they are often called the tuning

parameters of the controller. By proper choice of these tuning parameters a controller can be adapted for a specific plant to obtain
.a good behaviour of the controlled system

If follows from Eq. (8.2) that the time response of the controller output is


Using this relationship for a step input of

, i.e.

, the step response

of the PID controller can be easily

determined. The result is shown in Figure 8.2a. One has to observe that the length of the arrow
measure of the weight of the

of the D action is only a


Figure 8.2: Step responses (a) of the ideal and (b) of the real PID controller

In the previous considerations it has been assumed that a D behaviour can be realised by the PID controller. This is an ideal
assumption and in reality the ideal D element cannot be realised (see section 3.3). In real PID controllers a lag is included in the
D behaviour. Instead of a D element in the block diagram of Figure 8.1 a

element with the transfer function


is introduced. From this the transfer function of the real PID controller or more precisely of the

controller follows as

Introducing the controller tuning parameters


it follows

The step response

of the
controller is shown in Figure 8.2b. This response from
gives a large rise, which
declines fast to a value close to the P action, and then migrates into the slower I action. The P, I and D behaviour can be tuned
independently. In commercial controllers the 'D step' at
can often be tuned 5 to 25 times larger than the 'P step'. A
strongly weighted D action may cause the actuator to reach its maximum value, i.e. it reaches its 'limits'.

:As special cases of PID controllers one obtains for


the PI controller with transfer function



the ideal PD controller with the transfer function


and the

controller with the transfer function




the P controller with the transfer function


The step responses of these types of controllers are compiled in Figure 8.3. A pure I controller may also be applied and this has
the transfer function

Figure 8.3: Step responses of the PID controller family

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