Or Rulebook
Or Rulebook
Or Rulebook
Move your raven 1 space forward on the path, regardless of the land types.
Move the other raven 1 space backwards on the path.
Slide one land card by one space (as shown), so that one flight path changes and
the other gets shorter. The section which is outside the flight paths is ignored.
Odins Ravens
Game Design by Thorsten Gimmler
Cover and Card art by Johan Egerkrans
Osprey Publishing, part of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
PO Box 883, Oxford, OX1 9PL, UK
2015 Thorsten Gimmler & Osprey Publishing Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
The top space of the land card is now part of the loop.
2 Wooden Ravens
50 Flight Cards
16 Loki Cards
40 Land Cards