Brain Networks Shaping Religious Belief - publISHED
Brain Networks Shaping Religious Belief - publISHED
Brain Networks Shaping Religious Belief - publISHED
We previously demonstrated with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that religious belief depends upon
three cognitive dimensions, which can be mapped to specific brain regions. In the present study, we considered these
co-activated regions as nodes of three networks each one corresponding to a particular dimension, corresponding to
each dimension and examined the causal flow within and between these networks to address two important hypotheses that remained untested in our previous work. First, we hypothesized that regions involved in theory of mind
(ToM) are located upstream the causal flow and drive non-ToM regions, in line with theories attributing religion
to the evolution of ToM. Second, we hypothesized that differences in directional connectivity are associated
with differences in religiosity. To test these hypotheses, we performed a multivariate Granger causality-based directional connectivity analysis of fMRI data to demonstrate the causal flow within religious belief-related networks.
Our results supported both hypotheses. Religious subjects preferentially activated a pathway from inferolateral to
dorsomedial frontal cortex to monitor the intent and involvement of supernatural agents (SAs; intent-related
ToM). Perception of SAs engaged pathways involved in fear regulation and affective ToM. Religious beliefs are
founded both on propositional statements for doctrine, but also on episodic memory and imagery. Beliefs based
on doctrine engaged a pathway from Brocas to Wernickes language areas. Beliefs related to everyday life experiences engaged pathways involved in imagery. Beliefs implying less involved SAs and evoking imagery activated a
pathway from right lateral temporal to occipital regions. This pathway was more active in non-religious compared to
religious subjects, suggesting greater difficulty and procedural demands for imagining and processing the intent of
SAs. Insights gained by Granger connectivity analysis inform us about the causal binding of individual regions activated during religious belief processing.
Key words: belief
of perceived SAs (D2); and D3 refers to the mixed foundation of religious beliefs on abstract semantic processing
(i.e., processing of propositional statements for knowledge
of religious doctrines) and episodic memory and imagery.
Using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm, in which subjects had to indicate whether they agreed
or not to a range of religious beliefs, we demonstrated sets of
brain regions that became active in association with these dimensions (Kapogiannis et al., 2009b).
The main regions activated by D1 were bilateral inferior
frontal gyrus (IFG, BA 45), right (R) middle temporal
gyrus (MTG, BA 21), R inferior temporal gyrus (ITG, BA
20), R precuneus (BA 7), and R superior medial frontal
gyrus (SMFG), BA 8 (part of dorsomedial PFC) and 10
(frontopolar PFC). These areas play key roles in action
eligious behavior is a uniquely human trait, the cornerstone of which is religious belief (Boyer and Bergstrom, 2008). Religious beliefs refer to supernatural agents
(SAs, exemplified by God) and to cosmological concepts
and domains (such as Heaven and Hell). Belief representations involve multiple elemental cognitive and affective
processes recruited in parallel. In a previous study on religious belief, we identified the three most readily demonstrable (and, arguably, most important) among these processes,
which constitute Dimensions of religious belief (Baylor
Institute for Studies of Religion, 2006; Kapogiannis et al.,
2009b): Dimension 1 (D1) monitors the level of involvement
and intent of perceived SAs; D2 monitors the love and anger
understanding and intent-related theory of mind (ToM) (German et al., 2004; Han et al., 2008; Molnar-Szakacs et al.,
2005). The main regions activated by D2 were R middle
frontal gyrus (MFG, BA 11, part of ventrolateral PFC)
with perception of SAs love, and left (L) MTG (BA 21)
with perception of SAs anger; these areas play roles in affective ToM and emotional regulation. Regarding D3, bilateral
calcarine (CaG) and L fusiform (FG) gyri (BA 17, 18, and
19); L precuneus (BA 7); and L IFG (BA 44, Brocas area)
were activated with beliefs mainly founded on episodic
memory and imagery (Desai et al., 2010; Szpunar et al.,
2007). Beliefs mainly processed as propositional statements
for doctrine activated lateral temporal areas, including the L
superior temporal gyrus (STG, BA 22, Wernickes area).
In the present study, we considered the coactivated regions
as nodes of three networks, each one corresponding to a particular dimension and hypothesized that religious beliefs
emerge from causal flow within and between these networks.
According to modern theories that attribute the development
of religion to the evolution of ToM (Boyer, 2003; Boyer and
Bergstrom, 2008), we hypothesized that regions involved in
intent-related (such as the IFG) and affective ToM are located
upstream the causal flow, i.e., they are drivers of activity in
non-ToM regions. In addition, the previous fMRI analysis
generated the unexpected finding of common brain activation
patterns in religious and non-religious subjects (Kapogiannis
et al., 2009b). To address this paradox, we hypothesized that
differences in the causal flow within and between networks is
associated with differences in religiosity.
To address these hypotheses, the present study utilized a
multivariate Granger causality (GC)-based directional connectivity analysis of our fMRI data. Techniques based on
the principle of GC (Granger, 1969) have been successfully
employed to demonstrate the effective connectivity of brain
networks involved in sensory (Deshpande et al., 2008; Roebroeck et al., 2005; Stilla et al., 2007, 2008), motor (Abler
et al., 2006; Deshpande et al., 2009), and cognitive processing (Hampstead et al., 2010; Krueger et al., 2011; Sridharan
et al., 2008; Strenziok et al., 2011), but they have not been
applied to the study of religious cognition.
Materials and Methods
linear association with D1; one area had a positive and another
a negative linear association with D2; and six areas had a negative and five a positive linear association with D3.
To pursue GC analysis, we considered these 21 areas as regions of interest (ROIs) and extracted their representative
time series (first eigenvariate), which were input to a single
dynamic multivariate autoregressive model (dMVAR).
Dynamic correlation-purged Granger causality
where V is the intercept vector, E(t) is the vector corresponding to the residuals, and t represents discrete time. The model
order p was determined to be one, using the Bayesian information criterion (Deshpande et al., 2009). Being a multivariate model, the dMVAR is less sensitive to indirect causal
relationships due to two regions being influenced from a
third variable (Kus et al., 2004). In accordance with previous
studies (Sato et al., 2006), the elements of A(n,t), that is,
aij(n,t), can be expanded using a wavelet basis as follows
aij (n, t) = cn 1, 0 /(t)
X 2x 1
x=0 y=0
Judgment Task
D1 regressor
D2 regressor
D3 regressor
Activation GLM
8 activated ROIs
2 activated ROIs
11 activated ROIs
Dynamic CPGCij
D2 regressor
D1 regressor
D3 regressor
Connectivity GLM
Individual subject-level bs for covariance of ji with D1/D2/D3
Linear Contrasts
D1>baseline paths
D2>baseline paths
D3>baseline paths
Significant? If yes
T-test on bs using subject sample
FIG. 2. (a) Pathways between dimension 1 (D1) network nodes; (b) Pathways
between D1 and other networks. Red-Yellow: pathway
strength positively covaries
with D1. All covariances
were significant at p < 0.001,
FDR corrected. The color bar
represents the p-values
obtained in the D1 > baseline
contrast. The pathways labeled R > NR and NR > R
were stronger in religious
compared to non-religious
subjects and vice versa, respectively.
(Table 1). Moreover, for some causal pathways this covariance was significantly greater for religious or non-religious
subjects. Note that splitting the pathways whose connectivity
covaried with a given dimension into inter-network paths and
intra-network paths is only for convenience of interpretation
and visual display; all the paths were computed using a single model with all 21 ROI time series.
The strength of the pathways from R SMFG, BA 8 (dorsomedial PFC), to R MFG, BA 11 (ventrolateral PFC), and
Beliefs founded on doctrine ( + D3) had a negative association with activation of the pathway from L STG, BA 22, to
L FG, BA 19, while beliefs founded on episodic memory/imagery (D3) had a positive association with activation of the
pathway from L precuneus, BA 7, to L IFG, BA 45, and from
there to L STG, BA 22, in all subjects (Fig. 4a). Further,
pathways linking D3 and other networks, and covarying
with D3, were observed (Fig. 4b). The pathway from R
MTG, BA 21, to L FG, BA 18, had a positive association with
+ D3, in all subjects. Religious compared to non-religious
subjects showed a greater positive association of the pathway
from R SMFG, BA 10, to L IFG, BA 44/47, with + D3. Nonreligious compared to religious subjects showed greater
positive association of the pathway from R MTG, BA 21,
to R CaG, BA 17, with D3.
Our findings that D1 regions involved in action understanding and intent-related ToM (German et al., 2004; Han
et al., 2008; Molnar-Szakacs et al., 2005) are located upstream the causal flow and drive non-ToM regions support
theories attributing religion to evolution of ToM for SAs
(Boyer, 2003; Boyer and Bergstrom, 2008). Connectivity
within the D1 network originated in the R IFG, a key area
of the mirror-neuron system, consistently activated by intent-related, and affective, ToM (Mason and Just, 2011;
Mier et al., 2010). The right sided predominance of the D1
network suggests that it is monitoring intent over simple action understanding (Ortigue et al., 2010). Pathways from IFG
modulated the precuneus and dmPFC (BAs 8 and 10), areas
heavily interconnected with each other, which play key roles
in processing of self versus other (Cavanna and Trimble,
2006; Margulies et al., 2009; Nahab et al., 2011). The pathway to dmPFC was more active with perception of less involved SAs, perhaps, because of increased uncertainty
about their intent ( Jenkins and Mitchell, 2010). Strikingly
similar networks monitor the protagonists intent during discourse processing (Mason and Just, 2011) and self-agency
during movement (Nahab et al., 2011).
Interestingly, all subjects shared the R-sided IFG to
dmPFC pathway, but religious subjects also possessed a sim-
+ D3 (founded on
D3 (founded on episodic
FG = 0.17
IFG = 0.29
STG = 0.08
PREC = 0.38
10) = 0.34
IFG = 0.02
Non-religious >
8) = 0.09
Religious >
Within-network pathways
FG = 0.21
(BA 8)/R
MFG = 0.29
IP/smG = 0.16
IFG = 0.37
R SMFG (10)/L
IFG = 0.25
Religious >
Between-network pathways
CalcG = 0.34
ITG = 0.30
CalcG = 0.21
Non-religious >
SA, supernatural agent; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; SMFG, superior medial frontal gyrus; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; STG, superior
temporal gyrus.
D3 (foundation
of religious belief)
D2 (SAs perceived
D1 (SAs perceived
Table 1. Beta Values for the Positive or Negative Covariance of Each Pathway with the Dimensions ( p < 0.001)