NIBC 2016 - Conference Fact Sheet

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2016 Conference Fact Sheet


Pan Pacific Hotel

23 rd & 24 t h , 2016

Si mu lat io n s

D e a l P r e s ent at io n s

Pa n el i s t s

Va n co u ver, B.C.

NIBC Overview

Participating Schools (Canada)

The National Investment Banking Competition

& Conference is one of the most sophisticated
events in North America focused on investment
banking and the capital markets. Whether
competing in the multi-round Competition
or attending the Conference, NIBC provides
attendees with an unparalleled opportunity to
learn about all aspects of the capital markets,
while connecting them to job opportunities and
prominent professionals across the globe.

2015 Conference Highlights

Participating Schools (US)

Featuring Gala Dinner keynote, Frank Giustra,

founder of Lions Gate Entertainment, and
Deal Presentation speaker, Robert Herjavec,
panelist on Dragons Den & Shark Tank
Hands-on experience in Investment Banking,
Private Equity, and Sales & Trading through
simulations presented by MDA Training, a
leading Wall Street training provider
Networking with over 150 professionals from
New York, London, Hong Kong, Toronto,
Calgary, and Vancouver

Participating Schools (Europe, Asia, South America)

Culminates in the Gala Dinners keynote

speech and the Competitions Final Round,
where the top competitors of 380 teams will
deliver live pitches to Managing Directors of
leading North American investment banks

2015 Keynote Speakers

Mr. Frank Giustra

Mr. Robert Herjavec

Mr. Curt Sigfstead

Mr. David Trujillo

Ms. Carrie Cook

Lions Gate Entertainment

Dragons Den & Shark Tank

Global Co-Head of Technology

Investment Banking
J.P. Morgan

Head of New Media
Texas Pacific Group

Managing Director
Consumer & Industrial
RBC Capital Markets


NIBC 2016 Itinerary*

Day 1 Conference (March 23rd, 2016)
7:30am 8:00am

Registration & Refreshments

8:00am 8:30am

Overview of a Full-Service Investment Bank

8:30am 11:45am

Sales & Trading Simulation

11:45am 1:00pm

Lunch Break

1:00pm 4:30pm

Investment Banking Simulation

Michael Scott, Vice President, RBC Capital Markets

The conference is a great opportunity for

students to develop their financial skill set in
an exciting, dynamic forum.

Private Equity Simulation

4:30pm 5:00pm

Capital Markets Update

5:00pm 6:00pm

MDA Simulation Winner Announcements

6:00pm 7:30pm

Opening Reception & Dinner

Day 2 Conference (March 24th, 2016)

8:30am 9:00am

Light Refreshments

9:00am 10:00am

Morning Keynote Speech

10:00am 11:00am

Investment Banking Deal Presentation

Thomas Yoon, Associate, BMO Capital Markets

11:00am 11:30am

Finalists Announced and Feedback from Judges

11:30am 12:30pm

Private Equity Deal Presentation

12:30pm 1:30pm

Lunch Break

1:30pm 2:30pm

Hedge Fund Deal Presentation

2:30pm 3:30pm

Investment Banking and Private Equity Panel

3:30pm 4:30pm

Alternative Investments Deal Presentation

4:30pm 6:00pm

Wine & Cheese Networking

NIBC provided an amazing opportunity to

emulate an investment banking analysts
responsibility through in-depth research,
comprehensive analysis and pitching.

Brenden Lee, Associate, Oaktree Capital Management

6:00pm 9:00pm

Gala Dinner Keynote & Final Judging Round

9:00pm 10:00pm

Closing Reception for Professionals

10:00pm 2:00am

Evening Event

NIBC continues to attract some of the most

talented students each year, many of whom
are now my peers in the investment banking
industry and set to become future leaders in
the broader investment community.

*Itinerary is subject to change

Deal Presentations

Investment Banking
Private Equity
Hedge Fund
Alternative Investment

Investment Banking and
Private Equity



Investment Banking
Private Equity
Sales & Trading

5-Star Gala Dinner

Wine & Cheese
Coffee Networking Session
Closing Reception
Evening Event

MDA Training Simulations

Investment Banking

Private Equity

Pitchbook and 15-minute presentation with

bankers acting as clients
DCF valuation, comparables, and precedent
transactions datasets

Sales & Trading

Lender, financial sponsor, or management role

Execution of buyout transaction and analysis
of proposed capital structures with objective
of optimizing IRR

Sell-side, buy-side, or research role

Planning trading strategies
Financial analysis and executing trades

Past Speakers and Final Round Judges

Frank Giustra
Founder & CEO

Robert Herjavec
Lead Panelist

W. Brett Wilson
Co-Founder & Chairman

Ian Telfer
Chairman of the Board

Don Lindsay
President & CEO

Curt Sigfstead
Global Co-Head of
Technology Investment

Carrie Cook
Managing Director

Patrick Meneley
Vice Chairman &
Head of Global
Investment Banking

David Trujillo

Paul Donnelly
President & CEO

Kathy Butler
Managing Director

Ted McGurk
Managing Director

Egizio Bianchini
Global Co-Head
Metals & Mining

Doug Guzman
Head of Global
Investment Banking

Conference Ticket Options
External & Internal Delegate1
(With Accommodation)
Access to all deal presentation, panels,
and simulations
Wine & Cheese Networking Event
5-Star Gala Dinner
Opening Dinner
Evening Social Event
3 nights 5-Star accommodation (shared)
$250 (Early Bird Price)
$350 (Regular Price)

External Delegate
(Without Accommodation)
Access to all deal presentations, panels,
and simulations
Wine & Cheese Networking Event
5-Star Gala Dinner
Opening Dinner
Evening Social Event

$150 (Early Bird Price)

$200 (Regular Price)

Sauder Student2
(Without Accommodation)
Access to all deal presentation, panels,
and simulations
Wine & Cheese Networking Event
5-Star Gala Dinner
Opening Dinner
Evening Social Event

$125 (Early Bird Price)

$180 (Regular Price)

*Prices are subject to change

Please visit to purchase your ticket.

Conference Information:
(1) Due to limited occupancy in the Pan Pacific Hotel, all rooms are subject to availability on a first-come-first-serve basis. The ticket price includes
accommodation for 3 nights with 4 people per room at the Pan Pacific hotel. Delegates have the option of paying an additional $150 per person to
upgrade to 2 people per room; delegates who wish to stay in a room by themselves should get in touch with the hotel or contact the organizing team.
(2) Courtesy of the Commerce Undergraduate Society, this ticket is a CUS-subsidized rate exclusively for students of the Sauder School of
Business. NIBC would like to thank the CUS for their continued support of this event.

Prospective Sponsors and Par tners

For more information about NIBC, please visit or contact: Nicole Ponto | Conference Director | [email protected]

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