Ways To Take Care Musculoskeletal System
Ways To Take Care Musculoskeletal System
Ways To Take Care Musculoskeletal System
Provide for the growth and repair of the muscle tissues
Vitamin B (thiamine) is needed for the release of energy for
muscle contractions
Vitamin C is needed for body and muscle tissues to repair
Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium which is
needed to strengthen the bones.
Calcium is required for maintaining healthy teeth, bones and
Magnesium is needed in bones, proteins, making new cells and
relaxing muscle.
Phosphorus is used in the formation of ATP (for the contraction of
muscle), the formation of bones and in cell division.
Sodium is needed for all type of cells including muscle cells to
function properly.
Sulphur is required for protein formation which is needed to
repair muscles.
• Keep bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles can
function properly.
• Prevent fatigue by using muscles more efficiently, allowing the body to
use less energy or overuse of certain part of the musculoskeletal
• Prevent backache and muscular pain due to strain, overuse or abuse of
the musculoskeletal system.
• Avoid and decrease the abnormal wearing joints surfaces that could
results in arthritis.
• Reduce the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the vertebral
column together.
• Prevent the vertebrae column from becoming fixed in abnormal
• Contributing in good appearance
Standing posture
Good posture when ears are aligned above shoulders, shoulders over hips,
hips over ankles, with a slight inward curve in lower back.
Bad posture
i) The shoulders are held back, but the abdomen is pushed too forward
causing the abdominal muscles to slacken.
ii) The head is tilted forward, shoulders rounded, pelvic girdle is tilted
forward to maintain balance resulting in strained back muscles and affecting
proper breathing.
Sitting posture
Bad posture Good posture
➢ Good posture when the muscles are relaxed and body weight is
evenly supported by the chair
➢ Bad posture when the abdominal are contracted and tense.
Lifting posture