IFC Railway EHS Guidelines

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Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Environmental, Health, and Safety

Guidelines for Railways

environment, and other project factors, are taken into account.

The Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines are

be based on the professional opinion of qualified and

technical reference documents with general and industry-

experienced persons.

The applicability of specific technical recommendations should

specific examples of Good International Industry Practice

(GIIP) 1. When one or more members of the World Bank Group

When host country regulations differ from the levels and

are involved in a project, these EHS Guidelines are applied as

measures presented in the EHS Guidelines, projects are

required by their respective policies and standards. These

expected to achieve whichever is more stringent. If less

industry sector EHS guidelines are designed to be used

stringent levels or measures than those provided in these EHS

together with the General EHS Guidelines document, which

Guidelines are appropriate, in view of specific project

provides guidance to users on common EHS issues potentially

circumstances, a full and detailed justification for any proposed

applicable to all industry sectors. For complex projects, use of

alternatives is needed as part of the site-specific environmental

multiple industry-sector guidelines may be necessary. A

assessment. This justification should demonstrate that the

complete list of industry-sector guidelines can be found at:

choice for any alternate performance levels is protective of


human health and the environment.

The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and


measures that are generally considered to be achievable in new

facilities by existing technology at reasonable costs. Application
of the EHS Guidelines to existing facilities may involve the
establishment of site-specific targets, with an appropriate
timetable for achieving them. The applicability of the EHS
Guidelines should be tailored to the hazards and risks
established for each project on the basis of the results of an
environmental assessment in which site-specific variables, such
as host country context, assimilative capacity of the

The EHS Guidelines for Railways are applicable to activities

typically conducted by rail infrastructure operators dedicated to
passenger and freight transport. The document is organized into
two main areas, namely rail operations, covering construction
and maintenance of rail infrastructure as well as operation of
rolling stock, such as locomotives and rail cars; and, locomotive
maintenance activities, including engine services, and other
mechanical repair and maintenance of locomotives and railcars.
This document is organized according to the following sections:

Defined as the exercise of professional skill, diligence, prudence and foresight

that would be reasonably expected from skilled and experienced professionals
engaged in the same type of undertaking under the same or similar
circumstances globally. The circumstances that skilled and experienced
professionals may find when evaluating the range of pollution prevention and
control techniques available to a project may include, but are not limited to,
varying levels of environmental degradation and environmental assimilative
capacity as well as varying levels of financial and technical feasibility.

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Section 1.0 Industry-Specific Impacts and Management

Section 2.0 Performance Indicators and Monitoring
Section 3.0 References
Annex A General Description of Industry Activities

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


1.0 Industry-Specific Impacts

and Management

forested habitat; loss of nesting sites and other wildlife habitat

The following section provides a summary of EHS issues

barriers to wildlife movement; and visual and auditory

associated with railways that may occur during the construction

disturbance due to the presence of machinery, construction

and operation phases of a project, along with recommendations

workers, and associated equipment. In addition, sediment and

for their management. Additional recommendations for the

erosion from construction and stormwater runoff may increase

management of EHS issues during the decommissioning phase

turbidity of surface waters.

through bush clearing; disruption of watercourses;

establishment of non-native invasive plant species; creation of

of railways are provided in the General EHS Guidelines.

Recommended measures to prevent and control impacts to



1.1.1 Rail Operations

wildlife habitats during construction of rights-of-way include:

Avoid fragmentation or destruction of critical terrestrial and

aquatic habitats3 by siting railways, rail yards, support

Environmental issues associated with construction and

facilities, and maintenance roads to avoid such locations or

maintenance of rail infrastructure, as well as operation of rolling

by utilizing existing transport corridors whenever possible.

stock (e.g. locomotives and rail cars), may include the following:

Where fragmentation of critical habitats cannot be avoided,

maximize the availability of animal crossings (e.g. bridges,

Habitat alteration and fragmentation

culverts, and over-crossings) and provide jointing

Emissions to air

chambers to allow small animals a means of escape from

Fuel management

the railway;



maintain water flow and fish access by utilizing clear-span


bridges, open-bottom culverts, or other appropriate

methods. Where sensitive habitats cannot be avoided by

Habitat Alteration and Fragmentation

rail alignment, construction of bridges should be

The construction and maintenance of railroad rights-of-way may

result in alteration and disruption to terrestrial and aquatic

Construction of Rail Rights-of-Way2

Right-of-way construction activities along a railway alignment

When rail crossings of watercourses are unavoidable,

considered to span at-risk areas (e.g. wetlands);

Minimize the clearing of riparian vegetation during


Avoid construction activities during the breeding season

and other sensitive seasons or times of day, especially

may adversely affect wildlife habitats depending on the

characteristics of existing vegetation, topographic features, and
waterways. Habitat alteration may include fragmentation of

APRIL 30, 2007

2 Also known as a wayleave or easement

in some countries, but referred to in

these guidelines as right-of-way.
3 The term critical habitats is defined in IFC Performance Standard 6:
Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resource Management, along with other
terminology related to the preservation of biodiversity. Available at:

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


where critically endangered or endangered species are

structured with smaller plants near the line and larger trees


further away from the line to provide habitats for a wide

Avoid the introduction of invasive species during

variety of plants and animals;4

reinstatement activities, preferably through the use of

species removed;5

native plant species and, when feasible, clear invasive

species during routine vegetation maintenance (see Right

Railways should be designed and maintained to

of-way maintenance section below);

discourage plant growth in the track area (e.g. providing

When procuring crossties for rail line construction, consider

lateral barriers to plant migration and ensuring rapid

their source to ensure that it has not originated from

drainage of the track area);

unsustainable harvesting of forest products in a critical

Native species should be planted and invasive plant

Biological, mechanical, and thermal vegetation control


measures should be used where practical, and use of

Additional recommendations on managing construction site

chemical herbicides on the bank beyond the transition area

activities are described in the General EHS Guidelines.

should be avoided (approx. 5 meters from the track);

Right-of-Way Maintenance

Maintenance clearing in riparian areas should be avoided

or minimized.

Regular maintenance of vegetation within railroad rights-of-way

is necessary to avoid interference with train operations and track

An integrated approach to vegetation management may indicate

maintenance. Unchecked growth of trees and plants can cover

use of herbicides as a preferred approach to control fast-

signals, fall onto the tracks and overhead power lines, and

growing vegetation within railway rights-of-way. In this case, the

prevent workers from getting to places of safety when trains are

recommended precautions include:

passing. Regular maintenance of rights-of-way to control

vegetation may involve the use of mechanical methods (e.g.
mowing), manual methods (e.g. hand pruning), and use of
herbicides. Vegetation maintenance beyond that which is
necessary for safety may remove unnecessary amounts of
vegetation, resulting in the continual replacement of
successional species and an increased likelihood of the
establishment of invasive species.
Recommended measures to prevent and control impacts from
right-of-way vegetation maintenance include:

Implementation of integrated vegetation management

(IVM). The track area should be kept completely clear of
vegetation. From the edge of the track area to the
boundary of the right-of-way, vegetation should be

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Personnel should be trained in herbicide application,

including applicable certification or equivalent training
where such certifications are not required;6

4 Mowing can be used to control growth of ground covers, minimize propagation

of plants in the track area, and prevent the establishment of trees and shrubs in
the right-of-way. Herbicides, in combination with mowing, can control fastgrowing weedy species that have a potential to mature to heights over those
permitted within the right-of-way. Trimming and pruning can be utilized at the
boundaries of rights-of-way to maintain corridor breadth and prevent the
encroachment of tree branches. Hand removal or removal of vegetation, while
labor intensive, can be used in the vicinity of structures, streams, fences, and
other obstructions making the use of machinery difficult or dangerous.
5 Dense, thorny native shrubs can be used to help deter trespassers. Native
plants can also help to stabilize clay soils, reducing the need for ballast
maintenance. Leaves of some tree species with invasive root systems can
cause traction problems for train wheels. Therefore, such trees are often
removed, even if native to the area. Waste from removal of invasive species
should be disposed of (e.g. by incineration or at a landfill) to avoid accidental
spreading of the weeds to new sites.
6 Examples of certification schemes are provided by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) (2006), which categorizes
pesticides as either unclassified or restricted and requires workers that apply
unclassified pesticides to be trained according to the Worker Protection

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Avoid the use of herbicides that fall under or are listed

observations, weather data, time of treatment, and dosage)


with use of a pesticide logbook to record data;

The World Health Organization Recommended

Classification of Pesticides by Hazard Classes 1a and

Avoid the use of pesticides that fall under the World

Pesticides by Hazard Class II if the project host

Untreated buffer zones or strips should be established
along water sources, rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and

to personnel without proper training, equipment, and

ditches to help protect water resources;

Contamination of soils, groundwater, or surface water

products properly;

resources due to accidental spills during transfer, mixing,

Annexes A and B of the Stockholm Convention,

and storage of herbicides should be prevented by following

except under the conditions noted in the convention7

the hazardous materials storage and handling

Herbicides used should be manufactured under license,

recommendations presented in the General EHS

registered and approved by an appropriate authority, and in


(FAO) International Code of Conduct on the Distribution

and Use of Pesticides;8
Only herbicides that are labeled in accordance with
international standards and norms should be used, such as
the FAO Revised Guidelines for Good Labeling Practice for

these chemicals, or if they are likely to be accessible

accordance with the Food and Agriculture Organizations

Herbicide application equipment should be maintained and

calibrated in accordance with manufacturers

facilities to handle, store, apply, and dispose of these

Health Organization Recommended Classification of

country lacks restrictions on distribution and use of

Application practices should be designed to reduce

unintentional drift or runoff;


Herbicide application should be based on criteria (e.g. field

Forest Fires
If vegetation growth is left unchecked or slash from routine
maintenance is left to accumulate within the right-of-way,
sufficient fuel can accumulate that may promote forest fires.
Recommended measures to prevent and control risk of forest
fire include:

Users should review manufacturers directions on

Monitoring of right-of-way vegetation according to fire risk;

maximum recommended dosage or treatment, as well as

Removal of blowdown and other high-hazard fuel

published reports on reduced rates of herbicide application

without loss of effect,10 and apply the minimum effective


Timing of thinning, slashing, and other maintenance

activities to avoid seasons when the risk of forest fires is

Standard (40 CFR Part 170) for Agricultural Pesticides. It further requires
restricted pesticides to be applied by or in the presence of a certified pesticide
7 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2001).
8 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2002)
9 FAO (2002)
10 Danish Agricultural Advisory Service (DAAS), 2000.

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Removal of maintenance slash or management by

controlled burning.11 Controlled burning should adhere to

11 Controlled burning should only be performed after considering potential

impacts to air quality and according to the local air quality management

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


applicable burning regulations, fire suppression equipment

fairings on bogies (also known as trucks) of high-

requirements, and typically should be monitored by a fire

speed trains, and acquisition of new rolling stock with


low wind resistance

Planting and management of fire-resistant species (e.g.

Optimizing efficiency of passenger comfort functions

during service and while parked (e.g. by installing

hardwoods) within, and adjacent to, rights-of-way.

demand-oriented ventilation controls and automatic

Emissions to Air

control of comfort functions in parked trains);

Locomotive engines may be significant contributors to air

Improving driving economy through staff training,

pollution in urban areas, especially in the vicinity of rail yards.

incentive programs, driving advice systems, and

Worldwide, approximately 60 percent of passenger trains and

improved traffic flow to minimize unnecessary

80 percent of freight trains are powered by diesel locomotives

acceleration and deceleration

which emit combustion products, including nitrogen oxides

In electrically powered locomotives, use of

(NOX) and particulate matter (PM), both of which contribute to

regenerative braking systems to recycle energy for

public health problems, and carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse

use by other locomotives

gas.12 Transportation and transfer of dry granular materials (e.g.

Depending on the potential impact of the operation in

minerals and grain) may result in dust emissions, while the

already degraded airsheds, consider the reduction and

storage and transfer of fuels or volatile chemicals may result in

control of combustion source emissions through:

fugitive emissions. Recommended measures to prevent,

minimize, and control air emissions include:

sulfur diesel, bio-diesel)

Reduction of fuel consumption / increase of energy

efficiency through:

Locomotive re-powering programs

Installation of high-efficiency catalytic exhaust

emission control systems14

Use of modern, fuel-efficient, low-emission

locomotives or scheduled substitution or re-powering


Improvements in ground service and field operations

Maximizing cargo and passenger space utilization

vehicle fleets as described in the General EHS

within safety standards to minimize specific fuel



Use of alternative power sources for idling


of existing fleets

Use of, or conversion to, alternative fuels (e.g. low-

Decreasing wind resistance (e.g. by grouping intermodal loads with rail cars of height similar to the

Depending on the potential impact of the operation in

already degraded airsheds, considering the reduction and
control of fugitive emissions through:

containers and filling empty slots with empty

containers, covering of empty freight cars,13 installing
12 Generation of electricity also results in emissions of

NOx, PM, and other air

pollutants, and, therefore, electric-powered trains result in indirect air emissions.
13 Even at the relatively low speeds of freight trains, a locomotive pulling open,
empty cars on level terrain consumes more energy than one pulling a heavy

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14 The US EPA is considering requiring such emission controls on new diesel

locomotives. See 69 FR 39276 39289.

15 Guidance for Quantifying and Using Long Duration Switch Yard Locomotive
Idling Emission Reductions in State Implementation Plans. EPA 20-B-04-002.
Office of Transportation and Air Quality, US EPA (2004)

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Use of enclosed cars or covering of open cars used to

and draining to a sump connected to a spill retention area.

carry minerals and grains to reduce fugitive dust

The spill retention area should also be equipped with an oil


/ water separator to allow the routine discharge of collected

Implementing measures presented in the General


EHS Guidelines to minimize fugitive air emissions

Fueling facilities should develop a formal spill prevention

from diesel and other fuel storage and handling

and control plan that addresses significant scenarios and


magnitude of releases. The plan should be supported by

the necessary resources and training. Spill response

Fuel Management

equipment should be conveniently available to address all

Rail operations with diesel locomotive engines depend on

types of spills, including small spills.

fueling stations strategically situated along the rail network.

Fueling stations typically include aboveground storage tanks,


piping, and filling equipment with the potential for soil and water

Rail operations may generate sanitary wastewater primarily from

resource contamination due to leaks and spills. Storm water

passenger terminals and from passenger rail service.

falling on fueling areas and secondary containment systems

Wastewater from all sources should be managed according to

may contain oil residues from incidental releases.

the recommendations provided in the General EHS Guidelines.

In addition to the recommendations for hazardous materials and

oil management in the General EHS Guidelines, measures to


manage these types of hazards include:

Depending on the number of passengers handled and the

services provided, trains and passenger train terminals may

Storage tanks and components should meet international

generate solid, non-hazardous, food waste from food

standards for structural design integrity and operational

establishments, in addition to packaging materials from retail

performance to avoid catastrophic failures during normal

facilities, and paper, newspaper, and a variety of disposable

operation and during exposure to natural hazards and to

food containers from trains and common passenger areas. The

prevent fires and explosions;16

maintenance and upgrade of rail infrastructure may also result in

Storage tanks should have appropriate secondary

the generation of non-hazardous and hazardous waste including

containment as discussed in the General EHS Guidelines,

lubricants from field maintenance equipment and steel and

including procedures for the management of containment

wood from rails and rail ties. Recommended waste management


strategies include:

Secondary containment in rail fueling areas should be

appropriate for the size of the railcar, level, curbed, sealed,

16 Examples include American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 620: Design

and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-pressure Storage Tanks, 2002; and

API Standard 650: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage, 1998; in addition to
European Standard (EN) 12285-2 Workshop fabricated steel tanks for the
aboveground storage of flammable and non-flammable water polluting liquids,

APRIL 30, 2007

Waste from Passenger Trains and Terminals

Instituting a solid waste recycling program, depending on

the existence of local facilities, involving the placement of

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


labeled waste containers in passenger terminals for metals,

traction noise generated by the engine and cooling fans.18

glass, paper, and plastics. Food establishments should

Recommended noise management strategies include:19

segregate compostable and other food waste for recycling

as agricultural fertilizer and animal feed;

Implementation of noise reduction or prevention measures

at the source including, including:

Passenger train operators and cleaning contractors should

be encouraged to segregate waste in the trains by

Use of modern non-metallic disc brakes, which can

reduce rolling noise by 8-10 decibels (dB) compared

separating the collection of newspapers / papers, plastic,

to cast-iron block tread brakes utilized on older

and metallic containers.

vehicles (non-metallic disc brakes also reduce

wearing of wheels and rails)

Waste from Field Operations

On-site generation and storage of hazardous wastes and

Reducing the roughness of running surfaces through

their subsequent treatment and disposal should be

regular maintenance of wheels and tracks, and

managed according to the recommendations provided in

consideration for replacing traditional jointed track with

the General EHS Guidelines;

continuously welded rail

Where feasible, avoid use of crossties treated with

Installation of noise controls at the source for improved

chromated copper arsenate and consider use of copper

sound-proofing, and other noise reducing features (e.g.

azote for wood treatment as a substitute, or using concrete

engine enclosures and exhaust muffling for diesel engines,


and shielding of wheels with vehicle-mounted shrouds);

Recycling of crossties may involve crushing for recovery of

Depending on the location of noise-sensitive areas, noise

the steel rebar and use of the crushed material in road

and vibrations should be considered in the design,

construction. Wood crossties may be chipped for reuse,

construction, and operation of railways (e.g. through

burnt, or disposed of in landfills. Landfill facilities should be

alignment choice, relocation of nearby buildings, and

capable of handling wastes that may have chemical

soundproofing, such as noise barriers, along railways or

leaching properties. Disposal of wood crossties by

next to buildings).

incineration or recycling should take into account

associated air emissions and secondary product residues

1.1.2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock

of preservative chemicals.

The main environmental issues typically encountered in

Noise and Vibrations

locomotive and railcar maintenance activities may include:

Railway noise is generated from a variety of sources, each

contributing to the total noise output. Sources include rolling
noise generated by the contact between wheel and rail during
normal movement and braking; aerodynamic noise generated
by the train pushing air (particularly for high speed trains); and
17 API Standard 2610: Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and

APRIL 30, 2007

Inspection of Terminal & Tank Facilities (2005).

18 The most significant source of noise is rolling noise from contact between
wheel and rail (lateral and longitudinal wheel and track friction from sideways
wheel slide and from braking, respectively, including noise from contact between
the brake pad and wheel), followed by engine noise and aerodynamic noise.
19 For additional information, see Dittrich, Michael. 2003. Basic Targets and
Conditions for European Railway Noise Abatement Strategies: Analysis of the
Current Situation. Working Group (WG) on Railway Noise. European
Commission (EC). Also, additional documents published by the WG on Railway
Noise. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/rail/environment/noise_en.htm

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Hazardous materials

Recommended measures to prevent, minimize, or control


wastewater effluents include:

Waste management

Use of ultrafiltration to extend the life of washing solutions

Hazardous Materials

for aqueous parts or use of alternatives to water cleaning

Hazardous materials, including solvents, coolants, acids, and

(e.g. dry cleaning by wire brush or bake oven);

alkalis, may be used in locomotives and rolling stock

areas to the wastewater collection and treatment system;

maintenance operations. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) may

be found in older electrical equipment (e.g. transformers and

Plumbing connection of floor drains, if any, in maintenance

Prevention of discharge of industrial wastes to septic

capacitors), and asbestos may be present in older parts such as

systems, drain fields, dry wells, cesspools, pits, or separate

wheel bearings and seals for steam engines. In addition to the

storm drains or sewers. Keep wastewater from service

applicable guidance provided in the General EHS Guidelines,

bays out of storm drains by constructing berms or other

recommended hazardous materials management strategies



Depending on the volume of contaminants present in the

wastewater, and whether the rail facility is discharging into

Use of aqueous detergent cleaning solutions or steam

a municipal system or directly to surface waters,

cleaning, or use and recycling of aliphatic cleaning solvents

pretreatment of effluents may be necessary to reduce

(e.g. 140 solvent), for example when removing axle

contaminant concentrations. Pretreatment systems

protective coatings or for cleaning of large equipment;

typically consist of oil / water separators, biological and

Use of water-based paints;

chemical treatment, and activated carbon systems.

Use of track mats to retain wayside grease and other


Waste Management

Avoiding use of new or replacement parts with asbestos-

Most wastes from railway operations are generated as a result

containing materials.

of maintenance and refurbishment of locomotives and rolling

stock and, to a lesser extent, from track maintenance. These


wastes typically include solids from mechanical cleaning of rail

Rail car maintenance and refurbishment typically involves a

cars; paint chips and sandblast grit; waste paint; spent solvent

high-pressure water wash which may contain residues from

and solvent sludges (from painting and cleaning); sludge from

transported materials, paint, oil and grease, and other

cleaning and wastewater treatment; waste oil, hydraulic fluid,

contaminants. Caustic solutions are often used to remove

and other petroleum-based fluids; petroleum-contaminated

grease and dirt from axles and other metal parts. Acids and

solids (e.g. oil filters and saturated spill absorbent material);

caustics may also be used for rust removal. Locomotive

spent coolant; metal filings and scrap; spent locomotive and

coolants are usually water-based with corrosion inhibitor

signal batteries; and spent brake shoes. These materials should

additives. Passenger trains also generate domestic wastewater,

be managed based on their characteristics (e.g. hazardous or

which is sometimes discharged directly to the land surface.

non-hazardous) as described in the General EHS Guidelines.

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Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines



Occupational Health and Safety

mechanical shocks and / or vibrations.20 Recommended

management strategies include:

1.2.1 Rail Operations

Occupational health and safety hazards during the construction

temperature and provide fresh air so that windows can

of railway systems are common to those of most large industrial

facilities and their prevention and control is discussed in the
General EHS Guidelines. Additional health and safety issues

Use of air conditioning systems to maintain cabin

remain closed, limiting wind and outside noise;21

Reduction of internal venting of air brakes to a level that

minimizes noise without compromising the crews ability to

specific to railway operations include the following:

judge brake operation;

Train / worker accidents

Installation of active noise cancellation systems;

Noise and vibration

Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) if engineering

Diesel exhaust

controls are not feasible or adequate to reduce noise



Electrical hazards

Electric and magnetic fields

Use of dampers at the seat post to reduce the vibration

experienced by the operator;22

Installation of active vibration control systems for

Train / Worker Accidents

locomotive suspension, cabs, or seat posts, as needed to

Railway workers in the vicinity of rail lines are exposed to

comply with applicable international and national standards

moving trains. Recommended management strategies include:

and guidelines.23

Training workers in personal track safety procedures;

Diesel Exhaust

Blocking train traffic on lines where maintenance is

Railway workers, including locomotive crews and workers in

occurring (green zone working) or, if blocking the line is

stations, rail yards, and locomotive and car shops, may be

not feasible, use of an automatic warning system or, as a

exposed to exhaust from diesel locomotives and other diesel

last resort, human lookouts;

engines. Crew members riding immediately behind the lead

Design and construction of rail lines with adequate

engines of trains (e.g. trailing locomotives) and workers in

clearance for workers;

indoor turnaround areas where locomotives are usually left

Segregation of stabling, marshalling, and maintenance

operating, sometimes for prolonged periods, may be exposed to

areas from the running lines.

particularly high levels of diesel exhaust.

Noise and Vibration

Crew members may be exposed to noise from locomotives,
rolling stock, and machinery, as well as to significant repetitive

APRIL 30, 2007

20 Guidance for the evaluation of mechanical shock and vibration can be found

in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 2631-1:1997,

Mechanical vibration and shock: Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body
vibrationPart 1: General requirements.
21 Insulation from exterior sound may hinder hearing of exterior noises that
provide important cues (e.g. horn loudness, torpedoes). Use of exterior sensors
and interior annunciators may be required to compensate.

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Measures to control air emissions from locomotives are

maximize the effectiveness of rest breaks, and in accordance

discussed in Section 1.1 above. In addition, the following

with international standards and good practices for work time.25

measures are recommended to prevent, minimize, and control

workers exposure to diesel exhaust:

Electrical Hazards

Limiting time locomotives are allowed to run indoors and

Electrified railways use either overhead wires or a conductor rail

use of pusher cars to move locomotives in and out of

(e.g. third rail) to transmit electrical power to the train locomotive

maintenance shops;

or multiple units. Overhead power lines may also be present

Ventilation of locomotive shops or other enclosed areas

near non-electrified rail lines. General electrical safety measures

where diesel exhaust may accumulate;

are addressed in the General EHS Guidelines. In addition,

workers exposed to electrical hazards from electrified railways

Filtration of air in the train crew cabin;

Use of PPE where engineering controls are not sufficient to

reduce contaminant exposure to acceptable levels (see

should be trained in personal track safety. Only workers who are

specifically trained and competent in working with overhead
lines and conductor rails should be allowed to approach these

Section 2.2).


Locomotive engineers and other railway workers are often
required to work irregular work hours which may result in
fatigue. Fatigue may be affected by the length and time of the
shift (e.g. long night shifts, shift start times); the nature of the
changes between shifts (shift rotation); the balance in
concentration and stimulation in the work activities being
undertaken; insufficient rest breaks; and the time of day.
Fatigue, particularly of drivers, signalers, maintenance workers,
and others whose work is critical to safe operation, can pose a
serious safety risk for railway workers and the general

public. 24

Railway operators should schedule rest periods at regular

intervals and during night hours, to the extent feasible, to

Electric and Magnetic Fields

Railway workers on electric railway systems may have a higher
exposure to electric and magnetic fields (EMF) than the general
public due to working in proximity to electric power lines.26
Occupational EMF exposure should be prevented or minimized
through the preparation and implementation of an EMF safety
program including the following components:

Establishment and identification of safety zones to

differentiate between work areas with expected elevated
EMF levels compared to those acceptable for public
exposure, and limiting access to properly trained workers;

25 For example, see The Council of the European Union, Council Directive

22 Vibration dampening of the seats can create a difference in relative vibration

of the operator and the controls and displays. Operation and legibility problems
can result if the difference is large enough.
23 See International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 2631-1:1997.
24 Office of Rail Regulation.

APRIL 30, 2007

93/104/EC, of 23 November 1993, concerning certain aspects of the

organization of working time, amended by Directive 2000/34/EC of 22 June
2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council; and Transport Canada,
Work / Rest Rules for Railway Operating Employees (2005).
26 Detailed studies of workplace exposure to EMF in the United States, Canada,
France, England, and several Northern European countries have found no
conclusive link or correlation between typical occupational EMF exposure and
adverse health effects. However, some studies have identified a possible
association between occupational exposure to EMF and cancer, such as brain
cancer (U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 2002)
indicating that there is evidence to warrant limited concern.


Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Implementation of an action plan to address potential or

construction projects, and are discussed in the General EHS

confirmed exposure levels that exceed reference

Guidelines. These impacts include, among others, dust, noise,

occupational exposure levels developed by international

and vibration from construction vehicle transit, and

organizations such as the International Commission on

communicable diseases associated with the influx of temporary

Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), and the

construction labor.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 27.

1.2.2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock

Health and safety issues specific to railway operations include:

General rail operational safety

Occupational hazards typcially associated with locomotive and

Transport of dangerous goods

railcar maintenance activities may include physical, chemical,

Level crossings safety

and biological hazards as well as confined space entry hazards.

Pedestrian safety

Physical hazards may be associated with work in proximity to

moving equipment (e.g. locomotives and other vehicles) and

General Rail Operational Safety

machine safety, including work-portable tools, and electrical

The most significant safety issue potentially affecting both crew

safety issues. Chemical hazards may include potential

and passengers is the threat of serious injury or the potential

exposures to a variety of hazardous materials (e.g. asbestos,

loss of life due to train collisions with other trains or with road

PCB, toxic paint, heavy metals, and VOCs, including those

vehicles, as well as the possibility of derailment due to these or

resulting from the use of solvent-based paints and cleaning

other operational causes. Recommended management actions

solvents in enclosed spaces). Other chemical hazards may


include the potential for fire and explosion during the conduct of
hot work in storage tank systems. Biological hazards may

Implementation of rail operational safety procedures aimed

include potential exposures to pathogens present in sewage

at reducing the likelihood of train collisions such as a

storage compartments. Confined spaces may include access to

positive train control (PTC) system. If a full PTC system is

railroad tank and grain cars during repair and maintenance. All

not practical, automatic rail switches should be installed or,

of these occupational health and safety hazards should be

where manual switches remain, documenting when a

managed based on the recommendations provided in the

manually operated switch in non-signaled territory is

General EHS Guidelines.

changed from the main track to a siding, and returned back

to the normal position for main track movements. This


Community Health and Safety

information should be communicated to all crew members

and the train dispatcher;28

Community health and safety impacts during the construction,

rehabilitation, and maintenance of railways are common to
those of most infrastructure or large industrial facility
27 The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection

APRIL 30, 2007

(ICNIRP) exposure guidelines for Occupational Exposure are listed in Section

2.2 of this Guideline.
28 PTC allows for the coordination of information to ensure proper train


Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Regular inspection and maintenance of the rail lines and

screening and acceptance process should confirm

facilities to ensure track stability and integrity in accordance

accordance with international standards applicable to

with national and international track safety standards;29

packaging, marking, and labeling of containers (or

Implementation of an overall safety management program

placarding), as well the necessary certificates and

that is equivalent to internationally recognized railway

manifests from the shipper.33

safety programs.30

Use of tank cars and other rolling stock that meet national
and international standards (e.g. thermal protection and

Transport of Dangerous Goods

puncture resistance) appropriate for the cargo being

Dangerous goods are frequently transported in bulk or

carried,34 and implementing a preventive maintenance

packaged form by rail, representing a potential risk of release to


the environment in the event of accidents on a number of other


Examples include valve leakage or safety valve

Preparation of spill prevention and control, and emergency

preparedness and response plans, based on an analysis of

releases in pressurized and general-service tank cars or other

hazards, including the nature, consequence, and

hazardous material containers (e.g. covered hoppers,

probability of accidents. Based on result of the hazard

intermodal trailers and containers, or portable tanks). In

analysis, implementation of prevention and control

intermodal containers, spills and leaks may result from improper

measures which may include:

packing and resultant load shifting during transport. Additionally,

Routing and timing of hazardous materials transport to

there is a potential for the release of diesel during fueling

minimize risk to the community (e.g. restricting


transport of hazardous materials on some routes)

In addition to guidance on hazardous materials management

provided in the General EHS Guidelines, recommended

Construction of protective barriers and other technical

sensitive locations (e.g. water resources and

hazardous materials during rail transportation and use include

Limiting train speed in developed areas

measures (e.g. drainage / receptacle provisions) at

measures to prevent, minimize, and control releases of

the following:


Dissemination of emergency preparedness and response

Implementation of a system for the proper screening,

information to the potentially affected communities (e.g.

acceptance, and transport of dangerous goods. Since

emergency notification systems and evacuation

these materials may be provided by third parties, the


29 See U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration.

Track Safety Standards, Final Rule, 49 CFR Part 213 (1998)
30 Examples include the elements of a safety management system specifically
applicable to rail such as provided in the European Union Railway Safety
Directive (Directive 2004/49/EC) or the Guidelines for the Safety Management
System published by the Safety Management in Railways (SAMRAIL) group of
the International Union of Railways (UIC).
31 Although hazardous materials are shipped in various kinds of rail cars (e.g.
tank cars, covered hoppers, boxcars, intermodal equipment) tank cars carry the
major portion of the traffic.
32 Gasoline use is typically limited in railroad operations.

APRIL 30, 2007

33 Examples of international standards include the

Convention Concerning
International Carriage by Rail (COTIF). Transport of dangerous goods is
addressed in the Regulations Concerning the International Carriage of
Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID). The most recent version of the Regulations
concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID, 2006)
came into effect on January 1, 2007. United Kingdom Department for Transport.
Statutory Instrument No. 568. The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of
Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations (2004).
34 See, for example, US Department of Transportation, Regulations on Use of
Tank Cars, 49 CFR 173.31.


Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Implementation of a hazardous material security plan and

Posting of clear and prominent warning signage at potential

security awareness training, including provisions for

points of entry to track areas (e.g. stations and level

personnel security, prevention of unauthorized access, and


measures to reduce risks during storage and transport of



other locations to prevent access to tracks by unauthorized


Use of standardized fuel spill prevention system for

locomotive fueling, including automatic shut-off

Installation of fencing or other barriers at station ends and


Local education, especially to young people, regarding the

dangers of trespassing;

Level Crossings Safety

Level crossings (at-grade road / rail intersections) represent

high-risk accident locations for railways. On railways with sparse

Designing stations to ensure the authorized route is safe,

clearly indicated, and easy to use;

Use of closed-circuit television to monitor rail stations and

traffic, a flagman may be used to stop all traffic at the crossing

other areas where trespassing occurs frequently, with a

and clear the tracks before the approach of a train. Automatic

voice alarm system to deter trespassers.

warning lights and bells, and / or closable gates which barricade

the roadway are more commonly used. The gates are intended
to be complete barriers against intrusion of any road traffic onto
the railway. Ungated crossings present the greatest potential
risk. Recommendations to prevent, minimize, and control risks
associated with level crossings include:

Use of bridges or tunnels in place of level crossings. The

removal of crossings may also improve train performance
since most crossings have low speed limits to minimize
risks to road traffic;

Installation of automatic gates at all level crossings, and

regular inspection/maintenance to ensure proper operation.

Pedestrian Safety
Trespassers on rail lines and facilities may incur risks from
moving trains, electrical lines and equipment, and hazardous
substances, among other issues. Measures to minimize,
prevent, or control trespassing include:

35 See U.S. Department of Transportation, Security Plans, 49 CFR Part 172,

Subpart I.
36 See Association of American Railroads, 2002. Manual of Standards and

Recommended Practices Section MLocomotives and Locomotive Interchange

Equipment: RP-5503Locomotive Fueling Interface.

APRIL 30, 2007


Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines



Performance Indicators and


Combustion source emissions guidelines associated with


addressed in the General EHS Guidelines with larger power

steam- and power-generation activities from sources with a

capacity equal to or lower than 50 Megawatt thermal (MWth) are
source emissions addressed in the EHS Guidelines for

Emissions and Effluent Guidelines

Thermal Power. Guidance on ambient considerations based on

Emissions from new engines used for the propulsion of

the total load of emissions is provided in the General EHS

locomotives and railcars should be consistent with


internationally recognized emissions limit values for nitrogen

oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO),
and Total Hydrocarbons (THC).37 Railways operations should
also target improvements in the efficient use of energy which
may contribute to the overall reduction of polluting emissions.38

Environmental Monitoring
Environmental monitoring programs for this sector should be
implemented to address all activities that have been identified to
have potentially significant impacts on the environment, during

Effluents from maintenance facilities should be treated to a level

normal operations and upset conditions. Environmental

consistent to the requirements of local sewer network operation

monitoring activities should be based on direct or indirect

or, if discharged into surface waters, according to the guideline

indicators of emissions, effluents, and resource use applicable

values provided in the EHS Guidelines for Metals, Plastics,

to the particular project. Monitoring frequency should be

and Rubber Products Manufacturing, which provide treated

sufficient to provide representative data for the parameter being

effluent guideline values applicable to metals machining,

monitored. Monitoring should be conducted by trained

cleaning, and plating and finishing processes, including painting.

individuals following monitoring and record-keeping procedures

Site-specific discharge levels may be established for sewer and

and using properly calibrated and maintained equipment.

process effluents from maintenance facilities and terminals

Monitoring data should be analyzed and reviewed at regular

based on the availability of publicly operated sewage collection

intervals and compared with the operating standards so that any

and treatment systems or, if discharged directly to surface

necessary corrective actions can be taken. Additional guidance

waters, on the receiving water use classification as described in

on applicable sampling and analytical methods for emissions

the General EHS Guidelines.39

and effluents is provided in the General EHS Guidelines.

37 Internationally recognized emissions values include the EU Stage III/IV

emissions standards for non-road engines (Directive 2004/26/EC) and US Tier 3

/ 4 standards (U.S. EPA 40 CFR Part 92). Achieving the most stringent values
for NOx and PM may require the use of secondary controls.
38 As a point of comparison, average energy use by large freight railroads in the
United States in 2004 (the most recent year for which data is available) was 245
kilojoules / revenue freight ton-kilometer (US Department of Transportation,
Bureau of Transportation Statistics. 2006. National Transportation Statistics,
Table 4-25M).
39 Effluent guidelines specifically applicable to rail tank car cleaning activities
can be found at US EPA 40 CFR Part 442 Subpart B.

APRIL 30, 2007

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines

Occupational health and safety performance should be
evaluated against internationally published exposure guidelines,
of which examples include the Threshold Limit Value (TLV)
occupational exposure guidelines and Biological Exposure
Indices (BEIs) published by American Conference of

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH),40 the Pocket

Guide to Chemical Hazards published by the United States
National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH),41
Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) published by the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United
States (OSHA),42 Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Values
published by European Union member states,43 or other similar

Accident and Fatality Rates

Projects should try to reduce the number of accidents among
project workers (whether directly employed or subcontracted) to
a rate of zero, especially accidents that could result in lost work
time, different levels of disability, or even fatalities. Facility rates
may be benchmarked against the performance of facilities in this
sector in developed countries through consultation with
published sources (e.g. US Bureau of Labor Statistics and UK
Health and Safety Executive)44.

Occupational Health and Safety Monitoring

The working environment should be occupational hazards
relevant to the specific project. Monitoring should be designed
and implemented by accredited professionals45 as part of an
occupational health and safety monitoring program. Facilities
should also maintain a record of occupational accidents and
diseases and dangerous occurrences and accidents. Additional
guidance on occupational health and safety monitoring
programs is provided in the General EHS Guidelines.

Available at: http://www.acgih.org/TLV/ and http://www.acgih.org/store/

Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/
42 Available at:
43 Available at: http://europe.osha.eu.int/good_practice/risks/ds/oel/
44 http://www.bls.gov/iif/ and http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/index.htm
45 Accredited professionals may include Certified Industrial Hygienists,
Registered Occupational Hygienists, or Certified Safety Professionals or their


APRIL 30, 2007


Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


3.0 References and Additional Sources

American Petroleum Institute (API). 2005. Standard 2610: Design, Construction,
Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal & Tank Facilities.
Washington, DC: API.
API. 2002. Standard 620: Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Lowpressure Storage Tanks. Washington, D.C.: API.
API. 1998. Standard 650: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage. Washington,
D.C.: API.
Association of American Railroads, 2002. Manual of Standards and
Recommended Practices. Section MLocomotives and Locomotive
Interchange Equipment: RP-5503Locomotive Fueling Interface. Washington
DC: Association of American Railroads.
Banverket/Rddningsverket. 2000. kad skerhet fr farligt gods p jrnvg.
(Swedish Railway Authority/Swedish Rescue Services Agency. 2000. Increased
Safety for Hazardous Goods by Rail)
Barkan, Christopher P.L., Dick C. Tyler, and Anderson, R. 2003. Analysis of
Railroad Derailment Factors Affecting Hazardous Materials Transportation Risk.
Transportation Research Record; Journal of the Transportation Research Board
1825: 48-55.
Barkan, C.P.L. 2004. Cost Effectiveness of Railroad Fuel Spill Prevention Using
a New Locomotive Refueling System. Transportation Research, Part D.
Transport and Environment 9: 251-262.
Brooks, Kenneth M. 2001. Environmental Risks Associated with the Use of
Pressure Treated Wood in Railway Rights-of-Way. Fayetteville, GA: Railway Tie
Association (RTA).
Brooks, Kenneth M. 2004. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Migration from
Creosote-Treated Railway Ties into Ballast and Adjacent Wetlands. Res. Pap.
FPL-RP-617. Madison, Wisconsin: US Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Forest Products Laboratory.
Cain, Groves J., JR. 2000. A Survey of Exposure to Diesel Engine Exhaust
Emissions in The Workplace. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene. 2000
Danish Agricultural Advisory Service (DAAS). 2000. Manuals of Good
Agricultural Practice from Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Aarhus,
Denmark: DAAS.
Dittrich, M. 2003. Basic Targets and Conditions for European Railway Noise
Abatement Strategies: Analysis of the Current Situation. Working Group (WG)
on Railway Noise. European Commission (EC). Workshop Railway Noise
Abatement in Europe, October 29, 2003. Available at
European Union (EU). 2005. European Standard (EN) 12285-2:2005. Workshop
fabricated steel tanks. Horizontal cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks for
the aboveground storage of flammable and non-flammable water polluting
EU. 2004. Directive 2004/26/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 21 April 2004 amending Directive 97/68/EC on the approximation of the laws
of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and

APRIL 30, 2007

particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in nonroad mobile machinery
EU. 2004. Directive 2004/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 29 April 2004 on safety on the Communitys railways and amending Council
Directive 95/18/EC on the licensing of railway undertakings and Directive
2001/14/EC on the allocation of railway infrastructure and safety certification.
Available at http://europa.eu.int/eurlex/pri/en/oj/dat/2004/l_164/l_16420040430en00440113.pdf
EU. 2004. Directive 2004/26/EC. Stage III/IV emissions standards for non-road
engines. Available at http://europa.eu.int/eurlex/pri/en/oj/dat/2004/l_225/l_22520040625en00030107.pdf
EU. 2002. Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 25 June 2002 relating the assessment and management of environmental
EU. 2000. The Council of the European Union. Council Directive 93/104/EC, of
23 November 1993, concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working
time, Amended by Directive 2000/34/EC of 22 June 2000 of the European
Parliament and of the Council.
EU. 2000. Council of the European Union, Council Directive 93/104/EC, of 23
November 1993, concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time,
amended by Directive 2000/34/EC of 22 June 2000 of the European Parliament
and of the Council. Available at http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32000L0034:EN:HTML
European Environment Agency (EEA). 1998: Spatial and Ecological
Assessment of the TEN demonstration of indicators and GIS methods.
Copenhagen: EEA.
EU Web site, Transport and Energy, Rail Transport:
European Railways Agency,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2002.
International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides. Rome:
Garshick, Eric, Laden, Francine, Hart, Jaime E., Rosner, Bernard, Smith,
Thomas J., Dockery, Douglas W., and Speizer, Frank E. 2004. Lung Cancer in
Railroad Workers Exposed to Diesel Exhaust. Environmental Health
Perspectives Volume 112, Number 15, November 2004.
International Finance Corporation (IFC). 2006. IFC Performance Standards 3:
Pollution Prevention and Abatement and 6 Biodiversity Conservation and
Natural Resource Management. Washington, DC: IFC. Available at
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). 1989. Diesel and Gasoline
Exhausts and Some Nitroarenens, IARC Monograph on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol. 46. Lyon: IARC.
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). 1998.
Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-varying Electric, Magnetic, and


Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Electromagnetic Fields, Health Physics 74 (4): 494-522 (1998). Available at:


US Department of Transportation, 2006. Regulations on Use of Tank Cars, 49

CFR 173.31. Washington, DC: DOT.

International Labour Organisation (ILO). 1977. Convention Concerning the

Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working
Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration. Convention: C148.

US Department of Transportation. 2003. Security Plans. 49 CFR Part 172,

Subpart I. Washington, DC: DOT.

Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF). 2006.

Regulations Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail
(RID). Berne: OTIF.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 1997. 2631-1:1997.
Mechanical Vibration and Shock: Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body
VibrationPart 1: General Requirements. Geneva: ISO. Available at
International Union of Railways (UIC). 2004. Railways and the Environment.
Paris: UIC. Available at http://www.uic.asso.fr/

US Department of Transportation. 1998. Federal Railway Administration. Human

Factors Guidelines for Locomotive Cabs. DOT-VNTSC-FRA-98-8;
DOT/FRA/ORD-98/03. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service.
US Department of Transportation. 1998. Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).
Track Safety Standards, Final Rule, 49 CFR Part 213. Washington DC: FRA.
US Environment Protection Agency (EPA). 2006. 40 CFR Part 170. Worker
Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides. Available at:

International Union of Railways (UIC). 2003. Environmental Guideline for the

Procurement of New Rolling Stock. Paris: UIC. Available at

US EPA. 2004. Control of Emissions of Air Pollution From New

Locomotive Engines and New Marine CompressionIgnition Engines Less Than 30 Liters per Cylinder. Federal Register. Volume 69.
FR 39276 39289.

Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers IEEE). 2005. Standard C95.12005: IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to
Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3kHz to 300GHz.

US EPA. 2004. Guidance for Quantifying and Using Long Duration Switch Yard
Locomotive Idling Emission Reductions in State Implementation Plans. EPA 20B-04-002. Office of Transportation and Air Quality. Washington, DC: EPA.

Lai,Yung-Cheng (Rex) and Barkan, Christopher P. L. 2005. Options for

Improving the Energy Efficiency of Intermodal Freight Trains. Transportation
Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1916: 47 55.

US EPA. 1998. 40 CFR Part 92. Control of Air Pollution from Locomotives and
Locomotive Engines. Washington, DC: US EPA. Available at

Pooja, Anand, Barkan, C. P. L.., Schaeffer, David J., Werth, Charles J. and
Minsker, Barbara S. 2005. Environmental Risk Analysis of Chemicals
Transported in Railroad Tank Cars. In Proceedings of the 8th International
Heavy Haul Conference, Rio de Janiero, June 2005, pp. 395-403.

US EPA. 1997. Industry Notebook: Profile of the Ground Transportation Industry

- Railroad, Trucking and Pipeline. . Washington, DC: EPA.

Transport Canada. 2005. Work/Rest Rules for Railway Operating Employees.

Ottawa, Ontario: Transport Canada. Available at

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 2002. Industry as a Partner

for Sustainable Development. Sectoral Reports: Railways. UK: International
Union of Railways (UIC)/UNEP.

United Kingdom (UK) Department for Transport. Statutory Instrument No. 568.
The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure
Equipment Regulations 2004. Available at

UNEP. 2001. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Available

at http://www.pops.int/

UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE). 2005. HM Railway Inspectorate. 2005.

Railway Safety Principles and Guidance (RSPG). London: HSE.
UK Office of Rail Regulation. Available at http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/
UK Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB). 2006. Railway Group Standards.
London: RSSB.
UK Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB). 2005. Trespass and Access via
the Platform End, Final Report, T322. London: RSSB.
United States (US) Department of Transportation. 2006. Bureau of
Transportation Statistics (BTS). National Transportation Statistics, Table 4-25 Energy Intensity of Class I Railroad Freight Service (Updated April 2006).
Washington DC: BTS.

APRIL 30, 2007

United Nations (UN). 2005. UN Recommendations on the Transport of

Dangerous Goods. Model Regulations. New York, NY: UN
Verma, Dave K., Finkelstein, Murray M., Kurtz, Lawrence, Smolynec, Kathy and
Eyre, Susan. 2003. Diesel Exhaust Exposure in the Canadian Railroad Work
Environment. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. Volume 18(1):
World Health Organization (WHO). 2004. Development of Environment and
Health Indicators for European Union countries ECOEHIS. Final Report. WHO
European Centre for Environment and Health. Bonn: WHO
Woskie S.R., Smith T.J., Hammond S.K., Schenker M.B., Garshick E., Speizer
F.E. 1988. Estimation of the diesel exhaust exposures of railroad workers: I.
Current exposures. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1988;13(3):381-94.


Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Annex A: General Description of Industry Activities

Typical railway components include locomotives and railroad

worldwide. The operating voltage for DC systems is in the range

cars, known as rolling stock, in addition to fixed infrastructure,

of 750 to 3000 volts (V), while for AC systems 15 to 25 kilovolts

including tracks, stations, fueling facilities, and maintenance and

(kV) is typical. Locomotives are often subdivided by their usage,

repair facilities.

namely passenger locomotives, freight locomotives, and

switcher (or shunting) locomotives. These categories mainly

Establishment of railway tracks and infrastructure include the

siting of the railway right-of-way. The basic land requirement for
a railway right-of-way is approximately 2.5 3.0 hectares of land
per kilometer of track. Passenger rail systems may require three
times this amount of land when including indirect land uses such
as stations and parking areas. The land requirement per
transport unit (e.g. passenger-km and tonne-km) is about 3.5
times lower for rail than for automobiles.46

depend on maneuverability, traction power, and speed.

Electrically powered locomotives may be equipped with a
regenerative brake system to recapture part of the kinetic
energy that would otherwise be lost as heat when braking,
transmitting it into the overhead wire for use by other
locomotives. The locomotives provide the power to move a
number of connected passenger or freight (cargo) railroad cars,
and this unit is collectively known as a train.

Project development and construction activities typically include

access road construction or upgrade, site preparation and

Passenger Cars

development (e.g. construction of bridges and tunnels), removal

Most passenger cars are made of steel, and may consist of

of select vegetation, if any, and the grading and excavation of

double decks to accommodate passengers. Passenger cars

soils for the installation of structural foundations for tracks and

may serve multiple functions including dining and baggage

site utilities, such as stations, workshop and railway

storage. Toilet facilities for passenger cars may deposit waste

maintenance yards / depots, signaling systems, electricity

directly onto the tracks or employ retention tanks that are

supplies, and fueling facilities.

emptied at stations.

Rolling Stock

Freight / Cargo Cars


There are a number of types of freight cars designed for specific

functions. Common types include:

Passenger and freight railcars are typically pulled or pushed by

diesel-powered locomotives. Electric locomotives may be used

on rail lines that have electric power supplied by means of

overhead lines or a conducting third rail. Modern electrified

used for transport of ore or minerals

railway systems typically operate on an alternating current, but

many existing direct current (DC) systems are still in use

Lorries: Open top railway cars with tipping troughs, often

Boxcars: Enclosed railway cars with side doors used for
most kinds of cargo

Refrigerator cars: Refrigerated boxcars for the transport of


46 European Environment Agency, Spatial and Ecological Assessment of the

TEN demonstration of indicators and GIS methods, 1998.

APRIL 30, 2007


Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines


Gondolas: Railway cars with an open top, enclosed sides

signaling and switching systems, as well as associated roads,

and ends, used for bulk commodities and other goods

tunnels, bridges, and buildings.

Flatcars: Open cars for transportation of standard shipping

containers and semi-trailers

Tank cars: Tanks for the transport of liquids

Railway Track
The rail track is constructed of two parallel steel rails attached to
perpendicular crossties (sleepers) made of timber, concrete or
steel. The crossties are mounted in a bed of ballast, with
underlying sub-ballast and a fine-grained subgrade foundation.

Maintenance Activities
In addition to the track and track right-of-way maintenance
activities, maintenance activities may consist of routine servicing
or heavy mechanical maintenance activities. Routine
maintenance activities may include lubricating oil changes and
mechanical safety inspections, exterior washing of locomotives
and wagons, and interior washing of rail tankers.

Traditionally, bolted rail joints have been used for all railways.

Heavy mechanical maintenance may include replacement of

However, continuous-welded rails are now commonly installed

rolling and engine components, engine overhauls, mechanical

when constructing new tracks or replacing rails during track

tests and adjustments, among others. Heavy mechanical

maintenance. Wooden crossties are resilient and tend to give a

maintenance may also include parts machining, welding,

smooth ride, but require initial chemical treatment to prevent rot

cleaning (including degreasing), and other types of activities

and are not structurally suitable for modern high-speed tracks.

typically conducted in metal mechanics shops. Passenger and

Ballast generally consists of a 150-225 millimeter (mm) deep

cargo wagons may also be cleaned and painted, including touch

layer of stone crushed to a size of 40-65 mm, and provides

up painting, during heavy maintenance.

support for the crossties and promotes drainage.

Railway Operations
The operational activities of rolling stock include all aspects of
the movement of locomotives and railcars over a section of
track, including passenger and freight transport, loading and
unloading of freight at stations, and locomotive fueling. Most
modern railways use automatic systems to monitor the location
of trains and to operate signal / rail switching infrastructure.47
Operational and maintenance activities associated with rail
infrastructure include the maintenance and clearance of tracks,

47 The flow of train traffic is governed through a system of location and

movement signal controls, which are mechanical or electronic and involve the
use of time schedules, signs, colored lights, and rail track switching equipment.
This system inform s train operators regarding the status of the railway line and
serves to prevent collisions.

APRIL 30, 2007


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