Judgment: Judgment A.K.SIKRI, J

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CIVIL APPEAL Nos.2417-2418 /2014
(arising out of S.L.P.(Civil) Nos. 29634-29635/2008)
Hari Nandan Prasad & Anr.


Employer I/R to Mangmt.of FCI & Anr.



Leave granted.


The two appellants have filed one combined Special Leave

Petition, which arises out of a common judgment dated 27.6.2008

passed by the Division Bench of the Jharkhand High Court in two
LPAs which had been filed by the respondent herein viz. Food
Corporation of India (FCI). The two appellants were working on
casual basis with the FCI. After certain time, their services were
dispensed with.

Both of them raised industrial dispute alleging








Government-cum- Industrial Tribunal (CGIT). These proceedings

culminated in two awards dated 12.12.1996 and 18.12.1996


respectively passed by the CGIT.

In both these awards,

termination of both the appellants was held to be illegal and they

were directed to be reinstated with 50% back wages. The CGIT
also ordered their regularization in service. FCI filed Writ Petitions
in both the cases challenging these awards which were initially
admitted sometime in the year 1988 and the operation of the
awards was stayed. However, orders were passed under Section
17-B of the Industrial Disputes Act (ID Act) directing payment of
full wages as last wages drawn to the appellants from the date of
the award in each case.

These Writ Petitions were ultimately

dismissed by the learned Single Judge vide common judgment

and order dated 19.5.2005. As pointed out above, this judgment
of the learned Single Judge was challenged by the FCI by filing

These LPAs have been allowed by the Division Bench,

thereby setting aside the orders of the learned Single Judge as

well as awards passed by the CGIT. This is how two appellants
are before us in this appeal.

Before we proceed further, we deem it appropriate to give

the details of nature of employment of each of the appellants with

the FCI and tenure etc. as well as the gist of the tribunals awards.


Hari Nandan.

He was engaged on daily wages basis as Labourer-cum-

Workman, in the exigency of the situation, at Food Storage Depot,

Jasidih by the Depot In-charge, FCI, Jasidih on 1 st June 1980. On
the ground that services of appellant No.1 were no more required,
he was disengaged w.e.f. 1.3.1983. While doing so, no notice or
notice pay or retrenchment compensation was given to him.
Appellant No.1 raised industrial dispute which was referred to the
CGIT by the Central Government vide reference order dated
1.10.1992, with the following terms of reference:
Whether the action of the management
of Food Corporation of India, in retrenching Shri
Hari Nandan Prasad, Ex-Casual Workman, in
contravention of Section 25-F of the I.D.Act,
1947 and denying reinstatement with full back
wages and regularization of his service is legal
and justified? If not to what relief the concerned
workman is entitled to?


The CGIT gave its award dated 12.12.1996 holding that the

termination was in contravention of Section 25-F of the Industrial

Disputes Act.

The CGIT also, while ordering reinstatement of

appellant No.1, held that he was also entitled to regularization of



his services from the date of his stoppage from service dated
1.3.1983. Back wages to the extent of 50% were awarded. As far
as direction for regularization is concerned, it was based on
Circular issued by the FCI whereby any temporary worker
employed for more than 90 days was entitled for regularization of
his service.

It was noted that as per the said Circular the

Management had regularized the services of 70-75 similarly

situated casual workers and therefore denying the same benefit
to appellant No.1 amounted to discrimination.
Gobind Kumar Choudhary.

Appellant No.2 was engaged on daily wages as casual Typist

at the District Office, FCI, Darbhanga against a vacancy of Class-III

post on 5.9.1986. He worked in the capacity till 15.9.1990 when
his name was struck off the rolls. He also raised industrial dispute
which was referred to CGIT with following terms of reference:
Whether the action of the Management
of Food Corporation of India, Laaherisarai,
Darbhanga is legal and justified in retrenching
Shri Govind Kumar Chaudhary, who was
working as Casual Typist, arbitrarily and in
violation of Section 25-F of the I.D.Act, and
denying reinstatement with full back wages


and regularization of service is legal and

justified? If not to what relief the concerned
workman is entitled to?
In his case, the award dated 18.12.1996 was made by the
CGIT on almost identical premise, as in the case of appellant No.1,
supported by similar reasons.

The learned Single Judge while dismissing both the Writ

Petitions filed by the FCI concurred with the findings and reasons
given by the CGIT.










contention of the FCI was that there could not have been any
direction of regularization of services even on the admitted case
of both the workmen, viz. merely on the ground that they had
worked for more than 240 days in a calendar year as casual

It was also submitted that

though the District

Manager of the FCI was authorized to employ persons as

temporary workers, such an authority was given for employing
them for 7 days only and no more, and in case of violation of this
strict stipulation contained in the Circular issued by the FCI, the
concerned officer could be proceeded against departmentally. It


was further argued that even if such temporary employment was

to continue beyond stipulated period of 7 days, since these two
workmen had worked on daily wages basis, that too for a period
of 3 years or so, there could not have been any regularization of
these workmen in view of the judgments of this Court in the case
of Delhi Development Horticulture Employees Union vs. Delhi
Administration AIR 1992 SC 789 and Constitution Bench judgment
in the case of Secretary, State of Karnataka vs. Uma Devi &

(2006) 4 SCC 1.

These contentions have impressed the

Division Bench of the High Court, and accepted by it, giving the
following reasons:
misconceived the principles of law laid down
in this context. In the case of Delhi
Development Horticulture Employees Union
vs. Delhi Administration (AIR 1992) SC 789)
the Supreme Court has categorically laid
down that temporary employees, even if they
have worked for more than 240 days, cannot
claim any right or benefit for automatic
regularization of their services. Similar view
has been taken in the case of Post Master
General, Kolkata & Ors vs. Tutu Das (Dutta),
reported in 2007 (5) SCC 317. More so, where
no posts are created or no vacancies to
sanctioned posts exists, only on the ground of
regularization cannot be directed. Even in


cases where there are regular posts and

vacancies, the procedure laid down for
appointment has to be followed.


In so far as contention of the appellant predicated on

Circular dated 6.5.1997 is concerned, on the basis of which they









discriminatory treatment could not be meted to them, this

contention has been brushed aside by the High Court in the
impugned judgment in the following manner:
The, contention of Mrs.Pal that there
has been discrimination as several persons
were regularized on the basis of the Circular of
the Management dated 6.5.1987, cannot be
accepted. Reliance for this purpose on the
case of U.P. State Electricity Board vs. Pooran
Chandra Pandey reported in (2007) 11 SCC 92,
is also of no help to her. Firstly, there were
several conditions and criteria in the said
Circular for regularization, but there is no
finding that the respondents workmen in these
appeals fulfilled such criteria. Secondly, in the
case of U.P.State Electricity Board matter
(supra) the employees of the Co-operative
Society who were taken over by the Electricity
Board claimed that the decision of the
Electricity Board dated 28.11.1996 permitting
regularization of the employees working from
before 4.5.1990, will also apply to them as
they were also appointed prior to 4.5.1990 in
the Society. It was held that since the taken


over employees were appointed in the Society

before 4.5.1990, they could not be denied the
benefit of the said decision of the Electricity
Board. There is nothing to show that the
appointment of the taken over employees was
made by the Society without following the
procedure in that behalf, whereas in the
present case, the respondents workmen were
not appointed against vacant and sanctioned
posts after following the
procedure of
Furthermore, in paragraph 6 of the
judgment of the Constitution Bench in the case
of Secretary, State of Karnataka vs. Uma Devi
(2006) 4 SCC 1, it was held that no
Government order, notification or circular can
be substituted for the statutory rules framed
under the authority of law. In para 16 of the
judgment in the case of R.S.Garg vs. State of
U.P. (2006 (6) SCC 430), it has been held that
even the Government cannot make rules or
issue any executive instructions by way of
regularization. Similar view has been taken in
the case of the Post Master General (supra).
Therefore, the respondent workmen cannot
claim regularization on the basis of the said
Circular of the Management dated 6.5.1987,
nor the said judgment of the U.P. Electricity
Board (supra) is of any help to them.

10. Heavily relying upon the judgment in the case of Uma Devi
(supra), the High Court has held that as both the appellants did
not render 10 or more years of service, their cases do not come


even in the exception carved out by the Constitution Bench in

Uma Devis case.
11. Another contention raised by the appellants before the High
Court was that the ratio of Uma Devis case had no relevance in
the cases of industrial adjudication by the Labour Courts/Industrial
Tribunals. However, even this submission was found to be
meritless by the High Court taking support of the judgment of this
Court in U.P. Power Corporation Vs. Bijli Mazdoor Sangh &
Ors. (2007) 5 SCC 755.
12. We may record here that the Division Bench accepted that
there was infraction of Section 25-F of the I.D.Act

in both the

However, they were held not entitled to reinstatement

because of the reason that they were employed strictly as

temporary workers, without any stipulation or promise that they
would be made permanent and therefore reinstatement of such
workers was not warranted and they were entitled to get
monetary compensation only.

As far as compensation is

concerned, since both the appellants were paid the money

equivalent to wages last drawn, for number of years when the


Writ Petitions were pending, under Section 17 -B of the I.D. Act,

the High Court felt that the appellants were duly compensated
and no further amount was payable.
13. Challenging the validity of the approach of the High Court,
the learned counsel for the appellants submitted that the entire
thrust of the judgment of the High Court rests on the decision of
this Court in Uma Devis case which was impermissible as the said
judgment is clarified by this Court subsequently in the case of
Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation & Anr. vs.
Casteribe Rajya Parivahan Karmchari Sanghatana (2009) 8
SCC 556, wherein it is held, in categorical terms, that in so far as
Industrial and Labour Courts are concerned, they enjoy wide
powers under Section 30(1)(b) of the Industrial Disputes Act to
take affirmative action in case of unfair labour practice and these
powers include power to order regularization/permanency. The
Court has, further, clarified that decision in Uma Devi limits the
scope of powers of Supreme Court under Article 32 and High
Courts under Article 226 of the Constitution to issue directions for
regularization in the matter of public employment, but power to
take affirmative action under section 30(1)(b) of the I.D.Act which


rests with the Industrial/Labour Courts, remains intact.

thus, argued that entire edifice of the

It was,

impugned judgment of the

High Court erected on the foundation of Uma Devi (supra)

14. The learned counsel for the FCI, on the other hand, referred
to the judgment in U.P. Power Corporation (supra) wherein this
Court has taken unambiguous view that the law laid down in Uma
Devi is applicable to Industrial Tribunals/Labour Courts as well. It
was submitted that the judgment in U.P. Power Corporation
(supra) was not taken note of in the subsequent judgment in
Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (supra) and this
Court should follow the earlier judgment rendered in U.P.Power
Corporations case.

The learned counsel also relied upon the

recent judgment of this Court in the case of Assistant Engineer,

Rajasthan Development Corporation & Anr. vs. Gitam
Singh (2013) 5 SCC 136 to contend that even when there is a
wrongful termination of services of a daily wager because of noncompliance of the provisions of Section 25-F of the I.D.Act, such
an employee is not entitled to reinstatement but only monetary




On the aforesaid basis, the learned counsel

pleaded for dismissal of the appeal.

15. We have given considerable thoughts to the submissions
made by the learned counsel for the parties on either side. It is
clear from the aforesaid narratives that this case has two facets,
which are reflected even in the terms of references as well on
which the disputes were referred to the CGIT. First refers to the
validity of the termination and the other one pertains to the
regularization. Twin issues, which have, thus, to be gone into, are:




service of the appellants was illegal?

Related issue here would be that if it is illegal, then
whether in the facts and circumstances of this case, the
appellants would be entitled to reinstatement in service or
monetary compensation in lieu of reinstatement would be
(2) whether the appellants are entitled to regularization of
their services?



We would also record that both the issues, in the facts

of this case, are somewhat overlapping which would become
apparent, with the progression of our discussion on these issues.
Reg.: Validity of termination.
16. This issue hardly poses any problem.

Admitted facts are

that both the appellant had worked for more than 240 days
continuously preceding their disengagement/termination. At the
time of their disengagement, even when they had continuous
service for more than 240 days (in fact about 3 years) they were
not given any notice or pay in lieu of notice as well as
retrenchment compensation.

Thus, mandatory pre-condition of

retrenchment in paying the aforesaid dues in accordance with

Section 25-F of the I.D. Act was not complied with.
sufficient to render the termination as illegal.

That is

Even the High

Court in the impugned judgment has accepted this position and

there was no quarrel on this aspect before us as well. With this,
we advert to the issue of relief which should be granted in such
cases, as that was the topic of hot debate before us as well.



17. Admittedly, both the workmen were engaged on daily wages

basis. Their engagement was also in exigency of situation. In so
far as appellant No.1 is concerned, he was disengaged way back
in the year 1983.

The dispute in his case was referred for

adjudication to CGIT in 1992 only. There is a time lag of 9 years.

Though no reasons are appearing on record for such an abnormal
delay, it seems that he had raised the industrial dispute few years
after his disengagement which can be inferred from the reading
of the award of the CGIT as that reveals that after his
disengagement he kept on making representations only and he
took recourse to judicial proceedings only after Circular dated
6.5.1997 was issued as per which the FCI had decided to
regularize the services of all casual workmen who had completed
more than 90 days before 1996. Be that as it may, at this juncture
what we are highlighting is that appellant No.1 had worked on
daily wages basis for barely 3 years and he is out of service for
last 30 years.

Even when the Tribunal rendered his award in

1996, 13 years had elapsed since his termination. On these facts,

it would be difficult to give the relief of reinstatement to the
persons who were engaged as daily wagers and whose services


were terminated in a distant past. And, further where termination

is held to be illegal only on a technical ground of not adhering to
the provisions of Section 25-F of the Act. Law on this aspect, as
developed over a period of time by series of judgments makes the
aforesaid legal position very eloquent.

It is not necessary to

traverse through all these judgments.

Our purpose would be

served by referring to a recent judgment rendered by this very

Bench in the case of BSNL vs. Bhurumal 2013 (15) SCALE 131
which has taken note of the earlier case law relevant to the issue.
Following passage from the said judgment would reflect the
earlier decisions of this Court on the question of reinstatement:
The learned counsel for the appellant
referred to two judgments wherein this Court
granted compensation instead of reinstatement.
In the case of BSNL vs. Man Singh (2012) 1
SCC 558, this Court has held that when the
termination is set aside because of violation of
Section 25-F of the Industrial Disputes Act, it is
not necessary that relief of reinstatement be
also given as a matter of right. In the case of
Incharge Officer & Anr. vs. Shankar Shetty
(2010) 9 SCC 126, it was held that those cases
where the workman had worked on daily wage
basis, and worked merely for a period of 240
days or 2-3 years and where the termination had
taken place many years ago, the recent trend
was to grant compensation in lieu of
reinstatement. In this judgment of Shankar


Shetty, this trend was reiterated by referring to

various judgments, as is clear from the following
automatically follow in a case where the
engagement of a daily wager has been brought
to end in violation of Section 25-F of the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (for short the ID
Act)? The course of the decisions of this Court
in recent years has been uniform on the above
In Jagbir Singh vs. Haryana State Agriculture
Mktd. Board (2009) 15 SCC 327 delivering the
judgment of this Court, one of us (R.M.Lodha,J.)
noticed some of the recent decisions of this
Court, namely, U.P.State Brassware Corpn. Ltd.
Vs. Uday Narain Pandey (2006) 1 SCC 479,
Uttaranchal Forest Department Corpn. Vs.
M.C.Joshi (2007) 9 SCC 353, State of M.P. vs.
Lalit Kumar Verma (2007) 1 SCC 575,
M.P.Admn. vs. Tribhuban (2007) 9 SCC 748, Sita
Ram vs. Moti Lal Nehru Farmers Training
Institute (2008) 5 SCC 75, Jaipur Development
Authority vs. Ramsahai (2006) 11 SCC 684, GDA
vs. Ashok Kumar (2008) 4 SCC 261 and
Mahboob Deepak vs. Nagar Panchayat, Gajraula
(2008) 1 SCC 575 and stated as follows: (Jagbir
Singh case, SCC pp.330 & 335 paras 7 & 14).
It is true that the earlier view of this Court
articulated in many decision reflected the legal
position that if the termination of an employee
was found to be illegal, the relief of
reinstatement with full back wages would
ordinarily follow. However, in recent past, there
has been a shift in the legal position and in a
long line of cases, this Court has consistently
taken the view that relief by way of


reinstatement with back wages is not automatic

and may be wholly inappropriate in a given fact
situation even though the termination of an
employee is in contravention of the prescribed
reinstatement has been held to meet the ends
of justice.
It would be, thus, seen that by a catena of
decisions in recent time, this Court has clearly
laid down that an order of retrenchment passed
in violation of Section 25-F although may be set
aside but an award of reinstatement should not,
however, automatically passed. The award of
reinstatement with full back wages in a case
where the workman has completed 240 days of
work in a year preceding the date of
termination, particularly, daily wagers has not
been found to be proper by this Court and
instead compensation has been awarded. This
Court has distinguished between a daily wager
who does not hold a post and a permanent
Jagbir Singh has been applied very recently in
Telegraph Deptt. Vs. Santosh Kumar Seal (2010)
6 SCC 773, wherein this Court stated: (SCC
p.777, para 11)
In view of the aforesaid legal position and the
fact that the workmen were engaged as daily
wagers about 25 years back and they worked
hardly for 2 or 3 years, relief of reinstatement
and back wages to them cannot be said to be
justified and instead monetary compensation
would subserve the ends of justice.



Taking note of the judgments referred to in the aforesaid

paragraphs and also few more cases in other portion of the said
judgment, the legal position was summed up in the following
It is clear from the reading of the aforesaid
judgments that the ordinary principle of grant of
reinstatement with full back wages, when the
termination is found to be illegal is not applied
mechanically in all cases. While that may be a
position where services of a regular/permanent
workman are terminated illegally and/or
malafide and/or by way of victimization, unfair
labour practice etc. However, when it comes to
the case of termination of a daily wage worker
and where the termination is found illegal
because of procedural defect, namely in
violation of Section 25-F of the Industrial
Disputes Act, this Court is consistent in taking
the view in such cases reinstatement with back
wages is not automatic and instead the
compensation which will meet the ends of
justice. Rationale for shifting in this direction is
Reasons for denying the relief of reinstatement
in such cases are obvious. It is trite law that
when the termination is found to be illegal
because of non-payment of retrenchment
compensation and notice pay as mandatorily
required under Section 25-F of the Industrial
Disputes Act, even after reinstatement, it is
always open to the management to terminate
the services of that employee by paying him the
retrenchment compensation. Since such a


workman was working on daily wage basis and

even after he is reinstated, he has no right to
seek regularization (See: State of Karnataka vs.
Uma Devi (2006) 4 SCC 1). Thus when he cannot
claim regularization and he has no right to
continue even as a daily wage worker, no useful
purpose is going to be served in reinstating such
a workman and he can be given monetary
compensation by the Court itself inasmuch as if
he is terminated again after reinstatement, he
would receive monetary compensation only in
the form of retrenchment compensation and
notice pay. In such a situation, giving the relief
of reinstatement, that too after a long gap, would
not serve any purpose.
We would, however, like to add a caveat here.
There may be cases where termination of a daily
wage worker is found to be illegal on the ground
it was resorted to as unfair labour practice or in
violation of the principle of last come first go viz.
while retrenching such a worker daily wage
juniors to him were retained. There may also be
a situation that persons junior to him wee
regularized under some policy but the concerned
workman terminated. In such circumstances, the
terminated worker should not be denied
reinstatement unless there are some other
weighty reasons for adopting the course of grant
of compensation instead of reinstatement. In
such cases, reinstatement should be the rule and
only in exceptional cases for the reasons stated
to be in writing, such a relief can be denied.

18. We make it clear that reference to Uma Devi, in the

aforesaid discussion is in a situation where the dispute referred



pertained to termination alone.

Going by the principles carved

out above, had it been a case where the issue is limited only to
the validity of termination, appellant No.1 would not be entitled to
reinstatement. This could be the position in respect of appellant
No.2 as well. Though the factual matrix in his case is slightly
different, that by itself would not have made much of a

However, the matter does not end here. In the

present case, the reference of dispute to the CGIT was not limited
to the validity of termination. The terms of reference also









regularization of service.
19. We have already pointed out that the two aspects viz. that of
reinstatement and regularization are intermixed and overlapping
in the present case. If the appellants were entitled to get their
services regularized, in that case it would have been axiomatic to
grant the relief of reinstatement as a natural corollary. Therefore,
it becomes necessary, at this stage, to examine as to whether the
order of CGIT, as affirmed by the learned Single Judge of the High
Court directing regularization of their service, was justified or the



approach of the Division Bench of the High Court in denying that

relief is correct.
Re: Relief of Regularization
20. Before we advert to this question, it would be necessary to
examine as to whether the Constitution Bench judgment in Uma
Devi case have applicability in the matters concerning industrial
adjudication. We have already pointed out above the contention
of the counsel for the appellants in this behalf, relying upon
Maharashtra State Road Transport case that the decision in Uma
Devi would be binding the Industrial or Labour Courts.

On the

other hand, counsel for the FCI has referred to the judgment in
U.P.Power Corporation for the submission that law laid down in
Uma Devi equally applies to Industrial Tribunals/Labour Courts. It,








judgments at this juncture.

21. A perusal of the judgment in U.P. Power Corporation would
demonstrate that quite a few disputes were raised and referred to
the industrial tribunal qua the alleged termination of respondent
Nos.2 and 3 in that case.

Without giving the details of those



cases, it would be sufficient to mention that in one of the cases

the tribunal held that after three years of their joining in service
both respondents 2 and 3 were deemed to have been regularized.
The appellants filed the Writ Petition which was also dismissed.
Challenging the order of the High Court, the appellants had
approached this Court. It was argued that there could not have
been any regularization order passed by the Industrial Court in
view of the decision in Uma Devi. Counsel for the workmen had
taken a specific plea that the powers of the industrial adjudicator
were not under consideration in Uma Devis case and that there
was a difference between a claim raised in a civil suit or a Writ
Petition on the one hand and one adjudicated by the industrial
adjudicator. It was also argued that the labour court can create
terms existing in the contract to maintain industrial peace and
therefore it had the power to vary the terms of the contract.
While accepting the submission of the appellant therein viz. U.P.
Power Corporation, the Court gave the following reasons:
It is true as contended by learned
counsel for the respondent that the question as
regards the effect of the industrial adjudicators
powers was not directly in issue in Umadevi
case. But the foundation logic in Umadevi case is


based on Article 14 of the Constitution of India.

Though the industrial adjudicator can very the
terms of the contract of the employment, it
cannot do something which is violative of Article
14. If the case is one which is covered by the
concept of regularization, the same cannot be
viewed differently.
The plea of learned counsel for the
respondent that at the time the High Court
decided the matter, decision in Umadevi case
was not rendered is really of no consequence.
There cannot be a case of regularization without
there being employee-employer relationship. As
noted above the concept of regularization is
clearly linked with Article 14 of the Constitution.
However, if in a case the fact situation is
covered by what is stated in para 45 of Umadevi
case the industrial adjudicator can modify the
relief, but that does not dilute the observations
made by this Court in Umadevi case about the
On facts, it is submitted by learned counsel
for the appellants that Respondent No.2 himself
admitted that he never worked as a pump
operator, but was engaged as daily wage basis.
He also did not possess the requisite
qualification. Looked at from any angle, the
direction for regularization, as given, could not
have been given in view of what has been stated
in Umadevi case.

22. It is clear from the above that the Court emphasized the
underline message contained in Umadevis case to the effect that
regularization of a daily wager, which has not been appointed










impermissible as it was violative of Art.14 of the Constitution of

India and this principle predicated on Art.14 would apply to the
industrial tribunal as well inasmuch as there cannot be any
direction to regularize the services of a workman in violation of
Art.14 of the Constitution. As we would explain hereinafter, this
would mean that the industrial court would not issue a direction
for regularizing the service of a daily wage worker in those cases
where such regularization would tantamount to infringing the
provisions of Art.14 of the Constitution. But for that, it would not
deter the Industrial Tribunals/Labour Courts from issuing such
direction, which the industrial adjudicators otherwise possess,
having regard to the provisions of Industrial Disputes Act
specifically conferring such powers.

This is recognized by the

Court even in the aforesaid judgment.

23. For detailed discussion on this aspect, we proceed to discuss

the ratio in the case of Maharashtra State Road Transport
Corporation (supra). In that case the respondent Karamchari
Union had filed two complaints before the Industrial Court,


Bombay alleging that the appellant-Corporation had indulged in

unfair labour practice qua certain employees who were engaged
by the appellant as casual labourers for cleaning the buses
between the years 1980-1985. It was stated in the complaints
that these employees were made to work every day at least for 8
hours at the depot concerned of the Corporation; the work done
by them was of permanent nature but they were being paid a
paltry amount; and even when the post of sweepers/cleaners
were available in the Corporation, these employees had been
kept on casual and temporary basis for years together denying
them the benefit of permanency.

After adjudication, the

Industrial Court held that the Corporation had committed unfair

labour practice under items 5 and 9 of Schedule IV to the
Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of Unfair
Labour Practice Act, 1971 (MRTU and PULP Act).

As a

consequence, it directed the Corporation to pay equal wages to

the employees concerned which was being paid to Swachhaks
and also pay arrears of wages to them. In the second complaint,
the Industrial Court returned the finding that the Corporation was
indulging in unfair labour practice under Item 6 of Schedule IV, by


continuing these employees on temporary/casual/daily wage

basis for years together and thereby depriving them the benefits
of permanency. The direction in this complaint was to cease and
desist from the unfair labour practice by giving them the status,
wages and all other benefits of permanency applicable to the post
of cleaners, w.e.f. 3.8.1982. The Corporation challenged these two
orders of the Industrial Court before the High Court of Judicature
at Bombay in five separate Writ Petitions. These were disposed of
by the learned Single Judge vide common judgment dated
2.8.2001 holding that complaints were maintainable and the
finding of the Industrial Court that the Corporation had indulged in
unfair labour practice was also correct.

The Corporation

challenged the decision of the learned Single Judge by filing LPAs

which were dismissed by the Division Bench on 6.5.2005. This is
how the matter came before the Supreme Court.

One of the

contentions raised by the appellants before this Court was that

there could not have been a direction by the Industrial Court to
give these employees status, wages and other benefits of
permanency applicable to the post of cleaners as this direction
was contrary to the ratio laid down by the Constitution Bench of


this Court in Umadevi (supra). The Court while considering this

argument went into the scheme of the MRTU and PULP Act.


was, inter-alia, noticed that complaints relating to unfair labour

practice could be filed before the Industrial Court.

The Court

noted that Section 28 of that Act provides for the procedure for
dealing with such complaints and Section 30 enumerates the
powers given to the Industrial and Labour Courts to decide the
matters before it including those relating to unfair labour practice.
On the reading of this section, the Court held that it gives specific
power to the Industrial/Labour Courts to declare that an unfair
labour practice has been engaged and to direct those persons not
only to cease and desist from such unfair labour practice but also
to take affirmative action. Section 30(1) conferring such powers
is reproduced below:
30. Powers of Industrial and Labour Courts.(1)Where a court decides that any person named in
the complaint has engaged in, or is engaging in,
any unfair labour practice, it may in its order(a)declare that an unfair labour practice has
been engaged in or is being engaged in by that
person, and specify any other person who has
engaged in, or is engaging in the unfair labour



(b) direct all such persons to cease and desist

from such unfair labour practice, and take such
reasonable compensation to the employee or
employees affected by the unfair labour practice,
or reinstatement of the employee or employees
with or without back wages, or the payment of
reasonable compensation), as may in the opinion
of the Court be necessary to effectuate the policy
of the Act;
(c) where a recognized union has engaged in
or is engaging in, any unfair labour practice, direct
that its recognition shall be cancelled or that all or
any of its rights under sub-section(1) of Section 20
or its right under Section 23 shall be suspended.

24. It was further noticed that Section 32 of the Act provides

that the Court shall have the power to decide all connected
matters arising out of any application or a complaint referred to it
for decision under any of the provisions of this Act. The Court
then extensively quoted from the judgment in Uma Devi in order
to demonstrate the exact ratio laid down in the said judgment
and thereafter proceeded to formulate the following question and
answer thereto:
consideration is: have the provisions of the
MRTU and PULP Act been denuded of the
statutory status by the Constitution Bench


decision in Umadevi? In our judgment, it is


25. Detailed reasons are given in support of the conclusion

stating that the MRTU and PULP Act provides for and empowers
the Industrial/Labour Courts to decide about the unfair labour
practice committed/being committed by any person and to
declare a particular practice to be unfair labour practice if it so
found and also to direct such person ceased and desist from
unfair labour practice. The provisions contained in Section 30
giving such a power to the Industrial and Labour Courts vis--vis
the ratio of Uma Devi are explained by the Court in the following
The power given to the Industrial and Labour
Courts under Section 30 is very wide and the
affirmative action mentioned therein is inclusive
and not exhaustive. Employing badlis, casuals
or temporaries and to continue them as such for
years, with the object of depriving them of the
status and privileges of permanent employees
is an unfair labour practice on the part of the
employer under Item 6 of Schedule IV. Once
such unfair labour practice on the part of the
employer is established in the complaint, the
Industrial and Labour Courts are empowered to
issue preventive as well as positive direction to
an erring employer.


The provisions of the MRTU and PULP Act and

the powers of the Industrial and Labour Courts
provided therein were not at all under
consideration in Umadevi. As a matter of fact,
the issue like the present one pertaining to
unfair labour practice was not at all referred to,
considered or decided in Umadevi. Unfair labour
practice on the part of the employer in
engaging employees as badlis, casuals or
temporaries and to continue them as such for
years with the object of depriving them of the
status and privileges of permanent employees
as provided in Item 6 of Schedule IV and the
power of the Industrial and Labour Courts under
Section 30 of the Act did not fall for adjudication
or consideration before the Constitution Bench.
Umadevi does not denude the Industrial and
Labour Courts of their statutory power under
Section 30 read with Section 32 of the MRTU
and PULP Act to order permanency of the
workers who have been victims of unfair labour
practice on the part of the employer under Item
6 of Schedule IV where the posts on which they
have been working exist. Umadevi cannot be
held to have overridden the powers of the
Industrial and Labour Courts in passing
appropriate order under Section 30 of the MRTU
and PULP Act, once unfair labour practice on the
part of the employer under Item 6 of Schedule
IV is established.

26. The Court also accepted the legal proposition that Courts
cannot direct creation of posts, as held in Mahatma Phule
Agricultural University vs. Nasik Zilla Sheth Kamgar Union



(2001) 7 SCC 346. Referring to this judgment, the Court made it

clear that inaction on the part of the State Government to create
posts would not mean an unfair labour practice had been
committed by the employer (University in that case) and as there
were no posts, the direction of the High Court to accord the
status of permanency was set aside. The Court also noticed that
this legal position had been affirmed in State of Maharashtra
vs. R.S.Bhonde (2005) 6 SCC 751.

The Court also reiterated

that creation and abolition of post and regularization are purely

Executive functions, as held in number of judgments and it was
not for the Court to arrogate the power of the Executive or the
Legislature by directing creation of post and absorbing the
workers or continue them in service or pay salary of regular
employees. This legal position is summed up in para 41 which
reads as under:
Thus, there is no doubt that creation of
posts is not within the domain of judicial
functions which obviously pertains to the
executive. It is also true that the status of
permanency cannot be granted by the Court
where no such posts exist and that executive
functions and powers with regard to the
creation of posts cannot be arrogated by the


27. However, the Court found that factual position was different
in the case before it. Here the post of cleaners in the
establishment were in existence. Further, there was a finding of
fact recorded that the Corporation had indulged in unfair labour
practice by engaging these workers on temporary/causal/daily
wage basis and paying them paltry amount even when they were
discharging duties of eight hours a day and performing the same
duties as that of regular employees.
28. In this backdrop, the Court was of the opinion that direction
of the Industrial Court to accord permanency to these employees
against the posts which were available, was clearly permissible








Industrial/Labour Courts under Section 30 (1)(b) of the said Act

which enables the Industrial adjudicator to take affirmative action
against the erring employees and as those powers are of wide
amplitude abrogating within its fold a direction to accord



29. A close scrutiny of the two cases, thus, would reveal that the
law laid down in those cases is not contradictory to each other. In
U.P. Power Corporation, this Court has recognized the powers of
the Labour Court and at the same time emphasized that the
Labour Court is to keep in mind that there should not be any
direction of regularization if this offends the provisions of Art.14 of
the Constitution, on which judgment in Umadevi is primarily

On the other hand, in Bhonde case, the Court has

recognized the principle that having regard to statutory powers

conferred upon the Labour Court/Industrial Court to grant certain
reliefs to the workmen, which includes the relief of giving the
status of permanency to the contract employees, such statutory
power does not get denuded by the judgment in Umadevis case.
It is clear from the reading of this judgment that such a power is
to be exercised when the employer has indulged in unfair labour
practice by not filling up the permanent post even when available
and continuing to workers on temporary/daily wage basis and
taking the same work from them and making them some purpose
which were performed by the regular workers but paying them
much less wages. It is only when a particular practice is found to


be unfair labour practice as enumerated in Schedule IV of MRTP

and PULP Act and it necessitates giving direction under Section 30
of the said Act, that the Court would give such a direction.
30. We are conscious of the fact that the aforesaid judgment is
rendered under MRTP and PULP Act and the specific provisions of
that Act were considered to ascertain the powers conferred upon
the Industrial Tribunal/Labour Court by the said Act. At the same
time, it also hardly needs to be emphasized the powers of the
industrial adjudicator under the Industrial Disputes Act are equally
wide. The Act deals with industrial disputes, provides for
conciliation, adjudication and settlements, and regulates the
rights of the parties and the enforcement of the awards and
settlements. Thus, by empowering the adjudicator authorities
under the Act, to give reliefs such as a reinstatement of
wrongfully dismissed or discharged workmen, which may not be
permissible in common law or justified under the terms of the








legislature has attempted to frustrate the unfair labour practices

and secure the policy of collective bargaining as a road to
industrial peace.


31. In the language of Krishna Iyer, J:

The Industrial Disputes Act is a benign
measure, which seeks to pre-empt industrial
tensions, provide for the mechanics of disputeresolutions and set up the necessary
infrastructure, so that the energies of the
partners in production may not be dissipated
assurance of industrial justice may create a
climate of goodwill. (Life Insurance Corpn. Of
India v. D.J.Bahadur 1980 Lab IC 1218,
1226(SC), per Krishna Iyer,J.).

In order to achieve the aforesaid objectives, the Labour

Courts/Industrial Tribunals are given wide powers not only to
enforce the rights but even to create new rights, with the
underlying objective to achieve social justice. Way back in the
year 1950 i.e. immediately after the enactment of Industrial
Disputes Act, in one of its first and celebrated judgment in the
case of Bharat Bank Ltd. V. Employees of Bharat Bank Ltd. [1950]
LLJ 921,948-49 (SC) this aspect was highlighted by the Court
observing as under:
In settling the disputes between the
employers and the workmen, the function of
the tribunal is not confined to administration of
justice in accordance with law. It can confer


rights and privileges on either party which it

considers reasonable and proper, though they
may not be within the terms of any existing
agreement. It has not merely to interpret or
give effect to the contractual rights and
obligations of the parties. It can create new
rights and obligations between them which it
considers essential for keeping industrial

32. At the same time, the aforesaid sweeping power conferred

upon the Tribunal is not unbridled and is circumscribed by this
Court in the case of New Maneckchowk Spinning & Weaving
Co.Ltd.v. Textile Labour Association [1961] 1 LLJ 521,526 (SC) in
the following words:
This, however, does not mean that an
industrial court can do anything and
everything when dealing with an industrial
dispute. This power is conditioned by the
subject matter with which it is dealing and also
by the existing industrial law and it would not
be open to it while dealing with a particular
matter before it to overlook the industrial law
relating to the matter as laid down by the
legislature or by this Court.

33. It is, thus, this fine balancing which is required to be

achieved while adjudicating a particular dispute, keeping in mind



that the industrial disputes are settled by industrial adjudication

on principle of fair play and justice.
34. On harmonious reading of the two judgments discussed in
detail above, we are of the opinion that when there are posts
available, in the absence of any unfair labour practice the Labour
Court would not give direction for regularization only because a
worker has continued as daily wage worker/adhoc/temporary
worker for number of years. Further, if there are no posts







impermissible. In the aforesaid circumstances giving of direction

to regularize such a person, only on the basis of number of years
put in by such a worker as daily wager etc. may amount to
backdoor entry into the service which is an anathema to Art.14 of
the Constitution. Further, such a direction would not be given
when the concerned worker does not meet the eligibility
requirement of the post in question as per the Recruitment Rules.
However, wherever it is found that similarly situated workmen are
regularized by the employer itself under some scheme or
otherwise and the workmen

in question who have approached

Industrial/Labour Court are at par with them, direction of



regularization in such cases may be legally justified, otherwise,

non-regularization of the left over workers itself would amount to
invidious discrimination qua them in such cases and would be
violative of Art.14 of the Constitution.

Thus, the Industrial

adjudicator would be achieving the equality by upholding Art. 14,

rather than violating this constitutional provision.
35. The aforesaid examples are only illustrated. It would depend
on the facts of each case as to whether order of regularization is
necessitated to advance justice or it has to be denied if giving of
such a direction infringes upon the employers rights
36. In the aforesaid backdrop, we revert the facts of the present
case. The grievance of the appellants was that under the Scheme
contained in Circular dated 6.5.1997 many similarly placed
workmen have been regularized and, therefore, they were also
entitled to this benefit. It is argued that those who had rendered
240 days service were regularized as per the provision in that
Scheme/Circular dated 6.5.1987.
37. On consideration of the cases before us we find that
appellant No.1 was not in service on the date when Scheme was


promulgated i.e. as on 6.5.1987 as his services were dispensed

with 4 years before that Circular saw the light of the day.
Therefore, in our view, the relief of monetary compensation in lieu
of reinstatement would be more appropriate in his case and the
conclusion in the impugned judgment qua him is unassailable,
though for the difficult reasons (as recorded by us above) than
those advanced by the High Court.

However, in so far as

appellant No.2 is concerned, he was engaged on 5.9.1986 and

continued till 15.9.1990 when his services were terminated. He
even raised the Industrial dispute immediately thereafter. Thus,
when the Circular dated 5.9.1987 was issued, he was in service
and within few months of the issuing of that Circular he had
completed 240 days of service.
38. Non-regularization of appellant No.2, while giving the benefit









employees and regularizing them would, therefore, be clearly

discriminatory. On these facts, the CGIT rightly held that he was
entitled to the benefit of scheme contained in Circular dated

The Division Bench in the impugned judgment has

failed to notice this pertinent and material fact which turns the


scales in favour of appellant No.2. High Court committed error in

reversing the direction given by the CGIT, which was rightly
affirmed by the learned Single Judge as well, to reinstate
appellant No.2 with 50% back wages and to regularize him in
service. He was entitled to get his case considered in terms of
that Circular. Had it been done, probably he would have been
regularized. Instead, his services were wrongly and illegally
terminated in the year 1990. As an upshot of the aforesaid
discussion, we allow these appeals partly. While dismissing the
appeal qua appellant No.1, the same is accepted in so far as
appellant No.2 is concerned.

In his case, the judgment of the

Division Bench is set aside and the award of the CGIT is restored.
There shall, however, be no order as to costs.




( A.K.Sikri)
New Delhi,
February 17, 2014



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